Draft Updated
February 01, 2018, at 00:10
→ Content
N.B. This webpage is part of a sub-website of
regarding EL Civitas and TruthOcracy.
This webpage, here below, is long and complex.
For an easier understanding of what
TruthOcracy is, please go first directly to:
[Front Cover]
"The highest function of government is
to give "Truth Education" to the public
so that they can self-govern"
From Democracy To EthoCracy
or to
or, in its full implementation, to
From Fear At The Bottom To Fear At The Top
Think and Sloganize Wisely
with effective Patriotic Proudness, or with
Periphania / Περηφάνεια
neutralizing and democratically dismantling
what is commonly sensed, deceitfully, as only the
but is rather, globally, the Luciferian
of Global Enslavement
of all peoples and nations into a
Collectivist New World Order of Totalitarian Fabian
[Back Cover]
How to Reorder the Disorder of the New World Order
and Improve the World with the EthoCracy Reform Package
(as a first step to implementing a full TruthOcracy)
Going from Serf to Sovereign with a New Freethinking Culture of
This is Part I of an essay on EthoCracy (as a
first step to a
TruthOcracy), and still only in draft form, in a process or daily elaboration.
An early draft of
Part II follows. The two parts will probably be published as an eBook
after a final overall review. This
essay is not stand-alone, but related directly and closely to a main website on
Holistic Pythagorean Education (or
ELducation) that
integrates the concepts of EthoCracy (as a first step to a
TruthOcracy). That
special kind of EthoPlasìn education (or
ELducation), provided at the
PythagorArium, if and when applied within a country, is meant to make that country go
"From Democracy To EthoCracy", or "From Slavery Downwards To
Slavery Upwards" (as a first step to a
TruthOcracy). Thus the meaning and utility of this related essay on
EthoCracy (as a first step to a
TruthOcracy). The main website on holistic Pythagorean education
(or ELducation), to
which this essay is related, is called
EthoPlasìn (at: http://www.ethoplasin.net/),
with its main theme being "The Return Of Philosophy",
as PhilosophEL. The word
"Philosophy" in that context is intended strictly as the one-and-only great philosophy, the
invented 2500 years ago by Ancient-Greece, but still perfectly valid today for
its universal and timeless applicability in directing human and civic behavior,
let alone the human mind. That philosophy, contrary to modern philosophy, was
first and foremost a way of living, a "Philosophical Way Of Living", before
being, also, a way of
comprehending the world, instead of just the latter, like modern philosophy has
unfortunately reduced itself being. In fact, each school of that original philosophy had a
particular virtuous way of living,
like for example the best known ones, still today, Epicureanism
(the school of Epicurus, founded in 307BC) and Stoicism
(the school of Zeno, founded in the colonnade, or Stoa,
also in the 3rd century BC), based on a chosen set of specific virtues to be fully integrated to all members'
daily life.
These virtues were meant to make members create, from various approaches, the most ethical civic way of
living, along with the most possible humanly perfect personal way of living, in order to achieve
the best possible level of personal and civic happiness on this beautiful planet Earth,
and the most enlightened comprehension of the world we live in, and our place
into it. Only
The Return Of Philosophy,
as PhilosophEL, of that kind of philosophy, within our education
(making it ELducation), and
within our
civic life, can save the modern world today from its current total corruption
and complete decadence. EthoPlasìn is one of these philosophical schools, adapting to our contemporary
world the ancient philosophy that existed, in the best Platonic tradition, for over a thousand years, from
Pythagoras (~525BC) to the
abolition of the Platonic schools by Byzantine Emperor Justinian
in 529AD. From this point of view,
The Return Of Philosophy,
as PhilosophEL, means the
return of harmony and beauty in our life, as both harmony and beauty have been
practically cancelled, and intentionally so, by the new Luciferian
JewZuit Power, from all aspects of
our life. Within the above-mentioned EthoPlasìn website, there is a
specific page on "EthoCracy" (as a first step to a
This EthoCracy page (the page that you are reading at the moment: http://www.EthoPlasin.net/EthoCracy.html) is what constitutes the base
of a forthcoming eBook
that will integrate, as its Part I, a reviewed version of all that follows. An EthoCracy
(as a first step to a
TruthOcracy) is
an improvement to what we call today Democracy, but as a meritocratic, direct and participative real democracy.
As such, it is at least
a so-called MeDiPartic democracy, based
on a philosophy of virtues, or ethics, in the
way it was, or certainly was intended to be, when, and after, Ancient-Greece invented both philosophy and
democracy. Ideally, when well implemented, an EthoCracy is at least first a
TIDMOcracy, based also on
Truth Information. This improvement
of what we wrongly call democracy today, is based on
The Return Of Philosophy,
as PhilosophEL,
in our life, the real living philosophy that existed at that ancient time, but a
that is also equally valid today, as it is
eternal in value to achieve the best possible form of ethical government
of both ourselves and of our societies or nations. The
EthoPlasìn philosophy, discipline, and
holistic education (or
ELducation), involving both the left and the right brain, based on the formation of the
Pythagorean Tetractys of the
soul of the human being, along with the concepts
of the EthoCracy (as a first step to a
TruthOcracy), will eventually be taught formally in a forthcoming university
being created, as a brand new and unique type of boarding university described
in the above-mentioned EthoPlasìn website. This new boarding
university will be the
EthoPlasìn Academy (or PythAcademia,
standing for Pythagorean Academia, with
its logo shown to the right). All these components are part of the
PythagorArium. In the meantime, as a foretaste, its philosophy
and concepts are intended to be spread through the
EthoPlasìn website, and
through its related forthcoming
full eBook "From Democracy To EthoCracy"
that is
based, for Part I, on what follows.
Part I presents the history of how we got into our present situation of a completely false democracy, and consequently in a situation of Debtocracy, and in a situation of near complete enslavement by what we call the global JewZuit Power. This Part I includes the explanations, in terms of history and mechanisms, of the complete fraud of the false democracy that allows this global enslavement today, in particular the "thirdworldization" of the western world.
Part II, yet appearing only partially as Part II in this draft, will present the package of cumulative reforms that are necessary to correct the situation and make us go "From Democracy To EthoCracy", or "From Enslavement Downwards To Enslavement Upwards", doing so with "Periphania", or Patriotic Pride, and forcefully-democratically against the JewZuit Power.
1 - This essay has nothing to do with Conspiracy Theory. However, there are many real situations in the world today that are disqualified, and strongly discredited, as "Conspiracy Theory" by those few who have a vested interest in the rest of us not knowing that they are "Conspiracy Reality" or, more simply, by those who are fully immersed in the matrix of the current political correctness and will not wake up before it will be too late for them to react to the damage they will have suffered from these situations. From this point of view, this webpage will describe situations that can be qualified, properly, as "Conspiracy Reality", or "Conspireality", as based on a combination of historical facts and solid logic in analyzing and assessing what is going on. Those who do not agree, or for some reason do not like the fact that some devastating and shameful realities be reported openly, should refrain from the futility of using the easy way out of the "Conspiracy Theory" accusation, and present evidence contradicting the overall history being reported, and/or the logic being used in evaluating the facts. We are sorry if we may disturb the lazy comfort of many good souls of the politically correct, but we have no way out, because inevitably, as George Orwell so well said, "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act". On the other hand we hope that our effort to expose some hard realities may help those who are still capable of peeking outside of the matrix, and consequently will be capable of reevaluating their situation correctly, on the basis of a background they were not yet aware of, or not quite conscious of, in order to take their best decisions for the benefit of themselves and of their loved ones.
2 - This essay is overall a very positive one. It may appear negative at first approach, or even extreme is some of its statements, but this is not the case. This Part I is indeed very critical, and thus appears very negative, but only because it consists in a realistic description of the negative situation of enslavement that we are in, today, explaining the history of how we got here, and what the resulting facts are at the moment. Unfortunately, reporting realistically this sad history, and these sour facts, cannot be anything positive. This reporting is nevertheless necessary to understand our current problematic situation and what actions we need to take to correct it, and hopefully improve it, as much as possible. If we do not succeed, we will at least have had the satisfaction of having tried in the best way we could. The comprehension of this sour reality is certainly not the product of an old sour man, rather the opposite. It comes from the unique and serene experience of a very positively minded author who has not only travelled extensively in more than 100 countries around the world, but has actually mainly worked and lived abroad, for nearly 50 years, on all continents except Oceania. This comprehension has also been facilitated by the acquisition of assets that few other people have had the possibility to acquire: a full fluency in 7 languages, a solid knowledge of world history and philosophy, as two particular personal interests since secondary school, and a solid computer database expertise to accumulate and process information, and to be an independent webmaster. From a professional work point of view, this comprehension of the current world has also been facilitated by a unique work experience in evaluating and processing assistance to refugee movements around the world. This involved the author in a direct association with the type of people who have suffered the most from the enslaving situations and persecutions described in this essay, from Uganda to Chile, from the ex Soviet Union to Mexico and all of Central America, from Kenya and Tanzania to Thailand, to name only a few core places, and more recently even from... Greece. This sour and negative reality is all included in Part I of this essay. The Part II, not published yet, as opposed to this first part, is certainly all positive, as it introduces a set of concrete and democratic reforms that, if applied as a package, can transform our false democracy, or our current debtocracy of global enslavement, into an EthoCracy (as a first step to a TruthOcracy) of real freedom, and thus can transform our present negative situation into a very positive one, for the benefit of most of us around the world, as little or as much as this benefit may be on an individual basis.
JewZuit , ZioZuit , ZioZuitZlim, LuZioZuitZlim, LUZJIPWA, JangloZaxon
The words JewZuit, ZioZuit (or: ZZ), ZioZuitZlim (or: ZZZ), and LuZioZuitZlim are not orthographic mistakes. They are brand new words, being coined here. The first one is the combination of three words: Jew, Zionist and Jesuit. The following 2 are coined through the combination of parts of three other words containing a 'Z' or a 'Z sound' in them: Zionist ('Zio'), Jesuit ('Zuit') and Muslim ('Zlim'). The last one is coined as a combination of "Lu" "Lucifer), "z" (Zionist) "uit" (Jesuit) and "lam" (Islam). The new word JewZuit is pronounced similarly to “Jesuit” except for a “Jew” sound, instead of a “Je” sound, at the beginning. The word JewZuit refers to the new world power that is the collusion of the Zionist Jews with the Catholic Jesuits, a new power that was formed through a recent alliance of the Zionists and the Jesuits, in order to more easily enslave the peoples of the whole world, in particular since after the rapprochement brought in by the Vatican Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II, and the recent crowning of this rapprochement brought in by the installation of the new Jesuit Pope Francis in the Vatican. We will see that this rapprochement is so advanced that, for all practical purposes, we can now legitimately talk about a kind of single Judeo-Christian entity sitting behind this new JewZuit brotherhood that replaced 2000 years of enmity, making the Jew go From Enemy To Brother, to paraphrase the title of the book of author John Connelly. Some other authors, like Michael Collins Piper, argue strenuously that the real enemy hiding behind the New World Order of global enslavement is the Zionists. Yet, some other authors, like Eric Jon Phelps, argue not less strenuously that it is the Jesuits who are the main enemy commanding the Vatican, or the Black Pope commanding the White Pope, using the Knights Templar and the Freemasons as their puppet tools to infiltrate all the centers of power managed in appearance by the Zionists. Under close scrutiny, these apparently contradicting authors do not at all contradict themselves. What they do not realize is that the Jesuits and the Zionists have a common source and culture. They do not realize either that the Vatican has always two sets of policies: an open agenda and a secret agenda. The secret agenda is very often the exact opposite of the open one, and often even totally anti-Catholic, managed by the Jesuits behind the Vatican. That secret agenda of the Vatican, managed by the Black Pope of the Jesuits, usually corresponds exactly to the open Zionist agenda, because by now, they are one single JewZuit force. The best examples of this agenda are probably the questions of abortion and homosexuality pushed openly by Zionist-dominated Hollywood: the open policy of the Vatican is against them (but very mildly so under Pope Francis who said explicitly that we should not be obsessed by questions like abortion and homosexuality, while he does not seem to be very much obsessed either about the more traditional questions of virtues and sins dear to all his non-Jesuit predecessors of the last 2000 years), but the secret policy of the Vatican managed by the Jesuits is stealthily in favor of them as they contribute to the UN objectives dear to the Vatican (with Pope Francis in particular), including the one of world depopulation. As we will see, the Jesuits were founded by a Jew, Ignatius of Loyola, supposedly converted to a Christian. We will also see that later on, the Jesuits were clearly behind the foundation of modern Zionism. More recently, since the Council of Vatican II, we will even see that the Zionists have infiltrated completely the Vatican with the help of the Jesuits and their puppet Freemasons. The Jesuits and the Zionists were both born from a common fundamental culture and have now become a common force through what we call the JewZuit Power. This common culture may even involve the Sunni side of the Muslims, through what we call the ZAJAC connection. The crowning of this long process of the creation of a single force between the two of them was the installation of a Jesuit Pope, as Pope Francis. All top level Jesuits are crypto-Jews, like their founding father, and thousands of Jews in situations of power today are "Marranos", or crypto-Christians of Judaic affiliation, let alone the openly Zionist-Christians. In the background, the top Jesuits and the top Zionists are now a unified bunch of conspirators, a new unified power, controlling all world centers of power in the fields of politics, media, culture and finance. Consequently they constitute what we can rightly call the JewZuit Power fighting for the advent of a New World Order of world domination, and of enslavement, of both nations and peoples, through debt or rather DDD, and through a type of dictatorial collectivism based on a common ideology of Fabian Socialism. This is the MOWOP Master Plan. As such, and with this type of enslavement agenda, that new JewZuit coalition and power, can only be qualified as Luciferian.
was the "Monolithic Conspiracy" that Kennedy
was talking about. This essay has nothing to do with
conspiracy theories. There are many conspiracy theories, mostly foolish ones,
that can, unfortunately, prevent us from understanding reality,
especially when it happens that the conspiracy theory corresponds to a reality, like the
reality called "Monolithic Conspiracy" by Kennedy in his
famous speech of 1962. In his mind, this was certainly a "conspiracy reality",
and not a "conspiracy theory", as it was
a conspiracy that assassinated him only a few months later. Some 7 days
before his assassination, he re-denounced, openly and explicitly, this
"Monolithic Conspiracy" as an "Enslavement Plot".
His words were:
"There's a plot in this country to enslave every
man, woman, and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend
to expose this plot". What he was referring to was an enslavement
plot through debt, through unduly indebting both countries and peoples after
having transformed our alleged democracy system into a clear system of
debtocracy. And what JFK was mentioning about his country
in 1962 and 1963, has, by now, become a worldwide Debtocracy system
gradually establishing a global "New World Order" of
enslavement through totalitarian Fabian Socialism. This is what this essay
is all about. More specifically, this essay deals with a real
JewZuit Power sitting behind
this enslavement plot,
and documents its formation as a world power, and its harsh reality, with history and facts. This
new JewZuit Power can also be seen as the
new global power of the 1% enslaving all of us 99% today.
The word JangloZaxon is sometimes used as equivalent to JewZuit Power or ZioZuit Power. This means the mainly Anglo-Saxon elites at the top of the NWO (New World Order), but with its main protagonists, acting in the background for these Anglo-Saxon elites, being the "J" (Jesuits) and the "Z" (Zionists). The nationality of these protagonists of the JewZuit Power is mainly English (or of English descent, like the Americans, thus "Anglo"), but also Germanic (or of the area of northern western Europe, thus "Saxon") and consequently, with the infiltration of the Jesuits and the Zionists in their highest ranks of power, they compose an elite that is mainly "JangloZaxon". The British Empire was dismantled only in appearance: although it appears, geographically speaking, to have fallen through the loss of many territories, it has not lost any of them, and even conquered many more, from a financial enslavement point of view. And this new Financial British Empire of the JangloZaxons is much more powerful today, nearly one hundred years after its apparent fall, than the old Geographical British Empire was at its height in 1921.
In the New World Order seeking our enslavement through a One-World-Government of totalitarian Fabian Socialism, the 3 main monotheistic religions are involved, but only as useful idiots for the top levels of the common Luciferian Power hiding behind them all. See: LuZioZuitZlim for the identification of its main agents. Because of the evasive nature and existence of LuZioZuitZlim, we speak mostly of the more obvious JewZuit Power, or the ZioZuitZlim Power, that are easier to grasp and understand, but these various forms of NWO power are only agents of their common Luciferian Power, or the LuZioZuitZlim Power, that hides and makes itself known only to the very top levels of the 3 main religions and of also only the very top levels of the main international and supranational organizations also serving it, like the UN and the EU (European Union) along with other more civilian centers of Luciferian Power like the TTIP, TISA and TPP, or the TTT excluding the BRICS countries.
This is a more explicit way to say "LuZioZuitZlim", insisting more explicitly on the main objective of that power, which is world domination, or world ascendancy. See LUZJIPWA for more information.
The monosyllable word "EL" is not really a new word, but rather a very ancient one that has been nearly forgotten today, or transfigured purposely in order to discredit the people of Greece. It will be explained in details further down. It refers to the "EL" people, or the Greeks of ancient history, and even of prehistory, the people who eventually invented democracy, philosophy, education, and brought us all that we, today, call 'Civilization'. We will also explain how the EL word has been used by Jews, distorting its original Greek meaning. "EL" is typically the prefix of the word "ELEFTHERIAS" which means "Liberty", or "Freedom", both in terms of physical freedom and of a culture of freethinking liberty. It is also often used in English as a hidden prefix, behind a preceding "H", as "Hel", in words like Hellenism, meaning the Greek culture, or Hellas, meaning the country commonly known as Greece.
The word ELJSM is a new word being coined here on the basis of the above root "EL". Its central "J" is an educated form of "i". The new word is thus pronounced "EL-ism". It will also be explained in details further down. It it the new name of an ancient culture of freethinking brought in by the EthoCracy (as a first step to a TruthOcracy) being promoted by this website in replacement of the false democracy that we have today in the western world as a global Debtocracy.
EthoCracy (as a first step to a TruthOcracy) is a form of improved democracy, or rather of real democracy as it was created or intended by the Greeks as the founders of democracy. A Nutshell of its substance is formulated further down. It is based on the concept of "Ethos", or "Ethics", thus the prefix "Etho" of "EthoCracy". It is a new form of public governance based on 10 fundamental EthoPrinciples. What we call democracy today, as a distant representative democracy, is a complete fraud, and certainly no democracy, but rather an enslaving debtocracy. An enslaving debtocracy means Evil. No form of democracy will ever be perfect. Good and Evil will always exist, and we can only hope to strike a good balance between the two, in favor of the Good. This is what EthoCracy aims at (as a first step to a TruthOcracy). The EthoCracy (as a first step to a TruthOcracy), to start with, is at least MeDiPartic (meritocratic, direct and participative) form of democracy that places the slavery, if any, not at the bottom of the social pyramid, but at the top of it, with its leaders being the executive slaves, or certainly the dedicated public servants, of only the Truth will of the people who elected them. When nearly fully implemented, on the basis of its main EthoPrinciples, a democracy becomes an TIDMOcracy, based mainly on Truth Information, as being OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) compliant. When fully implemented, it becomes an EthoCracy (as a first step to a TruthOcracy). Thus the title of this eBook: "From Democracy To EthoCracy"; and its main subtitle: "From Slavery Downwards To Slavery Upwards". To respect the Greek origin of the word (as "ΗθοΚρατïα"), EthoCracy (as a first step to a TruthOcracy) is also often called "EthoKratïa" in English, written with a central "K", and with a reversed "E" (Epsilon) on its logo symbol, as per the example shown below. The "ï" means that the accent is on that letter in "EthoKratïa". As a result, the political party promoting EthoKratïa, or EthoCracy (as a first step to a TruthOcracy) for that matter, is commonly called PEK as shown below.
The word EthoCracy was coined here independently of Paul-Henri Holbach, a philosopher and prominent social figure of the French Enlightenment, who used it in many of his writings of the 1700s, in his relations with Diderot in the context of the creation of the Encyclopedia. But his word had a much more revolutionary meaning than ours, and probably even influenced the French Revolution. Our word EthoCracy is used in a much more democratic way, and as a first step to a TruthOcracy, mainly in relation to the package of democratic reforms that we first called the “EthoCracy Reform Package”, elaborated in Part II of this essay, meant to make the subjects of our false modern democracies go “From Slavery Downwards To Slavery Upwards”, or “From Democracy To EthoCracy”.
All other new words: Dictionary EthoPlasìn
Prometheus Symbol
can be a symbol of EthoCracy promotion, let alone of
TruthOcracy promotion. Prometheus was punished for the
Theft of Fire
that he brought down to Earth, from Mount Olympus, for the enlightenment of
man. This is a mythical figure who defied the gods by bringing the
Apollonian Light
to humanity without previous due preparation of the latter. This Fire, or
the Apollonian Light
enabled progress and civilization, but was also quickly abused by men who
pretended to use it to become gods themselves. As a punishment Prometheus
was attached to a rock, and each day an eagle would come and eat his liver,
which would regrow each time over night, causing him constant sufferance. In
particular, Prometheus was regarded, in the Romantic Period, as embodying
the lone genius, or the lonely mind, whose efforts to improve human existence could also result
in personal tragedy if misinterpreted and misused by unprepared receivers.
Page 1
ZioZuit Power
"Rest not. Life is sweeping by; go and dare before you die.
Something mighty and sublime, leave behind to conquer time.
... Dream no small dreams, for they have no power
to move the hearts of men"
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"The safest general characterization
of the European philosophical tradition
is that it consists only of a series of footnotes to Plato"
- A.N. Whitehead
(Philosopher and Mathematician)
The principle of spending money to be paid by posterity,
under the name of funding,
is but swindling posterity on a large scale.
- Thomas Jefferson
"GOLD is the money of the KINGS,
SILVER is the money of the GENTLEMEN,
BARTER is the money of the PEASANTS, but
DEBT is the money of the SLAVES!"
- Norm Franz
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The need to go "From Democracy To EthoCracy" (as a first step to a TruthOcracy), or "From Slavery Downwards To Slavery Upwards", stems from the world of global deception in which we live at the moment. The final and most modern form of global enslavement of humanity through Debtocracy, or Deceptocracy, or DDD, has started many decades ago, mostly in the third-world. As of recently, it has set foot in the first-world, for which Greece is the primary example of this enslavement process through debt-money. We will see how Greece is the chosen victim that, in the western world, has to fall first in the global debt enslavement trap. The rest of the western world is not far behind, but a matrix of global deception prevents it from being conscious of its own much advanced enslavement. The poor little Greece, some 2500 years after having invented democracy, has tried recently to give all of us again in the Western World a lesson of democracy on how to break the matrix of enslavement, through a referendum on austerity, but dramatically failed, at least so far. For now, the crisis, for the JewZuit Power sitting behind it in a kind of Cryptocracy, is a complete "success" from the point of view of the enslaving forces, and many other western countries, like Spain, Italy and France, not to mention even Germany and the USA eventually, are deceivingly and stupidly queuing in line for the same kind of debt enslavement. The JewZuit Power is using the Greek crisis masterfully as a tool of deception to lead other individual European countries to subserviently renounce their sovereignty, and as a pretext, for justifying the advent of a totalitarian EUG (European Union Government) central government that shall be a good example for deceiving other regions of the world also under attack for a similar fate, like the NAU (North American Union) and the PAU (Pan-African Union). These various "Unions" will be the building blocks for the establishment of a global One-World Government of Totalitarian Fabian Socialism pushed by the UN with the help of the New World Order Pope Francis who, as the UN's brand new acolyte, is himself pushing for a "Panthriskia", or a kind of Luciferian One-World Religion based on a new "inability to judge", even at the Pope's level, a maximum moral tolerance, and a uniformed ecumenical credence. A quick glance at the principles and main reforms that sit at the foundation of an EthoCracy, or TruthOcracy once it is fully implemented, in order to prevent, or dismantle, this global enslavement, can be found in a relatively short Nutshell further down, at the end of Part I of this essay. For quick convenience, an even shorter version precedes that Nutshell as the EthoCracy Reform Package and Discipline Summary In One Paragraph. For better understanding the importance of an EthoCracy (as a first step to a TruthOcracy) to get rid of our global enslavement, it is essential to first look at the various aspects of the global deception that affect all of us at the moment in our so-called false democracy.
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The pendulum of Liberty-Tyranny tends to swing back
and forth in the history of most countries. In the last fifty years, in the
western world, since the Zionist Vatican
Coup that gave birth to the
JewZuit Power, and in the last 15 years in
particular, since the false flag of 911 that reinforced the
sprint of
JewZuit Power, the pendulum has clearly
moved faster and faster toward tyranny and the enslavement of the
populations of what used to be the only part of the world that was still
relatively free, the western world. As a result, the whole world is now
becoming enslaved. In the West in particular, we now live in a completely fake free world, or in a world of growing
global slavery. This slavery has three new characteristics never used before
for enslavement purposes.
First, it is done through debt of both
persons and nations.
Second, it is done through the middle class that is enslaved first and foremost, and by
design. Third, the new enslavement, also for the
first time in history, now applies equally to both men and women. Until
WWI, it was nearly only men who had to be slaves through
their work.
Starting with WWI, with the creation of the debt-money
system accompanied by the creation of the new income tax system, and in particular
since WWII, the masters have this way started to enjoy the double
slavery, of both men and women equally. Women, intended as women from the
middle-class, also systematically started to be slaves through their work
and the accompanying
debt-money and
taxation systems. The false
Women Liberation Movement had only stealthily
served that hidden purpose of additional enslavement, inclusive of women on
a par basis with men. Because of these three new characteristics,
the masters of the new
JewZuit Power got to have the best
and most abundant type of slavery that ever existed in
the history of humanity. As an important benefit for these JewZuit masters,
this new type of slavery was also rendered invisible through political
correctness. It is maintained by a powerful matrix of political correctness that
prevents us from seeing the reality of deceit, and complete deception, that
affects the most important aspects of our life. People, both men and women
of the middl-class, are also running so
fast on the treadmill to pay their own debt and the debt of their
governments, along with their ever increasing
bills and taxes, that they have no more time to
think. They live completely isolated from their community, even from the
members of their family, completely obsessed and absorbed by their
difficulties. When few of them finally wake up to their sour reality, then
they do not know what to do about it, and they have no more any ascertained
community with which to consult, draw the right conclusions and take the
proper actions.
100.02 →
As the result of these 3 new characteristics of the modern enslavement, the JewZuit Power has made a step forward in the refinement of the feudal system of slavery. We also have more slaves today than ever before in the history of humanity, and these new slaves now have to maintain themselves. In feudal times, there were two categories of serfs: the "Serf regardant" and the "Serf in gross". At least the "serf regardant" was a slave only with regards to one specific lord, and for one specific time, otherwise he would be free when allowed to leave that master. To the contrary, the "serfs in gross" were slaves always and everywhere, independently of where they would go or of whom they would work for. The "serfs regardant" that constituted the old middle class have been eliminated by the contemporary JewZuit Power, because they had a higher degree of autonomy and were always a risk for their masters in terms of revolt. In turn, the "serfs in gross" that constituted the old low class have been promoted to a new kind of new middle class of slavery, to make sure they would be more productive, but a new middle class of slavery that has to maintain itself and is entirely subjugated through the DDD process of excessive taxation, extreme legislation, and fearful disinformation. As such, western workers of the contemporary middle class have all become a more effective kind of "serfs in gross", but mostly through debt, in a more sophisticated system that renders their slavery invisible to them, and even gives them the illusion of democratic liberty. This can only be described as a masterpiece and a major success from the point of view of the new world JewZuit masters.
100.03 →
We will see further down in more details, that this best type of slavery, for the first time in the history of humanity, is not based anymore on the lower class of society, but on the middle-class, and on both men and women equally of that middle class, but it must be stressed here, at this early stage, that it is an absolute newness that never existed before. This is also the secret of the new efficiency and assured stability of the service provided by the slave class from the point of view of the commanding class. The Lower Class of the ancient slaves is now well, without working, because of Social Welfare, and can ensure its continuous wellbeing without working, simply through voting regularly for their benevolent welfare providers. The High-Class in turn is also better than ever before, because of Corporate Welfare that comes as a wide spectrum of tax exemptions and legal loopholes regarding wealth accumulation. The Middle-Class, producing all the wealth for both the lower class and the high classes, is now the brand new Debt-Slavery class, as an absolute novelty that never happened before in the history of mankind. This productive middle-class is kept under not only excessive debt and taxation, but also under extreme legislation, consequently without having much time left to think, let alone revolt. As such, and being composed essentially of people with a productive mentality, that over-taxed and over-legislated middle class naturally bends its back quite willingly and works harder than ever before, without too much recrimination. It does what corresponds to its intrinsic culture of productivity, and will do it better and harder than ever before. The current Fabian Socialist elites commanding our countries, or the new JewZuit Power, pulling the ropes over the puppet politicians that they use as useful idiots, have developed this new scenario of worldwide debt-slavery via the middle-class as the result of a hard lesson learnt in socialist countries where their system failed. And it failed precisely for not having applied this new slave scenario, or for not having maintained the productivity power of a solid, but enslaved, middle-class. What failed for this reason in the East, mainly in Communist Eastern-Europe, has now moved West, and is having a new start in the EU and in the USA, but without repeating that fatal mistake. This Fresh Start in the West will be well explained to us in details, further down, by an eminent dissident of the Soviet-Union of the early 70s, Yuri Bezmenov, as an ex top official of the KGB who was granted political asylum in Canada when I was serving abroad as a political refugee evaluation official. Bezmenov explained how what he called the "Fresh Start" in the West, without the above mistake made in the East, would be rendered invisible to us as the New Normal, and achieved in Four Stages that would bring both the EU and the USA under a full and Totalitarian Fabian Socialist Power. What he called the "Fourth Stage" is exactly what we are in, today, some 30 years after I last met Bezmenov in 1984.
100.04 →
What appeared to me to be a gross exaggeration of Bezmenov, or even an impossibility, when I first met him, some 30 years ago, is now already, for the most part, our exact and sad reality. At the time, Bezmenov was very conscious of the book "1984" of George Orwell, written much earlier, in 1949. In 1984, when I last met Bezmenov, the predictions described in that book had not yet fully materialized, but Bezmenov was convinced they would fully materialize in the next generation, even if slightly differently, adjusted on the basis of his theory of the Four Stages. Well, what Bezmenov told me in 1984 is certainly very much like 1984 come true in 2014. This reality is mainly in terms of the near complete enslavement of the middle-class of the most productive western world, through the Cerberus of debt-money, through excessive taxation, and through extreme legislation, let alone fearful disinformation accepted as political correctness in the overall DDD process of social engineering. In the meantime, social engineering is even rendering our enslavement invisible, and making us accept it as the New Normal. In addition, we are, at this very moment, in the last of the Four Stages required for the formation of a One-World Government of Totalitarian Fabian Socialist Power over our heads. Already, most of our extreme legislation is not national anymore, but imposed by external structures of supra-national bodies, like typically the EU in Europe. Excessive taxation in turn is also on the same path, through typically the UN being involved with enslaving programs like Agenda 21, and initiatives like the worldwide Carbon Tax to be imposed globally, in spite of the well debunked false flag of the Global Warming, in order to facilitate bringing down the whole world in a state of full debt-enslavement under the totalitarian New World Order. In the meantime the middle class, that used to be the most supportive force of a nation, is not only enslaved, but also totally degenerated in its values of personal and social morality, in its disappearing sense of the natural family unit, and through the Genocidal Engineering of the Male-Man. This degeneration is not only coming from economic enslavement, but also from forced cultural bastardization, through the well-planned disappearance of ProRacialist national cultures that used to offer us so many beautiful differences and characteristics in each different country, and through the stupid tolerance of the formation of no-border melting pots of illegal immigrants who did not go through a PISA process, and consequently the sufferance of unacceptable levels of highly destructive multiculturalism in most western countries. What else is needed for that middle-class to react? Should we wait another 30 years to talk freely and responsibly about all these destructive factors, and take the necessary counter actions? Are we prevented to do so because of the stealthy political correctness that makes us afraid of being tagged as racist or extremist for even only talking, or raising legitimate questions, about these destructive situations and factors? Considering the above predictions of Bezmenov, not only 30 more years will be much too much, or much too late, to take corrective action, but even 3 more years is too much, before it probably becomes too late.
100.05 →
We, the middle-class, are by far the majority, and the only ones who still have the drive to counteract. Most of the lower welfare class is useless for counter actions, as it is enjoying more and more benefits without working, as the lackeys providing welfare votes to their benevolent corrupted politicians. In the USA for example, there are already at least 35 states, out of 50, in which it is better to accept welfare than work at an entry-level job. As for politicians and government officials, they are only a small minority, even including the ones of the supra-national officials, like those of the EU or the UN, but all living lavishly. And we, as the middle-class, also pay all the unnecessary huge salaries, and the luxurious benefits, of that minority, as benefits that they have granted themselves unilaterally, with our taxes, but without our democratic permission. Consequently these officials should all be our public servants, not our public masters using us a slaves, in particular when using us as slaves with arrogance, which is most of the time. We will see that most politicians are also, for the most part, only the corrupted public puppets of the private elites of the new JewZuit Power of the New World Order that we have stupidly allowed to create money out of nothing, as a private cartel. These false and unnecessary elites can thus most easily afford to literally buy practically any public official with their corrupting money created out of nothing, in particular politicians or journalists. Most journalists have also become the Presstitutes of the mainstream media, as basically stupid repeating mouthpieces of the politicians and the JewZuit elites. These journalists are traitors of their fundamental natural mission of investigating these politicians and private cartels in order to provide the taxpayers with Truth Information instead of disinformation. At the moment, because of the corrupting publicity money the journalists receive from their master-elites, regarding important political and economic events, we receive practically only disinformation, or biased information, or partial information from these presstitutes, except with regard to the routine and unimportant facts of chronicle. Unfortunately, it is a fact of today's life that the mainstream media are not run by journalists anymore, but by corporation managers, CIA collaborators etc.
100.06 →
of this sour reality, no member of the puppet
politicians of the much smaller "high" class should have any right,
under any law, to
prevent us from talking freely, and from acting freely, perfectly
democratically, to correct these enslaving situations. Typically, in an
EthoCracy, and even more so in a
on the basis of the EthoCratic FOLIPET
Principle, not only is it not a crime to use freedom of speech, but it is a
crime to prevent, or try to prevent, a citizen from using full freedom of
speech. We have to reverse
that overall situation, but not by revolting
violently. Violence is not only not needed,
but always counter productive, like most violent revolutions have clearly
demonstrated. Physical violence is just not necessary,
but verbal violence, if need be, can be a good safety valve when it
expresses freedom of opinion. What we need is
not a guillotine, but first and foremost a
better, easier, safer, more enlightened, freedom of opinion, through
Truth Information through
Truth, All
Truth, Fully
Open Governance), and a more obligatory voting process
through the
BAVED EthoRule.
This is very easily possible and will be explained in more details in
Part II
of this essay.
Then. after that, we need
perfectly Four-Way-Binding Electoral
Programs, through the BEC EthoRule, with absolutely
no possible surprise of any kind after
elections in terms of new taxation or new legislation, thus
no more hidden political agendas during
election campaigns, and no more lies
related to an electoral program. Under a proper EthoCracy constitution,
and even more so in a
this would mean the immediate
destitution of the politician concerned, along with penal consequences. We also need
no more debt-money, through the
GUDFOMAPAST EthoPrinciple, but only debt-free money
creation, for public use, and, through the
PIABFOTAC EthoPrinciple, a full and perfect transparency online of its use,
and of all its movements, in and
out, just as if the movements of public money were
done through a private
citizen bank account that can be checked perfectly online, at will, at any
time, by the owner. In the
meantime, we certainly first and foremost need
Truth Information
and a total FOLIPET freedom of opinion, with the
formalization in constitutional law of a new
culture making us ready to accept and support philosophically whatever consequences may
come out of such full FOLIPET freedom of opinion. The possible occasional bad consequences,
in terms of what we call today "Hate Speech" or "Racism", are a very little
price to pay for the immense benefits the fundamental and full
FOLIPET liberty of
opinion can give us. These consequences are not at all as bad as the
current Political Correctness would like us to believe as, with such
FOLIPET freedom, the
holder of a ridicule opinion will soon ridicule his own self, in front of
everybody, with his ridicule opinion, and conversely the holder of a serious and founded
opinion will provoke the useful investigations of responsible magistrates
100.07 →
These few counter actions are only a hint of some 30 comprehensive reforms analyzed as a holistic package, in Part II of this essay, as the EthoCracy Reform Package that is applied in full strength in a TruthOcracy. However, before we get to this holistic package of EthoCratic reforms, we, as the highly majoritarian middle-class, need to first understand why and how we got here, to our current situation of near total enslavement. It is not my intention here, in what follows, to engage in standard history, as written by professional historians, but only to offer a logical reconstruction of the puzzle of historical events that make us understand our current situation of real, but nearly invisible, enslavement through the Three-Headed Cerberus and its assisting matrix of DDD. In order to get ready to take appropriate counter actions to make us go From Slavery Downwards To Slavery Upwards, or rather From Democracy to EthoCracy, or to TruthOcracy, unless we preferred to say From Debtocracy to Real Democracy, we have to know the history of what is behind our current situation, and consequently the mechanics that are being used stealthily to enslave all of us at the moment through the matrix of an apparent free world of fake political correctness. This useful history is what follows below, in the rest of this Part I of this essay. In the meantime, during the process of gradually exposing and explaining our current reality, we should progressively feel more and more confident that we need to start raising, higher and higher, our corresponding panels of democratic protest, the main one of which should probably be something like this: "Yes: EthoCracy National Order -- No: Global New World Order", as shown higher to the left. For now, lets first concentrate on what our current situation really is and where it comes from.
101.01 →
matrix of boomerangs of
blindness and stupidity, called more simply the
Politically Correct, has reduced most of us
to being zombies. That political correctness could not exist as a global
matrix before the arrival of the perfect and instant worldwide
communications that were put in place over the last decades. Such global
matrix is the ultimate tool
that governments have been looking for, for thousands of years, to quell the
masses and reduce them to submission and passivity. The
JewZuit Power has
this new matrix finally at its
full disposal, after having infiltrated all the means of this matrix of
political correctness. The new
JewZuit Power
has quickly found the best modern way to implement
that global matrix, through the acquisition of all powerful networks of the
current mainstream mass media, and through the corruption of most of the subservient presstitute
journalists that they
now fully
control through bribes and/or corrupting publicity money. Consequently, in fact, most mainstream media now have become
simple mouthpieces of governments, and of the elites hiding behind these
governments. As such, most journalists act in complete betrayal of their natural mission which
should be to bring out truth, freely and openly, as awful as it may be, in particular
regarding the bad activities of our politicians, governments and
international organizations sitting over our shoulders.
Morpheus, in the
movie Matrix,
says: “The Matrix is everywhere… It is
the veil that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth”.
This matrix acts like an infectious disease that is much more contagious
than Ebola, as it is not only airborne, but spreads like an invisible WIFI
around all of us, being even airborne-at-distance, electronically, around the globe,
through all the mainstream mass media. Once that matrix has infected someone, it acts
like a tyrannical psychological power of blindly accepted political correctness on the
infected persons.
news networks, like CNN, BBC, NBC,
CBS and others,
are only lackeys of their JewZuit masters in the background manipulating pieces of this veil,
as germ-cultivation centers of this plague. These
networks are regularly paid, not to say
bribed, by foreign governments and JewZuit corporations like
Monsanto, to bring us
sponsored content to make them look good and to maintain the matrix of
political correctness regarding their monstrous activities. Most public
schools, with their Common Core of public education in
America, but also in a similar way in Europe, are other parts of this
same blinding veil of the matrix. Of course,
under the current
Power that intends to implement a
New World Order that seeks to enslave all of us, this
Matrix of Boomerangs of Political Correctness is an absolute prerequisite,
as people can only be controlled fully when they follow the JewZuit political
correctness of their deceivingly assumed Judeo-Christian
Roots instead of their real Hellenistic cultural roots as freethinking
101.02 →
Atzmon is a famous Jewish author who wrote "The
Wandering Who? - A Study of Jewish Identity Politics". As a
Jew, he is often very critical of the Jews, and he affirmed, in an interview
with Bill Alford, that political
correctness is a malicious plot of the Jews to implant, into the world public
opinion, through media under their full control, ideas and politics that
must become accepted without opposition, and that do not admit opposing
opinions without consequences for their holders when these implants are occasionally contested. Certainly, the mass media
of Hollywood and of the TV Networks forming world opinion are definitely
controlled mainly by Jews, as per their own explicit admission. The famous
Jewish journalist Joel Stein, in 2008, wrote an article in
the LA Times, saying: "I don’t care if Americans think
we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I
just care that we get to keep running them".
This is certainly well confirmed in a famous book written by a Jewish
writer, Neal Gabler: "An
Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood". Many other famous Jews, like Steven Spielberg, one
of the directors of the so-called "New Hollywood", as a
crypto-way to not say the Jew-Controlled Hollywood, or Woddy
Allen (a Jew born with the name Allan Konigsberg), and many others, also keep
boasting regularly and proudly about their control of Hollywood and the mass
media, thus even about who can be proclaimed a valid contender to an Oscar
or a Nobel Prize. Nevertheless, as we will see, more than only
Jewish, these
implants of political correctness are probably
JewZuit more than just plain
Jewish, and they compose a matrix in which all of us live, rarely consciously, or
unconsciously most of the time. As we will see, the Jesuit side of this
JewZuit matrix is always well represented in all centers of
power, like it was the case with the fully Jesuit-trained Joe Biden
in the Obama Government, as the current incumbent Vice-President of the
USA, who never loses a
good occasion, or maybe rather a bad
occasion, to highly congratulate the Jews, in a rather Jewcy way, when they make their boasting
comments about already running the whole world we live in. But Biden
was a Jesuit trained figure working in Obama's environment
awash with Zionists. As such he was a perfect JewZuit figure at the maximum
level of world power and pushing stealthily, in that top position, for the
start of WWIII as the only thing that might have saved the
dollar and that power from full collapse. That
JewZuit matrix is also certainly maintained in particular,
practically from birth to death, by the mainstream media and television that we keep watching
passively while eating or attending our daily routine chores. Instead of
logically arguing issues with our own selves, or with family members and friends, we just keep
watching passively, and absorbing silently, the crappy culture and disinformation that
become our politically correct. The beautiful freethinking
EL minds of our
Greek roots have been downgraded, by our dominant
and deceiving
Judeo-Christian environment, to being simple
syphoning funnels for accepting passively, blindly and silently, smoothly
seated in our long chairs, what the
hidden behind the mainstream media want to impose on us as politically
101.03 →
We in turn perpetuate the same process of matrix deception with our children, letting them grow alone, abandoned in front of their maxi screens of mass television and wild video games, absorbing subliminally the same crappy culture of political correctness. As a result, when we occasionally get out of our lethargy, we inevitably talk and behave with political correctness, in other words with complete incorrectness, or rather with complete stupidity, regarding the most important aspects of our lives, even as supposedly the citizens of the most educated and advanced western countries. We seem to always do the reverse of what we should be doing, or doing passively what the political correctness commands, when trying to solve our social and economic problems. Consequently, we, most of the time, promote solutions that are boomerangs that turn against our best interests on a regular basis.
101.04 →
For example, instead of proactively teaching a good personal discipline to our children and students, from a young age, at home and in primary school, we let them go without just punishment, for whatever bad they may do. Then later on we use handcuffs, leg shackles and tasers as punishment in public schools, and even militarize the security of our schools with expensive guards armed with machine guns and armored vehicles or tanks if necessary, when serious criminality and senseless riots inevitably start happening. This is not only plainly ridiculous, but a total contradiction of common sense, and of the process of good education (or what we calll ELducation), that has been so successful for centuries before the New World Order started to destroy it through the matrix of political correctness for the purpose of our easier enslavement. Of course the saddest part of this socially engineered stupidity through political correctness is that we do not realize that the states dominated by the New World Order do want screwed up or abandoned children so that they, the states, can take over from parents and also social engineer children and students at an early age, as subservient slaves for the state's purposes. This is why excessive and nihilistic permissiveness is politically correct, and consequently the militarization of school police is also politically correct, to ensure good justification for more state control sold to the rest of us as a protection of our security.
101.05 →
As another example, instead of selecting our essential immigration, to
ensure the respectability of the background of the immigrant candidates, and a good
degree of harmonious integration of foreigners intended to become productive
and happy new co-citizens, we let practically any world vagrant persons come
in, freely and in massive quantities, to the point that they can only
produce an exaggerated degree of multiculturalism that has always had most
destructive social and economic consequences wherever it took place. But the
matrix ensures we accept the disasters of excessive multiculturalism as
politically correct. This political correctness prevents us from
understanding that we cannot have a welfare state and open borders, with
freely incoming illegal immigration in a massive way without due
PISA process. The matrix prevents us
from even suspecting that having both contradictory measures comes from a deliberate policy
of the bankers, or of rather the JewZuit Power, indebting
and destructing the social texture of the country for accomplishing a
superior level of enslavement under its easier control. This can only lead
to social disorder and racism, instead of to a good
ProRacialism, as
promoted by an EthoCracy (as a first step to a
TruthOcracy). In
addition, with the complicity of the
UN, through the irresponsible slackness
of its UNHCR, we even call most of them
'refugees' when they are not
refugees under the Geneva Convention,
that is, when they are simple world migrants fleeing only difficult economic
situations, if not only selfish seekers of the free and plentiful western
social welfare. Instead of deporting them politely and honorably back to their
countries, the matrix of political correctness makes us try to absorb them through most expensive social benefits
paid by the existing middle-class. In
this way, we attract more of these false refugees and, the worst part, we encourage them not
go back to their countries. We make them lose their dignity as welfare
slaves here, but also as the citizens of the countries they have abandoned.
We cause serious economic damage to both countries involved, and serious
personal damage to the dignity of all the persons involved. Nevertheless, no one
will even dare ask a simple legitimate question, certainly not publicly, about the absurdity
of this politically correct, even when, and especially when, we suspect it
might be part of a debasing strategy against us, on the part of the
Power in the background. Overall this sad reality
is a demonstration of the deception of the humanitarianism
of the UN, pushed by the New World Order,
in order to destroy our sense of nation and
nationality, which destruction is essential political correctness for achieving an
eventual global One-World Government of totalitarian
Fabian Socialism.
101.06 →
Maybe the worst example of boomerangs of political correctness is that we accept politicians who keep lying to us during electoral campaigns without any negative consequences for these politicians, but only with many negative consequences for our own self. This is certainly the case for example of an Obama winning two consecutive elections on the grounds that he would end war in Iraq, while he has only increased war levels not only in Iraq, but also in Afghanistan, Libya, Ukraine, Syria and many other Middle East countries, fully at outrageous voter’s expense. Not only do voters did not push to impeach him, but they even stupidly accepted that he be presented with a Nobel Prize, for nothing less than Peace, without protesting, as a kind of "Obamination" perpetrated more and more often by the authorities attributing Nobel prizes. And they are the same voters who stupidly impeacheded a president like Clinton for something as futile, and non-expensive to the taxpayers, as cheating his own wife. In September 2014, Syria has become the 7th foreign country bombed by Obama, directly or through surrogates. He was involved in continuing another dozen foreign wars, and he has even extended Bush’s war in Afghanistan, projecting he personally saw a need to make the USA presence there last up to 2024. In his first election in 2008, Obama won his mandate promising his administration would work more powerfully than any previous one to achieve global disarmament, but in the fall of 2014 he announced he would spend over one trillion dollars for modernizing nuclear armaments. Obama was then re-elected in 2012 promising again, like in 2008, to end the war in Iraq and, after withdrawing the bulk of the troops from Iraq, he started, not even 2 years later, sending new ones to Iraq, deceitfully disguised mostly as advisers, and foolishly bombing any kind of moving Iraqi targets with stupidly blind drones as, in the end, these drones kill more civilians than soldiers. In other words, Barack O'Bomber has become the most Warmongering Nobel Peace Prize Laureate in history since the Nobel was created. And this complete deception was accepted by most people, as it is presented to the world public opinion, as politically correct by the presstitutes of the mainstream media that are bribed daily by the publicity money of the JewZuit Power, and thus exist only to be mouthpieces of that power, and to formulate, maintain and defend the political correctness discretely imposed in the background by the matrix of that power.
101.07 →
In the
meantime, and in any case, not only Obama, but all western leaders and politicians keep doing whatever they
want, after elections, during their mandates, doing it mostly to their own
selfish advantage, even through constant incredible corruption. The whole
political system of the western world is fully corrupted to the core. After their
mandates, in spite of this gross and continuous deceit, corrupted elected
politicians, along with corrupted non-elected high officials of
international organizations, keep parading
proudly on TV, in front of us stupidly admiring them, even when they give most expensive
speeches paid by even some universities that are in serious financial
difficulty because their students cannot afford increased educational fees.
And all of these gross contradictions are ridiculously accepted as
politically correct, without us even raising any eyebrow most of the time. Nevertheless, we do not only
keep reelecting these politicians, or accept blindly the terribly corrupted
cronyism of the nominations of their incompetent friends to useless senior
positions of international or supra-national organizations, but we even maintain
all of them from election to election with
flagrantly undeserved privileges, fully at our own expense, without seeing the stupid contradiction of our behavior.
And this too is blindly accepted as political correctness.
101.08 →
We in particular do the same stupid mistake with unelected members of international organizations, like the UN and the EU, watching them passively on a daily basis on TV, while they parade arrogantly in the most luxurious palaces, entirely at our expense, supposedly acting on our behalf, even if never elected by us, with most of them, if not all of them, having been nominated through recommendation and favors to friends, instead of for their known meritorious competence. To crown the senselessness of that reality, we passively let them take decisions that mostly serve to enslave all of us through the three-headed Cerberus of extreme legislation, excessive taxation and fearful disinformation. Then, when we do not just look at them passively, like zombies, not realizing our foolishness, we stupidly applaud at them as if they were heroes and saviors to be admired for their high and falsely prestigious positions of power over us. This again is political correctness blindly accepted by most of us.
101.09 →
Other aspects of our life also offer perfect examples of boomerangs of stupid political correctness. Instead of preventing our corporations from outsourcing or offshoring our best jobs out, in poor countries overseas, allowing only these corporations to get richer, even when they are richer than some of their own countries of operation, like Ford being richer than South Africa, or GM being richer than Denmark, we passively again let them make most employees at home poorer, and our country poorer, by resolving our deteriorated situation through the creation of additional expensive welfare benefits, at extreme costs to our public debt, and consequently to us as taxpayers, in order to support the increasing unemployment and misery that we have passively let being created at home. The new toaster produced through offshored jobs abroad, the one that you now buy at the supermarket at half the old price, is accepted as politically correct; but it is a fake good deal turning back on us as a boomerang: it will break three times as fast as the old one that used to be produced locally, thus cost you three times its apparent cheap price; in addition, the workers that used to produce it here are now unemployed, the national company is probably out of business, and thousands of good local job earners are now under social benefits at great costs to the community, thus at great costs to you as a taxpayer. And this offshoring is done by design, on purpose, to not only enrich the corporations involved, but in particular to lower the standard of living of 90% of the population here at home, forcing the middle class to keep on working, but with fewer opportunities, and harder than before, as cheap slaves, for the benefit of the corporations that get richer and do not even pay local taxes anymore to help face the increasing costs of our additional welfare needs. That plan is even doubly malicious, as this debasement also avoids riots because of the creation of a huge majoritarian poor class completely subservient and dependent on good government welfare. This is the basic process of enslavement of the NWO. And all these boomerangs of stupidity are accepted blindly as politically correct without the blink of a suspicious eye.
101.10 →
Instead of punishing our politicians and senior public servant managers when they make mistakes, even when these mistakes are done through flagrant incompetence or negligence, we prefer to have the failing government, in other words us, as taxpayers footing the bill, paying the consequences in terms of huge court fees, legal fees and damages to be paid. This is too often equivalent to an Internal Mafia Immunity. Then, instead of punishing corporations for plundering poor countries and leaving these countries with irreparable catastrophes to their environment, we give these criminal corporations all sorts of tax benefits that most honest and responsible taxpayers could never even dream to enjoy. In other words, we create a second type of welfare that does not help the poor of our country in this case, but help the super rich of our country, the corporations, the rich entities creating immense public debt here, and environment disasters for the poor of other countries. This is a Corporate Welfare being added to the Social Welfare. That new corporate welfare is for the rich, more expensive than the social welfare for the common people, totally undeserved and unfair, as a type of External Mafia Immunity this time, and a type of welfare that, because of its costs in terms of missing revenues, leaves us incapable of facing better our own real and deserving internal social welfare, except through additional taxation for the middle class.
101.11 →
As a good example, serving typically for hundreds of others, and not at all the worst example, of a boomerang we allow our Internal Corporate Mafia to use, with full immunity and impunity, we can legitimately mention GE (General Electric). After receiving substantial benefits of various kinds, in public money, during its many years of growth at its various centers of production in the western world, instead of being grateful and starting finally paying its fair share of taxes, GE started to act totally unfairly against its benefit provider and its workers. GE started to offshore its best producing jobs to the third world in order to make more profits through cheaper labor. It started to also outsource many of its components to unsafe secondary producers around the poorest world in order to not only make them cheaper for the company, not for the consumer, but in particular to covertly render them more quickly breakable for the purpose, again, of making yet more money selling more replacement products in the long run. In the meantime, through this process, GE has created new unemployment at home, firing its own more well-paid employees. Many of their ex employees at home have also now become the new long-term victims of social welfare. And to culminate this masterpiece, GE now refuses to pay taxes on the huge profits it has accumulated abroad by offshoring and outsourcing. In the fiscal year 2013, GE has refused to repatriate $108 billion of its profits accumulated abroad, keeping these profits overseas. By keeping these profits abroad, GE avoided completely paying taxes, no taxes at all, on that huge sum at its home base, even if these corporate taxes would have been collected at a much lower ratio than the normal rate of taxation of the average individual taxpayer. Taxing that sum at home would also have at least helped support the unemployment insurance and welfare benefits of their ex employees, as a kind of legitimate compensation for the damage done at home. This ugly circuit of operations is the exact opposite of what any decent government should impose, or implement as much as possible, in any civilized country, in particular for corporations that the government has helped a lot in the past with all kinds of benefits of Corporate Welfare, even more so for corporations that have, later on, created a lot of new unemployment and new social welfare disbursements of public money at home. This faulty process is a perfect example of the kind of boomerang from which all of us accept to be hit back, and hurt seriously, without crying, or without even raising questions about it, because we have been dumbed-down by the disinformation that is also being pushed at us constantly by the same corporative power controlling also all the mainstream media, and by our powerful matrix of stupid political correctness. Consequently GE and the likes can do all of this damage serenely, like a well established and undisturbed mafia, with full impunity, because, like most other big corporations, it has been allowed, through corruption, to acquire an inadmissible power over politicians and western governments through lobbies at home acting in complete conflict of interest, and through the related political contributions and bribes they regularly manage to pass on, legally or illegally, to the most powerful politicians and government officials at home and abroad. From this point of view, it is most interesting to read the book of USA Senator Elizabeth Warren, titled "A Fighting Chance". In that good book, she says and demonstrates clearly that the USA government at the moment works first and foremost, and systematically, for the protection of the interests of the biggest corporations that use the strongest lobbies, and not, as it should, for the protection of the interests of the voters who put them in office and pay their salaries and monstrous benefits.
101.12 →
Another example of terrible boomerang of political correctness, no doubt the most stupid one, and certainly the most damaging one for our own self-made enslavement, is the following. Instead of creating our own national money, without any public debt, we accept to have it created, out of nothing, and on the basis of no constitutional right, by a cabal of private bankers, like the FED, that then give it all to themselves and their acolytes for lending it to us with interest as new additional public debt-money, as new additional public debt in terms of both capital and interests, in other words as our own additional debt as taxpayers, uselessly enslaving our own selves this way, and even our children and grand-children as the taxpayers of many generations to come.
101.13 →
What an absurdity! What an ugly enslavement through useless debt-money! And the list of these boomerangs of absurdity of the politically correct could go on and on ad infinitum. Unfortunately, as simple citizens at the bottom of the pyramid, we accept it all blindly and silently, not to say stupidly, without the slimmest thought of asking a question about its legitimacy crossing even the antechamber of our minds.
101.14 →
The worst part is that
even our leaders not only do the same, even more systematically than we do,
but they in fact are the puppets pushing this political correctness at us on
behalf of their masters of the
JewZuit Power hiding and maintaining
the matrix in the background. Consequently, as we will see, we constantly deceive ourselves
with boomerangs of political
correctness hitting destructively even
the most important aspects of our civic life. We live in an "Empire
of Illusion", to quote the title of
the book
of Chris Hedges shown further down.
This deception is complemented by an incredible social engineering, hidden
in plain sight, that lures us into accepting these illusions as inevitable,
even as our normal reality, that is, as our stupid political correctness.
101.15 →
However, as we will see, with an appropriate package of reforms, that we call
the "EthoCracy Reform Package", elaborated in
Part II
of this essay, there is absolutely no reason this global deception should be
allowed to take place.
101.16 →
In short, for the first time in our human history, we are all the subjects of a global enslavement, at planet level, that is based on a combination of deception, social engineering, geo-engineering, and physical engineering, all joining their efforts, under the guidance of the JewZuit Power, to implement the most comprehensive form of slavery that humanity has ever known, mainly through debt-money. As we will see, this global enslavement is taking place surreptitiously, stealthily, but nevertheless clearly to an attentive observer, as an advanced form of Collectivism that has its roots in a Fabian Socialism of totalitarian aspiration. And also for the first time, in the 21st century, this Fabian Socialism has put its grips on the first world, the most developed world, as opposed to on the third world where it has nicely fine tuned its strategy of global enslavement for most of the 19th and 20th centuries. We will also see why that attack on the first world has started by completely squashing first and foremost Greece.
101.17 →
This global deception lures us in many forms and colors. Lets have a look more specifically at some of the most obnoxious ways it hides itself in plain sight, and consequently engineers stealthily the full enslavement of all of us.
102.01 →
To say that we govern ourselves through our elected governments is a complete fraud, as these elected
representatives do mostly whatever they want after being elected, and are in
fact, for the most part of their activity, only the puppet-executors of a
global agenda managed entirely behind the scene by what we call the
Power in the context of this essay. These elected
governments exist only as a safe-face, and as masking decoration, for the
use of our real
masters commanding from the background the elected pseudo-political power
placed in the foreground. In other words, to say that we live in independent
countries managed by independent elected governments is a complete fraud.
Michael J. Glennon, a political scientist of the Tufts University, in his book National Security and Double Government, explains very clearly that in the western world, we live in a system of double government: the one we elect, and the one that is not elected but commands in a near absolute way in the background, with virtually no accountability, no transparency and no checks and balances of any kind, in particular in the most important thing for all politicians, the national security ensuring the maintenance of the current political system, as faulty and as corrupted as it may be. Elected politicians then serve only as mere cover for the decisions made by the "deep" double government. Glennon bases his assertions on the thesis of Walter Bagehot, the English intellectual who died in 1877 and in whose honor the famous Walter Bagehot Award was created for the distribution of a yearly prize for the best dissertation in the field of government and public administration. Glennon documents his theory accurately with some 800 footnotes in his book. In short, all the important policies of our governments in the field of National Security are made by this double government, and most other policies of less importance are also deeply influenced by this double government, in a situation of complete deception.
102.03 →
Another excellent author talks very clearly about the fact that we are governed by a double state: the "Public State", and the "Deep State". He explains that "The public state consists of the democratic republic that we are taught is our system of government and in which we dutifully participate as citizens, while the deep state, on the other hand, is composed of the realpolitik powers and behind-the-scenes decisions about which ordinary citizens are unaware". The author is Professor Peter Dale Scott, writing in his invaluable book, The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America. He has also written a previous book on the "Deep Politics" related to the assassination of JFK. All of this is in perfect resonance with the other excellent book of Lance DeHaven-Smith, titled "Conspiracy Theories in America". He has developed the new concept of SCAD (State Crime Against Democracy). For him, words like "Corruption" are totally insufficient to describe certain types of illegal actions taken by backstage senior officials that not only negatively affect many people as individuals, but subvert democracy and undermine popular sovereignty. At the moment, all the operatives of the Deep State enjoy full wholesale impunity. DeHaven-Smith claims that not only Conspiracies do in fact exist, but that we have been socially engineered derogatively to refuse them as "Conspiracy Theory" even when they are perfectly well documented by historians and scientists. Professor Dale Scott in turn explains that this is "the culmination of trends developing through a half century: toward secret top-down decision making by small cabals, toward the militarization of law enforcement, toward plans for the sequestering of those who dissent, toward government off-the-books operations, transactions, and assets, and toward governance by those [the richest 1%] who pay for political parties rather than those who participate in them". Exposing the authors of these real conspiracies, or rather of these Conspirealities, and their related SCADs, is made impossible by the legalized bribery of massive electoral campaign contributions given most easily by both the private banksters who print money out of nothing, and the corporations who freely enjoy the conflict of interest of conflicting government positions through the revolving doors system between their senior staff and the government senior staff. Satirical journalist and researcher Greg Palast was right when he said that western countries nowadays enjoy "the best democracy money can buy". In other words, maybe we enjoy in fact the worst democracy deception can offer. In fact it is not Democracy as it was invented by Ancient-Greece, and we should stop calling it Democracy, but rather Debtocracy, as a fake system that is presented to us as a provider of liberty when in fact it is only providing enslavement through the three-headed Cerberus and the DDD strategy.
102.04 →
Over centuries, tribes have been brought into nations but, over only decades, nations have now been brought into regions, or into supra-national organizations, like the EU. Already today, most of our legislation is decided by foreign entities outside our supposedly independent and sovereign nations. Private multinational corporations are also at the base of most of this extreme legislation being pushed at us by these non-government entities, many of them even foreign entities. Most of this extreme legislation is drafted by the lawyers of these corporations and does not serve national interests, but only the interests of the few managing these foreign entities and the corporations involved in the drafting. Similarly, when the American FDA for example creates an advisory committee to help it decide whether to approve drugs, and to issue the related legislation, it often asks academic physicians with a financial interest in the corporations involved in the production of the drugs to serve on the committee as experts, and the EU often has a similar behavior in spite of a flagrant conflict of interest.
102.05 →
Annoyingly enough, even negotiations and drafting of most important
international agreements, like the
TTIP (Transatlantic
Trade and
Investment Partnership).
is part of the global TTT
world trade agreement, but specifically for trade relations between the USA and the EU.
It has a huge importance for the worldwide domination of the rest of the
world by the USA/EU partnership and will
practically eliminate the sovereignty of all the countries involved in all
aspects of their operations, not only on the trade side. Incredibly, in
spite of this, the negotiations are done
completely secretly, transgressing TTIP’s own mandate calling for greater transparency,
obviously only as a fictitious call.
Before TTIP rules are changed, the negotiators first disclose all materials
secretly to the corporate interests behind
TTIP, and none to the public
whose primary economic interests are at stake in a vital way. This secret
way of negotiating, not only in favor of the primary interests of the
corporations, but in clear conflict of interest with these corporations, is
kept unknown to the public via the presstitutes of the mainstream
press who are also controlled by the networks of some of these same
corporations. This is totally inadmissible, and certainly a gross criminal
conflict of interest, but it goes totally unattended, even unquestioned, by
both the press and our governments. It is a perfect example of what we call
Government Deception. Slowly but surely we
are being brought into a JewZuit New World Order of total foreign or
non-elected-government command,
at global level,
that is leading us to our complete enslavement, with a clearly pursued
totalitarian Fabian World Government.
102.06 →
However, the biggest deception in relation to what we call "Government" today comes from the fact that all the governments of the most advanced world now function on a basis of debt-money. When you get into debt, you lose part of your sovereignty. The more into debt you get, the less you still have of your sovereignty. Governments deeply into debt are without sovereignty, and consequently are no more real governments, but only puppets of their debt masters in the background. They do not only lose their political sovereignty, as leaders, but the country itself also loses more and more of its sovereignty in terms of a growing number of natural resources that are grabbed by the lending bankers and their acolytes, like the IMF, as collateral guarantee for their loans. In 1913, the new powerful world represented by the USA was deceived by the stealthy creation of the FED (Federal Reserve of the USA, the Creature of Jekyll Island, as supposedly the public federal Central Bank of the USA). This new institution placed the power of creating money into the hands of a cabal of private bankers instead of into the hands of the treasury. From then on, through a kind of domino effect, that immense power of money creation spread to all the private cabals of central banks of the western world. From that terrible mistake, and from then on, governments of all western countries would start to operate only on the basis of debt-money from these cabals of private bankers, borrowing that debt-money with interest, instead of creating money themselves without any amount of this new money being due back to anyone as capital or interests. From then on, the public money borrowed by the governments was all uselessly due back as both capital and interests. Governments gradually lost more and more of their sovereignty and gradually became more and more the puppets of the private bankers in the background. At the same time, the same private cabal succeeded in having the Income Tax system established as a new institution (which did not exist before in the USA, nor in most other western countries), in order to ensure the reimbursement of their loans to the government by the taxpayers. This is the unfortunate situation of debt-slavery in which we are today, as both governments and taxpayers.
102.07 →
This deception did not only change
the nature of our governments, but also the nature of all international
relations, in particular in relation to wars and revolutions, let alone the
national possessions of our natural resources. For centuries,
wars had been the affair of essentially brave warriors, great generals, and
honored heroes who
would conquer new lands, but destroy as little of possible on their way in
order to profit themselves from the goods plundered from the conquered territories.
Since 1913, with the stealthy creation of the FED in the USA
, as the Creature of Jekyll Island, and the
cascading power given to other private central bankers around the world to create
debt-money out of nothing,
wars became the affair of bankers, and not of brave heroes anymore. In fact,
immediately after that change, WWI was launched immediately, and not for the
honor of great warriors and generals, but only for the profit of bankers. The bankers
who from then on created new debt-money out of nothing, and then loaned it to governments with
interests, started financing proactively all destructive wars and
revolutions, be they for the extreme left, like for Lenin or for the extreme
right, like for Hitler, financing indifferently all the parties of all sides
of all wars
and revolutions in between. From then on, wars would
become not an effort to plunder as much as possible for the acquisition of new lands or
useful additional infrastructures, but an effort to be as destructive as possible.
The bankers would not only finance
all sides of these wars, for the acquisition of their armaments, but push
for most destructive world wars, as they would also want to finance
the reconstruction of the massive destruction caused by all these wars in all the countries involved.
More destruction the better! More destructive armaments to be acquired the better! The same
bankers involved in this new diabolic system of most destructive wars also started to finance
the transformation of many universities, like typically Harvard,
to become the creators of the political puppets required as a facade of
servile governments in order to pursue, with the help of these new types of
leaders, their own enrichment through more and
more wars, and more and more debt-money to be loaned to these political
lackeys. In the meantime, with the unlimited money the JewZuit banksters
create out-of-nothing, they have also financed the build up of an
incredibly huge two-headed complex: a pure Military Complex
more powerful than ever before, but associated to a not less huge and
dangerous Military-Internet Complex, as well described in
the excellent book of
Shane Harris, titled "@War
- The Rise of the Military-Internet Complex". This
two-headed military monster would not train mainly the bodies and minds of good warriors and
generals anymore, capable
of winning legitimate battles as heroes, using minimum destruction, but
would only produce the most possible
type of destructive war
machinery, capable of achieving maximum destruction, independently of any
legitimacy. The new type of comfortable warriors would even start doing so
more and more at uncompromising safe distance, using the space as much as
the cyberspace, with the use of only
the finger of a feeble soldier pulling a trigger, or moving a mouse on a computer screen. This explains why the XX
century has been the most destructive one in world history, with two world
wars, and why the XXI century has already been similarly destructive, and so
intensely preparing the third world war, all and only for the maximum profit
of bankers financing the whole process. The only real super-power left, the
USA, is also into such economic difficulties at the moment that,
for the JewZuit Power, it is the only way it
can save itself, that is, save its banks, is though a WWIII.
This is why Wall Street and their JewZuit bankers now
run the world, and run it only for their own profit through maximum possible
destruction and debt, and consequently actively prepare the grounds for WWIII,
even at the cost of reinforcing their apparent enemy on their path, the Muslim world
led by Saudi Arabia, through typically
financing and arming stealthily what should be their enemy, that is, groups
like Al-Qaeda or ISIS,
and provoking uselessly countries like Russia. Hopefully a Donald
Trump shall be able to change all of this. For now, this is the only way
the JewZuit Power can
bring about WWIII that could serve to save the plan of the world
banksters, and save them with no major concern on their part for the fact that, on its way,
WWIII may also
destroy the USA itself as the current super power, and maybe also
destroy a great
part of Europe. Destruction, and profit through financing destruction and
reconstruction is the only game the world JewZuit banksters know, and the only
one they will play, whatever the risks involved. From this point of view, this
WWIII may also finally bring along a global JewZuit bankers world
domination, based in Jerusalem, through the creation of the
Greater Israel
justified by the need to defeat the terror of the Muslim
world (stealthily empowered for that justification by the same JewZuit banksters), and consequently the
World Government
predicted by Albert Pike in his letter to Mazzini in
1871. Pike's predictions of 1871 about WWI and about
WWII have already revealed themselves to be absolutely true so far.
The advent of Trump as president of the USA,
in spite of his apparent disassociation from the 'swamp' of the previous
administration, may even contribute to this JewZuit Power plan, starting
with his promise to move the American Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to
Consequently, maybe this is a valid reason to also take seriously what
said about what WWIII shall achieve in the world clash
between the Muslim world (mainly the Shiite side, because of the
ZAJAC connection on the
Sunni side) and the Zionist world of Israel and its western
JewZuit lackeys in the USA and the EU. What is going on at the moment, with the growing war against
terror, even if in fact that war consists in the JewZuit Power
using the most radical Muslims as useful idiots through
a series of false flags, certainly matches Pike's perspective and
predictions. The more destruction they will cause, the more profit
they will bring to the JewZuit banks. However, these bankers are only the facade of what we
call the JewZuit Power in the context of this essay. From
this point of view, these bankers of the JewZuit Power have
become real "Banksters of Mass Destruction". Apart from WWI and
WWII, countries like Afghanistan, Iraq,
Libya, Syria, Ukraine, and another
dozen countries around the world are only few of the best example and
victims of these banksters of mass destruction in only the first two decades
spanning the turn of the XXI century.
In the same line of thinking, maybe the so-called "War on Terror",
and the related growing Islamophobia, in relation to real
acts of terrorism committed by only a small minority of radical Muslims, is
only a strategy of the JewZuit Power to use these radical
Muslims as useful idiots to facilitate the launching of WWIII
and the bringing-in of the "World Government of Terror"
predicted by
Albert Pike and other Fabian Socialists as the dictatorial
One-World-Government of the New World Order.
102.08 →
Because of this stealthy strategy, the objectives of world Peace in international relations, so often mentioned by our national politicians and their acolytes of international organizations, are only lip service. None of the dozen new wars of the young XXI century have brought profit to any of the countries involved in terms of better democracy, better social pacification or better stable peace and economic progress for all the populations involved. They have brought only full destruction for all the countries that have been attacked or invaded but, by the same token, they have brought immense profit to the distant banksters in the background who have manipulated the politicians leading these wars. The real profit of all these wars is only going to the bankers financing the whole process while sitting comfortably at distance in their push environments. These bankers of the JewZuit Power have become our real government, as our "Deep Government", behind the puppet political governments that we think we have elected to govern us for our best interest. Our so-called democratic governments, supposedly and fictitiously governing us sovereignly and independently for our sole benefit, are consequently only a complete deception, be it in terms of governing us as well as possible, as our elected leaders, or in terms of promoting democracy and peace around the world. The objective of constant wars, as many as possible, and as destructive as possible, for maximum possible profit of the JewZuit banksters, is always the leading one behind the scene, imposed discretely to our politicians corrupted by the unlimited banksters money of the JewZuit Power. Peace and democracy, supposedly pursued by our puppet governments dominated by their warlord banksters, are a complete deception. Our reality has become one of the production of maximum public debt, maximum taxation, maximum destructive wars, thus maximum enslavement of the middle class, all for the maximum profit of the JewZuit banksters in the background. And the worst part of this process is that, when these banksters get into trouble, often for monstrously irresponsible or illegal activities, they nevertheless get maximum salvation in terms of taxpayers money, through bail-outs or even bail-ins if necessary, even with the additional plush bonuses for supposedly their good yearly performance, and arrogant golden handshakes in severance pay and pensions in due time, whatever their mistakes, whatever the enslavement they have caused through debt-money, whatever the destruction they have caused through war financing, as they are supposedly some godly figures running diabolic institutions that are "Too Big To Fail", while the taxpayers reimbursing their debt-money are always "Too Few To Foul", not to use another ugly little four-letter "F" word that would be more adapted in the last position of the latter expression. In the meantime, everybody is afraid of this immense money power, even the magistrates and prosecutors who seem to always treat overly nicely the terrible criminal mistakes of these bankers, through fines only, knowing the bankers can easily pay these fines, instead of prosecuting them to jail terms, because they, the prosecutors, could put their own life in danger. In addition, because of the infinite greed of these banksters, pushing for constant wars of maximum destruction and the subsequent plans of reconstruction that they can all finance with immense profits, the XX century has been responsible for some 260 million dead people via the help of the corrupted politicians these banksters have instigated. Most of these crimes against humanity have even happened outside of a war context, and as such they amount to a real Democide. These crimes have made the civil banksters and their civil government political acolytes of all colors our worst enemies, much worst than any kind of traditional military personnel. Nevertheless, as civil personnel, these banksters never get prosecuted properly for their crimes because of their immense and illegitimate money power over the political power. This is what Government Sovereignty and World Peace Deception is all about. The only real sovereignty that exists at the moment is not the one of our governments, but the one of the JewZuit banksters financing and corrupting governments. The frequent talks we hear about the pursuit of world peace are also only window dressing, as an entertaining theatrical show that hides, behind the scene, the pursuit of as many wars as possible, and wars as constant and destructive as possible, for the maximum profits of the banksters. And this monstrous process has existed ever since we have given the bankers, most unduly and unconstitutionally, the immense power to create money out of nothing, and then loan it to our governments at interests, and with the guarantee that it will all be reimbursed by the rest of us, the enslaved taxpayers of the productive middle-class. We do not select political leaders managing sovereign governments, we only elect the best possible puppets among the ones presented to us for stealthily managing the best interests of the world JewZuit banksters. The real selection of our leaders is done by the JewZuit Power before the elections. The bankers have the only type of real sovereignty that exist in the world today, and they are the only "State Capture Government" that rule the world today, through the most discrete managers of The Network of Global Corporate Control that sits behind the public face of their acolytes of the central JewZuit banks.
103.01 →
To say that the best of
our western civilization has Judeo-Christian roots is also a complete fraud,
as these roots are rather Hellenic or, more simply said,
Greek. Until a few decades ago, people had the common sense
of at least saying that our roots in the Western World were "Greco-Roman",
which was much more closer to the reality, as our real roots were, and are,
certainly "Greco", then "Roman" in as much
as the Romans had acquired their own real culture from the Greeks.
Fundamentally however, our roots
come from
the only culture that has really created, and given us in inheritance, things
like democracy, holistic education (or
ELducation), philosophy and a sense of justice and
artistic beauty, let alone beauty in all aspects of our life, be it things,
actions, thoughts, language, architecture etc. Somewhere during the 5
decades of the formalization of the JewZuit Power, since
the Vatican Zionist coup of the Council of
Vatican II, in 1964, and the social quiet revolution that ensued in
1968, the new dominant JewZuit culture and their enslaved JewZuit mainstream
media started to have all of us say and accept that our cultural roots are
Judeo-Christian. This was a complete fraud at least on the
"Judeo" side. If our roots on the "Greco",
the "Roman" and the "Christian" sides are
clearly Hellenic, this is not so much the case of the "Judeo"
side of what we call today our Judeo-Christian roots. The
Judeo-Christian authorities, as we will see in details, have only tried, for
two millennia, to copy, dilute and transform the beautiful original
Hellenic roots and values to their own advantage, in order to give the impression to their respective followers that
they were of their own Jewish or Christian creation, destroying or
distorting along the way the best of what these Hellenic
EL roots were.
103.02 →
The Christian side has absorbed the Hellenic roots somewhat more positively, except for preventing them to blossom beautifully afterwards because of a parallel introduction of enslaving dogma and fear into their religious culture. The Jews in turn have pretended to have absorbed some of the Hellenic roots, as a pretention based on a kind of jealousy for their obvious beauty and superiority, and done so through the imposition of a fake political correctness that gave the world the impression that these beautiful roots were their own, and not Hellenic, even if their history of at least the last 2000 years can only be characterized by a constant fight against Hellenism, as the fight of the fundamentally enslaving culture of the Jewish "Money Changers" against the Greek culture of the "Idea Exchangers", or against the culture of freedom and freethinking that the Jews have always abhorred to this day. Consequently, if it is a complete fraud to call our roots "Judeo-Christian", and if for some reason we do not want to call them as they really are, as "Hellenic", then let's return to some 5 decades ago, and at least call them "Greco-Roman" and definitely not "Judeo-Christian". This would be a more honest compromise. But in reality, there is no way out, and our real cultural roots are only fundamentally "Hellenic". The EU has rejected to insert a "Judeo-Christian" mention of its roots in its Constitution, and this was not really a mistake. To ask the EU to qualify its roots as "Hellenic" might also be too much to ask, let alone as "Greek", at a time of a serious economic conflict between Greece and the rest of Europe, and in consideration of the dominance of a clear JewZuit culture in the unelected, unaccountable to anyone, and thus totalitarian monstrous European technocracy of the EU in Brussels, acting like a centralized dictatorship; But it was definitely a serious mistake for the EU founders not to have had the courage to call its roots as at least Greco-Roman in its Constitution. This could have prevented it from becoming, or rather being already, an institution of cultural genocide and economic enslavement for its member countries. Hopefully some day this serious mistake will be corrected, unless in the meantime the conflict with Greece brings down the Euro, and possibly also the unaccountable JewZuit EU that has tried to enslave Greece, first and foremost Greece, and completely, over the last two decades with the help of its equally unaccountable JewZuit Troika acolytes, the BCE and the IMF.
103.03 →
We usually say that our western society has Judeo-Christian roots by meaning that these roots express the best of what we are. Put in these terms, this is also a fraud and a complete deception. We can say that we have Judeo-Christian roots only if we mean the bad aspects of our civilization, not the good ones. The Christians brought us dogma and consequently a constant fear of being sinful by not obeying blindly the Christian church. This fear has materialized into outright persecution in the worst possible form during the centuries of the Inquisition, both the Catholic Inquisition and the Orthodox Inquisition for over one millennium, but also in an attempt to keep us blindly obedient as psychological slaves of the dogmatic Christian churches for a couple of millennia. The Jews in turn have brought us an additional form of enslavement mostly on the economic side, through their culture of the Money Changers that Jesus, as an EL figure of the Hellenic culture from the city of Nazareth in Galilee, tried to expel from the Temple some 2000 years ago. Both the Christians and the Jews together have brought us constant wars and revolutions of a most deadly and bloody nature. Suffice to mention the Wars of Religion in Europe, conducted for Christian religious reasons expressed by opposing Christian factions and, as we will see further down, the many ideological revolutions, like the French Revolution and the Russian Bolshevik revolution, led stealthily entirely by Jews. History shows clearly that the Jews in particular have been the active promoters of revolutions and wars for centuries, any kind of wars. It is in fact through Jewish banksters financing wars, and both sides of the opposing forces in these wars, that they have become so rich over the last 3 centuries, and now control most of the wealth of the entire western world. Many historians have written excellent books demonstrating that the Jews have promoted all the main wars of the last centuries, including the two world wars, in order to finance them and enrich themselves from them. Amazingly enough, this includes financing WWII led by Hitler, even if, as we will see, the Jewish financiers knew that Hitler was exterminating their own Jewish compatriots in a Holocaust in most of Europe. In other words, the Jews financed even the leader of the Holocaust against the Jews. All of this is bad, not good, on the two sides of the Judeo-Christian culture. If these historical facts are our roots, and our Judeo-Christian roots, they express the worst of what we are, and not the best, and consequently we should not proudly boast about having Judeo-Christian roots. In the best of cases, and considering that Christians have been a very wide majority over a very small Jewish minority in our western world over the last few centuries, we could have some justification to maybe talk about our Helleno-Christian roots, but not about our Judeo-Christian roots. In reality, basing ourselves essentially on what is the best in our current civilization, our roots are only Hellenic, and not Judaic nor Christian.
103.04 →
In fact, and in complete opposition to what we qualify unduly as "Judeo-Christian", the best of what we are really comes from our Greek roots, and only from these Greek roots. To talk about our Judeo-Christian roots is definitely a complete fraud. It is readily acknowledged worldwide that Democracy clearly comes from the Greeks, or rather from the ancient culture of freedom and freethinking of the EL people, as the word "Greek", as we will see further down, does not exist in the Greek language. The Greeks never call themselves "Greeks" but "Ellinas", with the prefix "EL", sometimes rendered derogatively in English with the prefix "Hell", like in the expression "Hellenic people", and they call their country not as "Greece" but as "Ellas", also with the same EL prefix. And of course we are talking about the good democracy as really created by the Greeks. This was a Direct Participatory Democracy, the one created by lawmakers like Solon, and statesmen like Pericles, not the distant and fake Representative Democracy corrupted by the Jews and the Christians over the last centuries. Philosophy is also acknowledged worldwide as a Greek creation of incredible intellectuals named Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Again here, we are talking about the real philosophy as invented by the Greeks, as a philosophy that was an incarnated and practical "philosophical way of life" based on an agreed set of virtues and a sense of real holistic beauty, not the modern philosophy corrupted by the Jews and the Christians in particular. That modern philosophy has been reduced to being a pure form of intellectual speculation too often put at the service of ideologies or DDD. Education, as a form of holistic formation of both the body and mind, including an equilibrated Tetractys of the human soul of the human being, also comes only from the Greeks. The first real schools worth this name were invented by the Greeks and still lend their ancient Greek names to the best modern educational institutions today, through words like Lycée or Academy. The first serious and systematic approach to sciences also comes from the Greeks, be it medicine, mathematics, architecture or astronomy. The oath taken by doctors and physicians today is still the Hippocratic Oath, some 2300 years after Hippocrates died. Aristarchus of Samos had already discovered the exact nature of the solar system, with the sun at the center, in 300 BC, nearly 2000 years before supposedly Copernicus and Galileo rediscovered it, with Galileo then made to deny it in front of the Inquisition because of the dark ages brought in by the Christian church. Mathematics and geometry come from Greek names like Euclid and Archimedes, etc. Greek architecture of buildings constructed on the basis of the harmony of the Golden Section, like the Parthenon, designed and constructed magnificently by architects like Ictinos and Callicrates, at a time when the rest of the western world was living in huts and primitive tents, still serve as models for the most important building in the world today, like the ones of Capitol Hill in Washington. Our best sense of Beauty in Fine Arts, including the theory of harmony in music from the time of Pythagoras some 2600 years ago, also comes directly and exclusively from the Greeks, with the names of sculptors like Phidias and painters like Apollodorus, as the Romans only copied, or tried to emulate, and too often in gross forms, the artistic beauty that the Greeks had created first, much before them. All these positive aspects of our cultural roots all come from the Greeks, and only from the Greeks, not from the Jews, not from the Romans, and not from the Christians. In fact, at the time these roots were being planted, the Jews were only ignorant shepherds living very primitively and the Romans or the Christians did not even exist yet. The rest of the western world, like in France or Germany, let alone England, was only a bunch of primitive barbarian tribes. Later on, as we will see in more details, the Judeo-Christians have only contributed to eradicate or corrupt the beauty and sanity of these beautiful Greek roots, or EL roots. How we can still talk so often about having Judeo-Christian roots is a mystery explainable only by ignorance, stupidity or the Matrix of Political Correctness that was created around us for that specific purpose.
103.05 →
Clearly again, to say that we have Judeo-Christian roots, is a complete fraud and deception, at least in terms of the positive character of these cultural roots that we should be proud of. The Judeo-Christian authorities have in fact been in direct opposition to the culture of Greek Hellenism for much over 2000 years, trying to destroy the EL culture. As we will see, this is the case more strongly today than ever before, and the reason why the world crisis of enslavement through debt has started by first squashing Greece in the First World. This opposition is so strong, and so contrasting in nature, that it is quite legitimate to assume that these two opposite roots of culture, the Greek roots on the one side and the Judeo-Christian roots on the other side, are based on a completely different kind of DNA, as the EL DNA. In fact, as we will see further down, there was serious scientific research conducted in many western countries that confirmed the existence of a special and unique "E" gene in a "Y" chromosome of the pure Greeks, or rather of the EL people.
103.06 →
In any case, for all practical purposes, the Judeo-Christian culture can now be seen as a single integrated culture, in clear opposition of the EL culture, in particular since the formation of the coalition of the JewZuit Power, through the heretical Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II, in 1962, and even more so since its consolidation with the installment of the current Jesuit Black Pope called Francis in 2013. As we will see in details, in the context of the irregular election of two popes, not to mention the irregular election of the current one, B'Nai B'Brith, known as the Jewish Freemasonry, appears to have fully infiltrated the Vatican since much before 1962, and now seems to totally control the Catholic Vatican Curia in the background. Most honest journalists experts of the Vatican will affirm it today, albeit only privately in order not to lose their jobs and, as we will see, few serious independent writers will even document and describe this sour reality openly in writing.
104.01 →
In the same line of thinking, regarding religion, and the 3 great monotheistic religions in particular, the deception is not less evident and tragic. To say that these 3 monotheistic religions are the most important in the world, and have been, and are still, the best ones for the safeguard of the wellbeing of humanity, is a complete fraud. We will mention many good books, further down, documenting the extensive criminal activities of these 3 religions, and consequently there is no point going into details of such documentation within this prologue.
104.02 →
In short here, regarding the deception of Christianity, it is sufficient to remind us of the terrible crimes of the Inquisition, the disasters of the Wars of Religion in Europe, the craziness of the Burning Times of the Witch Hunts, the horrors of the centuries of the Palestinian Crusades against Islam in the Middle East and the Albigensian Crusade against the heretical Cathars in Central Europe, the campaigns of forced conversions during the conquest of the Americas and the evangelization of the rest of the world, etc. etc. All these well documented historical facts are responsible for incredible sufferance, including all possible forms of tortures, assassinations, massacres and genocides, all done supposedly in the name of a good religion.
104.03 →
Islam, and its wars of conquest and expansion, its criminal history is very similar
to the Christian one, done by Muslims against the so-called infidels and their assumed enemies.
It is not
less tragic, if not worse, and spread over a millennium and a half. That
history includes
personal lapidating and mutilations of
various kinds. And this does not account for what is still happening today, in the
21st century, in relation to constant acts of wild terrorism.
This includes so-called Holy Suicide
killing dozens of innocent people, Holy Jihad Wars killing thousands more, and horrific
behavior like the live beheading of disarmed hostages. For
a non-Muslim, it is practically impossible to understand what can be considered "holy"
about such acts. In addition,
in spite of the fact that the Achtiname
of Muhammad, also known as the
Holy Covenant, or
Testamentum of the
prophet, issued in 626 AD, prohibits firmly to all
Muslims to persecute the
Nazarenes (that means the Christians, on the basis of their Founder, Jesus, who
was from Nazareth. As such, as we will see further down, and also from
the point of view of Muhammad, Jesus was a clear Hellenic figure instead of
Judaic one), thousands of Christians are nevertheless tortured and regularly
assassinated, still to this very day, in most Muslim countries, and also
outside of them. Again, all this is done
supposedly in the name of a good religion.
Bad Symbol of Peace vs. Good Symbol of Massacre
This is well represented by the growing War on the Christmas Tree, vs. the growing Celebration of the Menorah. For Judaism, the main symbols and religious practices of the Jews can give us a good idea of the incredible deceit impregnating their fundamental culture. Their main festivity, Hanukkah, is celebrated with the Menorah, appearing in growing numbers all around us, year after year, while Christmas trees, and the birth of a beautiful child (Jesus) in a manger environment, are being more and more prohibited in order not to offend the Jews and other religions. Nevertheless, the Hanukkah and the Menorah are the symbols of a mass massacre of the Jews annihilating thousands of their enemies. It is difficult to understand how the Jews can pretend that these Judaic symbols of mass massacre are less offensive than a joyful Christmas tree and a beautiful child being born in a crèche: Christian symbols that the Jews push more and more to eliminate and replace with their own mass-massacre-related symbols. In the meantime, a Jewish man like Larry David can urinate publicly on a picture of Jesus, and a Jewish woman like Sarah Silverman can affirm, also publicly, in front of a widely televised audience, that she would joyfully kill Jesus today if Jews had not done it 2000 years ago, both doing it with full impunity, while non-Jews who even slightly criticize Jews are immediately accused of hate speech, anti-Semitism, and at risk of being sued and imprisoned.
104.05 →
In the meantime, those who live in, or close to, a Hasidic neighborhood, where Orthodox Jews live, will have probably already witnessed the cruelty of the horrific religious practice of the Kaporos (or Kapparots) associated to the preparation of the holiest day of the year for the Jews, the Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur. The religious practice of the Kaporos involves dozens of hours of torture imposed to live chickens spending the last few days of their lives in unimaginable agony. The practice is based in the book of Isaiah of the Jewish Bible. Kaporos is an ancient religious practice whereby, in its final stage, before the final slaughtering of the chicken, and after imposing hours or days of torture to the chicken, an Orthodox Jew is supposed to swing his rooster, if a man, or her hen, if a woman, around his or her head, reciting a chant saying basically: "I am passing my sins and punishment onto you... to suffer and die in my place, so that I can have a long and happy life". This religious practice, probably very offending to most human beings of non-Jewish descent, would not be worth mentioning if we were not talking about religious deception in this section, if the ancient practice was not practiced still today in our modern world, by many Orthodox Jews, and if these Orthodox Jews were not the same ones who push to eliminate the peaceful symbols of the Christian religion that supposedly offend them, even when they are in the form of a joyful Christmas tree, or the birth of a beautiful child in the poor crèche of a campestral environment where many healthy chickens and other beautiful animals usually life serenely with their owners. Again, for non-Jews, this amounts to complete religion deception, as it is practically impossible to understand how you can wish yourself a happy life by creating outrageous sufferance to an animal.
104.06 →
What is called "The Holocaust" is real, but not at all the only one, nor the worst one - Facts are facts, and no conspiracy theory. Nowadays, a growing number of historians, even some Jewish ones, do report these facts. Because of their full domination of all world mainstream press, through as little of 5 main worldwide networks, Jews can obviously get away with anything, even if their background involves a long history of discrimination, criminality, even genocides and holocausts against other populations, but even against their own people if we consider that Zionists Jews have been the main financiers of Hitler, as documented in good books. As for examples of the present, and the type of arrogance allowed only to Jews today, fully getting away with it, lets only mention the following fact of October 07, 2014, typical of what only Jews can afford to do. Rabbi Shalom Lewis, in the city of Marietta (near Atlanta, in Georgia, USA), held a formal public speech calling openly and explicitly for a “Holy Crusade against Islam in order to exterminate it utterly and absolutely” from the surface of the Earth. Just imagine what the headlines of the whole world press would have been, if a Christian or a Muslim had made such a terribly ugly statement against Jews. The author of such statement would certainly have been immediately and loudly accused of anti-Semitism and hate speech, and swiftly arrested and put to jail. Well, except for a couple of obscure websites of alternative press in this case, and typically as what happens in many current similar cases, nothing was mentioned at all in any of the mainstream media, printed or electronic. In the meantime, as we will see, dozens of Rabbis around the world keep affirming openly and explicitly, on a rather regular basis, even justifying it on the basis of the Holy Talmud, things like all non-Jews are "Goyims" (usually interpreted, at best, as 'human cattle') that "a thousand non-Jewish lives are not worth one Jewish finger nail" (a direct quote from Dov Lior, who heads the Council of Rabbis of Judea and Samaria), and that these other races should all become slaves of the Jews. This is always done with full impunity. No scandal is even ever made of such ugly Jewish statements, not in the mainstream media, controlled by the Jewish networks, nor in most of the alternative press, because it is afraid of being accused of anti-Semitism and forced to close their operations. Not even a criticism of significance is advanced by any prominent and powerful world figure, be it the Pope, the head of the UN or the EU, or the president of any western or Muslim country, let alone another less racist Jewish Rabbi, in order to at least not leave the impression that there is no such non-racist rabbi available in the whole world. This inaction, and thus silent complicity on the part of all other Rabbis, amounts to complete deception on the part of the current leadership of the Hebraic religion.
104.07 →
In short, beware if you criticize the Jews for anything, even minor things, even if based on facts and in much softer terms than those used by Jews to criticize others, as you may soon be without a job or a career, if not in jail, for anti-Semitism and hate speech. This incredible hypocrisy and deception is stupidly, if not wisely, accepted as politically correct by even all our non-Jew powerful western leaders, because they just too often need the financial contributions of the Jewish lobby for their reelections. It amounts to a totally discriminating double standard applied by the Jews and nevertheless respected by all corrupted politicians. At least the voters who are not eligible for such contributions, too often in terms of bribes, should think of better electing their leaders on the grounds of avoiding such inacceptable hypocrisy and discrimination, let alone the related political corruption.
104.08 →
As for things of a more distant past, we will see for example, the long term efforts of the Jews to exterminate the Greek EL culture. The Jews have a direct responsibility in what we will call, further down, The Biggest and Longest Holocaust , the Holocaust against the Greeks, definitely the longest in human history, the one made against the Hellenic EL culture, lasting even today. That Holocaust orchestrated by the Jews themselves, in direct collaboration with the Christians as their main frontline executors, against the Hellenes, has been lasting for many centuries now. As we will see in more details, even if it is not clearly understood by most people around the world, that longest of all holocausts, now led by the Jews directly in the 21st century, instead of by the Christians as frontline executors, is still going on, most actively today, in the Greece of the current crisis. Current disinformation and propaganda today makes most people around the world believe that the Greek crisis is only about their economy, and has nothing to do with the Jews, but the economy is only the most obvious aspect of the crisis, and the crisis is in fact regarding more globally, and much more seriously, the language and the EL culture of the Greeks. As we will see in more details, this global Greek crisis has been orchestrated by the succession of 3 main Jewish-Greek prime ministers since the departure of the military regime in 1974, by the loyal accomplices they have posted in key positions of the Greek bureaucracy, and by their too close association with powerful Jewish organizations like the IMF that, once involved within a country like Greece, act like a dictatorship for enslavement purposes. In short, they have implemented a revival of the centuries-long holocaust against the beautiful Greek culture, or the EL culture of the Greeks that has brought us democracy, philosophy, education and our best sense of harmony in human beauty, physical and intellectual, and in artistic work.
104.09 →
We will also recall the clear and dominant direct responsibility of the Jews in the 100 million deaths of the Holocaust against non-Jews, conducted by the Jews, in all the communist countries. This includes some 60 million Orthodox Christians in the Bolshevik Jews revolution of the Soviet Union, and another 40 millions of non-Jews in other communist revolutions also led by Zionist Jews in other communist countries. And this does not include the major involvement of the Jews in other less known holocausts, like the Black Slaves Holocaust during the slave trade period. And these 3 holocausts that we hardly hear about, conducted by Jews, against the Greeks, against the Orthodox Christians and against the blacks, involved about 20 times the amount of deaths suffered by the Jews during the Holocaust that they themselves suffered from the Nazi Germans. Again, all these horrific holocausts were conducted mainly by Jews in the name of supposedly the good Hebraic religion, or should we say the best religion, considering that the Jews regularly and explicitly affirm to consider themselves as the best people, or the so-called "Chosen People" by the God of the Bible. If the above are the achievements of a chosen people, then it is probably legitimate to think that the good God of the Bible has by now been fully deceived by the ones he has chosen for the practice and the spreading of the Hebraic religion.
104.10 →
We will also inevitably bring to light the major role of Zionist Jewry in the current enslavement of the whole world through the debt-money of the system of central banks that they clearly manage in an absolute dominant way, and the equally dominant role of Jewry in the down-basing of all our ethical values through the crappy culture coming out of Hollywood, fully dominated and managed by Jews, as confirmed by Jew Joel Stein, through homosexuality as an ideal lifestyle promoted to adolescents, through the propagation of the worst kind of pornography, and through their strong encouragement and push for a most destructive multiculturalism via massive illegal immigration without due PISA process in the western world. Of course, in Israel, they wisely do exactly the opposite and is probably the most PISA compliant country in the world at the moment.
Regarding Islam and Judaism together, the two religions that were called "Circumreligions", as both involved with circumcision, we will not be able to hide the physical mutilation of half of their populations for religious purposes, through not only the circumcision of all their males, but often also, in the case of Islam, the infibulation of their females, with the maintenance of their women in a state of clear servitude, even today in the western world, through their migration invasion and wild spreading in most western countries over the last 2 decades. And this is not accounting for flagellations, amputations of hands or legs for various sinful behavior, or lapidating. The Christians have also used forms of torture in the past, in particular in the context of the Inquisition, but they at least have evolved to a more human approach to sins in the last couple of centuries. This is obviously not the case of the faithful of the 2 other main monotheistic religions, Islam in particular.
104.12 →
In complete contrast to the above, the only western religion that never caused any such types of sufferance for sins, or for other requirement of social subservience, not in the past, nor in the present, is the Greek religion of the EL culture. Of course, more than a religion, in terms of religious institution, it is rather a philosophy, or a philosophical way of life. As for their military activities, except for rare exceptions for vindication purposes, Greeks have also fought mainly only defensive wars. Otherwise, their wars were not really wars, but basically expeditions of positive exploration of the world, or of welcomed propagation of civilization in the rest of the world. It is nevertheless the one-and-only religion that is still called today with an arrogant no-name, or a derogatory name, the religion of the so-called Pagans, instead of simply the Greek religion. The word Pagan always stands for the Hellenic religion in mainstream history books and/or in relation to the influence of the Greek culture in the world. The beautiful Greek religion, the Hellenic culture, or rather the EL culture, more than a religion, too often called derogatorily the pagan culture, is nevertheless the one that brought us the best of what we enjoy today in terms of democracy, education, philosophy, fine arts and civilization. In complete contrast to the two other religions, it has never tried to spread its influence in DDD terms. It has never used dogma, fear, torture, inquisition, holy wars, corporeal mutilations, unnecessary massacres and genocides, like what the other non-pagan noble religions always used and left us in inheritance. Even the war-like expeditions of the ancient Greeks were never done through undue looting in order to get rich, like most other conquerors did. For the ancient Greeks, plundering and looting was reduced mostly to the essential accumulation of basic supplies for their survival and their good maintenance during their expeditions. Nevertheless, only this last religion, the Greek one, has always been, and is still usually today, talked about in a complete and constant derogatory pagan way, and what is left of it is being destroyed by the dominant JewZuit Power in Greece today, mainly by the Jewish side of this power, and by the massive inflow of illegal multicultural migrants pushed-in and welcomed in Greece by that same jealous power who wants to destroy all the old EL culture values.
104.13 →
The derogatory naming of the Greek culture, as pagan, is due to the fact that the Pagan religion is one that disturbs the main objective of the 3 main monotheistic religions, in particular the two involved more directly in the JewZuit Power. That main objective is our enslavement, as peoples and as countries, through DDD (Dogma, Debt and Despair). The Jewish side of the JewZuit Power is centered around corporations, banking corporations in particular, on the more economic and material collectivist side of the equation. The Jesuit side is centered around education and social initiatives, on the more intellectual collectivist side of the equation. However, the overall JewZuit equation of both sides is resolved in terms of Collectivism of a common Fabian Socialism of totalitarian aspiration. For achieving their objectives, the Jewish side uses mainly debt, to enslave mainly governments, while the Jesuit side uses mainly dogma, thus fear, to enslave mainly peoples. Both sides create despair, both personal and political despair, and thus full enslavement through DDD. The third monotheistic religion, Islam, is using mainly dogma and fear for creating their own kind of incremental enslavement. This Muslim side want the enslavement of both governments and peoples, over and above the JewZuit one, and highly manipulated by the JewZuits. As we will see further down, Muslims are being used by the two other religions as useful idiots to even better achieve their JewZuit objectives of full global enslavement. However, we will also see how Muslims might not be used as useful idiots as easily as the two other religions expect to do it.
104.14 →
If the above brief historical summary of the actions of the 3 main monotheistic religions is not the demonstration of complete religion deception, a deception that is well hidden to, or ignored by, most people today, with the complicity of the presstitutes of the JewZuit mainstream media, it is difficult to know what the word deception could mean. The three main monotheistic religions are fundamentally good and to be fully respected. However, their respective nomenclatures of leaders, in the JewZuit alliance in particular, have quite obviously deviated from their respective fundamental message of love and mission of peace. At this point in time, considering all the destructive wars of aggression that these religious leaders so arrogantly conduct, and the unjustly plundering governments that they so proudly establish and manage, they appear to have become a UDC (United Demonic Class) that mainly keeps enslaving and massacring peoples, and using false flags for destroying countries or populations from whom they have never suffered first any meaningful aggression. This UDC of DDD can possibly even destroy the planet, as an awful ThugOcracy, if a correction is not made to their negative impulses and conduct, in order to make them return to expressing better the original good message of their respective religions. It is still time, even if very late already, to put a stop to their destructive power through a proper EthoCracy Reform Package, which shall be the subject of Part II of this essay.
105.01 →
To say that our current system of western government is the
best, because it is a democracy, is another complete fraud, as direct
participatory democracy, which was the type of real democracy invented by the Greeks, had no resemblance to the distant
representational democracy of today which is, because of its representational
nature, wide-open to corruption by third-parties, that is, by these
representatives, and rather a hidden form of tyranny of
totalitarian aspiration once these representatives are in power and finally
do whatever they want, or rather what their JewZuit masters want, instead of what the voters themselves elected them for.
It is in fact not a Democracy, but rather an oligarchic Corporatocracy that we can
legitimately call, in short, a
Debtocracy, enslaving its
citizens through a type of
debt-money that did not exist when
Greece invented democracy, and that would have been inconceivable,
certainly unacceptable at that time. Today we have all become not the
citizens of a democracy, but the slaves of a Corporatocracy. We live in a “Democracy
Incorporated”, in a
Managed Democracy, or rather in a
Maneuvered Democracy, and with the
specter of
Inverted Totalitarianism,
to use the titles of the excellent book of Sheldon Wolin.
105.02 →
Nowadays, JewZuit corporations behind the debtocracy are in charge of nearly everything, in most western countries: the government, the military and in particular the banks enslaving us through debt-money. Even supposedly the most powerful man on earth, the president of the U.S., like an Obama or a Bush, is only a puppet fully controlled by the real JewZuit rulers of the debtocracy in the background. These false leaders are only the kings of stealthily created chaos, internally and abroad, out of which the JewZuit order shall be offered on a fake silver plate when eventually requested by the stupidly grateful receivers, even at the cost of this JewZuit order being implemented through totalitarian fascism. The JewZuit corporations have to live and command, and the people have to accept gratefully their enslavement to serve them, and get in exchange an apparent situation of order, as a complete deception. From this point of view, Lenin was right when he predicted that when capitalism would start to fail, or made to start to fail, it would turn into fascism in order to protect the interests and full survival of all the big JewZuit corporations commanding in the background.
105.03 →
The EU as the major
and most obvious tool of Democracy Deception - The best example of false or deceptive democracy in
the world at the moment might be the EU (European
It is not simply 'undemocratic', but rather entirely antidemocratic and near totalitarian in nature. Its
parliament of elected members is only a facade with practically no power, as
it is the unelected EU Commission that
decides everything sovereignly.
The fake EU parliament is mainly a
place for doing favors, and for granting important positions, along with high
salaries and undeserved privileges, to those national politicians around Europe who are subservient
to the collectivist system of enslavement.
105.04 →
This submissive system is also plagued by nepotism and cronyism, let alone rampant corruption, either directly or through a huge array of NGOs and supposedly prestigious organizations of Charity. These fake humanitarian organizations are all financed by the EU, padding the pockets of a great part of their managers, being operated with practically full unaccountability and impunity for their actions, at least for the public at large. In the meantime, for those sitting in the EU parliament, it provides them a well hidden paradise of undeserved privileges and hellish pleasures, while they parade daily in the best European palaces, all for free, except of course for the taxpayers.
105.05 →
Most amazingly, these fake and useless parliamentarians, or MEPs (Member of the European Parliament) cannot even exercise the most basic duty of a normal parliamentarian which would be to propose a new law or repeal an existing one. Only the unelected Commission can do it. To add insult to injury, these fake parliamentarians have not only one headquarters, which would be expensive enough considering their useless role, but two most expensive headquarters: one in Belgium and one in France. They travel some 430 kilometers from Brussels to Strasbourg monthly, even if only for 4 days monthly (including, within these 4 days, only 2 full working days), using the so-called "Gravy Train", or the "Eurocrat Express". This is a privately-chartered shuttle-train transporting some 766 MEPs and some 3000 support staff, back and forth, every month, involving an estimated 360.000 man hours of work lost yearly. And these massive hours of work lost are duly paid by the taxpayers of the EU with all related travel and living expenses in terms of hotels and restaurants, let alone some money for dry-cleaning, hairdressers and formal clothing. Staff can also choose to travel by private car or plane, at the same full expense of the EU.
105.06 →
As for the unelected
Commission, it is so imbued with Totalitarian
Fabian Socialism that many authors have not hesitated to write
explicitly about the obvious "Nazi Roots
of the Brussels EU", as expressed in a common book with this
title by Dr. Matthias Rath, Paul Anthony Taylor, August Kowalczyk
and Aleksandra Niedzwiecki. True or not, the EU,
through its Commission, is
certainly an organization of full power without any accountability to the
taxpayers directly, let alone full impunity from these same taxpayers. If it
might sound exaggerated that the EU would have Nazi
Roots, the other excellent book, by Christopher Booker
and Richard North entitled "The
Great Deception" (The secret history of the European Union),
certainly demonstrates clearly that the EU was conceived
clearly from the beginning, in the early 20s, by Baron Arthur Salter
and Jean Monnet, as an anti-democratic federal entity with
an unelected secretariat that was meant to be totally unaccountable to the
people of the nations concerned, in fact with the progressive disappearance
of these national entities from any power point of view, be it political or
economic. That
EU power structure was designed to
make sure that a mass of people (the European national taxpayers) could not control
"a" government, never again, in particular such an unelected dictatorial government,
the EU government. With the EU government,
European taxpayers plainly have no more power to remove the ones who govern them.
With the EU, the USA has no more the
complex problem to deal with many European national governments for global
New World Order purposes, but only one: the EU Commission.
This is why the USA was able to easily have the EU
impose sanctions against Russia, even if these sanctions
were going directly against the interests of most European national
governments. Interestingly enough,
hundreds of the unelected subservient eurocrats involved in this type of
self-destruction, governing dictatorially above national governments, are being paid more
than many national prime ministers. For example, a parliamentary answer in
the UK has established in 2007 that the EU was paying more
than 42.000 employees or internal collaborators, and another
over 8.000
external Commission staff, for a total of over 50.000; of these, over
were paid more than the UK prime minister Tony
at the time of their investigation in 2007; the deliberations also made it
clear that all these overpaid employees were working as unelected and
unaccountable officials, paid for entirely by the poor European taxpayers suffering the damage
these employees often do as senior officials, or the hardship the payers
suffer as taxpayers, and without these taxpayers being able to intervene in
any way to put these unelected and unaccountable officials out of office
even when they are corrupted or incompetent. This was in 2007, and the
situation now is certainly only much worse. And to crown these
scandalous statistics, they do not include all the extra employees in each
national member country working specifically for liaison with the EU.
If we were to count all of those, the figure of employees required for
running the gargantuan EU machine would not be 50.000 but,
including the 26 member countries, most certainly at least 3 times that
much, or around 150.000 as probably a very conservative number. In
the meantime, a country like the UK contributes some
400 million Euro per week to
maintain the
machine (over 20 billion per
year), and received back less than half of it in various forms. MEPs
get similar high salaries plus up to 3500 Euro per month in general expenses
and up to 12000 Euro per month for personal support staff, in addition to
free flights in business class and other amenities for things like clothing,
dry cleaning and hairdressing, let alone shopping in closed private shopping
malls reserved exclusively for EU employees: just like it
used to be the case in the ex Soviet Union. it is the case
in the
today. Other countries are in the same situation mutatis mutandis in terms
of what they pay and receive back from the EU, and while
their representatives in Brussels live with all the above
undeserved extravagant privileges, most of the citizens of these countries,
like typically Greece and Portugal, life in a state of poverty growing year
after year. To add
insult to injury, no common citizen taxpayer financing all of this kind of
ESU nomenclature will have
an easy time establishing the real statistics, not even an investigative
journalist, not even a national magistrate or a national parliamentary
office, and those who attempt to do it will probably soon be stopped and
accused of hate speech if they dare to protest openly against this type of
unaccountability of unelected officials. With this type of powerful and
arrogant officials, "Truth" becomes "Hate", and "Free Speech" becomes "Hate
Speech". If this does not mean complete democracy deception, any person of
simple common sense, in particular the taxpayers paying all the bills, can legitimately wonder what
democracy should be.
105.07 →
The great Soviet dissident Bezmenov
that I helped escape to Canada in the early 70s was right
when he was telling me that the Soviet Union would be
dissolved, smoothly, over the following years, in order to get it reborn
'more to the west' (he meant in both Europe and the
USA) through what he called a
Fresh Start, as a kind of new
to start with, in order for Europe to open the path to an eventual
One-World-Government of more successful totalitarian
Fabian Socialism.
Fresh Start 'more to the west',
according to Bezmenov, would be to achieve this objective
this time without making the 2 fatal mistakes that Moscow had made
in the Soviet Union, rebuilding the system on better
grounds: first,
ensuring a new kind of massive enslavement achieved not/not through the
useless low class, but through the productive middle class, and second,
not overspending on ruinous military expenses. Is this not
exactly what is happening at the moment in the EU, or
rather the new
In the meantime, the Soviet Union did collapse in 1991, and
the EU palaces of Brussels have also
become, 'more to the west', a kind of "Nouvelle
Versailles". The antidemocratic abuse of power of the EU
has clearly become a kind of gargantuan new
ESU nomenclature.
It is so
arrogantly extreme that it would be no surprise if, one day, God forbid,
this new nomenclature
really becomes
considered, by a majority of Europeans, as a real "Nouvelle Versailles" deserving the
same ugly fate that the old one attracted to itself some 225 years earlier, for not
having realized soon enough the amount of harm and sufferance it was causing. Today,
following the better strategy that Bezmenov was talking
about, the "Nouvelle Versailles" is proceeding
more deceitfully, enslaving the middle-class that is blindly busy working
hard for producing
wealth for everybody, while keeping the low-class quiet, through overly
abundant and unmeritorious social welfare, and keeping the high-class happy
through abusive corporate welfare amounting to "legal criminality". One day, Marie Antoinette, the
archduchess of Austria married to Luis XVI, the king of
France living in Versailles, arrogantly said: "If people do not have bread
anymore, then they can eat 'galette' instead". Thus the modern French
proverb: "Faute de pain, on mange de la galette", as a kind of
"Tough it, as this all you deserve and will ever get!". This is the state in which too many
taxpayers of the ESU are
finding themselves already, like
typically most citizens of Greece in the last few years,
since 2008. Soon after Marie
Antoinette made her arrogant statement however, she had her head chopped off by the
guillotine, and certainly could not eat even 'galette' herself anymore. The
unelected and unaccountable officials of the EU should
probably start to act with less arrogance, not following the example of
Marie Antoinette, in order to avoid attracting to
themselves any kind of more modern guillotine that could chop, maybe not their
heads, but most likely their current undeserved privileges, and their falsely elegant
lifestyle achieved through too much
DDD enslavement. And their
should not make the additional mistake that could not be made in the Soviet Union
at the time:
to think they can finally achieve this enslavement more easily than
Luis XVI and Marie Antoinette, because they now have
the benediction of a New World Order pope,
Francis, as the oddest of all popes who, for the first time, is quite openly
complicit in supporting fully, and pursuing mainly, a clearly non-religious destructive
agenda of enslavement, like the one of the EU, through welcoming massive
immigration of irreconcilable cultures and religions, and his new nihilistic
and/or relativistic approach to all traditional western values, let alone
his supporting also the even more catastrophic Agenda 21-30
of the UN causing even more global enslavement and more
cultural destruction. A revolution is never desirable
because it always has too many dangerous side effects, but to avoid a revolution, real democracy and justice are necessary. The rise of many anti-EU
populist movements in various European countries at the moment, all trying
to excavate
the bottom of the
pyramid, with the hope to crumble its top, is probably a
serious warning sign that ESU officials must soon adjust
their arrogant management in a less dictatorial way, before it is too late
and they face their crumbling, or their passage from a palace to a jail, if
not their
own type revolutionary guillotine, hopefully not physically, but certainly legally, or at least figuratively in front of the
European public opinion.
Enough is enough! Too much is too much! And
the Greeks are probably the first ones to have a legitimate right to say
strongly and loudly, let alone the citizens of many other ESU
countries animated in growing numbers by the rise of dangerous populist
105.08 →
A good confirmation of this EU dictatorial power is what hides behind a type of ESU, or EU Fascism between government and corporations, whereby the big banks and the big industrialists of various European countries dictate the march of the EU. This fascism is hidden behind the discrete existence of the ERT (European Round Table) often qualified as the "Brus$els Business of the Industrialists". As the ERT website itself claims, "The European Round table of Industrialists (ERT) is a forum bringing together around 50 Chief Executives and Chairmen of major multinational companies of European parentage covering a wide range of industrial and technological sectors. Companies of ERT members are widely situated across Europe, with combined revenues exceeding Euro 2,135 billion".(or 2.1 trillion). But what that website will not/not tell the Europeans, even if most qualified insiders of the EU will confirm it, is that when the EU needs a new law, it relies heavily, some say nearly exclusively, on the legal expertise of the ERT for the redaction of that new law. Then the EU deceitfully publishes it under its own name and logo, as if it had been drafted by itself. Of course, as a result, the basic drafting inevitably makes sure it always responds, first and foremost, to the main interests of the ERT corporations involved, not the best interests of the European taxpayers. In the process of having the law approved, through the lobbies involved, it is widely claimed that huge bribes are paid to MEPs or other EU officials to ensure the primary protection of the ERT corporations involved. And their primary corporative interests will be protected even when the end result involves practices that will facilitate most destructive offshoring and outsourcing, thus create more profits for the corporations but, by the same token, more additional misery for the common European workers and taxpayers, either directly or through additional TTT participative activity. A typical case is the UK that is not even part of the EURO: a growing number of its laws, some 85% of them as last estimation, are not drafted by the UK Parliament, but by the EU, but in fact they are not even drafted by the EU, as they are drafted by the ERT on behalf of the EU. In other countries like Greece, the EU does not only draft most of its laws through the ERT, but even its budgets, which in fact are not even drafted by the EU, but by the IMF (that has a total submission to the USA) and the ECB. This is a complete scam of enslavement for all these countries, and their loss of sovereignty to an unelected and unaccountable external power hiding in the background. All other EU countries are in a similar situation that grows in intensity.
105.09 →
Most critics who have
studied the EU system extensively call the EU
a 'Racket of Extortion'. Their opinion is based in particular on the
involvement of ERT in the drafting of most of the
EU laws while being a private lobby and
corporative external power that is totally unaccountable to absolutely no
EU citizen, not directly nor indirectly. For these experts,
this racket is even more obvious when taking into consideration the
additional collaboration and interplay of ERT with the new
TTT New World Order
components, mainly TTIP
and TISA. Overall, for the
investigative experts, it is clearly a
racket of
extortion, taking money from people (the taxpayers), without a base of elected authority, and
giving it to those working for the system (the officials of the new
nomenclature of the ESU) and, of course, without accountability to those
from whom the money was extorted unduly in the first place. True or not, the EU is certainly not
a democracy. At
best, it is a hidden Corporatocracy, not to say a fascist
form of governance based on the
collaboration between private corporations and government, certainly at
least an
additional supranational level of Debtocracy in complicity
with the IMF and the ECB, always acting over the
national level of debtocracy already affecting all the EU
countries involved. Just ask Greeks if you feel this is not the case. In any case, it is certainly a perfect
"democracy deception" that most
people will not easily realize, or rather, by design, not be made to realize
consciously, because the mainstream media also receive cascading
privileges from the system, let alone frequent bribes. The
media should normally be the best protector of democracy, but because the
press is in bed with the government, and the journalists are in bed with the
politicians, the mainstream media will not play that vital function anymore,
and they will always be pushed to protect the system
subserviently instead of confronting it with proper investigative
journalism. Investigative journalism should be their natural and primary mission.
That mission has been annulled, and most media are now acting mostly
as unquestioning mouthpieces of the refined system of enslavement. Most
journalists have
completely abdicated their fundamental mission of defense of democracy. These presstitutes receive all sorts of money they
do not want to loose, from their master governments or corporations, in terms of benefits,
subventions and publicity, let alone bribes. They are also afraid to
ruin their careers, and possibly even loose their jobs, if they dare to
criticize their masters. In other words, not only the role of governments is
a complete "democracy deception" but the role of the mass media
acting in
these false democracies is also a complete deception, compounding the basic "democracy deception".
105.10 →
For historical reasons, the poor Greeks must be, and are, the first victims of the ESU system, but a growing number of citizens of other EU nations, even their journalists, are gradually falling into the same trap without realizing it, even defending it, nearly enjoying it through a kind of Stockholm Syndrome whereby the victim falls in love with his guardian-persecutor. Ukraine is a good candidate being pushed to fall in this trap and start enjoying the tortures of the concentration camp. Some other countries that are already in it, like Hungary, are starting to wake up and put into question the deception but overall, the propaganda is very successful in keeping all members under the Syndrome of Stockholm. This is for the EU citizens. For the EU mainstream media instead, we often have the impression that they are affected by a kind of Stendhal Syndrome, entering in ecstasy in front of the presumed beauty of a clear system of enslavement, but maybe their enchantment is mainly due to the cascading financing, and the related privileges and bribes they collect on their path by subserviently serving and defending the system.
105.11 →
And all the above refers only to the EU as a false and deceptive form of democracy in its most obvious form. If you get a level up, at the UN level, the organizations that is often criticized as the "Dictators Club", the situation of democratic deception is less obvious, but much worse, as described briefly in the UN Deception section further down.
105.12 →
Other less obvious
tools of Democracy Deception - The
falsely-representative Debtocracy we live in, or rather that non-representative
Corporatocracy, sells itself deceitfully as a democracy in various ways, through
the modern social engineering of the rampant
Fabian Socialism of the last
centuries, in particular through its worst incarnations into the various expressions of the
Tavistock Institute
since after WWII, established in 1946. This incredible institute, unknown to most people, is
probably the best hidden-in-plain-sight network of organizations of
New World Order to propound fear-based promotions that frighten middle
classes into giving up wealth, and into accepting growing restrictions to their
liberty. It has some 400 subsidiaries and
some 3000 think-tanks that it finances around the world, discretely imposing
destructive dominant social themes to the middle class of the western world in
particular. Their hidden objective is to create a One- World-Government by
breaking down the traditional values and concepts of family, nation and education,
while promoting an anti-intellectual culture for a new type of youth that is
the opposite of the traditional culture of the youths who were formed in the
past through a holistic education (or what we calll
ELducation) dominated by the Hellenic philosophical
attributes of logic, ethics, freethinking and virtuous personal behavior. It
is mind boggling that such an Institute can spend a huge global yearly
budget of some 6 billion dollars in public
money, intending to do essentially damage to the middle class, spend these
huge sums mainly in forms and layers of black budgets, and have it financed
by the same people destined to suffer the damage, that is, by the taxpayers of
the middle class, and without scandals, or even legitimate questions ever
being raised by the presstitutes of the mainstream media.
Tavistock is probably the biggest and most powerful
institute of mind control working worldwide against real democracy, and in favor of
Corporatocracy or Debtocracy, operating totally unknown to most people to
whom they have the mission to make them believe, through a wide variety of
discrete interventions, that they live in a democracy. What an incredible
success! Or rather what a magisterial deception!
105.13 →
In the meantime, most western governments, supposedly open as democratic institutions, also operate huge Black Budgets of public money through which billions of dollars and euro regularly disappear completely from public scrutiny. In fact, most of these millions and billions in taxpayers money disappear without any scrutiny at all, not external public scrutiny, nor internal scrutiny at government-wide level, not even at parliamentary level. This is typically the case of the black budget of the White House operated mainly from the Military Office related to the White House. Could this be the explanation as to why NATO could not account for a 2,3 trillion in transactions a few years ago, as admitted to CBS by Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, in 2002? And why the office of the Pentagon that was hit by a plane or a missile, on 911, was exactly the office from which these trillions were presumably extracted, and could possibly have been traced and accounted for if that particular accounting office had not been destroyed by the so-called terrorist act? As for the FED (the private cartel of the Federal Reserve central bank creating the American money out of nothing and that saved dozens of their associated friendly banks around the world during the crash of 2008, giving them billions in taxpayers money) the Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman admitted another similar situation, but for even much bigger sums, for up to about 9 trillions, when speaking to Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Orlando) in 2009. And many of these black budgets serve, in addition to conduct covert operations abroad, and to build huge FEMA concentration camps at home, to build secret underground bunkers and tunnels, in fact entire underground cities, like the one that is claimed to be under the Denver International Airport. These strange semi-covert initiatives will serve to eventually protect the corrupted banking and corporative elites when the great collapse of the world economy will be brought about in order to have a perfect pretext to formalize the advent of a One-World Government along with a new One-World Currency under the command of the so-called JewZuit New World Order. How much bigger can democracy deception get to be, if even trillions in taxpayers money already get unaccounted for, and nobody gets to jail for this incredibly huge mismanagement, with no senior officials of government being asked, or forced, to present their resignations. This huge mismanagement should be sufficient cause of even responsible presidents themselves being prosecuted for impeachment, but not even any of the best journalists raise questions because they are afraid they would probably lose their jobs soon after they would have investigated and written forcefully about such scandals. This is totalitarian omnipotence with full impunity, and certainly not democracy except full democracy deception.
105.14 →
In addition to handling huge black budgets, government officials also enjoy huge amounts of Dark Money during election campaigns. This Dark Money does not go through the committees of the campaigns themselves, as official donations done this way must be disclosed and limited on the basis of existing legislation. This Dark Money is hidden in nonprofit groups set up expressively for this purpose. In this way, it is practically impossible to identify who the real funders are. These fake organizations thus obliterate the natural right of the electors to know who is behind their candidates and who is paying the mammoth electoral expenses that are obviously needed to finance most electoral campaigns of most politicians in most western countries. Again, this is just another element of democracy deception that most electors will not even think of questioning, let alone investigating, as it is corresponding to what they have been engineered to accept as politically correct.
105.15 →
In short, what we call today "Democracy" is not democracy. That so-called "Democracy" is a complete deception, as it is a combination of Corporatocracy and Debtocracy. This is probably why the famous German economist Hans Hermann Hoppe concludes wrongly that Monarchy has been, and would be still today, much better than Democracy, meaning pure monarchy, and not the representative monarchies we have at the moment in some western countries, like typically England. He reaches that conclusion in his otherwise excellent little book titled: "From Aristocracy, to Monarchy, to Democracy" with the subtitle "A Tale of Moral and Economic Folly and Decay". The tale of moral and economic folly and decay is true, but only in relation to the fake democracy, or the debtocracy that we still pretend to call "Democracy" today because of the power and success of the political correctness imposed on us on a daily basis by the presstitutes of the mainstream mass media also fully controlled by the corporatocracy. That debtocracy or corporatocracy is not democracy. The term "Democracy" should be reserved to the form of government that was invented by Ancient-Greece: a democracy managed on the basis of merit, by the "Aristos", or the "Ablest", or the most capable ones on a basis of natural talents and acquired skills, in a kind of "AblestOcracy". In this way, it was definitely a kind of MeDiPartic (meritocratic, direct and participative) democracy by all citizens, and not by distant and corrupted representative politicians. Admittedly, this form of MeDiPartic democracy was easier in Ancient-Greece, as it was managed mainly at a reasonable city-size level. But with the perfect means of instant worldwide communications of today's world, what was possible at the city level in Ancient-Greece is now perfectly possible at the level of a whole country, even a big country. In turn, the term "EthoCracy" should be reserved for what is, in practice, a well implemented TIDMOcracy based also on Truth Information (as a first essential step to becoming a TruthOcracy).
105.16 →
One thing is sure, the Democracy that the western world has pretended to export in the rest of the non-democratic world over the last decades is a complete fraud and deception. Typically, in the at least 26 non-democratic countries that the USA has invaded since WWII , telling us they were doing so in order to change their governments to more democratic forms, not only none of them has become a democracy, but most of them are worse dictatorships now than they were before their invasion. In addition, in all of these invaded countries the Christians who have pursued the maintenance of our best western values of freedom and democracy, at least over the last two centuries, are also persecuted more actively and more cruelly now than before their invasion.
105.17 →
In Part II of this essay, we will see concretely how it is quite easily possible to achieve at least a real MeDiPartic democracy as invented by Ancient-Greece, and hopefully a fully implemented EthoCracy, as a TIDMOcracy (and as a first step to a TruthOcracy). In the meantime, we should stop calling "Democracy" the ugly form of falsely democratic system of government that we have in the western world. And people should start to realize the huge deception that is hiding behind the word "Democracy".
106.01 →
In the same line of thinking, to say that free Capitalism is the cause of most of our western problems is also a complete fraud. The problem is not capitalism per se, but the capitalism that was transformed into debtism by the JewZuit Power, or into bankism. This form of economy is not capitalism anymore, but debtism, just like the country implementing this deviated form of capitalism is not a democracy anymore, but a debtocracy. Debtism or bankism are outrageously usurious forms of capitalism not meant anymore to also help the user of capital, but to exclusively serve the usurious objectives of the lender. As such they are the biggest threat to humanity in terms of debt-enslavement. With debtism comes corruption, cronyism and enslavement. Politicians and governments also become slaves of the banksters of bankism and work first and foremost for these banksters, and for the cascading benefits to their own self, instead of for the good of the country through the good use of the capital by the borrowers. In turn, citizens become slaves of both their banksters and their corrupted governments. Those on the lending side, as the banksters unduly creating debt-money out of nothing, have an extreme power over those on the debt side and, because of the fear and desperation involved in the process, the lenders can easily use, nearly always with impunity, the worst forms of corruption and cronyism to serve their most selfish or evil purposes.
106.02 →
In the past, pure
capitalism had great periods of immense success for most of the persons
living in it, before it was transformed into debtism. Pure capitalism
was the form of economy that gave the best chance of success to even the
most humble person who had natural skills for good meritorious business
a strong entrepreneurial drive. As mentioned above, the deviated form of capitalism that became
debtism has come in, step by step, as a growing form of
Fabian Socialism of the worst
collectivist nature, gradually phased in by the
JewZuit Power.
At this point, most western countries live in a system of pure debtism, and
not in a pure system of capitalism.
In short, our problem is not capitalism, but socialism, as a tool of fascism, and only because collectivist debtism is the worst kind of socialism. Collectivist Fabian Socialism is what sits at the base of the political philosophy of the two sides of the new JewZuit Power. Pure Capitalism creates prosperity. Debtism through Collectivism destroys it, along with destroying liberty, leaving massive debt and poverty in its path through equalization by the bottom instead of by the top. Collectivism, like all the socialist causes and regimes that it affects, is a system where the group is more important than the individual, and the individual may be sacrificed as a disposable item if and when necessary. This includes the field of civil rights which should be the rights of a person. With Collectivism, these rights are attached to a group, not to an individual, with the collectivist government deciding which group is worthy of them, as a group serving best the interests of that government. If civil rights are violated and concern a group that is related to a collectivist or socialist objective, then legal and financial support is freely provided, let alone verbal support, while if it has to do with only an individual's rights, little or no support is provided. This is typically the case for example of women's rights, or gay's rights. Fundamentally, only two political systems exist: Collectivism and Individualism, but Collectivism is common to both the left and the right, be it Communism of Fascism. In Individualism, the State is the servant and protects the individual. In Collectivism, the opposite is true, and the individual exists only to serve the State. Consequently, an EthoCracy (let alone a TruthOcracy) is a political system based on Individualism, and on EL (Enlightened Liberty) and not on enslaving Collectivism of totalitarian Fabian Socialism.
106.04 →
As we will see in more details further down, it is through that ugly form of socialism that the EU has become what we can call the SEU (Soviet European Union), and the United States have become a kind of SUS (Soviet United States). As for the EU, Russian dissident Vladimir Bukovsky, who spent years in jail in the Soviet Union before living in Europe, calls the EU the EUSSR. It is interesting to read his book "EUSSR: The Soviet Roots of European Integration". On the basis of documents that he recuperated from the Soviet archives in 1992, he confirms that there was a real plan, in the Soviet Union, to transform the EU into a Union of Socialist Republics practically identical to the former Soviet Union in order to save socialism. The ex Soviet Union may have collapsed, or rather may have been made to collapse, but only to allow its totalitarian socialism to survive better, moving it to the west for its easier and full implementation, in the SEU and in the SUS as a first step, and then hopefully, from its proponents point of view, to the whole world in a form of New World Order of perfected Fabian Socialism, through the advent of a One-World Government, and maybe also, as we will see further down, a new One-World Religion, or a "Panthriskia", as a kind of JudiChrIslam religion, with the help of powerful new religious actors like the Jesuit Catholic Pope Francis and the Christian Orthodox Pope, Patriarch Bartholomew I of Istanbul.
106.05 →
Everywhere Fabian Socialism has been tried so far, like in the ex Soviet Union and most other Communist countries, it failed miserably, and even killed over 100 million people in its path. It may however finally survive and succeed in the SEU and the SUS, because of the new JewZuit alliance that we will analyze in details, but only through causing at least an additional 500 million miserable debt-slaves and, this time, in the advanced EU alone, with the Greeks being able to testify already that they have become the first bunch of 10 million of them. In the EU, they are already well on their way to such misery, as the economy is at its worse since the EU was created in 1999, with exploding debt, maximization of enslavement through not only excessive taxation and extreme legislation but also through a complete annihilation of the best social and cultural environment of its member nations through a most destructive type of wild and massive multiculturalism. A top world figure like Pope Francis cannot not be aware of this new kind of debt slavery being implemented, through debtism, and he should be speaking clearly and strongly against it, as otherwise we will be right to assume that he is part of it, through the JewZuit Power to which, as we will see, he is already so closely associated.
106.06 →
Both Francis and
Bartholomew will have part of this
terrible responsibility as they are not clear Christian representatives
anymore but rather well hidden Marxist representatives behind their beloved
Fabian Socialism. The
Panthriskia pushed by
Bartholomew is a clear sign of
his Marxist deflection, not to use the word defection.
Panthriskia is an
expansion of the new concept of Inclusivism developed
during the Council of Vatican II, as the Vatican Zionist
coup that contributed to the Birth of the
JewZuit Power, whereby all sorts of categories
traditionally excluded from the communion of the church, like divorced
heterosexuals and same-sex married homosexuals, can now be included as regular practicing faithful, and, in its full
inclusiveness. This Panthriskia means a universal interfaith religion of
inclusivism, as a kind of JudiChrIslam religion, or a One-World
Religion at the service of the forthcoming One-World Government managing a
one-world that would include all aspects of human behavior, good or bad, in
the most nihilistic way, and all possible forms of religious expression.
That new inclusivism is also well reflected in what Pope Francis said during
an interview granted to the most famous atheist journalist of the Italian
left, Eugenio Scalfari: "God is not Catholic". As
the head of the Catholics, for whom God is officially theologically "One"
only, we can then legitimately wonder if, for example, because of the
inclusivism that he clearly promotes, he considers Mohammad
to be God, knowing that Mohammad has killed thousands of infidels, using his own
hands, after founding the Islamic religion, and that Mohammad's current followers
still promote the same kind of massacre against all infidels living today,
including hundreds of Catholics, or other Christians, on whose behalf he,
never dares to intervene, or at least protest openly and explicitly in his
highly prestigious position. In a similar manner,
the recall of the Theology of Liberation, and the incredible document of
Apostolic Exhortation of November 26, 2013, are clear signs of the
same kind of Marxist
deflection of Pope Francis.
He recently felt the need to clarify in front of the international press that he is not a Communist, but he
certainly behaves often like one. He certainly recalled the Theology of
that his ousted predecessor had called a "Marxist Myth". He confirmed the
maintenance of a Vatican Bank, the IOR, that he now manages
more personally than any previous pope in the history of the Vatican, under
the fake name of "Institute for the Works of Religion", when it is well
established that this bank has very little to do with the works of
religion, but a lot with the preservation of the immense financial
interests of the Vatican in the overall worldwide JewZuit scam of creation
of debt-money at the source of the enslavement of most world populations at
the moment, more than ever before. When he criticizes capitalism,
Pope Francis should be
criticizing debtism instead, thus be criticizing his own acolytes of the JewZuit coalition and
of the Christian Orthodox church.
106.07 →
Capitalism, not deviated by debtism, is good, while communism and socialism have only caused terrible disasters. Capitalism implemented before it was transformed into debtism demonstrated to be very supportive of social justice and social inclusiveness, creating eras and areas of extremely dynamic economy and prosperity and private solidarity for all. It is debtism that really creates the Reverse Robin Hood Effect that Francis should be criticizing, not pure capitalism. The history of the American economy, before it became debtism through the creation of the debt-money system by the FED in 1913, as the Creature of Jekyll Island, clearly demonstrate this. Even as recently as in the 70s, the average western family had only 1 income, and was saving a good 10% of its income. Today the average family has 2 incomes, saves nothing, and has the two genitors in debt to their eyeballs. And their children, in the 70s, were also much better educated from the point of view of personal virtue and civic conduct, because there was always at least one loving and caring genitor at home to form them. Today we suffer the dramatic consequences of global debtism with its destructive effects on the family, with both genitors forced to work to survive, and on the nation and the international community, let alone on the possible survival of our harmonious and beautiful planet Earth. We also suffer the negative influence of the growing collectivist state for which children belong to the collective, not to their families anymore, and for whom education has to be a dumbing down process of subservience to the collective through a state-standardized Common Core instead of a competitive process of guidance to natural freethinking abilities.
106.08 →
As we will see in more details further down, these two important world actors, Bartholomew and Francis, seem to be both taking control of the overall Christian Church, after the ugly ousting-out of Pope Benedict XVI who was clearly disturbing the advent of Fabian Socialism, in order to help the Fabian Socialist New World Order to finally move into high gear. And they do so with elegance, not to say with full deceit, under the applause and tears of joy of enthusiastic crowds not realizing they are only being further enslaved by the collaboration of these two patriarchs of the JewZuit Power. With the recent JewZuit Alliance, and their rapprochement between the Jesuits and the Zionists, one can only legitimately speculate they will most likely succeed, and sooner than later. Lets hope that at least the Protestants will keep protesting, but even the Protestants are fast being dragged into the JewZuit coalition. What a deception!
107.01 →
To say that our countries are indebted with huge public debt, or national sovereign debt, is a complete fraud, and the biggest of all frauds. It is also the biggest deception of all, making us believe that the public debt was built up for assisting and supporting people in need by their government, while it was built mostly for achieving the enslavement of most nations by the powers-that-be sitting behind and commanding our national governments.
107.02 →
deception comes as a result of the previous deception, the one about capitalism having
been transformed into debtism. For a country to ask a private cabal of
banks, like the
FED in the
USA, or most other national central banks in the rest of the
western world, to print money out of nothing, and then take that fraudulent
money from the private banking cabal as a loan to be reimbursed, not only in
capital, but in capital with interests,
amounts to serious criminality on the part of its government. Excellent
books describe this fraud of all frauds, like "The
Creature of the Jekyll Island", by
Edward Griffin,
shown to the right. We will not enter into the details of this highly criminal process here, as
this subject is treated in many good books, like the one just
mentioned, and also because it will be treated as one of the main reforms of what we call the
EthoCracy Reform Package,
TruthOcracy Reform Package) in
Part II of this essay.
107.03 →
Let it only be said here that this kind of debt-money for pubic use should not be printed out of nothing from a private cabal bank, but printed by the government; of course, under strict constitutional control. This current FED-type process is as stupid as asking a mafia neighbor of mine to print money for me in his basement, out of nothing, doing it illegally under the constitution, and then ask that neighbor to loan it to me with interests, when I know that I can also print it myself legally. Choosing this second alternative of creating it myself, I could have access to the exact same amount of new money, but without having to reimburse it afterwards to anyone, not in terms of capital, nor in terms of added interests. But seriously, I have never yet found anyone, not even an interested lending banker when pushed into a corner, who could, through the use of simple logic, justify a government to borrow its own money and pay it back with interest-bearing obligations to a private banker who created it out of nothing, unconstitutionally or not. More than ridiculous, this is a conflict of interest of serious penal relevance and a crime against the nation.
107.04 →
To add insult to injury, not only that kind of current public-debt-money has never been borrowed with the consent of the taxpayers in charge of reimbursing it, but its capital has already been reimbursed many times, by these taxpayers, over the years, to the private cabal involved, charging the taxpayers new interests on a yearly basis. A typical example might be the following. If the government borrows 50 million from a central bank through bonds, by the time the bonds are paid, the government will have paid probably at least around 75 million in interests alone for the loan, and possibly many times more. So the government is paying out at least 125 million to obtain the use of 50 million, when it could have created that same money debt-free, without a loan to be reimbursed, nor interests to be paid. Again, not only is this ridiculous, but it is a serious crime against the nation and the taxpayers. That public national debt-money should and can legitimately be declared "Odious Debt" under the existing international law, or even unilaterally and sovereignly under a constitutional enforcement or amendment if necessary. Doing so would then relieve the taxpayers from that burden and eliminate that public debt-money from all accounting books of the national government. Gone! Vanished! All past public-debt-money should, and would, not only disappear as a burden for the current generation of taxpayers, but in particular as a burden for future generations of taxpayers, like it is the case now.
107.05 →
All future public money needs should, after that declaration of odiousness, be created by the government for amounts corresponding only to the creation of real new economic value, in order to avoid undue inflation because, as economist Peter Schiff nicely said: “Inflation is a [hidden] ‘public-debt tax’ that takes purchasing power from anyone with savings and gives it to those receiving government checks”. That new economic value should be strictly for public purposes, on the basis of a fully binding electoral program, and used only through a completely transparent public bank accounting system. That spending and accounting in turn should be implemented in such a way that any citizen, at any time, can scrutinized all expenses completely freely, over the Internet, just as easily as if it was his own private bank account.
107.06 →
We will see that such periods of no-debt public money, in terms of public national sovereign debt, have existed may times in the past, and in many countries for short periods, and they were all periods of great economic success for most of the citizens involved. Ever since the public debt-money system has been put in place by the private cabals of private central banks, enslavement of all citizens involved has done nothing but increasing from generation to generation. But this was the purpose of The Creature from Jekyll Island: the enslavement of the masses for generations to come, through debt-money and the incredible profit of the few owners of the criminal cabal.
107.07 →
At this point, if nothing changes, the current public national debt will affect, as a tax burden, in most countries, even the children who will be born 100 years from now... This is not only totally unfair, in particular to future generations, but totally unnecessary. If it were not so criminal, and so unfair even for future generations, it could be considered as plainly ridiculous, if not laughable. However, this is not only our current system, impregnated with a charm of normality, through the disinformation and propaganda of the mainstream press depending on it, through subventions and corrupting benefits of all sorts, that nobody, or very few, not even most of the best journalist, will even ask questions about it. The deception is perfect! The deception making most of us accept this criminal system as normal is only due to perfect social engineering. This deception has to be debunked and this system has to be eliminated. In the meantime, until we wake up and take appropriate counter actions, we all work for JewZuit central bankers, for holding each our part of the debt-money abundantly created by, and to be reimbursed with interests to, the central bankers, via the complicity of our subservient governments, and via the deception that we are holding money while we are holding only debt. But the system is so pernicious that we are even being used stealthily for ensuring our children and grand-children will also be forced to all work for JewZuit central bankers in the coming years.
108.01 →
To say that our social
systems are the most advanced in the world is a complete fraud. To say, for
example, that our western countries are offering, in spite of their
inevitable and obvious limitations, the best and most sophisticated medical
systems in the world, is certainly a complete fraud. To protect the
interests of rich corporations, it makes people die,
through the forced use of dangerous commercial drugs and expensive
commercial therapies, instead
of curing them through cheap natural nutritional treatments
that have saved lives for thousands of years. The medical corporations bribe
and force our governments to use
their most expensive equipment, like radiation equipment for cancer, that is known
to be not only useless but to cause more deaths that it saves lives, while
natural medicine would save much more lives and much more cheaply. The costs involved, in terms of both
equipment and specialized medical personnel training, let alone the
patients' tickets
involved, also produce a reduction of access and long waiting lists that often
make people die before their treatment has even started.
108.02 →
Similarly, to say that our educational system is the most advanced in the world is also a complete fraud, as it is no more an educational system, but strictly an instructional system, and not always all that good even in terms of instruction, with education proper being completely absent, in particular the education of the right brain (let alone ELducation). This absence is contributing to the general “dumbing down” of most students, to use the title of the famous book of Charlotte Iserbyt mentioned in a lower section of this essay and to the impunity of Crimes of the Educators to use the title of the other book of Alex Newman and Samuel Blumenfeld.
108.03 →
Our legislation formulation system is also a complete fraud as the drafting of most laws affecting our life, supposedly drafted by our governments to protect us, is most often based on the hidden drafting contributions of the corporations and institutions that the law is supposed to protect us from, thus discretely serving mostly the interests of these groups, and not the primary interests of the general population.
108.04 →
Our informational system, in terms of mainstream media, is also a complete fraud hidden in plain sight. Most TV networks and printed newspapers receive financial corrupting contributions, and make conflicting money through publicity, from the corporations and institutions they would normally be charged to investigate in order to provide true information to their readers and the general public.
108.05 →
All these areas of our social life have one common ugly aspect, which is that they now work mainly to protect the profits of big corporations, or the private interests of groups financing our politicians, and not for the benefit of the people they are supposed to serve. Most doctors now have become plain issuing machines for commercial drug prescriptions, serving the interests of the related rich corporations. These doctors will typically practically never put their hands on a patient, touching him, for examining him more carefully, like all good doctors should do, not in particular take the time to talk to him for understanding in a holistic way what his medical condition is. Simple telephone answering secretaries will often issue prescriptions of commercial drugs on behalf of their doctors, on a plain request by phone from a patient, or rather a client, and the doctor will only put a signature on the prescription, without even having seen or talked to the patient. Many of these doctors also conduct thousands of chirurgical operations that are entirely useless, let alone damageable, for the sole sake of cashing substantial sums of money in unjust fees from their patients. Typically, a doctor might easily get a bribe of 5 thousand Euro for referring a patient for a spine operation at a recommended clinic, instead of a 25 Euro fee for referring him to see a physical therapist. Many doctors will also accept even more unjustly substantial bribes from the corporations producing the most expensive equipment and drugs they will use for this purpose. In October 2014 for example, the American Centers for Medicare & Medical Services released data that showed quite clearly that at least some $3.5 billion were paid to doctors by leading drug and medical equipment corporations, and this was only the small part that they were able to trace. And many good researchers have documented that the European medical systems are operating in a very similar manner. And no action has been taken by any of the governments concerned, to prevent this flagrant conflict of interests, as their politicians also receive substantial sums of similarly corrupting money for their own political campaigns.
108.06 →
Hundreds of vaccines are reported, by serious independent researchers, as highly faulty or dangerous, causing for example a serious increase of autism at the moment in a growing number of children in many countries, but nothing is done about it because of corruption. The recent scandal of the MMR vaccine cover-up, and the CDC whistleblower case, in North-America, are just two good examples of this. Maybe the worst part of these scandals is that when honest journalists try to do their jobs correctly, and uncover these scandals with the truth, they are immediately menaced with losing their jobs, by their own newspapers, because these newspapers accept conflicting financing in publicity or otherwise from the corporations at fault. Alternatively, these journalists are approached with substantial bribes to buy their silence. The journalists resisting these two avenues of pressure are always reduced to ruin, from both a personal and a career points of view.
108.07 →
The recent case of
Fox News reporters,
Steve Wilson and
Jane Akre, is only one good example among hundreds of others.
These 2 journalists tried to publish their professional research on the dangerous bovine
growth hormones found in milk, with terribly negative consequences for children in
particular. These engineered hormones find themselves in bovine milk in the
form of dangerous drug products used in the milk industry. In that case it
had to do with Monsanto using its very contested
Posilac drug. The government had quickly rubber stamped the use of
this dangerous drug after many of its politicians had received corrupting
financial contributions for their elections. In turn, Fox News, was also
making a lot of money from Monsanto, in terms of publicity and other
financial contributions, in a clear situation of conflict of interest. Fox
News, as a first step, put extreme pressure on its two journalists,
threatening to fire them if they published their research. As a second step,
it tried to bribe them to buy their silence. Both Monsanto and Fox News, as
a third step, then
tried to have the two journalists alter parts of their research to the point of
falsifying it completely, using their own teams of expensive lawyers in the
process. These two journalists resisted, but their careers as investigative
journalists were soon completely destroyed, like the one of hundreds of
other journalists in similar situations. And this ugly conflict of interest
is even more serious if we consider that the ex vice-president for public
policy of Monsanto (1996-2000), is the deputy commissioner
for food at the FDA (Food and Drug Administration of the
American Government, since 2010) while this mess of Fox News is taking
place. This is amounting to practically a totalitarian power of Monsanto
regarding its extremely dangerous GMO products for the whole of humanity. If
even the UN is not seeing this gross cabal of disastrous consequences for
world population, then, in all logic, it can only be because the UN is in
discrete conspiracy with it, in what appears to be a
gross quadruple conflict of
interest (Monsanto, Fox News, FDA, and UN), probably because it suits
just too well its Agenda 21 objectives of world
108.08 →
In the meantime, thousands of other journalists do not resist the pressure nor the bribes, and the book of Udo Ulfkotte, "Bought journalism", is most revealing about the incredible amount of corruption involving some of the best journalists and newspapers of the western world being paid regularly to write phony articles, or devious articles, protecting the interests of big corporations, of governments, and of security agencies like the CIA. The CIA itself, as an agency that should protect us through the accumulation of intelligence information, is a complete deception as it uses its information mainly to finance secret operations to reverse governments that do not serve the best interests of the corporations who bribe our politicians, as expressed for example in the excellent book of Tim Weiner on the history of the CIA: "Legacy Of Ashes". Most doctors also receive regularly the corrupting visits of representatives of the same big corporations involved in the production of dangerous medical drugs, also in a situation of clear conflict of interest. Many doctors, let alone journalists and politicians, are also known to regularly receive illegal bribing giveaways from these corporations, for these professionals to promote and prescribe their products, in particular if they are knowingly faulty products, often in terms of hidden benefits, like expensive trips to luxurious vacation places entirely paid for, let alone also in cash money when useful.
108.09 →
As for governments, even their leaders and ministers receive the same kind of bribes, directly or indirectly, often in terms of electoral campaign contributions, to have them rubber stamp the approval and distribution of dangerous GMO foods, medical drugs and other faulty products, without due control, nationwide. Many of these drugs are often most damageable to a great number of patients to whom they are prescribed massively under the corrupting influence of the representatives of these corporations visiting the doctors prescribing them. The corporations involved are even often allowed by governments to draft legislation and approval protocols regarding these drugs. The same corporations are also often making corrupting financial contributions to both government and private researcher structures regarding the effect of the drugs of these corporations. These are all situations of complete conflict of interest and flagrant corruption that are extremely well documented in dozens of excellent books like the two mentioned in the previous paragraph. In an EthoCracy (as a first step to a TruthOcracy), because of the ASOMIAP EthoPrinciple, this is made impossible as there is an absolute separation between money, information and politics. Corporations have to complete their own research all internally, and cannot come with their money power to corrupt the research of any public or the private work of a pure research organization. Once their research is completed, they have to submit it to the public for an OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) evaluation as Truth Information through the TinformArium.
108.10 →
In the meantime, most initiatives to promote natural medicine, through nutrition and plant therapy, of the type that have saved lives for thousands of years, and that are still known to have the same kind of beneficial effect when used today, are totally eliminated from the curriculum of university studies of doctors, and prohibited by law from being proposed to patients that may benefit from them, let alone save their lives. Doctors doing it would even lose their license as doctors, and be barred from practicing medicine. To avoid this, doctors will let patients die instead of suggesting an alternative natural medicine that could save the patients’ lives but make, the doctor, lose his job.
108.11 →
For example, cancer patients treated through radiation and chemotherapy all die soon after, at a rate of about 90%. In turn, most of those choosing alternative natural and nutritional medicine, like the Gerson therapy, doing it on their own, maybe after reading appropriate books, survive for much longer at a similar rate of about 90%. Many serious medical research and studies, made by dissenting doctors using natural nutritional medicine, having the best interests of their patients in mind, do exist proving this hard reality of fraud. But these natural therapies are officially prohibited and cannot be proposed to any cancer patient by any official doctor, because they do not serve the profits of the big and rich corporations producing the extremely expensive equipment and drugs necessary for these official treatments. All sectors of the medical system compose a huge network of corruption. Doctors collaborate with the big corporations through bribes. Universities do the same. Politicians and governments do the same. This means total deception and a medical system that works essentially for the corporations, not for the poor patients caught in the middle. In the meantime, thousands of people either die or are treated with drugs that cause them more harm than good, worsening their medical situation instead of improving or curing them. And the same kind of mess and deception also applies, mutatis mutandis, to all our other social systems.
108.12 →
All the above social
systems are part of our so-called “Social Contract”,
between us citizens, and our government. This is a complete fraud in that
there is no such contract. A contract can only be done between competent
persons, and our social contract binds us from birth, when we are totally
legally incompetent. Once of age, finally with legal competence, we are not
given a chance to agree freely to that social contract, and a voluntary
agreement is an essential element of any legally binding contract. Once
adults, we realize that we were born with our hands tied to a contract that
we never adhered to. A contract also requires that one of the parties to the
contract does not use duress or undue influence over the other, and that
both parties have mutual and reciprocal obligations. Then, considering also
the Democracy Deception seen above, as a complete fraud, even elections and voting do not place us in a situation of
binding bilateral voluntary agreement. This might be the mother of all
frauds. How many times do we vote electoral programs, or specific electoral
promises that are not respected? The answer is really: "All the time", or
"Every time". Politicians are famous for not respecting their electoral
promises, and voters are famous for electing, or even re-electing them
anyway. And practically all the time without any meaningful
consequences for the liars, nor for the constitutional applicability of
government actions based on the lies used to deceive us. In other words, we
are saying that Lenin was right when he said "A promise
is like a pie crust: it is good only when it is broken". The worst part is
that we accept this deception as normal, and this normality
as politically correct. Considering that one party to the contract, the government,
or the elected leader, can then use legions of armed men and judicial
paid by our taxes, for enforcing his actions as decisions that were never
part of the agreement supposedly
contracted with us during an election campaign, while we are not even allowed to protest without risking fines and
jail terms, our overall social contract is a complete fraud. That major fraud
of the fake social contract is in fact a
system of complete enslavement forced on us by the other party to the
so-called social contract. There is no real social contract. There is only a
fake social contract that we were all socially engineered to accept as
politically correct without even asking questions about its fakeness, let
alone protest against it without risking fines, jail terms or, as per the
new vocabulary elaborated over the last few years by our growing police
states, being targeted as "internal terrorists".
108.13 →
However, as we will
see, the party not respecting its side of the social contract is not our
puppet-government, but the
JewZuit Power commanding
the puppet government
discretely in the background. There is no perfect solution to this mega
fraud but, as we will see in Part II, the best one, or the least imperfect
one, is to democratically force our system of governance to go “From Democracy To EthoCracy”, or “From
Slavery Downwards To Slavery Upwards”,
as per the title of this essay.
109.01 →
We have seen how the EU is a complete deception regarding democracy. The next level up, the UN, is even worse, and for this reason it is often criticized and called the "Dictators Club". From an administration point of view, we will pass over its lack of democracy that is very similar, only worse, than the said EU Deception mutatis mutandis. But in addition, the UN is a deception from many other additional points of view. To say that the UN is the most humanitarian organization in the world, or the most powerful and highest organization capable of implementing best world civilization and social justice, let alone democracy, like they try to make us believe most of the time, is also a complete fraud. This fraud even involves a great number of instances of serious corruption and criminality, even crimes against humanity, both by commission and by omission, let alone serious conflicts of interest like the ugly quadruple conflict of interests seen above, involving a cabal of Monsanto, Fox News, FDA and UN. We will also see in more details, because of its direct role in the growing process of world Collectivism, through many evil programs, like in particular its Agenda 21, that the UN is causing major damage and injustice to millions of people around the world.
109.02 →
For example, because of the UN's omission to intervene firmly in
GMO food, and
in prohibiting the worldwide spraying of
Chemtrails involving
deadly chemicals getting into the food chain, it is committing a crime
against Planet Earth, and, as we will see, a crime against humanity affecting
in particular the current and future generations of the male man. Its lack of intervention
to stop organizations like the WTO, the
World Bank and
the IMF
from enslaving the populations of entire countries and
continents is, to say the least, a clear form of criminality by omission, but also by commission
if we consider that these organizations are UN subservient.
109.03 →
The lack of intervention of the UN through the WHO (World Health Organization), as its dependent organization, to stop the production of new GMO viruses, let alone faulty vaccines responsible for serious diseases like autism, is also serious criminality, at least by omission. In front of a potential major health disaster at world level, the UN should intervene immediately. Who else is there to intervene at world level to protect us? The UN should also prevent private guys like Bill Gates to have a predominant interest on the manipulation of viruses and vaccines, like the Ebola virus and the development of its vaccine, let alone many other dangerous vaccines. The UN should have its WHO keep the absolute leadership on such matters. For example, the first Ebola vaccine is being developed by GlaxoSmithKline. This is shameful and inadmissible. This is a corporation that has already been fined $3 billion for criminal corruption, bribing doctors for promoting faulty drugs, including unusable and catastrophic antidepressants for children. There is a gross conflict of interest there, one that can develop into a crime against humanity, especially considering that the USA, contrary to many other European countries, has not imposed an early ban on all flights from the area of Africa where the Ebola is fast spreading. Again, who else but the UN could intervene to protect us against such crime against humanity at world level? Nevertheless, we have not heard any protest from the WHO/UN for this potentially genocidal slackness. The incapacity or irresponsibility of the UN in such cases makes it a clear accomplice of a possible crime against humanity. Judging from this lack of proactive action on the part of the UN, and considering the slack behavior of the USA not being denounced by the WHO, it is no surprise if some people already think that both the UN and the USA are part of a conspiracy to use Ebola as a false flag in order to facilitate the profits of the rich medical corporations financing the political campaigns of their politicians, and possibly also to facilitate the declaration of the forthcoming martial law that would in turn facilitate an early advent of the New World Order of totalitarian Fabian Socialism pursued by the JewZuit Power that sits behind both the USA and the UN. That accusation of conspiracy is even more legitimate if we consider that the patent on Ebola is held by the CDC (Center for Disease Control). This is not only very unusual but also very suspicious: why should the CDC have the patent if it did not create Ebola in one of its laboratories at home or abroad?
109.04 →
That whole situation certainly fits just too well the overall UN objectives of reducing world population through evil programs like Agenda 21 and Planned Parenthood as hidden Eugenics. True or not, using the false flag of the Ebola would, by the same token, bring immense profits to all the BigPharma corporations involved in the Ebola vaccine, like GSK, and its related vaccine investors, like Bill Gates, with consecutively incredible cascading political contributions and bribes for the corruption of the slack politicians involved. It would also provide a perfect justification for an early start in using and experimenting the huge concentration camps being built discretely at the moment in America and in Europe. Typically, dozens of FEMA camps in America are already fully constructed, like huge reservations, but are still sitting empty and idle at the moment. Considering some of the evil programs of the UN, and its typical lack of intervention to protect us at world level against the evil programs of some private corporations acting worldwide, starting filling the new concentration camps for obscure purposes, on the basis of any convenient pretext, would appear to most people to be done with the benediction of the UN convincing us that the use of things like martial law and FEMA camps are for our own good. Certainly, for the justification of the implementation of a totalitarian New World Order, an extraordinary event or crisis, if not both, has to be created first by the powers-that-be in the background. The fear of Ebola to the western world, let alone importing it, through loose health safety practices in international air transportation, like the ones applied by the USA, could be an excellent way to assist this objective. Of course, the above acts of deception of the UN, that belong mainly to the omission side, are also corroborated by many acts of commission. For example, the UN will often hide certain of its ugliest policies, like the ones related to its objectives of world depopulation, by taking initiatives that amount to criminality. This is certainly the case of the WHO and the UNICEF who have been charged in Kenya of distributing supposedly anti-tetanus vaccines that are, under cover, depopulation tools that contain HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormones) that have sterilized involuntarily millions of girls and women in many African countries. When they are not initiatives of a clear criminal nature against persons, like in this case, some of the initiatives of the UN organizations amount to a kind of crime against humanity, like when the UNICEF uses the cover of its important role to protect children rights as as an excuse or a justification for promoting openly the socially most destructive recognition of the same-sex marriage worldwide, like it does in an official document titled "Eliminating discrimination against children and parents based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity”. This is a clearly unnecessary, deviating, and deplorable extrapolation of its specific UNICEF mandate in order to please the new trends of the UN as its New World Order masters.
109.05 →
As mentioned above, the UN tolerates a ridiculously slack application of the refugee definition by its UNHCR. This slack application is a constant violation of the International Convention of Geneva on Refugees, and a constant violation with full impunity. This is causing incredible damage to not only the countries forced to receive massive amounts of economic migrants as false refugees, because they are incapable of absorbing them properly, like Italy and Greece forced to absorb thousands of the boat people of the Mediterranean Sea, but first and foremost a damage to the false refugees themselves, and an even bigger damage to the countries of origin involved in the serious brain drain in the long run, if we consider that these thousands of false refugees should be returned home, as vital resources, to help the development of their own countries. Most of them in fact are only the victims of a multi-billion dollar racket in person trafficking promoted by elites who want to debase our western civilization, like the intellectuals pursuing the long-term New World Order objectives of the Kalergi Plan. In addition, the UNHCR is violating its own constitution, as clear deceit, with probably even a criminal responsibility, when it loosely tags as refugees, by the thousands, people fleeing only poverty or difficult economic conditions. Those who are not refugees, but economic migrants, should be help through various assistance programs in their own countries, and not through granting them a false UN tag as refugees. Of course, the hundreds of camps involved, filled mostly with fake refugees, is a constantly growing source of financing claims that not only helps UNHCR to affirm its status and unduly increase its staff, but also a source of growing criminality and bribes in relation to the working and providing contracts granted to the private sector, let alone a growing injustice for the taxpayers of the contributing countries.
109.06 →
In the meantime, the extravaganzas of UN dependent organizations like FAO and UNESCO, involved in all sorts of programs and contracts involving high corruption, and in the spoiling of vast quantities of resources contributed by taxpayers, is a shame for the UN and for humanity. Apart from these external contracts, it is also a terrible injustice, for the peoples of the countries financing them, on the basis of only the regular and ridiculously expensive salaries and privileges of the diplomatic employees of all these organizations. The UN should put in place very severe and regular auditing procedures for itself and its subservient organizations, and use full transparency in the handling of all public funds involved. But it does not do it, not in any serious way, not even for its own budget at its headquarters in NY. Because their budgets come from taxpayers money, they should not do what most governments attempt to do on a regular basis, without scandal, which is to audit their own self, through officials of their own government structure. Public money, from governments and international organizations should, always and only, be audited by completely independent private outsiders in collaboration with a surveillance board composed of judicial officials from various countries and always include members of private groups opposing or questioning the wild public spending of who is being investigated, like the movement "Not Our Debt". Only transparency and truth can fuel sophisticated civilizations, and worldwide organizations like the UN and its dependent bodies should be first to give the best example. This is certainly not the case at the moment.
109.07 →
Many excellent books already fully document these monstrosities, and consequently it is useless to provide more details here. And all the above is not considering the ugly wars the UN is involved in, many of which include mass massacres, and even genocides, not the least being prevented, and even most rarely commented, if at all as such, by the presstitute mainstream mass media corrupted by the same JewZuit Power sitting behind the UN. It does not include either the laughable arrangement of its Security Council whereby one or two countries can veto vital world security decisions that should be taken by the majority of a democratic General Assembly, and not by the outrageously undemocratic general assembly that we have now. The General Assembly of the UN is full of representatives of undemocratic and totalitarian regimes. The Security Council of the UN in turn is composed of a small bunch of countries that are the most powerful ones in the world for acting freely and most undemocratically, either in proactively conducting all sorts of unjust wars around the globe, or in passively not implementing the stop of other such unjust wars and interventions worldwide. The above considerations about the UN do not include either its equally laughable International Court of Justice that cannot receive, under existing international law, the assessment of a claim of genocide from a "country", or from a highly concentrated population of the same culture, like in the case of Gaza in Israel at the moment, even if, in the opinion of a vast majority of people around the world, this appears clearly to be the gradual realization of a new Holocaust, done by the Jews this time, step by step, in the course of the last decades since the formation of Israel. Of course, the above considerations do not include either the fact that the UN should not only, ideally, be a union of only democratic countries but, if this is not possible, certainly at least an organization not ridiculously placing representatives of dictatorial countries in charge of UN commissions like the one on Human Rights, the one on Refugees, or the one on the Status of Woman.
109.08 →
All the above does not include the ugly reality that the financing of all these UN structures, and their sub-structure, is not only extremely expensive, all at the expense of the debt-slave taxpayer of the member countries, but it is done entirely without appropriate accounting transparency, let alone many instances of entirely black budgets. This is complete deception on the part of an organization that should be our best ally in implementing peace between nations and peoples, through ensuring best possible meritorious equality and justice around the world, or through protecting humanity and planet earth from terribly destructive conflicts of interest. This is certainly not always the case. As we will see, this deception even often takes the appearance of a gross negligence, or even an ugly UN collaboration to crimes against humanity, like in the case of the complicity of the UN in the destruction of the male-man, or crimes against planet Earth, like in the case of the quadruple conflict of interest in which the UN is mixed with, or not denouncing or disassociating itself from, Monsanto, FDA and Fox News.
109.09 →
But the UN is an organization that fights for an unfair type of equalitarianism, instead of for a meritorious type of equality, even if it means, it seems, destroying manhood if necessary, in order to make it equal to womanhood. Its veneration of flat equality, independently of merit, is a very recent concept, in the history of human thought, that did not really exist before the Fabian Socialism started to invade our society in the mid-eighteen century. Merit was the main criteria of equality in the history of philosophy before that period. If equality had to exist, it had to be meritorious equality, which also meant a perfectly acceptable unequal lot on the basis of nature, talent and effort. Fabian equalitarianism is violently anti-human and anti-justice. Its philosophical horror was well expressed in the Greek Myth of Procrustes (Προκρούστης, or "the stretcher", also known as Prokoptas or Damastes (Δαμαστής) the "subduer") who forced his clients, as a blacksmith, to lie down on his iron beds, pre-constructed as he had established, while he would cut off the feet that protruded, and tortured the legs that were too short to try to make them longer and all fit the bed all equally. Equalitarianism without merit is as ridicule as Procrustes' intentions, not to say procrustean.
109.10 →
This tool of false equalitarianism without merit is however also a tool of total power, which is what the UN is quite obviously attempting to be, for the forthcoming JewZuit New World Order of totalitarian Fabian Socialism. The UN tries to give itself a good public image of equalitarianism and justice, but it is clearly an organization of totalitarian aspiration in its push for a One-World Government. On the other hand, only looking at the way it arrogantly maintains itself, with huge and mostly undeserved privileges of all sorts on a merit basis, over and above what normal citizens can enjoy, and at the way it administers itself with complete lack of transparency in its use of world taxpayers' money, even with many totally black budgets passed on to some of its subservient organizations, makes the UN the worst possible example of real equalitarianism, if not a total fraud, regarding its alleged objectives of a better world of global justice. Thus the complete deception regarding the real nature of what the UN is.
110.01 →
The above incredible cumulative forms of deception affecting us are only a few examples of the world of deception, or the Empire of Illusion that we live in. There are countless others. The worst one at the moment, at a global level, is probably that the war on terror is a complete fraud. Considering only what happened to Building Seven, 911 is an inside job conducted as a false flag to facilitate the approval and implementation of a growing police state through the new law of Homeland Security. In fact, this department is now behaving all the way as if it were preparing for a civil war. The new war developing in Iraq and Syria is another false flag being created if we consider that ISIS was completely trained in Jordan by the JewZuit Power, was armed with most sophisticated western military armament, and its members are to this day provided regularly, albeit discretely by the JewZuit forces, with equipment, food and, according to many sources, even medical treatment within hospitals in Israel when necessary for their main leaders. Global Warming is another gross false flag well debunked by dozens of excellent scientists and researchers. Professor Graeme MacQueen demonstrated clearly that the Anthrax Attack on America a few years ago was also a false flag, in his excellent book The 2001 Anthrax Deception, for trying to frame and blame the Russians.
110.02 →
And the list of false flags,
of the past and the present, could go on and
on, ad infinitum. We are run by fascist oligarchies of financiers at the moment,
basically big corporations, in particular the big bank corporations. A strong oligarchy cannot exist
for long without an enemy to be fought, supposedly fought for the security
of the subservient subjects paying for these wars, but really only for the
enrichment of the ruling oligarchy. If that enemy does not exist, it has to
be created through a false flag for the authoritarian oligarchy to be able
to survive. In addition to the help for the survival of the oligarchy, or the
nomemklaturocracy, the
creation of enemies means wars have to take place to not only fight them,
but in particular to finance them and make money through financing all sides
of these wars. We all
know by now, from the two first world wars and the excellent books written
about them, that it is
mainly through important wars that the oligarchy not only maintains itself, but also
extremely rich and keeps becoming even richer today, through financing the puppet governments involved, and
providing the financing to both sides of these wars.
110.03 →
The first two world wars are two perfect examples of this, and the world oligarchy at the moment, the JewZuit Power, is very anxious to start WWIII for that same purpose. And such wars, created through deception, are never meant to be stopped, but rather to be continued incessantly for as long as possible, if not for ever in between various pauses and under various hats. A good book talking about this is “Low Intensity Operations” (Subversion, Insurgency and Peacekeeping) of Frank Kitson.
110.04 →
Because of these numerous forms of deception, and the
Fabian Socialist tyranny that it is hiding behind the curtain of both the
national governments and the international organizations involved,
we are becoming completely
enslaved, without realizing it, to omnipotent corporations and governments of a repressive
and dogmatic Judeo-Christian culture,
the culture of the JewZuit Power, instead of a culture of
democracy, merit, freedom and freethinking, the one that the direct
and meritocratic democracy was based on when
Ancient-Greece invented it, let alone the culture of a
fully implemented EthoCracy as a
TIDMOcracy (as a
step to become a
TruthOcracy). As
Chris Hedges calls it, in his excellent book, we live in an
"Empire of Illusion" or of
global deception.
110.05 →
The basic strategy is to keep us so busy with serious social and economic problems, like excessive taxation and extreme legislation, and so distracted by junk culture, like TV reality shows and Hollywood JewZuit crap, or so upset with social problems, like massive illegal immigration without due PISA process of a destructive multicultural nature, that we have no more time to think freely and be creative anymore, thus no energy left to react to our growing enslavement. Said very coldly and serenely, this is the strategy: the strategy of DDD, or of the Three-Headed Cerberus. Freethinking time must disappear, along with the disappearance of our economic freedom, and the little time that may be left must be dedicated to fear, dogma submission, and debt anxiety. Our social life must be, as much as possible, a complete anti-leisure and chaotic environment.
110.06 →
In the meantime, the globalization itself that was supposed to bring more prosperity to all of us around the world, is the biggest of all illusions and deceptions. The result is that 1% of the world population is richer than the whole population of Africa, some 200 multinationals dominate the economy of the whole world, being richer than ever, and 99% of the population of the world is poorer than ever, with a disparity factor bigger than ever between the rich and the poor in most countries. Nevertheless, propaganda and disinformation of the fully controlled mainstream media, along with the social engineering of powerful institutions like Tavistock and the complicity of our corrupted politicians, still discretely succeed in making us believe that globalization is good, and that it is taking place for the best possible prosperity of all of us. Global Deception!
110.07 →
In short, to say that slavery has been abolished is a complete fraud. Contrary to what people were told at school, or to what they can still read today in the best history books, slavery was not abolished by a British Act in 1833. It was not either ended by the 13th Amendment in the USA in 1865. This alleged information is pure disinformation. Some forms of slavery should be immediately obvious, like the economic slavery of sweat workers of outsourced jobs in the third-world, on the part of the big western corporations, or the slavery of the woman, mainly in the Islamic world. But what is not so immediately obvious is that we are now all slaves! Certainly the 99% of us fighting a daily, and a life-long battle for bare economic and legislative survival! In the meantime, the 1%, in enslaving us, laughs and enjoys the show in the background, as its mainstream mass media, under its full command, have succeeded in convincing us that we are the freest people of all times, and in making us exuberantly convinced, through our massive credulity, of the normality of this situation; and, for this small enslaving class, it is a near complete success at the moment, worth even laughing about, as it is not only people anymore that it has enslaved, but also countries, and it is not only in terms of an economic slavery anymore, but also in terms of a cultural and psychological slavery.
110.08 →
This new kind of holistic slavery has been practiced extensively, and quite easily, for many decades, in many under-developed third-world countries. These countries served as necessary Ginny pigs for an eventual attack on the first world that includes the most developed countries, economically and culturally. Now that its success has been well experimented in the third world, an attempt is being made, most aggressively since 2008, to implement it also in the first world, that is, mostly in Europe and in the North America. For the caste of masters to set foot correctly, from its point of view, in the first world, which is much more difficult to dominate, Greece is the new Ginny pig inside that most developed area. We will see that there are very good reasons for starting with that particular country, Greece, that masters feel they have to squash, first and entirely, if their strategy is to work well in the rest of the first world. If Greece becomes a complete success of full enslavement, like it seems to be the case so far, from the point of view of the masters, then the rest of Europe, and of the richest western world, will be an easy ride downhill. We will see that slavery still exists, and is well alive, more than ever before. It certainly exists in a more elusive and sophisticated way, but in a new, and much better, holistic way, from the point of view of the new masters. It also exists on a much larger scale than ever before, gradually and rapidly affecting a great majority of people worldwide even, as of recently, in the richest and most advanced countries of the western world.
110.09 →
The current holistic slavery is worse than most of the forms of plain slavery that have existed in the past, as the present slaves, on the economic side of their submission, have not only to be fully subservient to their new masters, like the old ones, but have to also maintain themselves, instead of being fully maintained, like they used to be, by their old masters. Even worse so, they are really the first category of slaves in the history of humanity who, in spite of their economic enslavement condition, have not only to fully maintain themselves, but also to contribute, with the major part of their poor income, to the wellbeing of their masters, through full financial entrapment, private and public, excessive taxation, abusive legislation, and consequently a well hidden, but legal, government plunder, to ensure the necessary extortions from all their earnings. In short, historically speaking, they are the best type of holistic slaves that masters have ever had at their service on the last three millennia. Most people today do not the least ever realize they are slaves, let alone holistic slaves, and they still believe they are free, without ever calling or seeing themselves as slaves, in particular in our most advanced western world. But they are slaves! Real and ideal slaves from the point of view of their current masters. They are fundamentally the real slaves of the “Web Of Debt”, public and private, and of the “Creature from Jekyll Island”, so well described by excellent researchers who are not at all any kind of conspiracy theorists, like Ellen Brown and Edward Griffin!
110.10 →
In short, the new ideal slavery is far from being only economic this time, like it happened in the past. It is holistic slavery. This new and current ideal slavery, for the first time in history, is also eminently cultural, first and foremost cultural, and in the end psychological, as part of a Master Plan transforming it into a holistic triangular slavery: economic, cultural and psychological. This entire submission involves the use of many subsidiary tools, like the gradual annihilation of all our best traditional ethical values under the push of a growing subliminal nihilism, the destruction of our legitimate and constructive sense of patriotic proudness for our particular culture and nationality, the lowering of the standards of our educational system, at least from a civic education point of view, through rampant relativism, and the spreading of all sorts of destructive moral concepts that become acceptable, at the soul level, through social engineering and the devilish garbage of the mainstream mass media pushed at all of us on a daily basis. This triangular slavery is also so powerful, and keep people so busy handling their survival that they have no more time to love. The New World Order is definitely going after love and its best traditional expressions, first and foremost after the destruction of love, more than after money and power, as a people without love can be attacked more easily in all of its other values, and thus dominated more easily. The purpose of these subsidiary tools, used cumulatively, and in perfect coordination, is to have the new slaves lose their mutual love, and lose their partial intellectual and economic liberty and independence of mind that they might have acquired, and make them live is a state of such social drunkenness, and blind confusion of political correctness, that they have no more time to think for themselves and possibly become disobedient to their egotistic new masters, let alone revolt to them.
110.11 →
One thing is certain. Slavery, not only has not been abolished, but still exists, and exists in an epidemic way, in particular in the richest world, the USA and the EU. It is only the traditional slavery of the lower class that has been abolished, but substituted with a brand new, and more effective, form of debt-slavery at the level of the middle class, and implemented in such a way, through social engineering and disinformation, that the new debt-slaves think they are free. Most of their income is plundered by various levels of government, through various forms of excessive open taxation, and through other forms of hidden taxation, like inflation and currency devaluation. What is left of their income is then used mostly to pay some more dues to their masters, as a kind of rent on their property, usually in the form of a mortgage to be paid to the accomplice banksters of their nicely democratic government, for the rest of their life. In this way the new debt-slaves of the middle class maintain the two other classes: the lower class through social welfare, and the upper class through corporate welfare. They even do so proudly because they have been raised to think that this is the only way to go in order to enjoy the privilege of living freely in a land of opportunity, in particular the inclusive opportunity to have a chance to admire their lofty masters parading in front of them, on a daily basis on TV, and with full impunity, the exorbitant and unnecessary privileges enjoyed by them, their masters, and paid for by themselves as debt-slave taxpayers.
111.01 →
We are thus enslaved to the same
Judeo-Christian forces that have fought Greek Hellenism, or the
EL culture
of freethinking, for 2000 years, and still fight it more
forcefully today than ever before, since these two Judeo-Christian religions have finally
joined their forces, for the first time in the history of humanity, in the 21st
century, under the absolute coalition that we
call the
JewZuit Power.
When this Judeo-Christian coalition wants to implement a difficult or
unpopular program, through its subservient elected governments, or wants to force the public
into accepting draconian surveillance and loss of personal liberty, in order
to reinforce its enslaving power, it uses a Strategy Of False Flags.
It typically creates first a false flag problem,
covertly, using fearful disinformation along the way through its equally subservient
mainstream media, along with widely publicized and theatrical pre-emptive
prosecutions as supposedly an appropriate reaction to the problem they have
created. Then these
governments of Judeo-Christian culture come up with a solution that appears to
have been found by them, and appears to be required to save us, while that
solution is only increasing our enslavement, or reinforcing the means of additional enslavement
that they had already concocted before creating the false flag problem in
the first place for this specific purpose. It is the old Roman strategy of
Ordo Ab
Chao (Order Out Of Chaos), but... out of
created chaos, in order for the ruler
who created the chaos to falsely take credit for the new order, and thus increase his
authoritarian rule of enslavement.
111.02 →
And then, because of the related deceit, we stupidly all applaud, even gratefully welcoming our increased enslavement through unrequired additional security measures! This is what the Japanese call the Match-Pump: you use a match to secretly set a fire and then you show up with a water pump to extinguish it, in front of everybody attracted by the blaze, in order to appear as a savior who has to be rewarded through acquiring more commanding power. Through this falsehood we accept a totally improper militarization of municipal and school police, even ministries, and an increasingly totalitarian bureaucracy, along with a growing prohibition of free speech that tags whoever dares to protest as a racist, a subversive, a hate-speech user, an anti-Semite, or more and more often, even as an internal terrorist worth being arrested, rudely detained without due legal process, let alone shot dead with impunity if required, under any fake pretext at the next best occasion. The State is no more our friend, but our enemy, no more our protector, but our enslaving absolute master.
112.01 →
As a result of the
above deception and strategy, we accept draconian and excessive
legislation for plundering projects against our own selves, consequently
excessive taxation at home. We accept or tolerate, silently and undemocratically,
our participation in outrageously expensive and criminal military actions
We accept the financing of all these national
and international initiatives, and their full implementation,
completely without transparency, and very often through completely invisible
budgets. We accept as politically correct an excessive and most destructive
a massive illegal immigration without due
PISA process diluting our best western values,
the destruction of our nation-states, the dismantlement of our natural family
unit, and the debasing of our education that is
dumbing down our current and future generations.
In the meantime we are maneuvered by the mainstream mass media to consider ourselves lucky to live in our advanced iPod democracies. We are happy to be stupidly entertained, or rather sneakily distracted, from this terrifying enslaving mess. We consume, and even honor, the accomplice multimedia pushing at us not only a constant flow of disinformation, but the worst of cultural and artistic rubbish, a trash to be revered supposedly proudly in front of everybody as excellent contemporary achievements, even if that garbage certainly has nothing to do with the great traditional values that were at the base of our philosophical sense of Beauty, Just, Good and Truth, founded in our best Hellenic Roots before the current decadence of the politically correct succeeded, through complete deception, in making us believe that our best roots are Judeo-Christian.
112.03 →
It is sufficient to tour the best museums of Contemporary Art around the western world to find out how decadent we have become and how much public money we are prepared to spend for complete inartistic rubbish instead of for beautiful fine arts, let alone useful social programs as an alternative. The presstitutes of the mainstream mass media are not only used directly by the JewZuit Power to back up this whole decadent process of enslavement, but also indirectly, by slowly diluting and eventually destroying completely our best traditional philosophical/Hellenic life principles and values with regards to our social, ethical, religious and family life. All this creates a widely spread social confusion that prevents the public at large from thinking freely, destroying precisely the main characteristic of our original Hellenic culture, the Apollonian Freethinking Spirit, and gradually imposing on us growing degrees of the main characteristic of our impostors, the Judeo-Christian Spirit of Submission to authoritarian dogma silently enslaving all the faithful.
112.04 →
The Hellenic spirit of the free Idea Exchangers is being replaced with the Judeo-Christian spirit of the Money Changers. This confusion and debasement inhibit most of us from expressing freely even our most logical concerns of simple common sense against our progressive enslavement, for fear of not being politically correct and being persecuted accordingly, personally or professionally, if not prosecuted for hate-speech. This wide public confusion and this paralyzing restraint mean only easier and progressively wider enslavement capability acquired by our falsely democratic Judeo-Christian governments acting on behalf of the new worldwide omnipotent JewZuit Power. This is the strategy of a well concerted Master Plan, and perfect social engineering.
113.01 →
What few people realize however, is that the above social engineering is also
being supplemented by an additional physical engineering that is meant to destroy mainly
the powerful testosterone of the male-man, and thus diminish his aggressive reaction as a
natural male-man-animal against progressive and forceful enslavement. Through
GMO food, forced and useless homicidal
unnatural hormones forced into animals of the monstrous meat industry using
CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations,
the treatment of meat with carbon monoxide gas to make even spoiled mean
look good, and a wide spectrum of
destructive heavy chemicals in our
food chain and water,
the young man-males of today, at age 18, have only half of the sperm
and testosterone of the males of the same age some 40 years ago.
Water fluoridation for example definitely lowers male
fertility and their level of testosterone, thus their natural reaction
against enslavement, and possibly also their IQ according to certain
studies. Males
are also particularly psychologically dumbed down by the wide
distribution of the new
Smart Meters that operate on a frequency of
905 megahertz. This specific frequency will further reduce the aggressively of the young male-man in particular,
according to the research of world expert
Barrie Trower.
This dumbing down of the male-man through all the above factors is also an exacerbation of the
immense WIFI & Bluetooth Soup in which we inevitably live
today, also affecting the natural sharpness of the potentially more belligerent mind
of the male-man in particular to resist enslavement by the New World
Order. All these
factors of physical engineering have been demonstrated by scientists to affect the male-man much more than the female. This has
also been demonstrated by many serious medical researchers and is eminently part of the JewZuit strategy of
the Master Plan
for global enslavement. For example, the research of Dr. John
Peterson Myers about the "Disappearing Male",
in videos and in books like "Our
Stolen Future", are very revealing on this subject. Just
like GMO practices are producing more and more fruits with
less seeds, if not often without seeds at all, all the above factors are
producing more and more young male-men with less and less sperm, with the
risk of a growing number of them being without sperm at all in a few
113.02 →
Scientific medical studies on animals fed only with GMO food have demonstrated that most males are affected by complete sterility after the third generation. Certainly the UN is aware of this, but does not react, even if it is a crime against humanity, because its JewZuit Master Plan of its odious Agenda 21 is all oriented toward earth depopulation. No real male-man in an environment means no real combatant soldiers, and no real fighters against this New World Order of global enslavement, or rather this New World Disorder. Global enslavement by the JewZuit Power is thus much easier to achieve.
113.03 →
Just look at most of the young men of today, made to grow with video games instead of physically fighting each other in outside nature for the best girls, or instead of competing meritoriously in serious sport competition, and compare them to what you can remember of the young males of previous generations. Our society is being completely feminized, or rather effeminized, and really for no fault of the young men of today, rather the opposite. In the current Holocaust of Western Civilization, it is the white male that is hit first and foremost.
113.04 →
This physical destruction of the male-man is in fact a crime against them for which, testosterone allowing, they should revolt and claim damage. In addition, this destruction of the physical male-man is being reinforced by a similarly dangerous psychological destruction of the male-man, in terms of a war against fatherhood, and the open promotion of homosexuality to even young adolescent males in primary and secondary schools. There is an active war against both manhood and fatherhood at the moment in the western world, and when we consider who is mostly pushing it, through Hollywood mass media in particular, this war is clearly part of the Master Plan of the JewZuit Power.
113.05 →
When Johnny Carson asked Burt Reynolds, in a famous film of the times when men still existed, and manhood was still not contested in our society, and rather something to be proud of, the latter replied: “You are not a man until your father tells you that you are a man”. Today, young men are more puzzled than ever, precisely because there are no fathers left anymore to tell them. Most boys are born out of wedlock, or live with a mother only, and grow up at home, abandoned, alone, in front of television sets promoting homosexuality as an ideal lifestyle, instead of letting homosexuality simply be what it is, and what it has always been: a lifestyle to be left alone, among many other particular lifestyles to be respected, as a personal choice that does not need any kind of proactive promotion, or at most as a minority to be fully protected against any form of discrimination. Nothing more! Nothing less! Common sense says to the great majority of people, parents in particular, that as much as homosexuality should be protected against discrimination, it should equally be protected against any proactive promotion.
113.06 →
Overall, this destruction of the male-man, both physically and psychologically, is a clear crime against humanity, of which even the UN is an accomplice, if not by commission, certainly by omission. Who for example is in a better position than the UN to prohibit damaging chemtrails from airplanes that cross freely so many international borders, worldwide? Why does the UN not do it? Why does it not at least find out who authorizes them and tell us about it? Apart from this ugly silence of the UN, nobody else in the subservient mainstream presstitute press will dare to even talk about it for fear of being accused, by the JewZuit politically correct, of being a conspiracy theorist, a racist or a retrograde bigot. But these same presstitutes will all rush to respect the politically correct and give cravingly enthusiastic reviews to the Conchita phenomenon, completing the ugly diabolic revolution started by Michael Jackson, through which the contemporary male-man is admiringly effeminized, not to say psychologically neutered through a combination of social gonadectomy and penectomy, as the standard of a kind of new "femanhood" for the NWO. If these are our new heroes, our society has no brilliant future, not only for reproduction purposes, but in particular for the real manhood that may be required for the defense and improvement of the best values and characteristics for which our previous generations have heroically fought to construct during centuries, with beautiful particularities in each of our national countries, in order to leave them to us as a precious inheritance.
113.07 →
If the UN, along with its many subservient components, is really the highest level or world organization that it pretends to be, supposedly promoting peace and social appeasement, it should also be able to do something to stop, or at least shrink, the spreading of the debasing culture of criminality, violence and social degradation that comes out of Hollywood and the mass media, and through strange nebulous initiatives of directed education (not to say maleducation) like Common Core in our educational systems, and Common Purpose hiding illegally behind charity in some of our civic environments, sponsored and promoted directly or indirectly by the UN, or by the UN-backed Tavistock Institute, all affecting seriously negatively the wellbeing of most world citizens today, the youths in particular. But the UN does so much nothing about chemtrails and other dangerous initiatives that it seems to be part of this globalist Fabian Culture of totalitarian aspiration being pushed and spread at world level for our global DDD enslavement. If the UN is not part of it, it should not either appear to be part of it. For what the UN costs the taxpayers of the world, silence it not good enough for this highest body being promoted as the most humanitarian organization in the world and our top ally for obtaining best possible global social appeasement, education and justice. Shame on the commanding UN! Shame on the subservient press!
113.08 →
Of course, the tools to prevent a violent reaction against our enslavement, as pursued by the New world Order, are aimed first and foremost at the male-man, and are successful in particular against the male man. But the tools being used also affects women. In addition, these tools also include not only the above mentioned chemtrails (not to mention other 'dust' or 'beam' or 'Nano fiber' silent weapons), the GMO food with the destruction of the natural PH of earth land, the forced and useless homicidal vaccines, the insecticides, the unnatural hormones but also all sorts of new gadgets or appliances using the ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) and SR (Schumann Resonances) wavelengths through apparently innocent house instruments like the so-called 'smart' meters, the 'smart' phones and the new 'smart' TV. The new "Digital TV" system in particular, imposed to most countries in the last decade with the help of multinational corporations (like the ICF International, a huge propaganda and propagation machine for the NWO, collaborating discretely in the background with tax and revenue authorities in various countries, like the IRS in the USA), is a prominent tool for our dumbing down and psychological enslavement. Not only the digital TV systrem forces us to have access to only a predefined set of TV channels that are all well controlled by the political correctness of the NWO, but it is also a secret tool of psychotronics (mind control) with which the ELF and SR wavelengths can be used unknowingly to our detriment through either invisible subliminal messages or a well-defined set of low wavelengths affecting negatively some specific parts of our brain having to do with our level of consciousness. If the crime against humanity stands on its own on the sole basis of what it does to the male man in particular, its stands at least twice as much strongly for what it also does to women and the humanity in general. The gross and absurd silence and omission of action of the UN in this respect is absolutely shameful, to say the least, and its obvious collaboration with this system, claimed by a growing number of experts, scientist and intellectuals around the world, makes the UN a treasonous and criminal organization of the highest level and degree of gravity.
114.01 →
Considering the destruction of the male-man described above, it is no surprise if, at this point, nobody is able to protest, or still has the testosterone or courage to do so. This means that the circle will be closed quickly and our final global enslavement will be achieved completely in the near future. This enslavement is, for the first time in world history, a global one, at planet level. Consequently, the enslavement not being reduced to a most obvious poorer class, like it has always been in the past, it has become perfectly invisible to most of us. We cannot pin point at the slaves anymore, as we are all slaves, certainly the 99% of us. The slaves have become invisible to us. We cannot look at the slaves anymore, unless we look at ourselves in a mirror. The nature of this new type of enslavement is one of global Collectivism based on the totalitarian Fabian Socialism that is at the root of both wings of the new global JewZuit Power. It is thus based on the best form of enslavement in the history of humanity, a brand new form of enslavement, fine-tuned over centuries, mainly through financial debt-money this time, whereby the current masters do not even have to maintain their slaves anymore, like they used to have to do in the past, but can rather use indebted slaves that have not only to fully maintain themselves, but also to contribute to the constant improvement of the foolishly lavish lifestyle of their masters, and even doing so with gratitude for the gift of the illusion of being the free citizens of a real democracy, instead of the real Debtocracy in which we are all stuck.
114.02 →
This is unfortunately what most people think of themselves at the moment: free citizens in a real democracy! This illusion and social engineering is the real cause of our perfect global enslavement. And this best form of elusive enslavement is, also for the first time in world history, since the early 1960s, into the hands of an invincible coalition, the JewZuit coalition, instead of into the separate hands of the Jews and the Catholics that could never achieve completely, so far, their Fabian objective of totalitarian global enslavement, while working at it separately. To understand this kind of invisible Collectivism, a useful tool may be the film Utopia, of Joel Gilbert. The film is badly misinterpreting some historical facts, in particular in relation to some of the ideas of Plato, but nevertheless gives a good overall understanding of what the totalitarian Collectivism is, and how it is affecting all of us at the moment.
114.03 →
Through the current JewZuit coalition, the enslaving forces are finally succeeding, using Forced-Debt-Creation, with an Average Minimum Tax for the current middle class, and debt for the future middle class in terms of forced loans to students who shall be indebted, thus become debt-slaves, for the rest of their life. But this is exactly what the NWO is: a process of wealth extraction from the middle class, to be handed to the rich class, while keeping the poor class quiet and subservient through abundantly undeserved welfare, apparent credit that is only debt-credit, and through even bailing out the rich in the process when necessary, even when the bailout is needed because of serious mistakes they have made. Under this strategy, the poor class will not revolt, the rich class will become growingly more powerful, and the middle class will be exploited to its limit, working hard and steady under fear in what somebody called a kind of worldwide slavelandia. In fact, all the big banks that were saved through bailouts since 2008, supposedly because they were "too big to fail", even if it was for having made terrible investment mistakes, are 38% richer now (in 2014) then they were in 2008.
114.04 →
we should not agree with
Wayne Root that this plan
involves “The Murder Of The Middle Class”,
to quote the exact title of his book, as the middle class is the most
productive and useful one for the
JewZuit Power, as the
class providing the taxpayers. A better title for his otherwise excellent
book should probably be
“The Enslavement Of The Middle Class”, as
the objective of the plan is to milk dry the taxpayers of the middle class, to maximum level, but
just before their limit of full exhaustion, in order to ensure their
survival for the maximum level of production and taxes in the process. By
the same token, this process makes that productive middle class so busy, and so squashed by
the Cerberus of excessive
taxation and extreme legislation, that it has no more time left to think,
and no more resources and energy left to revolt.
Slavery used to be
the lowest class. But now it is the middle-class under the JewZuit New World
Order that is being enslaved. This is the major historical difference
since humanity has existed, and the one that constitutes the JewZuit New
World Order. The
high class enjoys privileges even without working, in terms of tax
exemptions obtained from the subservient politicians financed and bribed by
that high class. The
lower class also enjoys privileges without working, in terms of social welfare, and
ensures the continuity of these privileges by providing blind votes of
gratitude for the JewZuit
politicians who enslave mainly the working middle-class because it is the only one
capable of producing maximum amount of taxes. We will see how the
advent of the New World
Pope Francis, who is a Jesuit, thus from the
worst Catholic branch of the Christian side of the New World Order, but an order that is
clearly Judeo-Christian, has reinforced immensely this
JewZuit coalition, between the Zionist Jews and the Catholic Jesuits. This
coalition that had been growing in gestation since the
Zionist Vatican Coup of the Council of Vatican II that consolidated the
birth of the
JewZuit Power in 1965, as the only kind of world
power that became finally capable of fully enslaving the productive middle class
instead of the lower class. That lower class of grateful welfare-vote
providers is nevertheless necessary to the new world power, in order to
regularly close the power maintenance loop, ensuring the
regular reelection of the puppets of the stable new
JewZuit Power running, well hidden in the
background, the false democracy that we have today, as a democracy that is
really only a perfectly global enslaving Debtocracy.
114.05 →
This Debtocracy enslavement is made invisible to us as the "New Normal", or the so-called "Just the way it is now" that is blindly accepted by all as the Politically Correct. The famous Soviet KGB defector who died in 1992, Yuri Bezmenov, had first escaped to Greece in the early 70s, at the height of the power of the Soviet Union, and then was granted asylum to Canada. He was an ex top level KGB expert on the types of deception described above, used by collectivist governments like the ex Soviet Union, to achieve a totalitarian regime of full population enslavement. As such, he gave a vast amount of lectures on this subject in the 1970s and 1980s, after his defection, trying to explain to the western countries how to avoid such traps of totalitarian Collectivism. He loved the beauty and liberty of the western world as it was at that time, some 45 years ago, and wanted the west to avoid the decadent destruction that was facing the Soviet Union. Because of this, Bezmenov even wrote a book called "Love Letter to America". Most people were intrigued by his writings and lectures at the time, and by his predictions as to what could happened to us, but they did not take his lectures too seriously, as his predictions seemed to be exaggerated, and even outright impossible of application in the free western world.
114.06 →
The "Fresh Start" of Communism in the West
Bezmenov nevertheless predicted that the Fabian Socialist world elites that had applied these techniques massively in the third world, were now aiming at starting to apply them also to the western world which included America and Europe. In fact, they were already facing serious difficulties in the Soviet Union with their system and, on the strength of their experience, wanted to move west, for what he was calling a Fresh Start and experiment, or alternatively have the west as a refuge in case their experiment would fail all together in the Soviet Union. These explicit predictions were nearly ignored in the 1970s, but now look like incredibly accurate prophecies at the beginning of the XXI century. I first heard of Bezmenov while working on a diplomatic posting (1969/1972) at the Canadian Consulate General in Milan, Italy, with part of my functions being responsible to process the applications to Canada of refugees held in the refugee camps in Trieste, in Italy, but near the border of the ex Yugoslavia where I was travelling on a regular basis. The refugees from these camps were mainly from the Eastern Communist Block, including the ex Soviet Union, but also included refugees from other places, like some opponents of the Military Regime of the Colonels in Greece at the time. Having good experience already with such Soviet refugees as Bezmenov, I was consulted at distance for assisting the evaluation of his case in Athens. Then, after Milan, I had a chance to expand my experience with all sorts of refugees, from both the left and the right of the political spectrum. I was first transferred to the Canadian Embassy in Athens (1972/1974). When I got there, the defection of Bezmenov and his request for political asylum to the west was still a fresh story, including with some colleagues of the American Embassy and of the Greek government who had been involved, and with whom I was associating. During my posting in Athens, I also went for a few months of temporary duty in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. I went there to help process the refugees from Eastern Africa who were fleeing from the Ugandan military dictator Idi Amin who had decided to forcefully expel all non-black foreigners from Uganda, in particular all the persons of Asian origin. After my posting in Athens, where I met and married my Greek Goddess, with whom I still live today, I was transferred to Chile, with the mission to personally select and process the quota of 200 political prisoners that Canada had decided to accept from Pinochet's regime. I worked in Chile for two years (1974/1976), travelling to all jails of Chile between Arica (extreme north) and Puntarenas (extreme south, near the Antarctica area that I also had a chance to visit). By the time I was ready to leave Santiago di Chile, I had acquired an extensive experience with political refugees. On that basis, I made plans to meet Bezmenov in Toronto in late 1976, at an unofficial meeting arranged through a friend of the Greek Consulate who knew Bezmenov from the time of his first defection in Greece. I had always been fascinated by the case of Bezmenov as a political refugee, as he had been a top KGB official, and he was giving regular lectures, ever since granted political asylum in Canada, on most interesting aspects of the regime of the Soviet Union. In the meantime, I had also lived the experience of the worst dictators of the planet at the time on the right side of the political spectrum, namely in Uganda and Chile. Consequently I was most intrigued by dictatorships of the left side of the political spectrum, like the one of the Soviet Union. I wanted to compare and try to understand which one was worse, or not the worst. I felt Bezmenov was the best person to talk to about the questions I had in mind. In retrospective, this is probably also why I will readily accept a posting in the Soviet Union some 4 years later, in 1980.
114.07 →
At that first meeting of 1976 with Bezmenov, we concentrated on the Soviet Union, as he had had no experience himself with regimes of the far right. Bezmenov explained to me at length that the collectivist experience of the Soviet Union was failing, but only because they had made a terrible main mistake on the economic side: instead of controlling the economy fully but indirectly, through an enslaved private working sector, they had tried to control all their economy directly, as a global public sector, all by government officials, and all at top government level, which soon revealed itself to be an impossible task, especially in a country of the size of the Soviet Union. That main mistake had led to an impossible managerial situation that was simply catastrophic in its daily consequences. By the mid 60s, the Soviets fully realized this mistake, but they also felt it was already too late for applying any possible kind of major correction without revolutionizing for a second time their entire country, with unpredictable consequences for the maintenance of their power within the huge Soviet Union. In addition, Bezmenov mentioned another secondary mistake that the Soviets were already conscious of, secondary but nonetheless important, that stemmed from the first one: the original choice of a total control of the economy at public level had led to the insatiable appetite, and the extravagant ambitions, of an oversized military nomenclature that not only caused unsustainable internal budgets and external debt, but also caused the formation of a huge welfare class in other sectors of the economy; this in turn cause the absorption of most useful resources, and caused the complete neglect of the infrastructures of all non-military sectors of the economy of the country. Consequently, the Soviet elites were already talking, in the early 70s, discretely but yet clearly to their senior officials like Bezmenov, about having to face an inevitable implosion of their collectivist experiment, and probably in only very few more years ahead of them. By the same token, and in light of these two mistakes from which they had learnt a hard lesson, they were also already planning ahead, stealthily, for eventually having a second trial or, again, what Bezmenov kept calling repetitiously a Fresh Start, in a new geopolitical area with a well established strong private economy at the middle-class level, where they could have, precisely, a... Fresh Start without repeating the above-mentioned main mistake, and consequently not either the secondary mistake.
114.08 →
For this purpose, the leading elites of the Soviets were aiming mainly, already in the early 70s, at two new specific areas more to the west: Europe and America, hopefully, if at all possible, the two of them together, linked into an integrated economic alliance. America was seen as the area of choice where the main mistake could be easily avoided, because of its particularly strong private economy and productive middle-class at the time. Europe in turn was seen as the area of choice where the secondary mistake could be easily avoided because of the absence of any common military force absorbing too many resources. And in both places, America and Europe, there was a great opportunity to enslave the productive private working class to the advantage of the pursued totalitarian Collectivism, as these two areas were both already very much oriented on a political evolution moving towards a Fabian Socialism of totalitarian aspiration. Consequently, both geopolitical areas seemed ideal for what Bezmenov kept calling a Fresh Start, albeit for slightly different reasons in each area. All this sounded to me like very far fetched imaginative plans, in 1976 but, looking at today's situation, nearly 40 years later, and seeing what is happening in Europe and America, the recent evolution of these two areas is clearly demonstrating that the plan mentioned by Bezmenov was not only a very feasible one, but one that is now being seriously and most proactively implemented, in both Europe and America. At the time of our meeting, this sounded rather like pure science fiction, but not now anymore, in particular in the context of the strategy that he also explained to me, the one of the Four Stages for the conquest of a totalitarian socialist power, which I will expose briefly further down. In short, after this 1976 meeting with Bezmenov, two key expressions stayed well inscribed in my mind: the Fresh Start and the Four Stages. After our first meeting of 1976, I lost track of Bezmenov completely for about 8 years, until I saw him being interviewed on TV by a then young Edward Griffin, in 1984.
114.09 →
Interestingly enough, the
secondary mistake that the Soviets also made, according to
Bezmenov, as one that also contributed to their collapse
(the unsustainable public debt to satisfy an oversized military complex causing
the complete neglect of all the infrastructures of the country) was well picked up by
another interesting Russian exile and writer, in relation to the United States specifically. The
author is Dmitri Orlov. He wrote a good book
titled: "Reinventing Collapse",
shown to the right, with the subtitle: - The Soviet Example and the American
Prospects. Orlov is implying in his book that the Americans are following the path of
the Soviets, Reinventing the Soviet collapse in an American way and
context. His book is easy and
pleasant reading, because Orlov is
also an original
kind of joyful and resourceful prepper who concretely prepares for the worst
to come in terms of an eventual American collapse.
Orlov is a well educated engineer and successful writer who lives in a sailboat
based in Boston, that he calls his Survival Capsule, equipped with solar
panels and a good provision of food, fresh water and propane. He uses only bicycle
transportation when on land. He strongly believes the collapse of the
American Empire will soon happen, but for only the secondary
mistake mentioned by Bezmenov that
made the Soviet Empire collapse. In
other words, the secondary mistake mentioned by Bezmenov for
the collapse of the Soviet Empire is becoming, by itself alone, the
main mistake, according to Orlov, for a fast forthcoming full
collapse of the American Empire. Considering the USA still has a strong
private economy sector, this evaluation made sense when Orlov wrote his book in 2008. By
now however, it is also more and more evident, by each year that goes by, that a growing part of the
American population is becoming fully dependent on the government for its
survival, in the form of a fast growing new social welfare class. This
already huge welfare class is
like the reinforcement of a kind of additional heavy public sector, in front
of a proportionately shrinking private sector in the USA, except
of course in the area related to the military complex. For this
same reason, the
shrinking working middle class is more and more enslaved by a huge and
unsustainable public debt made to be reimbursed by already excessive but
nevertheless incessantly growing taxation. With about 50
million Americans of food stamp alone at the moment, and another 50 million more on other types of
social benefits, America is really more and more looking like
a kind of Soviet
Union being reinvented, like the one I got to know well during my own posting in Moscow,
during the last two years of Brezhnev (1980/82). Considering
this evolution, the USA is also getting closer and closer,
by each year that goes
by, to the main mistake that made the
Soviet Empire collapse according to
Bezmenov. From this point of view, maybe it is true that
the Soviet Union that collapsed in 1992 is having a
Fresh Start now, in the west, notably in America as the
SUS, but a
Fresh Start that appears
more and more like a copy of the old original Rotten
Start of the Soviets, or a gradual
move towards the two mistakes that made the
Soviet Union collapse, the
main mistake and the
secondary mistake. Maybe Orlov should read all the
lectures of Bezmenov of the 70s and 80s, and re-write his
book, as it seems more and more that, by now, the USA is not reinventing
collapse, but rather copying collapse. And the similar evolution of the
EU, or the
SEU, is following the same
basic path, hand in hand with the USA, albeit a step behind, like a
dependent child held and dragged forward by a tired hand in the direction of
the collapse.
114.10 →
By the time of his interview with Griffin, in 1984, in which Bezmenov also talked briefly about his theory of the Four Stages to achieve totalitarian power, as he had explained it to me 8 years earlier, in 1976, I myself had already gone through a Canadian diplomatic posting in the Soviet Union, during the last two years of Brezhnev (1980/82), during which I had remembered many times my previous meeting with Bezmenov, because I had been able to confirm by myself, the hard way, while working in Moscow and travelling within the Soviet Union, that the Soviet experiment was indeed entirely failing, and near full collapse in my view. During that posting in Moscow, because I had already pre-acquired a good fluency in the Russian language, and because, in great part, of the enlightenment I had received from Bezmenov at my first meeting with him, 4 years earlier, I could quickly form for myself a clear view of what was going on. As a result, I soon became very critical of the Soviet Union. For similar reasons I am very critical today, not so much of Europe of free separate nations, where I also have many years of working and living experience, but of the EU specifically, as the union that is fast becoming a kind of mini Soviet Union, as an area of forcefully integrated nations that I now often call the SEU. This explicit criticism on my part of the Soviet Union , while on posting in Moscow, attracted me no few problems with my own very powerful Canadian Ambassador in Moscow at the time, Geoffrey Pearson (the arrogant and snob son of an ex homonymous Canadian Prime Minister, Lester B. Pearson), who held an entirely firm and opposite view. Pearson was deeply in love with the Soviet Union, and maybe also... with his own Russian staff secretary and interpreter without whom, and in spite of his arrogant sense of superiority, he could do nothing, not even speak to anyone on his own while in the country outside the embassy. That nice Russian blond was allowed to work only within the part of the embassy open to the Russian staff, and only during the regular working hours. However, that beloved interpreter was also often seen, unduly moving unaccompanied, going in and coming out of the secret private quarters of the Ambassador at the embassy, and not only during regular working hours, supposedly for having Pearson under her... direction for private lessons. The private lessons were presumably for learning the Russian language, but the results in that particular skill never became evident to me nor to any of his other colleagues at the embassy. This was probably because of this special relationship that Pearson was trying to convince all of us, all his colleagues at the Canadian Embassy, nearly on a daily basis, that the Soviet Union was a wonderful country with a brilliant socialist regime, and that we should have considered ourselves very privileged to serve at the time in such a great place as Moscow. When Pearson was not busy with this interpreter, he typically spent the rest of his spare time reading the magazine "Foreign Affairs", published by what was, and what has now notably become, the infamous JewZuit CFR, as a source of information that he explicitly considered like a kind of Bible on international foreign policy from his point of view. Suggestions that he should maybe also read something else, with opposite views, like the lectures of Bezmenov, as I timidly and unwisely advanced once, just contributed to add some aggressiveness to his normal continuous arrogance. To consider that just about our most important Canadian Ambassador, at least nominally, used such a source in clear exclusive priority, to understand the Soviet Union and the rest of the world in 1981, does not say much good for the selection process that brought him to that prominent position. His career was clearly the result of cronyism related to his famous father. Conversely, maybe it also explains just too well why North America has advanced so much today in the collapsing situation we have ahead of us, with all our western leaders being puppets of the Fresh Start of the same elites that ran the ex Soviet Union in the background, and that run now the western world as the new JewZuit Power.
114.11 →
After my posting in Moscow, and after seeing his interview with Griffin, I decided to meet Bezmenov again in Toronto, in 1984, at the occasion of my coming back from a brand new diplomatic posting, this time in Mexico. While in Mexico, I had had also the responsibility to process the applications of the political refugees of all the countries of Central America. By that time, Bezmenov and I had an incredible lot to share, let alone my fluency in the Russian language at that point. But really what we had to share was essentially something very sour. I had absolutely no more doubts about the failing Soviet Union, but still some doubts about the possible Fresh Start of the Soviet experiment in places like Europe and/or America. In turn, Bezmenov was convinced that North America was more and more on its way to a full collectivist regime, and America in particular was an excellent candidate for his theories of the Fresh Start and the Four Stages to total socialist power after the collapse of the Soviet Union, which collapse he thought was imminent, in particular because of the strong push that President Reagan was giving his politics against Moscow at that time. I left Bezmenov more puzzled and fascinated than the first time in 1976. However, it soon became clear to me, after that second meeting, that Bezmenov was right. Just right! In spite of the push from Reagan, or maybe taking advantage of it, the Soviet Union was led to implode, and maybe purposely let to implode, with some complicity of the Soviets, without violence, probably only a bit earlier than originally expected, but nevertheless just like Bezmenov had predicted, in pursuit of the Fresh Start more to the west that the elites had already been working on for a couple of decades. From this point of view, maybe Reagan has just given a hand to the silently complicit Soviet elites, and became a kind of useful idiot with his strong pressure on the Soviet Union. Unfortunately that full collapse happened between 1991 and 1992, at just about the same time that Bezmenov himself died, also in 1992, of an uncertain cause (...), and surprisingly so, at the particularly young age of 53, as he had seemed to be a particularly healthy person, and in an exceptional shape, like typically so many ex KGB officers, when I met him at our two meetings. I would have loved to arrange a third meeting with Bezmenov, but it was too late. Soon after that, it became totally obvious to me that Bezmenov was right all along, and all the way, in particular regarding his predictions about a Fresh Start for a new Soviet experiment in Europe and America. In retrospective, at this point in time, at the beginning of 2015, that new experiment is not anymore a "Fresh Start", but rather a well consolidated reality, and one that has even reached the previous-last stage, the 3th stage of the theory of the Four Stages of Bezmenov, like we will explain briefly further down.
114.12 →
Interestingly enough, a few months before my leaving the Canadian diplomatic service, at a meeting in Paris in 1992, on immigration issues, in preparation for the signature of the forthcoming Maastricht agreement in Europe, that was expected to be signed in 1993, I remembered Bezmenov with great sadness. At that meeting in Paris, I tried to gently protest on the fact that Maastricht, if applied on the basis of the draft that we were being presented, would bring to full realization some of the worst predictions of Bezmenov about a most destructive form of multiculturalism and Collectivism, and could be a sign that the new EU was being put on a path of "Demoralization" of its populations as a the first of the Four Stages to a totalitarian regime of Fabian Socialism. But not only did I obviously preached in the desert, I was quickly silenced by the European leaders of the conference, let alone by my own superiors, returning to my base, the Canadian Embassy in Rome at the time, like a kind of pariah in front of some of my colleagues. This did not bother me however as not only was I sure to be right, and only going against the politically correct of the time, but I had also already made plans to leave the Canadian diplomatic service. I formally did so soon after that Paris meeting, voluntarily and very early, at age 50, on September 1, 1992, to become an independent programmer, database administrator and webmaster, on the basis of new skills that I had acquired privately and with hobbyist passion in the meantime, but, in practice at a professional level. As far as Europe is concerned, it is no coincidence that the Soviet Union fully collapsed in 1992 and that the following year, in 1993, Maastricht created the new Europe, as the EU. This was the "Fresh Start" in the west... that Bezmenov had been talking to me about in our previous two meetings. Maastricht formally created Europe as the European Union, or the new EU, but this is now clearly a new type of Europe that we can legitimately describe as the SEU (Soviet European Union) in the context of this essay. America is not far behind, with its own "Fresh Start" being its NAU (North American Union). This is still a more theoretical economic union, not formally promulgated yet but, in practice, an already well advanced process, as a union existing in fact, if not yet officially on paper, and its concepts are very much based on the ones of the SEU. In the meantime, the main member of NAU, the USA itself, has already become a kind of SUS (Soviet United States), in many ways already very similar to the ex Soviet Union, in terms of being a dangerously growing police state, with the incredible militarization of its city police forces, including school police, its full spying on all its citizens, its immensely growing welfare class, its excessively strong military complex in front of neglected infrastructures in all other areas, and its building of dozens of FEMA concentration camps all around the country on the basis of its new Homeland Security law, as if it were expecting a forthcoming implementation of a kind of martial law similar to the security measures that had been used in the Soviet Union. The justification for all these socialistic and militaristic novelties could only have been, and was clearly, the important false flag of 911. The infamous American Patriot Act, at the base of all the totalitarian system of Fabian Socialism being implemented in the western world, and as the first step to the drastic Homeland Security that followed in 2003, and the NDAA that ensued in 2014, was drafted ready before 911, but politicians would not dare "passing" it because they knew people would not accept it. Then, only one month after 911, in October 2001, it was enacted most easily and accepted by all without the blink of an eye. Without 911, none of this would have happened. 911 became the beginning of the last speeding strip of the run for world enslavement under the JewZuit New World Order, and America has to become enslaved first, in order to become first an obedient executive power, with a fearfully enslaved population, and also become an example for Europe to follow. In short, both "Fresh Start" places, Europe and America as SEU and SUS, are being structured on the basis of a similar kind of totalitarian Fabian Socialism, through DDD, under the surveillance of the ugly three-headed Cerberus of extreme legislation, excessive taxation and fearful disinformation. The latest developments of this ugly totalitarian collectivism are now American initiatives being pushed to the whole western world, like like PredPol (Predictive Police, not to say Thought Police in its clear Orwellian sense), Crime Mapping on the basis of only the likelihood of potential crimes, and AlSight alerts through public space cameras rendering possible the immediate and forceful arrest of common honest people only on the basis what a machine software can consider a behavior that steps out of the parameters of what has been determined to be normal. The sacred principle of "Innocent until proved guilty" that has guided so well our civilization and our normal democracy for hundreds of years is no more valid under the "New Normal" being implemented through the four stages to totalitarian socialist power, and those resisting this "New Normal" will have a growing number of FEMA concentration camps being build and waiting to tame or exterminate their opposition.
115.01 →
As mentioned earlier, the Four Stages To Total Socialist Power was the main concept and strategy expressed to me by Bezmenov in 1976. Reading Bezmenov writings today however, 45 years later, quickly reveals to us that all his predictions were absolutely correct. Totalitarian Socialist Collectivism has failed in the Soviet Union but is not dead. It only moved to the west, to Europe, as the already well formed EU, and to America, as the NAU (North American Union) being proactively formed. This is the Fresh Start that Bezmenov was talking about at our two meetings, and it started quite a few years ago already. In his interview with young Edward Griffin, in 1984, still available today on the Internet, Bezmenov explained very clearly, as a top expert who had contributed for many years in subverting many countries to Collectivism while working for the KGB of the Soviet Union, that bringing down a country and enslaving it for totalitarian socialist government purposes is done in Four Stages:
1) Demoralization,
2) Crisis,
3) Normalization and
4) Destabilization.
This was a pure and formal KGB strategy that Bezmenov himself had been fully trained in, and that he had applied extensively, during many of his diplomatic postings in various countries abroad.
115.02 →
If we look at our current situation, 45 years after his predictions for the western world, we find that we clearly stand, here in the western world, at this very moment, at the end of the Third Stage of "Normalization", and at the beginning of the final Fourth Stage of "Destabilization" of the Fresh Start of the collectivist strategy predicted for us by Bezmenov. The previous two stages of Demoralization and Crisis are now pretty much recent past history, or a sad history book in its final pages. That history included, as the First Stage, the "de-moral-ization" of two or three generations of youths of the western world, after the Vatican Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II of 1965 that consolidated the new JewZuit Power, and after the following 1968 Social Revolution of false freedom that quickly ensued in a wilder way as a result. The following two generations of Hippies and Flower Children grew up with the implanted illusions of the counter-culture for which anything was finally permitted, promoting the relativistic idea that nothing was really bad if it served one's own purposes; that the traditional family with its inherent difficult responsibilities should no more exist to pressure us; that national borders should no more restrict the free movement of all peoples, even if in terms of illegal immigration of the worst kind, without due PISA process, diluting our culture and destroying our best values through an exaggerated and highly destructive form of multiculturalism, instead of encouraging a good ProRacialism as promoted by an EthoCracy (or in particular by a TruthOcracy); that all our old traditional values were irremediably flawed, prejudiced, racist and conducive to extremism and social injustice, notwithstanding the obvious fact that there is now much more extremism and social injustice than there was in the western world some 40 years ago, etc. etc. As for the Second Stage, the economic Crisis that was well engineered to start in 2008, to purposely create chaos out of which the elites would pretend to come up heroically, as our pretended heroes and saviors, with new corrective order, as a fakery of course, through well programmed false flags, we have already lived through enough of it now, to the point that we are starting to accept blindly, if not even gratefully, the restriction of our liberty, of most of our liberties, in exchange for an illusionary additional security and benevolence of the new JewZuit state power. From this point of view, we are already well into the last phase of the Third Stage of Normalization.
The Gramsci Passive Revolution as the De-moral-ization First Stage |
The four stages are necessary for the forthcoming Fabian Totalitarian Socialist Power pursued worldwide through the Master Plan of those we call the JewZuit Power in the western world in particular. In other words, this means the forthcoming of "Communism In A Better Way", that is in a more deceitful way, as the "New Normal", to use the words of dissident Bezmenov. The First Stage of demoralization ("De-moral-ization"), is sufficiently advanced to be considered completed in its essential attributes but, in fact, it is really an ongoing one, meant to last, and even get progressively worse all along the following 3 other stages. Bezmenov explained that this "New Normal" was based on the view of Antonio Gramsci, the founder of the Italian Communist Party in 1921, as a view that had originally been considered foolish by the young USSR, but that had finally been recognized, later on, as valid by the older elites of the collapsing USSR in the early 70s. That view of Gramsci was that one cannot push a Capitalist country with strong national and moral values directly into Communism. He was strongly sustaining that "You must first undermine and debauch the morality, the culture, the ethics, the patriotism, and the spiritual life, which means that the influence of Christianity must be first weakened or completely destroyed" as an essential prerequisite. That is what he called the "Passive Revolution". This is exactly the type of "Passive Revolution" that we are in today, with the soft relativistic morality of the New World Order Pope Francis who is more interested in pursuing the globalist political UN Agenda of the New World Order than the traditional spiritual agenda of the Catholic Church, and with the resulting complete "debauchery" of our western countries in terms of corruption and morality. In front of such extreme debauchery, including its clear pedophile and satanic aspects, the silence of our world leaders, from the Pope down, via the UN, the EU, Hollywood and the highest levels of all our national public officials, is really the guilty criminal collusive silence of all those hiding the Truth through "Fake News", as it amounts to a crime against humanity. This crime is however a "success" for those satanic elites seeking our global enslavement through the DDDD (Dogma, Debt, Disinformation, and Despair) tools of the Master Plan. Only a TruthOcracy can resolve this situation properly, and as completely as humanly possible. |
115.03 →
The indoctrinated "sixtyeighters" (of 1968) of Hippies and Flower Children are now in full power and they are even proudly handing the completion of the Fresh Start to the JewZuit elites, as if it were their own great success, for these JewZuit elites to use it for the final Fourth Stage of Destabilization, and thus the advent of an inevitable New World Order of totalitarian Collectivism based on Fabian Socialism commanded by those that we call the JewZuit Power in the context of this essay. Consequently, the growing intrusion of a totalitarian state in all aspects of our life is becoming the "New Normal". Enslavement through debt-money and growing security measures is becoming normal, not questioned, even accepted with some affection through a kind of Syndrome of Stockholm affecting those who start loving their captors after a period of captivity. Lost liberty becomes the norm. Lost family ties becomes the norm. Lost national identity becomes the norm. Lost cultural specificity becomes the norm. Sloppiness in dressing code becomes the norm. Nastiness in civic behavior becomes the norm. Ugliness in works of art and architecture becomes the norm. Are not all these new norms our exact normal reality today, with their disastrous consequences? This is what the Third Stage of Normalization means. In short, an ugly and vicious Global Nihilism becomes the super-norm for all aspects of our life today, through a well programmed third stage of Normalization. Dependence on the States using this normal New World Order, with its resulting cultural and financial enslavement, becomes the ultimate norm, thus an invisible enslavement, as the "New Normal", propagated by the various types of deceptions described above in previous sections, and through the stupidity of the current Politically Correct. pushed easily at all of us by the same JewZuit elites that also own, or fully control, all the mainstream mass media.
115.04 →
However, in describing the above Four Stages for the acquisition of total socialist power, Bezmenov mentions an interesting phenomenon that the puppet sixtyeighters who are in power at the moment, serving like lackeys the master plan of the JewZuit Power, should well keep in mind. Bezmenov said that in all the places where these Four Stages have been applied successfully and brought to completion, the real power elites hiding in the background have always found a way to eliminate, even physically if necessary, as part of the Fourth Stage of Destabilization, all the most subservient puppets that had served them so well in the foreground, and had become forthwith useless, like most of the complicit sixtyeighter politicians that we have today over our shoulders in our western world. Not only do these lackeys become useless for the full and final completion of the Fourth Stage of Destabilization, but they are even dangerous, as they know the fictitious role of immense injustice that they have played against their own people, and they could start regretting, or reacting, or even revolting against their JewZuit Power masters before the Fourth Stage is fully completed. Consequently, at that Fourth Stage, most of these useful idiots have always been eliminated. If this were to happen, it would be of little satisfaction for those who were subjected to the misery that was created by the Four Stages. Eliminating these puppet leaders is not very useful at that point, after the damage is done, or certainly not sufficient, as it is not constructive. This is the mistake that made many revolutions fail, like the French Revolution. The main purpose at this point should be to stop and reverse the process before the final Fourth Stage is brought to full completion. In our current situation of global enslavement, it may still not be too late for us to be constructive, and we will see, in Part II of this essay, that there are appropriate democratic means to achieve this objective. The main difficulty we will face in such case is the necessary reprogramming of the next 2 or 3 generations, as most members of the current young generation are now without appropriate parameters to understand the false "Normalization" that has happened to them, and what needs to be done to correct and reverse the current situation of enslavement that they are in today. Just like the First Stage of "De-moral-ization" required 2 or 3 generations to achieve full enslavement, the new re-normalization, or re-education, will also require at least 2 or 3 generations to achieve a return to real freedom. This is also what Bezmenov was clearly suggesting in the case of a western world fall into the trap. This reversal can only be done through a new type of education, like the EthoPlasìn education (or: ELducation) related to this webpage, based on The Return Of Philosophy, as PhilosophEL, in our education and our civic life, and based on a holistic formation of the four parts of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human being.
115.05 →
As for multiculturalism, promoted very highly in the western world by the globalists, in particular in the EU through the Maastricht and Schengen agreements, it is interesting to note that, to the contrary, it is not being promoted in any significant way outside the West, in places like Japan, China, Africa, the Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia and Turkey, Latin America, and particular not in Israel. For example, Turkey is a borderline but non-West country, apart from being non-white, and with an authoritarian regime that makes it an "anti-Greek-freethinking" country. As such, it is quite ready already to accept the NWO, without the need for attempting to squash first its culture through a massive inflow of multicultural migrants. From this point of view, on the surface, the multiculturalism being pushed by the NWO can very much look like an "anti-white-genocidal-strategy", or "anti-White-West". Consequently, the elites pushing the flow within southern Europe will flood places like Greece and Italy, but not Turkey, even if the inflow is culturally much more closer to Turkey. In this way, Turkey as a government will even be allowed to reject most of the flow easily, without criticism from any of the worldwide mainstream media fully controlled by the same NWO elites pushing the flow, and without any meaningful number of Turkish citizens being accused of hate speech, locally or internationally, in protesting against the welfare involved in the reception of this flow of mostly false refugees. The reason for all this is simple. The western populations, mostly white of course, are the ones who still have mostly in their culture the Greek roots of freedom and freethinking. As such, they have an unusual creativity. This make them less predictable and less controllable for the elites pursuing the NWO. Multiculturalism is in fact an "anti-freethinking-genocidal-strategy", more than an "anti-white-genocidal-strategy". For an enslaving strategy like the one pursued by the globalists of the New World Order, freethinking is the main enemy. This is where multiculturalism comes in to help. Multiculturalism will destroy the freethinking culture, squash all the traditional values of that culture, and facilitate global enslavement. As such, it becomes an incredible tool for helping the above Four Stages mentioned by Bezmenov, helping in fact, in a different manner in each of them, all four of these stages for achieving full global enslavement.
116.01 →
If we have not set our
alarm to wake up soon, we will sleep until it is too late. One day, very
soon, we will wake up by the brute force of all the deceptions exposed
above, and realize the world is no more what we thought it was, much worse
than what we thought, and that it is too late to take any meaningful type of
action except for our most immediate survival within that broken world.
These deceptions have affected humanity many times over, during our history,
but what is different now is that this is happening for the first time on a
global basis, worldwide. Consequently, we have reached the end of the road.
There is no road anymore where to kick the can. We have to deal with the
can. It is time to wakeup, now, not only because it is very
late already, in the sense that our JewZuit enslavement, through debt and
Collectivism, is nearly completed, but also because in addition to have
become slaves already, through extreme legislation and
taxation, we are also placed in a situation of incredible additional misery
in many other ways. The greed and search for infinite profit and power of
the JewZuits destroys our air through chemtrails. It destroys our fresh
water through all sorts of chemicals. It destroys our
oceans through
neglecting costly interventions and accurate information against unrecyclable garbage and deadly atomic radiations of nuclear plants like
Fukushima. It destroys our land and plantations through allowing the use
with impunity of monstrous pesticides
and insecticides in agriculture. It allows the destruction of the DNA of natural food with
interventions that benefit only the corporations involved. It prevents us
from having access freely to the best food supplements and minerals nature
can offer, including seeds and general bio-food, through the ridiculous
controls of the Codex Alimentarius that work specifically again to the
exclusive advantage of the biggest corporations involved in agriculture, not
to mention Monsanto and the like. Worst of all, as we have seen, all the
above factors also contribute catastrophically to the
Destruction of the male-man.
116.02 →
And this JewZuit Power is already so omnipotent that it does all this with near complete impunity. It also controls all the mainstream media and prevents all of them from protesting in any meaningful way. It even controls all the international organizations, like the UN or the EU, and succeeds in preventing all of them from raising substantial objections, let alone having these organizations also as acolytes in their hidden mission of enslavement and misery against most of us. And all our elected governments are the incompetent and powerless puppets of this JewZuit Power, with their main task, coming from their JewZuit masters, to keep all of us quiet and subservient, that is, half asleep, with the illusion that we live in a democracy as the best possible form of government. It is time to wakeup, as it is very late already, and time to find practical solutions to eliminate the illusion and the deception.
116.03 →
However it is also time to wake up to the fact
that this apparent omnipotence of the
JewZuit Power is only
fictitious. Our governments now work mainly for the interests of the JewZuit corporations. They
develop and
maintain a growing police state, with a monopoly of violence, to support and
protect the
JewZuit corporations. Our education, from primary school to university, is
there to make us subservient to the JewZuit corporations through a
Common Core implemented by our governments,
through in particular the lack of education of the right brain with its
imagination and creativity. In the meantime we are
turning the world into a huge garbage can of the JewZuit corporations, that
is, turning our own home into a garbage can.
116.04 →
All this however is only because we have given that power to our fascist governments serving the JewZuit corporations instead of serving us. We have in fact given that power to those who should be our servants, our public servants. We negligently let our servants steal that power from us, as their masters, and become our masters, bit by bit. But the JewZuit elites are only as powerful as we believe they are powerful. Their power is a fiction. If we believe the Corporatocracy and Debtocracy are real powers, then they are real powers, capable of enslaving us completely. We can nevertheless dismantle these JewZuit powers if we want. We can go "From Slavery Downwards To Slavery Upwards". Humanity can wake up, pay attention, and get its freedom back, without enslavement downwards. But this needs to be done in mass. By a critical mass of EthoCratic persons ready to apply the necessary democratic reforms, through the EthoCracy Reform Package that is exposed in Part II of this essay. This is of course the main purpose of this essay.
117.01 →
The solution for the dismantling
of this new type of
enslavement however is not in terms of a violent revolution. In the short
run, the first step is to inform ourselves from sources outside the
mainstream mass media that are fully controlled and censored by the
JewZuit Power. The second one is to educate ourselves and our
children with knowledge and principles coming outside of the Common
Core. The
JewZuit Power
is too omnipotent to be attacked frontally and/or with violence. The only
ways to save ourselves
are completely and only democratic, and consist in democratically reversing our
government system, with better information, better education
(or: ELducation)
and, basically through the “The Return Of Philosophy”,
as PhilosophEL,
in our daily life, and the "Return of
Direct Participatory Democracy" as conceived by the ancient Greeks,
as what we call today
That original kind of real democracy can be
implemented even more powerfully with current technology, making us going
politically "From Democracy to EthoCracy", or rather "From Slavery Downwards To Slavery Upwards”.
And that form of Government, EthoCracy
(as a first step to a
TruthOcracy), or real participative Democracy as originally
invented by Ancient-Greece, is the only True People's Power,
as expressed beautifully by the icon to the left, or as simply as people
going away and not supporting political leaders who do not respect the fully
binding electoral program, in particular the
BEC (Binding
Electoral Contract)
of a
TruthOcracy, that
they voted for.
117.02 →
The necessary reforms will be exposed concretely and extensively, as a holistic package, in the Part II of this essay that is being elaborated. These reforms will essentially ensure a return to "Civitas", while the EthoPlasìn holistic education (or: ELducation) of the human Tetractys, including the creative side of the right brain, proposed by this website, will ensure a critical weight of youths in our society receive Pythagorean Civitas Qualifications in addition to their normal professional qualifications during their university studies.
117.03 →
In the meantime, Part I, which follows, will help us first explain to ourselves how we got here, in our present situation of global JewZuit enslavement. Understanding the history of our current global enslavement (Part I) will then help us understand better the cumulative set of democratic reforms (Part II) that we have to implement to get rid of our current global enslavement, and hopefully open the door to a new era of liberty and freethinking that the ancient Hellenic masters of our real and best cultural roots would be proud of.
117.04 →
This is a historic reversal of our
political situation that we will call by
coining yet another new word, opposing divine Hellenism to satanic
Jacques Drapeau
201.01 →
If this essay on the
JewZuit Power is
definitely not a conspiracy theory, it is certainly based on a fundamental
hypothesis that it intends to demonstrate, using history and facts. It is the
JewZuit Power Hypothesis
and its integrated enslaving structure.
There is today a world elite composed of Judeo-Christian members
that want to dominate and enslave the world, or the rest of us, for their
own selfish purposes of maximum profit and absolute power. As shown in the
sketch to the right, this is a two-layer world elite operating in bands, like
the bandwidths of
an optical spectrum, with some visible and some invisible bands.
201.02 →
Its Ultra Layer commands. It penetrates all other levels, but not in plain sight, just like ultra-violet waves of light do, in an invisible and dangerous way. It does not penetrate like a one-beam of laser light coming from a single source, like from any particular country, but rather permeates the socioeconomic environment like a hidden form of ethereal Wi-Fi. It is disguised and spread discretely into a worldwide network of top commanding positions located discretely in the biggest power centers of the world, mostly in the higher echelons of the main national banks, of the highest international organizations, and of the biggest corporations and multinationals.
201.03 →
In turn, its Infra Layer acts like infra-red waves of light that can be identified, but only with some special attention and means. This Infra Layer picks up, and integrates as required, the best members provided by 4 levels of subservient castes serving it under its wings. This integrated Infra Layer serves the Ultra Layer, giving it partially visible faces for practical purposes, in collaboration with the rest of the four levels of sub-castes. These 4 levels of caste use three main tools on behalf of the top JewZuit Power: 1) extreme legislation, 2) excessive taxation via debt-money (that the Ultra Layer unduly creates out of nothing and then loans with interest), and 3) fearsome disinformation.
201.04 →
From the Infra Layer down, the JewZuit elites and its integrated acolytes are spread into the formal commanding positions of progressively more visible levels of power centers. These chosen acolytes operate openly with their own names and faces. They are the elected governments from faked democratic elections, the unelected officials of international organizations, and the unelected and unaccountable managers appointed privately by the biggest banks and corporations.
202.01 →
The invisible members of the Ultra Layer, and the partially visible members of the Infra Layer of this world elite, from the Jewish side, all come from a dangerous deflection of Talmudic Judaism. They are mostly the representatives of the higher echelons of those that we normally call today the Zionists, who are not at the service of the spiritual interests of Hebraism, but at the service of the biblical Money Changers that they still mostly represent today, albeit in a more modern form.
202.02 →
The rare exceptions are always their fully subservient crypto-Jewish acolytes, of any denomination, in particular the Marrano Jews converted to Catholicism but often still practicing Judaism secretly.
203.01 →
In turn, the members of the Ultra and Infra layers from the Christian side all come from a similarly dangerous deflection of Catholicism. They are mostly representatives of the higher echelons of the monastic order called the Jesuits who are not at the service of the spiritual interests of Christianity, but at the full service of the temporal interests of the Vatican.
203.02 →
As we will see, the Jesuits are from the only monastic order whose members can live incognito if and when useful, and that have the formal duty, under their own charter, to get involved in all senior sectors of civilian activity, explicitly banking in particular. According to former CIA director, E. Howard Hunt, the Jesuit institution was, and still is, the most advance and formidable intelligence agency that has ever been in existence. The fact that we now have Pope Francis as the very first Jesuit Pope should tell us something, and we will see what it is, in particular considering how much Francis is helping and is appreciated by world leaders and institutions of the New World Order.
203.03 →
Again here, the rare exceptions are either not-ordained civilians formed by Jesuit universities, or crypto-Catholics fully subservient to the Vatican. Interestingly enough, even Harvard, as a university mainly associated today with the socialist leftist Zionist economic power, has had a proactive Jesuit House attached to it all along its existence. This is no surprise if we consider that the Fabian Socialist Jesuits have controlled most of the higher education in all the main communist countries like China and the ex Soviet Union, and still do it to this day.
204.01 →
These members of the Ultra and Infra layers of both sides of the ruling JewZuit elite form a group of stealthy leaders commanding sovereignly all the other forms of seemingly democratic power at the lower levels, through those that we think we have as our real and only commanding leaders. And this false democratic illusion is perfect.
204.02 →
These lower levels include four ugly bands of caste over the heads or the rest of us, in the form of our elected politicians, the appointed diplomats, the unelected managers of all the main corporations, bank corporations in particular, and the unaccountable heads of the international or supra-national organizations like the EU.
204.03 →
The latter all operate under the discrete guidance of the supreme globalist entity called the UN through its main agents with names like WTO, World Bank, IMF, NATO, GATT, IBRD etc.
205.01 →
At the beginning of the 20th century, around 1900, we can already detect a clear intention of the Zionists to create a new alliance with the Christian world, but even with a clear plan of World Zionism to implement a scheme to eventually control Christianity through an infiltration of the Christian churches and the Vatican, with an implied intention to eventually dominate the world. This well detected political thinking will first lead to the formation of what we call today the Christian-Zionist Movement, and to the formation of what we call the JewZuit Power in the context of this essay. The Zionists were already aiming at not only dominating the world through enslaving its populations, but also to acquire most of the Holy Land in order to eventually form the State of Israel from where to achieve their Master Plan. Being a very small proportion of the world population, the Zionists knew they could never achieve this immense plan on their own. They needed a powerful ally and the Vatican appeared to be the natural candidate for such an alliance, with its control over millions of Christian faithful around the world.
205.02 →
Zionists Using
Christians as Useful Idiots
The Zionists knew, in the early 1900s, that the vast pool of Christians
around the world would never accept a Jewish occupation of Jesus's
Holy Land. This is particularly true as until then, Jews
were still considered "Enemies" on the part of the Christians, and not as
"Brothers", like they are considered today. Jews were still seen by
Christians as the persecutors of Jesus and the criminals
responsible for his crucifixion. Consequently, Jews decided to use the vast
pool of Christians as useful idiots, to change this bad reputation of
theirs, through a multi-layer strategy. The first step of their strategy was
to change the Bible into a holy scripture that would
transform the Jews from "Enemies" to "Brothers" within the Christian world.
This first step involved the re-writing, or amending the most used version
of the Bible at that time, the so-called "King
James Bible" by inserting a wide variety of Zionist-friendly
comments in the margins, between the verses and at the bottom of pages and
chapters. This new version of the Bible became the
Scofield Reference Bible. It quickly became the best-selling
Bible in the world, in particular in America, and has
remained so until today. The additional comments were designed to spread a
subculture making the Jews look more like "brothers" and less like
"enemies", to promote a pro-Zionist agenda within the Christian world, and
even subliminally the eventual creation of a State of Israel
in the Holy Land. That subculture first favored the
creation of the Christian-Zionist Movement, and the
spreading of a new concept that was never heard of, before that time, the
one of the Judeo-Christian roots of our contemporary
civilization. Before the spreading of that subculture, our western
civilization was always and only considered to have Greco-Roman
roots. Scofield was financed by a Jew, Mr. Samuel
Untermeyer, who in turn was backed by the Zionist
Rothschilds. His mentor was John Nelson Darby from
Scotland, the author of what we call today "Darbyism",
and its associated Christian-Zionist Theology. The first
version of the Scofield Bible came out in 1908, but was
amended many times after that, and always in a growingly favorable manner
toward Zionism and Christian-Zionism in particular. This amended
Bible became a perfect Zionist infiltration of the Christian
churches, both Catholics and Protestants, and influenced many Christian
leaders like the most famous Billy Graham in the
USA. In the minds of these leaders, Christianity became
Judeo-Christianity, and eventually Christian-Zionism.
With this powerful association and alliance with the Christian world, the
Zionists were ready to go with the rest of their strategy to dominate the
world through what we call the JewZuit Power in the context
of this essay. This Zionist strategy that led to the formation of what we
call the JewZuit Power was well exposed in many good books,
albeit not with that name. One is "The
Incredible Scofield and his Book", by Joseph M.
Canfield. Another one is the massive work of Stephen Sizer,
titled "Christian Zionism".
205.03 →
With this Christian-Zionist revolutionary subculture well in place, the JewZuit Power was ready for its next major strategic step. As we have mentioned, before the so-called Hippy Revolution of 1968, and the preceding Judeo-Christian Revolution of the Zionist Coup of the Council Vatican II of 1965 that laid the red carpet for its coming in 1968, the Zionists and the Jesuits of the Ultra and Infra layers considered themselves as "enemies", or at least as harshly competitive opponents, and certainly not as "brothers". Consequently they had most of the time tried to achieve separately their enslaving objectives of world hegemony. But thing had already started to change on a wide scale basis. The infiltration of the "brothers" did not take place only in the Vatican, with complete success in 1965, but had already started in most of Western Europe. The hippy revolution of 1968 had started under De Gaulle in France who was a real patriot who had tried very strongly to detach his country from the growing influence of the Anglo-Zionist "brothers", including Québec incidentally, with his famous "Vive Le Québec Libre". The following year, in 1969, France elected Pompidou who, before becoming president had been the general manager of the N. M. Rothschild & Sons Bank. This was the best "brother" the west could find to start destabilizing the rest of western Europe in favor of the JewZuit Power. As we will see in more details further down, because of their divided efforts, the attempts of the JewZuits to dominate the world before 1965 (the Vatican Coup) and 1968 (The hippie revolution in France) had always ended in a series of historic failures on both sides. But they always had a common, or similar objective: achieving maximum power of enslavement of world populations through the implementation of a dictatorial Collectivism with a clear matrix of Fabian Socialism. From 1969 on, their union became the most powerful union of political power in the western world. The road was clear for them to dominate, and both the UN and the EU are now, 50 years later, the living proof of that full JewZuit domination in the western world. The addition of pope Francis in 2013 to a post of maximum world power, the Vatican, has only crowned that long process of full domination, as the Jesuits were founded by a Jewish "Brother" who pretended to have been converted to Catholicism: St. Ignacio Loyola. From this point of view, Jesuit Pope Francis can be considered the top representative of the new and omnipotent JewZuit Power today. This is why he so much linked the New World Order political and economic agenda of the JewZuit UN, more than any preceding pope, instead of pursuing and maintaining a more spiritual agenda. This is also why he is so much lauded by all the mainstream media, owned of course by that same JewZuit Power, in spite of his flagrant, and historically unique, not to say inadmissible, relativism in front of the traditional doctrine of the Catholic Church. Consequently, even if this relativism amounts to treason in front of what Jesus preached, it is nevertheless highly praised worldwide, while simple-minded Catholics fall into the trap and unfortunately stupidly applaud.
205.04 →
Over the last century however, in particular since the
Vatican II
Catholic Revolution of 1965, and
the ensuing Hippy Revolution of
1968, the top layers of the world caste, of both the Zionists and the Jesuits, have started to unite their
Judeo-Catholic forces, or more specifically the forces of their Zionist-Jesuit
deflections (while also using to their advantage, as we will see further
down, a similar deflection of Islam that is followed by most of the
fundamentalist Integralist Muslims involved mainly in the
Wahhabi movement). Because of this new union,
the Zio-Jesuits, be they simple
JewZuits or
LUZJIPS, are now well in the process of achieving
complete success in enslaving all of us through mainly
205.05 →
The book of John Connelly, professor of history at the University of California, Berkeley, titled "From Enemy to Brother" is particularly revealing in this respect. Council Vatican II completely and totally reversed the approach to the Jews on the part of the Catholic Church, and the old "Jew enemy" was finally becoming a "Jew Brother", after 2000 years of a constantly declared and practiced enmity. The new approach of 1965 was based on the Letter to the Romans of Saint Paul. Not coincidentally, Saint Paul, one of the 2 founders of the Catholic Church (even if he never met Jesus directly in his lifetime), was a pure Jew himself, before his presumed conversion, contrary to Saint Peter who was not a Jew, but a "Greek" EL figure, from the area of Nazareth, like Jesus himself was. In that Letter, Saint Paul said that the Jews remained "beloved of Jesus", in spite of his crucifixion by the Jews, and that the Jews even carried a kind of "special holiness". There is no other way to call this change but a historic revolution, somehow even a heresy on the basis of all previous councils, even if it was made to go unnoticed to most people.
205.06 →
This not well known aspect of the Council
of Vatican II is well confirmed by a document officially
published by the Council that is titled, in Latin: "Nostra
Aetate" ("In our times"). Part four of this document is an
incredible statement on the new relations of the Catholic Church with the
Jews, making the Jew go "From Enemy to Brother". That statement proved to be
very controversial at the time, as even after some 3 years of difficult
deliberations, it was still opposed by many conservative bishops. But in the
end, "Nostra Aetate"
first confirmed that Christ,
his mother and the apostles were Jews. As we will see further down, except
for St. Paul, this is false.
Certainly Jesus, as a Nazarene,
was a pure Greek EL figure with also Roman citizenship. He was
Jewish only in a general sense, as having predicated mostly in the
geographical part of Palestine that was dominated by the Jews, Judea, for wanting
to reform their ancient Jewish culture of "money changers".
Second, the strange document of the
Council, called "Nostra Aetate", denied that
the Jews should be held collectively responsible for Jesus's
death, as it had been the case so far, for 2000 years before the Council.
The document confirmed what
modern Jews wanted: that the death of Jesus was only a responsibility of the Romans.
This is also false. The Jews wanted to kill
Jesus, but could not do it directly without referring him to a Roman magistrate
for a decision, only again because Jesus was from
Nazareth, that is, from Galilee. As such, as a
Galilean Nazarene, Jesus was from the only Palestinian province to whom the
Roman Empire had given Roman citizenship to all
inhabitants, as representatives of the Greek
EL culture that was very much
admired by the Romans.
such, that document of the Council decried all possible forms of anti-Semitism,
even simple criticisms of the Jews, and
declared the Jews as "most beloved" by God, using
St. Paul's expression. This was definitely a revolution
within the Catholic Church that amounted to practically a heresy
on the basis of the dogma of the previous 2000 years.
Interestingly enough, that infamous document was confirming that the Council
of Vatican II was largely dictated by the will of Jewish "converts" to
Catholicism, the type of Jew that we often call today a "Marrano"
Jew. It is well known, and documented in many good books, that the Marrano
Jews have deeply infiltrated the Vatican over the last century, in
particular since WWII, as a world war that really the Jews
won. From this
point of view, on the push granted them by WWII, the Council resulted in a total capitulation of the
Catholic Church to Jewish power, or to what we call the
JewZuit Power in the context of this essay. All this was well
confirmed, nearly 50 years later, by an article published in The
Jewish Daily Forward, a highly respected Jewish newspaper, with the
unequivocal title "Converts Who Changed
the Church - Jewish-Born Clerics helped Push Vatican II Reforms".
The Council of Vatican II was thus a great Jewish victory
to reform the Catholic Church according to their own
interests, just like, as we will see, from a cultural point of view,
was won by the Jews who wanted to transform and debase, not to say
destroy, the western culture, in order to Judaize it, and achieve a better enslavement of
the western populations, and a consolidation of the advent of the New World Order
to be
managed worldwide by the mounting new and omnipotent JewZuit Power.
205.07 →
For the above reasons, and as we will see further down, with the help of historical pictures, we have now a Jesuit Pope bowing and kissing the hand of the Rabbi brought in by Jewish Zionist President Peres at a visit to the Vatican, on June 8, 2014, as a historical gesture inconceivable in the previous 2000 years of the Catholic Church. This may be a good sign revealing what most Vatican experts say privately, and some even publicly, that B'Nai B'Brith, considered the Jewish Freemasonry, has fully infiltrated the Vatican and now totally controls the Catholic Curia. We also have patriarchs of the Christian church in both Cyprus and Istanbul not loosing occasions to formally declaring Jews as brothers and affirming that the Jews did not crucifix Jesus. The movement "From Enemy To Brother" is affirming itself more and more since the last Council, to the point that it is not illegitimate to speculate that the Catholic/Christian Church and the Hebraic Church are getting so close together that they can already be considered as being covertly, for all practical purposes, one single Judeochristo religion. As we will see, the fusion of these two components, eventually to become three components, is a prerequisite as an essential part of the forthcoming Panthriskia, and of an eventual JudiChrIslam religion, promoted quite successfully already by the Orthodox Pope Bartholomew, in collaboration with the Catholic Pope Francis and other of the main authorities of the Hebraic and Islamic religions.
205.08 →
In any case, the factual new JewZuit alliance, or maybe "brotherhood", for the purposes of world financial power, is now producing, 50 years later, the best form of enslavement ever used in the history of humanity, fine-tuned over centuries of experience. It is the alliance that we qualify with the new word “JewZuit” that is being coined here, as explained above, to represent this terrific coalition of nearly omnipotent power. This is the New World Order of the JewZuit Power that we will analyze and decipher in the rest of Part I of this essay. This incredible coalition rendered possible, 50 years later, what the founder of the World Jewish Congress, a Zionist fanatic named Nahum Goldman, wrote in 1915, at page 37 of his book "The Spirit of Militarism": "The historical mission of our time is to arrange a new culture of humanity, one that will replace the previous ruling system. This reorganization consists of two essentials: the destruction of the old order and the building of the new. To begin with, all physical border posts, ethical barriers and social definitions of the old system must be eliminated and replaced by elements of the new system. Thus the first task of our time is DESTRUCTION! Every social strata and all social formations created by the old system must be destroyed, each individual has to be uprooted from its ancestral environments, no tradition will be anymore regarded as sacred, the Old is merely a sign of disease, and the new credo is: What was, must go! And even though during the first phase all people are declared the same, in the next and final phase they need to be re-divided and differentiated, and a new pyramidal hierarchical system must emerge". This satanic Jewish supremacist sentiment of destruction for easier world domination was only too well echoed by many other Jewish writers, like Maurice Samuels, when he wrote: "We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever".
206.01 →
This Vatican Zionist Coup is, in fact, the Council of Vatican II (1962/1965). The coup was made possible because of, and during, the reign of two irregularly elected popes. The 2 popes, both directly related to Vatican II, were not freely chosen by the cardinals, but imposed from the outside after a prohibited communication with an outside intruder during the conclave. Giovanni XXIII (1958/1963) opened the Council in 1962, one year before his death in 1963 during the Council. Paul VI (1963/1978) closed the Council in 1965, two years after his election in 1963.
206.02 →
A bit of retroactive background here is useful. After WWII, and the forceful creation of Israel, because of the Holocaust, the Zionists had some reasons to be pleased, because of this creation of their own national state, but they did not yet feel capable of achieving their final bigger objectives of, first a Greater Israel, and then of world domination, through mainly a worldwide network of Zionist central banks under their control. The Jews were also too much of a minority in the world to achieve these bigger objectives entirely on their own. The Jews, numerically speaking, in front of the clear predominance of the Christians worldwide, and in order to be able to face also the enmity of the huge Muslim populations surrounding them, let alone the traditional enmity of the Catholics, needed an ally for their final objectives. They had to bring at least the Christian world on their side but, of course, under their control, or face the abandonment of their final objective of world domination. They felt forced to open the way for a new alliance with the Christians and, with this alliance, the formation of a new two-prong world power under their full control.
206.03 →
This new power is what will become the new
JewZuit Power
through the help of the Vatican Coup of the Council of Vatican II. Consequently, the Zionists
started their infiltration of the Vatican for this purpose, right after the
creation of Israel in 1948. They had to
transform their image in the Christian world "From
Enemy To Brother", to quote the title of the book of
Connelly, shown further up, but could not do it without appropriate
Catholic popes
discretely chosen by them, and kept under their full control. The main
difficulty in choosing popes of their subservience is that when a conclave
of cardinals sits for the election of a pope, all communications with the outside
world are
absolutely forbidden, and the commandant of the Noble Swiss Guards of the Vatican
is responsible to ensure this is strictly the case.
The second difficulty is that the most important cardinals are known to work
for the bankers of their constituencies more than for the Vatican, and for
the discrete handling of the hidden slush funds of the most important
politicians of this world, past or current, like Clinton or
Obama. Choosing
a pope that can best serve or preserve these special interests is difficult
in the secrecy of a conclave that prohibits consultations with the outside
world. Conspiracy theorists claim that this is the main reason why Benedict
XVI was forced to resign.
206.04 →
Those old enough will recall the intriguing event that happened during the Conclave of 1958, an event widely published on all world newspapers, when Pope John XXIII was finally elected. There was first a white smoke coming out of the Sistine Chapel, meaning the election of a new pope. But no pope emerged soon after, as usual, to be introduced to the public. Instead, some time later, a black smoke emerged, indicating the white smoke was a mistake and the current tour of election had not been successful. It will be established later on, through a revelation of the commandant of the Swiss guard, who became a whistleblower, that Cardinal Tedeschini had been elected pope when the white smoke came out, and not Cardinal Roncalli (who will become John XXIII after an irregular outside communication). Then, only 2 days later, there was a white smoke again, indicating the election of a new pope, and John XXIII was introduced to the front balcony of the Vatican.
206.05 →
Later on, the head Swiss guard in charge of the secrecy and total seclusion of the conclave, revealed to Paul Scortesco, a noble related to the Vatican and to the Swiss guards in particular, and a well known faithful Catholic, that between the two white smokes of the conclave, he was forced to allow inadmissible outside communications, before the conclave ended and the doors of the conclave were officially opened. And only after that irregular outside communication did John XXIII (Roncalli) emerge and was introduced to the public. And Roncalli (Pope John XXIII) is claimed by many to have been secretly a member of the Rose-Croix (a subtitle for the Prieuré of Sion with whom he had become affiliated while acting as papal nuncio to Turkey in 1935) and, as such, the first Rosicrucian Masonic pope to be elected, and precisely the one that was needed for the opening of the Council of Vatican II, which he did in 1962, or one year before he died in 1963. Scortesco also said that a similar situation happened with the successor, Paul VI (Montini) at the conclave of 1963. And Paul VI is the second pope of the time of the Council of Vatican II, claimed by many to be wearing regularly Jewish Freemasonic symbols. Cardinal Siri had first been elected but, after another irregular outside communication of Cardinal Tissierant, who forced his way out of the conclave to go to a telephone, Cardinal Montini was elected instead, as Paul VI, after the reentry of Tissierant. The latter, Tissierant, was a claimed Freemason. Siri instead had the reputation of being a conservative, and consequently he would have been a serious obstacle to the advent of the New World Order and the move within the Catholic Church to advance the infiltration of the Jews within the Curia and their consideration as new "Brothers" instead of ancient "Enemies".
206.06 →
Then Scortesco, who published this revelation, 3 months later, in TCW (Today's Catholic World), was found dead, burnt alive in his bed, shortly after publishing it, clearly assassinated. Later on, a French journalist, Louis Remy, in analyzing the writings of Scortesco, and in investigating the 2 cases of irregularity of seclusion of the 2 conclaves, established that the outside communications during the 2 conclaves had taken place with B'Nai B'Brith representatives, the organization known to be the Jewish Freemasonry. The elected cardinal, Siri, rejected in spite of his first election during the second conclave, when interviewed just before his death, and when asked about the affirmations of Scortesco, would not confirm nor deny what happened, but he said what amounts to a confirmation: "I am bound by the secret. This secret is horrible. I would have books to write about the 2 different conclaves, very serious things have taken place, but I can say nothing". Is this maybe the reason why Cardinal Siri has been the one, and the only one who has done it formally, to suggested that the secrecy of the conclaves be eliminated?
206.07 →
In the meantime, apart from the irregular outside
communications with the Jewish Freemasonry, that is, with
B'Nai B'Brith,
during the 2 conclaves, the Grand Master of the Italian Freemasonry
affirmed, in an interview appearing in an edition of the "Thirty
magazine of 1994, that
Pope John XXIII
had been initiated in the past in a masonic lodge in Paris, just like the
French cardinal
who had forced an irregular communication during the second conclave to
influence the election of
Paul VI.
As for Paul VI,
it is not known with hard proof if he was ever initiated as a Freemason, but
he was seen many times during his reign wearing Jewish Freemasonic symbols,
like the famous Rational,
or Pectoral,
the famous 12 stones breast plate shown by a red arrow in the above picture
to the right, worn, until then, exclusively by the Jewish High Priest, or
the equivalent of a Jewish pope. This in itself should be sufficient proof
that he was in fact a Freemason as he would not have been allowed to do so
if he had not been a Freemason. This rendered
Paul VI
an essential agent of the
B'Nai B'Brith
Jewish Freemasonry that had infiltrated the
in order to lead the
Council of Vatican II
in the direction they wanted and obtain the change of policies they wanted.
Because Freemasonry membership was still very formally prohibited at the
time for a Christian, Paul
could have been blackmailed if he had not followed the directives of the
Jewish Freemasonry, led by the crypto Judaic mafia of cardinal
in the background, while he,
Paul VI,
would be directing the
Council of Vatican II.
206.08 →
This Freemason link also explains why
Michele Sindona
was appointed as a financial advisor to
Pope Paul VI
himself in 1969 for questions related to the Vatican Bank. It is now known
that both soon became very rich. This was otherwise a very surprising
nomination, as Sindona
(later on jailed and assassinated in jail with cyanide in 1986 while serving
a sentence for the assassination of
Ambrosoli) is also now known
to be an Italian Freemason lawyer who has laundered mafia money through the
Vatican Bank that, according to some researchers at the time, had been
infiltrated by some 121 Judaic Freemason senior managers, even if being a
Freemason was still officially at the time a cause of excommunication by the
Catholic Church. Sindona was an Italian banker known
as "The Shark", and a member of Propaganda
Due, a secret lodge of Italian Freemasonry.
It was also well documented that he had clear connections to the Sicilian
Mafia. As for Giorgio Ambrosoli, the
trial has demonstrated that he was assassinated at Sindona’s request just
outside his home in Milan in 1979 for related reasons. Ambrosoli had been
appointed to liquidate one of
banks and, in that capacity, he was about to have to reveal his ugly
findings as a huge and inadmissible Vatican scandal.
206.09 →
The related findings and inadmissible scandal
were, to start with, that the Vatican Bank had acted, under the last Freemason popes, as a money laundering network for the
This would have required a kind of retroactive posthumous excommunication of at least
the last two popes, including one to be made a "Saint"... (Saint
John XXIII and Paul VI) under existing canonic law. It would have brought out
evidence that Pope John Paul I
was assassinated in 1978 (on the basis of the logic of the facts we know
today, the assassination was certainly arranged by
Sindona executing,
most probably, a
request of Paul VI
himself from just before he died) for resisting this Judaic Freemason infiltration
of the Vatican. Worst of all, Ambrosoli would have
inevitably demonstrated clearly that the
Council of Vatican II was not really Catholic, but Freemasonic in cultural
orientation. It would have put in evidence that the main Christian Church
had finally become completely dominated by the Freemasonic Judaic world financial power
and, as such, was no more purely Catholic, but rather neo-Judaic. It would
have demonstrated that the Council of Vatican II was
literally a Vatican Judaic coup arranged by what
we call the JewZuit Power in the context of this website.
206.10 →
In addition, Tissierant could also have blackmailed Paul VI in a second way if necessary: Paul VI was a hidden homosexual and Tissierant was holding most embarrassing pictures of Paul VI with his lover, while in Switzerland with him, a couple of years before his election. This possible double blackmailing is certainly one of the main reasons why the Council of Vatican II evolved so smoothly the way it did, under the lead of Paul VI, revolutionizing many of the ancestral policies of the Vatican in the more 'leftist-progressist' way that characterized the Jewish Freemasonry, and initiating a new approach to the Jews who, after 2000 years of being openly considered "enemies", started to be considered "brothers", as per the title of the book of John Connelly: "From Enemy To Brothers".
206.11 →
This being said, Paul VI was certainly, at best, a last minute better choice than Siri, but not a perfect choice, for the new JewZuit Power that had invaded the Vatican. Cardinal Siri was too orthodox, as a conservative and well known professor of dogmatic theology. Consequently Siri had to be rejected, and he was rejected, after a totally irregular communication outside the conclave. Monti (Paul VI) was much less dogmatic and much more open to a dialogue with the new JewZuit Power within the Catholic environment, in particular because he could have been blackmailed by the Judaic mafia of the Vatican in the two ways we mentioned in the previous paragraphs. Between Siri and Monti, the two who seemed to have the best consensus of the Conclave, Monti was the best for the JewZuit Power, but only in the sense that he was not the worst of the two candidates. But Siri was getting more votes, thus the irregular process to eliminate Siri and elect Monti as Paul VI. However, Paul VI soon demonstrated that he was also quite an orthodox Catholic, very tied in his mind to the "Depositum Fidei", much more than the JewZuits expected, and not so open as the JewZuits would have liked for the modernization of the Church on the basis of the views of the progressists (leftist JewZuit Marxist nomenclature) of the Vatican, and for the wider acceptance of the new fashions of nihilistic human behavior in the field of sexuality and family life in particular. In front of the push for the acceptance of these new popular fashions, Paul VI even openly declared that "Il fumo di Satana è entrato nel Tempio di Dio" ("Satan's smoke has entered the temple of God"). Was he covertly inferring that he was part of it, or only referring to the double blackmailing he was probably being subjected to? In any case, Ratzinger, still a cardinal at the time, even congratulated Paul VI for having resisted the worst of the ugly relativistic tendencies that he called with two Germanic words: "Telecracy" (the blind consensus to global media bias) and "Demoscopy" (the equally blind consensus to dominant public opinion, or to the politically correct). Soon after the end of the Vatican II Council, three years later, in 1968, Paul VI also published Humanae Vitae (Human Life), the encyclical in which he reaffirmed strongly (going against his own covert nature as a homosexual) the orthodox teaching of the Catholic Church regarding marriage, responsible parenthood, and the continued rejection of most forms of birth control and sexual depravation. This was a hard setback for the JewZuits of the Vatican, and the same type of reason they will use three decades later for putting Benedict XVI on a side track and bring forward JewZuit Nihilistic Pope Francis. In the meantime, after the death of Paul VI in 1978, these JewZuits then had no other choice but to wait patiently for another 35 years to finally being able to elect a pope that would be an assured ally for their nihilistic modernization of the Catholic Church. This happened only in 2013 with the election of the Jesuit Pope Francis, and again, as we will see, through another irregular election on the basis of the Vatican legislation.
206.12 →
The following popes after Paul VI were all strictly controlled by the JewZuit Mafia that had infiltrated the Vatican, by the Freemason infiltration of the Vatican Bank in particular. John Paul I, who followed for only 33 days of papacy after his election in 1978, was found dead with papers in his hands containing the list of Zionist Freemasons and crypto Marrani Jews who had infiltrated the Vatican, including those most closely related to incredible corruption through the IOR, the Vatican bank. John Paul I was also already known to want to take action against the members of that list, and many eminent researchers and writers will now affirm that Mason Licio Gelli and other acolytes of his infamous P2 Masonic lodge are responsible for his assassination, mainly because of his intended actions against that list. He died only hours after firing Jean-Marie Villot, the Cardinal Secretary of State, for being a Freemason member of the infamous P2 lodge. John Paul I was strongly opposed to the Freemason infiltration of the Vatican Bank. Last but not least, he also wanted to make certain steps backwards on some of the aspects of the Council Vatican II pushed by the Freemason infiltrators, like the readmission of the old Tridentate Rite for the Catholic Mass. It is for these two reasons that he was assassinated, poisoned, and found dead with a copy of the infamous Freemason list still firmly attached to his hand.
206.13 →
The following Polish Pope,
John Paul II,
was also very
aware and fearsome, as a non-Italian, of the Vatican JewZuit Mafia. It is for this reason that he issued a
Papal Bull, on Nov. 27, 1983, legalizing what had
been strictly prohibited for 2000 years: secret society membership for Roman
Catholics, and consequently also even for members of the Vatican in
association like Judaic Freemasonry. In order
to preserve the tranquility and security of his reign, he became particularly
'close' (obedient?) to the Jewish mafia of the
Vatican and to Israel.
When visiting Israel in 2000, he was even seen not only holding
proudly the infamous walking rod of the JewZuit “Broken Cross”,
known for having
been used by black magicians since the Middle Ages, giving a rather
repulsive image of Jesus' crucifixion, but also sitting under the equally infamous “Inverted
Cross” (shown above, as a symbol of the
much bigger Inverted Cross of the Israel High Court, built
and paid for by the Rothschild, on which you can actually
walk) known for having been used regularly for satanic rituals, in
particular in the Judaic world. In 2003, because of all these gratifying
gestures for the Jews, he was granted formally a Jewish
the highest symbol of Jewry, in recognition of
his lifelong friendship with the Jewish people and for his outstanding help
in aiding the end of 2000 years of
Catholic teaching about the perfidy of the Jewish religion and in helping
the transformation of the Jews according to the book of John Connelly:
"From Enemy To Brothers".
206.14 →
His German successor in turn, Benedict XVI, who was disturbing this Jewish rapprochement and its infiltration of the Vatican, was ousted out, and forced to resign, by this same JewZuit mafia of the Vatican. And who replaced him? A Jesuit, Pope Francis, who, as we will document with many good pictures, is a particularly good friend of the Jews. As we will see in a unique historical picture, Francis even bowed and kissed the hand of the main rabbi brought in by Jewish President Peres during his visit at the Vatican on June 8, 2014, and the hands of two Rothschild'members, a fact that never, and would never have, happened in the previous 2000 years of the severe Vatican protocol of the Catholic Church.
206.15 →
In other words, since the Vatican Zionist Coup of the Council Vatican II, until today, the road has been bumpy but well open to a full collaboration between the Jews and the Catholic Jesuits in particular. In fact, the main push in the background, for the rapprochement with the Jewish Zionists, like never before in the history of the last 2000 years, always came from the Jesuits. The election of a Jesuit Pope is thus the crowning of the long process of rapprochement of the Catholic Church with the Zionist Jews that started with the Vatican Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II. That rapprochement and collaboration led to what we now call the JewZuit Power in the context of this essay. And this collaboration is now so strong that, for all practical purposes, in terms of world power, the Jewish and the Catholic religions can now be considered one and the same tool of world power for the easier enslavement of all of us through the so-called fast-coming New World Order.
206.16 →
From this perspective of the most recent history, we realize that in spite of the Vatican Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II, which has been a first major victory of the JewZuit Power to infiltrate the Vatican, the road has been open, but not been easy for them, and the process is far from being fully completed. Some say that the Holy Spirit may be protecting the Catholic Church from this full JewZuit infiltration and consequently its full destruction. Certainly, the Vatican Power is one that has now lasted already for more than 2000 years and, as such, represents probably the longest and widest empire that ever existed on the face of the earth. The infiltration and manipulation of such an incredibly stable power can only happen on a bumpy road.
206.17 →
In short, the election of the Pope John XXIII in 1958, through an illegal outside consultation during the Conclave, was the Trojan Horse of an initial meaningful JewZuit penetration of the Vatican, even if the final battle was still only at its very beginning. Then Paul VI was a partial temporary retreat on the candidate-pope of the second highest consensus at the Conclave of 1963. His election was thus forced-in after another illegal outside consultation during that Conclave. Although quite favorable to the movement "From Enemy To Brothers" (described in the book of John Connelly, mentioned further up) regarding the Jews, the JewZuits knew that Montini (Paul VI) would probably not compromise easily on what he called "Non-negotiable Principles", but he was considered less dangerous for them than what Cardinal Siri would have been as the professor of Dogmatic Theology that he was. Pope John Paul I was then elected without the JewZuits being able to intervene illegally, like they had done for the election of the two previous popes, but he was soon assassinated, 33 days after his election, because he intended to decimate the JewZuit infiltration of the Vatican. Following him, Pope John Paul II was another compromise at the Conclave of 1978. The Jews knew the Polish pope Wojtyla was very favorable to their reconsideration as older brothers, instead of traditional enemies, by the dominant Mafia of the Catholic Church, but the Jesuits also knew that he would never bend to their own growing power in the new JewZuit equation at world level. Consequently they attempted to also assassinate him in 1981. Ratzinger, the German pope Benedict XVI elected in 2005 was a clear temporary setback for the global JewZuit Power, disturbing the rapprochement with the Jews and the acceptance of the debased moral values they were promoting. For this reason, he was swiftly ousted out, nicely and discretely, in 2013.
206.18 →
Then the final battle of the Vatican Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II was won with a great success of the JewZuit Power with the election of Pope Francis in 2013. As the famous journalist and author Antonio Socci has meticulously demonstrated in his book "Non è Francesco" (This is not Francis), Pope Francis was also elected completely illegally on the basis of standing Vatican legislation. Consequently, on the basis of this legislation, he was not elected, but simply imposed illegally. But of course his election was forced-in because he was finally a candidate that represented well both the Zionist Jewish side and the Catholic Jesuit side of the JewZuit equation of world power. The JewZuit Power knew that Francis, as a Jesuit, and as a particularly well-demonstrated good friend of the Jews, would grant them their wish list, albeit maybe in a gradual way in terms of the relativistic modernization of the church. This is exactly what started to happen at the Synod that Pope Francis held in Rome, in October 2014. With that incredible Synod, Francis was finally opening the road to the destructive JewZuit strategy of accepting with "misericordia" (or 'mercy') all the debased values and nihilistic fashions that have been destroying our society in the last decades. From this point of view, the election of Pope Francis is the crowning of the Vatican Coup of the Council of Vatican II for the rapprochement with the Jews and the creation of the new JewZuit Power pursuing the New World Order. However, considering this rapprochement involves the most serious attack so far to the "non-negotiable principles" of all the popes previous to the Council of Vatican II, as shown during the recent Synod, on the part of Pope Francis, with the help of his good Marxist friend cardinal Kasper, that same election of Pope Francis could very well be also the opening of the road leading to the final destruction of the Catholic Church. That destruction, by the same token, as we will see further down, is also the highway leading to the Panthriskia, dearly wanted by the JewZuit Power, or the formalization of the creation of a new universal inter-faith One-World Religion serving the purposes of the One-World Government of the New World Order, based in Jerusalem instead of Rome, after the creation of the Greater Israel.
206.19 →
This section has
the long and difficult gestation and birth of the
JewZuit Power,
as a new historical alliance between the Zionist Jews and the Jesuit
Catholics, or between the historical enemies who have now become
brothers since the Vatican Coup of the Council of
Vatican II that ended in 1965. That new world power is now well in place, 50
years later, active like a strong and vigorous man finally brought to power
with the attainment of his maturity, and who is by nature ready to take any
risk for changing the world to his own view, even ready to destroy anything
on his path, including the Catholic Church if necessary. That type of revolutionary man however is led by a
council of illuminated elders, in places like The City in London and
The Vatican
in Rome, and he thus
knows exactly what he wants to replace the old world order: a New World
Order based on a One-World-Government of totalitarian
Collectivism and
Fabian Socialism served by a subservient One-World-Religion, or
as a kind of
JudiChrIslam in its first stage, influencing people, like never before in human history, to be blind
and obedient slaves through DDD
and the three-headed Cerberus of extreme legislation,
excessive taxation and fearful disinformation. What the elders have not
yet told clearly, to him and to all his acolytes, while admitting more and
more explicitly that they are seeking a One-World Government
and a new One-World Religion, is that they will
definitely also want soon a new One-World Army through a
transformation of NATO, and in particular a One-World-Currency of
debt-money, eventually controlled electronically worldwide, without cash, through the implant of body
chips, for our own total enslavement from birth to death. This is the
JewZuit Power
of the elders laughing at us in the
background. At least for now... Unless... we take the appropriate democratic
measures and start implementing the appropriate EthoCratic reforms leading
to a new form of governance that we call
TruthOcracy, as we will see in
Part II of this essay.
207.01 →
The above Vatican Zionist Coup, baptizing the long gestation of the birth of the JewZuit Power, has a much older background, and possibly a much higher source than the Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II. As we will see, the Judeo-Christian culture of enslavement, through the DDD process of mainly debt and dogma, in its pursuit of world domination, in opposition to the culture of freedom, expressed by the “EL” culture of the Greeks, goes back a couple of millennia, and achieved its most recent expression of possible final success in the formation of the new JewZuit Power through the Council of Vatican II of 1962-65. The history of the last two millennia of efforts will be described in more details further down.
207.02 →
In a more recent past, these efforts of world domination have been expressed in two highly contested documents: The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (1903), and the Letter of Albert Pike to Giuseppe Mazzini (1871). For many people, these two documents are considered forgeries. I do not intend to get involved in this polemical issue of their authenticity. However, one thing is certain: forgery or not, what these two documents contain and affirm, as highly discussed issues by hundreds of top intellectuals and thousands of cultivated common people since the early 1900s, corresponds exactly, in content, to what the JewZuit Power has done since then, and is still doing today to enslave all of us. If the documents are forgeries, it is an incredible coincidence as they describe facts that, retroactively, are confirmed as true. In other words, if their authenticity is forgery, it is, maybe, as to who wrote them, as to who is the author, and quite obviously not as to their content in relation to the existence of a world elite that wants to achieve world domination and a related enslavement of world populations.
207.03 →
The Protocols of the Elders (1903)
For example, Protocol 17 says, in relation to the infiltration of the Vatican: "When the time comes finally to destroy the papal court...we shall come forward in the guise of its defenders...By this diversion we shall penetrate to its very bowels and be sure we shall never come out again until we have gnawed through the entire strength of this place”. This seems to match the assertion that Pope John Paul I was found dead, certainly assassinated, after only one month of reign in 1978, with a hot list, still firmly held in his cold hands, of Zionist Freemasons who had infiltrated the Vatican, and about whom, it is now known, he intended to take serious expulsion action. That list had been provided to him by a close Vatican friend and assistant who was also found dead, certainly also assassinated, burnt alive in his bed, shortly after. That Protocol also matches the new type of relationship of the Jews with the Vatican whereby they have gone “From Enemy To Brother” (the book of John Connelly mentioned above) after 2000 years of enmity, terminated with the Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II, and, as we will see in a historic picture, the election of Pope Francis who now bows and kisses the hand of a Rabbi during an official Vatican visit of Peres, the President of Israel, overruling for the first time 2000 years of Vatican protocol.
207.04 →
Protocol 14:1 adds: “When we come into our kingdom, it will be undesirable that there should exist any other religion than ours as the Chosen People… we shall forbid Christ… We shall sweep away all other forms of belief besides ours”. This certainly matches, to say the least, the obvious War on the Christmas tree, as a symbol of peace, along with the Crèche of Jesus, replacing them with the Celebration of the Menorah, as a symbol of mass massacre, appearing in a growing number in public places around the world, but the scope of that protocol, combined with others, calls clearly for the destruction of all other religions, and all national governments, dividing and arming all the goyim (non-Jew) masses into opposing camps, fighting and exhausting each other, in continuous wars, until mutual destruction, in order to facilitate the advent of a One-World Jewish Government. As we will see, this pretty much matches perfectly and factually our current overall international situation.
207.05 →
Protocol 16:7-8 says: “We shall
change history… We shall abolish every kind of freedom of instruction for
the purpose of turning the Goyim into unthinking submissive brutes”.
This matches perfectly the Dumbing Down of
our children in western education, as well expressed in the book of
Charlotte Iserbyt mentioned further down,
and the book Crimes of the
Educators coauthored by Alex Newman and Samuel
Blumenfeld, let alone the debasing of all western culture through the crap culture
coming out of Jewish-dominated Hollywood and mass media.
207.06 →
Protocol 9:10 complements this objective saying: “We shall corrupt the youth… by rearing them in principles which are known to us as false”. Again, this matches perfectly the crappy and immoral culture of criminality with impunity, and violence for enjoyment coming out of Jewish dominated Hollywood and the push for promoting things like homosexuality to young adolescents as an ideal style of living, instead of being only what it has always been, and should be let be: the particular style of living of a minority that, of course, has to be protected and prevented from discrimination. This corruptive protocol of 1903 is being pushed along with excessive multiculturalism, by the same elites, and constitutes as such a good precursor to the Kalergi Plan of some 20 years later, in 1923.
207.07 →
Protocol 12:4 says: “Not a single announcement will reach the public without our control… All news items are received by a few agencies from all parts of the world… These agencies will be entirely in our control and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them”. This matches exactly with is happening in the world today, with practically all newspapers and TV stations being fully dependent on, and expressing nearly exclusively, what the fully Zionist dominated big news networks command, like CBS, NBC, ABC etc. Is not all the above exactly what the JewZuit Power is doing to us today, as confirmed by prominent Jewish journalist Joel Stein, through the full control of all world mainstream and entertainment media through only as few as 5 main news networks entirely owned or controlled by Jews?
207.08 →
The Letter of Pike to Mazzini (1871)
On the other hand, a look at the famous letter of Freemason Albert Pike to Giuseppe Mazzini, written in 1871, is not less amazing. It was kept in the British Museum until a Rothschild became a director of the board. Then it disappeared, but it has nevertheless been discussed highly for a century, before and after it disappeared, by a series of intellectuals, on the basis of the original or copies, and on the basis of the testimonies of who had seen the letter and had written about it when it was still in the British Museum. This incredible letter was explaining how the world domination would be achieved through three world wars. Pike was a top figure of the American Freemasons at the time, and considered a leader of the Illuminati in the USA. As for Mazzini, he was the leader of a revolutionary communist movement in Italy, and considered a leader of the Illuminati in Italy. Both were eminent figures of the intrnational movement of Fabian Socialism. Mazzini was the inventor of the term "Social Justice". He wanted to destroy the church by taking away from the church its traditional task of assistance to the poor, and make this task a public socialist government responsibility. In this way, assisting the needy stopped being voluntary, as it had been managed by the Christian church for centuries, as commanded by a God who wanted us to be free and donate of our freewill, and that task quickly became a form of very anti-Christian compulsory plundering against the richer class, or a kind of "Social Injustice" at the source of what became our contemporary welfare states, and of the useful welfare voting pools that were created for the election of leftist politicians in most of the western world. And the New World Order Pope, Francis, has been well reconfirming this anti-Christian passage by calling explicitly and formally, on a regular basis, for this kind of "Social Injustice" through a plundering redistribution of wealth by governments instead of through the ancient Christian process of voluntary church charity activities.
207.09 →
- WWI would first destruct, first and foremost, the main Christian empire, the one of the Tsars in Russia, and bring instead a communist regime entirely dominated by Zionist Jews. It would hopefully also destroy the remnants of the Christian Roman Empire, like the Austro-Hungarian Empire and, if at all possible, also the Islamic Empire of the Ottomans. This WWI would thus destroy, or at least weaken immensely, the power of the two opposite monotheistic religions that could impede the eventual creation of the State of Israel. This is exactly what happened some 4 decades later with the assassination of the Tsar in Russia, and with the taking of power by the Bolshevik Communist Regime completely dominated by Zionist Jews, not to mention also the fall of the Austro-Hungarian and the Ottoman empires.
207.10 →
- WWII would be fought by Zionism against Nazism, obviously in collaboration with the Catholic Jesuits, specifically to achieve the creation of Israel that would become fully justified because of the integration of what was to become the Jewish Holocaust, as the incarnation of what Herzl, the founder of Zionism shown to the right, called the "necessary increase of the sufferings of the Jews in order to achieve their long-term plans". This is also exactly what has happened some seven decades later with WWII and the Jewish Holocaust that led to the forceful creation of Israel.
207.11 →
- WWIII would be fought between Zionism and Islam. That third world war has not yet happened, but current events of world geopolitics show that this is certainly something that is most likely to happen in the near future. As Pike's letter says, WWIII, fought between Zionism and Islam, will end with a victory of Zionism and the final achievement of a Zionist New World Order through a One-World Government. This is exactly what is being actively pursued by the JewZuit New World Order. In light of all that is described in this essay, we believe we can already make a small correction to that projection. It will probably no more be a Zionist New World Order, but rather a JewZuit New World Order of total enslavement of the 1% by the 99%. This is certainly what John J. Robinson says in his book "Born in Blood" - The Lost Secrets of the Freemasons, explaining Pike's letter in confrontation with other important historical documents. He says that WWIII will produce the destruction of the great Al-Aqsa Golden Dome Muslim Mosque of Jerusalem (also called Dome of the Rock, or Temple Mount). It is known that the Jews have already even built some tunnels under it, for an eventual full explosive destruction. The Time Magazine has already published articles in the past about these strange tunnels. Then, the Temple Mount will be rebuilt as a super Synagogue, or rather as the New World Order temple of a brand new and unique universal religion under the full control of the Jews of Jerusalem who will at the same time make Jerusalem the new world capital. There is even already a scale model of that new world temple at the Rockefeller Museum of Jerusalem. That new world religion pretty much sounds like the "Panthriskia" promoted by the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Istanbul, Bartholomew I. As we will see further down, this is the new ecumenical religion that he proposed as a common objective to the new Jesuit Pope, Francis, during an incredible visit at the Vatican, as a precedent from both a canonical and protocol points of view, on June 8, 2014, in the presence of the Jewish President of Israel, Peres, and of the most prominent Jewish Rabbi and Muslim Imam of Jerusalem. This ecumenical religion is the embryo of an eventual JudiChrIslam One-World Religion.
207.12 →
If it was not a Zionist Jew who wrote the Protocols of 1903, and not a Freemason Zionist who wrote the Letter of 1871 of his own initiative about the three world wars, we cannot put their authenticity into question in terms of content, as that content is in great part confirmed reality today, and the rest is what is a coming reality that is clearly developing today. If the 2 authors are fake, whoever they were, then the authors wrote these two prophetic documents undeniably on behalf of some higher authority behind them, with an incredible power to program clearly and very much in advance. In other words, if the two documents are a fake, it is only in terms of who is their real author, and certainly not in terms of what they describe. Again, these 2 documents describe exactly, with incredible accuracy, what, for the most part, has happened already, like WWI and WWII, and what is very obviously being built up at the moment in relation to a forthcoming WWIII. Then, if the attributed authors are fake, whoever the real ones were, they wrote inevitably under a formidable power of some kind in their background. Consequently, it could be, for comprehending more clearly the part of these documents that has not happened yet, that a real formidable power does exists in the background, and is still unknown to all of us, and that both the Zionist Jews and the Catholic Jesuits are themselves only the puppets of this immense power hiding behind the curtain. Let’s hope, at least, that it is not the kind of alien power that we find in the film “They Live”. For the time being, we will take it as being only what we call the JewZuit Power in the context of this essay.
207.13 →
The above notwithstanding, as a firm conclusion, it might not be inappropriate to open here a small parenthesis with a bit of malicious speculation that is in the mind of a growing number of people, and maybe not entirely without good reason. It is most likely that the two branches of the new JewZuit Power are only the two arms of a single head above them, and that this single head is now commanding the two arms correctly. For this reason, the two arms appear to finally act in a coordinated way for the common purposes of the single head, as opposed to being two uncoordinated, and thus inefficient, arms, like they have been for centuries before the Zionist Coup of Vatican II that consolidated the new JewZuit Power. The identity of that single head still evades our view and eludes our clear comprehension of its real final objectives. However, if these objectives include the engineering of 3 incredibly destructive world wars, as seen above, then the single head of these two arms is nothing less than satanic in some way. The speculative temptation here would be to call this single head as Lucifer himself. If so, maybe we should re-coin our unified JewZuit Power as the LuJewZuit Power, with the prefix "Lu" standing for Lucifer, or the NeJewZuit Power, with the prefix "Ne" standing for Nephilim. In the speculative history, the Luciferian Nephilims of the period of the Atlantis, some 11000 years ago, were the people with the culture of the ancient Luciferian entities who presumably have always wanted to dominate the earthly world and enslave mankind, and they are claimed to be the forefathers of mainly the Jews of today. These Nephilims were in direct opposition with the culture of the Elohims, with the prefix "EL", of the equally ancient people of the opposing culture of freedom and freethinking. These Elohims were the ancient "EL" people claimed to be the forefathers of mainly the Greeks of today. This would explain why Greece is being in fact the main country of the developed world to be attacked and squashed first by the JewZuit Power, for complete enslavement, and as a good example of what all other countries can expect if the JewZuit Power has its way and finally achieves full world domination. But all this is highly speculative. For now, we will forget about Lucifer and the Nephilims and assume that the well known face of the JewZuit Power is the top of the pyramid leading us to full enslavement at world level. Only the next few years will reveal clearly if there is a Luciferian Head above the JewZuit process of enslavement of world populations that is definitely taking place today through the consolidation of a New World Order of Collectivism and totalitarian Fabian Socialism.
207.14 →
The Path to the Greater-Israel and a One-World Government
In a nutshell, in summarizing the facts of the
above documents with plain logic, the
of Albert Pike to Giuseppe Mazzini (1871),
and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
(1903), along with the confirmation of some more recent documents that we
will mention further down (like Yinon and
PNAC), let alone the "Lighthouse
Of The East" regarding the dismantling of Greece
specifically, with one part going to Israel, and considering that
a major part of what
they describe is already a confirmed reality, be they fake documents
or not in terms of who exactly wrote them, or be the authors themselves
Zionists or not, we can only conclude the
following. According to the plans described, presented as Zionist plans, the
Zionists had, already in 1871, a strategy of world domination at three
progressive and cumulative levels.
1- The first level
consisted in the creation of a State of Israel in Palestine.
2- The second level consisted in eventually creating also a
Greater Israel
in the Middle East.
3- The third level consisted in the creation of a
One-World Judaic Government of totalitarian command,
through a plan that we call
MOWOP, to dominate the whole world
in what they deceitfully call today the New World Order. ,
and what we call the long path to the
False Pax Judaica.
Interestingly enough, the only
thing that is not mentioned explicitly in these plans is if the third level
is related to the biblical Jewish theory of "Chiliasm",
called "Millennialism" by the Zionist-Christians, which for
the Christian Church is a heresy that was condemned in 381AD, whereby once
the world Judaic Kingdom of Jerusalem will be restored, it
will last for 1000 years of a supposedly prosperous authoritarian regime
worldwide. If this biblical prophecy was not explicitly mentioned in the
plans of the above documents, in relation to the third level, it is
certainly there implicitly. This prophecy very much smells like what we call
today the New World Order which, if prosperous, might be so for the
new regime,
be it a purely Zionist Power or a JewZuit Power, but obviously will only,
and certainly, be
totalitarian for the rest of the populations enslaved under that new
of the Greater Israel. In any case, apart from this implicit projection, each of the 3 levels
that are mentioned openly and explicitly had to be
implemented, according to these documents, in two cumulative steps each.
207.15 →
The First Level
The first level (the creation of
Israel) consisted, in its first step, in the obvious necessity to first weaken immensely, or as
much as possible, the world political power associated to the two other main
monotheist religions, first and foremost the Christian religion at the time,
but also the Islamic religion. The
main opposite religion, the Christian religion, that still saw the Jews as "Enemies",
and not yet as "Brothers", like it started to happen after the
Vatican Coup of the Council of
Vatican II of 1965, was still the clear
and uncontested dominant power in all of Eurasia at the time, before
from the Atlantic and the Mediterranean sea to the Ural Mountains. That
Christian religious power was not only religious, but eminently also
political, in being closely intertwined into all the European political power. That
immense Christian Power alone could have prevented the overall Zionist plan
of 1871 to be executed even at its
very first
level. In turn, the Islamic Ottoman Empire was also a similar obstacle. To achieve
the first step of the first level, the plan required the fomentation of none
less than a
world war, the one that became the first world war, as WWI. Consequently, this first step was programmed
as WWI to lead in priority to the destruction of
the immense Christian Empire of the Tsars of Russia, and installing a
Bolshevik Communist Regime completely dominated by Jews in the
Soviet Union.
It also had to lead to the destruction, or at least the substantial weakening, of the rest of the
Christian Power in
Europe, as the remnants of the Holy Roman Empire, like the Austro-Hungarian
Empire. As for the the Christian Tsars of Russia, this first step is not
only confirmed history today, as something that happened during the October
Revolution of 1917,
during WWI, but, as we will see, it is also confirmed today that the
nomenclature of the first Bolshevik Regime had 384 members of whom only 18
were pure Russians with no Jewish blood. The remaining 366 all had Jewish
blood. That WWI led also, as additional
benefits, to the destruction of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and of the
dangerous Ottoman Power that could also have prevented the creation of
Israel in due time. From then on, the road was clear, in principle, for the second step of
the first level of the strategy calling for the creation of Israel.
207.16 →
However, that second step of the first level was a much more difficult one, and was seen from the beginning, on the basis of what is formulated in Mazzini's letter of 1871, as requiring none less than a second world war. That second step consisted in finding a way to force the move of a great part of the world Jewish population to Palestine, as an essential requirement for the creation of Israel, and have the massive immigration move without due PISA process accepted readily by the world public opinion. This was the cause and the origin of WWII. The Zionists knew very well at the time, after WWI, that most of the plain Jews around the world would just not have accepted to move to Palestine unless they would feel forced to do so because of real persecutions, or because of very serious fear of persecution. The fomentation of WWII by the Zionists was conceived as the solution to that problem, including the necessary integration of a Jewish Holocaust in order to incite the Jews of the world Jewish diaspora to massively move to Israel, and to have the whole world public opinion accept the move as legitimate, whatever the Palestinians and the rest of the Arabic populations of the area might think about it.
207.17 →
These two steps of the first level (the creation of Israel) of the Zionist strategy are now confirmed history. The apparently incredible integration of the Jewish Holocaust into this first level was well explained by none else than the founder of Zionism himself, Theodor Herzl, as shown and quoted above. In his diaries, he said, at the beginning of 1904: "It is essential that the sufferings of the Jews become worse (...) This will assist us in the realization of our plans". This "useful" suffering of the Jews was to become the Jewish Holocaust. To achieve this sour objective, the Zionists decided to use the Germans as useful idiots. They thus helped create the Nazi Regime of Hitler by providing him generously with all the financing he required for his dream of world domination through WWII. Without the financial help of the Zionist, the Nazi Regime would never have been born, or would certainly not have lasted long if ever born, and consequently the Holocaust would not have taken place, and the Zionists would have had no justification to force the creation of Israel after WWII. The incredible extrapolation of this last conclusion is that without the Zionist financing of the Nazi Regime from the Jews, the Holocaust against the Jews would not have happened. In other words, the Holocaust against some of the Jews was financed by some other Jews. But Herzl, as a Zionist Jew, and as quoted above, has provided the best possible explanation of this apparently inconceivable and tragically inadmissible contradiction.
207.18 →
This too is now
confirmed history, even by most mainstream historians, including many Jewish
historians. To use the words of
Herzl, the Zionist finance providers from Europe and from the
to the new Nazi Regime first manipulated Hitler
into segregating the Jews in concentration areas where the "sufferings
of the Jews could become worse... for the realization of their plans".
These concentration areas facilitated, at the beginning, the elimination of the weaker Jews of the
Nazi-occupied territories who would have been
useless for the creation of a powerful Israel. Later on, these concentration areas facilitated also
the elimination of all the other common Jews who
either were known to oppose Zionism, or would not easily accept to move to
even under serious fear or actual persecutions. In the meantime, most
Zionist Jews in Germany save themselves from persecution and many even
collaborated with Hitler discretely in the background, like
typically the Zionist bankers financing him. All of this led to the
Jewish Holocaust that the Zionists, as the financiers of Hitler,
knew all along was taking place. But, as Herzl said, this was the "suffering of the
Jews" that they "needed for their plan". In the end, it was really only because
of that "sufferings of the Jews" in the Jewish Holocaust that Israel could finally be created in
Palestine in 1948.
This too is now confirmed history. This whole process of empowering the
Regime and of financing the political power that authored the
allowed the Jews to gain immense power in the world, in America in
particular, and allowed the Zionists to achieve the creation of Israel. This
is the background message of the excellent book of Dr. Jeffrey S.
Gurock, a Jewish professor teaching Jewish History at the Jewish
Yeshiva University, titled "The Holocaust
Averted - An Alternate History of American Jewry". The
author says explicitly that without the Holocaust, the Jews
would never have achieved the level of empowerment and agency that they
started to have after WWII, let alone the creation of
Israel, as confirmed
also by an article about this book, by
The Times of Israel,
recently published, on June 6, 2015, titled "What
if the Holocaust Had Never Happened?".
207.19 →
The Second Level
The second level of the strategy was, and still is, the creation of the
Greater Israel. Again, to achieve this end,
the Zionists need to steps. The first step of this second level is to foment yet another world war, as WWIII.
This time, the Zionists cannot use the Germans as useful idiots, but they have
a even better, or certainly richer, useful idiots, in the Americans who easily lend
themselves to this role through the plentiful political corruption money
provided by the Zionists. The Zionists are in a strong position to push for
this strategy as they also know that the JewZuit forces of the USA badly need a
WWIII for their own purposes. This forthcoming
WWIII is the only way these JewZuit forces in the USA can possibly save their
fake fiat dollar as the world
reserve currency and consequently the only way they can hope to maintain their
USA as the one-and-only super military power in a reconfirmed unipolar world. In turn, by the
same token, the Zionists are also using the Muslims as useful idiots for the
JewZuit Americans, by widely and overly publicizing the obvious tendency of
radical Islamic
Jihadist bombers to author acts of terrorism. The Zionists can most easily
do this through the mainstream media
that they fully control. In order to save face in front of the world opinion for
launching WWIII, in order for them to save the fake fiat dollar as reserve currency, the naive Americans are
also believing that they are using the Muslims as what they think are only their own useful
idiots. In the meantime, the Islamic World is an immense power in front of
Israel, be it only because of its enormous Muslim populations,
quantitatively speaking. This massive
Power, in terms of numbers. has even reinforced itself in terms of a growing
new geopolitical power in the area over the last few years, and it could very much destroy the overall strategy of the Zionists for the
creation of the Greater Israel in the Middle East, and the following
formation of a Judaic One World Government based in Jerusalem in due time. But the
JewZuits know that the Muslims are extremely divided between Shiites and
Sunnis who thoroughly hate each other, and they now use this division to
better conquer their final objectives. Consequently, the fragmentation
process of all Middle-East countries by ISIS, which is a
creation, is also using the Muslims as
useful idiots, reinforcing their separation on the basis of that mutual hate,
in order to better divide and conquer the whole world. The JewZuits have already reinforced the weaker
Sunni side of Islam through the false flag of the Arab Spring, to ensure that the
Sunnis will eventually be capable of facing, or attempting to destroy the
in new attempts similar to many of the ones that have taken place already,
like in the wars between Iraq and Iran. The Zionists want the
Sunni and the
Shiites to possibly destroy each other mutually, or at least neutralize
themselves mutually as political power in the area and in the world. Then the Islamic Power would no more be a
meaningful obstacle for Israel to achieve the creation of the Greater Israel
in the area, and eventually the accomplishment of the third level of their
strategy through a Judaic One World Government in Jerusalem.
207.20 →
The Third Level
Interestingly enough, in this case, in preparation for WWIII, we have
three levels of useful
idiots, instead of just one, like in WWII. If everything goes according to plan,
this will lead to the fragmentation of most Middle East countries in smaller
and less potent national entities, and even of some countries of Europe.
is already de facto into such a fragmented situation in 3 pieces, and
Greece, as the
main cultural enemy of the Jews for centuries, will also soon be in this
type of situation (as per the "Lighthouse
Of The East" plan exposed further down). This is also why the new JewZuit
Power has started with
Greece in its attack of the first world for achieving its final
objective of enslaving all countries under and eventual Judaic One-World
Government. Then all Muslims countries, as a result of WWIII, will also become
smaller countries that will prevent the formation of any major Muslim
be it Sunni or Shiite, that could oppose the Zionist plan of a Greater
Israel and the Judaic One World Government. This strategy is the first step of the third level leading to the
reinforcement of Israel in the area, and to the eventual creation of the
Greater Israel and the Judaic One World Government. Only part of this first step is already confirmed reality,
but all the headlines of the world news confirm daily that the rest is quite obviously very much on the way to become reality in the near future. The second step of this
third level will be the actual
launching of WWIII, which seems more and more imminent, every month that
goes by. And the reinforcement of the aggressive talk of JewZuit
USA under Trump's government, against
Iran, is a bad sign of premonition of this plan.
207.21 →
As explained further down, the USA and Israel have created ISIS, as a front terrorist organization that they have trained, financed and fully armed, through a CIA/MOSSAD collaboration, in order to have a justification to move in, forcefully, for the firing of WWIII. The purpose of the creation of ISIS is to use it as a front attacker in Syria and the rest of the area, provoking Iran and Russia on the way, in order to justify down the line the launching of WWIII in front of the western public opinion. This WWII is meant to help Israel in two ways. The pre-WWIII period, through ISIS terroristic activities, will first destabilize all the countries surrounding Israel, thus reinforce Israel as the dominant super-power in the area, and the WWIII proper will help the creation of the Greater Israel and the forthcoming Judaic One World Government. For the JewZuit forces of the USA, it will hopefully also save the dollar as the world reserve currency. But ISIS is only a perfect false flag. ISIS is a fake Islamic organization of the CIA/MOSSAD created to achieve their mutual objectives by exploiting, as a false flag front, the tendency of character of the most fundamentalist radical Muslims to get involved in terrorist activities. Most members of ISIS are young enraged bloodthirsty radicals who understand little about Islam. But their rude activities contribute to increase Islamophobia. Then Islamophobia in turn is an essential requirement to justify a new intervention of the Zionist-sponsored Americans into the area, in particular since after president Obama had formally promised, at the occasion of two successive elections, to end the war in the Middle East. This is the purpose of the beheadings and the widely spread news of all sorts of massacres in the area by the Zionist networks dominating all world mainstream media. The mounting Islamophobia around the world, caused by the extreme activities of ISIS members, will soon justify the USA and allied western countries to collaborate with the American JewZuit power and NATO in a new military intervention, be it even WWIII, and by the same token help the creation of the Greater Israel and the forthcoming Judaic One World Government based in the area. This ISIS, and the growing Islamophobia it generates, is clearly the masterpiece of all the false flags of the last three decades.
207.22 →
However, it takes more time than expected to achieve these long-term Zionist objectives as they are facing a new obstacle on their war path, which is the new Russia of Putin. The Zionists will certainly find a way to eliminate Putin and, as we will see further down, they would have already done so if it had not been for a mistake made when downing the Malaysian Flight MH17 over Ukraine in July 2014. Putin is an ex KGB expert in anti-subversion and consequently the kind of enemy the subversive NWO wants to eliminate. Putin is the anti-Obama, rejecting the moral relativism of the West and rooting his social legislation in the traditional Christian concepts of right and wrong. He is moving to fill part of the moral vacuum left by America, or rather created by JewZuit America. While the NWO forces celebrate multiculturalism, LGBT rights, abortion even after birth, and the global culture of the Pussy Riots, Putin is repudiating all these destructive values pushed by Hollywood and the JewZuit dominated mainstream media.
207.23 →
The second step of the third level of the Zionist strategy (the
One-World Judaic Government) is less advanced, but very much in the process
of being realized in a not too distant future. However, it is now quite
obvious that this second step of the third level of the strategy will have to be slightly
changed, with the desired One-Word Government not becoming a pure Judaic one
anymore, but a Judeo-Christian one, or rather a JewZuit one, based in
Jerusalem. All the above being considered, the
Judaic Power of the current Zionist
generation knows, contrary to the Zionist founders, that it can still not
achieve all of its final long-term Judaic plans in opposition with the still very
powerful Christian Power, or without some help from the
Vatican Power, in
particular since Putin started to recreate a new Christian country in
The second step, or prerequisite, of this third level, put into place much before
Putin came
into play, was the discrete Zionist Coup of 1965 within the Vatican. As we
have seen, with the help of the Judeo-Christians that they have infiltrated
into the Vatican, the Zionists have fomented the Coup of the Council of
Vatican II to achieve their collaboration with the Vatican Power as a
new form of world power that we now call the JewZuit Power
in the context of this essay. This was evaluated by the Zionists as a new
prerequisite of this third level soon after WWII.
The new prerequisite started with the ousting of Pope Benedict XVI and the
installment of a Jesuit pope in the person of Pope Francis
at the Vatican. The
New World
Pope of the Zionist Time Magazine is an
eminent part of the third level of this winning Zionist strategy which has
now become a JewZuit strategy. As we will see
further down, this prerequisite is not yet completed, but is proceeding well
with the help of Christian Orthodox Pope, Bartholomew I of
Constantinople, and his push for a new world "Panthriskia", or a
JudiChrIslam One-World Religion.
207.24 →
As a last point, and as we will see in more details further down, it is important to recall that the above strategy at three levels is not based only on the Letter of Albert Pike to Giuseppe Mazzini (1871), and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (1903), but also well confirmed by other much more recent western documents, like the Yinon Plan (1982/1996) and the PNAC (1997), and also some other older ones, like the "Lighthouse Of The East" (1897). All these formal documents may be contested as fake, but only in terms of who is really their author. In terms of their content, they describe very clearly the strategy that we have outlined above, with two thirds of this strategy being already confirmed reality. Consequently, overall, and in all logic, even if contested in terms of their authors, all these formal documents cannot be considered a conspiracy theory, but definitely a Conspireality.
207.25 →
The Kalergi Plan (1922)
Regarding the EU in particular, and its required contribution to the advent of a One-World Government through the annihilation of nations and races, the above factors have been reinforced more recently, between WWI and WWII, by a little known plan, usually called the "Kalergi Plan". Considering what has been happening in Europe over the last few years, with massive, wild, uncontrolled immigration and excessive multiculturalism, the Kalergi Plan is essentially the main component and tool for the realization of what we call today the NWO (New World Order). Kalergi was the son of an obscure Austrian diplomat married to a Japanese. His full name was Richard Coudenhove Kalergi (1894-1972). He founded the Pan-Europe Movement, in 1922, published his book "Pan-Europa" in 1923, and is at the origin of the little known Coudenhove Kalergi European Prize (sometimes hidden under the less embarrassing name of: Charlemagne Prize) that is attributed every second year, and was recently attributed to well known persons, like the German Chancellor Angela Merkel (in 2010) and the President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy (in 2012). His father was accused of being an anti-Semite. At age 13, Kalergi has his first woman, a Jewess called Ida Roland. In reaction to his father, and on the inspiration of his sexual initiation from his Jewess woman, he became very pro-Jewish in all his activities for the rest of his life. He started to push his agenda with the help of eminent Jews, like Einstein and Churchill (whose mother Jenny Jacobson Jerome was Jewish which, according to Judaic law, makes him automatically a Jew). Kalergi's Pan-Europe agenda was well received by them because it was already very popular with the Fabian Socialist Jews acting behind many European governments, by organizations like the Jewish Masonic B'Nai B'Brith, and by movements aspiring to world domination, like the Communists at the time. And the leaders of the Communist movement were all Fabian Socialist Jews pushing for collectivism and an eventual dictatorial One-World-Government based in Jerusalem after the creation of Israel and the Greater-Israel through three world wars well programmed for this deceitful purpose. What is much less known today is that his agenda, already in 1922... was literally a genocidal plan for the white peoples of Europe, as a plan that is at the source of the extreme multiculturalism and massive wild immigration affecting so negatively today the cultures, the traditions and the values of all traditional national Europeans, calling for the elimination of nations, borders, let alone the family, and even the identity of the white race in particular, pushing its mixing with Asians and Blacks to the point of transforming the white European race into a new Ancient-Egyptian-Like race. This odd forthcoming mixture is often called the "Children of Kalergi". It is the complete contradiction of what we call ProRacialism in an EthoCracy, let alone a TruthOcracy, with all immigration being submitted to a strict PISA process. Mr. Kalergi said explicitly in his writings: "The man of the future must be of mixed race [except of course for the pureness of the 'superior' Jewish race to be protected in the most racist way: on a DNA basis, to this day in Israel itself]. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid Race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples [in Europe]". In his own terms, this new melting pot was to become what he called a kind of "United States of Europe", and be formed under the leadership and command of the United States of America. His Pan-Europe agenda was very close to calling explicitly for a white genocide of the various European peoples for turning them into a melting pot, or a global flock of very obedient sheep with no more strong national values capable of resisting the advent of the New World Order and the full control of the totalitarian Fabian Socialist elites hiding behind it. Of course, to achieve this objective of degradation or other races, these JewZuit elites also promote all the inevitable incidentals of the wild unselected immigration without due PISA process, like drugs and petty crimes. In this package, they give us everything we need to keep busy fighting against, except the freethinking time we would need to fight against them and their destructive conspiracy. This Kalergi Plan is also a good follow up of the destructive Protocol 9-10 of some 20 years earlier. As such, if that diabolic Kalergi Plan could maybe have been called a Conspiracy Theory at that time, this is certainly no more the case today, as this plan is now well confirmed in facts, by what is currently happening in Europe and America today, as a Conspiracy Reality, in terms of massive, wild and inassimilable incoming migrants from Africa and Asia, in particular from countries with a religion and culture that are totally inassimilable to ours. And the strength and stupidity of our political correctness prevents us from recognizing this well planned conspiracy as a reality. The Kalergi Plan (associated with other plans mentioned in this essay) shows clearly that it is a conspiracy, but a conspiracy reality, not a conspiracy theory. The Kalergi Plan is also more than well confirmed now, not only by the fact of the hordes of alleged refugees that are invading Europe since 2015, but also by the comments of a whistleblower from the Counter-Intelligence Office (Abwehramt) of the Austrian Federal Army’s intelligence service, who affirms, via an Austrian news journal called Info-Direkt, that the USA, on a push from Israel that completely dominates the American politics, is actually financing the false refugee movement in Europe through complicit NGOs (not to mention the various parallel "open-society foundations" of George Soros), and pay entirely the human traffickers to transport the "refugees" from Africa and the Middle East to Europe (not to mention a similar activity of NGOs at the moment regarding the similar illegal migration movement in America as part of an equally Jewish dominated strategy animating the PNAC Project). All of this is also well in line with the YINON Plan as a strategy for the formation of a Greater Israel, in order to make it a dominant hegemonic Zionist power (with a pure, non-degraded, dominating race) in the Middle East and in front of debilitated Europe.
207.26 →
The JewZuit Power
won WWII and triggered the
Holocaust of Western Civilization
The above Kalergi Plan was well preparing,
reinforcing and announcing the following Holocaust of Western
Few people realize that the
Zionist Jews financed Hitler, and thus the Holocaust against their fellow
Jews. As we will see, this is very well documented, including by many
Jewish authors like Charles
Higham and
Lenni Brenner. In this way they have provided a horrific collaboration
with Nazism. But even fewer people realize that it is the Zionist Jews who won WWII, not the
so-called Allies, and that as a result of this victory,
they were finally able to trigger and even more horrific initiative to
damage the western world in order to dominate it, and dominate it more
easily through Judaizing the Vatican and creating a new
coalition that will become the JewZuit Power some 20 years
later. This is what we can call the Holocaust of Western
Civilization implemented in order to achieve their long-term strategy of world
domination. An attentive overview of the above three-level strategy of the Zionist Jews since
1871, aiming first at the creation of Israel, then at the creation of the Greater Israel, and
eventually at a Judaic One-World Government, all under the
deceptive and innocuous name of the
New World Order, leads us inevitably to a conclusion that is very
politically incorrect but nevertheless obviously and factually true: it is
the Zionist Jews who engineered and won WWII for their own
nefarious purposes. This wicked victory was then completed by incrementing
its power, and surreptitiously sheltering it under what became the JewZuit Power,
some 20 years later, through the
Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II
in 1965. However, already in 1945, the Zionist had achieved a type of solid
basic victory that open the way, for them, to dominate the whole world
through various means, including a necessary
Holocaust of Western Civilization. The Zionist-dominated mainstream
media carefully hide this furtive reality, and lead people to believe that WWII was
only a disaster for
the Jews, and cannot be considered
any kind of victory of the Zionists, as it is the war that incorporated the
Jewish Holocaust. But this is only a well engineered social
and cultural deception.
207.27 →
As we have heard from Theodor Herzl, none less than the founder of modern Zionism, the Jewish Holocaust was, as a strategy, the necessary sufferance of the Jews for the Zionists to become able to achieve their long term plans. In fact, as we have seen, historians, including many Jewish authors, have well documented the fact, now incontestable, that the it is the Jewish Zionist bankers who financed Hitler, while these Jewish bankers were clearly knowing that the Holocaust was taking place. These Jewish Zionist bankers, as followers of Herzl, provided their financing to Hitler because they knew that, without the Holocaust, the new State of Israel could never be created after the war. Consequently, the Zionist Jews have engineered and 'procreated' WWI for that specific purpose. And they managed to even win WWII engineered by them for that purpose. Of course, close to the end of WWII, the Zionists could not afford to let Hitler win the war, in particular when Hitler was in a winning position and started to offer peace treaties to countries like England, as Hitler represented the only world power at the time that was clearly anti-Zionist. The Zionist financed the Nazi Regime for the objective of the creation of Israel after the war, at the cost of the Holocaust against their own fellow Jews but, in the end, they had to maneuver to destroy that Nazi Regime. To achieve this final objective, they then pushed the USA into the war, through a now widely recognized false flag, called Pearl Harbor, associating the powerful USA to the powerful Soviet-Union, in order to destroy the Nazi Regime. The creation of this powerful new alliance was easy to achieve, as the Zionists were dominating entirely the Communist Regime of the Soviet-Union at that time, and already dominating most of the politics in the USA. This coalition brought a victory of the Allies that amounted in fact to a military victory of WWI by the Zionists who engineered the whole war, from its inception to its final completion.
207.28 →
What is important to understand is that this military aspect was only half of the Zionist victory, and not the most important half. The full engineering of WWII brought to the Zionist not only that kind of surreptitious military victory, but in particular an even more surreptitious anti-culture victory over the traditional Greco-Roman culture of the USA and of all the Western World. The WWII became, as somebody called it, a kind of "Talmudic Triumph of the Zionists over the Western Civilization", but not at all for the good of the western civilization. Just as Jewish Prime Minister Netanyahu , representing the extreme summit of Zionism, could say openly, in 2014, that 911, as the destruction of the two twin towers in New York, helped, and was still helping Israel, and just as Theodor Herzl could also say openly, in 1900, that more sufferance of the Jews would help the long term plans of the Zionists, WWII and its integrated Jewish Holocaust have helped the Jews tremendously, worldwide, in particular in the Western World. Because of their alleged sufferance, and ignoring the fact that this sufferance was financed by their own fellow-Jew Zionist bankers, the whole Western World reacted, emotionally and favorably, with not only facilitating the creation of Israel, but also facilitating the penetration and dominating influence of the Jews in politics, governments, banking, international finance, media, academia and all other important aspects of Western society since 1945, allowing Jews to do so in an inordinate proportion compared to their percentage of the population. Of course, all along that penetration, what the West did not realize is that the Zionist were taking advantage of this facilitation in order to better pursue their Talmudic Agenda of world domination. In light of their very small proportion of the population, and to reinforce their action, the Zionists also infiltrated the Catholic Church, and Judaized the Vatican clerics in great part, more than ever before, which led to the formation of the new JewZuit Power consolidated by the Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II in 1965.
207.29 →
What the West realized even less, is that to dominate and enslave the free Western World, for an eventual full Talmudic One-World Domination, the Zionists had to work to destroy its ancient traditional Greco-Roman values and its modern Christian values. People with strong ancient values and a culture of freedom and freethinking cannot be enslaved easily, if at all. This is where the Holocaust against Western Civilization comes into play as a major and necessary element of the Master Plan of global enslavement. In examining the current destruction of western values, we soon realize that our Western World was infiltrated, early on after WWII, and today like never before, by Zionists managing purposely all the destructive factors of the culture of the Western World. This includes the fields of the crappy and violent media and entertainment productions of the Judaic New Hollywood, the legalization of abortion even after birth, the promotion of degenerated sexuality and its related horrendous pornography, the distortion and reduction of love into bestial lust, the destruction of the natural united family, the annihilation of the cultural beauty of each nation within its traditional borders, the banishment of patriotism as a form of hate instead of a form of love, the dumbing down of education at all levels, the elimination of natural parenting, and first and foremost the push for a highly excessive and catastrophic multiculturalism through wild massive illegal immigration of inassimilable cultures and religions without due PISA process and contradicting the positive ProRacialist approach of an EthoCracy or TruthOcracy.
207.30 →
An attentive observation of the actuality, as exposed in many sections of this essay, and in dozens of excellent books of even Jewish authors, the Zionists are clearly acting in an undeniable dominant role behind all these destructive factors of western civilization, and they even brag openly about it, like typically Joel Stein about Hollywood. All these factors of destruction of the western civilization may be well synthetized, or symbolized, by the most flagrant, to most people, of these destructive phenomena, the growing rejection of a symbol of peace vs. the growing celebration of a symbol of mass massacre: The War on the Christmas Tree vs. The Celebration of the Menorah. But similar parallels can easily be established between other aspects of the destruction of the western civilization and what is being promoted by the new JewZuit Power. There is certainly such a parallel between the destruction of the beauty of the united natural family and the promotion of abortion, same-sex marriage and the degenerate sexuality pushed indirectly as models by the fully Judaized New Hollywood, and pushed even more directly, albeit stealthily, as the matrix of a deceiving political correctness by the fully Zionist-controlled mainstream media. There is certainly also another clear parallel between the destruction of the beautiful uniqueness and beauty of the culture of each nation and the promotion of massive inassimilable immigration without due PISA process, and excessive multiculturalism fomenting racism instead of a positive ProRacialism, by that same JewZuit Power. There is an even more profound and dangerous parallel between the very proactive promotion of the disappearance of the human gender, and the horrific Genocidal Engineering of the Male-man in order to render him less aggressive and more obedient to the current Talmudic Agenda of full enslavement, in preparation for the fast forthcoming One-World Government of collectivism based on totalitarian Fabian Socialism. All of these destructive factors are first and foremost a Jewish agenda of the Zionists, but an agenda that is now greatly facilitated by an extensively Judaized Vatican, and by the recent election of a Judaized Jesuit Pope bowing to Jewish Rabbis, Pope Francis, as the most relativistic pope the Catholic Church has ever had in two millennia, with his admitted "Inability To Judge", and thus his inability to lead and preserve the best of our western values. His immense contribution to the Holocaust of Western Civilization, let alone the possible destruction of the Catholic Church, through his important participation to the promotion of the Panthriskia, as a One-World Religion, will probably be fully recognized in very few years, if not only a few months, when it will probably be too late.
207.31 →
Again, the Zionist know that you cannot achieve world domination without enslaving people and, in turn, that you cannot enslave people who have a strong freewill coming from their ancient Greek Roots, have consolidated traditional and moral values, and have a patriotic approach to their nations. All of this must go. The resulting catastrophe for the Western World is the Zionist's anti-culture victory over that world. That anti-cultural victory was granted to them by the way they have surreptitiously won WWII. Of course, the Zionists do exactly the opposite, and none of this destructive work, in Israel itself, as their new Jewish State. For example, in Israel, abortion is very restricted to only special circumstances, same-sex marriage celebration is impossible, and immigration of a multiculturalist character without due PISA process is absolutely impossible, while the same Zionists outside Israel are the main promoters of these destructives factors in all the western world. In other words, the Zionists promote wild immigration without due PISA process in the western world, encouraging racism, while in Israel they are just about the most PISA compliant country in the world, and the most ProRacialist country in the world in order to harmonize the social texture of their population. In the meantime, along with that Zionist destructive process, and to reinforce the pursued enslavement of the populations to be dominated, these same Zionists use the system of Zionist-controlled central banks to proactively keep indebting both the peoples and the countries of the Western World. Since 1965, and the Vatican II Zionist Coup, they even do so with the good help of the Catholic Church, through the new JewZuit Power that has placed an impressive number of Jesuits in the top positions of many Zionist banks. Having a very relativistic, socialist and Jesuit Pope, in the person of New World Order Pope Francis, is further consolidating this Talmudic Agenda of world domination. People without strong cultural values, and full of debt, are much more easily enslaved, and they become the more docile subjects of the Totalitarian New World Order of Fabian Socialism pursued by the long term strategy of the older Zionists and the younger JewZuits. The combination of these two factors is what has caused the Holocaust of the Western Civilization taking place at the moment, as a prelude to what we will expose as a possible forthcoming Global Holocaust.
207.32 →
In short, the Zionists have not only engineered WWII, but also won WWII, both militarily and anti-culturally, for the purpose of their pursuit of world domination after the eventual creation of the Greater Israel. Consequently, since 1945, they have infiltrated all the centers of power of the Western World, and even conquered the Catholic Church, making it become a Judeo-Christian Church, with a growing Judeo character, more than ever before, and a correspondingly diminishing Christian character, less Christian than ever before, under Jesuit Pope Francis. The Western World, economically, politically, culturally, and religiously, has become Judaized and highly destructed in its best traditional values. And to ensure their final full domination, the Zionists who pursue it are, for now, at least temporarily, acting as the JewZuit Power, until they will feel strong enough to act eventually on their own, through a purely Judaic One-World Government based in Jerusalem as the capital of the pursued Greater Israel, and of the pursued totalitarian One-World Government of collectivism and Fabian Socialism. Of course, part of the new Greater Israel running the new one-world government will include invaded parts of surrounding countries like Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Greece. The forthcoming absorption of some Greek territory is well described in The LighHouse Of The East. What is happening today in Syria, in 2015, is also part of this Master Plan: destroy the country and force the bulk of its population out as refugees in order to make new space for annexing more territory for Greater Israel. The forced annexation of the Golan Heights from Syria after the Six-Day War, in 1981, was only a pre-taste of this process of completely dismantling Syria for the purposes of an eventual Greater Israel. According the the documents examined above, this is clearly what the New World Order is, for now, and what the forthcoming WWIII shall achieve, in the near future to complete this global Talmudic JewZuit Agenda.
207.33 →
This pursuit of a country for the Diaspora of the Jews, to be called Israel, and eventually a Greater Israel for world domination, has been a long-term objective of the Jews, dating back centuries, even millennia. As we have seen above, Jews have even pursued this objective through the financing of the persecution of their own fellow Jews during the period of the Holocaust in Hitler's Germany. This was used by the Zionist Jews as the "necessary sufferance" that would help the justification for the creation of the state of Israel. But this German episode is only one of the most recent ones among many other similar episodes of the Jews financing the persecution of their own fellow Jews in order to achieve this long-term objective. Another very notable example worth mentioning, is what happened some 500 years earlier, in Spain, even if it is a mostly unknown episode to most people. Nobody will ever find this Spanish episode in the most recent history books authored or edited by the main publishing houses of the last few decades, because the publishing houses of the contemporary culture are entirely dominated by Jews. In Spain of the the second half of the 1400s, Jews were massively persecuted and expelled to the point of constituting a previous mini-Holocaust. Most of them ended up in the the Balkans, mainly around the Thessalonica area of Northern Greece. Why? The pre-Zionist Jews wanted to create a country for themselves, to be called Israel, let alone also an eventual Greater-Israel. To do so, they needed to bring as many European Jews of the Diaspora as possible to a selected territory as close as possible to Palestine as a first step. The second step would be to bring as many Jews as possible to Palestine, in a territory centered around Jerusalem. That selected territory, for the first step, was chosen to be the one centered around Thessalonica in Northern Greece. With this purpose in mind, the pre-Zionist Jews then deceitfully offered money to the Kingdom of Spain to help them, the Jews, to achieve this objective, paying the Spanish Kingdom to persecute and expel the Jews from Spain, somewhat like they will do again, with Hitler, some 500 years later. The Kingdom of Spain easily abided to this desire of the Jews for 2 reasons. First, the Kingdom was not at all happy with the behavior of the Jews in Spain, involved mainly in unpleasant activities of exploitation as "Money Changers". Second, the Kingdom was short of money and badly wanted to finance the expedition of Christopher Colombo across the Atlantic. The Kingdom of Spain was anxious to finance expeditions across the Atlantic, with the hope they could possibly improve their finances and possibly even enrich themselves tremendously through such new explorations. In fact, these new explorations led to the "discovery" of what is called America today, by Colombo, in 1492. The issue here, in our context, is that, in the end, the money that Spain received from northern Jews to persecute and expel the Jews living in Spain and send them to Thessalonica was used by Spain to finance Colombo, creating a kind of mini-Holocaust on its path, but a Holocaust against Jews financed by other Jews, similar to the one that will happen some 500 years afterwards through Hitler being financed by Jews for persecuting the Jews of Germany and send them to Palestine.
207.34 →
This other Holocaust, of Jews financed by other Jews, happened through the so-called Alhambra Decree, as an Edict of Expulsion, issued on 31 March 1492. The Edict was issued by the joint two Catholic Monarchs of Spain, Isabella I of Castile, and Ferdinand II of Aragon. Half a million Jews were involved in either persecutions or the actual expulsion of this less known Holocaust. The money from the Jews had been already received, months earlier by the 2 Spanish monarchs. The decree was just a formalization of the persecutions that had already started, and of the expulsion that had to be enforced. The Kingdom had put aside some of the money for the expulsion of the Jews, but it deceitfully also had put aside the greater part of the money for the financing of the explorations of Colombo that were swiftly launched at the beginning of 1492.
207.35 →
There are two interesting side issues here that are nevertheless of interest in the context of this essay.
- First, as we will see further down, Spain did not really discover "America" by financing Colombo with some of the money received by Jews to expel the Jews, but only rediscovered it, after the Greek explorers, the Argonauts of Greece (around 1500BC) and previously the Pelasgians of Greece (more than 4000BC), had discovered that territory more than 5000 years ago without of course, calling it "America".
- Second, the Alhambra Decree of 1492 was only formally revoked in 1968, in the context of the Council of Vatican II that transformed the Jews From Enemy To Brother within the Catholic Church. This infamous Council was also the one that finally consecrated the full infiltration of the Catholic Church by the Zionist Jews, just like they have infiltrated the highest levels of political and economic power of most western countries. As such, it was the Vatican II Zionist Coup that transformed the Vatican into a Judeo-Christian territory and, as such, into an omnipotent instrument of power for the New World Order now run by we call, in the context of this essay, the JewZuit Power that is enslaving all of us today. With the fraudulent election of Pope Francis (as the third fraudulent one, following the two popes of the Council of Vatican II), and his following mainly the civilian and political UN Agenda instead of the traditional spiritual agenda of the Catholic Church, the JewZuits have now nearly completed the infiltration of any structure of governance, worldwide, that deserves the name of political power, including maybe the discretely most powerful one, the Vatican. Consequently, the JewZuits are getting very close to being able to finally achieve their long term objective of full world domination through the formation of the Greater Israel, most probably in the context of a forthcoming important war, possibly WWIII, and establish a One-World-Government, as a dictatorship of Fabian Socialism, with its capital in Jerusalem.
207.36 →
There are many good books confirming this destructive nature of the Judaized Western World. The best ones unfortunately are only in Greek, by Greek authors, as the Greeks are the ones who suffered the most, for thousands of years, from the actions of the Jews, or rather the actions of the JewZuit Power of both the Jews and the Christians, as their main rivals from a political and philosophical point of view. In English, we can suggest the following ones as a start:
- Neal Gabler, a Jew, wrote: "An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood".
- Michael Jones, a Jew, wrote: "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History".
- Dr. Kevin MacDonald, wrote: "The Culture of Critique: an Evolutionary Analysis of the Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements".
207.37 →
The Contributing Sources of the New JewZuit Power
In short, the main sources of the new JewZuit Power were well consolidated mainly by the Zionist coup at the Council of Vatican II in 1962, but this coup was brought up and reinforced by many other contributing factors before and after it. These other factors can be found in many historical documents, plans, projects or movements, like for example many of the historical facts that we expose in various parts of this essay, listed here below in an indicative chronological order:
- The Letter of Albert Pike to Mazzini (1871)
- The Lighthouse of the East (1897)
- The Protocols of the Elders (1903)
- The Writings of Theodor Herzl (1904)
- The Kalergi Plan (1922)
- The Holocaust of Western Civilization (1945)
- The Tavistock Institute (1946)
- The Vatican Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II (1962)
- The Writings of Russian dissident Bezmenov (1976)
- The Yinon Plan (1982)
- The NED: National Endowment for Democracy (1983)
- The PNAC Project (1997)
208.01 →
The JewZuit cabal, in spite of the clear progress made through their alliance over the last five decades, still faced two strongly growing obstacles that could jeopardize its final success. These two enemies, of the new JewZuit Cabal, are first the recent growth and revival of the fundamentalist culture of the Muslim world on the one side, and, second, on the other side, the disturbing persistence of strong remnants of the basic democratic culture permeating the USA/EU countries. This USA/EU base of democratic culture goes against the dictatorial Collectivism and Fabian Socialism that the JewZuit coalition wants to implement.
208.02 →
The Zionist Jews are few in number and cannot face the immense Muslim community of the world on their own. Associated with Catholicism, they have much better chances of achieving their objectives. On the other hand, the two new associates, in the form of the new JewZuit Power, with its dictatorial objectives, cannot afford to be bothered by the remnants of the democratic culture that still permeates the main countries they want to enslave.
209.01 →
On the one side, in order to face the difficulties and dangers represented by the democratic world, the JewZuit elites have used a brilliant two-prong strategy, over the last half century. First they reinforced and associated themselves, more and more every year, with non-democratic and powerful China. Second, they promoted illegal immigration without due PISA process from mostly non-democratic countries in order to dilute all western democratic values, while driving down local salaries and balkanizing the local population for its easier enslavement.
209.02 →
China, as the main authoritarian super-power in the world at the moment, is strongly sought by the JewZuit cabal as an ally in order to progressively debase and enslave more easily the bulk of the western US/EU world depending more and more every year on China for its economic survival. This side of the strategy involves the offshoring of the best productive western jobs to China and the massive import of less reliable, but also much cheaper industrial products that western populations were mentally engineered to want and to accept. These products are spontaneously wanted because they are cheaper, but they break more easily and have to be rebought more often, hopefully through debt and various forms of enslaving financing. In turn, this external offshoring of jobs involved the inevitable consequences of the debasing of most western jobs in terms of levels of salary and quality control. Over the last three decades, from the point of view of industrial production, the United States of America has become the United States of China. Whatever we hear from the members of the "Repucratic" and "Demoblican" parties, acting as identical twins from the point of view of who commands them in the background, let alone from their mouthpieces of the presstitute mainstream media attempting to deny it, should not prevent people from seeing clearly this harsh and deceiving reality.
209.03 →
In addition, this well concerted enslavement plan, based on offshoring external help, was reinforced internally, by accepting massive illegal immigration without due PISA process of unqualified workers ready to accept much lower salaries. The consequences of this barbarian invasion was to force local workers to also gradually accept lower salaries. As a final result, the plan would create more unemployed workers and more welfare recipients, thus create the desired result of more enslavement on the part of more people in front of the correspondingly growing JewZuit Power of the state.
209.04 →
The strategy is that all workers would have lower salaries, lower quality products to be replaced and re-purchased more often, thus, in the end, more expensive standards of living and more enslavement through the financial institutions managed at the exclusive advantage, and for the maximum profit of the JewZuit cabal.
210.01 →
Conversely, to face
the difficulties and dangers of their second enemy, the mounting fundamentalism of the Muslim
world, the JewZuit Power has decided to reinforce the weaker
Sunni side
of Islam, against the
stronger Shiite side, through initiatives of faked democracy promotion like the
great lie of the democratic
Arab Spring, knowing that
Sunni and the Shiites hate each other, and hoping to bring them to fight each other and hopefully
eventually neutralize each other. This is the
old strategy of the famous “Divide to Conquer”.
210.02 →
At the same time, it is being used by the JewZuit Power as the "useful idiot", through policies of encouragement to massive Muslim immigration without due PISA process into the western world, in order to dilute all its values, and debase its overly democratic culture and more traditional ProRacialist approach in terms of homogeneity of its populations. The holy book of the Quran followed by must Muslims does not even have a word to describe with we call democracy, and this serves well the JewZuit objectives of enslavement. These strategies regarding Islam are pushed mainly by the Jewish side of the JewZuit cabal. If they succeed, Islam would then become both an insignificant or irrelevant enemy externally, worldwide, and an internal "useful" ally on the JewZuit course to enslave the main western world. When the late, former Prime Minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto addressed Hillsdale College (September of 2002), she explained that America symbolizes modernity, diversity, and democracy, and that democracy is “the worst fear” of the Islamic world. Islam thus becomes an important ally of the JewZuits, knowingly or not on the part of the Muslims, in order for the JewZuits to destroy democracy and install an enslaving regime of Fabian Socialism in the western world.
210.03 →
And this Islamic neutralization and enslavement is vital even for Israel itself, as the Zionists know that the Palestinian Hamas Charter states clearly that "Israel will exist, and will continue to exist, only until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it". But Israel, as the main center of world Zionism, has now the help of New World Order Pope Francis.
210.04 →
Israel is now using the integrated global JewZuit Power to bring in even the Catholic Church as a powerful ally in facing the Muslims, to the point that there appears to be secret negotiations going on at the moment to hand the control of the Mount Zion to the Vatican. This would have been inconceivable only a few years ago, but is now possible because of the new JewZuit Alliance. The Catholic Church already controls most religious sites in Jerusalem, but not yet Mount Zion. And the new pope Francis is said to be strongly pushing for the success of this project. After all, if it succeeds, not only will the Vatican be grateful, but Israel and the Vatican are part of the same new world JewZuit Power and the Muslim world could not be neutralized by only the Zionist side of that power.
210.05 →
If the project succeeds, this JewZuit alliance will be much stronger to face the overall Muslim danger. Neutralizing this Muslim world power through reinforcing the Sunni-Shiite conflict on the one side, and reinforcing the JewZuit alliance on the other, will certainly allow the JewZuit Power much more facility in attaining its overall One-World Government objective under its exclusive command.
211.01 →
But, quite unexpectedly, on this otherwise easy course for world enslavement, the JewZuit cabal also faces the sudden reinforcement of the Christian-non-Catholic culture at the moment, represented by the growing influence of the new Russia and its powerful leader Vladimir Putin. The JewZuit Power thought its strategy of enslavement was doing well since the collapse of the Soviet-Union in 1991, as it felt it was operating in an unipolar world, but they now face the possibility of having to deal with a new bipolar world situation because of Russia. Putin sees the USISEU (USA-Israel-EU) as the new Axis of Evil trying to enslave the world into the NWO. Putin, as a president, enjoys a popularity rating of over 85% in his country, which is by very far the highest rate of any western president. As such, he certainly will not accept at all, in his own country, the enslaving debasement of moral and social values promoted by the NWO. He will not accept to be easily subverted at home, in Russia. He will not either accept easily that this USISEU Axis of Evil surround Russia with the various faked "Color Revolutions" of the NWO in his own background, in confining countries, nor in farther strategic countries considered important allies or friends, like Ukraine, Syria and Iran. Consequently, as we will see further down, not being JewZuitly Correct, Putin is, and will be, constantly provoked and attacked by the axis of the NWO until he is probably eliminated, at least politically, but even physically if necessary.
211.02 →
While the globalists were hoping to associate undemocratic China to their
global enslavement plans in the USA and in the EU,
Putin was also trying to
associate himself to China for the exact opposite, for fighting the the
NWO within the
context of the creation of the
EEU and a new world monetary organization opposing the FMI, including
with a brand new form of money to replace the dollar as the world reserve
currency, possibly called the Altyn, to be implemented with
a solid backup in gold between 2015 and 2025. Until
recently, if it were not for Russia as the new disturber of the
NWO, the JewZuit
globalists really thought that China was to become their best potential ally so far.
After all, for the globalists, China represents the best successful example
of the new capitalism wanted by the New World Order that is
enslaving all of its people: the best
accomplished synthesis between capitalism and socialism. The globalists have
tried to achieve a transfer of world power from the USA to
China since the visit of Rockefeller in
China in 1973. They have tried ever since to transform the
USA into a kind of new China. In an article titled "From
a China Traveler", which appeared in the New York Times on August 10
1973, Rockefeller wrote: "The social experiment in
China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most successful in
history", in spite of clearly knowing that Mao's "Great
Leap Forward" had been responsible for at least 50 million
deaths already at that point, not to mention brutal repression, mass
starvation and torture of millions of others for achieving his so-called
successful social experiment. All of this is well documented in the
book of Stéphane Courtois in his book titled "The
Black Book of Communism". In addition, as Brzezinski said in his book of 1997,
The Grand Chessboard: “…how America `manages’
Eurasia is critical. Eurasia
is the globe’s largest continent and is geopolitically axial. A power that
dominates Eurasia would control two of the world’s three most advanced and
economically productive regions. …About 75 per cent of the world’s people
live in Eurasia". So far Russia's new strategy seems to be winning over
strategy. Consequently the old Latin strategy of
conquer is being resurrected and
very proactively used by the JewZuit Power to fight against Russia at the moment, typically in
places like
Syria and
Ukraine, using the
EU as a servile
acolyte, in order to provoke Russia to start a
new major war that hopefully will neutralize completely this growing new
EEU as a power
that Russia aspires to command. If the provocation against Russia works out,
then the JewZuit Power will be able to also enslave more easily that rebellious ex-soviet part of the world,
along with all its satellite countries.
By the same token, in front of the growing successes of Putin, the JewZuits
are trying to counteract by encircling both Russia and China with a growing
number of NATO military bases in order to deter them from acting against the
interests of the
USISEU axis. This is the difficult game being played at the
moment on
The Grand Chessboard that
Brzezinski was writing about.
211.03 →
The Russia of Putin, contrary to the EU and the USA that are under the direct and strict control of the banksters and of the overall JewZuit Power at the moment, is pro-family, pro-life, pro-civility based on what is left in their country of the best of the Christian values, pro-truth information, pro small taxation etc. In short, Russia is proposing a lifestyle and a political system for its citizens that is the exact opposite of what is being pursued for the rest of the citizens of the western world. Russia does not do it because of any active ambition of expansionism, but only because of what it was, what it represents at the moment, and what it chose to before in the future on the basis of her best history. In short, Russia represents the anti globalization that is being forcefully pushed at the EU and the USA through the JewZuit USISEU alliance that Russia sees as the Axis of Evil. Russia is disturbing globalization and consequently has to be destabilized, and its current political power decimated, if at all possible, and replaced by a JewZuit one. Russia is a threat, an enemy, or certainly being a bad example for the rest of the governments of the western world that is already well under the grip of enslavement of the JewZuit Power. The same JewZuit Power that is enslaving so well the western world at the moment is aiming at a worldwide enslavement, and thus cannot allow the bad example of a growing new area power working against the new world trend they want to impose. This is the Wolfowitz Doctrine formulated soon after the fall of the Soviet Union, in 1992, but still valid today. This is why Russia is being attacked so violently at the moment, Putin in particular as a pusher of the traditional values coming from the best of what is left of the Christian tradition. In Ukraine for example, Putin has never intended to invade the country, like the USA has done in more than 20 countries over the last two decades, but only to protect the Russophile citizens of Eastern Ukraine from being enslaved by the JewZuit Power of the EU.
211.04 →
In turn, for all of us caught in the middle, this should mean that Russia can be a good example for the citizens of the rest of the western world who do not want the JewZuit enslavement through DDD and the decadent lifestyle of the Pussy Riots and gay parades promoted as ideal entertainment in the west. One day, once well integrated within the EU and subjugated by the FMI, and once enslaved to misery economic level through debt-money, like Greece is, and fully debased in all its best cultural and social values, the part of Ukraine that will join the EU will probably regret dearly not to have followed Putin instead of the EU bureaucrats of the JewZuit Power. But it will be too late. Until Putin lasts, Russia should be a better point of reference than the EU, both economically and culturally, for appreciating what is best for our own future and freedom within the western world.
212.01 →
This dangerous strategy might even lead to a possible WWIII that might also create major damage to both the US and the EU in the process, if not destroy a big part of both. However, this damage is not only a secondary consideration, and a necessary part of the overall strategy, but it would play fully to the full advantage of the JewZuit Power. In fact, it is mainly through wars that the JewZuits have made, and still make most money, through world wars in particular, as the first two world wars have clearly demonstrated, through financing both sides during the aggressions, and financing afterwards the necessary reconstruction, in each country involved, using their illegitimately created debt-money in terms of both capital and interests. And they can do this huge immoral financing most easily as the can create money out of nothing through the system of central banks.
212.02 →
In fact, one cannot not notice that we never had world wars before the creation of the JewZuit central banks system allowing their most easy financing and the incredible profits of the financers. All wars are bankers wars and all major wars are banksters wars... Wars means huge profits for the bankers financing these wars and the following reconstruction. This is why the military complex of the most important countries has been brought to an extreme level of development. This huge military complex then has to create enemies, if and when it does not already have some ready to fight against. This is the only way it can have a justification for its growth and survive growing ever further. If it were not for the inappropriate intervention of the bankers in the background, the military complex could finally play its legitimate role which should only be a defensive one, with a growth being admissible only in front of a growing threat from an external enemy. Then the complicit media of the presstitutes cover these war scams as if they were normal routine activity, or even humanitarian interventions to promote democracy, instead of working for exposing the falsity of the war justifications used by the politicians and their financing bankers, and the consequent military scams, working for peace instead of for war, like all good journalists should. Fortunately, history has taught us that all empires fall when they get over militarized and extend themselves to the point of collapse. Again probably only repeated history will safe us from the over militarization of the western world and its aggression on the rest of the world. We should not count on journalists or politicians anymore to save ourselves, let alone their bankers in the background.
212.03 →
Furthermore, on the basis of the Wolfowitz Doctrine, formulated by a former president of the World bank, and ex Secretary of Defense, when one wants a One-World government, like the JewZuits do, one cannot anymore have super-powers of various sizes being formed and spread over the planet, like Russia or China, but only one's own unique world power. For now, a WWIII might just come to help this overall JewZuit objective of worldwide domination and enslavement through what Russia calls the USISEU Axis of Evil.
213.01 →
After all these efforts, and after all the related wars, resulting most likely in a weak US, a weak EU, a weak Russia and a weak Muslim world, the new JewZuit Power, associated with a strong authoritarian country like maybe China, and a stronger Catholic side, shall finally be able to achieve its full and final success for enslaving the rest of us, worldwide, through a new form of Collectivism and a One-World government of a clear matrix of Fabian Socialism, along with a new One-World currency of their own creation and exclusive management, to replace the quickly failing petro-dollar as the world reserve currency.
213.02 →
The key to understand what is contemplated is the fact that the JewZuit Power is not tightly attached to anyone country in particular, but spread like an octopus through all sorts of world institutions. Weakening, or even collapsing, useful idiots like the taxpayers of the USA and/or the EU in the process of implementing their global strategy is no major issue if it is necessary for attaining their final objective. This plan is what is usually simply called, in a softly and misleading way, for public disinformation purposes, the New World Order.
214.01 →
This is the
JewZuit Power hypothesis
Master Plan. We insist however that to have this plan clearly in mind
the clear understanding that the Ultra and Infra Layers of JewZuits are not necessarily
attached to any particular country, like the US or China. Its members are
spread in a network of key positions over and above such countries,
including over supra-national organizations like the EU, like the cloud of a
powerful storm.
214.02 →
The JewZuits operate like a dangerous Wi-Fi environment of stealthy ultraviolet and infrared waves over all these components, be it China, the USA or the EU, not to mention the UN. The countries involved are only the useful pieces of a world chessboard. All and each of these pieces can be sacrificed in due time, if and when necessary, in order to achieve a final checkmate situation of world enslavement through a form of totalitarian Collectivism that has a clear matrix of Fabian Socialism.
214.03 →
In the same manner, all Judeo-Christians of the two branches of the JewZuit Power can be sacrificed if necessary, and in fact a wide number of them, those who are seen as not NWO compliant, are already being growingly vilified and will be eliminated eventually if necessary, either as persons or as organizations. By the same token, other groups, like the New Age movement, is being infiltrated and tentatively used to serve the objectives of the New World Order that shall be a synthesis between the ex USSR and the current USA.
214.04 →
The books of
Antony Sutton, "America's Secret
Establishment" (An Introduction to the Order of Skulls and
Bones, and of
Constance Cumbey, "Hidden
Dangers of the Rainbow" (The New Age Movement and our Coming
Age of Barbarism), are very revealing of this global Master Plan. If it wins, the
JewZuit Power will
have won independently of the apparently catastrophic final state of any of the countries or
organizations that it will have used for achieving its global objective.
215.01 →
Most interestingly, this
Master Plan
seeks to achieve the final victory for
hegemony of the Judeo-Christian culture over Hellenism, or over the ancient Greek
EL culture of freedom and freethinking that has given us in inheritance the
best of our western civilization. This is, after all, what has been pursued
by the Judeo-Christians now for at least two
215.02 →
In other
words, this essay will demonstrate that the western history of the
last two millennia can be summarized in a fight for world hegemony between four
main cultures: the Greek, the Jewish, the Christian and the Muslim cultures.
216.01 →
An objective of world enslavement can only have, as
its worse enemy, a culture of freedom and freethinking. The Greek culture is
thus the unfortunate fundamental
obstacle in this long fight for Judeo-Christian hegemony as it is the one that was known, and
is still known, to this day, in most of the world, by most people, to have
given us everything that we describe in the western world with the word
“Civilization”, and such other magnificent words like "Freedom" and
"Freethinking". This Greek
EL culture includes,
as achievements, the creation of philosophy, education, science and democracy,
not to mention harmonious artistic work and music. Furthermore, it is the unfortunate
obstacle of the Judeo-Christians in this fight not because it ever constituted a dominant force exerted
by any political power over other cultures or nations, but only because of
the appeal of its obvious superiority in what it was, and for what it
achieved, over the three other ones, because of its beautiful nature of
freedom, freethinking, justice and democracy, as values that are resented
and annihilated by the 3 other
main western cultures seeking enslavement.
216.02 →
The three
other cultures (Jewish, Christian and Muslim) reacted like jealous partners in front of that
Hellenic EL
beauty, and
like frustrated competitors, because of its values of freethinking,
democracy and beauty. As we will see in details further down, in front of this, these 3 other cultures certainly tried to
affirm their own authoritarian superiority through prevailing political
power, with accompanying
DDD (Dogma, Debt and Despair), over the
other one, over the Greek EL
216.03 →
216.04 →
216.05 →
virtual hope of the Sons of
the Starry Heavens and Gaia for
ELania expansion -
The only element of hope in the terrible current Greek crisis
217.01 →
If the present course of history is not disturbed soon by some major new cultural movement, the JewZuit Power will finally dominate the world and enslave all of us completely. The first sign of this hegemony can be seen in the fact that Greece has been the first western country to be attacked and enslaved to the JewZuit Power. Another sign is the advent of a "black Pope", or a Jesuit, for the first time in history, as a replacement for the regular "white pope", and the closer association of this black pope with the Judaic world power, like never before in world history. The sanctification of two recent popes clearly confirms this. Before Council Vatican II (1962/65), led by Pope John XXIII, one of the two popes just made saints, the Catholic Church operated on the official basis of a complete separation, and a firm dogmatic "No-Alliance", between the Old Testament associated with the Jews, and the New Testament associated with the Catholics. As seen above, the Council of Vatican II, led by pope Saint John XXIII, eliminated that separation, making the Jew going "From Enemy to Brother", and the other new saint, Pope John-Paul II, even declared, while in Mainz, in Germany, in 1980, that “The Ancient Alliance between the Old and the New Testament was never dismissed by God”.
217.02 →
This was practically a dogmatic heresy of John Paul II, on the basis of all previous councils, but also an important sign of a new rapprochement between the two parts of the new JewZuit Power. As we will see, this rapprochement is just too well confirmed by the unusually friendly relationship of the new Jesuit Pope Francis with the secular power of the Zionists and, as a Jesuit, with the two sides of the secular power of the new JewZuit Power. The regular pope, Benedict XVI, who was disturbing this rapprochement, and wanted the return of many aspects of the Catholic church to the pre council dogmatic basis, including the traditional Latin mass, was quickly and nicely ousted out. In other words, the new JewZuit Power is now fully in charge of even the Vatican.
217.03 →
Other vivid signs of our growing enslavement by the strategy of the new
JewZuit Power are what we can see now in the fast-coming
economic collapse of the USA and the EU that will play fully into the hands
of the new JewZuit Alliance, the growing aggressiveness of the
two sides of the Muslim culture, Sunni and
Shia, against each other and against the western
world, the provocation of, or rather to, the non-Catholic Christian
Russia, and the
Arab Spring, not to
mention the disinformation leading the political moves against
Syria and
Iran, and the contemporary guided systematic destruction by the
JewZuit Power
of all our western values that used to have their foundation in the
beautiful ancient EL Greek culture of freedom and freethinking, the one of
the "Idea Exchangers" instead of in
the culture of the "Money Changers" of the new world elite of Judeo-Christian
218.01 →
But, as we will see in Part II of this essay, there are ways to fight this new JewZuit Power, and most democratically, in order to neutralize it, through the implementation of a comprehensive set of democratic reforms, that we call the EthoCracy Reform Package, and the related birth of a new culture of what we call ELJSM.
218.02 →
The combination of these factors would create the critical weight of a positive change toward freedom, with a positive domino effect on all aspects of our life.
3 -
By "Best" enslavement, we mean of course the most successful from the point of view of the masters. From the point of view of the enslaved people concerned, we mean of course the "Worst" possible kind of enslavement.
301.01 →
It should already be quite obvious that this essay is essentially about our growing enslavement through Collectivism, which is a form of totalitarian Fabian Socialism. The concept will become clearer with further reading, but it is important to make a first attempt to expose its basic meaning at the very outset of this essay. This form of enslavement does not use brutal force, like it happened in the past with all previous forms of slavery in the history of humanity. It uses mainly three subtle and surreptitious means, deployed in a smooth progressive way: 1) extreme legislation, 2) excessive taxation and 3) fearsome disinformation. This is what we call the DDD process. The first two tools, extreme legislation and excessive taxation, can become quite spontaneously obvious to most people attentive to what is happening to their lives. The third tool, disinformation, is a form of social engineering that is specifically designed not to be at all spontaneously obvious to most people and, as such, the most pernicious and dangerous tool. This most powerful tool of fearful disinformation is even brought-in completely deceitfully through massive multimedia entertainment of a tragically debasing nature, downgrading or annihilating all of our best traditional values, somewhat like the debasing entertainment that the Roman Empire used in its Coliseums in order to better maintain its enslaving power over its various collectivities.
301.02 →
Fabian Socialism is a political doctrine that was formalized only in the
1800s when, among other things, it laid, for example, the foundation of European
Labor Parties, like the one of Tony Blair appearing in the
picture to the left, but it has a much older origin. It is very
similar in nature to red Communism, or to black Fascism, in that it aims at controlling
populations in a totalitarian way, on either the left or the right side of
the political spectrum. However, Fabian Socialism is very different from
Communism or
Fascism in its ways of implementation. In fact, the difference in
implementation is the major one, and the only major one, with its red or black versions. Both
Communism and Fascism are a force of Collectivism, and they both use force
in their implementation, a brutal force that can become immediately obvious
to most attentive people. Fabian Socialism is also a force of full
Collectivism, but implemented with wiser means, using subtle infiltration and
progressive social engineering in its enforcement process. However, if we want to
condense the nature of this type of socialism in one word, Collectivism is that word, as our real common enemy
in its various forms behind the
scene. Its particular form of Fabian Socialism is the most efficient and powerful way
to implement it, as it can be done without people quite realizing it until
it is too late, using covert destructive forces from within. Like
Lenin said, one needs to crack eggs to make and eat an
omelet, and this is what both communists and fascists will typically do,
including the so-called “progressists”, which is only the new code name
used for the communists. To
the contrary, the Fabian Socialists will eat the same eggs, but by hardening them
innocuously, simply leaving them in plain sun heat in open sunlight until
they crack on their own. In the
end, all forms of Collectivism aim at controlling fully a collectivity, or
an aggregate of people, debasing its values to the lowest common
denominator, in order to enslave the collectivity more easily, as an obedient majority,
for serving the selfish purposes of a commanding minority, regardless of
whatever cost there may be for the subjugated majority.
301.03 →
This is the kind of controlled
society that Fabian Socialists like George Orwell and
Aldous Huxley have
predicted was coming, in their books, “Nineteen Eighty-Four”
(written in 1949) and "A Brave New World"
(written in 1932). Or again the type
of WWIII predicted by Fabian Socialists Albert
Pike and
Mazzini which would usher a
New World Order with a
One-World Government, a One-World Currency, and a
One-World Religion where
the State takes the place of God. What these Luciferian minds have predicted was
coming, years ago, is already nearly entirely our reality today. The book "1984" of
Orwell is, 30 years later, the
2014 of today, and the accomplishment of Huxley's prediction that "The
serfs will learn to love their servitude". Millions have already been
made dependent on the government as serfs by design. This type of
WWIII is now in its full
development, not to say deployment.
301.04 →
Ostrowski is closely linked to Ron Paul, through the Liberty Movement for which movement Ostrowski had also written Direct Citizen Action. This is a kind of manual formulating possible concrete actions to be taken by citizens who want to regain their liberty in front of a progressively totalitarian government. We ourselves, in Part II of this essay, will suggest what we pretend to be even better democratic solutions to this kind of enslavement. Ron Paul in turn has written End The Fed, as an excellent book to understand the senselessness, and even the criminality under the Constitution, of the way money is currently being created as debt instead of asset, and only for the purpose of enriching the private cabal creating it, and enslaving the taxpayers to reimburse that debt-money uselessly through the forceful intervention of their elected governments that are themselves enslaved, or subservient to the cabal creating the debt-money. A more proper title of his book, extrapolating the problem at world level, should have been "End the Cabals of Private Central Banksters". Today, in 2014, because of the foul play of the central banksters, there is so much debt accumulated, by both countries and peoples, that, according to the Washington Post, the 90% are poorer than they were in 1987, while the top 10% is richer than ever. Knowing what the Washington Post is, and whose interests it protects, one can probably legitimately replace its 90% by a 99%, and its 10% by a 1%, along with its 1987 by a 1977, in terms of purchasing power, without the risk of making any serious mistake about how ridiculous and dramatic the current situation of most of us really is.
301.06 →
The new money is so much created as pure debt-money by the cabals of private central banks, as opposed to as debt-free asset-money by governments, that if there was no more debt left all of a sudden, there would practically be no more money left around. In the meantime, that increasing bad debt-money is created to exist all in terms of good credit-money for the rich private cabals that have created the debt-money. This is the ridiculous situation in which Fabian Socialism and Progressivism have led the western world, if not the whole world, and a situation that can only lead to a global financial collapse. However, even in the case of a global collapse, the rich private cabals that have created the debt-money will not loose much of anything because they will, as usual during serious financial crisis, acquire most of the real-estate property of the persons in debt during the collapsing process. In fact, they will become richer than before, as their wealth will be in real assets, that is rather real-estate assets, as opposed to only fictitious electronic assets. This is thus a perfect strategy of global enslavement that we have been socially engineered to accept as normal. But this situation is not normal. It is most unfair to the 99% and even highly criminal on the part of the 1%. It must end, and can end, quite easily, and even very democratically by adopting the reforms of Part II of this essay, neutralizing the new JewZuit Power, and making our society go "From Democracy To EthoCracy", or "From Slavery Downwards To Slavery Upwards".
302.01 →
The main tools for this objective are first and foremost the break down of
families, nation and education. As for families, the
Master Plan is well advanced, as most children today are either born out of
wedlock, or live with only a mother, unmarried or separated. Of course, this
leaves the road free for the state to claim the
302.03 →
302.04 →
As a result, our first world is full in
material richness, and poor in spiritual richness, while it is the opposite
for many parts of the third world. But material richness without spiritual richness is no
richness, certainly no
advancement, if not a monstrous type of advancement that needs to be
corrected through appropriate reforms, like the ones of the
EthoCracy Reform Package that are exposed in
Part II of this essay.
As for education, the book of
Charlotte Iserbyt,
a senior policy advisor in the Office of Educational Research and
Improvement of the American Department of Education, titled "The
Deliberate Dumbing Down of America", is most revealing, and
certainly applies, mutatis mutandis, to most of the western world, not just
America. The other book coauthored by Alex Newman and
Samuel Blumenfeld, titled
Crimes of the Educators, also stresses the dumbing
down of all western education even if it is centered more specifically on
the disastrous effects of the Common Core in America. Similarly, the film "State Of
Mind: The Psychology Of Control" (DVD), produced by
Lie, supervised by
Richard Grove,
exposing the various mind control methods being used to turn our once
brilliant freethinking students and citizens into obedient sheep, is
another useful tool to comprehend why most of us have been dumbed down to
accept the JewZuit New World Order of the forthcoming
One-World Government.
Grove's other DVD, "Weapons Of Mass
Instruction", produced on the basis of the work of
John Taylor Gatto, is also another key instrument to deepen
this subject. Interestingly enough, Grove and Gatto, in that series
'Weapons of Mass Instruction', as two first class intellectuals of high
level, formally recognized as such by various organizations, affirm and
demonstrate clearly that the education of the western world has been, and
is, deliberately dumbed down, as a clear conspiracy
reality, in order to create more easily the
totalitarian New World Order.
302.05 →
302.06 →
302.07 →
Master Plan is crowned by the horrific
UN Agenda 21 that, although unknown to most people, is forced
stealthily on all of us for a stronger control of the population
through controlling resources of food, water, land and seeds into the hands
of the JewZuit corporations, to the point that many people are in danger, in many
countries already, of being sent to jail for not using Monsanto GMO seeds
for their plantations, or even for simply growing their own private food for free,
in a private house garden, with natural, not GMO-modified, seeds of the type
that have fed humanity successfully for millennia.
302.08 →
AGENDA 21 AND POPE FRANCIS - This kind of overall
agenda, fully backed by an organization like the UN, even promoted openly by the UN,
is not even resisted in what seem to be some of its gross extrapolations,
like massive world depopulation, while the UN is an organization that is supposed to have been created for the good of
humanity. This is shameful to say the least, not to say a possible complicity in
a spectrum of covert crimes against humanity. And the New World
Order Pope Francis has given his benediction to this Luciferian
project at the General Assembly of the UN in September
2015, with a formal endorsement of this project integrated into the
UN document defining the Post 2015 Agenda of the UN
until 2030 (“Transforming
our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”). This
has amounted to formal benediction of Pope
Francis to the New World Order and its fake
sustainable development goals (SDGs) in their worst
aspects, including the pursuit not only of a One World Government
and a One World Currency, but also a One-World
Religion as the Panthriskia,
or a kind of
JudiChrIslam, that he is discretely pursuing along with the more
explicit efforts of his good friend, the Jewish Zionist ex President of
Israel, Shimon Peres, and his even
closest friend and stronger promoter of that new universal religion,
Bartholomew I, the Patriarch of the Orthodox Church of Istanbul. As
such Francis is the most eminent promoter of t
302.09 →
302.10 →
In the meantime, where is the UN to defend all of us, worldwide, if
our own national countries will not do it because of the political
corruption hiding behind all these destructive schemes? With all the immense privileges that we pay for,
in order
to maintain these organizations,
through taxation, for the lavish maintenance of the related castes of
unelected officials involved, this is the least that the top level, the
UN, and its
main accomplices, like the most deceptive
anti-democratic EU, should do on our behalf, fighting to
prevent these
covert crimes against humanity. But not only are these higher levels not
resisting this overall horrific agenda on our behalf, they are too often
pushing it as their own collectivist agenda, against our best interests, or
certainly, too often, appear to be doing so. In light of what we pay, for the
gross privileges of these castes, even only appearing to be doing
so is totally inadmissible, let alone being part of it. In view of their
clear inefficiency in defending us, and their possible connivance, maybe time has come to
seriously reconsider the poor intelligence and the false legitimacy of financing the luxurious privileges
of all the levels of unelected castes involved in that horrific agenda of
a clear "New World Disorder".
If we do not stop this evil agenda, our
grandchildren will soon be all the slaves of the UN elite, replacing our
national country with the omnipotent UN, God with a UN-subservient JewZuit
government, and our beautiful families with a regimented debased school
claiming the property of our children.
303.01 →
4 -
401.01 →
JewZuit Power is a shapeless power, working faceless an anonymously,
without official institutions in its own name.
The entire apparatus of the
JewZuit Power of the
New World Order is mostly
in the public domain, "well hidden in plain sight" to the inattentive public
eye. The Jesuits have
unique characteristics to ensure they can easily be involved, and
should be involved, behind world power.
they are the only monastic order that forms and divides its
senior levels into areas of
specialization of non-religious activities, as the "chosen soldiers" to
lead all these chosen secular areas of human activity. Consequently, each one is assigned the task of getting
proactively involved with key
people in
his area of expertise, meeting with these people, and influencing
them, in a fashion
that his relationship with them seems completely natural.
Second, they are
the only monastic order authorized to live in hiding, whenever useful, for
their infiltration purposes, without the Jesuit
uniform. Third, they are also the only
monastic order authorized, in fact commanded, to get involved in financial
and banking businesses. Forth, they are the
only monastic order that has at its foundation not only an
evangelical mission but, first and foremost, an ideology of totalitarian Fabian Socialism. As
such, they can jump, and should jump, as discretely as possible, into the key positions of all those
sectors of secular activity. They must also do so whenever they can, in full
commanding positions. On the basis
of these four unique characteristics, they infiltrate all
institutions of power, like a virus, or rather like a parasite, making all
these institutions work for their own role and for their own obscure purposes
of global enslavement of both peoples and nations to ensure the supremacy of
the secular interests of the Vatican, under the cover of the alleged
supremacy of the Catholic Church. Zionist Jews have an
identical strategy of infiltration, not because they are necessarily trained as such
this time, like the Jesuits, but because their religion, their Talmud in
particular followed more specifically by most Zionists, teaches them from
childhood that they are the "chosen race"
meant to command the world and to have all the other races as their
servants, in order to ensure the supremacy of their role as world
moneylenders. On the other hand, the Zionists, contrary to the other common Jews, but similar to
the Jesuits, also have at the
foundation of their movement, the ideology of totalitarian Fabian Socialism
pursuing the enslavement of all non-Jews as their Goyims
(usually interpreted, at best, as 'human cattle'), in other words
as their slaves. This has been well recognized, even explicitly sometimes, by some of the most
prominent Rabbis of Jewry, even if most Rabbis will encourage Zionists to
exercise their power discretely whenever possible, or even indirectly by the
use of puppets, like Marrano Jews or even crypto-Jews. To the Zionists, all the non-Jews are called
"Gentiles". For example, the former chief Sephardic rabbi of Israel, the
famous Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, as the spiritual head of the powerful
Shas Party, and one of
the Israeli Prime Minister's closest allies, said it once explicitly:
"The only purpose of Gentiles on Earth is to serve Jews". In short, both the Jesuits and the Zionists have a clear sense of
superiority and supremacy, even if it is from an entirely different source,
but both have Fabian Socialism at their base. As
a result, when it
attacks, from either side of the resulting two-headed dragon-cabal, the
JewZuit Power does it like a stealth fighter war plane, practically
undetectable by the radar of any normal frontend public institution, or the
attention of any person not seeing the "enemy hidden in plain sight". As
such, the JewZuit Power is the most prevailing and stealthy
form of power that exists in the world at the moment, controlling in hiding
all world politics, world economy, world information, and in particular the
ugly debasing culture being pushed at all of us, worldwide, for the
destruction of all our values, and consequently for the success of a fast
forthcoming New World Order of global collectivist enslavement. It is now
practically omnipotent but mainly because of our well entertained blindness.
Fortunately, it can still be completely neutralized, if we wake-up, develop
the necessary consciousness about its fundamental weakness, and
democratically adopt the appropriate reforms. Helping this neutralization is
the purpose of this essay.
402.01 →
If you want to know
why you are living like a slave at the moment, working extremely hard in
jobs or careers of the rat race, but for
little wellness, let alone little security, and why you are being harassed daily
doing so, by
abusive legislation, paying excessive taxes to the outmost limit of your
possibilities, hardly surviving, without being able to save any money, nor
being able to enjoy any occasional more important pleasure without serious economic
preoccupation or consequences, then you have to
examine closely what the JewZuit Power is, looking at it
through an appropriate magnifying lens.
403.01 →
If you want to know why your personal liberty is diminishing, more and more
every year, why your government is being crushed by debt, getting in a worse
situation every year in an exponential way, why even the richest countries
are practically bankrupt and technically insolvent, while the caste of
power lives better than ever before, you have to examine closely again what
the JewZuit Power is. If you want to know why your
government is using what Frederic Bastiat, in his book
titled "The Law", called
Legal Plunder against your
hard-earned income, stealing by force of law the best of your resources,
while granting all sorts of benefits to unmeritorious welfare recipients in
order to easily get their votes, then again you have to examine closely what
the JewZuit Power is. It could be partly because your
government officials are incompetent and corrupted, but this is only the
minor of your evils as a nation as the real problem stems from another
source, from a Master Plan, in which political corruption and incompetence are
only inevitable necessary tools of the Master Plan.
404.01 →
If you want to know why your civic life is constantly being degraded,
affected by a debasing culture annihilating all our best values, invading
and destroying all
aspects of our personal life, and our family life, let alone our social
life, with destructive rampant nihilism and
relativism, or why our living is being restricted by a growing amount of
laws and regulations to an unprecedented level in the history of humanity, then you also have to examine closely what the
JewZuit Power
is. If you want to know why you seem to be living in a growing police state,
being indoctrinated from a young age to fear the state, instead of loving it
and being loved by it, being spied in all aspects of your life, being unable
to criticize, or use freethinking, or freedom of opinion, against those
supposedly governing for your own good, then again you need to examine
closely what the
JewZuit Power is.
405.01 →
Reading this
essay, you will learn to know the
real nature of all your problems, and of this
incredible and omnipotent enslaving power behind them, as the
JewZuit Power.
You will learn how to identify it through the meanders of your
daily life, and to understand it, through having a look at its history, its formation, and
its operational ways.
Once you will have understood who is
behind your enslavement, you will then have to develop the clear
consciousness that it is not an accidental enslavement, due to the
combination of a set of uncontrollable circumstances of modern life, but a
well planned type of enslavement, a
Master Plan, due to the selfish desires of extreme
wealth and extreme power of the caste of the
JewZuit Power
sitting behind it. Having understood who is behind your enslavement, and
that it is a well planned enslavement, you will have to understand the main tool
used for this enslavement, which is basically the ideology of totalitarian Fabian
Socialism that is common to the thinking of both the Jewish Zionist side and
the Catholic Jesuit side of the current
JewZuit Power. It is
the wolf hidden behind the sheepskin of the
totalitarian Fabian Socialism. In another webpage you will also
finally learn how to counteract the
JewZuit Power, democratically, but most firmly and
successfully, through a package of
12 cumulative reforms
of a renewed form of democracy that we will call TruthOcracy in order
not to confuse it with the fake democratic system that we wrongly call
'democracy' today.
406.01 →
essay on EthoCracy is only a preliminary attempt to describe and discredit
our current fake democracy, and to arrive at a clear understanding and
overview of what real democracy should be, as invented by Ancient-Greece, as
a democratic reality that we will call
TruthOcracy in order to avoid
confusion with what we wrongly call 'democracy' today. In
that overview of
TruthOcracy, you will learn
more explicitly
how to get your freedom back, through a series of
cumulative reforms of our current
fake democracy, as reforms capable to make most of "We The People" enjoy life in a more satisfactory
way, by politically commanding, as free men of the social pyramid, the
executive slaves
finally placed at the top of the pyramid, for the first time in world
history. The social pyramid will not be reversed by any riot or any violent
revolution, but the commanding power
within the pyramid will definitely be reversed from downwards to upwards,
going "From Slavery Downwards To Slavery Upwards". With today's technology, and a new
enlightenment creating a critical mass of consciousness regarding this possibility, this is perfectly possible,
for the first time in world history. This critical mass of consciousness is
the essential first step to achieve this historical reversal, and helping
its creation is the purpose of this essay.
407.01 →
407.02 →
407.03 →
407.04 →
Allen was admittedly
a member of the right wing of the political spectrum, but he majored in
history and was a prominent journalist and speech writer for many important
politicians. In other words, he was not one of these young kids writing
foolishly about conspiracy theories. Consequently, again, he was writing about a conspiracy
reality, not a conspiracy theory. This essay tries to have the same kind of serious
approach. This conspiracy reality was also confirmed over the years by many
most prominent figures of the socio-political life who cannot be considered
conspiracy theorists. As we will see, even Churchill was
one of them. J.F. Kennedy was certainly another one of them, on the side of the
ones having to fight personally against conspiracy reality. David
Rockefeller was also another one of them, on the side of the implementation of
conspiracy reality. We will
identify him as a major player in conspiracy reality, using himself explicitly the term
conspiracy, and
admitting being guilty of its reality with proudness,
first said:
“Some even believe we
are a part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the
United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of
conspiring with others around the world to
build a more integrated global political and economic structure — One
if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I’m proud of it”.
This is a quote from his
MEMOIRS, published in
2002. He also said: "We are grateful to the
Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and their great
publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their
promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have
impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected
to the lights of publicity during those years. But,
the world is now more sophisticated and prepared
to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of
an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national
auto-determination practiced in past centuries".
But to complete
his thought, he also said, later on, using explicitly the expression
New World Order this time, and speculating on its forthcoming full
implementation: "We are on the verge of a global
transformation. All we need is the right major crisis [of the
like of 911, or worse?] and the nations will
accept the New World Order".
407.05 →
instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas
by night instead of armies by day, with a system conscripting vast human and
material resources into the building of the tighten knit of a highly
efficient machine [the "Deep State"?]
that combines our military, our diplomatic
our intelligence, our economic, our scientific and our political operations.
Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not
headlines. Its dissidents are silenced, not praised. No expenditure [Deep State black Budgets]
is questioned, no rumor is printed [by the
media owned by the same conspirators], and no secret is revealed. I am
asking your help for the tremendous task of informing and alerting the
American people".
407.06 →
407.07 →
In the meantime, many other world leaders and prominent figures of the political
world of many countries, who could never be considered stupid conspiracy
theorists, have started to admit quite openly the existence of this Conspiracy
Reality regarding the building of the New World Order, or
MOWOP, albeit maybe not explicitly in
JewZuit terms.
But the
JewZuit link is there, in many places, mostly hidden in plain sight, but
accessible to the
attentive researcher. One can see it for example in the famous book
Two Ages" -
America's Role in the
Technetronic Era,
by Zbigniew
More than America's role however he really describes the role of the new
world that is "shaped culturally,
psychologically, socially and economically by the impact of technology and
407.08 →
407.09 →
408.01 →
Before getting into the details of this global
conspiracy of enslavement through the
MOWOP, we can try to take
a bit of height, for acquiring a better perspective over the territory that
we will want to examine. An old Latin adage says:
Mille viae ducunt per
he final destination
which will eventually be Jerusalem. If the Mother Church
of the Jesuits in Rome is probably more secular than religious all right,
Catholic Rome, intended specifically as the
Vatican, is only an essential half-way stop on the longer road to
the previous construction of the Third Rock Temple Mount, in which to establish, in final
instance, the One-World Government, or rather, using the
above expression of Rockefeller, the 'One-World' government of the
New World Order
being built.
408.02 →
408.03 →
408.04 →
408.05 →
global perspective that we have to acquire today, in order to understand
what is going on in the world, is the following: the USA is in irreversible
decline, and close to full collapse. In fact, its collapse is part of the
Master Plan, as there shall not be any another super power that could oppose
the MOWOP when it is
finally established in Jerusalem. Those not fully aware of
the Master Plan believe that only a WWIII could
save it from an early collapse and ensure the extension of the dollar's life as the
world reserve currency. This is why part of the political power of the
USA is so proactively pursuing the
start of WWIII, with all sorts of provocations around the world,
mainly against Russia that they have surrounded with dozens
of American military bases. Of course, they are trying
to do it in a way that would shed the blame on somebody else in front of the
world public opinion, like on Russia for example, because of
Ukraine, or because of some other false flag event.
However, a WWIII would only delay the full collapse of the
USA by probably not more than one short
generation. Within the
Master Plan, its collapse is not a question of “if”, but only a question of
“when”. It is programmed to happen, in due time, by the will of the
Power, and will not be an accidental collapse. In
any case, as a response, Judeo-Christian Jerusalem, within
an extended Greater Israel being proactively molded, is
ready to take over as the world capital at the service of the new
Power that is already running the world discretely, but most powerfully, in the background.
This new world power however will be one of Socialist
Collectivism enslaving all of us through mainly debt-money, let
alone the other DDDD
factors. This
dictatorial Social Collectivism will be
well guarded by the three-headed
Cerberus of extreme legislation,
excessive taxation and fearful disinformation. It will be well implemented
by its many agents hiding themselves behind deceitful acronyms like
WTO, GATT, World
Bank, UN and
just to name a few. This is the fast forthcoming New World Order.
408.06 →
409.01 →
409.02 →
409.03 →
409.04 →
409.05 →
409.06 →
410.01 →
411.01 →
n independent JewZuit state acting sovereignly within the United States.
Hong Kong
is an independent JewZuit state acting sovereignly within China. All 5 are fully independent
JewZuit states within a national state. All 5 have a common
JewZuit Power in
nature and purpose! And Jerusalem, the
last independent state of this
Six-Pointed Star
of JewZuit states, gradually uniting and encircling all of them like a
Luciferian serpent, is
being well prepared to become the main independent JewZuit state, as the 6th
one, within Israel, intended as the 1st one in terms of
rank, and the eventual world capital of a One-World Government. These six City-within-City,
or State-within-State, or really State-within-City, as protected independent
and sovereign JewZuit State encirclements, are already all centers of a strange mixture of Judeo-Christian power that could be well
represented symbolically by an emblematic
icon like the one to the left
enclosing practically all possible symbols of Totalitarian Fabian Socialism. As such,
Jerusalem is meant to become in final instance the
world capital of the JewZuit New World Order of Totalitarian Fabian
Socialism. Many speculate however that this final objective, regarding
Jerusalem, might have to be achieved through a
preliminary and temporary transition in
the new super-capital of Kazakhstan being built, until the
situation in the Middle East becomes fully stabilized and allows Jerusalem
to play that role in full security, acting as a real sovereign state within the
state of Israel and as the world capital. Astana is the brand new super-capital of
It is certainly being built, entirely from scratch, with a clear New Age
vision, which means a New World Order vision, and in the proportions of a
real world capital with a brilliant destiny
of absolute world power. Such immensity of functionality and symbols,
as we
will see further down, would certainly be well suited to the
already nearly omnipotent JewZuit Power of the fast forthcoming
New World Order.
411.02 →
The unelected and unaccountable elites involved in the consolidation of the new JewZuit Power and the final completion of the New World Order are already well performing with full omnipotence and full impunity in supra-national organizations like the EU and the UN, not to mention the TTT world treaties like the TTIP or the TPP being put in place at the moment as the new pillars of this enslaving New World Order of Totalitarian Fabian Socialism. All these unaccountable bodies already establish thousands of laws to be followed by dozens of countries and millions of people even if nobody has ever voted for their ideas in any electoral program, or ever voted for any member of their leadership. Their productivity constitute an incredibly complex set of rules to be obeyed by all of us, under the threat of huge penalties, and pushed at us by a plush nomenclature of unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats led by the JewZuit Power well hidden in the background. Needleless to say that this huge nomenclature is not only unacceptable on the basis of its unaccountability, but also on the basis of its costs to the taxpayers of the countries involved. It commands from the top to the bottom, without ever having been elected and mandated to do so, instead of from the normal democratic way, from the bottom to the top through binding electoral programs. What is most interesting however, and most sad, is that nobody seems to realize how unacceptable and how ridiculous this situation is. Everybody seems to accept it blindly and silently, on the basis of a matrix of political correctness imposed to them by deception, in a subliminal way, by the mainstream mass media that are also fully controlled by the same JewZuit unaccountable elites. As we have seen, if we do not wake up and react to this deception, it will soon be too late, and the New World Order of Totalitarian Fabian Socialism will be our new reality.
501.01 →
This is
an essay on our complete enslavement
through the three-headed Cerberus of the JewZuit New World Order
Conspiracy Reality, or the JewZuit
Conspireality, and how to get back our freedom through a proper set of
cumulative reforms. The 3 heads of the Cerberus are: 1) excessive
taxation, 2) extreme legislation, and 3) fearsome disinformation. The
teeth of the Cerberus are the debt-money currencies created and manipulated
by the JewZuit Power. This global
three-headed beast of enslavement, of both peoples and countries, affecting all of us
today, in all aspects of our life, is the most holistic form of slavery ever
developed and used in the history of humanity, perfected and fine-tuned over centuries
by our discrete masters in the background. Consequently it is well
represented by the symbol of the terrible Cerberus of the Greek mythology
(picture to the right),
in particular if we consider the total and dictatorial enslavement that is
paradoxically happening in a country like Greece today, as the country that
invented democracy, philosophy, education, and everything else that
we describe nowadays with the words "Culture" or “Civilization”, including justice,
ethics, merit, fine arts,
beauty, science and freedom, not to mention harmonious music.
The first head of this Cerberus of enslavement, the extreme legislation,
expresses itself eminently through the new concepts of
Legislation, and thus of
Criminalization that are being growingly implemented by the
JewZuit Power, whereby everything can be considered a crime. This
concept of total criminalization is applied not only to our growingly intricate commercial life, or
all our interpersonal relations en general, but even to the simplest aspects
of our own very personal life that have been considered normal serene free
living for centuries, like bearing a child on one's shoulders while
walking in a park, leaving a well packed bag of garbage for a few minutes in front of
one's house entrance, being an amusing occasional magician for children
without a license, even if you have done it successfully in the context of
your extended personal family or community for 25 years, being a city guide
tour without being allowed to say certain things about certain buildings,
like simply identifying the taxation office, producing ice for your bar
drinks without using an expensive licensed ice maker instead of your own
fridge freezer, or growing the vegetables of your family on your own balcony or
backyard. The more things that can be considered a crime, the more chances
of full control the new JewZuit Power can have on our life,
and on our progressive enslavement. This is extreme legislation and
criminalization for the pure sake of control, and for helping an extreme
amount of bureaucrats to maintain and justify their positions working to
maintain and increase the JewZuit Power. In the meantime,
you are the subjects of a growing number of surprise inspection of your
private home for any kind of futile purposes that never existed in the past
centuries or millennia.
502.01 →
The power behind this global enslavement is the
JewZuit Power
that we will learn to identify, and describe in its nature and
activities, in the rest of this Part I. The
JewZuit Power comes from a
combination of two powers that, so far, have existed and operated mostly
separately, each for their own objectives. It consists in the collusion of
malicious ideologies
of superiority, the one of the Jewish Zionists, and the one of the Catholic
Jesuits, thus the new word: JewZuit. The Zionists are generally the
followers of the most secretive sacred book of the Jews, the Talmud, that
teaches them explicitly that they are superior, as the chosen people, selected by God, to dominate and
rule the world, in order to preserve the supremacy of their race over all
other races. For them, this means
a clear racial superiority, and for them, all other races exist only as slaves to
serve them. The Catholic Jesuits in turn follow an incredibly
severe personal discipline, called the Exercises of Ignatius of
Loyola, their founder, that brings them to also believe that they are
superior, but as
the chosen soldiers this time, selected by God as a kind of chosen army, to dominate and rule the world, in order to
preserve the supremacy of the Vatican, or of the Catholic church over all other religions. For them, this means a
superiority, but as a caste, or an army, instead of as a race. This caste,
or this army, is hosted in a religion, the Catholic religion, and
consequently all other religions have to be
fought and, if at all possible, eliminated, or at least neutralized in
their influence over masses of people. But it is not the religion that
counts, it is the supremacy of the army and the Vatican, using that religion. It is not
Jesus, or Christ that counts, but the Vatican and the caste that
dominates it through the Catholic religion. It is clear that both the Zionists and the
Jesuits think in terms of supremacy, and of superiority over
others, in orienting the activities of their lives, in order to
better rule the world for their respective objectives. Between them however,
there has been a long-last rivalry of superiority in particular on the
part of the Jews. This rivalry for superiority is not at all new, and
started at least some 2000 years ago. Before the foundation of the Jesuits
in 1534, the Greeks were holding a double seat with the Catholics in this
equation of rivalry for superiority. A great part of the
Christian theology and philosophy comes from the Greeks. The Catholic
Church in particular has absorbed, from early on, and adapted, over
centuries, a lot of the Greek culture that the Jews always
resented. The Jews resented it mainly out of jalousie for all the
exceptional things mentioned above that the Greeks are known, by most
people worldwide, to have
invented or achieved, which compared too advantageously to their own
achievements in the public opinion, over the past centuries, even
today. That Greek culture was forcefully phased out by the Catholics, for
the great contentment of the Jews but, by the same token, the Catholics
gradually and proportionately took the place of the Greeks as their main
rivals, in their ideology of superiority, and for their ambitions of world
503.01 →
The Greek EL culture has been sitting in the middle of these two JewZuit ideologies of superiority for centuries, bothering both of them because of its natural superiority, between the one of the Jews and the one of the Christians. The ELLENS (Greeks) did not have an ideology of superiority on a racial basis, like the Jews always had, nor on a clerical caste basis, like the Catholics have had, in particular like the Jesuits have had since their foundation, as an army of clerical soldiers, but they nevertheless had their own original natural sense of superiority based on a life style of free-thinking and personal physical freedom applied to the pursuit of the fundamental concepts they have always had at the base of the philosophy they have invented: the Good, the True, the Just and the Beautiful. This was and is the beautiful ancient EL culture that really dates back to the time of the Atlantis some 11000 years ago. Classical Greece of Pericles and Plato was in fact the fifth great period of Greek civilization, not the first, like most mainstream historians want us to believe, raising and falling in between periods of tragic geological cataclysms. That beautiful EL culture has never been surpassed by any other western culture. All the other cultures or religions only tried to somehow copy part of it, or adapt some of it, for their own followers, but they were always prevented from absorbing the best of it, because that best part was going frontally against the fundamental objectives of enslavement of their own JewZuit cultures of power, instead of cultures of liberty, through DDD (Dogma, Debt and Despair). A culture of liberty does not go along with a culture of power. This was true even at the time when democracy and social liberty were born, when Socrates was sentenced to death because he was teaching freethinking and promoting liberty.
503.02 →
In other words, this Greek sense of superiority, and the EL values it was founded on, was in complete opposition with the two ideologies of superiority of the Jews and the Christians, or of what is now the JewZuit Power. These two newer cultures the Jewish and the Christian ones, were both founded on only one, and a much more pragmatic concept, the one of Power, as absolute world power over the non-caste people in general who were considered as subjugated "sinner slaves" for the Christians, or "Goyims" for the Jews. Consequently the Greek life style and EL values of liberty and freethinking had to be squashed as a prerequisite to the full functioning of the forthcoming JewZuit Power and the forthcoming One-World Government of totalitarian Fabian Socialism.
503.03 →
The Greek EL concept of superiority was one established on a national, cultural, and
philosophical basis, not on a racial or dogmatic basis. Greeks
also felt superior, but
only because they believed strongly that their overall personal and national culture was the best, that
their living environment, personal and social, was the best, and that all
the other nations had a culture of barbarians compared to their own. And the Greeks certainly
demonstrated that kind of superiority very factually, in many ways, as mentioned above, through the
'invention of
democracy, philosophy, holistic education
(or what we call
ELducation), and everything else that
we describe nowadays with the words "Culture" and “Civilization”, including
social justice,
ethics, merit, fine arts,
beauty, science, freethinking and freedom, not to mention harmonious music'.
503.04 →
At the time the Greeks were building the beautiful Parthenon, around 435 BC, keeping themselves well dressed and perfectly clean in efficient public baths, in beautiful physical shape through a huge network of gymnasiums, artistically active with, among other things, painting and sculpting masterpieces insuperable to this day, and intellectually vigorous with philosophy, enjoying good wine and profound conversations during sophisticated symposium meals, at that same time, all other populations in Europe, in areas of present France, Germany or England for example, were in fact real dirty and ignorant barbarians, living in huts, dressed with animal skins, talking with an incredibly limited vocabulary, and washing their hands in their hair after eating like wild beasts. And this kind of real barbarianism was the standard for most of the rest of the world outside of ELLAS (Greece), at a time when Plato was writing his philosophical dialogues in a language that, to this day, has never been surpassed in refinement and level, let alone Homer's writings some 1000 years before him. At best, most other populations outside Europe, even in climates similar to the one of Greece, like in the geographical area of the self-alleged "Chosen People" of the Jews, or what Israel is today, that have envied Greeks since even before that time, were living mostly like primitive shepherds or slaves of ugly dictators.
503.05 →
The great
historian, geographer and extensive traveller,
Pausanias, of the 2nd century
(c. 110 – 180 AD), describes
factually and in details, in 10 volumes, not only all of Greece, but most of
the Mediterranean lands around it. What Pausanias tells us, as a simple
attentive observer, without a hint of prejudice, nor any interest of any
Greek master to defend, indicates very
clearly that the Greeks were the "culture bearers" of all these lands,
and not any other race, let alone the Jews that he describes as living
mostly like primitive shepherds. This comes in clear
contradiction with what Jewish leading modern writers are claiming,
like Max Radin in his recent book of 2013, "Jews
among Greeks and Romans", trying to make their ancestors
far more important than they were,
the alleged "cultural bearers" since the classical period, when
at that time they were a
rather insignificant people living quite primitively. Others have also had Radin's
pretention regarding the Jews, and even tried to
discredit Pausanias specifically because of this, like the famous German racial supremacist
Wilamowitz (1848-1931) who is still used today, by many
pseudo-expert historians, as a source of interpretation of the classical period of
western history. This "expert's discredit" however is only fake and
destructive propaganda against the beautiful
EL culture, and based, in all
cases, on vague
affirmations and implications that are not credible.
503.06 →
The Greeks were in fact the true and uncontested "culture bearers" of the ancient world, and they are still the same today if we consider what they have left us in heritance. These two authors, Radin and Wilamowitz, have obviously not read an exceptionally well documented book about the history of the terrible and continuous attempts of the Jews, in collaboration with the Christians, to destroy the best of the western EL culture coming from the Greeks, in order to try to demonstrate, or make the rest of the world believe that they are really what they say they are, that they are supposedly God's "Chosen People", and that, as such, they were, or are even now, the pretended "light bearers" of the best culture, for two millennia, for the rest of us Goyims (a word used to qualify all non-Jews, and usually interpreted, at best, as 'human cattle'). That book that they have missed is titled "Jews - The Whole Truth", by Constantine Plevris [ΟΙ ΕΒΡΑΙΟΙ > ΟΛΗ Η ΑΛΗΘΕΙΑ, by ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ Α. ΠΛΕΥΡΗΣ]. The Jews sued Plevris for alleged hate speech, but they lost their court case. The court established that the author is not using hate speech against the Jews, but essentially documenting well established facts of history. Unfortunately this huge 1400 page book is only available in Greek. Fortunately for those who can read it, it is written in the highest and best level of the modern Greek language, the Katharevousa, the level used by all educated Greeks before their language was systematically debased, over the last 30 years, including by a shameful law adopted swiftly and furtively by a deserted parliament over the Christmas period, during the premierships of three Jewish prime ministers of Greece mentioned further down, the two Papandreou, father Andreas and son George, and Costas Simitis. Nevertheless, in spite of the court case won by Plevris, all the JewZuit-controlled networks of world publishers will not allow, so far, its publication in English or in any other western language or country.
503.07 →
As an alternative and original book in English, one may want to read the book of Peter Christian, of 2011, titled "The Work of All Ages" - The Ongoing Plot to Rule the World from Biblical Times to the Present. It describes the history of the Jewish people and their affirmed vision and pretention of world supremacy as God's "chosen people" during all of the last 2500 years. Peter Christian also wrote another excellent book in 2013, titled: "One Nation Under Zion" - Zionist Influence on America, that explains why America went from being the most prosperous nation in the world at the end of World War II to being the most indebted. This is part of what we call the Holocaust Against Western Civilization in another section, let alone the Biggest and Longest of All Holocausts, the one against Hellenism. To complete this perspective, but concentrating on its more recent history, instead of its distant past and origin, and to understand how the Jewish Talmud followed by most Zionists is the real motivation and blueprint behind today's New World Order, an excellent book is the one of Michael Collins Piper, titled "The New Babylon - Those who Reign Supreme". Interestingly enough, Piper also wrote "Final Judgment", in which book he documents the role of the Jewish Mossad in the assassination of JF Kennedy. Notwithstanding these pretentions of superiority and supremacy on the part of the Jews, or "Those who Reign Supreme", pretentiously promoted on the basis of an unconfirmed superior Jewish DNA, as mentioned above, the real light bearers of culture have definitely been the EL culture of the Greeks for at least 2500 years, for both what they have created and for what they have left us in inheritance, and, in their case, on the basis of an ascertained different and unique Hellenic DNA.
503.08 →
Regarding democracy, holistic education and fine arts, this
is immediately obvious. Regarding philosophy specifically, not only have
they invented it, but that philosophy, contrary to modern philosophy,
was always, first and foremost, a kind of incarnated philosophy, as a
concrete way of living, a "philosophical lifestyle", based on a set of virtues, more than just an intellectual way of
analyzing and comprehending the world. It was both aspects together, the
latter and the former. Modern philosophy has reduced itself to being
only the latter, which, for the Greeks who invented it, would have been inconceivable.
Each EL (Greek) school of philosophy was always accompanied by a strong related
discipline, both personal and social, based on a set of well defined specific
virtues, all aiming at incarnating, as best as possible, their own
school vision of the absolute
values of the Good, the
True, the
Just and the
Beautiful, in their personal life
and in their social national environment. This philosophy was
philosophy, the one and only philosophy that ever deserved this name, the one that has never been surpassed by any
modern philosopher or philosophical movement.
503.09 →
The English mathematician and philosopher A.N. Whitehead so truly, and so well, said: "The safest general characterization of the [modern] European philosophical tradition is that it consists only of a series of footnotes to [ancient] Plato" . Greeks believed, and rightly so, that those following such philosophical life-discipline, based on an agreed set of virtues, were superior, on a cultural basis, and deserved to lead or be a good example for others. Because of their strong freethinking mentality and culture of freedom, this was clearly conceived as a leadership by example, as opposed to by a forceful ruling power, by a leadership to be proudly used, whenever possible, for helping their co-citizens and foreigners, and for the maintenance and spreading of their best national type of civic environment.
503.10 →
Because Greeks were also exceptionally great navigators, and most curious freethinking intellectuals, they inevitably travelled a lot and inevitably spread that beautiful philosophical EL culture, in a great part of the known world at the time; but they never tried to impose it by force on any other person or country. The spreading of their EL culture was not propagated because they were expansionists beyond their national borders, but only by natural osmosis, after visiting other parts of the world and entering in contact with other foreign populations. Typically, all their wars were essentially defensive wars, never expansionist wars, at most maybe a war of revenge, like the one war of Alexander the Great against the Persians who had destroyed Greece decades earlier. In most cases their wars were fought to protect and promote proudly, with "Periphania", or patriotic proudness, their beautiful national EL culture. For this reason, all their conquests were never real conquests, never concluded in any forceful domination or other peoples, but they were rather probing explorative expeditions concluded in the positive influence of an obviously superior culture that was usually most welcome by the majority of the people of the conquered nations, and often readily absorbed through a desired and natural osmosis by these peoples. Most of these expeditions never involved undue plundering over their basic expedition needs, and never any form of prolonged violent occupation.
503.11 →
From this point of view,
Alexander the Great has
certainly been a unique type of "beloved conqueror", compared to none
other, and certainly not comparable to any of the
other main warriors and empire builders that history has known in the last two
millennia, be it a Cyrus the Great of the Persian Empire, a
Genghis Khan
of the Mongol Empire, a Caesar of the Roman Empire, a
Sultan Selim of the
Ottoman Empire, or a modern Hitler or
But even within Greece, Alexander is not an exception. Ancient Greece has a
long tradition of such explorers who tried to spread civilization without
occupying and exploiting countries, but rather helping them to improve their
situation through a rational use of their territories and the use of the
best scientific knowledge available to the Greeks at that time. The little
known, but maybe the most famous of the predecessors if Alexander the Great
is Dionysus. He is mostly known as a Greek Olympian God,
but it is only because of his incredible expeditions in the whole world that
the legend gave him a place at the Olympus as, in fact, the last "God" who
joined the Olympus. Dionysus is also known as Bacchus by
the Latin Roman culture. He is the Greek god of
grape harvest, winemaking and wine. His
incredible expeditions, worldwide, are very extensively described by
Nonnus of Panopolis who lived around 400 AD. Nonnus' narrative
history of these expeditions of Dionysus around the world are called the
Dionysiaka. They are written in 48 volumes of which we
still have important fragments today, written and perfectly legible in
ancient Greek. More recently, around
1850, a great writer, Athanasios Stagiritis (Αθανάσιος
wrote "Ogygia"
(Ωγυγία) in 5 tomes, with also an extensive narrative of the expeditions of
Dionysus, basing himself in great part on Nonnus of
Panopolis, but also on
many other ancient sources of literature of Greece, India and many other
countries. Stagiritis' books are little known, and
not easily accessible today, as they are written in the highest
Katharevousa level of the
modern Greek language. This
Katharevousa level is hated by the current
JewZuit authorities in Athens. This new JewZuit Power in
Greece has constantly tried, since their taking power after 1974, through
mainly the election of 3 Jewish prime ministers (the two Papandreou
and Simitis) and their nomenclatures, to debase
Greece, not only economically, but even more so culturally. This includes the
debasing of the Greek language and the elimination, by law, of the teaching
of the Katharevousa level that used to be part of the curriculum of all schools until the
departure of the Colonels in 1974. This is an incredible loss for the Greek
EL culture, but a loss that is
programmed by the JewZuits that have dominated Greece since 1974, and have
hated, and tried to destroy the great
EL culture now for centuries, not to
say millennia. The
expeditions of Dionysus date back to at least some 1300 years before
Alexander, thus around 1625 BC, and consisted, at the beginning, mainly in
fighting the barbarian invasions of the Hyksos in the territories
that were mainly of ancient Greek
EL culture, like Egypt.
It is to be noted here again that the Pelasgians, as mentioned
earlier, had also conducted similar expeditions even before Dionysus, some 5000
years ago, from India to the Americas. Just like
Alexander, Dionysus, after
his victory against the Hyksos, explored most of the
known world at that time, mainly out of curiosity and with the hope to maybe
find more advanced civilizations to learn from. In the end however, his
expeditions only contributed to spread the more advanced scientific and
pre-philosophical knowledge of the Ancient Greeks for the benefit of the
foreign lands he explored, going as far away as from East Asia to what we know today
as the Americas. This was the beginning of the
Expansion of the El culture of ELania.
504.01 →
The Catholics, from the time of the foundation,
and of the early formation of their church, in the first centuries AD, and in order to reinforce the influence
of their church over the strong Greek
culture that was still permeating their environment, always called the Greeks in a derogatory way, as pagans.
The early Catholics also fought violently this beautiful Greek culture,
too often in clear criminal ways, even
collaborating with the Jews in this cultural genocide when it was necessary. The huge book of
Karlheinz Deshner (in 10 volumes), titled "Christianity's Criminal History"
documents with an incredible amount of details this long fight of the
Catholic Christians,
in collaboration with the Jews, to
dominate, or rather exterminate, the Greek
EL culture. These 10 books are an
exceptionally good documentation of this sour reality. The Catholic part
is more well known to most of us, because of the Catholic Inquisition but,
in fact, there has also been a Christian Orthodox Inquisition that was not
less criminal than the Catholic one, if not worse, and also of a
Judeo-Christian nature. That Byzantine persecution is often not called an
Inquisition because it was not directed mainly against the heretics
deviating from the dogma of the Christian Church, but rather against the
"pagans", that is, the faithful adherents of the old Greek
EL culture. In practice,
even if this persecution is not usually described with the word
"Inquisition", it was a clear form of Inquisition taking place at the same
time that the main Catholic Inquisition was taking place. On the other hand,
it was more serious than the Catholic Inquisition in that it did not only
involve torture against the heretical person, as a person, but systematic
destruction of all the material possessions of these heretics and of all the
intellectual symbols and teachings of the peaceful ancient
EL culture of beauty and
freethinking of the persons involved.
504.02 →
Because of this
fierce persecution of the Greek culture, starting most aggressively in
the 3rd and 4th centuries, with the
destruction of the Greek library of Alexandria
by Judeo-Christian opponents, and the assassination of the beautiful
Hypatia who was the Neo-Platonist woman philosopher
protecting it, inevitably, the
influence of the Greek culture gradually diminished, nearly vanished in importance, for about a
millennium, while the Catholic culture grew proportionately in importance during
that same period. For those interested in this cultural Holocaust, in great
part also a physical Holocaust, the worse initial period of this
destruction of the Greek culture covers the span of time between the
reign of Constantine The Great, Roman emperor (306-337
AD), Theodosius The Great, Roman emperor
(379-395 AD), until Justinian, Roman emperor (527-565
AD) of the Eastern Byzantine part of the Roman empire.
504.03 →
However, similar acts of holocaustic criminality from the Judeo-Christians against the Greeks, called derogatively "pagans", lasted for centuries after that, practically a millennium, in particular under all the period of the Byzantine Empire, or the Eastern Roman Empire, from the foundation of Constantinople in 330 AD to its fall to the Ottoman Empire in 1453 AD, via the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in 395 AD. This Byzantine Empire was excessively dogmatic and consequently extremely destructive of the beautiful EL culture of freethinking and freedom of the Greeks. It is a period that is vastly glorified by most historians for various reasons, but it constituted essentially a period of terrible intellectual darkness that we call nowadays the Middle Ages.
504.04 →
We will see further down, in a section that deals specifically with Holocausts and Inquisitions, some more details about this terrible history that can be called the longest and biggest holocaustic and inquisitional initiative in human history, the Holocaust Against Hellenism. Fortunately, not all of the beautiful Greek literature of liberty and democracy, including the 27 philosophical dialogues of Plato, was lost, but only kept in hiding for a millennium. When it became evident that the Byzantine Empire would eventually fall to the Ottomans, many of the intellectuals keeping it under cover started to flee to the west, in Italy in particular. Once there, and to survive, they were able to sell this literature to rich and freer intellectuals, like the prince of Medici in Florence, who started to expose them and use them for what has become to be known as the period of the Renaissance.
504.05 →
This not withstanding, although they tried to camouflage it, a great part of the concepts of the Greek culture was absorbed into the Christian culture during the millennium of the Middle Ages, but always through hiding the Greek concepts under different names, and using them with altered descriptions. By the late 15th century, the Renaissance was suddenly attempting to bring a strong revival of the Greek culture, whose concepts of freedom were highly reflected in the Protestant Reformation that came to express itself more openly around 1517 when Luther published his Ninety-Five Theses.
504.06 →
The Catholics of the 16th century saw this as a new threat to the supremacy of their church. This is why, and when, the Jesuits were founded, in 1534 (formally only in 1540), in order to protect and reinforce the superiority and supremacy of the Catholic Church, over the Protestants primarily, but also over both the Jewish culture, and over the Greek Revival in particular that was taking place at the same time. This Renaissance of the Greek culture was so real that it became the main factor that opened the road to the Protestant Reformation on the religious side, with their claims for more liberty, and for an approach of easier access to God, on a more direct personal basis, instead of exclusively through the formal liturgy fully controlled by the church, let alone DDD. On the cultural side, it opened a new era that produced the best of the modern history of the western world in fine arts and thinking, in places like Florence and Venice in particular.
504.07 →
Unfortunately, after about 500 years of this revival, at the beginning of the 21st century, we may be entering a new period or dark age, with the progress of the implementation of what we now call the JewZuit Power of the New World Order. That a 90 year old famous historian like Jacques Le Goff try to deny the existence of the Renaissance, in his most recent book, one that does not deserve to be mentioned, as a historical period that never existed, is not only stupid nonsense but a deformation of history that can only defame his pseudo fame of political correctness as a historian, even before he dies, let alone after, as an agnostic, but it is a good sign of this forthcoming New JewZuit DarkAage. This dislike of the Renaissance, and of its strong Greek cultural revival, can only be explained by the old rivalry mentioned above, between the Jews and the Greeks, as Le Goff himself is a crypto-Jew surrounded by his acknowledged important Jewish mentors, like Marc Bloch and Claude Levi-Strauss. His example is important to mention however, be it only to show how the old millennium-long jealousy of the Jews for the Greeks is still very much alive today, and often the cause of fearsome disinformation attempting to deform history. This is also the reason why Greece is being attacked first in the western world today by the well programmed crisis of the JewZuit Power.
505.01 →
What is happening to Greece today, in the destruction of its economy,
and of its culture in particular, is an even better example of this rivalry, and of the
horrible enslavement that it is able to cause today in the context of
the new global
JewZuit Power. Anti-Hellenism,
or Anti-ElJsm, has
existed for as long as
has existed. The two cultures have seen each other as
rivals, especially on the side of the Jews, for whom it was an enemy to
be exterminated, more than a rival, for predominance purposes, since
the time of the natural cataclysm of
Atlantis (proto-Judaic,
with a possible location, west of Gibraltar. See an allegorical representation on the
pictures to the right) that had
Aigyis (proto-Hellenic) as its rival some 12000 years ago,
and the remnant of which became Magna Graecia around 550 BCE.
505.02 →
Yes, a rivalry of 12 thousand years ago, enduring until today, between Greeks and Jews, but mainly again as a form of Jewish jalousie for the beauty of the EL culture of the Greeks, for what it has been, has done, and is, until today! And, as we will see further down, it is mainly Jews who have reduced contemporary Greece to misery in the last decades. It is also the reason why the JewZuit Power has started to squash Greece in its effort to dominate the whole of the EU countries. If they succeed with Greece, the rest of the EU will be an easy ride downhill. And so far, this complete domination of Greece is a great "success". Not only have Greeks been squashed by public debt, and thus by excessive taxation, but now, as a second step, they are being squashed by manufactured deflation for strangling them to complete poverty, by forcing them to sell their properties for pennies on the Euro to the voracious JewZuit predators in order to pay odious taxes not based on revenue, and even if they have nearly no revenue left anymore, but based on simple real estate ownership, as humble as it may be, even if it is your sole little apartment bought with great difficulty during the last decades. Thus the tragedy of the thousands of suicides that the JewZuit-controlled mainstream media never talks about, in Greece, over the last six years, since the start of the crisis in 2008 that was well manufactured by the traditional JewZuit enemy of the EL culture.
505.03 →
Even in the distant days of 12000 years ago, Atlantis was the dictatorship of those who would eventually become our modern enslaving elites on the Zionist side of the JewZuit equation, and the modern power enslaving Greece. At that time, Aigyis was already the opposite force, or the embryo of a freethinking world that would eventually give birth to classical philosophy, MeDiPartic democracy, and modern economic liberalism, let alone eventually a fully implemented EthoCracy as a TIDMOcracy (as first steps to a TruthOcracy). America, or rather the JewZuit Power behind the elites of America and its Anglo-Saxon allies, is meant to be the New Atlantis, ruled by an illuminated scientific elite, like the ancient Atlantis, that is, by an Orwellian Dictatorship in front of a world mass of slaves worshiping the Fabian Socialist State as god. From this point of view, Zionist America today, in particular its JewZuit mutation, may just be the rebirth of Ancient Atlantis under the name of New World Order. This appears to be what Francis Bacon had in mind, as the statesman who played an important role in establishing British colonies in North America, when he wrote his "The New Atlantis" in 1627.
505.04 →
Jesus, as a Nazarene, was a Greek EL figure
Much more recently, even if still some 2000
years ago, we had the newly born Christian Church, which is of Judaic
descent from an environment and institutional points of view, fighting and
destroying systematically the so-called Greek Paganism, which was the
Hellenic EL
culture Jesus was grown in, as a child of
Nazareth. Few realize
in the Palestinian world of that time, Nazareth was the most important center of
Greek or Hellenic culture. The central
Palestine at that time had 3 main
The Judea province at the South was entirely Jewish.
Samaria in
the center, was mixed, with Jews, Greeks and other linguistic tribes.
Galilee on the North, where the city of Nazareth was, was entirely Greek, and
only the Greeks of the whole of Palestine had also the Roman citizenship.
This explains why the Jews could not crucify Jesus directly, and had to take him
in front of a Roman magistrate for a judgment, because he was also a Roman
citizen. Consequently, Jesus was, culturally speaking, as a
Nazarene, a Hellenic
figure, with an EL
(Greek) mother from Galilee, even if his province was surrounded, geographically
speaking, by a Judaic environment, and if he operated, as a public figure,
in the dominantly Judaic city of Jerusalem where he intended to reform the
Judaic culture of the "Money Changers" on the
basis of his own culture of freethinking of the EL
"Idea Exchangers".
505.05 →
Interestingly enough, no mainstream western history book, all controlled by the JewZuits, will ever mentioned this fact that Jesus was a figure of the Greek EL culture, in particular books written before 1962. Older books written prior to 1962, and many more recent Greek history books will mention it. This is the case for example with the book of the Greek author Evanghelos Trikas: "Christ Was Greek" shown to the left. It is very well documented, but unfortunately, it was never allowed by the JewZuits to be published in English. Jesus tried to reform and to improve the dominant culture of his Judaic environment, to bring it closer to Hellenism, or rather ELLenism, but he failed. This Jesus, as a figure of the Greek EL culture, wanted to transform the Jews in a more loving people, but in love with liberty (or EL i.e. Enlightened Liberty) and truth ("Only Truth Shall Set You Free"), as opposed to the money loving people that they were, through practicing their enslaving debt-money lending. From this point of view, Jesus was even more in line with the Jewish Bible than the Jews themselves, as the ancient Bible criticized explicitly their activity as money lenders. According to the ancient biblical principle, lending money with interest should not be practiced, as it would unjustly “make the debtor a slave to the lender”. As such, we should probably all be Jesus' fans, as he was an exceptional master of best human liberty and freethinking who would definitely have improved the world tremendously, consequently even today's world, if he had succeeded in his endeavors. Of course, being Jesus’ fans does not mean at all necessarily being current Christian Church’s fans or followers, as this church has become mostly a rich and enslaving Judeo-Christian church, now a JewZuit one since the Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II of 1962, and it has little affinity left with the message of the original Jesus' philosophy.
505.06 →
In turn, those who
succeeded him have built the Judeo-Christian Church of
Saint Peter and Saint
Paul, in his
name, that is, still today, contrary to what
Jesus obviously would have
preferred to do himself if he had not been crucified, as a Christian
Church that is much more Judaic than Hellenistic in its philosophy and power
structure, even if it borrowed many concepts of the Hellenistic
philosophy in its fundamental theology. This is the distant origin of the global
JewZuit enslavement that we are all suffering today,
stemming from the early Judaic influence of St. Paul
himself (who was one of the two founders of the Christian Church with
St. Peter) who has never met Jesus
directly and personally during his lifetime, except maybe, as some authors
claim, for having been a friend of Judas and, as such, the
traitor indicating, from a distance, to his Jewish acolytes in the
background who intended to crucify him, who was Jesus.
505.07 →
Certainly, Jews have had the Greeks as their best cultural rivals, for obvious good reasons, for at least more than two millennia. In fact, an attentive study of history not deformed by the politically correct of the mainstream historians will show that the Greeks have at least a 6000 year history and culture of liberty, freedom, freethinking and propagation of civilization, not to say a culture of 12000 years ago from the time of Atlantis, while the Jews have a corresponding 6000 to a 12000 year history of enslavement through debt-money, and a mentality of jealousy against the opposite EL culture of the Greeks that spread liberty and civilization. In particular today, for their great deception, although Jews still consider themselves to be the superior race of the so-called “chosen people", the Greeks, to the greatest annoyance of most Jews, are still recognized by most people, practically worldwide, as the race that has given the world what today is called democracy, philosophy, education and civilization, and as being the real founders of the first serious professional approach to most sciences, and the creators of the best forms of artistic work in the history of humanity, music included, not to mention political and religious freedom. This is the near eternal war of who should dominate, between the dictatorial “Money Changers” of the Judaic materialistic culture, and the freethinking “Idea Exchangers” of the Hellenistic philosophical culture of liberty.
506.01 →
Interestingly enough, and probably not as a coincidence, the 3 prime ministers who have contributed the most to the serious recent degradation of the beautiful Greek culture and language, in Greece itself, all have Jewish blood. By the same token, the terrific economic crisis Greece is suffering at the moment is engineered and maneuvered also mainly by institutions and financial organizations that are factually and unquestionably completely dominated by Jews, like the IMF, the EU, the ECB, and all the biggest subsidiary banks involved in the process, be they central national banks, like the one of Germany, private commercial banks used by the latter to corrupt politicians, or of course the European Central Bank of Frankfurt.
506.02 →
Three Jewish-Greek Prime Ministers decisive for the New World Order
Jewish race is formally and
officially decided by the mother side of a child: if the mother is a
Jew, her child is automatically and necessarily a Jew.
Papandreou (twice premier between 1981 and
1996) had a Jewish mother, and thus his son
George Papandreou (premier
2008-2011) has her as his grandmother. As such they are both racial
Jews. Costas Simitis,
whose birth name was Aaron Avouris, before he had it changed, like so
many Jewish families do, in most countries, usually to facilitate their
furtive political or corporative power ambitions in front of common
people, was
three times premier between 1996 and 2004.
He is a
pure Jew of Greek nationality and, unfortunately, the main authority behind the serious
downgrading of the modern Greek language, by the formal and official
abolishment of the educated, and beautiful, katharevousa level of the
Greek language in public
schools under his governance. Today, in 2014, at age 77, he is actively trying to rebuild
the old and failing socialist party with a new name and on a better basis of
totalitarian Fabian
506.03 →
If this historical background is founded, and it is, and if the enslavement of the inimical Greeks of the world Zionist caste goes well (and this current disaster of total JewZuit enslavement of the people who invented democracy and liberty seems to be well on its way to a complete “success” at the beginning of 2014), then the Enslavement Downwards of the rest of the European nations shall be an easy run downhill. Starting by squashing one’s worst historically envied rival first, is probably not a bad strategy, most certainly not a coincidence, for those who want to tame the rest of a spectrum of lesser cultural preys, and become the global masters of the world, as the New World Order that we, in this book, call the well-programmed New World Disorder. With the Zionist accomplices that have run Greece in the last 30 years, and with the new JewZuit coalition of the last years, and the fact that the Greeks are not Catholics, but Orthodox Christians, thus also the enemies of the Jesuits, on a par with the Protestants, in addition to being the enemies of the Zionists, the poor Greeks can only face a terrible future of full enslavement.
506.04 →
This background explains very clearly what is going on in Greece, and why the JewZuit coalition started by Greece, in its enormous enterprise of enslavement of European countries through the totalitarian Fabian Socialism being fast implemented. The enslavement that Hitler could not do with military force, some 50 years ago, the JewZuit EU under the reign of the likes of Merkel, through JewZuit Frankfurt, is doing it now, stealthily, without arms. This monstrous implementation is clearly manifested by the bureaucracy of the SEU (Soviet European Union) run by the JewZuit coalition hidden in the background of most European governments and most European Institutions, let alone world international organizations like the IMF. Apollo help the Greeks! And the rest of Europe if he can. And this elephantic SEU bureaucracy well reflects, in Greece in particular at the moment, the three-headed Cerberus of excessive taxation, extreme legislation and fearsome disinformation mentioned at the beginning of this Part I.
507.01 →
Since 1534, the rivalry for superiority between
the Jews and the Greeks has been well re-centered between
the Jews
and the Catholics. By the late 1800s, the real power of the Catholics was
expressed mainly through the activities of the Jesuits, while the real power
of the Jews was expressed through the activities of the Zionists, whose
movement was quickly growing to full strength and would be soon formally founded
by a congress organized by the
Rothschild in
Switzerland, in 1897. That
founding Zionist congress was chaired by none
other than
Theodor Herzl, an atheist Jew who became the first
president of the Zionist Organization, and who, in his memoirs,
as the maximum Zionist figure, has made this incredible statement
announcing quite clearly the need
for a forthcoming Holocaust against Jews, encouraged by Zionist Jews
themselves, in order to achieve their long term objectives:
507.02 →
"It is essential that the sufferings of Jews (….) become worse (….) this will assist in realization of our plans (….) I have an excellent idea (….) I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth (….) The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends.” - Theodor Herzl
507.03 →
One thing is quite certain: without this Holocaust, the state of Israel would never have been created in 1948. That congress adopted the red hexagram as the Zionist flag, while the blue hexagram, as a mutation of the red hexagon of the Rothschild, will become the flag of Israel 51 years later. Both powers however, the Zionists and the Jesuits, were deeply influenced by the same Fabian Socialism ideology that was quickly spreading all over Europe, and whose foundation was formalized in 1884 by the Fabian Society, and spread ever since, in the whole world, through the major collaboration of the London School of Economics.
507.04 →
The Fabian Society was named knowingly after the Roman general Quintus Fabius Maximus who was famous for using overt and/or covert harassing deceitful tactics, whenever possible, for weakening opposition and gaining full totalitarian power, instead of engaging in open and perilous traditional war battles. It is on the basis of this fundamental trait that the German Chancellor at the time, Bismarck, called the Fabian Socialist, on the Zionist side, the "Red Socialists", and the Fabian Socialists on the Jesuit side, the "Black Socialists", fearing both of them equally, as a menace to democracy, as Fabian Socialism was clearly in Bismarck's view, and rightly so, a totalitarian ideology that could lead to both communism and/or fascism.
507.05 →
That trait is certainly still today one of the main characteristics of both the Zionists and the Jesuits acting with deceitful plans in our background for the advent of the totalitarian New World Order, in particular since they have started to collaborate as a JewZuit coalition. Before its formal foundation in 1884 however, Fabian Socialism, on the Zionist side in particular, had already been active, being progressively elaborated as a reaction of the Jews against the Renaissance that was tending to bring back a revival of the beautiful Greek EL culture of freethinking to which the Jews had always been opposed for at least two millennia.
507.06 →
As such, members of world Jewry have been the main actors behind at least 4 major revolutions and a forthcoming 5th one. The first one is the English Revolution of 1649 that was financed by Jews mainly from Holland and, through their financing, forced Cromwell to re-open the doors to the Jews in England in 1656. The second one is the French Revolution of 1789 that lifted all civil disabilities against the Jews in France, and favored their "Great Emancipation" in that country. The third one was the Bolshevik Revolution of Russia in 1918, financed entirely by Jewish bankers like Jacob Schiff, and that handed power to a revolutionary nomenclature of 384 members, of which only 13 were not Jews. The fourth one was the Spanish Civil War of 1936, which again was entirely financed by Bolshevik Jewry, albeit with little success in this case because of the solid opposition of Franco and Germany. After all these revolutions that all ended in failures, the Zionists are attempting a new revolution at the moment, but a worldwide one, as their fifth major revolution, called emblematically the New World Order, and they might finally have success, after many failures, because this time they have associated themselves with the Catholics, in an alliance with the Jesuits, thus in the brand new JewZuit Power coalition that, for the time being, so far, seems pretty much invincible and omnipotent. Their many mistakes and failures of the past have taught them a good lesson and, as a JewZuit coalition, they are most likely to succeed now, in finally enslaving all of us in a dictatorship of totalitarian Fabian Socialism that is the ideology at the foundation of the two sides of the coalition.
508.01 →
As for the Jesuits specifically, since 1534,
there is a bit of background that is most interesting in the contest of
this essay. The third Superior General of the Jesuits, elected in 1565,
was none less than the infamous
Cardinal Francis Borja,
directly linked to probably the worst period of the Vatican in terms of
criminality and torture through the
Like many other historical catholic religious figures of the last two
millennia, in
spite of this personal history of serious criminality, he was canonized and is considered as a saint.
General Francis Borja immediately amended
the constitution of the Jesuit Order to bestow powers to the position of
the Superior General,
that is, to himself, that were practically equivalent to the absolute
powers of the Pope, that is, the regular
White Pope.
This is where the expression Black Pope originated to
indicate the acting General of the Jesuits always dressed in integral
508.01 →
This constitution of the Jesuits, of 1565, is still in force today, and consequently the acting General of the Jesuits is still called the Black Pope to this day. On its basis, the Superior General can absolve priests and new Jesuit recruits of any of their sins, however horrible they may be, including heresy and murder, let alone the worst kinds of fraud or fornication; He can even reverse unilaterally, through the authority of a Pope's Bull and its related by-laws, sentences of excommunication issued by the regular white pope. But the most interesting thing in the context of this essay is that General Francis Borja secured, under Pope Gregory XIII, in 1572, the official rights of the Jesuits to deal in commerce and... banking. And they received this power more as a duty than as a right. This was the first time, the only time, and the last time, that a Catholic monastic order was attributed the right to get involved in commerce, and banking in particular. Only non-monastic Orders were ever given this right, like the Knights Templar, some 400 years earlier.
508.01 →
In addition, the Jesuits are the only Catholic monks that can wear plain city clothing freely, and live discretely in the middle of common people, in order not to be recognized as a Jesuit monk if they do not wish to. To confuse their disguise even more, fully trained Jesuits can act as Jesuit Soldiers in their own personal field of activity, under the guidance of their superior, but without having necessarily been ordained as Catholic priests. This is the origin of the powerful and discrete Jesuit side of the new JewZuit world power. The Bank of America for example is known to be entirely dominated by managers formed by Jesuit universities, and consequently some of them, at the top level, can very well be high grade Jesuit monks in legitimate disguise on the basis of the Constitution of the Order, or plain Jesuit Soldiers fully trained by the Jesuits, even if never ordained as Catholic priests. Many world leaders, even today, are Jesuit-trained and acting discretely as Jesuit agents, or as JewZuit acolytes of the New World Order of Fabian Socialism. As we will see further down, recent USA President Clinton, and current VP Biden are two eminent such figures.
508.01 →
Lets only hope that present White Pope Francis, as the Jesuit Black Pope that he really is, chose his papal name, as he himself said, with reference to Francis of Assisi, who lived some 800 years ago, and not with reference to the dreadful Francis Borja mentioned above who preceded Jesuit Pope Francis as the third Jesuit General some 500 years ago but, somehow, some of us might at times have legitimate doubts. As we will see further down, the new relativistic views of Jesuit Pope Francis regarding some hot moral issues, like abortion and same-sex marriage, or regarding his positive reconsideration of the "Marxist Myth" of the Theology of Liberation that is closely associated to totalitarian Fabian Socialism, not to mention his nihilistic and proactive encouragement to massive illegal immigration and to debasing multiculturalism in places like Lampedusa, nor the recent official position of the Catholic church regarding a favorable consideration of the advent of the New World Order with an "International Financial and Monetary Systems of Global Public Authority", create great concern to many Christians as to who Pope Francis really is. In Lampedusa, Pope Francis shouted "Vergogna! (Shame!) at least 3 times, in front of Italian authorities that should not only not have felt shame for the immense efforts they were doing to receive the Muslim refugees, or rather fugitives, but they should have been complimented by the Pope. On the other hand, in front of the thousands of Christian refugees massacred in Iraq, by ISIS in particular, many of them even buried alive or decapitated, Francis does not even dare to raise an informal objection, let alone a formal protest or at least an occasional expression like "Vergogna!". This is obviously, to most western people now, where the real shame stands: a Pope who protests with the wrong words at the wrong place, and for only problems not yet resolved maybe in the most perfect way, like in Lampedusa, instead of for real evil acts of terrorism already committed, like the decapitation of Christians in Iraq. Being a Jesuit himself, and considering all the above points, these worried Christians should probably be forgiven the sin of thinking sometimes that Pope Francis' main figure of reference might be the infamous Francis Borja, and not Saint Francis of Assisi.
508.01 →
The Dominicans are often considered the main Catholic religious order involved in the Inquisition, but this is true only in terms of being the main interrogators. They played this inquisitional role not only for religious dogma, but even for scientific reasons contradicting the norms maintained by the Catholic Church. They interrogated even some of their own members, like Giordano Bruno who was sent to the stake, burnt alive in 1600, for only not respecting the traditional geocentric astronomical system of the political correctness of his time. In turn, the main physical torturers and executors for the Inquisition were the Jesuits. In addition, the criminal activities of the Dominicans are more restricted to the Catholic Inquisition specifically, and to that period specifically, while the criminal activities of the Jesuits are related to a much wider period of time, even after the end of the Inquisition, and more various activities, including the incitation of wars and revolutions, like through their connections to both Stalin and Hitler seen further down, through political subversive interventions and assassinations, all sorts of abusive trade, including slave trade, and through a broad spectrum of furtive involvements in subjugating people through banks and disinformation in collaboration with the Zionists. Interestingly enough, it is a Jesuit, Roberto Bellarmino, who arranged the execution of Giordano Bruno, who was a Dominican, on the basis of the interrogations of other Dominicans. The Jesuits are thus the real, or certainly the main real Catholic monks fully qualified to be associated to the most brutal enslaving activities that we qualify as JewZuit and, as we have seen further up, the only Catholic order that was capable of doing so without necessarily being identified as Jesuits, wearing plain clothes if and when necessary, and to this very day.
509.01 →
About the dramatic role of the
Jesuits in
Nazi Germany, mostly in
a subservient hidden way, but nevertheless involving highly criminal and well known activities, mainly to fight the
Protestants and to steal the gold and the other major assets of the
Jews, it is most
informative to read two books of
Edmond Paris (25 January 1894
> 1970), as
the author of "The Secret History of the Jesuits",
and "The Vatican against
Europe", first published in the 1950s, both available as free PDF downloads on the
509.01 →
Hitler was a fierce Catholic, and it is known that the Jesuits considered favorably, to say the least, the building of the Third Reich that, from their point of view, was destined to unite a national-socialist state to a Catholic state. It was the Catholic Church that put Hitler in power, with the help of the voting people to whom he was presented as a kind of Messiah (savior). Franz Von Papen was a Jesuit and the Chancellor of Germany between June 1932 and March 1933. When Hitler came to power, Papen was sent to Rome to sign the Concordat (bilateral agreement) with the Vatican for Germany, on behalf of Hitler. Later on, in his book "My Conversations with Hitler", he said "Hitler has put into practice the high ideals of the Papacy". As chancellor, Von Papen had lifted the ban on Hitler's Brown Shirts, and arranged to integrate members of Catholic youth groups into Hitler's Youth, preparing the grounds for Hitler to move into power. Franz Von Papen was not only a Jesuit, but also Hitler's mentor at the time. He also said that "Mein Kampf", Hitler's book, was written by another Jesuit named Staempfle, with the knowledge and ascent of archbishop Eugenio Pacelli, future Pope Pius XII in Rome during the Hitler's Third Reich in Germany. Interestingly enough, he even said that Pope Pius XII protected and hid many Jews in the Vatican during Hitler's reign, but only to protect the Vatican in case Hitler lost the war, which he did. By the same token, historians have also established that the persecutions against Christians in Nazi Germany took place mainly against the Protestants who were the best enemies of the Jesuits because of the Reformation.
510.01 →
As for
in turn, the
builder and supervisor of the German concentration camps, he was also a
devout Catholic who, in 1919, at age 19, had expressed the desire to join
the Jesuit Order. His influential Catholic family was frequenting
Pacelli, future Pope
Pius XII,
who was the papal Nuncio in Munich at the time. Through this important
influence, he easily entered the Munich Technische Hochschule, where
Jesuits were teaching, and six years later, in 1925, he graduated as a
full Jesuit Soldier, presumably also ordained as a Catholic priest. He loved the
powerful military organization of the Jesuits,
and he admitted later on having used the Jesuits Order as
a model for his terrible
SS police force that became mainly responsible
for the Holocaust that resulted in the sacrifice of 6 million Jews. It
is claimed that his personal castle included a hotel for human sacrifice. If
true, it was a dramatic precursor symbol of the dominant role he would play
in the Holocaust and, as a claimed devout Catholic, it was rather the symbol
of a diabolic mentality or at least of the ruthless mentality of the Jesuits
who formed him.
510.02 →
Hitler had a Catholic Concordat (bilateral agreement) with the Vatican, just like Mussolini had one in Italy, Salazar had one in Portugal, and Franco had one in Spain. These international concordats were only a handful at the time, and their overseeing was a sector of particular interest for the Jesuits, on behalf of the Pope, because they were defining the recognition of the status of the Catholic Church and its privileges within the country.
510.03 →
It is to be noted that the Jesuits were the ones who, in the Council of Trent (1545-1563), pushed for, and obtained, the proclamation of the condemnation of the liberty of speech, of press and of conscience: all magnificent attributes of the EL culture; but that Greek culture was always resisted by both the Catholics and the Jews during the last two millennia. These fundamental liberties were only re-given to the Western World after the Reformation and the strong intervention of the various denominations of the Protestants. For the Jesuits, the prohibition of these fundamental liberties was very consonant with the black regimes of Hitler, Mussolini, Salazar and Franco, and their own role, as Jesuits, was to defend the implementation of these black values of prohibition of the Council of Trent, even 400 years later.
510.04 →
All the above being said, the Zionist Jews had nevertheless a lot to do
with Hitler in the background, as a secondary role to the Jesuits. In his
book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy",
Gary Allen certainly well documents the fact that the
Zionist Rothschild bankers are the ones who have financed
Hitler, all
along his war, with the Rothschilds knowing very well what was happening with the Holocaust
against their fellow Jews in Germany during WWII. How can we explain
this incredible fact if it is not as a reflection of what we mentioned
earlier, quoting the first President of the Zionists, Theodor Zerzl, who said, some 40 years earlier: "...
It is essential that the sufferings of
Jews….become worse….this will assist in the realization of our plans…”.
And the plan of course was to make the Jews suffer sufficiently to
justify the creation of the state of Israel, which would have been
impossible without the Holocaust, and which happened soon after, in 1948.
510.05 →
About the incredible connections of Vatican with the Nazis, along with the Swiss banks and the Soviet Union power, the best book one can read is probably the "Unholy Trinity" by John Loftus and Mark Aarons. It is a very well documented book on mainly how the Vatican provided a major contribution to the smuggling of the Nazis officials of WWII, but also documents many aspects of the triangle of collaboration between pope Pacelli, Hitler and Stalin. Interestingly enough, Loftus, who is an Irish Catholic, also wrote another unrelated but incredible book: "The Secret War Against the Jews" in which he writes about the duplicity of the intelligence services of the western world towards Israel, most of the time showing a sympathy for Israel but often also betraying this alliance because of the oil and money of the Arab countries.
511.01 →
In the Soviet Union, the Red Power of the Zionist Jews was mainly and frontally involved, but with a very active participation of the Jesuits in the background. As we will see with more details further down, it is now recognized by all serious historians that the Bolshevik Revolution was essentially a Jewish Revolution against the Christian power of the Tsars. The Black Power of the Catholic Church had a less direct meaningful participation in it, but they did not really need to have one, in order to achieve some of their objectives. It was sufficient for them to close an eye, or even both eyes when necessary, on what was going on, because the persecution led by the Bolshevik Jews against Christians was essentially against the particular Christians who were the enemies of the Jesuit Black Power since Reformation: the Orthodox Christians, like large sectors of the populations of Ukraine, and the Protestants of areas like Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, not to mention East-Germany and many other East-European countries. Those non-Catholic Christians were decimated or sent massively to Siberia as working slaves, or to die in terrible concentration camps.
511.02 →
books of Nobel Prize
Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn, like the one
titled "The Gulag Archipelago",
in volume 2,
well document this Christian Holocaust made specifically by the Bolshevik
Zionist Jews, and on page 79 he even mentions the names of their main
leaders: Aron Solts,
Yakov Rappoport, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman,
Naftaly Frenkel and Genrikh Yagoda in particular.
All six were
Zionist Jews. In 1970 Solzhenitsyn was awarded the Nobel Peace
Prize for literature, and one can only assume that this most prestigious world
prize would not have been attributed to him if he had been lying about
such tremendous atrocities made by Zionist Jews against mainly non-Catholic
511.03 →
Another excellent book of a less known historian and author, Dr. David Duke, titled "The Secret Behind Communism" confirms exactly the same thing, in particular with regards to Yagoda who, in his opinion, should be six times more well known than the Himmler of Hitler, for being a Zionist Jew who has headed a six times worse holocaust than the one suffered by the Jews, and about whom we never hear anything. The secret behind communism is, of course, that the Bolshevik Revolution was a Jewish revolution, and that Jews controlled entirely the nomenclature from the beginning; the Bolshevik nomenclature of 384 members included only 13 ethnic Russians and over 300 were Jews, exceptionally accompanied by 1 negro; and, later on, it controlled all the concentration camps that led to the death of 60 million Christians, 60, not 6 million.
511.04 →
Solzhenitsyn and Duke are now two contested authors, for entirely different reasons, and for entirely wrong reasons, and they certainly come from two entirely different backgrounds. Nevertheless, their books confirm this harsh reality in a perfectly matching way. Solzhenitsyn cannot be contradicted easily because he speaks mostly from personal direct experience of what the Bolshevik Jews have done to his own people in his own country, as facts well corroborated by most historians nowadays. Duke cannot be easily contradicted either because he is a historian, and he speaks mainly from excellent and incontestable Jewish sources, also corroborated by prominent Jewish rabbis and historians. Nobody will find a clear trace of hatred or anti-Semitism in Duke's book, only a serene description of historical truth. Both Solzhenitsyn and Duke may appear to be anti-Jews, for what they report of what Jews have done, but they are not anti-Semites, because they only describe historical facts, and facts cannot be considered anti-Semitism by Jews who do not like to hear them. If these two excellent authors are both contested, it is, or should be in ultimate analysis, only because they are not politically correct in daring to report what they do, contrary to what most mass-media hide in their constant censorship regarding Jews, precisely because these media are mostly entirely owned, or dominated, by Jews or the JewZuit Oligarchy.
511.05 →
In any case, for those who may not appreciate these two
contested authors, but respect Churchill, both authors only
confirm what Churchill had predicted.
Churchill, whose mother Jenny Jacobson Jerome was Jewish, which
means he
was Jewish, as he was born of a Jewish mother, wrote in an article in the
Illustrated Sunday Herald, dated February 8th 1920, 20 years before he
became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, referring to the
Conspiracy, before it became a
JewZuit Conspiracy.
In that article, he said:
“From the
days of Illuminati leader
Weishaupt, to those of Karl
Marx, to
those of
Trotsky, this
worldwide conspiracy has been steadily
growing. And now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the
underworld of the great cities of Europe and America, have gripped the
Russian people by the hair of their heads and become the undisputed masters
of that enormous empire.”
Churchill also opined that the
"International Jews" had
produced "another system of morals and
philosophy as malevolent as Christianity was benevolent
[obviously in the recent past, after the
Inquisition], which, if not
arrested would shatter irretrievably all that Christianity has rendered
possible". Churchill commented more extensively, saying: "This
movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt
to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky
(Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg
(Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this
world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and
for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of
envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It
played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably
shown, a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the French
Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during
the Nineteenth Century".
It is interesting to note that our respectable
Churchill, who certainly cannot be accused of being a conspiracy
theorist, talks explicitly about a
“worldwide conspiracy to overthrow civilization”, and
mentions 6 names as the main agents of the conquest of the enormous Russian empire
and the rest of the world power,
implying the conquest of a new world power that, called by its current name,
is the "New World Order": four Jews (Marx,
Trotsky, Bela
Kun and
Emma Goldman), and one Jesuit (Weishaupt).
This is a good example of what we call the JewZuit Power in
the context of this essay.
511.06 →
The latter, Weishaupt, was a Jesuit and an ex-professor of canon law who supposedly defected from Christianity (probably a faked defection which, as we will see, would be allowed under the incredible Constitution, or Oath, of the Jesuits, whereby the means always justify the end, whatever their criminality or deceit) and is even claimed to have embraced a Luciferian Jewish ideology while teaching in Ingolstadt University. In 1770 the Rothschild Jews retained him to revise and modernize what they called the Old Protocols designed to give Jews ultimate world domination through, among other things, the best forms of money lending. The modern base of this domination strategy had been the foundation of the Bank of England, in 1694, giving the power of money creation 'out-of-nothing' to a private Jewish cartel, and announcing the forthcoming creation of the Federal Reserve, doing the same thing through a similar private Jewish cartel in America in 1913. Again, if this review was formalized in what they called “old protocols”, these protocols are most certainly the last known updated version of what became known as the infamous “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, discovered, or rather rediscovered, in 1903, as these protocols compose a plan for the world domination by the so-called Illuminati, or by the pre-Zionist Jews behind that plan.
511.07 →
Certainly, the Jesuit Weishaupt is given, by all historians, the credit of
having founded the
Illuminati in 1776, as supposedly the strongest
consolidation of the movement at the source of the modern New World Order of
totalitarian world domination through Fabian Socialism. Again, Weishaupt was a
Jesuit German professor of
canon law, filling a position that was always held exclusively by a Jesuit,
openly or discretely, even after
Pope Clement XIV tried to ban the
Jesuits from Germany in 1773. If these associations are historically right,
then the real author of the Protocols of Zion is none less than a Jesuit.
Just imagine what Churchill, who died in 1965, would have said if he had
lived until today. Now that the Zionists have made a covert coalition with
the Jesuits, to become an absolute world
JewZuit Power, I can only
assume he would most probably have concluded his sentence rather this way:
"...become the undisputed masters... of the worldwide totalitarian JewZuit
New World Order".
512.01 →
The case of
Stalin is an odd exception in this context.
Lenin himself was a Jew.
Interestingly enough however, even if the Bolshevik Revolution was
nearly entirely a Zionist Jew Revolution, this immense Jewish power used
a Jesuit Soldier as probably its worst accomplice, in the person of
Lenin used Stalin reluctantly at the beginning, as he was afraid of
Stalin being a double agent of the Catholic Church, but Stalin was such
a strong revolutionary leader, and so successful in his area, that
Lenin could not do without him.
512.02 →
In spite of what some foreign (not Russian) authors say, Stalin came from an influential Catholic family and, at the age of 14, he was accepted to enter the Seminary of Tiflis (Tbilisi, Georgia), a Jesuit institution, to be trained as a Jesuit priest. Historians believe he was never ordained as a priest, but he certainly received a full disciplinary formation as a Jesuit Soldier and, as such, he was probably a discrete and skilled Jesuit agent in disguise in his Georgia for the preparation of the forthcoming Bolshevik Revolution. A good hint of this might be the fact that, under the Tsars, in 1903, Stalin was exiled to Siberia for three years but, months later, the Jesuits that had trained him in Tiflis managed to get him out of prison and return him to Tiflis on January 4, 1904. Another similar event of exile in Siberia happened in 1908, with another similar liberation by the Jesuits influential with the Tsars in 1909. Another hint is the nearly unreported historical fact that, after Lenin died in 1924, possibly assassinated with poison by Stalin on Jesuit orders, Stalin's first important act, as now the most powerful Russian leader, was to outlaw the Orthodox Christian Church, strongly opposed by the Jesuits, and to give all the confiscated Orthodox churches and schools to the Catholic Church that was entirely controlled by the Jesuits who had trained him.
512.03 →
also did so in close
collaboration with a Catholic Cardinal of Jesuit formation, Gregory
Agagianian, his former classmate at the Jesuit Seminary of Tiflis, who
was then responsible for Siberia. The
Jesuits remained
influential in many places of the Russian territory even after their
monastic Order was banned by the Tsar Alexander I in 1820. They kept teaching at several
institutions, still controlling some of them totally, in particular in
some far away provinces, including the Seminary of Tiflis in distant
Georgia where Stalin studied and graduated. Stalin himself openly admitted the Jesuit
full control of the
institution in his famous interview with Jewish Journalist
Emil Ludwig
Cohen, and he did so in terms that indicated clearly that he was trained as a
Marxist revolutionary by the Jesuits.
512.04 →
Once established within the Kremlin, Stalin even constantly had at his shoulders a kind of supervisor in the person of a Jesuit named Alexander Poskrebyshev. This strange background of Stalin, as the Lenin-Stalin connection, in terms of a Zionist Jew collaborating with a Jesuit, certainly marks a beginning of a new JewZuit Power even in the Soviet Union, and gives an additional indication of what the Jesuits were capable of, in pursuing their long term objective of a New World Order of totalitarian Fabian Socialism. This also explains well why, even if the Bolshevik revolution was led by Zionist Jews, many plain Jews ended-up in concentration camps that were built and destined mostly to non-Catholic Christians, the ones of the Orthodox church associated with the Tsar, and with the Protestant churches opposed by the Jesuits. A Lenin and a Stalin, along with all the members of the Bolshevik nomenclature, had a common objective, which was the pursuit of totalitarian Fabian Socialism. This pursuit being common to Zionists and Jesuits, it was directed mainly against non-Catholics Christians, but also against anyone opposing their plans, including many plain non-Zionist Jews.
513.01 →
In short, these massive deportations,
implemented by the Jew-Zionist-led Bolshevik Revolution, which is now a historical
fact recognized by most historians, many of them Jewish historians, caused an enormous
Christian Holocaust.
In other words,
the Red Power of Zionist Jews in the Soviet
Union caused a Holocaust at least six times bigger than the one the plain
Jews themselves suffered during WWII, and the Black Power of the Catholics
closed an eye because, in spite of a small part of Catholics being
exterminated, that Holocaust involved mainly their Christian enemies of the
Protestant and Orthodox denominations. A valid question
begs for an answer, as to why then do we hear so much today, in the mass media,
practically on a daily basis, about "the"
Holocaust, suffered by
the Jews,
never about another Holocaust, six times bigger, produced by Jews against
Christians. And the second valid question is why was there no "Nuremburg
Trial" for
"a" Holocaust six-times bigger than
513.02 →
The answer to these two embarrassing questions is clearly and quickly found in the study of who is behind the Red & Black coalition of the new JewZuit Power that possesses and runs all mainstream mass media at the moment, be it the printed press, the TV news or the multimedia of Hollywood. Making known, or talking openly about this "Six-Times-Bigger Holocaust" against Christians would immediately expose the terrible history and nature of the new JewZuit Power, with terrible sins of omission on the Catholic side, but much more terrible sins of commission of the Jewish side. In light of the fact that this new JewZuit coalition is a winning one at the moment, in enslaving all of us, progressively and quite successfully so far, into the New World Order of totalitarian Fabian Socialism, the coalition just cannot risk to be exposed and discredited by such "obscure little historical thing of the past" that is a "Six-Times-Bigger-Holocaust" caused by those who claim to have suffered "the" one-and-only Holocaust.
513.03 →
And if this "Six-Times-Bigger-Holocaust", caused by Zionist Jews, was not enough to hear more about it, because of its sheer size, why do we not hear about another "Sixty-Times-Longer-Holocaust" also caused mainly by Zionist Jews. The Slave Trade between Africa and the USA lasted not 5 years, like "the" Holocaust suffered by the Jews in Germany, but some 300 years, and it was entirely dominated by Jews. It caused an estimated 7 to 10 million deaths in the slave trade traffic operations alone, while chasing, catching and transporting them, not counting the ones who died while working in terrific conditions soon after arrival. Aaron Lopez, a Jew, was the biggest slave ships owner of this sad Black Holocaust, or Slave Holocaust history. He was from Newport, the main port of arrival in the USA, where the biggest and oldest American Jewish community was established in the second half of the 1700s. Isaac Da Costa, was another main Jewish figure in this ugly slave trade.
513.04 →
Jews were in fact the main slave traders since at least the time of the Roman Empire, and the Zionist-dominated mainstream press, and the Zionist-dominated Hollywood, ensure we never hear about it, and if so, only on an occasional or accidental basis, certainly never in terms of a Holocaust, let alone a holocaust caused with the main responsibility falling clearly on Jews. Many books well document this reality. For example the book "The Secret Relationship Between Black and Jews" published by the "Nation of Islam", certainly well documents the details of these historical facts, and that book even quotes many Jewish historian sources. The book is contested as anti-Semitic, but mostly contested with vague statements that do not confute at all the real facts it brings to light.
513.05 →
In the meantime, Spielberg still portrays this Black Slave Trade Holocaust wrongly, not only for not ever calling it a Holocaust, calling it simply a "Transatlantic Slave Trade", but for trying to call it essentially a "Christian Affair", even if he knows well, as a Jew, that the facts of the above book were never readily contested. History also confirms that over 40% of Jewish families owned slaves, and no more than 5% of Christian families owned them until slavery was finally abolished. In all fairness it is good that we hear a lot about "the" Holocaust, which was really "a" real Holocaust, and a real one, no doubt about it, to ensure it never happens again. However, we should also hear equally about all the other holocausts, in particular those who were more severe, either in terms of time frames (like the Black Holocaust), or in terms of numbers (like the Christian Holocaust).
513.06 →
If it is too shameful for Jew-dominated Hollywood and the Jew-dominated mainstream press to make us hear about holocausts that have been many times longer or bigger than "the" Holocaust, then why do we not hear at least about the many other holocausts of about the same dimensions. Are they less important and tragic than "the" Holocaust? This is certainly the case of the Ukrainian Holocaust, the one called "Holodomor", a word still unknown to probably 99,99% of the world population, that was done by the Jewish Bolshevik regime starving and killing some 6 million Ukrainian Orthodox Christians, directly or through forced confiscation of land and collectivization. All the good historians working with Hollywood should well know by now, even from good and reliable Jewish sources, that the main authors of this other Holocaust, the Holodomor, of the same size than the one suffered by the Jews, was implemented by Bolshevik Zionist Jews whose most prominent names are Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda and Nikolai Yezhov. Why are not these names as infamously known as the name of Himmler? Why are they still totally unknown to the public in general?
513.07 →
It is certainly in great part because of the impossibility of criticizing
the Jews, even on the basis of facts acknowledged by many Jewish
historians, without risking being called anti-Semite, and consequently
risking being trialed and even sent to jail; this Jewish exorbitant censorship is developing into a new
Inquisition. It is a kind of Jewish Inquisition that
has many similarities with the Catholic Inquisition
when Christians were not able to contest Catholic orthodoxy, not even
criticize it, even when
it was based on science, like the famous case of
without risking being arrested and jailed to say the least. German
scholars, like Ernst Zundel and
Germar Rudolf
were for example readily extradited from the USA to Germany, and
imprisoned, for publishing what they called scientific evidence that,
according to them, was re-dimensioning down the real size of the
Holocaust, not denying it, only re-dimensioning it on the basis of
historical facts. Even their defending lawyer,
Silvia Stolz,
was jailed for three years in 2008 in Germany for only daring to present
supporting evidence on behalf of her clients. British historian,
David Irving, was arrested in Austria on a private trip, and
suffered a similar fate for having
offered what he called verifiable proof that some of the gas chambers in
Auschwitz had been constructed after WWII for additional propaganda
513.08 →
These are only few more well known cases of a growing number of less prominent persons suffering the same inquisitional fate on the part of the Jews. Even if these scholarly protagonists were wrong, which might very well be the case, at least in part, or maybe in exaggeration of certain verifiable facts, jailing them, and even their defending lawyer, for their convictions based on documented facts, is a gross exaggeration that has a back taste of a new Jewish Inquisition, emulating aspects of the even uglier Catholic Inquisition, in particular in light of the fact that history provides us with many Holocausts, not only "the" Holocaust, of which many have been equal or much more serious, in terms of numbers and of length of time, than "the" Holocaust, and that the controlled mainstream media never allow us to hear about.
513.09 →
Even the Catholic Inquisition against Catholics is one of these Holocausts never called a Holocaust, let alone called the Catholic Holocaust or the Inquisition Holocaust. It is nevertheless one of the longest of all (except for the one mentioned in the next section). It lasted for about 500 years, from the 12th to the 18th centuries, and was extended to most of the known world at the time through the Spanish Empire and the Portuguese Empire. Accounting for all the related forms of persecutions, worldwide, records of historians show that it is reasonable to estimate that from fifty to sixty-eight millions of human beings either died, suffered torture, lost their possessions, or were otherwise persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church during the awful centuries of the Catholic Inquisition.
513.10 →
These facts are well
documented in old books like "The Shadow
Of Rome", by
John Wilder (1960), "The
Rise of the Dutch Republic" by
J.L. Motley
(1913) talking about the Spanish Inquisition in Holland, and more recently "The
Decline and Fall of the Roman Church" by
Martin (1981) who explains clearly that the decline
in moral and ethical standards started as far
back when the Catholic Church received all the money and land, thus immense temporal
from Saint Constantine, Roman Emperor (306-337 AD), from which
event grew an ugly
struggle between its spiritual mission and its secular mission. Again, there
is near complete silence nowadays on these incredible persecutions. We never
hear about the Inquisition as a Holocaust, nor about Communism as a
Holocaust, even if both have caused many more millions of dead people than
the six millions suffered by the Jews in "The" Holocaust.
513.11 →
The Catholics have learned a hard lesson, and had an important loss of many of their faithful because of their Catholic Inquisition. Maybe the Jews should reflect and have a more relaxed approach to criticism, even when their opponents might be partly wrong, in order not to have to suffer the same kind of loss of faithful, or the loss of many useful sympathizers to their real ordeal, let alone fomenting a negative reaction of growing anti-Semitism on the part of the new generations who are distant from this reality and feel little guilt for it. Using inquisitional fear and threat of jail against honest freethinking contestants might work better with the senior or fully adult citizens living at the moment, but can only boomerang with the younger generations.
513.12 →
Both the Catholics and the Jews, as sharing a kind of integrated Judeo-Christian culture, are responsible for incredible holocaustic massacres. They used incredible violence in achieving their objectives of world domination. At the moment however, they are achieving similar objectives of enslavement, worldwide this time, but with much more sophisticated means, without using anymore flaming faggots, gas chambers or concentration camps, at least not yet... But their means of enslavement, under the innocuous name of New World Order, are nonetheless most effective, less visible but more effective than ever before on a worldwide scale. It is the enslavement through the three-headed Cerberus of extreme legislation, excessive taxation and fearsome disinformation. And these means are now, finally, after centuries of separate efforts of the two sides of the JewZuit equation, to dominate the world, being used by a de-facto coalition of the Red and Black sides of the power of the totalitarian Fabian Socialism, incarnated into the new JewZuit Power that, because of this new coalition and well hidden conspiracy, has become practically an absolute and omnipotent power. As for the Inquisition proper however, there is even an uglier reality that is totally unknown by most people and that we will now describe as the biggest and longest Holocaust.
514.01 →
All the above holocausts however, mentioned in the
previous section, do not match the another one which is the biggest and
longest inquisitional and holocaustic massacre of world history and, because
of the JewZuit Power that owns and
controls most of the mainstream press, also the most unknown of all.
We mean the Holocaust against the
culture, or against the "Ellens"
(against the "Greeks"). This will come as a complete
surprise to most people, but it is a sour reality that is, by now, well
documented. This holocaustic reality was well hidden for centuries under
qualifiers that always excluded the use of the word "Greeks", like mainly
the deceitful word and qualifier "Pagan".
To match the words
Anti-Semitism” and
the Greeks, as the ancient EL
people, should probably coin the equivalent words "Anti-ELism"
and ”
, or even "Anti-ELites" in this context, and could
very legitimately use these new words in relation to themselves,
probably as often as the two
previous ones are used in relation to the Jews. We will now go through an
overview of this terrible history of holocaustic persecution against Hellenism, or against the culture of the EL
people or, more simply said, and not to use the word "Pagan", against the Greeks.
514.02 →
The Catholic Inquisition was only the best known central moment of an even bigger and longer Holocaust, or Genocide, taking place at the same time, and by the same Judeo-Christian nomenclatures, as a Holocaust actuated by a complicity of the Catholics (and of the Christian Orthodox before the period of the Inquisition) and the Jews against the Greeks. This is specifically the Holocaust against the Greeks, or more accurately against the Greek Hellenic culture in light of the fact that the word "Greek" does not exist in the "Greek" language. This is the genocide, or rather what we call The Holocaust Against Hellenism, or against the "EL" culture. The Catholic Inquisition was attacking the heretics, but more in general also all the so-called "pagans", or the Ellens (Greeks). This derogatory name ("Pagan") was the one given to the widely spread people of Hellenic culture faithful to the 12 gods of the Olympus, instead of the various gods of the 3 main monotheistic religions. As such the Catholics found a willing collaborator on the part of the Jews to try to eliminate all the pagans. This collaboration was easy to integrate, as before the Catholic Inquisition started, the Jews were probably the most jealous people of the Hellenic culture that shed shade on their pretention of being the best and chosen people of God. Consequently, the overall Judeo-Christian battle for world supremacy was common, and well centered against the Hellenic culture.
514.03 →
Interestingly enough, this holocaustic persecution of the Greeks as Pagans, in relation to their 12 Olympian Gods, was based mainly on the fact that they did not have, from the origin, a monotheistic religion, like the Christians or the Jews had, let alone the Muslims later on. But a good comprehension of the Olympus shows that this absence of monotheism was only a pretext, and also really a falsity, that served the aspirations of world domination on the part of the Christians and the Jews over the Hellenic Culture that was still dominant at the time in most of the populations surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. The Olympus also had a "One" supreme God, called Zeus, that in his role, and his absolute supremacy over all the others, made the Greek religion as much a monotheistic religion as the religion of the Jews and the Christians. The other Olympian Gods were all minor gods. After all, that division of the divinity into 12 persons, for a better comprehension by their adepts as to what the different aspects of their religion were, had really nothing more strange than the division into 3 of the Holy Trinity of the Christian religion. There is really no more reason to be a "Pagan", if your divinity is divided into 12 entities, than there is, if it is divided into 3 entities. In fact, the Holy Trinity, with the division of God into 3 entities, was incomprehensible to most of the ancient Christian adepts, but also still to even the most educated generations of today, while the division of the Greek Olympus into 12 entities, with each entity having a well defined character and meaning in relation to what human behavior should ideally be or not be, was much more comprehensible and accessible to the simple adepts of the old Greek religion, let alone the more educated adepts of its followers today.
514.04 →
This huge Holocaust against the EL culture is recognized to having taken place during various main periods. The first main period was from 313 AD to the fall of Constantinople in 1453 AD, during which long period of some 1140 years, some 312 millions of Greeks, or rather "Hellenic pagans" spread around the known world of mainly the Magna Graecia, were exterminated or highly persecuted. Practically nobody ever talks about this terrible first period of persecution against Hellenism, and never in terms of the real Holocaust that it was. For example, the greatest historian of the 4th century AD, Ammianus Marcellinus who lived in Syria (around 330/390 AD) wrote XXXI history books of the period following the life of the previous historian Tacitus (who died around 140 AD) to the time of the last years before his own death. In volume XIX, he describes in details the terrible genocide of some 19 million Ellens (Greeks) during the 2 decades centered around the year 341 AD (the worst year of persecution) for refusing to convert to the monotheistic Judeo-Christian religions. That genocide was centered in Scythopolis (a city of today's Israel that is now called Beit She'an), located near the Jordan River, not far from Nazareth in Galilee. This genocide alone killed some 19 million "Greeks", but no modern historian will ever talk about it , not eve Wikipedia, because it shames the history of the Judeo-Christian religions. And it is no surprise that this genocide took place near Nazareth where lived the biggest concentration of "Greeks" in the whole of Palestine. Jesus was also from Nazareth, and was not a Jew, but an EL ("Greek") figure. He was not even "Christian", as he never intended to found an institutional religion. Jesus only wanted to reform the Jews, bringing them closer to the EL ("Greek") culture of freethinking and freewill based on Truth, but he failed, and was also assassinated and crucified for attempting to do so. The Christian church, or the Judeo-Christian church that was founded after his death in his name only proceeded on the same path of persecuting and killing all who were Hellens (or "Greeks", or "Pagans").
514.05 →
The second period goes from 1453 AD, at the rise of the Ottoman Empire, until the independence of Greece in 1821, and its full liberation from the Turkish-Ottoman influence in 1828. During that second period, of some 375 years, another about 53 million more "Hellenic pagans", around all the remaining areas of dominant Hellenic culture, were tortured or massacred. This means a total genocide, or rather a holocaust, of a total of about 365 millions "Hellenic pagans", massacred over a period of 1515 years in the territories of the Magna Graecia. This long millennium and a half is where the well known Catholic Inquisition proper is integrated, horse backing mainly the second part, as a historical ordeal that was spread over a mid-period of about 500 years. That long period also includes however the much less well known Orthodox Inquisition also against the same Pagans of Hellenic culture.
514.06 →
Who knows about this incredible Holocaust? And of the ones who do know, who knows of it as a Holocaust against Hellenism planned and executed by a joint effort of mainly the Jews and the Catholics, but also the separate Orthodox Church? Because of the Catholic and Jewish censorship, practically no western book was ever allowed to be published on this incredible drama, certainly never explicitly as a Holocaust against Greeks, or against the people of Hellenic EL culture, and the few that were published were made to disappear quickly from all western world libraries. Nevertheless it is real and immense Holocaust. It is in fact quite clearly the biggest and longest Holocaust that part of humanity has ever been submitted to, and it stems clearly from mainly the aggressive power that was composed of the two branches of what we call today the JewZuit Power.
514.07 →
Those interested in this issue might want to try to have access the
serious research and documentation of the three excellent books of
Vlasis Rassias, shown up to the left: "Lay
Them To The Ground", "Virtue",
"Rebirthing Of Hellenism"
mentioned in the icon above to the left.
The author, Rassias, is a very prominent patriotic
intellectual in Greece at the moment but not as confrontational as the two
authors of the two other books shown to the right. The latter have been highly criticized, by both the Christians and the
Jews that the authors explicitly consider responsible for the Holocaust
against Hellenism. However, the most serious criticisms could only be done
only in general terms that
could not deny the essence of the historical facts reported by the authors.
The first book is by Gerasimos Kalogerakis,
titled "The Holocaust Against
Hellenism" (Γερασιμος Καλογερακης:
Το Ολοκαυτωμα Του Ελληνισμου".
The second book is by
Pandelis Kontoyannis,
titled "The
Destructive Assimilation of the Ancient Hellenic Archetypes by the
- [Παντελης Κοντουαννης: Η Λεηλασια των
Αρχαιοελληνικων Αρχετυπων Απο τον Χριστιανισμο]. Unfortunately, as far as I know,
these 2 books, are available only in Greek and,
even in Greece, they are available only through specialized libraries, as the
JewZuit Power
that is very powerful in Greece at the moment
will not allow their easy publication,
translation or distribution. Another source of course it the series of books
mentioned earlier, in 10 volumes, of
Heinz Deshner,
Christianity's Criminal History.
This latter author has faced the same kind of publication limitations and
character assassination persecutions as Gerasimos Kalogerakis did, but
some translations of his 10 books are now available in few other languages, including a partial
one in English. Deshner, as per the title of his books, centers his argumentation mainly against Christianity,
and its systematic criminal destruction of Hellenism, but he also clearly
shows along the way, and factually documents, the joint involvement of the
Jews in this terrible history of criminality against Hellenism.
514.08 →
The worst part of this most incredible holocaustic and inquisitional initiative of world history is that it has never been fully completed, and is still partly very much alive today. This Holocaust is having a firm revival at the moment, in the context of the current crisis in Greece that is completely managed by the JewZuit Power. As we have seen in details further up, not only the Greek government is, and has been, dominated by Jews during the last 40 years, but even the Orthodox Christian Church is completely dominated by an anti-Hellenism that is being strongly implemented in complicity with Zionist Jews. The Orthodox Church authorities who were too patriotic or too Hellenistic ware all eliminated. Archbishop Christodoulou is only the best known example of this contemporary religious cleansing. Modern Greece is the best example today, in the western world, of the worldwide domination of the new JewZuit Power.
514.09 →
a previous section we have seen
how both Pope Francis and Bartholomew-I
are deeply involved in promoting a "Panthriskia", or a
JudiChrIslam One-World Religion at the service of
the debtism of the New World Order, or the
debt-money system of a forthcoming One-World Government. We will
also see further down,
with the help of some revealing pictures, even the Greek Orthodox "Pope",
Bartholomew I, reigning over Orthodoxy from modern Constantinople, has
demonstrated to be eminently part of this never-ending Holocaust against
Hellenism in
arranging the recent meetings between Pope Francis and Jewish president
Peres at the Vatican on June 8, 2014, and in promoting strongly his new kind of
"Pan-Thriskia", or a one-for-all-religion, clearly at the service of the JewZuit
New World Order, thus clearly against the best values of the Hellenic
culture. For eliminating the last remnants of the magnificent Hellenic
EL culture, and complete the Holocaust against Hellenism, the
of current Greece could never have found a better leading ally than a powerful Greek
figure, and this figure is clearly Bartholomew. In arranging the historical
meeting of June 8, 2014, and in consideration of the fact that Pope Francis is a
Jesuit, Bartholomew also accomplished what could be considered nearly a
miracle: the incredible rapprochement, from the top level, of the Orthodox
Church with the Jesuits who have been historical enemies for half a
millennium. This rapprochement adds a brand new wing of support to the
already nearly invincible JewZuit coalition for the New World Order: the
Orthodox Church. Could this be the addition of a third wing to the JewZuit
Coalition, reinforcing it and rendering it literally omnipotent as a global
power, as a kind of new JewZuitOdox Power?
514.10 →
What is happening to modern Greece today is certainly the kicks of the tail of the longest and biggest of all holocaustic and inquisitional initiatives of world history. The main reason is that the Greek Olympus "religion" was the only religion of the western world that was never an enslaving one, clearly in contradiction with the Judaic, the Christian and the Muslim religions. It was one of freethinking and freedom, as attributes that are abhorred to the outmost degree by the 3 other main western religions who all aspire to dominate and enslave, through dogma, fear and the plundering of their followers.
514.11 →
The famous incident of the killing of Hypatia, seen above, in a previous section, at the time of the burning of the Library of Alexandria, in 415 AD, is only the most famous incident of this never-ending massacre against the freethinking of Hellenism. This single incident was well publicized by the recent film AGORA, but again, not at all presented by the film maker in the context of such a long and immense holocaustic and inquisitional massacre that lasted well over one and a half millennium (some 1515 years), and with its tail still kicking today, mostly against the contemporary Greeks of the current crisis. What the Greeks are suffering today is terrible on the economic side, but even more horrific on the cultural side whereby their magnificent language is being systematically downgraded, their history is being distorted and forgotten, their freethinking spirit that gave us the best of what humanity has been is being disintegrated, and all their cultural values are being entirely liquidated through massively disproportionate illegal immigration without due PISA process and a most destructive global multiculturalism, without a positive ProRacialist approach, let alone their reduction to economic misery. It is as if that longest of all Holocausts is attempting to finally achieve the total enslavement of the Greeks, and the destruction of their beautiful EL culture of freedom, after an attempt to do so has not completely successfully worked out over a period of a couple of millennia. Hopefully this final attempt will also fail. Part II of this essay shall bring constructive suggestions and elements of solution against this never-ending massacre of the culture of freedom of the Greeks and against the enslavement of many other countries through the totalitarian Collectivism of the growing Fabian New World Order.
515.01 →
Most of our western societies are quickly developing into
states. This is well expressed in the book of
John Whitehead
titled "A Government of Wolves",
The Emerging American Police State. Its subtitle could very well
have been: The Emerging European Police State, as this
alternative would have also matched the exact same phenomenon happening in
the JewZuit EU, or the SEU, at the moment. Whitehead is a constitutional attorney of
national prominence, and president of The Rutherford Institute, a major
international civil liberties organization. As such, he cannot be
considered anything like a conspiracy theorist. As a prominent attorney, he
has experienced clearly, through his professional work, that our western world
is at the moment fully enslaved by the
three-headed Cerberus of excessive taxation, extreme legislation, and
disinformation, and is characterized by a harassing
undue secrecy in too many public actions and expenditures, perpetual war-like conflicts, unfounded suspects
of internal terrorism on the part of all plain citizens, grossly unnecessary militarization of municipal
police, surveillance and spying of both innocuous workers and world leaders,
uselessly aggressive police interventions for resolving minor street
incidents and school
bullying, and, in front of all this, a citizenry with little or no recourse against all these ugly types
of unwarranted police-state actions.
515.02 →
With the hundreds of huge and frightening FEMA empty concentration camps already built in the USA at the moment, by the new JewZuit Power, as an odd phenomenon that is also starting to appear in the EU, with the concomitant strong militarization taking place of all municipal and regional police forces, including school police, and the massive spying of the NSA on all citizens, Americans or not, even foreigners and top political leaders living abroad, one wonders if this new "Soviet" power of JewZuit enslavement may not lead to another even bigger Holocaust, not six, but maybe six hundred times bigger in the years to come, and not directed specifically against Jews or Christians this time, but globally against peoples and nations in general, worldwide, for them to be enslaved, and for reducing world population for the selfish benefit of the new JewZuit caste. These are preoccupying facts, in particular in light of all the high-level talks, and initiatives of various UN institutions at the moment, regarding alleged unmaintainable overpopulation and unsustainable development, in the context of the so-called Agenda-21, but also in relation to obscure things like Chemtrails (chemical trails) appearing regularly in the sky of most countries, defying all borders, without apparent national control, and disturbing all earth life of vast international spaces, or in relation to dangerous new vaccines too often causing deaths instead of protecting from death, or in relation to laboratory experimentation and inventions of new infectious diseases of uncontrollable destructive power, like Ebola. All these legitimate preoccupations are all being confirmed as facts at the moment, and can even make simple people of common sense wonder seriously and legitimately if such a horrific global holocaustic event of unprecedented enormous proportions is not being planned purposely and carefully by the JewZuit Power in the background in order to reduce the populations of the world and have an easier job controlling and enslaving them.
515.03 →
Of course, the first step of this eventual Global Holocaust is none less than what we have seen earlier as the Holocaust of Western Civilization that we have exposed in a previous section. This strange Holocaust is already very much advanced and already affecting the quality of the daily life of all of us in the Western World at the moment.
516.01 →
Interestingly enough, as we have seen, where the Zionists and the Jesuits fought
each other since
Bismarck, or acted independently instead of collaborating, like in the
Soviet Union, where the Zionist Red Power of the Jews was
mainly dominantly involved, and in
the Nazi Germany, where the Jesuit Black Power of the Catholics was mainly strongly involved, albeit
quite discretely, they had no long-term success with any stable
implementation of their respective versions of Fabian Socialism for the
generations to come. This lack of collaboration however was never, and
not at all, a total mutual exclusivity. It consisted only in a main role
being left, by one actor to the other, on the front stage of world power,
in different places, and at different times. This is because fundamentally,
the Red Socialists and the Black Socialists of Bismarck's attention are both Fabian
Socialists seeking a totalitarian world power that could well lead to
either Communism
or Fascism. Sometimes it was worth, for one or the other, to close an
eye, while the one actor was doing a work that was serving the long-term
Fabian objectives of them both.
516.02 →
As seen above, the Red Socialists of the
Zionist Jews have played a major role in the Soviet Union, but not a
totally exclusive role. In the same manner, the Black Socialists of the
Catholic Jesuits have played a dominant role in Nazi Germany, but not a
totally exclusive role. All this collaboration is well documented by
historians and authors in many good books. The most amazing instance of
this Black & Red collaboration in the last century, and certainly the
best hidden one, which is easy to explain, if we consider that the
Zionists control and filter all the networks of mass media, might be the
one of the Zionist Jews in Nazi Germany, collaborating, or certainly
closing an eye, if not both, in the context of the Jewish Holocaust
being executed against their own racial Jewish people.
One good book
documenting this harsh reality
is the one of
Charles Higham, of 1983, titled "Trading
With The Enemy", The
Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949. The book proves that many Zionist
Jews who were members of the CFR collaborated with the Nazi regime. The most
famous names in relation to this reality are of course
and David Rockefeller. These activities were even
considered treasonous by many observers during and after WWII, in particular
the activities providing Germany with the oil it was missing for conducting
WWII and
bombing London and other European countries. Nelson
Rockefeller in particular, in
collaboration with Prescott Bush’s attorney
Dulles, had
Standard Oil’s
shipments of South American oil sent to the Nazis before and after
the USA declared war against Nazi Germany. If the
Rockefellers knew of the
Holocaust taking place at the time, which can only be a certainty because of their
prominent positions, and because their Zionist bankers were financing
Hitler, maybe these activities could be considered doubly
treasonous, first against the Americans, and second against their co-racial
Jews in Germany.
516.03 →
The Zionists bankers financed Hitler and thus collaborated with the Nazis and the Holocaust - Another such book documenting this sour reality is the one of Lenni Brenner, titled "51 Documents - Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis". It is nearly impossible to contest the book, as Lenni himself, as a writer, is a Jew, and he first presented his book at a most authoritative place, the University of London, and to a meeting of the movement called "Jews Against Zionism - Zionism Against Jews", with a panel of only Jews, and to an audience that was mostly Jewish, and that very well received the book. Of course, "Jews Against Zionism" means, and can only mean: "Jews Against Jews", be they Zionist Jews. In other words, the Red Socialists of the Zionist Jews had a lot to do with the Holocaust suffered by their own racial Jews.
incredible collaboration of Jews with the Nazis is thus,
quite rightly, interpreted by most objective observers in the following
way: if the Holocaust had not taken place against the Jews, the
State of
Israel could never have been born. In other words, the Holocaust against
Jews was planned in collaboration with other Jews, mainly Zionist ones, as a kind of a major
false flag that would ensure the creation of Israel as a Jewish state
after WWII, which in fact happened in 1948. Conversely this Black & Red
Nazi-Jew collaboration also means that if the Zionist Jews had not
collaborated with the Nazis, thus with the Holocaust, this Holocaust
against the Jews would most probably never have taken place, or would
certainly have been greatly reduced in its horrific dimension. What
few people realize is that collaboration with Nazism was only the first step
to a much more global Holocaust, through what we have we have exposed
earlier and called the
Holocaust Against Western Civilization.
516.05 →
The collaboration of the Catholic Jesuits with atheist Communism is not less well documented in many other books. The many books of Alberto Rivera, like "The Godfathers", are probably too far fetched to be taken all completely for granted, but he was certainly a Jesuit himself, one who reached the higher echelons of the Jesuits, who then defected and was supposedly murdered by the Jesuits in 1997, for both what he wrote and his defection. Like for the Mafia of the godfathers, it is said that no senior-level Jesuit can leave the order alive. A more scholarly presentation confirming the same facts might be the book mentioned further up, titled "The Secret History of the Jesuits", by Edmond Paris. Another way to deepen this same research, confirming the two previous books just mentioned, might be to read "Vatican Assassins", by Eric Jon Phelps. He is quite obviously prejudiced in favor of the Zionists, and also clearly prejudiced against the Jesuits, but his reported facts are facts. However, the facts that these contested authors report are, overall, between the 3 of them, very well documented as to the real involvement of the Vatican, and of the Jesuits in particular, regarding the creation and maintenance of Communism around the world, not to mention Nazism, that is regarding the implementation of totalitarian Fabian Socialism, and doing it in such a way that, clearly, the end always justified the means. As an element of particular interest in this research, most of the hard facts reported by these 3 contested authors, have not, so far, been contested in any substantial way by any authoritative member of the Catholic Church.
517.01 →
The new and most important historical fact today is the following. The
Zionists and the Jesuits have finally learnt to collaborate, more and
better, for world domination, instead of attempting to act alone, or in
an exclusive predominant role, in order to rule the
world as a JewZuit coalition. Because of this, they
are finally having an amazingly growing success.
This is eminently happening
at the moment in their strategic collaboration in the
SUS and the
SEU. This strong collaboration of the
Red Power and the Black Power is really today the most important historical novelty that is at
the base of this new and invincible strategic
JewZuit Power that is fast and forcefully leading us into
a so-called New World Order of totalitarian Fabian Socialism.
This JewZuit collaboration is like a double-headed dragon conducting all of
us to enslavement, and many of us to our death (a dreadful two-headed power
well represented symbolically by the great design of the dragon to the left, from the
excellent Medieval Collections of Angelfire).
517.02 →
It is important to note that this collaboration of the Black Power of the Jesuits is only established with the Zionists of the Red Power, and not with common Jews. In fact, for the Black Power of the Jesuits, the USA is the country in the whole world with probably the major amount of their traditional rivals and enemies: the common Jews in general and the non-Catholic Christian Protestants. Quantitatively the EU has probably less such traditional enemies but, qualitatively, it is certainly at least the second worst inimical area, if not the very first one. The common Protestants have been their historical Christian enemies for about 400 years, since the period of the Protestant Reformation, and the common Jews their historical enemies for more than 2000 years if we consider the Greek "pagan" origin of a lot of what the Catholic Church has absorbed in its doctrine, completely independently of what the real message of Jesus has been, and in fact distorting it completely. For Jesus, this complete distortion of his message by the black Catholics, that the Protestants tried and failed to reform and bring back to its original essence, would probably be considered a second crucifixion if he, Jesus, was still alive today. Consequently, the collaboration of the Zionists and the Jesuits, in places like the SUS and the SEU at the moment, in order to better dominate the world, is only a temporary strategic one and, for these reasons, both these super states, the USA and the EU, may well be soon brought to implosion and complete collapse, purposely so, just like the Soviet Union was imploded on the red side, along with other European fascist regimes of population domination that all collapsed on the black side.
518.01 →
China is a most interesting experiment of gradual
JewZuit collaboration, and thus
of progressive success, between the Red Power of the Zionist Jews and the Black
Power of the Catholic Jesuits. Today, nobody doubts that, similar to what
happened in the Bolshevik communist revolution of the
Soviet Union, that was
managed entirely by Jews of Zionist orientation, the communist Chinese Revolution was also led by
the same kind of Zionist Jews. What few people know however is that the Black
Power of the Catholic Jesuits was also involved, albeit in a more discrete
manner, at least in terms of being Catholic Jesuits. The Jesuits had owned
the Port of Nagasaki in
Japan since it was bought by
their General Claudio Acquaviva in 1581 and, in spite
of temporary periods of disbandment and expulsion in many places, many
ports of China were part of the routes they fully controlled for their
lucrative trade with Europe, competing with Spain and
including through extensive banking activities and taxation, let alone
their incidental collaboration with the slave trade from Africa. One
famous Jesuit for example, named Peter Claver,
considered one of history's worst slave trade dealers, was sadistically
turned, later on, by his Jesuits colleagues, into a saint patron of the
slaves. The Jesuit's near exclusive power of banking on these routes
between Japan, China and Europe, and an agreement with the
allowed the Dutch East India Company for example to
become one of the most prosperous commercial enterprises in the world
for a long period of time. This bit of background takes place before
Communist China, but it is a clear indication of what the Jesuits were,
and were capable of, and of their extensive experience in
Asia, and
consequently of the kind of powerful role they will be capable of
playing later on in places like Communist China.
518.02 →
Many authors, like Marilyn Ferguson, in her not politically correct, thus controversial, book of 1985, called "The Aquarian Conspiracy", claim that the Jesuits in China played a major role in the background, and that Mao was even a kind of Jesuit Puppet through his friendship and strong admiration for the famous French Jesuit theologian and anthropologist Pierre Teilhard De Chardin, a strong and leading advocate of the atheistic Darwinism opposed by the Catholic church, a Jesuit who spoke Chinese, and had taken part into the important anthropological discovery in China of the so-called "Peking Man". The extraordinary achievements of this friend Jesuit fascinated and pleased Mao to the outmost degree. On the basis of this background, some historians will go as far as claiming that Mao was brought to power by the Jesuits, as a Jesuit puppet, with the collaboration of Harry Truman of the USA who was also considered a Jesuit puppet. Right or wrong, if Mao was not literally brought to power by the Jesuits, he was certainly helped tremendously by their intervention. It is quite obvious that the main influence to the coming of Mao to power came from the Jewish side, or from the red side of the yet baby JewZuit coalition, but the Jesuits also played, at least indirectly, a meaningful role. One thing is certain: the persecution against the Christians in China were centered nearly exclusively against the Protestants, which pleased tremendously the Jesuits who saw the Protestants as their worst enemies since the Reformation. This indirect assistance of the Jesuits to Mao however has not been insignificant if we consider the following.
518.03 →
It is confirmed by most historians that the American 7th fleet, in 1949, on instigation by the Jesuits who were surrounding Truman, blocked Chiang Kai-Shek from being able to go back to China and take over the country, which would have prevented it from falling into the hands of the Communists of China who were mostly of Jewish denomination, just like the Communists of the Soviet Union. Thus a clear collaboration of the Jesuits and the Zionists on this blockade, as an embryo of JewZuit Power. President Truman signed the UN Charter and was a dedicated advocate of One-World Government, just like the Jesuits manipulating him behind his shoulders. This incredible blockade of the 7th Fleet engineered by Truman allowed Mao to take full power and to formally create the new Communist China through a mostly Jewish nomenclature favored by the Jesuits of both China and the USA. Chiang Kai-Shek was from "Formosa", called Taiwan since 1945, where the Jesuits were as powerful as they were in continental China, and these same Jesuits were also very powerful at the time with acting USA President Truman who many claim was in fact also brought to power by the Jesuits.
518.04 →
The Jesuits saw China as an ideal place for their long term objective of a stable regime
of totalitarian
Fabian Socialism. The Jesuits had good relations already with
Mao for this
purpose, and an ascertained power over Truman, to make sure their objective
would not be hampered by a return of Chiang Kai-Shek to mainland
This power game in the background, well maneuvered by the Jesuits in
both China and the USA, ensured
Chiang Kai-Shek was blocked by
the American 7th Fleet, and China thus became a communist country of
Collectivism. In this way, Truman
ceded China to a Zionist Communist nomenclature, just like
he ceded control of
all of Eastern Europe through a similar kind of Zionist
communist nomenclature, and in both cases with the connivance of the Jesuits
in both China and Eastern Europe. This
strange and unexpected decisive involvement of the Americans, under the
authority of Jesuit-pawn Truman, to use the 7th fleet to block
Kai-Shek, as a clear act in favor of a
communist regime in China, can only be interpreted easily as an indication of the Jewish Zionists in
China and the Jesuit Catholics of the
USA, finally starting to combine their power, to
consolidating the newly born JewZuit Power, and to unite their forces for
the success of a forthcoming New World Order of stable totalitarian
Socialism, hopefully starting with China, before
spreading it to the rest of the world. And the success of this collaboration, for this purpose, is
starting to show quite brilliantly today, in what China is becoming,
as possibly the new super power at the base of the New World Order, probably
after a complotted forthcoming collapse, complete or partial, of both the dollar and/or the
euro in the coming years, if not the coming months. It is also starting to
show more and more within the USA that is being transformed
into a kind of new China.
519.01 →
The UN is at the top of the pyramid of the JewZuit New World Order. It is the leading body for both developing the concepts and the practical programs around the world that will establish the New World Order. As such, China is quite obviously, for the UN, the main laboratory and model of what the New World Order should become. In fact, China has already received more awards than any other country in the world, from the UN, for its policies and ways of governance. China is definitely the best example so far of successful and stable Collectivism through totalitarian Fabian Socialism, except for its most recent corruption by a growing savage type of capitalism that may soon damage its pure collectivist nature. An indication of this JewZuit orientation might be the fact that, in 2006, the Edmond De Rothschild Bank, a subsidiary of Europe's Edmond De Rothschild family bank group in France, became the first foreign family bank that has obtained approval of the China Banking Regulatory Commission to enter China's financial market.
519.02 →
The JewZuits have understood that achieving totalitarian Fabian Socialism successfully in the EU or in the USA is much more difficult, if not impossible anymore, because of the "Internet Reformation" and of the birthing of a strong recent consciousness within the western world about their conspiracy to this effect. Internet is incompatible with, or the worst obstacle of, a global plan of totalitarian Collectivism like the one sought by the JewZuit Power. In a place like China they can much more easily privatize the profits and socialize the loses without riots.
519.03 →
If the One-World Government of the New World Order
is not implemented in China, it is likely to be centered in a close-by new
place, like Kazakhstan, at least at the beginning. Kazakhstan is a country bigger than all of Western Europe,
with only 16 million people. Since its
independence from the Soviet Union, China is more and more associating with
it, in its efforts to dominate the world economy. On the other hand, Russia
is also trying to associate it to a forthcoming new Eurasian Economic Union
(EEU) which, in the mind of a leader like
Putin, would be created to counter
the forthcoming New World Order. However, under another leader, once
will have been eliminated by the JewZuit Power, a task they
are very actively working on, maybe a new Russia could become part of the
New World Order through its integration to a
EEU economically centered
close to
China and Russia, and politically centered in
Kazakhstan. From the point of view of the
New World Order, its capital city, Astana, as a name, has
even the right symbolic resonance of the intended new diabolic world order:
if you reverse its first two letters, as "Satana", the name means
"Satan", or
the "Devil", in most western languages. Apart from this bit of humor,
Astana is
clearly being fast prepared for something unusually big on the world scene
for what the country is, something
much too big, and much too beautiful, for what this country of nomadic
tribes has been for centuries, including in a not too distant past when I
visited the village that preceded it, while serving in the Soviet Union as a
Canadian diplomat in the early 80s, when that village was still called
Akmola. The new Astana
is certainly the first modern brand new capital built entirely from scratch in the
21st Century, which by itself is a uniquely and enormously significant
event. It is being done quite obviously on the basis of unlimited billions of dollars,
and many attentive observers already call it the "Illuminati Capital", referring to all the
gigantic New Age monuments it contains, and that are often associated to the JewZuit
New World Order. The new capital Astana is being built huge, beautiful, and
with a clearly occult vision of the future, in other words a vision of the
New Age, or of the
New World Order of totalitarian Fabian Socialism that they pursue,
absorbing, but seriously distorting, or even falsifying, many old Pythagorean
symbols on the way, mixing them unduly with Babylonian and
Egyptian symbols. If that fabulous brand new
capital is not intended to become the world capital city of the
New World Order
being implemented by the new JewZuit Power, then I would suggest to that power to
take it into serious consideration. But the JewZuit leaders are
certainly much ahead of me in having this thought in mind, if it has not
been their hidden plan from the beginning.
519.04 →
The great global strategist Brzezinski
certainly thought of it as early of 1997, when he wrote in his book "The
Grand Chessboard", albeit without mentioning
explicitly: “…how America `manages’
Eurasia is critical. Eurasia is the globe’s largest
continent and is geopolitically axial. A power that dominates Eurasia would
control two of the world’s three most advanced and economically productive
regions. …About 75 per cent of the world’s people live in Eurasia…”.
The JewZuit Power has shifted its attention from the West and the Middle-East to
This seems to be the geopolitical area where they want to concentrate the
most ambitious parts of their Master Plan in the coming decades.
Kazakhstan is at the very heart of Eurasia, oil-rich, bigger than all of
Western Europe and with a grandiose "Illuminati" capital being built from scratch.
Russia cannot easily become an obstacle to this
Eurasian advancement, and
the Ukraine crisis is a demonstration that the
plan will be pushed relentlessly while shrugging off world public opinion
and international law or any form of condemnation from adversaries or allies
alike. In the book just mentioned, Brzezinski affirms clearly that the
current JewZuit policy makers of the New World Order must
"ensure that no
single power comes to control this
geopolitical space and that the global community has unhindered financial
and economic access to it”.
519.05 →
Astana as a temporary Jerusalem for the New World Order? - If Astana is to become the new capital of the New World Order, it will be only a temporary one, as the final aim of the JewZuits is quite obviously to have their power installed in Jerusalem in due time. Because of the political pressures in the area of Palestine, it would be impossible to realize that dream there at the moment, in particular if it were to include the reconstruction of the Mount Temple, as the Third Temple. This appears, to many, as being the ultimate objective of the New World Order after its complete implementation in at least one meaningful geographic area, like China, or the EU, as a first step. In fact it would be an important step on the path to the creation of the Greater Israel with Jerusalem as the world capital of the New World Order.
520.01 →
This winning and invincible JewZuit coalition however, until recently, had a weakness on the Catholic side
hampering its full efficiency.
The Catholics were too divided into a Black Power (the
so-called Black Pope of the Jesuits) and a White Power (the regular White
Pope of the Cardinals). In addition, their White Power of the Vatican had been growingly
and grossly discredited over
the last century, mainly through a series of ugly scandals, in great part
fabricated or exaggerated by the Red Power, and was becoming
a real obstacle to the objectives of the Black Power of the Jesuits to
attempt to rule
the world through their collectivist version of Fabian Socialism, and hopefully
predominate in the new JewZuit coalition. It was certainly
disturbing their new powerful collaboration with the Red Power of the
Zionists in order to achieve their aim of a New World Order through the new
JewZuit coalition. The Jesuits were in a
difficult situation of "Divide and Conquer", but internally, on their own side of the
equation of the world power game against the growing power of the Red Fabian Socialism of the
Zionists. Their new collaboration with the Red Power of the Zionists was
revealing itself to be a winning one, but at the condition of not having any weakness on
their own side of the equation. This collaboration was happening in both in the
USA and in the EU, and this situation of division on their side was causing
the Jesuits great preoccupation and some risk and retardation in their final objective. Their strategy
had to be changed. We have seen how that strategy actually started in
1965, with the
Vatican Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II, and the fraudulent
election of 2 popes: John XXIII (cardinal Roncalli
forced-in instead of Tedeschini who had just been elected) and Paul VI,
(cardinal Montini forced-in after Siri had
just been elected)
followed by the swift ousting out of Benedict XVI, pushed
into pre-death retirement (cardinal Ratzinger). But this
was not enough for the full accomplishment of their strategy. Something more
had to be done, and this is why the fraudulent election of a third pope,
Francis, has taken place, as well documented by the famous
Italian journalist and devoted Christian author, not to mention his
exceptional expertise of all questions related to the Vatican, Antonio Socci,
in his book "Non
è Francesco" (This is not Francis).
521.01 →
They then intelligently moved to resolve that situation
of weakness, or certainly improve it, by
installing a Black Pope, a Jesuit, as the White Pope, in the person of
Francis. They sort of melted the two popes in only one, but one of their own
Black Power. With this strategic move, they reinforced their situation, and
their balance of power in the JewZuit coalition with the Red Power, but
not to the point of making themselves automatically the predominant
automatically force in the power
games between them, the Jesuits, and the Zionists. In fact they
were not looking anymore to be the winners over the Zionists, but only to
reinforce a winning collaboration with them in order to achieve their common
objective of Collectivism and totalitarian Fabian Socialism. Pope Francis
had co-authored a book with Rabbi Abraham Skorka, while
already a cardinal in Argentina, not long before he became pope:
el cielo y la tierra" (Above Heaven
and Earth). Then
Pope Francis’ first important act of
relevance, as the new head of the Roman Catholic church, was to send a
personal message to Rome’s chief
Rabbi, Riccardo Di Segni,
underscoring his desire to foster Catholic-Jewish relations.
In short, the
winning collaboration between Zionist Jews and the Catholic church was immensely improved through the installation of Pope
Francis, and the Vatican real power is not in so much hot waters anymore, as
since his election, we do not hear as much as before anymore about scandals of money
laundering and pedophilia. This is not a coincidence, but a part of the
Master Plan. The Jesuits understood that when you cannot fight a powerful rival, in the
pursuit of a common goal, the
best strategy is then to try to use it, for your own purposes, and to collaborate
with it as much as possible. In addition, as mentioned earlier, both the
Red Power and the Black Power had learned,
through bad experience of complete failure, like in the Communist Soviet Union
(where the Red Power
of the Jews was
the only real background player against the Christian world being decimated), and in
Nazi Germany
(where many Jesuit agents made the Black Power of the
Vatican being
the only real background player in relation to the Holocaust suffered by the
Jews of the Red Power being decimated) that only a collaboration could lead to success
for the advent of a real New World
Order of totalitarian Fabian Socialism. It is mainly for this type of lack of
collaboration that both the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany collapsed, as
political systems, independently of who won or lost WWII, and
consequently that the installation of a
New World Order of totalitarian Fabian Socialism, that can lead to either communism or
fascism, suffered a retardation of a couple of generations.
522.01 →
Many interesting signs clearly reveal, practically on a weekly basis, to
an attentive observer, that the new Black & White Pope, or rather the
new Black Pope, has helped the
JewZuit Power. At the end of January 2014 for example, Pope
Francis took
a position on the situation of Ukraine that was implicitly, but very
clearly, favoring the revolutionaries fomented by the West to promote
their attachment to the EU, instead of a reinforced link with Russia.
Pope Francis certainly knows that the Fabian Socialist Power of the EU
is being more and more protested, in most EU countries, for having
reduced to poverty and enslavement the greater part of the middle class
of Europe, and of a country like Greece in particular, through the
three-headed Cerberus of excessive taxation, extreme legislation and
fearsome disinformation. In favoring that side of the Ukrainian
revolution, in his important papal position, Pope Francis was clearly,
and certainly knowingly, favoring the new
JewZuit Power to which he
clearly belongs.
522.02 →
The picture to the left, showing Pope Francis lighting a Menorah in Buenos Aires, during the Hanukkah celebrations in 2012, also confirms his unusually friendly relations in his past career with the Jewish world. In fact, the following picture shows the historical fact of the submission of Pope Francis to the Jewish side of the JewZuit Power represented by Jewish President Shimon Peres visiting the Vatican on June 8, 2014. As also shown even further down, Francis repeated another similar historic gesture of submission to the Judaic side of the Vatican at another encounter with the new president of Israel, Reuven Rivlin, in September 2015, probably much worse in significance as, on request from the Orthodox Jew concerned, he hid the Cross he was wearing with his hand before bowing to an Orthodox Jew. As mentioned earlier, in relation to the book of John Connelly showed at the beginning of this essay, the Jews, for the new Catholics of the Council Vatican II of 1965, had to finally go "From Enemy To Brother", let alone becoming their possible Big Brothers, in front of whom to bow and even be subservient if necessary, as a revolution that would have been inconceivable in any of the previous 2000 years of the history of the Vatican.
522.03 →
Jesuit Pope Francis has also taken many other positions favoring the expansion of the social nihilistic values that have been strongly promoted for years by the Zionists acolytes of the new JewZuit Power, and not by any previous pope, to weaken our ethical values and consequently facilitate our enslavement. This has manifested itself in a series of semi-equivocal positions based on what Francis calls his "inability to judge", regarding for example same-sex marriage, homosexuality, abortion, divorce and other moral issues that a traditional white Pope would have explicitly and strongly rejected, not to mention the inexistence of hell, nor of the original sin, nor of our primary ancestors Adam and Eve. With him, the sacrament of confession seems to be outdated, and all sins, whatever serious they may be, seem to be forgivable without any sacramental formality.
522.04 →
This is typically a traditional Jesuit approach to sin. Even
Pascal accused them of this approach when he said,
referring to the Jesuits:
patres, qui tollunt peccata mundi!"
(These are the
monks who make world's sins vanish).
The Jesuits certainly
applied this approach to all of their own sins, on the basis of one of
the explicit
principles of their own constitution, to the effect that "the end justifies the means"
in their pursuit of world supremacy for the benefit of the Vatican. And now,
such a Jesuit is the Pope, and that Jesuit Pope, as we have seen, has become
the most eminent promoter of
the evils of the Luciferian UN Agenda 21.
522.05 →
This confessed "inability to judge" of Pope Francis is certainly not affecting his ability to change our official church history, right or wrong that it may have been. It has led him to even ask the Catholics their majoritarian opinion on the above mentioned relativistic subjects, through official investigative questionnaires being distributed by bishops in their parishes, instead of leading them, as the real leader that he should be as the Pope. To say the least, this initiative is spreading the impression that such nihilistic values could eventually be formally accepted by the Church if a majority of Catholics were not opposed to them. This equivocal approach of Pope Francis has also manifested itself in surprisingly supporting the return of the "Liberation Theology" that was strongly rejected by previous popes for having a clear Marxist matrix of Fabian Socialism.
522.06 →
For those who lived in South America in the 1970s, like myself, this is no real surprise as it was well known that the Jesuits had had a significant influence in the building and the protecting of this Marxist theology. His predecessor Benedict XVI had explicitly called the Liberation Theology being reinstituted by Francis as a "Marxist Myth" and that many detractors within the church itself had called "Christianized Marxism". The White Pope Benedict XVI had to be put aside forcefully, in order to make room for a new Jesuit Black Pope that could help the communist-based New World Order to move more quickly into high gear on a basis of Fabian Socialism.
522.07 →
All the above
facts reflect a rampant relativism that is debasing
our traditional western Christian culture whereby, with Pope Francis,
the denomination of
Jesuit Catholicism gets closer to
Jewish Marxism, both of which have in common
the totalitarian
Fabian Socialism at their foundation, whereby also the
Tree is slowly being replaced by a
Menorah, in most important city
squares around the world, flagrantly so in front of the White House in
Washington DC,
Auschwitz replaces the
Golgotha, and
January 27 is substituting
December 25. It is not an insignificant
signal that the charming
Christmas Crib is already prohibited in a growing number of
places around
the world, eliminated even in some Christian churches, as an offending symbol of potential social conflicts, let
alone the crucifix already taken out of all schools and public offices.
All these Christian churches are worshipping not Christ, but rather in
priority their New World Order governments. In the
meantime, the Menorah
of the
Hanukkah celebrations
of the Jews, as the ones who are the main pushers of the New World
Order at all of us, is always allowed
as supposedly a symbol of universal peace and world order.
In short, the western world under the New World Order is celebrating
less and less a symbol of piece, and more and more a symbol of mass
massacre. This is the War on the
Christmas Tree vs. the Celebration of the Menorah.
522.08 →
How can the beautiful birth of baby Jesus, born in the most humble crib of a quiet countryside hut, not be a symbol of peace, while the Menorah is acceptable as such, is a mystery, when one considers that the Hanukkah, the holiest celebration in Judaism, of which the Menorah is the main symbol, celebrates harsh military victories and the mass slaughter of hundreds of Jewish enemies. More than a mystery, if the celebration of the quiet birth of a child cannot be a symbol of peace, and the celebration of mass slaughter is a symbol of peace, then it is flagrant disinformation to say the least. These Judeo-Christian symbols of our western culture could coexist, and one should not replace the other like it is happening now, because of the relativistic laissez-faire mentality that the Catholic Church has had over the last decades, as a weakness that is being worsened with the arrival of JewZuit Pope Francis.
522.09 →
On the international scene, Pope Francis is very New World Order oriented. He tries to justify his strange positions, regarding for example Syria and Ukraine, on grounds of the obscure concept of the Spreading of Democracy. But it is certainly this faulty concept of the spreading of democracy, used most undemocratically by Bush and others, as the greatest of all lies, that has caused incredible wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria and all the countries of the false flag called "Arab Spring", causing, in the end, only a terrible worsening of the little democracy that may have existed in all these countries, putting all of them into the hands of much worse extremists than their previous leaders. This faulty concept of the Spreading of Democracy is clearly a JewZuit concept, and one that is now being used even by the pope, more than ever before, since Jesuit Francis has been elected. Pope Francis quite explicitly approves this false concept of spreading democracy, even if he inevitably knows well, in his high position, that the military initiatives taken on its basis have only brought incredible disasters, in that they hide a form of WWIII in terms of financial enslavement of all the populations concerned.
522.10 →
Pope Francis most inappropriate visit to the island of Lampedusa, from where most illegal economic migrants with false refugee claim, encouraged in their false claims by the criminal complicity of the UN and the UNHCR, get into Italy, and then to the rest of Europe, was also a clear mark of the new JewZuit Power represented by this new Jesuit Pope. Through this abnormal and unacceptable official visit, he was inevitably encouraging openly the massive invasion of Moslems in Europe, just like the JewZuit Power is doing it also in the USA, and promoting the reinforcement of the destructive excessive multiculturalism that has contributed so much already to the collapse of most of our western societies, destroying their best traditional values, and consequently rendering their enslavement more easy, as per the JewZuit Master Plan.
522.11 →
Francis' position on the revolt in Ukraine was also a clear invitation to negotiate with the pro-EU rebels, while certainly knowing, in his high position, that, so far, the EU has only transformed its previously rich European countries into all poor countries, except Germany, through debt-money of the JewZuit German-based ECB in Frankfurt and its JewZuit American-based IMF accomplice in Washington DC, enslaving all their populations in a growing misery. But this is not surprising if we consider that Pope Francis' high position is one of the most important chairs of the JewZuit New World Order being implemented, in particular since the White Pope has become a Jesuit Black Pope.
522.12 →
All these little gestures of Pope Francis are certainly well reflected in a strange formal document of the Vatican, a document that would have been unthinkable only a few years ago, but one that is now part of the official literature of the Vatican under Pope Francis, calling explicitly for the advent of the New World Order, through a One-World Government and a One-World Central Bank. The official document of the Vatican is called: “Towards Reforming the International Financial and Monetary Systems in the Context of Global Public Authority”, published by the "PONTIFICIO CONSIGLIO DELLA GIUSTIZIA E DELLA PACE" of the Vatican in October 2011. It was published 17 months before the arrival of Pope Francis, but in retrospective it was a clear sign of his forthcoming arrival, and of the imminent forced resignation of Benedict XVI, an abdication that was certainly prepared and known well in advance by the high caste of the Vatican, as most Vatican experts confirm that this incredible document was published without the previous Pope, Benedict XVI, having worked on it, or even seen it before its publication. Right or wrong, the terrible new papal era document was certainly not disavowed by Pope Francis when he assumed power.
522.13 →
We have seen how Francis was recognized immediately as the "New World [Order] Pope" by the Time Magazine, or by the most representative magazine of the JewZuit New World Order, as soon as he, as a Jesuit, was elected as the new Pope in 2013. We have seen how Francis has been bowing to a major Jewish Rabbi and also bowing to the top representative of the Orthodox Church most un-canonically, as precedents in the previous 2000 years of Vatican protocol. We have seen how Francis has been arranging meetings at the Vatican with representatives pushing for the New World Order not only in terms of a new One-World Government, like the President of Israel, Shimon Peres, but also in terms of a "Panthriskia", or a JudiChrIslam One-World Religion, like the orthodox "Pope", Bartholomew I of Constantinople. We have seen how Francis has ratified a Vatican document calling for a new Global Financial Authority that is the main tool of global enslavement of the New World Order. We have seen how Francis is reinstituting the Liberation Theology called a Marxist Myth by his predecessor. We have seen that Francis is the most relativistic pope the Vatican ever had so far on moral issues, with his so-called "Inability to Judge", thus destroying his vital role as a world religious leader, and contributing to the destruction of the strong traditional values that so far had been helping Catholics to fight the decadence being brought in by the New World Order. We have seen how Pope Francis is very New World Order oriented regarding world politics. But all this is no surprise for those who have known him before he became Pope, in particular on the religious side of the New World Order. In 2007, when Jorge Bergoglio was still only the Cardinal of Buenos Aires, he officially invited William Swing, the Episcopal Bishop of California, for a formal interfaith service in his cathedral in Argentina. Bergoglio certainly knew that bishop Swing was one of the main leaders of URI (United Religions Initiative) on the religious side, a strong advocate of pro-homosexuality and same-sex marriage policies on the moral side, and an equally strong advocate of the depopulation enslavement policies of the UN through its very evil and New World Order oriented Agenda 21. In turn, since he was elected Pope, Francis has held at least three important "Panthriskia" (JudiChrIslam One-World Religion) meetings with world political and religious leaders, knowing very well that pushing for, or collaborating with those pushing for a new One-World Religion means working and pushing for people to accept more easily and more peacefully the JewZuit New World Order. All this oddly sounds like the advent of the so-called "Church Universal" predicted by Alice Bailey when, in 1919, she wrote her book "The Externalization of the Hierarchy", describing it as a union of Occultism, Masonry and Christianity. Considering that Pope Francis was also elected through an irregularity denounced by the famous journalist Antonio Socci, putting serious doubt on the legitimacy of his election and papacy, and considering the oddness of having two popes at the moment, with Benedict XVII sitting in the background, not to mention "Two White Popes and Two Black Popes", we are definitely in front of a very special situation, unique in the history of the Vatican, as a situation that must mean more than what it appears to be.
522.14 →
To crown this strange picture of Pope Francis and his awkward relations with the UN, it is worth making a comment about Lucis Trust. This is a Luciferian organization integrated to the UN in 1922 by Alice Bailey and her husband. Its original name was in fact the "Lucifer Polishing Company", changed into the "Lucis Publishing Company" in 1925. Lucis Trust was in fact founded by Alice Bailey, funded by the Rockefellers. She was a communist and esoteric intellectual, follower of Blavatsky, dedicated to pursuing a new world governance through a One World Government and a One World Religion, as the precursor of what we call today the New World Order. Lucis Trust is still very much active today in handling the most important UN publications and, in particular, in being a main actor behind many Luciferian programs of the UN, like Agenda 21. and its pursuit of World Depopulation and of a One World Government. It has a chapel called the Lucis Trust Chapel, within the UN, dedicated to paganism and world governance. It is also currently operating a blog of the UN called "World Goodwill", founded in 1932 for the specific purpose of promoting a One-World Religion (or the "Panthriskia" promoted by Pope Francis and his good friend Bartholomew, the Patriarch of Istanbul). Pope Francis has close ties with the UN World Goodwill, and all UN nomenclature, like any other pope before him. He has has published an Encyclical on issues of ecology (instead of issues of a religious nature or moral conduct: a precedent in the 2000 years of the history of the Christian Church) backing some of the main objectives of the UN. He has endorsed enthusiastically some of the most Luciferian UN projects, like Agenda 21 and Global Warming, and is planning to speak in September 2015, at a UN general session, in favor of these Luciferian projects that are all being integrated into a new document, the "Post 2015 - UN World Agenda to 2030", as an official document (“Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”) of a new global UN strategy of sustainable development goals (SDG) that will be published at that same general session, and will probably mark the consecration of the birth of the full implementation of the New World Order, between 2015 and 2030, under the benediction of the New World Order Pope Francis.
522.15 →
In consideration of all
above, one wonders if
Edward Hendrie
is not right, in his book "Solving the Mystery of Babylon the
Tracking the Beast from the Synagogue to the
Vatican, when he asks an obviously legitimate question,
whatever one may think of him as an author:
"Are the Pope, the Roman Catholic
Church, the Jesuit Order, and the Zionist elite working together in the
most horrific conspiracy against both God and Man?"
the context of the new
JewZuit Power described in this essay, the answer is certainly a clear
"Yes". Let's only hope that this conspiracy is not satanic. But
if it is not satanic, it appears to be probably at least "Luciferian" in the
Illuminati sense of the word.
522.16 →
Certainly, in order to achieve a totalitarian New World Order, one of the most basic strategies is the destruction of our best traditional values. As we have seen above, Pope Francis seems to be the most relativistic Pope we have had in many centuries, if not in the whole history of the Vatican. He is also a personal friend and admirer of Cardinal Kasper who, although retired, is known to still be the most progressive living cardinal, in the "Leftist-Marxist" sense of the word "progressive", as the word is now the contemporary code name for Marxism. Kasper is also a former assistant of Hans Kung, the leader of the progressive wing ("left/communist") of the Catholic Church. The two of them were the most open opponents of Ratzinger who was the best watchdog of our best traditional values. Kasper is also very much appreciated for his permissiveness, by some of the main intellectuals of the atheistic left, like the famous journalist Giuliano Ferrara in Italy.
522.17 →
The relativist moral positions of Francis seen above, the readmission of the "Marxist Myth" of the Liberation Theology, and the new position of the Catholic Church on the need for a "Global Public Authority" at a "One-World" level, on the economic side, seem to pretty much confirm that Francis is really the pope hinted at, on the cover page of the JewZuit Time Magazine: the New World Order Pope, thus the Pope clearly reinforcing the worst aspects of the new JewZuit Power. This is why, for the advent and faster completion of this JewZuit New World Order, Benedict XVI had to be forcefully put aside.
523.01 →
As for the pure JewZuit equation, this is where we stand today, except for a third player that
should not be forgotten, and that sits dangerously in between the two legs of the
JewZuit Power for world domination.
This third player is Islam. The experience acquired by the
two branches of the JewZuits, and the improvement
of the JewZuit strategy through a new historic collaboration of the Red Socialists
of the Zionists and the Black Socialists of the Jesuits, gave birth to a
brand new world power, the one that we call here the
JewZuit Power, fusing beautifully the
Red Power
and the
Black power of totalitarian Fabian Socialism.
The bothering White Power of the regular white pope has been neutralized with the
election of black Jesuit Pope Francis. But there is also the
Green Power
of Islam that has to be neutralized in order not to bother the
strategy of the JewZuit New World Order. The brand new and historical
collaboration of the Black and Red powers, after centuries of not
collaborating, or even fighting catastrophically against each other, makes the
Fabian Socialist JewZuits now practically omnipotent in achieving their
totalitarian collectivist New world Order. But from the point of view of the
JewZuits, the Green Power of
and of the multitudes of Muslims followers, is dangerously sitting
behind their back and menacing their potentially fully successful collaboration.
523.02 →
The particular danger from the point of view of the JewZuits comes from the Wahhabi movement followed by fundamentalist Muslims, as a kind of Wahhabism deflection of Islam that is comparable to the Zionism of the Jews and the Jesuitism of the Catholics. The Jews around the world, the Zionists in particular, are only a very small fraction of the world population. In addition, most common Jews do not agree with the super caste of their fellow-Jew Zionists, and will not follow them if it comes to a crunch. So the Zionists already feel very unsafe as a Jewish minority. There is a powerful “Jews Against Zionism” movement that seems to reinforce itself over time, along with the reinforcement of the consciousness of the Zionist abuses around the world.
523.03 →
On the Catholic side, the situation is not much different. The Christians might still be, quantitatively, the most propagated religion in the world, but the Catholics specifically are not, certainly not those in full agreement with the Vatican and with the caste of Jesuits. This Vatican-Jesuit caste is also quite isolated within the Christian world and feels unsafe as a Catholic minority. This is not true only in relation to the Anglican, Protestant and Orthodox denominations. Growing numbers of pure Catholics have also developed a new consciousness against the abuses of the Catholic church, not to mention the Jesuits specifically, about their terrible crimes spanning from the time of the Inquisition to the current Vatican scandals, and their loyalty to the Vatican seems to be diminishing on a yearly basis.
523.04 →
In front of these various JewZuit factions, the Muslims are fundamentally a compact group of millions of adepts, in spite of their apparent division between Sunni and Shiites. They are a massive community that is more powerful and united than ever before, and aggressively invading and attacking with impunity the values and the structures of government of the most advanced countries of the western world at the moment, in the EU in particular. In other words, if they are not checked, the new world JewZuit Power has no long-term future, as after all, the Muslim religion is one that commands explicitly to “Convert or kill all non-believers—especially the Jews”. In front of this danger, for both wings of the JewZuit Power, this new JewZuit Power is maliciously reacting with a strategy of using the most fanatical Muslims as "Useful Idiots".
523.05 →
The three-prong strategy. in using the Muslims as useful idiots
1-- The first prong is using the old principle of “Divide and Conquer”, reinforcing Muslim divisions between the Sunnis and the Shiites, in order to make their respective multitudes neutralize each other's side.
2-- The second prong, is to use most radical Muslims as the "Fundamentalist Fanatics" that they too often are, or certainly appear to be. This is the way JewZuits see the Muslims because of their apparent blind and aggressive approach to life on the basis of their sacred book, the Koran that, for the JewZuits, represents absolute stupidity for modern governance and civic life, in particular regarding the status of women and of the family, capable of destroying the best traditional values of the western world. Destroying these traditional western values is of course a prerequisite for the JewZuits to achieve their objective of worldwide domination, of the western world in particular, and from this point of view the JewZuits consider that the Muslims can help. No more traditional western values means a much easier job for the JewZuits to dominate and enslave that western world.
3-- The third prong of the strategy is to take advantage of the Muslims too frequent mixing with suicidal and/or mass murder terrorist activities, and to use this "Terrorist Threat" that they seem to too often represent, for spreading fear in their name, even if most Muslims have nothing to do with such activities. The JewZuits do this through assisting, and even financing when necessary, through huge black budgets, a series of "False Flag Terrorist Attacks", and consequently make the west accept more easily the totalitarian police state that the JewZuits need to create in order to achieve their objective of full domination in the western world. This is typically the case of 9/11, without which none of the means of police state that western countries progressively submit to, today, would have been possible, including, in the USA, the building of the FEMA concentration camps, the Patriot Act, the Homeland Security and the reinforcement of NSA spying activities on all citizens of the world on a massive scale, terrorists or not.
523.06 →
A most interesting aspect of this third prong strategy comes specifically from the Zionist branch of the new JewZuit Power. The Mossad (the Secret Services of Israel) has infiltrated most Muslim militant groups, both in the Middle East and in the rest of the western world. Zionist Jews even pride themselves quite openly about this on a regular basis. Consequently, many of the apparent terrorist acts of the Muslims, if not most of the worst ones, are in fact false flags engineered by Israel's Mossad. From this point of view, they follow their motto: "By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War" for their covert operations around the world. For example, even the new incarnation of Al-Qaida, the ISIS/ISIL terrorist group of Iraq/Syria, causing constant massacres and beheadings, is claimed, by most independent journalists and many top intellectuals, to be a creation of a joint effort of the CIA and the MOSSAD together, that is, a terrorist organization moved by the new USISEU Axis of Evil from the point of view of those who are anti-NWO. And of course, the CIA is itself collaborating so closely with MOSSAD that, in many respects, regarding national security and anti-terrorism issues, they can be considered one-and-the-same thing. These acts of constant terrorism in the western world, in particular as false flags, benefit the Zionists immensely, as they galvanize the world public opinion into making Israel's worst enemies, the Muslims, also the worst enemies of the western world. This galvanization of the world opinion in their favor is also particularly easy to achieve because the Zionists also control most mainstream world media through as little as five or six of their fully owned networks. With this strategy, both Israel and the Western World get to have Islam as a common enemy, and if Israel deals harshly or unjustly with Muslims in Israel, or in the surrounding Palestinian territories or Muslim countries, we will accept it with sympathy, as we face the same common enemy in the West. But these acts of terrorism, engineered as false flags in the West, also benefit the CIA and all the security forces of the western world that want to achieve, under the full control of the new JewZuit Power, a new One-World Government of totalitarian Fabian Socialism for our full enslavement through a new One-World Currency of debt-money. In front of all these acts of terrorism, the western world will accept much more easily, if not even welcome, for an apparent need of more security, the forthcoming totalitarian New World Order, even if that means a growing loss of our traditional liberties. In the meantime, as an additional perk and benefit, these terrorist acts on the part of those who have become our common enemy, also give Israel specifically a much freer hand in handling more harshly, and unjustly than they should, and with full impunity in front of the world opinion, the final eradication of the Palestinian Problem in the Middle East, let alone also the Christian Problem, at whatever price for the Palestinians and Muslims in general in the area who are being used as useful idiots by the new world caste of the JewZuits.
523.07 →
By the same token however, there is an incredible hypocrisy of the politically correct going on about Islam. While western leaders are happy to take advantage of acts of terrorism clearly conducted by Muslims to increase security at home, and to gradually build more easily and more quickly the totalitarian New World Order, they also try to disassociate these acts of terrorism from Islam. UK PM Cameron is a champion of this false approach. The EU has even banned the use of the expression "Islamic Terrorism" in all of the European press in 2006. It is being replaced with vague and less known expressions like "Jihadist Activity". In relation to ISIS and its many acts of beheadings and mass massacres in Iraq, Obama, while speaking at the UN Assembly on September 24, 2014, said explicitly that "The USA will never be at war with Islam, as Islam is a religion that teaches peace". Well, if it is a religion that teaches peace, it is also certainly a religion that commands explicitly to “Convert or kill all non-believers—especially the Jews”. From this point of view, Obama is either a hypocrite or an ignorant. Cameron, on September 14, 2014, after the beheading of David Haines, had previously made a similar explicit comment to the effect that the beheadings by ISIS in Iraq are "not acts of Islamic terrorism, but simply of barbarian terrorism". Then he added: "If those committing these acts of terrorism say they do it in the name of Islam, this is absurd, as Islam is a religion of peace". In this case, both Obama and Cameron, as the two most important leaders of the western world, are either liars, trying to foul us, or complete ignorant world leaders. Unless they mean, of course without saying it, that these acts of terrorism by Muslims are committed by radical Muslims that the Western world is using as useful idiots to spread terror that will facilitate their implementation of a police state in the west that will in turn facilitate the advent of the totalitarian New World Order that is the main objective of the new JewZuit Power. The Muslim Caliph of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is not only a Muslim, but he even holds a doctorate in Islamic Sciences. He thus represents, as a Muslim, the maximum level of Islamic formation, and he is the leader of the bands of terrorists, trained by the USA in Jordan, that are causing the beheadings and mass massacres Obama and Cameron were referring to. The bishop of Mosul (city or northern Iraq, in between Iran, Syria and Turkey), Emile Nona, interviewed on August 12, 2014 by the Italian newspaper Avvenire, reputed worldwide as a newspaper of high standards of honesty and balanced opinions, and interviewed as an expert based in a most critical area of these acts of terrorism, held a completely opposite opinion to the ones of Obama and Cameron, basing his view on direct quotes of verses of the Quran. He said "In the Quran [the sacred book of Islam followed by all Muslims], there are many versus that call explicitly for the massacre of all the infidels, (...) and consequently the Islamic terrorists represent the true vision of Islam". This came from a Christian bishop, and consequently may appear biased. But in February 2015, speaking in relation to the Jordanian pilot burnt alive in a cage, the Great Imam of the Islamic University of Al Azhar (in Cairo, in Egypt), the Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, considered the equivalent of the "Pope" of the "Vatican" of the majoritarian Sunni Islam, confirmed Emile Nona's affirmation in even much more explicit and tragic terms, and he did so as a source that can absolutely not be considered biased; his comments confirmed explicitly that the enemies of Islam merit the punishment mentioned in the Quran for those fighting Allah and the Prophet Mohammad: death, crucifixion, or at least the amputation of a leg and a foot on the opposite sides of their bodies. This being said by the maximum authority of Islam, we can also challenge any other expert of Islam to deny that this is a true reading of the Quran, let alone the historical fact that the author of the Quran, the Prophet Mohammad, has himself given the good example by killing hundreds of infidels of his own hand. The Christian bishop Emile Nona lives in Mosul, right in the middle of the Islamic world, with an expert knowledge of this environment, and consequently both Obama and Cameron should probably invite him, or another expert of Islam, like the supreme authority of Islam mentioned above, the Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, to their respective offices, as soon as possible, for a quick course to improve their knowledge and comprehension of what Islam really is and what it commands to its followers. Until Cameron and Obama attend such a course, we should not be fouled, and these ignorant world leaders should spare us from the kinds of deviant comments they dare to proffer with an air of arrogant authority in such high places like the UN Assembly and the British Parliament. If this kind of ignorance is tolerated on the part of our most important world leaders, we are in deep trouble, as the subjects of these leaders. We are then well on the way to our own suicidal destruction, as the western world that is envied by the rest of the world, so far, for having given humanity probably the best of what civilization can offer. To reverse this situation, we should first elect better leaders, certainly less ignorant leaders, and then implement the powerful democratic reforms of Part II of this essay.
523.08 →
The JewZuit Power, in order to conquer and dominate, certainly has to destroy all the traditional values of the western world, in particular the values of freethinking and civil liberties that stem back from the ancient EL culture of the Hellenic civilization, and also to destroy all forms of traditional privacy and liberty, and worldwide if at all possible, as the recent scandals of the American NSA have well demonstrated after the intervention of courageous whistleblowers like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. Consequently the JewZuits will use fundamentalist Muslims as useful idiots to destroy these values, along with the pushing of policies of massive illegal migration movements and the reinforcement of an excessive and destructive multiculturalism, knowing very well that this will bring in our western countries hordes of millions of fundamentalist Muslims inevitably destroying these precious and powerful western values so far working against JewZuit aspirations of world domination.
523.09 →
While using this second prong already very successfully, the JewZuits are also trying to reinforce the first prong of their strategy, which is to divide the two main denominations of Muslims, the Sunni and the Shiites, making them fight each other, and hopefully destroy, or at least neutralize, themselves mutually, and consequently reduce their world power completely. The JewZuits know that the Muslims have been fiercely divided between Sunni and Shiites for centuries and that they deeply hate each other, as well shown by many wars, like the ones of the last century between Iran and Iraq. Unfortunately, for the JewZuit strategy, the Sunni side has been too weak, for many decades now, to be used properly against the Shiites, as a force for weakening both sides of the Muslim equation, and thus reinforce correspondingly both sides of the new alliance of the JewZuit equation.
523.10 →
The whole
Arab Spring
effort, brought about under the false flag of supposedly promoting
democracy in the Islamic world, is also an excellent representation of this
JewZuit strategy. The various revolutions involved
in the Arab Spring have not at all reinforced
democracy, but have reinforced the Sunni side of Islam in its most undemocratic
version. Even if there is definitely less democracy than before, in all the countries involved
in the Arab Spring, there is more Sunni Power now in these countries, and for
the JewZuits, this apparent failure in promoting democracy is a brilliant success
in reinforcing the Sunni side in front of the so far more powerful
Shiite side of Islam.
Interestingly enough, about this
contradiction, none of
the JewZuit-controlled mainstream media will dare ask any serious
question, because they are all fully controlled by the
Power behind the winning strategy.
523.11 →
In the meantime, the JewZuit Power foments more agitation within the two main Shiite countries, Iran and Syria, in order to reduce their world influence. The strategy is to bring the two branches of Islam to finally fight fiercely each other on comparatively equal grounds, and hopefully destroy their influence in the whole world, or at least mutually neutralize their world power entirely for many decades or centuries to come in front of the new JewZuit Power.
523.12 →
The latest development of the new ISIS movement in Iraq and Syria is probably the last effort of the JewZuits to successfully bring the Sunni side to sufficient strength to finally be able to fight the Shiite side, and cause a mutual annihilation, or at least a mutual neutralization of ISLAM as a world power that could otherwise confront and disturb the full advent of the new JewZuit Power. ISIS has been slyly trained and armed by the USA and Israel, and the appearance of ISIS attempting to act against the USA puppet regime in Iraq, or against the global JewZuit Power, is only another magnificent false flag that explains why the USA has started, in 2014, to try to talk to its worst recent enemy in the area, Iran, a country that the USA badly wanted to bomb until only a few months earlier, and would have bombed already if it had not been for the disturbing intervention of Putin in Russia. The JewZuits hope that Iran will fall into the trap and get involved, sparking a new Shiite-Sunni conflict of mutual destruction that will only benefit the JewZuit Master Plan of neutralizing Islam as a bothering world power.
523.13 →
Also, the reinforcement of the Sunni side of Islam, in Iraq and in the various countries of the Arab Spring, with the discrete help of the USA and Israel, in order to hopefully neutralize the Shiite side of Iran in due time, is quite clearly done with the Yinon Plan in mind. That plan was developed by Oded Yinon, in 1982, and reinforced by Richard Perle in 1996. The Plan makes it explicitly clear that, to survive, Israel must 1) become an imperial regional power, and 2) must effect the division of the whole area into small states by the dissolution of all existing Arab States (and, in line with the parent plan called "Lighthouse of the East Plan", this includes part of Greece). Overall, it is a strategy for the formation of a Greater Israel, as its dominant hegemonic power in the Middle East, hopefully “from the Nile to the Euphrates”, as the famous Zionism founder Theodor Herzl wanted it, and eventually even the formation of a World Empire fully controlled by the Zionists (a World Empire that is clearly what we call today, some 30 years later, the New World Order or the Master Plan). Achieving these two objectives, even only the first one, according to the Yinon Plan, required first and foremost the elimination of Saddam Hussein, and later on the breakup of Iraq in 3 countries that would offer less resistance, as 3 smaller countries, to the formation of a Greater Israel. In fact, that Master Plan involved the balkanization of the whole area into smaller states, each with less political power, including Greece, as we will see further down, that has to be also divided into at least 3 smaller pieces on the basis of the "Lighthouse Of The East" conspiracy, with some of its main islands, like Crete and Rhodes, along with Cyprus, to go to Israel as its extended colonial territory.
523.14 →
While all these new entities would also fight each other, and the world opinion would also, at the same time, be purposely disturbed by other wars in the area, like in Syria and Ukraine, Israel would also have an easier chance to discretely find a final solution, more acceptable worldwide, to the eradication of the Palestinian Problem in both a much extended Israel already, over its original borders as defined by the UN in 1948, and in Gaza Strip in particular. From this point of view, ISIS was created by the JewZuit Power for this purpose and is functioning well, in fact extremely well, and might very well be just a grand false flag that is part of that Yinon strategy for the creation of a Greater Israel. It nearly completed the preliminary task, to start with, to have Iraq divided in three pieces, with only the formalization of this splitting missing at the moment. It is also pretty well on its way to also have Syria divided in three pieces as soon as possible for the same balkanization purposes. From both these divided countries, Israel could acquire, and will probably acquire soon, a lot of new territory for its eventual Greater Israel, just like it has already been done with the Golan Heights already stolen from Syria in 1967. All this is part of the JewZuit Master Plan.
523.15 →
The above being considered, and considering also the massacre with full impunity of the Christians in the Middle East, it would be no surprise at this point if we also found out that the JewZuit strategy today in the Middle East is even a grander false flag of the traitorous Zionist side of the JewZuit coalition that includes the use of a nihilistic Pope Francis, obviously totally incapable of defending not only our best traditional values, but even the life of the Christians persecuted and massacred by the thousands in the area under the horrible noise of the guilty silence of that Pope, to also eradicate the Christian Problem in the area, not just the Palestinian Problem, and facilitate first the advent of a pure Zionist Greater Israel, and then a pure Zionist New World Order with a new dictatorial One-World Government established in Jerusalem as its capital. Again, all this is clearly part of the JewZuit Master Plan.
523.16 →
Interestingly enough, the Yinon Plan, in its two versions of 1982 and1996, expressing objectives more specifically related to Israel, is well complemented by the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), first published in 1997, with related objectives for the whole of the Middle East. The documents of the PNAC make a clear case for the subjugation of most Middle East countries through balkanization and exploitation, with the objective of clearing the way for their political takeover, for the confiscation of their resources, and for the continuance of the dominance of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency for as long as possible. PNAC having been founded by super American Jew Zionists like William Kristol and Robert Kagan, and America being a kind of Jewcy fruit to be sucked permanently by Israel from the Middle East, or rather America having become the extended and powerful military arm of Israel in the western world over the last few decades, to the point that many of the USA critics now often call it Jewmerica, these two plans were clearly formulated to work together, as essential components of a Master Plan, to reinforce, first and foremost, the hegemony of Israel in the area, and then possibly the creation of a yet virtual Greater Israel, albeit already a much extended one over its assigned borders of 1948 as originally defined by the UN.
523.17 →
Who knows, as a legitimate question any attentive and objective observer may have in mind in front of what is going on, if that grander false flag of getting rid of both the Palestinian Problem and the Christian Problem in the Middle East, in order to build the Greater Israel, does not also include building this full Jewish hegemony in the area through the plundered money of the taxpayers of the western world, the USA in particular, as the implementation of the full Yinon and PNAC plans seem to imply. The American taxpayers are certainly being continuously milked out, like useful idiots, by the Jewish side of the JewZuit Coalition, in the form of real billions in free financial assistance being given to Israel, on a yearly basis, far away comparable to any other much more deserving developing country in the world, and in the form of trillions for financing wars that serve mainly the buildup of Israel hegemony in the area, let alone also in the form of human resources fighting these wars with nearly exclusively the death of American soldiers and practically ever any Israeli soldier.
523.18 →
In the meantime, the third prong of the above three-prong strategy also involves using and financing Muslim fundamentalist and terrorist groups with constitutionally inadmissible black budgets, discretely under the table, for groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. These black funds are usually provided secretly by official organizations like the CIA of the USA with the collaboration of agencies of other countries, like the MOSSAD of Israel. This is probably why Al Qaeda has been nicknamed Al CIA-da, with its "C" pronounced like a "K". Then these proxy financers of black money use the activities of these extremist groups as false flags or as a general security threat to make people of the western world fear for their security. As a result, the western countries accepts the transformation of their governments into police states, as it is fast happening in all the western world, or in the part of the world that the JewZuits want most to dominate and enslave at the moment through the DDD process of fearful propaganda, debt-money and consequently excessive taxation. From this point of view, as we have seen in a previous paragraph, Muslim extremists become the useful idiots of the JewZuit Power that finances them secretly, and then uses them deceivingly, as some of the main tools of the globalist agenda that is bringing in the New World Order that is meant to enslave most people around the world through Collectivism and totalitarian Fabian Socialism.
523.19 →
The three-prong strategy of the JewZuits, along with the Yinon Plan and PNAC, constitute the current malicious JewZuit policy of using both Muslims and western taxpayers as "useful idiots" for their global Master Plan. If successful, it will definitely lay the red carpet for the final dominance of the JewZuit Power in all the western world, even if they, the JewZuit globalists, represent only a very small proportion of the world population. It will facilitate the faster advent of their Master Plan for dominating and commanding a New World Order of totalitarian Fabian Socialism. And the JewZuits are now very close to the full achievement of this Master Plan.
523.20 →
Beware using Muslims as useful idiots however! History teaches us that the Judeo-Catholics failed already in the past in trying to use the Muslims as "useful idiots", and they might well fail again today. It is probably easier to use the American taxpayers as useful idiots than the Muslims. Since after the destruction of the Second Temple of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD, and in particular since the time of St. Augustine who first formalized the concept of the Catholic Church around 400 AD, the Judeo-Christians had wanted to use the mass of Muslims workers and soldiers as useful idiots to rebuild the Mount Temple on the Founding Stone. The Catholics wanted it as a Catholic temple, in opposition to the Byzantine Christians dominating Jerusalem at the time. In the 600s AD. The Jews more discretely hoped to rebuild it as a Jewish Synagogue. The Judeo-Christians even tried to reinforce the leadership of the Arabs specifically for this purpose, financing them and even favoring through that effort the affirmation of Mohammad as their leader and the founder of Islam. Their plan would have been to use the vast manpower of Arabs in the area, as soldiers and workers, to conquer Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple for them. In the end, after their occupation of Jerusalem in 637 AD, using this Catholic-sponsored Muslim manpower, the Islamic forces had become military so numerous and powerful, also as a new religion in the area, that they rebuilt the temple all right, around 691 AD, even adopting the basic architectural pattern of the Christian church of the Holy Sepulcher, but... not as a Catholic or Jewish temple, rather as a Muslim Temple. This historical monument remains so to this day, for the great distress of both sides of the JewZuits (Zionists and Catholics) who failed to use the Muslims as useful idiots at that time. The example of that kind of failure in using the Muslims as useful idiots for devious purposes has come to haunt the new JewZuit Power of today, and their three-prong strategy to finally successfully dominate the whole world through the Master Plan of the New World Order of a One-World Government of full and exclusive JewZuit Power. And the JewZuits are better not to fail this time again, as otherwise America will soon become Amerabia, and the EU will soon become Eurabia.
523.21 →
In the meantime, it is easy for the JewZuit Power to use the Muslims and all the western taxpayers as useful idiots. What is happening now with ISIS in Iraq is maybe the best example serving for this explanation. First of all, based on formal quotes of the Quran, Islam is definitely a religion that not only admits acts of violence against infidels, but promotes explicitly the proactive use of such violence, including assassinations and massacres against enemies whenever necessary. On the other hand, the distinguished professor and religion historian Philip Jenkins, in books like "Laying Down the Sword: Why We Can't Ignore the Bible's Violent Verses", has clearly demonstrated that the Islamic scriptures in the Quran were actually far less bloody and less violent than those in the Judeo-Christian Bible of the JewZuit Power that clearly talks about the legitimacy of using even genocide and all other sorts of "Herem" (total annihilation) against infidels when necessary. What makes the difference today is probably that the average level of education of the Judeo-Christians is more elevated than the average one of the Muslims, and consequently the Muslims living today take the verses of their sacred book more to the letter. This is why, even if most Muslims are peaceful people, more Muslims than Judeo-Christians do use verses of their sacred book to become terrorists, like suicide-bombers, and enact massacres against infidels of other religions. The JewZuit Power well knows this situation and takes full advantage of it, pushing simple Muslims into acts of terrorism that serve their JewZuit purposes, using these Muslims as useful idiots, even if these acts of violence are not representative of the nature of most Muslims. This is probably what Churchill had in mind when he said: “Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world”. Churchill certainly meant the misuse of Islam by some of its more ignorant and retrograde followers.
523.22 →
Because the world opinion is composed of mostly ignorant people, purposely kept ignorant, of this background, the JewZuit Power has an easy way to exploit this situation to their advantage. And they certainly do so, very skillfully, and most easily because they have all the presstitutes of the world networks of mainstream media under their full control. They just have to spread Islamophobia around the western world in order to achieve their secret agenda of the Master Plan. This is exactly what they do at the moment in relation to Iraq, and ISIS that is clearly a CIA/Mossad creation. ISIS most probably includes many Muslims, but it is nevertheless a JewZuit CIA/Mossad creation manipulating all its members, real Muslims or not. As mentioned earlier, the Muslim Caliph of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is not only a Muslim, but he even holds a doctorate in Islamic Sciences. However, some sources also say that he is a Muslim with a Jewish mother, which makes him automatically also a Jew. If so, he is certainly the ideal JewZuit puppet to achieve the CIA/Mossad objectives in the area and to present his group as an extremist Muslim organization worse than Al-Qaida. True or not, the JewZuits regularly put these front head terrorists, like the ones of ISIS, who are Muslims at least in appearance, to commit the type of terrible massacres that most Muslims would never do. Then, because of the few socially engineered Muslims who have committed widely publicized acts of suicidal terrorism over the last decade, everybody believes that ISIS is a Muslim terrorist entity they should be afraid of, instead of a fake JewZuit CIA/Mossad creation for achieving the dark geopolitical agenda of the Master Plan. This very much resembles what happened also in the case of 911. In front of this kind of perfect false flag operation, then, in the case of ISIS, the JewZuit Power has an easy justification, in front of the world opinion, to go ahead forcefully with its secret agenda which includes two main objectives in the short term: first the creation of the Greater Israel through the balkanization of the Middle East, through the Yinon Plan, but with Greece included, as we will see, through the diabolic Lighthouse Of The East project, and second, the global enslavement of the western populations that are deceived by the impression that they need more security from growing Police States to be protected against Islamic terrorism, and that they need to be willing to finance additional wars around the world through the growing taxation resulting from the growing debt. In fact, the debt-money and additional taxation involved will only benefit the JewZuit banks financing all sides of these unnecessary wars, and will enslave more and more the western taxpayers who, just like the Muslims, are also used as useful idiots. If there is a good example of a major false flag that is a complete success at the moment in the world, it is definitely this one of ISIS. But we could also describe many other not less powerful false flags in the context of a longer book, like many excellent authors have done already, including 911. In front of this perfect deception, the world Machiavellian JewZuit conspirators and their puppet leaders and banksters must be laughing and applauding to their own success in the background, while the rest of the common people in the foreground follow blindly the political correctness and are uselessly in fear for their survival, and in a state of near exhaustion from the resulting DDD, or the useless enslavement that is involved in the process through excessive taxation, extreme legislation and fearful disinformation.
524.01 →
This collaboration was a natural process to logically happen, because
their common symbol of the All-Seeing Eye has always been exposed quite
clearly to an attentive observer. The question as to if one
the Red Power or the Black Power
of the
JewZuit Power, will prevail over time, the Red over the Black, or the Black over the Red, is not too important
for them anymore at the moment, at least temporarily. In the meantime, the White
Power is clearly out of play and the Green Power is being neutralized. The important thing is to first
establish a New World Order of Fabian Socialism, with a good mixture of
communism and fascism, through a conspiracy of
the two rivals, and let history tell if one of the rivals shall eventually
prevail and, if so, who it will be. In the meantime, we, the rest of us, find ourselves in a situation
of growing enslavement, in an equally growing totalitarian socialism that is extremely difficult,
really impossible,
to fight in any violent way. It is just too powerful.
The current
JewZuit Power is literally omnipotent, and as such, it is
operating more and more openly and aggressively, and in complete impunity
even when acting clearly unconstitutionally. This omnipotence is already showing it ugly face in many ways, as
they now take initiatives that would be unthinkable only a few years
ago, like the building of new prisons and huge empty concentration camps
at huge costs, during a time of deep austerity and economic crisis, and
the passing through scandals with total impunity, without even the
resignation of a single minister, like the one of the massive NSA spying
in the USA of all its citizens and even of top world leaders abroad. As we will see further down, only a combination
of powerful peaceful factors, like the return of true
MeDiPartic democracy
opening the road to an eventual
TIDMOcracy, the return of real education
(as what we call:
ELducation), and the
implementation of a good package of ethocratic reforms like the ones in
Part II of this essay, can fight this immense new
and omnipotent
JewZuit Power, and lead us to a new freedom, out of the totalitarian Fabian
Socialism of the New World Order proactively being built today. In the meantime, we should have no illusion.
The new
JewZuit Power is the only real power existing today, and the one
directly responsible for our global enslavement into the
Collectivism of
totalitarian Fabian Socialism. The
"Soviet European Union"
(EUSSR) and the
United States"
(USSR) that are being built are only two examples of the best achievements of this new
JewZuit Power
with its Master Plan.
525.01 →
Most members of the foreground elite
running the world today, in particular the ones involved directly in the formation of
the so-called New World Order, through positions of most power, in
governments, corporations, media, education and institutions, are Jews.
This is a flagrant fact to any researcher or attentive observer. However, a closer look
reveals, as a first observation, that they are not plain Jews, as we commonly know them in our communities, as our simple Jewish neighbors, but rather
Zionist Jews. These
Zionist Jews form a very special branch of the Jewry, a minority branch, but
distinctly the most powerful one politically speaking. Zionists are usually linked, directly or
indirectly, to the temporal power of the state of Israel, or its intended
creation before it happened in 1948, and they are, as a race and as a religion, oriented on following specifically the
Talmud, which is the
most sacred and secretive book of Jewry. As mentioned earlier, the Talmud professes, and teaches
them, and requests them explicitly,
to be the “Chosen People”, and act as the human race chosen
by God to rule the world, and to have all the non-Jew populations as only “Goyims”,
or as non-Jew slaves at their service in their crucial mission to rule the
world for the best of their own racial interests, and make the whole world a real
Zionist World. Even most prominent rabbis
will affirm this openly and explicitly. The few Zionists who are
not racial Jews are clearly always Marrani, or crypto-Jews entirely subservient to the Zionist Jews.
This subservience has come about in particular through the development
of the movement of the Christian-Zionists that has come
to help the new coalition of the JewZuit Power over the last
few decades, often via an additional membership of their best members
into the Freemasons at a lower level, and into the
Knights of Malta at a higher level, all of which are
fully controlled by the Jesuits and the Black Pope.
oly Bible, and
its identity as the pure Israelite Race. This group nominates essentially the modern Anglo-Saxons as the only legitimate
holders of this pure Christian-Israelite identity. This last group is most interesting as,
while defending the fundamental goodness of the Israelite Race, and
associating it most closely to the Anglo-Saxon race, they fight
frontally what they see as a deviation in one of its branches, the one
pursuing covertly a New World Order of absolute power based on the
management of a network of central banks using usurious debt-money as an
illegitimate power to enslave peoples and nations in a "Global
Usurocracy", and the related "purchasing" control of all aspects
of our modern life, be it the press, the mass media, politics,
education, the economy or religion, not excluding revolutionary
agitation and falsification of history. For the interest of readers and
researchers, we show here to the left the interesting
diagram that they
publish on their website. This "Zionist Nexus" diagram of Global Usurocracy could very well represent what we call the
Power if it were not missing the Jesuit connection, as the second
head of the JewZuit Dragon. But again, this dragon has nothing to
do with simple Jews or Christians, and means no fault of any of them. A
great British journalist, playwright, novelist and author of a number of
books of political analysis, including "Insanity
Fair", named
Douglas Launcelot Reed (1895 – 1976)
certainly made that important distinction between plain Jew and global
Zionist. Defending himself, he brilliantly drew a clear
between opposition to Zionism and being anti-Semite.
526.01 →
On the other hand, at a second and deeper level of observation, many of these obviously powerful Zionists
in the foreground are often only
the puppets, or the collaborating coadjutors, of more powerful Jesuits of
the Catholic Church in the background, in particular through their joining the
Knights of
Malta who, just like the Jesuits, exist only to serve fully the absolute
White Power of the Vatican or, by now, since Francis installation, the absolute Black
Power of the Vatican. The same subservience exists on the part of the
higher echelons of the Freemasons acting as puppets for
JewZuit Power. Both the Jesuits and the Knights of Malta, as
attached to the Catholic Church, have also a mission
to dominate the world, very similar to the Talmudic mission followed by the Zionist
Jews, but at the service of the Vatican this time, instead of at the service
of Israel. Just like the Zionists are closely linked to the temporal power
of Israel, the higher ranks of the Jesuits are closely linked to the
temporal power of the Vatican, and only secondarily to the religious power
of the Catholic Church. But the Jesuits generally operate much more discretely
than the Zionists. Similarly to what the Talmud teaches the Zionists, about their
racial superiority, put at the service of the absolute power of Israel, the
formal and incredibly powerful oath of the Jesuits, along with their extreme
military discipline, of their General in
particular, and of the leaders of the Knights of Malta,
given to the Vatican Power, proclaims their superior human capacity as the
chosen soldier-protectors of the Vatican Power and that, for that specific purpose, all means
justify the end which, for them, is the maintenance of the absolute power of the Pope, in
establishing and controlling an undisputed Catholic canonic order around the world based
clearly on totalitarian Fabian Socialism.
And their incredible oath to this effect
indicates clearly that, when we say
the means justify the end, it is to
be taken literally, in its crudest sense, be it torture, assassination or
war if necessary. Reading that incredible
Jesuit Oath is mind bugling. The worst periods of the
Inquisition, and of the
Wars of
Religion, are only the best certifications of this crude reality.
527.01 →
When one examines carefully their personal or operational background, the
majority of the Zionists in positions of most power have usually at least
a discrete Jesuit Connection in their educational formation or their
operational professional environment. That Jesuit connection is inevitably a
link referring, or reporting, to the power of the Jesuits of the Catholic
Church, or to the so-called Black Power of the
Vatican in the first
instance, and consequently, in the end, to the White Power of the Vatican
which is the acting elected Pope.
528.01 →
The above being considered, it is amazing how
Jews do not seem to be able to defend themselves, at least in part,
against the rising of global anti-Semitism at the moment, by just searching,
describing, and making known, the part of the fake anti-Semitism that is
the responsibility of the Jesuits hiding in the background, instead of the
Zionists proper. That would certainly not clear or eliminate the
responsibilities of the Zionists, which are real and important, for at least half of the
maneuvers of global enslavement of peoples and nations under the New
World Order at the moment, but it would certainly shed on it the proper
JewZuit light, instead of only the Jewish light, and the related shared
responsibility of the Jesuits, instead of only the exclusive
Jewish responsibility that comes to bear so easily as anti-Semitism in most alternative media.
After 25 years of research as a
historian, and the writing of many books related to anti-Semitism,
how is it possible that the title of his book be such a fake affirmation?
First of all, he should know by now that the Pharisee Jews have never changed
over the last millennia. The "Money Changers" that
Jesus threw out of
the Temple 2000 years ago are still with us as the
Zionist Pharisees
of today, and certainly form the most
obvious part of the caste of the modern Zionists that sit behind the
World Order at the moment. That is why "the devil never dies", and that it is more powerful
than ever before, because it is not the anti-Semitism that never dies,
but the enslaving mentality of the "Money Changers" of
Jesus' time that
never changed until today. But
the simple money changers of 2000 years ago
have now mastered the tools of the power of globalization, mainly
through managing international banks, multinational corporations, and in particular
central banks. Of course, these
Zionist Pharisees wanting our Fabian Socialist enslavement through
debt-money and excessive taxation, have nothing, nothing at all, to do
with common Jews in general, just like the Mafia has nothing to do with
common Italians in general. Hollywood does a good job convincing us that
only Italian Mafia exist. But this is absolutely false. Reading the books of
John Perkins (shown further down), as an ex
Economic Hit Man, we quickly realize that the FED, the
World Bank,
and the IMF for example, fully dominated by the Jewish "Money
Changers", are much worse than the Italian mafia, and they are
probably the biggest mafia criminals in the world if we consider the high
levels of "pizzo" (mafia extortion fees for the protection racket)
that they make peoples and countries pay around the world in terms of
useless interests on useless loans. Plenty of Jews are repulsed by what their
own "Pharisee elites" have done on their behalf, just like plenty of
Italians are repulsed by what the Mafia has done to the excellent
reputation they otherwise deserve in all fields of human achievement. What
Goldhagen does
not seem to understand is also the new fact that this enslaving devil is now a two-headed dragon, and
that the second head, besides the Jewish Zionist Pharisee one, is the
Catholic Jesuit one. Bringing this reality to the fore, for a brilliant
Jewish historian like Goldhagen, would shed a better light of shared
responsibility between the two heads of the dragon. I would make a
humble suggestion to the young famous author Goldhagen: do the necessary research, and publish a
new book
titled "The JewZuit Power Feeding Global Anti-Semitism", with the subtitle:
"The Two-Headed Dragon of the Zionists and Jesuits Enslaving the World,
For No Fault of the Common Jews and Catholics".
The responsibility of the Jews would not disappear, but would be more
appropriately attributed mainly, if not only, on the Jewish side, the Zionist movement of
the Jews, and be also seriously re-dimensioned to its proper lower level.
Such book would explain that behind the Red Power of totalitarian Fabian Socialism,
there is an equally responsible and shared Black Power at the moment,
that is, the
JewZuit Power. Global anti-Semitism would probably not
"die", but certainly greatly diminish, which would be good not only for
the Jews, but for all the rest of us. In addition, if written by an
honest and competent Jew, the exposure of the harsh reality
of this obscure
JewZuit Power, by an expert and famous
Jewish historian, instead of by a simple
essayist like myself, would have the extra benefit of additional
credibility, and of truth affirmation, in front of the world opinion. By the
same token, it would probably discharge a lot
of the responsibility, not to say the undue sense of culpability, that is wrongly
attributed to the majority of common Jews at the moment. It would
also assert, properly and rightly, that the "Devil That Never Dies" is
not the anti-Semitism, but the old ideology of superiority and
enslavement power of some of the Jews
for a couple of millennia, and the newer ideology of supremacy of some
of the
Catholics for half a millennium, now colluded together in what is today
the new
JewZuit Power of totalitarian Fabian Socialism
529.01 →
529.02 →
New World
Order. In addition, as of recently, Putin is not only gradually
stripping America of its unipolar superpower status, willingly or
unwillingly, without using bombs or tanks, but he is orchestrating an
ingenious plan to control better the global energy trade without the use of
the petrodollar that has been the bedrock of the prosperity of the USA over
the last decades.
529.03 →
scandals of "Bunga-Bunga", and through judicial trials in national
courts that are not only bogusly setup by the JewZuit justice of Italy, but also cost
extreme judicial and legal expenses to be paid uselessly and unjustly by the
Italian taxpayers. The recent complete absolution, in July 2014, from
this "Ruby Gate"trial for sex abuse and concussion, cogently rejected by the
highest court because there was "No grounds to the charge", has clearly
demonstrated this scandalous use of justice for political assassination
purposes, after 4 years of total persecution and character assassination
against PM Berlusconi at world level.
529.04 →
529.05 →
529.06 →
530.01 →
530.02 →
rly an accomplice of this additional
enslavement. And if the American assistant secretary of state, Victoria
Newland (a Zionist Jew born Newdelman), said
the EU", in relation to what is happening in
Ukraine, it is not
because the EU is not part of this JewZuit enslavement process, but because it
is "not enough" part of it, or not acting quickly enough in taking the
necessary measures for this new enslavement to come about, in order to
ensure, at the same time, that the important oil fracking deal with
American-Zionist Chevron and American-Zionist
Shell, signed in 2013, could be put on a fast-track
implementation without any bumps on its way, even if it is most likely
to pollute a lot of the fresh water supplies of part of Ukraine and of
the bordering territories of Russia. Ukraine is nearly bankrupt, and its
currency is melting down but, as usual, the Chevron-Shell exploitation
of some of its oil will not profit its people, but only the big JewZuit
corporations exploiting them. But the debt-money for its exploitation
will eventually be charged all to the Ukrainian citizens. Too bad even
an important country of central Europe, with an exceptionally high level
of culture like Ukraine, has not learned a lesson from what has happened
in the third world for a couple of centuries in similar situations, like
in Panama, Ecuador and Indonesia. But with the unlimited financial
resources of the new
JewZuit Power, printing money at
will, out of thin air, and covertly financing all sorts of revolutionary
movements for their own intended plundering initiatives, and getting the
protection of the disinformation of all the main JewZuit media networks
that they also own, playing their dirty game is not too difficult. Maybe
somebody should start translating and distributing in Ukraine two good
books of an ex insider of this dirty game,
John Perkins,
namely "The Confessions of an Economic
Hit Man", and "Hoodwinked".
Ukraine is obviously being hoodwinked. Apart from its forthcoming
enslavement through the EU and the IMF, which will probably be worse
than what happened in Greece already, let's hope it will not also get
split in parts, like they hope to do with Greece. In the meantime,
Greece has passed the stage of excessive taxation of the hoodwink process,
as when a country has been overly enslaved through debt by the
IMF, and
cannot be taxed any further, then the country must start private
property confiscations for the benefit of the acolytes of the
IMF, which is
exactly what has started to happen in Greece over the last few months. As for
it used to belong to "Russia" and it was given to Ukraine by the
Union in 1954. It has decided, through a regular referendum won with a
majority of more than 97%, to split back and join the Russian Federation
instead of the EU wanted by the puppet regime of Kiev. That
Crimea part of Ukraine is
thus very likely to have a much better
future with the non-JewZuit Russia, that is economically booming, than with the
EU that is economically crumbling. Since the adoption of the global
JewZuit Euro in 1999, the EU has only conducted most of its countries,
supposedly living in the most developed world, into a situation of
complete legislative enslavement and economic misery. To use
Perkin's expressions, these
EU countries, and
others wanting to join the EU, like Ukraine,
are now following the sad path and pattern imposed to many third-world
countries before them who, under the
JewZuit Power
associated to the IMF and the World Bank,
have had their nations ruined by a "Death Economy" instead of a
"Life Economy", or really, in JewZuit terms, by a
Debt-Economy of complete enslavement.
531.01 →
As we have seen, the General of the Jesuits, elected as the head of 85 Provincial
Jesuits worldwide,
is often called the “Black Pope” while, in contrast, the one elected by the about 100 voting members of the College of Cardinals of the Vatican, is
often called the “White Pope”. From this point of view, having a Jesuit as
the White Pope at the moment, thus combining the white and the black powers
of the Vatican in the same person, for the first time in history, is
particularly meaningful. It is also most intriguing that Ratzinger, the most
recent White Pope (as Benedict XVI) resigned in 2013 to leave his place to
Bergoglio (as Pope Francis), and that the most recent Black Pope,
(to the right in the picture), also resigned, in 2008, to leave his place to
(to the left in the picture). A White Pope has
never before resigned of his own initiative, since 1294, and when that
happened, some 720 years ago, pope Celestine-V retired as a monk in a very
isolated monastery, without still being left closely attached to the white
power of the Vatican, like Ratzinger is at the moment. The only other White
Pope who ever resigned did not do so voluntarily but was forced to do so
to end the West Schism of Avignon, and he also retired in complete
obscurity, far away from the Vatican. This was
Gregory XII, in 1415 who retired in complete obscurity in
Ravenna. A Black Pope in turn has never
resigned before, ever, let alone having the resigning one still active in
the activities of the Jesuits like it is the case today with Kolvenbach
532.01 →
This odd situation of 4 popes at the same time at the moment, two white
popes and two
black popes, is absolutely unique in the history of the
Catholic Church, and has a particular significance when we consider that,
for the first time, the acting White Pope is, for all practical purposes,
also a Black Pope. This, in consideration of the special strength of the
oath of total obedience and submission that an elected Black Pope always
formally provides to the White Pope, and in spite of the apparent benevolent
nature of Pope Francis, this very much looks like the accumulation of an
absolute totalitarian power under the same person within the Catholic
Church, more so than ever before
533.01 →
.My own direct experience of
Pope Francis, from when he was the Provincial of
the Jesuits in Argentina, between 1973 and 1979, when I was a Canadian
diplomat in Chile, under the
Pinochet regime, but responsible for selecting
some of the refugees persecuted in Argentina by the military coup d’état of
General Videla, in
1976 (the year my oldest child was born in Chile), will not be cheated by
his apparent benevolence, when I know firsthand the type of collaboration he
gave the military, or certainly not combatted in any meaningful way at the
time. Of course, the Jesuits are also a military organization and their
provincials, like Bergoglio at the time, swear their total loyalty to the
Black Pope with an oath that clearly accepts the principle that the means
justify the end. Today he is the powerful combination of a Black Pope and a
White Pope.
534.01 →
I will not speculate more as to why this incredible concentration of totalitarian power is happening today in the Papacy, for the first time, and in the hands of the type of man I experienced him to be in Argentina. But considering the terrible state of the world at the moment, and the clear objective of supposedly wanting to “improve” it through a totalitarian New World Order, obviously pursued by so many of the most powerful people at the moment, this incredible accumulation of power in Pope Francis will not appear a plain coincidence to many attentive and objective observers, let alone the conspiracy theorists. Such absolute power is frightening if we consider the clearly relativistic approaches of that Black & White Pope, with his claimed "inability to judge", regarding the "Culture of Death" that had been even more clearly condemned, so far, by John Paul II, in 1995, in his encyclical "Evangelium Vitae", and maintained with a similar line of approach by Benedict XVI who was forced to resign. These two predecessors were tapping strongly into the best Christian values, and into the corresponding revulsion of a growing number of people against the sewage of a hedonistic culture pushed by the mainstream media and Hollywood regarding the West’s capitulation to a decadent culture regarding easy divorce, rampant promiscuity, destruction of the family and the nation, the worst forms of pornography, the promotion of homosexuality as an ideal lifestyle, most easy abortion to the point that some 55% of all the babies conceived today in the western world are aborted as literally a mass-genocide, ridiculous same-sex marriage, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and the debasement of our best traditional values regarding all forms of criminality. Having a Pope with a self-claimed "inability to judge" in such difficult context, and thus rather a critical and dangerous "inability to lead", and giving such pope more power than ever before in the history of the Catholic Church, is probably the kind of mistake that is not a mistake but rather a well concerted plan of the JewZuit Power, let alone a possible diabolic one, meant to enslave people more easily through a relativistic culture of no firm values about anything. Considering the official document of the Vatican mentioned above, calling for a new "Global Public Authority", worldwide, paraphrasing the less clerical name of "New World Order", published during the months that Benedict XVI's resignation was being concocted, without him having seen it before publication, and not disavowed by Francis, one can legitimately assume that the plan is really the Master Plan of the new forthcoming New World Order in its best JewZuit denomination, even if well hidden behind a constant smile of gentle complacency.
535.01 →
In other words, we have, at the moment,
for the first time in history,
two black popes and two white popes, and both the acting White Pope and the
acting Black Pope are Jesuits. Having two white popes directly attached to
the environment of the Vatican is odd enough by itself, even if only one of
them seems to have an obvious predominance. Having also two black popes at
the same time is an even bigger oddity. Having the 4 popes living at the
same time makes this unique oddity most intriguing. Having this intriguing oddity as a clear reflection of the extreme
background power of the Jesuits in world affairs, in relation to the extreme
foreground power of the Zionists in the same world affairs, most of them
with a Jesuit connection, gives this incredible situation a significance of
great danger in the context of the fast and devastating enslavement of
peoples and nations through the development of the so-called New World Order
at the moment. Certainly in practice we
have two active regular black popes (Jesuits Nicholas and
Kolvenbach) for the
first time in history, one super black pope (Francis) as a Jesuit
upgraded to a white pope, also for the first time in history, and only
one downgraded white pope (Ratzinger) still attached to the Vatican,
also for the first time in history. If we give a regular white pope a
value of 1 (there is none at the moment), and a regular black pope an
value of 1 (Nicholas), a super black & white pope a value of 1,5
(Francis), and a downgraded pope a value of 0,5 (Kolvenbach and
Ratzinger), we have a value of 3 on the black side over a value of 0,5
on the white side, which means 3 / 0,5, or a relation of 6 to 1 on the
black power side. Six being a number usually associated to the
devil, and the black power of the Catholic church being historically
closely tied to the worst Luciferian aspects of the Fabian Socialism, one legitimately wonders if
this incredible unique historical situation of papacy does not hide some
diabolic plan in terms of reinforcement of the new world
JewZuit Power,
in a last sprint for a faster advancement, and the full accomplishment, of a
New World Order of
enslavement through totalitarian Fabian Socialism.
536.01 →
To complete this most awkward situation, let’s just mention that the founder of the Jesuits, in 1534,
Ignatius of Loyola,
was a Jew, or a crypto-Jew, or more accurately a crypto-Christian as a
Jew, along with his successor,
Diego Lainex.
means a Jew who is either converted to Catholicism, or fully dedicated
to serve the purposes of the Catholic Church in his own interest even if
practicing Jewry discretely in the background. Historians will even affirm
that most of these crypto-Christians, as Marrano Christian-Jews, practiced Judaism in
secret, and were considered "Judaizers", which is still the case today for
most of them. Certainly,
Saint Paul,
the second twin founding father of the Catholic Church (with Saint
Peter), was a pure racial Jew who died around 67 AD. He never even got
to know Jesus directly, and he is the major influence that transformed
Jesus' message, and the young Christian church, into a much more
Judeo-Pauline one than Jesus would have liked, preparing the grounds for
the "Money Changers" to take over the new Christian temple, and
eventually the Vatican after the eventual arrival of the Jesuits. This
was certainly not the intention of Jesus who was not a racial Jew. As we have mentioned earlier,
Jesus was born in a dominant Jewish
geographical environment, but he was a Nazarene. Nazareth was the main
center of the ancient Greek culture at the time in the Middle-East, and
Jesus was raised within his family in that Hellenic culture, and he also spoke Greek, in addition to
Hebrew and Aramaic. As such he tried to reform the Jews, in particular the
Zionists of his time, often called the “Money Changers”, or the Pharisees,
but he quite obviously and dramatically failed. He disturbed the interests of
the Jews, and for this, he was brought to crucifixion by them, hiding
themselves behind a Roman hand. In fact, the only people of the old
Palestine area under the Roman Empire who had Roman citizenship were the
Greeks. Because of this Jesus was a Roman citizen. This is why the Jews
could not crucifix him themselves directly without having the decision taken
by Pontius Pilate who was the Roman prefect in Judaea at the time, and the
only one who could decide on the crucifixion of a Roman citizen. Quite
obviously, somehow, the Jews and the Catholics have always been historically
closely intertwined
537.01 →
This intertwinement seems to be still the case today, and even in an accomplished manner, maybe in particular since the arrival of Pope Francis. At the moment for example, we have the U.S. President, Obama, who is totally surrounded by, and subservient to, the most powerful positions of his cabinet, and of other important lobbies and government institutions, that are all headed by Zionist Jews, but he also has Joe Biden as his Vice President. Joe Biden is the real President in the background, as a JewZuit catholic with honorary degrees from the Jesuit St. Joseph University of Philadelphia. Obama is only his front coadjutor, as the super puppet, the best sophist talker, and the most presentable public face at the moment in our contemporary world of rampant nihilism, in order to maintain, affirm and reinforce the real JewZuit Power of growing Fabian Socialism in the background, and certainly also in the foreground for those who have eyes to see.
537.02 →
But puppet Obama is a well-chosen and a dangerous one.
was raised with Communist influence through his
Mom and
Frank Marshall Davis. When younger, he was a
communist community organizer launched from the bowels of
which was also a Communist group inspired by Fabian Socialism. He is a close
friend of
Williams Ayers who still teaches
Fabian Socialist Activism at the university of Illinois.
As with William Ayers, Obama studied and was very
inspired by strongly leftist intellectuals like
Piven. Both
Obama and Hillary Clinton have said to have
been deeply inspired by the book "Rules
for Radicals" of
Saul Alinsky which teaches
not only the dark art of destroying political adversaries, but in particular
the art of controlling a population by destroying its patriotism, its sense
of nationality, its sense of family, and its morality in general. Is this
not exactly what is happening in our world today?
537.03 →
This is
why now, under their reign, patriotism is seen as a form of violent racism
instead of legitimate proudness, and the
Common Core of
education (or maleducation) in America
has transformed basic
health and sex education into porn and gay indoctrination while taking out
all moral boundaries and restraint, including the proactive teaching
of good masturbation to young boys in primary schools as a health tool. After all,
is it not Fabian Socialist
Stalin who said:
“America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold. Its
patriotism, its morality and its spiritual life. If you can undermine these
three areas, America will collapse from within”. This is certainly what
appears to be the case today. And the
EU of totalitarian
Fabian Socialism is
closely following the "beautiful" American model from this point of view as
their top leaders in the background are of the same elites.
And now that these elites are doing it as a JewZuit
coalition, they are finally achieving their enslavement objective with
unprecedented success. Their power is now practically omnipotent
537.04 →
However, if both the USA and the EU are pushed into that well programmed, and well advanced, decadence being implemented by the JewZuit Power, including through the obviously predominant role of the Jewish Zionist side of that power in this case, via mainly the crappy culture pushed out of Zionist-dominated Hollywood, it is most interesting to see that the only other important westernized country in the world doing exactly the opposite is Israel, where an absolute effort is done to preserve the purity of the race, the least possible multiculturalism of the nation, and the integrity of the Jewish family, along with their strong patriotism and invigorated religion. In other words, Jews of the diaspora in the western world teach gentiles (non-Jews) to scorn nationalism and patriotism, because it is the main obstacle for their plan of a one-world government, but they do entirely the opposite in Israel, even enforcing a strict racial type of nationalism, not to say a racist patriotism, based on DNA, where Jerusalem is expected to become the capital of such one-world government in due time. This sounds like a perfect and pernicious application of the ugly command: “Do as I say, and not as I do”. In this case, the command is reversed in its meaning, and literally means "Do as I say, even if it is bad, and not as I do, which is good". And the obvious answer to the “Why?” related to that reversed command clarifies very well all we have said so far about the real conspiracy of the JewZuit Power wanting to enslave more easily the rest of the world, outside of Israel and of the five City-States that serve their world control (City-Vatican, City-London, City-Basel, City-Hong Kong, and City-Washington DC), as the weak leftovers of a world that is fully debased in all its traditional values. Israel is the country that protects itself better than any other country in the world against such destructive things as illegal mass immigration (except on due PISA process and only if based on Jewish DNA), chemtrails, agro-pollution and easy divorce and gay-marriage destroying natural families, even if Zionists promote exactly the opposite in the rest of the western world. From this point of view, maybe we should praise Israel and take good example from what it is doing.
537.05 →
537.06 →
537.07 →
The above
537.08 →
538.01 →
In principle, the Knights of Malta are totally subordinated to the White Pope of the Vatican. This is so true that even kings and queens show subordination in front of the Pope when they meet. This is the case for example of Queen Elizabeth of England and Queen Beatrice of Holland who are both Dame of Malta. These Knights of Malta should have nothing or little to do with the Zionists who are not Christians. But in practice, this is not the case. Nowadays, this intertwinement of the Jesuits and the Zionists often takes place in particular through the mediation of the Knights of Malta who just too often seem to bridge the power of both the Zionists and the Jesuits with many of their members.
538.02 →
This is typically the case for example of Henry Kissinger, probably their most famous Zionist Knight. Another example is Lloyd Blankfein, the pure racial Jew who is the head of the most Zionist bank, Goldman Sachs, but has had a Knight of Malta as his right arm, in the person of Geoffrey Boisi, who has been most closely related to the Black Power of the Jesuit and the Vatican. JPMorgan Chase is another real Zionist bank dominated entirely by the Knights of Malta, not to mention the FED of New York, in whose vaults the Vatican keeps safely the major part of its gold, estimated as amounting to at least $170 billions, in full trust of the Zionist hosts. Wherever there is gold, the Knights of Malta seem to always have had, and still have, a strong presence and leading protective role to play, with a clear Vatican connection.
538.03 →
In this context, it is interesting to note that the JPMorgan Plaza was sold to China recently and it includes the biggest private gold vault in the world, within the USA. And JPMorgan is considered the operating arm of the FED. In the meantime, Fort Knox, which is, at least theoretically, under the public responsibility of the American government, is claimed by most gold expert to have been nearly emptied and its gold moved into safer private hands. The trend seems to be moving as much gold as possible into the control of private hands at the moment, in order to be able to use it to readily save the elites when the expected grand collapse will occur, and the Knights of Malta, most closely linked to the Vatican, appear to have a key role in this respect. Their role appears to have been major in the construction of the immense vaults of the White Dragons (the Anglo-Saxons who own trillions in gold bars) in the Philippines, as a Catholic country most closely linked to the Vatican, where the construction workers who built the vaults are claimed to have all been killed after the construction was terminated. These particular vaults served first the "Operation Lilly", which was the safe recuperation of the gold left in tunnels by the Japanese at the end of WWII, after trapping mortally all the workers of these tunnels, and then to accumulate the new gold of the White Dragons. This trend of moving gold into safe private vaults is also increasing with all the occupation wars going on, in preparation of the fast forthcoming New World Order. Most of the gold of Iraq for example is now into the hands of private vaults, and this is also the case of Afghanistan, Libya and even Ukraine.
538.04 →
Another aspect of the above intertwinement is that the territory of the FED of NY covers the same area that includes the 3 most important Jesuit universities in the USA and many of the graduates of these 3 Jesuit universities go regularly through the revolving doors of the best positions of the biggest Zionist banks in the area, not to mention the revolving doors of the CFR and of the White House. A real situation of obvious JewZuit Power!
539.01 →
In other words, an inordinate number of the powerful JewZuits managers, or
Zionists with a Jesuit connection, have their connection traceable in their
formal educational training in Jesuit schools and universities. The
Bank of
America itself, usually known as a Zionist bank, and for good
reasons, is another good example. It was founded by a
Jesuit and papal
Knight of Malta, from San Francisco,
Amadeo Giannini. Its two most recent
managers, Ken Lewis and
Bryan Moynihan,
are two fully Jesuit-trained
executives, with the former one, Lewis, being also a Knight of Malta.
Clinton is another JewZuit of this kind, trained by the Jesuits, and with
close family ties with prominent Zionist Jews, including through the recent marriage
of his daughter Chelsea with the Jewish investment banker Mark
Mezvinsky in
2010. Clinton can be seen in a picture at the
Jesuit Georgetown University kneeling
down at the grave of Jesuit Timothy Healy while the current Jesuit president
of Georgetown at the time, Dr. Donovan, also a Walt Disney board member, is
standing behind him. The private Jesuit University of Georgetown is part of
NW Washington DC, extremely powerful in influencing all Washington's
politics, and is claimed to be controlling all USA.
Freemasons, and
consequently most of American politics, through the huge and beautiful
Freemason Shriner Lodge of Baltimore that is located across the street from
another of their Jesuit universities, and through the
Freemason Council of
the 33rd Degree that is located in
Washington DC proper. Other Zionists have a Jesuit connection because they use
Jesuit-trained people as their main executive assistants, or work in a clear
role of superiority or subordination relative to a Jesuit coadjutor, or a
Jesuit-trained person, either openly in the foreground or discretely the
background. Finally, even many of the purest Zionists have a clear Jesuit
connection through being associated with the Knights of Malta, or being a
Knight, like Kissinger mentioned above.
540.01 →
Wherever you search in attempting to establish who runs the
New World Order
enslaving all of us Goims today, through banks, governments or international
organizations, you will always find a powerful JewZuit executive or a
JewZuit predominant connection, either as a Zionist or as a Jesuit or, in
short, as a JewZuit
541.01 →
The JewZuits are definitely the most powerful people in the world today and
they command all sectors of human life: the economy, the education, the
academia, the culture, the media, the entertainment, the politics, the
governments, the banks, and even the churches. They are only a very small
minority of the population where they live. Typically the American
population is composed of maximum 3% of Jews, and the Zionists Jews
themselves do not
represent probably more than a small fraction of 1%. In spite of this, they have
fully infiltrated most sectors of human activity in which they hold probably
over 90% of the top executive positions, either as a Zionist or as a JewZuit
541.02 →
541.03 →
542.01 →
In assessing carefully their prominent positions and activities, the role of
these JewZuits is clearly to arrive at a New World Order enslaving all
non-JewZuits through a One-World-Government of Collectivism based on
dictatorial Fabian Socialism, as an improved version of what was experimented, and
was later imploded purposely, in the ex-Soviet-Union, in order to better spread it to
the rest of the world, in a more sophisticated way, under the combined power
of both sides of the full JewZuit
control this time, managed by both the Zionists and the Jesuits together. Their
leaders are Fabian Socialists, and Fabian Socialism has always been under
the direct intellectual control of the Jesuits, either in its Communist or in its Fascist
543.01 →
Ex eastern socialist
countries, like China and the Soviet Union, now believe in capitalism while
the USA and the EU now believe in socialism. Socialism has moved west. Interestingly enough, the end of the ex-Soviet Union was brought to a
collapse because it was too much into the hands of only the Zionist Jews as
opposed to also the black power of the Jesuits. The Vatican was too excluded
from this experiment as the coalition of the
JewZuit Power
did not quite exist at the time. This was inacceptable to the Jesuits as,
according to them, all world
power games must always be played in a balanced JewZuit way between the Red
Socialists of the Fabian Zionists and the Black Socialists of the Fabian
Jesuits, like Bismarck used to qualify these two sides of the equation. The
Bolshevik Revolution was
essentially a Jewish revolution. As we have seen above, its first nomenclature of some 384 members
included only 13 pure ethnic Russians, and well over 300 were racial Jews. This
communist revolution, of no-JewZuit collaboration, has now been moved to the
West, and is finally under the full control of the JewZuits, the Zionist and the
Jesuit elites, who are working together to build a more sophisticated form
of Communism, or Collectivism.
543.02 →
544.01 →
This New World Order of global JewZuit enslavement shall be the final
victory of real and pure communism, or Collectivism, over any other type of
socialistic regime ever experimented anywhere in the past. Typically, the
formation of what we can legitimately call
Soviet European Union, that is
fast and forcefully being created today, along with the growing
Soviet United States, are only
the two best examples of this colossal and diabolic enterprise of global
enslavement. What happens in particular in the USA, with the
NSA thoroughly
spying all citizens, the strong and unduly militarization of city police,
including school guards equipped with machine guns and armored vehicles as of recently, the
sneaky construction of
about 600 FEMA concentration camps, the forceful disarming of the population, the
lowering of the economic standard of living of most citizens to a survival
level through massive illegal immigration without due
PISA process and outsourcing of jobs to the
third world, while a growing nomenclature lives with royal privileges, the
progressive harshening of literally martial legislation related to various
aspect of Homeland Security, is an ugly way for me to recall sourly what I
lived in Moscow, when I served as a Canadian diplomat under
Brezhnev in the
Soviet Union, in the early 80s. Militarization of local city police and
school guards means the creation of a Police State. This is really a kind of
Soviet United States, or a SUS. The EU is also obviously on the exact same path
as the ex Soviet Union and the new Soviet United States. This is a kind
of Soviet European Union, or a
SEU. Many huge new
concentration prisons are discretely being built in various EU countries, even in
a poor and enslaved country like Greece at the moment, as a country that has no money
to pay all its pensions but can nevertheless spend huge sums of money
for new concentration prisons. The Fabian
Socialism of totalitarian Collectivism that failed in the
Soviet Union is
now being implemented very successfully, and very swiftly, through the
JewZuit Power, in the EU and in the USA in particular, not to mention many
other areas of the world.
545.01 →
What most people do not realize clearly is that the success of this collectivist New World Order corresponds to the formation of a new Empire. But a World Empire this time, and really a World Empire of Debt (WED), for the first time in the history of humanity. And for the first time in the history of the world, this is an empire without a name. In the past, they all had names, like the Ottoman Empire, the Roman Empire, or the Mongol Empire. This new empire, worldwide this time, has no clear name, and purposely so, in order to fool people and not obstruct its full advent. People only hear about a generic "New World Order", describing very enigmatically a new order that does not sound like an empire, and must not sound like a new empire, let alone a world empire. From this point of view, we should probably call it the "Empire Without Name".
545.02 →
In addition, this new order is made to appear appealing to most people around the world, because it is hidden behind beautiful expressions of fearsome disinformation used by the JewZuit Power that controls all the Presstitute mainstream mass media worldwide. The new order is often said to be brought-in for the "spreading of democracy", or for "carrying a mandate for humanitarian help", or for R2P, ("Responsibility to Protect") in relation to allied populations. It is also called even more confusingly sometimes, like a legitimate objective of "military constabulary duties associated with shaping the security environment in critical regions”. These beautiful sophistic expressions never have any connotation of any empire being built. In fact, behind these beautiful expressions, fabricated for public consumption and disinformation, there is the hidden concept of the "Long War" that was so well exposed at the Rosa Luxemburg Conference of Berlin, on January 11, 2014, by Michel Chossudovsky, the author of: The Globalization of Poverty and The New World Order (2003) and of The Globalization of War: America's "Long War" Against Humanity (2015). The PNAC (Project for a New American Century) calls it "War Without Border". USA General Wesley Clark has naively talked at a couple of occasions about this concept of the "Long War" that has characterized the USA military doctrine since WWII, albeit not explicitly, in his official position, in the context of a talk about the New World Order.
545.03 →
This militarization of the New World Order through the concept of the "Long War Without Border" is eminently part of the economic and geopolitical agenda meant to enslave the world and create the yet unnamed World Empire of Debt, or the WED that, for the time being, is described only vaguely, and simply, as the "New World Order". Considering all the above, we should properly call it the "JewZuit New World Order", or the JewZuit WED. If these names are considered a "Conspiracy Theory", it is only because they describe an embarrassing reality, and hide a Conspireality. Paraphrasing what Michael Chossudovsky so well said, a 'conspiracy theory' no longer means an event explained by a conspiracy. Instead, it now means any explanation, or even a fact, that is out of step with the official explanation of the leading political power and that of its media pimps, like typically the official explanation of 911 and its building 7 in particular… In other words, as truth becomes uncomfortable for the leading world power and its puppet politicians of national propaganda, truth is redefined as conspiracy theory, by which is meant an absurd and laughable explanation that we should ignore. Investigative journalism has been scrapped by the Presstitute. Warmongers are made to appear as committed to peace. The media, intellectuals, scientists and the politicians, in chorus, obfuscate the unspoken truth, namely that the US-NATO-Israel led "Long War" destroys and enslaves humanity through debt that in turn brings immense profits to the warmongers. When the lie becomes the truth there is no turning backwards. When war is upheld as a humanitarian endeavor, Justice and the entire international legal system are turned upside down: pacifism and the antiwar movement are criminalized. Opposing the war becomes a criminal act. Meanwhile, the war criminals in high office have ordered a witch hunt against those who challenge their authority and obfuscating propaganda.
545.04 →
Certainly, the top caste of the
has become so rich, immensely rich, mainly because of wars, and through
financing both sides of most wars, not to say wars that they have
themselves engineered through false flags in order to become immeasurably rich. The JewZuit banks
were never the least preoccupied for taking any risk related to such
immense financing. They have even enjoyed
doing this two-side financing because they knew that the reimbursement
of the loans, by the governments involved,
of this huge amount of debt-money, was, and still is, perfectly guaranteed by
citizens being subdued by excessive taxation to the outmost degree by
the first head of the
Three-Headed Cerberus mentioned at the beginning
of this essay.
545.05 →
The strategic objective of the high caste, which nowadays is the JewZuit caste, has always been to weaken both sides of the warlords, so that there will be no quick winner, indebt both sides for as long as possible, and then collect debt with interest from both sides through the guarantee of excessive taxation that would enslave the masses and consequently render its global agenda of the New World Order more easily achievable for generations to come after the wars ended. When people are indebted, they work harder to pay their debt, and have less time to think, and no more energy to revolt. In any case, if they do revolt, even legitimately because of government Cerberus provocation, the state maintains a well-fed constabulary force full of energy to protect itself while the citizens have hardly enough energy to kneel down and say: sorry! Cardinal Mazarin, while working for the French king Louis XIV, said: "When a common mortal person is covered with debt, he either works harder to pay his debt, or he goes to jail. The state however cannot be put to jail, so it continues working harder increasing its debt to be paid by its enslaved taxpayers".
545.06 →
Fortunately however,
the "sorry" of the taxpayer can be switched
around, and become a "sorry" expressed by the state, instead of by the
citizen, if appropriate measures, democratic but forceful measures, are taken,
like the EthoCracy Reform Package mentioned further down, and elaborated in more details in
Part II of this essay
546.01 →
In the meantime,
the above mentioned "Long War", that was called a "War
Without Border" by
PNAC, conducted by what we called an "Empire
Without Name", or a "War Without Name", is fast moving to complete success. And this
time, we could paraphrase further by saying that it is also a "War
Without Tanks" and a "War Without Canons". It
is thus the best type of war ever fought in the history of humanity, and
the type bringing most success to the oppressors. It is the war that we
should baptize by its proper name, as the
JewZuit War.
In its course, and in order to facilitate
the enslavement of the masses not yet taking the appropriate measures, countries are now being
progressively grouped into
few world areas with a single currency, like typically the EU at the
moment, in order
to take away from them the only tool (their national currency) that
could eventually give them back their liberty, through "Voluntary
Devaluation", a declaration of "Odious Debt"
in front of a competent international court, or a combination of both instruments.
This JewZuit War is equivalent, for an area like the EU, to "Internal
Colonialism", like typically what is happening to Greece at the
moment in front of Germany, or more rightly, via the IMF, in front of
the JewZuit European Central Bank of Frankfurt which is one of the most eminent players of the
new World Empire of the JewZuit New World Order being built. What
Germany could not achieve, by two long and bloody world wars, is now
being achieved silently, if not "by" Germany, certainly "via" Germany,
but without blood on any physical battle field. So far! For now, the
battle field is mostly virtual, fought through the usurious intervention
of JewZuit Banks like the
ECB, excessive taxation
imposed by external JewZuit International Organizations
like the IMF, extreme legislation pushed by
JewZuit Super-States
like the EU, and the plundering of national
JewZuit Governments, like the most obvious government of Greece in
the last 30 years, acting as frontend
accomplices to fulfill the enslavement objectives of their
JewZuit Masters hiding in the background. And these masters are
experts in hiding themselves. From this point of view, an excellent book
of Spiros Xatzaras, titled "The
Invisible Men and their Straw Men", published in Greek
in 2013, provides extremely good information. In addition to
Internal Colonialism, the super-state organizations like the EU also
serve to destroy the sense of an adult citizen to belong proudly and
patriotically to a country, by Crunching the Nation-State,
making national borders and national currency vanish completely, by
Crunching the Family,
destroying the sense of a child to belong to a warm natural father and
mother, and making
children dependents of a sort of cold distribution machines called a
genitor-1 and a genitor-2, with often a double genitor-1 or a double
genitor-2 of the same sex. What a set of monstrosities! These are the additional
monstrous tools used to create a one-world
governance serving a one-world empire. This overall scenario
is the one we are being forced to part-in today under the new and ugly
Power. It may not cause
blood on any physical battle field, so far in Europe, but it is causing
incredible economic desperation and social disruption all over the world, with already
thousands of suicides of enslaved European citizens being unable to face the
plundering of their insatiable masters, and causing also a most
destructive loss of personal and national identity that serves the worst
selfish interests of the
JewZuit Empire. All
together, we are being submitted, as real slaves, to
The Master Plan of the
New World Order, to use
the book title of another contested but very useful author,
Duncan. As
David Rockefeller well said, the
only thing missing, for the completion of the
Master Plan, and the full
ation and acceptance of the JewZuit Empire, is a major crisis.
This is exactly the situation we are in today. And this major crisis is being well planned and implemented today by the
Society Of The Elect, in order to affect all of us in a very
near future. In this respect, it is really surprising that many good
intellectuals and authors still do not realize the existence of this
Master Plan. This is clearly the case for example of
Freeland, who wrote "Plutocrats:
the Rise of the New Global Super Rich and the fall of Everyone else".
She quite rightly speaks about the "hollowing out of the middle
class income and jobs".
She assesses correctly the fact that
"in a time of abundance, middle class incomes are [unduly]
stagnating ... and has transformed rising income inequality from an
academic issue into a political one". She also rightly argues that
"There's an arithmetic
inevitability to what's happening -- money can buy political voice and
encourage the cognitive capture of the political elite.
But in democracies, the electoral math is
ultimately denominated in demographics, not bank balances.
Any politically free system which cannot economically deliver for the
vast majority of its people -- and, today, that means our own -- will be
challenged". She essentially expresses the beautiful wish that:
"... it would be better for everyone
if the plutocrats join in the effort to create capitalism that works for
all us, rather than resisting it". But she also argues quite
naively that "Thanks to Pope
Francis, Revolt Against the Global
Super-Rich Is Underway". Ms. Freeland is a Canadian Parliament
member, and as such she should have a clearer view of world politics.
Her nice wishes are totally out of touch with the reality. She does say
that "Today's economy is going so well for those at the very top
that it can be hard to see how badly it is working for those in the
middle and at the bottom". How nice! But how wrong! The JewZuit
elites running the New World Order are not only not receptive to such
beautiful wishes, but they have become super rich by plan, by a
Plan. And an author like Ms. Freeland should not attempt to disturb this
Master Plan if she wants to ensure her political future. And, as we have seen above, the
New World Order Pope
Francis is clearly part of this
Master Plan. It is a plan of deliberate
and intended global enslavement of nations and peoples, of all the
productive middle classes in particular, through totalitarian Fabian
Socialism. Ms. Freeland should take a couple of sabbatical years and
come and live in Europe, maybe Greece in particular. She could then
write a new book from a much better perspective. Canada is a super rich
country with a small population, and consequently most Canadians have a very
wrong perspective of the global world crisis, notwithstanding their own
level of advanced enslavement that becomes obvious when one looks at the
way the average Canadian lives, as clearly the member of a contrasting
environment of poor living conditions within an immensely rich
country, even compared to the conditions of the poorest countries of
Western Europe when we consider what he eats, how he dresses and how he
enjoys himself after work.
547.01 →
A Bolshevik Jewish revolutionary called
Lev Bronstein, better
known as Trotsky, was wrong when he said "The State
Is God", wanting to destroy the sense of God and replacing it by the sense of State, and
make the State be God, while religion and God would become irrelevant. But
he was not too much wrong! He was only missing a
level. He should have said "The Super-State is God", or "The One-World
State is God", meaning the New
World Order that we should probably call, to say the least, at this point in time, the
JewZuit World Government, hoping not to have to say, in a not too
distant future, the JewZuit World Empire, enchaining
all of us. Both America and the EU are quite obviously, at this
very moment, in the midst of a new totalitarian Marxist revolution fast
shaping up through a set of concrete actions that are worthy of a
Trotsky's mentality, not to mention some of his famous Fabian Socialist
predecessors, like Albert Pike,
Giuseppe Mazzini, and many of
their close
contemporary progressive intellectuals of the same brand, like
H.G. Wells
(who wrote the book "The New World Order",
in 1940),
Bertrand Russell and
Mandel House, along with so many other leftist scholars of the
following decades, the 70s in particular, but until today. This can be
seen in the construction of FEMA camps, the massive
NSA spying of its citizens, and the strong
militarization of city police, to
mention only a few examples from the USA. The EU is not far behind in
this kind of totalitarian enslaving initiatives, like, for example, the
recent jailing all the top leaders of a Non-JewZuitly-Correct political
party in Greece, elected normally, but strongly opposing Greece current
JewZuit regime, only because one low level member of that party has
presumably committed a murder that has not even yet been trialed in
court. And quite amazingly, but not surprisingly, the JewZuit EU does
not object, not even protest. Not protesting jailing the leadership of a
democratically elected political party because one low-level member might
have committed a street crime? This is outrageously wrong on the part of the
EU. And current Greek PM Samaras is claimed, with
some hard evidence confirming it, to having done so as a gift, and a
condition, to be received by the Jewish lobby in the USA, just before
his first official visit to Obama, and only days previous to his first
official visit to Israel. If this one example shows that this sense of
the JewZuit state being an omnipotent God is true today, even in the
advanced European world, it was eminently already true for Trotsky if we
consider what he has done in the Soviet Union, and the fact that he was
a Zionist Jew, with his Jewish birth last name being
before he had it changed. In fact, Trotsky had come to the
USA before the
Russian Revolution and eventually left New York with financing from the big
JewZuit Manhattan bankers alrea
dy concurred in his pocket in order to go to
Russia and reverse the Tsar "godly" regime. The same kind of JewZuit
financing had also been given to Lenin. For Trotsky and
Lenin, the State had to become GOD,
and a totalitarian GOD. For the Zionists, masses of people had to be
indoctrinated to start believing that the State is their ultimate source
and provider. Therefore God becomes irrelevant, because the State is
God, and that god is revered by the idolatry of the statesman.
548.01 →
In the meantime, some have called this empire without name as
"The Quiet War", or
WWIII. Until full
victory, the primary strategy of this empire without name is now quite
clear in its main elements to any attentive observer: controlling the
media with fearsome disinformation, subverting education with the
nihilistic admission and promotion of the worst licentious behavior, debasing our level
of culture and values, keeping the
public fully excited and distracted with matters of no real importance
and garbage Hollywood multimedia,
using excessive legislation, and increasing taxation to the outmost
possible level for the middle-class. It is a very similar strategy that
Roman Empire used, with its coliseum entertainment
and its licentious behavior, in order to enslave its subjects through a
blind consensus of apparent cozy life. But it is also what brought its
downfall. Let's hope this strategy will also bring the fall of the
JewZuit Empire as soon as possible. But this wish can be better achieved
by a powerful set of democratic reforms, like the ones we will see in
the "EthoCracy Reform Package" of
Part II of this essay,
reversing effectively our current political system "From Slavery Downwards
To Slavery Upwards" without recurring to riots or violence, let
alone a destructive revolution, which unfortunately has been the case of most revolutions
so far in human histor
601.01 →
The Jewish Zionists, and the Catholic Jesuits, are now clearly in bed together, in order to achieve the final global enslavement of all peoples and nations through a totalitarian New World Order of Fabian Socialism. They are not acting as part of a marriage, but as interested partners in a free and wild fornication producing enslaved babies of various classes from an economic and, even more seriously, from a cultural point of view.
602.01 →
The most dramatic level of enslavement, already well advanced, but not yet
fully completed, has to do with the middle-class. This middle-class needs to be
maintained, as it is the only productive one, but maintained at a maximum
level of enslavement, through excessive taxation, extreme legislation, and
fearsome disinformation and corruption. That middle class must continue producing the maximum
possible level of taxes for the lavish maintenance of its useless and
arrogant JewZuit masters. That middle class must be kept so desperately busy
just surviving,
in producing these excessive taxes, so misled by the disinformation of the
mass media, so disturbed by the purposely degrading entertainment of the
multimedia, so plundered by its corrupted officials, so debased in its culture and economic status through the
catastrophic multiculturalism imposed on it by the forced massive absorption of
illegal migrants or false refugee claimants, and so confused by the forceful annihilation of its family
and national values, through a collectivist education (or maleducation), that it will have no
more time to think, let alone to revolt. And all these factors are part of a
well-planned strategy of enslavement to allow the ruling elite to have full
control over this producing middle-class and milk it to the outmost degree. This is the main JewZuit battle today, and Greece is only the
sourest example of this ugly enslavement. The children of this middle-class
are completely abandoned to their difficult survival fate, and even
despised as illegitimate slaves.
603.01 →
The enslavement of the low class in turn has practically been already
completed, through the disbursement of all possible sorts of unmeritorious
welfare benefits ensuring that the undeserving recipients will readily vote
for their enslaving JewZuit masters. This is typically the case of the USA
at the moment, as a country that supposedly is still the most powerful
country in the world, but has more than 50 million people on food stamps and
many more millions receiving other welfare benefits of various kinds and
603.02 →
604.01 →
Above these two classes, composing the bottom and the middle parts of the
pyramid, there is a high class located in the top part of the pyramid. This
top part has three levels of
coadjutors and accomplices being fed by the JewZuit masters sitting at the
very top. These enjoy
progressive amounts of privileges, in order to ensure their total
subservience and to achieve, through their activities, the full success of the JewZuit
conspiracy of global enslavement. This high class includes, at the
first level, the
caste of most diplomats in general, managing an essentially
outdated traditional diplomatic service that is useless in an age of perfect
and instant worldwide telecommunications. It includes, at the
second level, the upper caste of
the corrupted politicians of most political parties putting the best
possible face on the ugliest plans of their masters in the background. At the
third level, it
is the super caste of officials running most destructive international
organizations, like the UN, the
IBRD, the
WTO, the
FAO or the
GATT, along with the
functionaries of many supra-national entities, like typically the
EU at the moment; and these 3 heavy levels of the upper caste, over
the shoulders of the middle
class, all operate, now, openly, lushly and arrogantly on TV, on a daily basis, without
most people consciously understanding their abusive power, nor knowing their
outrageously expensive and unmeritorious privileges, nor being offended by
their near total unaccountability and impunity in positions of complete
inutility for the most part, and of terrible injustice for the enslaved
classes in general who pay unduly their immense and unmeritorious salaries
and benefits. As such, this three-level caste of the high class constitutes
the most illegitimate class of citizens on the basis of meritorious
justice and their main fundamental responsibility, first and foremost,
is to cover the anonymous fourth level at
the very top, hiding the activities of its super bankers, not to say
"super-banksters", and the real identity and plans of the network of
central bankers to whom they report. There is no doubt that the
of global enslavement through the high caste of the pyramid is being
implemented mainly by that network of private central bankers issuing
604.02 →
Ellen Brown very well describes this sad
reality in her two excellent books, "The
Web of Debt", and "The
Public Bank Solution", and gives good examples of countries
who enjoyed outstanding economic success during the periods they did not use
debt-money, but only debt-free money issued by governments instead of
private banking cartels of FED-type central banks. This includes the
USA before 1913, Germany and
Japan for a few years each in the 1930s, and Canada
between 1938 and 1974 before Pierre Elliott Trudeau changed the system in
favor of those who, in return, then contributed to his staying in power for
most of some 18 years. This avoided that a banking cartel
be run by criminals who, when necessary because of their mismanagement,
require and get a bailout from the corrupted politicians and then still get
rich bonuses anyway for their criminal activities when they leave office,
like it is happening today even at a global level. Unfortunately, as much as
Brown is good at describing the history, the source and the nature of the
problem, she is not at all as good when it comes to suggesting solution, as
the ones she proposes are basically in terms of Keynesian pro-fiat money as
opposed to debt-free money backed by, if not gold, at least matching real
new economic value for public utility and improved wellbeing, like we
suggest in Part II of this essay. There is no need to go on with
fiat debt-money enslaving all of us. In fact it is outrageously stupid and
inacceptable for us to do so. This is why an EthoCracy
(or a
is run under 10
EthoPrinciples, one of which is called
Uses Debt-Free
Only Money
And Property
And Sales
Tax). Nevertheless, because of the extreme power of
the mainstream media sitting behind this Master Plan, those who dare to say
so, or to protest, most legitimately, against this
obvious and disastrous abuse for most of us, are immediately tagged, by the JewZuitly Politically
Correct, as potential revolutionaries, or even potential terrorists, and
treated harshly accordingly.
There is a long-term solution, and a short-term solution.
701.01 →
This new JewZuit coalition of the Red Power and the Black Power of totalitarian Fabian Socialism, that is fast taking us to a situation of enslavement through Collectivism, is too powerful to be fought by riots, or revolts, or even wars of any size or kind. Only the advent of real democracy, that we define and call EthoCracy (as a first step to a TruthOcracy) in our related website, not the false democracy that we know today, but only the real democracy as invented by the Greeks, has the power to reverse the trend of our complete enslavement, and make us go with proudness ("Periphania") "From Slavery Downwards to Slavery Upwards", as per the subtitles of this essay called "JewZuit Power". On the other hand, this kind of democracy and proudness can only be brought to power by a new kind of real Holistic Education (or what we call ELducation) of the type that is well defined in the EthoPlasìn website that this essay stems from. This holistic education, and only real education, as opposed to instruction, can only be based on the real Philosophy, the ethical philosophy that was first and foremost a virtuous way of living, instead of being only an intellectual effort to comprehend the world, like the pseudo-philosophy of the modern era. This holistic education involves the four levels of the human Tetractys, and the two sides of the brain. Its philosophical base means the real philosophy as also invented by the Greeks, along with the real democracy also invented by the Greeks. All these concepts are well defined in the rest of this essay, but in particular in the related EthoPlasìn website it stems from: http://www.ethoplasin.net/.
702.01 →
The above solution is a long-term one. In the short-term, there is an easy way
to progressively, but quite quickly, get out of this JewZuit global enslavement. It has to
do with a set of concrete reforms, requested forcefully by a majority of
people and that would put man back at the center of our policies, and not
money, based on the best philosophy of ethics. This set of reforms is what this essay calls the
EthoCracy Reform Package
(that applies equally, and even more firmly, to a
TruthOcracy. As such, it can also be called the
TruthOcracy Reform Package).
This package of reforms is very well defined after this
Part I, in
Part II of this
essay. If applied, this package of reforms will ensure the enforcing country will
quickly go “From Slavery Downwards To Slavery Upwards”, liberating its own
people “From Slavery Downwards”, and enabling in turn its people to
engage the completely new route “To Slavery Upwards”.
This reversal will be achieved when the critical weight of a multitude of
small fishes involved in these reforms will have acquired the necessary
consciousness to act together to frighten away the Big Government enslaving
fish, or devour it if necessary. If all of us slaves, all of a sudden, were
wearing a white arm band of EL culture, we
would immediately realize that, by far, we completely outnumber our
enslaving masters, and that we can impose on them to become our slaves, or
certainly at least our loyal and honest public servants, in a new culture of
slavery upwards.
703.01 →
Overall we are talking about the birth of a new culture meant to reform the current JewZuit one affecting all of us in the worst way, and pushing all of violently and arrogantly into a situation of enslavement through a totalitarian New World Order of Fabian Socialism. The JewZuit Power is a new world power that was formed out of the deviation of two good basic cultures. In includes a deformation of Judaism, in the form of an arrogant Zionism, and a deformation of Catholicism in the form of a not less arrogant Catholicism and Jesuitism. As we have seen, these two forms of arrogance have even become violent in nature, and are related to parallel histories of high level criminality worldwide in maneuvering various forms of governments and world leaders to their own selfish advantage. Over the last century, these two devious movements have even started to collaborate and conspire to better achieve their common objective of building a New World Order of totalitarian Fabian Socialism. As such, through this new collaboration, they have become practically omnipotent in pursuing their objectives at the moment, and thus in subjugating all of us non JewZuits into a worldwide enslavement, economically and culturally.
704.01 →
Power coalition is
obviously too strong to be fought frontally. On the other hand, these two
powers have too much continuity, each in their own history, at their back,
for us to expect them to change. Each one, the one represented by the
Zionists, and the one represented by the Jesuits, should not be attacked
directly. This would be presumptuous and useless, if not counterproductive.
They should however be pushed in the right direction, and be exposed, as
much as possible, and then left alone as much as possible, each to their own
fate on the basis of an enlightened public opinion. With such exposure, they
can certainly be split from one another, at least in part, to reduce their
united power, in order to prevent them from forming the omnipotent coalition
that we are facing today. Basically however they should be democratically
fought overtime, mainly by a related consciousness leading to the formation
of a new culture to be placed in the middle of them, and all around them, to
push them back as much as possible to the original pureness and goodness of
their respective roots.
705.01 →
If I were to try to give a name to that new culture, I would proudly call it with a brand new name that would somehow take something from the Good of the two sides of the current faulty JewZuit culture, but its main characteristics from Hellenism, or the very ancient Greek people that invented democracy and brought us what we, today, call 'Civilization'. There was admittedly some goodness in the original good sides of the Judeo-Christian cultures of the JewZuits before their respective deformations. This would include eminently the Hellenistic culture that was absorbed substantially and mostly by the Christian side. The new name would also reflect the fact that Jesus, as a Nazarene, was not a Jew but a clear El figure, albeit living in a Judaic area. As such, by extension, he was a representative of both the Judaic world and of the Hellenic world, not to mention the Christian world that originated from his life. His main language was Aramaic. He also spoke Jewish as a citizen living in a Jewish geographical environment. However, as a Nazarene from Galilee, he was also a Hellenic EL figure, and also spoke Greek. Nazareth, his city of "citizenship", was an environment that had a clearly predominant Hellenic culture. In addition, his own mother Mary was also a Nazarene of pure Greek lineage. From this point of view he was a representative of the main line of culture that the PythagorArium calls "DELAGAPJ": the line of culture of freethinking stemming back from the cosmic force of EL, at the foundation of the culture of Ancient-Greece, Apollo, Pythagoras of the ancient Greek world, and Jesus who has been its last most eminent figure as a Nazarene.
705.02 →
The above being considered, and to simplify, the PythagorArium had decided that the name of this new culture meant to contribute to the procreation of the birthing of a new era of civilization, as promoted by the PythagorArium, should be based mainly on the EL concept, and thus called simply ELJSM, as possibly the main factor contributing to a positive Expansion of ELania in our contemporary dissolute and wicked world.
705.03 →
May the DELAGAPJ Forces help the PythagorArium in its beautiful mission of ELJSM
706.01 →
For the purposes of modern EthoCracy (as a first step to a TruthOcracy) as defined in this essay, and of the EthoPlasìn Academy, the above symbol represents the new EL culture, or ELJSM. Like the word JewZuit, ELJSM is another brand new word being coined in this essay. It stems from the basic English word “HELLENISM”, but with the Anglicism of the initial "H" disappearing, along with the second “L” and its following “EN”, at the center. Its "i" is also replaced with an educated “J”. As such it is pronounced “EL-ism”, and is commonly written all in capital letters, as ELJSM , with a bigger, or at least a bold “J” in the middle. Interestingly enough, historically speaking, the initial "EL" is the syllable that is the thousands-of-year-old mark of everything that has to do with the beautiful historic and prehistoric culture of Ancient-Greece, the "EL" culture of the "EL" people, or the culture of freedom and freethinking that gave humanity in inheritance not only democracy and philosophy, but all the best components of what we can call "Civilization" today. ELJSM is fundamentally the EL culture of freethinking that originates from the DELAGAPJ cosmic force.
707.01 →
Greece must be the only country in the world that is named, as a country, in its own language, completely differently than in all other foreign languages. In fact, the words "Greek" and "Greece" simply do not exist in the 'Greek' language, or rather in "ELLINIKA". Their corresponding words within 'Greece' are only ELLEN or ELLINAS (a Greek citizen), and ELLAS or ELLADA (Greece as a country). ELLINIKA is the only name by which the 'Greek' language is always called within Greece itself. In Greece today, a Greek person is only, and always, called an "ELLEN" ("EL-LEN" or "EL-LINAS", commonly as "ELLINAS", but the words are always transliterated wrongly abroad, mainly in the English language, with an initial "H", as "Hellene", when that word is used in supposedly more educated texts). The country "Greece" is only, and always, called "ELLAS" ("EL-LAS", or EL-LADA", commonly as "ELLADA", often transliterated wrongly again, mainly in English, with an initial "H", as "Hellas"). Both words, "Hellene" and "Hellas", are unfortunately accepted as such in the official English dictionary, even if their initial "H", as we will see, is only a derogatory Anglicism. In ELLINIKA (the 'Greek' language), all these words have the root "EL" of the word "ELeftherias" (ελευθερίας, or ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑΣ) which means "Liberty", or "Freedom", both in terms of physical freedom and freethinking liberty. In short, "ELLAS" means the land of liberty, freethinking and light. Consequently, two important observations can be made about the word "Greek".
707.02 →
First observation
- As just
mentioned, this word does not exist in
Greek (in the Hellenic language, or rather the "Ellenic" language
or, better still, in ELLINIKA). There is only an old dialectal
Greek word, as a foreign imported word,
that sounds like it: "Grekos". However, this
imported foreign slang word was a derogatory designation of the
'Greeks' by both the Christians of the Roman Empire and by the Muslims of the
Ottoman Empire when the
ELLENS (the 'Greeks', or
'Grekos') were slaves
of these regimes for many centuries. "Grekos" meant, more or less, a "serving slave".
707.03 →
Second observation
- When Greece became independent from the Turks, in 1821, the new leaders
of 'Greece' called
their country
properly, as
"ELLAS". Greece was also sometimes called, at that time, after
1821, the "Ellenic State", based rightly on the prefix
"EL". The
English transliteration of the word "Ellas" into "Hellas", with an initial
"H", let alone into the derogatory word "Greece" as an expression of
"Grecos" or "Greece", was imposed
by the dominant inimical Jewish culture when Greece tried to have her
independence recognized by the British Empire, some 10 years after her
actual independence. This happened in London, in 1832. At that time, in
1832, the English imposed the name "Greek Kingdom" in the papers of the
formal recognition of "ELLAS" as an independent country. As if this were not
enough, in transliterating
"ELLAS", the English also maliciously imposed an initial "H" to the word
"ELLAS", as "Hellas". The subliminal message here was that words like
"Hellenic" or "Hellas", or "Hellenism", accepted in English from then on, all start with the derogatory prefix
of "Hell"... This was
bringing and giving a hellish
connotation, or a diabolic back taste, to anything having to do with the
Hellenic culture,
as the millennia-old Greek EL
culture of freedom that has always been the rival of the very dominant Jewish culture
that has always been the diabolic culture of enslavement of the "Money Changers".
That Jewish culture was already dominating
London completely in 1832. In all honesty, considering that the Greeks, or rather the
Ellens, have brought us a
culture of philosophy and democratic freedom, the one of the freethinking "Idea
Exchangers", and that the Jews have brought us
the opposite, or the culture of the "Money Changers" enslaving people with debt-money, then,
at this point in time,
if one of the two related countries has to be associated with "hell",
between the one of the Greek
Hellens or the one of the Jews, maybe it should
be the one that has created the country of IsraHELL.
As much as the word "Isra.Hell" could be considered
derogatory by the Jews, in the same manner the words "HELL.ens"
or "HELL.as" should be considered derogatory by the Greeks.
In addition, the word 'Greece',
coming from 'Grekos', as a word that does not exist in the
Ellenic language, was also giving a
'greasy' derogatory
connotation to the word 'Greece',
as if the Greeks, in spite of their recent independence and their long
history of gymnasiums, cleanliness and beauty, were still
to be considered a kind of 'dirty-greasy' subordinates by the Jewish cast
of the London of the superior British Empire
at that time.
707.04 →
The above is little know history, but history nevertheless. These lexical pieces of derogatory words and names were consequently and clearly a perfect little masterpiece of obnoxious social engineering wanted on the part of the dominant Jewish culture of The City of London in 1832, on the part of the Jewish culture that always saw Greece as a cultural enemy, or rather as an envied cultural rival, without ever admitting it openly. This envy existed for only valid reasons, for thousands of years, as ELLAS (Greece) expressed for thousands of years an Ellenic culture of clear superiority, from ancient times when most other peoples, including the Jews, were only primitive shepherds, as was well exposed in many previous parts of this essay.
708.01 →
The Jews often try to present the word "EL" as an old exclusive Hebrew word meaning basically "God", or meaning the only supreme and free entity that can be called "God". This exclusivity is entirely false, and not in the way the Jews pretend it. The word "EL" is the absorption by the Jews of the ancient Greek word EL that was always related to the cultivated EL people surrounding the Jews for centuries, in fact for millennia, from the time of the ancient rivalry between two opposing civilizations: Atlantis (proto-Judaic) and Aigyis (proto-Ellenic), going back some 12000 years ago. This absorption by the Jews is due to the fact that, at the time the Ancient Greek "EL-lens" were already creating incredibly beautiful masterpieces of literature, of architecture and of fine arts, thousands of years ago, masterpieces that are still recognized as such today, the Jews, after the collapse of Atlantis, were and stayed for centuries a primitive people of ignorant shepherds. The Jews were however surrounded by the EL people, or the Ellas people (that modern Jews call Hellas in English). These Jews inevitably admired, or certainly envied, these Ellens, for their clearly superior godly creativity. The Jews saw the Greeks ELs as having a superior cultural creativity, and consequently saw them as some kind of creative gods. Thus the association of the word or prefix "EL" always attached to the ancient Greeks, was interpreted as meaning "godly" in the old Jewish culture. In other words, the Jews absorbed the word EL in their own Jewish vocabulary, centuries ago, as meaning a 'superior godly nature', and this is still the meaning they give to the word "EL" today, except for the fact that its origin refers to the ancient 'Greeks' and not to the ancient 'Jews'. This is so true, that in the fighting episode of the Bible where the 'Jewish god' Yahweh re-baptizes Jacob as "IsraEL", the meaning of that new name is "the one who fights against EL", that is, against the ancient 'proto-Greek' godly EL supernatural entity. The ancient non-proto-Jewish populations, like the 'proto-Greeks', had to be fought against, because they were refusing, already at that early time, to follow Yahweh, as a cruel god of enslavement, but followed another godly EL godly figure of freethinking. This is why Sodom and Gomorra were destroyed, for refusing to loose their EL culture of freedom, and thus for refusing to be subjugated militarily as slaves to the proto-Jews, not because of their presumed immorality. But for the proto-Jews, already at that early time, being a freethinking person refusing full subjugation to Yahweh, who was clearly, according to hundreds of episodes reported continuously in all books of the Bible, a most cruel military and enslaving figure, meant to be "immoral". What is happening in Greece today is a clear demonstration and confirmation that things have not changed much over the last few millennia, as a constant conflict between an EL-culture of freethinking and an IsraEL-culture of enslavement against the El-culture.
709.01 →
Strangely enough, a Jewish
author demonstrated
quite 'scientifically'
that "Hebrew Is Greek".
This is the title of a book written by Professor
Joseph Yahuda. This rare book is nearly impossible to find
today, except from private collectors at very high price, and was systematically made
to disappear from all bookstores and libraries
of the western world. The title of this book is true, in that it corresponds
to reality, but Yahuda, a Jew
himself, made a great displeasure to the Jews in using this title and
publishing that book. The title is
true in the sense that the
ancient Jews, while living as primitive shepherds for centuries, have absorbed and transformed dialectically an
incredible amount of Greek words from the environment of the more cultivated
people surrounding them, just like most peoples of other languages have done
the same over centuries. The bottom line is that the book shows, as an
inevitable obvious conclusion, the antecedence and the clear superiority of the
ancient Greek language over the Hebrew language, and not the contrary, like
most Jews today often
try to affirm, and shows the unique stability of the Greek alphabet and language
of the EL people compared to the Jewish ones. The superiority and stability of the Greek language is
in fact unique. An ancient Greek text from 3000 years ago is still readily
understandable by most common well educated Greeks today. And such 3000
years old piece of literature reflects a sophistication of language that can
only be the envy of all other languages today. That level of sophistication
would certainly not be the
case of any ancient Hebrew text of 3000 years ago, if found at all. Such
piece would be
written in a very elementary language, and absolutely not understandable by any common Jew today,
even the most educated ones. The book of Yahuda, with its
ambiguous title, is certainly no/no demonstration that maybe the Greeks and
the Jews are "brothers", like many other Jews have also often wanted us to believe, as
the difference between the two peoples is quite clearly based on a different DNA,
that we call the EL DNA in another section,
a DNA that
dates back from before the time of the Atlantis and
Aigyis, at least some 12000 years ago. It is from that time that
the two peoples have been cultural rivals, or rather that the jealous Jews have
seen the Greeks as cultural enemies because of the clear factual superiority
of the Greeks in all aspects of their creativity. It is from those ancient days that the Jews have tried to present
themselves as "God's chosen people", over the godly "EL"
people. It is from those ancient days that the Greeks have always shed
too much shade on the Jews by their factual superior creativity. It is from
these ancient times
that the Jews have had a DDD culture,
essentially a culture of dogma and enslavement, the culture of the "Money
Changers", passed on to the Christian Church along the way,
making the Christian Church become Judeo-Christian, while the
Greeks have always had a culture of freedom and freethinking. Since these
ancient times, the Greeks have always been the "Idea
Exchangers", with a culture of freedom
being an obstacle to the opposite enslaving culture of the Jews which was
the culture of
the "Money Changers". This rivalry, and long-last envy for the Greeks, on the part of
the Jews and the Christians, still persists today, as it is still to this
day the affirmed culture of the
Money Changers opposing the culture of the Idea Exchangers. This is the reason why the
enslavement of the western world, on the part of the
JewZuit Power,
has started by squashing Greece, first and foremost. This current JewZuit
enslavement of the western world, starting with Greece, looks very much like
a desperate final effort to ultimately rebuild the authoritarian empire of
Atlantis, of Judaic ancestry, against the rival culture of
the EL people of the rival country of freedom and freethinking that, as seen
further up, was
Aigyis at that time.
710.01 →
central "J" of "ELJSM" certainly
stand for "Joy", or the joy of a new culture of Hellenic freedom and
freethinking, thus a culture of un-enslavement. The central "J"
of the new word ELJSM may
also legitimately stand for
"Jesus", but only as long as we mean
the great "EL" master that Jesus
was, as a Nazarene, the "Hellenic" EL master of freedom that tried, and failed, to improve
the dominant Jewish culture in his geographical area, and not the deformed
Jesus of the Christian Churches and
of the Judeo-Jesuits with their culture of enslavement. Except on a faith basis, we cannot
logically call Jesus as Christ, as we have no proof
that he was God, or absolutely divine in nature, in the purest sense of the word, and nobody will probably ever have
such proof.
If he was divine, in a more common sense of the word, it was certainly at least in
the Apollonian sense of being one of the
Great Initiates, one among the other important historical
masters mentioned for example in the book of
Édouard Shuré, if not the
major of these masters. Jesus was clearly at least a superior human being capable of leading others to
the best humanly possible kind of life and happiness on this beautiful Planet Earth,
as Plato was, 350 years before Jesus, and as Pythagoras was, 550 years before
Jesus, to name only two other superior human figures that clearly belonged to
the Hellenic EL culture that Jesus
was extracted from, as a Nazarene, and belonged to the best of the history
of freedom and joy of our western civilization. For those who may be bothered by
this reference to Jesus, the "J" certainly also refers to the "J" of
"Joy", as the pure and real joy of a new culture of liberty
being born, a culture ensuring freedom of thinking and action, without any kind of
enslavement through debt-money and
DDD, within the limits of the respect of the
same kind of freedom for our
711.01 →
Divine or not, this fantastic Master, that
certainly was, as an "EL" figure, tried to reform the Jews on the basis of the enlightenment of a more
Apollonian culture, but he failed. This
Apollonian Light
at the base of that culture is well represented by the "A" shape, and its
basic Greek "L" shape, as "Λ" (respectfully pronounced "EL"
in our context), of the
Pentalfa shown to the right, 5 times repeated around the surrounding
circle. That great EL master also
tried to launch a new cultural movement, probably not a new religion, certainly not an
institutional religion meant to make people adore him, stemming from the Hellenistic
culture of freethinking he was extracted from, through his
EL ('Greek') mother from Galilee and his
EL ('Greek') Nazarene
citizenship, but improving both the Hellenic side and the Judaic side of the
people of his environment, and again he
failed. As a starting point, he wanted to reverse their enslavement from the
"Money Changers",
the Zionists of his time, but he failed.
As a Nazarene of EL Hellenic culture, he wanted
to improve the behavior of human beings by bringing them closer to the commandment of
Delphi, the famous Know
Thyself, adapted and improved, in his own words, as
your neighbor as yourself, meaning your neighbor as your "other self", as part
of the oneness of the universe (similar to the good meaning of the "As
One" of the beautiful song "Imagine"
of John Lennon?). Again here, Jesus completely
failed, except for what the forthcoming institutional 'Christian
Church', that he did not want as an institution, will absorb of his old
EL ('Greek') culture. With the course of the centuries,
this original failure of Jesus, and the only-partial
absorption of his EL culture
by the institutional church that was deceitfully created in his name, became a
dramatic one, through the deformation of Judaism by Zionism on the Jewish side, and
through the similar
deformation of Catholicism by Jesuitism on the Christian side. These two
cumulative deformations have ridiculously deformed the figure of Jesus today,
in particular the docmatic figure exploited by the institutional Christian Church. If it were not
for this deformation and undue exploitation, Jesus could, and should, be
considered the latest of the best grand masters sent to us by the
DEL "Force-of-Good" of the universe,
after Pythagoras and Plato for example, to help our
life and survival in an environment of freethinking, instead of one of
enslavement, help the best formation of each our own
Tetractys, and help the use of
only our best
achievements in pursuing the establishment of the maximum level of holistic
harmony and beauty on our beautiful planet Earth.
712.01 →
The central "O"
around the Pentalfa represents the virtual steering wheel of a possible
reversal of slavery from downwards to upwards. The victory of the the new
culture will bring about a critical weight of thinking capable of making our world go "From Slavery Downwards To Slavery
713.01 →
We use the
expression "Greco-Roman"
culture here as opposed to the systematic transformation of that expression
into "Judeo-Christian",
since the JewZuit Zionist Coup of the
Council of Vatican II in 1965, even if the following observations are
certainly eminently directed also to the Jewish culture. ELJSM,
taken as a whole new word, definitely refers to a new type of western culture
that would require de Jews, the Zionists in particular, to return to a purer
original Judaism based on the improved Hellenic values of Jesus’ teaching,
and would also require the Christians, mainly the Catholics, in particular the
Jesuits, to also return to a purer Hellenic version of Jesus’ original
teaching, all of it based on the best of the Hellenistic philosophy of
freedom that should sit eminently behind these two cultures, either as a
partial absorption, or as a partial rejection, and consequently
based on a Pythagorean philosophy of Holistic
Tetractys Education of the
human soul. This type of special education
(or: ELducation)
is represented by the
light blue triangle
(shown to the left) at the base of the
symbol shown further up, with the integrated 10 dots of the
Tetractys. This kind of Pythagorean
Tetractys Education,
often called ELducation,
is well explai
ned and elaborated in our related website
www.ethoplasin.net. The
triangle of the Tetractys with the 10 dots, and the central "O"
surrounding the Pentalfa, are the two most precious symbols
of the Pythagorean philosophy, and represent the main symbols of the new
culture of ELJSM at the base of
an EthoCracy (as a first step
to a
TruthOcracy). The
in which the Pythagorean Pentalfa is included represents the basic
geometrical figure at the base of the Dodecahedron. The external Dodecahedron, around the Pentalfa and its
containing Pentagon, is
represented in a flat version, as the Dodecagon of 12 sides surrounding
the whole symbol. The Dodecahedron is formed by the 3D assembling of 12 flat pentagons and is
considered the most perfect spatial 3D geometrical form. Its net version is
represented on the right. It represents the perfection of
the universe and the specific space of the Aether, the fifth element, in which the spiritual energy
of the human thoughts circulate
in the difficult pursuit of the three greatest absolute values of the Ancient Greek philosophy:
the Good, the True, and the Beautiful. These absolute values live in that
same spiritual space of the fifth element, along with all the founding
Ideas, or the
Platonic Archetypes giving birth to all things that exist in our universe.
714.01 →
As a last point of interest, even if it may seem far fetched to some readers, we might mention the serious research made by a series of scientists around the world since the basic DNA structure was finally well established in 1953 by James Watson and Francis Crick. One such research is the one divulgated by Doctor Constantinos Triantaphillidis, professor of genetics at the faculty of biology of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki. That research started in 1990 and involved some 28 European universities, under the leadership of Oxford, to study the DNA of not only the Greeks, but of all the main European populations. Contrary to what we too often read in the mainstream history books, that extensive study proved that the current residents of Greece are unique in Europe in terms of DNA. In a proportion of over 99%, they are the direct descendants of the Ancient Greeks of pre-history and not from any mix of populations that may have came from anywhere else. They are the purest of all EU races, and strictly autochthonous to the main territory of today's modern Greece. This extensive research was ignored by most of the mainstream media controlled by the JewZuit Power of the EU and of Greece in particular. Nevertheless, some excerpts appeared, buried in the internal pages of two newspapers: the "Kathimerini" of December 8, 2000, and the "Tachidromos" of April 2, 2005. Another separate and parallel research was conducted by the Stanford University in the USA, in collaboration with the University of Pavia in Italy. Excerpts of this research also appeared, buried in the internal pages of a Greek newspaper, the "Apoyevmatini Tis Kiriakis", on November 6, 2005. The newspaper article's title was: "Pure is the DNA of the Greeks", explaining that this pureness was unique compared to all other races in Europe and the Middle-East. A relevant fact was that the research showed that in spite of 400 years of occupation by the Turks of the Ottoman Empire, the Greeks did not mix or change their ancient DNA in any meaningful way. Other important researches made completely independently have also confirmed the previous two just mentioned. For example, on November 19, 2012, a group of French biologists published, with their admitted astonishment, a study that showed that the Greeks have a unique particularity in one chromosome that establishes them as clearly different from all other Indo-European races of Europe and of the Middle East. They decided to call this unique Greek DNA particularity the "E" gene, and established that this unique gene belongs to a specific "Y" chromosome. This French discovery was in fact only matching, in another form, and confirming in other terms, the previous findings of the research of the Stanford/Pavia universities and of the research of 28 EU universities under the leadership of Oxford.
714.02 →
Interestingly enough, in June 2013, the mainstream BBC aired an interview with Professor George Stamatoyannopoulos about the uniqueness of the Greek DNA, referring to all the research programs mentioned above. While confirming this research, the professor also reported the additional fact that the Greeks of Lasithis, in Crete, provided 27 skeletons of ancient Greeks (who died in Crete, between 3700 and 4000 ago) to the Seattle University in the USA for DNA analysis. The analytical DNA research of Seattle, confronted with all other previous researches on this subject, established clearly that the unique and autochthonous Ancient Greek civilization started in the island of Crete, then later extended to the whole of Greece and, on the basis of its DNA, was not the result of any incoming population immigrating in Greece from anywhere else. That conclusive research included other pieces of archeological excavations, and it established that the Minoan Civilization of Crete was live and flourishing at least some 9000 years ago. Further research could only confirm the clear identity, and the official scientific acceptance, of the unique "E" (Epsilon) gene of the Greeks or, better said, of the EL people.
714.03 →
some of
these unique Greek "E" genes can be found in many of the places of the ancient
Graecia, like typically in Asia Minor (today's western seaside
Turkey, as a
territory that
used to be an integral part of Ancient-Greece), and Southern Italy, as an ancient Greek colony. In fact, in some mountainous
villages of Calabria that were part of the ancient
Graecia Salentina,
in southern Italy, in and around Bovesia, like in the
isolated village of
Roghudi Vecchio shown on the painting to the right, some Italian populations
not only have the "E" gene, but they still use, as a
secondary local language, an ancient Greek dialect of more than 2000 years ago.
That dialect is
still readily understandable today by attentive modern Greeks. The
ancient traditional love
song mentioned under the icon to the right, called "Èla,
Èlamou Condà", arranged for the modern guitar and sung beautifully
by Calabria's folks singer Mimmo Cavallaro,
is expressed in that very ancient Greek dialect, albeit with words written nowadays with Latin letters.
You can listen to this beautiful Ancient Greek poem and song of love at this
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OU4lSW7waFM&NR=1. This is another element of proof of the uniqueness of
not only the DNA of the Greeks, and of their unique attachment to a specific
territory, but also of the stability of
the Greek
language over many millennia. The ancient Greek language, even after 3 or 4 thousands years, certainly from
at least the time
of the most elaborated language of the writings of Homer,
written with a degree of refinement comparable to no other western language,
not even the contemporary ones, is still quite easily understandable by well
educated Greeks living today. At the time of Homer, that most experts now
date back to at least 3000 years ago, all other western peoples were using
languages that were very
limited in quantity of words, and most primitive in quality, compared to the
incredible language refinement that we can still read today in the writings
of the Iliad and the Odyssey. Even people close to Greece, like the Jews
who were still living like primitive shepherds at the time of Homer, were using a language that
no common well educated Jew today could understand, let alone find any meaningful written excerpts of that primitive
Hebraic dialect. In fact the modern Hebrew language has practically no
relation to ancient Hebrew, as it is a mix of many old dialects of no real
common base, like the Khazharian Yiddish and the purer Sephardic
Mediterranean Judezmo and Ladino, all
consolidated into modern Hebrew only in the last century by Eliezer
Ben‑Yehuda who died in 1922. No other western culture can make a claim like the Greeks,
about the stability of their language over many millennia, certainly not,
in particular, as seen clearly in many previous sections, their pretended
cultural rivals of the Jewish diaspora or of modern Israel. Nevertheless, that Jewish culture has tried for centuries to squash the beautiful Greek
EL culture of liberty and freethinking,
the one
that was mainly opposing their own culture of enslavement through
essentially debt-money
lending. Unfortunately, it is this Jewish culture of the ancient "Money
Changers" that is finally
succeeding in enslaving Greece today, quite successfully so far,
through institutions like the IMF and the Jewish dominated system of central
banks. These same "Money Changers" are also behind the wild massive
immigration crisis of 2015 in Europe that will probably
inevitably change the DNA of all the white populations of the EU
in general, but will hopefully, from the point of view of these
"Money Changers", finally dilute the pure DNA of those who have been their
envied rivals for millennia: the "Ellens" (that they will probably stop
calling Greeks in the near future, to start calling them "Grecos" again).
714.04 →
In the ancient Greek song mentioned above, expressing the feelings of a lonely lover who aspires to marry his beloved girlfriend, a modern Greek can hear a word like "manachò", and thus understand that it means "monaxo", or "lonely", like in the phrase: "...that I feel lonely" ("...ti egò immo manachò"). He can hear the word "prandesto", and thus understand that it means "pandreftho", which means "marry", like in the phrase: "...I want to marry you" ("...egò sèlo na se prandestò"). The whole of the 2000 year old poem and song is thus very spontaneously decipherable by a Greek today. Crotona, in the same basic area of southern Italy, is also the city where Pythagoras founded his famous philosophical semicircle school called the Omakoïon (the "Collective Auditorium").
714.05 →
Apart from these not too distant lands, it is also quite understandable that the ancient Greeks could have left some of their DNA in remote places around the world, as they were the best explorers of the ancient world, navigating and travelling from India to South America. Alexander the Great went as far as to India, only horse backing his beautiful white horse, called Bucephalus, that died in Pakistan, building 164 cities on his path, equipped with 2 things that never existed before in these countries: schools and hospitals. He left behind, in each city, some of his constructing engineers and architects, some poets and philosophers, even some of his teachers and doctors, and never any occupying army like all other empire builders did in human history, including all of today's conquerors and warriors leaving behind themselves only death and destruction, just as the American and their NATO allies are doing constantly today in dozens of countries. For these reasons, he was never considered an unwelcome invader or an occupier, but only an explorer and a propagator of civilization. The only partial exception where he was involved in some destruction and looting, albeit only temporarily at the beginning, was Persia, but for good reasons. As a child he constantly heard about the three terrible wars with which the Persians had tried, and nearly had succeeded, to invade, occupy and destroy Greece, two or 3 generations earlier, and about their conspiracy plans to try it again, including through having killed his own father. He thus grew up with the clear intention to go and destroy the military power or Persia, and he did. Following his crush of Persia, they never attempted to attack Greece ever again. Alexander also navigated down to New Zealand, where evidence was found recently that he had contacts with the Mauri tribe.
714.06 →
And Alexander the Great is only the most well known of other great Greek explorers, after at least two previous Greek ones, famous as persons, called Dionysus, and before him, Apollonos, and previous ones famous only as groups of Greek sailors, like the Argonauts ( the "Aργοναuται", or Argonaftis) who explored the world before the Trojan War, around at least 1500BC, and much prior to them, the very ancient Pelasgians who also explored the whole world as early as some 11000 years ago, in particular between 4000 and 7000 years ago. As for Homer himself, he is claimed now by the most recent historical research to have travelled up to Sweden. Consequently, the DNA of the Greek Argonaut and Pelasgian navigators was found in the most remote places, like for example in an ancient autochthonous tribe of Chile, the Araucans, that still uses today a secondary dialectal language, the Mapudugu, that contains many ancient Greek words, like Zeus and Gaia, and even Andes, the name of their "delightful" mountains, from the Greek word ανδάνω (to delight). Experts of the Araucans, like Lonko Kilapan, even assert that at least 20% of the Araucan vocabulary has a Greek origin. The Araucans also live on a land where archeologists have found stones with legible engraved inscriptions in Ancient Greek. The best poet of South America, the 1971 Nobel Prize for literature, Pablo Neruda, a Chilean, is even of Araucan-Greek descent. While serving at the Canadian Embassy in Chile, in 1975, I went to his house-museum, la Casa de Isla Negra, in Quisco, but was prevented to visit it because of the Pinochet regime. My reason to try to visit, being myself married to a Greek, was that Neruda was very conscious of his Araucan-Greek origins. In his most famous poem, the "Canto General", Neruda wrote "...the Araucans my ancestors (...) ...the Greek blood is coming down to the seas of Chile...". Plutarch also described in 100 AD some expeditions of Greek navigators that went to a distant land overseas that, because of the clear indications given, in the north western part of the Atlantic, can only be what we call Canada today. In any case, it is well recognized by most historians today that the Greek Pelasgians discovered what we now call America some 5000 years ago, or at least some 4000 years before Christopher Columbus supposedly discovered it in 1492. As we have seen, Dionysus had also discovered "America" some 3600 years ago, or at least 3000 years before Columbus. In other words, between Alexander the Great having reached India going East, and the Pelasgians having reached Chile going South, and Canada going West, and Homer having reached Sweden going North, not counting the extensive explorations of Dionysus, the Ancient Greeks had explored practically the whole world, leaving everywhere behind them some of the incredible knowledge and skills of their "E" gene to gentile primitive people who were always welcoming them on arrival and wishing them a warm farewell and return on departure. Some of these genes can be found today not only in the Araucans of Chile, but also in some of the Kalash People of Afghanistan and Pakistan, and some of the Ainous tribes of China, Russia and Japan, as probably the descendants of some of the soldiers and professionals left behind by Alexander the Great, Homer, Dionysus, Apollonos (not to mention the more recent and his near homonymous Apollonius), the Argonauts and the Pelasgians. Compared to all these incredible explorers, both Marco Polo (around 1320) and Christopher Columbus (around 1490) were very minor ones, even if we practically only hear about these two nowadays, as they were preceded, by thousands of years, by much more ambitious Greek explorers of the EL culture who are nearly completely ignored in most current history books distributed by the publishing networks that the opposite culture of the Jews completely control today in the western world.
714.07 →
The Jews of the same periods always hated the Greeks for their unique audacity, skills and culture of freedom, and always considered them gentiles, in the Jewish derogatory sense of the word, as being people to be exploited and enslaved at the service of the Jews whenever possible, like it is still affirmed explicitly by prominent Jews today, as we have seen earlier, by some of today's most important rabbis. Their lower illiterate Jewish class concentrated itself all along in the primitive activity of pasturing their sheep between Palestine and Khazaria, and their higher more educated class in trading for the main purpose of exploiting other surrounding populations through lending debt-money. All the above being considered, the important point is that all the scientific and extensive genetic research mentioned previously has established that the Greek EL DNA is a unique case in the western world, at least on the basis of all the research in genetics conducted so far, and that the DNA of all other peoples of Europe, including the Jews, do not offer at all any such character of uniqueness, but rather offer a clear mix of DNA from various migrating populations. This of course upsets the Jews in particular, as the pretended cultural rivals of the Greeks for at least two millennia, like this essay has well demonstrated.
714.08 →
Contrary to the Greeks, the Jews do pretend, openly and
frequently, to have a racial uniqueness of their people, even to the point
of claiming to be the "Chosen
People", both in terms of their race and in terms of the
Palestinian territory to which they are attached today, even if they do not
have any specific scientific research of genetics to base it on, like the
Greeks do. In fact, not only can the Jews not show any research asserting
the uniqueness of their DNA, but there is plenty of scientific research demonstrating
the contrary. Important DNA research has demonstrated that the
modern Jews living in Israel today, granted a few
exceptions, are not the descendants of the ancient Jews of the
people of Abraham and not even of the territory of Palestine, as
these original descendants were dispersed and diluted in other populations
of the Jewish diaspora around the
world. Important DNA research has demonstrated that the Jews of today`s
are mostly and mainly the descendants of the Khazars. The
Khazars were a
non-Jewish, mostly Turkic, nomadic populations, that were converted forcefully
and massively to Judaism by a ruling Jewish elite in Khazaria (a vast territorial area of nomadic
tribes centered where Ukraine exists today) during the
reign of King Bulan in the 8th century
(around 740 AD). Later on, in the
10th century, most of these Khazars who had converted to Judaism emigrated to
many countries of Eastern Europe, especially in Poland and in
Lithuania. It is from these Khazars of Eastern Europe, converted to Judaism, that the majority of the
"Jews" came from when they moved to Palestine for the creation of
Israel in
1948. Many Jews have tried to deny this embarrassing reality for many years, but the most
recent DNA research and history books all confirm it, including from some
eminent Jewish sources. These Jewish sources include
Jacob Litman
who quotes extensively Yitzhak Schipper, the Jewish scholar
Abraham Harkavy who clearly affirms that the Jewish Yiddish
language (the dialect that mostly influenced to consolidation of modern
Hebrew by Eliezer Ben‑Yehuda who died in 1922) comes from the Khazars, the prominent Jew Arthur Koestler
who readily affirms that the vast majority of Jews are Khazars, Shlomo
Sand as a history professor of the University of Tel Aviv who wrote
the famous bestseller book shown to the right, titled "The Invention
of the Jewish People", Dr. Ariella Oppenheim
as a biologist of the Hebrew University who published an extensive DNA study
of the origin of the Jews, and found that they are mostly an amalgam of Turkic clans from
Khazaria, and
finally, the decisive study of Dr. Eran Elhaik of the molecular
biology faculty of the Hopkins University who confirms all the above
714.09 →
It is worth noting that the Greeks, even if they can demonstrate it scientifically, never boast arrogantly about their racial DNA uniqueness and their unique autochthonous attachment to their current territory for millennia, let alone about their superiority as any kind of chosen people, contrary to what the Jews do, constantly and openly. In addition, in the case of the Greeks, as we have seen, there is solid DNA study, involving some 30 countries, proving they are right, while in the case of the Jews, there exist even more extensive studies from mainly Jewish researchers to demonstrate that they are wrong about their being the descendants of Abraham and about being the natural heirs of the territory they got from the Palestinians to form Israel in 1948. Considering what the Jewish worldwide financial elites are doing to Greece at the moment, via the IMF and the JewZuit Power dominating the EU, finally enslaving the Greeks in a mortal crisis, after centuries of unsuccessful attempts to do so, this difference of behavior is worth mentioning. If there is the "The Invention of the Jewish People", to quote the title of the book of Shlomo Sand (shown to the right), there is certainly no invention of the Greek people. The Greeks, as the descendants of the ancient EL people, from at least 5 millennia, are real, with a superior language that has been stable ever since, and with also a stable autochthonous attachment to a territory to which they have never migrated, nor taken from any other previous ancient population. The well-informed Greeks today are only discretely happy, when the subject comes up, to be able to affirm that a solid scientific research has demonstrated that their DNA uniqueness is an interesting biological fact, and that their autochthonous attachment to their present territory is also a historical fact.
714.10 →
In the meantime, the Jews, as we have well demonstrated, dominate and censure all the mainstream media worldwide, through as little as only 5 umbrella networks that they fully own and control. For this reason, the Jews can ensure that the DNA uniqueness of the Greeks, on a basis of genetics, is either not mentioned or kept well hidden in the remote pages of the mainstream media publications, and not easily published in any important book of wide distribution. This is why most people today are ignorant of this important research about the uniqueness and pureness of the Greek DNA, even most of the Greeks themselves within Greece. For the same reasons, most of the public at large is also totally unaware of the research on the Jewish DNA demonstrating its clear non-Jewish Khazarian origin, even most of the Jews themselves, both in Israel and in the world in general.
714.11 →
Interestingly enough, some people claim that there are even signs of this unique DNA of the pure blood Greeks, or the descendants of the ancient EL people, in their second foot finger being longer than the first one (the biggest toe), and also in the right testicular gonad of their male-man being lower, at rest, in straight upright position, than the left one that is usually lower in males of other races, the Jews in particular. Most ancient Greek sculptures of male statues, when integral of feet and gonads, and most pure male Greeks living today, and even both male and female Greeks in the case of their feet fingers, appear to well confirm these particular biological traits of the uniqueness of their EL DNA.
714.12 →
One might also add, as a tease, and with a bit of humor, as an additional trait indicating a difference of DNA of the EL race, that the Greek males were never afraid to be naked, even proudly so in public, for example during the Olympics, with their beauty being enjoyed serenely and legitimately by all, men and women, contrary to all the other western races of a Judeo-Christian culture. What was shameful for the ancient Greek culture was not a naked body, like the Judeo-Christians want to force us to believe, let alone the Muslims, but only an ugly body in bad shape. For them, only that kind of bad-shape naked body was shameful. Modern Greeks who are Orthodox Christians might think differently because of their current Judeo-Christian religion and the influence of their deviated Judeo-Christian culture, but certainly not their pure ancient Greek ancestors, nor the descendants of the latter living today. A body in perfect condition, even the one of an adult, and maybe in particular the one of an adult, is divinely beautiful and should be admired openly with gratitude by all. Kudos to the Ancient EL Greek culture!
715.01 →
We should try to revive this beautiful ancient Greek EL culture today, albeit maybe in a modern way, including all its components of the holistic education (or: ELducation) of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul. However, the difficulties on our path are enormous. This revival is an eminent part of what we call ELJSM in the context of this essay. It is an essential component of the website behind this essay, www.EthoPlasin.net, related to the project of a new modern form of holistic education (or: ELducation) based on the principles of the best educators that ever existed in the past, Pythagoras and Plato. This was the education system of none less than the inventors of education, based on the philosophy of the inventors of philosophy, and on the harmonious civic life of the inventors of democracy and of everything else that we call civilization today. Such holistic education (or what we call ELducation) is as valid today as it was in the past, and it has to be born again, with its new birth taking place in Greece if at all possible. But so far the obstacles are nearly insurmountable. Not only has Greece been trapped into an incredible economic crisis, but also in an even more destructive cultural crisis, both engineered by its ancestral enemies. Both the economic and the cultural crisis are led by the historical enemies of the EL culture of the Greeks for more than two millennia, by those that we call the JewZuit Power in the context of this essay. Because of stealthy infiltration, and the resulting dominant control of this power over all mainstream media and academia activities, let alone economic activities, worldwide but in a particularly nasty way in Greece since 1974, most of the Greeks themselves today are very ignorant of their gloriously useful past for the good of humanity, let alone the rest of the world that is mostly totally ignorant of this history. At the moment, the Greeks are desperate people fighting for their survival, economic and cultural survival. Nevertheless, with the help of the immense Greek diaspora around the world, living in somewhat less enslaving conditions outside of Greece, and with the propagation of democratic reforms of EthoCracy (as a first step to a TruthOcracy), like the ones of Part II of this essay, maybe there is still hope for ELJSM to be born again, and to save us from the growing global enslavement that the JewZuit Power is so arrogantly imposing on all of us at the moment, worldwide, under the innocuous name of the New World Order.
715.02 →
Lighthouse of the East (1897)
The main obstacles to a ELJSM revival at the moment come from the very powerful forces of the current JewZuit Power. We have seen how the hate from the opposite culture, the Judeo-Christian culture of enslavement, through DDD, has fought the freethinking EL culture for millennia and how today, for the new dominant JewZuit Power, Greece is to be squashed first as a disturbing country. The last push to fight the EL culture in modern times seems to have been formulated in a strange plan that appears to be a conspiracy of a clear Jewish origin that is called the "Lighthouse of the East" ("Φάρος της Ανατολής"). In the light of the current crisis in Greece, we can only hope this Luciferian plan is not true. The first knowledge of it dates back to 1897, when Israel did not even exist, let alone the forthcoming creation of the so-called Greater Israel, but were both well planned for years on the basis of other historical documents we have seen, in particular the famous Letter of Pike to Mazzini. This Lighthouse of the East would be a plan of the Jews to eventually and finally ruin Greece, economically and culturally, and to even destroy all traces of Hellenism in a terminal way, both in Greece and the rest of the world, by all means possible, and as soon as possible. This would be an older hidden plan of Zionist Jews that would date back from before 1897, but only first mentioned openly, by outsiders, in some of the mainstream media, in the 1980s, by little known authors like George Palmos and Fotios Babanis. For this reason, and for looking very far fetched at the time, the plan never made any headlines in Greece or anywhere else. But it was reported by just about the best and the most famous Greek author and historian of the last century, Joannis Passas (Ιωάννης Πασσάς), in a book written beautifully at the highest "Katharevousa" level of the Greek language. Unfortunately, and maybe purposely, this book had a very enigmatic title: "The Crime of Science" (Το έγκλημα της επιστήμης). Until a few years ago, that book, written in 1980, before the power of the Internet, was nowhere to be found in any mainstream library in Greece, because the new socialist political left had just taken full charge of Greece with the Jewish-Greek Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou. That government did not want to be embarrassed by authors of the right of the political spectrum, not even if it was from one of the most eminent ones like Passas. However, from the right or from the left, the plan that Passas reported in writing, some 35 years ago, referring to historical knowledge acquired by him personally a decade earlier, in 1972, are extremely close to some facts that have happened already, and some other facts that are clearly happening or developing today. Passas was a famous writer, with the constant frequentation of famous people. In September 1972, he was in Geneva, meeting with a close friend who was a prominent Swiss banker, whose name he could not reveal in his book in order not to damage the career of the man acting as his source. That Swiss banker happened to be also a particularly warm fan of the Hellenistic culture, thus his friendship with Passas and the revelations that he made to him. As a prominent Swiss banker, he had just returned from an important meeting in Moscow, held in August 1972, during a visit of Nixon and Kissinger to the Soviet Union. That Swiss banker who was involved in the meetings of this important diplomatic visit said that, in Moscow, the status of a strange anti-Hellenic "Lighthouse of the East" Plan had been reviewed, by the Russians, in the presence of Nixon and Kissinger. He said the plan was a long-term one, fully endorsed many years earlier by the Jewish Bolshevik regime of the Soviet-Union. The plan was contemplating the eventual economic exhaustion, and the dismantling, of Greece and its culture. According to the plan, the north-eastern part of Greece, Thrace, would be given to Turkey in order to appease their aggressive ambitions in the area, and to prevent them to be an obstacle to the realization of the overall plan. Some of the Greek Macedonian territory would then go to a new Balkan independent state yet to be created and to be called none less than Macedonia (this country was in fact later created, in 1991, calling itself Macedonia, with Skopje as its capital, even if still called FYROM at the UN because of a conflict with Greece over its name). As for Cyprus, its partial invasion by the Turks was considered imminent in 1972 but only as a first step to a grander objective. During this overall process, a massive amount of Illegal Immigrants would be brought into Greece, with an entirely different culture and religion, mostly from Islamic countries, in order to dilute and destroy entirely the Greek nationality and specificity as a race and culture. On these four fronts, reality today is very much corresponding to all these incredible predictions, either in fact already, or clearly in the making. The worst part of the plan however is the following. Greece would lose not only the above mentioned continental parts of its territory, but some of its main islands too, like Rhodes and Crete, and these islands, along with Cyprus, would become extended colonial territories of none less than Israel. All of this of course would be, first and foremost, for the primary purpose of annihilating Greece and its culture of freedom that has been hated for millennia by the Jews who hold the totalitarian culture of the Money Changers opposed to the freethinking culture of the Idea Exchangers who invented philosophy, holistic education and democracy. By the same token however, the plan would assist the Jewish objectives of cultural and economic enslavement of not only Greece, as their main opposing cultural rival for centuries, but of the global western world, through DDD: debt-money, excessive taxation, despair and fearful disinformation. The plan also envisaged that this enslavement would be facilitated through the worldwide networks of mainstream media that they, the Jews, in 1972, were fast moving to fully control, which is a sad reality today through only six main networks. In the meantime this breakup of Greece in 4 pieces, with some of it planned to go to Israel, would help the Jews achieve their bigger long-term objective in the area, which was, and is still today, the creation of the so-called Greater Israel.
715.03 →
Considering, 35 years later, the parts of this clear conspiracy that have already materialized, it very much looks like the "Lighthouse of the East" is not a conspiracy theory, but rather a clear "conspireality", as a Master Plan to keep clearly in mind to understand what is happening today in Greece, and maybe also in the rest of the western world. Clearly, this Luciferian plan of the "Lighthouse Of The East" seems to also include the final act of the Greek tragedy that is the longest and biggest of all Holocausts in human history, the Holocaust against Hellenism, described in an earlier section.
716.01 →
The cultural revival of ELJSM however, based on the EL culture, as proposed by this website, is not meant to be one only in the general sense of the word culture. In that general sense, it means basically The Return Of Philosophy, as PhilosophEL, in our daily life, but the return of the real philosophy, as invented by Ancient Greece, as a Philosophical Way of Life based on a set of virtues leading all aspects of our personal and civic life. ELJSM is also meant to be a revival of the ancient EL culture also in the scientific realm, as a new holistic way to approach sciences, like the Greeks used to do. From this point of view, there is a need again to coin a couple of new words. First the word "SciencEL", to match the word 'science', and the adjective "sciencELfic" to match 'scientific', both with the integrated "EL" syllable. From this point of view, holistic medicine influenced by ELJSM for example becomes a 'sciencEL', not just a science, precisely because it is holistic in its approach. The Ancient Greeks were the first ones to have a serious "scientific-rational" approach to all sciences, be it medicine, architecture, astronomy or mathematics. Before them, the approach to sciences by other civilizations was always a mixture of a minor rational approach and a major mythical approach, very often including also elements of superstition. For the purposes of this essay, we will choose to concentrate mainly on medicine, as maybe the best example we can use to show what a real 'sciencel' was, and what it should be, when it is taught in universities and practiced in professional life.
716.02 →
... (to be continued)
717.01 →
... (being elaborated)
718.01 →
... (being elaborated)
719.01 →
ELJSM would thus include three main components:
-- 1) A new culture based first on the one and only commandment of Jesus: love, as love for oneself, for our fellow humans like for ourselves, and for the planet as a whole in a state of Oneness. Second, love for the fundamental values expressed by the one and only philosophy created in Ancient Greece: the Good, the Just and the Beautiful.
-- 2) A new form of holistic Tetractys education (or: ELducation) based on the best of ancient Hellenic philosophy as a virtuous way of living, and that our related website defines as EthoPlasìn Holistic Tetractys Education (or: ELducation).
-- 3) A
set of drastic and concrete political reforms that
this essay formulates in an elaborate way in
Part II. This package
includes some 30 major cumulative reforms, from a political, economic, cultural and civic
points of view, called: EthoCracy Reform Package,
or the TruthOcracy Reform Package.
The drastic democratic reforms of
Part II, to go
Slavery Downwards To Slavery Upwards
are the
main and short-term purpose of this essay.
Holistic Tetractys Education
Notice This PART II of our essay on EthoCracy is still valid in its substance, as good background material on the necessary reforms to improve our fake democracy today. However, the drafting of its updated content, as a set of more specific reforms in their final and more concentrated version, is now presented in another separate webpage called: TruthOcracy That separate page elaborates the Twelve (12) essential and cumulative reforms that are necessary in order for our falsely presumed democratic system to become a "real democracy", as what we now call "TruthOcracy" in order not to confuse it with our current "fake democracy" that is the only sad reality that we can have in mind when we use the word "democracy" today in relation to our decadent western world. |
“When everything seems difficult, or to be going against you,
remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.”
– Henry Ford
800.01 →
This Part II follows in part, as the EthoCracy Reform Package, following the above Part I, in the form of an eBook. Part I above, describes the situation we are in today and the history of what conducted us to our present condition of global enslavement by the JewZuit Power, criticizing the commanding cabal in the background and its main actors. Part II does not describe or criticize anymore, but suggest positively, and formulate concretely, the powerful democratic reforms that are necessary to regain our liberty and reverse our enslavement "From Slavery Downwards To Slavery Upwards".
800.02 →
The EthoCracy / TruthOcracy Reform Package and Discipline Summary in one Paragraph
EthoCracy (as a first step to a
is founded on 10 new
constitutional principles,
called EthoPrinciples, that cannot be deviated from,
by any citizen, without serious consequences. Respecting these 10
EthoPrinciples in one's life means practicing the
or the self-discipline of citizens wanting to live in an EthoCracy
(as a first step to a
TruthOcracy). On the basis of the
Truth, All
Truth, Fully
Open Governance) and
BECVABAD EthoPrinciples,
the electorate can vote more quickly, more easily, more securely and more cheaply than ever
before. By the same token, an electoral program,
elaborated as a
BEC, becomes a formal
four-way-binding contract, as if it were done and signed in front of a
lawyer, for both the elected
leader, using it to be elected, and for the voter who votes for it as a
legal Bio-Anonymous-Duty, and not just as a voting right anymore. In front of a deviation
from this legal contract, the leader who used it for
being elected as
GovernAriant is forced to resign immediately, as a legal duty, and the voter is
forced to vote again, also as a legal duty. The system is also
based on the new EthoCratic concept of
Truth Information,
whereby any official, at any level of the public administration, from the
GovernAriant (the
"President" of an EthoCracy (or of a
as head of the
GovernArium) to the lowest public servant, caught lying about government
activity, can be forced, as a minimum, to immediate resignation, and
possibly also to a PPP penalty at various degrees of severity affecting primarily his personal property,
more than his personal liberty. A public subordinate caught covering the lie of a
public supervisor, or the opposite, suffers
the same consequences. Even journalists of private publications, but publishing
public information for the
public at large, are considered
public servants in doing so. If caught lying in doing so, they are subject to the same type of consequences,
independently of who might be their private employer, as part of the new
EthoCratic private employment contracts. Even representatives of the
Elites (financial institutions,
corporations, central bankers or rich individuals) suffer similar consequences, Mutatis
Mutandis, as an EthoCracy
(as a first step to a
imposes not only
Truth Information,
but also, on the basis of the
ASOMIAP EthoPrinciple, an
Absolute Separation of Money,
Information and Politics. No lobbies of Big Money, or of
vested interests of Corporatocracy, can act anymore to influence the
Public Information Sector or the Political Governance Sector to attempt
to prevent them from acquiring only, and/or handling only,
Truth Information.
On the basis of the PIABFOTAC
EthoPrinciple, the budgets of an EthoCracy (and
in particular of a
TruthOcracy), at any level, and globally, are all handled
completely openly, in bank accounts that all citizens can view, on a
read-only basis, and
follow on the Internet, as easily as if they were following their own
personal bank account. Even activities and funds that inevitably have to be
kept secret for a limited time, can be followed in the same open way, albeit
through only a codename with a specific total amount of attributed public
funds, with full details having been pre-deposited with the
SPELAriant at
time of creation, and made available as soon as secrecy can finally
removed. About such temporary secret projects, public officials have a
choice of either say nothing, except for the codename and the total amount
of its funding, or to tell the truth: no lies. Exposing lies about them
would deserve full penalty to the lying person and full protection to the whistleblower. On the basis of the
GUDFOMAPAST EthoPrinciple, governments have no borrowing
power of any kind, and cannot incur any debt of any kind. They can only use a combination of
new No-Debt-Money,
issued by a NAMA on the basis of a
along with the revenues of a new Sales Tax Identity System, called
STIS. This eliminates
completely the current Income-Tax-System that is based on, and serves only,
the infamous purposes of the current Debt-Money-System enslaving our falsely democratic governments
and their not less falsely free citizens. The
STIS also guarantees a
MIG (Minimum Income
Guaranteed) to all citizens using it, and consequently replaces, and eliminates
the need for, most of the
current forms of social welfare benefits. In exchange, the EthoCracy
(in particular the
works with a new form of welfare
based on forms of support to families to regroup themselves as
EFU (Extended Family
Unit), for better mutual assistance to their members, while enjoying a
complementary new system of PAJ (Private
Alternative Justice). This new approach to welfare is based on the
EthoPrinciple called EFWAPAJ
(Extended Family Welfare and Private Alternative Justice). Furthermore, an
EthoCracy (as a first step to a
TruthOcracy), under the FOLIPET EthoPrinciple, provides a new form of absolutely full freedom of speech and opinion, on
whatever subject, as long as it is the peaceful expression of a truth, either
as a factual objective truth, or as the truth of a subjective feeling, whereby only calumny based on lies,
opinion accompanied by violence, are prosecutable in law, and whereby even a true
negative feeling, as long as true and expressed non violently, as harsh as
it may be, can no more be considered hate speech or prosecutable in any way. An
EthoCracy (in particular a
also has a new POSATAP (Patriotic Olympic Spirit Approach To All
Policies) EthoPrinciple applying not only to all its internal policies, but even
to the handling of its relations or involvements with international
organizations and conventions, forcing these extra-national entities to also
Truth, All
Truth, Fully
Open Governance) compliant in order to
receive agreement and corresponding contributions of national public funds. On the ecological side, on the basis of the
EthoPrinciple, an EthoCracy (as a first step to
provides an important
contribution at the level of the three Kingdoms of Mother Nature (Mineral, Vegetal and
Animal). For the benefit of the Mineral Kingdom, it is forcing the adoption
of a new system of CABROF containers, for food in
particular, that are all returnable, reusable and bio-fusible, even for
imported containers. As a society, an
EthoCracy (as a first step to a
TruthOcracy), on the basis of the
SASED EthoPrinciple, tries to implement a good level of
social decorum by being discretely
and friendlily a-religious, subsidiary in nature as much as possible in all
its doings, and by always promoting minimal elegance
of presentation and behavior on the basis of our best
Greco-Roman Roots instead of our so-called Judeo-Christian roots. On
the basis of all the above new concepts, and of the current levels of secure
and instant communications worldwide, an EthoCracy
(as a first step to a
has no more traditional
embassies abroad, but only reinforced consulates to give better assistance
to citizens in difficulty while abroad, and to handle forcefully the
pre-selection of immigrants from abroad, including refugees as much as
possible. For the same reasons,
an EthoCracy (as a first step
to a
has no more traditional chambers of parliament with
representatives, as both traditional ambassadors and parliamentarians are
outdated remnants of an era previous to the invention of things like
telephone, television, airplane, computers, not to mention secure and instant
video-telecommunications worldwide. These changes require that the
EthoCratic government be organized into a new
ARIUM Structure of 5 lean
State Powers instead of 3 heavy ones, as a
Pentas Politica,
as opposed to a traditional
Trias Politica of Montesquieu's
definition. Last but not last, an EthoCracy
(as a first step to a
TruthOcracy)promotes a brand new type of
educational system, from primary school to university included, called
EthoPlasìn, also called
ELducation, based on the
EL culture of the holistic
formation of the Personal
Tetractys of the human soul, as opposed to only the instruction of its
mind, and similarly the better formation of the
Political Tetractys
of a harmonious EthoCratic civic environment. EthoCracy
(as a first step to a
TruthOcracy)also promotes a
new auxiliary language, called
as part of its EthoSpeak strategy, meant to facilitate easy worldwide communications while encouraging most
people to better concentrate on improving the perfection of their own national
language instead of spending too many efforts trying to learn many other
national languages which, for most common people, is a useless spoiling of
efforts that can be better spent on other intellectual or cultural
801.00 →
new word EthoCracy was explained, as a
word, further up. In terms of substance, an EthoCracy
(as a first step to a
is a real meritorious democracy,
with merit being used as a severe type of social justice. This EthoCratic
meritorious justice is well represented by the icon to the right,
and enlightened by the new ethocratic concept of
Truth Information.
As such, it
is the contrary of the fake democracy that we have now in the western world.
That current fake democracy is only an enslaving Debtocracy of both nations and
people. From an information point
of view, that Debtocracy is a system of Global Deception that we
have exposed quite extensively, from various points of view, at the
beginning of this essay. To the contrary, a real democracy, or an EthoCracy
(or an EthoKratia, as a first step to a
is based on a series of 10 main EthoPrinciples of self-EthoDiscipline from which it is impossible to
deviate without immediate serious consequences for the leaders and citizens involved,
as a question of social meritocratic justice. We
will now analyze each of these 10 EthoPrinciples, in a first section then, in a
second section, extrapolate the implications of these fundamental
The 10 EthoPrinciples sitting behind the EthoCracy/TruthOcracy Reforms Package
The special constitution of an EthoCracy (or of a TruthOcracy) is based on 10 principles, as founding EthoPrinciples. All new projects, new legislation or new taxation of an EthoCratic government, or modifications to them, must always be justified on the basis of these 10 EthoPrinciples when formulated in a BEC (Binding Electoral Contract) or in the presentation of the question of an emergency referendum, or a quiferendum, taking place during an electoral mandate. However, the EthoCratic constitution also affirms that these EthoPrinciples are the reflection of fundamental moral principles leading to the Ultimate Good of both the people and the country, and that in case of conflict, these founding moral principles should always prevail, in managing and applying them, over their more superficial legal aspects.
801.01 →
1 - EthoPrinciple OTIG (Only Truth Information Governance) or EthoPrinciple OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance)
This is the primary
EthoPrinciple from which all the others derive in one
way or the other. This is why an
(or a
has an
Arium specifically for
the application of this EthoPrinciple: it is called the
OtatfogArium, headed by
an OtatfogAriant. This
OTATFOG principle the only
EthoPrinciple that is managed by a specific
Arium, called
appropriately accordingly, as the
OtatfogArium. The
OtatfogArium is
completely independent from all other
Ariums of State Powers, and superior in power to
all other State Powers, as a kind of
Founding-Governance-State-Power. The first sin, or rather crime, of an
(in particular in a
is lying
about public affairs, or committing
DUPING , or using
DUPE (Deceiving
Untruthful Propaganda
Exertion), a crime even more serious than stealing public money.
In fact,
DUPING is always a
serious crime in an EthoCracy
(or in a
TruthOcracy), be it
used, or committed, by a person or by an organization
like a newspaper or a ministry. Using, giving, receiving or passing
DUPE Money), for any kind
of proactive
DUPING purposes, or for
even only
DUPING passive
collaboration achieved knowingly, is the same kind of most serious crime. As a great ELJSM master once said, "Only truth will make you free". Well-informed citizens on the basis of
OTATFOG information will inevitably force governments to take the best decisions for the good of
most citizens. In a
TruthOcracy, Truth must always win, over any
kind of possible deception, while managing public governance.
Truth, All
Truth, Fully
Open Governance) is thus
the very first EthoPrinciple whereby politicians and public servants cannot lie anymore,
not by affirmation against Truth (TIL),
and not by silence or omission of Truth (TOL), without immediate
resignation or dismissal implemented by the
OtatfogArium, and possibly even
PPP punishment through
mainly their own personal property. This brand
new ethocratic concept is difficult of application, but very possible, as we
will see, through appropriate new technologies, institutions and sanctions.
In a TruthOcracy, all working meetings to which participate any member of the
executive team of the
must have a written OTATFOG record,
and in principle be published as such, online, the following day, under
appropriate signatures. The same principle applies to all journalists and lobbyists writing in
publications of open national distribution, and they can only do so under
their name and signature. Journalists who act as a mouthpiece for a public servant,
in particular for politicians (the
GovernAriant and
his ministers), without having done their own journalistic
Truth, All
Truth, Fully
Open Governance) verification, must say so
explicitly at the beginning of their articles, and identify
the name of their source, as otherwise they bear the full responsibility for
any non-OTATFOG (Only
Truth, All
Truth, Fully
Open Governance) information. Journalists of publications or media meant for the
public at large, as opposed to a private or restricted audience, are also
fully bound to the constitutional EthoCratic
Truth, All
Truth, Fully
Open Governance) principle,
and they earn their subsistence only through the success of their
investigative efforts to provide
OTATFOG information:
they cannot accept any publicity of any kind and from anyone. In a
TruthOcracy, publicity can only be published in a new type of dedicated
DPM (Dedicated
Media), that is, Newspapers or TV stations dedicated exclusively to
publicity. Such DPM are distributed freely
on paper in public places, as
clearly identified DPM newspapers, or televised in dedicated
DPM TV channels at the
expense of the publicity providers, but all as publicity that is also
subjected to OTATFOG
In short, in a TruthOcracy, there is a complete
separation between Information and Publicity and both cannot exist
together, as a mix, in the same media. Supervisors of public servants or journalists preventing their subordinates
to publish OTATFOG
commit a crime for which they must legally be denounced by these subordinates, as an
explicit clause, in all cases, of their EthoCratic employment contract, and
these subordinates are fully protected in their employment after disobeying
their supervisors for refusing to publish only
OTATFOG information. The same
basic principle applies within the
OppositArium if
the person talking is a journalist or acting as a lobbyist.
There cannot be anymore any lobby influencing the government with hidden
money or information, let alone non-OTATFOG
All lobbying can only be done openly within the
In short, just like there is a complete separation between Information and
Publicity, in a TruthOcracy there is a complete separation between Lobbying
and Governance. The lobbyists can only use the
DPM or the
OppositArium to
openly, and always only openly, do their
OTATFOG compliant lobbying. All lobbying in the
OppositArium can
only be done at 3 conditions: 1) it must be scheduled in advance, with
public notice of at least one month; 2) it must be done publicly at that
date; 3) It must be done in the presence of all opposing parties, or
counter-lobbyists, that may have registered themselves to do
counter-lobbying on the issues being scheduled. Faults to these rules are
punished most severely by the PPP system, against both the lobbyists and the
public officials who have participated to the infractions.
Counter-lobbyists, in the
OppositArium or in
DPM publications, must
always be allowed with complete freedom of opinion, but also under full
OTATFOG compliance. By the same token, an
OTATFOG system
prevents entirely the formation of monopolies, in any sector of national
private or public business, as such monopolies could exist only on the basis of false
information that a
TruthOcracy sanctions by extreme penalty through mainly
PPP, or mainly the personal
property of the persons who provided or used the false non-OTATFOG
compliant information. The
OTATFOG principle also requires that all public servants at executive level
GovernAriant and his
team) release the inventory of all their assets as
OTATFOG compliant
information before taking office, as an essential prerequisite for their election, and
commit themselves to do the same on leaving office, with no privacy for them
anymore from this point of view, during their mandate and during the 5 years
following the end of their mandate. All this personal
OTATFOG compliant
information is becoming
traceable online as per the PIABFOTAC
EthoPrinciple. Similar inventories of all the assets of all their immediate family
members is also required as
OTATFOG compliant information, albeit kept confidential with the
In addition, if one category of citizens ever becomes fully controllable through
being cashless, like it seems to be the trend today,
the Executive team of
a TruthOcracy (along with all the officials handling public money, for public
purposes or private purposes) will be the very first one to become fully
PIABFOTAC cashless compliant, along with the
executive teams of all banks operating in the TruthOcracy, of all mainstream
media publishing in the TruthOcracy, of all the corporations acting with a
national license, and of all the national and international organizations
receiving public funds from the TruthOcracy. All these public
servants of officials of institutions or companies dealing with the public
at large shall be the first category, if any, to become PSUCMO
(Public Servants
Use Cashless
Money Only) compliant as a condition of their
employment contract, or lose their jobs. Cashless or not, all public
officials using public money must become fully
NoPOCU and
PIABFOTAC compliant. In any
case, cashless, to exist, must previously have been part of a winning
BEC at
national level, independently of any supra-national structure of governance
or international organization. The
EthoPrinciple is so important to a
TruthOcracy that even
whistleblowers are
not guilty of anything if they expose
OTATFOG information, and even fully protected if
they expose lies of public officials about any kind of known or secret projects or
budgets, with these lying officials being subjected to the usual
PPP consequences.
> In a TruthOcracy, no politician, or official of a political party at any
level, is allowed to make a public speech, or public media declaration
verbally or in writing, mentioning objectives or promises that are not
already included in the
BEP (before an election) or the
BEC (after election) of his party. For more
information on the kind of punishments that can be imposed on public
officials exposed as lairs, see:
801.02 →
2 - EthoPrinciple ASOMIAP (Absolute Separation Of Money, Information And Politics)
In a TruthOcracy, as a direct cascading consequence of the primary OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) EthoPrinciple, it is no more money that influences politics, but OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) politics that influences, or rather directs, money. In fact, more than Politics, it is the people who direct the Politics and thus directs the Money, or certainly conditions the Money, to its own best possible benefit through Truth Information and fully binding electoral contracts (BEC). The three sectors can very well influence each other, but only on a basis of Truth Information. The same rule applies to all public information and mass media that cannot anymore be influenced by money or politics in their fundamental obligation to always provide Truth Information on which basis alone Politics can become in charge, without the influence of money. Information must always be free, without the influence of money or politics, but influencing money and politics. Money is subjugated to Politics and consequently to Truth Information, as Politics in turn is fully subjugated to a free Truth Information system. Truth Information and the OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) EthoPrinciple in turn ensure that no law can be secret in an EthoCracy (as a first step to a TruthOcracy) for the hidden purposes of money, information or politics: if it is secret, then it is illegal, and just not a law of the country. In an EthoCracy (in particular in a TruthOcracy), information has to be total in quantity, totally true in quality, and totally transparent in distribution, without the undue influence of money and politics. Only full transparency of all information can lead to a just and meritocratic democracy, or to an EthoCracy (as a first step to a TruthOcracy), as secrecy or undue influence of vested hidden interests of money or politics on public information can only lead to rampant corrupted cronyism and a Tyranny. At the moment, because of secrecy and a lack of Truth Information, most political leaders of the western world, and most leading figures of the international or supra-national originations like the EU or the UN, are owned by Money and consequently will do what Money wants, or mainly what the main JewZuit corporations want, including selling cheaply the best natural resources of most countries to the greedy Money representatives of the JewZuit Power. This necessity of an EthoCracy (or a TruthOcracy) to handle, and be handled, only on a basis of Truth Information is the main reason for an EthoCracy (or a TruthOcracy) to have a Pentas Politica, with 5 State Powers, instead of the traditional 3 of a Trias Politica, including the new TinformArium and the new ProtectArium. Political parties still exist and even have an important role in spreading Truth Information on which basis they can elaborate a BEC for their chosen candidate GovernAriant (President of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy). Political parties also have a major occupation, consuming maybe most of their time, in preparing projects of laws that will be included in the BEC of their candidate GovernAriant, as in an EthoCracy (in particular in a TruthOcracy), no new law (just like no new tax) can come as a surprise after election: all have to be clearly planned for in a project of law defined before election. In the same manner, no new participation to any international treaty can take place before the final text of that treaty is given to the public of an EthoCracy (or a TruthOcracy) at least one year in advance of an election that will include that participation and the intended signature of that treaty within a winning BEC. But political parties are financed only through yearly membership fees, and private donations from private individuals, never from any corporation or association. Such memberships and donations, to one single party in any given calendar year, must be made public on the website of the party. A yearly membership cannot exceed 1% of a NAS. A yearly donation cannot exceed 50% of a NAS. Parties have an interest, in two ways, in maintaining a good membership, as the EthoCracy (and the TruthOcracy) will match the membership fees (not the donations) with the same amount of public funds on a yearly basis, and only the parties with the 10 biggest membership will be allowed to participate and compete in the next general election. Any other type of political financing is illegal and bears the PPP consequences of not being OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) compliant for both the donors and the managers of the political party involved.
801.03 →
3 - EthoPrinciple BECVABAD (Binding Electoral Contract Voted As Bio-Anonymous Duty)
This EthoPrinciple integrates both the BEC and the BAVED EthoRules. This EthoCratic kind of BEC electoral contract is sometimes called a BEC4, or a 4BEC, as it is a 4-way-binding-electoral-contract in an absolute manner. Such BEC can only be fully constitutional in content, in all and each of its elements, because of its previous BECCA constitutional appraisal and approval process by both the LeaderArium and the OtatfogArium. Before the BECCA process, a BEP cannot be considered nor used as a BEC. In addition, such BEC system allows no possible surprise of any kind, nor of any size, after election, in terms of new taxation and/or new legislation. In other words, lies can no more exist on the part of elected politicians, as they are sanctioned most severely through PPP, by their immediate forced resignation as a minimum, and possibly the confiscation of some of their personal property if they lied with the intention to hide Truth Information on the basis of the OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) Principle. Any new taxation or legislation must only come from a BEC, or from a referendum or a quiferendum in case of emergency, but such referendum is made very quick, cheap and easy by the new BAV voting system and the new BAVED EthoRule underlying the new voting duty of an EthoCracy (or a TruthOcracy). Consequently, in an EthoCracy (in particular in a TruthOcracy), apart from an OtatfogAriant, citizens only elect an ExecArium and the corresponding BEC, only at full majority, and no more any representative deputies. No more coalition government is necessary nor possible, only a executive, elected at majority to execute a fully binding BEC. There is no need at all anymore for elected deputies or senators sitting in outdated and useless traditional representative chambers of government, and no more deputies switching political party during an electoral mandate. Most of the representatives deputies that we stupidly call "Honorable" at the moment are incompetent, corrupted, useless, and form a bunch of parasitical criminal class of not law makers, but of law breakers, tolerated or authorized, plundering the country for their own profit, while nevertheless lying to the electorate on a constant basis and lecturing that same electorate constantly about the fake goodness of their governance; They are really only preventing the full efficiency of an EthoCratic government that can operate directly without them for the infallible respect of the will of the people through a BEC that is OTATFOG and PIABFOTAC compliant. For similar reasons, there is no possibility any more of having royalty as a head of state, as all EthoCracies are by definition full "Presidential" systems run by a national GovernAriant, except if a King or a Queen wants to be elected GovernAriant with a BEC. Political parties still exist, but only, and exclusively, for the limited purpose of formulating a winning BEC for the election of an ExecArium at full majority at the next general election, without any other type of outside activity or link with any kind of private business or public institution, directly or indirectly, not even for proactive cultural purposes, except in open areas fully televised on a national basis through the new TinformArium and fully OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) compliant. For similar reasons, the foreign policy of an EthoCracy (or a TruthOcracy) is also part of a BEC and, in light of the current power of safe and instant worldwide communications, there is no need either anymore for traditional embassies, but only reinforced consulates abroad with the additional vital role of pre-selecting all immigration candidates as workers and/or refugees before arrival, through a due PISA process, and with a positive and constructive ProRacialist approach. As for the BAVED (Bio-Anonymous Voting Electoral Duty) part of the principle, in an EthoCracy (in particular in a TruthOcracy), voting is not only a right, but also a duty punishable by a sanction when not fulfilled. This new EthoCratic voting duty is done on the basis of a brand new type of national bio-anonymous voting card, the BAIC, that is accepted perfectly securely by new voting machines distributed in public places, like banks, hospitals, schools, municipalities and commercial centers, where citizens can go and vote at their full convenience during a given week, or abroad at consulates. When a citizens votes with his BAVED, the voting cabin only knows three things: that the anonymous bio features of the "body" in the voting cabin correspond to the BAVED card, or more specifically the BAIC (Bio-Anonymous Identicality Card), that the BAIC with its bio-anonymous feature belongs to a citizen of the country, and that the (anonymous) person with that BAIC has not already voted. On exit from the voting cabin, the voter can use his normal ID card to get a certificate that he has fulfilled his voting duty in that election and thus will not be subject to a civil penalty. That same voter having contributed with the majority of his pairs to the "cooking" (voting as a duty) will less easily be able to reject the level of the quality of the "food" on the table of his EthoCracy (or his TruthOcracy) after the election. Needless to say that, every year, in the Wednesday of the second week of October, a special BAV takes place, called a BAVAGE, specifically for an annual evaluation of the performance of the EthoCratic government, or a GAPE. This is particularly useful for evaluating the performance of the government in relation to the hundreds of decisions that have to be taken in reaction to events unknown at the time of the formulation of the BEC, in order to manage entirely new situations and resolve problems that were not planned for in the BEC. These problems can all be resolved immediately but only in a way that meets 3 conditions: 1) the solution does not involve new legislation, 2) does not involve new taxation and 3) does not contradict a specific item of the current BEC. Any required new legislation or taxation must wait for a new BEC at a new election or at least a quiferendum. If the solution of the emergency contradicts an item of the BEC, it absolutely must be confirmed through a BECVAR ad hoc quiferendum within maximum two weeks in cases of real emergencies. If the referendum does not approve the solution, a new full election with a new BEC must take place within one month. These two kinds of voting, in a full BECPVABAD election, or in a BECVAR quiferendum, are rendered most cheap and easy for the convenience of the voters by the new EthoCratic voting system.
> Interestingly enough, in an EthoCracy (in particular in a TruthOcracy), no politician, or official of a political party at any level, is allowed to make a public speech, or public media declaration verbally or in writing, mentioning objectives or promises that are not already included in the BEP or the BEC of his party. In addition, in the BEP/BEC, the item must be numbered, and there must be an indication of the exact source of financing for that objective or promise. If the GovernAriant of that party is elected, he will be fully bound by all items of the BEC in 3 ways: doing only what is in it, doing all of what is in it, and doing it only with the resources indicated: no possible surprise after election. A public official doing otherwise in a public speech, or in any other kind of public media, verbally or in writing, allows the OtatfogAriant, if it is a first infraction, to immediately and sovereignly issue a serious personal financial fine (paid by the faulty official, not by the party) against that official. At his second infraction, that politician suffers a higher personal fine plus possibly a PPP penalty on his personal property; in addition, the party pays an identical fine, and the lying official is also prohibited to make any public political propaganda anymore, in speech or writing, at anytime in the future, in the name of his political party. With his third infraction, the politician concerned can possibly lose all of his personal properties, under PPP, and he is in any case immediately dismissed from his public official position, or from any other public political position in the future for the rest of his life. This is constitutionally required by the OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) EthoPrinciple that is the most fundamental principle of a TruthOcracy, as an improved direct and participative democracy that is base only on Truth, or OTATFOG compliance.
801.04 →
4 - EthoPrinciple PIABFOTAC (Public Information And Banking Fully Open To All Citizens)
This full openness concerns primarily the banking operations of the public money of an EthoCracy (in particular a TruthOcracy), but also all other aspects of public administration, like information and management. An EthoCracy (in particular a TruthOcracy) first and foremost gives citizens the power to fully check at will, on the Internet, the handling of every single penny of public money used for the management of the country, both as an income entry and as a spending expenditure, and in principle all public funds are public and no privacy or secrecy exists anymore in receiving or using public funds. This includes the ability to follow the spending of public funds granted not only to persons, but to any private or public external entities: if these entities do not allow full transparency online on the spending of these public funds, they just cannot receive the public funds. All public funds of an EthoCracy (in particular of a TruthOcracy), if they are to be received, can only be handled with full OTATFOG and PIABFOTAC transparency by anyone receiving them, within the country or abroad, including international organizations like the UN, or the EU, or agencies of world negotiations like for example the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) or other TTT components or similar entities. Opening their accounting for all the public funds they consume will help expose corruption and inefficiency, and maybe also what they really are: the new pillars of the enslaving New World Order that favor a zero-growth in the most advanced world, in order to level down the world economy into a global equalitarian feudal domain under their easier control and full domination. This PIABFOTAC principle also applies to secret agencies, like the FBI or the CIA, or their national equivalent. Exceptions are allowed only temporarily, but with identifying codenames that can be followed, associated to a specific amount of funds, for activities that have to be kept secret for a limited period of time for ensuring the success of an investigation or for not damaging national security, temporarily, always and only temporarily. The codename appropriation of secret funds is always accompanied by a secret report bearing a known name, created at the time of the appropriation of the secret funds with that known codename, deposited safely outside the government, in a judicial office, with a copy to the SPELAriant, until the latter opens it at its expiration date for full OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) and PIABFOTAC verification. Corporations can absolutely not contribute any kind of money to any politician or government institution without loosing their annually renewable license and their management submitted to severe personal penalties. The executive politicians of an EthoCracy (in particular of a TruthOcracy) must render all their personal finances PIABFOTAC for the time of their mandate, as a prerequisite, or else be excluded from the contemplated positions of public power. The same rule applies to the executive members of a private corporation, or private contractors for public works, receiving any amount of public money for any purpose. In conclusion, we can say that an EthoCracy (in particular a TruthOcracy) is not only fully open on the banking side, but is, in the end, a beautiful OGAFACBAC system fully open also on all other aspects of governance, like information and management, for the easy control of all citizens through the application of mainly its PIABFOTAC, OTATFOG, and BECVABAD EthoPrinciples. To supplement this important EthoPrinciple, all public employees must become NoPOCU. This means they cannot use cash money, only credit cards or bank transfers. As for public money, it includes all of it. As for private money, coming for example from old savings or the rent or properties, the public employees cannot spend it in cash over a certain limit that is a fraction of a NAS established by yearly regulation. An EthoCracy (or a TruthOcracy) is not officially a "NoCASH" society and will never become one, but it is a near total "NoCASH" society for all public money and all public officials. Refusing the principle of NoPOCU means refusing any public employment at any level. Last but not least, all entities, public or private, influencing the culture or public opinion at large, like newspapers, mass media, publishing companies, TV stations and universities, must all become entirely PIABFOTAC compliant, or loose their renewable license for their activity.
801.05 →
5 - EthoPrinciple GUDFOMAPAST (Government Uses Debt-Free Only Money, And Property And Sales Tax)
The word "Sales" here must be interpreted in its more general DAFTATAP sense: any economic exchange taking place between two persons, or between persons and entities of any kind, involving a financial transaction between the two. An EthoCracy (in particular a TruthOcracy) is no small revolution from an administration point of view. It does not have a traditional FED-type central bank issuing debt-money. It does not have a traditional taxation system based on income, which means no income tax and an absolute requirement for being fully UDFOM compliant. In terms of taxation, it can use only sales and property taxes. Although income may have to be declared as OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) in certain circumstances, it is not taxable directly as such in any way. In fact, a fully computed EthoCracy (thus a TruthOcracy) becomes fully DAFTATAP (Dual Automated Fiscal Transaction Accruing Tax And Pension). An EthoCracy (as a first step to a TruthOcracy) does not have either a traditional social security welfare system, but one centered on the extended family. It does not have a traditional only-public judicial system, but one with both public and private justice collaborating together. A new type of central bank, a NAMA (National Autonomous Monetary Authority), exists only for two purposes: bank clearance and issuance of only new debt-free money. A new type of sales tax, the STIS (Sales Tax Identity System), and property taxes replace all the purposes of the common income tax system. A new type of welfare, the EFWAPAJ (Extended Family Welfare And Private Alternative Justice), replaces the old one, along with a new system of alternative private justice, the PAJ, to help the regular public justice system for the fast resolution of interpersonal conflicts. From this point of view, first and foremost, an EthoCracy (in particular a TruthOcracy) cannot borrow any money from any source. It can only create its own fresh national money through a NAMA. It can use only that kind of completely debt-free money for all its unique budgetary system (that we call Budgetness), along with sales tax, as it has no income tax. From this point of view, an EthoCracy (in particular a TruthOcracy) is fully GUDFOMAPAST and fully NITS (No Income Tax System). The creation of new debt-free money is strictly related to a winning BEC and to the related parameters and limits imposed by the Constitution for fresh money creation. The issuance is requested by the GovernAriant on the basis of his BEC, but is not issued until the a majority vote of the VotArium (of the TetractArium Governance) confirms the request matches the BEC or a special kind of unpredictable emergency. An EthoCracy (in particular a TruthOcracy) government cannot have debt of any kind, nor ever a negative global bank balance sheet. Commercial banks and financial institutions can still create debt-money for private purposes but with a strict maximum 10 to 1 ratio of fractional reserve, and competing within a strict maximum of 10% interests. As for public money, within an EthoCracy (in particular in a TruthOcracy), there cannot be anymore any borrowing money from any bank or from any kind of financial institution for government operations, nor can there be any private central bank.
Dual Automated
Fiscal Transaction
Accruing Tax
And Pension DAFTATAP In an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy Eliminates Both Income Tax & Public Debt-Money These are only government tools of deceitful enslavement In fact that has been the case during many prosperous periods of the history of many countries of the western world; This is thus an additional reason for this public debt-free treasury-money system to return within the context of an EthoCracy (or of a TruthOcracy) and the bank-borrowed enslaving debt-money to be eliminated. For example, this has certainly been the case during exceptionally prosperous years of the USA before 1913, that is before the year when both the FED and the IRS income tax systems were created. In other words, the best period of economic growth in USA occurred during a time when there was no income tax and no FED-type private cartel of central bank (except for very short periods, or rather attempts to do so) issuing public debt-money. In fact, under this norm, between the Civil War and 1913, its economy experienced absolutely explosive growth. By 1890, the USA leaped ahead of Britain for first place in manufacturing output. The free market system, without income tax and without public debt-money, thrived and the rest of the world looked at the USA with envy. This was also the case of Canada between 1938 and 1974 before PM Pierre Elliott Trudeau transformed the Bank of Canada into a FED-type private cartel of central bank issuing public debt-money, doing a favor to the financial elites that rewarded him well by maintaining him for some 18 years after that as Prime Minister. Many other good examples can be mentioned from other countries. Unfortunately, at the moment, the FED-type of central bank issuing debt-money is so widely spread that it applies to most western countries. But there is no need for the situation to be so as, like someone well said, "the borrower becomes the slave of the lender", and that debt-money system has turned all of us into debt-slaves, both as countries and as individuals. Let Truth be said about this, as "Only Truth Will Set You Free". It is time to wakeup and dismantle this enslaving system of public debt-money. This is one of the things a TruthOcracy will do by definition. The stakes are high, for 7 USA presidents have been assassinated or suffered attempted murder for trying to do it. This includes Jackson, Taylor, Buchanan, Garfield and Harding, but the 2 most well known ones are of course Lincoln and Kennedy. |
We have money created out of nothing, as debt, and by a private cartel to which we own it back with interests... We then borrow this debt-money as "our" public debt! How more stupid can we ever be? Why continue doing it? Why not create the exact same money 'ourselves' , as public asset treasury-money, without debt to anyone? Is not this type of borrowing debt-money a perfect scam, and the maximum of government idiocy? The Income Tax system was also invented as only the necessary guarantee to have this idiocy served, paid for, by the taxpayers, to enslave them as obedient subjects of the lenders. The outsourcing into private hands of the creation of public debt-money guaranteed by income tax is certainly the most serious conflict of interests ever created, and ever tolerated, blindly, in our western democracies. It certainly also amounts to a major moral crime, albeit well camouflaged, against all the taxpayers having to uselessly reimburse the debt-money. Why not create the same exact amount of money "ourselves", that is, as the government, by the Treasury, and not have to reimburse that new debt-free-asset-money to anyone, not as capital, nor as interests? If created debt-free by the treasury of the government, that same amount of money would certainly not create more inflation. Rather the opposite. Not having to constantly borrow more new money to service the interests of its public debt, or otherwise impose austerity, the use of this debt-free-asset-money would quickly create additional prosperity in terms of infrastructures and services, consequently also new employment. That new additional prosperity itself would in turn create more resources for the government in terms of sales and property taxes. In addition, a good constitution, and its cascading commands on the government, would easily prevent any abuse in the creation of debt-free-asset-money. More prosperity means more liberty and less DDD enslavement, which is exactly the opposite of what the JewZuit Power of the New World Order is seeking while pursuing world domination. The propaganda behind the current conflict of interest of public debt-money creation says otherwise, but it is only that: deceitful propaganda of a false political correctness. A TruthOcracy would definitely eliminate the current bogus public debt-money creation and consequently also the enslaving income tax system guaranteeing it, relying only on DAFT (Dual Automated Fiscal Transaction) operations, of "sales" tax and of property tax, both at minimal levels. By the same token, it would also make its sales tax PASTO & VATPA, or a dual-side sales tax obligation and, as such, one that would be readily and willingly paid in most cases, as it would be the only way to accrue basic pension contributions for both sides of the sales transactions. - The original basic PASTO (Property And Sales Tax Obligation) and VATRA (Value Added Tax Pension Accumulator) taxation principle of a TruthOcracy (that does not use Income Tax nor any Debt-Money issued by a central private bank) has a more advanced version, called PATTO (Property And Transaction Tax Obligation). Its final name, after full elaboration, when fully implemented within a TruthOcracy, is DAFTATAP (Dual Automated Fiscal Transactions Accruing Tax And Pension). |
With a NAMA system, only a private bank could become bankrupt, never the government, as the EthoCratic government is always without debt, and using only debt-free money along with sales and property tax. From a taxation point of view, an EthoCracy (in particular a TruthOcracy) is also fully NITASTINTEMI (No Income Tax And Sales Tax Identity Necessary To Ensure Minimum Income). Being a NITS, with no income tax, an EthoCracy (or a TruthOcracy) has no traditional internal revenue service based on income, like typically the IRS in the USA. The taxation system is entirely based on a national PASTO (Property And Sales Tax Obligation). However, the Sales Tax being paid under the new NITASTINTEMI system is always linked to the Identity of both the buyer and the seller, with 2 separate receipts of sales tax, issued separately from the receipt of the thing bought, and given to the buyer and the seller. The identity of the buyer and the seller can be uploaded from any credit card upgraded to the new STIS (Sales Tax Identity System), or from an apposite flash card with the Sales Tax Identity, as a STIC (Sales Tax Identity Card). The 2 sides keep all their copies, for an eventual control in case of conflict, but the system sends a copy electronically to the tax office, along with the actual amount of tax that has been paid. These payments to the treasury are immediate, and can be followed by the buyer transparently on request through the EthoCratic PIABFOTAC EthoPrinciple. The best attribute of the system, and the strong incentive to pay sales tax (VAT) for both sides of the transaction, is that the sales tax becomes the only way to accumulate the contributions for an eventual proper pension above the minimal social one. This is the VATPA system of an EthoCracy (or a TruthOcracy). If a buyer does not spend over a certain minimum in sales taxes in the course of a given year, this may indicate a suspect of having cheated on sales taxes. In turn, this may indicate that he is in a state of poverty, and that he is allowed to be considered for receiving a supplementary income from the tax office to ensure he has a minimum income. This guaranteed minimum income based on sales tax is replacing most aspects of what we have today as normal social welfare in our western democracies. Each quarter, if a citizen has spent below a minimum level of sales tax, he can be considered for an advance on his guaranteed minimum yearly income. The main reason why the regular income tax is being eliminated is because the EthoCracy (in particular the TruthOcracy) uses the GUDFOMAPAST system of no-debt money. The system gives a clear incentive to the seller to always collect the sales tax. The seller's details are also sent to the system. If sellers (persons or stores) sell above certain levels within a given year, they become eligible for increasing and/or decreasing levels of return of a percentage of the sales tax they have collected, and enjoy it tax free. Sales Tax varies in time for various kinds of products. Property Tax also varies from places to places, but always exclude the first home/property for up to 300 square meters.
801.06 →
6 - EthoPrinciple FOLIPET (Full Opinion Liberty If Peacefully Expressed Truth)
Sometimes, the FOLIPET EthoPrinciple is called FOLIPETOC (Full Opinion Liberty If Peacefully Expressed Truth Or Opinion), in order to be more explicit on the fact that a personal conviction that is not based on a lie is admitted as a "Truth" in order to ensure the right of opinion is "Full", like it can only be in an EthoCracy (or in a TruthOcracy). But FOLIPET, when used alone, is intended to include FOLIPETOC. An EthoCracy (in particular a TruthOcracy) gives all citizens a power of public protest like never before, within a new OppositArium, along with a corresponding power of lobbying, live and free, but only openly, either during a live televised session of the OppositArium or through its fulltime dedicated TV channels with full national exposure. The OppositArium is easily open to all, on a spontaneous or booking basis, depending on the circumstances, including criminals and prisoners. Within that confine, it always offers full freedom of expression, even if the information contained in the opinion can be offensive to some listeners, as long as the information is based on truth or even on only a firm conviction or a free personal interpretation of real facts or personal feelings. The same principle is extended in particular to the freedom of opinion on the Internet. If the opinion is based on truth, in particular factual truth, nobody in the OppositArium, or even in any other place or form of expression, can ever be accused of what is currently called "hate speech" or racism, let alone anti-Semitism or Islamophobia. On that basis, there cannot be anything anymore that can be considered as hate speech or defamation when it is based on truth, objective or subjective truth. Being openly and explicitly "anti-something", on the basis of firm personal feeling and conviction, or facts one does not like, is perfectly admissible and not prosecutable in law. Only calumny based on lies, or opinion accompanied by violence, are prosecutable. Expressing freely their opinions based on truth, on the part of the citizens, is not only a question of freedom of expression, but also a question of essential and priceless utility for the current political leaders to understand exactly what is going on in the country, and consequently to take the proper decisions in managing the country. In turn, for the person expressing an unpleasant opinion, it becomes a safety valve, as negativity "kept in", to paraphrase words of Neale Donald Walsch, harms both the body and the soul, and it is important to get it out before it explodes into violence. Proceeding otherwise would be admitting Orwell was right when he talked about "Thought Crime", "Newspeak", and the "Death of Free speech" that always accompanies forced thought control and political correctness. For example, if someone is white and hates blacks, or is black and hates whites, and this corresponds to truth as far as he is concerned, he can express freely this hate as his open opinion, anywhere and in front of anybody, without any possible form of prosecution, as long as his opinion is peacefully expressed, without any physical violence. Conversely, if someone says all blacks are welfare parasites, or all Jews are financial exploiters, this cannot correspond to any truth, and consequently cannot be expressed freely as an opinion without being exposed to possible legal prosecution on the part of the offended person, and only on the part of that person, never proactively on the part of the state. As Orwell implied, and as history has well demonstrated over centuries, even when motives behind thought control are well intended, like discouraging racism and discrimination, the end result is inevitably always the same, and the opposite of what it intended to do: indoctrination, or dangerously boiling rebellious resistance, with political correctness becoming the most stealthy form of fear and hatred, let alone possibly violent intolerance. The supposedly tolerant "Newspeaker" of the political correctness has become the real "Newhater" hiding dangerously in the background because, in a non-EthoCratic country, he has no FOLIPET power to let the steam out as a security valve in a more controllable way. Like Mark Steyn well said in his book After America, "The forces of “tolerance” are intolerant of anything less than full-blown celebratory approval". With this understanding, and within the above boundaries, in an EthoCracy (in particular in a TruthOcracy), critical thinking and full freedom of opinion are not only never illegal, but always encouraged and defended. This is because, when founded on truth, and expressed without violence, they are not a privilege granted by the State, like the UN and its acolyte states tries to make us believe, but a fundamental human right considered granted to everyone by birth in an EthoCracy (in particular in a TruthOcracy). This does not mean that its excesses not founded on truth cannot be appropriately identified and punished. Because of this new extensive FOLIPET power offered to all, for protesting purposes, in opposing government, or in lobbying openly in the OppositArium, with full national exposure, street protest with breaking violence, or even simple street protesting with covered faces, becomes a crime sanctioned by immediate arrest. In the meantime, except for what may happen in the OppositArium, the executive power must be left alone accomplishing its fully four-way binding BEC (Binding Electoral Program). People unhappy with the BEC being executed can only lobby and work for a new BEC being elaborated and voted at majority at the next election. This is not only democracy, but EthoCracy (or rather TruthOcracy). To supplement this important EthoPrinciple, an EthoCracy (or a TruthOcracy) is entirely anti-RFID, or rather NoHICHIP (No Human Implant CHIP), except the replacement of a RFID by secured bracelets in few well regulated circumstances. The only limitation to FOLIPET is that you cannot use it to promote crimes in public or in private, hoping they will be committed. Talking about a crime already committed in the past, or presumably committed already, even if some fact may seem to indicate it may not necessarily have been committed for sure, is totally acceptable, even as an opinion, or only a firm conviction, but promoting new crimes to be committed in the future is absolutely prohibited and inacceptable under FOLIPET. However, inciting violence, if necessary, in terms of public revolt against real crimes or serious injustices already committed, and with good elements of proof they were committed, and good evidence that the criminals are being unduly protected from justice, is acceptable as an opinion, as long as all other democratic means have previously been already exhausted to obtain justice. In such rare cases, the PolArium of the SPELArium of an EthoCracy (or a TruthOcracy), as the police force that belongs to, and is managed by, the people, and not a tool of the executive government, will protect the protestors involved, not the alleged criminals.
801.07 →
7 - EthoPrinciple POSATAP (Patriotic Olympic Spirit Approach To All Policies)
A computed EthoCracy (thus really a TruthOcracy) does, must, renounce its membership to any international organization that does not respect or endorse the EthoPrinciples, typically the UN and the EU. But it also rejects membership to all international organizations, or its participation to all programs of these organizations, when they clearly contribute to outsourcing its best productivity, or to offshoring its best skilled jobs, to TTT partner countries with lower salaries, like typically the GATT, or the WTO, or in particular the TPP, or the TTIP, not to mention the forthcoming TISA. An EthoCracy (or a TruthOcracy) will always attempt to keep its best skills and jobs within the country, imposing trade tariffs on imports as high as necessary to prevent their national disappearance, like it has happened to so many western countries in the last decades, big and small countries, from the USA to Greece, as once prosperous countries that are now in serious difficulty because of this offshoring process. The conservation of national skills in particular is always estimated as much more precious for the country in the long term than even its natural resources, let alone an immediate profit through cheaper imports. In the same line of thinking, POSATAP forces all public servants of EthoCratic countries to take only actions that will not destroy or dilute the main national culture through excessive multiculturalism and acceptance of self-imposed migrants for residence without due prior selection by a consulate abroad. POSATAP also prohibits all NGO (Non-Government Organizations) entities to operate, or to come and operate freely within the country, except if authorized by the ProtectAriant after demonstrating they are not using any government money, in particular not any foreign government money and, as organizations, that they are fully compliant with the OTATFOG, PIABFOTAC and GUDFOMAPAST EthoPrinciples. The same principle applies to foreign corporations. All corporations in an EthoCracy (in particular in a TruthOcracy) must be either national, or operating as a national subsidiary of a multinational, operating with a national license renewable on a regular basis on the demonstration it is working for the good of the country. All corporations are also controlled by the national government, within the confines of a BEC, on the basis of their compliance with all the parameters imposed to their activities by the holistic set of the EthoPrinciples. POSATAP also forces an EthoCracy (or a TruthOcracy) to declare war only and exclusively in a strictly and clearly defensive situation, in front of a foreign attack or invasion, be it a military or an illegal immigration type of invasion without due PISA process. From this point of view, an EthoCracy (in particular a TruthOcracy) is fully NoWEDO. In an EthoCracy (or in a TruthOcracy), killing during a war in a non-defensive situation becomes a crime, and refusing to kill, or refusing to obey an order to kill, in a non-defensive situation, because an absolute right of the soldier defended by the constitution. POSATAP finally forces an EthoCracy (or a TruthOcracy) to aim at auto sufficiency as much as possible in all aspects of its economic life, with the government assisting in particular the auto sufficiency of EFUs (Extended Family Units) on the basis of the EFWAPAJ principle. On the basis of the POSATAP EthoPrinciple, an EthoCracy (or a TruthOcracy) is also both ProGender and ProRacialist, or: ProGendoRacialist. From an immigration point of view, it is selecting all immigrants and refugees on the basis of a strict PISA (Pre Immigration Selection Abroad) process taking place before their arrival, and in consideration of the objective of preserving the best ProRacialism within the country. The Patriotic Approach of an EthoCracy (in particular of a TruthOcracy) is promoting a true Olympic Spirit Approach to all aspects of life, where everyone is compensated in life on the basis of the combination of his best talent and effort. In order to boost best quality of production for best prices, this Olympic Spirit approach of the POSATAP EthoPrinciple will also make the EthoCracy (or the TruthOcracy) assist the formation of competitive national businesses in sectors that are affected by mainly foreign competition, or that are not emulated properly by any national or international competition. The POSATAP EthoPrinciple also imposes that only national citizens can vote in an EthoCracy (in particular in a TruthOcracy). Dual citizens who have not chosen the EthoCracy (or the TruthOcracy) where the voting is taking place as their main residence cannot vote either, even if they have citizenship. In the same logic, citizens living fully from social welfare, and considered able to work, are also all excluded from the voting process, as they only receive public money, and never contribute to its replenishing.
801.08 →
8 - EthoPrinciple EFWAPAJ (Extended Family Welfare And Private Alternative Justice)
In current western democracies, there are 2 forms of welfare, the Social Welfare extended essentially to the lower class when it is typically incapable of maintaining itself, and the Corporate Welfare extended essentially to the higher class in the form of mainly tax exemptions. In an EthoCracy (in particular in a TruthOcracy), there is a primary new form of welfare, the EF Welfare, or Extended Family Welfare And Private Alternative Justice (EFWAPAJ), to be extended to all, but mainly via the middle-class. This EF Welfare includes not only aspects of justice, but also aspects of education, like a strong encouragement to use EFS (Extended Family School) for ELducation, and aspects of police protection with a new police force called PolArium that is closer to the desires of protection and security of the people, more than ever before. Under the EFWAPAJ system of welfare, traditional Social Welfare is reduced to an essential minimum, on a merit basis, as receiving welfare from the State means dependency directly on the State, and loosing some personal liberty in front of the State. Receiving it indirectly, through the extended family, makes that welfare more effective, less expensive and with a minor loss of liberty in front of the State. In turn, Corporate Welfare is also reduced to a strict minimum, and applied to only situations of emergency for corporations' survival when necessary. This means an entirely new approach to welfare in general in the context of an EthoCracy (or a TruthOcracy). In an EthoCracy (or a TruthOcracy), extended families of any class are helped to be regrouped all together, if they so wish, in order to find themselves in a situation where they can take good care of all their members, on their own, with their own mutual help and resources, with no or minimal government traditional social welfare assistance. This EFU (Extended Family Unit) includes mutual help from all points of view, from birth to death, from kindergarten to old age, via hopefully a EFB (Extended Family Business) uniting them, a EFS (Extended Family School), good leisure and playground spaces for children and adults, private gardening and food production for their most essential needs, facility arrangements for the sick, the handicapped and the old etc. Private freethinking schooling in particular, within an EthoCracy (and even more so in a TruthOcracy), is always fully permitted and encouraged in the context of an EFU to avoid that universal public schooling become indoctrination for the purposes of the government.
In other words, in an EthoCracy (in particular in a TruthOcracy), just like the police force (PolArium) protecting the people belongs to the people, not to the government (except for the following of a national code of conduct based on, and promoting, the FOLIPET EthoPrinciple), the education also belongs to the people, and not to the national government (except for the following of a national code of conduct based on, and promoting, the freethinking philosophy of ELducation). In a similar manner, an aspect of justice belongs dominantly to the freewill to the people, and not to the government, and this is the sector of PAJ (Private Alternative Justice) except, again for a general supervision of the national JudicArium to ensure the respect of a good code of conduct and prevent eventual abuses. These 3 new roles are more immediately supervised by the new State Power called SepArium (Sovereign Enlightened People Arium).
This new type of EFU (Extended Family Unit) becomes the new building block on which the society is built. It can include all the willing relatives of up to the third degree who do not insist to live alone. This EFU mutual help however must be encouraged and facilitated by the State through its new EF Welfare. The government saves some resources related to the normal social welfare that is reduced to a strict minimum, on a strict subsidiary basis, for only extreme cases that the EFU has not integrated, or for cases where the EFU still cannot cope. Part of the resources saved from traditional social welfare are turned to the new EF Welfare. In order to facilitate the implementation of this new kind of EthoCratic welfare, the State provides the free and voluntary help of expert agents, called EFREA (Extended Family Real Estate Agent), and facilitates the access to interest-free loans, the so called EFALWI (Extended Family Advanced Loan Without Interest). The EFALWI financial welfare tool is meant to help not only the real estate transfers or restructurings necessary for the formation of the EFU, but also the creation of a food garden of vegetables and fruits, along with possibly the set up of a small stable of animals for meat production within the EFU compound. The State also helps the EFU in many other ways, like for example giving it free legal assistance to fight its aggression by mafia elements or usurers. An EthoCracy (in particular a TruthOcracy) also always favors the autonomy of small EFU businesses, or EFB, over the dependence from distant corporations, in particular foreign corporations from abroad, for survival and self-support. In short, an EthoCracy (in particular a TruthOcracy) is not a common welfare state, but it is definitely an improved, cheaper and more human welfare state. Its traditional social welfare responsibilities are kept only in a good subsidiary manner and on a basis of merit. As such, an EthoCracy (in particular a TruthOcracy) as a society fulfills much better the welfare needs of the people in difficulty, within the context of their loved ones regrouped voluntarily as extended families in the same common real estate environment. By the same token, the State reduces substantially the costs of social welfare, and uses the available resources in a much better way. Ideally, this EFWAPAJ system can be better implemented in the NECA (or a TUPA within a fully implemented TruthOcracy) context of brand New EthoCratic City Areas (or TruthOcracy Urban Areas) where the EthoCracy or the TruthOcracy culture is best maintained on the basis of the POSATAP Principle. The PAJ (Private Alternative Justice) includes a special form of private justice when the conflict is between a private citizens claiming damage from a public official. It is called the PAPIC (PolArium Public Inquiry Confrontation), which is headed by the local PolAriant, and supervised for proper PACOC (PolArium Code Of Conduct) use by the national SPELArium, and not by the JudicArium.
801.09 →
9- EthoPrinciple NoCafoNoGanoNoRaco (NoCAFO, NoGANO, and NoRACO)
This is the main contribution of an EthoCracy
(or of a
to the ecology of the country.
It consists in 3 contributions at each of the 3 levels of the Animal
Kingdom (NoCAFO),
the Vegetal Kingdom (NoGANO)
and the Mineral Kingdom (NoRACO).
At the level of the Animal Kingdom, this means that concentrated
animal feeding operations (CAFO)
are absolutely prohibited and imported food produced abroad in such
environments are also absolutely prohibited.
CAFO farming environments
constitute a criminal activity punished most severely through personal
property by the PPP
At the level of the Vegetal Kingdom (but also the Animal
Kingdom) all GMO food, or
rather GANO food, is
absolutely prohibited, be it in terms of local production, or in terms of
imported food, both as seeds for such productions and as final consumable
productions from such seeds. An EthoCracy
(in particular a
territory is entirely 100%
NoGMO, or
NoGANO, and all food
containers imported in the country must be certified as such. At the level
of the Mineral Kingdom, the contribution of an EthoCracy
(or of a
is not a
comprehensive one, but nevertheless a vital one from a worldwide
anti-pollution point of view, as all containers used in the country, for
food in particular, must be used in a
NoRACO way. All
containers of imported food must be labeled as such, along with the specific
country and city of origin, and not just an area, like "Europe".
extension, at the level of the 3 Kingdoms, an EthoCracy
(in particular a
is also absolutely
Chemtrails Overhead) as these
chemical trails (Chemtrails) can highly disturb the
equilibrium of the chemicals useful to all 3 kingdoms, and all levels of
life, human included, let alone disturb the natural cycles of the world
climate itself in a catastrophic way. As for the new containers, they
are often called "EthoContainers".
They are used systematically in all retail stores of an EthoCracy
(or of a
for all
national products. All imported goods must comply, and have their products
already transferred into EthoContainers on arrival in the country, before
they can be imported or sold in the country. All containers
used in the country must be fully
CABROF compliant: bio, reusable, returnable, recyclable and
eco-fusible. This means the containers for food or any other non-food product,
produced nationally or imported from abroad. This means in particular that
food producers and supermarkets must adapt to provide as many foods as
possible through self-dispensers, or staffed-dispensers, where clients can
refill their own clean EthoContainers if they so wish, or non-EthoContainers
for strictly their own use at their own risk, with food
dispensed and priced on a weight or a volume basis, for things as various as
milk, olive oil or marmalade for example. Otherwise, clients must pay a
stiff price for purchasing a new EthoContainer (empty or filled with food
already) provided by the store. When the new reusable EthoContainer is filled
with food, the prices for the new EthoContainer, when applicable, and for its
content, are always quoted separately on two separate bar codes, with a
third bar code for the sales tax. In addition, all EthoContainers must be
mono-substance as containers, like only paper, only glass or only metal. A paper box
cannot contain for example handles in metal or plastic, to ensure easier
recycling or fusion when eliminated. All plastic EthoContainers must be
systematically transparent to ensure their visible cleanness when returned
to the store or when purchased or used in the store. All plastic parts must be fully bio-degradable
with no toxic leftovers in less than 3
years if abandoned in an open outside environment, and fabricated with only
floatable plastic, to ensure they will float above water, be they tapped
or not tapped with their own metal cover, if they end up in a river or in the ocean, in
order to ensure their easy recuperation and bio elimination. Plastic
containers or tin metal containers cannot contain fresh unprocessed food, only processed food.
Transparent glass
becomes the dominant substance of the new EthoContainers, in particular for
fresh food handling. The use of tin cans is very restricted and their use is
also phased out. Caps of containers must screw in tightly, and must be
in light stainless steel when they cannot be in glass. All bottoms of
containers must have a slightly reentering space to accommodate the cover of
another similar container under it, to ensure their stability when stacked
one on top of each other. All containers are sold with flat no-leaking caps, but other
types of caps are sold separately for use at home, like spraying caps for
various liquids. All new EthoContainers must be standardized in sizes and forms
for various purposes at national level, with a minimal set of common shapes,
sizes and cap
covers. However, other personal containers may be accepted for receiving
food from dispensers on a weight or volume basis, at the risk of the person
who provided the container. Labels must contain easily readable
specifications of all ingredients standardized nationally for the same kind
of product, and an expiration date. As for imported products, their labels must mention the specific country and
city of origin, and not just an area, like "Europe", and both a
NoGMO and a
NoCAFO guarantee
tag when applicable. In terms of price, the labels contain the final price for the food
content in bigger letters, but also the price by unit of measure in smaller
letters, and possibly the price of the newly acquired container itself if it
is already pre-filled with food on the shelve of the store when purchased.
All containers must allow the easy attachment and detachment of
WABED paper labels,
firm-post-it type, provided by the providers or the dispensers with the full
specifications and the expiration date of the food involved. Store
dispensers must always provide such labels, and they can be provided in more
copies when requested if the container used at the store is big, and its
content is intended to be transferred into smaller home personal containers. All
EthoContainers are returnable to any store using that type of containers,
for a return value discountable from the price of newly purchased products.
801.10 →
10 - EthoPrinciple SASED (State A-religious Subsidiary Elegant Decorum)
An EthoCracy (in particular a TruthOcracy) is a-religious. Its officials can follow any faith they want on a personal basis, but cannot be the prominent figures of any official institutional religion and act on that basis in their official positions. The only way its officials can be openly considered religious is in the broad sense of being Jospelians to adjust their conduct, as being Jospelian does not refer to any kind of institutional religion. An EthoCracy (in particular a TruthOcracy) is also subsidiary in nature, with its main role being the protection of its citizens and their property against any kind of aggression, including in particular aggression from any level of public officials. An EthoCracy (in particular a TruthOcracy) also attempts to maintain a certain level of neatness and elegance based on our best Greco-Roman roots. These are the main characteristics of the general orientation and decorum of an EthoCracy (or of a TruthOcracy). All religions can be practiced in an EthoCracy (or in a TruthOcracy) as long as their faithful do it discretely in officially appointed places, and never publicly in the streets or in public places. Mosques, Synagogues and Churches can open freely to their faithful, but their religious ceremonies must be limited to the inside of these spaces, in an official language of the country, with no outside activity except what is necessary for moving in and out normally. An EthoCracy (in particular a TruthOcracy) is also subsidiary in nature in that he State never tries to do what the private sector can do better, except temporarily when necessary. If an activity is absorbed temporarily by the state, it will be for only the time necessary to develop a proper expertise that can then be pass on to the private sector as soon as possible, on a competitive basis, that is, on the basis of the "Olympic" Spirit of the POSATAP EthoPrinciple. An EthoCracy (in particular a TruthOcracy) will also always pursue a form of social elegance, in dressing in public places in particular, as an elegance that will always promote discretely the beauty of the manly man and of the feminine woman. Political correctness in our decadent democracies promotes the opposite, or a kind of studied slovenliness, if not a type of expensive scruffiness as a form of "radical chic", for fear of being seen elegant, as if elegance was the metonym of an undemocratic approach to life that could attract hostile attention. EthoCracy (in particular a TruthOcracy) will always avoid social slovenliness and scruffiness, promoting discretely a kind of basic elegance through a natural harmonization of colors and apparels in the way to dress. By the same token, in working environments, instead of at the occasion of social events, EthoCracy (or TruthOcracy) will encourage, and even subsidize if necessary, the wearing of good working uniforms for various types of workers and employees, in both the public and the private sectors, but not only for simple manual workers, even for workers of a more cultural level, like the presenters of TV shows of public TV stations financed with public money. For students at all levels of the schooling system, from kindergarten to university included, wearing the school uniform is compulsory. Street persons in city areas, as opposed to in relaxing holiday environments, will always be requested to wear CUNTAKIC clothing covering all the body from the lower part of the neck to an all-knee level at the lower part, or pay a fine for an city infraction similar to a parking ticket. Restaurants within the city will never admit casual non-CUNTAKIC clothing in the evening. They can do it at lunch time in a room marked as "Casual". Non-CUNTAKIC clothing in the evening is only be allowed in the designated casual spaces of recreational or holiday areas, in particular on the seaside. An EthoCracy (in particular a TruthOcracy) is also entirely non-smoking country, inside and outside, except in especially equipped and designated rooms marked as SARWOSA. In SARWOSA rooms of public places, like restaurants, only adult smokers are allowed. In private SARWOSA rooms, minors of the family of the owner can go in, but not foreign minors, and the owners could be sued for damage if the room is not equipped for proper filtering and admits minor children. Uselessly noisy cars and motorcycles are also heavily sanctioned in both city and countryside environments. Good civic Ethocratic decorum also involved proper forms of expression of sexual enjoyment life. No street prostitution is allowed, but legal in appropriate location. Proper sexual enjoyment life is guided by the SEL (Sexual Enjoyment Life) culture and the derivatives of that word.
Overall, citizens are finally in charge, as the real masters of their best fate and future.
801.11 →
The citizens of an EthoCracy (in particular of a TruthOcracy) find themselves in a beautiful OGAFACBAC system, mainly through the application of its OTATFOG, PIABFOTAC and BECVABAD EthoPrinciples. All the above EthoRules and EthoPrinciples will always be defended very firmly, but always without violence, except in defensive situations, as NoVEDO, just like an EthoCracy (or a TruthOcracy) will never use war except in defensive situations, on the basis of the NoWEDO EthoRule. The citizens of an EthoCracy live in a new MeDiPartic system (as a first step to a TruthOcracy), knowing the best possible information to do and be so, through the OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) EthoPrinciple, expressing most freely their opinions without fear of any retribution, judicially or otherwise through the FOLIPET EthoPrinciple, and living with the certainty that their will can only be respected, without surprises in terms of legislation and taxation, through the combine effects of both the BECVABAD and the PIABFOTAC EthoPrinciples. On the basis of the cumulative package of EthoCratic reforms, the political system has finally gone From Slavery Downwards to Slavery Upwards, or From Democracy To EthoCracy, not to say From Democracy to TruthOcracy. But the above are only a small sampling, and a brief hint of the most fundamental political reforms of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy. There are many other political reforms, and many other reforms not mentioned at all in the Nutshell that are related to the economic, cultural and ecological aspects of an EthoCracy or of a TruthOcracy. All these reforms are elaborated in details in the full elaboration of this PART II of this essay on EthoCracy/TruthOcracy. In the meantime, the PART I that has preceded has explained how and why we got where we are at the moment, in a system of fake democracy, or in a Debtocracy of complete enslavement through debt-money used against both nations and persons, through complete deception, and even on a worldwide basis at this point in time.
802.01 →
On the basis of the above 10 main EthoPrinciples at the foundation of an EthoCracy, in particular of a TruthOcracy, and as a foretaste of what you will find in the full elaboration of this Part II of this essay, that will be published as an eBook, here is a nutshell with a brief description of the main characteristic of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, in terms of both its new structure of State Powers, and the main reforms transforming a democracy into an EthoCracy (as a first step to a TruthOcracy).
802.02 →
A new Arium structure of State Powers
See: TetractArium.pdf for more details.
all modern democracies, in the most advanced democratic world, use a
Trias Politica,
in terms of State Powers, as defined by Montesquieu in "The
Spirit Of The Laws" in 1748: a governance divided in 3 State Powers: the
Executive, the Legislative and the
Judicial. An EthoCracy
(in particular a
TruthOcracy), at its core, is also a
Trias Politica,
but with 3 new State Powers: the GovernArium
(similar to the Executive), and 2 brand new State Powers: the
ProtectArium and
Trias Politica
(the red "G", "P"
and "I" on the diagram
to the right) manages the routine daily governance of the EthoCracy
or the TruthOcracy when there is no
particular special problem to be solved. In situations of vacuum of power, or
of special
unpredicted problems, the
LeaderArium (the green "L"
on the diagram) comes into play and, as such, forms a
Tetras Politica
along with the GPI. This
Tetras Politica
constitutes the essence of the political power in an EthoCracy or a
TruthOcracy, as its 4
components of main governance power, thus its name as the
TetractArium. In turn, when the "L" is not
involved, which is most of the time, the EthoCracy or the TruthOcracy runs as a
Pentas Politica:
Trias Politica
+ two mostly autonomous agencies, the
(the brown "M" as the
new military State Power) and the
JudicArium (the
brown "J" as the
Judicial State Power). The "M" and the "J" basically operate independently
from the
Trias Politica, and undisturbed,
although both the
Trias Politica
over them, and the
in the middle of them, do scrutinize them and can intervene in collaboration with the "L" if
they (the "M" and "J") appear to deviate from their strict constitutional functions
of impede the executing of the
BEC of the GovernArium. The real
unique overall State Power however, in terms of fundamental governance, is the
SPELArium "S" (or the
Sovereign People, shown in blue on the diagram) that commands, mainly
through a BEC, all the 5
components of the Pentas Politica
that surround it, through the implementation of the
Ten EthoPrinciples, in particular the
Truth, All
Truth, Fully
Open Governance), and of course the
BEC. This overall EthoCratic
structure of State Powers is called a
because of the 10 dots included in the triangular structure inspired by the
Pythagorean Tetractys. As elaborated within the EthoCracy/TruthOcracy Reform Package
(in the full elaboration of the Part II of this essay), an EthoCracy or a
TruthOcracy is
more a kind of "Protectorate" than a traditional type of
western representative
It is a protectorate of the
SPELArium, or better, of the people's will, as expressed in a
BEC, through a
crosscheck team of three new main national figures: the
GovernAriant ("G"),
the TinformAriant
("T"), and the
ProtectAriant ("P"). In
short, an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy has 3 brand new
and separate State Powers improving the quality and efficiency of the
3 old State Powers defined by Montesquieu. These new EthoCratic
Ariums of Powers are:
the GovernArium, headed by the elected national
GovernAriant, the
TinformArium, headed by the
selected national
TinformAriant, and the
ProtectArium, headed by
the selected national
The Head of the
GovernArium, as the
GovernAriant, is
one of the only 3 persons who
are elected through a general national election in an
EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy: the other ones are the
SPELAriant and the
They form the elected GOS. The other
Ariants are selected by the 77
Ariants of the
EthoCracy or the TruthOcracy. If these three new
State Powers are different from
the traditional three of Montesquieu (which were called: Executive,
Legislative and Judicial), these
traditional State Powers of Montesquieu are
nevertheless still present in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, and even more effective
than before, albeit operating in a different mode, and within a different
TetractArium structure of governance.
The real Executive Power, which in
the traditional setup of the three State Powers is called simply the Executive,
at the top of the pyramid, is now
really the SPELArium,
or only the Sovereign People, at the bottom of the pyramid, using the tools
of the GovernArium
and the BEC for their
specific main purposes. In other words,
in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, the old democracy has gone
"From Slavery
Downwards To Slavery Upwards" with the real political power
resting in the SPELArium
albeit exercised by the elected
GovernArium. The
SPELArium in turn is guided, or somehow educated by a brand new type of EthoCratic
political parties, the PPC
(Political Party
Contenders), with more specific and more limited functions
than the traditional political parties. When applying the necessary EthoCratic reforms,
and using best current technology, this
State Power is absolutely
possible, for the first time in world history, even for governments
intending to manage
'countries' bigger than the old 'city-states' of the
ancient world. In a
SPELArium structure of
State Powers, the Sovereign People finally have the Governing Power, as an easily controllable one,
with government officials becoming real obedient
servants, as opposed to arrogant masters, or
puppet masters of hidden powers in their background, internally or above
their heads. The 7
Ariants at the national
level (Nariants) work
in a DomAriant. The
70 Ariants at the
provincial level (ProAriants)
work in one
ProDomAriant in each province. The
DomAriant is big
enough to accommodate meetings of all 77 Ariants with appropriate guests at any given time.
Below all the above Ariums,
there is a power that is not/not a State Power having to the with the
execution of the BEC, but
rather a kind of police of all the new State Powers: it is called the
OtatfogArium. He is not
concerned with the details of the BEC,
but only concerned with the exclusive use of Truth in the execution of all
its aspects. The
OtatfogArium is
the solid foundation of all the
Arium Structure of the
TetractArium: no
aspect of the BEC, or of
any other OBECOF issue,
can be executed through lies, but only through Truth, in a
Truth, All
Truth, Fully
Open Governance) way, through Truth
that the sovereign people is made fully aware of and has approved. From this
special point of view, the
elected OtatfogAriant
has near absolute power to police and dismiss instantly any
Ariant who is not
Truth, All
Truth, Fully
Open Governance) compliant within the
There are other major novelties in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy. The
PolArium (Police
force) does not come under, nor belongs to, the Executive Power of the
GovernAriant, like
it is the case in our false democracies, but
belongs to the people and is located in the
SPELArium. The
GovernArium cannot use the police force aggressively or violently
against the people, but the people can use it forcefully against all Ariants
when their governance is not fully
Truth, All
Truth, Fully
Open Governance) compliant. This way,
the formation of a police state, by the executive power, against the people,
is nearly impossible. On the other hand, the policing of the governance by
the people, with the help of the
SPELAriant, to request
that the executive power be fully
Truth, All
Truth, Fully
Open Governance)
compliant, is quite possible. The
PolArium can also be
used against
criminals attacking other non-violent people or the governing
Ariants. This
is why the PolArium
(Police force) is located in, and supervised by, the
SPELArium (S). But the
SPELAriant supervision is "national" only in terms of uniform and a
national code of conduct, and intervention on behalf of people claiming
inappropriate conduct of the police force; That
PolArium is not
"national" in terms of command; as the command is left to each city by a
chief that responds to the desires of the local people. The
PolArium officers
cannot be used to protect governance officials, as only the
MilitArium can play that function. The
MilitArium (Military Forces) is located within the
ProtectArium (P)
as its role is strictly limited to protecting interventions, from a foreign
aggression or from an internal aggression, and never as an aggression on its
part outside the national borders except when decided by a
quiferendum for
national security reasons. The
JudicArium (J) comes
under the authority of the
TinformArium (I)
that can, and must, publish all truth about all the decisions of the
JudicArium. The
MonetArium in turn (M), issuing the new debt-free money through its
NAMA, belongs to the
Tetras Politica
as a whole (L+P+G+I),
and the 4 Ariants concerned sit and take decisions within the independent
OtatfogArium, under the
surveillance and the voting power of the
OtatfogAriant, with
both the MonetAriant
and the OtatfogAriant
having a power of veto that can be exercised only after consultation with
the LeaderAriant,
or confirmed in final instance by the people, if and when necessary, through
a quiferendum
called by the
802.03 →
-- In a nutshell, an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is clearly an authoritarian regime of governance, but the supreme authority of the country is the BEC, and the real ultimate power is the people. In fact, the BEC, once the GovernAriant has been put in power through it, becomes a SPEC (Sovereign People Electoral Contract). Some call the EthoCracy or the TruthOcracy with a SPEC a form of dictatorship, and they are not wrong, as long as they mean that it is a dictatorship-in-reverse, with the real commanding power located at the bottom of the pyramid, and the executive power at the top being only an obedient servant on the basis of Truth (OTATFOG compliance) and of no enslaving debt-money (GUDFOMAPAST compliance). This is what the PythagorArium, as the overall developer of the EthoCracy System (as a first step to a TruthOcracy), calls going "From Slavery Downwards To Slavery Upwards". The greatest crime that exists in the functioning of an EthoCracy (in particular in a TruthOcracy) is not the so-called Hate-speech crime, typical of our current false democracies to ensure the dictatorship of the politically correct. Such current hate-speech crime is not a crime, and is perfectly admissible in an EthoCracy (in particular in a TruthOcracy) under the FOLIPET EthoPrinciple, if and when it is the non-violent expression of a truth, or of a firm conviction explicitly affirmed as such. In an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, the main crime against its functioning is rather the Lie-speech-crime. Such crime, committed by an Ariant, is forcefully punished through immediate dismissal by the OtatfogAriant, and possibly through other additional PPP punishment.
802.04 →
The Election System of the TetractArium in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy -
The election process in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is made extremely cheap, fast and secure, better than ever before, by the application of the BECVABAD EthoPrinciple, by the use of the new bio-anonymous voting card, and by the corresponding new voting machines distributed in all best public places, like commercial centers, banks, schools, hospitals, ministries and other convenient public places, including consulates abroad. People can vote at any of these places, at their full convenience within a given week, even at consulates abroad, but they must vote as a duty, not just as a right. The general national electoral process is completed with the election of a new GovernAriant, as the head of the new EthoCratic "executive power", or as the GovernArium, and the concurrent election of a new SPELAriant and a new OtatfogAriant. These 3 Ariants (GOS, of the new TetractArium structure of governance are) are the only 3 persons elected in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy: no more representative parliamentarians). The political parties of an EthoCracy (or in a TruthOcracy) can be as many as people want, but they must have an official membership, and only the 10 with the biggest membership can participate with a BEC (Binding Electoral Contract) in an general national election. This general election process is completed in five consecutive and cumulative steps. However, the general voting process is dual: it is first and foremost bio-anonymous electronic in nature, but also accompanied by a "paper ballot" process for double check. The immediate electronic result is taken as valid in principle, but not formally valid until a match is done with the paper ballots, and with only a possible variance of less than maximum 1%, under the strict control of all non-GOS Ariants of the HQ of the TetractArium structure, plus a representative of each of the 10 political parties that have participated in the general election (otherwise, a new election must take place).
> 01 < The preliminary "L" Step. The LeaderArium members (the ex Ariants of "GPISO" of the TetractArium structure of governance, who could be a few dozens at any given time), confirm for themselves an accountable LeaderAriant, before the rest of the election process. This could mean the simple and quick confirmation of the current one, or the selection of a new one. This confirmation is done through a secret majoritarian vote between themselves. The newly chosen accountable "L" then proposes immediately his 10 provincial representatives, as his ProLariants. These ProLariants however must each be also pre-approved by a secret majority vote of all the current LeaderArians before being confirmed.
> 02 < The preliminary "SO" step - If the 10 "G" (GovernAriant) candidates in a general election were formulated by the 10 political parties with the biggest membership, the 3 "O" (OtatfogAriant) candidates are formulated by the "LPI" Ariants of the new TetractArium structure, while the 3 "S" (SPELAriant) candidates are formulated by the "LMJ" Ariants of the new TetractArium structure. However, the candidates formulated, in both cases, must be external to their own ranks: either coming from another 'triangle', or coming as a prominent figure of the society completely outside of the TetractArium structure. In addition, before becoming officially 'candidates', these chosen persons must be approved by a secret majority vote of all the 78 existing active Ariants. Once chosen and approved, they become the official "SO" candidates in the forthcoming general election.
> 03 < The preliminary "PIMJ" step: In the meantime, in parallel to the completion of step 2, each of the PIMJ Ariums (on the TetractArium) extract from their own ranks a list of three candidates that they consider could become their new Ariant (Leader) to their complete satisfaction after the election of the "G" (GovernAriant). However, these 12 candidates, after their pre-selection, have to be approved individually and confirmed as candidates, each of them, by a secret majority vote of the 55 current Ariants of the PIMJS Ariants: the ones of PIMJ, at national and provincial level (44), and the ones of the SPELArium (11), also at both levels, for a total of 55. If one is rejected, a new name has to be extracted from the relevant Arium and resubmitted to a new vote of the 55 Ariants concerned. After his election, the "G" (as the new GovernAriant) will decide, in Step 05 below, which one of the three he wants for each of the PIMJ Ariums during his mandate. The new GovernAriant cannot refuse all 3 candidates for any given Arium, but necessarily chooses one of the 3 on the list, as the one he prefers. Once chosen, these become the new Ariants of the PIMJ Ariums.
> 04 < The election of the "GOS" step: This 4th step is the most important one, and involves a general national election for choosing the incumbents of three positions. These are the heads of the 3 Ariums (triangles) centered on a direct vertical line under the LeaderArium: 1) a new "G" (GovernAriant), 2) a new "O" (OtatfogAriant), and 3) the new "S" (SPELAriant). These GOS are the only three persons elected in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy that has no elected representatives in any kind of traditional chamber of parliament. The GovernAriant is elected as a kind of super-president, in charge of the Executive Power which is called GovernArium. Within the limits of his BEC, or rather his SPEC, he is an absolute authority that cannot be disturbed by representative parliamentarians. In this step, the GovernAriant is voted and elected from the choices of maximum 10 candidates with an approved BEC, as a BEC presented by the 10 PPC (Political Party Contenders) with the highest membership. He can only be elected at full majority, after two tours if necessary, or even 3 tours in special circumstances, separated by two weeks. In his BEC, the elected "G" president has, as an essential requirement, the names of his 10 provincial representatives, and he appoints them immediately and sovereignly as his ProGovernAriants after winning the election. The OtatfogAriant and the SPELAriant in turn are elected at majority among the 3 candidates chosen in the Step 03 above: the ones with the highest national votes become the Ariants in power at the first tour, except if his votes are less than 1% higher than the second one at the first tour, which would bring the highest two to the second tour.
> 05 < The final G-PIMJ step: The very first meeting of the DomArium under the newly elected GovernAriant includes all 78 Ariants and achieves two objectives. The GovernAriant first looks at the list of the 3 candidates of each of the PIMJ Ariums, the ones selected in Step 03 above. He then chooses which one of the 3 he prefers and wants to appoint at the head of each of the PIMJ Ariums during his mandate. This choice is mandatory to the PIMJ Ariums concerned. Then the Ariants and ProAriants together, in this first assembly of the 78, select a DomAriant for the coordination of the work of the DomArium: each of the 7 new Ariants except "L" of the TetractArium has proposed a candidate from outside the TetractArium, made known at least 3 days in advance to all Ariants, usually as an important social personality, and the 78 Ariants select one of the 7 names through a secret majority vote. This completes the DomArium. The new TetractArium government is now ready to go for the accomplishment of its two, and only 2, exclusive duties: implement the BEC that now becomes officially a SPEC (Sovereign People Electoral Contract), and handle the TEMORUS events that were not predictable in the BEC before election.
-- This in fact completes the overall election of a new Government with 3 main Ariants:
the GovernAriant, the SPELAriant and the OtatfogAriant).
-- See or print TetractArium.PDF for a graphic summary --
802.05 →
TetractArium Governance - Once elected in the above manner, the GovernAriant can really only do 2 things: 1) implement his SPEC (Sovereign People Electoral Contract), and 2) handle the routine or emergency out-SPEC situations on the basis of a strict TEMORUS (Ten-EthoPrinciple Management Of Routine Unplanned Situations) approach. As for his SPEC, and in as much as he implements his SPEC faithfully, the GovernAriant can operate sovereignly without ever being disturbed uselessly by any kind of opposition within the DomArium or the OppositArium. He is however kept under close surveillance within the DomArium by the other components of the Pentas Politica (PIMJ) to make sure he does not deviate from the letter of his SPEC, but in particular by the OtatfogAriant for OTATFOG compliance. These other members of the TetractArium (PIMJSO) must assist to all cabinet meetings, even if strictly as observers. As for TEMORUS events, other members of the Pentas Politica (PIMJ) acquire a right of speech and opposition, in particular if and when they feel the 10 EthoPrinciples are not respected in resolving the new routine or emergency out-SPEC situations. In addition, for these TEMORUS events, the MonetAriant can be forced, by a majority vote of the DomArium, to use its NAMA to issue immediately the no-debt money necessary to resolve the situation. If a conflict arises between G and PIMJ members, then the SPELAriant is called to resolve it. If the parties do not agree with the SPELAriant’s decision, the latter brings the issue to the LeaderAriant for a quick and final decision by the LeaderArium. As all components of the TetractArium operate in the same DomArium, working closely all together, conflicts can usually be resolved most efficiently in a matter of hours. In any case, all meetings of the DomArium are held in full transparency, in front of filming cameras accessible to the SPELAriant and the OtatfogAriant, let alone the public in general except for few predetermined confidential issues known as such through a codename until they can be legally revealed. In this type of TetractArium, unless there are deviances from the SPEC and the TEMORUS approach, the Trias Politica (GIP) is sovereignly in charge of all aspects of governance: the G takes the lead. The P ensures no deviances, and the I informs the public of all and every single discussion and decision. In the meantime, the M can be called when necessary, or even forced, to issue the required additional financing for TEMORUS situations over and above the previsions of the SPEC. This is full and effective TetractArium Governance. The GovernAriant has only 10 ministers at his disposal, listed alphabetically in the table here below. He cannot take any executive decision without a TOR being present at the relevant meeting. Each minister has a basic umbrella structure of staff, under contract, within the GovernArium itself, that the GovernAriant can staff or change at will, but for full routine activity, each of these ministers must rely on the staff of other Ariums formed for specific purposes as per the following table:
802.06 →
Political Tetractys Behind the TetractArium, and Human Tetractys Behind EthoPlasìn, EthoCracy or TruthOcracy and TetractArium - As seen above, the State Powers of EthoCracy Governance, or TruthOcracy Governance, are based on a Tetractys of Governance called TetractArium. The latter reflects a Political Tetractys which itself is base on the Human Tetractys of Pythagorean origin. This fundamental Human Tetractys of Pythagoras is the foundation of EthoPlasìn Education (or what we call ELducation), while the latter is the foundation of EthoCracy/TruthOcracy Governance. This new Political Tetractys reflects a real People's Power, or the SPELArium, like there has never been one in the whole political history of humanity. These two Tetractys, the Human Tetractys and the Political Tetractys, have a lot in common for the way they control the balance and harmony of the behavior of human beings: The Human Tetractys controls the human being as an individual Person, and the Political Tetractys controls the human being as a Citizen, in particular when the citizen becomes Politician. The Body part of the Human Tetractys has corresponding similarity with the ProtectArium and MonetArium of the Political Tetractys, controlling the most basic appetites and passions of the human being through the cardinal virtue of Temperance. The Soul part of the Human Tetractys has corresponding similarity with the TinformArium and the JudicArium of the Political Tetractys, having to assess the good and the bad of the human behavior on the basis of Truth Information, and through the cardinal virtue of Fortitude. The Spirit part of the Human Tetractys has corresponding similarity with the GovernArium of the Political Tetractys that has to serve the citizen with the best possible level of EthoCratic governance through the cardinal virtue of Prudence. Finally, the Wisdom part of the Human Tetractys, at the top of the pyramid, has corresponding similarity with the LeaderArium that ensures, through the cardinal virtue of Justice, that the new and real People's Power, or SPELArium, is kept within the boundaries of the best possible level of wisdom. At that level of the fundamental Tetractys, it is the same Philosophical Wisdom that guides both the Human Tetractys and the Political Tetractys, leading the human being, as a person in the first case, and as a citizen or politician in the second case. Thus the need for an accomplished EthoCracy (as a first step to a TruthOcracy) to use only holistic EthoPlasìn education (or: ELducation) in all schools of the country. Hopefully this is the kind of holistic education (or: ELducation) that at least all the Ariants of the TetractArium will have received or, in any case, the kind of philosophical wisdom they will use to lead, within the parameters the Ten EthoPrinciples, creating a meritocratic quality of Civitas Management and Wellness like there was probably never before in the history of humanity and democracy.
802.07 →
The intricacies of the new electoral system - The three national figures of the Trias Politica, the GovernAriant, the TinformAriant, and the ProtectAriant, must watch each other closely for OTATFOG and SPEC compliance, as courteous challengers, and two of them can always intervene together against the third one not respecting his constitutional or electoral mandate, by issuing a formal Protective Denunciation, if the presumably faulty national Ariant, after the denunciation, does not confirm correcting his actions according to either the current SPEC or his constitutional mandates within one week. In addition, the new OtatfogAriant can immediately dismiss the faulty Ariant when necessary, and even call a new election through the LeaderArium if the GovernAriant is at fault. Apart from typically journalists, any citizen who can document bad governance activity by any of the Ariants, without getting a proper explanation from the TinformArium as a first step, or a corrective action from the Ariant concerned, can also go, as a second step, to the SPELAriant for assistance and protection in requesting a possible investigation. As a last step of recourse, he can go to the OtatfogAriant. If the SPELAriant is convinced the suspicion of the citizen is right, he can then ask assistance from the OtatfogAriant if the latter has not already taken action. If there appears to be a coalition of Ariants for not taking corrective action, the OtatfogAriant, and even the SPELAriant if necessary, both have under the Constitution, the right to expose the problem with a Protective Denunciation on National TV, and then the right to at least call a quiferendum on the subject, or even a national election with the collaboration of the LeaderArium on that basis if at least one member of the LeaderArium decides to concur before the referendum. Again, in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, the people elect no parliamentarians, or no representatives, as they rule directly themselves, through the SPELArium (Sovereign Enlightened People Arium), through the SPEC, and through the 10 EthoPrinciples. There is no traditional representative Parliament. However, there are still two parliamentary chambers called the OppositArium (replacing the old opposition power, in the ex lower Commons chamber), and the ExpertArium (replacing the old legislative power in the ex higher Senate chamber). An EthoCracy is at least a MeDiPartic democracy, like it was in Ancient-Greece when they invented democracy as a real democracy, a TIDMOcracy when the EthoCracy is well implemented, and finally a TruthOcracy when fully compliant to all EthoPrinciples. It is not at all a modern type of representative democracy that is only a deceiving no-democracy most of the time, in the various deformations of plutocratic debtocracy, cleptocracy, or corporatocracy. Again, this no-representative system is easily possible with the degree of advancement of current communications technology at the service of the Ten EthoPrinciples. An EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is also a federal system, with 10 provinces and 10 ProGovernAriants (Provincial GovernAriants) exercising power close to their people, but always with the ProGovernAriants coming from other provinces, like ambassadors, to ensure their no-local-tie independence, and their freedom of action for the strict local implementation of the SPEC. ProGovernAriants are like distant ambassadors of the GovernAriant. Voters vote only at the federal level, and only at full majority, using 2 eliminating election tours separated by 2 weeks (or even 3 tours if necessary) and elect only the 3 persons: the GovernAriant of the Trias Politica, the SPELAriant and the OtatfogAriant. National citizens, as voters, elect first and foremost a kind of 'powerfully obedient 'President', at full majority who, for this reason is called the GovernAriant. The GovernAriant is elected to govern efficiently on the basis of Ten EthoPrinciples to implement his majoritarian and fully binding SPEC(Sovereign People Electoral Contract) with his full team of pre-identified Ministers and ProGovernAriants, all well known in advance within his BEC. The GovernAriant, the TinformAriant, and the ProtectAriant form a triangle of critical scrutiny between each other for SPEC and OTATFOG compliance. The OppositArium is a curtsey of the GovernArium and opens its doors to all citizens, on an easy and swift booking basis, even citizens who are criminals and prisoners if they so wish, offering, to all of them, a full national TV broadcasting for their proposals or democratic protests on the basis of the OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) and FOLIPET EthoPrinciples. All lobbies, or any other group of pretended political influence, must always operate openly, and only through this OppositArium, on the basis of the same OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) and FOLIPET EthoPrinciples, and must never try to influence directly or privately any government official, nor any political party, under most severe PPP personal penalties for those committing the infractions. On the basis of the full visibility offered nationwide to all, by the OppositArium, street protests with breaking violence, or activities disturbing uselessly good civic life, become totally prohibited and sanctioned by immediate arrest. Peaceful street demonstrations and protests are still allowed, but demonstrators and protestors can be arrested for the sole fact of insisting protesting with a covered face while having OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) and FOLIPET full protection. In an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, a collaborating magistrate presence from the local JudicAriant office is always required in situ when requested by the PolArium (police), for overseeing a programmed street protest, with that magistrate having the power to take immediate punitive decisions against illegal protestors arrested and brought in front of him. In an EthoCracy (in particular in a TruthOcracy), with the OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) requirement and the full FOLIPET protection, one can only protest non violently, and with an open face, or get arrested. Protesting should be done mainly through sessions of the OppositArium, or through its dedicated TV channels: both give free and full national visibility to all protestors who ask for it, including with total EthoCratic Freedom of Opinion on the basis of the FOLIPET EthoPrinciple. Open-face democratic protest, without violence or major civic disturbance, is still allowed but only with appropriate permission of both the ProtectAriant and the SPELAriant, even if, most of the time, such protest is unnecessary, or unsatisfactory to the applicants, because of the better visibility of the projecting power of the OppositArium sessions and TV stations offered freely to all, and with national exposure. Because, in an EthoCracy, or in a TruthOcracy, a government is always necessarily elected only with a majority of the national votes, and also on the basis of a BEC (Four-Way-Binding-Electoral-Contract), and with the strict obligations of the OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) and PIABFOTAC EthoPrinciples, once elected, that type of "faithful-public-servant-government" can, and should, be left alone, as much as possible, working serenely and efficiently for the completion of its SPEC as, on the basis of this SPEC, it cannot deviate from the will of the majority of the SPELArium, nor come up with surprises (of new legislation or taxation) not already voted for at majority in a SPEC. However, the little price to pay for this public order and efficiency, and for this forced-loyalty of the government to people's will, is, in an EthoCracy (in particular in a TruthOcracy), that voting becomes a civic duty, and is no more just a right, on the basis of the BECVABAD EthoPrinciple. That voting duty comes with a penalty as a fine when the duty is not fulfilled. However, with current technology, and the new EthoCratic BAV (Bio-Anonymous Voting) system, that new voting duty is also made most easy, very cheap and extremely fast, without any major inconvenience to the voter who can use a variety of places to vote at his full convenience (like banks, schools or hospitals, all required to host the new EthoCratic voting machines) within a given week. Between elections, if the election is due to a dismissal of the GovernAriant, the head of the LeaderArium is in charge of handling all current affairs. Otherwise, the LeaderArium is only a regular consulting body for the GovernAriant and the ProGovernAriants. The LeaderArium meets regularly at will in the premises of the DomArium or the ExpertArium, and includes all the previous living ex GovernAriants, ex TinformAriants, ex ProtectAriants, and ex-SPELAriants who accept to be part of it after retirement from their active mandates. The GovernArium includes the LegisArium that is an improvement of the Legislative Power of the old Trias Politica system, and that LegisArium also uses the facilities of the ExpertArium. The TinformArium can also use the facilities of the ExpertArium for its general assemblies. The JudicArium is similar to the Judicial Power in the old system, but well scrutinized critically by the TinformArium (let alone the ProtectArium, the SPELArium and the OtatfogArium, on the basis of the fundamental EthoCratic OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) Principle that is at the core of an EthoCracy (in particular of a TruthOcracy), and at the core of the best possible Judicial Power. The same kind of reciprocal critical scrutiny exists between the ProtectArium and the MonetArium, let alone also from the TinformArium. From this point of view, an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is a Pentas Politica of mutual critical scrutiny instead of a Trias Politica, with 5 State Powers instead of 3, albeit with 2 of of the old ones integrated within two of the three main ones that still form, at the root of the political power, a new type of Trias Politica. That new type of fundamental Trias Politica, as described briefly below, is: the GovernArium, the TinformArium, and the ProtectArium. With the inclusion of two autonomous Ariums, the MonetArium and the JudicArium, it becomes a de-facto Pentas Politica. In case of a void of executive power, possibly pending an election because of a dismissed GovernAriant, or for any other reason, the LeaderArium comes into play, assuming temporary power at all the levels of the Pentas Politica.
The GovernArium - On the executive side, the side of the national GovernAriant, an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy in particular, is in some ways similar to a full Presidential system with a federal system of up to 10 provinces with their ProGovernAriants. The system of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy elects only 3 persons, the so-called GOS of the TetractArium, and the GovernAriant is the central executive figure as the national GovernAriant and head of the GovernArium, with his team of ProGovernAriants chosen as such, in advance, along with his ministers, as the last step of the particular Arium Elections System of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy. The national GovernAriant is elected on the basis of a notarized Four-Way-Binding-Electoral-Program, or a BEC. That BEC becomes a SPEC after winning the election, as a contract from which he absolutely cannot deviate without a new election or a quiferendum. Any deviation, except winning a quiferendum, can only be included in a new electoral program requiring a brand new national election. Once elected, the national GovernAriant is fully bound in four cumulative ways on the basis of his SPEC: 1) he can only do what is in his winning electoral contract, 2) he must do all of what is in his electoral program, 3) he must implement his electoral program only with the sources of financing indicated within his electoral program, and 4) he must implement his electoral program only with the team indicated within his electoral program as his ministers and his ProGovernAriants. The GovernAriant supervises the exact realization of all consecutively numbered items of his original BEC (Four-Way-Binding-Electoral-Contract), that is now a SPEC (Sovereign People Electoral Contract), in each province consistently by his ProGovernAriants. If a ProGovernAriant reveals himself to be incompetent or incapable, the GovernAriant can replace him immediately from a list of substitute candidates that was also included in his original electoral program, or otherwise call a new election. He can do the same with his ministers. New situations of emergencies not predicted nor planned for in the BEC (Four-Way-Binding-Electoral-Contract) can be solved immediately by the national GovernAriant, as TEMORUS, even if, because of the emergency, his decisions contradict his electoral program, as long as a contradicting decision is accompanied by a call for a quick and easy BAVED quiferendum to confirm his actions within one month. If confirmed, he can go on with his mandate. If not confirmed, he must resign immediately and call a new election. The GovernArium includes the LegisArium, while the TinformArium n the OppositArium, and the JudicArium includes the ExpertArium. The GovernArium includes the LegisArium because the legislation that can be enacted is entirely and tightly tied to the Four-Way-Binding-Electoral-Contract of the GovernAriant, as his SPEC, under the close scrutiny of the TinformArium and the SPELArium in particular, with no possible surprise or deviation, let alone the additional close scrutiny of the OtatfogAriant for lies, on the basis of the OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) EthoPrinciple. The OtatfogAriant even has the sovereign power to dismiss immediately the GovernAriant if the latter is caught in a lie about the execution of his SPEC. Finally, in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, the government looses the dominant control of 3 main sectors of activity that are given back to the people concerned through the new role of the SPELArium: the police force, the education, and private alternative justice.
802.09 →
The TinformArium - In the meantime, the selected national TinformAriant heading the TinformArium is responsible for ensuring that all governance activities immediately become Truth Information known to the public, on the basis of the OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) and PIABFOTAC EthoPrinciples. This means complete, and completely true, information, open to full public scrutiny (with very few, and very temporary, exceptions provided for within the Constitution itself). This includes all accounting transactions of all public money for whatever sum or purpose, as a PIABFOTAC requirement. Under the responsibility of the TinformAriant, all such transactions of public money must be easily and completely open for full scrutiny by all citizens, as easily as an individual person consulting his own personal bank account online (again with only very few, and very temporary, exceptions provided for within the Constitution itself, but nevertheless well traceable in time through an indicative code name, an exact amount, and an expiration date as short as possible). The new concept of Truth Information becomes a central one, and a major one, on the basis of the OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) EthoPrinciple, through the role of the TinformArium in an EthoCracy, in particular in a TruthOcracy. This is so true, that there is even a most powerful OtatfogAriant elected specifically for watching full OTATFOG (Only Truth, All Truth, Fully Open Governance) compliance of all governance members, including the TinformArium itself. This Truth Information concept also applies very severely to all journalists writing about national governance activities and the activities of foreign entities receiving contributions of national public money. Journalists cannot anymore say lies, or be a mouthpiece for the government, and must only publish Truth Information, in particular if the information is bad for the image of the government. Journalists exposing bad governance activities kept hidden by the TinformAriant, or not confirmed by the national TinformAriant on request, are always fully protected from any prosecution, and for their employment security, by the national ProtectAriant. On the other hand, even Whistleblowers of bad activities, of officials or private companies, are also fully protected when requesting such protection from the TinformArium, in order to bring to light illegal or scandalous activities of their employers, or of any other entity, that have not been picked up by the government or by journalists. Such whistleblowers first expose their knowledge discretely to the TinformArium. Then, if the TinformAriant thinks the whistleblower is right, and the suspicion of illegality is causing enough damage to the general public ignoring it, the TinformArium invites the whistleblower to come out in the open with the information, copy of which is already in the hands of the TinformArium, under their full ProtectArium protection for employment security and against any kind of prosecution for the information provided. In other words, an EthoCracy, in particular a TruthOcracy, never puts up without severe PPP penalty with any lie or deception regarding public governance (regarding both all public money and all government information) or private activities affecting badly the public, and never ignores without penalty the illegal activities of companies that are being exposed by internal whistleblowers. In the case of the Government, all activity has to become public Truth Information. In the case of private companies, only illegal or damageable activities have to become public Truth Information whenever the TinformAriant becomes aware of it, with or without the help of whistleblowers. The central concept at the core of an EthoCracy, in particular of a TruthOcracy, is that it operates on a basis of Truth Information, in particular on the public side, but also on the side of private companies who are exposed for serious illegal or damageable activities. This is why there is an OtatfogAriant, and a very powerful one indeed, elected in all national elections. An EthoCracy, in particular a TruthOcracy, also never accepts any surprise after an election, on the part of the government, in terms of new legislation or new taxation that was not part of the BEC (Four-Way-Binding-Electoral-Contract). Be it clear that the national TinformAriant, although part of the governing Trias Politica, is not, and certainly never must be, a mouthpiece for the national GovernAriant, but rather the opposite: he must describe the government at all its levels, and must report coldly and thoroughly all activities of governance, giving particular relevance to the bad ones, and all illegal private activities of corporations he becomes aware of. Then the OtatfogAriant makes a double check for full OTATFOG compliance at all times, even of the reporting of the TinformArium and journalists. The TinformAriant is not at the service of the government, but at the service of the SPELArium (Sovereign Enlightened People Arium), describing faithfully, and exposing if necessary, the government and bad activities of persons or corporations in front of the people. He will never however publish any private illegality made by any private citizen if that illegality is of no public relevance. All companies and corporations operating within an EthoCracy, in particular in a TruthOcracy, have also to sign a certification that they they will not only work for their legitimate profit but, first and foremost, always also for the wellness of the SPELArium, or otherwise lose their Company Charter that is always required within an EthoCracy, in particular in a TruthOcracy, and reviewed for renewal on a regular basis. The OtatfogAriant in turn has the firm responsibility to watch that the TinformAriant complies with this vital role. Journalists who expose serious information not published by the TinformAriant, even if not bad information, as hidden information that is more than one month old and less than 3 months old, can benefit from an established list of fines to be paid to the journalist, paid personally by faulty TinformAriant or ProtectAriant, equivalent to a number of months of their gross salary. Hidden information for more than 3 months old requires similar fines plus the resignation of the TinformAriant. Over six months, the OtatfogAriant must also resign and an election called immediately. Over one year, the GovernAriant must also resign, pay a fine of one full year of his gross salary for each year the information was kept hidden, and call new elections, but without his candidature being acceptable for the new elections, nor the candidatures of his guilty TinformAriant and/or OtatfogAriant for any other future election in the country. The TinformArium watches all other Ariums, but most critically in particular the JudicArium, that is similar to the old Judicial Power within the old system, as real Justice can only be made on the basis of the principle of Truth Information that is at the core of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy and the essence of an TinformArium. Finally, the TinformArium controls the good functioning of the OppositArium.
802.10 →
The OtatfogArium - The above TinformArium has to do with Truth Information, and consequently with OTATFOG compliance, but essentially in a reactive way, for ensuring that only Truth is produced, spread and used by all citizens of a TruthOcracy, including eminently all Ariants of the governance. While the TinformArium has a proactive role for OTATFOG compliance, the OtatfogArium has essentially a reactive role, and most specifically in relation to the activities of all the Ariants of the TetractArium. The OtatfogArium is a kind of powerful police force watching specifically all the government Ariants to ensure they are all, and always, fully OTATFOG compliant. The OtatfogAriant is very powerful, with the power to act immediately without trial against any faulty non-OTATFOG Ariant, except for an eventual recourse of the Ariant concerned to the LeaderArium, via concurrence of the SPELArium, in the case of a claimed mistake on the part of the dismissed Ariant. Nevertheless, even in case where such claim is confirmed by the LeaderArium, if the OtatfogAriant is still convinced his dismissal decision is justified, he can then have his decision confirmed (or rejected) by a quiferendum. From this point of view, as mentioned above, an EthoCracy/TruthOcracy is an authoritarian regime, but the authority is the SPEC, and the power is the people through the SPELArium. Again, some call the EthoCracy, in particular the TruthOcracy, a form of dictatorship, and they are not wrong, as long as they mean that it is a dictatorship-in-reverse, with the real commanding power located at the bottom of the pyramid, while the executive power at the top is only an obedient public servant power on the basis of both Truth Information and no enslaving debt-money. This is what the PythagorArium, as the overall developer of the EthoCracy/TruthOcracy System, calls going "From Slavery Downwards To Slavery Upwards". The greatest crime that exists in the functioning of an EthoCracy, in particular in a TruthOcracy, is not the so-called hate-speech crime, typical of our current false democracies using it to ensure the dictatorship of the politically correct. Such hate-speech crime is is not a crime, and perfectly admissible in an EthoCracy, in particular in a TruthOcracy, under the FOLIPET EthoPrinciple, if and when it is the non-violent expression of a truth, or of a firm conviction. In an EthoCracy, in particular in a TruthOcracy, the main crime against its functioning is not the hate-speech crime, but rather the lie-speech-crime.
802.11 →
The ProtectArium -
The third
opposite figure of the
Trias Politica, in front of the national
GovernAriant and the national
TinformAriant is the
ProtectAriant, heading the
The ProtectAriant cannot take any decision whatsoever regarding the
content of the SPEC (Sovereign-People-Electoral-Contract) of the
except if he considers that the
GovernAriant is contradicting, or doing the
opposite of what was in his
SPEC, or
if the
GovernAriant is hiding information
not revealed by the
TinformAriant and contradicting the
GovernAriant fully
binding electoral contract. In such case, if the
OtatfogAriant has not
already taken action, and after
consulting and agreeing with the
TinformAriant, the
ProtectAriant issues a formal
Protection Denunciation, and gives a formal public
presentation of it on National TV, granted immediately by right on his request. If the
GovernAriant does not
confirm the return to his binding electoral contract (SPEC) within 1 week, the
ProtectAriant and the
TinformAriant must advise the
accordingly. If he agrees, the
OtatfogAriant must then remove the
GovernAriant and,
through the LeaderArium, call a new national
election. The national
ProtectAriant is also in charge of
the unique National Military Force (the
MilitArium). As
such, it has a clear
mandate to protect the Constitution, with all
its TetractArium institutions,
along with the members of governance (while the general non-Arium people are
protected by the unique Police Force, the
PolArium, that is
located in the SPELArium
for national standards but, for operations, is strictly under the local
command of each chief of police in each city). The ProtectArium also ensures that all national resources are protected as all nationally
owned, or controlled by a national majoritarian interest, and that the national vegetal
and animal kingdoms are protected against any possible kind of genetic
modification for the profit of anyone within or without the country.
As such, the ProtectAriant has a major role in the application of the
NoCafoNoGanoNoRaco EthoPrinciple.
MilitArium also has the responsibility to protect the EthoCracy or the
against any foreign aggressor, and to assist the PolArium
when necessary and requested by the
802.12 →
The SPELArium (with 3 new main roles) - The SPELArium is concerned only indirectly or incidentally with OTATFOG compliance, as one of its main roles is to be concerned specifically with the BEC or, better, what became the SPEC after elections. Its central role is one of SPEC compliance to the will of the people who voted a BEC. It is concerned with the defense of the non-Arium people, the simple people who have no governance function, in terms of both the will of the people, as expressed in a SPEC, and the physical security of the people in general (while the physical protection of the Ariants comes under the responsibility of the MilitArium that comes under the responsibility of the ProtectArium). This is why the PolArium (Police force) is located under the authority of the SPELAriant, as it belongs to the people, not to the governance. As such, the SPELArium protects the people of the country against criminals but, first and foremost, also against the abuses of the figures of governance at the central and the provincial levels, in particular in relation to taxation. This is why the regular police force of each city, headed by a PolAriant in each city, comes under the national supervision of the SPELArium, but only in terms of its national PACOC (PolArium Code Of Conduct) that includes its uniform and the symbols of its tools of operation. From an operation point of view, the local PolAriant (chief of police) does not respond to the SPELArium, but only to the will of the local people it is protecting. In the context of the PAJ (Private Alternative Justice), the SPELArium also supervises the proper use of the PAPIC (PolArium Public Inquiry Confrontation) system. However, just like the police force (PolArium) belongs to the people, not to the government, education also belongs to the people and not to the government, except for the following of a national code of conduct of ELducation promoted by the ethocratic government. The educational system of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy is left, for its management, to the people sending their children to school, through the other EthoPrinciple called EFWAPAJ (Extended Family Welfare And Private Alternative Justice). The same applies to the PAJ (Private Alternative Justice) of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy: it is supervised by the JudicArium at national level, but only for the respect of a code of conduct and the prevention of abuses. In a nutshell, the apparently innocuous SPELArium, as a new State Power, plays a major role in taking away many aspect of the life of citizens of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy away from the dominant control of the government, and placing them more directly into the hands of the persons concerned. This includes the management of 3 main sectors: the police force, the education and the private alternative justice.
802.13 →
The MonetArium - The TetractArium of State Powers of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy has two autonomous Ariums that, together with the Trias Politica (PGI), form the Pentas Politica: the MonetArium and the JudicArium. An EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, through its MonetArium and its dependent NAMA, or NamArium, can only work with Debt-Free Public Money. On the basis of the GUDFOMAPAST EthoPrinciple, an EthoCracy, in particular a TruthOcracy, functions only, and absolutely exclusively, with national no-debt-money for public expense purposes, issued only by the NAMA (Treasury) of the country, not by any private bank, issued under the strict guidance of the Constitution as it applies to the new MonetArium State Power, and spent only under the constitutionality of a SPEC (Four-Way-Binding-Sovereign-People-Electoral-Contract). The EthoCratic national State has absolutely no borrowing power, in any form whatsoever, and for any amount whatsoever. The EthoCracy, in particular the TruthOcracy, can only use PASTO taxation, strictly known in advance on the basis of a BEC (Four-Way-Binding Electoral-Contract), or alternatively issue fresh new money from the new national treasury (NAMA) of the new MonetArium State Power, also strictly on the basis of the EthoCratic Constitution and the constitutionality of a SPEC (Four-Way-Binding-Sovereign-People-Electoral-Contract). Debt-money can still exist however, as privately borrowed money from private commercial banks, but also only issued by private banks under the strict limits and guidance of the Constitution applied to private banks by the MonetArium, let alone a norm of legislation issued on the basis of a SPEC (Four-Way-Binding-Sovereign-People-Electoral-Contract). The MonetArium issues and controls all public money in the country, and also controls all uses of private money by banks and citizens. It also controls all the taxation system based on the PASTO. Consequently it also controls all the sales tax and property taxes for their proper collection. As pensions (or minimum social pension, or minimum social salary) are based on PASTO, along with VATPA, it controls also all pensions, and all social benefits issues within the EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy. With the VATPA and PASTO system, people are highly motivated to pay the sales tax in particular, as it is the only way to accumulate contributions for receiving an eventual regular pension. In addition, as a complete novelty, the PASTO VATPA is paid equally by both parties, the buyer and the seller. As such it is a major incentive for both to pay it for accumulating regular pension contributions: No VATPA PASTO payments during a lifetime, No regular Pension at retirement age! Only an eventual minimal social pension! All the above can be better understood knowing that an EthoCracy, in particular a TruthOcracy, does not have any income tax system, at all, and uses only debt-free money from its NAMA or from its OBECOF, and of course mainly the revenues of its PASTO system from sales and property taxes.
802.14 →
The JudicArium - The TetractArium of State Powers of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy has two autonomous Ariums that, along with the Trias Politica, form the Pentas Politica: the MonetArium and the JudicArium. An EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, through its JudicArium, has to deal with a new Dual-Justice System. It has the normal Public Justice, functioning basically as it does today in most western democracies, but also a form of supplementary, alternative and quick Private Justice, offered as a choice, for free, at provincial level, via a PJM, for family and inter-personal conflicts not involving companies or foreign parties. This dual system is meant to resolve most small conflicts in record time, and for free except some nominal incidental costs. Users of the Private Justice however are never forced to use it. Both parties of a conflict have to agree to use it, but could always decide otherwise and use the longer and more expensive Public Justice. The Private Justice of course is fully consistent with the Public Justice, in terms of national legislation. Its smooth daily administration comes under the TinformArium, but under the final supervision of the Public Justice through the JudicArium. The smooth process of the private justice is handled and administered by the TinformArium, but with a superior recourse to the JudicArium when necessary. Finally, because of its juridical expertise, the JudicArium also supervises the functioning of the ExpertArium, and the choices of the experts brought in by the GovernArium for consultation or use in any kind of regulation or legislative process.
802.15 →
Holistic Education and an Absolute Right of Opinion - An EthoCracy, in particular a TruthOcracy, is also characterized the spreading of a special type of holistic EthoPlasìn education (or what we call ELducation). It is also characterized by an absolute constitutional Right of Opinion, as long as it is is Truth Information and does not involve any kind of physical violence, but even when the exercise of that right of opinion could be interpreted as hate speech or offensive language. This right is due to the FOLIPET EthoPrinciple at the base of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy. The holistic EthoPlasìn education (or: ELducation) is provided free of charge below university level. Although guided by a philosophy, it is also entirely private, except for the infrastructures that are always free, even at university level. Children do not belong to the State, but to their families and their communities, and all private schools compete for the best possible transmission of their education. The State never gets involved with any kind of Common Core to be imposed to the private schools, except maybe as an expression of desirable guidelines. Otherwise global government intervention leads to the Dumbing Down of education, to use the title of of the book of Charlotte Iserbyt, and to Crimes of the Educators to use the title of the other book coauthored by Alex Newman and Samuel Blumenfeld. At university level, education is still private, in free public infrastructures, but students have to pay for their teaching staff. They can however get interest free loans from their province for the first year and for any given year passed the one they just passed successfully, as long as they are nationals of the country. In accordance with the philosophy behind a system of governance that includes an TinformArium, and even the philosophy behind a proper understanding of the new concept of Truth Information that sits at the core of an EthoCracy, in particular of a TruthOcracy that has to be fully OTATFOG compliant, what people have on their mind must be allowed to come out clearly and freely in the open, and not forced to be kept hidden. Gradually, well educated people, through holistic EthoPlasìn Education (or: ELducation), will soon learn not to use hate speech or offense uselessly in order not to ridicule themselves in front of their co-citizens. In turn, people disturbed by what appears to be hate speech or offense regarding them will soon learn how to ridicule their offenders with proper counter-information, and then even laugh about it, like most young kids quite spontaneously do to resolve their conflicts. If Truth Information must always come out, as the foundation of an EthoCracy, in particular of a TruthOcracy, that includes an TinformArium, an absolute right of opinion is also an absolute prerequisite, and the occasional personal offense it may cause is a little price to pay, and worth paying, for having an EthoCracy, let alone a full TruthOcracy. Of course this liberty of opinion is fully reflected in the use of the Internet. The only restrictions to the absolute constitutional right of opinion are, first, that the opinion must not include affirmations presented as truths when they are lies that can be contradicted by hard and exact facts provided by the offended person, and, second, that the expression of the opinion is not accompanied by any form of physical violence (except for the admissible verbal violence, by voice or in writing). Such lies by an offender, confirmed by hard facts, could be prosecuted in a court of law. Hard embarrassing truths included in an opinion can never be prosecuted, even when these truths are embarrassing or considered offensive. However, suspicions are allowed with logical justification and deduction from specific hints, but only if presented as such, as suspicions, and not as affirmations of firm truths. Overall, one can express any kind of opinion, even when possibly offensive, but never lie about facts. Again this comes from the new concept of Truth Information that is at the core of an EthoCracy, in particular of a TruthOcracy that has to be always fully OTATFOG compliang. In short, having an unpleasant and founded opinion is absolutely and always permissible, but saying a straight lie as a firm truth, contradicted by hard facts, is equally also absolutely and always prohibited. With the development of a new EthoPlasìn culture, most such offenses can eventually be resolved peacefully, in most cases, on a personal basis between the two persons involved, without having to go to court. To the contrary, using legal means for the resolution of a conflict born from the expression of opinion based on facts or logical hint deductions will often prevent very important Truth Information to come out in the open, as useful information that should come out for the benefit of an accurate knowledge of the standing of the public opinion in the country, and consequently also for the guidance of candidate ProGovernAriants formulating their electoral programs. In addition, preventing Truth Information to come out will practically never end in any peaceful settlement between the persons involved. The ProtectArium also ensures this absolute right of opinion within the country, as long as it is an opinion based on truth, as truth is the only disinfectant that will allow the healing of any social wound, and prevent its transformation into a deadly infected wound. The police can always be called in for an attempt to conclude a peaceful mediation, even when the conflict does not involve physical violence. In cases that involve actual damage that has presumably been caused by one of the parties to the verbal aggression, the police can then force the parties to move apart, inviting them to refer themselves to the new system of private justice, free of charge.
802.16 →
The New EthoCratic Political Parties - In an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, political parties have a new and vital role very much related to the above new type of EthoPlasìn education (or: ELducation) and the new culture of ELJSM. All political parties must defend the EthoCracy or the TruthOcracy and its new culture, even if through a variety of different electoral programs. Doing otherwise would mean operating in an unconstitutional way, which would be not only illegal, but unconstitutional, in other words impossible. The main role of the new political parties is to guide and illuminate their membership into the elaboration of a Four-Way-Binding-Electoral-Program, or a BEC, for a candidate ProGovernAriant of their choice, and propose that program and candidate at the next election. The BEC of the GovernAriant winning the election will become the SPEC of the country for the time of that electoral mandate, with its respect being under the supervision of the SPELArium. An EthoCratic Political Party cannot receive any public financing whatsoever. It can count only on the money of the registration fees of its members. However, the state will assist parties in the following way: it will give free office space for the 10 parties with the biggest memberships, within the premises of the OppositArium. In turn, only the parties with the 5 highest memberships will be allowed to participate into the next election. Registration fees are allowed only from physical persons who are nationals of the country. No non-person entity, and no non-national entity or person, is allowed to give any kind of financing to any political party. Ethocratic political parties live out of membership fees, and have to fight and compete to increase their membership. Membership is vitally important because participation of the SPELArium is important for the elaboration of a meaningful Four-Way-Binding-Electoral-Program. Membership names are all published openly by the TinformArium, and one national person can only be member of one single political party at any given time. On the basis of the level of their memberships, the list of the 10 political parties accommodated free of charge within the OppositArium. will change in time when the ones with decreasing membership will have to move out, and find and pay their own accommodation outside the OppositArium., to make room for the 10 parties with the highest memberships. A candidate ProGovernAriant cannot be considered a candidate without having first formed a political party, and cannot present himself in an election without first his party having already acquired a membership that places it into the list of the 5 parties with the highest membership, let alone his party having already elaborated a Four-Way-Binding-Electoral-Program to be notarized before an election campaign. Again, a GovernAriant is always and only elected at full majority with a Four-Way-Binding-Electoral-Program, and without the disturbance of a heavy and inefficient parliament of ignorantly and falsely prestigious representatives paid uselessly by the taxpayers, and consequently, no political coalition is ever possible anymore, not before an election, and in particular not after an election. Needless to say that a GovernAriant cannot change political party and program without pre-resigning and calling a new election.
802.17 →
No Embassies, and reinforced consulates - Just like an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy does not have a traditional Parliament anymore, it has not either any traditional embassies abroad. With the state of perfect communication technology that is offered to us at the moment, these institutions are, for the most part, only outdated relics, or expensive useless remnants of a past period when not even the telephone nor the airplane existed, and travelling from London to Washington required a couple of weeks of navigation. On the other hands, consulates abroad are still absolutely necessary and, in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, they are reinforced in two ways. First they give better service to citizens in trouble while abroad, with instant and free communications with their family at home, and even temporary accommodation within a reserved section of their premises in most serious cases for reasons of destitution or security. Second, on the basis of the EthoCratic POSATAP EthoPrinciple, they control better than ever before the movement of foreigners who want to enter the country, including the selection of immigrants and refugees who, under an EthoCracy, in particular under a TruthOcracy, have all to be pre-selected abroad before being admitted as such legally in the country. Otherwise, if self-claimed refugees succeed in entering the country without pre-selection abroad, they can only get temporary status, never permanent residence, and they will be deported home as soon as circumstances permit. In selecting regular immigrants, they also have a clear EthoCratic duty to ensure the smaller possible level of multiculturalism, as excessive multiculturalism has already demonstrated to be a complete failure, as admitted explicitly by many world leaders already, and has unequivocally destroyed already the civic environment of most western countries, in the EU in particular. Ambassadors do still exist in an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy, but only for very temporary missions abroad and, while abroad, they can use the secure facilities of the reinforced consulates on request. The best residences of ex ambassadors abroad are also kept for operating as good level cultural centers in collaboration with their reinforced consulates.
802.18 →
No Supra-National body can supersede National legislation or transparency - An EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy can become member of international agreements and organizations, but always and only with a National Proviso on the basis of the POSATAP EthoPrinciple and the PIABFOTAC EthoPrinciple. That proviso says clearly that if international legislation contradicts national legislation, the conflict is always resolved in favor of the national legislation. The collaboration of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy with systems of international law can only be done at that explicit condition. For the same reason, all national resources can only be nationally owned, or fully nationally controlled. For the same reasons, its contribution to international organizations is very much possible, and can be granted willingly, but it is only possible if the receiving bodies use a system of accounting allowing the EthoCratic taxpayers to be able to check all financial transactions of these international organizations as easily and clearly as they can check the financial transactions of their own government, not to say their own bank private accounts online, at least for the specific sum of contribution of public money from the EthoCratic country: such sum has to be fully traceable from beginning to end. A national contribution has to be followed both as an entry to the receiving body, and as an expense, or a series of expenses on the basis of that contribution by the receiving body, from the first to the last penny. Until these receiving bodies offer that kind of transparency, no contribution is possible on the part of a national EthoCratic government like the UN, or to any international or supra-national organization like the EU. Foreigners or foreign companies who become part of any contract or any agreement to do business within the country are always requested to sign an explicit National Proviso statement. National citizens signing contracts or agreements abroad, for business in a foreign country, are invited to attempt to do the same, or otherwise have no right to the National Proviso if a conflict arises abroad in the future.
802.19 →
No national or international court can overrule the will of the majority of the people
In an EthoCracy, in particular in a TruthOcracy, if a contested law is not enough clear in plain language, and consequently requires an opinion of the Constitutional Court about its real significance, then, as a second step, that opinion of the constitutional court must be confirmed by the people through a quick and easy BAVED referendum. Alternatively, the GovernAriant can proceed directly with an BAVED referendum without a constitutional court opinion. If the referendum rejects the interpretation of the constitutional court, then the people win and, if necessary, both the contested law and the constitution must be adjusted accordingly immediately. The will of the majority of the citizens of an EthoCracy, in particular of a TruthOcracy, can never be overruled by any existing law, national or even international. In the case of an international law coming from an international agreement or a supra-national entity, the citizens will most likely not be able to change that contested law, nor to pretend that it be changed. An EthoCracy, in particular a TruthOcracy, will always sign a proviso, to their undersigning an international law, that it will be applied within the country according to the majoritarian national interpretation. If the proviso is not acceptable to the issuing body, then the EthoCracy or the TruthOcracy will withdraw its undersigning from that law and, if necessary, possibly withdraw also its membership to the supra-national organization or to the international agreement that issued the contested law.
802.20 →
The above Nutshell is only a small glimpse of what an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy really is - The above is the essence of only the main aspects of an EthoCracy, let alone a TruthOcracy, and we will see that its full implementation is much more comprehensive and includes many other meaningful reforms, some 30 of them, as a holistic package, including reforms in the fields of education, health, security, culture, natural resources and family. The following graphic flag, or mnemonic banner, on the FRIENDLY EthoCracy Government, or the FRIENDLY TruthOcracy Government, will be explained thoroughly in 10 sections of the rest of Part II of this essay. This mnemonic banner is often used for promotion or democratic protest encounters in favor of EthoCracy or TruthOcracy, and for the purposes of various publications regarding EthoCracy or TruthOcracy. The banner gives a foretaste of the type of content found in the rest of this Part II of this essay that contains the full EthoCracy/TruthOcracy Reform Package. The banner synthetizes mnemonically, for easy public recollection, the "Ten Commandments of EthoCracy/TruthOcracy" that stand as 10 fundamental constitutional principles behind the constitution of an EthoCracy or a TruthOcracy that is based on the new culture of ELJSM. This is in fact the culture of our real roots, the Hellenic ones, the culture of the real MeDiPartic democracy, as invented by Ancient-Greece, as opposed to the fake, distant and representative democracy that we have today, as the Deception of our Judeo-Christian Roots which have only brought to us an ugly type of plutocratic debtocracy, in all the countries of our western world of complete Government Deception and of complete Democracy Deception. That MeDiPartic democracy is what shall open the road to a well implemented EthoCracy as first a TIDMOcracy and in the end a TruthOcracy.
802.21 →
Jacques Drapeau