Page in constant evolution
EthoPlasìn Vocabulary
= A democracy led, or managed, by the "Ablest", the most capable and honest leaders and/or managers.
> A kind of real MeritOcracy or TruthOcracy with its top management composed of its ablest people from various points of view of human activity.
> The more common name used to designate an AblestOcracy is Aristarchy.
> One of the principles at the base of an EthoCracy, or even more so at the base of a TruthOcracy, is the ASOMIAP (Absolute Separation Of Money, Information And Politics) EthoPrinciple.
> When a new politician enters politics, if he has a private business, or property worth more than 10 NAS, or money liquidity over that amount, in a national institution or abroad, a pre-requirement is that he be subjected to an ABTI for the administration of his business, the administration of his properties, or the handling of his money. As for his private liquidity, he can use the money freely, but only in a PIABFOTAC way, as if it was public money.
= Award Civic Education
> A system of awards for good civic conduct based on environments where people know each other, like school, offices or municipalities.
> Relates mainly to our pages on
EthoCracy or TruthOcracy, and
partially to our page on
Micro-Criminality Issues.
= Animal Death Without Unnecessary Sufferance
> Used in the context of vegetarian alimentation and, when not possible to be vegetarian, the necessity to ensure the meat of the animals killed comes from ADWUS.
> Related to NABALSOK (the lower level of vegetarianism).
> Related to KNAOP (the higher level of vegetarianism).
= The area of the AmilArium reserved for hard competition.
> It is part of the AmilArium.
> The area is used mainly for EthoJudo sportive
= The commercial stores activities of the PythagorArium.
> It includes all the stores of the ARIUM.
> One is at the ApolafsArium and one at the DiaskedArium.
= Alternative Holistic Medicine / practitioners.
> Many forms of AHM are legal in an EthoCracy or an TruthOcracy for a better integration of Health and Food.
> Relates to the Ethocratic Reform on Better Integration of Food and Medicine.
= Apollonian Jospel, or: Apollonian Joy Of Spreading Philosophically Enlightened Liberty
> see: Jospel
= Another name (of Greek resonance, with "Alithia" meaning "Truth") to say TruthOcracy. It is the equivalent of TruthOcracy in Greek (ELLINIKA)
> See also: EthoCracy, EthoKratia and AlithiOcracy / AlithiOkratia
> See: PEKELLA (the main political party managing a TruthOcracy).
> ALOFOBGAT = Apollonian Loving Omnipotent Force Of Beauty, Good, And Truth.
> ELOGOD = Encompassing Loving Omnipotent Good Overall Drive.
> LOFOG = Loving Omnipotent Force Of Good, as a partial designation or expression of the complete word ALOFOBGAT, like for example in an expression related to a person 'being LOFOG animated' as opposed to being animated by a force of evil.
> The above are two versions for the same basic reality of an overall force of Goodness, or rather of philosophical GOOD, or drive in the pan cosmic universe.
> ALOFOBGAT is used with a more complete philosophical connotation, while ELOGOD is used with a more religious connotation, in particular within a cultural environment closely related to a religion of some kind.
> ALOFOBGAT is an Apollonian force as Apollo is the symbol of non only music and health (healing: he was the father of Asclepius), but also a symbol of light and truth, thus a symbol of TruthOcracy.
> In fact, these new words are a new way to say "GOD" in the context of our websites, but GOD as the overall Force Of Good encompassing all the other forces (of both good and bad) that exist at inferior levels of creation, with the word "Good" being used here in mainly its philosophical platonic meaning of the supreme GOOD, in particular the main acronym SDAVLOL.
> A preliminary comment here is necessary. The ELL prefix of this word being coined refers to the culture of the ancient ELL people who were the people of ELLAS, the ELLENS (sometimes still called "Hellens" in English) as those that have come to be called wrongly today the "GREEKS", as the words "Greek" or "Greece" do not exist in the 'Greek' Language of the country we now call 'Greece': the people that we call "Greeks" today call themselves ELLINAS, call their country ELLAS or ELLADA, and their language ELLINIKA.
> Depending on the context, there are also another words that was coined to mean GOD: GAELOGOS, SDAVLOL.
> In short, in the universal cosmos of the created world, there exist many forces, of both good and bad, at various levels of power. However, there exists one overall, encompassing all the others, overpassing all the others that all belong to inferior levels of good and bad: this is the overall encompassing Apollonian Force Of Good that we call ALOFOBGAT (or ELOGOD in a context related to an institutional religion).
= The special horse riding area of the BiosArium.
> Horses are the main symbol of the Arium from the animal kingdom.
> Students care for and use horses for sports and pleasure.
> 'Alogo' ("Άλογο") means 'Horse'.
= The physical education center of the PythAcademia.
> It is equipped with full Olympic sports facilities.
> “Amilla” ("άμιλλας"), means "Emulation" of the best
ones, more than "competition", like it was the case in the ancient Olympics.
= A nickname for the “DiaskedArium”.
> It simplifies the difficulty of the Greek-root official name.
> Also known as the “Amusement Compound”.
= The sleeping residence of male members at the Arium of the PythAcademia.
> "Andras" means "man" in Greek.
> The female members sleep in the corresponding GynecArium.
= All Public Money Open Accounting.
> Related to the
EthoPrinciple PIABFOTAC
= The public formal enjoyment side of the EthoPlasìn Campus located in the EdenArium.
> Sometimes called simply the “EnjoymentArium”.
> It matches the casual amusement side called the DiaskedArium.
> The side that offers the best formal facilities to the public, on a commercial basis, for entertainment, culture and recreation.
> It is one of the sources of the self-financing of the overall Pythagorean World Center for its current operational expenses, including the full scholarships of its students.
> The ApolafsArium includes a
HotelArium, a
RefectArium, an AgorArium, a
ThalasArium, a MusicArium and an
= Automated Payment Tax.
> This is the taxation system developed by University of Wisconsin–Madison Professor of Economics, Dr. Edgar L. Feige.
> The Automated Payment Transaction (APT) tax is a proposal to replace all United States taxes with a single tax (using a low rate) on every transaction in the economy.
> APT has similarities with our DAFT taxation proposal for an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
= The arenas of the ApolafsArium and the DiaskedArium.
> The area that serves in particular for training and public shows of EthoJudo.
> It is also adapted when necessary for any kind of public evening exposing the talents of the students of the PythagorArium.
> Serves finally for the annual graduation ceremony
and grand dancing ball following it, with the admission of the public on an
invitation or a booking basis.
> Ariant = Administering Regularly In Awesome National Transparency
> An Ariant is the Head public servant of an Arium of State Powers of the TetractArium of an EthoCracy or TruthOcracy.
> ARION = A member of the management staff of a Arium, under the command of an Ariant.
> This refers mainly to the Ariums of the TetractArium, or the Diagram of the Tetractys Structure of State Powers of an EthoCracy or TruthOcracy, in which each Arium has a corresponding Ariant.
> In an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, on the basis of the TetractArium Diagram, at the national level, there are 7 Ariants, or one for each Arium: the L, P, G, I, M, S and J Ariums.
> Similarly, in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, there are 70 ProAriants, or one for each of the 7 Ariums in each of the 10 provinces.
> There are thus 77 EthoAriants (EthoCratic Ariants) in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy: 7 NatAriants (National Ariants) and 70 ProAriants (Provincial Ariants).
> The Ariants work in a physical structure called DomArium, headed by a DomArion.
> For each GovernAriant mandate of governance, the Ariants are selected on the basis of the Election System of the TetractArium of an EthoCracy (or of a TruthOcracy).
> See: ARIUM (an area headed by an Ariant with Arions under his direct command)
> The Ariants of the CabinetArium, in addition of the 78 outside of it, are 8 (MinistAriant) +1 (CabinetAriant) = 9 Ariants. Total Ariants of the TetractArium = 78 + 9 = 87. Plus the non-voting VotAriant, the grand total of Ariants = 88. These 88 Ariants run the EthoCracy or the TruthOcracy through the TetractArium.
= A form of government managed by only the best (“aristos”) elements of society, or the most accomplished managers after having received a holistic philosophical formation of each of the 3 basic levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul.
> Relates to our page on TruthOcracy.
> s. AblestOcracy.
= A closed area dedicated to the a special function. Typically, it is a place from which a cultural or philosophical movement is spread, like the PythagorArium.
> More simply, an Arium can be considered a specific area or field of competence and governance in the context of the TetractArium of the governance of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> An EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is composed of Ariums of State Powers, as shown by the Diagram Of EthoCracy State Powers (or TruthOcracy State Powers).
> Each Arium is headed by an
Ariant (Head of an Arium) in the Arium structure of
State Powers.
> A PythArium is, at
a global national level, divided into 7 NatAriums
(National Arium) and 70 ProAriums (Provincial
> The Government of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is structured into an Arium structure defined in the TetractArium Diagram.
> A national PythArium is a member of the worldwide PythagorArium.
> The
EthoPlasìn provides Arium Education instead of
traditional classroom education, or rather ELLducation.
= Absolute Separation Of Money, Information and Politics
> This is one of the EthoCratic Principles of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
= Absolute Truth, Philosophy and Logos Everywhere.
> s. TPL
= The central building on the university campus offering EthoPlasìn Holistic Education in a TruthOcracy.
> Provides the main administrative services of the
> BAC = Binding Appointment Contract
> BACNAD = Binding Appointment Contract National Appointee Director.
> A BAC applies to all corporations and companies in an Aristarchy. This is in a similar way that a BEC (Binding Electoral Contract) applies to all politicians and government officials in an Aristarchy.
> Each corporation in an Aristarchy must have a BACNAD with a national passport, be it a family company, a local company, a national company, a foreign company acting in the country, or an international or multinational company. BACNAD directors must present a BAC with their objectives to be pursued for the next 3 years, and it must be, apart from legitimate profit, for the best interests of the country and be NELA (Natural Earth Life Approach) compliant when applicable in their operations. This process is repeated every 3 years. That BAC is presented to all national employees and they must vote at majority to approve it.
> A BAC must be approved at majority by all employees of the corporation working in the Aristarchy. However the company may go on if it is not approved. The only consequence of a lack of approval is that the BACNAD will not be able to receive any benefit over and above his basic salary, no matter how the company will go and be profitable in the next 3 years. In addition, a lack of approval at majority will put the company under special surveillance by governance for the next 3 years and could lead to bad consequences for the company if it is found not to respect the basic culture of an Aristarchy.
= Bachelor Arium
> This is a series of small bachelor apartments added to a FamilArium or a EcdomArium, but for people belonging to the same EF (Extended Family) or joining a non-blood-related EF in an agreement of participation in mutual help.
> Its data is rendered public through the
> BAIC = Bio-Anonymous Identicality Card
> BAID = Bio-Anonymous Identicality Database
> BAFID = Bio-Anonymous Feature ID.
> BAVID = Bio-Anonymous Voting ID
> This is a card that contains a bio-feature that is identical to the person presenting the card. It does not know who owns the card, but knows only that the card and the bio-feature being presented by the person using it (in an adequate machine), do correspond. This is particularly useful for example in the new voting boots of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> The card has no identity attached to it: the corresponding BAID does not know, and absolutely must not know, the name nor any other particulars, bio or not bio, of the person presenting the card.
> In an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, the BAIC is fundamental and most serious stuff. No type of database in the country can legally contain, or legally try to acquire or create, a link between the BAID and the civic identity of the persons involved, not even any kind of police or security agency database for any purpose at any level: a whistleblower denouncing and demonstrating such systematically intended link mechanism with the BAID (not accidentally created by a mistake of the person involved), in any other database, or an attempt to link the BAID to any other database, or link any other database to the BAID, would get full employment security for the rest of his working life from that entity, and a basic pension for the rest of his life paid personally by the overall responsible management staff of the entity holding such database, while the top person of authority in that entity would also pay a heavy fine of at least 2 full years of gross salary, and could also be subjected to serious PPP punishment, let alone possible dismissal and/or imprisonment.
> The typical BAIC usually contains, ideally, at least 2 bio-features. The first one is compulsory (the left index, or the next available finger or feature on the official list of bio-features). That feature is kept in a bio-anonymous database, the BAID. The second one is at the choice of the person involved.
> The card only confirms the Identicality of the person, not his identity, or that the person and the card have the same anonymous bio-feature (s), plus that this card belongs to a citizen of the country, to a province of the country and to a city of the province. Nothing more.
> The BAIC not only does not confirm any identity (only an Identicality), but again, any attempt on the part of anyone to associate an identity to the BAIC, even by the issuing office, in any kind of database, is a serious crime subject to PPP. If and when lost, the BAIC must be returned to an issuing BAID office when found, and destroyed in the appropriate way: it cannot be of any use to anyone anymore. By the same operation, the bio-features have to be cancelled completely from the BAID. In the meantime, the person who lost the BAIC will not pay a fine for not respecting its new BAVED voting duty only if he gets a new one before the next election.
> At the time of issuance, the person has to be identified as a citizen of the country, as a person living in a given province and city of main residence, but none of this data is kept in any way shape or form by the issuing office subject to PPP.
> A BAIC card is used mainly for BAV (Bio-Anonymous Voting) purposes within an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> See: the "DAV" (Dual Anonymous Voting) part of BECDAV for the special system of voting involved in the BEC of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> =
Banking Dictatorship
> This new acronym means the new enslaving financial
dictatorial system run by the new banks of the NWO
(New World Order).
> The new type of banks of the
NWO (New World Order) are no more a type of traditional banks, but an
instrument to enslave all peoples and countries in a dictatorship way. They
do not work anymore for the good of depositors, but for the good
of dictatorial governments from a financial point of view. Instead of being
dedicated to a role of full discretion regarding our personal finances, they
have become spying agents for the taxation system of the governments of the
NWO (New World Order).
> The new banks do not serve us anymore, but serve
the government, or rather the taxation office of the government with which
they have in practice become one and the same thing. In fact, they do not
even serve the government, for serve themselves, as they own the government
through loans of fake fiat money we have allowed them to issue out of
nothing and then loan to our government (and to us) with interests.
> The new banks of a Banktatorship inspect our every
financial move to our last penny, and communicate anything that even only
looks suspicious to the taxation office. In many cases, instead of giving us
interests for our deposits, they even charge us negative interests for our
deposits. On their side, the new banks can do pretty much anything they
want, even if often in an illegal way, because they know that if they make
mistakes they can be bailed out from the governments they serve, or even
saved through being bailed in through our deposits.
> That new Banktatorship is being reinforced
gradually, in a deceitful way, to prevent us from realizing what is going
on. Their next step of course will be to have us submitted to a completely
cashless system where they will finally have full control or our finances to
our last penny, and give the governments they serve full dictatorship
control over all of us.
> BAR = Bio-Anonymous Receipt
> BARAM = Bio-Anonymous Receipt Activated Magnetically
> This type of receipt is issued and used mainly by, and for, the BAVED (Bio-Anonymous Voting Electoral Duty), or BAV, voting system of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> Depending on its use, a BAR can be magnetized, as a BARAM, like the badges of products in a store in order to avoid theft. Then, once used, and demagnetized by its intended use, it cannot be re-magnetized again, and can be thrown away (unless the user wants to accumulate such receipts for eventual controls in case of conflicts with the relevant authorities).
> The voter can go somewhere else after voting, like a bank or an appropriate office in a commercial center, and get a receipt that he has voted, in order not to be fined for not having respected his electoral voting duty (voting is a duty in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy).
> The BAV system of voting is the base of the BAVED EthoPrinciple sitting behind the new Electoral Duty of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy whereby voting becomes a duty, not just a right, but a duty that is extremely facilitated for the convenience of the citizens.
> The BAV is implemented through the BAIC (Bio-Anonymous Identicality Card) voting tool, or BAFID (Bio-Anonymous Feature ID).
> A new form of
> The BAV card is thus fully
anonymous, but nevertheless confirms the match of the the "body" when presented
to the new voting machines, and
> s. NEVoC for the previous voting card system suggested for an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
= Bio-Anonymous Voting - Annual Government Evaluation
> Every year, in the Wednesday of the second week of October, a special BAV takes place, called a BAVAGE, specifically for an annual evaluation of the performance of the EthoCratic government, or a GAPE. This is particularly useful for evaluating the performance of the government in relation to the hundreds of decisions that have to be taken to resolve routine problems that were not planned for in a BEP. This is particularly useful for evaluating the performance of the government in relation to the hundreds of decisions that have to be taken in reaction to events unknown at the time of the formulation of the BEP, in order to manage entirely new situations and resolve problems that were not planned for in the BEP. These problems can all be resolved immediately at 3 conditions: 1) the solution does not involve new legislation, 2) does not involve new taxation and 3) does not contradict a specific item of the current BEP. Any required new legislation or taxation must wait for a new BEC at a new election. If the solution of the emergency contradicts an item of the BEP, it must be confirmed through a BEPVAR ad hoc referendum within maximum two weeks in cases of real emergencies. If the referendum does not approve the solution, a new full election with a new BEC must take place within one month. These two kinds of voting, in a full BECVABAD election, or in a BEPVAR, are rendered most cheap and easy for the convenience of the voters by the new EthoCratic voting system.
= Bio-Anonymous Voting Electoral Duty
> Voting in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy becomes a duty, not only a right. It is however highly facilitated by the new BAV system.
> Additional comment on the EthoPrinciple BECVABAD
> BECVAR = Binding Electoral Contract Via Additional Referendum. This is what a BEC gets to be called during a mandate, after election, if an additional referendum is required to included an important new essential item in the BEC that is urgent, but was unexpected and unpredictable at the time of the election; otherwise, it would be only a BEPVAR with would have no validity in an Aristarchy. However, with regards to brand new legislation and/or new taxation, a BEC can never become a BECVAR (and would absolutely require a new election for a new BEC).
> ABEC = Absolutely Binding Electoral Contract. With regards to new legislation or new taxation, the BEC becomes an ABEC: there can be absolutely no surprise after election, during a mandate, with new legislation or taxation; In other words, with regards to these two specific subjects (Legislation and/or Taxation), the BEC can never become a BECVAR via an additional referendum during an election, but absolutely require a new election. For most other issues, a BEC can always be modified as a BECVAR.
> BECDAV = Binding Electoral Contract Dual Anonymous Voting.
> BECABAD = Binding Electoral Contract As Bio-Anonymous Duty
> BECCA = BEC Constitutional Appraisal, or Approval. The BECCA final approval, before a BEC can be used in an election, comes from the LeaderArium, with the participation of its ConstitArium and its CouncilArium, but through a joint session with the ProtectArium. Its final approval is based on the main fundamental principles of the Constitution of a TruthOcracy, which includes eminently things like Merit, Patriotism, Subsidiarity and Parsimoniousness of the debt-free money that is at the base of a Protectorate as a form of governance, which is the case of a TruthOcracy, as a so-called TruthProtectorate (a Protectorate based on Truth).
> BEC&BOC = Binding Electoral Program & Binding Outlay Contract. The BEC (Binding Electoral Program) is the internal national contract of a TruthOcracy government with the electors, while the BOC (Binding Outlay Contract) is the contractual basis of a TruthOcracy dealing with international organizations to which the TruthOcracy gives contributions of public money.
> BECDIEL = Binding Electoral Contract Despotic Impartial Elected Leader. It is a DIEL mandate to realize a BEC.
> BECAP = BEC Additional Project. The BEC is so binding, that absolutely no new law or project of any kind can be implemented if not already included in the original BEC. However, when necessary, an unplanned for additional project, as a BECAP, can be implemented through a BECVAR that implies an ad hoc Quiferendum to pre-approve it. When approved in such a way, the additional project becomes part of the original BEC. If not approved in such a way, the additional project cannot be implemented until is becomes part of a new BEC in a new national election.
> A BEC (that was only a BEP before being used in an election, and became a BEC for an election), once the GovernAriant has been put in power through it, after elections becomes a SPEC (Sovereign People Electoral Contract) that is watched for full execution by the SPELArium of the new EthoCracy or TruthOcracy TetractArium governance structure.
> In the same manner, a BEPVAR becomes BECVAR if used during a mandate, after winning an elections.
> For more information on the strict concept of Truth
> The BECDAV of an EthoCracy or a
TruthOcracy is an extremely
powerful tool of guaranteed democracy.
> One important regular function of the ConstitArium is to give its essential "Certificate of No Impediment" for a BEP (Binding Electoral Program) to be transformed into a BEC (Binding Electoral Contract) that, only then, can be used by a political party in an election.
> For the realization of his BEC, the political leader of an TruthOcracy, called the GovernAriant, becomes a BECDIEL (Binding Electoral Contract Despotic Impartial Elected Leader). As such he is democratically authorized, and he can always act as despotically as required to ensure the full realization of his BEC.
> In a TruthOcracy, there can be no surprise in terms of new legislation or taxation after an election, during a mandate. Laws are defined before an election in a LOF (Law Objectives Framework), at least in their objectives, and included in a BEC. After an election, any new law or tax must either wait a new election, and be included in a new BEC or, in case of an emergency, be decided by a quiferendum. In other words, laws are discussed and accepted by the people, at least as a framework of clear objectives, before an election, not after and election. In fact, in a TruthOcracy, there is no more a traditional parliament with representative composing a legislative power for the formulation of new laws. There is still a legislative power, but only to formalize a LOF included in a BEC. That formalization however must never contradict the objectives of the LOF, must cover all the objectives of the LOF, must not include new objectives not planned in the LOF, and must not forget to cover any of the objectives already in the LOF.
> A BEC applies to politicians and governance officials. In a similar way, there exist a BAC (Binding Appointment Contract) that applies to all the corporations and companies in an Aristarchy.
= Binding Electoral Contract Voted As Bio-Anonymous Duty
> One of the EthoPrinciples at the foundation of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> The BECVABAD also offers the system of quiferendum.
= The Foundation financing the long-term real-estate expenses of the PythagorArium.
= BEC, ELLducation & Truth
> These are the 3 main means through witch a person formed with the ELL culture can become "enlightened", or rather ELLightened, in the context of an EthoCracy, a TruthOcracy or a FtatAristarchy.
> A BEC is a Binding Electoral Contract. It is fully four-way binding on the part of the mandate of the elected person who is the GovernAriant in a FtatAristarchy. In an EthoCracy, a TruthOcracy or a FtatAristarchy, there can be no surprise, after an election, during the whole of an electoral mandate, in terms of new legislation and taxation or otherwise. People in a FtatAristarchy are also educated in a special way, through ELLducation, which forms the first 3 levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul in its best possible virtuous way. In addition, the concept of full Truth, rendered necessary for the necessary FTAT compliance leading a FtatAristarchy, is the central and most powerful tool of an EthoCracy, TruthOcracy or a FtatAristarchy in particular, but not only in its governance information, also in all the information that circulates to the public at large through any kind of media. The combination of these 3 main elements means that citizens of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, of a FtatAristarchy in particular, are BELLT protected, "enlightened", or rather ELLightened in the best possible way.
> BEPVAR = Binding Electoral Program Via Additional Referendum, done while the party authoring it is not in power. Done during a mandate, after winning an election, it would be a BECVAR.
> s. BEC: Once a political party becomes one of the ten top parties in membership, it can finally participate in a national election by submitting a BEC. Before that authorization, it is only a BEP, or sometimes called a TBEC (Tentative BEC).
> A BEP becomes a BEC when it is formally notarized document, similar to a testament but, for its part that may include new legislation or new taxation, it becomes an ABEC. A BEC becomes an essential requirement of a TIDMOcracy.
> The
> During an electoral mandate, for a question of emergency not planned for in the BEP nor in is BEC, a BEPVAR can take place, and this referendum becomes as binding as the BEP itself and its corresponding BEC.
> During a mandate, there are thousands of decisions to be taken on a daily basis to resolved the problems created by unplanned events. These events can all be attended normally, on an immediate or temporary basis, as long as they do not involve new legislation and new taxation, through the use of the OBECOF (Out BEC Operational Fund). The proper use of this OBECOF is evaluated on a yearly basis by the GAPE (Government Annual Performance Evaluation). Any new legislation or taxation in relation to these routine events is part of an ABEC, and thus must wait for a brand new BEC at a new election. In the meantime, for things other than new legislation and/or new taxation, the government can proceed through a possible BEPVAR if necessary for serious emergencies.
> For more information on the strict concept of Truth
> Every
BEP item
of an EthoCratic electoral program must have a sequential BEPID.
= The area of the campus where the PythAcademia takes care of representatives of the animal, vegetal and mineral kingdoms.
> It is on the private side of the campus, but many of the animals are available to clients of the two public recreational areas of the campus, the ApolafsArium and the DiaskedArium.
> It is part of the CivicArium.
> The main punishment for being exposed as a liar in public media is the fact of being exposed as such publicly for all to know. The TinformArium published updated list of its database on a regular basis, with links to appropriate details. The first time, the public exposure is the main and only punishment, but accompanied with a public retraction and excuses as appropriate. The second time, a serious fine is payable by the liar concerned. The third time, the journalist or other individual is prohibited from writing and publishing any kind of information under his name, not even under a pseudonym of his own for up to 5 years (minimum one year). In addition, from the fourth time on, some PPP forms of punishment may also be imposed depending on the seriousness of each case.
> However, in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, there is also an absolute liberty of public opinion called FOLIPET (Full Opinion Liberty If Peacefully Expressed Truth), even when it may be considered offensive to someone. In this regard, an "Opinion" may also be only a firm conviction, and it is accepted as such, as long as it is not flagrantly contradicted by facts. Even as such, it is acceptable as valid until proof to the contrary, as long as it is peacefully expressed, independently of any offense that may be felt by other persons involved in the opinion.
= Binding Outlay Contract (regarding all budgetary expenditures).
> An Outlay is a pre-concerted way to spend public money, after due approval and, as such, a strictly binding contract.
> A BOC, in relation to international organizations, is, mutatis mutandis, the equivalent to a BEC (Binding Electoral Contract) in relation to countries.
> For countries considering themselves an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, thus countries submitted to BEC requirements, contributions of national public money to international organizations must be received through a BOC of the receiving organizations. Otherwise, there can be no national contribution.
> A BOC of the expenditures of an international organization, before it can include money contributions from a TruthOcracy, must be pre-approved on a yearly basis, for the planned expenses of the next year, by a majority vote of all member countries. If such majority vote approved it, then the TruthOcracy will not normally refuse its national contribution, even if the contributing TruthOcracy would not approve, as an individual country, part of the outlay of planned expenditures of the organization involved. However the TruthOcracy could refuse its annual contribution if the contested expenses involved in the BOC would flagrantly contradict the constitution of the TruthOcracy.
> In any case, for a TruthOcracy, the approval of the BOC itself is not sufficient to automatically provide its next annual contribution of public money: it must also be satisfied first, that the expenditures of the last year were done in an OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) compliant way for all the expenditures paid with the public money received from a TruthOcracy, and that no contributed money was spent otherwise.
> See BEC for more details mutatis mutandis.
> A BOPAP is often used
> It is opposed, or in competition, to the TTT groups that exclude the BRICS.
> BRICSA is the axis opposed to the axis called ZAAA (Zio-Anglo-American Axis).
> see: MOWOP for more information on the context of using these acronyms.
= The art of budgeting without debt. This kind of debt-free budgeting is so rare, even unknown, in western democracies, that it was necessary to coin a new word for it.
> In other words, this is a new word coined in the context of the special debt-free budgeting process of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy that has no private central bank, cannot borrow any kind of public or private money and consequently is always debt-free. Its money is issued only as asset, as opposed to as debt, by its own NAMA in its TetractArium of Truth Governance.
= Building Liquid Waste Filtering
> Related to our hot page on PhiloEcoSophical Issues.
CabinetArium =
The Arium of the 8 Cabinet "Ministers" or rather of the 8
> CabinetAriant = The head of the CabinetArium, as a kind of Prime Minister (while the GovernAriant is more like an Executive President).
> The Ariants of the CabinetArium, in addition of the 78 outside of it, are 8 (MinistAriant) +1 (CabinetAriant) = 9 Ariants. Total Ariants of the TetractArium = 78 + 9 = 87.
> On all government legislative decisions, the voting ones in the VotArium are 86 (the VotAriant does not vote). A majority in such cases is always 2/3 of 87+1 = 59 (a minimum number to be reached for a formal official majority, independently of the number of voting Ariants present).
> On the only administrative issues outside the VotArium, only the non-VotArium 78 Ariants do vote. A majority is then 1/2 of 78 + 1 = 40 (a minimum number to be reached for a formal official majority, independently of the number of voting Ariants present).
> For a quick reference card on where this Arium stands in the overall structure of the TetractArium, see this TetractArium.PDF card.
= Containers All Bio Reusable Or Fusible
> This is one of the EthoRules that stems from the NoCafoNoGanoNoRaco EthoPrinciple.
> These new containers are used systematically in all stores of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy. They are often called: EthoContainers. All imported goods must comply or have an agreement for their transfer in EthoContainers on arrival in the country before they can be sold in the country.
> This is one of the main contributions of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy to the ecology and health of the country and of the planet on the basis of the NoCafoNoGanoNoRaco EthoPrinciple. Another contribution is an absolute prohibition of GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) food or any agricultural product on all its territory, as a totally NoGMO territory, or rather NoGANO, both in terms of local food production or food imported from abroad.
> All containers used in the country must be bio, reusable, returnable, recyclable and fusible. This means the containers for food or any other non-food product, produced nationally or imported from abroad. Transparent glass becomes the dominant substance of containers. The use of tin cans is very restricted and their use is also phased out.
> This means in particular that food producers and supermarkets must adapt to provide as many foods as possible through self-dispensers, or staffed-dispensers, where clients can refill their own clean EthoContainers, or non-EthoContainers, with food dispensed and priced on a weight or a volume basis, for things like milk, olive oil or marmalade for example. Otherwise, clients must pay a stiff price for purchasing a new container (empty or filled with food already) provided by the store. When the new reusable container is filled with food, the prices for the new container, when applicable, and for its content are quoted separately.
> All containers must be mono-substance, like only paper, only glass or only metal. A paper box cannot contain for example handles in metal or plastic, to ensure easier recycling or fusion when eliminated.
> All plastic EthoContainers must be systematically transparent to ensure their visible cleanness when returned to the store. All plastic parts must be fully bio-degradable in less than 3 years if abandoned in an open outside environment, and fabricated with only floatable plastic, to ensure they will float above water, even when tapped with their own metal cover, if they end up in a river or in the ocean, in order to ensure their easy recuperation and bio elimination.
> Plastic containers cannot contain fresh unprocessed food, only processed food.
> Glass becomes the dominant substance of the new EthoCratic containers, in particular for fresh food handling.
> Caps must be in light stainless steel when they cannot be in glass. All bottoms of containers must have a slightly reentering space to accommodate the cover of another similar container under it, to ensure their stability when stacked one on top of each other. All containers are sold with flat caps, but other caps are sold separately for use at home, like spraying caps for various liquids.
> All new containers must be standardized in sizes and forms for various purposes at national level, with a minimal set of common cap covers. However, other personal containers may be accepted for receiving food from dispensers on a weight or volume basis, at the risk of the person who provided the container.
> Labels must contain easily readable specifications of all ingredients and an expiration date. If an imported product, the label of the container must mention the specific country and city of origin, and not just an area, like "Europe". In terms of price, the labels contain the final price for the food content in bigger letters, but also the price by unit of measure in smaller letters, and possibly the price of the newly acquired container itself if it is already pre-filled with food on the shelve of the store when purchased. All containers must allow the easy attachment and detachment of paper label, post-it type, provided by the providers or the dispensers with the full specifications and the expiration date of the food involved. Store dispensers will always provide such labels, and they can be provided in more copies when requested if the container used at the store is big, and the content is intended to be transferred into smaller home dispensers.
> All EthoContainers are returnable to any store using that type of containers, for a return value discountable from the price of newly purchased products.
> Additional information can be found on the NoCafoNoGanoNoRaco Principle.
> s. NoRACO for more information
= The commercial restaurants and bars of the DiaskedArium.
> It matches the RefectArium of the more formal
= Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations.
> A horrible process of maintaining and feeding animals in extreme closed confinements in industrial agriculture, where the animals often are born, grow and live in their own excrements, without practically never going out. They are meant to only get fat and produce the maximum amount of food or milk, but they get so weak that when brought outside, they can hardly walk.
> Usually includes the infusion of excessive and inadmissible hormones for human health and dangerous GMO food to make animals grow faster.
> Often includes forced feeding and cage-living conditions equivalent to torture.
> The CAFO system of agriculture is absolutely prohibited in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy on the basis of the EthoPrinciple NoCAFO and the EthoPrinciple NoCafoNoGanoNoRaco, both in terms of local food production and of food imported from abroad that has been produced in such environments.
= The special Capsule Hotel of the DiaskedArium.
> Clients sleep in small wall cubicles for cheapest accommodation.
= Civic Education Fee
> This is a mandatory, even if only symbolic, fee paid by all parents for the civic education of their children in any school, private or public.
> Relates to our page on Micro-Criminality Issues and on the ACE reform of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
= The Three-Headed Watchdog of the Debtocracy, or the false democracy based on debt-money, preventing the advent of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> Its 3 attacking heads are: extreme legislation, excessive taxation and fearful disinformation.
> Cerberus (Greek mythology) is best known as the guardian to the gates of Hades (the Underworld). In Greek mythology Cerberus is depicted as a dog with three ferocious heads and the tail of a snake.
> His sole task is essentially to be the "bouncer" of Hades (the Underworld). In the context of the EthoCracy or the TruthOcracy, he is the bouncer of DebtOcracy and its underworld of corruption, mercantilism, or misinformation, to make sure nobody comes to attempt to destroy its enslavement nature and informs citizens of their entrapment to make them take their best enlightened decisions. One head protects the debtocracy illegitimate actions and decisions against its citizens through extreme legislation. The second head protects the debtocracy through excessive taxation, in order to avoid citizens having leisure time for freethinking and possibly revolt. The third head of disinformation protects the debtocracy real nature as a government, giving citizens the impression they are led by their elected leaders, while they are led by the money power of the big companies and corporations, in particular the bank corporations. The Cerberus is thus the diabolic monster working against the principle of Truth Information of the new Tinformative Power of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy that should work for the benefit of all citizens in relations to all aspects of their lives.
= Council on Foreign Relations.
> This is the main think tank of the USA for forming its policy on Foreign Relations, based in NY and Washington D.C.
> One of its main programs is the "David Rockefeller Studies Program".
> It publishes the magazine "Foreign Relations".
> It has existed since 1921, as a more independent consultation body at the beginning, but it has now become just about the most prominent policy making institute for what we call the JewZuit Power in the context of this essay, via the prominent influence of its internal "Rockefeller Studies".
= Common Family Space for EFB (Extended Family Business).
> Relates to reform on EFB of our pages on EthoCracy and TruthOcracy.
> Related to a TruthOcracy reform called: EFWAPAJ (Extended Family Welfare And Private Alternative Justice)
= A mixture of Christianity and Islam
> s. ZAJAC (Zio-Anglo-Jesuit-Arabic
= The Cinema area of the DiaskedArium.
> It includes projection rooms of various sizes and
one with an open-sky deck and seats equipped with individual food tables.
= The mini social recuperation center of the PythagorArium
> Members at the Arium can help outside persons and animals to recuperate after having suffered civic violence, as temporary hosts of the PythagorArium.
> Includes the BiosArium.
= The word Civitas is intended as the whole body of citizens and institutions, part of the civic environment of a nation, a city, or a community.
> Only philosophy can ensure best possible education; Only best possible education can improve civility and social meritocratic justice; Only improved justice can enhance civic and personal happiness through more impartial politics: these three mounting stepping stones (philosophy, education and justice), form what we call the “Chain Of Best Civitas Management” at the root of the EthoPlasìn Movement.
> Thus the new word EthoCivitas, from Ethos and Civitas.
> Thus the new word ELLEC (ELL EthoCivitas) where the "C" means Civitas.
CivitBank / CivitBankSPEL / CivitBankChart / CivitBankCentral
> CivitBank = Civitas Bank, or Civitas Bank,
> CivitBankSPEL = CivitBank Sovereign People Enlightened Liberty (or: Liberator).
> CivitBankChart = the national Chart necessary to operate as a CivitBank.
> CivitBankCentral = the central bank of all CivitBanks. It is really only the public national and international face of the government Treasury, and represents mainly the NAMA functionality of the new MonetArium of a TruthOcracy.
> A CivitBank is basically a community bank, well integrated into a civic area. Its purpose is to serve in the best possible way the banking needs of its community through specific knowledge and involvement in the activities of that community from a commercial or credit point of view.
> This means a bank that is closely connected with the duties and obligations of belonging to a community and helping the legitimate financial needs of that community (over and above the possible major profits of the bank)
> A CivitBank can normally function only through saving deposits accumulated, and loans made from these deposits. It can never use the money received in deposits for any kind of external investment. However, if short of cash (deposits) and aware of good loan prospects, it can borrow OPTOOMOON (Only Public Treasury Output Of Money Out Of Nothing) fresh money from the government, interest free, and then turn around to lend that same money in loans to clients with interest of maximum 10%.
> The CivitBanks of a TruthOcracy cannot use any fractional reserve at all as fractional reserve bank lending it totally illegal. However, when in need for good lending prospects and short of cash, they can get OPTOOMOON money from the Government.
> For making loans to their clients, CivitBanks must rely mainly and primarily on the deposits they have accumulated from clients wanting to save money in a safe place. In principle, they can lend money through loans only up to that limit. However, OPTOOMOON money, borrowed interest free from the government, will usually be the only way to start a new banking business, as new banks will not yet have accumulated deposits from which to loan money to their clients. These CivitBanks will then be able to lend that OPTOOMOON money, received at zero interests from the government, to their private clients with interests, but with maximum interests of 10%, which is the maximum possible legal level of interest in a TruthOcracy.
> The OPTOOMOON money lent to private CivitBanks is lent to them without interests by the government who created it. However, it must be reimbursed as soon as possible to the treasury, also without interests, even if these CivitBanks will have accumulated some profits from the loans they will have made to their own commercial clients at maximum 10% interest.
> In a TruthOcracy, the government cannot have any public debt. It does not have any borrowing power. It issues its own treasury debt-free money as OPTOOMOON money, through a process strictly regulated by the Constitution and in a quantity established by a BEC (Binding Electoral Program) that has been appraised and approved by the strict BECCA constitutional process. This new OPTOOMOON money can be used through a BEC for new infrastructures. However, OPTOOMOON money can also be issued and lent interest free to help CivitBanks that may need it for good commercial loan prospects.
> A TruthOcracy does not need at all, and cannot have, a traditional private national Central Bank issuing debt-money out of nothing and loaning it with interests to the government. All banks in the country can only operate as CivitBanks, operating mainly for the benefit of the community in which they are located. They can also operate at the national level, but only through local subsidiary branches in each community, and only the latter subsidiary, in each community, can accept deposits for saving purposes, and loan money for business purposes in each community only from its own deposits.
> Each CivitBank must have on its management board at least one representative selected and elected by the people of the community, paid by the CivitBank, called a CivitBankSPEL who also becomes automatically a member of the SPELArium of the TruthOcracy. He works mainly within the CivitBank, but with status rights within the SPELArium when necessary, on his request or on call from the SPELArium, to report on his CivitBank activity or to take any other kind of important decisions not necessarily related to his CivitBank. The CivitBankSPEL is provided with personal office space within the CivitBank, with access to support staff, and has full power to have unlimited access on request to all information related to the operational management of the CivitBank. These CivitBankSPEL representatives can proposed themselves freely and independently as candidates to a community, or be proposed as such candidates by one of the 10 main political parties, never by any bank. They are elected through an easy local Quiferendum within the community concerned, separately and independently of the national elections.
> If a CivitBank deserves a community that includes more than one municipality, it must have a CivitBankSPEL on board from each of these municipalities, but normally no CivitBank can serve a community composed of more than one million national citizens.
> A CivitBank cannot use a fractional reserve at all, as it is completely illegal in a TruthOcracy. It cannot loan money to clients as commercial loans at more than 10% interests.
> Foreign banks can operate in the TruthOcracy only as a branch that operates at the same conditions that are imposed to national CivitBanks. They must also have a CivitBankSPEL on their board, paid by them. In such cases these foreign banks must have a CivitBankSPEL at national level and one in each community where they decide to operate in various communities, plus a CivitBankChart for each bank branch component, at national and/or subsidiary level.
> The international exchanges of money, or settlements of foreign payments abroad or from abroad are all handled through a collaboration with a special BISCU section of the MonetArium of the TruthOcracy that does not, and cannot, get involved in any other kind of banking activity.
> CivitBanks must compete for deposits, giving interests to the people depositing their savings with them. That interest cannot be less than 1%.
> Savings deposits of clients of CivitBanks are fully guaranteed by the government in case of bankruptcy.
> CivitBanks cannot borrow OPTOOMOON money for more than the holistic value of their current assets (deposits, loans and property).
> s. OPTOOMOON (Only Public Treasury Output Of Money Out Of Nothing) for more information.
> A CivitCompany, thus even a CivitBank, based on a foreign corporation, can take good advantage of the local resources offered by the country, but must reinvest at least half (51%) of its local profits within the TruthOcracy, or use these profits to the improvement of the facilities, salaries and/or working conditions of local workers. A foreign CivitCompany not complying will be refused its operational license without appeal and will have no alternative but to leave the TruthOcracy, except if it wants to sell its local operations at a price decided by the local management, with the only alternative to have its local operations being nationalized at that price.
> Apart from CivitBanks, all other companies in the TruthOcracy must operate as CivitCompanies.
= Civitas Company / or Corporation
> Just like a TruthOcracy has CivitBanks, it also has CivitCompanies.
> A CivitCompany is basically a community company, well integrated into a civic area. Its purpose is to serve in the best possible way the business needs of its community through specific knowledge and involvement in the activities of that community from a productive or commercial point of view.
> Foreign companies must all operate as CivitCompanies within a TruthOcracy, and accept that choice formally and legally, or be refused all business activity rights. They can have an overseer in the TruthOcracy expressing his views and desires, but final decisions can only those of the local management. This national management will take all management decisions sovereignly in the primary interests of the TruthOcracy. In case of conflict with the foreign HQ management, the local one wins. If the foreign management is not happy with the local decision, they have no other choice but to leave the country without appeal. The main national managers, will always hopefully come from the main community they operate in when the operations of the company are concentrated in a particular area as opposed to all over the country.
> This also means that a CivitCompany cannot have an anonymous responsibility for any crime committed by the company within the TruthOcracy. The responsibility of such crimes is always the one of the local managers, but with a shared responsibility of the top 'named' managers of the relevant HQ when they have not opposed a decision that turned out to be a criminal activity. Foreign managers, when the company was formed on the basis of a foreign company or corporation, must agree formally and legally to such responsibility as a condition to operate in the TruthOcracy.
> A CivitCompany, thus even a CivitBank, based on a foreign corporation, can take good advantage of the local resources offered by the country, but must reinvest at least half (51%) of its local profits within the TruthOcracy, or use these profits to the improvement of the facilities, salaries and/or working conditions of local workers. A foreign CivitCompany not complying will be refused its operational license without appeal and will have no alternative but to leave the TruthOcracy, except if it wants to sell its local operations at a price decided by the local management, with the only alternative to have its local operations being nationalized at that price.
> A CivitCompany based on a foreign corporation must operate on the basis of the laws of the TruthOcracy in which it is licensed for the part of its operations in and from the country, even if these operations might contradict the policies of its mother company based abroad. If it cannot do it, its license is removed and it has no choice but to close its operations within the TruthOcracy. This may well be the case for example with restrictions or sanctions imposed on trade with certain third countries. If these restrictions or sanctions of the mother company (or of the government of the mother company, or of any other supranational entity of governance to which the mother company is affiliated) contradict the policies of the TruthOcracy, then the foreign-based CivitCompany must operate on the basis of the rules of the TruthOcracy for the part of its operations within and from the TruthOcracy.
> All CivitCompanies must accept the role of TruthPatrons just like all CivitBanks do, mutatis mutandis.
= Confirmed Liar About Governance Operations Truth
> The concept of Truth is fundamental to an EthoCracy and even more so for a TruthOcracy. This is why there are two new State Powers in a TruthOcracy: the OtatfogArium, dealing with Truth in the structure of governance, and the TinformArium, dealing with the Truth in the information produced and circulating outside the structure of governance.
> A Clagot is a crime, or a criminal certified of having committed the crime of producing or spreading false information about the activities of the Governance (the TetractArium), of about the information distributed to the public at large by any kind of media and having to do with Governance.
However, Clagot can also apply to persons inflicting a damage, through false information, to the people at large being governed. People are protected against false public information wherever is may come from: from inside the government or from outside the government, even when the information from outside the government has nothing to do with the government activities.
> Punishments are very severe. An simple unelected Ariant immediately loses its status, is demoted to an Arion, and pays a fine of one full month salary. At a second infraction, he loses his job and pays a fine of 3 months salary. If it is an elected Ariant (G+O+S) that is Clagot, he loses his job at the first infraction, and pays a fine of one year salary. In the case of the "G" (of the TetractArium), the Minister of Interior takes his place until the next election. In the case of "O" (of the TetractArium) and "S"(of the TetractArium), he loses his job immediately, pays a fine of one year salary, and the second candidate that was not chosen by "G" at the time of his election takes the place of the "O" or the "S" until the next election.
> The OtigAriant has the responsibility and power to investigate and decide who is Clagot. If it is the OtigAriant himself who is suspected of being Clagot, on the basis of a well documented claim by any other Ariant, the LeaderArium will lead the investigation along with the SPELArium.
> A convicted Ariant can never apply again, at any time in the future, for any position in the TetractArium, at whatever level. His name is also put on the official Clagot black list openly seen by the public after its publication on the Internet by the TinformArium.
> A journalist, or any other kind of media manager, or person distributing false information to the public in general, even a company or a corporation, can be made Clagot, and consequently pay serious fines, be Clagot black listed, and even suffer various kinds of limitations on their future activities.
= City Meat Farm
> In relation to, or opposition to CVF (City Vegetarian Farm)
> Meat Farm, in or close to a city, owned by the city, managed by unemployment or other able public social benefit recipients, and meant to provide free biological meat to public schools and public hospices for senior people and possibly also to public hospitals.
> Works in collaboration with its twin CVF, as exposed in our page on Socio-Economic Issues.
> Relates mainly to our hot page on Socio-Economic Issues.
= Crimes Or Contraventions Of Foreigners Additional Punishment
> The word "Foreigner" here is intended as a person who is not national citizens of the TruthOcracy. A foreigner includes a legal immigrant with legal status, until he/she acquires national citizenship. In turn, national citizenship cannot be acquired until after a continuous period of at least 5 years without any crime punished by a jail sentence. A crime punished with up to 2 years in jail eliminates the current period of 5 years, and the resident starts a new one after the expiation of the period of penalty he/she got for the crime. A contravention, like a parking ticket, or a minor crime punished by a jail period of up to 1 year, does not eliminate the current 5 year period, but only extends the 5 year period by one month for each such crime or contravention. After the second crime punished by 2 or more years, all rights to acquire national citizenship are cancelled for ever. After a crime punished by 5 or more years, all real estate property in the country is confiscated and the foreigner deported to his country of origin. In the meantime, for a crime punishable by jail of whatever time, from the day of the arrest with such charge and the day of a final sentence, all personal property cannot be sold and all liquidity of personal money is strictly controlled to give minimum subsistence to the foreigner involved.
> In short, in a TruthOcracy, all crimes and contraventions have an additional punishment for foreigners.
> Jail punishment for up to 2 years, for a foreigner, at the discretion of the judge, if other circumstances aggravate the basic crime, can always be substituted by a deportation with the loss of all rights to acquire citizenship and all rights to ever reenter the country.
> In the case of a foreigner who is a non-legal residents, a jail sentence of any number of years is always substituted with a deportation, unless this would clearly put the life of the prisoner into danger.
> No foreigner, legal or illegal, should be kept in a national jail at public expense unless it is absolutely necessary for humanitarian reasons involving the prisoner and his/her family, like in the case of a foreigner married to a national citizen with children from that national spouse.
> No "Ius Soli" (nationality by the single fact of birth within the country) exists in a TruthOcracy. If the mother or the father is a national citizen the national citizenship of a child can be granted on that basis, and not because of the "Ius Soli".
= Code Of Goodness In Products And Services
> All products, of national or foreign production, circulating in a TruthOcracy must have a COGIPAS clearance before they can be sold.
> Relates to our TruthOcracy reform called NAS (Nature And Science), about natural resources and the quality of products circulating in the country.
> COGIPAS compliance is established by the SPELArium of the TruthOcracy, and is usually defended by a TruthPatron doing Patronizing in all companies or corporations operating with more than 10 employees within a TruthOcracy and producing national products or services, or distributing foreign products or services.
> All infractions against the COGIPAS are exposed publicly as PATOCSE, that is as records of public shame, and they are all registered in the public national database of shame called PATOCSER.
> In turn, all suggested improvements to the COGIPAS, or spontaneous reports on the failure of the application of the COGIPAS for a particular product or service, are exposed as records of honor in a related national COGIPAS database with the name of the author of the report or the improvement. In such cases, when the report is considered of national importance by the SPELArium of a TruthOcracy, then the reporter receives a reward equivalent to a yearly NASCU (Nursemaid Average Salary Currency Unit), or the equivalent of the annual salary of a Nursemaid.
> The COGIPAS code applies automatically to all products and services produced or provided in the TruthOcracy. For foreign products and services, there is no procedure to have them certified before their arrival and use in the country, but all importers must sign, before their arrival, a declaration of awareness of the existence of the COGIPAS code of goodness, and its possible consequences. In case of doubt, importers may choose to make as a first step only a small test-import. National products can always be improved internally when necessary. Foreign products that are not COGIPAS compliant will to be withdrawn, confiscated if necessary, and will have to be either destroyed or exported back to their original country of production or to any other country accepting them without a similar COGIPAS code.
= A new structure of the government in an EthoCracy (replaced with a GovernArium in a TruthOcracy)
> A council of all Arium chiefs that the LeaderArium consults for advice on difficult issues (called the CouncilArium in a TruthOcracy).
= Cash Out, Government Nose Out
> This refers to a FtatAristarchy that is cashless but in a way to protect anonymous transactions with money.
> The government knows how much you spend but this all. It does not know where nor on how you spend the money, except if authorized for criminal investigations possibly involving an established minimum substantial sum of money.
> However, regarding all public officials receiving a public salary at any level, any citizen becoming aware of one of their transactions that appears to be fraud or corruption can request the Ombudsman to investigate the official who will loose his COGNO for the time of the investigation. If the Ombudsman confirms fraud or corruption, the official in question becomes guilty of at least a FTATOC (Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Crime), and possibly a FTATOT (Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Treason) if the criminal transaction is related to a crime deserving that status. In a well established FtatAristarchy the appeal for an investigation would go to the SPELlAriant instead to the Ombudsman.
= Conspiracy Reality
> as opposed to Conspiracy
ConstitArium / ConstitAriant / ConstitArion
= Constitutional Court of the TetractArium of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> The ConstitArium also includes the special members of the CouncilArium.
> The head of the ConstitArium is the ConstitAriant, but exceptionally as an Ariant with no voting right in the VotArium.
> The other 2 members of the ConstitArium are ConstitArions. There is only one ConstitAriant, and only 2 ConstitArions.
> The ConstitArium does not decide if an issue is constitutional, but only if an issue is anti-constitutional or not. What is not considered anti-constitutional must then be considered constitutional.
> A final decision must be agreeable to a majority of 2 out of 3, with the ConstitAriant being one of these 2. If such majority is not reached, the anti-constitutionality issue is resolved in special instance by a qualified majority of 2/3 of the VotArium.
> Anti-constitutionality issues being raised are pre-screened by the LeaderArium for their apparent claim validity. As a first step, if considered valid, by the majority of the LeaderArium (composed of only most senior and experienced ex-managers of the EthoCracy or the TruthOcracy), the claim is then passed to the VotArium for a 59 majority vote. If rejected, the claim is abandoned as a final decision without going to the ConstitArium. As a second step, if the VotArium approves the validity of the claim, the issue is passed on to the ConstitArium for a final decision.
> In the meantime, independently of any claim of unconstitutionality, the constitution can be changed most easily, in 2 steps. First, a VotArium 2/3 majority vote, plus, second, a quiferendum approving it at 51+%.
> In other words, unconstitutionality issues can be handled most effectively, but not by the ConstitArium alone. The issue needs the pre-clearance of clear merit on the part of both the most experienced ex members of the EthoCracy or the TruthOcracy (the LeaderArium) and then the majority of the current Ariants of the TetractArium. This prevents not only futile claims of unconstitutionality, but also ensures that the final decision is not just theoretical, on the part of some judge, but also decided in full respect of the will of the people, as the LeaderArium and the VotArium are both under the final surveillance of the SPELArium, directly (for the LeaderArium) or indirectly (via the OtatfogArium in the case of the VotArium).
> Judges to the ConstitArium can be proposed to the LeaderArium by any Arium, but must be appointed only after a 2/3 majority vote (59) of the VotArium with, however, a possible negative veto that can be expressed only by the SPELAriant. Their mandate if for 3 years. One of the 3 must be replaced (or reappointed) each year. The same person cannot serve more than 2 mandates in a lifetime.
> Candidates with a solid legal background may be good ones, but it is not at all an essential requirement. The main requirement is that the candidate be an intellectual who has demonstrated a great comprehension of the Ethocratic values, and hopefully also of the TetractArium system of governance of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, as a mature writer, a journalist or other professional, let alone as an ex Ariant of good fame.
> No candidate can be nominated before he/she has completed 7 Pythagorean Septennials and reached age 50. They can retire at any time, but in principle not later than at age 70. However, the members of the ConstitArium who reach 10 Septennials (at age 70) and desire to stay active can become part of the CouncilArium and keep voting at majority with the ConstitArium.
> When necessary, the LeaderArium, or any other Arium of the TetractArium if the LeaderArium agrees at majority to do so, can ask for a consultation with the ConstitArium for a final decision on a difficult issue of legality or constitutionality. In such cases, the decision of the ConstitArium is final and equivalent to a full right of veto that cannot be overruled by anyone else in the TetractArium.
> For a quick reference card on where the ConstitArium stands in the overall structure of the TetractArium, see this TetractArium.PDF card.
> One important regular function of the ConstitArium is to give its essential "Certificate of No Impediment" for a BEP (Binding Electoral Program) to be transformed into a BEC (Binding Electoral Contract) that, only then, can be used in an election.
= Confederation
= Cosmic ordinance Pan-forming Holographic Loving Energy
> Concept better defined in our page on Science Of Being.
> The adjective becomes: CoPHLIC, like in CoPHLIC Energy.
> The discipline of meditation on this and related concepts is: MASTOM
= The old name of the ProtectArium, as a new Corrective Power of the State, proposed in the suggestions for the formation of a "Pentas Politica" for the EthoCracy.
> CorrectivArium is used only in some of the suggestions regarding the formation of an EthoCracy.
> In the final version of an EthoCracy or in a TruthOcracy, the CorrectivArium becomes the ProtectArium, headed by a ProtectAriant.
> It includes both national police forces, and all armed forces, and promotes them into a unique new structure of State Power.
> It is independent from the other 4 State Powers and independent from the government. It is not subordinated to the government but at the service of the people who voted the existing constitutional rules of the country and the binding electoral program.
> Like a good police force, it ensure that the constitutional rules are applied correctly by all persons and institutions in the country, including the other powers and, like a good military force, that the national borders and internal security are also securely protected.
> Members of the CorrectivArium are Correctors (or Protectors in the final version of an EthoCracy), working under a Head Corrector. A TruthOcracy only includes the new ProtectArium.
= An old name of a member of the national coercive force, integrating police and military, called CorrectivArium
> The term Corrector is used only in some of the suggestions regarding an EthoCracy (not applicable in a TruthOcracy).
> In the final version of an EthoCracy, the CORRECTOR becomes the PROTECTOR, heading the new ProtectArium. In a TruthOcracy, there only exist the ProtectArium.
> All correctors would work under a Head Corrector in charge of the CorrectivArium.
> The name "Corrector" replaced both the words "Police" and "Soldier" in the earlier suggestions regarding an EthoCracy.
= Country Olympic Spirit
> This is the SOS applied at the national level of a whole country, as opposed to only a particular social environment.
> See: SOS (Social Olympic Spirit)
= Contribution Over Social Pension
> An EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is a NITS (No Income Tax System), and consequently has an entirely new system of pension contribution based mainly on sales tax and partly on salary if the working contract provides for it.
> s. DAFTATAP ( Dual Automated Fiscal Transaction Accruing Tax And Pension}
= A special group of members of the ConstitArium who have reached 10 septennials (at age 70) and want to stay active within the ConstitArium.
> No candidate of the ConstitArium can be nominated before he/she has completed 7 Pythagorean Septennials and reached age 50. They can retire at any time, but in principle not later than at age 70.
> However, the members of the ConstitArium who reach 10 Septennials (at age 70), and desire to stay active, can become part of the CouncilArium and keep voting at majority with the ConstitArium.
Their continued service has to be approved every two years before age 77, and on
a yearly basis after that, by a qualified majority vote (of 59) of the
VotArium. That same majority can be used to propose
candidates who reached age 70 even if they are outsiders who never served in the
LeaderArium or the
= Countryside Prison Farm
> Meant to replace all traditional city jails.
> Relates to our hot page on Socio-Economic Issues and on the EthoCratic Reform of Prisons.
= Countryside Prison Farm Hostel for homeless.
> Related to the EthoCratic Reform of Prisons.
= Countryside Prison Farm Infirmary for mentally ill persons.
> Related to the EthoCratic Reform of Prisons.
= Countryside Prison Farm Shelter for animals.
> Related to the EthoCratic Reform of Prisons.
= City Safety Hostel
> A transformation of a traditional city jail after the latter has become a CPF.
> Relates to our hot page on Socio-Economic Issues.
Related to the
EthoCratic Reform of Prisons.
= Civic Technical School
> New type of technical schools with a combined technical and civic formation and role, as exposed in our page on Socio-Economic Issues.
> Relates to our hot page on Socio-Economic Issues.
= Covering Under Neck To All Knee In City
> Within a city, an EthoCracy, or in a TruthOcracy in particular, accepts only clothing covering the body from the lower part of the neck to an all-knee covering level at the lower part.
> As an adjective, the label CUNTAKIC on clothing, or on sectors of clothing stores, means the clothing is CUNTAKIC compliant.
> In areas of sports, recreation or holidays, in particular on the sea side, clothing does not have to be CUNTAKIC compliant.
= City Vegetarian Farm
> In relation to, or opposition to CMF (City Meat Farm)
> Vegetarian Farm, in or close to a city, owned by the city, managed by unemployment or other able public social benefit recipients, and meant to provide free biological cereals, vegetables and fruit to public schools and public hospices for senior people and possibly also to public hospitals.
> Works in collaboration with its twin CMF, as exposed in our page on Socio-Economic Issues.
> Relates to our hot page on Socio-Economic Issues.
= Debt And Disinformation Master.
> These are those who are most often called the "Elites" in the context of the NWO (New World Order). But they are a pseudo-elite, thus no-elite at all, rather criminal manipulators dedicated to our enslavement through DDD (Dogma, Debt and Disinformation) or, fundamentally, through DAD (Debt And Disinformation) as "Dogma" is a kind of enslaving "Disinformation".
= As per the Ancient-Greek Philosophy, it is someone with a superior type of knowledge, discipline, skills and conduct, who can therefore play the role of a benevolent mediator between the Human and the Divine realms, that is between the world of the Archetypes and the world of our daily Reality, for the benefit of all living beings, and, consequently also between the more harmonious and the less harmonious realms of human life, for the improvement in particular of all civic environments.
> DAFT = Dual Automated Fiscal Transaction
> DAFTATAP = Dual Automated Fiscal Transaction Accruing Tax And Pension
> ADAFT = Additional DAFT (of 1%).
> This means an improvement of the basic EthoCracy (or TruthOcracy or Aristarchy in particular) taxation concept called PASTO (Property And Sales Tax Obligation), or rather its most advanced version, called PATTO (Property And Transaction Tax Obligation), in which the word "Sales" gets to be intended in a more general sense of "economic exchange transaction that becomes a dual contribution", of an economic transaction of any kind, in all aspects of the economy, and not just of "Sales" transactions.
> That economic DAFT transaction is "Dual" in two ways. First, it is dual in that it acts equally on the two sides of the transaction: for example, the store and the client, or the plumber and the calling client (while the traditional sales tax acts only on the part of the buyer); Second, it works equally for both the public sector, the government, and the private sector, the taxpayer. It accrues taxes for the government and accrues pension benefits for the taxpayer. A DAFT transaction is an equal contribution from the two parts involved in the transaction of passage of money. The government receives a small, but double, PASTOT transaction tax from the 2 taxpayer sides, accruing the government's tax revenue by 20% of the PASTOT. On the other hand, if the 2 sides are persons, the two sides of the exchange also accrue pension benefits, as long as they pay as a no-cash PASTOT. If one side is not a person, like a store or a company, then only the "person" side accrues pension benefits. However, on the person sides, the accruing of pension benefits goes for half to the person doing the transaction, and half to the spouse of that person.
> When using cash, the transaction is not a PASTOT and consequently is not directly beneficial to any person involved, nor to the government in any immediate way. If the transaction is in cash, there is no benefit for anybody in terms of contribution to a pension.
> In a TruthOcracy, there is no income tax and, in terms of taxes, the government is financed through only PASTO (Property And Sales Tax Obligation). A PASTOT transaction is based on a 10% transaction tax on both sides of the transaction: total 20% transaction tax. If cash is being used on one side, the same 20% still exists, but is increased by 1% on each side: the government receives a total tax of 22% instead of 20%. That extra 2% also goes directly to the government, but will be dedicated to help finance the pensions of homeless persons, or persons incapable of working and accumulating pension benefits.
> DAFTATAP is only the one side of the GUDFOMAPAST (Government Uses Debt-Free Only Money, And Property And Sales Tax) firm parameter applying to the finances of a TruthOcracy.
> In a way, DAFTATAP, working through PASTO, is a major improvement to the APT (Automated Payment Tax) taxation system developed by University of Wisconsin–Madison Professor of Economics, Dr. Edgar L. Feige. The improvements of DAFTATAP over the "APT" system are obvious in many ways. First, DAFTATAP links the equivalent of the "APT" (benefitting only the government) to accruing pension contributions (benefitting the contributors). This automated accruement of pension benefits is a very strong incentive for people to pay the equivalent of the "APT", as at the same time, each individual PASTOT, like for a purchase at the supermarket, or for the payment of the hire of the services of a private plumber at home, is the only way to accrue pension benefits for both the persons doing the transactions and for their spouses. In addition, the person using cash in a PASTO store is punished by an extra ADAFT charge of 1%. Second, DAFTATAP is also a strong incentive for people living in a TruthOcracy to become as cashless as possible, but without forcing people into a "Cashless Society", because this passage would have too many bad implication on the side of personal privacy and liberty, thus be anti-TruthOcracy. Third, with this strong incentive, the inevitable increased cashless process that occurs with PASTOT transactions helps, in a discrete automated way, to prevent the worst of what today is called either financial fraud, or tax evasion, or fraudulent money laundering and, helps to eliminate as much as possible the black market of the "black work".
> When hiring the services of private professionals in the privacy of a home, like a plumber, both sides of the transaction are also strongly incentivized to use a non-cash PASTOT transaction, possibly through a smart phone application, as a way to increase their pension contributions on both sides of the transaction.
> Contrary to APT, accompanying the DAFTATAP and PASTO system, there is also a small additional property tax to be paid yearly, on the basis of the real estate value owned. All real-estate property must be obligatorily declared at the municipal cadaster, with the risk of not being able to sell it, or not being able to pass it on in heritage, let alone having it confiscated, when not declared. Such yearly payment, albeit minimum, is also dual. It first becomes DAFTATAP PASTOT transaction for the benefit of the pension contributions of the owner when making his yearly payment. On the other side of the contribution (the state collecting the tax), part of it also becomes a contribution for the pensions of those who are homeless before pension time, or all those who, because of some handicap, cannot, or could never accumulate proper pension benefits.
> A person can retire at any level, at any age, and use the lpension money accumulated as they see fit, as a one-time payment, instead of receiving a regular pension over time.
> Again, the passage to the DAFTATAP PASTO system is tremendously advantageous in many other ways. Firstly, it eliminates all of what is now commonly called "Income Tax", along with the need of submitting any kind of complex yearly income report to the government. People still have to declare their yearly income, but just that total, without having to pay income tax on it, and do so faithfully under the risk of confiscations of personal assets in special circumstances. A special income tax would however come into play when wanting to get national money out of the country (except when for the private legitimate need of a national citizen wanting for example to maintain a child as a student abroad). Another exception where income tax comes into play on income is when non-national citizens want to transfer abroad some money made within the country.
> Of course all citizens and non-nationals making money in the country also have to maintain constantly an updated list of their properties in the country, in the official ROREP (Record Of Real Estate Property). A property not on this ROREP could not be sold or left as inheritance, possibly even confiscated automatically for that reason alone.
> DAFTATAP-PASTO also eliminates the existence of hugely bureaucratic and costly taxation offices, like the infamous IRS in the USA, with uselessly huge costs in tax assessment, collection and administration, let alone the maintenance of enormous tax codes of thousands of pages. DAFTATAP is also fairly progressive, in that people with higher income would get involved in higher levels of economic transactions, thus higher contributions to the public money needed by the government. As such, it offers not only fairness, but also maximum simplicity and efficiency.
> But the biggest of all advantages of DAFTATAP is that, similar to the "APT" system, DAFTATAP-PASTO will finally tax the broadest possible tax base at the lowest possible tax rate, and this is usually maximum 10% in normal circumstances.
> In addition, when combined to the new OPTOOMOON (Only Public Treasury Output Of Money Out Of Nothing) system of no debt-money creation by any traditional central bank in a TruthOcracy, and no debt-money creation by any commercial bank through an eliminated fractional reserve, DAFTATAP-PASTO places the highest possible financial resources at the disposal of the government, without the need for the government (not even the right) of ever borrowing any debt-money.
> DAFTATAP-PASTO also ensures the safest and fairest way to get a good minimum pension without any interference from the government in the way each person decides to manage their own money. Finally, DAFTATAP-PASTO ensures also a good OPTOOMOON-protected minimum pension to working people and to those who are homeless or incapable of accumulating pension contributions, without the need of any welfare system involved directly and unduly in such private matters.
> The "broadest possible tax base at the lowest possible tax rate" is a positive revolution to be readily welcomed by all, both the rich and the poor people, including corporations. DAFTATAP-PASTO is based on a "lowest possible tax rate" as low as 10% on all economic transactions, of any kind, taking place in the country. Of course, the universal DAFT operations would include not only personal and corporation expenses, but mainly also the huge volume of stock and bond trades, along with all foreign exchange transactions, most of which are not taxed today.
> Interestingly enough, the less comprehensive "APT" system studied and elaborated by the university of Wisconsin-Madison is based on an even lower rate, as low as 1% or even at only 0,35% of all transactions, and their best economists and financial experts have demonstrated that a government as big as the USA government could well operate on such low rate (except for pensions not coming into the equation in the case of "APT", but well covered in an automated way through DAFTATAP). Consequently, even if DAFTATAP-PASTO is more comprehensive that APT (in relation to combined pension contributions), 10% is surely much more than sufficient for all its purposes, in particular when combined with 2 additional factors: the new (very low) property tax, and to the fact that the TruthOcracy government would have no need (nor right) to borrow and reimburse any more debt-money (while today the financing of the public debt absorbs the biggest chunk of the taxes being collected in most western countries). In such context, the property tax itself could be as low as 0,10% of its value, to be paid each year (for an apartment worth $500.000, this would mean only $500 to be paid yearly).
> All being considered, the overall 10% of universal taxation under DAFTATAP-PASTO can then be split in about two parts: part to serve the needs of the government, including its related improved and less costly welfare (under the EFWAPAJ EthoPrinciple) reformed on a basis of extended family, and part to finance the regular pensions of the contributors and also the pensions of those who are incapable of contributing.
> On the other hand, for financing the new public infrastructures (creating real new economic value), and maintain or improve the quality of the older public infrastructures, the government can rely automatically on the creation of new fresh OPTOOMOON money at no costs.
> It may be difficult to believe that a universal 10% DAFTATAP-PASTO tax rate on all economic transactions, of whatever type, is sufficient for any and for all of government purposes, including pensions, but some of the best world taxation experts, like those at the Wisconsin University, have demonstrated without doubt that, at the above condition of universality, it is more than viable for the government, let alone a fiscal paradise come true for those who are called taxpayers today. The latter are today taxed, in the western world, without the DAFTATAP-PASTO system, at an average of close to 40%. Of course this apparently huge discrepancy with the 10% of DAFTATAP-PASTO is only true because taxation in the west now is not based on the universality of absolutely all economic transactions in the economy.
> DAFTATAP-PASTO makes the wealthiest portion of the population pay fairly much more than the poorer levels, but still at an incredibly low and acceptable rate. It also places corporations in a similar situation, inviting them inevitably to strongly boost their investments at such low rate and to reinvest profits within the country to avoid income tax. In the meantime, the lowest part of the population, like the homeless and the handicapped persons incapable of contributing to a revenue or a pension can all ensure a good basic income for their own decent survival, before of after regular pension age. > Last but not least, with DAFTATAP-PASTO, a big part of the current welfare has no reasons to exist (under the EFWAPAJ EthoPrinciple), and could be eliminated, consequently reducing the tax burden of all contributing citizens involved, directly or indirectly, at whatever level of income.
> With modern technology, all DAFTATAP-PASTO operations could be most easily fulfilled through the use of a simple tool like a smart phone with the proper application. It could also be a special bracelet (that we sometimes call a "DAFT Bracelet") with the proper chip integrated and preloaded with money, let alone a special new kind of smart phone ((that we sometimes call a DAFT Phone), connected to the Internet. However, a TruthOcracy would never accept that such chip could be body-integrated or body-implanted in any way. A TruthOcracy wants to increase the use of cashless money as much as possible, but only voluntarily, and only in order to encourage DAFTATAP-PASTO transactions, facilitating more payments of reduced taxes while accruing pension benefits. A TruthOcracy is however completely and forcefully against the imposition of a fully cashless society, as this would only be the opening of one more fast track to the fully dictatorial control of people, playing into the hands of the complete police state wanted by the MOWOP master plan of those LUZJIP elites pursuing the global enslavement of taxpayers through a New World Order of dictatorial Fabian Socialism with a One-World-Government and a One-World-Currency, let alone a One-World-Religion.
> Again, DAFT has similarities with the fundamental idea of an existing taxation proposal by Prof. Elgar L. Feige, of the Wisconsin-Madison University, called APT, except that DAFT, in its full elaboration, as DAFTATAP-PASTO, is much more effective, as it plays on two integrated fronts instead of one: the taxation front, common to both systems, and the pension front, found only in DAFTATAP.
> s. COSP (Contribution Over Social Pension)
> DAFTATAP compliance can be highly facilitated when using the national crypto-currency of a TruthOcracy called TruthCoin for commercial and/or interpersonal financial transactions.
el> The pension assets accumulated by the DAFTATAP system are fully protected against loss and/or excessive inflation by the OPTOOMOONPA system of the treasury of a TruthOcracy. In fact, a TruthOcracy can use OPTOOMOON money to protect the pension assets accumulated through the DAFTATAP into its own Treasury OPTOOMOONPA pension assets facility. This protection against inflation it not done automatically for all pensions benefits accumulated on a yearly basis, but once only, at the time of starting the reception of a particular pension. This protection applies only to the basic public pension system, not to any additional private pension system a citizen could have contributed to. The protection ensures that a citizen no more working because of arrival at pension age, thus ready to receive the public pension, does not receive less than half the current yearly salary of a NAS (Nursemaid Average Salary), that is not less than half the annual salary of a working nursemaid. A non citizen will only receive exactly the pension he deserves on the basis of his contribution, without being guaranteed for a minimum of half a NAS. A person who has contributed regularly for 30 or more working years will necessarily receive much more than half a NAS, and most probably the equivalent of a multiple NAS.
For more information, see: GUDFOMAPAST, UDFOM
= Dual Anonymous Voting.
> In an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, voting has very special characteristics for full guaranteed democracy.
> The basic tool is a BAIC (Bio-Anonymous Identicality Card), or BAVID (Bio-Anonymous Voting ID). The BAVID machines only do 4 things: it confirms that the voter in the boot and the bio-features of the BAIC in the boot correspond; it confirms that the voter has not yet voted, and is allowed to vote; it issues a voting ticket that can be date stamped by voting officials on the way out of the boot and on which the holder can write his regular ID card number by hand (with which receipt he can go to any bank and release it to the bank so that the bank can confirm to the government that his person has voted); finally, it keeps tract of exactly how many persons have voted anonymously in the boot.
> But the voting is used with a dual form of voting: the electronic anonymous voting with a BAIC, and jointly the regular paper voting way through ballots. After an election, the paper ballots, before being officially accounted for and sent to a central compilation place, have to be matched, locally, in the presence of a representative of each of the (up to 10) parties that have participated in the election, and correspond exactly (with less than 1% mistake) with the number of voters that the BAVID machine has issued. This number is then rendered official locally, and published as such on the internet before the central national compilation office can take it into account.
> See: BECDAV (Binding Electoral Contract Dual Anonymous Voting) for more information.
> DDD = Dogma, Debt and Disinformation (the 3 main basic tools of our enslavement).
> DDDD = Dogma, Debt, Disinformation, and Despair (a more complete set of enslavement tools).
> Of course, Dogma can be interpreted as extreme legislation (on the part of a government instead of a church). The word "Dogma" here can also be interpreted as Deceit, in the sense of a form of social engineering that amounts to "forced successful propaganda" to bring people to believe, consciously or not, as blindly as possible, what their deceitful leaders want them to believe instead of what the Truth may be.
> As for Debt , it refers mainly to government public debt and private banking debt, but can also be interpreted as forceful deviation of private money to institutions (on the part of churches for example, instead of a government or a bank).
> As for Despair, it is intended mainly as a form of Fear in a country, or in front of a government, that has evolved, or is evolving into a "Police State" in its conduct, and/or imposes a form of governance based on lies instead of Truth. The fear involved can be generated by a church, as much as by a government, or by any other kind of institution, to better subjugate their followers, subjects or faithful.
> In a TruthOcracy, if fear should exist, it should be only for the elites to loose the privileges given them by the electors, while the people electing them should have no fear but a life and leadership without Truth.
> This are the tools and strategy of the NWO (New World Order) and of the three main monotheistic religions acting as a UDC to enslave their faithful through DDDD.
> DDDD is the main tool of the fake democracies we call Debtocracy and Deceptocracy.
> DDDD is an expression, or a tool, of the cosmic "Force-of-Bad" called SET (Satanic Enslavement Transgressions) in the context of the PythagorArium.
> DDDD is a tool often used by what we call the ZioZuitZlim Power, along with SET and HHH, for the global enslavement of people.
> see: UDC (United Demonic Class) using DDD for enslavement purposes.
> Those using DDDD to enslave people are a kind of pseudo-elite that that we call DADMasters (Debt And Disinformation Masters).
> Within a TruthOcracy, our enslavement through DDDD in our current false democracies is fought with 4 main tools called TTTT (Truth, Transparency, Trust, Temperance), also called 4T.
= A fake democracy with a system of governance based on enslaving debt-money for both governments and persons alike.
> This is the kind of fake democracy enslaving most people today. Money is created by private banks as debt, instead of by the government as asset. Then, that private debt-money is uselessly borrowed by governments, to be, later on, uselessly reimbursed by the government to its fake creator (the consortium of private banks) with interest.
> A similar phenomenon also exists at the personal level of the citizens of the country. The borrowing of the same kind of debt-money is also pushed at people through all available means of deception in order to place the borrowers in a state of growing misery, until they become fully subservient, even fearful debt-slaves of the debt-money system, thus obedient subjects of the corrupted and depraved SatanOligarchy hiding in the background.
> Such Debtocracy is also a kind of Deceptocracy, or a fake democracy based on deception.
> A Debtocracy is the main form of governance usually used by the JewZuit Power, or the ZioZuitZlim power, not to say the LUZJIP Power, as a first step, for enslaving people through DDD and SET.
> As a second step, or rather a final step, a DebtOcracy usually becomes what we call a SatanOligarchy.
= Fake democracy founded on deception.
> This kind of fake democracy is the type affecting most people today.
> Such Deceptocracy is also a kind of DebtOcracy, or a fake democracy founded on debt-money.
> Its opposite, as an ideal state, is what we call TruthOcracy.
> DEDLA = Discrete Erotic Double Life Agreement
> DEDLAT = Discrete Erotic Double Life Agreement Trio
> DEDLATA = Discrete Erotic Double Life Agreement Trio Assistant
> In most democracies, there are only two legal ways to handle a failing marriage in serious difficulty. The first one is a Legal Separation, and the second one is a Divorce. In a TruthOcracy, there is a third legal form: a DEDLA. The main differences between a legal DEDLA and the other two legal arrangements are four:
1) the couple must have minor children.
2) the DEDLA is not made public, and must not become public, because of the minor children involved, in order to ensure their social honorability and harmonious serenity as growing children.
3) the marriage partners are confident they can continue living together, in the same house, happily and serenely, in front of their minor children, specifically for the wellbeing and harmonious growth of their minor children, even if they will be allowed, through the DEDLA, to freely have a separate and discrete sexual life outside the home.
4) The DEDLA activity must take place outside of the home, and in another place without minor children.
> The DEDLA is one of the additional special services of the EFWAPAJ (Extended Family Welfare And Private Alternative Justice) system of a TruthOcracy. It is a formal act, signed free of charge, entirely privately, in front of a notary of the PAJ (Private Alternative Justice). It is then deposited with the appropriate confidential section of the JudicArium to be kept entirely private from public knowledge. If a partner makes the DEDLA public, this automatically nullifies the DEDLA and makes the couple loose the special social benefits given to united families with minor children in a TruthOcracy. If a legal separation or a divorce follows, the DEDLA automatically becomes null and can be withdrawn from the notary's office and from the JudicArium.
> This new unconventional concept of DEDLA relates to our pages on the EthoCracy or TruthOcracy reforms to preserve More United Families for the benefit of minor children.
> The DEDLAT is a special type of DEDLA where the couple goes out together to form a Trio. Even with this specificity, a DEDLAT would only be called officially a DEDLA as a contract. The specificity of a DEDLAT would only be mentioned inside the contract with the nomination of a DEDLATA. Again, a DEDLAT is when both the men and the women of the couple decide to go out together, instead of separately, to form a Trio with another man or another woman, in order to reignite their mutual sexual relationship, and the couple can, and will, go out together for this purpose only when the minor children can be attended by a trusted assistant, as a third person of full confidence, called a DEDLATA. The DEDLATA is usually only a natural grand-mother or a grand-father knowing the DEDLA arrangement, even if not necessarily knowing it as a DEDLAT. Apart from the natural grand-parents, a DEDLATA can be legally only a female person, never a man of whatever age, as a person already well known to the minor children, and who also has grand-children of her own. In such cases, the DEDLA would mention the DEDLATA person of full confidence.
> Again, a DEDLA has to do with married couples with minor children who, after few years of marriage, have lost all, or a great part of, their mutual sexual attraction, and feel the need to do something about it, honestly and openly, without using a costly legal separation or a dramatic divorce, or without using deceit and/or adultery, while they still feel capable of maintaining a friendly and harmonious relationship as parents in front of their minor children.
> Such DEDLA or DEDLAT initiatives can become useful only as long as they not only not destroy an otherwise harmonious family with minor children, but reinforce its parental daily unity at a time when the couple experiments the beginning of a failing sexual relationship. A DEDLA however can happen only if the initiative is not based on dishonesty, is taken in an open agreement between the two partners involved, and is conducted entirely discretely in front of minor children and the rest of the community until at least the youngest child becomes of age. The main purpose here is to save the honorability and the harmony of the family unit for the sake of minor children in front of their living community. The secondary purpose is to hopefully reignite or reinforce the failing or bored sexual relationship of the couple, or divert it into some other pleasant ways of expression. The third purpose is to ensure the reception of all the social benefits from the TruthOcracy for growing minor children in the best possible way. A DEDLA would have no sense or utility for a completely failed relationship because of a serious and irrevocable antipathy having developed, or because of more serious considerations like criminality or violence on the part of one partner.
> In terms of a new sexual life, a DEDLA involves the partners of a marriage, either only one of them in agreement with the other, or both of them, either separately as a DEDLA, or together as a DEDLAT Trio.
> As a preliminary step to signing a formal DEDLA, a partner, on his/her own, can also go off discretely, with the explicit agreement, or at least the clear implicit agreement, of the other partner, for what a TruthOcracy calls a WLEW (White Lie Erotic Weekend). A WLEW does not require any previous legal arrangement, only mutual agreement. Such WLEW could also be a preliminary step conducting to an eventual more formal DEDLAT, in being used to form a trio, with a hope that the trio event could reignite or reinforce the duo sexual relationship and possibly nullify the the need for a DEDLA, or to withdraw an already existing DEDLA on a mutual basis.
> A trio DEDLAT can also be be constructed after various WLEW experiences, with his/her own regular partner plus another person (another man or another woman). Theoretically, WLEW experiences can also lead to two DEDLAT arrangements, to be formed separately with each one having two different persons outside the couple (a men and a women). The most successful events would normally be between one women and two men, as a man by himself could just too quickly loose temporarily his sexual drive efficiency for the rest of the WLEW to properly serve two women.
> Within a TruthOcracy, all forms of sexual activity could legally take place in a DEDLA or a DEDLAT, or even in a WLEW, as freely desired by the phantasy and friendlily relationship of the partners, except the 3 following forms that are always prohibited: 1) violent sex, 2) pedophile sex, and 3) anal sex (both passive or active, with either a man or a woman). These 3 forms of sexual activity would always be a criminal act.
> To elaborate on the 4 conditions mentioned above, the essential requirements of a DEDLA include: full discretion, full mutual agreement and full honesty. In any case, this discrete double life must stay entirely discrete, in particular with regards to minor children and their social environment. Should we add that, in paraphrasing Plato's Laws VIII, 841E, who briefly addresses similar situations, the initiative should be taken "without any other man or woman getting to know about it as, if he or she fails to keep the affair secret", not only would they destroy the beauty of a natural family unit with growing minor children, which is the essential concern here, but "it would be right for them to lose honorability", possibly support legal consequences, and/or maybe lose fiscal incentives given by the state of a TruthOcracy to encourage a stable marriage in front of minor children with their natural genitors.
> See also: WLEW (White Lie Erotic Weekend)
> Be it clear that there is no dishonesty in a DEDLA or a DEDLAT, or even the WLEW. These tools are part of an explicit and honest agreement, accepted by the parties of the failing marriage from a sexual point of view in order to try to save an honorable and stable situation of peaceful marriage and harmonious family education in front of minor children.
> In a TruthOcracy, a DEDLA is always a formal agreement deposited with a special section of the JudicArium. In such cases, if discretion is not maintained, the related fiscal incentives provided by the state to encourage stable marriages with minor children are withdrawn on the side of the party responsible for the break of discretion. Such break of discretion would also be a negative consideration when assessing the responsibility of an eventual legal separation or divorce. The important point here is to try to save a stable family unit for the harmonious growth of minor children with their own natural genitors as much as possible, even at the cost of taking unconventional initiatives if necessary, like DEDLA and WLEW, in order to achieve this most important purpose.
> Minor children have a right to grow up with their natural genitors, in a harmoniously united family that is not overly stressed by a failing sexual relationship of their parents. On the other hand, parents also have a right to enjoy a natural and fulfilling sexual life, as much as possible, and for as long as possible, as it is basically an essential and most positive natural drive that can help all other aspects of life when used in a just and balanced way, like all other good things in life, be it food, passionate hobbies or sports. Doing so with honesty and discretion, if and when necessary and useful, is much better than doing it through dishonesty, deception and adultery, not only for the couple involved, but in particular for the minor children involved.
> Needless to add that a DEDLA/DEDLAT situation is no/no solution at all for marriages (with minor children) that have an irremediably broken relationship because of serious matters, like psychopathic criminality or physical violence on the part of one partner, not even for couples who have developed such a strong hatful mutual antipathy for each other, after a few years of marriage, that they would not be able anymore to maintain a harmonious friendly relationship in front of their minor children. In such extreme cases, only a legal separation or a divorce are the only proper solutions. For those couples in between those 2 extremes, still capable of maintaining a friendly harmonious relationship in between themselves in front of their minor children, DEDLA/DEDLAT/WLEW arrangements can be a much better solution than a hidden dishonest marriage, adultery, treason or a divorce.
> Our western society is in deep trouble at the moment because of lack of good harmonious family units for growing minor children. More than half of these children nowadays live either in a situation of divorce of their own genitors, even often multiple divorces on both sides, or with a single mother without also the authoritarian figure of a loving father. They also often pass from one couple to another, with or without marriage or divorce, not being sure anymore as to who are their real genitors. Thus a growing number of them live and grow in a completely disbanded way, like their own genitors and/or attending foreign couples. For this reason, they grow without a solid set of family and social values and, for these reasons, too many of them join, too quickly and too early, various forms of criminality. This is what DEDLA/DEDLAT/WLEW arrangements are meant to help to correct.
Deep State / Shadow Governance
> Western governments, under a façade of democratic elections of "one" government, always have "two" governments, the government you see and the government you don’t see. The government you see is essentially the politicians and the courts, but they are only actors of a puppet theater. Their job is to give the illusion that you have some input in the process of government, or in elections, or that the rule of law and the Constitution is in force. The political process is just a puppet theater. It is designed to distract and deceit you. The puppet actors are mainly the politicians and judges, as employees of the government. The government pays their salaries and pensions. So it should come as no surprise that they always work to grow and expand government for the easier control of their masters of the shadow government in the background. Those masters in the background discretely command all aspects of the country, using political leaders as obedient puppets. If one puppet does not behave properly, at whatever level, a way is quickly found to replace it with an obedient one. In spite of elections, the long-term agenda of the country is the one of the Deep State, with as many steps forward as possible, and as little as possible temporary steps backwards.
> The main elements of this Deep State at national level include all the biggest corporations, the mainstream media owned by the same elites owning the biggest corporations, and their acolytes in the main security agencies and ministries of the apparently democratic government.
> From above the national level however, the Deep State includes also the main unelected figures of international organizations, like the UN, of supra-national organizations like the EU, and of worldwide globalist organizations like TTT, all acting in hidden concert in order to achieving a master plan or world enslavement for the benefit of a very small ruling elite in the background.
> In short, the Deep State of the main western countries exists for many reasons and with many objectives, but the main reason, at the very top level, is the accomplishment of the MOWOP Master Plan to achieve world enslavement through an eventual totalitarian One-World Government of collectivism and Fabian Socialism.
> Be it clear however that a so-called "Deep State" is not only a problem at the level of national governments. There is a very similar situation, if not an even worse one, at the level of all supra-national organizations like the EU, the UN or the TTT, as they all operate by definition on the basis of a Shadow Governance of evil globalist figures that are even more difficult to know than those of the Deep State at the national level because they are even more distant to the common people and not subjected to even "fake elections", let alone any real accountability. These makes these evil globalist figures even more effective in seeking our global enslavement for the purpose of the forthcoming One-World-Government of the Master Plan.
> See: POTGA (People's Open Truth-Governance Authority) as the kind of authority that is established in a TruthOcracy and is meant to eliminate the Deep State or Shadow Government of most of our western countries.
= Dedicated Ecological Fluid Lines And Plumbing
> All new EthoCratic buildings and street piping of fluid lines must be DEFLAP.
> For example, near the sea, fluid lines for salt water are used for toilet flushing, along with corresponding ecological treatment facilities for such waste waters.
> Each building of an EthoCratic environment (and, in NECA buildings, even each apartment), or any TUPA Building in a TruthOcracy, has dedicated fluid lines for recuperating different types of oil, paint leftovers etc.
> s. BuLiWaF (Building Liquid Waste Filtering)
> DELL = Deific Enlightened Liberty League, with the ELL meaning the culture of the ELL persons who have attained Enlightened Logos Liberty, thus complete freedom of speech). This is the only kind of liberty that gave the history of the world its best periods of civilization, like Ancient-Greece, from the previous ancient ELLANIOS POLITISMOS to the more recent Renaissance. ELL. It refers clearly to the culture of the 'ELL-inas', which means those we call the 'Greeks' today.
> DELL refers mainly to countries instead of persons, in particular the countries that have transformed themselves into a TruthOcracy).
> Consequently, depending on the context, DELL can be used to mean: Deific Enlightened Logos Liberty, or Deific Enlightened Liberty League.
> Within the PythagorArium environment, the "ELL" of "DELL" is expanded and, as such, DELL is mostly interpreted as meaning "Deific Enlightened Logos Liberty", as the cosmic "Force-of-Good" (or: Deific Enlightened Liberty League), in opposition to the SET (Satanic Enslavement Transgressions, or: Transgressors) that is the opposite "Force-of-Bad", like in "DELL vs. SET". This DELL enlightenment can only come from a Holistic Tetractys Education, that we call EthoPlasìn Education in the context of the PythagorArium, based on the one-and-only philosophy, the philosophy as it was created originally: as an expression of a set of virtues (in opposition to modern philosophy which has become only a pure intellectual exercise).
> DELLA = DELL Activator. This is someone activating good thoughts, and becoming co-creator of Good. The opposite is a SETA: SET Activator, with thoughts for the Bad.
> DELLAG = Deific Enlightened Logos Liberty (or: DELL) Advocating Good
> DELLAG is, in the environment of the members of the PythagorArium, the "Force-of-Good" opposing SETAB (Satanic Enslavement Transgressions Advocating Bad) as the opposite "Force-of-Bad".
> DELLAG is often opposed to SETAB (Satanic Enslavement Transgressions Advocating Bad), like in "DELAG vs. SETAB", or more simply "DEL vs. SET".
> DELLAGAPJ = Deific ELL Advocating Good (via representatives like) Apollo and Alexander the Great), Pythagoras (and the line of) 6P Philosophers) and Jesus. The final "J" is pronounced 'i' (of idiom), as Jesus is actually called and pronounced 'iisus' (with a double 'i') within the ELL culture that was his, as a Nazarene.
> DELLAGAPJ is composed of two words: DELL and AGAPJ. It is meaningful in the sense that "AGAPJ", or more simply "Agapi" in the ELL ('Greek') language means Love.
> DELL is also related to DELO. The DELO itself is often used as meaning DEL Omnipotent (Deific Enlightened Logos Omnipotent). But DELO is also the name of the 'Greek' island called DELOS in English, but DELO in the ELL ('Greek') language.
> The sacred island of
DELOS, has been inhabited
for at least some 5000 years and has been famous ever since for its high cult of
Apollo, who was born there, as the God of Good, of Light and of Music. As such, it has been on the
Heritage List since 1990. In addition, the initial letter "D",
translated here as "Deific", meaning
Divine, stands also alternatively for
"Delphic", as Delphi was also
the most famous Greek sacred site dedicated to Apollo, and the site chosen
by Zeus, the head of the Greek Olympus, to be considered the center of the world, or rather the
spiritual and philosophical main center of Planet Earth called Gaia.
> The integrated EL (from ELL), in DELO, represents the Power best incarnated into the unique DNA of the ELL (Greek) people, brought and expressed to humans by the main godly figure of Apollo, and the main humanly figure of Alexander The Great. Both manifested themselves within a long line of philosophers that goes from before the well-known Pythagoras (and its own Pythagorean line of 6P philosophers) to the better known Jesus.
> Of course, this Jesus is not Jew, but ELL. It is not at all the distorted Jesus figure of the institutional Judeo-Christian Church. Most mainstream historians will hide the fact that Jesus was speaking Hebrew only as a third language. He operated, in his short 3 years of active public life, mainly in the dominantly Jewish environment of Judea (in Jerusalem), but he was not a Jew. Jesus was an ELL (Greek) figure from Nazareth who also spoke Aramaic as a second language and, of course, also the "ELL" language ('Greek') that was in fact his main mother tongue. The best historians confirm that 'Greek' (i.e. ELLINIKA) was the main language of the people from Nazareth, where the ELL culture was concentrated, where Jesus' family was from, where Jesus was grown up. "Greek", as the "ELLinika" language, was the main language of the whole province of Galilee contrary to Samaria that has a mix of languages, and Judea where a primitive form of Jewish Hebrew was spoken by all inhabitants. Few people know that, in Palestine, the Roman Empire gave Roman Citizenship only to the people of the province of Galilee, whose main city was Nazareth, and not/not ever to the people of the two other provinces: Judea and Samaria. This is why the Jews could not kill Jesus directly, as he was not a Jew, but a Roman Citizen because of his origin from Nazareth. Consequently, to kill him, they had to go to a Roman magistrate who happened to be Pontius Pilate who washed his hands in front of what was to him a clearly unjust request from the Jews. This requirement was absolutely necessary only because Jesus, as an ELL figure from Nazareth, had Roman citizenship (that the Jews did not have).
> Unfortunately not only did the Jews kill Jesus, but the Institutional Christian church, was not/not founded by Jesus, certainly not as an institutional church. That institution was deceitfully founded in his name by some followers only after his death. As such, it was a new institution that was born as already infiltrated by Jews, starting with one of its two main founders, Saint Paul, who not only was a pure Jew, but a Jew who had never even met Jesus when he was alive. This is the Saint Paul that founded the Christian church, as the institutional Christian church, along with Saint Peter, as Saint Paul, as a typical Jew of the ancient DDD culture, had the intuition that he could use that new church for dominating the world of his own area, let alone possibly eventually the rest of the world.
> That highly distorted figure of Jesus, by the institutional Judeo-Christian church, has nothing to do with the Jesus of DELAGAPJ. The Jesus of DELAGAPJ is a clear figure of the "Idea Exchangers" (of the dominant ELL-Greek culture of freethinking from Nazareth) who tried to reform the main culture of the "Money Changers" of the Jews of Judea (those mainly from Jerusalem, where Jesus angrily reversed their money tables in the temple). From this point of view, Alexander the Great was a kind of precursor of Jesus, having spread the ELL culture. Without that culture having been spread in a great part of the world at that time, Jesus' message could not have been received easily. But Jesus failed to reform the Jews, and was crucified for disturbing their prosperous enslavement activities through debt-money.
> The progressive and full Jewish infiltration of the institutional Christian Church was a long process that, for all practical purposes, has been practically concluded in 1965, with the Vatican Zionist coup of the Council of Vatican II that, after some 2000 years, finally made the Jews go "from enemies to brothers", with this new recognition having a nearly a worldwide acceptance at the moment, by the mainstream media of the "political correctness", affirming that it was not the Jews who killed Jesus, but the Romans. This is a historical falsity, and only the pure ELL figure of Jesus from Nazareth is to be admired and revered through the use of the word DELAGAPJ and the beautiful concept of advocating Good (DELAG), as the power of freethinking and freedom, that it lovingly expresses. In other words, the integrated 'ELL' letters of DELLAGAPJ represent the people who best incarnated the power of the related heavenly (Deific) culture of freethinking of the ancient ELL 'Greek' religion (always qualified derogatively as 'paganism' by the mainstream historians and theologians), contrary to the opposite satanic SET culture of enslavement through DDD, and their HHH falsities, used by the other 3 main monotheist institutional religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
> In terms of pronunciation of the word DELLAGAPJ, the final "J" (of Jesus) is pronounced like a simple "i", representing the Greek name of Jesus with a double "ii", or "Iisus" ("Ἰησοῦς" in 'Greek'). In other words, this educated "J", at the end, is pronounced just like a simple "i", sounding "DELAGAPi" (with the "i" of "kiwi"), but with a soft insistence lengthening slightly the final "i", as if it were nearly a double "ii". As such, it can be pronounced as four separate syllables attached together: "DELL-A-GA-Pi", with the final "J" being best pronounced as a near double "ii", or alternatively simply as a common "i", depending on what is easier for people of various language background.
> For the PythagorArium members who are not aware, or not yet enthusiasts of the real Jesus as an ELL (Greek) figure, the final "J" may, as a choice, represent "Joy", or the grand Joy of the culture of freedom and freethinking at the foundation of the ELL culture. In any case, it represents the divine, or heavenly deific ELL power of Good, the DELLAG Power, behind the force of the ELL culture, or behind the new ELL culture promoted by the PythagorArium, as the positive cosmic force that was best expressed by the life of the three main figures of a superior godly nature from a human point of view: Apollo, Pythagoras and Jesus.
> The "P" of DELAGAPJ really represents not only Pythagoras, but the "6P Approach to EthoPlasìn Education" that is also at the base of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy. Consequently, the above "6P Approach" means the philosophy of the 6 main philosophers behind the EthoPlasìn holistic Education (or: ELLducation of the ELL culture) and the virtuous EthoCracy or TruthOcracy governance. We often call this line of philosophy The Great 6P philosophers' approach to human and civic life, and thus to the corresponding holistic education based on the formation of the 4 levels of the human Tetractys: Pythagoras, Plato, Plutarch, Plotinus, Porphyrios and Proclus.
takes its name from the first of these eminent human '6P' figures,
of this ELL line of educational philosophy, as the originator
on Earth of that line of classical philosophy of freethinking and of the related personal
formation stemming back to God Apollo and the cosmic deific
forces of freethinking and harmony he represents.
= Democracy, but the original democracy as invented by Ancient-Greece, that is by the ELL people.
> The word "Democracy" as we use it today in the context of our western democracies has nothing or not much to do with the "Democracy" as it was invented by Ancient-Greece, that is by the ELL people. In order to avoid this confusion, the word DemocracELL is being coined to refer only to the real democracy as originally invented. This was a direct democracy (not a representative one), a participative democracy (with not a right to vote but rather a duty to vote), and democracy based on complete freedom of speech for governing on a basis of full truth (not a governance limited by any kind of dictatorial political correctness). To avoid confusion, when talking about that type of real democracy, as invented, we usually use the new word "DemocracELL", in particular in the context of our PythagorArium project and its relation to what we call TruthOcracy.
> The "ELL" suffix stresses the ELL culture of the inventors of the real original democracy. The word "Greek" does not exist in the "Greek" language. The language is called ELlinika, the country is called ELlas (or ELlada), and the citizen is called ELlinas. It was so 3000 years ago and still is the case today.
> s. ELL for more information.
= An EthoPlasìn member, or the member of a TruthOcracy, pursuing Decorum, Merit and Oneness.
> Comes from the meaning of Daemon in the Ancient Greek Philosophy (or rather PhilosophELL). Demône has the basic sense of DAEMON, as a capable and protective guardian angel and mediator between the human and the godly realms.
= The public casual amusement side of the EthoPlasìn Campus located in the PreEdenArium.
> Sometimes called simply the “AmusementArium”.
> It matches the formal enjoyment side called the ApolafsArium.
> The side that offers the best casual facilities to the public, on a commercial basis, for sports, entertainment, and recreation.
> It is one of the sources of the self-financing of the overall Pythagorean World Center for its current operational expenses, including the full scholarships of its students.
> The DiaskedArium includes a HostelArium, a CafetArium, an AgorArium, a ThalasArium, a CapsulArium, a DormitArium, an ArenArium, a CinemArium, a MusicArium, a MeditArium, and a PlanetArium.
> More information on the DiaskedArium
> see MeditArium (a special area of the DiaskedArium) for more details.
= The corps of teaching and training staff of the PythAcademia.
> This is not a component but rather a meeting of the
teaching Arium.
> DIEL = Despotic Impartial Elected Leader
> BECDIEL = Binding Electoral Contract DIEL
> A DIEL is a leader who is authorized to act in a despotic way, that is as forcefully as need be, in order to fulfill completely and impartially a mandate he has received through an election by the majority of the people of his country.
> In an
EthoCracy, a DIEL is the political leader whose
BEC (Binding
Election Contract) won a
national election. As such, he becomes a BECDIEL.
= Concept of the Ancient-Greece Philosophy (or rather PhilosophELL) meaning the “Son of God”.
> The word means basically a persons with special discipline who are symbols of Ethics and Justice in the history of the western culture, like the famous Castor and Pollux protecting the city of Rome at the top of the staircase of the Campidoglio (as shown on our page Ways and Symbols). They usually come and operate in pairs.
> Related to DAEMON and DEMÔNE.
= Daemon Of God
> Used in the contest of necessary political reforms, like in our page on Political Issues.
> Related in basis meaning to Daemon and DEMÔNE.
> Relates to our hot page Political Issues.
= Debt-Money / Debt-Free Money / Asset Money
> Most money today is created as Debt-Money. This is particularly serious in the case of Public-Debt-Money on the part of governments that have wrongly given to private central banks the power to create money out-of-nothing and then borrow that money as debt from these banks, instead of create it themselves, as DFM, or as pure AM, under the control of constitutional rules. This is literally a criminal scam that wrongly profits only the ZioZuit banks while creating new debt for the taxpayers. There is no need for money to be created this way as DM. Many countries have had their most prosperous economic periods using DFM. This is certainly the case for example of Canada before 1974, when its economy was in a state of prosperous economic boom, without public debt, while after 1974, when Prime Minister P.E. Trudeau switched it to DM, in order to be maintained in power for some 18 years with the backing of the ZioZuit Power controlling the new system, its economy started to fail and be gradually engulfed in the growing abyss of debt that it has today, even as an extremely rich country. Many good books document that many other countries, if not most of them, have suffered the same catastrophic fate after committing the same terrible mistake. This new ZioZuit Power of debt enslavement has become enormous worldwide, and is maintained through a continuous flow of criminal deeds. Many assassinations of heads of state have been committed, and many wars have been conducted, and are still conducted today, albeit deceitfully for other false reasons, but for this reason alone in the background. Kennedy was clearly assassinated in the USA for attempting to destroy the ZioZuit Power by switching his country back to DFM. Many other countries have been destroyed for refusing to comply to the DM system of the ZioZuit World Power, like Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. Many other countries are being attacked and/or destroyed today for this same hidden reason, like Ukraine, Syria and Iran.
> All experts not complicit with the ZioZuit system of DM do certify that DFM is the only just system for both countries and the taxpayers of these countries. If money has to be created in any case, for economic prosperity, then there is no valid reason to have it created as debt. In simple terms, it is like saying: "If my private neighbor can legally print money in his basement, out of nothing, then, unless I am stupid, there is no need for me to borrow that money from him, and be in debt of both the capital and the interests to be returned to that neighbor; I should rather do as he does and be debt-free". One of the best books on this subject is "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin. Then, if money is created as DFM, it prevents the terrible enslavement through public debt that is affecting terribly the life of the people of most countries at the moment.
> DFM can also be called AM (Asset Money), in opposition of DM (Debt-Money).
= The non-voting head of the DomArium, appointed by the LeaderAriant. .
> Each DomArium (national or provincial) selects a DomArion through a secret vote between themselves.
> The equivalent at provincial level of the DomArion is the ProDomArion.
> For each GovernAriant mandate of governance, the Ariants and their DomAriant are selected on the basis of the Election System of the TetractArium of an EthoCracy (or a TruthOcracy).
= The "House" of the NatAriants.
> The head of the DomArium is the DomArion.
> There are 77 Ariants (Heads of Ariums) in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy: 7 national ones (NatAriants), and 70 provincial ones (ProAriants).
> Their Headquarters is the DomArium at national level, and the ProDomArium at provincial level.
> The DomArium is big enough to accommodate regular general meetings of all 77 Ariants at the same time, plus at least twice that number of seats for observers from the public, as their meetings can never be secret on the basis of the PIABFOTAC EthoPrinciple. These meetings are in any case televised live on the dedicated TV stations, and registered for immediate access afterwards on the Internet.
> See TetractArium for more information on the EthoCracy or TruthOcracy Virtuous Governance and its structure of Ariums.
> For a quick reference card on where this Arium stands in the overall structure of the TetractArium, see this TetractArium.PDF card.
= Small dormitories of the DiaskedArium
> Clients can rent small dormitories for 5 to 25 persons.
= Dedicated Publicity Media
> In an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, publicity cannot be made in any publication for national distribution or for the public at large, but only in Dedicated Publicity Media: special DMP newspapers and TV stations. These same DPM publication must also accept all counter-lobbying requests they receive and publish them with total freedom of opinion.
> Private publications for a restricted audience can accept publicity.
= Deceiving Untruthful Propaganda Exertion
> Someone using DUPE is DUPING others. The money used for DUPING purposes is called DUPEM. A person affected by DUPE or DUPING is being DUPED.
> Using DUPE is contrary to the main EthoPrinciple of an EthoCracy called OTIG (Only Truth Information Governance) or of a TruthOcracy (called OTATFOG). Consequently, DUPING is always a serious crime in an EthoCracy, in a TruthOcracy in particular, be it used by a person or by an organization like a newspaper or a ministry. Using, giving, receiving or passing DUPEM, or duping money, for any kind of proactive DUPING purposes, or for even only DUPING passive collaboration achieved knowingly, is the same kind of most serious crime.
= Extended Community DOM Arium.
> The "DOM" has the meaning of "HOME", or "Housing" area.
> An EcdomArium is the joining of many FamilArium (an EF [Extended Family] living in a common housing compound) units together in the formation of a kind of mini-NECA housing city area in an EthoCracy, or better, a mini-TUPA urban area in a TruthOcracy. It can also design a special condominium unit with all the characteristics of an EthoCracy or TruthOcracy lifestyle.
> An EcdomArium typically includes special floors/areas for community life, for home schooling and babysitting, for open and closed playing grounds, for older or sick relatives, for handicapped members, for safe underground parking and storage, but also for an isle called BacArium (Bachelor Accommodation that includes a row of very small apartments). All inhabitants must be owners, not renters. A candidate must buy an apartment, plus a share of the BacArium area, and sign an agreement of mutual assistance with the rest of the EF (Extended Families).
> The various mini apartments of the BacArium can also be rented by members of the family of the owners (like an adult child, or an old parent), and the rent goes against the EcdomArium ('condominium') common expenses.
> The EcdomArium is
always self-administered in the sense that the administrator can only be one of
the owners (possibly using external professional service when necessary, like
lawyers and technicians). Each candidate potential new owner wanting to buy
housing space in the EcdomArium must introduce himself to a meeting with his
whole family and be accepted. After his departure, he will not be able to sell
except to another buyer accepted through a deliberation and majority vote of all
the other existing owners. The potential buyer cannot be single, but married,
with the intention to become a new EF
(Extended Family) as
soon as possible.
= EthoCracy & EthoGloso Governance (political party)
> This could be the trademark abbreviation of an EthoCratic political party that could be formed on the basis of only these two reforms of the PythagorArium, excluding the full language strategy of EthoSpeak and the very demanding new educational system of EthoPlasìn, or ELLducation.
= Enlightened Direct Democracy Empowerment Liberty
> Achieved through ELLducation, OTIG or Otatfog governance and the ELL culture.
> EDDEL is the basic objective of EthoCivitas, or EthoLiving, or the ELL Civitas of the PythagorArium. In a fully implemented TruthOcracy, it becomes a fundamentally pre-existing essential requirement.
= This is the offshore land on which the PythagorArium is built and all the physical training components of the PythagorArium.
> In opposition, the intellectual components are part of the EthicArium.
> The EdenArium is a completely reserved area, with entirely biological organic gardening.
> The EdenArium includes the ApolafsArium.
> The area is also totally self-sufficient in terms of electricity and fresh water, with plants and animals living without chemicals, on a surface infiltrated with Diatomaceous Earth.
> The area represents the closest possible form of a self-sustainable area, as a "Back To Eden" area, of the kind that can only be maintained by agricultural technology of the type developed by geniuses like Paul Gautschi. As such, this reserved and isolated island-like area of Eden-like agriculture is called: EdenArium.
> The corresponding mainland part of the EdenArium is the PreEdenArium that serves mainly for reception and public relations purposes.
= Eurasian Economic Union
> The new economic union being formed between parts of Europe and Asia, mainly between Russia and China.
= Extended Family
> Word often used as a prefix for other words, like EFWAPAJ (Extended Family Welfare And Private Alternative Justice)
> Related to a TruthOcracy reform called: EFWAPAJ (Extended Family Welfare And Private Alternative Justice)
> s. EFWAPAJ for more details.
> Extended Families living as such form a FamilArium.
= Extended Family Adult
> Designates a special area of the CFS (Common Family Space) of an EFB (Extended Family Business) specifically for adults meeting together for various purposes
> The area can be perfectly isolated as required, but nevertheless communicating perfectly with other areas of the CFS, like the EFE or the EFA, in order to facilitate cooperation in supervising the kindergarten by various members of the extended family.
> Related to a TruthOcracy reform called: EFWAPAJ (Extended Family Welfare And Private Alternative Justice)
> s. EFWAPAJ for more details.
= Extended Family Advanced Loan Without Interest.
> Loans without interest, provided by the EthoCratic Government, for achieving the regrouping of an extended family in or around a common real estate environment with all the best components for their best self-supportive maintenance. These self-supportive components include ideally an animal stable and a vegetable and fruit garden for the production of basic food, along with an EFB (Extended Family Business), for the survival and the maintenance of the EFU involved. All these components can in principle be financed by EFALWI.
> The loan is commonly negotiated through the intervention of an EFREA (Extended Family Real Estate Agent) to assert and certify the honesty and feasibility of the project.
> Additional comment on the EthoCratic EFWAPAJ Principle where EFALWI is also mentioned.
> Related to a TruthOcracy reform called: EFWAPAJ (Extended Family Welfare And Private Alternative Justice)
= Extended Family And Neighborhood Safety Net Of Welfare
> The new TruthOcracy concept of Extended Family Welfare also extend, where possible, to the Extended Family Neighborhood.
> Related to a TruthOcracy reform called: EFWAPAJ (Extended Family Welfare And Private Alternative Justice)
> s. EFWAPAJ for more details.
= Etho Faculty of Alternative Sciences
> These are the special faculties of university, at the EthoPlasìn Academy, teaching NELAS (Natural Earth Life Approach Sciences)
> EthoPlasìn specializes in alternative sciences oriented in creating solutions in the most natural way, for the best benefit of both nature and man, in resolving problems of architecture, engineering, medicine etc. The word "Alternative" here does not mean an outright substitution of the traditional sciences, but rather the latter taught with a special vision of full respect of all forms of Earth Life at all the 4 levels, or kingdoms, of mother nature, but also, at the same time, at the best level of civic and political life.
> Related to a TruthOcracy reform called: EFWAPAJ (Extended Family Welfare And Private Alternative Justice)
> s. EFWAPAJ for more details.
= Extended Family Business
> also called: ExFaBusiness
> Related to the ethocratic reforms of the Extended Family Regrouping and Extended Family Business.
> Related to a TruthOcracy reform called: EFWAPAJ (Extended Family Welfare And Private Alternative Justice)
> s. EFWAPAJ for more details.
= EFB + EFU, or EFBEFU (pronounced EF-BE-FU).
> The combination of the cumulative benefits of an EFB with an EFU become a powerful tool of social reformation and improvement.
> Related to a TruthOcracy reform called: EFWAPAJ (Extended Family Welfare And Private Alternative Justice)
> s. EFWAPAJ for more details.
= Extended Family Elders
> Designates a special area of the CFS (Common Family Space) of an EFB (Extended Family Business) meant to accommodate the entertainment of the senior citizens of the EFU (Extended Family Unit).
> The area can be perfectly isolated as required, but nevertheless communicating perfectly with other areas of the CFS, like the EFE or the EFA, in order to facilitate cooperation in supervising the kindergarten by various members of the extended family.
> Related to a TruthOcracy reform called: EFWAPAJ (Extended Family Welfare And Private Alternative Justice)
> s. EFWAPAJ for more details.
= Extended Family Kindergarten
> Designates an area of the CFS (Common Family Space) of an EFB (Extended Family Business) specifically designated for kindergarten purposes.
> The area can be perfectly isolated as required, but nevertheless communicating perfectly with other areas of the CFS, like the EFE or the EFA, in order to facilitate cooperation in supervising the kindergarten by various members of the extended family.
> Related to a TruthOcracy reform called: EFWAPAJ (Extended Family Welfare And Private Alternative Justice)
> s. EFWAPAJ for more details.
= Extended Family School
> Related to a TruthOcracy reform called: EFWAPAJ (Extended Family Welfare And Private Alternative Justice)
> s. EFWAPAJ for more details.
= Extended Family Real Estate Agent
> Related to a TruthOcracy reform called: EFWAPAJ (Extended Family Welfare And Private Alternative Justice)
> An private real estate agent expert and licensed to help in the field of providing EFWA (Extended Family Welfare Aid).
> EFWA efficiency, in the context of the EFWAPAJ principle, is only possible at its best in the context of a close regrouping of extended families from a common real estate point of view.
> An EFREA is a private real estate agent that collaborates with the State, for a fee only from the State, in assisting extended families to be regrouped in the best and cheapest possible way, in or around a common real estate environment, hopefully including all of the best EFU (Extended Family Unit) components, like an EFB (Extended Family Business), an EFK (Extended Family Kindergarten), an EFS (Extended Family School), and EFE (Extended Family Elders) facilities for taking good care of their own members because they are sick and/or old, ideally entirely on their own, or with only minimal incidental additional government help in most serious cases.
> The intervention of an EFREA is usually the necessary when an EFU (Extended Family Unit) wants to be regrouped and obtain an EFALWI (Extended Family Advanced Loan Without Interest) for that purpose.
> Related to a TruthOcracy reform called: EFWAPAJ (Extended Family Welfare And Private Alternative Justice)
> s. EFWAPAJ for more details.
= Extended Family Unit
> Related to a TruthOcracy reform called: EFWAPAJ (Extended Family Welfare And Private Alternative Justice)
> s. EFWAPAJ for more details.
> s. EFALWI (Extended Family Advanced Loan Without Interest)
> s. NECA (for EthoCracy) and TUPA (for TruthOcracy), TARVAMEF, TAV.
> EFWA = Extended Family Welfare Aid, or:
> EFWA = Extended Family Welfare Approach
> EFWATASS = Extended Family Welfare Approach To All Social Services
> PEFWATASS = Predominantly Extended Family Welfare Approach To All Social Services
> The EFWA approach stems from the EFWAPAJ EthoPrinciple of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> Depending on the context, and to stress the wellness instead of the welfare aid, the EFWA is also often called EFWEL (Extended Family Wellness).
> Related to a TruthOcracy reform called: EFWAPAJ (Extended Family Welfare And Private Alternative Justice)
> s. EFWAPAJ for more details.
> s, EFALWI (Extended Family Advanced Loan Without Interest)
= Extended Family Welfare And Private Alternative Justice
> The first and main element of the EFWAPAJ system of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is called the EFWEL (Extended Family Welfare)
> A new form of welfare to serve specifically the extended families, and render them capable of resolving most of their problems within the framework of the extended family.
> In current western democracies, there is Social Welfare, extended essentially to the lower class, and Corporate Welfare extended essentially to the higher class. In an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, there is mainly a new type of Extended Family Welfare along with a new type of Private Alternative Justice (EFWAPAJ), to be extended mainly to the middle-class, while Social Welfare is reduced to an essential minimum, on a merit basis, and Corporate Welfare is also reduced to a strict minimum and applied to only situations of emergency for corporations survival.
> EFWAPAJ, on the extended family integration side, is often provided through the expert intervention and help of an EFREA (Extended Family Real Estate Agent) collaborating with the government for a fee from the Government. The EFREA is also normally necessary to negotiate an eventual EFALWI (Extended Family Advanced Loan Without Interest) when it is necessary for the regrouping.
> Related to a TruthOcracy reform called: EFWAPAJ (Extended Family Welfare And Private Alternative Justice)
> EFWEL = Extended Family Wellness (or Welfare).
> EFWELNESS = Extended Family Wellness
> The EFWEL is the basic and main element of the EFWAPAJ system of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> Depending on the context, and to stress the welfare aid, the EFWEL is often called EFWA (Extended Family Welfare Aid), or PEFWATASS.
> Related to a TruthOcracy reform called: EFWAPAJ (Extended Family Welfare And Private Alternative Justice)
> s.
for more details.
= EthoCracy (TruthOcracy) and EthoGloso Governance.
> Relates to our pages on EthoCracy and EthoGloso, along with the policy of applying the combination of the EthoCratic Principles and the EthoGloso auxiliary language for all governing purposes.
> Usually referred as the “EGG Policy”.
= EthoKratïa, meaning EthoCracy as an abbreviated worldwide logo symbol most of the time expressed with the reversed "E" (or the reversed Epsilon followed by the 'K', like in ꓱꓗ). A fully implemented EthoCracy becomes a TruthOcracy (Or: TruthOkratia) similarly abbreviated as TEL (TruthOcracy Enlightened Liberty).
> EthoCracy is the generic word. EthoKratïa means a government actually run as an EthoCracy.
> EthoKratïa = EthoCracy. It is just a more Hellenic alternative way to say EthoCracy, in order to sometimes respect the Greek origin of the word.
> PEK = the propagator of an EthoKratïa, or the promoter of EthoKratïa, as an abbreviated worldwide symbol.
> These are the common abbreviations used internationally, worldwide, as short simple symbols, for talking about EthoCracy and its related EthoCratic Party while stressing the Greek origin or these new words by using a central "K".
> A fully implemented EthoCracy becomes a TruthOcracy in which the equivalent of a PEK works for a party called PELLPIT (Patriotic Enlightened Logos Liberty Party In TruthOcracy -- or, in Greek, PEKELLA, that is "ΠΕΚΕΛΛΑ: Πατριοτικη Ελευθερια, Κομμα ΕΛληνικης Ελικρινι; ΑληθειΟκρατιας").
= EthoLiving Civitas, or Enlightened Liberty Civitas, depending on the context.
> s. EthoLiving Civitas
> s. ELL
= Extremely Low Frequency
> These are radio waves of extremely low wavelengths.
> Unfortunately, apart from their normal use in physics and electronics, they can also be used as weaponry for psychotronics (mind control) through all sorts of new gadgets or appliances, like the new 'smart' meters, the new 'smart' phones, or the new digital TV, in particular using the SR (Schumann Resonances) of these ELF.
> The New World Order, in attempting to enslave all of us, is also attempting to use these low wavelengths as a means to dumb us down, obfuscate our consciousness and prevent our possible reaction or revolt. The official mainstream press of the politically correct is considering this use as a 'conspiracy theory', but a growing number of serious scientists around the world are, by now, affirming without doubt that this is rather a 'conspiracy reality'.
> For simplification purposes, the word "ELL"
in the context of our websites, can most of the time be taken as an abbreviation of "ELLAS".
Of course, the word ELLAS itself, for foreigners (non-Greeks),
is now known worldwide, by cultivated people, to mean "Greece", even if
the words "Greek" and
"Greece" do not exist in the 'Greek' language). From this point of
view, the word "ELL" means the best of the culture and
civilization of Ancient-Greece, or rather Ancient-Ellas or, more correctly,
simply ELLAS.
> ELL = Enlightened Logos Liberty (as the fundamental concept, with the word "Logos" meaning "logically enlightened and verbally expressed words" through an "ELO" process of love attraction, and used for best rational life approach).
> ELL, in its basic meaning, is also related to a combination of the influence of both Athena (the Goddess of "Nous") and of Hermes (the God of "Logos"). The "Nous", under the influence of Athena, is the source of the first "E" meaning Enlightenment. This resulting Enlightenment brought by Athena is what can provide human beings the best possible creative "Logos" represented by Hermes. As a result, this best enlightened logos under the influence of both Athena and Hermes can provide the best use of liberty by a human being.
> ELL = Enlightened Logos Love (as an extended concept).
> If all of this has to do with the history and culture of 'Greece', it is important to realize that the word "Greece" never existed in the "Greek" language, and still does not exist today; In the 'Greek' language, 'Greece' was always called, and is still only called today ELLADA or ELLAS (itself coming from the ancient ELLania). Furthermore, the initial "H" of "HELLenism" is a derogative English Judaizing form of the proper word 'ELLenism'.
> To be more explicit, anything having to do with "Greece" (as the country), within 'Greece' itself, or with the word "Greek" (as a noun or an adjective) has the prefix "ELL". For a 'Greek', his country is not 'Greece', and never called 'Greece', but only and always called ELLAS, or ELLADA. He never calls himself a 'Greek', but only and always an 'ELLINAS'. He will never say he speaks 'Greek', but only and always say that he speaks 'ELLINIKA'.
> The short root "EL" is best expressed in the word "ELEFTHERIA" ("Ελευθερία"), which means 'Liberty", but a godly type of Enlightened Liberty through Logos, that is through the form of loving thinking that is at the source of the creation of philosophy (love of "Sophy") in ancient 'Greece'. That old root itself comes from the very old culture called ELLANIOS, as a reference to a distant historical background, when being used as a root or as a supportive syllable, within a word. That same root however refers not only to "Liberty", but also to "Love" as expressed through the ancient verb "ELO" (which means to Attract, in the sense of a love attraction). "ELO" then evolved into "ERO" and "EROS" after the mutation of the central "L" into a central "R"). Of course, "EROS" gave birth to the modern word "EROTIC" which also means a kind of love attraction but, in its modern use, related too much to only the physical realm of our erotic dimension in a human body.
> Interestingly enough, what we usually call Ancient-Greece today, in our history books, is a culture of the Ancient-Greece that is quite recent, as it dates back to only some 3000 years ago. Few realize that this period was only a revival of the much older ancient ELLANIOS culture of many earlier millennia (between at least 11000 years ago and some 30000 years ago). This younger classical Ancient-Greece of some 2500 years ago was only its more recent strong manifestation, as a kind of BC Renaissance. Then, it nearly disappeared, destroyed by a most destructive alliance between Judaism and Christianity, in the first centuries AD. Together they have cause the Biggest and Longest of All Holocausts, the one against Ellinism, in order for these 2 acolytes to gain their aspired supremacy over the culture of ELLenism that was still dominating the civilized world at that time.
> Later on, after the darkness of the Middle-Age period, the ELL culture reappeared again, albeit only in part, and for only a very short period, during the AD Renaissance, mainly in Italy, some 500 years ago. This last revival also nearly disappeared, once again, because of a new reinforcement of the destructive Judeo-Christian alliance of the JewZuit Power put in place at the beginning of the 1900s, starting with the destruction of the Russian Empire, whose form of Christianity was fully impregnated with (H)ELLENISM. The destructive force this time was mainly Judaic (the Bolshevik nomenclature was for more than 95% composed of Jews), but also as a Judeo-Christian coalition with the important participation of the Jesuits. The Jesuits were presumably Christians, but also Judaic. The Jesuits, as we will see, have a clear Judaic origin (their founder was a pure Jew) and thus a lasting Judaic mindset was dominating their supposedly Christian side. This is why we talk about the JewZuit Power animating it. In short, this was the last attempt of the same 2 Judeo-Christian acolytes to achieve final world supremacy over (H)ELLENISM. This attempt of Judaic domination of both ELLenism and Christianity was always present in the last 2000 years and lasts until now. Today, it is what we now call the "New World Order". And this time this Judaic desire of domination and world supremacy may finally succeed, for two reasons. First, the Catholic church has now become a pseudo-Judaic religion through the Vatican Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II, in 1965, mutating the Jew, historically, after 2000 years, From Enemy To Brother. Second, the new JewZuit Power now has a very special acolyte in the Vatican, in the person of Pope Francis, who is a Jesuit, that is a person from a pseudo-Catholic order with a clear Judaic origin. The 'success' of their Long Saga To Pax Judaica, or to worldwide Judaic domination however is not necessarily guaranteed, as the current NWO (New World Order) attempt of the new JewZuit Power to dominate the world over the ELL culture, starting with the apparent total destruction of Greece as a prerequisite, may also be just a wise way for the Andromeda galaxy to extend the "ELL" culture worldwide through a kind of new ELLania, not to say a new kind of ("Greek") ELL diaspora.
> The ELL root or syllable, like in ELLAS, always refers to a shade of the timeless culture of Enlightened Logos Liberty that came originally from, or through, the great "ELLanios Civilization". That very ancient 'Greek' civilization dates back, in its best form, to at least some 13000 years ago, and is most probably as old as some 30000 years ago: the "ΕΛΛΑΝΙΟΣ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΣ". This is the culture of those we call the "Idea Exchangers" (mostly those we call "Greeks" today), in opposition to the culture of those we call the "Money Changers" (mostly those we call "Jews" today, or certainly the class of Jews that belong to what we call the Zionists, mostly bankers, operating along with the Christians, mostly Jesuits, who are the crypto-Jews of what we call the JewZuit Power in our context). These 2 contrasting cultures, in their purest forms on each side, have been opposing each other for millennia and are still opposing each other, albeit in a much softer way today. Unfortunately for most of us, the one of the "Money Changes" seems to be the dominant one today, in a coalition with most of the Christians. But this dominance has been reversed many times during the history of humanity, and can be reversed again today, to possibly set us free from the Master Plan of DDDD enslavement that it is following.
> The "Enlightenment" of the ELL (Enlightened Logos Liberty) culture comes from a holistic philosophical educational formation of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul.
> The important thing to understand however is that this old culture is not "Greek" in the sense of coming from "Greece" (ELLAS) as a country, but it is universal as a source, or rather "Pan cosmic", as coming from the good "ELL" side of the cosmic universe, certainly more from the side of the ELOHIM instead of the side of the NEPHELIM. Of course, the country called Greece (ELLAS) has a lot to do with the ELL culture, but mostly as its main earthly base, as the place where its was primarily incarnated, and from where it was spread for the benefit of humanity on the rest of planet Earth.
> The ELL culture of Enlightened Logos Liberty has certainly been the dominant one, in the civilized world, for at least a couple of millennia well distributed before and after the turn of BC-AD, and during many other short periods of our western history after that. It can return to be still the dominant one for us today through two means. First, the Return Of Philosophy in our life. Second, the use of a holistic form of education, that we call "EthoPlasìn", or more simply "ELLducation", that not only instructs its students, like the fake contemporary 'education' has limited itself doing, but also forms its students at their soul level, as virtuous human beings and citizens, harmonizing the 3 basic common levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul.
> What is called Hellenism, in the history of the more recent Ancient-Greece, was only the revival of this great educational culture, few millennia after ELLANIOS. In short, this is the ELL culture of freedom, or rather Enlightened Logos Liberty, of historical ELLAS ("Greece").
> The PythagorArium project intends to have that magnificent ELL culture of Enlightened Logos Liberty revived once again today as much as possible through a return of philosophy in our life, through the promotion of ELLducation.
> Depending on the context, ELL can also be taken to mean: Enlightened Logos League, for example in the word DEL, in opposition to the LU (Luciferian Union) of other words like LUZJIP.
> ELL is also sometimes hinted at, by us, in words like EthoLiving, for example in the expression "EthoLiving Civitas", or simply "Etho Lifestyle" in the context of the EthoCracy promoted by the PythagorArium. In general, ELL can be simply interpreted as Liberty in many contexts, but intended as "Enlightened Logos Liberty".
> The "LOGOS" part of ELL can also mean 'Light', in the good sense of Truth.
> See DELAGAPJ for the way PythagorArium calls the creative deific cosmic Force-of-Good at the source, or as the source, of the ELL culture.
> In relation to Israel, s. IsraEL
> The ELL people, as the very Ancient Greeks, have had a culture based on a proto-philosophy of freethinking, virtue and beauty, stemming, most knowingly after ELLANIOS, from the time of their not so well-known empire of Aigyis (really only a transformation of the word ELLIS, from which came ELLAS as the name of 'Greece' today) opposing the more well-known empire of Atlantis. Already at that ancient time, Atlantis was animated by the opposite proto-Judaic culture, as enemies of the ELLs. These Atlantians have remained such opponents of the ELL culture ever since. Atlantis already had at that time the opposite culture of enslavement through mainly ancient forms of dogma and debt-money, as the cultural movement that gave birth eventually to the Judaic and Jewish culture of the Money Changers. At that early time, the ELLs were controlling the opposite empire of Aigyis, some 11.000 years ago. Atlantis, located most probably in the part of the Atlantic closest to the Mediterranean Sea, was eventually nearly completely destroyed by a major cataclysm, and reduced to minimal world power for centuries to come. In the meantime, Aigyis, located more on the central and eastern sides of the Mediterranean (probably near the"Greek" island of Santorini), survived in great part the same cataclysm and was eventually reborn more easily, not to say most gloriously, as the beautiful ELL culture based in ELLADA (area still known today with that same name, within 'Greece', as the name of 'Greece', but derogatively only as 'Greece' outside of 'Greece') that flourished mainly during the span of time between Pythagoras and Plato, nearly 3000 years ago, not to mention their most eminent platonic successors for at least 1000 years after them.
> The ELL culture was closer to the one of the ELohim during the Aigyis Empire, as a proto-Hellenistic (or rather ELLenistic, or Ancient-Greek) culture of freethinking of the "Idea Exchangers" as opposed to the one of the Atlantis Empire, the one of the proto-Judaic culture of the "Money Changers" of the Nephilims. This conflict is at the core of the age-old battle between the Good and the Bad, or between what we call the DEL vs. SET forces of the overall cosmic universe.
> ELL also means, according some of the great initiates, the cosmic force at play in a confederation of galaxies, centered in Andromeda, that is the origin of the ELL culture, or the Ancient-Greece culture, and its Unique Greek ELL DNA and its "E" Gene. That cosmic power is named DELAGAPJ by the PythagorArium. Andromeda is the galaxy that gave us the word "Andras", which still means "Man" in the ELL language, but more specifically the 'man' who was and still is the carrier of the ELL culture (or the ancient 'Greek' culture).
> s. ELLADA (or: ELLAS, the only way to name 'Greece', as a country, within 'Greece' itself, by the 'Greeks' themselves, even today)
> s. JELLM (Joyful ELL Movement, or: Joyful Ethocivitas Lifestyle Movement) as the political movement promoting all 3 objectives of the Mission Statement of the PythagorArium.
> s. PPELLCO (Pythagorean Philosophical Enlightened Logos Liberty Civitas Order)
> Sometimes, depending on the context, ELL is used to mean Truth (Enlightened Logos from which Truth comes from, to stress the fundamental relation there is between the ELL culture and the Truth concept as a concept of 'light', or 'enlightenment').
> s. JELBATAC (Joy, Enlightened Liberty And Truth, As Civitas)
> s. ELOHIM for more information.
> s. ELLANIA for more information.
> s. LOGOS for more information.
> s. Philotimo (Love of honorability of the ELL culture that gave civilization to the western world).
> See "ELL" for more details on the origin of these words starting with "ELL", and coming from the ancient culture of ELLANIOS.
> The words "Greece" or "Greek" do not exist in the 'Greek' language. These words and their derivatives, or derived forms, all have a prefix "ELL", like in ELLINIKA (the name of the 'Greek' language in 'Greece', or rather in ELLAS , which is the name of the country in 'Greece').
> A "Greek", as the word indicating a person of 'Greek' nationality, within "Greece" itself, is always and only called an "ELLen", or an "ELLinas", and "ELLines" in its plural form, as words that all have an initial "ELL" root pronounced as a full clear-cut "ELL", nearly as if that ELL root was separated from the following syllable(s). In the same manner, the word "Greek", as an adjective this time, is said "ELLenikos". The same word "Greek" meaning the language, like speaking 'Greek", is said "ELLinika". The word "Greece", as indicating the country, is said "ELLas" or "ELLada". In short, nothing "Greek" exists in the "Greek" language... All the above was true at least some 5000 years ago, and is still the case today.
> In some English texts, supposedly the most educated ones, after their difficult transliteration from the 'Greek' alphabet to the English/Latin alphabet, we often find distorted equivalents of all these words. Unfortunately, their "E" initial letter is always hidden after a preceding "H": Hellen, Hellinas, Hellines, Hellenic, Hellenism etc. This distorting "H" prefix, combined with the two 'L's, gives all these words a kind of "HELL-ish" connotation, like in HELLENISM. The history of such derogatory distortions, made mandatory by London when the new Ellenic country, after its independence, tried to be recognized as such by the British Empire, is explained here. Such wrong transliteration, imposed unduly to the newly independent ELLens, should never be used. If we were to accept, let alone impose, a proper English transliteration, we should always do it without at least, the initial "H", as Ellen, Ellinas, Ellines, Ellenic, Ellenism etc.
> s. ELOHIM for more information.
> s. ELLANIA for more information.
= Enlightened Logos Liberty Aristarchy Democratic Undertaking Movement
> This is the political movement fighting SEGWO and promoting NAPWO
ELLducation / ELLducate / ELLducated
= Educate on the basis of the great ELL culture, thus ELLducate, based on the Pythagorean Tetractys.
> This means essentially a kind of holistic harmonious formation of mainly the first 3 levels of the Pythagorean human Tetractys.
> This special formation takes place in the first 4 Septennial life periods of a person, until age 28.
> ELLducated persons are those whose 3 basic levels of the Tetractys were harmonized to their maximum potential, by age 28, preparing them to eventually reach more easily the 4th level, the one of Wisdom, around age 70, thus the maximum possible level of happiness on our beautiful Planet Earth.
> The holistic ELLducation at the PythAcademia is provided in 7 cumulative ways.
> The holistic ELLducation at the PythAcademia is provided in 5 cumulative spheres.
> ELLEC usually qualifies the culture of those living in, or proposing EthoCivitas: they have an ELLEC, or an ELLECTIC culture.
> ELLECTIC should not be confused with ECLECTIC.
> ELLFEC = Enlightened Logos Liberty For EthoCivitas. The 3 layers of EthoCivitas create an enlightened liberty capable of forming and maintaining the best possible level of personal and civic life, or civilization, not to say Civitas.
= The elegant ELL way to be and behave.
> The elegance characterizing PythagorArium members in all they do, including their way to pray, when they ELLpray.
= The "Salon de Philosophie" of the PythagorArium.
> Provides decorum rules, public relations, plus cultural and social activities for the promotion of the EthoPlasìn.
> This institute plans all graduation ceremonies and the rule of decorum to be applied in daily life.
= A better and special form of "enlightenment" based on the ELL culture and the DEL Power.
> The word, starting with "ELL" instead of "en", is coined to replace the word "enlightenment" when referring to the ELL culture, in order to distinguish it from some of the bad connotations of the standard word "Enlightenment" in the context of New Age movements in particular.
> A person formed on the basis of the ELL culture, living in an EthoCracy, let alone in a fully implemented TruthOcracy, can become ELLightened through the study of philosophy (as invented by Ancient-Greece, as a "virtuous way of life", thus as PhilosophELL, along with the related formation and harmonization of the 3 basic levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul, which includes mainly 3 tools called BELLT (Beauty, Enlightened Logos Liberty and Truth) at the service of a life based mainly on the 4 cardinal virtues (Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence and Wisdom).
= ELLAS Patriotic Ethocratic Party (old name)
> Its abbreviated name is PEP.
> Its official name in a fully accomplished TruthOcracy is now PELLPIT (Patriotic Enlightened Logos Liberty Party In TruthOcracy)
> A PEP is the political party of an EthoCracy, i.e. of a yet not-fully accomplished TruthOcracy (where, again, the main party is called PELLPIT).
> ELLPEP is the political party that is in charge of trying to spread the EthoCracy, as a first step, to bring it to a TruthOcracy, and eventually win political power through democratic majority, in particular in countries where EthoCracy does not yet exist, imposing the full respect of its 10 EthoPrinciples. It also promote the other objectives of the PythagorArium regarding the EthoPlasìn Holistic Education, or ELLducation, the EthoCracy Virtuous Governance, along with the spreading of EthoSpeak (with its EthoGloso Auxiliary Language & Katharevousa Master Language), as per the Mission Statement of the PythagorArium.
> The cultural movement promoting the PythagorArium objectives, including EthoCracy, that corresponds to the PEP, is the PEK (Propagators of EthoKratïa).
= Praying the ELL way, and with ELLegance.
> PythagorArium members are a-religious, or anti-religion as institutions, but nevertheless deeply religious privately. They do not pray in any submissive DDDD way, like the followers of the 3 main monotheistic religions do, but ELLpray in an elegant appealing way based on their ELL culture of freethinking, virtue and beauty.
> The Etho-citizens of the New EthoCratic Civitas, grown in a revived ELL culture, as the culture that has given us the best of what we have been in the history of mankind, shall behave in the best possible virtuous way, on the basis of the 4 cardinal virtues, for achieving most meritocratic justice, along with most harmonious beauty, for all other human beings, praying, morning and night, to be able to preserve, promote and propagate that beautifully creative and loving ELL culture. And for that purpose, they shall pray devotedly, daily, but pray as persons of proud freethinking, in the ELL way, not in the odd traditional submissive ways of the 3 monotheistic religions of greater predominance at the moment; certainly not praying by expressing their deific connection through the lower part of their Tetractys. These odd ways, for a person with a pure ELL culture, include, with all due respect, persons praying by moving inelegantly their bottoms in front of a stone wall, like the Jews seem to be doing too repetitiously, others by attempting to lift unnaturally their bottoms, up above their heads, like the Muslims too often show themselves to be cumbersomely doing, but also persons praying by perplexingly bending their knees down to the ground, with their eyes severely closed, like the Christians too often do, in a position of apparent shame and total DDDD submission. All of these odd modes of praying reflect clearly an Islamic-Judeo-Christian Culture that, for the DDDD purposes of the institutional religious nomenclatures involved, has been superimposed on what our best real roots of freethinking and freewill really are, which are only the roots stemming from our fundamental Greco-Roman Culture, at least for the better part of what we have been in the past, in terms of flourishing periods of civilization, and for the remaining best part of what we still are today, in terms of living in a currently fast decaying society, from a moral and social points of view, living unfortunately in a society that is in an already tragically advanced process of vicious destruction, led by what seems to be a deliberate plan, of our most precious family and national cultural values
> To the contrary, the Etho-Citizens of the New EthoCratic Civitas shall rather pray like the ELL people used to do, or ELLpray, as those who left us their best Greco-Roman Roots, by using the highest part of their Pythagorean Tetractys, and thus the higher parts of their bodies, standing up, as proud individuals created with freethinking and freewill, rising up serenely their heads and eyes, along with their hands in a friendly receiving mode, towards a heavenly blue or starry sky, in a state of cosmic oneness and gratitude for the gift and honor of a creative earthly life, and in a concurrent state of full faith of receiving joyfully in the future the most generous offerings heaven can offer on the basis of best meritocratic justice. This is the way the ELL people used to pray, as those who invented more elements of civilization than any other culture, like the Olympics, democracy, philosophy, holistic education and fine arts, not to mention the first proto-scientific approach to sciences like medicine, astronomy and architecture; in other words, as the inventors of all the best attributes of what we call today Civilization. Such ELL prayer shall never be the expression of a begging supplication on their part. Sincere repentance, for their mistakes made so far, might be part of it, without the need for confessing them to any kind of institutional priest, but their prayer shall be essentially the expression of a hope of their strongest participation, and best contribution, from now on, to the divine co-creation process of the universe at their level, collaborating friendlily with the DELAG forces incarnated in the highest essence of their current human dimension. This kind of prayer shall be their way for achieving more meritocratic justice and Kallos Beauty for all, along with higher Good in general, through their building better civic environments, and through their best possible maintenance of a harmonious living Gaïa (Planet Earth) in the interest of all living creatures.
See: Greeks used to pray more elegantly than Muslims, Jews and Christians, ELL_Pray_Best of 4Ways
= A way to indicate the sacred "Double Epsilon" of Delphi
> The word is coined to stress the
origin of the "Double Epsilon" when used in relation to the
culture and the DEL Power.
> As an introduction to the word ELOHIM, you may want to have a look first at the root-word "ELL" that is basically an abbreviation of the word "ELLAS". But is has little to do directly with ELLAS.
> EL, as the root of ELOHIM is a word that means "God", or "Godly", or "Godlike" in many ancient languages, including Hebrew but, contrary to what many modern dictionaries wrongly pretend, does not originate specifically from the ancient Jewish culture, rather from the superior culture surrounding them, the one of the ELL people. The ancient proto-Jews used the EL word, and modern Jews still do so today, to mean "Godlike", but they cannot claim that the word is one of "their" own words in the sense of originating specifically from their own culture.
> The "IM" suffix ending of "ELOHIM" in Hebrew only means that this is the plural form of the word. For the ancient proto-Jews, there were many, hundreds, if not thousands, of OLOHIM. They often talk for example explicitly derogatively in the Bible about "foreign ELOHIM". Consequently, "ELOHIM" does not mean "God", i.e. does not mean their own God (called Yahweh), but means a "Godly" figure, like many other such superior godly figures existed in their known 'world' at the time.
> The prefix "ELL" really comes from the culture of the "ELL" people, or the very Ancient-'Greeks'. To understand this properly, one has to know that The word "Greek" does not exist in the "Greek" language, not at all, not in ancient-'Greek', nor in modern 'Greek'. For the so-called 'Greeks', the language is called ELLinika, the country is called ELLas (or ELLada), and the citizen is called ELLinas. It was so 3000 years ago, and still is the case today.
> The ELOHIM were a superior race related to what became the "ELL" people, or the very ancient-'Greeks'. This was a superior race of "Good" that was in opposition to the Nephilim who were another superior race but more related to the "Bad" side of anthropomorphic activity on ancient Planet Earth of at least some 12000 years ago. That ancient culture of the ELOHIM was related to another branch of early civilizatio called ELLania. The latter gave birth to the the culture of the ELLinas (the ancient Greeks as we know them in our current history books). These ELLinas are those who gave birth to philosophy (or rather PhilosophELL), to holistic virtuous education of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul, to democracy (or rather DemocracELL), and to the first 'systematically scientific' approach to science, all of it during the great period of civilization that we know as the classical period of Ancient-'Greece' (or rather ELLas).
> It is to be noted that many authors, even some brilliant ones like David Icke, often make a mistake when talking about the ELOHIM, in that they often use the word in terms that apply to the NEPHILIM. This confusion is understandable for two main reasons. First, because these peoples have existed in very ancient pre-historic times. Second, because the mainstream thinking that exists today in our history books is completely dominated by modern publishers who are overwhelmingly Jewish, and who, as such, have highly distorted the history of the western world to their advantage over the last century in particular. An attentive and accurate study of history, on the basis of mainly ancient authors and historians of the last centuries until the mid-1900s, reveals that ELOHIM refers to an originally positive culture of enlightened logos closely related to the 'Greek' (ELLAS/ELohim) culture of freedom, the culture of the "Idea Exchangers", but things changed for the worse over some centuries. To the contrary, NEPHILIM refers from its very beginning to the opposite negative Judaic culture of enslavement through debt-money and fear, mainly related to Jews, as the culture of the "Money Changers".
> The explanation as to why the word "ELL" came to be taken as a Jewish word, and interpreted as "God" by Jews, is the following. The superior human beings of the "ELL" culture, originally related to the ELOHIM culture, were the so called "Sons of the Starry Heavens and Gaia" of the ancient ELLania expansion. At that time, the "ELL" people (i.e. those that we wrongly call by the word 'Greeks' today) had already a very superior culture that was highly admired by the more primitive surrounding populations like the proto-Jews of that time. The ELL language of these proto-Greek' had already a history of thousands of years of ascertained superiority. This is the superior language in which Homer's eventually wrote the Iliad and Odyssey, with an incredible perfection, never surpassed to this day, some 3000 years ago. That most sophistically structured language is still perfectly compatible with the best level of modern 'Greek' (or rather ELLinika) today called Katharevousa. At that same ancient period, the Hebrew language did not even exist as an ancient structured language, and the proto-Jews of that time were only very primitive clans of shepherds while the ELL people surrounding them were already creating incredibly harmonious temples of which the Acropolis is only one not too old example. Those who eventually became known as the ancient Jews were surrounded by that superior ELL culture. These proto-Jews were admiring so much the superior achievements of theELL people in all fields of activity that they considered them as a kind of gods, or godly human beings. However, these ELL people were clearly seen not as "real gods", but only as "godly figures" for their superior achievements, as these "godly figures" are described clearly, in the Jewish Bible and other old scriptures, as human-like. These ELL figures are described as eating, resting, warring, marrying etc., just like humans, not as real gods. Nevertheless their achievements were seen as clearly superior, thus as "Godly". This is how the word ELOHIM came to mean "Gods" in the Hebrew language. When the ancient Jews came to decide that their God was named Yahweh, this 'God' of theirs was thus considered to be an ELOHIM, but only in the sense that "Yahweh" was being seen as their particular main "Godly" figure, like plainly saying "God Yahweh". It it also interesting to see that the Bible mentions the ELOHIM hundreds of times, because of their superior of "godly" achievements, but never affirms that these ELOHIM are at the origin of the Jewish culture, as the Jews who wrote the Bible knew this was not the case. They knew that in fact the ELOHIM were at the origin of the ELL culture that eventually gave birth to the superior culture of the ELLines (the 'Greeks') that, once again, gave birth to philosophy (or rather PhilosophELL), to holistic virtuous education of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul, to democracy (or rather DemocracELL), and the first 'systematically scientific' approach to science, all of it during the great period of civilization that we usually call the classical period of Ancient-Greece (or rather ELLas) of some 2500 years ago.
= A nickname for the “ApolafsArium” that is the more formal area of entertainment of the PythagorArium.
> It simplifies the difficulty of the Greek-root official name.
> Also known as the “Enjoyment Compound”.
> The other area of entertainment of the PythagorArium is the more casual DiaskedArium.
= Enslavement through the promotion and the acceptance of a 'pig' type of behavior, or the absence of proper moral and social values.
> This is an enslavement of people through the complete imbalance of the 3 basic levels of the Tetractys of the human soul, and the complete supremacy of the lowest level (the Instinctive level, the Thymoides ("ΘΥΜΟΕΙΔΕΣ"), or the level commonly related mainly to questions of sex, food and money, and as such, centered mainly in the lower components of the physical body where the stomach and the sex are located.
> This enslavement is
characterized by a complete lack of the cardinal virtue of Temperance.
= Ethical Olympic Spirit
> Refers mainly to our pages on EthoCracy and TruthOcracy, where EOS combines itself to the SOS (Social Olympic Spirit) of Meritocracy to form the dominant SOSES spirit.
> This concept stems from the
POSATAP EthoPrinciple of an
= EthoPlasìn Academy
> Often used with the Greek “P” in the middle: EΠΑ.
> This is the shortest casual abbreviation of the Academy.
> The official abbreviation is PythAcademia.
= The abbreviation of “EPA”, but with the Greek “P” in the middle.
> See: EPA
= EthoGaia, or
EthoCracy Political
> Relates to the promotion of the EthoGaia Reform Package (ERP).
> Can be combined with the
PPS year (Patriotic
= EthoGaia, or EthoCracy, or EthoCratic Reform Package
> Refers to the book related to this website, called: "From Slavery Downwards To Slavery Upwards" (How to Reorder the Disorder of the New World Order - EthoGaia Reform Package - Periphania).
= The counseling and employment center of the PythagorArium. "Ergo" means "work" in Greek.
> It also handles the selective admission process to the PythAcademia
> It ultimately finds work for the EthoPlasìn students.
> s. EthoSperanto
= European
Soviet Union
> Related to the book “From
Slavery Downwards To Slavery Upwards”
> s.
= This is a subdivision of the PythagorArium.
> This is the container of only, but all the intellectual components of the PythagorArium, as opposed to the physical ones, which are part of the EdenArium, for example the EllinArium and the LogosArium.
> In opposition, the the physical components of the PythagorArium are part of the PreEdenArium and EdenArium.
= EthoCracy or TruthOcracy Ariant (Head of an Arium)
> There are 70 ProAriants (Provincial Ariants) in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, and 7 NatAriants (National Ariants): a total of 77 EthoAriants at global national level.
> s. Ariant
= Ethos, but not only in a general sense of philosophy, attitude or spirit, rather in the sense of Ethics, or meritorious justice. It is in this sense that it is part of the word EthoCivitas.
> A so-called Etho, or an Ethocrat, is a member, fan, or follower of the EthoMovement, or EthoCratic Movement promoting EthoCracy..
> Ethos = EthoCracy Servant, or TruthOcracy servant but, in a TruthOcracy, it is called a TruthOcrat.
> They are the defenders of the EthoPrinciples, or the EthoCratic Reforms Package.
= The simple member citizen of an EthoCracy. In a TruthOcracy, the equivalent is TruthOcrat. The citizen of an EthoCracy promoting it actively as such is an Ethocrat.
> EthoCitizens are either those living in a fully accomplished EthoCracy (which is called TruthOcracy), or living in a way that respect as much as possible the 10 EthoPrinciples of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
= An abbreviation of EthoLiving Civitas that is also abbreviated as ELC.
> A social environment, as an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy where the 3 main reforms of the PythagorArium have been implemented cumulatively.
= The new containers (for food and various other products) used in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> These containers are used on the basis of the EthoCratic CABROF EthoRule.
= Ethocratic Country Olympic Spirit
> This is the SOS applied at country level, in all sectors of public life, allowing not only best performance of citizens within the country, but best ethical performance in competing proudly with other countries, culturally and economically, for offering the world the best of their talents.
This spirit of competing
Meritocracy is the foundation of
an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
EthoCracy / EthoCratic
= A form of better Democracy, even better than Meritocracy, based on the concept of "Ethos", or "Ethics", essentially as a form of direct and participative democracy based on Truth and consequently essentially on merit.
> An EthoCracy in its full implementation becomes a TruthOcracy.
> The main
difference between an EthoCracy and a TruthOcracy is
the difference between being OTIG (Only
True Information
Governance, which is the case in an EthoCracy) and being
Truth, All
Truth, Fully
Open Governance, which
is the case in a TruthOcracy). Consequently, an
EthoCracy is a first step to being a TruthOcracy.
The EthoCracy uses "Only Truth", but not necessarily also "All
Truth" in its governance. A TruthOcracy can only use both: "Only
Truth", and "All Truth",
plus a fully open governance in all aspects of its
governance: both in the handling of its money and in the conduct of its
operations without secrets of any kind, except very temporarily, not to damage
certain investigations or negotiations and, in such cases, with an identified
codename known to the public and deposited during the agreed temporary period
with the SISGA = (Secret
Information Source
Guardian Angel).
> Relates mainly to our webpages on EthoCracy and TruthOcracy.
> EthoCracy is also called EthoKratïa and TruthOcracy is also called AlithiOkratia.
> See a better definition of
> “Etho”, in words like EthoPlasìn or EthoCracy, stands for “Ethos”, or
Ethics in its Ancient Greek philosophical extension.
> A partially implemented EthoCracy in transition on its way to become an EthoCracy, is called a TIDMOcracy which, when fully implemented, becomes an EthoCracy (and the latter, when fully implemented, becomes a TruthOcracy).
= An Ethocrat, or more simply an Etho, is a member, fan, or follower of the EthoMovement, or EthoCratic Movement.
> They are the promoters and defenders of the EthoCratic Reforms Package.
> When an Ethocracy has been fully elaborated into a TruthOcracy, then the equivalent is TruthOcrat.
= The mental component of the EthoPlay discipline.
> It is, mentally, what the EthoJudo is physically.
> It is basically what is called “Socratic Dialogue” in the field of philosophy.
> A person trained in EthoDialogue is an EthoPlayer.
> See our page on EthoPlay.
= The self-discipline of citizens wanting to live on the basis of the 10 EthoPrinciples of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> It is based on a set of 10 EthoPrinciples at the base of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> Refers to the EthoGaia Reform Package.
> Refers to the webpage EthoCracy, related to this website, with its leading title: "From Slavery Downwards To Slavery Upwards" (How to Reorder the Disorder of the New World Order - EthoGaia Reform Package - Periphania).
= The EthoPlasìn IAL (International Auxiliary Language)
> Being based on Esperanto,
EthoGloso is also called EthoSperanto.
> An
IAL absorbing Esperanto as its lower level, but
easier and better than Esperanto, and using only the regular letters of the
English language and keyboard.
> At a higher level, it offers an additional
vocabulary based on Greco-Latin roots, allowing sophisticated conversations
comparable to the best western national languages.
> See the EthoGloso web page for more information.
> EthoGloso is part of the EthoSpeak strategy of the PythagorArium.
> EthoGloso is part of
WESA (World
= EthoCracy. (= "ΗθοΚρατια", in Greek, or EthoKratia)
> A "Greek-resonance" synonym of EthoCracy, used as an alternative to better express the Greek origin of the name.
> the "ï" means that the accent is on that letter when pronouncing the word.
> See a better definition of EthoCracy and EthoKratïa.
> A fully elaborated EthoKratia (EthoCracy) is an AlithiOkratia (TruthOcracy).
= Someone who is trained in EthoJudo.
> EthoJudo is the physical component of EthoPlay, which also has a mental component called EthoJud.
= The physical component of the EthoPlay discipline.
> It is physically, as a sport, what the Socratic EthoDialogue is on the mental side.
> EthoJudo is practiced in the AgonArium area of the AmilArium.
> See our page on EthoPlay.
> EthoJudo has absorbed many
aspects of the
ethical fighting techniques.
= A world, or a country, dominated by an EthoCracy system of government.
> The EthoPlasìn hopes to encourage the use of more Meritocracy, as a short term objective, in all civic environments, and the advent of EthoCracy and TruthOcracy, as a long term objective. Allow it to also hope for a new world to come, and to long for, from a Pythagorean World Civic Wellness point of view, wishfully and candidly called "EthoLandia".
> A fully elaborated EthoCracy becomes a TruthOcracy. In that context, EthoLandia becomes TruthOlandia.
= A social environment, in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, where the 3 main reforms of the PythagorArium have been implemented cumulatively.
> The expression is sometimes abbreviated as EthoCivitas.
> The expression is sometimes abbreviated as ELC, which can mean either EthoLiving Civitas or Enlightened Liberty Civitas, depending on the context.
> The 3 main societal reforms of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy that constitute an EthoLiving Civitas are:
1 - EthoPlasìn Holistic Education
2 - EthoCracy Virtuous Governance
3 - EthoSpeak (EthoGloso Auxiliary Language & Katharevousa Master Language).
> Etho is used here in as Ethos, but in its more specific, or extended, meaning of meritocratic justice.
> An EthoCivitas is based on the "ELL" culture, and thus its so-called ELLEC culture.
= The mass of people who promotes and defend the EthoCracy Reforms Package.
> These people are called Ethocrats, or Ethos, promoting EthoCracy, or TruthOcrats in a TruthOcracy.
> The equivalent in a TruthOcracy is TruthOmovement.
= No debt (thus no borrowing power), No surprise in terms of new taxation or law, and No secret in terms of handling all public money and information (thus no lies).
> These are the fundamental "No" commands at the base of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy. With any of these "No" missing, a nation cannot be considered an EthoCracy, in particular not a TruthOcracy.
> In our original page on suggestions on how to attain an EthoCracy, this word was: NoNoNo, with a more reductive meaning.
In our final page on EthoCracy (also applicable to
a TruthOcracy), the word
NoNoNo was replaced
with EthoNo, and became one of the specific reforms of a mature
EthoCracy (called a
TruthOcracy when fully implemented),
as included in the EthoCracy Reform Package.
= The name of the EthoPlasìn Academy that is part of the Pythagorean World Center (PAWCEN).
> Its short name is PythAcademia.
> The EthoPlasìn Academy, or PythAcademia, is the component of the PWC that forms it university proper.
> "EthoPlasìn" is coined as a brand new word that
comes from the loose combination of two Ancient Greek words: Ethos ('Ήθος',
intended in its philosophical extension of 'Ethics') and Plasì ('Πλασις', taken
as 'formation', as in 'Διά-πλασις'). "Plasin" has also a connotation of
'plasma', in terms of a shapeable substance, or substance giving form:
'Formation'. "Ethos" has a broader meaning extension than "Ethics". It also
means a set of beliefs and ideals that form the 'most valuable traits of
character' of a person, a community, an association or a nation. This new word
in our context is intended to mean basically: "Formation to Ethics" but also, by
free extension, "Educational Formation to World Civic Wellness" (or
ELLducation) intended in its
Pythagorean way.
= The special EthoPlasìn discipline meant to resolve conflicts and appease civic environments in the best possible way when required.
> Its mental component is EthoDialogue.
> Its physical component is EthoJudo.
> A person trained in EthoPlay is an EthoPlayer.
> EthoPlayer also qualifies a person trained in only EthoDialogue.
> See our page on EthoPlay.
> See LUA, as a martial art from which EthoJudo has absorbed many ethical fighting techniques.
> s. our webpage on EthoPlay.
EthoPrinciple / TruthOprinciple
= EthoCratic Principle, or the principles at the foundation of an EthoCracy and a TruthOcracy.
> These are the 10 principles at the base of an EthoCracy, thus EthoPrinciples, or at the base of a TruthOcracy, thus TruthOprinciples.
> Each EthoPrinciple has EthoRules derived from that principle.
> Citizens wanting to live in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy apply these EthoPrinciples as a self-discipline, called EthoDiscipline.
> Citizens living by the 10 EthoPrinciples as much as possible, or living in a fully accomplished EthoCracy (in particular in a TruthOcracy), are EthoCitizens or more simple Ethos (usually called TruthOcrats in a TruthOcracy).
> The 10 EthoPrinciples are:
01 - OTIG (Only Truth Information Governance), or OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance)
02 - ASOMIAP (Absolute Separation Of Money, Information And Politics)
03 - BECVABAD (Binding Electoral Contract Voted As Bio-Anonymous Duty)
04 - PIABFOTAC (Public Information And Banking Fully Open To All Citizens)
05 - GUDFOMAPAST (Government Uses Debt-Free Only Money, And Property And Sales Tax)
06 - FOLIPET (Full Opinion Liberty If Peacefully Expressed Truth) [Truth or Conviction of Truth]
07 - POSATAP (Patriotic Olympic Spirit Approach To All Policies)
08 - EFWAPAJ (Extended Family Welfare And Private Alternative Justice)
09 - NoCafoNoGanoNoRaco (NoCAFO, NoGANO, and NoRACO (regarding the 3 kingdoms of the national ecology)
10 - SASED (State A-religious Subsidiary Elegant Decorum)
= EthoCratic Rule.
> One of the rules derived from an EthoPrinciple.
> One EthoPrinciple can lead to many EthoRules.
= Ethos (standing for Ethics) and Speak
> EthoSpeak is a 3-prong approach to better speaking language communication, worldwide, as proposed by the PythagorArium.
1- At the lowest basic level of communication, for most common people not of the cultivated class, or for members of the cultivated class wanting easy basic communication anywhere in the world where they may go to, it proposes EthoGloso, as a simplified and improved version of Esperanto. EthoGloso is also called EthoSperanto.
2- At the highest level, it proposes Katharevousa (this is the name of the highest level of modern Greek), for communications of the cultivated people at the most possible sophisticated level. Katharevousa has already played that role, in both the BC/AD eras, at that highest level of communication, for at least 2000 years. In the modern era, English has had a similar kind of role, but only for about 200 years, and mostly at a lower level intermediate level of worldwide communication. In other words, Katharevousa has already played that superior role for more than 10 times as long as English did. But overall, Katharevousa is a language that has at least 5000 years of continuous ascertained superiority over any other language for the most cultivated level of human interpersonal communication.
3- In between these two levels, for most people having an easy basic communication tool worldwide already (EthoGloso), and not having anymore to spend so much energy on learning many other foreign national languages, the PythagorArium encourages spending some of this saved energy for improving the level of each their own national language.
= A simplified and improved version of of the IAL (International Auxiliary Language) called Esperanto, as a base.
> The most basic form of EthoSperanto is also called EthoGloso.
> EthoSperanto however has a much wider vocabulary than Esperanto, based on the richness of Greek Katharevousa.
> EthoSperanto is part of the EthoSpeak promoted by the PythagorArium.
= European Union
> The European Union is a political and economic union of 28 member states that are located primarily in Europe. It has an area of 4,475,757 km², and an estimated population of over 510 million.
> It was founded in 1993 with the Maastricht Agreement.
> it is based in Brussels.
> It includes an elected Parliament, but its real decisional power is entirely in the hands of the unelected officials of the Commission. The positions in that parliament are essentially offered by cronyism, as favors to politicians of national member countries who have demonstrated to be completely subservient to the domination objectives of the unelected supra-national organization. All its officials enjoy tremendous privileges, the details of which are kept essentially secret, just like its black budgets, except for minor surface indicators to satisfy a semblance of democracy. From this point of view the EU is just an inferior step to what the higher level does, at the UN level. Both levels work on a basis of fake transparency and the people who pay for all these undeserved privileges of unelected officials are incapable of having readily access to the details, let alone access to details of the black budgets for which these unelected supranational levels of governance are, in practice, totally unaccountable, even if they are both involved on a regular basis to all sorts of frauds and crimes.
> s. EUSSR
> s. ESU
> EUSSR = European Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
> ESU = European Soviet Union.
> These are sarcastic names sometimes given to the EU by its main critics.
> These acronyms however appear quite realistic in consideration of what the famous Russian dissident Bezmenov used to say some 40 years ago: that communism would be made to crumble in the Soviet Union, without violence, but only to have it reborn more to the West, that is in mainly western Europe (and also the USA), as what he called a Fresh Start, more deceitfully, but more strongly, without making the mistakes made in the Soviet Union.
> This is a combined continental landmass of Europe Region and Asia.
> See: MOWOP
= The old name of the GovernArium, as one of the 5 new State Powers of the Pentas Politica of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> Refers to an Executive Arium.
> Its full name in current democracies is: Executive Power.
= The replacement of the old Higher Chamber of a traditional western parliament, as a kind of Parliament of Experts, mainly but not exclusively in terms of legislators (while the lower chamber becomes the OppositArium).
> The ExpertArium is located within the
> Refers to our pages on
EthoCracy or
and their Pentas Politica.
> See TetractArium for more information on the EthoCracy or the TruthOcracy Virtuous Governance and its structure of Ariums.
> For a quick reference card on where this
Arium stands
in the overall structure of the TetractArium,
see this TetractArium.PDF
= Expert legislators of the new ExpertArium.
> Refers to our pages on
EthoCracy and
= A nickname for the ExpertArium.
> Means Experts in Parliament.
> A False Flag operations is said to occur when members of an authority, like the government, stage a secret operation whereby government forces pretend to be a targeted enemy while, in fact, they themselves have created the operation and are attacking their own forces or people. The attack is then falsely blamed on the apparent enemy in order to justify taking action against that enemy, or to create fear that will allow the responsible authority to increase its control and power over the deceived crowds.
> The term comes from the old days of pirate ships, when one ship would deceitfully hang openly the flag of its enemy, or of another country, for approaching more easily and attacking another ship in its own navy. Because the enemy's flag was hung instead of the flag of the real country of the attacking ship, it was called a "False Flag" attack.
> A UIFFA = Useful Idiot False Flag Attack. This is an attacking operation that was not staged by an official authority, rather by a single person or a private organization, but when that operation can be interpreted and exploited easily as a real FalseFlag by the authority of the territory where the attack took place, in order for that authority to reinforce more easily its control and power over the deceived people concerned.
= An Arium of Family.
> In the context of a TruthOcracy, this is a special space (Arium) where an EF (extended family) is regrouped and lives together with more mutual help, more state benefits and more easy access to justice.
> Related to a TruthOcracy reform called: EFWAPAJ (Extended Family Welfare And Private Alternative Justice)
> Many FamilArium can join
together to form an EcdomArium (Extended
community DOM
> s. EFWAPAJ for more
= Full Costs Accounting
> Refers to a type of accounting that includes all the externalities of a project, even economic consequences for future generations.
= Friendly Civic Assistant to Police.
> New friendly civic assistants to police officials, usually trained unemployed social benefit recipients, or able pensioners, as suggested in our pate on Micro-Criminality Issues.
> Relates to our hot page on Micro-Criminality Issues.
= Full Level Proactive Transparency
> Used in the context of necessary government reforms, like in our hot pages on Government Issues and Political Issues.
= Force Of Bad
> In opposition to the FOG (Force Of Good)
> This is mainly in reference to the many levels of FOB that exist in the universe.
> s. SETAB
> s. Satan
= Force Of Good
> In opposition to the FOB (Force Of Bad)
> This is mainly to the grand major and supreme FOG that has created and is managing the universe.
> s. Satan
> FOLIPET = Full Opinion Liberty If Peaceably Expressed Truth
> FOLIPETOC = Full Opinion Liberty If Peaceably Expressed Truth Or Conviction
> FOLIPET, when used, is intended to include FOLIPETOC. But FOLIPETOC is often used to be more explicit about the fact that "Full Opinion" includes "Truth" also in terms of "Conviction", as long as that conviction is not a lie. The "Lie" is not admitted, but the conviction is, as long as it is not a lie.
> In an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, a citizen has absolute full liberty of opinion as long as he is saying the truth, that is not lying, and expressing it non violently. Truth is at the base of all EthoCratic life, first at governance level, through the EthoCratic OTIG Principle (called OTATFOG in a TruthOcracy), and second at the personal level, through the EthoCratic FOLIPET Principle.
> A new constitutional right of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy that gives total freedom on opinion, as opposed to the current Freedom of Speech that is too often limited by concepts like "Hate speech", "Racism", "Antisemitism" or "Islamophobia". These current undemocratic limitations are all allowed as an opinion in a real democracy, which is the case of an EthoCracy, even more so in a TruthOcracy, as long as the opinion is based on truth, or on a conviction that results from the free personal interpretation of real facts, and expressed without violence. Any such type of non-violent limitations would mean that the liberty of opinion that characterizes an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy would not be "Full", as required. Only lies are absolutely prohibited.
> This right is exercised most freely in particular on the Internet, and in the confines of the new OppositArium.
> Additional comment on the EthoCratic FOLIPET Principle.
= Fundamental PhiloEcoSophical Law
> This is an annex of the Constitution, in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, to be respected by all citizens in its current state.
> It relates mainly to our pages on EthoCracy or TruthOcracy and their very strong and fundamental PhiloEcoSophical concerns.
> FtatAristarchy = Full Truth And Transparency Aristarchy.
> FTAT = Full Truth And Transparency (the most fundamental trait of a FtatAristarchy in relation to public affairs)
> FTATOC = Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Crime
> FTATOT = Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Treason
> FTAT-PY = FTAT Person Year (+ the year: the best person of the year, of any nationality, from a FtatAristarchy point of view. There can be only one each year)
> FTAT-CY = FTAT Citizen Year (+ the year: the best citizen of the year, of the nationality of the country, from a FtatAristarchy point of view, of which there could be up to 4 national citizens in any given year, graded from 1 to 4)
> FTAT-MY = FTAT Media Year (+ the year: the best media of the year, of any country, from a FtatAristarchy point of view, of which there can be up to 4 in any given year, graded from 1 to 4)
> In a FtatAristarchy, there is a brand new crime called FTATOC. It is the most serious new crime formally created and most severely punished in a FtatAristarchy. In such a FtatAristarchy, those who lie, or obstruct truth or transparency related to public affairs commit a FTATOC.
> A FtatAristarchy, as per its name, is based on two legs. Its first leg is revealed in the prefix FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency), and its second leg is revealed in the word Aristarchy which means the extraction and election of the best possible governors on a strict basis of merit and best capacity of leadership and management.
> Such leaders can normally only have been educated through a special new type of holistic education provided at all levels of schooling in a FtatAristarchy. It is called EthoPlasìn education. It is based on a return of philosophy in our life, and a formation of the various levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul.
> Committing a FTATOC crime through even a single lie related to public affairs, as a lie that affects badly most of the population, is considered much more serious than committing the murder of one single person on the basis of things like jealousy or hate. This can be the case for example when somebody hides existing superior technology, terrestrial or extraterrestrial, that could save millions of life by simply becoming FTAT. If such advanced technology exists and is not revealed, it becomes a FTATOT. If such technology exists and could be used to kill millions of people, an is not revealed for complete elimination, then the hiding of such truth also becomes FTATOT.
> The FTATOC is punished severely, not only with immediate and permanent lifetime dismissal of any other public position at any level, but primarily on the basis of confiscation of personal property when available, along with the possible adjunction of any other form of punishment, like heavy fines or imprisonment.
> The FTATOT is punishable in the same way a FTATOC is punishable, but in addition with a possible death penalty.
> The FTAT requirement of a FtatAristarchy means the end of liar officials handling any level of public affairs.
> The same severe criteria applies to all journalists and private writers when handling issues of public affairs with an output destined to the public at large. The same rule applies even to foreign writers or foreign officials of international organizations: if they commit a FTATOC related to "our" FtatAristarchy country, they can be prohibited entry in "our" country, or arrested if they come in, and even punished on property if they have any in "our" country.
> No more political liars! No more fake news! No more falsification of history or reporting on public events or affairs! Full truth and transparency (FTAT) is the only legal way public affairs can be managed in a FtatAristarchy because, like a grand master once said, "Only Truth Shall Set You Free". As such, a FtatAristarchy has the freest and most transparent governance that can exist, compared to all countries using other types of governance.
> It is important to stress that FTATOC does not limit in any way the absolute freedom of speech and opinion of a FtatAristarchy as long as the opinion is not a fabricated lie, and it is expressed explicitly as an opinion, or a firm personal conviction based on provided hints, facts or logical deduction of common sense based on available information.
> To be clear, prohibiting or obstructing such full freedom of speech and opinion, even in relation to the use of the so-called new hate speech unduly prohibited by the current political correctness, is itself a FTATOC.
> In a FtatAristarchy, nobody can be punished in any possible way for using this kind of full freedom of speech or opinion against any public official, national or foreign, or against any other country considered having bad behavior in the opinion of an observer living in a FtatAristarchy.
> Between private individuals in relation to strictly private affairs, the handling of freedom of speech is a private legal matter between themselves.
> s. separate page specifically on FtatAristarchy.
> s. COGNO (Cash Out, Government Nose Out).
= Genetically Altered Natural Organism
> GANO replaces the word GMO in the EthoCratic language but has basically the same meaning.
> All GANO products are prohibited in an EthoCracy, absolutely so in a TruthOcracy, in all their possible forms, both as local creations and as imported items, on the basis of the EthoRule NoGANO and the EthoPrinciple NoCafoNoGanoNoRaco.
= Godly Aether Emitting Logos-Omnipotent-Good Or Salvation.
> This may be the closest definition of the word "GOD" used in the context of the PythagorArium Project. However, in our context, there exist another word designating the GOD as an overall Force of Good, encompassing all other forces of Good and bad: ALOFOBGAT (Apollonian Loving Omnipotent Force Of Beauty, Good And Truth) or, in its more religious version, ELOGOD (Encompassing Loving Omnipotent Good Overall Drive).
> However, the main acronym for GOD for members of the PythagorArium project, in most situations, is now SDAVLOL (Supreme Deific Arranger's Vivifying Loving Omnipotent Logos), in particular in the context of the members of the PythArmy.
> The word GAELOGOS is strictly in terms of a philosophical God, and never in term of the god of any institutional religion, as a TruthOcracy is strictly SASED (State A-religious Subsidiary Elegant Decorum) by constitutional principle. At most, in terms of a reference to a religion, it refers to the Josopher (Jospel philosopher, or a philosopher of the philosophy of the Jospel, meaning what is usually called the Gospel but for us, only the Jospel, or what exclusively Jesus said, independently of the Bible) character of a TruthOcracy.
> The body of the GAELOGOS acronym is formed through the fusion of five words: "GAEA", "AETHER" "GAEL", "EL" and "LOGOS". The five parts that are joined to form the new acronym, the initial "GAEA" or "GAEL", that includes "AETHER", and the final "LOGOS", united by the central "EL" (of ELL), have by extension the fundamental meaning of a Godly Superior Being or Force involved in the production and gracious offer of the absolute "GOOD" of the philosophical ELL culture, that is the omnipotent good expressed as a sacred logos. This overall meaning, if respected by persons with freewill, has an omnipotent power of goodness at the service of all aspects of life for humanity and all the living entities of the other kingdoms of life on Beautiful Planet Earth. If used wrongly through freewill, and following repent, it can have a power of Salvation. In fact, the acronym is closed by the "S" that stands for "Salvation".
> The word "GAEA" fused at the beginning of the acronym is an educated way to say the more common word "GAIA", which is known to mean "Earth", but as "Living Planet Earth", or the Earth seen as a living entity or person, or the personification of Planet Earth as a living being in the context of the original ancient Greek philosophy.
> The central word "EL" of the new acronym reflects well the link to the ELL culture, that is the original ancient 'Greek' philosophical culture at the base of the PythagorArium Project.
> The initial word "GAEL" is an old name used for a man associated with the sense of good qualifying words like "Gracious", "Generous", "Goodness", "Kindness", and in particular to the qualification of an amiable and 'saint' leading figure.
> The "Logos"
word component of the acronym
has also the basic meaning of "the spoken word", in the sense of the creative
spoken word, capable of generating the framework of whatever is
worded with love in order to be expressed beautifully in our reality. In a religious context is often means the creative "WORD" or "LOGOS" of
what most people call God. In a more scientific appellation, in relation to the
Project, it means the rational principle that expresses, governs and
develops the universe on a basis of overall Goodness, except from the misuse
that men
can make of this shared procreative power.
> According to the philosophical ELL culture, the Aether (the apparently empty cosmic space, according to modern science) is not empty at all. To the contrary, it is full, even if of imperceptible and immeasurable 'substance' or energy through our current earthly means. As such, it is the realm of what we call GAELOGOS. The early Greek philosophy of Pythagoras and Plato held this point of view, and made it the place of the 'ideas' that are the 'models', or the etheric 'forms', or the 'protype' forms of all the things we know in our earthly world. The great physicist Nicola Tesla had affirmed it as a place that is a source of infinite 'free' energy that we can still not tap with our current earthly means, but for which he had found a tapping way. However, his discoveries were captured and annihilated at his death because they were entering in conflict with the big-money producers of current forms of energy. From our point of view, this is the Energy that has a godly nature, thus above our immediate comprehension, and the supreme energy of "GOOD" that we respectfully call GAELOGOS.
> Platonism established a deific image of a timeless world of mathematical forms corresponding to each 'thing' existing in our earthly reality, located in the Aether, and giving birth to each 'thing' or concept as the model, or 'protype' on which it is ideally based. The idea of these 'forms' has been already partly appropriated by modern quantum physics and updated into a belief in the eternal status of the laws and protypes of what constitutes our nature and reality. The realm of these protype-forms is the one of GAELOGOS.
> The Aether is an infinite source of generative energy not only for our physical needs, once we will re-discover how to tap it, but also of infinite mental energy for our better comprehension of the matrix of the current dimension and world we live in as humans on beautiful Planet Earth.
> This Infinite creative energy is what we call the "Logos-Omnipotent-Good". By itself, GAELOGOS has only created "Good", and will only create the good of the harmony of the universe. However, it is the energy sitting behind all the creative and procreative processes of the cosmos, including those used by men with their positive or negative thoughts projected in the Aether. Man was created at the image of this creative force of good, but with freewill. This means man can use that force to alternatively produce "Bad" instead of "Good" with his negative and destructive thoughts. This misuse is not only a sin, but a mental and spiritual crime equivalent to treason of his divine nature, certainly the only real sin, if any, that deserves this name. For such sin or crime, there is no redemption for a human soul except through a complete change of attitude, working for the Good sufficiently to compensate for the evil done, and to deserve the Salvation from the Deific Aether Emitting Logos-Omnipotent-Good Or Salvation.
> Because the divine creative force of GAELOGOS operating through the Aether had given us freewill, it allows the existence of an opposing force of 'Bad'. This is the Bad that we usually call SETAB in the context of the PythagorArium. Consequently, GAELOGOS is constantly opposed by SETAB. With freewill, each man has the liberty to entertain and project in the Aether the thoughts that make him choose alternatively between two procreative roles, hopefully a role for the Good, but possibly also a role for the bad of himself and of humanity.
> One less scientific definition of GAELOGOS is what we call more simply DELAG in certain contexts, in opposition to SETAB.
> Another form of saying GOD in our context, for being more specific about its main attributes is: ALOFOBGAT. But the acronym SDAVLOL remains the main one for the active members of the PythagorArium Project and its PythArmy.
s. PNADGOF (Pythagorean, Nazarean, Apollonian, Dionysian, Good Omnipotent Force) for another definition of "GOD".
= Government Annual Performance Evaluation
> Every year, in the Wednesday of the second week of October, a special BAV takes place, called a BAVAGE, specifically for an annual evaluation of the performance of the EthoCratic government, or a GAPE. This is particularly useful for evaluating the performance of the government in relation to the hundreds of decisions that have to be taken to resolve routine problems that were not planned for in a BEC. These problems can all be resolved as long as they do not involve new legislation or taxation. If they involve new legislation or taxation, these two aspects must wait for a new BEC at a new election, or be implemented through a BEPVAR ad hoc referendum in cases of real emergencies.
= The abbreviated name of the main executive figure running an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy on the basis of a Four-Way-Binding-Electoral-Contract (BEC).
> Its full name is: GovernAriant, and he is the head of the GovernArium.
> s. GovernAriant.
= Growing Children Benefits.
> Refers to the Ethocratic Reform on More United Families.
= Great Game
> See: Great Game
> See: MOWOP for more information on the context of using this acronym.
= Global Governance Tools.
> Typical tools of Global Governance are the TTP, TISA and the TTIP, forming the TTT, let alone the more obvious ones, like the EU and the UN.
= Journalist of the GinfonArium.
> An investigative journalists specialist in finding,
analyzing and bringing out government information: a function comparable to
judges, but not necessarily related to criminality.
> Related to the new 4th power of the new Syntagma, the Informative Power or
the TinformArium.
> Comparable to a Vinfonalist (of the VinfonArium) on the private side.
> See: GinfonArium.
= Government Information National Arium
> Part of the new 4th power of the state, in its Syntagma, the Tinformative Power or TinformArium.
> Provides Truth Information on all activities of the Government and all its institutions.
> Comparable to its twin VinfonArium (Vital Information National Arium) that provides information on the private sector.
> Its journalists are called: Ginfonalists.
= Global Luciferian Enslavement Scam
> This is probably the shortest best acronym name we can use to describe our global enslavement by the current gradual implementation of the MOWOP (Master One-World Order Plan) of the so-called NWO (New World Order).
> This global enslavement is Luciferian, and it is both a global scam and also in fact a global hoax.
This GLES scam is managed by an autocratic dictatorial elite that we call SWAT (Satanic World Autocracy Team).
= Global Luciferian Enslaving World Order
> This is the current evil New World Order being implemented at a global level at the moment, usually called simply NWO (New World Order).
> This is in opposition to the good new world proposed by an Aristarchy, the NAPWO (National Aristarchy Patriotic World Order).
> This GLEWO is managed by an autocratic dictatorial elite that we call SWAT (Satanic World Autocracy Team), using the new dictatorial banks as a new governance tool that we can call a system of Banktatorship.
= The original development name of EthoGloso> EthoGloso is the official IAL (International Auxiliary Language) of EthoPlasìn.
> See the EthoGloso webpage for more information.
> EthoGloso is part of the 3-prong EthoSpeak strategy of the PythagorArium.
= Genetically Modified Organism
> In EthoCratic terms, or in the context of a TruthOcracy, the word GMO is substituted with GANO (Genetically Altered Natural Organism).
> All GANO or GMO products are prohibited in all their possible forms, on the whole territory of an EthoCracy, entirely so in a TruthOcracy.
> GMOs are entirely prohibited in a TruthOcracy because of its constitutional NEL Approach to all its activities.
= Guard Of Democracy
> Used in the context of necessary political reforms, like in our page on Political Issues.
> Relates to our hot page Political Issues.
> s. ALOFOBGAT and GAELOGOS for a designation of "God" in a more religious or philosophical sense.
> s. PNADGOF (Pythagorean, Nazarean, Apollonian, Good Omnipotent Force) as the name of god in a FtatAristarchy.
> The expression "Good People" in particular in the context of the presence of often non-good-people, like in demonstrations of public protest, means people fulfilling 3 conditions:
--- 1) They use no physical violence (even in most serious situations of public protest) and
--- 2) they operate with open faces (with their face never covered to hide their identity).
--- 3) The leaders organizing the public protest can demonstrate they have already tried to use the services of the special TV channel for protesting: the so-called LAPDAC, but to no avail for resolving the issue of their protest, and these leaders have never been convicted to any jail crime (otherwise, the leaders must be replaced with crime-free leaders).
> In a TruthOcracy, people protesting as "Good People" can even be helped by the police force in order to approach the officials and chambers of power where they can speak directly with those persons they consider responsible for the cause of their protest, or responsible for doing something to resolve the problem they protest against. Of course, entry to the chambers of power must always be pre-requested and accompanied by police officers of the PolArium to ensure the entry takes place with a decorum of "Good People".
> In a TruthOcracy, the police force of the PolArium does not exist to protect the powerful officials as officials, certainly not as such, as they are, for the most part, too often corrupted and often criminals, but to protect the "Good People". Public officials do not deserve special protection as officials. They can only be protected by police as plain citizens when they are in danger, just like any other citizen. The government officials can never call the police to be protected as officials. The police is not run by the government, not even the ministry of Interior, and does not obey the GovernAriant, but run and commanded by the representative of the sovereign people: the PolAriant of the SPELArium.
> Except in cases of public protests, the police force cannot be employed as body guards for governance officials, as police officers can only be otherwise used as "street and neighborhood peace makers". Their friendly presence in streets and public places must be obvious and constant.
> Police officers acting during public protests can and must arrest immediately anyone using physical violence of any form. They can and must also arrest any protestors using a helmets for hiding their face, automatically, immediately, and for that sole reason, as this in itself is a crime. If the protester with a hidden face cannot demonstrate, after his arrest, that he has already used previously the LAPDAC services to attempt resolving his issue in front of a national audience, his sentence in court, for his crime, will be automatically and necessarily double what it would have otherwise been. If that latter type of protester is a foreigner, all his belongings in the country are confiscated and he is immediately deported to his country of citizenship, without the right to ever reenter the country.
GOS / GOSDirectorate / GOSNelection / GOSVeto
> GOS = The GovernAriant, the OtigAriant and the SPELAriant of the new TetractArium structure of governance.
> GOSDirectorate = GOS Directorate.
> GOSNelection = GOS National Election.
> The GOS are the only 3 persons elected in a general election, as Ariants, in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> Election candidates for ”G” are expressed only by each of the 10 political parties (if they so wish) with the highest membership. If there is no 51% majority for one of them, the 2 highest candidates go to a second tour of elections for the final “G” winner with 50+%, two weeks later.
> Three candidates for “O” are expressed by each of “L+P+T”, external to their own ranks (either from another triangle of the TetractArium or from the prominent figures of society) after pre-approval by a 40 majority vote of the 78 Ariants. All 3 become “O” candidates, for a winner in the general election.
> In a similar manner, three external candidates for “S” are expressed by each of “L+M+J”, external to their own ranks (either from another triangle of the TetractArium or from the prominent figures of society) after pre-approval by a 40 majority vote of the 78 Ariants. All 3 become “S” candidates, for a winner in the general election.
> s. Tetras Politica for more details.
= The head of the GovernArium, that is, the Executive Power (or a kind of Prime Minister) of the TetractArium governance of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> More literally = Governor Administering Regularly In Awesome National Transparency
> The final formal name of the main executive figure running an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy on the basis of a Four-Way-Binding-Electoral-Contract (BEC).
> Often abbreviated as GAriant.
> His two main opposite and confronting figures are the TinformAriant (heading the TinformArium) and the ProtectAriant (heading the ProtectArium) in a Pentas Politica.
> The GovernAriant of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is similar to the President of a fully presidential electoral system in a western democracy but acting, or rather governing, with much less disturbance as long as he respects his BEC and the 10 principles of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, the OTIG (Only Truth Information Governance) in particular (called OTATFOG in a TruthOcracy).
> The GovernAriant is elected in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, as a kind of super executive 'president', along with the 10 ProGovernAriant figures.
> This refers the structure the Diagram of EthoCracy State Powers (or TruthOcracy State Powers).
> For each GovernAriant mandate of governance, the GovernAriant is elected on the basis of the Election System of the TetractArium of an EthoCracy (or a TruthOcracy).
= One of the new State Powers of the Pentas Politica of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> The GovernArium is headed by a GovernAriant, or a Gariant in its abbreviated form.
> It includes all GovernAriants of the EthoCracy or the TruthOcracy.
> Includes the national GovernAriant and all ProGovernAriants of all 10 provinces.
> See TetractArium for more information on the EthoCracy (or TruthOcracy) Virtuous Governance and its structure of Ariums.
> For a quick reference card on where this Arium stands in the overall structure of the TetractArium, see this TetractArium.PDF card.
= The old original name of the GovernAriant, as the main executive figure running an EthoCracy on the basis of a Four-Way-Binding-Electoral-Program (BEP). In a fully implemented EthoCracy, called a TruthOcracy, the Governor is called the GovernAriant.
> His two main opposite and confronting figures were the Informer (heading the TinformArium) and the Protector (heading the ProtectArium) in a Pentas Politica.
> The Governor of an EthoCracy is similar to the President of a fully presidential electoral system in a western democracy but acting, or rather governing, with much less disturbance as long as he respects his BEC and the 10 principles of an EthoCracy, the OTIG (Only Truth Information Governance) in particular.
> The Governor is elected in an EthoCracy, as a kind of super executive 'president', along with the ProGovernors. The old Informer and the old Protector were also considered to be elected in a similar way.
Great Game / GG
> See: MOWOP for more explanations on the context of the use of the acronym.
> The words "Greece" or "Greek" do not exist in the 'Greek' language.
> see: ELLADA
= Government Uses Debt-Free Only Money, And Property And Sales Tax.
> An EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, but in particular an Aristarchy, has no income tax system. It is a NITS (No Income Tax System). It is fully UDFOM compliant, and consequently uses only debt-free money.
> However, a special income tax may come into play when a national want to transfer money abroad, and certainly when a non-national wants to transfer money abroad as money that was made within country.
> An EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, and in particular an Aristarchy, cannot borrow money from anywhere. It does not have a FED-type central bank, but a NAMA integrated into the new MonetArium of the TetractArium of state powers.
> For ensuring that an Aristarchy be fully UDFOM compliant, a NAMA issues only debt-free money, issued by the treasury, based on a BEC (a Binding Electoral Contract) and other strict constitutional rules and limits supervised by the ProtectArium, and sanctioned by the LeaderArium. That fresh money is not reimbursable as capital nor as interest to any other institution.
> An Aristarchy has no income tax, only sales tax and property tax. As for its Sales Tax, for both goods and services, it varies over time for various kinds of products. It is also a special sales tax paid/shared on both sides of the transaction and serving as the only way to accumulate pension benefits for having in due time a public pension.
> Property Tax also varies over time, and for various places, but always excludes the first/main home for up to 300 square meters.
> s. NOMIT for cases where a special income tax may come into play.
= The sleeping residence of female members at the Arium of the PythAcademia.
> Gyneca means "woman" in Greek.
> The male members sleep in the corresponding AndrArium.
Hellas / Hellenic / Hellenism / Hellens
> These are all words related to 'Greece", but the words "Greece" or "Greek" do not exist in the 'Greek' language. These words, and all their derivative forms, have a prefix "ELL" in the 'Greek' language, or rather in ELLINIKA (by which name the 'Greek' language is only called within Greece).
> see: ELLAS.
= Happiness, Heaven, and Hell
> HHH, as defined by the 3 main monotheistic religions, and thus by the resultant ZioZuitZlim Power, are the 3 main falsities used by them for enslavement purposes.
> HHH all exist, but in a very different way.
> Happiness does not exclude, rather the opposite, the balanced use and loving enjoyment of the legitimate pleasures brought by holistic health and Kallos Beauty while incarnated on Planet Earth.
= Power of Co-Creation
> When many of us come together and create a common
positive feeling, regarding a specific idea or objective, that experience is generally
called "Coherence." EthoPlasìn also calls it 'Holographic Molding' and 'Power
of Co-Creation', depending on the context. These are vital tools that can help
us shape our destiny with gratitude in a state of Planet Earth Oneness in the
spirit of Precept 6 of the EthoPlasìn Discipline that calls for members to "Lead
all your thoughts by a sense of Self and Planet Oneness Responsibility and
Cosmic Life Participation Gratefulness".
= The special simple hotel of the casual DiaskedArium.
> Hotel renting rooms at very competitive price, to clients recommended by members, but that require the collaboration of the clients for various services.
> It matches the more formal
HotelArium of the ApolafsArium.
= A special hotel of the Arium structure of government or university campus.
> Can designate the special hotel of the formal ApolafsArium of the EthoPlasìn Academy.
> Can designate the special hotel
of the OppositArium of the EthoCratic government.
> It matches on a more formal basis the
HostelArium of
the DiaskedArium.
= International Auxiliary Language
> Just like Esperanto, or EthoGloso (also called EthoSperanto). Both are IAL
> See the section on EthoSpeak (EthoGloso and Katharevousa) in the Mission Statement of the PythagorArium
= International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
> This is a global development cooperative bank owned by 189 member countries. As the largest development bank in the world, it supports the World Bank Group’s mission by providing loans, guarantees, risk management products, and advisory services to middle-income and creditworthy low-income countries, as well as by coordinating responses to regional and global challenges.
> Created in 1944 to help Europe rebuild after World War II, IBRD joins with IDA, our fund for the poorest countries, to form the World Bank. They work closely with all institutions of the World Bank Group and the public and private sectors in developing countries to reduce poverty and build shared prosperity.
= International Monetary Fund
> The IMF has historically and too often been one of the main tools of enslavement of countries and peoples through loans of debt-money, at the service of the MOWOP Master Plan of the NWO,
> In a TruthOcracy that works exclusively on a no-debt-money basis, as a GUDFOMAPAST system, the activities of the IMF are not only entirely useless, but prohibited in relation to the government. In relation to national corporations, its activities could be acceptable but only if the corporation would operate on a strictly OTATFOG basis under the control of the TinformArium, and completely at its own risk, without any hope of any eventual government or national bank bailout in case of financial difficulties to reimburse eventual loans received from the IMF.
= The old original name of the new TinformAriant, as the head public servant of the TinformArium, as one of the new State Powers of the Pentas Politica that is an EthoCracy.
> His final formal name in a TruthOcracy is now: TinformAriant.
= The one who fights against "EL" (meaning against the "EL" of the "Greek" ELL culture).
> In the fighting episode of the Bible where the 'Jewish god' Yahweh re-baptizes Jacob as "IsraEL", the meaning of that new name is "the one who fights [successfully] against EL", that is against the ancient 'proto-Greek' godly ELL supernatural entity.
> It can also mean "the ones who fight against the original good ELOHIM to whom the ELL culture has an ascendancy, after the ELOHIM got deviated and linked to the bad NEPHILIM culture of enslavement of other peoples to whom the Judaic world of today has its own clear ascendancy.
> s. ELL
= The name of Israel with the inclusion of a derogative "H" in the middle to form the word "Hell" at its end, to express the often hellish or Luciferian activities of Israel against the populations of the territories it acquired when Israel was formed, and the other territories it stole afterwards, against UN-agreed limits, since its formation.
> This word is often used in particular by Greeks who do not accept to have had the same kind of derogative "H" imposed to the words designating aspects related to their country and culture (like Hellas and Hellenism) when they fought hard for recognition by the British Empire after their independence from the Ottomans after 1821. These words all come from the historically well established prefix "ELL" expressing their country, nationality, language and culture, and should not have included a derogative "H", imposed through the use of the deceitful pretext of the accent that existed over the "E" of "ELL". This is related to the even worse imposition, by the British Empire, of the even more derogative word "Greek Republic" for designating their newly independent country, in spite of the fact that the word Greek does not exist in the 'Greek' language. In 'Greece', the country is only called "ELLas", the language is only called "ELLinika", the people are only called "ELLens" or ELLinas", and the culture is only called "ELLenism".
Of course, the British Empire was then fully dominated by the Judaic power of The City in London (like it still is today). That Judaic culture has always antagonized the historical superiority of the ELLENIC ("Greek") culture that has always shaded their own more primitive culture and language over the last 3 millennia while Jews were basically shepherds when the "Greeks" were building places like the Acropolis and decorating them with the most beautiful works of art. Thus the derogatory impositions to the newly independent ELLAS ("Greece") in 1821. They wanted to be called the ELLENIC Republic but became the Greek Kingdom. They wanted to be defined by the prefix ELL in the various aspects of their life, but were forced to accept a hellish "H" preceding that ELL prefix in the English language.
= The Anglo-Saxon elites in charge mainly of the NWO (New World Order), with their main protagonists acting in the background being mainly the "J" (Jesuits) and the "Z" (Zionists).
> see JewZuit Power for more details.
= Janitor Area
> This refers to the special Janitor area of a NECA, a NecArium or an EcdomArium in an EthoCracy, or of a TUPA in a TruthOcracy.
= Service related to the Separation of Money and Politics in the page of suggestions regarding the formation of an EthoCracy.
> Also called: JanitoSecurity.
= Service related to the Separation of Money and Politics in the page of suggestions regarding the formation of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> Also called: JanitoReception.
= The abbreviation of: JudicAriant, as the Head of the JudicArium in the TetractArium structure of governance of an EthoCracy or of a TruthOcracy.
> s. JudicAriant.
> JATAC = Jospel And Truth As Civitas.
> This is an abbreviated form of JELBATAC
> JATACA = Jospel And Truth As Civitas Animator (or: Advocator)
> This is the Joy Of Spreading Philosophical Enlightened Liberty (JOSPEL) along with Truth, as the Civitas promoted by the PythagorArium.
> JELBATAC = Joy, Enlightened Liberty, Beauty And Truth, As Civitas
> JELBATACA = Joy, Enlightened Liberty, Beauty And Truth, As Civitas Animator (or Advocator)
> These are the 4 Tetractys components of the new Civitas promoted by the PythagorArium: Joy, Enlightened Liberty, Beauty and Truth, where 'Joy' is intended as the purest form of Love.
> s. EL
= Joyful Enlightened Logos Lifestyle Movement
> This is a political movement, not a political party, that promotes EthoCivitas.
> The word "Joyful" is taken here in its best and purest philosophical sense.
> Promoting EthoCivitas does not mean promoting only EthoCracy or TruthOcracy, but all 3 objectives of the Mission Statement of the PythagorArium.
Jewish Plot / Fake-Jew Plot / Khazarian / Sabbatian-Frankist / Zoharist / Donmeh / Babylonian Satanist / Christian Zionist / Marrano
> The history of World Jewry along with the one of the crypto Jews that hide within Judaism or in other religions, or exploit Jews in various ways, is about the most complex that exists compared to the one of any other people in the world. In relation to the NWO (New World Order) it is also just about the most misinterpreted history that exists, abusing common Jews in all sorts of ways. Or course, this does not mean that some categories of Jews are not deeply involved with the NWO. Far from it!
> The very first thing to set very clearly as false, or at least very badly misinterpreted, is the claim of many conspiracy theorists that there is a so-called "Jewish Plot" to eventually take over the whole world and rule it from Jerusalem through what we call today the NWO (New World Order), after the creation of the Greater Israel, the reconstruction of the Jewish temple of Solomon replacing the current Islamic Al-Aqsa mosque, and the return of the Messiah. All of these plans are true but it is not a "Jewish Plot". Their source is highly misinterpreted even if it is for many apparently good reasons in the mind of superficial analysts. These ignorant conspiracy theorists are basically wrong, and wrong in more ways. If they only slightly adjusted their claim to a "Fake-Jew Plot", instead of a "Jewish Plot", they would be about right, but still not all the way right. First of all the NWO (New World Order) and its related objective of a One-World-Government eventually running the world from Jerusalem is not even considered a "Conspiracy Theory" anymore, but a "Conspiracy Reality" that, by now, has been very well documented and is even admitted openly and explicitly by the main complotters. Second, the expression "Jewish Plot" is wrong because the plot that does exist has nothing, or very little to do with the descendants of the real Palestinian Jews that have a DNA clearly associated with the ancient Kings David and Solomon of ancient Jerusalem, only with mainly non-Jew-ancestors converted to Judaism by force, without their will, while having no relation at all with the stem of David nor with the territory of Palestine. In other words, the complotters of the so-called Jewish Plot are not real Jews, but Fake-Jews, and we must see the various categories in details.
> The plot that does exist has to do with mainly a triple kind of Jew that we can legitimately call Fake-Jew. The first kind of Fake-Jew has to do with a Jew who is a member of a deviated or heretical branch of Judaism that has been infiltrated by black magic and Satanism from the time of the exile in Babylon. For this reason we call this first kind of Fake-Jew a Babylonian Satanist. This first category of Fake-Jew still exists today within World Jewry but belongs mostly to a heretical branch of Judaism whose main leaders have often been formally excommunicated. Thus their deserved qualification as Fake-Jew. Formally speaking, an excommunicated Jew is no more a Jew, just like an excommunicated Catholic is no more a Christian Catholic. The second kind of Fake-Jew, and the widest majority of them, has to do mostly with the barbarian Khazarian population that was massively converted by force to Judaism by the king of the ancient Khazarian Empire. Those have become what the best history books now call the European Jews, in clear opposition to the original Palestinian Jews, because these European Jews have no Jewish or Palestinian blood whatsoever. In short, this type of European Jew has absolutely no Jewish DNA related to the Ancient Jews of Palestine, and absolutely no historical link or valid claim at all to the territory of Palestine that they have nevertheless invaded in wide majority through the creation of the new Jewish State of Israel, in particular since its it formal foundation in 1948. Thus the qualification of Fake-Jew also applying, even more clearly so in this second case, to this category of European Jews. There is however an associated third main kind of Fake-Jew that is the so-called Christian Zionist. This special evangelical type of Christian has no Jewish blood, but is fully dedicated to pursuing the Zionist objectives of the first two Fake-Jew categories, including all the policies of Israel with its aspiration of world domination after the return of the Messiah. The most obvious falseness of these fake Christians is that, although they consider themselves "Evangelicals" they do not preach exclusively the Gospel of Jesus, except incidentally, but mainly the Jewish Bible of Yahweh as a whole.
> There would also be a lot to add about other additional Fake-Jew categories involved in all sorts of manipulations of world politics. One of the main ones is certainly the involvement of the crypto-Jews called the Donmeh who were Jews who pretended to be Muslims, through fake conversions to Islam, in their association to the Jewish pursuit of world domination. These hidden Jews, as Donmeh, were fundamentally active in relation to the birth of some Islamic Sunni Muslim nations like modern Turkey and Saudi Arabia that both have a well documented history of Jewish founders. As such, although they are officially Muslims, the Donmeh are crypto Jews, thus another category of Fake-Jew. The Bolsheviks that founded the Soviet Union were also crypto-Jews hiding their Jewishness as much as they could. As such they were crypto Jews, or another Fake-Jew category. The Marrano in Italy are another type of crypto Jews involved as Fake-Jew operatives in infiltrating and dominating the Vatican in Italy, thus tentatively infiltrating the overall Christian world. In the meantime the fake Christian Jesuits are also crypto Jews, thus of the Fake-Jew category. At the moment, they are literally running the Vatican since the installation of the first crypto-Jew Jesuit pope in the history of Christianity called Francis.
> Considering the historical background of the old Fake-Jew Plot in relation to what is happening today, with the fact that the official definition of a Jew is someone with a Jewish mother, and going backward in history, the above conspiracy reality brings us back to the Khazarians, to those non-Jew-at-all barbarians of the old Khazarian Empire who were massively converted by force to Judaism in 740 AD. These Khazarians were certainly not Jews at all at that time, and their descendants of today are still not real Jews at all today. Consequently they deserve fully the Fake-Jew qualification. This is however most confusing for most people, as their descendants of today call themselves Jews, and they are regrouped mostly today in the area of World Jewry that we commonly call the Zionist Jews. In spite of the fact that they call themselves Jews, they are still an entirely foreign population to the Jews of ancient Palestine. Nothing to do! For full clarity it is important to repeat that these Khazarians were barbarians forced to convert to Judaism to save their empire, and they are with absolutely no Jewish DNA and with absolutely no relation nor any claim to the old territory of Palestine. These Khazarian European Jews are the purest Fake-Jew elements operating deceitfully from within World Jewry at the moment.
> The Khazarians were forced by Russia and its allies at the time, in the 8th century AD, to convert to one of the Abrahamic religions or have their empire destroyed. They chose Judaism instead of Christianity or Islam for two main reasons. The first reason is that these barbarians were already famous for living mainly out of plundering and robbery of the people passing through the immense territory of the Khazarian Empire. This trait of their own was a first strong affinity to the Jewish trait of the infamous Money Changers of the Bible living mainly out of usury and related extortions since ancient times. This was a clear common trait. The second reason is that the Khazarians were attracted by the existing branch of deviated Judaism that was deeply involved with black magic and Satanism since the Babylon period in order to dominate and acquire more power over other peoples. The Khazarians had a similar desire for more domination over other peoples in order to more easily exploit them and extort their wealth. This was a second strong affinity with this branch of Judaism that they could not find to the same degree with any branch of Islam or Christianity.
> This strong double affinity of the non-Jew-at-all Khazarians with the real Jews grew constantly during the first 5 centuries of the conversion of the Khazarians to Judaism and favored their progressive full integration with the Jews even if they were not Jews at all by blood. At one point this integration got to its worst possible state when the Khazarians started to massively join the ranks of another deviated branch of Judaism that became known as the Satanic Sabbatian-Frankist movement between 1600 AD and 1800 AD. This special Sabbatian-Frankist movement was a new and clearly deviated form of satanic Judaism that came to reinforce the ranks of the older Babylonian Satanists who were still deeply involved in black magic during the 17th and 18th centuries. These Sabbatian-Frankist did not even follow the regular Kabbalah, but the deviated Lurianic Kabbalah of Solomon Luria (1534-1572). As such, through a phenomena that historians called Transvaluation, their morality became completely permissive, as the worst kind of libertinism, allowing full depravity or criminality, including pedophilia, incest and murder. As such, they claimed that the 10 commandments of the Torah of the Bible would not apply to them, and doing the worst kind of evil became a duty that could be accomplished without any kind of guilt if it served their objectives or their pleasure. Their only commandment was "Do What Thou Wilt", that is, anything, including killing, even the pleasure of mass killing without guild, even with contentment, through wars and useful acts of violence.
> The incident of the "Dancing Israelis" could be a good example of this culture of doing evil with pleasure. If the current Sabbatian-Frankists had been the authors of the collapsing of the Twin Towers of 911, like many serious researchers pretend, they would have reacted typically with dancing joy and without any sense of guilt, just like those now known as the "Dancing Israelis". They were arrested for having been seen dancing on a roof top while watching and filming the event, as if it was for them a pleasant Satanic ritual of mass blood sacrifice to be enjoyed without guilt even if they knew it would kill few thousands of innocent persons. On the early morning of September II, a woman living in a distant suburb of New York, quite a few kilometers away from the towers, happen to notice, through her window, a couple of hours before the event, that a strange group of young men she had never seen before were carrying professional filming equipment and tripods on the roof top of the nearby building. This nearby roof top was at a slightly lower level from her floor in her own adjacent building, and she could observe it well. She was very intrigued as there was nothing around that seemed to justify any filming with professional equipment. Consequently she discretely followed the activity of the strange young men very closely. When the first plane hit the first tower, as a complete and dramatic surprise to her, these young men who were already filming towards the towers, from before the hit, started to embrace each other and dance together to express their obvious contentment, as if they had already known in advance that the attack would happen. Like any person of good common sense, she immediately understood that, in fact, the young men were obviously already aware that the tragic event would happen, before it took place, and had arranged to film it at distance with professional video equipment zooming directly on the towers from their roof top. When the young men finally started to move away, she discretely went to the street level and noticed them loading their video equipment in a van. She took the car plate number and went, later on, to denounce the strange fact to the local police. The young men were eventually traced and interrogated, with inevitably the information transmitted immediately to higher levels of authority in New York itself and, inevitably, quickly after that, to the the maximum level of the National Security apparatus of the USA. Very surprisingly the young dancing men in front of the collapsing towers were eventually released, after an unusually short detention for the gravity of the event, and they were even quickly expelled back to Israel after their release into liberty. Authorities only said they had established the 5 young men were in fact Israelis, not Arabs as it was initially assumed. They also said that the 5 young men had presumably nothing to do with the event. The biggest inexplicable and unacceptable surprise in all this story is that no level of authority that we know of, seems to have forced the dancing men to explain how they obviously had become aware the event would take place before it happened, and from what source they got to know about it ahead of time. This is how the group of young men became known as simply the innocuous Dancing Israelis. However, considering that the 5 young men were Israelis, if the tragic event had anything to do with Israel, directly or indirectly, it would never had been made known to us because those of the various areas of authority that eventually simply expelled these Dancing Israelis were all officials who had a clear Fake-Jew background of Sabbatian-Frankist descent operating in the USA. This was during the George W. Bush regime whose VP was Zionist Dick Cheney who in fact was the de-facto president and with the same kind of background. The positions of power at that time were all occupied by Zionists with also a similar background. As such, knowing how the USA administration works, they were all working in direct collaboration with not only the American security but with the Mossad security of Israel. As a matter of fact, this Fake-Jew Zionist invasion of all positions of power had also been the case long before Bush. It is still the case today with Trump. These officials with such Sabbatian-Frankist culture of no guilt, at the time of 911, were all coordinated by a super Fake-Jew Sabbatian-Frankist Zionist with Khazarian ancestors called Michel Chertoff who was known, in his position at the time, to work for his functions in direct collaboration with the highest levels of the CIA of the USA and the Mossad of Israel. He is the one who ordered the release of the Dancing Israelis and their fast expulsion to Israel without these Israelis telling him (or certainly him not telling us) how and from whom they had become aware of the 911 attack before it happened. A compete list of the incredible number of officials with the same Fake-Jew Zionist background at that time is being elaborated and will be published as soon as possible, along with some most useful information on the incredible "Pledge Of Allegiance" to Israel (and only to Israel, that is, to no other country in the world) that all the USA super managers, along with all congressmen have to sign if they want to have any future in their respective careers, pledging they will do their very best to serve the best interests... of Israel (instead of the USA).
> For the descendants of the Frankist European Jews in particular, absolutely nothing was forbidden, except of course the freedom of others to criticize and expose their evil plans. A clear remnant of this old culture still exists clearly today in that everybody in the world can be strongly criticized without consequences, even very harshly and offensively, be it a Pope, a king or a president, but not the Jews at any level, and not in particular their current leaders in the new Jewish State of Israel or their puppet operators in other countries, including the USA and the EU. Those are mainly the descendants of precisely the Fake-Jew elements of the older Khazarians, that is, of the European Jews, and within those, of the Sabbatian-Frankist movement in particular.
> The most important leaders of the satanic branches of Judaism were even excommunicated by orthodox Jewry, with the most famous case probably being Jacob Frank of the Sabbatian-Frankist movement. Rabbi Marvin Antelman, in his book "To Eliminate The Opiate", calls Frankism in particular a movement of complete evil and of the worst kind that ever existed in the history of the deviated Judaism of World Jewry. Thus their real nature as deviated Jews, or Fake-Jew elements as we call them. They originally had been involved in Black Magic and Satanism because their dream of returning united one day to Palestine seemed so difficult to attain at that time that they thought only these occult practices could help them achieve their return with a possible world domination from Jerusalem. This Satanic Sabbatian-Frankist movement is the Jewish group that eventually integrated fully most of the converted Khazarians as new Jews, or as the new European Jews with no Jewish DNA at all. Not only were they not real Jews at all, but because of their integration into the Sabbatian-Frankist movement, they became clearly a kind of new satanic Jews this time, certainly what we can legitimately call Fake Jews that have nothing to do with the original Palestinian Jews who were, and are, the only ones with Jewish DNA of the stem of David and with a legitimate right to return to Palestine.
> Together these old and new satanic Jews form now a special Fake-Jew group that is convinced that their mission is to eventually dominate the world in the name of Satan that they usually worship and call with the nicer name of Lucifer. This integrated branch of satanic Jewry has evolved over the last couple of centuries, and became more sophisticated and civilized in some ways but, for the most part, they are those that today we call the warmonger Zionists still capable of any kind of atrocity against other peoples without any guilt. In the meantime they are strongly assisted in their objectives by the Fake-Jew group that came to be called the Christian Zionists.
> It must be clear however that the wide majority of them are the descendants of the Fake-Jew category called the European Jews who, as it is worth repeating it, have absolutely no DNA of the stem of David nor any link or valid claim to the territory of Palestine. Nevertheless, they are the ones we find today at the top level of various organizations of world power, for example Freemasonry, the Jesuits, the Knights of Malta, The Knights Templar, the Opus Dei, the Trilateral Commission, the Club Of Rome, the Bilderberg, the Council of Foreign Relations running the policy making of the USA, the corresponding Royal Institute of International Affairs running the policy making of the UK, not to mention the biggest Banks and Corporations, all of them best represented by the founders of the new Jewish State of Israel by the Rothschild Zionist operatives, that is, in more modern terms, those we call the Zionists, or those elites of the so-called Revisionist Zionism, who are in great majority coordinating them all from behind the scene, and also now more openly through what is known as the Round Table. Their role of infiltration of the highest levels of Freemasonry is also a major one in deciding world policy even if it one hiding its specific Jewish nature, thus another Fake-Jew role in all world affairs along with all the other organizations previously mentioned.
> The above list should also include all the main supranational organizations like the UN and the EU. From the sheer number of Fake-Jew elements, mainly from the so-called European Jews, sitting at the highest levels of this globalization network, nearly 100% with, as we will see, ancestors from mainly the worst Satanic Sabbatian-Frankist Fake-Jew movement, we can conclude quite clearly that it is the Synagogue Of Satan that is running the world at the moment. Its main current intellectual animators are centered in or around the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism and social engineering. They aim clearly at a global Orwellian dictatorship through a new One-World Government that they hope to eventually establish in Jerusalem after the necessary fall of other disturbing powers like the EU and the USA in particular. Should we also add, for the culture of the conspiracy theorists, that the founder of the so-called "Illuminati" in 1776, Adam Weishaupt, was a Fake-Jew of the European Jew branch and educated by the Fake-Jew branch of Catholicism, the Jesuits.
> When analyzing this background, one cannot avoid the conclusion that this Fake-Jew World Power that we will call SIFJEC (Satanic Infiltrated Fake-Jew Everywhere Commanding), or rather SIFJEC Global World Power, has also a very clear parasitic nature. Its leaders are world experts in infiltrating and exploiting all centers of power. This includes not only the above organizations, but all main religions, starting with pure Judaism itself, corrupting all these entities with Satanism and living off all their targets. It includes all governments with the corruption of their politicians. In addition to banks, it includes all major corporations, all major media, all main social media and all major NGOs. After infiltrating these centers of power, they exploit culturally and socially through fear and dogma the labor and the creativity of all their subordinates. Their banks in particular exploit financially the whole rest of us in an outrageous way through lending usurious fiat money that they create easily out-of-nothing (because we stupidly gave them this incredible unconstitutional power) but lend to us and our government with interests as debt. They do all this parasitic exploitation very successfully while parading with their expensive dark suits, let alone with our stupid admiration, in the best palaces and restaurants of our nations and of our international organizations entirely at our expense.
> The satanic culture of the SIFJEC Global World Power is highly reflected in what we call today the "Political Correctness". This culture keeps influencing the main universities of the USA (Like most typically Yale with its infamous "Skull and Bones") and Europe (with the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism influencing all other universities) forming those leaders who today are mainly operating under the deceitfully generic qualification of Zionists and working covertly or openly to take over the world and enslave the rest of us through DDDD, through usurious debt in particular applying to all submitted countries and the rest of us as submitted persons. That same culture, through the use of a growing number of symbols of Satanism in videos and movies, let alone stage performances and government shows of inaugurations of important events like the Eurotunnel and the Olympics of London, now permeates entirely the highest levels of the entertainment industry, as clearly demonstrated by the performances of some of the most famous artists like Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Madonna, Beyoncé and Katy Perry, not to mention late Michael Jackson with the occasional appearance of his reptilian eyes. These are the main idols and the typical type of the most major evens of today, all deeply impregnated with symbols of Satanism as promoted by the leaders of the various Fake-Jew categories operating at the top of the fields of culture and politics.
> Interestingly enough, the above main Fake-Jew category of the European Jews represents a history of World Jewry that most common Jews are not at all aware of. And they are kept in the dark of this history by plan in order for the normal Jews not to disturb the Fake-Jew Master Plan for a forthcoming One-World-Government as soon as possible. This is so important that, for those who may be interested, we will see this history in a bit more details in the following paragraphs. In addition, at the bottom of this section, we will also list a few history books that well document this reality, in particular on the part of eminent Jewish historians. Be it clear however at the outset of the following summary of that history of the European Jews who were and are today the purest Fake-Jews, but who integrated themselves fully into the Sabbatian-Frankist movement, that we are talking about the history of a form of Satanism that runs our world today more powerfully than ever before in the history of humanity through a most destructive globalization, massive multiculturalism and a moral nihilism that is destroying the best cultural values acquired by the most civilized countries on Earth during the last centuries. Causing such an immense and invaluable loss can only be a clear Satanic game.
- In the
century AD, a wild population calling themselves Khazars had the control of
an immense territory south of Russia, surrounding the Asian
Caspian Sea and the
Black Sea, with its core of command centered where we have
Georgia and part of Ukraine today. This
vast territory became known as the Khazarian Empire. These
practiced no known religion. They were extremely cruel. Crossing their vast
territory was extremely dangerous with most foreign travellers, most of the time,
being robbed or killed, with all their women raped or kidnapped for sex or
domestic slavery purposes. Their Christian neighbor to the north,
Russia, was
also very powerful, along with other neighboring populations on the other
side, at the south of their empire, devoted to Islam and Judaism. Along with these other neighbors,
including Persia, Russia decided, in
740 AD, to give an ultimatum to the
Khazars, and force them to convert, massively, as an entire population, to one of the
3 Abrahamic religions of their choice. Russia was naively hoping this would bring the
Khazars to
more civilized ways within their own territory. The alternative was that
Russia and its alliance would destroy the Khazarian Empire.
> The king of
Khazaria at the time was called Bulan. In front of the serious menace, he
chose to convert his entire people to Judaism, as his choice, in front of the
ultimatum. This choice was for 2 main
reasons. First, Bulan well knew the old reputation of the Jews, as the
infamous “Money Changers”
of the Bible,
and as exploiters of other populations through debt and extortions, which is
basically what
they themselves had been doing for a few centuries already, maybe through
slightly different
means but for the same purpose, like through killing, pillage and plunder. Hence
the culture of Judaism would be much closer to their own Khazarian customs
of exploiting all non-Khazarians for profit when crossing their vast
territory. From this point of view, they had an immediate first affinity with
Jews that they could not feel as strongly with Christians and Muslims.
Second, the Khazarians were also attracted by the practices
of the branch of the Jewish Kabbalah that included Black Magic and related
Satanism. The Khazarians already knew about
this, as part of a deviated branch of Judaism since the time of the exile of the
Jews in Babylon. This was a second affinity with the Jews that would help them feeling
more at ease, and maybe less guilty, for their usual very cruel behavior against all foreigners.
This however was a
behavior that, contrary to what Russia thought, they had no intention to abandon after their forced and fake
mass conversion to Judaism.
> The above should be sufficient to draw already and clearly a first important conclusion. The massive conversion of the barbarian Khazarians from south of Russia to Judaism makes these forced converts real Fake-Jews. Although calling themselves Jews and, from then on, supposedly devoted Judaism, they had, and their descendants still have today, absolutely no Jewish blood, or certainly no Jewish DNA whatsoever from the stem of David. Consequently they had, and still have no historic right to be considered as part of the “Chosen People” mentioned in the Bible. As such, contrary to the much more ancient Jews, the real Jews who were the Palestinian Jews instead of the European Jews, as those who were exiled in Babylon, these new Khazarian Fake-Jews can absolutely not have any valid claim to a historic right to return to the ancient land of Palestine. Such historical right can only belong to the real Palestinian Jews after some 2000 years of their own exile out of Palestine. The link of these new Fake-Jew elements, the converted Khazarians, to the land of Palestine just does not exist. At all! This notwithstanding, they are, in sheer numbers, the great majority of those considering themselves Jews today and in particular those behind the creation of Israel. On the other hand, the main leaders of the satanic Jews of Palestine they have associated with were excommunicated by Jewish orthodoxy and as such they are also, but as a small minority in this case, a kind of Fake-Jews whose descendants have also lost such a historical right to return to Palestine.
> The problem is that these new Jews, in fact non-Jews, or Fake-Jews, since in particular after the destruction of the Khazarian Empire south of Russia in 1250 AD, dispersed themselves in most of Europe. This created a big diaspora of Fake-Jews that became known, for this precise reason, as the European Jews, as opposed to the original Palestinian Jews. This European diaspora has unfortunately created a lot of confusion, as these European Jews are today the vast majority of those we wrongly call with the generic term of Jews. And these Fake-Jews are also those who have eventually fully infiltrated the branch of World Jewry that we call today the Zionists, and precisely those who, as a vast majority around the world, even if they are Fake-Jews, claim the right to the land of Palestine and to the maintenance of a Jewish State that they have called Israel. Their claim, as formulated by these Zionists, appears wrongly not to be the exclusive right of the real ancient Palestinian Jews, and thus a right of the “Chosen People” of the Bible.
This is not only confusing, but technically a complete scam. This is also why the real traditional
Palestinian Jews,
mostly today’s Orthodox Jews, fight openly against Zionism, even from within
Israel itself, and are much more willing to treat the
Palestinians, most of
whom have more Jewish Palestinian DNA from the stem of David than the current
Zionists, in a better way,
sharing the land more fairly with the real Palestinian Jews. Unfortunately for the
real Palestinian Jews that exist in Israel today, who are a clear minority, it is the
Fake-Jew majority of the diaspora of the “European Jews”
originating from the Khazarian Empire south of
Russia that have come back to
Palestine in great majority over the last half century to form the new
Jewish State of Israel.
> In the year
AD, it was clear to Russia in particular that the conversion of the
Khazarians to an Abrahamic religion, Judaism in this case, in
740 AD, did
not bear the expected fruits of better behavior with all foreigners crossing
the vast territory of the still existing Khazarian Empire. For this reason, the
Khazarian Empire was
completely destroyed and dismantled by Russia and its allies. However, the new
Fake-Jews, or the Jews
of Khazarian origin converted massively to Judaism, only moved, mainly north and
to various European countries, in particular to places like Poland,
and Germany, but even Russia itself, and without losing their new Jewish
accreditation as the new “Money
> In addition,
during that European Diaspora, these new Fake-Jews
of Khazarian origin have even worsened their
ancestral bad behavior, in particular in the 17th and
centuries, by infiltrating and massively joining the ranks this time of the
worst deviated branches of Judaism in Europe represented by the so-called
satanic Sabbatians and Frankists, or what
is often called simply the Sabbatian-Frankist movement. The name of this movement comes from two
horrific diabolical figures of deviated Judaism, Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676)
and Jacob Frank (1726-1791). The Sabbatian-Frankists are also known
sometimes as Zoharists, because when they were persecuted by traditional
Jews, they only went temporarily underground studying the Zohar group of
books considered by satanic Jews as more important than the traditional
mystical Kabbalah. Both kinds of books are of clear Luciferian or satanic
inspiration but the Zohar books more so than the
Kabbalah books.
> Sabbatai Zevi and
Jacob Frank were both deeply involved with
Black Magic and the satanic cults that originated in
Babylon and, even as non-Jews,
that is, as Fake-Jews of Khazarian origin, both even pretended they were the
Jewish Messiah. They were both followers of the
Lurianic Kabbalah of the Jewish Rabbi Solomon Luria
(1534-1572). To be clear
Another reality unknown to most people is that
> During their
European Diaspora, in a spirit of full vengeance because of
this forced European Diaspora, the Sabbatian-Frankists followers
gradually infiltrated all centers of culture and power
in their various countries of exile with a strong desire, often explicitly expressed, to eventually rule
these countries and the
whole world from Jerusalem through whatever would be needed, as harmful as
it may be to other people. Sabbatai Zevi was promoting doing any kind of evil
for that purpose, without
any guilt, when necessary to reach this final objective, including in the
meantime killing and mass
massacres through revolutions, wars or otherwise. This is how they got
involved with a major role in all the major revolutions and wars of the last
few centuries, including the French Revolution, the
Russian Revolution, let alone WWI and WWII.
The Bolshevik revolution in Russia was
precisely and mainly a vengeance of the Fake European Jews against Russia for having
destroyed their Khazarian Empire. With what was called “Transvaluation”,
or inversion of all traditional values, if something served their objective
of eventual world domination, they could do anything they wanted, and they would be
nevertheless saved by a
special kind of redemption through useful
sin, as a reversed morality clearly in
line with full libertinism and the worst Satanic cults related to the
Lurianic Kabbalah. This is what some researchers have called
the “Synagogue Of Satan”
for which nothing is forbidden if it serves the objective. The
Sabbatian-Frankist new prayer was
“Praised be He [that is, Satan] who permits the forbidden”.
For them, in their self-proclaimed mission, the old prohibitions of the
Torah, as the central sacred book of Judaism, did not apply, including all
old sexual relationships like incest and pedophilia:
“Do What Thou Wilt”.
Obviously all this has nothing to do with the pure Palestinian Jews.
> Again, these Zoharists, or
or Zio-Satanists, or Khazo-Satanists, whatever you want to call them,
because of their clear non-Jewish or Fake-Jew Khazarian origin, have absolutely no
Jewish DNA at all, and consequently no legitimate claim to Palestine nor
to the
domination of the world from Jerusalem after the return of
the Messiah. They are
Fake-Jews, or certainly not real Jews, and they only use
the real Jews as puppets to achieve their objectives. Real Jews are most of
the time not
their collaborators, but most of the time their victims. The
Fake-Jew elements are nevertheless the ones who
have created the new so-called Jewish State of Israel.
Again, they have so little
respect for real Palestinian Jews that they have even engineered and financed the
Holocaust of WWII without any guilt, by financing
Hitler all the way, in order
to have a pretext to create their Zio-Jewish State of
> As a result, in reality, Israel is not
really a Jewish
State, belonging to the old Palestinian Jews
returned to Palestine, but at most a Zio-State
of the European Jews with a Fake-Jew
Khazarian origin. This is why the traditional Orthodox Jews of
Israel who are more closely associated to the old
Palestinian Jews are protesting Zionism,
as they know this sad historical reality better than anybody else. But the
worst reality is that this
new Zio-Jewish State is only
the first step for the formation of a “Greater-Zio-Israel”
from the Nile to the Euphrates, in which capital,
to eventually base their new One-World-Government of complete world
domination. And this “Greater-Zio-Israel” is being built fast through the
constant absorption of new territories, like the Golan Heights and the
Bank, and the gradual balkanization of the other countries of the Middle
East. This balkanization has happened already in countries like Syria and
Iraq to prepare the forthcoming absorption of new pieces of
territory at the first good occasion. Part of Saudi Arabia and the whole
of Lebanon shall be the next victims.
> In the meantime, over the last centuries, as
mentioned before, the Fake-Jew Zoharists Zionist
satanic culture has well infiltrated all the world centers
of power and culture, including media, politics, education and finances, but
also the other main western religions of Islam and Christianity, pursuing
world domination through globalization, and an eventual One-World-Government
based in Jerusalem. This major final objective implies the previous fall of the
USA and the EU because a new One-World-Government cannot be such if these other
centers of major power are not first eliminated. And this is what is fast forthcoming
today by progressive steps in both the EU and the USA.
> Be it clear in conclusion that this is not/not a Jewish Plot, because it is not pursued by real Jews. However it is clearly a "Fake-Jew Plot", or a Zio-Zoharist Plot of an infiltrated and deviated branch of Judaism expressed at its worst in those we have called the satanic Sabbatian-Frankists, or their Fake-Jew collaborators. Today, for simplification purposes, we can probably legitimately call it the Zionist Plot where most of the agents of this Conspiracy Reality are regrouped. For the real Palestinian Jews we can only feel comprehension and compassion for being used, even seriously abused, and for being the main victims of this satanic Fake-Jew Master Plan.
> The "Fake-Jew Plot" is what is producing what we call the new satanic SIFJEC (Satanic Infiltrated Fake-Jew Everywhere Commanding) World Power seeking to take over the world through globalization and establish an eventual dictatorial One-World-Government based in Jerusalem after the creation of the Greater-Zio-Israel and the fall of the USA and the EU.
> s. Sweat and SweatHarder. This the Satanic Abrahamic elites using the Fake-Jews in their plot to enslave the world.
> s. Zionism
> Book by Rifat Salim Kabar: "The Donmeh Jews and the Origin of the Saudi Wahhabis".
> Book by
Konstantinos Plevris:
"Jews: The Whole truth
JewZuit Power - JewZuit - JUSA - JAmerica - JewZuiMerica - JEU - JOW - JangloZaxon
> The word JewZuit is coined here as the combination of 3 words. It means the Power of the Jews, but as Jew Zionists, combined to the power of the Catholics, but as Jesuits. The sequence of the combined underlined letters of these 3 known words form the new word being coined: JewZuit. That new word is pronounced similarly to "Jesuit", but with a "Jew" sound as its first syllable instead of the regular "Je" sound.
> Please note that, in the context of our websites, the acronym "JewZuit" is an older one that has been gradually replaced with a more specific ones in certain contexts, like LUZJIP, which means Luciferian Union of some Zionist (Jews), Jesuit (Christians), and Islamist (Muslims) Perverts. That new LUZJIP acronym is better. On the one hand, it includes not only some perverted elements of Judaic and Christian affiliation, but also some elements affiliated to Islam who are similarly perverted and play a role in the NWO, either consciously or as useful idiots, in the execution of the Master Plan of our global enslavement through DDDD. On the other hand, that new acronym also indicates more clearly a Luciferian origin of all the 3 categories perverts working as acolytes. Consequently, each time you see "JewZuit" in our websites, you should substitute that old acronym with the newer one: LUZJIP.
> In a global context, SweatHarder is the latest name of the power of the elites trying to enslave the rest of us. Other names, like the JewZuit Power or LUZJIP are still valid in their own relative context, but not as comprehensive as SweatHarder on a global scale.
> The word JAmerica means JewZuit America (the USA). Sometimes reduced to JewMerica when referring mostly to the Jewish power of America.
> Correspondingly, JUSA means JewZuit USA (United States of America).
> The word JewZuiMerica means America (the USA) as the main focal point of the thug power at the service of the world JewZuit Power.
> The word JEU means the JewZuit EU (European Union)
> The word JOW is equivalent to saying the JewZuit NWO (New World Order), but better expressed as: JOW: JewZuit Order, Worldwide.
> For more information on the JewZuit Power concept, see: JewZuit Power.
> For more information on the Zionist side of the concept, see: Zionism.
> Depending on the context, when wanting to stress an involvement of the third monotheistic religion in the activities being described, the word JewZuit is replaced with ZioZuitZlim, even with LuZioZuitZlim when there is a Luciferian connotation inferred, or LUZJIP when there is a global Luciferian connotation involving parts of the 3 monotheistic religions operating together, either knowingly, for the 3 of them, or with one of them being used as a useful idiot for the two others.
> JangloZaxon is also sometimes used as equivalent to JewZuit Power. This means the mainly Anglo-Saxon elites at the top of the NWO (New World Order), but with its main protagonists, acting in the background for these Anglo-Saxon elites, being the "J" (Jesuits) and the "Z" (Zionists). The nationality of these protagonists of the JewZuit Power is mainly English (or of English descent, like the Americans, thus "Anglo"), but also Germanic (or of the area of northern western Europe, thus "Saxon") and consequently, with the infiltration of the Jesuits and the Zionists in their highest ranks of power, they form the JangloZaxon Power. The British Empire was dismantled only in appearance: although it appears, geographically speaking, to have fallen through the lost of many territories, it has not lost any of them, and even conquered many more, from a financial enslavement point of view. And this new Financial British Empire of the JangloZaxons is much more powerful today, nearly one hundred years after its apparent fall, than the old Geographical British Empire was at its height at around 1921.
> s. SIFJEC (as a more recent and more inclusive name for what we call JewZuit)
> s. Sabbatian-Frankists
> s. JewZuit World Domination main subjects.
= Judaic,
Islamic, Christian,
Satanic Backstage
Enslaving Rulers
Jospel / Jospelian / Jospelianism / AJospel / JospelAriant / JospelArion / JospelArium / Josophy / Josopher
> This is a new word being coined here for many reasons related to the PythagorArium. Jospel is basically a play on word with "Gospel", but spelled with a "J" standing for "Jesus", or rather for what "only Jesus" said in the global context of the Bible. More generically, depending on the context, the "J" can stand for Joy.
> JospEL = Joy Of Spreading Philosophically Enlightened Liberty (where 'Joy' is intended as a special kind of love) based on Enlightened Logos.
> JospELian = Joy Of Spreading Philosophically Enlightened Liberty In A Newness.
> Josophy = the philosophy of the Jospel, or of Jesus.
> Josopher = Jospel philosopher, or a philosopher of the philosophy of the Jospel, or of Jesus. In fact, Jesus never intended to found a new institutional religion. He only meant to spread a new culture based on Love and Truth, not as a religion but as a philosophy of Love and Truth. Jesus was not a Jew, but an ELL ('Greek') figure from Nazareth, and wanted to upgrade the existing religion of violence of his time to the superior ELL level of philosophy, as a philosophy of Virtue, Love and Truth, as the 'Greek' philosophy created, or rather elaborated, by his own ELL cultural ancestors some 4 centuries before he was born, and stemming back to Apollo as what we call AJospel.
> JospelArium = An Arium of Jospelianism.
> JospelAriant = the head (Ariant) of a JospelArium.
> JospelArion = a staff of managerial level working under a JospelAriant.
> AJospel = Apollonian Jospel, or: Apollonian Joy Of Spreading Philosophically Enlightened Liberty based on Enlightened Logos.
> A Jospelian is somebody who believes only in the Jospel (the 'Gospel' that includes only and strictly what Jesus said, excluding whatever aspect of the Bible that may pretend to include something about Jesus or his forthcoming) as a base for his possible religious feelings, beliefs and good personal and civic conduct.
> A Jospelian is not the follower of a religion, certainly not in terms of an institutional religion, but the follower of a special code of conduct and philosophy of life as formulated by a great teacher and master called "Jisus". He thus follows the Jospel (with a "J"), not the Gospel. (with a "G").
> In other words, the Jospel is "The Good News" of what only Jesus said during his life in order to try to change the old dogmatic religious guidelines of the past contained in the "Old Testament" of the Bible. It is specifically what Jesus said during his life, and reported most faithfully by only the 4 evangelists who got to know him directly and follow him as his personal disciples: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. But Jesus was an ELL figure from Nazareth, and not/not a Jew. As such he was the new propagator at the time of the ELL culture of "Enlightened Liberty" within his Judaic environment and the rest of the world as dominated by the Roman Empire.
> As such, a Jospelian is not/not anti-old-testament, but just ignores totally the Old Testament: he is only and purely pro-new-testament, and only respects and follows the new testament, but even so, only its core from the 4 main disciples of Jesus. This excludes all of what was written in the scriptures before Jesus, but also all of what was written by the later followers of Jesus who never got to know him directly during his life, like typically St. Paul. Consequently it excludes most of what composes today what is called the "New Testament". A Jospelian is not Christian in the normal sense of the word, but only Jospelian, just like he cannot be Jewish or Muslim in the traditional sense of the word in as mush as Jews and Muslims may recognize and follow some aspects of the Bible.
> To be clear, the Jospel has absolutely nothing to do with what is called the Bible, not directly, not indirectly, and not even as any kind of precursory doctrine for what Jesus came to say during his life.
> The Jospel, in spite of its relation to Jesus, has even nothing to do with the word "Christ", which is a Judeo-Christian term that is never used within the context of the PythagorArium, but only to the word "Jesus" as the author of the Jospel. The same with the term "Antichrist".
> The Jospelians also have absolutely nothing to do with any kind of religious institution, like any of the branches of the contemporary Christian churches, not even the Evangelists. There is no Jospelian church or institution, and there will never be one. Being Jospelian is not seen as being religious in the common sense of following a church or religious institution, but religious in a philosophical sense.
> The Jospel is seen and felt as a particular philosophy of life, not a religion, based on the core of "Good News" of what Jesus said during his life as an ELL figure and philosophical Grand Master.
> Unfortunately the word Gospel is closely linked to the contemporary Christian religion denominations of the so-called Evangelists who not only believe in the Gospels of the 4 disciples of Jesus, but also believe in the Bible and see the Gospel as being only the "New Testament" part of the comprehensive Bible itself. Thus the need to coin the new word "Jospel", to refer specifically and exclusively to the core of what Jesus said, and to what was reported by only the 4 evangelists who knew Jesus as his personal disciples. In short, the Jospel comprises essentially the "Sermon On The Mount", and the rest of what these 4 disciples wrote about what Jesus said during his life.
> A member of the PythagorArium is never formally a Jew, a Christian or a Muslim. The most that he can said to be from a religious point of view is that he is Jospelian, and for him, it is not a religion, but a philosophy of life on the basis of the core of what specifically Jesus said during his life.
> s. JELBATAC (Joy, Enlightened Liberty And Truth As Civitas).
= Jewish One-World Order, or JewZuit One World Order (more accurately in many cases, depending on the context) but, in any case, even considering the "Jesuit" component of the Judaized Catholic church since after the Vatican Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II of 1962, a Judaic One-World Order.
> in this latter case, it is probably more appropriate to define the acronym as: ZOWO (Zionist One-World Order).
> see: MOWOP for more explanations on the use of this acronym.
= The head public servant of the JudicArium.
> More literally = Judicial Administering Regularly In Awesome National Transparency
> Often abbreviated as Jariant.
> s. JudicArium
> This refers mainly to the TetractArium governance structure of an EthoCracy or of a TruthOcracy.
> For each GovernAriant mandate of governance, the JudicAriant is selected on the basis of the indications on this TetractArium PDF Card.
= One of the auxiliary State Powers of the 5 new powers of the Pentas Politica that is an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> Its full name is sometimes called the Judicative Power.
> The JudicArium is headed by a JudicAriant.
> The JudicArium includes the ExpertArium.
> This refers mainly to the TetractArium governance structure of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> See TetractArium for more information on the EthoCracy (or TruthOcracy) Virtuous Governance and its structure of Ariums.
> For a quick reference card on where this Arium stands in the overall structure of the TetractArium, see this TetractArium.PDF card.
> A TruthOcracy has 3 systems of justice. First, the regular Judicial power composed of judicial courts with magistrates and judges, functioning with the help of normal lawyers accusing or defending a person charged with a crime. Second, the PAJ (Private Alternative Justice) meant to facilitate immensely, both in terms of costs and times, the rendering of justice regarding mostly interpersonal alleged crimes or injustice. Third, the POJ (Public Overpowering Justice) meant to handle most expeditiously the crimes strictly related to public affairs, mainly in terms of non-TAT (Truth And Transparency) compliance. The JudicArium has the overseeing power of surveillance of this new triple system of justice.
= The integration of the 3 main western religions, the Judaic, Christian and Islamic religious denominations, into a One-World Religion at the service of the NWO (New World Order), along with a fast forthcoming One-World-Currency and a One-World-Government.
> In its first stages of integration, it is often already called formally the Panthriskia.
= A mixture of Judaism and Islam
> s. ZAJAC (Zio-Anglo-Jesuit-Arabic
= The old name of the special type of Judo developed by the PythagorArium.
= EthoJudo (current official name).
> It is physically, as a sport, what the “Socratic Dialogue” is on the psychological side.
> EthoJudo is practiced in the AgonArium area of the AmilArium.
= JewZuit World Order
> This is a more accurate name for the NWO, preferred in the context of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> More accurately called
JOWO in many cases, depending on the context.
= Beauty of both the body and the soul combined.
> The term is used in the special sense of the Ancient Greek Philosophy. It means more than plain beauty as in the modern vocabulary. It means the intrinsic harmony from the inside that is reflected as beauty on the outside.
Our page on
Kallos Beauty
= The main representational building of the Arium.
> It is also the heart of the EllinArium taking care of the public relations of the Arium.
> It includes the small museum called the PorcelainArium.
= A form of sexual friendship, or an intimate same-sex friendship, with occasional overtones of apparent homosexuality based on a Kallos attraction, from a harmonious mutual combination of body-soul Beauty, but usually not directly involving sexual relations on a regular and continuous basis, if not only on a very rare occasional or accidental basis, and in any case never involving any anal sex.
> Refers to "Platonic Love" it its purest sense.
> Mainly related to section of our page on Rule 3 and EthoPlasìn Love Life.
> Also related in the same page to Desmosexuality.
= The highest level of the modern Greek language.
> Katharevousa has 5000 thousand years of continuous ascertained superiority over any other language for most perfect language communication.
> Katharevousa is the highest level of the 3 level strategy of language improvement, worldwide, proposed by the PythagorArium as EthoSpeak.
> Katharevousa is part of
WESA (World
EthoSpeak Advancement)
The Khazars are considered Jews, and they are Jews in as much as they are those running the new State of Israel today.
> In fact they mainly are those we call "Zionists" today, and as such they are not the pure Jews of the ancient Palestine. These Zionists include the Rothschild and the Rockefeller as their most eminent representatives, but also many others like Henry Kissinger and George Soros.
> The Khazars were a Turkic pagan tribe living mainly between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, but including most of what we call Ukraine and Poland today. In the years after 300AD the Khazars had started to expand and conquer more and more territories. At one point later on, this put them into a dangerous situation, as they were caught between the Christian Byzantine world and the Islamic world whose interests they were disturbing. At the same time, the whole area was well infiltrated by Jews who seemed to operate quite well, mainly as traders and money changers tolerated by both the Byzantine and Islamic worlds that was threatening them. At that point, around 800 AD, their King, Bulan, in order to facilitate the ambitious operations of his people in the overall area, decided to convert his tribes to one of the 3 main religions involved in the area. After due consideration, he decided to convert his tribes to Judaism, even if they had no Jewish blood and no blood relation to the old Jews of the Ancient Palestinian area, thus no relation to Abraham as his descendants. This forced conversion took place between the mid-8th and the mid-9th centuries AD. These are the ancestors of most of the Jews that we call Zionists today, as those who created the supposedly Jewish State of Israel after WWII.
> s. Fake-Jew Plot (for more information on Khazars)
= Killing No Animal Or Plant
> Refers to a pure type of vegetarian regime prohibiting killing any animal or plant to eat them. Most vegetarian food can be eaten without killing the plant, like tomatoes or apples. This is not the case for example of carrots and potatoes. The same with animal food where you can eat eggs and milk but not the chicken or the cow. KNAOP also excludes of course all fish and sea shells.
> Related to NABALSOK which is the basic entry vegetarian level.
> Related to ADWUS
= Lobbying And Protesting Dedicated Accommodating Channel (as a special TV channel)
> This is a special national TV channel of a TruthOcracy dedicated full time to give people free access to a national audience for mainly lobbying the governance and/or protesting against the governance, or for simply suggesting good changes and/or initiatives to improve the governance of the country.
> Access is granted most freely, on the basis of a sensible justification in writhing, through the TinformArium of the TetractArium.
> Corporations can only and exclusively do their lobbying through this channel, and absolutely never in any other form directly with any member of governance.
> Anyone who is a national citizen can have access to LAPDAC, even criminals from jails at the time, or citizens who have committed crimes in the past, but only if nationals. Those with a criminal record cannot be the leaders of a demonstration or public protest of the so-called "Good People".
> Non-nationals may have access indirectly, doing it openly by the proxy of a national declaring his role, but only regarding national issues. Non-national issues or problems cannot be protested through LAPDAC as this would be an undue intromissions in the affairs of a foreign country. Such possible intromission is only possible through the diplomatic service of the country, not through LAPDAC.
> Once a citizen has used LAPDAC to protest a national issue to no avail, he/she becomes part of the "Good People" who can be authorized to arrange a public protest with the help of the police officers of the PolArium.
> The LAPDAC has regular national TV sessions, called LAPDAC PPPP sessions, as many as may be required, always preannounced at least one month in advance, with the names of the persons involved, for the shameful public exposure of PPPP punishment decisions involving the stealing or spoiling of public money by anybody in the life of a TruthOcracy.
> More explicitly, when a PPP punishment becomes PPPP, then the punishment must be exposed publicly, with all the public shame involved, through special PATOCSE (Public Affairs Truth-Obstruction Crime Shameful Exposure) sessions of the LAPDAC (Lobbying And Protesting Dedicated Accommodating Channel) TV channel of the government, as pre-announced special sessions at least one month in advance with the names of the persons involved. These are special sessions, called LAPDAC PATOCSE sessions, or LAPDAC PPPP sessions.
= Member of the new LeaderArium.
> Relates mainly to our pages on the EthoCracy and TruthOcracy.
= The Head of the LeaderArium
> The LeaderAriant is selected by a secret vote of all the currently active LeaderArians of the LeaderArium.
> The
LeaderArians form an assembly of the ex GPIMJS in
the TetractArium Diagram of the various
Ariums of State Powers in the
or the
TruthOcracy, as long as
they are willing to participate.
= A coordinating State Power for the Pentas Politica of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> It is an assembly of the ex
GPIMJS in the TetractArium Diagram of the
various Ariums of State Powers in the
EthoCracy or the
> Relates mainly to our pages on the
EthoCracy or the
> The LeaderArium elects the SPELAriant (the Head of the SPELArium).
> See TetractArium for more information on the EthoCracy (or TruthOcracy) Virtuous Governance and its structure of Ariums.
> For a quick reference card on where this Arium stands in the overall structure of the TetractArium, see this TetractArium.PDF card.
> LegisArium = The power to issue laws on the basis of a BEC in a computed EthoCracy or TruthOcracy.
> LegisArion is the non-voting head of the LegisArium, appointed by the GovernAriant.
> The LegisArium is included in the GovernArium, as the executive power can only issue laws exactly as they have been pre-established in its BEP before election (a BEP that became a BEC during the election period, and a SPEC after election).
> For a quick reference card on where this Arium stands in the overall structure of the TetractArium, see this TetractArium.PDF card.
> LOF = Law Objectives Framework
> LOFA = Law Objectives Framework Acronym
> In a TruthOcracy, there can be no surprise in terms of new legislation or taxation after an election, during a mandate. Laws are defined before an election, at least in their objectives, and included in a BEC (Binding Electoral Contract). After an election, any new law or tax must either wait a new election, and be included in a new BEC or, in case of an emergency, be decided by a quiferendum.
> In other words, laws are discussed and accepted by the people, at least as a framework of clear objectives, before an election, not after and election. In fact, in a TruthOcracy, there is no more a traditional parliament with representative composing a legislative power for the formulation of new laws. There is still a legislative power, but only to formalize the LOF projects that may be included in a BEC. That reduced legislative power gives the LOF to the elected GovernAriant of the TetractArium (replacing the Parliament), after its full elaboration, and that GovernAriant ensures it is perfectly implemented in an OTATFOG way. That formalization however must never contradict the objectives of the LOF, must cover all the objectives of the LOF, must not include new objectives not planned in the LOF, and must not forget to cover any of the objectives already in the LOF.
= Words (of Truth and Creative Power)
> The concept of Truth is at the base of the governance of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> In such context, sometimes Truth is expressed as EL (of the Enlightened Logos of ELL, meaning words of Truth and thus Creative Power).
= The name of the component providing the official formation material of the Pythagorean World Center.
> It provides the thinking, discipline, training courses and Science of Being on the Academy for the holistic formation of the Pythagorean Tetractys of its students and members.
> It is assisted by the experts of the PythInstitute Think-tank.
> LOPEN = League Of Patriotic Ethocratic Nations (League of nations having EthoCracy governance).
> LOPTON = League Of Patriotic TruthOcratic Nations (League of nations having TruthOcracy governance)
> In the context of our page on EthoCracy or TruthOcracy, all UN members should ideally be at least UEN (United Ethocratic Nations). However, at least at the beginning, this is probably utopic. Consequently, as a first step, the member nations should be requested to be LOPEN, in a new organization of that name replacing the UN.
> Being LOPEN, for member countries, would not mean being 'democratic' in the traditional, pure and full formal sense of the word, but being formally committed to aspire to become 'democratic' in an EthoCratic way as soon as possible, while conserving each their own patriotic characteristics.
> In the context of a TruthOcracy, LOPEN is now replaced with UNOPT (United Nations Of Patriotic TruthOcracy).
> A NEIO (Non Elected International Organization) has to be at least LOPEN, hopefully LOPTON or UNOPT, before receiving public money from a TruthOcracy.
= A special martial art of self-defense that required using and balancing the spiritual, mental and physical skills of the practitioner in order to achieve the least violent possible victory in battle, albeit as a clear and definite victory, as well as best harmony of all aspects of life in everyday living.
> This martial art was developed and practiced mainly by the ancient Hawaiian warriors.
> One of its objectives was to always try to transform an enemy, after a victory in battle, into a new friend of harmonious behavior as much as possible.
> Our EthoJudo as taken many aspects of the ancient LUA ethical fighting techniques.
Lucifelites or Lucif-Elites
= Luciferian Elites
> A mixture of the Luciferian elites of the 3 main monotheistic religions (Zionism/Judaism, Christianity and Islam).
> The acronym is normally used in the context of describing the top elites of the 3 main monotheist religions that are fully infiltrated and directed by Lucifer for the creation of the NWO (New World Order) aiming at creating a dictatorial One-World-Government under its full dictatorial command. In that context, these elites are called the Lucifelites.
> LU = Luciferian Union
> LUZJIP= Luciferian Union of some Zionist (Jews), Jesuit (Christians), and Islamist (Muslims) Perverts.
> LUZJIPWA= Luciferian Union of some Zionist (Jews), Jesuit (Christians), and Islamist (Muslims) Perverts for World Ascendancy.
> For Lucifer, see Satan.
> Depending on the context, LUZJIPWA may be equivalent to the less explicit word LuZioZuitZlim.
> Please note that, in the context of our older webpages, this newer acronym LUZJIP was not used. An older acronym was used: "JewZuit", with a less complete, but basically the same meaning. That new LUZJIP acronym is better and is now the only one being used. On the one hand, it includes not only some perverted elements of Judaic and Christian affiliation, but also some elements affiliated to Islam who are similarly perverted and play a role in the NWO, either consciously or as useful idiots, in the execution of the Master Plan of our global enslavement through DDDD. On the other hand, that new acronym also indicates more clearly a Luciferian origin of all the 3 categories perverts working as acolytes. Consequently, each time you see "JewZuit" in our websites, you should substitute that old acronym with the newer one: LUZJIP. However, the additional considerations that are elaborated under JewZuit do apply, mutatis mutandis, to this newer LUZJIP acronym.
> In a global context, SweatHarder is the latest name of the power of the elites trying to enslave the rest of us. Other names, like the JewZuit Power or LUZJIP or SIFJEC are still valid in their own relative context, but not as comprehensive as SweatHarder on a global scale.
> Depending on the context, the word JewZuit may still be used, instead of LUZJIP, to express a less global sense of the word, and a more explicit complicity of the institutions of the Christian and Judaic faiths in attempting to attain world power.
> The 3 main monotheistic religions are involved, but only as useful idiots of the Luciferian force (or the overall LUZJIPWA Power) manipulating them, hiding at the top levels of the various institutions of the WRM (World Revolutionary Movement) attempting to establish a One-World-Government of totalitarian Fabian Socialism through the so-called NWO (New World Order).
> In addition to the very top levels of the 3 main monotheistic religions, LUZJIPWA includes the very top levels of institutions like typically the CFR, the Freemasons, the Bilderberg, the Club of Rome, and the TC (Trilateral Commission).
> LUZJIPWA also includes the very top levels of the main officially-sovereign-cities running the NWO: City-Vatican, City-London, City-Basel, City-Hong Kong, and City-Washington DC, not to mention the less explicitly sovereign cities of Jerusalem and Mecca.
> LUZJIPWA also hides behind the main international and supranational organizations like the UN and the EU, and includes their top-level management, not to mention the apparently innocuous centers of world power like those of the TTT.
> LU (Luciferian Union) is often used in opposition to ELL (Enlightened League, formed on the basis of Enlightened Logos Liberty) of DEL.
> s. JewZuit for some additional considerations applying to LUZJIP mutatis mutandis.
> s. ZioZuitZlim
> s. SS (Synagogue of Satan).
> s. Satan
> s. FOG
> s. FOB
= Luciferian Zionist, Jesuit and Muslim.
> This is the combination of Lucifer with 3 words with a "Z" sound in them: Zionist, Jesuit and Muslim.
> Depending on the context, in order to stress its pure 3 monotheistic religions interactions without a Luciferian connotation, the word is often replaced with ZioZuitZlim.
> Depending on the context, this new word may be equivalent to the more explicit word LUZJIPWA.
> The real nature of the NWO (New World Order) Power trying to dominate the world is the LuZioZuitZlim Power, or, more explicitly defined, the LUZJIP Power, or the LUZJIPWA Power.
> s. LUZJIPWA for more information.
> s. SS (Synagogue of Satan).
> s.
= The Directing Consortium of the Arium.
> Composed of the Masters of the 10 main directing components of the Arium.
> They meet every day at 18:00 for resolving current problems.
= The abbreviation of MilitAriant, as the Head of the MilitArium in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> s. MilitAriant.
> s. Parriage
= The assembly of all living ex Masters and Grand Master.
> They act as a consultative body for the current Grand Master.
> See: MOWOP (Master One-World-Order Plan) for more details, often called more simply just Master Plan.
> See: Zionism for a dominant aspect of the plan.
> See: Deep State
> Mast = Matter And Space-Time
> Mastom = Matter And Space-Time Ongoing Meditation (or: ...Orderly Meditation)
> Matter does not exist as we perceive it. Space does not exist as we perceive it. Time does not exist as we perceive it.
> Deep deep, Matter, Space and Time do not exist. Only Thoughts exist in a world of Ideas. Only ideas are the creators of our reality. Through them, we are the co-creators of our universe, for the good or for the bad, while located between the Infinite Big and the Infinite Small.
> This is a main and fundamental subject of ongoing daily meditation on the part of all members of the PythagorArium.
> Matter, Space, and Time are part of World Illusion, along with Separation, Locality, Birth, Death, and Emptiness. The understanding of that illusion is fundamental to the Science of Being of all members of the PythagorArium.
> s. Socratic Dialogue
= Mutually Aspired Sex Without Anal, Violent Or Pedophile Activity
> A MASWAVOPA compliant person is often called more simply NASexual, or NASBisexual.
> In a TruthOcracy, sexual activity is very free, but anal sex is always a crime, be it with a man or a woman. From this point of view, for a citizen to be in accordance with the criminal code, he or she must be NASEX (No Anal SEX) in behavior when engaging in sexual activity, or Nasexual, which applies to both heterosexuals and homosexuals.
> In addition to the basic
Anal SEX)
prohibition, and in the spirit of the EthoPlasìn holistic education that is at the base of a
TruthOcracy, called
ELLducation, the criminal code also requires that any person be overall
MASWAVOPA in sexual behavior: engage only in sexual activity that is mutually
aspired by the partners, and that excludes anal sex, excludes violent sex, and
excludes pedophile sex.
= Micro-Criminal Code
> New type of micro-criminal code, as suggested in our page on Micro-Criminality Issues.
> Related to FcaPOL.
= Micro-Criminal Registry
> New type of registry for micro-criminal infractions,
mainly from a civic behavior point of view, as suggested in our page on
Micro-Criminal Issues.
> Related to FcaPOL.
> Relates to our hot page Micro-Criminal Issues.
= Meritocratic, Direct and Participative. Like: a MeDiPartic Government.
> A new adjective integrating the three main characteristic of the best type of government, or an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> Such democracy is meritocratic, and merit is the first characteristic at the foundation of such democracy, with merit based on natural abilities, skills, intelligence and dedication (basically like in competitive national sports: who is really the best player gets to lead the highest team).
> Such democracy is direct in that it is not representative: citizens do not vote for a representative who will then vote for them in a parliament chamber, but vote themselves directly for a decision regarding a problem or a situation that they have been made well aware of in its nature, components and implications.
> Such democracy is participative in that citizens have a duty to vote, and no more just a right to vote (albeit with a new type of Bio-Anonymous voting process that is cheap, fast and secure). Not participating in the securely bio-anonymous voting process leads first to penalties in the form of fines, and can lead to the loss of citizenship.
> A fully computed
EthoCracy, called a
is often said to have first evolved from being MeDiPartic to being a
= The meditation area of the DiaskedArium.
> Some areas are for groups, some for individual meditation in complete electronic isolation.
> The latter option includes an open-sky deck in some of the cubicles, for star admiration during meditation.
= Melting Race advocator, or melting race process encouraging excessive multiculturalism to melt all the races of a given environment or nation.
> This is a new word being coined to be used as the opposite of "racist".
> A MeltRacist is someone who wants to encourage race mixing as much as possible, as massive and excessive multiculturalism, to the point of destroying the original beauty of each of all the races involved in a new melting pot.
> see ProRacialist (someone who wants to protect all races in their original own beauty, as mush as possible in their own original environment) for more details.
> see
ProGendoRacialist for even more details.
= Media Violence Rating Code.
> Code meant to be a rating of the degree of violence citizens are being exposed to by various types of media.
> Related to our page on Journalistic Issues.
= Minimum Income Guarantee
> In an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, any citizen can always enjoy a minimum income when justified by merit.
> An EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy has no income tax, only sales tax, and the MIG is ensured through the payments of the STIR mechanism of the STIS (Sales Tax Identity System).
> The MIG is based on a fraction of the NASNI (Nursemaid Average Salary National Index) as reviewed quarterly and established by the STISNO.
> A MIG is usually given automatically as a SNUMHAC to a spouse married with at least one minor child deciding to work full time without employment external to the family and to work full time to manage the home with the minor children.
> s. NASCU for how the minimum wage may be established.
> s. SNUMHAC (for married spouses working full time to manage a home with children)
=The non-voting Head of the MilitArium, appointed by the ProtectAriant.
> The MilitArion is the head of the MilitArium in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> Often abbreviated as MAriant.
> The MilitArium is part of the ProtectArium of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> This refers mainly to the Diagram of Ariums of EthoCracy State Powers (or TruthOcracy State Powers).
> For each GovernAriant mandate of governance, the MilitAriant is selected on the basis of the Election System of the TetractArium of an EthoCracy (or a TruthOcracy).
= Military Arium (or the Arium of the armed forces of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy).
> The MilitArium is part of the ProtectArium of the Pentas Politica of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> It is headed by a MilitArion
> This refers mainly to the Diagram of Ariums of EthoCracy State Powers (or TruthOcracy State Powers).
> See TetractArium for more information on the EthoCracy (or TruthOcracy) Virtuous Governance and its structure of Ariums.
> For a quick reference card on where this Arium stands in the overall structure of the TetractArium, see this TetractArium.PDF card.
> MinistArion = a Ministry, or ministerial department of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy (similar to 'Ministries' in most democratic western countries). It cannot be called 'MinistArium', with the 'Arium' suffix, because there are 8 MinistArions in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy (see: CabinetArium) and they all fall under the same Ariant: the CabinetAriant.
> MinistAriant = a Minister (the head of a MinistArion, or of a ministerial department like those found in most democratic countries).
> The MinistArions are 8 only, and sit in the CabinetArium that itself sits within the GovernArium. They all come under the authority of a single Ariant: the CabinetAriant.
> The Ariants of the CabinetArium, in addition of the 78 outside of it, are 8 (MinistAriant) +1 (CabinetAriant) = 9 Ariants. Total Ariants of the TetractArium = 78 + 9 = 87.
> On all government legislative decisions, the voting ones in the VotArium are 86 (the VotAriant does not vote). A majority in such cases is always 2/3 of 87+1 = 59 (a minimum number to be reached for a formal official majority, independently of the number of voting Ariants present).
> On the only administrative issues outside the VotArium, only the non-VotArium 78 Ariants do vote. A majority is then 1/2 of 78 + 1 = 40 (a minimum number to be reached for a formal official majority, independently of the number of voting Ariants present).
= Head of the MonetArium
> The MonetArium is one of the 5 State Powers of the Pentas Politica of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
= The new State Power of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy that takes care of the finances and the economy of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> Its most vital function is to issue only new debt-free money, as asset-money, through its NamArium that operates on the basis of a "Debt-Free Budgetness".
> This is one of the 5 State Powers of the Pentas Politica of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy governed in the form of a TetractArium.
> It is headed by a MonetAriant
> The MonetAriant is selected on the basis of the indications provided on the TetractArium.PDF card.
> See TetractArium for more information on the EthoCracy (or TruthOcracy) Virtuous Governance and its structure of Ariums.
> For a quick reference card on where this Arium stands in the overall structure of the TetractArium, see this TetractArium.PDF card.
> The MonetArium includes a special BISCU (BIS Coadjutor Unit) section collaborating with the BIS for resolving all international banking settlements with banks or persons outside the TruthOcracy.
> MOWOP = Master One-World-Order Plan.
> JOWOP = JewZuit One-World-Order Plan.
> ZOWOP = Zionist One-World-Order Plan.
> KOWOP = Khazarian One-World-Order Plan.
> SOWOP = Satanic One-World-Order Plan
> LOWOP = Luciferian One-World-Order Plan
> In a global context, SweatHarder is the latest acronym we use to describe the power of the elites trying to enslave the rest of us. Other names, like the JewZuit Power or LUZJIP or SIFJEC are still valid in their own relative context, but not as comprehensive as SweatHarder on a global scale.
> MOWOP is only the most generic name of what we often call, more simply, just the Master Plan. Depending on the context and on what events or circumstances we are describing, and on who are the main actors involved, this MOWOP might be described alternatively and more specifically in different ways. This includes JOWOP (JewZuit One-World-Order Plan); or ZOWOP (Zionist One-World-Order Plan); or SOWOP (Satanic One-World-Order Plan); or LOWOP (Luciferian One-World-Order Plan). For example, we sometimes play on words and call the Prime minister of Israel, Netanyahu, as Setanyahu, because his pursuit of a new One-World-Order with Judaic supremacy in his area, let alone in the world with regards to a forthcoming Greater Israel of Zionist world ascendancy, often seems Satanic, or Luciferian, as the GLEWO (Global Luciferian Enslavement World Order). Nevertheless, we will talk mostly about a ZOWOP plan in this case. In the context of the activities of Mr. Soros, who is also a Jew, we will rather talk about a SOWOP, as he is often in opposition to Zionism, not because he is not also a Zionist, but rather because he is more, or worse, than a Zionist. He appears to want something higher or more powerful than what most Zionists want, as a clearly Satanic One-World Order (that includes, even if he is a Jew, his push for massive Islamic immigration to destroy the values, the sovereignty and power of the western nations, and thus facilitate the advent of his SOWOP plan), or the GLEWO. With regards to the 3 main monotheistic religions of Abrahamic descent (Judaism, Christianity and Islam, including the Abrahamic Judaic Sassoon of China often called "The Rothschild of The East") pursuing a new One-World-Order, in particular since the arrival of Pope Francis and his clearly desired One-World-Religion (Panthriskia), and considering the activities of the highest ranks of these 3 religions, and some of their liturgies that sometimes involve, implicitly or explicitly, odes to Lucifer, we will often qualify the Master Plan as LOWOP. Considering the global scale however in this case, it would probably be better to call it the SweatHarder One-World Order.
> This Master Plan is also basically what is commonly called simplistically and deceitfully by most people and media the “New World Order”, intending it as a conspiracy theory. But in fact it is a conspiracy reality. It is most often abbreviated with the acronym NWO (New World Order) by most media. The new power hiding behind it is what we call the JewZuit Power, or more comprehensively sometimes the LUZJIP Power or the GLEWO but, on the most global scale, the SweatHarder Power.
> This NWO (New World Order) of the Master Plan is really rather what we should call a NWD (New World Disorder), at least for the common "We The People".
> In any case, this
Master Plan is certainly,
at its core, an OWO
or a new world order that is being put in place in order to allow complete world
domination, by a totalitarian One-World-Government, with a
and hopefully, from their point of view, also a
a One-World Army (the intended destiny of a reformed
NATO), and a One-World Culture in a global
melting pot of obedient slaves managed by the obscure forces of a
Collectivist Fabian Socialism pursuing
it. These are the same obscure forces that have pursued collectivist world
domination through all main wars and revolutions for centuries, in particular,
more recently, through the American
Revolution, the
French Revolution
and the Russian Revolution,
not to mention the related two World Wars,
WWI and
WWII, that
have followed, and the third one, WWIII,
that the global SweatHarder Power is so strongly trying to foment today
since the beginning of the XXIs
> This pursuit is called the “Master Plan” for the eventual formation of a totalitarian One-World-Government meant to be based in Jerusalem after the formation of the Greater Israel by Zionism, possibly through the forthcoming WWIII. As such, it is really a MOWOP (Master One-World-Order Plan). As our websites demonstrate, there is plenty and good evidence that all the main wars and revolutions of the last 250 years have discretely pursued this objective. All the main active wars still active today serve this same hidden SweatHarder Power purpose in their background. In addition, this Master Plan of world domination involves the enslavement of all populations below the Sweat elites through a master use of DDDD (Dogma, Debt, Disinformation and Despair). Tools of full enslavement include such infamous projects elaborated and constantly updated in the past, like the Lighthouse Of The East of 1871 (the stealing of pieces of territory from various already balkanized countries (like Iraq and Syria) around Israel, in order to form the Greater Israel), the Protocols Of The Elders of 1903 (claimed to be a fake, but certainly only in terms of who is the author, not in terms of its accurate content about three world wars needed to be fought in order to achieve the Master Plan), the Kalergi Plan of 1922 (about using massive inassimilable immigration movements in all the Western nations [except Israel] to destroy their sovereignty and their strong moral, cultural and patriotic values that could come to oppose the Master Plan), the YINON Plan of 1992 (balkanization of the Middle East for the benefit of Israel, and the reinforcement of the Sunni side of Islam in order to neutralize its more dangerous Shiite side, from the point of view of the Zionists and the Sweat elites, that could prevent the accomplishment of the Master Plan), and the more recent reformulation and aggregation of these tools under the name of the PNAC Project of 1997 (forcing the full and definite world supremacy of the Sweat forces in the 21st Century, now with the connivance of the JewZuit Pope Francis, using mainly the money and the expendable soldiers of the USA, when and where necessary, as useful idiots, until the establishment of Jerusalem, in the fast forthcoming Greater Israel, as their new One-World-Order capital).
> The achievement of this Master Plan puts into contrast two opposite axis of forces of world power in a mutual conflict that is often called the “Great Game” (GG). The one side of this conflict is formed by what can be called the ZAAA (Zio-Anglo-American Axis). The other side is what can be called BRICSA (BRICS Axis). These two sides oppose each other at the moment mainly for the essential preliminary step of the control of the vast natural resources and populations of a fast forthcoming new unification of two continents, called EURASIA (a combined continental landmass of Europe and Asia). This is the new geopolitical area where the current dominating SweatHarder Power, so far concentrated in the Western World (USA and EU) is quickly shifting at the moment, away from the USA, on and around the so-called old “Silk Road” of trade between Asia and Europe. This is because if there is to be a new One-World-Super-Power based in Jerusalem, the other competing areas of super power, like the EU and the USA have to fall first.
> In examining the global world situation, one cannot not notice that the new OWO manifest itself with a clear leading role of Jewish forces of World Jewry or, more specifically, by Zionist forces (not to say Khazarian forces, as KOWOP), and thus it could be legitimately called either JOWO (Jewish One-World-Order), or maybe ZOWO (Zionist One-World Order). However, this is a mistake because that power comes from all the Abrahamic forces, as the SweatHarder Power. Consequently, JOWO should most of the time be translated as SweatHarder World Order.
> Another way to look at the Master Plan is from the perspective of the Deep State running all western governments at the moment, while the politicians and leaders of these national states are only obedient puppets within the puppet theater of their omnipotent Sweat masters in the background. The Sweat Deep State is the entity running discretely the Master Plan.
> In final instance, the proper way to look at this
Master Plan
is that the MOWOP is the pursuit of what many call the “Pax
Judaica”, as the final stage of what was called before, in previous stages
of modern history, the “Pax Romana”, then "Pax
Christiana", then “Pax
Britannica”, and more recently the “Pax Americana”. This
final “Pax
Judaica” however is a Sweat one. This is also obviously a very deceitful use
of the word “Pax” (which should mean only “Peace” and “Serenity”),
as it involves the formation of a OWO (One-World-Order) of
collectivist Fabian Socialism, run by a dictatorial One-World-Government, a
One-World-Currency, a One-World-Army (the new
NATO), possibly a new One-World-Religion that many already call “Panthriskia”
in consideration of the strange globalist initiatives of the
JewZuit NWO Pope Francis,
and certainly a melting pot One-World-Culture. Instead of keeping busy mainly defending Christianity,
like it was done for centuries by all previous popes, Francis
is constantly much more busy making efforts to achieve a rapprochement with all the
current forces and various other religions of the global political world power. This includes the
UN global political agenda that seems to be more important
to him than the traditional spiritual agenda of the Vatican, as it
has been pursued
for 2000 years before he was elected. It includes also his constant attempt to
force the reconciliation of all other religious denominations of Christianity,
including the Orthodox and Protestant
denominations. More strangely still, it includes quite obviously the pursuit of
a brand new ecumenical, thus global, One-World-Religion
(already often called “Panthriskia”, or a “One-Religion-For-All”,
by many of the expert observers following the activities of the Vatican),
together with the leaderships of Judaism and Islam.
These leaderships were explicitly considered “Enemies” by the Vatican,
for 2000 years. They are now called “Brothers”, having gone "From
Enemy To Brother", as per the famous book of John Connelly. This is a long
term consequence of the progressive and near final “Judaization” of the
Christian church by World Jewry starting with the
JewZuit Coup of the Council of Vatican II of 1962. And Pope
coming from the Judaic order of the Jesuits had reinforced immensely this
Judaization. He
does not seem to care to pursue this globalist civil terrestrial civilian agenda,
basically the agenda of the UN, over
and above the traditional spiritual agenda of his church, even if he risks, on
his path, to destroy completely the Catholic Church, or even overall what we call Christianity today.
> As a final comment, it is interesting to realize that the Jewish and Khazarian elements, including their acolytes of the Judaic Christian Jesuits, as those that are the main leading actors behind the Sweat MOWOP, have been behind all the most destructive great wars and revolutions of the last centuries, including WWI and WWII, and including all the main destructive revolutions (in Russia, France and USA). They act like parasites that work internally to deceitfully destroy their host after having exploiting them to the outmost degree. Then, like good parasites, they jump into another host that they also work to destroy after full exploitation, until they will have achieved their final objective of the fake Pax Judaica through a dictatorial One-World-Government of their own to be based in Jerusalem after the creation of the Greater Israel. This long saga involves the parasitic destruction along the way of all other possible competitive superpowers that could disturb the Sweat MOWOP. At this point in history, their main parasitic work of destruction, as Soros himself claims explicitly, is in the USA that will be made to fall as a super power after full exploitation, financially and militarily, probably in a not too distant future. As it is quite obvious to any good observer, the USA is at the moment, at least from a foreign policy point of view, no more than a kind of slave colony of Israel. In the meantime the MOWOP Sweat elites have already jumped into, and set foot discretely in their next parasite host, which is quite clearly the China that is so dear to Khazarian Soros who seems to be linked particularly well to the very obscure and extremely powerful Abrahamic Judaic LI and Sassoon families of China (often called the Rothschild of the East). The Khazarian Zionist world seems to be divided in two main factions: the Western faction, quite well known to the public at large and best represented by leaders like Netanyahu of Israel, and the Eastern faction, extremely discrete and practically unknown to any meaningful media, incarnated in the LI and Sassoon families of China. The 2 factions of World Jewry seem to be in conflict for eventual world supremacy, but this is only temporary. Soros obviously belongs to the eastern side of that conflict. What Soros does not say explicitly however is probably that he is afraid that China will only be the next superpower host of the MOWOP parasite as the next country to be destroyed in due time, after the USA and its EU lackeys, if not together through a pandemic bio weapon, or at the same time, possibly during a WWIII, also after full exploitation, for the final realization of the Sweat MOWOP. By the same token, through the complete balkanization of the Middle East that is necessary to eventually establish the Greater Israel, the Khazarian Zionists will hopefully also have destroyed the last contender to their world dominance from Jerusalem: the Muslim world. This is already being done through the fabrication of a growing conflict fomented between the two sides of Islam: the Shiites and the Sunnis. The Sweat parasites of the MOWOP are already working hard to make sure the two sides of Islam will possibly annihilate each other, or at least render both their sides so exhausted that they will become insignificant in the Middle East from the point of view of world power. Finally gaining that global world power, without anymore disturbing or contending superpowers around the globe, nor meaningful potential enemy in the area, shall be the end of the long saga of the fake Pax Judaica, or rather its complete success from the perspective of the Sweat MOWOP. The only possible obstacle to the Sweat MOWOP will remain the Putin of Russia, and this is also why they are working so hard to produce his elimination through at least character assassination as soon as possible as, in light of the new and enormous military power of Russia, probably superior at this point to the one of the USA, his elimination through physical assassination or a new world war would probably cause the Sweat MOWOP too much damage and delay in its full implementation. Long live Putin!
As for an eventual WWIII to help the Sweat MOWOP, it is most likely that it will not be fought through traditional weapons like guns and tanks, not even an overly destructive nuclear war. Financial and bio weapons shall be sufficient and much more effective, without the type of destruction that would also overly damage the Sweat behind the MOWOP of the SEGWO. These new weapons would be the occasion to come up fast with a deceptively good Debt Jubilee and the complete Reset of the world monetary system. In other words, such jubilee would be the way to bring in swiftly a new One-World-Currency accepted more easily by world population in order to establish a worldwide cashless Banktatorship. The apparent free money involved at the beginning in the process would make people welcome the One-World-Currency, even cashless. However they would soon realize afterwards, once it will be too late, that the Sweat MOWOP has made them all new slaves of a new cashless society controlling in an absolute way all their actions to the last penny, along with all the other aspects of their life through a Social Credit that was well tested and experimented already successfully in China, from a central place probably called Jerusalem, with the help of 5G and the implant of body microchips.
> see: SweatHarder. In a
global context, SweatHarder is the latest name of
the power of the elites trying to enslave the rest of us. Other names, like
the JewZuit Power or
LUZJIP are still valid in their own
relative context, but not as comprehensive as SweatHarder on a global scale.
= Mutual Receipt Voucher
> Serves for the payment of VAT in a transaction between an independent professional and a private client.
> Useful to participate to the MRV Lottery.
= Municipality Arium.
> The MunArium groups all the city governors, or MuniGovernors, replacing the old mayors.
= Municipal Governor.
> Refers mainly to our pages on EthoCracy or TruthOcracy.
= The music rooms of the ApolafsArium and the DiaskedArium.
> Serves for both musical training and musical talent exposure purposes, in relation to the students and the members present at the Arium.
> Can serve as a private concert area for the visitors coming for an elegant dinner at the ApolafsArium on a particular evening.
> Serves for the regular training and exposure of the choir of the Arium.
= Minimum Use Time (without breaking).
> In a
TruthOcracy, all products being produced in the
country, imported from abroad, must have a MUT indication, as the minimum period
of time the product can be used normally without any expected break.
= No Air-Breathing Animal Long Suffering Or Killing
> Used in the context of the special vegetarian regime and discipline proposed by the EthoPlasìn.
> Pure NABALSOK vegetarian means no killing of, and no eating meat from, any air-breathing animal. This would not exclude no-air-breathing small fish for example.
> Moderate NABALSOK means ensuring meat comes only from natural biological raising and feeding of animals through no long term suffering while living or before slaughtering, and only quick traditional slaughtering without any meaningful suffering. This excludes all meat produced in a CAFO.
> Related to ADWUS.
> Related to KNAOP which is a higher level of vegetarianism.
= North American Free Trade Agreement
> This is a treaty between Canada, the United States and Mexico. These three countries have agreed to remove trade barriers between them in 1994.
> NAGCO = NAtional Goodness COde.
> NAGCOR = NAtional Goodness COde Reward
> NAGCO is an older acronym that was replaced by COGIPAS
= National Association of Magistrates.
> In
EthoCracy or in
TruthOcracy, to ensure full
impartiality and non-political affiliation of all judges, they are appointed by
a joint promotion board of the NAM and the
LeaderArium, after the
TinformArium has had a
chance to publish all possible
Truth Information
relating to their private life and careers so far.
> NAMA = National Autonomous Monetary Authority / National Autonomous Monetary Arium.
> NamArium = the core of the new State Power of an EthoCracy or TruthOcracy, called MonetArium, handling money creation as only "Debt-Free" money, or asset money, never as "Debt-Money", and financing an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy only through Budgetness.
> The NamArion is the
non-voting Head of the NamArium, appointed by the MonetAriant.
> The NAMA is the functional job of the NamArion, as part of the new state Power called the MonetArium.
> The NAMA replaces a Central Bank in an
or a
TruthOcracy. It is a
compromise between the banking and the political power that forces the new
“central bank” institution to print mostly “real economy value” money, as
commanded by the political power, on the basis of a winning electoral contract (BEC),
instead of the usual “thin air” money printed by most private central banks.
Such money is not borrowed from any bank, thus is debt-free, and ensures the
or the
TruthOcracy is fully
UDFOM compliant. It is created by the
NAMA as a public authority, on the basis of the 10 EthoPrinciples established in the
EthoCratic Constitution.
> It is "National", thus not private, but public, owned by the TetractArium.
> It is "Autonomous" in the sense that it is not submitted to the political power, but nevertheless subservient to the political power as long as the new money is confirmed by the new LeaderArium as requested on the basis of the current SPEC, and/or for the creation or legitimate maintenance of real economic value created on the basis of a current SPEC.
> An EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy with a MonetArium and a NAMA is always fully UDFOM
> Related to our pages on EthoCracy and TruthOcracy.
> See TetractArium for more information on the EthoCracy (or TruthOcracy) Virtuous Governance and its structure of Ariums.
> For a quick reference card on where this Arium stands in the overall structure of the TetractArium, see this TetractArium.PDF card.
= NAtional Majority Ownership
> All natural resources in an EthoCracy, and of a TruthOcracy in particular, have to be NAMO, with no exception.
> Relates mainly to our EthoCratic Reform about Natural Resources
= NAtional Private BUsiness Charter
> Relates mainly to the EthoCracy or TruthOcracy Reform about Natural Resources.
= National Aristarchy Patriotic World Order
> This is the good New World Order meant to be implement through Aristarchy.
> This is in opposition to the evil new world order being implemented globally at the moment, called GLEWO in the context of an Aristarchy, but usually called simply NWO (New World Order).
This NAPWO is frontally opposed to the elites called SWAT (Satan World Autocracy Team)
> NAS = Nursemaid Average Salary (Annual)
> NASNI = Nursemaid Average Salary National Index.
> NASCU = Nursemaid Average Salary Currency Unit
> Various nursemaids with various qualifications and years of experience might get different yearly salaries. The yearly average of these net salaries becomes a NASNI.
> The value of a NASCU becomes like a unit of currency, somewhat like saying a "Dollar" or a "Euro". A nursemaid salary is used here because this type of work represents probably the most basic essential job used in a common fashion in most developed countries where women mothers also work for a salary, just like their husband fathers.
> At about 40 hours per week, a nursemaid would work some 2100 hours per year for which, working at one NASCU per hour, she should receive about 2100 NASCU as a yearly salary. In each country the NASCU can be pegged to the local currency, commonly by a factor of x10 (one NASCU = 10 units of local currency). In the case of the dollar for example, this means that 2100 NASCU would equal some $21000 of yearly salary for a nursemaid in the USA, which in fact is approximately the case at the beginning of the 21st century. The pegging can be adjusted quarterly, at least once yearly, in each country. To use probably the most common basic food item in most countries for pegging purposes, one NASCU should allow the nursemaid to buy easily at least 3 local hamburgers in a local fast food restaurant.
> From this point of view, 10 units of local currency, or one NASCU, might be interpreted as the correct basic minimum hourly salary of the average nursemaid and most other workers.
> The terms NAS and NASCU are also used in a TruthOcracy as a base of comparison to assess benefits that can be granted to citizens. For example, the taxation system of a TruthOcracy is a NITS (No Income Tax System), based only on STI (Sales Tax Identity) and, to incentivize the payment and collection of sale taxes by everyone, a citizen who has paid over a NAS in sales tax within a calendar year, becomes eligible for a reimbursement of part of the sales taxes he has paid during that year over a NAS. Also, a person unemployed, or incapable of working, or a mother staying home to take care of her minor children, can receive a percentage of a NAS as social income in her own name, like half a NAS. Another example is that a member of a political party cannot make a private donation to his party for more than half a NAS in any given calendar year, and he can do so only to one political party within a given year. Consequently, in a TruthOcracy, the NAS is used for various purposes, including the value of a MIG (Minimum Income Guarantee).
> A yearly NASCU reward is often granted as an honor to people who have acted successfully as a spontaneous TruthPatrona for COGIPAS purposes or in exposing failures to the application of the Twelve Reforms of a TruthOcracy.
> The NASNI is adjusted and established regularly, at least once a year by the STISNO (Sales Tax Identity System National Office).
> The NASCU daily allotment applies to all public officials of managerial level as PSUCMO.
> In a FtatAristarchy, the NASCU is different and is called a NASCO.
= No Anal Sex.
> NASI means: No Anal Sex Intercourse.
> NASEXUAL = indicates a type of sexuality that excludes anal sex, or is NASEX compliant. For example, a person can be heterosexual or homosexual, but nevertheless, in either case, be nasexual, and that latter qualification can be, and should be sufficient to express, in most circumstances, the type of sexual orientation a person has, without having to qualify further with other categories like heterosexual or homosexual.
> NASBISEXUAL = NAS Bisexual. That is a bisexual person conforming to the NAS (No Anal Sex) principle with either a man or a woman. It is understood that a NASBisexual is by definition MASWAVOPA (Mutually Aspired Sex Without Anal, Violent Or Pedophile Activity) compliant.
> EthoPlasìn does not encourage, but does not either oppose homosexual relations, as long as they do not involve anal sex.
> NASI is always prohibited to members, in both its homosexual and heterosexual versions.
> This is what EthoPlasìn calls nasex (or No Anal Sex), or nasexual relations, or NASI, as explained in our page on Family Issues.
> All other loving sexual relations are acceptable to adult members as long as they do not either involve violence or pedophilia.
> In addition to the basic NASEX (No Anal SEX) prohibition of a TruthOcracy, and in the spirit of the EthoPlasìn holistic education that is at the base of a TruthOcracy, called ELLducation, the criminal code also requires that any person be overall MASWAVOPA (Mutually Aspired Sex Without Anal, Violent Or Pedophile Activity) in sexual behavior: engage only in sexual activity that is mutually aspired by the partners, and that excludes anal sex, excludes violent sex, and excludes pedophile sex.
= National Ariant
> There are 7 NatAriants, and 70 ProAriants, for a total or 77 Ariants in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> NatAriants work in a DomArium, like ProAriants work in a ProDomArium.
= National Arium
> As opposed to a SubArium, or a ProArium (Provincial Arium).
> There are 7 different NatAriums. These 7 NatAriums compose the TetractArium of the PythagorArium.
> Each NatArium is unique nationally, even if there are 7 different ones, and each one has 10 provincial SubAriums, or ProAriums.
= National
EthoCratic City
Area (with the "N" interpreted as "National" in
the context of a country with a national
EthoCracy governance)
= New EthoCratic City Area (with the "N" interpreted as "New" in the context of a country without yet a national EthoCracy governance and only cities with some EthoCratic areas)
> In a TruthOcracy, a NECA is called a TUPA (TruthOcracy Urban Patriotic Area). The main difference from a NECA, is that a TUPA has a main additional character. It is also completely food self-sufficient internally, produced in the best biological way, with fresh products at KM-0.
> These are new city suburbs constructed on the basis of
the principles and philosophy of
EthoCracy or
TruthOcracy, or on their way to be transformed
into an EthoCratic or TruthOcratic governance.
> Applies to our pages on
EthoCracy and
> More information on the NECA Reform of the page of suggestions regarding aspects of an EthoCracy, applicable mutatis mutandis to a TruthOcracy.
= NECA Building.
> Related to the NECA Reform of the page on EthoCracy
> See TUPAB for a TruthOcracy.
= NECA Contract
> See: NECA in this dictionary, or the NECA Reform of the page on EthoCracy.
> See TUPAC for a TruthOcracy.
= NECA Fee (NECA specific fee for condominium or other purpose)
> Related to the NECA Reform of the page on EthoCracy
> See TUPAF for a TruthOcracy.
= NECA Key.
> Related to the NECA Reform of the page on EthoCracy
> See TUPAK for a TruthOcracy.
= NECA Leadership Center
> Includes all the staff of the administration and management of the NECA
> It has NECA control over all buildings, parks, pools, barns, gardens etc.
> Related to the NECA Reform of the page on EthoCracy
> See TUPAL for a TruthOcracy
= NECA Mall.
> Related to the NECA Reform of the page on EthoCracy
> See TUPAM for a TruthOcracy
= NECA Newsletter
> Related to the NECA Reform of the page on EthoCracy
> See TUPAN for a TruthOcracy
= NECA Pass.
> Related to the NECA Reform of the page on EthoCracy
> See TUPAP for a TruthOcracy
= NECA Restaurant
> Related to the NECA Reform of the page on EthoCracy
> See TUPAR for a TruthOcracy
= NECA Arium
> This is a small area, compared to a city size NECA, usually involving not more than 9 blocks of city streets.
= NECA School.
> Related to the NECA Reform of the page on EthoCracy
> See TUPAS for a TruthOcracy
= NECA Transportation station, by internal bus.
> Related to the NECA Reform of the page on EthoCracy
> See TUPAT for a TruthOcracy
= Not in Employment, Education or Training.
> Refers to the older children, usually well over 30, who still live with their parents, maintained by them, because they still could not find a job in the profession of their graduation.
= Non-Elected International Organizations.
> These include supra-national organizations, like the EU.
> These, in principle, cannot have any secrecy regarding their deliberations or their budgets.
> An EthoCracy gives them no direct contributions to their general budgets, only to approved projects mentioned in a winning electoral program.
> Refers mainly to the Reform on NEIOs of the package of 30 reforms of an EthoCracy.
> In an EthoCracy, these NEIOs have to be LOPEN before receiving any contribution of public money, and UNOPT for money from a TruthOcracy.
> NEL = Natural Earth-Life.
> NELA = Natural Earth-Life Approach.
> NELAL = Natural Earth-Life Arrangement Law
> NELAS = Natural Earth-Life Approach Science.
> NELASU = Natural Earth-Life Alternative Science University. This is a special university of the the PythagorArium Project animating a TruthOcracy. It teaches an alternative natural approach to all sciences, in each field of science, for one additional year of study after a university graduate has obtained a regular university degree.
> NELA is one of the constitutional principles of an EthoCracy, and even more so of a TruthOcracy, that requires the development of alternatives sciences that, in their applications, always respect a Natural Earth-Life Principle.
> Having a NEL Approach means prohibiting entirely such unnatural things like GMO, purely chemical insecticides and chemtrails.
> The sciences applying the NELA principle in their study and applications are NELAS.
> The related laws are NELAS compliant.
> The NELAS sciences are considered alternative sciences usually taught in special faculties called EFAS (Etho-Faculty of Alternative Science).
= New EthoCratic National Order
> The NENO is the new order that is opposing the NWO (New World Order) of world enslavement through debt-money and totalitarian Fabian Socialist Collectivism.
> When projected at world level, the NENO becomes the NEWO (New EthoCratic World Order).
> A NENO would be achieved through a UEN (United Ethocratic Nations)
= Non-Existing Public Debt Or Income Tax
> An EthoCracy, and a TruthOcracy in particular, is run without any public debt, with money that is created fresh, without being debt-money, created by the government through the NAMA of the MonetArium, and not by a private central bank that lends it to the government.
> An EthoCracy, and a TruthOcracy in particular, is also without income tax. The taxation is entirely managed through the sales tax, as a STIS (Sales Tax Identity System). As such, combined with the fact that the country cannot have any public debt, the overall system is sometimes said to be NITASTINTEMI.
> A special form of income tax come into play however with citizens want to transfer money abroad without proper justification or in particular automatically when foreigners owning money in the country want to transfer it abroad for whatever reason.
> s.
for cases where a special income tax may come into play.
= National Electronic Voting Card
> The new voting card system allowing cheap, easy and more frequent national elections, with no significant inconvenient to citizens.
> Refers mainly to our pages on EthoCracy and TruthOcracy.
> See more information on the NEVoC reform of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy
> s. BAV for the final system adopted for an EthoCracy and a TruthOcracy.
= New EthoCratic World Order
> This is NENO (New EthoCratic National Order) projected at the world level.
> NEWO is meant to oppose and replace the so-called NWO (New World Order).
> A NEWO would be achieved through a UEN (United Ethocratic Nations)
> A TruthOcracy (a fully implemented EthoCracy) seeks to establish a TELWO (TruthOcracy Enlightened Liberty World Order) based on the ELL culture, and to combat the current NWO (New World Order) based on a culture of enslavement through DDD (Dogma, Debt and Despair).
= Non-Government Organization
> These are organization too often used abroad for influencing and subverting the sovereign activities of other countries to the advantage of the country of the NGO, let alone produce "regime change" by subverting and replacing the governments of these foreign countries.
> Foreign NGOs are totally prohibited in an EthoCracy / TruthOcracy, except if formally invited by the EthoCracy / TruthOcracy and fully transparent and compliant in their activities with the OTIG /OTATFOG requirements of an EthoCracy / TruthOcracy, let alone its other EthoPrinciples. In such cases however, the invited NGO must register a national branch of the foreign NGO, and operate only through that national branch. In addition, that national branch can never receive money from its foreign 'mother' NGO, and cannot receive or use any foreign incoming money from abroad through a PAFOTFIM bank account, only national money provided by national sympathizers.
> NGOs are also just that: "Non-Government" organizations, and as such cannot ever receive national government money, only national money from national sympathizers who are "Persons", not corporations, and never more than a NAS at a time from an identified personal donor.
> s. PICO (People Improving Communities through Organizing) financed mainly by George Soros
> s. OSF (Open Society Foundation), the NGOs of George Soros.
= New Gay World Order
> The promotion of homosexuality as a normal lifestyle, even in front of young school students and adolescents, being pushed mainly by Hollywood and the CFR for the western world, but refused by other countries, mainly in the Christian eastern world, like the new Russia of Putin.
= No Income Tax / No Income Tax System
> An EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is without income tax, only a special form of dual sales tax and property tax.
> The tax system is entirely based on the Sales Tax Identity System (STIS).
> s. NOMIT for cases where a special income tax may come into play.
> s. DAFTATAP for the special form of dual sales tax accumulating pension benefits.
> For more information see GUDFOMAPAST, UDFOM
= No Income Tax And Sales Tax Identity Necessary To Ensure Minimum Income
> Minimum Income here is intended also as an eventual minimal pension.
> The whole taxation system of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is based on Sales Tax. However, the Sales Tax being paid is always linked to the Identity of the buyer, with a separate receipt of sales tax issued separately from the receipt of the thing bought, and given to the buyer. The identity of the buyer can be uploaded from any credit card upgraded to the system, or from an apposite flash card with the Sales Tax Identity of the buyer, as an STIC (Sales Tax Identity Card). The cash machine, having identified the buyer with a STIC, emits a separate receipt for the sales tax to the buyer, kept and accumulated by the buyer for eventual control in case that might be required. In turn, the sales tax is immediately sent electronically to the tax office without delay. These payments to the treasury are immediate, and can be followed by the buyer transparently on request through the EthoCratic PIABFOTAC EthoPrinciple. If a buyer does not spend over a certain minimum in sales taxes in the course of a given year, this may indicate he is in a state of poverty, and he is allowed to be considered for receiving a supplementary income from the tax office to ensure he has a minimum income. This guaranteed minimum income is replacing most aspects of what we have as normal social welfare in our western democracies. Each quarter, if a citizen has spent below a minimum level of sales tax, he can be considered for an advance on his guaranteed minimum yearly income. The main reason why the regular income tax is being eliminated is because the EthoCracy and the TruthOcracy use the UDFOM system of no-debt money. The system gives a clear incentive to the seller to always collect the sales tax. The seller's details are also sent to the system. If sellers (persons or stores) sell above certain levels within a given year, they become eligible for increasing and/or decreasing levels of return of a percentage of the sales tax they have collected, and enjoy it tax free.
> More information can be found on this subject in the context of the EthoCratic BUDFOMST EthoPrinciple.
> s. NOMIT for cases where a special income tax may come into play.
= CAFO = Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations
> These are the so-called Closed Factory Farms where animals are confined to minimal spaces, often to the point of practically not being able to move or to go out of their slots, and certainly never allowed to go out in the open and run around normally in the surrounding fields. In the meantime they are fed to make them excessively fat through the injections of dangerous hormones in order to produce more meat or milk. Animals often live and sleep in their own excrements, and become so weak that when put outside they cannot walk anymore. This kind of farming environment is criminal in an EthoCracy, even more seriously in a TruthOcracy, and punished most severely.
= No Cash (money)
> An EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is not a "NoCASH" society, except for all public officials over a certain level of management. The EthoCracy or the TruthOcracy does not prevent the use of cash money when it is private money, for any amount. However, the private money (like old savings, or regular property rents) handled by a public official must become all NoPOCU.
> CAFO = Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations
> GANO = Genetically Altered Natural Organism. NoGANO is equivalent to NoGMO
> RACO = Reusable Authorized Containers Overspill. All containers, for food in particular, in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, must be CABROF and thus NoRACO.
> This is one of the EthoPrinciples of an EthoCracy and a TruthOcracy.
> GANO = Genetically Altered Natural Organism. NoGANO is equivalent to NoGMO
> One of the EthoRules of an EthoCracy or of a TruthOcracy, usually associated with NoCAFO and NoRACO.
= No GMO (Genetically Modified Organism)
> In EthoCratic terms, the word NoGMO is usually replaced with NoGANO.
> An EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is entirely and absolutely NoGMO, or rather NoGANO, be it for national food production purposes or for all imports from abroad.
> A foreign food or agricultural product that is not certified, tagged or labeled specifically as NoGMO or NoGANO, along with its specific country and city of origin, cannot be imported in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> This is another major contribution of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy to the ecology and health of the country, supporting the main ecological EthoPrinciple that is NoCafoNoGanoNoRaco.
= No Human Implant CHIP
> RFID = Radio-Frequency ID
> The RFID system involving body implant ID technology is totally prohibited within an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy for all human beings, for whatever purpose, be it with normal radio-frequency or any other kind of radio-frequency, like the ELF (Extremely Low Frequency).
> Exceptions can be made when requested formally by a mentally competent adult.
> However, the RFID can be implanted in animals. All animals of private domestic property must have them.
> Tightly secured temporary RFID bracelets (or in other forms that do not involve body implant) can be used for mentally ill patients allow to circulate freely, or other situations involving security, like for prisoners on leave, or persons under house arrest.
> Such secure bracelets are compulsory for all newly born babies, installed by the delivering doctor in front of the mother just delivered, until the child is taken home. When the child is taken home, the mother can decide to keep the bracelet until she decides otherwise before elementary school age of the child. From school age, both parents must concur if they want to keep the bracelet, along with the concurrence of their family doctor. If the mother is single, separated or divorced, she can decide by herself with the concurrence of her family doctor.
= National Outgoing Money Income Tax
> A TruthOcracy is a country without income tax, as a NITS (No Income Tax System), functioning in principle only with property and dual-sales tax, as PATTO and DAFTATAP. Personal income has to be declared each year to the tax office, by both citizens and foreigners making money in the country, even if there is in principle no income tax to be paid on it.
> However, a special income tax comes into play in two cases. First, when part of that income from a citizens is to be sent abroad, outside of national borders, without proper personal justification (like maintaining a child studying abroad). Then there is income tax on it to be paid before going out, as the NOMIT. Second, NOMIT applies automatically in all cases of national money transfers abroad on the part of a foreigner (not yet citizen) who has made money in the country.
> This NOMIT income tax is independent from the fee the bank might ask for its own services of transferring the money outside the country.
NoNoNo Government System
= Three times No for: No borrowing power, No debt and No surprise taxation or law in managing an EthoCratic government.
> This is the first definition of "NoNoNo", as used in the page of preliminary suggestions of reforms for attaining an EthoCracy (also applicable in a TruthOcracy).
> This implies a No-Fed type of central bank, and its replacement with a NAMA (National Autonomous Monetary Authority) that is part of the new State Power called MonetArium.
> In our final page on EthoCracy, also applicable to a TruthOcracy, a better form of NoNoNo becomes one of the 30 specific reforms of a mature EthoCracy (called a TruthOcracy when fully implemented), in the EthoCracy Reform Package, with the new name "EthoNo". As such, the three "No" have a more specific meaning: No debt (thus no borrowing power), No surprise in terms of new taxation or law, and No secret in terms of handling all public money and information (thus no lies).
> This "NO" rule is well expressed in the EthoPrinciple NoCafoNoGanoNoRaco.
> s. EthoNo
NoNoNo Information System
= Three times No for: No hidden data on what the best of science can offer, No hidden knowledge on all national and world events, and No hidden agenda on any plans of the government at any level.
> This NoNoNo Information System has to do with the Truth Information Revolution that comes with the new fourth power of the State, the Informative Power.
> In the final version of our EthoCracy, this word and/or expression is being replaced with the new word EthoNo.
> This "NO" rule is well expressed in the EthoPrinciple NoCafoNoGanoNoRaco.
> s. EthoNo
= No Public Official Cash Use
> A TruthOcracy is not a "NoCASH" society, and certainly not a global cashless society, except for public officials of managerial level and some private managers of big companies dealing with the public at large.
> In a TruthOcracy, all public officials of managerial level cannot use cash over an established small maximum, only credit cards, for all their uses, be it for personal use or public use. This is a 'sacrifice' impose on them for the privilege and the honor or holding a good public position at a good level, paid by public money, or serving as a well paid public servant with public money. Their ID and credit cards are noted as "NoPOCU", or coded as PSUCMO, and any use of cash (over the established daily NASCU) by public officials can lead to their immediate dismissal from their public employment.
> There is an exception however for small sums, established on a yearly basis by regulation, equivalent to up to the maximum average daily equivalent of a NAS (the national average annual salary of a nursemaid) each time, and not more than once a day.
> The TruthOcracy does not prevent the use of cash money when it is private money, for any amount. However, the private money (like old savings, or rents) handled by a public official must become all NoPOCU.
> If one does not accept the NoPOCU principle as a condition, he cannot hold any public position over a certain level. NoPOCU, No good Public Job!
> see: PSUCMO (Public Officials Use Cashless Money Only).
= No Private Output Of Money Out Of Nothing
> In a TruthOcracy, there cannot be any creation of money out of nothing, like this is the case at the moment in most countries through private central banks, or through fractional reserve lending of private commercial banks.
> Fractional reserve is entirely illegal in a TruthOcracy that is entirely NoPOOMOON. All commercial banks are new CivitBanks and can only lend money up to the amount of their saving deposits, or borrow OPTOOMOON (Only Public Treasury Output Of Money Out Of Nothing) money from the treasury at zero interest to then lend it to their clients as loans with interests of up to maximum 10%. .
> The only body that can issue new fresh money out of nothing is the public Treasury of the government of a TruthOcracy. When doing so, it is said to issue OPTOOMOON (Only Public Treasury Output Of Money Out Of Nothing) money.
> s. MOON (Money Out Of Nothing).
> RACO = Reusable Authorized Containers Overspill
> Production of food containers must not be produced in excess of what is needed, and must all be reusable in most cases. Food purchasing customers in any store must bring their own clean containers, or buy new ones from the store, or pay a fine as an additional sales tax. Food containers must be all recyclable and never thrown as garbage, at most left clean in special collecting bins, available and well identified for that purpose, at all supermarkets, commercial centers and various other street places.
> One of the EthoRules of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, usually associated with NoCAFO and NoGANO.
> All containers, for food in particular, in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, must be CABROF and thus NoRACO.
> SACO = Spraying-Airplane Chemtrails Overhead
> All airlines, national or foreign, flying over the territory of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, are strictly prohibited to spray chemtrails.
= No Switching Political Affiliation During Electoral Mandate.
> An EthoCratic politician cannot switch political party during an electoral mandate without resigning from his public post. His new political affiliation can be announced ahead of time, but can only take place in the context of a new election based on a new BEP. In the meantime, that politician cannot hold any new public position.
= No Tax On Seeds And Plantations
> A TruthOcracy encourages to the outmost degree the agricultural independence of individual persons, through personal food gardens, extended families in cities, like in particular those living in a TUPA, and family farmers as opposed to corporation farming.
> This NoTOSAP principle however applies only as long as the agriculture in question is for self-sufficiency of the individual, the family or the community involved, and the production is NoGMO (as GOMs would be entirely prohibited), NoGANO and NoCAFO.
= No Violence Except Defensive Operations
> One of the EthoRules of the application of democracy within an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> This EthoRule is extended at the war level as NoWEDO.
= No War Except Defensive Operations
> One of the EthoRules of the constitution of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> At a protesting level, for the defense of some EthoCratic rights, it is called NoVEDO.
> The armed forces, or the MilitArium, come under the authority of the ProtectArium in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> NWO = New World Order
> NWD = New World Disorder.
> This is the new order wanted by the most powerful elites, at world level, attempting to create a one-world government, a one-world currency, and hopefully also a one-world religion, for the totalitarian enslavement of world population into a form of Fabian Socialist collectivism.
> The NWO is opposed by an EthoCracy, by a TruthOcracy in particular, through the NENO (New EthoCratic National Order), and becomes the NEWO when projected at world level.
> The NWO is often called the JWO in the context of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> An older version of what we call NWO today is: WRM (World Revolutionary Movement).
> The NWO definitely has a Luciferian connection at its top level. From this point of view, a more comprehensive name is what we call the LUZJIP Power.
> The NWO, considering what is happening today, with massive wild uncontrolled immigration and excessive multiculturalism, has, as its main component and tool, what is described in the Kalergi Plan.
> Those using DDD to enslave people, in the context of the NWO, are a kind of pseudo-elite that that we call DADMasters (Debt And Disinformation Masters).
= National Wide Web
> As opposed to WWW (World Wide Web).
> The NWW connects to the WWW very freely but ensures independence at national level in the cases where the WWW fails.
> The NWW also prevents the WWW to attempt to cause damage or controls at the national level. In an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, the NWW must respect in particular the EthoPrinciples of OTIG (or OTATFOG in a TruthOcracy) and FOLIPET, but also all the other EthoPrinciples.
= Out Binding Electoral Contract Operational Fund. Or: Out BEC Operational Fund.
> Such funds must be used through BIOT (Best Interest Of TruthOcracy) management.
> In an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, a government is strictly limited in its actions through a BEC, and certainly so in all cases where decisions require new legislation or taxation. In such cases, the government can only proceed through a new BEC at a new election, or proceed through a BEPVAR in cases of real emergencies.
> For all routine problems that have to be resolved without new legislation or taxation, the government has an operational fund constantly available, called an OBECOF. The proper use of this OBECOF will be evaluated by the voters at the occasion of the annual evaluation of the EthoCratic government through the GAPE.
> For special events or emergencies that need money that could not be planned for in the BEP, the GovernAriant can request the emission of new no-debt fresh money from the NAMA through the MonetArium new State Power of the Pentas Politica of the EthoCracy or the TruthOcracy. In the same manner it can request the replenishment of the OBECOF.
= Open Governance Accessible Fully And Controllable By All Citizens
> An EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is fully OGAFACBAC through the application of mainly its OTIG (OTATFOG in a TruthOcracy), PIABFOTAC and BECVABAD EthoPrinciples.
= Opposite Generations Parliament
> Twice a year, in the OppositArium, there are 5 days of open discussions specifically programmed between the younger generation (less than 30) and the older generation (over 70), reviewing together controversial issues of importance for the overall country. These two sessions are called OGP sessions.
= An ideal form of Meritocracy dominated by SOS (Social Olympic Spirit).
> It combines three words: Olympic spirit, Ethos of EthoPlasìn standing for Ethics, and MeritoCracy.
> It can be seen as a mid-term point between a Democracy that became a Meritocracy and an eventual EthoCracy, let alone a fully implemented TruthOcracy.
> Refers mainly to our pages on EthoCracy and TruthOcracy and the page called: "Description In More Details".
= Government by the few. A form of governance where the power rests with a small number of people.
> The word comes from the Greek word ὀλιγαρχία (oligarkhía), which itself comes from ὀλίγος (olígos), meaning "few", and ἄρχω (arkho, or "Archon"), meaning "to rule or to command". In other words, it is a form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons or in a dominant class or clique.
> An Oligarchy is usually the accumulation of too much power in the hands of too few people, in an anti-democratic way. Consequently it is usually a very corrupted power, involved in massive depravation practices, and keeping its people in a state of slavery through debt-money, or what we call a DebtOcracy.
> As such, that corrupted power of Oligarchy becomes, most of the time, as a first step, a DebtOcracy that in turn soon soon becomes what we call a SatanOligarchy as a second step.
= The old name of the SPELAriant, as the protector of the people in the old democratic system.
> It is replaced and called an SPELAriant in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> OPTOOMOON = Only Public Treasury Output Of Money Out Of Nothing.
> MOON = Money Out Of Nothing
> OPTOOMOONIB = Only Public Treasury Output Of Money Out Of Nothing In Banks, that is in private banks at the moment.
> OPTOOMOONOB = Only Public Treasury Output Of Money Out Of Nothing Out Banks, that received back from private banks and available for new loans to private banks.
> OPTOOMOONAR = Only Public Treasury Output Of Money Abroad Received, that received from abroad clients.
> OPTOOMOONPA = Only Public Treasury Output Of Money Pension Assets. All pension benefits accumulated by the new DAFTATAP (Dual Automated Fiscal Transaction Accruing Tax And Pension) dual sales tax system are safely guarded in the OPTOOMOONPA of the treasury and can never be touched by the treasury for any kind of speculative investment or financing of government operations. The treasury however will preserve their real purchasing value in adding a value of OPTOOMOON money to these assets equivalent to the value of the inflation every year.
> In a TruthOcracy, private MOON money, that is private money created out of nothing, like the money created at the moment by most national private central banks, or money created through fractional reserve by private commercial banks, does not exist and cannot exist. Fractional reserve is in fact totally illegal. Only the government treasury can issue new MOON (Money Out Of Nothing) money, as public money, as OPTOOMOON money, and always as debt-free and only for the three following purposes.
> The government treasury of a TruthOcracy can issue public OPTOOMOON money for only three purposes and, for these 4 purposes, as much as required for the best functioning of the country. These 4 purposes are:
-- 1) On the part of the government, to finance new public infrastructures, thus creating new economic value, or to maintain old public infrastructures, thus maintaining or improving the economic value already created in the past. For all its other current other purposes, the government must rely only on the regular new systems of taxes of a TruthOcracy: the PASTO (Property And Sales Tax Obligation) and DAFTATAP = (Dual Automated Fiscal Transaction Accruing Tax And Pension).
-- 2) On the private side, to lend such public OPTOOMOON money to private CivitBanks when they may need it for good commercial loan prospects and they are short of cash from the saving deposits of their depositors.
-- 3) For protecting the pension assets accumulated through the DAFTATAP (Dual Automated Fiscal Transaction Accruing Tax And Pension) new taxation system of a TruthOcracy, into its own Treasury OPTOOMOONPA pension assets facility. In other words, the pension assets accumulated by the DAFTATAP system are fully protected against loss and/or excessive inflation by the OPTOOMOONPA system of the treasury of a TruthOcracy. In fact, a TruthOcracy can use OPTOOMOON money to protect the pension assets accumulated through the DAFTATAP into its own Treasury OPTOOMOONPA pension assets facility. This protection against inflation it not done automatically for all pensions benefits accumulated on a yearly basis, but once only, at the time of starting the reception of a particular pension. This protection applies only to the basic public pension system, not to any additional private pension system a citizen could have contributed to. The protection ensures that a citizen no more working because of arrival at pension age, thus ready to receive the public pension, does not receive less than half the current yearly salary of a NAS (Nursemaid Average Salary), that is not less than half the annual salary of a working nursemaid. A non citizen will only receive exactly the pension he deserves on the basis of his contribution, without being guaranteed for a minimum of half a NAS. A person who has contributed regularly for 30 or more years will necessarily receive much more than half a NAS, and most probably the equivalent of a multiple NAS.
-- 4) For natural disaster.
> The CivitBanks of a TruthOcracy cannot use any fractional reserve at all as fractional reserve bank lending it totally illegal. However, when in need for good lending prospects and short of cash, they can get OPTOOMOON money from the Government.
> For making loans to their clients, CivitBanks must rely mainly and primarily on the deposits they have accumulated from clients wanting to save money in a safe place. In principle, they can lend money through loans only up to that limit. However, OPTOOMOON money, borrowed interest free from the government, will usually be the only way to start a new banking business, as new banks will not yet have accumulated deposits from which to loan money to their clients. These CivitBanks will then be able to lend that OPTOOMOON money, received at zero interests from the government, to their private clients with interests, but with maximum interests of 10%, which is the maximum possible legal level of interest in a TruthOcracy.
> The OPTOOMOON money lent to private CivitBanks is lent to them without interests by the government who created it. However, it must be reimbursed as soon as possible to the treasury, also without interests, even if these CivitBanks will have accumulated some profits from the loans they will have made to their own commercial clients at maximum 10% interest.
> s. CivitBank for more information.
OppositArium / OppositArion - OppositArian
> OppositArium is kind of like the replacement of the old Lower Chamber of a traditional western democracy.
> OppositArion = The non-voting head of the OppositArium, appointed by the TinformAriant.
> The OppositArium is located within the TinformArium.
> This is the main opposition chamber in the new Arium (not 'Parliamentary') structure of governance of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, called the TetractArium. This is the only place where lobbies can do their lobbying work and where opponents to the governance can make their points of view well known nationwide, free, and without violent and breaking street fights.
> Speakers at the OppositArium are called: OppositArians.
> See TetractArium for more information on the EthoCracy (or TruthOcracy) Virtuous Governance and its structure of Ariums.
> For a quick reference card on where this Arium stands in the overall structure of the TetractArium, see this TetractArium.PDF card.
= Open Society Foundation.
> These are the NGOs founded by George Soros.
> Although he is a self-proclaimed atheist, George Soros also works closely with the Vatican through social activities called PICO (People Improving Communities through Organizing), in which the Clintons and Obama were deeply involved, financing them through his so-called OSF (Open Society Foundations). Both PICO and OSF are dear to Pope Francis who welcomes massive immigration with open arms in Italy and all other western country (but not in the Vatican) and who pursues an agenda which, for the first time for a pope, is much more secular and political than spiritual, liked to the Agenda 21 of the UN. The PICOs were designed by a Satanic intellectual (Alinsky) and managed by other intellectuals of the extreme left (Baumann) and his successors now having infiltrated the Vatican through some good acolytes (like the cardinals Danneels and Kasper, not to mention his special advisor cardinal Rodriguez), all working hard to destroy all the best western and Christian traditional values defended so well by the previous pope Ratzinger, Benedict XVI, that a Vatican conspiracy ousted out. After the ousting of Ratzinger, both the OSF (Open Society Foundations) of Atheist Soros, and PICO activists of Satanic Alinsky origin, who had already infiltrated the Vatican, started to work more openly in the Vatican to promote the globalist cause of the MOWOP New World Order so dear to Pope Francis and his UN new friends, through leftist satanic cardinals of the like of those just mentioned.
> s. PICO
= Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance
> This acronym improves an earlier one called OTIG (Only Truth Information Governance). The first step in improving a democracy is to make it an EthoCracy, in which the governance has to be absolutely OTIG. However, if being OTIG requires the use of ONLY Truth, it does not necessarily require to use ALL Truth, nor to use it obligatorily in a FULLY OPEN governance. The second step in improving a democracy that is already an EthoCracy, is to make it a TruthOcracy. In a TruthOcracy, being OTIG compliant is no more sufficient, as being OTATFOG compliant is absolutely necessary. This means a TruthOcracy must use not ONLY Truth, but also ALL Truth, and use it in a FULLY OPEN Governance system
> In short, a TruthOcracy must be fully OTATFOG compliant to deserve this title.
> OTATFOG has a required degree of maximum Truth compliance that is OTPIAC. Being OTPIAC compliant does not only mean that the information must be based on Truth, but also based on information that has been "pre-approved" through a BEC or a Quiferendum. This maximum level of OTATFOG compliance is applied automatically and necessarily to all new legislation, or to all substantial change to an existing legislation, to all related discussions and written material, and to all new taxation or to any increase to any existing tax. In a TruthOcracy, there can never be any surprise after an election, during a mandate, in terms of new legislation or new taxation or new administrative action being taken. Doing otherwise, any new law or any new tax would be automatically invalid and constitutionally considered inexistent. New legislation or taxation used in an emergency to face special and urgent circumstances that could not be known at the time of a BEC, can only be managed temporarily through the OBECOF system, followed by an eventual Quiferendum to make them OTPIAC compliant.
> A TruthOcracy is a fully OTATFOG Governance system by essence and definition. Politicians and public servants can no more lie, not by affirmation nor by silent omission, on their public activities without immediate dismissal and possibly be submitted to PPP (Personal Property Punishment) on their real estate property.
> Additional comments can be found on the EthoPrinciple OTATFOG.
> In a TruthOcracy, no politician, or official of a political party at any level, is allowed to make a public speech, or public media declaration verbally or in writing, mentioning objectives or promises that are not already included in the BEP (before an election) or the BEC (after election) of his party. In addition, in the BEP/BEC, the item must be numbered, and there must be an indication of the exact source of financing for that objective or promise. If the GovernAriant of that party is elected, he will be fully bound by all items of the BEC in 3 ways: 1) doing only what is in it, 2) doing all of what is in it, and 3) doing it only with the resources indicated: no possible surprise after election. A public official doing otherwise in a public speech, or in any other kind of public media or administrative reporting, verbally or in writing, allows the OtatfogAriant, if it is a first infraction, to immediately and sovereignly issue a serious personal financial fine (paid by the faulty official, not by the party or the government) against that official. At his second infraction, that politician suffers a higher personal fine plus possibly a PPP penalty on his personal property; in addition, the party pays an identical fine, and the lying official is also prohibited to make any public political propaganda or statement anymore, in speech or in writing, at anytime in the future, in the name of his political party. With his third infraction, the politician concerned can possibly lose all of his personal properties, under PPP, and he is in any case immediately dismissed from his public official position without severance pay, and excluded from any other public political position in the future for the rest of his life. This is constitutionally required by the EthoPrinciple OTATFOG that is the most fundamental principle of a TruthOcracy, as an improved direct and participative democracy that is base only on full OTATFOG compiance.
> The infractions to OTATFOG compliance are dealt with most seriously through the Clagot criminal code.
OtatfogArium / OtatfogAriant / OtatfogArion
> These acronyms improve earlier ones called OtigArium and OtigAriant, based only on OTIG instead of OTATFOG.
> The EthoPrinciple OTATFOG of a TruthOcracy is the most fundamental principle on which it is based. As such, it deserves a central Arium of its own, called OtatfogArium. It is the core of an TruthOcracy, and it is completely independent to all the other State Powers of the TetractArium of a TruthOcracy. In fact, it is a kind of Supra-National-Governance-State-Power, and the only such power.
> The OtatfogAriant is one of the only 3 persons elected in a TruthOcracy. See the TetractArium for details.
> The OtatfogAriant is the head of the OtatfogArium. Although he works with the SPELAriant, he is so independent from all other State Powers, including the SPELAriant, that he has the power to dismiss immediately and sovereignly any Ariant of any Arium if and when he believes that Ariant has not been OTATFOG compliant in his duties. The only way he can be contradicted is if the SPELAriant, or a majority of the LeaderArium, is convinced he made a mistake. If so, the OtatfogAriant can change his decision after looking at the evidence, or alternatively have his decision confirmed (or rejected) by a quick and easy quiferendum (Quick Referendum, as it is typical of the system of a TruthOcracy).
> The OtatfogAriant works mainly for supervising the application of the EthoPrinciple OTATFOG by the governance entities of the country included in the TetractArium.
> For the people in general, outside of the TetractArium, also having to be OTATFOG compliant, the TinformArium is the competent body, not the OtatfogArium. When people feel they have not been provided OTATFOG information by the TinformArium, they can, as a second step, refer to the OtatfogArium. However, the SPELAriant has full power over the OTATFOG compliance of the TinformArium and of the OtatfogArium as institutions.
> See TetractArium for more information on the TruthOcracy Virtuous Governance and its structure of Ariums.
> For a quick reference card on where this Arium stands in the overall structure of the TetractArium, see this TetractArium.PDF card.
> OTIG = Only Truth Information Governance. Or: governance based only on Truth.
> OTI = Only Truth Information.
> OTPIAC = Only Truth Pre-Information Approved Changes
> ATIG = All Truth Information Governance. See: ATIG
> OATIG = Only All Truth Information Governance (or: Only and All Truth Information Governance)
> The "Only" part of OTIG is really meant to be interpreted as "All": not only the Truth that comes out to the public, but all the Truth that exist about the governance. This why OTIG is often substituted with the word ATIG when the context requires it to be more explicit in its meaning.
> OTIG has a degree of maximum Truth compliance that is OTPIAC. Being OTPIAC compliant does not only mean that the information must be based on Truth, but also based on information that has been "pre-approved" through a BEC or a Quiferendum. This maximum level of OTIG compliance is applied automatically and necessarily to all new legislation, or to all substantial change to an existing legislation, and to all new taxation or to an increase to any existing tax. In an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, there can never be any surprise after an election, during a mandate, in terms of new legislation or new taxation. Such legislation or taxation would be automatically invalid and constitutionally considered inexistent. New legislation or taxation to face special and urgent circumstances that could not be known at the time of a BEC, can only be managed temporarily through the OBECOF system, followed by an eventual Quiferendum to make them OTPIAC compliant.
> For more information, see OTATFOG which applies to a TruthOcracy, and applies to the OTIG principle of an EthoCracy mutatis mutandis.
> The OtigArium is called OtatfogArium in a fully implemented Ethocracy called a TruthOcracy. Its guidelines are the same mutatis mutandis.
> The OTIG EthoPrinciple of an EthoCracy is the most fundamental principle on which it is based, and thus deserves an Arium of its own, but completely independent to all the other State Powers. In fact, it is a kind of Supra-National-Governance-State-Power, and the only such power.
> The OtigAriant is one of the only 3 persons elected in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy. See the TetractArium for details.
> The OtigAriant is the head of the OtigArium. Although he works with the SPELAriant, he is so independent from all other State Powers, including the SPELAriant, that he has the power to dismiss immediately and sovereignly any Ariant of any Arium if and when he believes that Ariant has not been OTIG compliant in his duties. The only way he can be contradicted is if thee SPELAriant, or a majority of the LeaderArium, is convinced he made a mistake. If so, the OtigAriant can change his decision after looking at the evidence, or alternatively have his decision confirmed (or rejected) by a quick and easy quiferendum (Quick Referendum, as it is typical of the system of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy).
> The OtigAriant works mainly for supervising the application of the OTIG EthoPrinciple by the governance entities of the country included in the TetractArium.
> For the people in general, outside of the TetractArium, having to be OTIG compliant, the TinformArium is the competent body, not the OtigArium. When people feel they have not been provided OTIG information by the TinformArium, they can, as a second step, refer to the OtigArium. However, the SPELAriant has full power over the OTIG compliance of the TinformArium and the OtigArium (or OtatfogArium) as institutions.
> The OtigArium (or OtatfogArium) includes the VotArium and the DomArium.
> See TetractArium for more information on the EthoCracy (or TruthOcracy) Virtuous Governance and its structure of Ariums.
> For a quick reference card on where this Arium stands in the overall structure of the TetractArium, see this TetractArium.PDF card.
= One-World Order
> Another name for NWO.
> Acronym sometime extended as JOWO (JewZuit One-World Order), or ZOWO (Zionist One-World Order), depending on the context.
> See: MOWOP for more explanations on the context of the use of these acronyms.
= PolArium Code Of Conduct
> In an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, the regular police force (PolArium) belongs to the people, and not to the government, and is headed by a local head of city police called a PolAriant. The PolArium is not even a real national force in the traditional sense of the word; Certainly not in terms of command for their regular police operations in their city. This command is local on the part of the local chief of the PolArium, called the PolAriant, and must reflect and respect the will of the majority of the local people in the city, not the will of the national government except for the PACOC (PolArium Code Of Conduct) which is national.
> In fact, the only thing that is "National" about the PolArium, is their PACOC (PolArium Code Of Conduct), which includes norms for both the conduct of the police force and the conduct of the people using it. Basically, as long as unnecessary physical violence is not used against non-violent persons, people can use the police force whichever way they wish in their local community, independently of the national government, and independently of how it is being used in other cities. The national government can never use local police forces for its own purposes and protection (such protection can come from security forces or the MilitArium is special cases).
> What is "National" is also the appearance of the PolArium officials in what has to do with their uniform, their emblems and their operational tools.
> The regular police force of the people cannot be used to protect officials of the government at whatever level when acting as such, except when these officials are not on duty and acting as simple common people. It cannot be used either to protect public offices like banks or government buildings. It protects only common people, and respects the will of the local common people.
> If government officials require protection for any reason, while acting as such, or any other public institutions, like banks or ministries, require protection, they must use their own security forces. In special circumstances they can also get the protection of the MilitArium.
= Political
Affiliation Coalition
Only With
Unique Binding
Electoral P
> This means no possibility of political coalition without a unique common BEP defined before election and consequently a BEP that will become a common BEC for an election.
= Person Account For Outsourcing Transparently Foreign Incoming Money
> In a TruthOcracy, all incoming foreign money over a NAS can only be received in a special bank account called PAFOTFIM. When created, i.e. before it can be created, this bank account must have a declared purpose accepted by the MonetArium as being constitutional. This special bank account must be in the name of a "Person", never in the name of a legal entity like a corporation, and must contain only the incoming money. The owner of the account is fully responsible for its correct outsourcing. In turn, Governance has full and constant access to the PAFOTFIM to control the outsourcing is done constitutionally until the final use of the money involved.
> PAFOTFIM money can never be destined to a national NGO as the latter, within a TruthOcracy, can only be a national NGO, and cannot use any foreign money.
> The PAFOTFIM information is passed on to the TinformArium. If the final destination of the money is for a project of public interest, the TinformArium must publish the details on its website for the public to become aware of it.
> PAJ = Private Alternative Justice
> POJ = Public Overpowering Justice
> The PAJ is a new type of supplementary justice used in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy. It facilitates the easy and fast resolution of most small interpersonal conflicts in terms of times and costs. Its use is an agreed free choice between the parties involved.
> The PAJ also offers the possibility of a PAPIC (PolArium Public Inquiry Confrontation) investigation when requested by more than one person claiming to be suffering the same common unfair prejudice or damage from any public official.
> The PAJ can be used free of charge for resolving easily and quickly some interpersonal issues or conflicts without the involvement of lawyers. It can also be used for resolving very private conflictive situations that are best handled if they can stay in complete privacy, like typically a DEDLA.
> The POJ is a new type of overpowering justice meant to deal specifically with the expeditious handling of crimes strictly related to public affairs, like the PATOC (Public Affairs Truth Obstruction Crime). The POJ justice is rendered administratively by the JudicArium of a TruthOcracy, over and above the intervention of any regular court of justice. It does not involve lawyers: the public official charged with the PATOC (Public Affairs Truth Obstruction Crime) must defend himself on his own, either by himself or through the calling of colleagues in his defense. The final decision has no appeal, except through the acquisition of new facts unknown at the time of the first trial, or of new witnesses that could not have been used at the time of the first trial.
= An ecumenical global One-World religion that we sometimes call JudiChrIslam in the context of the PythagorArium.
> It starts with the reintegration of all Christian church denominations, for serving better the purposes of the NWO (New World Order), as promoted explicitly mainly by Bartholomew I, the Orthodox Patriarch of Istanbul.
> It attempts to melt this integration with Judaism, through a growingly Judaized Vatican, in particular under the NWO Pope Francis.
> It leads to the integration of the three main monotheistic religions, as a kind of JudiChrIslam religion under the guidance of the Lucis Trust of the growingly Luciferian UN.
= Pythagorean Alliance Partnership
> This is an association of friendship and training partnership between the students being formed directly at the EthoPlasìn Academy, the students being formed abroad, at distance, in their own countries, and all the members of the PythAssociation after they complete their formal training.
= Privately Accumulated Pension Account
> In an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy there is government pension system, only a privately accumulation of a pension through NITS and DAFT.
> A PAPA account is however guaranteed by the government at certain conditions when held in a national bank.
> A PAPA account can be held outside national banks at the risk of the owner.
= PolArium Public Inquiry Confrontation
> In an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, there is a PAJ (Private Alternative Justice) supplementing the regular public judicial system. This is to resolve quickly and cheaply some minor conflicts of a claimed damage between two private persons. When that damage is claimed by more than one person to be suffered from a public official, they can request a public confrontation in the form of a PAPIC.
> The local PolAriant will head the PAPIC sessions and issue an immediate decision, free of charge. This may include the immediate dismissal of the public official being contested as the source of the injustice. If the parties do not agree, they have no more way left but to go for a regular trial in front of a public court of justice. In such cases, until the trial comes to its conclusion, the legal expenses of the claimant against the public official are not supported by the claimant, but by the government, until the final decision, when the judge may then request the claimant to pay his own side of the expenses, if he looses his case, or possibly even all the legal expenses of both sides, if he (the judge) believes the claimant has made a totally frivolous claim.
= The abbreviated name of the Head public servant of the ProtectArium.
> Its full name is: ProtectAriant.
> This refers the structure the TetractArium of governance of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> The word "Parriage" is being coined on the basis of the word "Par", like in "on a par basis", or in the sense of "pair", that is a form of contract between a pair of persons of the same sex living in a legal situation that would otherwise be called a marriage if it involved 2 persons of the opposite sex.
> Persons involved in a parriage live legally on a "PAR" basis, thus in a "PARriage".
> For EthoPlasìn, the word 'marriage' is strictly reserved for legal relations between 2 persons of the opposite sex.
> In the same logic, a 'couple', in the case of a marriage, becomes a 'pair' in the case of a parriage.
> A "married" gay couple thus becomes a "parried" pair.
> A parriage ceremony of two males thus becomes a "parriagem",
> A parriage ceremony of two females thus becomes a"parriagef".
> The divorce of a parriage thus becomes a "pivorce".
> PAS = Patriotic Assistance Service
> PASMA = Patriotic Assistance Service Military Activity (only for male soldiers)
> PASNA = Patriotic Assistance Service Nursing Activity (only for female soldiers)
> PASFA = Patriotic Assistance Service Farming Activity (farm and animal area of
> PASPE = Patriotic Assistance Service Performance Evaluation
> PASDO = Patriotic Assistance Service Disciplinary Officer
> PASMAB = Patriotic Assistance Service Male Accommodation Barracks
> PASFAB = Patriotic Assistance Service Female Accommodation Barracks
> PASME = Patriotic Assistance Service Migrant Evaluation
> In a TruthOcracy, what most countries call "Military Service" is called PAS (Patriotic Assistance Service). In normal circumstances of peace, it lasts for a full 10 months, from September first to June 30 of a given year, but can be extended, or recalled as necessary in other difficult circumstances. It is absolutely obligatory at maximum age 18 for both men and women. However, men and women's roles are entirely different. For men, it is called PASMA (Patriotic Assistance Service Military Activity) concentrated on military activities, including frontline combat training. For women, it is called PASNA (Patriotic Assistance Service Nursing Activity) concentrated on nursing activities, never including frontline combat training or activities. In combat situations, the PASNA of women is essentially a backline assistance to the frontline PASMA of men. PASMA and PASNA formation and training are entirely different, and each in separate compounds of barracks, called PASMAB for men and PASFAB for women. In both cases however, they have a PASFA (Patriotic Assistance Service Farming Activity) attached to their compound of barracks or in a near vicinity. In peace time not requiring combat operations, apart from various aspects of armed forces activities, both men and women soldiers are trained in self-sufficiency and survival techniques from an agricultural food point of view. The farms in questions usually also include a dog pound where abandoned city dogs are attended and trained for assisting the armed forces in military operations and/or in other situations of disasters like earthquakes or city strife.
> The PAS barracks are staffed with a minimal permanent staff having a paramilitary permanent career, taking charge of the general administration. They are also provided with special PASDO (PASDO = Patriotic Assistance Service Disciplinary Officer) staff concentrating in ensuring the PAS current soldiers observe a very strict discipline on which their overall performance will be evaluated through a PASPE (Patriotic Assistance Service Performance Evaluation) at the end of their PAS.
> The PASPE certificate will be precious as it will become one of the essential documents to be presented to an employer, for his consideration, when seeking any kind of employment in the future, in the private or the public sector. The marks of performance of that PASPE have only one of these six words indicating a level of overall performance: Outstanding, Excellent, Good, Sufficient, Insufficient and Bad. More details could always be sought from the PAS service by the employer with the consent of the soldier concerned.
> Migrants living in the country without being yet national citizens are subject to a PASME (Patriotic Assistance Service Migrant Evaluation) from age 18 to 36. With each year over age 18, their PAS service lasts one less month. From age 28 to 38, it lasts only one month and includes free barracks accommodation when necessary. Their activity however is strictly concentrated within the PASFA (Patriotic Assistance Service Farming Activity) assisting mainly the farming activities, the kitchen activities and the cleaning activities of the barracks. They must also participate in training sessions about the history of the country, along with language training if necessary, and in cultural sessions on its main lifestyle values in terms of civic education. Without a corresponding PASPE (Patriotic Assistance Service Performance Evaluation), not only migrants or refugees cannot get employment, but they cannot even apply for citizenship in due time unless they are exempt from PASME if they got into the country after age 38.
> PASTO = Property And Sales Tax Obligation
> PATTO = Property And Transaction Tax Obligation)
General registry.
Registry (as seen by each contributor as a personal
excerpt of the PASTOG).
Transaction (added to the PASTOG and seen by a
contributor in his PASTOR).
Level (as the level of pension reached so far par a
Pension various levels (and their specifications,
from level 1 to 20)R
Disburser of the original sum of money in the
Collector of the original sum of money in the
> PATTO is an improved version of PASTO, where the word "Sales" is intended in a more general sense of all "Transactions" taking place in the economy.
> The development of the basic PASTO/PATTO principle is at the foundation of the special and unique DAFTATAP taxation system of a TruthOcracy.
> An EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is using only debt-free money ("no-debt" money), along with sales and property taxes, on the basis of the EthoPrinciple GUDFOMAPAST
> The PASTO is an "Obligation" for the following reasons from a personal citizen point of view: it is the only way to accumulate contributions for an eventual regular pension based on these contributions, or an eventual minimum social pension for those unable to contribute, or an eventual minimal social salary. From the point of view of the government, it is an obligation to finance the BEC of the acting GovernAriant of the EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> Citizens will be highly motivated to pay PASTO, the sales tax in particular, as it is the only way to eventually get a regular pension.
> Another particularity of the PASTO is not paid only by the buyer, but also by the seller, and as such it is the only for both to accumulate contributions for an eventual regular pension.
> PASTO also works hand in hand with the VATPA system.
> 01 - A PASTOT has two sides: one side disburses money
(PASTOD, like the client of a store or the person needing the services of a
plumber), and the other side collects money (PASTOC, collecting money for the
goods or the service provided). The money of each PASTOT goes to the government,
to be used for general government budget operations, and not into any personal
account for pension purposes, but the government nevertheless guarantees a
personal level of pension accumulated to the credit of the contributors of the
two sides, when they decide to retire, for both the PASTOD and the PASTOC.
> 02 - Each PASTOT is
registered in the PASTOG that registers all transactions in chronological order
with an indication of who have been the two contributors on the two sides of
each PASTOT (the PASTOD and the PASTOC). From that PASTOG, then, a contributor
can have access immediately, and get an extract of his own PASTOR transactions
for accuracy checking purposes. Although normally seeing only the last 10
PASTOT, a contributor can decide to print a number of as many PASTOT as he
likes, going backwards, or all PASTOT from a given start date to a given
end date.
> 03 - The PASTO functionality is normally achieved
through a special application downloaded to a smart phone on the PASTOD side, or
at least a PASTO receiving machine on the PASTOC side (usually the case of
stores). PASTO never takes or moves the money involved in a PASTOT from normal
personal bank current accounts, only from one prepaid IBAN account to another.
It only works with personal prepaid IBAN bank accounts of the two sides of the
PASTOT. The PASTOD part has to fill his prepaid PASTO prepaid account regularly,
or the PASTOT will not be executed for lack of funds on his disbursing side. The
PASTOT takes the money out of the prepaid IBAN account of the PASTOD, and places
the relevant payment in the prepaid IBAN of the PASTOC minus 10%.
> 04 - The PASTOT can also be used without smart phone,
via a special PASTO prepaid credit card, as long as the PASTOC side has PASTO
functionality for both sides. The only disadvantage in such case is for the
PASTOD side that will not be able to check immediately his PASTOL, after a
PASTOT, nor see immediately his PASTOR. However, the PASTOD side will be capable
of such verification as soon as he gets access to a computer with PASTOD
> 05 - More accurately,
PASTO has a fixed 20% tax divided half and half between the two sides of the
PASTOT, as 10% paid by the PASTOD and 10% paid by the PASTOC. The PASTOD with a
smart phone with a PASTO application first indicates the amount he wants to pay
(100%) in the application. The PASTO adds 10% (as 110%) and gives that
additional 10% to PASTO for government operations. It then pays the PASTOC the
original amount (100%) minus 10% (or 90%, as received by the PACTOC). The
in-between amount of 20% is the PASTO tax for both government operations and
pension contribution accumulation purposes.
> 06 - In the case that the PASTOC is not a person, but
a store or a corporation, the whole 10% of the PASTOC side goes fully to the
government for financing normal operations, without part of it serving for the
financing of eventual pensions of the employees of the store or the company.
> 07 - There are 10 basic PASTOL levels of pension for
normal public pensions, and 10 special upper levels, for a total of 20 PASTOL.
The amounts and quantity of PASTOC completed over the years by a person slowly
builds a level (PASTOL) of pension reached so far by that contributor. After
each PASTOT, the contributor receives a confirmation of his current PASTOL
level, from 1 to 20, and he can also go, if he so wishes, into the PASTOR to
check that the last transaction (along with the last 10 previous ones) has been
registered to his own credit. He can only see a chronological sequence of his
own last 10 transactions from the PASTOR.
> 08 - There are 10 PASTOT basic levels to complete a
good basic public pension. At level 10, one can retire with their full public
pension without penalty. Retiring at previous levels has a penalty of 1% per
incomplete level: e.g. 10% penalty if retiring at level 1, without having
reached the level 2, or 1% if retiring at level 9). Retiring at higher levels,
from 11 to 20, has a growing penalty of 1% per each additional level, up to
level 19. From level 20, the penalty remains stable at 10%.
> 09 - As such, the PASTO system has a very strong
incentive to eliminate the “black market”, or the related “black work” without
taxes, as not respecting PASTO will prevent, or reduce proportionately, the
parts of sales transactions to accumulate pension benefits.
> 10 - As such, PASTO does not institute a cashless
society, but reduced immensely the use of cash. TruthOcracy wants to reduce but
not eliminate cash, as a cashless society is the best way to allow a government
to become a police state. By the token, PASTO does not work with normal bank
current accounts, and protect their privacy as much as possible. It will only
work with prepaid PASTO IBAN accounts.
> 11- When travelling
around, and probably having access to many places that may not be PASTO
equipped, then the prepaid IBAN PASTO credit card is an excellent alternative to
full PASTOT functionality. Travelling with such card is like travelling with a
wallet of cash in terms of functionality. But it is much safer than cash, as it
is a credit card that can always be immediately deactivated when lost, or always
deactivated until used, and activated only with a password before being used,
for each individual PASTOT.
> 12 - The fixed 20% PASTO tax may seem somewhat
elevated. In fact it is not more elevated than the normal current VAT tax of
most countries. But, considering the fact that a TruthOcracy has no income tax
as a result of the PASTO system, this 20% tax is in fact very low.
> 13 - In a TruthOcracy, banks must provide free of charge a prepaid PASTO IBAN account to anyone who has a current account with them and requests it. Movements of money from their current account to load their PASTO IBAN account at that same bank are free of charge and can be done instantly online. People who are employees of the state, or paid by the state for some contractual work, can also be provided, free of charge, a prepaid PASTO IBAN account by the government, if they so wish. Such account is kept in a special PASTO dedicated banking facility of the MonetArium and can be accessed immediately online through the PASTO application on their smart phone or any computer equipped with the application providing PASTO functionality.
> 14 - A PASTO public pension being received and used for living purposes is not taxed as any income tax on that revenue, but each PASTO transaction using that pension is taxed as a regular PASTOT until the recipient dies.
> 15 - Government paying a salary or buying good and services makes normal PASTO transactions. Nothing change. No difference in mechanics. The government pays the 10% tax but of course gets it all back, along with the 10% of the PASTOC (total 20% as a full return) through the PASTOT. All these transactions by the government also become part of the PASTOG and the PASTOR for the government itself.
> 15 - As for Property Tax, all transactions work similar to PASTO, mutatis mutandis. See DAFTATAP for more information.
> PASTREC = Pythagorean Awareness Step-Thoughts Rising Ellenic Consciousness
> PASTRIC = Pythagorean Awareness Step-Thoughts Rising Infinite Consciousness
> STRA = Step-Thought Rising Awareness
> The above word "Ellenic" is spelled without the initial "H", as it is commonly done in English. This is due to a more general context explaining the fact that the words "GREEK" or "GREECE" do not exist in the "Greek" language, and the fact that English words related to "Greece", like "Hellenic" all start with "ELL" in the language of the country, in relation to the famous ancient ELL culture of the so-called "Greece".
> Both PASTREC and PASTRIC refer to special temporary training sessions at the Pythagorean Academy for youths who are not fulltime students of its university, the Pythagorean Academia. They must be between 17 and 27 years of age, have completed their secondary school, be in normal good harmonious physical and mental shape, and have no criminal record.
> The PASTREC sessions are given to youths of the "Greek" diaspora around the world, who speak Ellinika ("Greek"), coming to the Academy for short periods of 1 to 3 months, and intended to raise their Ellenic Consciousness.
> The PASTRIC sessions are given in English or in Ellinika ("Greek") to youths who may not have a Greek origin but have sympathy for the great ELL culture and want to raise their state of Infinite Consciousness through Pythagorean philosophical concepts based on that culture.
> All these trainees of both categories are accommodated on full room and board, completely free of charge and sleep in a dormitory.
> While at the Academy, they are also expected to participate in sports and music activities, while also acquiring some good basic skills related to biological agriculture, personal homestead food production and natural botanical medicine.
> Both categories of trainees are expected to return to their home country to become better citizens of virtuous behavior, with somewhat of a more holistic education based on a better consciousness and formation of the 3 basic levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of their human soul. That superior behavior is not intended to be attached to any kind of political affiliation, only to a better set of philosophical concepts. Any eventual political affiliation of a trainee shall be a personal choice that has nothing to do directly with his training at the Academy. Hopefully the trainees will also return to their home country trying to promote at least the 3 main societal reforms promoted by the PythagorArium and possibly also promote the reforms for the formation of a TruthOcracy as a new system of governance based on Truth and Merit in their own country.
> During these sessions, the trainees are under good observation. Some of those judged to be the best candidates may be offered to become full time students at the Academy, free of charge, at one of its special NELAS faculties if they are interested.
> s. STRA
> s. PythArmy
= Promoting Aristarchy, Truth, Merit, Enlightened Logos Liberty, Beauty And Trustmoney.
> This is the acronym of the mission of the
PythagorArium Project.
> PATOC = Public Affairs Truth-Obstruction Crime
> PATOCSE = Public Affairs Truth-Obstruction Crime Shameful Exposure
> PATOCSER = Public Affairs Truth-Obstruction Crime Shameful Exposure Record
> See: TOC (Truth Obstruction Crime)
> A patoc happens first and foremost through patolying, or using/saying a patolie.
> When a PPP punishment becomes PPPP, then the punishment must be exposed publicly, with all the public shame involved, through special PATOCSE (Public Affairs Truth-Obstruction Crime Shameful Exposure) sessions of the LAPDAC (Lobbying And Protesting Dedicated Accommodating Channel) TV channel of the government, as pre-announced special sessions at least one month in advance with the names of the persons involved. These are special sessions, called LAPDAC PATOCSE sessions, or LAPDAC PPPP sessions.
> The PATOCSER is a national database of all the records of shame of PATOCSE infractions or crimes that exist so far against people who have either obstructed Truth, mishandled public money or prevented the respect of all the 12 reforms of a TruthOcracy or the application of its COGIPAS (Code Of Goodness In Products And Services) for all products or services made available within the TruthOcracy. This database of public shame is permanent and can always be consulted by anyone instantly online for whatever purposes. The public shame involved is meant to reduce as much as possible all future PATOC crimes to be committed in the TruthOcracy.
> All PATOC crimes and infractions against the COGIPAS (Code Of Goodness In Products And Services) are registered in the public national database of shame called PATOCSER. that can be consulted freely online by any person for whatever purposes.
> The word "Affairs" (in PATOC) here is used, instead of the word "Governance", to clearly include not only governance truth-obstruction crimes, committed by government officials in the course of their duties, but all truth-obstruction crimes that have to do with the public at large, like disinformation or misinformation on the part of private individuals or companies that can affect negatively and wrongly the public at large. The expression "Public Affairs" also refers to any Truth crime that has to do with public money, or involves public money, even if the criminals involved are private individuals.
> In addition, in a TruthOcracy, and an Aristarchy in particular, information given to the public at large by a company (or any non-person) must always be done under the signature of at least one person (or at least 3 in the case of information coming from public officials of the government), and an eventual PATOC in such communications becomes the personal crime of primarily these persons specifically, when it happens, as opposed to the 'crime' of the body or institution they represent.
> A TruthOcracy, and an Aristarchy in particular, is a new kind of true democracy based on Truth, as POTGA (People's Open Truth-Governance Authority). As such, obstructing Truth is always a crime, as TOC. This is always a crime, and a very serious crime, when committed in relation to public affairs (PATOC), and also a serious crime in private relations (PITOC) whenever it can deprive other persons of the general public of their rights and cause them a serious damage.
> In other words, in a TruthOcracy, or in an Aristarchy in particular, a PATOC is not/not a simple misdemeanor, but a felony, that is a serious crime punished most severely, through at least PPP (Personal Property Punishment) in a first instance, as a first step, with or without detention, or worse. In fact, a PATOC is so serious a crime in an Aristarchy that when it is established that the PATOC has been clearly the cause of death of more persons, its punishment can exceptionally be in terms of up to capital punishment through a death sentence. Capital punishment in an Aristarchy is very rarely used and nearly eliminated, but still exists in exceptional circumstances. It is not usually used for a personal crime even as serious as assassination, except in extreme repetitious crimes that caused death, or a planned crime of exceptional cruelty. In fact, it will be more easily used for a PATOC than for an interpersonal crime when the seriousness deserves it because the PATOC caused a serious prejudice to hundreds of citizens if not the whole population of the country.
> To be fully clear, the PATOC becomes the main new crime established within an Aristarchy, more serious than murder because, again, a murder affects only one other person, as the PATOC affects the best interests of possibly all/all the citizens of the country.
> From this point of view, even something as common as hiding a bribe to a public official, or a BAB (Bribe And Blackmail), is a PATOC on the part of both the giver and the receiver, but also on the part of a person who may know about it and does not denounce it. Having been an instrumental part, voluntarily or unvoluntarily, of the bribe to a public official is a PATOC. Even simply becoming well aware of it must lead the person with that knowledge to become a whistleblower denouncing it, otherwise that person is committing a PATOC.
> A PATOC is often supplemented with a BOPAP (Banishment Of Public Activity Punishment) and/or a PPP (Private Property Punishment), let alone with a formal registration in the public database of the BLOLIMI (Black List Of Liars In Media Information) and the BLOLIGI (Black List Of Liars In Governance Information).
> To be clear, a PATOC is always a serious crime in an Aristarchy as it is a form of governance that, by definition, must be POTGA (People's Open Truth-Governance Authority), and must always act as OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) compliant, even in cases of little money involved. For example, a private company (of a single owner or not, of any size), lying about one of its products or services being offered and consumed by the public at large, is not committing a PITOC, but clearly a PATOC for which the owner, and/or the main manager, and/or the publisher of the related false information, is always personally and necessarily punished. The punishment can possibly also extend to all the other co-owners, managers or share holders in a secondary way, depending on the seriousness of the damage caused in terms of money, or health, or death, or even simple misleading propaganda for the undeserved illicit profit of the liar.
> s. BAB (Bribery And Blackmail) that can most easily be considered a PATOC and punished as such, even against private individuals, corporation managers and any type or level of media who have cause damage to the public at large through their lies.
> A PATOC, when submitted to the new POJ (Public Overpowering Justice) system of the JudicArium for non-compliance to the strict TAT (Truth And Transparency) compliance requirement of an Aristarchy, is usually punished by PPPP. However, if the punishment is based only on the fact that the public official does not appear to be guilty except for the fact that he "should normally have known the contested facts that he did not know in his position", then he would not be punished in full PPPP terms, but only as PPPPP, and thus loose his pension contributions for the years of service in that position.
> PATOLYING = Public Affairs Truth-Obstruction Lying
> PATOLIE = Public Affairs Truth-Obstruction Lie
> In a TruthOcracy, patolying, or a patolie, is a most serious crime, and a crime that is not/not a simple misdemeanor, but a felony.
> s. PATOC (Public Affairs Truth-Obstruction Crime) for more details.
> All business activities with over 10 employees, private or semi-public, national or foreign operating in the country, must have a TruthOcracy TruthPatron on board. Their employment title is usually called more simply "TruthPatron", and their function "Patronizing". TruthPatrons do not have any vote in the administration, but have a right to speak and defend the principles of the TruthOcracy in relation to any decision being taken. In turn, if they enter into any conflict of opinion with the management, they openly decide that they will report and consult with the elected GOS. Their main role is to ensure, within each business activity, that the principles and the 12 reforms of TruthOcracy are fully respected for the benefit of the national population concerned. Their secondary role is to make sure the COGIPAS (Code Of Goodness In Products And Services) of a TruthOcracy is fully respected for all the products being produced or services being provided.
> In a TruthOcracy, voting is not only a right, but a duty. Patronizing can also become a duty when called to do so.
> s. the VAP (Voting And Patronizing) reform of a TruthOcracy.
= PythagorArium World Center
> Really an abbreviation of the name of the PythagorArium + World Center, used mainly for writing purposes, like sometimes for official letterhead.
> PythagorArium is the main abbreviation of the Pythagorean World Center, that is the PythagorArium at worldwide level.
> PythArium is a further abbreviation for a PythagorArium at national level or, more generally, as a friendly abbreviation.
> see: MOWOP
> This is the final stage of various periods of modern world history that were called successively: Pax Romana, Pax Christiana, Pax Britannica, Pax Americana and, finally, the fast forthcoming Pax Judaica.
> The word "Pax" however is widely abused here. It should mean only "peace" and "harmony", but it has meant the imposition of a fake peace most of the time, by rather dictatorial regimes keeping people under strict quiet control. This abuse is certainly even more true in the case of the forthcoming "Pas Judaica" as, for the first time in history, it is meant to involve the whole world kept under full control by the dictatorial Master Plan of a One-World Government based in Jerusalem, after the creation of the Greater Israel, along with a One-World Currency, a One-World Army, and a One-World Religion called Panthriskia.
> For the elites involved, the false Pax Judaica shall be the result of a long saga, and should be a point of arrival that we call WEGODZA (World Empire Governance Of Dictatorial Zionist Ascendancy).
= Private Contract Rating.
> Issued by a PJM. (Private Justice Mediator).
= PhiloEcoSophical Compensation.
> It is the PhiloEcoSophical Compensation principle that should be included in all legislation related to ecology.
> Related to our page on PhiloEcoSophical Issues.
= Propagator of EthoKratïa more specifically, and EthoCivitas in general.
> a PEK is a political activist promoting the objectives of the PythagorArium, EthoCracy, or EthoKratïa in particular, but also all the layers of EthoCivitas.
> A country run as an EthoCracy is often called an EthoKratïa, or an EK to use its international abbreviated symbol. But EthoKratïa is equivalent to EthoCracy, stressing the ELL (Greek) origin of the word.
> PEK is a political movement promoting EthoKratïa, or EthoCracy, and the EthoDiscipline within a country, while PEP (Patriotic Ethocratic Party) is the corresponding political party. In a TruthOcracy the PEP is called PELLPIT.
> EthoKratïa = EthoCracy, or EthoKratïa (ΗθοΚρατια) is the version of the name that marks the Hellenic (Greek) origin of the word "EthoCracy", but is interchangeable with EthoCracy.
> The "ï" of EthoKratïa means that the accent is put on that letter when the word is pronounced verbally.
> PELLPIT = Patriotic Enlightened Logos Liberty Party In TruthOcracy.
> PELLPIA = Patriotic Enlightened Logos Liberty Party In Aristarchy
> PEKELLAS = "Patriotiki Eleftheria, Komma ELLlinikis AlithiOkratiaS" (the name of PELLPIT in "Greece-ELLAS")
> PAKELLAS = Patriotiki Aristarkia Komma Ellas
> PELLPIT is the main political party normally leading and managing a TruthOcracy.
> In a yet not fully accomplished TruthOcracy, i.e. an EthoCracy, the same main party is sometimes called ELLPEP, at least at the beginning.
> The corresponding political movement used by PELLPIT and a TruthOcracy to enlist and educate people is: TEFELBAP (Truth, Extended Family, Enlightened Liberty, Beauty And Patriotism).
> A PELLPIT, as a minimum, promotes and defends the full respect of the 10 EthoPrinciples founding an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, with the intend to imposing them fully as soon as possible, thus turning an EthoCracy into a full fledge TruthOcracy.
> In Greece (in ELLAS), the equivalent political party is called: "PEKELLAS" ("Patriotiki Eleftheria, Komma ELLlinikis AlithiOkratiaS", i.e. "Patriotic Liberty, Party of Greek TruthOcracy", where "AlithiOkratia" means TruthOcracy); in Greek: ΠΕKΕΛΛΑS (Πατριοτικη Ελευθερία, Κομμα ELLινικης ΑληθειΟκρατίαS).
= The new constitutional structure of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy with 5 State Powers instead of 3.
> The traditional State Powers, under the theory of Separation of Powers of Montesquieu, is a Trias Politica, with 3 State Powers: the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial.
> An
EthoCracy (in its final version as a
TruthOcracy) has a Pentas Politica, that is 5 State Powers instead of 3
1- GovernArium: the new Executive Power strictly controlled by a BEC and the Ten EthoPrinciples.
2- TinformArium: the brand new State Power ensuring an EthoCracy is strictly OTIG compliant and a TruthOcracy is fully OTATFOG compliant.
ProtectArium: the brand new State Power that
controls the first two, includes and controls the combined forces of the Army (MilitArium) and the Police (PolArium).
4- JudicArium: replaces the old traditional Judicial Power of the Trias Politica.
5- MonetArium: that
control the NAMA (National Autonomous Monetary
a - LeaderArium, formed by the willing ex GovernAriants, ex TinformAriant and ex ProtectAriants of the basic Trias Politica.
b - ExpertArium, the new Arium that replaces the traditional higher parliament chamber, but mainly replaces the old traditional Legislative Power of the Trias Politica. These Expertarians are not permanent during a legislation, but called in on contract for the duration of the time it takes to formalize a particular new law planned for in a BEC.
c - OppositArium, replacing the traditional lower parliament chamber, being open to all citizens instead of to representative parliamentarians, first and foremost for opposition or protest
d - SPELArium, or the Sovereign People Arium that constitute the real Executive Power in the background through voting a BEC and reliance on the OTIG EthoPrinciple.
e - OtigArium (in an
EthoCracy) or
OtatfogArium (in a TruthOcracy), the powerful
Arium that does not get involved in the routine daily details of the
actual governance, but only in the exclusive use of Truth in everything the
Ariums say or write or do. The
OtigAriant forces them all to be fully
(or OTATFOG in a TruthOcracy)
compliant all the time, and has the power to dismiss immediately and sovereignly
any Ariant who is found not to be fully
OTIG (or OTATFOG) compliant.
> An EthoCracy (or a TruthOcracy) is in fact, for most of the time of its routine operation, a Tetras Politica, or a system with 4 State Powers. This is because of the integration of the LeaderArium with the basic Trias Politica, constituting a so-called TetractArium, or a Tetractys of Ariums. However, if the EthoCracy (or a TruthOcracy) is a Trias Politica during normal routine operations not requiring special powers, it becomes a Tetras Politica during a vacuum of power, mainly during a period of election, or after a suspension of the GovernAriant. Otherwise, the LeaderArium only coordinates the good functioning of the Tetras Politica, and serves as a consulting body for the Tetras Politica that is really running the EthoCracy or the TruthOcracy.
= Patriotic Ethocratic Party
> This is the abbreviated name of ELLPEP (ELLAS Patriotic Ethocratic Party)
> See: ELLPEP (which is called PELLPIT in a TruthOcracy).
= PhiloEcoSophical Structure.
> All new buildings being built or renovated should be conceived as PES, or PhiloEcoSophical Structures.
> Related to our page on PhiloEcoSophical Issues.
= Private Employee Salary Top
> In an EthoCracy (or a TruthOcracy), all private employees are limited in salary to a multiple of up to 10 times the NASNI (Nursemaid Average Salary National Index).
> In the public sector, the equivalent is a POST (Public Official Salary Top).
PhiloEcoSophy / PhiloEcoSophical
= Philo-Eco-Sophy
> Like "Philosophy, or "philo-sophy, but with, Eco in the middle standing for "ecology, or rather a special type of eco-wisdom.
> This new word has to do with a new type of ecology, or a new type of ecological preoccupation, which is not based on the usual ecological concerns of most modern green movements, but rather on a kind of love (philo) for a special type of wisdom (sophy) regarding our relations with the environment (eco). From this point of view it is a blue movement rather than a green one.
> The combination of the three words makes: PhiloEcoSophy, with its normal vocabulary extensions, like "philoecosophical etc.
> Mainly related to our page on PhiloEcoSophical Issues.
= A combination of two words: Philosophy and ELL as the particular culture of Ancient-Greece that invented philosophy, education, democracy and the Olympics.
> The word philosophy as we use it today, in particular with reference to contemporary philosophy, refers to such a mixture of thought systems that it has nothing to do anymore with the real meaning of the word "Philosophy" as invented by Ancient-Greece. The real philosophy is only the one invented by the ELL culture, as a Philosophical Way of Life based on a set of Cardinal Virtues for the pursuit of wisdom and happiness, through the holistic education of the three basic levels of the Tetractys of the human soul, in order to attain Wisdom (the 4th level of the Tetractys, as "Philosophical Wisdom"), hopefully the maximum level of wisdom possible by a human being, thus the maximum level of happiness possible for a man on this beautiful planet Earth. This is the only good real meaning of the word "PhiloSophy", that is "Love Of Wisdom" that, to avoid confusion with the modern fake use of the word, we call PhilosophELL.
> A similarity in the need we had to coin a new word for the "real" philosophy, as PhilosophELL, is the need we had to coin a new word for the "real" democracy, as TruthOcracy, or even better as Aristarchy, for expressing properly the good original meaning of the word "democracy". The way we use the word "democracy" today only refers to a "fake democracy" that, in fact, is a type of plutocracy or debtocracy. This kind of fake democracy has nothing to to with the real direct and participative democracy that was invented by Ancient-Greece.
> A similar need for new words also existed for example, in our context, in relation to "Prayer", coined as ELLpray and to "Science", coined as SciencELL.
The word "Philotimo" (Φιλότιμον)
basically means "Love of Honorability" as the quality of both bringing or deserving
honor in the ELL culture
These tools of civilization
The Philotimo is the spirit that made Ancient-Greece invent the Olympics. In the context of the PythagorArium project, and of a modern Aristarchy, it is the same spirit that we often call SOS (Social Olympic Spirit).
= Public Information And Banking Fully Open To All Citizens
> PIBOTAC = PIB (Public Information Banking) Open To All Citizens, as a part of the PIABFOTAC EthoPrinciple.
> In an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, all financial tractions on public funds are, and must be, fully traceable easily online by all citizens at will.
> Even temporarily secret funds can be followed by amount and codename until their secrecy expires, and in full details after that expiration date.
> Liquid money of a politician, if it amounts to a sum over 10 NAS, must be handled as PIBOTAC, as if it were public money, and through an ABTI, .
> Additional information can be found on the PIABFOTAC EthoPrinciple.
> Related to APMOA
= Public Information Banking
> Means banking as public information, with full transparency.
> Related to all banking operations of public funds in an EthoCracy or in a TruthOcracy: they must all be traceable easily online as public information.
> A PIB is a brand new type of banking meant to assist the full transparency of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy. It not only shows banking transactions, but give them all a unique PIBCODE that will follow a bank sum of money from the moment it is received to the moment it is used in its final destination, identifying the source, its current holding and its final use.
= PIB Code.
> If, for example, a citizen paid his taxes as PIB, he received a PIBCODE with which he can follow the sum he paid, from which account it was paid, to its final destination and use.
> All government officials can only use PIB for all banking transactions of public money they handle, and if money is given to them, any money, even as salary, work benefit or operational funds, all the relevant PIBCODES are made available to the public to follow the moves of the money from release to final destination.
> When any government official of executive or managerial level if first given his position, all his banking becomes PIB, official or personal. The only alternative is to refuse the appointment. The banking of all his immediate family also becomes PIB, but PIBRA (PIB Restricted Access). If the government official also has a private business, the accounts of this business must be made at least PIBRA.
= PIB (Public Information Banking) Open To All Citizens
> PIBOTAC is part of the PIABFOTAC EthoPrinciple.
> In an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, all financial tractions on public funds are, and must be, fully traceable easily online by all citizens at will.
> Even temporarily secret funds can be followed by amount and codename until their secrecy expires, and in full details after that expiration date.
> Liquid money given to a politician, if it amounts to a sum over 10 NAS, must be handled as PIBOTAC, as if it were public money, and through an ABTI, .
> Additional information can be found on the PIABFOTAC EthoPrinciple.
= PIB Restricted Access
> Some PIB exceptions can be granted to some public officials, in particular those owning a private business, but then the accounts of that business become at least PIBRA.
> The restricted PIB access is delegated to the LeaderArium. A Magistrate can also consult PIBRA accounts in the presence of two officials of the LeaderArium.
> When any government official of executive or managerial level if first given his position, all his banking becomes PIB, official or personal. The only alternative is to refuse the appointment. The banking of all his immediate family members also becomes PIB, but PIBRA (PIB Restricted Access). If the government official also has a private business, the accounts of this business must be made at least PIBRA. A candidate politician at an executive or managerial level can always ask for some private accounts related to him, his family or his private business, to be made PIBRA instead of PIB. This is a legitimate request on which the LeaderArium will take a sovereign decision.
= People Improving Communities through Organizing .
> Although he is a self-proclaimed atheist, George Soros also works closely with the Vatican through social activities called PICO (People Improving Communities through Organizing), in which the Clintons and Obama were deeply involved, financing them through his so-called OSF (Open Society Foundations). Both PICO and OSF are dear to Pope Francis who welcomes massive immigration with open arms in Italy and all other western country (but not in the Vatican) and who pursues an agenda which, for the first time for a pope, is much more secular and political than spiritual, liked to the Agenda 21 of the UN. The PICOs were designed by a Satanic intellectual (Alinsky) and managed by other intellectuals of the extreme left (Baumann) and his successors now having infiltrated the Vatican through some good acolytes (like the cardinals Danneels and Kasper, not to mention his special advisor cardinal Rodriguez), all working hard to destroy all the best western and Christian traditional values defended so well by the previous pope Ratzinger, Benedict XVI, that a Vatican conspiracy ousted out. After the ousting of Ratzinger, both the OSF (Open Society Foundationws) of Atheist Soros, and PICO activists of Satanic Alinsky origin, who had already infiltrated the Vatican, started to work more openly in the Vatican to promote the globalist cause of the MOWOP New World Order so dear to Pope Francis and his UN new friends, through leftist satanic cardinals of the like of those just mentioned.
= Pre Immigration Selection Abroad
> In an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, as a firm rule, all immigration must be preselected abroad, by the reinforced consulates.
> No immigrant can just come in and pretend to be received and assisted as immigrant without PISA. This means an essential prerequisite of full identification as both a person and nationality before the PISA process can start to take place.
> Only refugee claimants can suffer some exceptions to this rule, at the discretion of the immigration official at the border or the consul abroad. When the refugee claim is done at the border, the claimant, if not in immediate need of vital assistance, and if apparently well identified, must be asked to returned to his last country of transit for a PISA processing. As a rule, if they are not well identified with a valid passport on arrival, or on applying abroad, they cannot submit a refugee claim nor be part of any PISA pre-selection.
= Public Information Tag
> A compulsory identifier of all public property, or all private property financed partially or assisted by public money.
> Can be a label, a sticker, a poster, a popup screen on a computer or any other type of identifier on an object, the front top left corner of a newspaper, the entrance of a building, or any other type of property owned or partially financed or assisted by public money.
> The PIT always indicates, whenever possible, for example the exact amount of public money being contributed or paid annually for the property, like for rent or maintenance, or otherwise posts "POP" (for Publicly Owned Property), like on a piece of furniture or a car.
> Refers mainly to our pages on EthoCracy and TruthOcracy, along with the reform on Full Transparency of all Public Officials and Administration.
= Personal Interrelations Truth Obstruction Crime
> See: TOC
> A TruthOcracy is a new kind of true democracy based on Truth as POTGA (People's Open Truth-Governance Authority). As such, obstructing Truth is always a crime, as TOC. This is always, and a very serious crime, when committed in relations to public affairs (PATOC) and also a serious crime in private relations (PITOC) whenever it deprives other persons of their rights and causes them a serious damage.
> A PATOC is always a serious crime in an TruthOcracy based on full compliance of POTGA Truth Governance, even in cases of little money involved. Be it clear for example that a private company (of a single owner or not, of any size), lying about one of its products or services being offered and consumed by the public at large, is not committing a PITOC, but clearly a PATOC for which the owner or the main manager is always personally and primarily necessarily punished, but possibly also all the other co-owners, managers or share holders in a secondary way, depending on the seriousness of the damage caused in terms of money, or health or simple misleading propaganda for the undeserved benefit of the liar.
= The divorce of a same-sex couple living in a Parriage.
> s. Parriage
= Private Justice Mediator.
> Related to our page on
of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
= The star observation center of the DiaskedArium
> Equipped with telescopes of various types and power.
= Patriotic National Aristarchy
> This becomes a criteria to judge a democracy, as its PNA compliance, to judge if it has become an Aristarchy.
> PNADGOF = Pythagorean Nazarean Apollonian Dionysian Good Omnipotent Force (the main name of GOD in the context of the PythagorArium Project)
> PNADELLGOF = Pythagorean Nazarean Apollonian Dionysian Enlightening Loving Logos, Good Omnipotent Force (the longer version of the PNADGOF acronym)
> This supreme God figure baptized as PNADGOF by the PythagorArium is good (G) and omnipotent (O) as the driving force (F) of the overall universe. It is the main force behind the creation and the management of our beautiful universe. However, this supreme force of Good is surrounded by many other minor forces, some of which are of Bad in nature, or satanic in nature, as bad forces that are not omnipotent over this main good one. These minor bad forces have been only voluntarily created, and now tolerated, by the main good one, in order to allow us to exercise the freewill with which we were gently created, and which we use when choosing between the the FOG (Force Of Good) and a FOB (Force Of Bad).
> The central "ELL" component of "PNADELLGOF", in the longer version of the acronym, refers to the ancient ELL ("Greek") culture at the base of the PythagorArium Project. It also stresses that this supreme PNADGOF force of the PythagorArium Project can be seen as an "Enlightened Loving Logos", or an "Enlightened Logos Liberty". That beautiful culture can be well summarized in the spirit of PHILOTIMO animating the culture of Ancient-Greece and even the culture of most Greeks today.
> The initial "P" refers first and foremost to Pythagoras at the root of the 6P philosophy that has formed the beautiful "ELL" culture through which the best of the history of civilization on earth has been created, and at the root of the spirit that animates the overall PythagorArium Project. As such it refers in an essential way to all the main "6P" philosophers (six of them with a name starting with "P") that have developed this philosophy of best civilization. In our context of the PythagorArium Project, it means what we often call the 6P Approach to the the line of best philosophy. Again, this is the line of philosophy animating the PythagorArium Project and the 6P philosophers have names that all start with "P". As such they are all of a Pythagorean-Platonic line of thinking. These 6P philosophers are distributed over a span of time of about 1000 years, between ~ -550 BC and ~ +AD 450. They are, sequentially in chronological time, Pythagoras (~ -500 BC), Plato (~ -350 BC), Plutarch (~ +100 AD, Plotinus (~ +250 AD), Porphyrios (~ +300 AD) and Proclus (~ +450 AD). They represent the best of what philosophy has been and still is, as philosophy was really created, as a pursuit of wisdom and happiness through values of truth, ethics and beauty integrated around a set of chosen cardinal virtues. That philosophical 6P line of thinking is the only one that truly deserves the name of "Philosophy". All the thinkers who deviated from that line of philosophical thinking, which is the case of most modern and contemporary so-called "philosophers", should not be called philosophers. They should search for another name to qualify more properly their intellectual activity, like possibly, at best, "philothinkers", that is, "friends of their own thinking", whatever it is, instead of friends of wisdom like the word "Philosophy" really means.
> The "N" stands for Nazarean (in opposition to "Nazarene" referring to a particular protestant church). Nazarean means the "One coming from Nazareth", i.e. the one usually better known as Jesus. As such however, it means the real Jesus who was not a Jew, but an ELL ("Greek") figure from Nazareth. Calling him the "Nazarean", as opposed to Jesus or Christ, shall distinguish him clearly from the Judeo-Christian figure of the false Jesus that was superimposed to us mainly by the Christian Vatican, but also by the three Abrahamic religions together, in particular Judaism, that exploited institutionally (and awfully also financially) his more simple movement of Enlightened Logos Liberty (ELL) animated by the culture of the Greek (rather ELLAS, as opposed to "Greek": as 'Greek' does not exist in 'Greek') environment he was coming from, of which Nazareth was the focal point at that time in 'Palestine' and in the overall Middle East.
> The "A" stands for Apollo who is the main god figure representing the beauty of the ELL culture at the base of the PythagorArium Project. He is in fact the main god that presided to the formation of the ELL philosophy and to its spreading through the 6P Philosophers. Apollo in our context is remembered in two of his better roles in front of humanity. First as "Epicurios Apollon" representing the god that protects or attempts to guide and cure us when needed, but without preventing us to use our freewill. Second as the "Delphic Apollon" who is the one that brings light to the human beings, or enlightens our mind in the best positive way if we are prepared to receive and not resist his loving guidance.
The "D" stands for Dionysus. He is the brother of Apollo. Both Apollo and Dionysus were sons of the top Olympian god Zeus. The godly levels of these 2 sons are more accessible to us human beings, more than the highest Zeus level. As for Apollo, he is the son god of Zeus associated with the higher of the 3 levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul, the Cognitive Level. In turn, Dionysos is the son god of Zeus associated with the middle level of the 3 levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul, the Compulsive level, but also indirectly with helping the improvement of the first basic level of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul, the Instinctive Level. Both gods were tasked by Zeus to help with the control and harmonization of the 3 levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the soul of human beings. When they succeed in their respective harmonizing roles, within the Pythagorean Tetractys of the same soul at its three levels, then they contribute to have that human being control perfectly the excesses that are often associated with the lower level in particular, the Instinctive Level, but also with the second middle level, the Compulsive Level. In such case, once the 3 basic levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the soul of one person are finally well harmonized, then, within the 4th level of the Pythagorean Tetractys, the Cognitive Level, wisdom can finally be born in the corresponding human being. As such that human being can be considered a sage, or as having finally acquired wisdom (the "Sophy" of "Philosophy"). Without the preliminary harmonization of all the 3 three levels, real wisdom cannot exist at the 4th level of the soul of a human being. This holistic harmonization and acquisition of wisdom is precisely the task of the real philosophy (making us emulating friends of the Sophy of Philosophy as it was invented by Ancient-Greece, that is, as a "Philosophical Way Of Living" based on a chosen set of virtues for each level of the Pythagorean Tetractys.
> The "G" stands for Good. This god is the supreme force of Good, or FOG in the universe as opposed to the many inferior forces of Bad, or FOB that also exist to give us chances to use correctly the freewill with which we were kindly created.
> The "O" stands for Omnipotent. This good force is omnipotent over all other forces. However, as previously mentioned, this omnipotence never prevents us to exercise the freewill with which we were created, in order to allow us to choose freely between the FOB (Force Of Bad) and the FOG (Force Of Good).
> The final "F" stands for Force. This means a pure force, or a force that is not an incarnated being. As such this force is the Nous (the word "Nous" is pronounced with the final "s" well heard) that in ancient Greek culture, basically means the capacity to reason, and consequently the capacity to provide and acquire knowledge and comprehension, as distinguished from sensation. In its proper philosophical context it means this maximum creative capacity, as the Nous power to create from the "word of god" coming from the supreme mind entity that is the creator of our universe. Our human souls are mini drops of this supreme oceanic Force, or Nous, as small sparks of this immense light of Enlightenment and Loving Logos force of the universe.
The 10 letter-digits of the full PNADELLGOF acronym, with 10 reducible to 1, also represent god from a pure philosophically mathematical point of view, as "The 1".
> The PolAriant also heads eventual
PAPIC (PolArium
Public Inquiry Confrontation) sessions.
> PolArium = Police Arium
> The PolArium is part of the SPELArium.
> PolArion = the non-voting Head of the PolArium, appointed by the SPELAriant.
> The police force in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy comes under the general supervision of the new State Power called the SPELArium, and not under the GovernArium (the new Executive Power). In other words, the police force does not belong to the government, but to the people (the non-violent people), and defends the non-violent people, not the government (except government officials who are not on duty and act as private citizens), in particular when people are protesting non-violently against the government.
> The PolArium is an appeasing police force. It will prevent or stop any kind of violence, be it coming from the government or from the people. However, non-violent people can use it forcefully, albeit non violently, against the government, and force, even with non-violent physical containment if need be, any government of government official to respond publicly and immediately to any question of Truthfulness being asked by a group or crowd of citizens.
> When on duty and acting as officials of the government, these government officials cannot be protected by the police when in conflict with the people: if violence is used against them, they can only be protected by the MilitArium.
> This is explained more explicitly in a section related to the 3 main roles of the SPELArium.
> The local chief of police of city is called the PolArion.
> The PolArium is entirely separate from the MilitArium (Military forces) that comes under the ProtectArium and can act as a kind of police force for officials of the government.
> The PACOC is the PolArium Code Of Conduct of the PolArium.
> See TetractArium for more information on the EthoCracy (or TruthOcracy) Virtuous Governance and its structure of Ariums.
> For a quick reference card on where this Arium stands in the overall structure of the TetractArium, see this TetractArium.PDF card.
= Planet Oneness Responsibility
> A special sense of responsibility promoted by EthoPlasìn, and well integrated in the values of an eventual EthoCracy, let alone a TruthOcracy.
> POR is an integral part of the EthoPlasìn Logo as:
“Better Decorum, More Merit and Planet Oneness Responsibility.
= Small museum of the KallosArium
> Exposes exclusively entirely hand-painted pieces of fine porcelain produced on the basis of the best classical tradition of this art and inspired by the philosophy of Ancient-Greece.
= Patriotic Olympic Spirit Approach To All Policies.
> This approach involves all internal negotiations, seeking the best of the country as a nation in its national dealings, but also eminently all negotiation of memberships and agreements with external or international entities of worldwide competence, like the UN, or regional competence, like the EU or the TTIP. POSATAP also tends to reduce excessive multiculturalism, encourage the reinforcement of a main national culture, and forces foreign migrants to be preselected by consulates abroad before being considered for residence and nationality.
> Olympic Spirit, or Social Olympic Spirit (SOS), means Merit. An EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is fundamentally a MeritoCracy where everyone is compensated on the basis of a combination of his best talent and effort in life.
> Additional comment on the EthoCratic POSATAP Principle
> From the POSATAP EthoPrinciple stems the PTN (Priority To Nationality) EthoRule.
= Public Official Salary Top
> In an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, all public servants are limited in salary to a multiple of up to 10 times the NASNI (Nursemaid Average Salary National Index).
> On the private sector, the equivalent is a PEST (Private Employee Salary Top).
= People's Open Truth-Governance Authority.
> A TruthOcracy is authoritarian, but as POTGA.
> Authoritarianism is good if and when POTGA, and even becomes the only form or real democracy.
> What we call "Democracy" today is most of the time only a "Democrapy", as a complete crap of democracy, as a fraud that has nothing to do with People's power or authority, as the only power that real democracy should be based on. Most of our fake western democracies have only to do with an overly privileged class that rules by lying, by not respecting or even doing the opposite of its promises, and by hiding the Truth to its people through mass media that have become tools of an Orwellian ministry of propaganda for the ruling class instead of independent instruments of investigative Truth. That ruling class is not even elected, except in appearance, but rather "selected" by fake elections, to become the frontal puppets of a Deep State or Shadow Government hiding in the background and pursuing the realization of a Master Plan of global enslavement of all the electors used as useful idiots.
> A
TruthOcracy is a new kind of true
democracy based on Truth as
POTGA (People's
As such, obstructing Truth is always a crime, as
This is always, and a very serious crime, when committed in relations to public
affairs (PATOC)
and also a serious crime in private relations (PITOC)
whenever it deprives other persons of their rights and causes them a serious
= Holographic Molding
> When many of us come together and create a common positive feeling, regarding a specific objective, that experience is generally called "Coherence." EthoPlasìn also calls it 'Holographic Molding' and 'Power of Co-Creation', depending on the context. These are vital tools that can help us shape our destiny with gratitude in a state of Planet Earth Oneness in the spirit of Precept 6 of the EthoPlasìn Discipline that calls for members to "Act Always through a Sense of Planet Oneness Responsibility and Cosmic Life Participation Gratefulness".
= Political Party Contender
> An EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy has a maximum of 10 political parties, those with the highest membership, that can be a contender in a national election, that is present a candidate as a GovernAriant of the country, and a BEP
> The Parties that have a membership below the 10 highest ones are PPE. There can be as many PPE as people want, but they cannot compete in a national election until they are a PPC, or one with the 10 highest memberships.
> The PPC eligibility or the PPE status is established on a yearly basis, for the coming year, in the three last days of the current calendar year.
> Depending on documented membership, a PPC can move back to be a PPE, or the opposite, move from PPE to PPC.
= Political Party Embryo.
> These are the political parties with a membership below the 10 highest ones.
> There can be as many PPE as people want, but they can not compete in a national election until they are one with the 10 highest memberships.
> The PPC eligibility or the PPE status is established on a yearly basis, for the coming year, in the three last days of the current calendar year.
> Depending on documented membership, a PPC can move back to be a PPE, or the opposite, move from PPE to PPC.
= Pythagorean Philosophical Enlightened Logos Liberty Civitas Order
> This is the Civitas Order of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, or a moral and social order based on an Enlightened Logos Liberty (ELL) through a return of philosophy in our life, but the one-and-only great philosophy of virtues of Pythagorean origin.
> PPP = Personal Property Punishment
> PPPP = Public Personal Property Punishment
> PPPPP = Public Personal Property or Pension Punishment (a PPP made public, when committing a PATOC).
> When a PPP punishment becomes PPPP, then the punishment must be exposed publicly, with all the public shame involved, through special PATOCSE (Public Affairs Truth-Obstruction Crime Shameful Exposure) sessions of the LAPDAC (Lobbying And Protesting Dedicated Accommodating Channel) TV channel of the government, as pre-announced special sessions at least one month in advance with the names of the persons involved. These are special sessions, called LAPDAC PATOCSE sessions, or LAPDAC PPPP sessions.
> PPP and PPPP refer to a brand new form of punishment for corruption or serious irresponsible mistakes of officials in public positions or handling public money, or for not fulfilling a BEP, in particular the BEC (Binding Electoral Contract) of a TruthOcracy, or not respecting the EthoPrinciples, the OTIG one in particular, or not fulfilling any of the Twelve Essential Reforms of a TruthOcracy. The infractions or crimes are punished first and foremost through the personal property of the persons involved, until exhaustion, instead of through prison sentences or fines and damages paid, just to often at the moment, by the government or the organization involved. Jail sentences, when also imposed, are only in addition to a first punishment through PPP.
> All PPPP crimes punished on personal property are also doubly punished, through public shame, in LAPDAC PATOCSE sessions of the special national TV channel.
> In a TruthOcracy, damage compensation through public money, when existing, is always provided after a first punishment through PPP until full exhaustion of the personal property of the officials involved.
> This PPP principle, in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, applies to all government employees, all public officials of government related at any level, all politicians, and all employees of international organizations receiving contributions in public money. It also applies to all managers of private corporations or organizations receiving some of their financing from public funds, including NGOs receiving public funds. It also applies to private journalists lying about information that is presented as valid "public" information.
> A public official stealing public money is always punishable by PPPP and exposed nationally through special LAPDAC PPPP sessions. even the first time. A private citizen stealing or spoiling public money is also punishable through PPP the first time, and by PPPP exposed in LAPDAC PPPP sessions from the second time.
> In an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, corporate personhood is nearly completely abolished, except on a subsidiary basis for paying additional damages that the responsible manager cannot pay from his personal property. Corporation or company managers are primarily punished for the evil they have caused, not the "corporation-person", and always on a PPPP basis first. If necessary, a corporation not respecting the EthoPrinciples can be "de-corporationed", and its assets sold off at best offer.
> A PPP is often supplemented with a BOPAP (Banishment Of Public Activity Punishment) and/or a PATOC (Public Activity Truth Obstruction Crime) punishment, let alone with BLOLIMI (Black List Of Liars In Media Information) and BLOLIGI (Black List Of Liars In Governance Information).
> A PATOC (Public Affairs Truth Obstruction Crime), when submitted to the new POJ (Public Overpowering Justice) system of the JudicArium for non-compliance to the strict TAT (Truth And Transparency) compliance requirement of a TruthOcracy, is usually punished by PPPP. However, if the punishment is based only on the fact that the public official does not appear to be guilty except for the fact that he "should normally have known the contested facts that he did not know in his position", then he would not be punished in full PPPP terms, but only loose his pension contributions for the years of service in that position.
= Patriotic Paramilitary Service
> This is a new kind of compulsory “military” service in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, applying to all, males and females, and providing 10 months of special education to citizens when they reach age 17, regarding EthoCracy or TruthOcracy, civic education, merit, decorum, national history and language, planet oneness responsibility, with a variety of counseling services available for new studies, the choice of a career, or special aspects of the personal life of the youths involved.
> Applies to our pages on EthoCracy and TruthOcracy.
= The mainland hosting and screening area that includes the DiaskedArium and controls access to the EdenArium of the PythagorArium.
> Serves mainly for reception and public relations purposes.
> The corresponding offshore area is the EdenArium, and serves mainly for formal formation of the students and includes the ApolafsArium.
= The prostitutes of the press.
> An expression probably coined by Gerald Celente to mean the journalists who are completely subservient to the politically correct and will not dare to investigate issues, or even express views, contrary to the version of these issues that the current political power, or the current corporation power, is pushing at the mainstream press for public consumption.
> As opposed to a NatAriant (National Ariant).
> There are 70 ProAriants (Provincial Ariants) in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, and 7 NatAriants (National Ariants): a total of 77 EthoAriants.
> s. Ariant
= Provincial Arium
> Each NatArium has 10 ProAriums (Provincial Arium) in each of the 10 provinces, each headed by a corresponding ProAriant.
= The head of the ProDomArium where the ProAriants (provincial Ariants) work.
> There are 77 Ariants (Heads of Ariums) in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy: 7 national ones (Nariants), and 70 provincial ones (ProAriants), for a grand total of 77.
> Their Headquarters is the DomArium at national level, and the ProDomArium at provincial level.
> Each ProDomArium selects a ProDomArion through a secret vote between themselves.
= The DomArium of the ProAriants (Provincial Ariants).
> The ProDomArium holds the daily business of the 7 local ProAriants, but is big enough to accommodate regular general meetings of all 77 Ariants at the same time, if and when necessary, plus at least an equal number of seats for observers from the public, as their meetings can never be secret on the basis of the PIABFOTAC EthoPrinciple. These meetings are in any case televised live on the dedicated TV stations, and registered for immediate access afterwards on the Internet.
= Abbreviation of ProGovernAriant, meaning Provincial GovernAriant.
> s. ProGovernAriant.
= Pro Gender
> Promotion of natural gender difference of the Human Kingdom between male and female, between masculine and feminine.
> Being ProGender means believing that humanity is naturally divided into distinct biological genders that must be protected in their distinctive beauty and their natural roles and characteristics, as male and female, as masculine and feminine.
> An EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is both ProGender and ProRacialist, or: ProGendoRacialist.
> Education in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is ProGender, from childhood kindergarten and the elementary school level, promoting the natural development of boyish little boys and girly little girls.
> s. ProGendoRacialist for more details in the context of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
ProGendoRacialist / ProGendoRacialism
= Pro Gender (ProGender) and Pro Racialist (ProRacialist).
> Racialism is the belief that the human kingdom is naturally divided into distinct biological categories called "races", that each race is distinctly beautiful, and that each one must be protected with love and appropriate consideration for the maintenance of its main characteristics. Ideally this should be done with each race being protected within its own homogenous environment, without melting pots as much as physically possible, and without mixing as much as socially possible.
> Being racialist has nothing to do with being racist. Rather the opposite: it is being in favor of the protection of each race.
> Racism is based on hate, the hate and rejection of "other" races. Racialism is based on love, the love and protection of "all" races.
> In the same manner, humanity is also naturally divided into distinct biological genders that must be protected in their distinctive beauty and their natural roles and characteristics.
> Being ProGendoRacialist means being in favor of the defense of the unique beauty of both gender and race in a social environment, which is certainly one of the policies at the foundation of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> An EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is clearly ProGendoRacialist. This stems from it fundamental and constitutional POSATAP EthoPrinciple.
> see ProRacialism for more details.
= Provincial GovernAriant.
> Often abbreviated as: ProGariant.
> This is one of the 10 representatives of the GovernAriant, the head of the GovernArium, in each of the 10 provinces of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> A ProGovernAriant is part of the GovernArium of the TetractArium.
= Provincial Governor, as the old name of the Provincial GovernAriants. This is the old name of what is now called the ProGovernAriant.
> ProGovernors were part of a ProvinArium and assisted the GovernArium of the Governor.
> Refers mainly to our pages on EthoCracy and TruthOcracy.
= Abbreviation of ProTinformAriant.
> s. ProTinformAriant.
= Abbreviation of ProJudicAriant, the Provincial JudicAriant.
> s. ProJudicAriant.
= Provincial JudicAriant.
> Often abbreviated as ProJariant.
> This is one of the 10 representatives of the JudicAriant, the head of the JudicArium, in each of the 10 provinces of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> A ProGovernAriant is part of the JudicArium.
= Provincial LeaderArium Ariant.
> The LeaderArium has a representative in each of the 10 provinces.
= Abbreviation of Provincial MilitAriant
> s. ProMilitAriant.
> ProMilitArion = Provincial MilitAriant.
> Often abbreviated as ProMariant.
> This is one of the 10 representatives of the MilitAriant, the head of the MilitArium, in each of the 10 provinces of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> A ProMilitArion is part of the MilitArium.
= Provincial MonetAriant.
> This is one of the 10 representatives of the MonetAriant, the head of the MonetArium, in each of the 10 provinces of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> A ProMonetAriant is part of the MonetArium.
= Abbreviation of ProProtectAriant, meaning Provincial ProtectAriant.
> s. ProProtectAriant.
= Provincial ProtectAriant.
> Often abbreviated as ProPariant.
> This is one of the 10 representatives of the ProtectAriant, the Head of the ProtectArium, in each of the 10 provinces of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> A ProGovernAriant is part of the ProtectArium.
= Pro Racialist / Pro Racialism
> Protection and promotion of the natural beauty and the cultural specificity of each and all races.
> Being racialist has nothing to do with being racist. Rather the opposite: it is being in favor of the protection and promotion of each race, albeit in their own original natural environments as much as possible.
> Racism is based on hate, the hate and rejection of "other" races. Racialism is based on love, the love and protection of "all" races.
> Being ProRacialist implies being anti destructive melting-pots as much as possible, like the USA and Sweden are becoming for example, and the protection of all races, each one in it own natural environment, or in a protecting circumscribed social environment of that race, as much as possible, thus reducing race mixing and multiculturalism as much as possible, not because of hate or for any kind of segregation but because of respect and their opportunity to maintain, develop and express the best of what they are.
> Consequently, as much as an
EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is ProRacialist,
as a protecting force for all races in their most natural environment as much as
possible, it is also clearly anti-multiculturalism in any excessive way, as mush as possible.
Multiculturalism in terms of melting pots has only created complete disasters wherever it
was implemented. When massive multiculturalism can be avoided, it is all for the
better. Where it cannot be avoided anymore, then the new system of
NECA in an EthoCracy, or of
TUPA in a TruthOcracy, can be of some help when creating new city areas of
a particular racial nature.
> An EthoCracy or a
TruthOcracy is both ProGender and ProRacialist,
or: ProGendoRacialist. This stems from it
fundamental and constitutional POSATAP EthoPrinciple.
> s. MeltRacist (someone who want to mix all races into a melting pot, in opposition to a "racist").
> s. ProGendoRacialist for more details in the context of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
= Provincial SPELAriant.
> The national SPELAriant appoints 10 ProSPELAriants in each of the 10 provinces of the EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> The ProSPELAriant office is a ProSPELArium.
= The name of the Head public servant of the ProtectArium.
> More literally = Protector Administering Regularly In Awesome National Transparency
> ProtectAriant is often abbreviated as Pariant.
> This refers the structure the Diagram of EthoCracy State Powers (or TruthOcracy State Powers).
> For each GovernAriant mandate of governance, the ProtectAriant is selected on the basis of the Election System of the TetractArium of an EthoCracy (or of a TruthOcracy).
= One of the 5 new State Powers of the new Pentas Politica of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> The ProtectArium is headed by a ProtectAriant.
> This is a special Arium of protection from a state power constitutional point of view.
> It refers mainly to the TetractArium of State Powers of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> It is headed by a ProtectAriant whose main function is to protect the Constitution, with the 5 State Powers of the TetractArium Governance of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, and all its institutions
> To the contrary, the PolArium (Police Force) of the SPELArium protects the people from both the common criminals and from the possible abuses of the officials of governance of the 5 State Powers.
> The ProtectArium is the final and official name of what was called the "CorrectivArium" in the suggestions having to do with an earlier elaboration of the theory of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> See TetractArium for more information on the EthoCracy (or TruthOcracy) Virtuous Governance and its Ariums structure of governance.
> For a quick reference card on where this Arium stands in the overall structure of the TetractArium, see this TetractArium.PDF card.
= The old original name of the ProtectAriant, as the head of the new State Power called the ProtectArium in the Pentas Politica of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> The final formal name of the Head of the ProtectArium is: ProtectAriant, or Pariant.
Protectorate / TruthProtectorate
= a form of government that is limited in its scope to mainly protecting the will and wellness of its sovereign people (its SPELArium), more than governing its people blindly in a traditional way.
> A TruthOcracy is fundamentally a Protectorate, but a Protectorate based on Truth, as a TruthProtectorate.
> In the case of a TruthOcracy, the Protectorate nature of its governance is centered in its so-called ProtectArium, but works in collaboration with the LeaderArium on constitutional issues, like the BECCA process of the constitutional approval of a BEC (Binding Electoral Contract).
= Provincial TinformAriant.
> Often abbreviated as ProIariant.
> This is one of the 10 representatives of the TinformAriant, the head of the TinformArium, in each of the 10 provinces of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
= Arium of Provincial representatives of the Pentas Politica of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> An EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is divided into 10 provinces, managed by each a ProGovernAriant.
= Public Servants Use Cashless Money Only.
> Over a maximum sum usually defined in terms of NAS (like 20 NAS, or around $200 maximum in the USA, established on a yearly basis), all public servants at management level are absolutely prohibited to use cash.
> This means for all their financial operations, be they public ones or entirely private ones (like their supermarket shopping).
> Their IDs and passports are coded/tagged PSUCMO. This is a condition to be able to accept a public servant job. Not complying means, on the basis of their employment contract, to accept to be dismissed immediately from their public servant employment.
> Credit cards of public servants are also tagged/coded PSUCMO. Before issuing a credit card, any institution must confirm if the subject is PSUCMO and, if so, tags their credit cards accordingly. Then, if one credit card is PSUCMO, all the others must also be/become PSUCMO. When in doubt, any cashier at any store had the right and duty to check if the client is PSUCMO through other ID cards of the client or even with the STISNO (Sales Tax Identity System National Office) if necessary that should have the proper information on the TinformArium.
> In a TruthOcracy, a global cashless society is out of question, except in the cases and limits indicated above. Only public servants of managerial level are forced to be cashless within limits.
> However, senior managing officials of any private institution or company having to do with the public at large have to also be PSUCMO compliant. The list is reviewed and established on a regular basis.
> see: NoPOCU (No Public Official Cash Use).
= Priority To Nationality
> A constitutional EthoRule of an Ethocratic country whereby national citizens are always given priority over non-nationals in any kind of situation, law or benefits received from the country.
This rule stems from the POSATAP EthoPrinciple of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
= Pythagorean World Wellness Mission.
> PWWM is the abbreviation of the EthoPlasìn mission.
= The prefix serves for the formation of many new words of the PythagorArium, like the following ones, and in particular to differentiate easily in internal texts, the EthoPlasìn Soldiers categories, as follows (from our page on Soldiers and Categories):
> PythaA = Academy (or the PythAcademia).
> PythaB = Beauty (Kallos Beauty).
> PythaC = Card (ID card).
> PythaD = Donator.
> PythaE = Empathizer.
> PythaG = Grand Master.
> PythaH = Hoplite (male PythaZ, or PytHoplite).
> PythaI = Intern.
> PythaJ = EthoJudo.
> PythaK = Knight.
> PythaL = Label.
> PythaM = Master.
> PythaN = aNgel (angel: exceptional PythaH/PythaZ).
> PythaP = Private.
> PythaR = Recruit.
> PythaS = Soldier (generic classification).
> PythaT = Tutoring.
> PythaU = Utility (utility staff).
> PythaZ = Amazone (female PythaH).
> see:
Soldiers and
Hoplites And Amazones
Special Status
= The official short name of the EthoPlasìn Academy.
> A shorter casual abbreviation is EPA (which stands for EthoPlasìn Academy), or its Greek version as EΠΑ, with the Greek “P” in the middle.
> The name is a word being coined here by the EthoPlasìn. It is the combination of the prefix "Pyth of Pythagoras, and, Academia as the school of Plato. The Academia school of Plato came into existence some 150 years after the Hemicycle school of Pythagoras, around B.C. 370, but was of clear Pythagorean conception. This is the line of thinking, and holistic formation, of these two greatest philosophers of Ancient-Greece, that the PythAcademia is trying to emulate.
More information on
= Pythagorean ACE Medal. Or: Pythagorean Award for Civic Education Medal.
> This is the internal name of a WACEM prize won by an EthoPlasìn Member.
> When won by a non-member, it is called a
(World Award for
Civic Education
Medal) prize.
> The world prize is issued by the
EllinArium of the
PythagorArium and to the 3 best candidates who receive a Gold, Silver or Bronze
WACEM medal.
> The PythACEM has an attached money award.
PythagorArium /
PythagorArium Project
= The area where the philosophy of Pythagoras, or the Pythagorean culture, is being studied and spread, in particular regarding the ELL culture related to the harmonious holistic ELLducation formation of the 4 levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul in order to achieve the implementation of a TruthOcracy as the best form of 'democratic' governance, and thus provide the best form of wellbeing to most people in a country.
> PythagorArium is a shorter name of the "PythagorArium Project, or the “Pythagorean World Center”, or the PythagorArium HQ at world level.
> At a national level, or generally as a friendlier short name, the PythagorArium is often called the PythArium.
> A
PythArium again would normally indicate rather
one of many local physical centers of the overall PythagorArium.
> In formal written stationary, the abbreviation of the Pythagorean
World Center is usually PAWCEN, like on official letterhead,
but PythagorArium is also acceptable.
> The PythagorArium proposes 3 societal reforms, as defined in its Mission Statement. This includes better education, as EthoPlasìn, better democracy as EthoCracy or TruthOcracy, and better language communication as EthoSpeak.
> The PythagorArium promotes a new culture called
ELL, based on the so-called Force of its god called
PNADGOF, best represented by
The Great 6P Philosophers.
They represent the "6P
Approach to EthoPlasìn Education" that is
at the base of an EthoCracy or a
TruthOcracy. The "6P" approach means the philosophy of the 6
main philosophers behind the EthoPlasìn Education, or
The Great 6P
Pythagoras, Plato, Plutarch, Plotinus, Porphyrios and Proclus. And
takes its name from Pythagoras, as the originator of that line
of classical philosophy and personal Tetractys
formation and education.
= A shorter friendly name for the worldwide PythagorArium, in particular in a branch at national level.
> An EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy at national level has a PythArium, that is a member of the worldwide PythagorArium.
> A PythArium is an enclosed area reserved for the special function of Pythagorean holistic education and EthoCracy or TruthOcracy promotion.
> Refers more to the Pythagorean World Center as a whole, but is often used to mean also the more restricted area of the PythAcademia, or the EthoPlasìn Academy with its immediate surrounding components.
> In writing, the abbreviation of the Pythagorean
World Center is sometimes PAWCEN, like on the official letterhead.
= PythagorArium Army.
> These are the students of the PythagorArium who are not fulltime students at the Academy, but come in temporarily to get familiar with its ELL culture. This membership is however the best normal way to have access to the Academy for fulltime training in one of its faculties.
> The male soldiers are called Hoplites.
> The female soldiers are called Amazones.
> The training of the soldiers of the PythArmy is mainly in terms of sessions of rise of awareness about our reality, sessions of 1 to 3 months, through mainly a system of STRA (Step-Thought Rising Awareness).
> This refers mainly to our page called PythArmy.
= The official nickname of the EthoPlasìn Association.
> The name is a word being coined here by the EthoPlasìn. It is the combination of the prefix "Pyth" of Pythagoras and the word "Association".
> More information on PythAssociation
= A yearly World Prize of the PythagorArium
> Issued by the EllinArium to the 3 members of the EthoPlasìn Association who have most contributed to the propagation of the EthoPlasìn values or to the progress of the advent of EthoCracy or TruthOcracy.
> The second yearly world prize is the
WACEM world prize is won by a member, it is internally called a PythACE prize.
= The Think-tank supervised by the LogosArium
> Includes the best thinkers found around the world each year, and brought in the PythagorArium to assist the LogosArium providing the best ideas and training material for the EthoPlasìn.
> It is under the authority of the LogosArium.
> A special form of PythagorArium soldier fully dedicated to the discipline of the PythagorArium
> This is a male 'soldier' ready to intervene even in combat situations if and when required to defend the principles of Aristarchy.
> A PytHoplite is part of a group of special categories of 'soldiers' trained to defend Civitas Management.
> see: PYTH categories and the special page on Hoplites And Amazones Special Status in an Aristarchy.
= PythagorArium Hour
> Refers to the special first studying hour of the daily schedule of all students at the PythAcademia.
> It takes place from 08:00 to 09:00 from Monday to Friday for fulltime students, and from 09:00 to 10:00 for PASTREC or PASTRIC short time trainees.
> This vital daily hour deals with specific matters of the special EthoPlasìn discipline and philosophy.
= The special session of the OppositArium where any GovernAriant of any Arium of the EthoCracy or the TruthOcracy can be called in for questioning and answering questions, live, on TV camera of the TinformArium.
> People coming to the OppositArium to make opposition to any aspect of the ethocratic government can request, after expressing their concerns, the presentation of any specific GovernAriant of any specific Arium to address their subject of preoccupation and answer any question they may have.
> QuestionArium Plenum: These same people can book themselves in priority (over bookings from the general public) to a special session of the QuestionArium, called the QuestionArium Plenum, usually happening for up to a full day's work, once about every two months maximum, where all GovernAriants of all Ariums are convoked, all together, to question each other publicly on any aspect of their operations and to answer questions from the attending public under the live TV cameras of the TinformArium.
> An important characteristic of the QuestionArium is that questions in that Arium can be asked with the full and special liberty of opinion, called FOLIPET (Full Opinion Liberty If Peacefully Expressed Truth), given to people in the context of the ethocratic requirements of Truth Information of the new TinformArium.
= Quick Referendum
> At the base of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, there is a new and most easy voting system that includes the quiferendum.
> The global voting system if regimented by the BECVABAD EthoPrinciple.
> The Quiferendum can be held in very few days, completely anonymously, at the convenience of the electors during a given week, in many public places, and at practically no costs.
> A Quiferendum can be used to approve a BECAP (BEC Additional Project) during an electoral mandate, as a project that was not included at the time of the original BEC of the last national election.
> RAC = Reusable Authorized Containers.
> RACO = Reusable Authorized Containers Overspill.
> The non-RAC containers are absolutely prohibited in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, both as local creations and as containers of imported items, for food in particular, on the basis of the EthoRule NoRACO and the EthoPrinciple NoCafoNoGanoNoRaco.
> All containers used in EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy must all be CABROF compliant on the basis of the EthoPrinciple NoCafoNoGanoNoRaco.
> s. ProRacialism, ProRacialist
> s. ProRacialism, ProRacialist
= Record Accessible To All Citizens (in the context of a country, in terms of records of public money and public government information)
= Record Accessible To All Contributors (in the context of an international organization spending contributions of public money)
> In an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, all government records are in principle public and thus accessible to all citizens.
> This includes all and every single budget transaction, in and out, of even the smallest amount.
> It also includes in principle all written documents of any kind. RATAC budget entries and documents have no secrets, except for some approved code names for a very temporary period of time, not lasting more than strictly necessary, after approval by the TinformArium and the ProtectArium. Exceptions are made only very temporarily, strictly for the time secrecy is needed not to damage investigations or international relations.
> The access is in principle available only to citizens, through their full NEVoC ID code of 18 digits. Citizens first logon with their personal NEVoC PIN to the TinformArium website, and then to the RATAC database, after the TinformArium has checked that the NEVoC card is not a lost or stolen card.
> A RATAC budget is the only kind of pubic budget admissible in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> Each public budget entry in particular can be followed from various levels of government, up and down.
> In assistance to the RATAC process, all public money being spent by private individuals or companies after winning bids for public works are all handled exclusively through special ad hoc BADAROTA bank accounts for that specific purpose.
= Patriotic Extended Family Condominium Living Arium. Or, in the context of particular cultural or religious environment, the word "Condominium" can be replaced by "Cultural", as: Rectangular Extended Family Cultural Living Arium.
> A PEFCLA is usually built in a rectangular way, and ideally built in a TUPA (TruthOCracy Urban Patriotic Area). It is a vast condominium area forming what is about a normal city block of streets. It has 5 levels: a basement, a street level of little stores and other facilities, and two upper levels of living space, crowned by a partially covered flat roof for collection of rain and various common uses. That living space however is built to be easily combined or changed at will, both horizontally and/or vertically, in various sizes and types of living space, to accommodate extended families being regrouped together. In the center of the 4 living sides of the rectangle, at ground level, there is a common open area, partially covered, to accommodate sports, food gardening and various cultural activities for the young and the older people of the PEFCLA.
= The special coffee area of the ApolafsArium
> It matches the CafetArium of the more casual DiaskedArium.
= Registry Of Dog
> Registry kept by a DOG.
> Relates to our hot page Political Issues.
= Record Of Real Estate Property.
> In a TruthOcracy, any public official of management level must present a ROREP before being appointed or elected. That ROREP must include all properties acquired so far, and owned by him or her, to be made public. It also includes separately all properties owned by all his or her immediate living family members, but to be kept in confidence by the new Ombudsman called the SPELAriant in an TruthOcracy. If family members disagree, the candidate official must present himself a list of the properties of the disagreeing members "to the best of his/her knowledge" and give it to the SPELAriant to be kept in full confidence, but with a discrete attempt to communicate it to the refusing member. That ROREP must be updated faithfully in all its changes during the mandate of the official concerned, and for up to 10 years after the end of his/her mandate. In addition, the public official proper must declare in the ROREP how much he owns in liquidity at the time of his appointment and/or candidacy to an election. At the end of the mandate, the candidate to an official position must present a new updated ROREP and declaration of liquidity ownership. Any lie of not full OTATFOG compliance is subject to most severe fines and/or PPP punishment, let alone the possible impossibility to apply to any other future public position at any level.
> In a TruthOcracy, there is no income tax (s. NOMIT for cases where a special income tax may come into play), only property tax and a special dual sales tax combined with the accumulation of pension contributions. The income however, even if not taxed as such, must be declared yearly by all citizens, and the candidate to a public official position must include its latest updated income status with the ROREP.
> At the end of a mandate, the candidate must present an updated ROREP. Then the SPELAriant must check that the entry ROREP and the exit ROREP, in consideration of the income in between, quite obviously match the current economic status of the candidate. If not, an investigation is immediately started by the SPELAriant.
= Spraying Airplane Chemtrails / Overhead
> Word usually used in the expression NoSACO, as a prohibition within an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> s. EllinArium.
> SAPOG = Supreme Apollonian Power Of Good
> SAPOGBLAT = Supreme Apollonian Power Of Good, Beauty, Love And Truth
> This is one way to say "GOD" in the context of a TruthOcracy. However, SDAVLOL is the main acronym for members of the PythagorArium Project and its PythArmy.
= Smoking Appointed Room With Only Smoking Adults
> An EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is in principle all non-smoking, both inside and outside.
> However, smoking rooms can exist, both in public and private places, as long as identified clearly on entrance as SARWOSA.
> A SARWOSA room must be equipped with the necessary containing or filtering equipment so that the smoke will not disturb any non-smoker around the appointed smoking room, not even through the use of an open window.
= State A-religious Subsidiary Elegant Decorum
> One of the EthoPrinciples at the base of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> Relates to our pages on EthoCracy and TruthOcracy.
> Additional information can be found on the SASED EthoPrinciple.
> Regarding the a-religious character of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, see Jospel. A member of the PythagorArium is never formally a Jew, a Christian or a Muslim. The most that he can said to be from a religious point of view is that he is Jospelian, and for him, it is not a religion, but a philosophy of life on the basis of what specifically Jesus said during his life.
> The Sassoon family, is known today as the "Rothschild of the East", and was earlier known as the Baghdadi Jews.
> These Sassoons are much more discrete than the Jews of the West, but nonetheless very powerful in the affairs of contemporary China that is fast becoming the new world superpower.
> In any case, these Sassoons are of clear Abrahamic descent, even much more so than many Jews of the West, like most of the Zionists of the USA who have their origin from the Khazarians who were massively converted to Judaism by force even if they had no Jewish DNA whatsoever and no history or historical links at all with the Palestinian land.
> Satan does not exist as one single person-like, or human-like entity in the physical realm. As such he certainly does not exist either as the presumed leader of what is often called hell. This hell is supposed to be a kind of furnace in which bad human souls may be condemned to suffer after death if, according to the Abrahamic religions, they are guilty of sins or crimes during their earthly life. Of course such ridiculous furnace just does not exist either. This does not mean however that bad human souls may not have a bad time after death because of the bad they did during their life time on earth. That sufferance is likely to be in terms of the difficulty they will have to fulfill the ultimate destiny of each human soul that is to be eventually reunited in full harmony to their loving creator.
> If Satan does not exist as a single person-like entity of the physical realm, he certainly exists as a "Force" of the spiritual realm that is the same basic realm our own human souls belong to. As such he belongs to what we call the subordinate realm of the powerful FOB (Force Of Bad) that opposes the main realm of the omnipotent FOG (Force Of Good) that created the overall pan-cosmic universe. And the FOG allowed the existence of the FOB because he willingly created the human souls with freewill so that they would have the freedom and the honor to choose to work for the good instead of the bad.
As such, as a "Force" of the spiritual realm, Satan is an entity that can easily infiltrate the spiritual realm of our own human souls, that is the human souls that have more affinity in their conduct with the FOB than with the FOG when using the freewill with which their human soul was created. When infiltrating the spiritual dimension of a human soul, Satan also infiltrated the physical realm of that soul, that is the physical body of that soul while living on planet earth. When that happens, it is what is usually called a phenomenon of possession, or Satanic possession which is certainly a real phenomenon. In this extended sense, we can also say that Satan exists physically on earth and actively works on earth through the souls that he possesses, and consequently also through the bodies of these souls that he possesses.
This Satanic force is often prayed and lauded in religious ceremonies and liturgies of various religions, mainly the 3 Abrahamic religions, as a kind of upgraded figure called Lucifer. This also happens in various ceremonies of the higher levels of the Freemasons. This improved deceitful name of Satan as Lucifer, is supposed to mean the "Light Bearer", implying that it is a good force. In fact, this "light" is rather the light of the "Fire Bearer", as it is basically a destructive light-force, just like fire is when providing light during its destruction. Calling Satan with the name Lucifer is only a way to hide or soften his destructive nature as a FOB and in fact a deceitful way of Satan himself to render himself more attractive to the souls he wants to possess and use for his bad endeavors.
Satan' end objective as a jealous hater of the immense power of the God he revolted from, is to be admired himself for his immense power and deviate as many good human souls as possible from admiring the greatest FOG.
For Satan, the way to achieve his bad endeavors is though the SatanOligarchy of the souls he possesses.
= A Satanic Oligarchy.
> A SatanOligarchy is usually the final step of a false democracy that started as a DebtOcracy.
> Such DebtOcracy is also a kind of Deceptocracy, or a fake democracy based on deception.
> A SatanOligarchy is a DebtOcracy where, in addition to debt-money enslaving its people, all human and social values have been debased in order to prevent a revolt against the debtocracy. People have become so depraved and destructive in their best identity that they have no more sense of personal virtue, no more sense of family connection, no more sense of patriotic nationality, no more sense of honor for meritorious success, no more sense of pride except for a forced tolerance to their worst debauchery imposed on all others.
s. Satan.
= The coining of a new word from two words: Science and ELL as the particular culture of Ancient-Greece that invented not only philosophy, education and democracy, but also the first systematically 'scientific' approach to sciences.
> This ELL prefix or suffix, in our context, is at the source of the coining of many new words, like PhilosophELL and ELLpray.
> In that same line of thinking, the new word sciencELLfic takes the place of the word 'scientific' when appropriate in relation to our context.
These acronyms are better ways to say "GOD" in the context of a TruthOcracy or in particular in an Aristarchy. They are all shorter or longer forms of the four-letter core acronym "SDAV" pronounced in one syllable and meaning: Supreme Deific Arranger Vivifier. In a context of prayer or gratitude within a TruthOcracy or an Aristarchy, towards what common people may call "GOD", the two-syllable acronym "SDAVLOL" is the most commonly used, meaning: Supreme Deific Arranger's Vivifying Loving Omnipotent Logos. This acronym however is most of the time abbreviated, on a friendly casual praying basis, to simply "VLOL" (Vivifying Loving Omnipotent Logos). In the context of the best deific way to manage and direct a democracy, in order to transform it into an Aristarchy on the basis of the ELL culture, the acronym becomes SDAVLELL (Supremely Directed Aristarchy Via Loving Enlightened Logos Liberty).
> SDA = Supreme Deific Arranger
> SDAV = Supreme Deific Arranger Vivifier
> SDAVLO = Supreme Deific Arranger's Vivifying Loving Omnipotence.
> SDAVLOL = Supreme Deific Arranger's Vivifying Loving Omnipotent Logos.
> SDAVLOL = Supremely Directed Aristarchy Via Loving Omnipotent Logos
> SDAVLELL = Supremely Directed Aristarchy Via Loving Enlightened Logos Liberty.
> VLOL = Vivifying Loving Omnipotent Logos.
= Sustainable Development Goals
> This is the main UN Agenda updated to 2030 in this document: “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”.
> The SDGs include some apparently sound goals, like "End poverty in all its forms everywhere". But according to many opponents to the NWO (New World Order), the UN Sustainable Development strategy is a clear Marxist strategy. For example, researcher Michael Hichborn of the Lepanto Institute calls the SDGs “a United Nations plan for the creation of a global socialist utopia thinly disguised as a poverty reduction program”. That Institute is a research and education organization dedicated to the defense of the Catholic Church against assaults from without as well as from within. Pope Francis, also with a Marxist reputation, has officially endorsed the SDGs. The ultimate objective of the strategy would be to achieve a One-World-Government, with a One-World-Currency and a One-World-Religion (the so-called Panthriskia) or, in short what is usually called the NWO (New World Order) of clear totalitarian Fabian Socialism.
= Satanic Enslavement Disorder
> Used as an equivalent to SET most of the time.
> This is
> SEL = Sexual Enjoyment Life
> SELCAD = Sexual Enjoyment Life Civic Activity Decorum
> SELCAL = Sexual Enjoyment Life Commercial Activity Location
> SELCOF = Sexual Enjoyment Life Conditions Of Freedom
> SELFIP = Sexual Enjoyment Life First Initiation Pact
> SELHEC = Sexual Enjoyment Life Honorable Experimentation Contract
> SELMAP = Sexual Enjoyment Life Marriage Agreement Pause
> SELPAS = Sexual Enjoyment Life Professional Activity Servant
> Sexual life in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is culturally oriented and directed to achieve maximum harmonious enjoyment through proper initiation, appropriate professional services, while respecting best civic decorum based on the SASED (State A-religious Subsidiary Elegant Decorum) EthoPrinciple. The Ethocratic culture behind legal sexual activities in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is that all sexual enjoyment life can be practiced most freely but (apart of course from avoiding destructive excesses and extravagant fetish or non-human practices) exercised at 3 main basic conditions: no violence, no pedophilia, and no sickening anal sex (or: NASI). Homosexuality is permitted at the same basic conditions, fully respected and protected against discrimination, but not its open promotion as a pride or a desirable lifestyle to be acquired in front of minors in public; minors shall be capable to decide for themselves without such promotion, once they get of age; the same reservations apply to all LGBT; The same with Gender Neutrality movements; Genders exist as an absolute conditions of life in nature, are beautiful, and must be protected in their particular beauty and main complementary roles. Same-sex marriage is permitted, but not called marriage, rather called a Parriage (two persons associated on a 'par' basis), while a divorce in such cases is called a Pivorce. A form of intimate friendship with apparent overtones of mild homosexuality between same-sex youths, based on a beauty attraction that does not usually involve full intercourse, except maybe in a very accidental way, and in no way forming a continuous or dominant homosexual orientation, is considered perfectly normal, and called Kallosexuality, No sexual education can be provided before age 14 by outsiders to the vertical family, not at home, not at school, and nowhere else. Only the vertical family has this privilege, under the knowledge and vigilance of the mother in her natural leading role, if the education is not conducted by her personally. From age 14, youths can start experimenting more actively their sexual intercourse enjoyment, hopefully through a SELFIP (Sexual Enjoyment Life First Initiation Pact) known to the family and facilitated joyfully and safely in an harmonious environment kindly provided in the home of one of the families of the two partners involved; Later on, a kind of temporary marriage initiation can even be arranged (SELHEC = Sexual Enjoyment Life Honorable Experimentation Contract), in a most honorable way for the future reputation of the 2 youths involved, as long as the partners involved have less than 14 years of difference in age (with more than 14 years difference, if it takes place, it is not considered a legal honorable contract for the minor partner involved). However, both a SELFIP or a SELHEC, cannot involve a pregnancy without the partners being forced into marriage, as in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, although possible and legal, abortion is strictly limited legally for cases of serious health risks for either the mother or the child. Prostitution is legal in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, but must be practiced in adequate locations (SELCAL = Sexual Enjoyment Life Commercial Activity Location). Street or other public environment prostitution is strictly prohibited but not because of morality, only because of the good Ethocratic decorum required by the SASED EthoPrinciple. A legal prostitute is called with an acceptable and honorable name, as a SELPAS (Sexual Enjoyment Life Professional Activity Servant). Married couples with still minor children (below 18) who, for any reason, have completely lost their sexual enjoyment together, and do not want to harm the harmonious growth of their children, can negotiate a discrete agreement for pauses (SELMAP = Sexual Enjoyment Life Marriage Agreement Pause) for external outside home sex, on an occasional or a regular basis, formalizing their agreement with a PAJ (Private Alternative Justice) judge for ensuring no future claims of damage for adultery on either side of the couple in the future. Alternatively this could simply involve, informally and discretely, an occasional mutually agreed WLEW (White Lie Erotic Weekend).
= A life period of 7 years.
> The Pythagoreans divided human life in four large periods, just like the four seasons of the year: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Each 'Season' was composed of 21 years, themselves divided in three septennial periods of 7 years each. A full life cycle, if lived properly, was thus completed, for the average person, in about 84 years. If lived properly, with a well equilibrated development of the Tetractys, the last couple of septennials, from about age 70, along with the additional ones granted by nature after age 84, would normally involve the best expression of the fourth level of the Tetractys, which is Wisdom.
> ELLducated persons are those whose 3 basic levels of the Tetractys were harmonized to their maximum potential, during the first 4 septennials of their lives, by age 28, preparing them to eventually reach more easily the 4th level, the one of Wisdom, around age 70, thus the most possible level of happiness on our beautiful Planet earth.
> The main religions have attempted to copy and adapt the concept of Pythagorean septennials, but mostly in ugly transformations that have nothing to do with the main concepts of Good and Wisdom at the center of the Tetractys founding the original concept of septennials.
> SET = Satanic Enslavement Transgression (or: Transgressor, or Tyranny, depending on the context).
> SETA = SET Activator. This is someone activating bad thoughts, and becoming co-creator of Bad. The opposite is a DELA: DEL Activator, with thoughts for the Good.
> SETAB = Satanic Enslavement Transgressions Advocating Bad (the philosophical BAD).
> SETABUSE = Satanic Enslavement Transgressions Advocating Bad via Usury, Subjugation and Exploitation.
> SETAB the demonic "Force-of-Bad" (FOB) for PythagorArium members, opposing the opposite DELAG as the "Force-of-Good" (FOG).
> SET is often used as an equivalent of SED (Satanic Enslavement Disorder) by PythagorArium members, depending on the context.
> SET, as the cosmic "Force-of-Bad", in the context of the PythagorArium, is opposed to DEL (Deific EL), or the "Deific Enlighten Liberty", which is the cosmic "Force-of-Good", like for example in "DEL vs. SET".
> SET has a clear satanic meaning as it is also the name of the ancient god-of-bad in various religions.
> SETABUSE is composed of 2 words: SET and ABUSE. The ABUSE part means satanic abuse through enslavement transgressions, usury, subjugation and exploitation.
> This SETABUSE is also closely related to the ZioZuitZlim power of enslavement of people through DDD and HHH.
> The SETAB force of bad is opposed to what we call more simply as DELAG, or what we call more scientifically GAELOGOS.
> SETAB is in direct opposition to the main acronym to say GOD for the members of the PythagorArium Project and its PythArmy, which is SDAVLOL.
= Soviet European Union
> The evolution of the EU into a form of Fabian Socialism that resembles the ex Soviet Union, promoting the NWO.
> Similar to what happened in the USA, with what we call the SUS (Soviet United States).
SIFJEC / SIFJEC Global World Power
= Satanic Infiltrated Fake-Jew Everywhere Commanding.
> In other words, this means Satan is commanding using everywhere mainly the various Fake-Jew categories and their associates in what we call the "Fake-Jew Plot" that does exist, as opposed to the so-called "Jewish Plot" of the conspiracy theorists that does not exist. What we call SIFJEC has become a satanic world power that is commanding practically everywhere and pursues world domination and, at the moment, is disturbing normal democratic governance in most countries and international organizations worldwide.
> To be clear, the SIFJEC is related to the so-called conspiracy theory called "Jewish Plot" that does not/not exist. However it is also related to the conspiracy reality that we call the "Fake-Jew Plot" that does exist.
> Most influential Jews in the world at the moment, dominating in finances, media, politics, entertainment and education, are not real Jews for two reasons: first, they have no Jewish DNA of the stem of David; second, they have no ancestors originating from old Palestine with a legitimate claim to want to return to that promised land. For these two reasons we call such a Jew a "Fake-Jew". Nonetheless, they call themselves Jews, are considered Jews by current World Jewry, and are also considered Jews by most non-Jews.
The best historians, even most Jewish ones, also consider them Jews, but with a qualification. They call them the "European Jews", in clear opposition to the original "Palestinian Jews". These so-called "European Jews" descend not from Palestine, but from the wild Khazars of the old Khazarian Empire (centered around Ukraine, the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, and not at all in the area of Palestine) when their king, called Bulan, in 740 AD, was forced, by Russia and its allies, to convert massively all his barbarian subjects to one of the 3 Abrahamic religions of his choice in order not to have his empire destroyed. King Bulan chose to have his subjects submitted to a massive conversion to Judaism as he and his people felt more affinity with Jews than with Muslims or Christians.
Then after 500 years of that massive conversion to Judaism, the Khazarian empire was destroyed anyway, in 1250 AD. In order to survive, these newly called Jews, in fact Fake-Jews, then dispersed themselves by small groups in most countries of Europe. This is why they came to be called the "European Jews" as opposed to the original Palestinian Jews. They were eventually nearly completely associated to the deviated Satanic branch of Judaism of the so-called Sabbatian-Frankists between 1600 AD and 1800 AD.
> Other categories that we call "Fake-Jew" are those who, contrary to the "European Jews", may have Jewish DNA this time, from the stem of David, but got involved in deviated forms of Judaism, like the Satanic Sabbatian-Frankists with leaders that have often been excommunicated by Jewish Orthodoxy. As excommunicated Jews, they became formally not real Jews anymore, but an additional category of what we call "Fake-Jew". These "Fake-Jew" elements are powerful but a very small majority today compared to the so-called "European Jews". This powerful minority includes all those involved in the part of Judaism that was infiltrated by Satanic Black Magic from the time of the exile in Babylon, as a Kabbalistic branch of Satanic Judaism that still exists discretely today. To distinguish them, we often call them the "Satanic Babylonian" Jews, as a Fake-Jew branch within Judaism itself.
> In addition to the above main two Fake-Jew categories, there are many other less obvious Fake-Jew components. These include for example a mixture of crypto Christians and crypto Muslims who may be converts from these religions or not, with and/or with or without Jewish DNA, operating covertly, and many times overtly, in these religions, for the purpose of infiltrating them in an effort to destroy them from within, and eventually make Judaism prevail. This includes a variety of groups. The most infamous one in a not so distant past might have been the Donmeh with regards to Islam in countries like Turkey and Saudi Arabia as Muslim Sunni countries that these crypto Jews help to found. The most sophisticated components today are usually hiding in plain sight. They include for example the Christian Zionists of mainly the so-called Evangelical Movement of the USA. They also include the Fake-Christian Jesuits (founded by a Jew supposedly converted to Catholicism) working discretely for the destruction of Christianity, which task has been rendered much easier for them since the election of Francis as the first Jesuit pope in the history of that church.
> The SIFJEC has formed an enormous Fake-Jew Plot network (thus not a Jewish Plot) of real world power after infiltrating all the centers of power of most countries in the last century, in particular in the USA and in the EU. Together the Fake-Jew plotters are at this point the strongest elements of the so-called "Deep Sate" of most countries in which they are not only the great majority but are also related to a form of Satanism one way or another coming from a deviated form of Judaism or from other diabolical sources. They are clearly the main actors pulling the strings of the NWO (New World Order) that we call the SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement Global World Order). Their maximum leaders at the highest levels aim at a fast forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government with a One-World-Currency, a One-World-Religion (Satanism), a One-World-Army (possibly eventually a transformation of NATO), a fully controlled One-World-Media and a submissive One-World-Culture of full enslavement of the rest of us through DDDD.
> Interestingly enough, the SIFJEC invasion and pandemic in world affairs involves Judaism itself more than any other center of power, and thus should concern all real Palestinian Jews of he stem of David more than any other population. At the moment these real Jews, those with the DNA of the stem of David and with a clear link and legitimate right to the land of Palestine, are only its victims. The SIFJEC is for them a form of parasitic colony that hides within the body of Judaism but affects the governance of the whole world in a Satanic way. It uses the real Jews as useful idiots for its evil purposes. It also uses the power of the accusation of anti-Semitism to silence its critics. This is like a disease within the body of pure Judaism for which the real Palestinian Jews themselves must become the first and main doctors through appropriate decisions that only they know what they should be. May the real Palestinian Jews wakeup and become our saviors from the SIFJEC plague that has become pandemic. May these real Palestinian Jews also be liberated from the growing Antisemitism that they do not deserve. This growing Antisemitism is brought on their back by the evil activities of the "Fake-Jew" who deceitfully and illegitimately uses the immense power of the accusation of Antisemitism to silence the critics of the evil activities of all the Fake-Jew categories.
> For more information on this subject, see the item "Fake-Jew Plot" through which the SIFJEC is being created.
> SISGA = Secret Information Source Guardian Angel
> SISGAC = Secret Information Source Guardian Angel Codename
> SISGAL = Secret Information Source Guardian Angel Label
> SISP = Secret Information Source Provider (the real identity of the person providing the 'secret' information for the requested SISGA).
> In a TruthOcracy, government information, or media information, cannot be published with an anonymous source. When anonymity is necessary to protect the vital security of the source, or to protect the existence and success of a temporarily secret investigation or a negotiation being conducted, the person or organization intending to publish the information cannot do so before obtaining a SISGAC from the SISGA, Then, the publisher must add a SISGAL icon, well in evidence at the top right angle of the article or document, that mentions 3 things: the name/number of the SISGAC, its money allocation and its intended expiration date. Without the SISGAL, the article or the document cannot be published with the 'secret' information itself, independently of who may be the person at its source. The expiration date can be reviewed by the SISGA on request, by the SISP or any other public official, or at his own initiative, and extended or shortened as necessary to protect the vital security and wellness of the SISP and to respect the constitutional principle of OTATFOG of a TruthOcracy.
> The SISGA is a special member of the OtatfogArium known for his long last history of integrity as an Ariant, or as a prominent social figure equally well known for its integrity and trustworthiness, appointed by a qualified 2/3 majority of the VotArium in the TetractArium structure of a TruthOcracy.
> Leaking the SISP deceitfully before the expiry date without due process, or falsifying the SISP real identity during the process, or falsifying the real amount of money allocated to the SISGAC, all become serious crimes punishable mainly by PPP.
> A SISGA can punish lies retroactively (like the lies of a Colin Powell about the Weapons Of Mass Destruction of Iraq that were later on demonstrated to never have existed. Such liar, if still alive today, should at least loose his pension and/or be punished by PPP).
> A SISGA does not only protect the source identity, but also offers a minimum guarantee that the information provided by the informer is true. In that role, a SISGA can always refuse to issue a SISGAC when in doubt that the source of the information is not trustable, let alone not existent, or when he believes that the actual information of the source is false or not sufficiently well demonstrated. In such cases, without a SISGAC, the information cannot be used in any way by the government nor by any other form of media.
= Spouse National Unemployed Managing Home And Children
> This is a "spouse", thus a married person, usually a woman, and with at least one minor child. The SNUMHAC is only given to a married spouse, in order to encourage regular marriage situations as much as possible. Unmarried spouses in similar situations are taken care of through other regular forms of welfare with less benefits.
> The SNUMHAC must be a national, and be unemployed, either because the spouse has abandoned a job (temporarily or permanently) in order to work full time to manage a home and children, or because that spouse is with children and wants to stay without external employment to work full time to manage the home and the children.
> Such SNUMHAC is then given
a MIG (Minimum Income Guaranteed), tax free, from the government. That
MIG is a fraction of a
NAS from one fifth for the first child to an additional
fifth for each additional minor child up to four.
= Special psychological discipline for resolving conflicts.
> Its official name within the EthoPlasìn environment is: EthoDialogue.
> It is mentally the equivalent of what the physical sport discipline of EthoPlay attempts to accomplish in resolving conflicts.
= Social
Olympic Spirit
> This concept stems from the POSATAP EthoPrinciple of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> Concept applying eminently to our pages on Meritocracy, EthoCracy and TruthOcracy.
> The SOS is the same kind of spirit that animated the emulation to excellence of the original Olympics, but applied to social and civic life, as opposed to only the sport life, and thus to all activities of citizens in general living in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> The SOS is what the whole system of education of an Aristarchy is based on, from elementary school to post-graduate university. Students are brought to gradually higher levels of education only based on a combination of natural talent, personal dedication, virtuous behavior, let alone truth and creative beauty, thus strictly on merit. Only those with best merit are brought to the very top. The others find and accept their own level of merit, and also admire and become fans of the top ones without undue jealousy, just like in the best sports. In other words, the same positive spirit that animates and confirms success in the best sports also animates the educational system in an Aristarchy.
This brings an Aristarchy to be gradually animated by a constructive COS (Country Olympic Spirit) in all aspects of its social life, with each level of success emulating with love its next higher level of success based on merit. This also means that positions of power or governance are no more granted on a base of favors, cronyism or nepotism but strictly on a basis of merit.
The SOS is the same
spirit that was always called, and is still called today in Greek the "Philotimo",
as the social spirit that made Ancient-Greece develop all the elements that
we call "Civilization" today;
= SOS and EOS Spirit
> In an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, the SOS (Social Olympic Spirit) of MeritoCracy combines itself to the EOS (Ethical Olympic Spirit) to form the SOSES.
> This concept stems from the POSATAP EthoPrinciple of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
= Satanic Perverted Aggregation of Zs (the “Z” stands for 3 words with a “Z” or a "Z" sound in them: Zionists [Jews], Jesuits [Catholics] and fundamentalist Muslims [or: Islamists].
> The word is being coined to represent the many satanic perverts of these 3 religions working for our DDD enslavement through the forthcoming dictatorial NWO pushed mainly by the Deep-State banksters creating the fake fiat debt-money of the Western world). This new word is often used in the expression: “SPAZ Power”.
> The word is a variant of other words with similar meanings, like LUZJIP or JewZuit.
= Sovereign People Electoral Contract.
> A BEC (Binding electoral Contract), once the GovernAriant has been put in power through it, becomes a SPEC.
> A BEC also becomes an ABEC for the part that may include legislation or taxation.
= The Head of the SPELArium.
> The SPELAriant is one of the only 3 persons elected in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy. See the TetractArium for details.
> The SPELAriant plays a role partly similar to an Ombudsman in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> The SPELAriant also plays a role of conciliation in resolving conflicts between the components of the TetractArium, as it represents, more than any other Arium, the will of the Sovereign People Enlightened Liberty (SPELArium).
> The SPELAriant has a predominant role in particular with the management of TEMORUS events.
> SPELAriant refers to the most fundamental component of the TetractArium governance structure of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> The SPELAriant appoints 10 ProSPELAriants in each of the 10 provinces of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> For each GovernAriant mandate of governance, the SPELAriant is selected on the basis of the indications given in the TetractArium.PDF Card.
= Sovereign People Enlightened Liberty Arium
> The SPELArium includes the PolArium.
> The SPELArium represents the power of the sovereign people mainly represented by the UNIONS. Its chief, the SPELAriant, is one of the only three persons elected in a TruthOcracy, as one of the GOS members.
> In an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, the sovereign people are enlightened through a new type of education, called ELLducation, and a new type of structure of governance called a TetractArium that includes a new state power regarding public information (the TinformArium) and another new state power regarding having access only to Truth Information regarding public affairs (the OtigArium or OtatfogArium).
> The "ELL" syllable, included within the word "SPELArium", refers to the great ELL culture that is at the base of the education (or rather ELLducation) of the people in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, and thus at the base of their enlightened liberty. With this type of enlightened liberty, the people of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy can become the best possible type of sovereign people to be able to "Have Down Rule UP & Make Up serve Down", and consequently reverse their governance system to make it go "From Slavery Downwards To Slavery Upwards".
> An EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy does not have a traditional Trias Politica of state powers, but both a Tetras Politica and a Pentas Politica acting in diverse circumstances. See TetractArium for details.
> The State Power that is the usual Executive Power of a modern democracy is named GovernArium. But the real Executive Power of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is the SPELArium (as the Sovereign People of Enlightened Liberty) commanding the governance of the country through a BEC and the 10 EthoPrinciples.
> In the Pentas Politica of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, the new Executive Power is replaced by the GovernArium.
> The GovernArium however is very strictly controlled by the sovereign authority of the people of enlightened liberty (SPELArium) on the basis of a BEC and through 10 constitutional EthoPrinciples.
> The SPELArium is headed by the SPELAriant (playing a role similar, but much more powerful, to the Ombudsman in the old system).
> All this refers mainly to the TetractArium structure of governance of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> In an EthoCracy or a
TruthOcracy, the SPELArium plays a major new role in
taking powers from the dominant role of the national government to give them
back to the the dominant role of the sovereign people concerned. This happens in
3 main sectors.
1) The police force (PolArium) protecting the people
belongs to the enlightened people, not to the government (except for the following of a
national code of conduct based on, and promoting, the
FOLIPET EthoPrinciple).
2) The education also belongs to the enlightened people, and not to the national government
(except for the following of a national code of conduct based on, and promoting,
the freethinking philosophy of
3) In a similar manner, an aspect of justice belongs dominantly to the freewill
to the enlightened people, and not to the government, and this is the sector of
PAJ (Private
Alternative Justice)
except, again for a general supervision of the national
JudicArium to ensure the
respect of a good code of conduct and prevent eventual abuses and discrepancies
of conduct.
-- These 3 new roles are more immediately supervised by the new independent
State Power called SPELArium (Sovereign
Liberty Arium),
in a limited but powerful role, for preventing or correcting abuses, and ensuring a
fundamental good and consistent code of conduct across the country.
> See TetractArium for more information on the EthoCracy (or TruthOcracy) Virtuous Governance and its structure of Ariums.
> For a quick reference card on where this Arium stands in the overall structure of the TetractArium, see this TetractArium.PDF card.
> The SPELArium also gives sitting status as observers, and voting power on bank issues, on their request or on call, to all CivitBankSPEL representatives from CivitBanks within the TruthOcracy.
= Schumann Resonances.
> These are part of the ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) wavelengths.
> Unfortunately, apart from their normal use in physics and electronics, they can also be used as weaponry for psychotronics (mind control) through all sorts of new gadgets or appliances, like the new 'smart' meters, the new 'smart' phones, or the new digital TV, in particular using the SR (Schumann Resonances) of these ELF.
> The New World Order, in attempting to enslave all of us, is also attempting to use these low wavelengths as a means to dumb us down, obfuscate our consciousness and prevent our possible reaction or revolt. The official mainstream press of the politically correct is considering this use as a 'conspiracy theory', but a growing number of serious scientists around the world are, by now, affirming without doubt that this is rather a 'conspiracy reality'.
= Synagogue of Satan
> Because of the word "Synagogue", the expression "Synagogue of Satan" is today most often associated to Jews only. But this is a mistake that goes back to the context in which Jesus used it against the Jews in the expression: "Them who say they are Jews, and are not, and do lie". Jesus meant that some Jews, who were probably not pure Jews, had transformed the Synagogue into the satanic environment of the "Money Changers". In this expression, Jesus probably refers to the Jews who had mixed with other races, and became corrupted since their Babylonian captivity some 600 years earlier. He was probably also foreseeing the forthcoming invasion of Palestine by the Khazars and their forced conversion to Judaism some 800 years later even, if these Khazars had no pure Jewish blood, as the continuation and the reinforcement of the mentality of the "Money Changers". To complicate this issue, today the new "Money Changers" are the Zionists, even if or when "they say they are Jews and are not". As such, they are considered "Jews", as they in fact are running Israel today in addition to most centers of power around the world through mainly Jewish organizations and accomplice Jews infiltrated in all governments and international organizations. However, more than pure Jews, they are "Khazarian Money Changers". These contemporary "Money Changers", the Zionists, are certainly on the front line of the NWO (New World Order) attempting to enslave all of us today, playing a major role, through debt-money (let alone DDD) and the forthcoming One-World-Government of Fabian Totalitarian Socialism that they are pursuing. But that role is not reserved to the Jews as many "say they are Jews, and are not, and do lie".
> As such, the Synagogue of Satan does not refer to only Jews. It is composed of various pervert partners from the 3 main monotheistic religions, in what we call the LUZJIPWA Power. From the point of view of the Jews specifically, it refers mainly to the Khazars converted forcefully to Judaism by King Bulan around 800AD. These Khazars are mainly those we call Zionists today, in other words those from a line of modern "Jews" who have no, or very little, Jewish blood links to the the descendants of the pure Jews of Ancient Palestine and Abraham.
> s. Sabbatian-Frankist (for more information on Khazars and Zionists)
= Sales Tax Identity / Sales Tax Identity System
> In an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy there is no income tax. The system is entirely based on Sales Tax Identity System, or STIS.
> The STIS uses the STIC of each citizen for accounting the sales tax transactions of each of them.
> The STIS is managed by local STIB offices distributed around the country.
> Its existence stems from the GUDFOMAPAST EthoPrinciple of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> s. NOMIT for cases where a special income tax may come into play.
= Sales Tax Identity Bureau
> The STIS of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is managed by various local STIB offices around the country.
> The national central STIB office is called STISNO (Sales Tax Identity System National Office).
> Its existence stems from the GUDFOMAPAST EthoPrinciple of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
= Sales Tax Identity Card
> Issued for the purposes of the EthoCratic NITASTINTEMI Principle.
> Used by each citizen as his identity for the STIS.
> Its existence stems from the GUDFOMAPAST EthoPrinciple of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
= Sales Tax Identity Necessary To Ensure Minimum Income.
> An EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy has no income tax, only sales tax. It has not either a regular welfare system which is replaced by the new welfare system called EFWAPAJ. The remnants of the old welfare system are replaced by a MIG (Minimum Income Guaranteed), but that MIG can only be ensured by complying to the new STIS (Sales tax Identity System).
> More information on this system can be found in relation to the new EthoCratic GUDFOMAPAST Principle.
> s. NOMIT for cases where a special income tax may come into play.
= Sales Tax Identity Return
> A return of sales tax that can be claimed by a citizen in a situation of poverty or temporary indigence.
> The STIR usually compensates for most of what we call today "Social Welfare Benefits".
> The purpose of the STIR is to ensure any citizen can always count on a MIG (Minimum Income Guarantee) when needed.
> Its existence stems from the GUDFOMAPAST EthoPrinciple of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
= Sales Tax Identity System National Office
> These are the national headquarters of the STIS.
> The STIS of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy uses STIB offices distributed around the country.
> Its existence stems from the GUDFOMAPAST EthoPrinciple of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
= Sub Arium
> As opposed to a NatArium (National Arium) of the global national TetractArium.
= Soviet United States (of America)
> The evolution of the USA into a form of Fabian Socialism that resembles the ex Soviet Union, promoting the NWO.
> Similar to what happened in Europe with the SEU (Soviet European Union).
> SWAT = Satan World Autocracy Team
> Ziccup = Zionist Islamist Christian Chinese Useful Perverts
> Swat-Ziccup = Satan World Autocracy Team of Zionist Islamist Christian Chinese Useful Perverts
> This is one of the ways to describe the evil NWO (New World Order), or rather the NWD (New World Disorder) being formed by a satanic team of useful perverts, in order to arrive at a dictatorial one-world government of full dictatorship under full Satanic control through a MOWOP (Master One World Order Plan).
> The SWAT is composed mainly of the higher echelons of the 3 main monotheistic religions. It also includes the corrupted oligarchy of many countries, China in paticular, along with the top echelons of the main global corporations involved in worldwide commercial activities, in particular in banking activities creating debt-money out of nothing for the most easy corruption of governments, the purchase and control of most mainstream media networks, and the enslavement of people through debt and fear around the world. These high echelons, in particular regarding the 3 main monotheistic religions, have been well demonstrated and documented by many serious researchers and writers to be routinely most seriously involved in horrible activities of pedophilia and Satanism in their pursuit of the formation of a dictatorial one-world-government for the forthcoming autocracy of their master Satan through a master plan we call the MOWOP in the context of an Aristarchy. Thus their well deserved qualification as SWAT.
> This evil NWO is called the GLEWO (Global Luciferian Enslaving World Order) in the context of an Aristarchy. It is also a major globalization scam that we call GLES (Global Luciferian Enslavement Scam). This is the current evil NWO (New World Order) being implemented globally at the moment by the SWAT. It is in opposition to the good new world order proposed by an Aristarchy, called the NAPWO (National Aristarchy Patriotic World Order).
> s. SweatHarder
SWEAT / SweatHarder / SweatHarder Power / SweatWacs
> SWEAT = Satanic World Enslavement Abrahamic Team (the main Abrahamic elites acting together for the SweatHarder plot)
> SweatHarder = Satan World Enslavement Action Through Heinous Abrahamic Religions Deviates Encompassing Roamers
> SweatWacs = Satan World Enslavement Action Through Heinous Abrahamic Religions Deviates, Western And Chinese Sassoon
> SweatHarder is the plot and world power of the satanic elites acting as the puppets of the evil NWO (New World Order) that we call SEGWO (Satan Enslavement Global World Order), and of its Master Plan. This is mainly from the point of view of the main Western elites in opposition to SweatWacs that include China and are more global worldwide.
> SweatWacs is the global worldwide SweatHarder plot that includes not only the main Western elites, but also the Asian ones and, from Asia, mainly the Sassoon (the so-called "Rothschild Of The East") and LI families who are Jewish elites of China.
> In our context,Sweat is the latest name of the power of the elites trying to enslave the rest of us. Other names, like the JewZuit Power, the SIFJEC Power, the SWAT, or the LUZJIP Power are still valid in their relative more limited context, but not as comprehensive as this latest version on a global scale.
> These Sweat elites mostly come from the higher levels of the 3 Abrahamic religions, or from their obedient acolytes outside these religions operating in the main corporations or the main key positions of government or international organizations. This is why they are qualified as Abrahamic.
> On the other hand, the very top levels of these elites, either from these religions or from subservient bodies like the freemasonry or the Jesuits, all belong to deviated branches that are related to various forms of Satanism. Thus their introductive Satan qualification. But they also encompass roamers of many secular entities entirely submitted to these elites, thus the proper ending of the acronym SweatHarder.
> Of course the Sweat elites include various factions that are often opposed to each other, not on their common final objective, which is world domination, but on the ways to achieve it, like the SE (Surface Elites) and DE (Deep Elites) factions of the most recent history of the USA opposing a SE (like the wild card of a Donald Trump) and a DE (like a pure Marxist Kamala Harris) .
> s. Fake-Jew Plot for more background information on who is really behind the Sweat.
> s. SWAT, SwatZiccup
= Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication.
> This is the international banking transaction system that provides a network that enables financial institutions worldwide to send and receive information about financial transactions in a secure, standardized and reliable environment, in order to ensure their proper settlements.
> This is system used by the BIS (Bank of International Settlements) for the resolution of international banking settlements on the basis of worldwide currency exchange rates.
= The name of the Constitution of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy. It is based on the Ancient-Greek (and the same Modern-Greek) word, meaning Constitution . Arrangement.
> Includes 4 powers of the state, instead of the traditional 3: the Executive Power (ExecArium), the Legislative Power (LegisArium, with its ExpertArium), the Judicial Power (JudicArium), and the new forth one, the Informative Power (TinformArium).
> TARVAMEF = TruthOcracy Agricultural Residential Village for Autonomous Monoculture Extended Families
> TAV = TruthOcracy Agricultural Village
> What a TUPA is within a city area, a TARVAMEF improves it in an agricultural village area.
> A TARVAMEF has, by definition, to be constructed in an agricultural village area, either ex-novo in an existing area of agricultural land, or through the reformation and improvement of an existing village. The TARVAMEF must have four absolutely essential basic requirements to start with:
1) sufficient agricultural land attached to it directly and sufficient for the autonomy of the village community, and the provision of agricultural food as KO (Kilometer Zero) as much as possible.
2) its own independent source of potable water or an autonomous reserve built from another source, providing 100% pure natural water;
3) a selection of monoculture extended families who contract to live together as such, collaborating for their complete autonomy in food and water, and bartering between themselves as desired without even sales tax;
4) fast direct public transportation, under-ground and/or over-ground, to the center of a normal city in maximum half an hour;
> A single person cannot be an independent part of the TARVAMEF unless it has a contract of integration to one of the extended families of the village community.
> A TAV has maximum 100.000 inhabitants, ideally not more than 50.000 inhabitants, all living in a situation of EF, except the few members that life has conducted to become single individuals after they had joined the TARVAMEF.
> Each extended family must have at least 2 persons who work actively fulltime on the farm land to produce the basic food of the members in terms of fruits, vegetables and meat. Extended families not complying are invited to leave, selling their property, and can be expropriated legally and easily if necessary with a vote of the majority of the villagers.
> In a TARVAMEF, the special welfare for extended families, complemented by the PAJ (Private Alternative Justice), both reign sovereignly as EFWAPAJ (Extended Family Welfare And Private Alternative Justice).
> In addition, EFALWI (Extended Family Advanced Loan Without Interest) comes into play to facilitate both the reunification of extended families and their moving from a city for living in a TARVAMEF.
> s. TUPA (TruthOcracy Urban Patriotic Area) for more comments that, for the most part, apply to the TARVAMEF mutatis mutandis.
= Truth And Transparency Governance Oversee Deeds
> This is the main salutation used by members of a TruthOcracy promoting TruthOcracy by all means possible, starting with the main TAT Reform in particular.
> It is usually used and said while placing gracefully the right hand on the top part of the chest and bending slightly the head down as a kind gesture of respect and/or love.
> Another acronym used sometimes as a salutation, even if used mainly as a slogan in contexts of pro-TruthOcracy manifestations, is: TITOW (Truth Is The Only Way)
= Tentative BEC (Binding Electoral Program)
> TBEC is pronounced "Tea-BEC).
> Before a political party is authorized to participate in an election (as one of the 10 parties with the most membership), its program is 3 a BEP (Binding Electoral Program). A BEP can also be presented as a TBEC.
> Once authorized to participate in an election, the BEP or TBEC of the party becomes a BEC (Binding Electoral Contract).
= Trilateral Commission
> Created in 1973 by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski. Its original stated goal of the TC was to create “a new international economic order.” In practice, it is one of the main tools of the NWO for the implementation of the Master Plan to arrive at a One-World Government, saying goodbye to separate nations.
> In 1969, four years before birthing the TC with David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote: “[The] nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force. International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation state.” This is the real purpose of the TC.
> Any doubt on the question of TC goals is answered by David Rockefeller himself, the founder of the TC, in his Memoirs (2003): “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
= TruthEthoCracy
> This is a new type of modern democracy based on Truth and Ethics.
= Truth, Extended Family, Enlightened Liberty, Beauty And Patriotism.
> This is the name of the best political movement capable of enlisting as many people as possible in a fully implemented EthoCracy, called a TruthOcracy.
> The corresponding main political party of a TruthOcracy enlisting people through the TEFELBAP movement is called: PELLPIT (Patriotic Enlightened Logos Liberty Party In TruthOcracy).
= TruthOcracy Ethocratic Lifestyle (depending on the context)
= TruthOcracy Enlightened Liberty (depending on the context)
= TruthOcracy Enlightened League (depending on the context, regarding a League of TruthOcracy countries)
= TruthOcrat Ethical Lifestyle (as a basic meaning in most cases)
> This is the special community lifestyle of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy based on merit, justice, beauty and ethics.
= Ten-EthoPrinciple Management Of Routine Unplanned Situations
> The GovernAriant of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy can only do two things while acting as a kind of super-president of the country: 1) implement his BEP, and 2) handle the out-BEC situations on the basis of TEMORUS (Ten-EthoPrinciple Management Of Routine Unplanned Situations).
> TEMORUS action is considered BIOT (Best Interest Of TruthOcracy) management.
= Temporary Area
> This refers to an area of a NECA, a NecArium, or of an EcdomArium in an EthoCracy, or the equivalent areas of a TUPA in a TruthOcracy, where people who are homeless can be accommodated temporarily.
> This is the special form of governance of a basic EthoCracy, or a fully implemented EthoCracy as a TruthOcracy.
> s. the Diagram to the right and TetractArium.PDF for more details.
> It means mainly a Tetras Politica in terms of State Powers, as the four most active State Powers (GPTS) of the governance structure of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> s. Pentas Politica for more information.
= The Pythagorean way of assessing the 4 parts of the human being: Body, Soul, Spirit and Wisdom.
> See the details of the Human Tetractys in the holistic Pythagorean education of the EthoPlasìn.
> See the similarities with the Political Tetractys of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> A Tetractys of Ariums, in terms of State Powers, as the governance structure of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, is called a TetractArium.
> See a nutshell of
The 4
levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys
= A system of governance with 4 State Powers instead of the traditional 3, or the new 5 State Powers of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> Often called a TetractArium in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> An EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is sometimes called a Tetras Politica, or a system with 4 State Powers. This is because of the integration of the SPELArium with the basic Trias Politica, constituting a so-called TetractArium, or a Tetractys of Ariums. However, the EthoCracy or the TruthOcracy becomes a Pentas Politica during a vacuum of power, with the intervening power of the LeaderArium, mainly during a period of election or after the suspension of the GovernAriant. Otherwise, the LeaderArium only coordinates the good functioning of the Tetras Politica, and serves as a consulting body for the Tetras Politica that is really running the EthoCracy or the TruthOcracy.
> s. GOS (the 3 elected members of the TetractArium) for more details.
> s. SPELArium (the power of the sovereign people) for more details.
> s. PENTAS POLITICA for more details.
= Telematic EthoPlasìn University Campus
> The Cyber Club of both the PythAcademia and the PythAssociation, uniting all students and members around the world.
> The Telematic campus is controlled by the physical campus.
= TruthOcracy Enlightened Liberty World Order
> This is the order sought by a TruthOcracy, as a world order based on the philosophy of the ELL (Enlightened Liberty Liberty) culture.
> This acronym is used in opposition of NWO (New World Order), which is a new world order based on a culture of enslavement through DDD (Dogma, Debt and Despair).
> A minor version of TELWO, or its preliminary step, would be the so-called NEWO (New Ethocracy World Order).
> A TruthOcracy seeks to
establish a
Liberty World
Order) based
on the ELL
culture, and to combat the current
NWO (New
Order) based on a
culture of enslavement through
DDD (Dogma,
Debt and
= The area reserved for sea sports and sea entertainment activities.
> One is at the formal ApolafsArium, and another one at the casual DiaskedArium.
> "Thalassa" means sea, in Greek.
> The word "They", but in all capital letters, as "THEY", means those who are the authors of the NWO (New World Order), or their acolytes pushing for its full implementation. THEY are the authors of the Master Plan of the NWO, or the MOWOP (Master One-World-Order Plan).
> see:
= A false democracy of thugs.
> Expression probably coined by Glenn Beck
= Truth Information Data
> An abbreviation of the concept of Truth Information.
> TID is a constitutional duty that derives from the OTIG EthoPrinciple at the base of an EthoCracy.
= A democracy that evolved as nearly a fully accomplished EthoCracy, or as a TruthOcracy in particular,, applying already its most important principles, and that consequently is based on 5 constitutional boundaries: Truth from the leaders, Involvement from the subjects, Directness between the leaders and the subjects, Merit applied in all public positions, and Obligation to use only No-Debt public money. In more details, "TIDMO" stands for:
1- Truth is the only Information that can be provided from TIDMOcratic leaders regarding their governance. They are elected on the basis of a BEP, and lying is on their part, regarding their governance on the basis of that BEP, is a cause for immediate and forceful destitution with penalty.
2- Involvement of the subjects is obligatory, for all nationals, at least in that they are forced to vote. Voting is no more just a right, like in a common democracy, but becomes a Tidmocratic duty punishable by a penalty or a fine when not duly fulfilled.
3- Directness between the leaders and the subjects means no more representatives can exist between the two, with deputies sitting in a representational chamber, as the Tidmocratic government is fully directed, and tied, by a BEC (a four-way Binding Electoral Contract) from which it cannot deviate without its immediate destitution.
4- Merit leads the attribution of all public positions of a TIDMOcracy, after a delay of publication of full Truth Information on the candidates being contemplated.
5- Obligation, in an absolute way, commands the actions of a Tidmocratic government, as a double duty, regarding all public money management: a) it can use or emit only its own No-Debt money, issued by a NAMA, on the basis of a BEP, or a of a natural emergency, and b) it can spend it only openly, in full transparency for national taxpayers who can check all movements online. As such a Tidmocratic government can never borrow nor issue bonds, and there can be no secret or lie as to how and where public money is being spent.
> A fully accomplished TIDMOcracy reaching the level of applying all the 10 EthoPrinciples first becomes an EthoCracy, or an EthoKratïa and later on a TruthOcracy.
>These rules defining the TIDMOcracy really stem mainly from two EthoPrinciples: the GUDFOMAPAST EthoPrinciple and the PIABFOTAC EthoPrinciple, both as founding principles of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> Only Representatives of a fully Tidmocratic country can receive full diplomatic status at the new UN called the UTN (United Tidmocratic Nations). As such, they receive a UTN Diplomatic Passport with full diplomatic privileges. Other representatives from non Tidmocratic countries can only sit at the General Assembly, and with only a UTN Special Passport with limited diplomatic privileges.
> A not yet fully computed EthoCracy is often qualified as MeDiPartic.
> A fully computed MeDiPartic country becomes a TIDMOcracy, while a fully computed TIDMOcracy become an EthoCracy, or an EthoKratïa, and later on a TruthOcracy.
> An eventual new UN accepting only EthoCratic countries would be called a UEN (United EthoCratic Nations), or a UNOPT on the part of a TruthOcracy.
TinformArium / TinformAriant / Tinformation
> TinformArium = Truth Information Arium
> TinformAriant = Truth Information Ariant (or: the head of the TinformArium).
> Tinformation is a new word being coined for "Truth Information". The concept of Truth is so important for an EthoCracy, in particular for a TruthOcracy, and public media information is so systematically false ("Fake News") in most democracies, that it was necessary to coin a new word. Thus: Tinformation and its derivatives.
> This is one of the 5 State Powers of the Pentas Politica of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, as shown in the TetractArium that graphically shows its new form of governance.
> The TinformArium deals only with "Truth" in public information produced and circulating outside of the TetractArium.
> For the purposes of "Truth" inside the TetractArium, there is another new "Truth" State Power called the OtigArium (or OtatfogArium). These are two brand new state powers, added to the EthoCracy or to the TruthOcracy, not known in other modern democracies.
> The head of the TinformArium is the TinformAriant, just like the head of the OtigArium is the OtigAriant (or the OtatfogAriant in the OtatfogArium)
> The infractions to Truth Information are dealt with most seriously through the Clagot criminal code.
> The TinformArium includes the OppositArium.
> For a quick reference card on where this Arium stands in the overall structure of the TetractArium, see this TetractArium.PDF card.
= Trade In Services Agreement.
> A trade agreement part of the TTT (The 3 Big 'T's).
> TISA is based on the WTO's GATS (General Agreement on Trade in Services), which involves all WTO members.
> Similar to TTIP and TPP, but for a more dispersed group of 12 countries, from Israel to Norway and Paraguay, that are not part of the same geographical area, like the regrouped countries of TTIP and TPP.
= Truth Is The Only Way
> This is one of the slogans used by members of an TruthOcracy promoting TruthOcracy by all means possible, but starting with the TAT Reform in particular.
> Sometimes use as a kind of salutation, and said while placing gracefully the right hand on the top part of the chest and bending slightly the head down as kind gesture. However, the main salutation between members actively promoting TruthOcracy is: TATGOD.
> TOC = Truth Obstruction Crime
> s. PATOC (Public Affairs Truth Obstruction Crime) for more information.
> s. PITOC (Personal Interrelations Truth Obstruction Crime) for more information.
> A TruthOcracy is a new kind of true democracy based on Truth as POTGA (People's Open Truth-Governance Authority) and it must always act at OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) . As such, obstructing Truth is always a crime, as TOC. This is always, and a very serious crime, when committed in relations to public affairs (PATOC) and also a serious crime in private relations (PITOC) whenever it deprives other persons of their rights and causes them a serious damage.
> To be clear, a TOC that is a PATOC (Public Affairs Truth Obstruction Crime) is always a serious crime in an TruthOcracy as it is a form of governance that, by definition, must be POTGA (People's Open Truth-Governance Authority), and must always act as OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) compliant, even in cases of little money involved. For example, a private company (of a single owner or not, of any size), lying about one of its products or services being offered and consumed by the public at large, is not committing a PITOC, but clearly a PATOC for which the owner, and/or the main manager, and/or the publisher of the related false information, is always personally and necessarily punished. The punishment can possibly also extend to all the other co-owners, managers or share holders in a secondary way, depending on the seriousness of the damage caused in terms of money, or health, or death, or even simple misleading propaganda for the undeserved illicit profit of the liar.
> TOL = Truth Omission Lie (verbally or in writing)
> TIL = Truth Invention Lie (verbally or in writing), which means a contradiction willingly used against a known Truth.
> In an TruthOcracy, a public governance official cannot lie, not by affirmation against Truth, but also not by TOL, without being penalized severely or dismissed immediately by the OtatfogAriant.
> The same principle applies mutatis mutandis to any journalist or person distributing information to the public at large through any kind of media.
= Truth OTIG Representative.
> In the TetractArium structure of an EthoCracy or of a TruthOcracy, the OtigArium (or OtatfogArium) has absolute power to control that the governance is OTIG ("Only Truth Information Governance"). As such, he can dismiss any Ariant that is caught not telling the Truth about any of the activities of his public Arium.
> A TOR is the "Truth OTIG Representative" of the OtigAriant that has to assist to all executive meetings of all other Ariums. Each such meeting cannot take place without a TOR being present as an observer, while all these executive meetings are tape registered and followed by a written statement about the decisions taken. This register cannot become official before the TOR confirms and co-signs that what is being reported corresponds to the Truth of the meeting concerned and also that, as far as he can judge, the decisions are compatible with what is contained in the SPEC of the currently acting GovernAriant. The TOR then distributes this register to all other Ariums, including in particular the TinformArium.
> The TORs must take turns in all the, executive meetings of all other Ariums in order to keep more easily their full independence from the management of all other Ariums.
> TPL = Truth, Philosophy, Logos
> ATPLE = Absolute Truth, Philosophy and Logos Everywhere
> These are the 3 pillars of the cultural tripod sustaining an Aristarchy.
> The word "Logos" here is intended here as an absolute freedom of opinion and speech, as an ELL (Enlightened Logos Liberty)
= Trans Pacific Partnership.
> A trade agreement part of the TTT (The 3 Big 'T's).
> Supposedly a simple free trade agreement between the countries of the two sides of the Pacific Ocean, but in fact a new tool of Global Governance (GG) capable of overruling the constitutions and the laws of the member countries in the pursuit of the New World Order of a One-World Government.
> Similar to the TTIP on the Atlantic side.
> s. LuZioZuitZlim Power
= A state structure of the 3 traditional state powers defined by Montesquieu: the Executive, the Legislative and the Judicial.
> see: Pentas Politica which is the structure of 5 State Powers of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> TRIS = Truth (and Transparency), Rectitude, Inexistent public debt, Speech full liberty.
> BELAP = Beauty, Natural earth-life approach, Enlightened liberty (for Enlightened Liberty and Enlightened Love from Enlightened Logos), Love, Patriotism.
> TrisOcracy: this is often an essential first-step of transformation of a democracy into a TruthOcracy. It is sometimes difficult, if not impossible, to go directly from democracy to TruthOcracy, unless it is in the context of some kind of revolution or civil war. In most cases, the intermediate step of TrisOcracy is an essential one.
> TRIS is the
minimum 4
criteria of compliance that are essential
to form a first-step TruthOcracy that cannot yet
be implemented fully in all its components. Such temporary step of
transformation is often call a TrisOcracy. To be completed, the
also requires
its BELAP components. Once completed, it becomes a full
that is TRISBELAP compliant. As such, it is compliant to all 10 TRISBELAP
criteria and includes all the
12 reforms
of a real TruthOcracy. An initial step of
transformation of a democracy, as a TrisOcracy, when it is not
possible to go immediately to full TruthOcracy in
one single step, has to do mainly with the public
side of a TruthOcracy, that is the essential
characteristics of the government of a TruthOcracy,
or the essential TRIS requirements of compliance on the governance side.
With its additional BELAP components, forming a fully implemented
TruthOcracy, it is holistic, and includes also the main
characteristics of the private side, or of the private and civic lifestyle of most people living in a
full TruthOcracy.
> The "T" component stands for a combination of Truth and Transparency, corresponding essentially to the first essential reform of a TruthOcracy called TAT (Truth And Transparency).
> The "R" component stands for Rectitude. It refers to the conformity to a combination of essential characteristics of a TruthOcracy, mainly the BEC (Binding Electoral Contract) requirement, as opposed to a simple electoral program, and the national COGIPAS (Code Of Goodness In Products And Services). It has a lot to do mainly with the reforms of a TruthOcracy called GAL (Governance And Legislation), JAW (Justice And Welfare), VAP (Voting And Patronizing), and DAM (Diplomacy And Military).
> The "I" stands for Inexistent public debt. A TruthOcracy has no borrowing power, and cannot have any public debt. It can never be indebted. This has mainly to do with the CAT (Currency And Taxation) second most important reform of a TruthOcracy.
> The "S" stands for Speech full freedom, which is an absolute right in a TruthOcracy. It has to do mainly with the SAM (Speech And Media) reform of a TruthOcracy.
> The "B" stands for Beauty, as Kallos Beauty. It has to do mainly with the reforms of a TruthOcracy called CAB (Community And Beauty and CAD (Citizenship And Decorum)
> The "E" stands for Enlightenment, but in the sense of Enlightened Logos Liberty (of the ELL culture coming from Enlightened Logos and leading to Enlightened Love). It has to do mainly with the TruthOcracy reform called CAS (Culture And Schooling).
> The "L" stands for Love (as Enlightened Love) and/or the loving protection against any form of damage in caring all forms of life of beautiful planet Earth. Just like the "E" and the "EL" (coming from ELL), the "L" has to do mainly with the TruthOcracy reform called CAS (Culture And Schooling).
> The "EL" taken together stands for Enlightened Logos (or ELL, as a culture leading to Enlightened Logos Liberty / Love). A TruthOcracy, once fully implemented, has its own unique type of education called EthoPlasìn. This is a holistic type of education of the Pythagorean Human Tetractys. It has mainly to do with the CAS (Culture And Schooling) reform of a TruthOcracy. This type of education and culture is founded on the best philosophical ELL roots of our Greco-Roman values as opposed to our alleged Judeo-Christian values.
> The "A" stands for Actions always taken only on a basis of Gaia natural Earth-life. That is certainly all actions of governance, all actions of scientists in NELAS compliance, and all actions of private citizens that should always prevent environment pollution .
> the "P" stands for Patriotism. It has mainly to do with the PAP (Patriotism And Pluralism) reform of a TruthOcracy.
> The TRISBELAP acronym relates to the following Twelve TruthOcracy Reforms in the following way:
-- T > TAT
-- I > CAT
-- S > SAM
-- E / EL > CAS
-- L > CAS
-- A > NAS
-- P > PAP
True Information / TID / Truth / Truth Information
= The special and fundamental concept of "Truth Information" that is at the core of an EthoCracy or a TIDMOcracy, let alone a fully implemented EthoCracy that has become a TruthOcracy.
> Often abbreviated as TID (Truth Information Data).
> These are all concepts related to what we call a TruthOcracy.
> An EthoCracy, or a TruthOcracy, is governed not by a parliament, but by a TetractArium. This TetractArium is strongly based on Truth, in all aspects or governance, and its structure has a central core of state power called: OtigArium (or OtatfogArium).
> Truth Information also relates to the TinformArium revolution, as also a new State Power in a TetractArium, in the Pentas Politica of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, as explained in our pages on EthoCracy or TruthOcracy.
> An EthoCracy based on Truth Information is an OTIG system (called OTATFOG in a TruthOcracy) using only TID. In a TruthOcracy, this OTIG principle is pushed to its limits: the governance does not use ONLY Truth, but also ALL the Truth, on any issue of governance, and use it as OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) in a FULLY OPEN governance in which no secret can exist except under a known codename provided to the public, with proper temporary justification, and for very little time with a specific expiration date.
> Truth is sometimes expressed as EL (Enlightened Logos of ELL, meaning Truth).
> Producing or spreading false or fake information in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is a serious crime, in particular in a TruthOcracy, called: Clagot (Confirmed Liar About Governance Operational Truth).
> s. TID (Truth Information Data).
= The special type of digital "BitCoin" crypto-currency of a TruthOcracy.
> A TruthOcracy has its own type of "BitCoin" crypto-currency called: TruthCoin. Each national country using the TruthCoin then adds a unique suffix of 3 letters to specify its nationality, like for example "CAN", as TruthCoinCAN in the case of Canada if it were to ever become a TruthOcracy.
> A TruthOcracy is not at all a cashless society as it opposes a national cashless situation, let alone a global cashless world, as a matter of principle. On the other hand, its citizens have a strong incentive to be cashless, as much as possible, as a free personal choice, because it is the easiest way to process DAFTATAP (Dual Automated Fiscal Transaction Accruing Tax And Pension) transactions for the purpose of accumulating pension benefits. For the state, DAFTATAP is the best tool to automatically eliminate the black economy as much as possible, without having to intervene in most cases.
> A TruthOcracy also has no traditional national central bank issuing debt-money anymore, like most countries have today, as public debt-money just cannot exist in a TruthOcracy. New fresh money can only be issued by Treasury, and can only issue debt-free money, that is as OPTOOMOON money, and only for three purposes. However, in order to facilitate immediate and safe financial transactions within the country (and from abroad with foreigners accepting and using its TruthCoin for financial transaction in the country), a TruthOcracy uses also its own type of national crypto-currency as much as possible, called TruthCoin.
> There are four main differences between TruthCoin and most current crypto currencies. First, TruthCoin is controlled by Treasury through the CivitBankCentral to ensure no fraud; Second, it obligatorily includes the same DAFTATAP (Dual Automated Fiscal Transaction Accruing Tax And Pension) functionality as its regular currency when it is used; Third, it can only be bought by a person holding a confirmed TruthOcracy citizenship; Four, it is not fully anonymous: it is issued with full TAT (Truth And Transparency) compliance on the part of the Treasury, and with the names of the owners (but not the value of their own personal ownership) fully available to all interested persons on the Internet, while the integrated DAFTATAP functionality requires a link to the owner for sending to the government the part of the TruthCoin transaction that handles the accruing of pension benefits for the owner.
Also, the TruthCoin is both a real, and a
not-real, crypto
currency. It is a real crypto-currency in that, even if it controlled by the
Treasury against fraud, it is private, based on the new blockchain technology that,
except for purchasing it without a fee within the related office confines of one
of the new CivitBanks,
eliminates all currency intermediaries, like old commercial banks, and in particular a central
bank that does not exist anymore, and all sorts of fees, charges and interests
related to normal currency. It is not a real crypto-currency however in that the
government that controls it against fraud has to be constantly informed in
advance of any new rate of exchange before it is published, and, in exceptional
cases, has the right to intervene to stop exorbitant rates, up or down. In such
special cases, the government could even exceptionally limit the bracket
parameters of exchange rates through a BEC (Binding
Electoral Contract) that
is the absolute source of sovereign authority for anything going on in the
country, thus also for crypto-currency.
> The TruthCoin is meant to coexist with the regular national currency that is still used normally.
TruthOcracy / TruthOcrat / TruthOkratia / AlithiOcracy / AlithiOkratia / VeritOcracy / VeritOcrat
> TruthOcracy = Truth and Democracy. In other words, not a "Democracy" but a kind of "DemoTruthOcracy" (or people's "Truth-Power").
> TruthOcrat = Truth and democrat or aristocrat. When a democracy has not yet been fully elaborated, and is still only an EthoCracy, then the equivalent word is Ethocrat.
> AlithiOkratia = The Greek (ELLAS) name (="AlithiOcracy") of a TruthOcracy.
> VeritOcracy = The name of a TruthOcracy in most other languages (from the Latin word "VERITAS" that means "Truth").
> VeritOcrat = someone promoting actively a VeritOcracy (a TruthOcracy in a country refusing the use of the English word "Truth", and preferring the Latin word "Veritas" common to many foreign languages).
> This word, TruthOcracy, is being coined to indicate that a TruthOcracy is a democracy founded on "Truth", not only Truth, but all Truth. This Truth foundation applies in all aspects of the governance of the country, and also in all aspects of its national public life (Like in Media and Justice).
> a TruthOcracy is a fully implemented EthoCracy enlisting as many people as possible through a TEFELBAP political movement, and managed by a majoritarian PELLPIT political party.
> The main difference between an EthoCracy and a TruthOcracy is the difference between being OTIG (Only True Information Governance, which is the case in an EthoCracy) and being OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance, which is the case in a TruthOcracy). Consequently, an EthoCracy is a first step to being a TruthOcracy. The EthoCracy uses "Only Truth", but not necessarily also "All Truth" in its governance. A TruthOcracy can only use both: "Only Truth", and "All Truth", plus a fully open governance in all aspects of its governance: both in the handling of its money and in the conduct of its operations without secrets of any kind, except very temporarily, not to damage certain investigations or negotiations and, in such cases, with an identified codename known to the public and deposited during the agreed temporary period with the SISGA = (Secret Information Source Guardian Angel).
> A TruthOcracy is based on 12 essential and cumulative constitutional reforms.
> A TruthOcracy seeks to establish a TELWO (TruthOcracy Enlightened Liberty World Order) based on the ELL culture, and combat the current NWO (New World Order) based on a culture of enslavement through DDD (Dogma, Debt and Despair).
> A TruthOcracy is governed on the basis of the principle of being fully OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance), and includes at the core of its special TetractArium of governance, a specific central Arium of governance that is called OtatfogArium.
> An EthoCracy (or a TruthOcracy) based on Truth Information is an OTIG (Only Truth Information Governance) or OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) system using only TID. In a TruthOcracy, this OTIG principle is pushed to its limits: the governance does not use ONLY Truth, but also ALL the Truth, on any issue of governance, and uses it as OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) plus in a FULLY OPEN governance in which no secret can exist except under a known codename provided to the public by the SISGA (Secret Information Source Guardian Angel), with proper temporary justification, and for very little time with a specific expiration date.
> The equivalent word for TruthOcracy coined in the Greek language is: ΑλιθειΟκρατία ("AlithiOkratia", or a governance based on "Alithia" meaning Truth). The political party managing a TruthOcracy in Greece is ΠEΚΕΛΛΑ (Πατριοτικη Ελευθερία, Κομμα Ελληνικης Ελικρινις ΑληθειΟκρατιας), or PEKELLA (Patriotic Liberty Party of Greek TruthOcracy).
= A world, or a country, dominated by a
system of government.
> The EthoPlasìn hopes to encourage the use of more
Meritocracy, as a short term objective, in all civic environments, and the
advent of EthoCracy, as a minimum long term objective
in most countries, and hopefully a worldwide spreading of
> A fully elaborated EthoCracy becomes a TruthOcracy. In an EthoCracy, TruthOlandia is called EthoLandia.
> Allow the PythagorArium project to hope for a new world to come and to long for, from a Pythagorean World Civic Wellness point of view, wishfully and candidly called "EthoLandia" as a first step and "TruthOlandia" as a final worldwide objective.
= The mass of people who promotes and defend the EthoCracy Reforms Package in order to achieve a TruthOcracy.
> These people are called Ethocrats, or Ethos, when promoting a short term EthoCracy or a long term TruthOcracy.
> The equivalent movement related specifically to an EthoCracy is EthoMovement.
TruthPatron / TruthPatrona / TruthPatronar
> TruthPatron = Somebody being the patron of Truth, or Patronizing.
> TruthPatrona = TruthPatron Affiliate.
> TruthPatronar = TruthPatron Affiliate Record.
> All business activities with over 10 employees, private or semi-public, national or foreign operating in the country, must have a TruthOcracy Truth Patron on board. Their employment title is usually called more simply "TruthPatron", and their function "Patronizing" Truth Patrons do not have any vote in the administration, but have a right to speak and defend the principles of the TruthOcracy in relation to any decision being taken. In turn, if they enter into any conflict of opinion with the management, they openly decide that they will report and consult with the elected GOS. Their main role is to ensure, within each business activity, that the principles and the 12 reforms of TruthOcracy are fully respected for the benefit of the national population concerned. Their secondary role is to make sure the COGIPAS (Code Of Goodness In Products And Services) of a TruthOcracy is fully respected for all the products being produced or services being provided.
> In a TruthOcracy, voting is not only a right, but a duty. Patronizing can also be considered a duty when a citizen gets concerned for the Truth and wants to affiliate himself to the work of a TruthPatron, as a TruthPatrona, or be an independent TruthPatrona, let alone when called formally to work as such by the SPELArium within a company.
> Just like there is a national database of records of shame in a TruthOcracy for all Truth crimes, called PATOCSER, there is also a national database of honor for people affiliating themselves to the work of a TruthPatron, as a TruthPatrona. Successful spontaneous reporters of Truth crimes, when considered of national importance by the SPELArium, are placed in the TruthPatronar database of honor, and rewarded with a yearly NASCU (Nursemaid Average Salary Currency Unit), or the equivalent of a yearly salary of a nursemaid.
> s. the VAP (Voting And Patronizing) reform of a TruthOcracy.
= Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.
> A trade agreement part of the TTT (The 3 Big 'T's).
> Supposedly a simple free trade agreement between the countries of the two sides of the Atlantic Ocean, but in fact a new tool of Global Governance (GG) capable of overruling the constitutions and the laws of the member countries in the pursuit of the New World Order of a One-World Government.
> Similar to the TPP on the Pacific side.
> s. LuZioZuitZlim Power
= TPP + TTIP + TISA, sometimes called "The 3 Big 'T's".
> These are the 3 worldwide agreements negotiated by the USA for world trade domination, but excluding the opposite or competitive BRICS countries.
= Truth, Transparency, Trust, Temperance
> This is the symbol of the 4 main things pursued by a TruthOcracy, in order of priority.
> These are the 4 main tools used by a TruthOcracy to fight against our DDD (Dogma, Debt, Despair, Disinformation) enslavement in our false current democracies.
> TUPA = TruthOcracy Urban Patriotic Area
> TUPAB = TruthOcracy Urban Patriotic Area Building
> TUPAC = TruthOcracy Urban Patriotic Area Contract
> TUPAF = TruthOcracy Urban Patriotic Area Fee (TUPA Fee for condominium or other purpose).
> TUPAK = TruthOcracy Urban Patriotic Area Key
> TUPAL = TruthOcracy Urban Patriotic Area Leadership
> TUPAM = TruthOcracy Urban Patriotic Area Mall
> TUPAN = TruthOcracy Urban Patriotic Area Newsletter
> TUPAP = TruthOcracy Urban Patriotic Area Pass
> TUPAR = TruthOcracy Urban Patriotic Area Restaurant
> TUPArium = TruthOcracy Urban Patriotic Arium (an urban TruthOcracy area smaller than a TUPA, with one or only few blocks)
> TUPAS = TruthOcracy Urban Patriotic Area School
> TUPAT = TruthOcracy Urban Patriotic Area Transportation (Special TUPA Transportation central station).
> A TUPA is ideally composed of various types of PEFCLA Extended (Patriotic Family Condominium Living Area) residential areas.
> In an EthoCracy, a TUPA is called a NECA (National EthoCracy City Area).
> See NECA for more details mutatis mutandis.
> The main difference from a NECA, is that a TUPA has a main additional character. It is also completely food self-sufficient internally, produced in the best biological way, with fresh products at KM-0.
> A TUPA is by definition constructed to accommodate mostly EF (Extended Families) grouped in various FamilArium, EcdomArium and BacArium.
> s. TARVAMEF and TAV (TruthOcracy Agricultural Village) for an adaptation of a TUPA in an Agricultural Residential Village for extended families grouped in FamilArium or EcdomArium.
= Universal Basic Income.
> A TruthOcracy or an Aristarchy do not have an UBI program, but an USI (Useful Survival Income).
= United Demonic Class
> The apparent coalition of the NWO (New World Order) and the deviated leaders of the three main monotheistic religions that want to enslave all of us, faithful or not, through DDD.
= Using Debt-Free Only Money
This is the type of money that we call more simply Trustmoney.
> An EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy , but in particular an Aristarchy, cannot borrow money from anywhere, and never has any public debt. It does not have a FED-type central bank, but a NAMA that is part of the new State Power called the MonetArium within the TetractArium of governance of an Aristarchy.
> In an Aristarchy no central bank as we know them today in most countries can create new money out of nothing and then loan it with interests to anyone, in particular not to a government as debt-money. Money is only and always only created by the Treasury as debt-free, but under the strict limits and norms of the constitution. The government cannot borrow any money from any bank or any other institution or person. It cannot ever have any public debt.
> Additional comment on the EthoCratic GUDFOMAPAST EthoPrinciple, and DAFTATAP.
= United EthoCratic Nations
> Suggested new temporary name of the UN by the suggestions of the EthoCracy reforms or for an actual computed EthoCracy.
> A UEN, as a first step, would opposed the NWO (New World Order) with a NENO (New Ethocratic National Order) or a n NEWO (New EthoCratic World Order). When most of its members would have been transformed into TruthOcracy, then its final name would become UNOPT (United Nations Of Patriotic TruthOcracy).
> During the transition from democracy to EthoCracy of its members, the UN could also be called: UTN (United TIDMOcratic Nations), as accepting members that are at least compliant to what we call a TIDMOcracy.
> However, requesting that all members of the UN fast become UEN members is probably utopic at the beginning. A better initial approach could be to attempt to make them all LOPEN (League Of Patriotic EthoCratic Nations) through a new organization of united nations bearing that new name.
> A more drastic approach, probably the best one, as long as most nations would accept the principle of TruthOcracy, in particular at the occasion of a major world economic crisis, would be to abolish the current UN and create a brand new "UN" as a UNOPT (United Nations Of Patriotic TruthOcracy).
= United Nations
> The official abbreviation of the UN Organization based in New York.
> Its main global agenda is called SDG (Sustainable Development Goals).
> EthoCracy would like it to be called UEN (United Ethocratic Nations) after due minimal transformation in its most essential ways, mainly in its full OTIG compliance.
> Even a better name suggested by EthoCracy would be LOPEN (League Of Patriotic Ethocratic Nations) after full transformation, including also full transparency of accounting and a commitment of all its members to be, or try to achieve EthoCracy governance as soon as possible.
> A better final name, from a TruthOcracy point of view, is definitely UNOPT. The current UN is, for the most part, a club of dictators and of some very arrogant democracy leaders intervening unduly into the affairs of other countries. This must be changed and the UN must become a UNOPT as soon as possible.
> The UN is the grand level of what other supranational organizations of unelected officials are at a level closer to the national level, like the EU. From this point of view the EU is just an inferior level to what the top level does, at the UN level. Both levels work on a basis of fake transparency and the people who pay for all these undeserved privileges to unelected officials are incapable of having readily access to the details, let alone access to details of the black budgets for which these unelected supranational levels of governance are, in practice, totally unaccountable, even if they are both involved on a regular basis to all sorts of frauds and crimes.
> See: UN Agenda
> See: COPAN (Confederation Of Patriotic Aristarchy Nations) which is the new international organization meant by the PythagorArium Project to replace the UN once a meaningful number of countries will have converted to Aristarchy.
= United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
> UNOPTESCO = United Nations Of Patriotic TruthOcracy Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.
> To match the change of the UN to UNOPT, the name of the UNESCO must be changed to UNOPTESCO.
> Some suggested TUN (TruthOcracy United Nations) as an alternative to UNOPT as the new name for the UN, but UNOPT is better. TUN would eliminated the "Patriotic" qualification that is extremely important to countries adopting TruthOcracy as these countries, by definition, are opposing the advent of globalization through a One-World Government without nations or borders like the MOWOP. Similarly, the same persons have suggested TESCO for the UNESCO, but again, with the same logic, the "UN" qualification is important and the changed name must be UNOPTESCO.
= United Nations Of Patriotic TruthOcracy
> UNOPT, in the context of a TruthOcracy, is what is often called LOPEN in the context of a simple EthoCracy.
> The current UN is, for the most part, a club of dictators and of some very arrogant democracy leaders intervening unduly into the affairs of other countries. This must be changed and the UN must become a UNOPT as soon as possible. If a transition period is required, it could be made first a UEN (United Ethocratic Nations). A more drastic approach, probably the best one, as long as most nations would accept the principle of TruthOcracy, in particular at the occasion of a major world economic crisis, would be to just abolish the current "UN", except for its Security Council, and, by the same step, have the Security Council create a brand new "UN", as a UNOPT, building it as fast as possible while asking adherence of all interested nations. Then the Security Council itself could be abolished by the new assembly of Patriotic TruthOcracy nations, and transformed into a new council submitting itself to the principles of TruthOcracy with a power of veto and secrecy that would become very temporary, protected by an agreed super type of TruthOcracy SISGA (Secret Information Source Guardian Angel) at UNOPT level.
> When a democracy is transformed into TruthOcracy, it is ready to be a UNOPT member.
> The "Patriotic" qualification of UNOPT is most important. Being united does not, and must not prevent patriotism. In order to achieve a One-World-Government, the DADMaster Elites of the NWO is trying to destroy all sense of 'Nation' and 'Patriotism', let alone eliminate all national borders and facilitate excessive multiculturalism. This pursuit is only leading to our enslavement, and the facts so far have demonstrated that it has been most destructive in most places where it was applied. Patriotism is what made individual nations so beautiful in the past. That individual national beauty should be highly preserved, in each country, as it can be well maintained legitimately within its own borders without interfering in any way within the borders of other countries that are each differently beautiful in their own specific ways.
> Some suggested TUN (TruthOcracy United Nations) as an alternative to UNOPT. This however eliminated the "Patriotic" qualification that is extremely important in a context of countries adopting TruthOcracy that, by definition, are opposing the advent of globalization through a One-World Government without nations or borders like the MOWOP. Similarly, the same persons have suggested TESCO for the UNESCO, but again, with the same logic, the "UN" qualification is important and the changed name must be UNOPTESCO.
> USA = United States of America.
> AMERICA = Another friendly name often used to say USA.
> 'America', refers to mainly the vast 50 states of the land standing between Canada and Mexico, plus Alaska above Canada and some other small territories located in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. It does not include what is usually called Central America and South America. It is also different from what is called North America, as this expression in meant to include the 3 main territorial components of Canada, USA and Mexico.
= Useful Survival Income.
> A TruthOcracy or an Aristarchy do not have an UBI (Universal Basic Income) program, but an USI (Useful Survival Income).
The USI is paid weekly in cash only through a special bank debit card. It is useful, but not universal, in that it is paid only to persons without work.
The USI is not meant to make life comfortable, but to only ensure survival in a basic lifestyle. However, it is adjusted regularly to the cost of living. It may never be as high as to be a disincentive to look for a job that would definitely provide a better income with social benefits.
A USI recipient can still do occasional ad hoc work without an employee status, to supplement his survival income. However, when becoming a regular employee for any employer, with a regular salary and benefits, he automatically looses his USI benefits after two biweekly USI payments after his formal employment.
An additional USI can be given to a person having the charge of another person, like the mother of a minor child, or the curator of an old incapacitated relative.
= The axis of the USA, Israel and the EU
> Opponents of the NWO (New World Order), like Russia, see this alliance interplay in the global world as the new Axis of Evil trying to implement the debasement of values and the enslaving economic conditions of the NWO.
> From the point of view of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, this NWO implemented by the USISEU is opposed through the NENO and/or the NEWO.
= United States Socialist Republics
> A malicious name often given ironically to the USA because of its growing resemblance to the ex-USSR (United Soviet Socialist Republics) of before the fall of the Soviet Union: a police state of dictatorial Fabian Socialism.
> Such acronyms appear quite realistic in consideration of what the famous Russian dissident Bezmenov used to say some 40 years ago: that communism would be made to crumble in the Soviet Union, without violence, but only to have it reborn more to the West, that is in mainly western Europe (and also the USA), as what he called a Fresh Start, more deceitfully, but more strongly, without making the mistakes made in the Soviet Union.
= United TIDMOcracy Nations
> This would be a transition to becoming a UEN (United EthoCratic Nations), when all its members would have passed the level of being TIDMOcracy to became fully EthoCracy Compliant (without being yet a TruthOcracy).
> An international organization meant to replace the old UN, for the members of countries recognized as a TIDMOcracy.
> A new form of UN transformed to accept only Tidmocratic countries as full diplomatic members.
> The representatives of Recognized Tidmocratic countries receive full diplomatic status. Otherwise, they can sit only in the General Assembly, and with only a UTN Special Passport, with only limited diplomatic status, as opposed to a UTN Diplomatic Passport with full diplomatic status.
= Value Added Tax.
> An EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is a NITS, and the sales tax system become primordial, on the basis of the GUDFOMAPAST EthoPrinciple.
> In an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, the VAT is also a VATPA.
> VATPA = Value Added Tax Pension Accumulator, or: VAT Pension Accumulator.
> VATPAD = Value Added Tax Pension Accumulator Duality
> In an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, the VAT plays an additional role: the one of accumulating contributions for a retirement pension.
> VATPAD works hand in hand with the PASTO system for pension accumulation purposes.
= Vital Information National Arium Journalist
> see: VinfonArium.
> see: VSTN.
= Vital Information National Arium
> Part of the new 4th power of the state, in its Syntagma, the TinformArium Power.
> Provides Truth Information on all activities of important private institutions and companies.
> Comparable to its twin GinfonArium (Government Information National Arium) that provides information on the public sector.
> Its journalists are called: Vinfonalists.
> VotArium = Voting Arium
> VotArion is the non-voting Head of the VotArium, appointed by the OtigAriant.
> The VotArium is integrated into the OtigArium (or OtatfogArium) of the TetractArium of governance of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy.
> The VotArium is like a mini-parliament, or a kind of mini-chamber of representatives, where all the Ariants of a TetractArium, and all the MinistAriants ("ministers") of the CabinetArium vote to approve the final legislation of a new project or of a new taxation. However, in principle, none of these new projects or taxes can be a new surprise after election; They can only be the realization of a precise element of a BEC (Binding Electoral Contract). In such cases, they essentially vote for giving their agreement or not, on the fact that the new project as legislated corresponds to an element of the BEC and the spirit with which it was included in the BEC before the last national elections.
> In the case of new legislation or taxes that could not have been foreseen at the time of the previous elections, the VotArium votes on the fact that the project or the tax does not contradict frontally any element of the BEC, and is a new element necessary in the circumstances, and can be legitimately handled through OBECOF emergency operational funds. These circumstances are usually in terms of national emergencies, or natural catastrophes.
> The VotArium comes under the OtigArium (or OtatfogArium). The OtigAriant (or the OtatfogAriant) appoints de VotArion. The VotArion never votes for any majority in any voting session.
> The special majority in the VotArium, applying to all decisions where the CabinetArium is included, is not 50%, but always the 2/3 of the following: all the 78 Ariants (including the OtigAriant) outside the CabinetArium + the 9 CabinetArums: 78+9=87. The 2/3 of this total must be 58+1, or 59 as a minimum, in all cases, independently of the number of Ariants present at the voting session (like some being absent on sick leave). Without such majority, only a Quiferendum can resolve the situation. In the meantime, the main elements of the emergency can be managed and approved in the same way normally through the funds of the OBECOF (Out Binding Electoral Contract Operational Fund, or: Out BEC Operational Fund) system.
> The VotArium is located within the OtigArium (or OtatfogArium) for obvious reasons, as the voting has not so much to do with the technical details of a project, as it has with Truth (the foundation of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy), in terms of respect of the BEC, both in terms of its letter or its spirit.
> Voting in favor of a new project or tax that is, later on, established as flagrantly contradicting the BEC, on the basis of the Tinformation available at the time of the voting, and the proof of the availability of the relevant Tinformation at that time, is placed into a so-called VoteBad Record by the OtigAriant and then published openly to the public at large through the TinformArium. For a voter to have more than 3 such entries, it means his immediate forced dismissal by the OtigAriant of his high position of Ariant or MinistAriant (he can still be an Arion for the rest of the mandate of the GovernAriant if the latter so wishes), and the inability to ever be a candidate again as an Ariant or a MinistAriant.
> For a quick reference card on where this Arium stands in the overall structure of the TetractArium, see this TetractArium.PDF card.
= Vat Sequential Transaction Number
> The sequential numeration of private VAT (Value Added Tax) personal transaction.
> See: VAT.
= Well Adhesive But Easily Detachable
> These are the new labels of all the CABROF containers used in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy on the basis of the EthoPrinciple NoCafoNoGanoNoRaco.
> A WABED label always includes not only all the nutrient specifications of the food content, in a standard comparable way with all other products of the same nature, including a NoGMO specification, but also both a unit price and a total price for the food. As for price, it includes two bar codes: the food total price and, separately, the price of the sales tax, in order for them to be picked up automatically by the new cash registers of the new STIS system on the basis of the GUDFOMAPAST EthoPrinciple.
= World Award for Civic Education Medal
> Issued yearly by the EllinArium to three outsiders, not necessarily members of the EthoPlasìn Association, for having most contributed to the advancement of civic education in the world through the ACE system described in our page on EthoCracy (Also applicable to a TruthOcracy).
> If a WACEM is won by a member, it is internally called a PythACEM prize (Pythagorean Award for Civic Education Medal).
> The second yearly prize issued by the EllinArium is the PytHarmony World Prize issued to members for EthoCracy promotion.
> WACEM prizes have an important money award attached.
= World Civic Wellness
> This is one of the main objectives of the EthoPlasìn discipline and philosophy.
= World Empire of Debt
= World Empire Governance Of Dictatorial Zionist Ascendancy
> This is a suggested name for the forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government pursued by the elites of the NWO for our global enslavement through DDDD and complete world domination. This is in fact a Master Plan of what we call the LUZJIP Power, involving some perverts of the three main monotheistic institutional religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) claiming to be all of Abrahamic descent, but where the modern Judaic component of the Zionists will clearly be the main power of ascendancy over the rest of the world.
> For the elites involved, the false Pax Judaica shall be the result of a long saga, and should be a point of arrival that we call WEGODZA (World Empire Governance Of Dictatorial Zionist Ascendancy).
= World EthoSpeak Advancement
> The EthoSpeak is the third level of the ELL EthoCivitas proposed by the PythagorArium.
EthoSpeak includes
a new IAL for perfect basic (basic but perfectly
accurate) language communications worldwide, called EthoGloso, and the best level of the Greek language, called
Katharevousa, as a unique language with
5000 years of
ascertained continuous superiority for best communications at a cultivated level,
both verbally or in writing. These 2 special improvements are also meant to
free energies for most people, not having to learn so many other languages
anymore, in order to have more time to also improve the level and degree of
perfection of their own national languages.
= White
Lie Erotic
> A
WLEW is a weekend when one of the married partners
takes off explicitly for a full weekend to a secret destination, with the clear
understanding and tacit acceptance of the other partner, to go out and meet with
whatever person he/she chooses, for whatever purpose he/she wishes, including
for possible sex intercourse (even if not necessarily by definition with a sexual intention). This
practice is meant mainly to help marriages in difficulty not to break up
completely and keep them together as harmoniously as possible, on a discrete
mutual agreement basis, during the time of the growth of their minor children.
> If intercourse takes place
however (in the spirit of Plato's Laws VIII, 841E), it must be done "without
any other man or woman getting to know about it, as, if he/she fails to keep the
affair secret", it would be right to support legal consequences and/or lose
fiscal incentives to a stable marriage in front of minor children.
> This is explained better in our hot page on
Issues and our EthoCracy or
TruthOcracy reform on
More United Families.
> WW = World War
> After WWI that was "physical" and WWII that was "nuclear", WWIII shall probably be a mix of a financial, biological and spiritual war. Otherwise we can consider that a WWIII has already taken place as a financial war or global debt enslavement. The same could also be said of a kind of WWIV that seems to have taken place as a biological one in the context of the recent pandemic of the coronavirus. Otherwise we can classify the world wars more simply, past and coming, in the following way.
> WWI = World War I (World War One: the Terrestrial Traditional World shall War)
> WWII = World War II (World War Two: the Aerial Nuclear World War)
> WWIII = World War III (World War Three: the Financial Digital World War)
> WWIV = World War IV (World War Four: the Biological Chemical World War)
> WWV = World War V (World War Five: the Spiritual Ethereal World War)
> WWI was fought with basic arms, like trenches, guns and thanks.
> WWII was fought with also mainly airplanes and a test of nuclear arms.
> What we can call the WWIII, the financial debt-money war, is probably the first world war that took place and got unnoticed from a military point of view, as it was fought mainly through digital financial means and enslaving debt-money worldwide. Its result was the global debt bubble. It was won by the new Banktatorship that enriched immensely the SWAT of the GLEWO, as The 1%, in fact less than 1% of the population, and impoverished to complete debt enslavement the rest of us as The 99%, in fact more than 99% of the world population.
> What we can call WWIV, the biological one, has also already taken place and will also go as the second one unnoticed as a WW. If we consider WWIII to have existed as described, WWIV is currently going on and shall be fought to its full completion by even more sophisticated and invisible means. These means shall be mainly in terms of invisible bioweapons, like the Corona Virus, assisted by new digital technology like 5G WIFI, Nano Containers of bioweapons in Chemtrails, and forthcoming Body microchips, let alone a deceitfully good Debt Jubilee at the beginning in order to introduce first a One-World-Currency followed by a One-World-Government with a One-World-Religion and a One-World-Army, on the basis of the Master Plan of the SWAT of the GLEWO under the leadership of mainly World Jewry.
> WWV will follow as a final spiritual ethereal WW between the forces of Good and Bad, or the forces of Light and Dark. And it shall involve an awakening to currently invisible forces of the spiritual realm, along most probably with some cosmic entities at the galaxy level, as Extra Terrestrials (ETs) that will finally reveal their presence.
> So far, WWI to WWIII were all won by the forces of Bad. It was only a super false flag, or at least a perfect illusion, that WWI and WWII were won against the bad forces of Nazism and Fascism. The apparent victory against these bad forces, with the symbol of the horrific Holocaust against the Jews included, but as a Holocust all financed by their fellow Jewish banksters, only triggered the even more serious global Holocaust of Western Civilization. These so-called bad forces have deceitfully won the first two world wars but have hidden themselves perfectly afterwards in various ways and places to prepare to win the forthcoming WWIII. They have hidden themselves mainly in The City of London in England after WWI. They have hidden themselves even better, mainly in the USA, after WWII, using the USA as a puppet super powerful colony and a corrupted useful idiot of the newly created Zionist Israel. As for WWIII, the purely digital financial world war that went unnoticed as a world war, while being managed by a new Banktatorship belonging to the forces of Bad, it was also already completely won by the forces of Bad that have indebted the whole world with an incredible bubble of debt-money, instead of Trustmoney, as debt-money entirely into the hands of the SWAT of the GLEWO, as a bubble affecting both the world of persons and, in particular, the world of puppet governments that were used, and are still used today as useful idiots, to only increase the enslaving financial burden on the persons through ever increasing taxation. Current WWIV (biological) is being fought. The Corona Infectious Virus (CIV) and the World Economic Collapse (WEC) are only two new very sophisticated false flags, the best ever invented, that are intended by the forces of Bad to work together to consolidate the whole economic world into the hands of The 1%, after the destruction of most of the small and medium size businesses of The 99%. This destruction of WWIV (biological), with the additional benefit of eliminating a big worthless part of the population considered to be unproductive useless slaves by the SWAT, will finally achieve what WWIII (financial) could not achieve completely for achieving the final aim of a new superpower, created as a dictatorial One-World-Government after the fall of the other apparently competing 'superpowers'. These may be the already collapsing EU, the already collapsing USA and even the already collapsing China. All three must in fact eventually collapse because the Master Plan cannot accept more than only one new superpower worldwide, without competition. But, possibly with the help of a reborn Russia that knows better than any other nation the horrific plans of the SWAT of the GLEWO, for having been already its test site for nearly 100 years at the time of the USSR, this WWIV (biological) could be a boomerang if more and more people wakeup to what is really going on, as it is seems to be more and more the case. If so, WWV (spiritual) shall finally be won by the forces of Good. Strangely enough, maybe even little Greece will be able to help powerful Russia in a forthcoming renaissance of the forces of Good, as a new good world order, or as a NAPWO, dismantling the current bad GLEWO. These 2 countries have Orthodoxy as a common base of culture, and Orthodoxy is the only branch of Christianity that has stayed closer to the original good Ellinas Jesus preaching only love and redemption, as opposed to the falsified bad Judeo-Christian Jesus of the Vatican they have involved to justify all sorts of crimes.
= Zio-Anglo-American Axis
> Zio stands here for Zionist, in its main world components from England and the USA. This Zio component is also closely related to a Jesuit (Catholic) and Arabic (Islamic) components as explained under ZAJAC.
> See: MOWOP for more information on the context of using this acronym.
= Zio-Anglo-Jesuit-Arabic
> This is basically, at its core, a ZAAA (Zio-Anglo-American Axis) axis of world power seeking world domination, but with the additional Jesuit (Catholic) and Arabic (Islamic) components being used either as acolytes or as useful idiots in various circumstances.
> There is a very little known, but nonetheless very well established, axis of world power that involves the discrete leading role of Zionist Israel in the already very special relationship of the Anglo world (the USA and the UK) with the Arab world, Saudi Arabia in particular.
> In the foreground, the propaganda leads us to believe that Judeo-Israel is a clear enemy of the Muslim Arab world, be it only for the Palestinian question, GAZA, the war of Israel directly against Egypt with the invasion of the Sinai, and even other attempted or planned wars of Israel by proxy (using the USA and NATO) against other Arabic countries like Iraq, Syria and Iran.
> In the background however, this apparent enmity is entirely false. The ZAAA (Zio-Anglo-Arabic Axis) power is difficult to grasp, but real and strong. And what is even more difficult to grasp is the concomitant role of the Jesuits in this axis, through what still stems from their Jewish roots (their founder, Ignacio of Loyola, was a Jew) and their stealthy Luciferian involvement, ever since, in questions of world power of all color and creed involving various countries (like Communist China) and world power affairs (like the most important banks and universities).
> As a good sign of the real ZAJAC Power, one can read Wayne Madsen’s 2014 book, The Star and the Sword, that shows a well hidden but clear Saudi and Israeli complicity in 9/11. Madsen also refers to a book called The Dönmeh Jews, by D. Mustafa Turan, who claims that Wahhab’s grandfather, Tjen Sulayman, was actually Tjen Shulman, a member of the Jewish community of Basra, Iraq. Today, it is also very easy to detect a clear affinity between the two human rights abusing countries of Israel and Saudi Arabia. It is also easy to sense that the secret 28 pages of the official report on the 911 attack in NY, when fully published, if not deceitfully amended (or when the whole truth is finally out), will most likely show the clear collaboration of Saudi Arabia with Israel, let alone the Americans themselves through the CIA. Saudi Arabia's finger prints are already clearly involved in the attack, and the finger prints of Israel (and of the CIA that is completely dominated by American Zionists who are full promoters of Israel) are also all over it, albeit in a more discrete way, as per the solid investigative work already published by the hundreds of engineers and architects involved in exposing the 911 Truth.
> A good study of British Imperialism also shows clearly that Zionism helped create the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is even claimed by many researchers, like the extensive research done by Mohammad Sakher, that the Saudi family itself was founded by a Jew. Sakher even includes a quote of September 17, 1969, from King Faisal Al-Saud, made to the Washington Post, who says: "We, the Saudi Family, are cousins of the Jews. We entirely disagree with any Arab or Muslim authority which shows any antagonism to the Jews; ... Our country [Saudi Arabia] is the Fountain head from where the first Jew sprang, and his descendants spread out all over the world". Of course, it is quite obvious that this special link of friendship of the Arabic world with the Jews involves essentially a relationship between the Sunni side of Islam, and the Khazarian Jews of Israel that we commonly call the Zionists. It probably has little to do, if anything, with the common Jews of Orthodox Judaism, nor with the Shiite side of Islam. This is probably why the Saudis and the Jews are obviously collaborating a lot today to various aspects of the JewZuit Master Plan against countries like Syria and Iran.
> s. MOWOP (Master One-World-Order Plan)
> s. ChrIslam (A mixture of Christianity and Islam)
> s. ZISLAM (A mixture of Zionism and Islam)
> s. JudIslam (A mixture of Judaism and Islam).
> s. JudiChrIslam (A mixture of Judaism, Christianity an Islam)
> s. ZioZuitZlim (A mixture of Zionism, Jesuit and Muslims)
> s. PANTHRISKIA (An effort of the New World Order to arrive at a "One-World-Religion", eventually melting together Christianity, Judaism and Islam, let alone all other main religions.
> s. Jospelianism
= Zionism (Judaism), Christianity and Islam.
> A mixture of the 3 main monotheist religions.
> The acronym is normally used in the context of describing the top elites of these 3 religions fully infiltrated and directed by Lucifer for the creation of the NWO (New World Order) aiming at creating a dictatorial One-World-Government under its full dictatorial command. In that context, these elites are called the Lucifelites.
> s. Lucif-Elites
> s. JudiChrIslam
= A mixture of Zionism and Islam
> s. ZAJAC (Zio-Anglo-Jesuit-Arabic
= Zionist One-World Order.
> Sometimes called more simply JOWO (JewZuit One-World Order, or Judaic One-World Order), depending on the context.
> Depending on the context, even considering the "Jesuit" component of the Judaized Catholic Church, integrating Zionists, having had them go "From Enemy To Brother", since after the Vatican Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II of 1962, now existing and functioning as a covert JewZuit church, or a pseudo-Judaic church, a ZOWO is certainly, as a minimum, a JOWO (Judaic One-World Order).
> see: MOWOP for more explanations on the context of the use of this acronym.
Searching the dictionary
> Abraham: SweatHarder
> Abrahamic gods: Incompatibility
> Aether: GAELOGOS
> Affiliation to a Political Party: NoSPADEM, PACOWUBEP
> Agricultural Area: TARVAMEF, TAV, NoTOSAP, NoCAFO, NoGANO
> Alternative Sciences taught with best respect of Earth-Life: NELAS
> Animal protection: NoCAFO
> Arabs: ZAJAC.
> Aristarchy: FtatAristarchy, NAPWO, COPAN (+Government)
> Arium Diagram of State Powers in EthoCracy: TetractArium
> Arium as: A Structure of State Powers
> Armed Forces: MilitArium, ProtectArium
> Army: PythArmy
> Autocracy: SWAT (+Government)
> Authority: DIEL
> Award: COGIPAS, NAGCOR, TruthPatronar, SASED
> Banking of government as Public Information: PIBOTAC, PIABFOTAC EthoPrinciple, PAFOTFIM
> Banking central banks: Must Be Eliminated, GUDFOMAPAST,BIS
> Banks: Banktatorship, IBRD, IFM, BIS, BISCU, CivitBank, CivitBankSPEL, CivitBankChart, OPTOOMOON
> Beauty: TRISBELAP, Kallos, Kallos Beauty, Philotimo
> BIG: Infinite Small & Infinite Big
> Body: PythArmy Formation, Torus Speech Creative Power
> Brain: PythArmy Formation, Torus Speech Creative Power
> Cardinal Virtues: Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence and Justice, + Wisdom (Human Tetractys virtues)
> Cash: COGNO
> Cash restrictions for public officials: NoPOCU, NAS, PSUCMO.
> Chemtrails / Chemical Trails: NoSACO,
> Child: SNUMHAC
> Christian: Jospelian, JudiChrIslam, JICSBER, SweatHarder
> City Areas: NECA (for EthoCracy) and TUPA (for TruthOcracy), TARVAMEF, TAV, PEFCLA.
> Civic good behavior and decorum : SASED
> Civitas: Civitas Management
> Clothing norms in the cities of an EthoCracy: CUNTAKIC
> Coalition of political parties: NoSPADEM, PACOWUBEP
> Coin: TruthCoin
> Community: NECA (for EthoCracy) and TUPA (for TruthOcracy), TARVAMEF, TAV.
> Companies: TruthPatron, Patronizing, CivitCompany, CivitBank
> Condominium: PEFCLA
> Confederation: COPAN (+Federation)
> Consciousness: PASTREC, PASTRIC, STRA
> Conspiracy: Conspireality; None Dare Call It Conspiracy, SweatHarder
> Containers admitted in an EthoCracy: NoRACO, RAC, RACO, WABED
> Contraventions: COCOFAP
> Corporations: TruthPatron, Patronizing, CivitCompany, CivitBank
> Creation / Co-creation: CoPHLE.
> Crypto Currency: TruthCoin
> Culture: ELL
> Cultural Marxism: and the Gramsci The Passive Revolution
> Currency: NASCU
> Database: COGIPAS, NAGCOR, TruthPatronar
> Decorum of good civic behavior in an EthoCracy: SASED, SELCAD
> Deeds: TATGOD
> Democracy: FtatAristarchy, TruthOcracy, TruthOkratia, Aristarchy TEC, Oligarchy, DebtOcracy, SatanOligarchy, DeceptOcracy, AblestOcracy, MeritOcracy, ThugOcracy, TruthPatron, Patronizing , GOD,
> Despot: DIEL
> Dialogue: Socratic Dialogue, EthoPlay
> Diamantaras: Skythopoli, Holy Crimes vs. Greeks
> Dictatorship: WEGODZA
> Disorder: NWD
> Dogma: DDD
> Dressing code: CUNTAKIC
> Earth: NELA
> Earth-Life best respect and approach in sciences: NELAS and EFAS
> Ecological contribution of an EthoCracy: NoCafoNoGanoNoRaco, DEFLAP
> Education: TETRACTYS, EthoPlasìn, ProGendoRacialist, EPY, ELLducation , BELLT, The 4 levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys, Holistic in 7 Ways, In 5 Spheres
> Elections: Arium System of Elections in an EthoCracy, GOSNelection, Singular Logic Decides
> Elites of enslavement: JewZuit, JangloZaxon, Sweat, SweatWacs
> Emergency: OBECOF
> Empire: WEGODZA
> Employment: PASPE
> Enlightenment: ELLightenment, BELLT
> Enslavement: DDDD,
> Enslavement: List of Indicators To Be Corrected By a TruthOcracy, SEGWO
> Enslavement not as low class but enslavement through middle-class, Enpigslavement
> Etho Civitas: ELLEC, EthoLiving Civitas
> EthoCracy full text: EthoCracy, ETHO
> EthoCracy Nutshell: EthoCracy in a Nutshell
> EthoCracy or TruthOcracy, simple list of its founding principles: EthoPrinciples x 10
> EthoCracy or TruthOcracy founding principles fully exposed: EthoPrinciples x 10
> EthoPrinciple: EthoPrinciples x 10
> EU: EU Democracy Deception, USU, USISEU
> Evil: SET (Satanic Enslavement Transgression), SED (Satanic Enslavement Disorder)
> Environment: NoCafoNoGanoNoRaco
> Evaluation (of Governance): GAPE, BAVAGE
> Extended Family Welfare: EFWAPAJ
> Faculties teaching alternative sciences with best respect of Natural Earth-Live: EFAS
> Fake Jews, Christians and Muslims: SweatHarder
> False Flag: FalseFlag, UIFFA.
> Family policy in an EthoCracy: EFWAPAJ, EFU, ProGendoRacialist, WLEW, DEDLA, FamilArium, EcdomArium, BacArium
> Fear: DDD
> Federation: COPAN, LOPEN, LOPTON (+Confederation)
> Financing the State: GUDFOPAST, NAMA, MonetArium, OBECOF
> Fluid dedicated lines in EthoCratic plumbing: DEFLAP, BuLiWaF
> Foreigners: COCOFAP
> Free Speech and Opinion: FOLIPET
> Frequency-radio: NoHICHIP, RFID
> Gender: ProGender
> Genetically modified organism: GMO, NoGMO, NoGANO
> GODS: Yahweh & Allah Incompatible with Jesus
> Governance: FtatAristarchy, EthoCracy: TetractArium, Trias Politica, Tetras Politica, Pentas Politica, WEGODZA, TATGOD
> Government: FtatAristarchy, Aristarchy, TruthOcracy, EthoCracy, Oligarchy, DebtOcracy, SatanOligarchy, DeceptOcracy, NGO, TetractArium
> Government Evaluation: GAPE, BAVAGE
> Gramsci: The Passive Revolution
> Greek: ELL, ELL culture of real historical superiority and a language, Katharevousa, with 5000 years of continuous ascertained superiority, WESA Hebrew Is Greek
> Guarantee: MUT
> Happiness: HHH
> Health: Torus Speech Creative Power
> Hebrew: Hebrew Is Greek (book of Joseph Yahuda)
> Holocaust: Holocaust of Western Civilization (1945)
> Holocaust: Possible Global Holocaust
> Holocaust: "The" Holocaust is real, but not the only one, not even the worst one.
> Homeless: TemporArium
> Honor or shame: COGIPAS, NAGCOR, TruthPatronar, PATOCSER, SASED
> Immigration: PISA, ProRacialism, Kalergi Plan, PASME, PHILOTIMO
> Income, minimum: STINTEMI, MIG, UBI, USI
> Income Tax: Must Be Eliminated, GUDFOMAPAST, NEPDOIT, NOMIT
> Infinite: Infinite Small & Infinite Big
> Information as always Truth Information for public governance: OTIG, OtatfogArium, SISGA
> Information separated from Politics and Money: ASOMIAP
> International Organizations: EU, UN, UNESCO, TC, NAFTA, WTO
> ISLAM: s. MUSLIMS, ZioZuitZlim, LuZioZuitZlim, JudIslam, JudiChrIslam, ZAJAC, ZISLAM, JICSBER, SweatHarder
> Israel: Greater-Israel, IsraEL, IsraHELL, USISEU, Dancing Israelis.
> Janitor: JanitoReception, JanitArium
> Jesuits: JewZuit, JangloZaxon, ZioZuitZlim, LuZioZuitZlim, ZAJAC, PNADELLGOF.
> Jesus as not/not a Jew, but as an ELL figure from Nazareth
> Jews: Sabbatian-Frankist, Jewish Plot, SIFJEC, Sassoon, SweatHarder, JewZuit
> Jews against EL: IsraEL, Pax Judaica
> Journalist: VINFONALIST
> Judaism: Zionism, JudIslam, JudiChrIslam, ZAJAC, JICSBER
> Judicial system: ProtectArium, JudicArium, EFWAPAJ and Pentas Politica
> Judo: EthoPlay, EthoJudo, LUA
> Justice: PAJ, POJ, EFWAPAJ, PAPIC, JudicArium
> Khazars: Fake-Jew Plot.
> Kingdoms: Kingdoms of Life Symbols
> Knothi Seauton: Know Thyself
> Language: IAL EthoGloso & Katharevousa, Katharevousa, EthoGloso, EthoSpeak, EthoSperanto, Katharevousa, with 5000 years of continuous ascertained superiority, WESA,
> Leader: DIEL
> Legislation: ABEC
> Lifestyle: ELLEC
> Loans: EFALWI (Extended Family Advanced Loan Without Interest)
> Lobbying: LAPDAC
> Love: Three-Leave-Symbol, PNADELLGOF
> Lucifer (+see Satan): LuZioZuitZlim, LUZJIP, SPAZ, SWAT, SWEATHARD
> Lying: Clagot
> Pension: PAPA,
> Police: PolArium
> Man: Male-man Genocidal Engineering
> Management: BIOT
> Marriage: SELHEC, SELMAP, SELFIP, Parriage, Pivorce, DEDLA, WLEW, SNUMHAC
> Marxism: Cultural Marxism and the Gramsci The Passive Revolution
> Master Plan: MOWOP
> Matrix of Boomerangs of Political Correctness
> Meat production environments: CAFO
> Meditation: MASTOM, Infinite Small & Infinite Big
> Merit: AblestOcracy, MeritOcracy, FtatAristarchy
> Middle-Class: Enslavement not as low class but enslavement through middle-class
> Migrants: PASME
> Military: MilitArium, PAS
> Mission Statement: PythagorArium
> Money as UDFOM, or as debt-free currency: Trustmoney, GUDFOMAPAST, OPTOOMOON
> Money separated from Information and Politics: ASOMIAP
> Mother: SNUMHAC
> Movement (political): ELLADUM
> Multiculturalism: ProRacialism, PISA, Kalergi Plan
> Muslims: SweatHarder, Used as Useful Idiots
> Muslims: Beware Using Muslims As Useful Idiots
> Nations: COPAN
> Natural Alternative Sciences taught with best respect of Earth-Life: NELAS
> Nazarean (Jesus): PNADELLGOF
> Neighborhood: EFANSNOW, EFWAPAJ
> NWO: UDC, WEGODZA, SweatHarder
> Olympic Patriotic Approach to all policies: POSATAP, SOS, Philotimo
> Opinion freedom: FOLIPET
> Organizations: NEIO
> Parliament: TetractArium
> Patriotic Approach to all policies: POSATAP, LOPEN, LOPTON, TRISBELAP
> Patron: TruthPatron, Patronizing
> PAX: Pax Judaica
> People: Good People
> People's sovereignty area: SPELArium
> Philosophy: The Return of Philosophy, PhilosophELL. 6P Approach to philosophy, TPL
> Political Affiliation: TEFELBAP, NoSPADEM, PACOWUBEP, PEP (+see Party)
> Political Correctness Matrix of Boomerangs
> Political Tetractys behind the TetractArium: Political Tetractys
> Politician: DIEL
> Power: JewZuit Power, ZioZuit Power, ZioZuitZlim Power, LUZJIP Power, SatanOligarchy
> Plan: Master Plan, MOWOP, SIFJEC, SweatHarder
> Plot: SweatHarder
> Plumbing: DEFLAP
> Private Alternative Justice: PAJ, EFWAPAJ
> Products: MUT
> Propaganda: DUPE
> Property Control and Punishment: PPP, PPPP, PPPPP, ROREP
> Property Tax: GUDFOMAPAST
> Prostitution: SELCAL, SELPAS
> Protesting: LAPDAC, Good People
> Public Employee: NoPOCU.
> Pythagoras: PythagorArium, PythArium, PNADELLGOF
> Racism: ProRacialism, ProGendoRacialist, MeltRacist
> Question: QuestionArium
> Radio Frequency: NoHICHIP, RFID
> Real Estate: ROREP
> Records: RATAC
> Referendum: Quiferendum, BEPVAR, BECVAR, ABEC
> Reforms: Twelve Reforms of a TruthOcracy, TRISBELAP
> Refugees: PASME
> Religions: ZioZuitZlim, Panthriskia, JudiChrIslam, JudIslam, ZAJAC, ChrIslam, ZISLAM, Jospelianism, HHH
> Religious character of an EthoCracy as a-religious: SASED
> Residence: FamilArium, EcdomArium, BacArium
> Revolution: The Gramsci Passive Revolution
> Sabbatian-Frankists: Fake-Jew Plot
> Sales Tax replacing Income tax: GUDFOMAPAST, NOMIT, STIS, STIC, STIB.
> Satan (+see: Lucifer): SWAT (Satan World Autocracy Team), SET (Satanic Enslavement Transgression), SED (Satanic Enslavement Disorder), SatanOligarchy, UDC (United Demonic Class), SPAZ, LUZJIP, SEGWO, JICSBER, SweatHarder
> Saudi Arabia: ZAJAC
> Scam: GLES
> Science: SciencELL, NELAS, TRISBELAP
> Secret: SISGA
> Separation of Money, Information and Politics: ASOMIAP
> Septennials as Pythagorean Life Periods: Septennials
> Sex: SEL, SELCAL, Parriage, Pivorce, NASI, NASBisexual, WLEW, DEDLA, Kallosexuality, MASWAVOPA
> Sexuality: Three-Leaf-Symbol; Three-Leaf Love Symbol, Kallosexuality, Desmosexuality
> Shame or honor: COGIPAS, PATOCSE, NAGCOR, TruthPatronar, SASED
> Slavery is liberty (EU/UN): Dominatus Est Libertas
> Small: Infinite Small & Infinite Big
> Smoking: SARWOSA
> Social Welfare replaced by Extended Family Welfare: EFWAPAJ
> Soldiers: PYTH, PytHoplite, PythArmy
> Soul: Tetractys
> Speech freedom: FOLIPET
> Statues: Statues as Platonic Protypes of Beauty and Wellness
> Subsidiarity of an EthoCracy: SASED
> Taxation system of an EthoCracy: GUDFOMAPAST, NITS, OBECOF, MonetArium, NITASTINTEMI
> Teaching alternative sciences with best respect of Earth Live: EFAS
> Tetractys: The 4 levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys
> Tetractys of Ariums of State Powers in an EthoCracy: TetractArium
> Thought: STRA, STRA, PythArmy Formation, Torus Speech Creative Power
> Time: MUT
> TORUS: TFS, TKT, Torus Speech Creative Power
> Transparency: FtatAristarchy, FTATOC
> Truth Information Governance: TruthOcracy, TEFELBAP, OTIG, OtatfogArium, TOR, Truth, TinformArium, Tinformation, Clagot, SISGA, POTGA, TRISBELAP
> TruthOcracy: pdf draft, Transition Steps
> Tubing for EthoCratic plumbing: DEFLAP
> United States: USA, USSR, USISEU, SUS
> Useful Idiot: UIFFA
> Violence: MEVIRCO
> Voice: PythArmy Formation, Torus Speech Creative Power
> Voting bio-anonymously as a duty in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy: BAV, BAVED, BAIC, BAVID
> Voting openly: VotArium
> Web: NWW
> Wisdom: PhilosophELL.
> Zionists: JewZuit, JangloZaxon, ZioZuitZlim, LuZioZuitZlim, ZAJAC, ZOWO, ZISLAM, LUZJIP, WEGODZA, SweatHarder, SIFJEC, Fake Jew Plot, SweatHarder
Special Text Links:
> Co-Creation Participative Role
> Co-Creation Participators Formation
> Communism: Fresh Start in the West according to Bezmenov
> CoPHLE meets Quantum Physics
> eBook
> Education Holistic in 7 Ways
> Elections Decide Nothing, Singular Logic Decides
> Enslavement through the middle-class
> EthoPrinciples x 10
> Freedom Of Speech limited by the malicious Jewish plot of Political Correctness
> Friendly EthoCracy Government Banner
> Herd Commands The Shepherd Dog
> Hypatia
> Individual Sovereignty Concept
> Mission Statement PythagorArium
> Nihilism
> Oneness
> Plato's Timaeus meets Bohm's Implicate Order
> Political Correctness as malicious Jewish plot
> Politics
> Prayer 4 ways (Jews, Muslims, Christians, Greeks)
> PytHour
> Religion
> Slavery Is Liberty - Dominatus Est Libertas - EU/UN
BOOKS (some key ones mentioned)
> Atzmon, Gilad: The Wandering Who?
> Connelly, John: From Enemy To Brother
> Gabler, Neal: An Empire Of Their Own - How the Jews Invented Hollywood
> Glennon, Michael: National Security And Double Government
> Griffin, Edward: The Creature of the Jekyll Island
> Harris, Shane: @War, The Rise Of The Military-Internet Complex
> Hedges, Chris: Empire Of Illusion
> Huxley, Aldous: Brave New World
> Warren, Elizabeth: A Fighting Chance
BIBLIOGRAPHY (of the overall PythagorArium Project)
> For the few books recommended to better understand our current decadent world, see this list of few critical books.
> As for the main books considered essential pre-reading for EthoPlasìn training or admission to the PythAcademia, go to this short suggested list.
> For the books mentioned on the e-Book on Aristarchy, see this specific list.
> For a comprehensive list of all the books quoted in the overall PythagorArium Project, you can go to this long list of more than 100 books.
Special Picture Links:
> Canova: Victory on the Minotaur
> Cardinal Virtues - or
> Charles Natoire: Man chased out of paradise
> Delphi: Charioteer with Enioxos
> Dioscures, Young Castor and Pollux
> Enioxos commanding a Delphi Chariot
> EthoPlasìn Academy Public Logo
> Freman: Salon de Philosophie
> Iceberg
> Phidias: Athena statue and shrine in the Parthenon
> Pythagorean Pollen - or
> Raphael: School of Athens - or
> Sacred Geometry: Aether Dodecahedron
> Sacred Geometry: Air Octahedron
> Sacred Geometry: Earth Hexahedron Cube
> Sacred Geometry: Fire Tetrahedron
> Sacred Geometry: Water Icosahedron
> Sacred Geometry: 5 Platonic Solids Metatron
> Thomas Couture: Roman Decadence
Special Subjects
> JewZuit World Domination or SIFJEC Global World Power
The New Normal of the Fresh Start of Communism in the West (1972)
JewZuit Power Alliance Reinforcing the Catholic Side with Pope Francis (2013)
Greek language with a continuous superiority of more than 5000 years
Aigyis (proto-Hellenic) and Atlantis (proto-Judaic) 12000 years of rivalry
Greeks used to pray more elegantly than Muslims, Jews and Christians, ELL_Pray 4 Ways, ELLpray
Invention of the holistic education of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul
> Communism: Collapse and Rebirth in the West
> Islam and Muslims
> Arium
> Arium
> CidArium
> DomArium
> NamArium
> NecArium
> PolArium
> TUPArium
> VotArium