Hoplites and
Amazones Special Status
Hoplites (males) and
Amazones (females) are a separate and special group of member
soldiers with a different
structure of grades. They are subjected to a much more concentrated
discipline. They are 'students' in generic terms, but most of
them are not usually specifically 'university students'.
Nothing prevents them however to be also university students but it is extremely
demanding to be both at the same time. For the
they are rather by definition students of, and the best specialists
in, the special components of the
Grades of the EthoPlasìn Discipline: mainly
EthoPlay (EthoJudo and EthoDialogue),
Philoecosophical values,
hopefully being as such optimal examples of
Kallos Beauty and best Civic or Human Education from the perspective of
our pages on the Pythagorean Man,
the Basic Membership
Requirements and the EthoPlasìn Science Of being. They also have special Tutoring Skills for both people and animals etc.
As such, overall, they are usually also the best examples of
Kallos Beauty. Most of them are
trained at distance and only the best ones are usually brought in to live at the
Academy for specialization or teaching purposes. You can see where they fit in
the overall structure of members by looking at the separate page on
Soldiers and Categories.
Beautiful Amazone Rose to the upper left
Hoplites are in part a kind of “Combat Army Force” on the front line of civic life in sometimes dangerous places and conditions. Amazones receive a similar kind of basic training but adapted more specifically for a female role within difficult places of civic life. As such, of all the categories of persons having to do with the EthoPlasìn Academy or Association, Hoplites and Amazones are also expected to be the ones emulating the type of Pythagorean Man to the best degree. Fully trained and qualified Hoplites who are active at the moment as such are usually called PytHoplites.
From this point of view, male Hoplites and female Amazones can, and should, most of
the time, whenever possible, form very useful and successful 'couples', or
teams, in intervening in difficult civic environments.
Hoplites and Amazones form a special category or class of EthoPlasìn Soldiers, with a
more demanding discipline than the one of other
soldier categories. As we have
seen, they are forced to acquire a EthoJudo belt of the same level of the
10 EthoPlasìn Grades or rules they formally adhered to, or adhere to
the rule of the same level of the belt they have, otherwise return to be a
normal Soldier. They can be ahead on the belt side, but never ahead on the rule
side (at least in terms of formal adhesion to the Hoplite category).
specialize in EthoPlay, and are expected to be black belts of EthoJudo by the
time they reach level 10 of the EthoPlasìn Precepts. Other
categories of Soldiers can act at up to grade 7 with no belt
gained in the EthoJudo gym, or with only the first belt from grade 8 to 10.
However, non-belt members above grade 7 have to at least specialize in
the psychological and philosophical aspects of
EthoPlay, usually referred to
as EthoDialogue ("Socratic Dialogue"), and for this reason
will always have at least their white belt no. 1 whatever their grade is.
Hoplites also specialize in the Animals side of rule 5 and get involved in
some Animal Tutoring from the very beginning of their training at grade 1.
They become experts in training animals for a better life sufficiency and
possible easier adoption as domestic animals after their training. They focus on dogs, abandoned
or placed in dog pounds. They, for example, train dogs to satisfy their
evacuation needs in special litter toilets on balconies, similar to cat’s,
so that people will adopt them more easily. In that way, the adopting
masters will not become slaves of the dog hours but will be able to walk
them out on their own schedules and hours, independently of the dog’s needs.
Hoplites also offer free minor bricklaying services for building small and
safe wall gates in appropriate places, to give cats and dogs independent
year-round access to litters on balconies when their adopting masters are
out and their apartments are safely locked. Hoplites also receive special
training in emergency caring and curing of abandoned animals in the city that
do not need special vet hospital services, collaborating with local
authorities in identifying them through adequate necklace plates of various
colors, or micro-chips, indicating their particulars. The ARIUM itself offers free
veterinarian services, play grounds, and space with facilities for animal
training or recuperation purposes.
Artistic representation of
an Amazone to the left and an Ancient representation of a Hoplite to the
Lower down: an Amazone female warrior riding a horse. Up above to the
right: a EthoJudo Master.
ARIUM also offers a mini Social Recuperation Center for persons who suffered
civic violence. Hoplites and Amazones are called to play a special role in
assisting and tutoring these persons, including with the use and
collaboration of ARIUM animals and plants. Again this is not to be
considered charity, but rather an intensive short-term 'caring for the
weaker', basically a tutorship and training kind of intervention. This is a place where
female Amazones have a primary role, in particular with caring children
victims of civic violence.
As EthoJudo experts, Hoplites are also called to play a special caring role and
tutoring presence in environments where youths entertain themselves, like
discotheques and bars of all kinds. They may for example offer their driving
services, free of charge, to young people who drank too much or are under narcotic
drugs. They may try to intervene with EthoPlay to neutralize violent
aggressions made to weaker persons, but only in a subsidiary way, never
attempting to replace police officials, usually only temporarily until their
arrival if there is no better alternative. They may take initiatives to
prevent graffiti on important public monuments or to grab and recycle
uncollected ground garbage on streets around the ARIUM or in other public
Hoplites always act with a consciousness of Planet Oneness Responsibility
(as per Rule 6 of the
discipline, and a
strong desire to create Kallos Beauty.
Hoplites also receive some legal training in case they have to report incidents
of injustice or civic violence to police officials and/or become eventual
witnesses in court cases.
Hoplites have a more flexible diet, possibly less vegetarian than another
at grade 4 or above. They can also always drink limited beer. This is part
of the contract agreement when acquiring grades or promotions under the
attention of their appointed tutors.
Because of the additional severity and demands on the overall discipline of
Hoplites, the ARIUM will subsidize the very best of them with various studying
and working scholarships. This could be on the basis of their meritorious
talents in EthoPlay (EthoJudo and
EthoDialogue) but also in Music Harmonics or other meritorious
very top-graduate Hoplites may even be offered a subsidy allowing them to
full-time at the ARIUM in exchange for some of their time as trainers for a
period of one or more years.
Hoplites who were exceptional in their training, and reach top Merit credits,
like reaching grades 8 to 10 before age 30, or showing outstanding initiatives with animals or guests of the Social Recuperation Center,
can be
Angel. This will open the door to possibly long-term
financial assistance or teaching careers in collaboration with the ARIUM,
both at HQ in Greece and in other countries.