“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena,
it will make more progress in one decade
than in all previous centuries of its existence”
– Nikola Tesla –
Science Of Being
A Science Of Being is a way to be: a particular way to be, first as a way to think and then as a way to live, and help others live better, based on an agreed set of concepts and values. The EthoPlasìn Science of Being includes many new and difficult concepts, like: CoPHLE, Archetypes, Co-creation, Oneness, Music Harmonics, Holographic Molding, Philosophical Virtues and Exercising and their Levels of Formation, Human Tetractys etc. These concepts will not be defined here in full as their integrity is part of the internal manuals of study and training material reserved to Academy members. You will nevertheless find here below a hint as to what these main leading concepts are.
Religion -
A preliminary note of clear
warning on Religion is
important before we get more specifically into the concepts of the
EthoPlasìn Science
of Being. The EthoPlasìn
Campus is, overall and formally, an a-religious environment. No religion! The Academy believes that society
in general should ideally be a
no-formal-religion entity in a no-formal-religion environment:
no religion
in terms of formal and dominating
religious institutions. Religious institutions should ideally only
exist for exegetic and background spiritual guidance purposes, but never as
organs of dominating power over their faithful. Religious institutions should
never be organs of power, but only organs of
consultation on a freewill basis. Religion, when it exists,
as it does most of the time in most human beings, should be essentially a
private affair based on the natural conscience of the human soul, who is
perfectly capable of assessing properly the nature and quality of its
relations with oneself, the society and the universe, let alone God in its
various appellations. In practice this ideal
is not realistic and consequently it will not be pursued by the Academy as a global
objective. History has also long made clear, in many famous cases of the last
4000 years, that opposing
a clerical cast could even be dangerous, as shown for example by the fate of the first
Pharaoh, Akhenaton (poisoned in ~BC 1350 for opposing the
Egyptian clergy), by the great Greek philosopher woman of Alexandria,
Hypatia, (lapidated by the Judeo-Christians of Egypt in 415
AD), by Giordano Bruno (burnt alive by
the Catholic Church in Rome in 1600 AD), and by the sagas of many more well
known individuals of more recent times, like Galileo and Salman
Rushdie. This
unrealistic global objective is however quite realistic and achievable in the
of a private
environment like the one of the Academy. Therefore it is
one of its
requirements for admission. Incredible abuse, with mortal violence, has been
committed for centuries for religious reasons, and it is still the case
today. This violence nearly always came, and still comes, not from the
religions themselves but from the religious
institutions, through some of their overly agitated institutional
leaders, rather than from the simple human beings born in a family, or
an environment, that made them 'automatically' members of these religions.
The Academy does not oppose any religion privately practiced normally
outside the ARIUM and, in the case of members, in complete
privacy. At the Academy however, for all practical purposes,
formal religion practice is simply non-existent,
and must be non-existent. The campus is formally an a-religious environment. Religious proselytism
in turn is completely prohibited to its
registered members, in or out of
the Academy. Needless to add that EthoPlasìn is not a religion
but a Philosophy developed as a Science of Being. EthoPlasìn is a
strictly private school and association, and the
first step to have any active participation in the related Arium life,
as a student or a as member, is to become formally a member of its
PythAssociation. The above requirements about religion practice and proselytism
are fundamental ones for
admission to the PythAssociation: they are well known in advance and
formulated as explicit
clauses of the written
contract agreement freely agreed to, and undersigned, by all candidate members
being admitted.
Those who do not agree are free to simply not/not to join. Breaking these contractual clauses
after joining would mean automatic exclusion and formal cancellation of
membership. As a last point, there is no need to add (as well stated in
our previous page on
Description In
More Details) that,
in spite of its deep concern for virtuous and meritocratic behavior of its
in both private and public matters, and in spite of its strong desire for the
development of a democracy (or rather a meritocracy) based on the philosophy of Pythagoras and Plato,
EthoPlasìn has nothing to do with any kind of moralistic or puritan movement.
Rather the opposite, as
EthoPlasìn fundamentally means joy, harmony, justice and pleasure lived and
shared legitimately with decorum and a sense of proportion and oneness.
negative exploitation
of Pythagoras and Plato in moralistic, and/or anti-democratic terms, has been
used extensively, and wrongly, by many political or ideological movements in the
To the contrary, EthoPlasìn is only concerned with the
positive exploitation
of their ideas, values and discipline, as they really were in the minds of these
two great philosophers. In practice this is translated into the harmonious
formation of the
Human Tetractys,
for the acquisition of philosophical wisdom and self-control of one's emotional
center, along with the full enjoyment of all good pleasures of life within
reasonable limits.
Politics - A preliminary note of warning on politics is also important. Let's just repeat here one of the paragraphs of our page Description In More Details:
...if EthoPlasìn is not related to any current political party, it has the pursuit of more Meritocracy as a short-term objective and of full EthoCracy as a long term objective. These are really political objectives pursuing better Civitas management. EthoCracy does not exist yet in any country, nor is there any EthoCratic political party formed yet in any non-EthoCratic country. If however EthoPlasìn gets to be successful with its basic objective, from an educational point of view, it will also get to be successful soon after that from a political point of view in the pursuit of more Meritocracy and full EthoCracy. At that time of course EthoPlasìn will be closely linked to all EthoCratic political parties being formed in the world, as political parties of its own trademark name and philosophy, leading their political programs, reforms and orientation. This will be the only clear and direct political affiliation that EthoPlasìn will eventually ever have.
Correct Thinking vs. New Age Thinking - This webpage and its concepts have nothing to do with the New Age movement. From this point of view, it is rather related to what one could call an 'Old Age' movement in as much as it calls essentially on the philosophy of Ancient-Greece to help revive and improve contemporary education and civic environments. This webpage has mainly to do with the Science of Correct Thinking, which is the most important science to master in life, before attempting to master any other kind of science, in order to achieve best education and thus best self-realization.
achieve this communion between Philosophy and
Science and this new communion puts into evidence the perfect actuality of Ancient
Philosophy for all of us, even for the most materialistic scientists, to
better understand the world and improve our comprehension and role into it.
Elements to be considered -
CoPHLE - In its fundamental perspective of Oneness, regarding humanity and the universe, the EthoPlasìn Philosophy believes there is only one common source of fundamental and creative Energy and Goodness. Most people will just call it "God". In our context of ELL culture, if we needed to be more specific with a god name, we should probably call it "Apollo", but we generally use a more generic acronym: SDAVLOL (Supreme Deific Arranger Vivifying Loving Omnipotent Logos). In terms of "creative energy" specifically, the Academy calls it with another new acronym of Apollonian meaning, coined as: “Cosmic ordinance Pan-forming Holographic Loving Energy”, or CoPHLE. In their heart, everyone, including members, can freely call this fundamental Energy differently on the basis of their social, or even religious, background, be it NOOS, Tchi, Zeus, God, Brahman, even Christ, or Buddha etc. For the purposes of EthoPlasìn membership and activities, it is an Energy, or a form of "Anima Mundi" called CoPHLE, and only CoPHLE. CoPHLE by itself sits still and quiet, like ethereal and untamable ether, but, at the same time, as an 'all-potential' Force, when Consciousness, that is 'Thought', comes-in to animate it as a 'Pan-forming Force'. This animating consciousness, with some good educational training, can become Infinite Awareness, or make us rediscover the real Infinite Awareness that we fundamentally are. As such, it can be superior or inferior to the average human consciousness but the top level of human consciousness is certainly the most capable of animating this CoPHLE energy, and 'plasmate it', or 'plasmate through it', that is 'give it form', for the creation of 'Good' for all living beings, using it at various levels of vibration, like word, sound, sight and thinking. The achievement of a return to our real nature of Infinite Awareness is an eminent part of the training of the PythagorArium members through a system of STRA (Step-Thought Rising Awareness) that are the essential base of the training of the so-called PythArmy of those who are not fulltime students at the Academy.
is a "Mens insita omnibus"
as opposed to a "Mens ultra omnia".
It is a 'mental force' within everything as opposed to above,
and separate from, everything.
This "Force", or "Energy", expressed at our simplest
level as thought, of an essentially mental
(to avoid saying 'a spiritual nature', which
would probably be closer to its real nature), is the most fundamental "Fabric" of
"All That
Is", including us and the entire universe. Although we, and the
universe, appear 'solid', we are nothing else but individual expressions of a
'bundle' of that pure vibrating ethereal energy, held together by
the 'idea' of its corresponding loving archetype. This 'bundle' of ethereal energy,
corresponding to each archetypal 'solid thing', is fictitiously perceived by the mind as
'solid', but only because of the special mediation of the five senses that come
into play in order to render our reality 'solid' for the practical purposes
of our routine daily life.
We are all, and only are, atoms
floating in an immense, and apparently void, container of CoPHLE, and atoms are anything but
'solid', let alone any kind of 'matter' at their intrinsic level.
Quantum Physics clearly demonstrate that all that exist, in all dimensions
and aspects of reality, is ultimately a bundle of Quanta, Pure Energy,
Vibration, and 'Mind Energy' or at least certainly 'Energy Obedient to
Mind', just like a car is ultimately a bundle of energy, or atoms that stay
together, in form and function, in strict obedience to the 'idea' that put
them together. As we will
see in more details further down, Quanta or Atoms are rather a kind of 'spiritual
ethereal fluid' vibrating at inconceivable speeds and resembling pure
emptiness (thus very 'spiritual')
rather than any kind of sensorial solid matter. Each of us is a consciousness spark,
or bundle, of this same (thus
'Oneness') overall mental force and, with proper training, and proper
exercise of our freewill, we can use each our own bundle in various ways to
animate part of this 'Pan-forming' mental force for our own benefit and the
benefit of all other living beings. Through our Solar Plexus, our individual
mind becomes part of the universal mind and participates directly to its
unlimited CoPHLE 'Pan-forming' power. The highest part of our own mind power,
in the Pythagorean Tetractys (with its graphical
representation to the right) of the human soul, is not different
to it in nature, but only in degree, and that degree can vary a lot with proper
training. This is where the EthoPlasìn holistic formation comes into play. The
related formation of the Human Tetractys is briefly explained in our page on
Pythagorean Man Emulation. On that page, you find more information specifically
on the Tetractys
here), along with additional comments
about man being a Co-Creation Participator in our page on
Ethics, Aesthetics and Politics.
(around ~BC 510)
and Aristotle (around ~BC 330) also called it the "Fifth
Element". Paracelsus, around 1500, called it
the "Astral Light", as did a long suite of other
scientists in the millennia before him, translating the concept of "Akasha"
of many ancient religions and philosophies. The great genius and philosopher Giordano Bruno, who was
burnt alive by the church in 1600 for his ideas, and who anticipated many of
the discoveries in modern quantum physics made 400 years later, called it "Anfitrite".
Newton called it, around 1700, the "Invisible Living
Spirit of Matter" responsible for both gravity and body sensations. It was later called "The Ether Field" by early
modern science until 1887. The famous chemist and philosopher Karl
Reichenbach, around 1850, called it the "Odyle
Force". After 1887 it was often called simply "The
Field". James Clerk Maxwell, the formulator of
the classical electromagnetic theory could not name it but described it as
the "Necessary Subtle Invisible Substance of the
Space". Einstein himself called it by its ancient
Greek name, "Ether", and admitting he did not
know its nature, he affirmed: "Space without Ether is
just Unthinkable". Stephen Hawking was so puzzled by its
own discovery
(even if only through indirect detection), and the
positive absolute need
to affirm its deducted existence, that he could not call it in any better way than "The
Mind Of God". Apollo astronaut Edgar
Mitchell called it "The
Nature's Mind". Other scientists called it recently "The
Quantum Hologram". Max Planck, the founder of Quantum Physics, who
was both a physicist and a philosopher, was the first on to use the name "Matrix",
meaning to him the unifying field of force that resembles a "Conscious
and Intelligent Mind".
Famous physicist Michio Kaku called it the "Quantum
Hologram". Famous best-selling author
Gregg Braden recently
called it "The Divine Matrix", which is the
title of one of his most beautiful books. Others called it "The
Reality Matrix", or "The Living Matrix".
David Bohm, a great contemporary physicist and philosopher who died in 1992,
working in collaboration with neuroscientist Karl Pribam,
called it "The
Implicate Order", describing it as a unifying force of "Undivided
Wholeness in Flowing Movement". Physicist John Wheeler,
a collaborator of Einstein, described it as the force of consciousness that
makes us a "Co-creation Participating Force"
instead of simple observers of the universe. Nobel prize for Physics in 1984,
Rubbia, might have discovered the basis of its composition in what
he called the "Z-Particle",
following up on what his predecessor Enrico Fermi had
called "The Thinking Light". In the absence of a
common name, but in front of the definite existence of this Creative Energy,
finally affirmed in full agreement by both Ancient-Greece Philosophy and the
most advanced modern science, EthoPlasìn felt free to coin it its own way as:
This name best describes its nature and power from our point of view, and we
will use this name until a final agreement emerges on another best common name to call
When Plato's Timaeus meets Bohm's Implicate
Order. Considering the admissions of all the modern scientists mentioned
above, and the fact that all of them affirm the existence of
albeit with different names, from a purely logical, deductive, and
highly scientific mind
process, but none of them can still detect, measure and prove its existenceTheir writings nevertheless match
perfectly, in their essence, when talking about a receptacle of pure
undetectable energy, living in an apparent void, behind all physical
things, onto which, as unto a yet undetermined 'malleable plastic' stuff, our
minds can impose formal patterns to 'create' aspects of what we perceive
as, and what can become, our reality. This is what we call
CoPHLE. This
is the energy available to us to become
participative co-creators at our own level, in our own area of the
cosmic world. Becoming conscious
participative co-creators is the purpose of human life. Only
human beings have been granted this power to the highest degree, but as
a double-edge sword, with the intervention of the freewill. This is where
EthoPlasìn comes into play, with its holistic formation, to ensure as
many human beings as possible will become only loving creative
participative co-creators, using this energy positively, instead of
destructively, and only for the good of all living beings. This human power, if used
properly, on the basis of a harmonious development of the
Tetractys, is the only source of real happiness for human beings on
this planet, and
of a real sense being given to human life.
CoPHLE and Creative Thinking
- Our mind is the static energy corresponding to
passive, but all-potential CoPHLE energy. Our thinking is the
energetic energy animating the all-potential
attribute of the CoPHLE energy. Our mind is linked directly to the great
CoPHLE realm through our subconscious and our Solar Plexus. Our thinking
comes in to play as the creative force of will that animates that
Pan-forming attribute of CoPHLE: being what Physicist John Wheeler,
a collaborator of Einstein, described as the force of consciousness that
makes us a "Co-creation Participating Force".
Love gives vitality to this co-creation animation.
Thinking by itself is an extremely dangerous power. Combine to Love, thinking
becomes necessarily creative and constructive thinking. Constructive
Thinking and Love put together make an invincible field of Pan-forming
force, or a combination of power, capable of giving form to all that is
useful for the happiness and wellbeing of all living beings.
The Pan-forming power of this combination is infinite and unlimited.
It makes us practically omniscient and omnipotent for all our purposes at our own level. This is, in part, an explanation of the
overly simplistic Law of Attraction, that
we have heard so much about in the last decade, but it is much more than that.
It is a Law of Co-Creation through the proper
animation of CoPHLE with the power of Creative Thinking and Love. The 'Law of Attraction' is fundamentally a
Law of Love. This superb and omnipotent Law of
Love is the one behind all manifestations in the universe, from the
sub-cosmos of the atoms, holding together the electrons, to the
macro-cosmos of the universe holding together the stars and galaxies, via the
medio-cosmos of our planet holding
together each living being on our beautiful Earth. Gravitation,
the nature of which scientists still cannot explain at the beginning of the
third millennia, is simply the pure 'Cosmic
Love' of CoPHLE, and is itself nothing but the best scientific manifestation of this
Law of Love holding the universe and all its parts together in a state of
beautiful Oneness. Love, as it does well between
human lovers, 'attracts' and holds together all the elements that are formulated
by our creative thinking for our realization and happiness. It will even
attract together all the elements necessary for the manifestation of things
yet only imagined in our mind. This is why real
creative thinking can only be effective for oneself if based on Love and
thus formulated also for the benefit of all living beings. Thinking
cannot be constructive without Love and selfish thinking can only be
destructive on the long run.
through their
corresponding 'act of love', or 'act of procreation', or act of
'co-creation' at their specific levels of vibration. Realizing the
existence of these Archetypes, and using our creative thinking, makes us participants to their role
and become co-creators. This is
where the Holographic Molding component of the
EthoPlasìn discipline comes
into play. This is why this Energy has been coined
CoPHLE with the various
elements of its name, including its 'Loving' attribute. This is
why a "thing" is a happy carousel of atoms lovingly held together by an
archetype, that is by the "idea" that created it, or gave it its
Figurative representation of the Creative Force of Archetypes at the source of our own Co-
World Illusion
formation and meditation is thus part of the EthoPlasìn Philosophy as a
of Being” that helps understand the world and our role into it. It
affirms there is No Time as we think we know it; No Space as
we think we know it; No Matter as we think we know it;
No Emptiness as we think
we know it.
No Separation as we think we know it;
Locality as we think we know it.
No Death as we think we know it;
No Birth as we think we know it;
Consequently No Body as we think we know it. There is only
Cosmic Holographic Energy to which we, and all beings, and things, all
belong to, at different “Pan-forming” degrees, through the infinite manifestations
of an Eternal Now, and in a state of overall Oneness in which nothing is
created, nothing is destroyed but everything is preserved albeit in a state
of constant transformation. We perceive the world in a very limited way. For example, we do
not perceive the infrared waves (while reptiles do), we do not perceive the
ultraviolet waves (while honey bees do) and we do not perceive the infra and
ultra sounds (while bats do). All these waves that we cannot perceive, and many others from both the
physical and spiritual realms, nevertheless exist, just like
the fundamental ethereal CoPHLE exists even if we cannot perceive it
directly through our common 5 senses. Modern Physics has taken 2500 years
to 'prove' what Ancient Greek philosophers used to say, that the apparent
emptiness of 'space' is in fact full of 'Ether',
the "Air Breathed By The Gods" mentioned by Hesiod, a 'spiritual ethereal
fluid', that modern science eventually called 'black matter' and
which, in fact, is denser in substance and power than the 'white matter' we
think we know through our five normal limited senses (and we think that
'Black Matter' is an ugly and negative name for what should rather be called
'Hidden Energy', or simply 'CoPHLE'). This is in fact the realm of
that waits, lovingly, for us to use our thinking consciousness to animate all its archetypes in order
to manifest the best of ourselves for the best benefits of all living beings.
This however implies the use of our freewill and without the guidance of an
appropriate philosophical discipline, we too often become like the 'onion-man'
pursuing the various strata of the 'Peer Gynt' illusions without being even
aware of our central core of unifying nature with the cosmic
Oneness. This is where
the EthoPlasìn Science Of Being and Discipline come into play to try to help. The
Pythagorean discipline of regularly meditating on these most fundamental
concepts of our existence is called
Power of Co-Creation Corroborated by Quantum Physics
Like Ancient-Greece Philosophy affirmed (like in the
Timaeus of Plato), confirmed by modern science (like by the Implicate Order
of Bohm, mentioned above),
all things, including us as bodies, are not only made of minuscule atoms but
these minuscule atoms themselves are enormous constructions running in an
infinitely more minuscule substance that we called
CoPHLE. If you set an atom to
the size of St. Peter’s dome in Rome, a neutron of its nucleus in the center would be
smaller than a grain of salt. The in-between space is “empty ether”. If you
now go within the nucleus itself, within its little 'grains of salt', the space between
own sub-particles is also
“empty” by the same kind of proportion, which is way over 99,99%. And this is believed to be only the beginning of a long chain of
“emptiness” at an infinite number of levels. In other words, in
appearance, practically
only infinite levels of “ethereal emptiness” do exist, one within the other,
like Russian dolls. To make
things worse,
modern Quantum Physics tells us that an atom does not even exist at all as
an atom until a form of Consciousness, typically the human consciousness, is used to
attempt to measure it or simply to observe it. Until then, it is
practically “pure nothingness”
and "pure potential" in
the middle of "pure ethereal emptiness"
and, after then, it returns to be “pure nothingness”
in the middle of "pure
ethereal emptiness". And this is what we are
all made of: practically only "emptiness", except for our level of
that one powerfully and creative 'ethereal little thing' that fills the vacuum, and that we call consciousness. In other words, matter as
we normally
conceive it, just does not exist and its apparent 'infinite emptiness' is in
fact full of a hidden energy waiting lovingly to be used for
power purposes. The most important thing to realize
however is that it is us, as our consciousness, who “materialize” the
reality as we see it and thus 'create' it as we think it exists in our daily
life. In other words, “created matter”, or "created reality" is subjective, not objective, and it
is our consciousness that is the power that can turn it into “reality”, or
what we 'see' as reality. The same
kind of reflection made over "Matter"
mutatis mutandis can apply to “Ti
me” and
to the power of
“Now” as the only time element that “is”. The same kind of reflection can
also apply to “Space” where relativity of movement and non-locality of
distance confirm that only a “Oneness” does exist, engulfing all of us at the
level of the overall universe, with Space having no reality or role of its
except to allow consciousness, according to the
BeLovArium Logo, to "Visualize
with Belief and Love to Fast Fill the Arium", the ethereal
emptiness, with its holographic
creations. Finally, the same kind of reflection can apply to the apparent "Separation"
between oneself, the others, the humanity, all living beings and the rest of
all things in the universe, where in fact no separation does exist and where
we, and all things and living beings are only different expressions of the
same fundamental Oneness. The cascading consequences of this
understanding are enormous. It means that with
proper control of our
consciousness we can control our reality, let alone
'create' it as we wish
it to be. This is where
imagination and its creative power comes in as the most important attribute
given to human beings, and granted to us at 'maximum level' compared to all other
living beings: thus the importance to "educate" it correctly, and
control it positively, through appropriate discipline, in particular in
light of our freewill. All the above allows
an important extrapolation: this
understanding means much more
than "The Secret"
or the “Law of Attraction”
that we have heard so much
about in the last few years; As mentioned previously, it is fundamentally a
Law Of Love and a Law of
Co-Creation. It also means a kind of "Law of Expression"
or rather even a divine-like "Power of Co-Creation" that we
own at our prominent level, and share, at various lower degrees, with all the
creatures of the
overall Universe; For the Academy, it is the law of “Cosmic
Ordinance Pan-forming
Holographic Loving Energy”, or
CoPHLE. In short, we were created
as divine entities and, as such, omniscient and omnipotent for our purposes
at our own levels, and our fundamental purpose is precisely to be effective
co-creators: we are not simple, separate and insignificant creatures but
rather participators in the creation process in a state of oneness.
Physicist John Wheeler, a great scientist and collaborator of Einstein,
explained he could not describe the unifying building blocks of the universe
[what we call CoPHLE] in a better way than in terms of "Consciousness",
and he added that consequently, man being the most eminent source of
consciousness of our known created world, we are
"Participants" as
co-creators of the universe. To be
good and effective creation participators however, in a positive way, we need a special kind of
education and discipline for the harmonious development of our
Tetractys and
the acquisition of the necessary Philosophical Wisdom of its 4th level. This is precisely what the
EthoPlasìn intends to contribute to provide. And the Platonic foundation of
these concepts is exposed in our page on
Platonic Ethics, Aesthetics and
Politics. Our Mission of Co-creation
is expressed in particular in the
Paradox of that same page.
- Enjoy a fantastic round trip in the universe of space and atom: WorldFantasticTrip.pps
- Enjoy the fascinating proportions of the Earth and ourselves in the universe: WorldProportions.pps
- Enjoy the fascinating proportions
ourselves in our galactic space through the following picture to the
It represents only our Galaxy, one of millions, the
Milky Way,
in which even our 'huge' Sun (indicated by a yellow arrow) is
not clearly perceptible, let alone the Earth itself or ourselves... That 'huge' Sun
of ours, that
could contain comfortably more than one million planet Earth in its own
sphere, is only a very tiny small
one... Our galaxy has
existed for more than 13 billion years already. It will exist for
many more million years, and we would need, at this moment,
more than 100.000 years to cross it from one side to the other while
travelling at the
speed of light... And there are millions of other galaxies in our
universe and maybe also millions of other parallel universes... Who are we,
and why are we here now, 'Hic
et Nunc', and what is the importance and significance of our little and immense 'moment',
which came about to flash into existence after 13 billions years, 'Now', in order to allow us
to ask these questions?
This theme and practice of the 'Soul Flying the Cosmic World in a
State of Oneness', in order to better assess human issues, was a
recurrent subject of interest and exercise in the Pythagorean and Platonic Traditions of
the philosophy of Ancient-Greece, as explicitly mentioned in excerpts of Plato's
writings from
"Republic", "Phaedo" and "Theaetetus". It
is now part of the special Pythagorean meditation discipline called
Oneness - If understood correctly, and used
appropriately, CoPHLE can help human
beings create better life for all living beings in a state of overall
Earth Oneness.
The reflection of the previous paragraphs, and their
understanding, sits in fact at the source of, and
behind, the meaning, of all the concepts and tools of the
EthoPlasìn discipline and philosophy as expressed briefly in this
page on 'Science Of Being'. The organic brain has no
intelligence or consciousness of its own. Its consciousness and related
intelligence come from the part of the "CoPHLE Field" we integrated into our
aura, from the 'human archetype' we use, and manifest in our own
way, from the cosmic world, or
the CoPHLE Matrix, to which we
all participate at a greater or smaller degree. We participate to it in a
state of Oneness with the rest of all human beings but each with a freewill.
This freewill has to be educated to ensure it makes the best choices
for the best of the 'whole', or the 'One',
the 'Source' to which it participates. This participation is
nevertheless the magnificent gift of a chance to be original in our
individual contributions. Such a gift, from whatever 'Source' it may come from,
should be a reason for immense gratefulness. Through proper
Education, as
opposed to 'only-instruction', the contribution of each of us, different in
degree and different in quality, becomes vital for the benefit of all of us
in a state of Oneness at Planet Earth level. Thus the kind of holistic Education
provided by the Academy. Thus the meaning of
Rule Six of the EthoPlasìn
discipline: "Lead
all your thoughts by a sense of Self and Planet Oneness Responsibility and
Cosmic Life Participation Gratefulness
Painting of Fyodor Bronnikov, (1827—1902), up to the right: Pythagoreans celebrating the sunrise and their sense of Oneness with the whole of the cosmic world.
The Oneness Boomerang Law
- In a Oneness world,
each of our thoughts , and consequently each of our words and actions, is like a
boomerang. A word is first a thought. An action is first a thought. A thought writes itself, or
forms itself, or gives birth to itself in the form of
CoPHLE energy,
registering itself initially into its creating-surrounding environment, and then
expands or travels like a
boomerang of light that will first go and permeate the whole cosmic world with
its 'substance', positive or negative, but then return
inevitably to its place of origin, and in any case to its
originator, or creator, in due time, with the corresponding
god or bad consequences. With what we think, say or do, we gradually build the tissue of boomerangs
of our own lives, like the tissue of boomerangs
shown above to the right. With each action and thought
we launch a boomerang of CoPHLE energy that sooner or later returns to
impact us with the same force we imparted its launching, positive or
negative. This network of
boomerangs enforces the law that all we do to
others we do to ourselves, and all we do to ourselves we do to others.
This includes eminently the 'Good' we think, and say, and do, in using our freewill and power of
thought and Co-Creation. It is consequently important to master and control this
power through a real holistic Education, one that includes an appropriate philosophy and discipline.
The Cosmic Echo of All Thoughts - There is an old proverb, based on a saying of Pythagoras, that says: "There is no word or action but one that has its echo in eternity". On the basis of the pure Pythagorean philosophy, it would be more accurate to say: "There is no thought but has its echo in eternity". This is the origin of what we call "The Oneness Boomerang Law". For the Pythagoreans however, this boomerang was not only expressing itself during our current earthly life, but between the lives of our various successive incarnations until an eventual final liberation of the soul having attained the best possible development of its Tetractys.
Being Better Participative Co-Creators - This is a field where EthoPlasìn intends to make an important contribution through the Science Of Being of its Academy. Thought is a live Idea being put into cosmic movement. Once created and released, it can never be de-created, nor stopped. If it is bad, it can only be compensated through the creation of new thoughts of corresponding good actions and words counter-balancing its weight. Its basic akashic record becomes eternal and reveals the extreme importance of our unique participative co-creation role as human beings and our full responsibility in developing the best possible Tetractys through a holistic education like the one provided at the EthoPlasìn Academy.
PhiloEcoSophical Oneness
- We
must state clearly that, in spite of its important
rule and concept of 'Self and Planet Oneness', EthoPlasìn is not an ecological movement.
The Oneness we are talking about is much more than the usual 'green planet
oneness' of the ecological movements. In as much as it is related to
ecology, EthoPlasìn considers itself rather a "blue" movement, as opposed to
a "green" movement, as it involves not only the natural physical
environment, but also the human environment, including eminently its full human
soul dimension at its 4 levels of
Self and Planet Oneness Responsibility is a
priority for EthoPlasìn, but not at all an exclusivity. In turn, for
EthoPlasìn, Self and Planet Oneness is only a part of a more comprehensive
that spans from the 'atomic' to the 'cosmic' levels, via its philosophic
level of expression within the human being
at the 4th level of its
However EthoPlasìn spreading of this sense of Self and Planet Oneness Responsibility
(as an early priority in
Rule Six of its discipline, with full comprehension
and use at maximum level as per
Rule 10),
has connotations of a highly ecological nature in their best sense.
From this point of view, EthoPlasìn is what we can call "Philoecosophical" (which means 'friend
of ecology',
just like
'philo-sophy' means 'friend of wisdom'). To live in a state of
Self and Planet
Oneness Harmony, and with a sense of Self and Planet Oneness Responsibility, all
actions and aspects of living on Earth have to be well balanced and
contribute to the wellbeing of all living beings, let alone the overall
planet itself. Members are thus being educated to observe, love and respect
nature and the Planet as a whole. Oddly enough, this is not at all a recent phenomenon,
nor a trademark
of modern ecological movements. Ancient Greek Philosophy had it as an important
part of the education of its students. This "philoecosophical" education has
nothing to do with the catastrophic scenarios formulated by many ecological
movements, often based on incomplete or contradictory information, and most
of the time used mainly, or mostly, for political purposes (and their
attached financing subventions) or for the public exposure
and 'fame' of those formulating them. It has rather to do with an educated
state of mind that includes elements of love, respect and
responsibility toward nature. Nevertheless this philoecosophical state of mind and education
do contribute highly to the prevention of the worst scenarios
formulated by the most active ecological movements. From this point of view,
all members of the EthoPlasìn can also be considered important allies to the
most serious ecological movement leaders. As a last point, in our page
on EthoCracy, which is the long term
objective of the EthoPlasìn Academy, the implementers of EthoCracy have to
base all their new legislation on a special annex of the constitution that
is called
Fundamental PhiloEcoSophical Law, or
“All things by immortal power,
Near and Far
To each other linked are,
That thou canst not stir a flower
Without troubling of a star.”
On the basis of the above poem, Oneness means you cannot move a flower without troubling a star, let alone trillions of atoms hiddenly connected to it. Francis Thompson (1859-1907)
This is the kind of consciousness humanity must move to and where EthoPlasìn intends to make a contribution. The modern scientific world has separated and divided where it should have united. To correct the situation, it needs to return to the philosophy of Ancient-Greece where the 'Microcosmos' (man) and the 'Macrocosmos' (cosmic universe) were infinitely interconnected. For example, the Astronomic Year of the full precession of the sun is 25920 terrestrial years, while 25920 is also the number of respirations of a human being in a full day. Dozens of similar correlations can be found between the 'Macrocosmos' and the 'Microcosmos' in relation to heart beats, time it takes to die, the percentage of matter and water in the body, the sun and the solar plexus of the body, the respiratory process of the lungs and the renewal of the atmosphere through Nature's respiratory process etc. With the help of modern Quantum Physics, which is every year moving closer to Ancient Philosophy in its fundamental discoveries and assumptions, the modern world needs to resurrect the spirit of Oneness of the various aspects of the universe as promoted by Anaximander, Pythagoras, Empedocles, Heraclitus and Plato, not to mention the Ancient Gnostics. This new Oneness spirit can only have positive cascading effects and consequences for all living beings, in particular for the civic environments of all human beings.
Creative Force -
Our divine-like Power of Co-Creation, as seen above, is the foundation of the maximum level
of the EthoPlasìn Philosophy as expressed by
rules 9 and 10 of the discipline.
Combining the various types of creative harmonics, word, sound and sight, to
the powers of Thinking, Imagination and Consciousness, gives trained members
the best creative tool and force in the form of Pan-forming
CoPHLE Energy to be used for
the benefit of all living beings. This is the meaning of the “…best
force” of Rule 9. More than 'Repositories', our brains are
Decoders, Receivers and Transmitters of CoPHLE Energy. They receive, possibly
transform and reemit. They have to be taught to screen out and only receive
the right energy, transform whatever they receive the right way, and reemit,
or transmit,
positively the transformed energy with maximum power. This is
the culminating point of personal improvement and empowerment in reaching the top level of
the EthoPlasìn Discipline, and becoming an EthoPlasìn Master, that is becoming
someone mastering the Philosophical Science of Being based on
CoPHLE and
Philosophy as
mentioned in Rule 10.
- CoPHLE has nothing to
do with “PanTheistic” religions or movements, thus the coining of the new
adjective: "PanPlasmic" or “Pan-forming”, which stresses the absence of connection with
religion institutions or sacred books, but still affirms a “Divine-like”
Cosmic Force, or a Universal Energy Field, behind all expressions of creation. This Energy is
“Pan”, i.e. all-pervasive,
or all-invasive, and the foundation of the “...sense
of Self and Planet Oneness Responsibility and Cosmic Life Participation Gratefulness” of
Rule six, and also the principle behind the
co-creation force” of
Rule nine.
Pan-forming attribute is where Mathematics and Quantum Physics come in as
essential elements of formation of consciousness in the EthoPlasìn
discipline and philosophy.
Holographic - This Energy is also “Holographic” in nature: the part is in the whole, but the whole is equally fully into each part, whatever small it is. This Energy is first and foremost “Plasming”, or "Forming", that is rooted in the fundamental sub-atomic Plasma at its peak and purest level of ethereal refinement and subtlety. This is where the Ancient Greek Philosophy concept of Ether, and the Modern Scientific Physics concepts of Plasma and Quantum finally meet after 2500 years of separate history. This ‘plasming’ power, or 'forming' power, is at the source of the creation of all things and beings, be they considered "real", only "perceived real” or "imagined". This Pan-forming, indeterminate, but all-potential, substance is then the ethereal energy that Consciousness can use to “plasmate”, or "form", that is to 'give form to', conceive, visualize and create anything, using mainly waves of sound, waves of sight and waves of thinking. This is where Music Harmonics, Kallos Beauty and Holographic Molding come into play at the higher levels of the Rules and Grades of the EthoPlasìn discipline. In a holographic world, separation and locality cease to exist as we think we know them and consciousness, that we usually associate wrongly in exclusivity with human beings, is present equally in all parts of the CoPHLE universe, from the constellations to the sub-atomic particles.
Loving - This Energy is “Loving” in that Love is the particular CoPHLE attribute that attracts and maintains together all created things and beings, and all their internal components. It is the same element, or force, that attracts people in love. This attribute acts like a kind of fundamental 'Glue' or Spiritual Gravity force of attraction and expression, that gives a Oneness sense to the whole universe. Paraphrasing the sayings of James Jeans, one of the greatest physicists, mathematicians and astronomers of the last century, and Physics Nobel Carlo Rubbia still working at the CERN of Geneva: 'the more we dig, the more the Universe is getting to resemble a Great Spirit in Love, with clear Mental Attributes, and not anymore just a great piece of mechanic like we so far considered it'.
We Create our Present from the Future, not from the Past - The above paragraphs, put together, trigger an important final realization: that the present does not come from the past, but from the future. The Future creates the Past from the possibilities and tendencies we place into it through our beliefs and creative thinking in the Present. This movement of time, from Future to Past, via the Present, is the reverse of what people usually assume, but it is the right one. Everyone can thus create in the Present what the Future will put into the Past. This is the only way to understand the Oneness Boomerang Law mentioned above, the CoPHLE Pan-forming power to which we participate, and our related Co-Creation powers. From this point of view, and as much as we do it with Love and a spirit of Oneness, we are all top expressions of this CoPHLE Pan-forming force, thus able to put in our future all we want, without fearing of being greedy, conceiving it freely in the most glorious way, in order to call it into our Present, and make it part of our past, for the benefit of all living creatures. Anything we project clearly into our consciousness with sufficient force, including positive e-motional force, impresses the Pan-forming CoPHLE energy accordingly and the "Love" attribute of CoPHLE attracts it inevitably into our Present. Our ability to think is our power to act upon this infinite Pan-forming force of CoPHLE. This is our Co-Creation Power. It is also another way, and the only good way, to look at the power of 'prayer'. To use it, we have to first become conscious of it and then use it only constructively. Our choice!
power of Co-Creation through
thinking can certainly be used for the good or for the bad and, because of
the Oneness principle underlying all life, it is then for the good or for
the bad of All, and consequently of Oneself. This rule and responsibility will find
their outmost
Kallos Beauty
- Beauty
in all its forms and places is also eminently part of the EthoPlasìn
Philosophy and Science Of Being. For more information on this concept, you can read
our separate sub-page on Kallos Beauty. The pursuit of Beauty is not only an objective
'per se'
but, even more so, a vital tool in pursuing and implementing the overall
life-style and philosophy promoted by the Academy. The sub-page on Kallos
Beauty also shows how 'Beauty' is not a simple subjective element,
dependent on passing fashions, but the result of the application of a set of
objective criteria founded in the essence of nature itself. Expressing real
Beauty is thus a matter of applying founding criteria that have to be
studied and mastered by all of us if we want to be able to improve the
Beauty of all aspects of our environments. This study is also a part of the
EthoPlasìn formation.
Music Harmonics - Harmonics is a specific field of Pythagorean formation, later on continued by the Platonic tradition, that we talk about in our page on Pythagorean Ways when dealing with the subject of "Harmonics of the Quadrivium". Sound, like speaking or singing, or music, is the most accessible and stimulating form of sensory energy humans enjoy, from even before they are born. It is thus a very special ally in assisting creating better enlightenment and living. It is the reason for having special facilities and a great interest in various aspects of “Musicology” at the ARIUM, including loud-voice meditation, participation in a multi-voice choir and the mastering of a musical instrument, let alone the use of harmonic music and Arias of Opera in its environment, both on the public and the private sides of the Academy. EthoPlay (Socratic Dialogues) is also part of this sound realm. It serves ARIUM students in particular but also all members in a cascading way. Your soul, like any soul, also has a definite and unique personal sound wave that resonates into the world like 'your' piece of music, or your own music composition. Through Socratic Dialogue (EthoPlay) and other techniques of discipline, soul resonance can be harmonized, and acquire more power and positive influence on all environments, civic environments in particular. Harmonic sound propagates, and activates automatically, in corresponding frequencies in other places of the environment, in a chain reaction of growing vibrations of the same length, or of multiples or subdivisions of the same vibrating harmony. Just like playing a central DO note on a grand piano will activate harmonically, and automatically, all other DO cords of that piano, even if they have not been hammered, and even propagate to cords of the same vibration length from other music instruments that may be present in the area. Music Harmonics is also an important tool for fast and better learning assistance, not to say also a special healing tool. They are proactively used in various aspects and places of students life, including dormitories, as explained briefly in our page on the "Private Arium Area of the Campus". Slow Baroque String Music in particular is extremely useful. The famous Goldberg Variations of Johann Sebastian Bach for example were specifically composed with this kind of preoccupations in mind, to help people link to the best creative energies of the cosmos and enjoy their maximum benefits from various points of view (in this case, Bach gave his music composition the name of the harpsichordist he chose, Johann Goldberg, to play the Variations during the bed time of his client, the Russian envoy Count Kayserling, who wanted to both resolve his insomnia problems and increase his mental lucidity and productivity).
Holographic Molding
– Sight energy works the same as Sound energy but is a purest vibrating
energy and less spontaneously manageable. It is however even more creatively powerful,
as a more elevated form of energy linked to
Kallos Beauty. Human beings have the ability to positively activate and
mold this
sight Energy through techniques related to mental visualization. Visualization, practiced
the right way, is equivalent to a form of 'creative manifestation through
prayer'. Thinking is a form of subtle but extremely powerful creative
energy, in particular if accompanied with loving and concentrated
visualization. Consequently, through the most
powerful and divine gift of Imagination given to us, and its harmonic
CoPHLE use, along with "Holographic Visualization Molding"
techniques, members can contribute to creating better living for themselves
and all beings.
Used this way, holographic molding sight energy has also a see-through
power to perceive the real essence of things and beings behind the apparent
'reality' of what is in fact only the 'illusion' of what they really are,
and consequently the power to also influence the transformation of this real
essence for the benefit of all beings. As per their
BeLovArium logo, members can
with Belief and
Love to fast fill the ARIUM”
with their ideals, or the
manifestation, or "materialization", of their intended
good wishes. And this Belief power will only work if
used concurrently with Love which is the essence of
Thus BeLovArium. This was the real meaning of
what great human educators like Buddha and Jesus said:
"Ask and you shall receive". 'Ask' does not
mean begging, but rather Holographic Molding, or sculpting our own life
and environment, with a powerful combination of
Belief and Love,
like the sculptor who brings out the beautiful statue he already sees as an
imprisoned image and entity in the rough block of marble. Through
Holographic Molding, and our related Co-Creation Power, we become the
skillful sculptors of our destiny,
each one of us responsibly in their own way: "Quisque faber fortunae suae".
See the
Site Map, Notes and Links page for interesting links on
this subject, related to the 'Global Coherence Initiative' and books from
authors like Gregg Braden.
Three Basic Areas of Formation - The Science of Being of the EthoPlasìn, based on the teachings of the Ancient Greek Philosophers, involves a complete Enhancement of All Heart and Mind Radiations through Pythagorean Formation. There are 3 'Topoi' or 'main areas of work' for the harmonious development and formation of the human soul, corresponding to the 3 major sectors of the Ancient Philosophy: Physics, Ethics and Logics. These are really only the three main areas of the first level of formation of the 'soul' of the human being, conditioning the perfect harmony of its integrated Physical, Emotional and Mental centers. The 3 areas refer to the fundamental relations that define the situation of human beings: Relations with Oneself, Relations with Others and Relations with the Universe. Seen from the point of view of the daily life, these areas refer to 3 different domains of involvement: the Realm of Desires (and Events), the Realm of Action (and impulses) and the Realm of Judgment (and assents). These are the 3 spheres of activity of the human soul. From the point of view of the various divisions of the Ancient Philosophy, these 3 areas or spheres have to do correspondingly with Physics, Ethics and Logics.
Wisdom, or the Fourth Element and Level of the Tetractys - To the above 3 areas of formation, there is a 4th one, called Wisdom, crowning the harmonious formation of the first three levels. The holistic formation of the philosophy of Ancient-Greece, as first implemented by the Pythagorean Hemicycle School ("Omakoion"), included the four areas composing a possible 'perfect' human being. These 4 parts composed what Pythagoras called the "Sacred Tetractys" (The "Holy Quaternion"). We have seen this more explicitly in our page on the Pythagorean Man Emulation. For consistency purposes in reading this difficult page, we repeat here to the right an excerpt of that page: a graphical representation of this Tetractys, with an appropriate comment.
The Sacred Tetractys ("Sacred Quaternion") to
the right. This is
only one of its representations, in a geometrical format. The 10 points
form a perfect triangle that includes the hexagon that is also the basic
shape of the EthoPlasìn logo (at the top of
the page) and some of its main buildings on the campus. The "Quaternion"
refers to the "Quarter parts", or the 4 parts of the human being, each
constituting a "Quarter" part of it. The first three components are the
Body (with its instincts
and related passions), the Soul
(with its rational intellect and related passions), and the
Spirit (with its judgment
and pure intelligence). The fourth component has its location in the
Spirit, but is only available after hard work of the freewill for
harmonizing and equilibrating the first three. It is called
Wisdom. Its attainment is
the main purpose of life and the only hope of real human happiness but,
unfortunately, because of ignorance, or lack of will and work to
harmonize the first three parts, it is too often out of reach.
Tetractys Wisdom in turn is meant to make us more efficient
Participators in the Co-creation process of our universe,
as expressed in our pages
Platonic Ethics, Aesthetics and Politics, and
Pythagorean Man Emulation. This is
where institutions of real holistic education, like the Pythagorean
Hemicycle School ("Omakoio") in the past, or the EthoPlasìn Academy
today, can come
in to try to help.
For a more comprehensive explanation on the above, see the section on the Tetractys of our page on the Pythagorean Emulation Man. See also a summary of the Four levels of the Sacred Pythagorean Tetractys.
First level only, or the Civic Level - Be it clear however that these 3 areas of educational formation form only the first level of formation to virtues and ethics, that is the civic level. In Ancient-Greece, there were 4 degrees or levels of virtues. EthoPlasìn, as a modern university, cannot be concerned too directly with the 3 additional superior levels that would involve the formation of a kind of 'saints' instead of 'good human beings, good citizens, and good inhabitants of Planet Earth', let alone good modern professionals. In our page called Description In More Details, we talk about the 4 cardinal virtues that were the subject of formation in ancient philosophical schools and thus in the EthoPlasìn formation inspired by them: Temperance, Prudence, Fortitude and Justice. These 4 virtues all re-appeared in each of the 4 levels of formation, but quite differently at each level, with different characteristics or degrees. EthoPlasìn is concerned only with the characteristics of these 4 virtues at their first level as it is not its intention to form contemplative or spiritual persons, but rather good real-life persons fit for our modern world.
The first
area is closely related to 'sound
energy and harmony' and consequently also Music. This explains the presence of the indispensible 'Music
Harmonics' component of the discipline and the requirement for members to
sing or study, and hopefully master, a music instrument. It is eminently the
Discipline of Desires linked to the Physics part of the
Ancient Philosophy and to the proper appreciation of Events and the
desires they cause. It also
deals with the understanding of death in the life cycle. In short,
with oneself.
The second area is closely related to 'sight
energy and harmony' and consequently also the Fine Arts. This explains the essential components of 'Holographic
Molding' and Kallos Beauty of the discipline. This level is closely
linked to the power of Eros, not in its modern sexual meaning but as a creative force of artistic beauty and a
procreative force of human Kallos beauty. It is eminently the Discipline
of Action linked to the Ethics part of the Ancient Philosophy and
the appropriateness of positive or negative Actions. It includes the
delicate sector of the so-called 'Tendencies' intended as orderly or
disorderly ways of dealing with other human beings. In short,
relations with
The third area is closely related to the
'pure soul energy' of the harmonious philosophical mind and the quality of
its use in resonance with the overall vibrations of the cosmic universe, and
consequently also to Mathematics.
This explains the presence of various aspects of Mathematics and Quantum
Physics in the overall formation of the consciousness of members. It is
eminently the Discipline of Assent linked to the Logics part
of Ancient Philosophy, to the quality of choices made in life and in
particular the objectivity of Judgments. In short,
relations with the
overall cosmic universe.
Harmonize Three to Get Four - The harmonization and
control of the functions of these three levels or areas (Three 'Topoi'),
and consequently the corresponding harmonization of the Pythagorean
Tetractys, along with the harmonious development of two of the most
important and exclusive powers of the human being, Memory
and Imagination, is basically what
constitute the so-called Philosophical Science
of Being or the Discipline of the Philosophy of
Ancient-Greece conducting to Philosophical Wisdom. In
turn, the integration of this discipline to other more modern aspects of the holistic
formation provided at the Academy becomes more specifically the
EthoPlasìn Science of
In other words, this Science of Being involves the regular practice
of a sophisticated series of "Ancient Philosophical Exercises", along with
other more modern elements of discipline, so as to help students achieve the
harmonious and full realization of their best talents and personality as
human beings and as citizens before, or while, they get their instruction as
best professionals.
EthoJudo is the new physical discipline corresponding to
the mental discipline called EthoDialogue (Socratic Dialogue). Both together
form the new discipline of EthoPlay.
They are based on the
same kind of philosophy and techniques. 'Loving' is expressed eminently in acts of caring.
Caring for beings of all Kingdoms, where every single day is a kind of Saint
Valentine's day. This is the meaning of having on the campus many
representatives of
Kingdoms to be loved and cared for on a daily basis.
However, the
'Loving' attribute of CoPHLE is not just 'sweet easy caring'.
Loving has also a more proactive and powerful side of 'loving' involvement.
It is a kind of intolerance to violence, or a positive reactive force with
appropriate skills to neutralize violence and combat ugliness. This reaction or
combat force however is always used, and only used, in terms of
the negative forces, using skillfully the very force of the 'bad
interlocutor' or aggressor against
its own self, and just enough for its neutralization, doing it if possible in a playful way,
hopefully with an ending smile and handshake; hopefully also having taught a
positive lesson to the interlocutor. In the face of aggression, ugliness or
sloppiness, it is reestablishing the missing harmony in an environment to
its best potential Kallos Beauty. This is the fundamental meaning of
EthoPlay and where this new discipline comes into 'play'... as not only a
new physical sport, but also as an important mental tool. In fact,
EthoPlay is not at all just a new sport discipline. There is also a highly
mental side to it, based on the Philosophy of Judo
originally included as an integral part of the
old original Discipline. This mental side has its best
EthoPlay expression in
what we call EthoDialogue (Socratic Dialogue). This best side of Judo has been completely
forgotten by all modern gyms. It is being resurrected in a modern way
through the combination of EthoJudo on the physical side and the
EthoDialogue (Socratic
Dialogue) on the mental side. As such, EthoPlay is eminently part of the overall
Philosophy and Science Of Being promoted by the Academy. ( See
the separate sub-page on EthoPlay for more information).
CoPHLE of all Kingdoms
CoPHLE is the one and only Energy that 'plasmates', or 'gives form
to', or generates, beings of
all Kingdoms. This is why all Kingdoms are highly represented at the
Academy. Each Kingdom is a degree or a level of belonging to
CoPHLE and a different way
of expressing CoPHLE. Within each Kingdom there are also levels of being.
For example, vegetarian animals are superior beings of the Animal Kingdom,
and in fact three of its representatives are symbols of the Academy: the Honey
Bee, the Swan and the Horse. The same applies to the Vegetal Kingdom which has
Lavender and Lantana as two of the main symbols of the Academy representing two
superior plants in terms of resistance to time and strength in fecundity and
spreading fertility ability. The same applies again to the Mineral Kingdom. Pure rock
crystal is a precious tool to accumulate CoPHLE Energy and the first symbol
of the Academy from the Mineral Kingdom. Such crystal is like pure light
materialized in rock. Another more precious stone, the
Sapphire, is also useful because of its special 'sky' aura. The
kingdom of minerals is also part of the CoPHLE Energy. From this
philosophical point of view, they are also “living beings”. Those who
practice CoPHLE meditation can use these stones positively for their own
benefits and the benefit of all living beings they meet. These stones can be
energized by those who wear them, just like the water they drink can be
CoPHLE energized before it is absorbed for the integration of its intended
qualities or powers. They all have an aura that can be charged positively to help
their owners reach superior levels of enlightenment and
Kallos Beauty and
spread these energies with corresponding positive cascading effects on the
persons they meet and on the environments they live in, let alone on the
persons receiving them as gifts and gestures of best wishes. These
symbols of all kingdoms are explained in more details in our page on
Ways and Symbols.