Micro-Criminality Issues

EthoPlasìn is an Educational Institution with a World Civic Wellness Vocation. As such it is closely related to Micro-Criminality issues. In conformity with its firm policy of full transparency, EthoPlasìn wants to let potential members know openly the related objectives it will fight for, and strongly lobby for in all circumstances, with all democratic means available.

  1. Micro-Criminality and Education - To respond properly to the rampaging bullying and micro-criminality we face at the moment in all our civic environments, certain elements of privacy should be legally waved regarding the children and the adults who commit the micro-crimes, legal reforms should be implemented and more appropriate forms of constructive social punishment should be put into place by MicroCriminalJusticethe state for rehabilitation purposes of minor children in particular. Micro-criminality has to do mostly with minor children and is certainly the reflection of a failure of modern education provided by both the family and the school. Since the '1968 Revolution', schools started to progressively offer only 'Instruction', and no 'Education' proper anymore, abandoning gradually all concepts of merit, in achieving good results, or pride, in providing good conduct. In most modern schools the vote on good conduct, that for hundreds of years used to count for the passing of any given school year, has been out right eliminated. Families have adapted to this decadent mentality and started adopting the same kind of overly permissive attitude regarding the general behavior of their children. The result is the rampaging bullying and micro-criminality we face now on the part of minor children in all our schools, in a great number of families and in most civic environments.

  2. Plain 'No-Punishment' Is Plainly 'No-Good' - In educating children, the absolute no-spanking and no-punishment mentality of the '1968 Revolution' has demonstrated clearly by now to have become a dangerous and destructive exaggeration by both schools and families. Punishment of children for bad behavior does not have to be violent but must exist, although always in a loving creative way. Even the occasional 'smart-and-spark' spanking of the bottom of a child by a loving parent is necessary at times, albeit maybe followed quickly by appropriate explanations and additional marks of affection. This tradition and educational technique has been used quite successfully for thousands of years and by hundreds of generations of parents who overall produced children much better behaved than now and not at all involved is so much bullying and micro-criminality as it is the case today. Children should learn early on that they belong to a family, to a group of acquaintances and to a society that all want to be proud of them and that if they do not behave properly there will be a price to pay, possibly some form of punishment, but certainly a high price in terms of personal pride in front of all the other persons in their immediate environment, be they friends, relatives or street neighbors, let alone possibly their eventual employers or partners in business or professional life.

  3. Extended Family Help - In our page on Family Issues, we strongly recommend the re-grouping of extended families and proposed many and strong financial incentives to achieve this objective. Isolated parents, without the presence of grand-parents or other extended family membersFamilyExtended around them, are very limited in their efforts to provide proper loving education to their children, especially when they both work. A grand-mother or a grand-father can sometimes do 'miracles' compared to what a father or a mother can do in growing and educating children. Typically, an adolescent son with a 'quasi-natural' conflict with his father can sometimes find a beautiful element of love, understanding and equilibrium, contributing to his more balanced education, in other members of the extended family if they are present or readily available to him. If re-grouping of families in the same home is not desired or desirable in some particular cases, in principle the re-grouping in the same or the next house or building would be an incredible asset for educational purposes in most cases. Plus, this three-generation regrouping would not only be useful for better educating children, but also for the overall wellbeing of all members of the three generations involved. It would also help tremendously the precious conservation of the best traditional values of the country involved. Acquiring these values and building that culture took dozens of generations but destroying it for ever could be done in a couple of generations, sending quickly down the drain centuries of hard meritorious work. Rebuilding it, after destroying it, or rebuilding a similarly valid one, would take again probably many centuries of efforts with no assurance it would succeed. 

  4. Micro-Criminal Code - All countries have a Criminal Code. Similarly they should also have a Micro-criminal Code (MCC). Many micro-criminal infractions are already codified in city Laws at municipal level but they vary immensely in their content and in particular in their scope and application. EthoPlasìn should lobby strongly and fight for these micro-criminal infractions to become part of a National Micro-Criminal Code. This would be the essential first step to a lot of other important reforms and creative civic initiatives. The MCC should include to start with all the minor infractions that are not usually pursuable in court but only punishable by an administrative fine. In most cities they already include such things as parking infractions, graffiti on buildings or monuments and garbage left out of appointed places or containers. They should also include uniformly across the nation all sorts of other things like bullying, verbal aggression, throwing a piece of paper or a chewing gum on the sidewalk, extinguishing a cigarette on a floor or pavement, not collecting dog excrements etc. The overall content of such MCC should be harmonized and standardized at national level in order to develop a national sense of belonging to the same type of civic environment and values. 

  5. Micro-Criminal Registry - Along with the Micro-Criminal Code however there should also be a Micro-Criminal Registry (MCR) accompanying it but maintained at city level. The name and DOB (date of birth) of the person committing the MCC infraction should be automatically registered in that registry whenever possible. The registrations would also include two codes: one indicating the nature of the infractions committed, and one indicating the nationality of the delinquent. This would apply to both adults and minors. The registry would have three levels. The first level would be confidential and only available for consultation by police or appointed city officials. If MCC offending persons commit an infraction, their names would get registered at that level, in a confidential way, and if there were no more such infraction registered in the next 12 months, the name of national citizens would disappear automatically from that first registry level after a year. If there were more than one infraction in 12 months, their names would get pushed to the second level of the registry, where most of their full particulars would still be confidential but their full names and city area of residence would appear and could be seen by all who wanted to consult that second level of the registry, either by name or by city area. Again, if there were no more micro-infraction in the following 12 months, the names of citizens would disappear automatically from these 2 levels of the registry. At the third infraction however within one year, their names and full particulars, including their street of residence (without the civic number) would be published in the third level of the registry and could be seen by all citizens through Internet, by name, by area or by street. The names of citizens at this third level would disappear automatically if there were no more infractions within the following 12 months. These three levels would apply to all citizens and non-citizens of any age residing in the city. In the case of non nationals, it would stay in the registry until they acquire citizenship or leave. In the case of adults who are not yet citizens, each registration at the third level would also automatically delay the acquisition of their citizenship by one year, for themselves and all their immediate family dependents who are below age 18 and not yet financially independent through their own work. After 5 registrations at the third level, the citizenship would be denied and the non nationals deported to their country of nationality as a family unit with all children below 18 and eventual senior dependents who may live with them.  

  6. Civic Pride in Education - As we have seen above in the section talking about punishment, pride is a vital element in children's behavior. Children should be taught formally in school, and learn early on, to be proud of their good civic behavior, with or without any concrete retribution for their good conduct. They should certainly also be made formally aware in school of the existence of both the Micro-Criminal Code and the Micro-Criminal Registry mentioned above and the 'shame' they could bring to their families, their friends and their area or street co-citizens if they committed micro-criminal infractions. This requires special considerations on the formation of school teachers. 

  7. Formation of Teachers - Teachers however, as competent as they may be in their teaching subject matters, are not automatically equipped to play an educator's role and to inculcate pride and good civic values in students. We have a more comprehensive web page on these Teaching Issues. As seen above, theTeacher strong presence of retired grand-parents in their life can sometimes be an important factor of high value from this point of view as these can often play that role of educators in the most spontaneous and natural way. For school teachers it should not be an uncertain factor provided or not provided to them by nature, like it is for parents or grand-parents, but a required one. All school teachers should definitely be trained not only as 'instructors' in their own teaching subjects, but obligatorily also in aspects of their vital role as 'educators'. They do not only have to 'Know', but also to 'Know to Teach' and to 'Know to Educate'. These 3 aspects combined should become the subject of new university faculties as soon as possible. At the moment, in most 'modern' pre-university schools, they only 'Know', and only if we are lucky... Teachers should also face formal formation and exams regarding their two vital roles above the need to "Know", before they are appointed as teachers, as it used to be the case for years and years in many countries before the 1968 Revolution eliminated practically all private schools and brought in a much more general, and nearly exclusive, system of public schools based solely on Instruction as opposed to also on Education, making special training centers for future teachers disappear entirely along the way. School teachers below university level should never be appointed on the sole basis of their "Know" competence in their teaching subject matters like it is the case in practically all schools today. Their formation as teachers and in particular as educators should be compulsory and strongly rooted on the concepts of the philosophy of Meritocracy. As a result, their primary and most important role should be as 'Educators' and in the inculcation of a legitimate and strong sense of pride in the students they are charged to educate, for the good conduct they should have in their civic life, in priority over their role in bringing students to good levels of competence in the subject matters they teach. Special institutions forming school teachers, like they used to exist, should be reinstated and/or alternatively become new faculties at university level in a number of universities. Pre-university teachers should also be evaluated each year as 'Educator' and in particular as 'Educator' by their supervisors and not promoted if they are assessed as 'Insufficient' in playing these important roles, independently of their competence as 'instructors' in their "Know" teaching subject matters. Being assessed as 'Insufficient' for a second consecutive year should force their return to a center of formation for at least one year on half their salaries. After a third consecutive year of assessment as 'Insufficient', they should be readily released from employment as teachers. This should be a clause of their hiring contract. University teachers would not automatically be subjected to a similar educator's training but there should be a symbolic penalty in their salary if they have not previously gone through a special training centers for teachers for at least one year before their appointment to a faculty. They too have an important role as educators, even at the university level. Without appropriate training as such, there should definitely be at least a symbolic penalty in their salaries. In any case, they should also be assessed yearly as 'Educators', as one of the factors counting for their promotions or reconfirmation as university teachers, independently of their previous formal formation in special training centers for teachers. Alternatively, if the university where they teach has a faculty for training teachers, and they have never attended any special training center for teachers, they could choose to follow an established minimum of classes of that faculty of their university for one year and then eliminate their penalty in salary.

  8. School and Family Mandatory Collaboration -  All schools, even public schools, should institute a compulsory symbolic Civic Education Fee (CEF) to be paid by parents for the civic education of their children. That fee could be the subject of a yearly negotiation between the school and all the parents involved, and the poorest families could be made to pay only a minimal one, but the fee would be obligatory. Parents should not be indifferent, nor left alone, in the civic education of their children, be they children of public or private schools. The same should apply to teachers, and they too would be subject to the mandatory fee paid from their pocket. Both should be embarked in a process of obligatory collaboration with the payment of a symbolic fee. Good conduct marks should not only exist, as a mandatory subject matter to be promoted to any given class, but made public monthly to all the parents of all the children of each class. Bi-monthly meetings of all the parents involved, once with their children and once without, should be scheduled for compulsory attendance, subject to the payment of a fine equivalent to the fee involved for that family. At the third absence or fine paid, parents would be invited to find another school for their children. At those meetings, all the conduct marks for the class would be review and discussed, like the matters of a good condominium, along with all other relevant issues of good conduct and civic education. Half of the cumulative fee of a school could be used to repair minor damage caused to the school because of lack of civic education, with a public posting of the amount paid and the name and class of the children responsible for the damage. The other half (or half of it if none was used for repairs) would be reserved and given each year as a prize to the three children with the best civic education marks in order for them to attend summer courses, or an educational vacation or trip of their choice with an accompanying parent or tutor. In an EthoCracy, or a Meritocracy with an established structure for this purpose, the first half would go to the ACE (Award Civic Education) municipal fund, to be matched by the municipality for purposes of civic life awards.    

  9. Privacy - Privacy is closely related to pride and is also a most vital element in controlling bullying and micro-criminality. This is where the state would also get involved quite positively to assist schools and families. Some aspects of privacy should be waved in certain circumstances or partially eliminated, in particular in relation to the above mentioned Micro-Criminal Registry. This waver would trigger the strong pride factor mentioned above in educating children and gently force them to think a bit more and possibly choose good conduct in circumstances where they would otherwise not bother at the moment to have bad conduct in their dealings with society and their families. The waver would also trigger the pride factor on adults citizens who do not want their names to appear at the third level of a Micro-Criminal Registry and probably do not want either the names of their minor children to appear in the same registry, possibly jeopardizing their future success in their work life if their names were to appear in the registry at the third level for many years consecutively. All serious crimes pursued in court under the normal criminal code become automatically public. All Micro-Criminal Code infractions should be handled with the same basic logic, within only the limitations of confidentiality mentioned above. After all, if citizens have a right to privacy, they also have the right to know who, in their area, has an established pattern and recurring record of uncivil, if not possibly dangerous, civic behavior. This would not be useful only for security and decorum considerations, regarding the area one chooses to live in, but also possibly useful for the launching of various initiatives of cooperation and mutual help in improving the overall civic environment of a given city area.     

  10. Minors and Confession - Confession could lead to avoid being registered in the first two levels of the Micro-Criminal Registry, in particular for children below 14. In such cases however, the confessing minor above 14 who does not want inscription in the registry would be asked to show repentance by accepting to do a useful task of social utility, like keeping company to an officially registered national beggar for an hour a day for a week (See our page on Immigration Issues) or visiting and going grocery shopping on a daily basis for an old or handicapped person in need for at least a week in the immediate neighborhood.   

  11. Minors and Rehabilitation - Compulsory rehabilitation sessions should take place after a non-confessed micro-crime has been registered. After the first level, a social worker would visit the family and hold a joint consultation session of an hour every week for one month, with the child involved and his parents, hopefully in the presence of the extended family if available and willing to do so. After the second infraction, the child should attend weekly sessions of one hour, with a social worker, but in his office for a period of three months, with the presence of at least one parent. If confession and sincere repentance took place during the process, in the opinion of the attending social worker, the name of the child could be taken out of the first two registries at the end of the 3 months. After the third micro-crime, similar rehabilitation sessions should take place for up to 6 months. If confession and sincere repentance took place during the process, the name of the child could be taken out of the third level of registry as a first step. After two years, if no other crime has taken place, the name of the child could be written off from all 3 registries. Signs of good repentance could come from the proactive offers of availability of the child (or the adult) to participate in the repairs or the damage done. For example, the child could be made present and possibly assist in some way the team of technicians getting rid of the graffiti he painted on a monument or he could offer to participate in cleaning the chewing gums of a side of a street block.  

  12. FcaPOL (Friendly Civic Assistants to Police) - Normal official police officers could not take care of the realm of micro-criminality by themselves. They are not sufficient in number and their main role and priority is to take care of serious criminality. Hiring thousands of new police officers for better control of micro-criminality would not be feasible either as too expensive. FcaPOL would be exactly what the name says: Friendly Civic Assistants to Police officers. --- They could also be called "ePOL" for "educational POLice", as their role, I insist, would be much more in terms of 'street civic education' than in terms of normal police duties. This is the way I had originally called them, but controlling criminality is a primary role of Police and consequently non-police people can really only be assistants in some subsidiary way to the normal police role. Thus the final name 'FcaPOL', for "Friendly Civic Assistants to Police".  --- They would have received a 12 hour course related to the MCC (Micro-Criminal Code). These 12 hours could be given over a month, at the rate of 3 hours per week, either as evening hours in appointed rooms of some public schools or police stations or as day or evening hours in collaborating driving schools. Their role would not be to arrest or punish people, but identify persons who commit MCC infractions and write a report for the MCR (Micro-Criminal Registry) mentioned above. They would always have a gentle and conciliating approach. On receiving their FcaPOL badge, FcaPOL assistants would have the legal authority to request people to identify themselves. If people collaborate with them and show signs of regret and/or willingness to repair the infraction (like collecting immediately the garbage they threw on the street), the FcaPOL would write a MCR report with a "Without Fine" mark. If people do not collaborate however, and in particular if they have an offensive or aggressive reaction, the FcaPOL would certainly write his report with a "With Fine" mark, leading to the payment of the normal fine attached to the infraction in the MCC. In case of refusal to collaborate or signs of dangerous aggressiveness, the FcaPOL could call in instantly the closest police car through their special cellular GPS bracelet phone, at the push of a button. After their qualifying course, FcaPOL assistants would receive a FcaPOL badge, a FcaPOL pad to write MCR reports and a special cellular mobile phone in bracelet form, with 3 special colored buttons, limited overall to five functions: 1) bilateral GPS functionality to show their location to the local police (station and cars) and in turn to see themselves automatically the location of the closest police car in the area, 2) the ability to call and speak to their local police station at the push of a green button, 3) the ability to call and speak to the closest police car at the push of a yellow button, 4) the ability to fetch in the closest police car discretely to their exact GPS location at the push of a red button. This would be done without having to talk, and the police car would come at the GPS location of the FcaPOL that would automatically be known to the closest police car, 5) the ability to be called back by anyone but not to make personal outgoing calls themselves to anyone except for emergency and only through the switchboard of the police station. A FcaPOL would always try first a conciliatory role, closing the incident without calling the local police if at all possible, and without a fine, but aggressions to FcaPOL assistants would be a criminal act just like the aggression to an official police officer. In cases where direct identification is not possible, like a car crossing pedestrian while lines without stopping, while pedestrian are attempting to cross the street, the FcaPOL would take the car plate number and the car model and write a MCR report, asking if possible for a signature of the frustrated pedestrians as witnesses. The regular police would then follow-up administratively with record identification and the dispatch of a copy of the MCR report with the related fine. In addition to their badge and their special GPS bracelet phone, FcaPOL patrollers could also be given other identifying equipment, like a yellow cap in tissue with a FcaPOL emblem that could be pulled out and worn at the moment of starting an identification intervention. Some FcaPOL could also bring a dog along for personal security purposes in special circumstances and  particularly difficult street areas. 

  13. FcaPOL Educational Role - In any case, FcaPOL would never forget that their role is essentially and foremost a subsidiary role of 'street civic education' as opposed to a normal police role but, by the same token, helping police to better control of micro-criminality. For them, it would not be a question of controlling citizens life in all their daily actions but a question of trying to educate the delinquent ones to a better civic behavior, treating them friendlily and even trying in a conciliating way to avoid them fines for their mistakes when at all possible. In the case of too dangerous a reaction of a particular delinquent, and the impossibility of having a police car available quickly to come and take over, a FcaPOL would also always have the alternative to just let go, as it happens now most of the time unfortunately when citizens are witnesses of micro-criminality on the street. In such cases the FcaPOL would not be blamed for letting go but, in the many cases where they will be able to help and possibly educate a growing number of citizens to better civic behavior, their presence would be extremely useful, friendly to the great majority of citizens, and at no costs to the city. Their role as such would also soon be very much appreciated and even enjoyed by most citizens and FcaPOL would really become known and be seen as exactly what their name says: useful and "Friendly Civic Assistants" to Police, let alone friendly assistants to most citizens for their having a better civic life.

  14. Who would be a FcaPOL? - Who could assist police officials in a friendly way for micro-criminality control purposes? The first obvious group would be people receiving unemployment insurance because they have lost their jobs. No healthy worker should receive government money to just sit at home doing nothing. Unemployment recipients would certainly need at least 3 hours a day to look for another job, but could certainly also give 5 hours a day of their free time assisting police as a FcaPOL, especially if done on a flexible basis over any given week. (Unemployment benefit recipients could also be used in many other useful ways like seen in our page on Socio-Economic Issues) In fact, as FcaPOL, unemployment benefit recipients would be required to provide 35 hours per week of social work or friendly street FcaPOL patrolling time, but to be distributed on an agreement at the mutual convenience of themselves and a social worker of the local police station. Healthy workers who are unemployment recipients and refuse to collaborate would automatically loose their unemployment insurance. Some may prefer to work mainly on weekends and this could be accommodated if at all possible. Others may prefer or have to work mainly at night, in particular on Saturday nights, to patrol discotheque areas for example. On applying for unemployment insurance, they would be put immediately on a 12 hour course. On receiving their first check of unemployment insurance, they would also receive their FcaPOL equipment and be on their way as a new FcaPOL until they find a new job. Unemployed men could be automatically assigned to micro-criminality patrolling in the most difficult streets. Unemployed women could alternatively choose other functions, like patrolling school areas or even school premises, identifying and attending beggars and other homeless people sleeping on the street and possibly attending the needs and security aspects of vagrant street animals, dogs in particular. Another category who could easily become part-time voluntary FcaPOL are the older persons on retirement. If interested or willing and capable to do so for humanitarian reasons, they could offer part of their time, in particular in relation to patrolling school areas and premises. The retirees offering regularly more than 20 hours a week of patrolling time could even try to negotiate a supplement to their pensions if they were below a certain level. FcaPOL should become an international symbol recognized as such by all people living in the countries participating in the micro-criminality control movement. EthoPlasìn members could also be an excellent third group of FcaPOL patrollers for part of their time, always on a complimentary basis, in particular the younger ones in the PythaH and PythaZ categories who may be already fully trained in techniques of EthoPlay, that is EthoJudo and EthoDialogue (Socratic Dialogue). 

  15. Private Employers Notifications -  In our page on Government Issues, we talk about public employees who live mainly out of a salary paid by tax payers and who consequently should be readily identifiable as such when committing civic behavior infractions, and reported to their employers. Similarly, private employers providing a full-time salary to employees should have the right to get informed of any infraction of civic and criminal behavior sanctioned by officials on the part of these employees. This rule should become part of all new hiring contracts. Employers should have the right to protect their image through the good behavior of their employees and, considering an equality of skills and achievements on the job, to give priority to employees of better behavior for promotion purposes. The Micro-Criminality Registry could be extremely useful for this purpose. Why should not an employer, in particular a public employer, but also a private employer, have a right to say to a new candidate employee: 'We want you not only to be a good worker and achiever on the job, but we also want to be proud of you as one of our employees and citizen member of our community'. Even if this has never been done so far, at least not explicitly, why should we not start doing it for the future? Should this not be a nice way to encourage better civic behavior and possibly improve the civic life of all of us? 

  16. Related Civic Initiatives -  There are also dozens of other related initiatives that could be taken, either from the private or from the public sector. Certain prisoners who request house arrest for example could be required, in exchange for that favor, to become FcaPOL patrollers of their living block for a certain number of times each day, possibly even gaining credits for their eventual release at a sooner date if they can document a minimum number of successful interventions against micro-criminality infractions. While out, they would then be requested to wear a special FcaPOL phone with GPS, as described above in relation to unemployment recipient patrollers, but with a locking bracelet this time, identifying their GPS location at all times and registering the number of times they patrol their block. Certain non-violent and well educated prisoners, in particular the younger ones, could be, willingly or forcibly, accompanied out to certain difficult areas at certain times, in particular during weekend nights, and serve as FcaPOL area patrollers, while wearing a FcaPOL badge and a FcaPOL GPS phone with a locking bracelet. Again they could gain credits for an earlier release if they intervened successfully in a number of micro-criminality infractions. Students at public universities, when in need of pocket money, could apply and be chosen to serve as campus FcaPOL patrollers for a reduction of their fees, wearing a FcaPOL badge and carrying a normal FcaPOL GPS bracelet phone. Even private universities could negotiate similar arrangements with some of their students. Even big company complex compounds could to so with willing company employees in exchange for some benefit, like free meal bonus tickets for example. In particularly violent streets, candid cameras could also be installed at strategic points, being viewable automatically by both police stations and on the FcaPOL cellular phones of FcaPOL patrollers in the area, while they are on the street or even at home. When older people living alone would have to go out during the day, in particular when going to withdraw their pension or money from the bank, or women or minor children would have to go out or return home late at night, they could also count on being able to call the closest FcaPOL phone through the switchboard of their local police station or at the simple push of a special button on their mobile phone if the new technology got developed and extended properly. With new technology of phone companies based on GPS of both FcaPOL and private mobile phones, citizens could also be made aware instantly of the closest FcaPOL patroller in their area, or the closest police car, and call on them for assistance or protection for their safe return home. As a great number of micro-crimes are committed by youths on motorcycles wearing helmets hiding their faces, new legislation could be made to phase in the compulsory wearing of only fully transparent motorcycle helmets. This would assist the total prohibition that should exist everywhere on people participating to demonstrations, approved or not, with casks of any kind hiding their face and impeding their visual identification. Car drivers do drive with uncovered faces without feeling their privacy is affected and can thus be visually identified easily by witnesses to crimes. Similarly motorcycle drivers should ideally be requested to drive only with transparent helmets. One could also think of establishing a civic behavior point system, similar to the point system applying to drivers licenses, possibly linking the two together in some way. All these possible initiatives would certainly serve to save millions of Euro each year is security funds, let alone many more millions in prevented criminal damage, to both the public and the private sectors, without counting the immense value of the avoided civic frustration, give a sense of usefulness to many citizens participating in the FcaPOL movement, even help many of them financially or in credit units of some kind, and contribute immensely to a substantial reduction of all micro-criminality in all our civic environments. The sky is the limit in terms of useful initiatives that could be taken to improve the daily civic life of all of us and reduce micro-criminality, maybe also immensely the more serious criminality through a kind of domino effect, to their minimal historical rates. 

  17. Refugee Recognition Abuse -  We have an incredible and growing amount of false refugees in all our civic environments, who are only vagrant economic migrants, who have no alternative to survive than to get deeply involved in micro-criminality. The present UNHCR system is in great part at fault for this and should be reformed as soon as possible. This has most negative and serious consequences on all our civic environments and there are good things that can be done to help resolved this problem. See our separate page on Immigration Issues for more information on this subject.

  18. Meritocracy - All the above directives are inspired by the concepts and philosophy of Meritocracy. Meritocracy tries to reward everyone on the basis of merit. It pushes for excellence in all fields, including in particular civic behavior, but always tries to give a chance to people who made mistakes to correct and/or rehabilitate themselves, in particular in the case of minor children. This is the spirit that should lead all our initiatives in facing and responding to the situation of rampaging bullying and micro-criminality we have at the moment in all our civic environments. With the help of better Educator/Teachers (as mentioned above and in our separate and more comprehensive web page on Teaching Issues), the positive collaboration of social workers and the adequate training of younger police officers, all this could be achieved in a very positive and friendly way, as opposed to with a kind of 'police-state' attitude, that is achieved in a spirit of friendly Meritocracy. Most citizens would certainly feel safer and be happier, in fact the great majority of them would love the presence of the FcaPOL patrollers and probably thank them dearly every day. Only the remaining unrepentant criminals and micro-criminals would feel bad and not enjoy the friendly and conciliatory FcaPOL patrollers. One generation of FcaPOL initiatives and better formation of teachers is also sufficient to achieve this objective and the spreading of the SOS (Social Olympic Spirit) and meritocratic mentality (see our page on Meritocracy). As mentioned above,  it would also save thousands of millions of Euro in various ways. We should not have to build bigger jails. We should not either just sit idle and abandon ourselves to the frustrating civic situations we face now. We should rather take FcaPOL initiatives and train our teachers better as educators, let alone parents with the help of a new type of social workers collaborating with the Police and all the recognized FcaPOL initiatives.

  19. Journalists Watchdog Role - Like the watchdog role journalists can play for politicians and governments (see our separate hot pages on Journalistic Issues, Political Issues and GovernmentWatchDogLens Issues), they can also play that role eminently to document micro-criminality in any area or city, and publish regular articles and analysis accordingly. This would trigger the 'pride' factor of people living in the area, for both the micro-criminals and the citizens suffering from them, and probably contribute a lot to decrease the levels of micro-criminality in the areas reported on. Criminals do not usually like to be identified as such in front of the people of the area where they are known and live. On the other hand, citizens suffering from micro-criminality like to have the opportunity to recognize the face of bad elements in their area, and keep away from them, if not point their finger at them and blame them for their activities. By the same token, people involved in voluntary humanitarian work in that area would have a better chance to take initiatives in terms of help for the rehabilitation of the bad elements involved. Again here, the watchdog role of journalist would be useful and even important in a positive way in many cases.

  20. Immigration and Criminality - For aspects of criminality and micro-criminality related to immigrants, in relation to their residence and citizenship, see our page on Immigration Issues.

  21. Countryside Prisons Farms and City Safety Hostels - See our page on Socio-Economic Issues where we talk about the important new concepts of the CPF and CSH.

The type of holistic education EthoPlasìn is proposing on its website, if spread by the expected domino-effect in a growing number of school and civic environments, shall help reverse this trend and contribute tremendously to achieve a decreasing amount of bullying and micro criminality in all our civic environments. This is certainly one of the main objectives of the EthoPlasìn Association.