Background Of The Last 3 Generations
Ethical relativism, or rather pure nihilism, has progressively invaded the culture of the last three generations, and has now reached the point of full occupation. As a result, our society, at the moment, is no more using its best biological forces, in the form of the creative powers of its youths between the age of 15 and 30, that is during the best two septennial periods of the development of the Human Tetractys in the best Pythagorean Way. This is an incredible loss of resources and creative energies, in the harmonious development of a society from a human point of view as opposed to a technological point of view, comparable to very few periods of the last 3 millennia, especially considering a span of 3 or more consecutive generations. It is as an attempt to reverse some of this negative trend that EthoPlasìn was conceived.
The so-called
1968 Revolution, contrary to most other revolutions in the history of
mankind, is one that only destroyed the “old building”, without trying first
to improve it or to
build an entirely new and better one. In the fields of public instruction and civic
education, in particular with regards to the efforts to educate the
Emotional Center of pre-university students through ‘Classical’ studies, it
brought down all traditional
parameters and values, plainly destroying
everything. Consequently, in schools, and also in our current social
environments, there is no more respect nor politeness; no more elegance; no
more authority; in particular, there is neither civic education nor any
sense of meritorious behavior founding the natural life path to what society
should call success. For the good or for the bad, there are not even (moral)
values any more attached to responsible civic behavior. As a result, the
figures of Father, Mother, Teacher, Police or any other person of authority,
or natural symbol of good example for growing youths are all routinely
ignored or disparaged.
neatly and well, let alone elegantly, is looked down at. Talking about the
value of good manners and civic education, that for centuries was an
important aspect of educating children and school students, has not even a
meaning any more for most of the youths of the new generations of the third
What is most
serious is that, after 40 years of this catastrophic revolution,
society has
even lost its parameters for judging good civic behavior and consequently it
is very hard to reinstate it, albeit in a more modern and updated form.
People do not quite understand what was lost and what should be rebuilt.
They have a general sense that ‘something’ is wrong, deeply wrong, but do
not have any more the points of reference to understand clearly what needs
to be corrected. The parameters are gone and the new generations do not even
know what they were or that they even ever existed.
A fake and ugly
equalitarianism towards the bottom, as opposed to towards the top, has
flattened down all values to an underground and muddy level. If
there was hope for the advent of some form of Meritocracy after the Second
World War, the last 40 years have reversed the trend completely. The "Rise
of MeritoCracy" has taken a downturn to a kind of
to BulloCracy".
Talking about an educational system forming elites is now an ugly
taboo, even if it has been done for centuries, as something to be proud of,
ever since the great civilizations of the past, starting with Ancient-Greece
some 2500 years ago: it is now unthinkable, even when intended to be based
on meritorious education and natural talent as opposed to economic criteria.
- As a result,
mobbing, bullying, nihilism, relativism and general sloppiness and
carelessness are all rampaging, not to mention criminality; the glorious
youths of responsible behavior and neat presentation, that previous
generations used to form, enjoy and admirer, have close to vanished, depriving the
youths themselves, and the current older generations, let alone the future
ones, of a most comforting element of pride, satisfaction, and
Kallos Beauty
for the joy and benefit of all humanity.
By the same
token, during that period of nihilistic decadence following 1968, the old classical education system that, in most
countries of the western world, used to form, or at least try to form, the
Mental and Emotional Centers of its students, as much as their Intellectual
Centers, has just but disappeared. As explained better in our page on
Pythagorean Man Emulation,
the formation of the Emotional Center
in particular, in the related Tetractys, is at least as important as the formation of the Intellectual Center of a
human being, probably even more so, but it is totally ignored at the moment
by all schools and universities around the world. This has also contributed
highly to the civic mess in which we are at the moment at the beginning of
the third millennium.
EthoPlasìn was born to help stop this
help the recall of a better set of values or leading philosophy of life, assist in returning to
better standards of good civic behavior, and contribute to the proud
formation of new elites based on philosophical and civic discipline, meritocracy and the
formation of the Mental and Emotional Centers of students with at least the same strength that is
used in forming their Intellectual Center. For inspiration in achieving this
objective, EthoPlasìn went back to the roots of all western civilization at its
best, that is to Ancient-Greece with its beautiful philosophy and
its related discipline exercises. Its philosophy is based on the Ethics and
Virtues of Ancient Philosophy. In attempting to stop the above decadence, it
also wants to bring in a 'new' kind of social justice, but a
social justice not based on
socialistic equalitarian ideology that only brought bad results in
trying to give unfairly an equal lot (or maybe an equal "bit") to everyone independently of their
talent or effort. EthoPlasìn rather
promotes a social justice based on a meritocratic equalitarian philosophy:
equality of rights, chances and resources on, or before, the starting line but a
clear and natural differentiation in end results based fairly on individual effort
and talent; Like in sports, where the most talented and most active ones get
better end results. This is what EthoPlasìn calls its SOS
(Social Olympic Spirit), as defined in more details in our page on
Meritocracy and what is at the base
of its long-term objective of favoring the advent of a new world of
vidence the mistakes
that were done but only to help draw the right conclusions and in particular
help take the right corrective actions. EthoPlasìn is one
of these corrective actions, even if a very limited one, in front of the enormity of the task and our limited
resources. This is nevertheless where EthoPlasìn comes in with its
intended contribution.
EthoPlasìn discipline is based on 10 EthoPlasin Precepts to be freely adhered to as broad rules at the base of ten grades of discipline. The first two express the minimum requirements for membership and are quite simple and easy, as they only talk about members being, or becoming, to start with, figures of smile, joy, neatness, elegance, inspiring harmony, Kallos beauty and best civic and meritorious conduct. These first two rules alone, in spite of their apparent simplicity, are nevertheless a solid start to try to reverse the decadence brought in over the last 50 years. These simple rules are well reflected in the list of the Basic Entry Requirements for becoming a new member of the EthoPlasìn Association. The other 8 rules are progressively more demanding and involve being harmoniously educated in a Philosophy or Science of Being that emulates the Pythagorean Man, that has produced great civilizations in the past, and that can help improve our modern world immensely today. This EthoPlasìn Philosophy is based on the best philosophical material related to Ancient-Greece, the Olympic Spirit and the ideas of the thinkers that 'created' Democracy in its best form, that is in the form of an advanced Meritocracy that resembles a lot what EthoPlasìn calls EthoCracy.
As we say in a page further
down, Ancient-Greece is the very best source of inspiration for
corrective measures today, as they were not at all only the
Inventors of Democracy. Their particular trait
of Love for Beauty (and for all the other
higher archetypal values of Good, True, Just etc) made them also the
Inventors of Philosophy. Their Love for Merit
and Excellence made them the Inventors of the Olympic Games. Their
particular trait of Love for Freedom, Ethics
and Merit made them also the
Inventors of Meritocracy,
in a spirit very close to what EthoPlasìn calls
EthoCracy. These four traits were in fact horse
backing another even more fundamental one: their
for Virtue, which also made them the
Inventors of Education
('Paideia' intended as the inculcation of love for good behavior and the
virtues we talk about in our pages on
Description in More Details
and on Science of Being). Before
Ancient-Greece, 'Education' in terms of a holistic formation of the
young human being just did not exist anywhere in the world. These 5
traits combined reflect a unique moment in the history of humanity, with the
kind of civic impulse that probably deserves them also the title of
Inventors of Civilization.
Their cumulative effects are fundamental for understanding what was
going on at the time, but even more fundamental now to help us today to
reconstruct a civic world that has been seriously damaged by 50 years of
an ugly 'progressist nihilism'. (Zeus' laurel crown
symbolizes this period of excellence)
The ARIUM will
work with those who have an interest in meritocracy and in improving their
own civic education, who freely join the
EthoPlasìn movement and
discipline, and who have the desire to make efforts to propagate its
meritorious life style, values, discipline, science of being and philosophy.