






The PythagorArium Project


The Background Project Name and Symbol

 PthagorArium Thi_Phi










his book summarized in acronyms


FtatAristarchy vs. GlobFascism


vs. NWO

vs. NEWO





Promote FALPNO



Establish FtatAristarchy


Globalization is the cause of all our main problems, not the solution.

Pursuing a One-World-Government means our full final enslavement.














The Return Of Philosophy

From Current False Democracy as DebtOcracy, to first stage


then with stage two as


in pursuit of final



against the combined dictatorship tools of

BankTatorship - HealthTatorship  - NewsTatorship

of the


(Satan World Enslavement Abrahamic Team)


No More!

No More Lie From Governance Without Committing a Crime!

No More Electoral Program, Only a Fully Binding Electoral Contract!

No More Fear Of Governance, Only Governance Fear Of Democratic People!

No More Not Voting. Easy Voting Needed To Maintain Citizenship and Voting Right!

No More Dogma,  Debt,  Disinformation and  Despair  Resulting in Fear And Submission!




   with the very powerful ELLADUM movement for FtatAristarchy

No Unelected Planet Oligarchy

"Only Truth Shall Set You Free"

Be Insatiable the Thirst for Truth!

Be Inexorable the Quest for Enlightened Freedom!





Laurels Crown




If freedom of opinion still exists in our world today, then this book is, most honestly, "My Free Opinion". If freedom of opinion does not exist anymore, then this book is, most daringly, "My Free Book" that, if not amended, can be distributed liberally for free in its PDF version. In a following page I confess my interest in questions of conspiracy but, of course, only in conspiracy reality, not in conspiracy theory. This is what this book is about. The conspiracy reality in this case is our progressive global enslavement in various ways by a GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) most evil elite. To me, this conspiracy reality is even a serious world emergency for the rest of us at the moment.


If you think "My Free Opinion" is bad, then it is probably not useful to loose time sitting down and discussing it with you as, with the few years I have left at my respectable age of 80, and in front of a world emergency, there is no time to loose. In turn, if you think "My Free Opinion" is good, and you get to know other persons sharing the same good free opinion, then, regarding them, you should only imitate the people of the best ancient world that invented philosophy, democracy and the Olympics, let alone the rest of the Philotimo. They were never decorating the best ones that they proudly admired and emulated with medals of gold or silver, like unfortunately our current world only does today. They were honoring them with a simple crown of wild laurel that was growing to be picked up freely from their environment (creating a laurels crown like the one shown above). You should at least symbolically do like they did. You should also associate with these people and become a new GUAUGUM (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance Unacceptance Member) ready to resist global enslavement through the civil disobedience. You should also join ELLADUM (Enlightened Logos Liberty Aristarchy Democratic Undertaking Movement) and start promoting FtatAristarchy (Full Truth And Transparency Aristarchy).   


I fully realize that "My Free Opinion" is not shared by most common people who do not have the kind of extensive experience background that I have of this global world, and form their dubious opinions basically only by quietly and distractively watching channel TV propaganda, and by absorbing the content of various mainstream media of mostly fake news. To the contrary, "My Free Opinion" is fully shared by most people with this same kind of extensive experience background that I have. Furthermore, it is also fully shared by a great number of professional experts who are most cultivated in various fields of human activity, even when they may not have an extensive background of experimenting the global world outside of their own field. This includes a great number of highly educated people like engineers, architects, lawyers, doctors and economists. In other words, "My Free Opinion" is, not at all, just mine, but one shared by many cultivated intellectuals that I cannot mention by name for questions of space and privacy. In addition, "My Free Opinion" is also fully shared by a great number of authors who wrote excellent best selling books about the questions of conspiracy reality and enslavement related to "My Free Opinion". I have read, listed and/or quoted over 100 such books in the following pages (listed her by authors), and I have on the side another bunch of over another 100 good books that I have also read but that I did not not bother to mention for various reasons.


In other words, if you share "My Free Opinion", you are in good company of a lot of most serious people. If you do not share "My Free Opinion", it is most probably because you are among those people forming their opinions by mainly what they watch on crap TV while sipping a drink in a comfortable long chair, instead of reading or going out for researching. Hopefully this book will bring some members of this latter group to wakeup and start reading and researching what is going on in this complex world, and maybe also join the ranks of the well informed GUAUGUM people sharing "My Free Opinion". Only with the critical weight of a critical number of such readers and researchers around the world, shall we be able to dismantle the conspiracy reality of our fast progressing full and global enslavement, in particular in the context of the looming "Great Reset" of the WEF (World Economic Forum) that will certainly have, as one of its priorities, if not enough people wakeup, the "character assassination" of all the people sharing "My Free Opinion", including myself.     


This book is admittedly a long one but, because of its two objectives (exposing a conspiracy and suggesting concrete ways to dismantle it), it could not easily have been much shorter. However, it was not written like a novel. The best way to read it is probably not sequentially from the first page to the last. It is more like a manual of instructions regarding mainly a special project called FtatAristarchy, as a brand new form of governance based on FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) and Aristarchy (which implies governance by the most meritorious leaders because they have received a special holistic education that led to their ascertained virtues and attachment to beauty and harmony in all aspects of their own life, and the life of those they were called to serve) (Part 2 of this book). But, to start with, this book is also about the current world of global enslavement and fake democracy that we have now (Part1 of this book). The two parts complement each other because, to understand what a good solution may be to a problem (Part 2), it is first important to understand what the problem really is. (Part1). 


The new form of FtatAristarchy governance that can dismantle our global enslavement is itself a part of the wider PythagorArium Project that has to do with the Return of Philosophy in our life, in order for freedom to replace enslaving dogma, and in order to achieve a better holistic form of education of the various levels of the Pythagorean TETRACTYS of the human soul, while celebrating, in all aspects of human activity, the Sacred Marriage of Science & Philosophy.

Each section of the book has a slightly different specific purpose complementary to the rest of the book. As such, each section can be read quite separately with good profit. This however implied that each section of the book had to be written with a certain amount of full internal autonomy for its specific purpose. Consequently, for the full comprehension of one particular section, it was often necessary to repeat, albeit in a slightly different or partial form, certain element from various other sections mutatis mutandis. Of course, apart from very few limited exceptions, these apparent repetitions are never verbatim. They should not be taken as useless repetitions, but as an effort to ensure full comprehension of each separate section of the book, both by itself and in relation to the overall subject matter.



ZAK - Pythellippos


  1. This PDF version of the book uses the big page format size A4 (or "Letter") with smaller font than most books. Consequently, with overlays, it has only some 478 pages in this format.

  2. In normal printed paper book format (2/3 of A4), and with average normal medium size font bigger than the current one, its real size is not less than 820 pages

  3. This book is the result of 19 full months of continuous drafting work facilitated by the COVID lockdowns.

  4. To shorten this work, three sections were already taken out in order to make it more accessible to most people. Otherwise, it would have had well over1000 pages.

  5. While reading the book in its current electronic PDF version, the access to the INDEX to facilitate the quick move between various sections is constantly available through a link marked "# INDEX" located at the top of most sections. In any case, while reading, you may also want to print the two following short PDF documents (one of which is the INDEX) and keep them handy on the side to guide yourself in the various sections, and better comprehend the various forces of the current world power:






















          Our Main Mistakes

          Reincarnation Cycles

          Rudolf Steiner Prediction about Fake Vaccines 

          The Crime of Attempting to change DNA 

          Democratic Civil Disobedience




(Part I)



Introduction to an unnoticed WWIII of Improved Communism

Our New Omnipotent Big Brother Reality



A Transnational Malefic Elite Enslaving Us Globally

No more Left or Right, Only Two Different Roads To the Left

Approaching the GAS and the DAS Strategies of World Power

The GAS and DAS of the Swamp more specifically

Other Categories of Governance at a more national level

Two Magisterial False Flags For Our Final Global Enslavement

Important preliminary observations on the forthcoming Great Reset

Seven essential acronyms to understand and improve our sour reality

Towards a Great Reset of Fully Satanic Global Enslavement


WWIII as an unnoticed world war

An new Banktatorship to start with, then a Healthtatorship along with a Newstatorship

A Book about the greatest delusion and how to dismantle it

Three premises at the base of this book

The Unnoticed WWIII: the Jewish Old World Order vs. the Satanic New World Order

The New World Order is gradually moving towards Satanism


HOW we are enslaved

Six forms of planet collapse enslaving us

A Closer Look at the Forms of Collapse

The Sweat Master Plan Context

The Master Plan More Specifically

Evolution of the strategies of Global Enslavement over the last two centuries

Two Satanic Axes of World Power

A New Satanic Cabal Runs the World

Suicidal Cultural Self-Enslavement By Voting Wrongly


WHY we are enslaved

Our Dozy Stupidity

Today the Bad dominates in the eternal fight between Good and Bad

Our own stupidity facing our physical and economic enslavement

Our stupidity at its worst

Our engineered stupidity is highly supported by four main enslaving factors

How much more stupidity could we show be today

Our stupidity in danger of becoming formally certified

Who is in charge at the cultural and spiritual levels

How long will we stupidly keep being this stupid?


BY WHOM we are enslaved

The Fake-Jew Plot that is a wider Abrahamic Plot

The Fake-Jew Categories

More on the history of the fake European Jews

Clarifications as to Who is Who and Who is Jew in the Sweat Elites


EXAMPLES of our successful enslavement so far

What we call democracy today is an oligarchy of hidden Communism

1649: to 1918, Great Continuous Success of the Sweat Till WWI

1945: Great Success of WWII Won by the Sweat, not by the Allies

          Holocaust of Western Civilization

1978: New Communism temporarily moves East, to China, for Fine-Tuning

1993: Improved Communism Starts Moving West as Cultural Terrorism

          What was the Improved Communism

          Improved Communism as essentially Cultural Terrorism

2001: Collapse of 911 Twin Towers in NYC as Sweat Great Success (taken out)

2008: First Global Financial Crisis of 2008 as Sweat Great Success (taken out)

2020: COVID Worldwide Pandemic and Lockdown Scams as Sweat Great Success

         Connecting the dots of COVID

          COVID and the three-fold purpose of the Great Reset

          COVID integrated to other enslavement tools 

          COVID WWIII and the return of Satan 



(Part II)



2021: A Turning Point for a Return of Philosophy and FtatAristarchy Governance



From DebtOcracy to TruthOcracy to FtatOcracy To FtatAristarchy



NO Big Government

NO Public Debt

NO Truth Restriction

NO Money Overpower

NO External Dependence

NO Indoctrinating Education

NO Difficult Justice

NO Avoidable Pollution

NO Decadent Decorum

NO Aggressive War





ACRONYMS Vocabulary





Letter of Pike to Mazzini (1871)

Lighthouse of the East (1897)

Protocols of the Elders of Zion (1903)

The Kalergi Plan (1922)

The Tavistock Institute (1946)

The Vatican Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II (1962)

YINON Plan (1982)

Maastricht Treaty to form the EU (1992)

PNAC Project (1997)

Jesus was an ELL figure, not a Jew (1 AD-2021 AD)

The Biggest & Longest Holocaust against Hellenism (313 AD-1821 AD)

The Levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul

The Holistic Education of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the Human Soul (550 BC-1968 AD)

The danger of using Muslims as useful idiots.

Platonic Philosophy in Ethics, Aesthetics, Politics, Beauty and Love

Various Subjects

Sections Taken Out




List of Icons of Books and other subjects









Executive Summary


Our current world is in deep trouble, but not for the evil elites running it, for which it is a complete success. It is in deep trouble only for the rest of us. Our world is in danger of complete collapse from many points of view, but again, only for the rest of us, while having extreme benefits for the evil elites running it and attempting through its collapse to achieve our complete global final enslavement. For the evil elites, this coming global enslavement is not a conspiracy theory, but a conspiracy reality pursued today with force and haste like never before in the history of humanity. For the rest of us, it is what the evil elites engineered us to believe it is, and they have been quite successful so far in making us believe it is a stupid conspiracy theory.


Executive SummaryUnfortunately, among the rest of us, conspiracy theorists do exist. For them, that type of conspiracy that is a reality and not a theory, is not/not what these superficial conspiracy theorists often simply and unduly call the Jewish Plot. It is a conspiracy reality that involves much more than the Jews. It involves mainly the highest levels of the 3 Abrahamic religions and their civil corporative acolytes. In addition, these high Abrahamic levels form an evil coalition that is dominated in its most important leading roles by those we can legitimately call the Fake-Jews. We will explain in details further down who they are. In a nutshell, they are mostly the so-called "European Jews", as opposed to the "Palestinian Jews". They come mainly from the Khazarian Empire from when that empire was forced to convert massively to Judaism some 1200 years ago, while having absolutely no/no Jewish DNA and no/no link to any degree or kind with the land of Palestine.


These Fake-Jews are nevertheless mostly those that we hear about today as simply and erroneously "The Jews", meaning those powerful and supposedly Jewish persons influencing world politics, culture and the economy. Of course, these Fake-Jews are using the "Jew" qualification by deceitful plan, in order to protect themselves more easily against their evil actions with the powerful protective tool of Antisemitism. Just dare not criticize any of the actions of these Fake-Jews, as evil as these actions may factually be, or you are immediately and severely accused of Antisemitism, and consequently in danger of serious consequences in most countries today. As such, in their evil roles, the first victims of these Fake-Jews are too often the real plain Jews of Palestinian DNA, mostly the Orthodox Jews of today, who often suffer unfairly the consequences of the violent actions of the ignorant and mislead Anti-Semites against simply "The Jews".


The Fake-Jews have evolved a lot over the last 12 centuries since their "invention" in the Khazarian Empire. Unfortunately they have associated themselves deeply along the way with satanic cabalistic practices. They have become a rainbow of Fake-Jews that we will examine closely, but they have become centered mostly in those that we call the Zionists today. These Zionist Fake-Jews have even succeeded in forming the Zionist State of Israel from within which many real plain Jews oppose openly Zionism, or oppose in fact the Fake-Jews


What is important to understand is that over the last centuries, these Khazarian European Fake-Jews of an overall Abrahamic group that includes fake Christians and fake Muslims, all without Jewish DNA, have infiltrated the highest levels of not only all the three Abrahamic religions, but also the top levels of all the biggest corporations, institutions, media and academia, let alone the Freemasonry and all the main international organizations like the UN, the EU, the IMF and the WEF. Today they are forming a new transnational elite pursuing world domination through globalism and the full enslavement of the rest of us under a fast forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government of Fabian Socialism, or U&U Fascism (Unelected & Unaccountable Fascism) that their main USA enforcers hope to establish in due time in the JerUSAalem of the forthcoming Greater Israel after the well-planned previous fall of the USA, the equally well-planned fall of the EU, and even the planned fall of the new fake paper dragon called China, let alone the pursued parallel fall of the Russia of Putin. An absolute One-World-Government cannot accept the disturbing existence of other competitive major powers.


As such, we will call this new Abrahamic elite of Fake-Jews with a pun, as the Sweat (Satanic World Enslavement Abrahamic Team). These Sweat elites are the main source of all our world problems at the moment, but as problems for the rest of us. For them, these problems are successful achievements that serve positively these Abrahamic elites. Their successful achievement in trying to enslave the rest of us has gradually been used for centuries. The only thing that is new today is that, for the first time in history of humanity, their success has a chance to easily become global, and soon to be fully implemented at world level through a forthcoming Marxist Great Reset meant to create a brand new dictatorial One-World Government.


This evil Marxist Great Reset is nothing but a new type of Improved Communism without that name, and fine-tuned in China. Alternatively it is what we sometimes call GlobCommunism, or GlobFascism, as a form of governance that will affect most negatively the rest of us being enslaved, and most positively our enslaving Sweat elites using us as a brand new type of fearful slaves. These new fearful slaves that we are becoming will only wear masks instead of chains and, for the first time in the history of slavery, these slaves will have to maintain themselves instead of being housed and fed by their masters. In addition, this new enslavement, for the first time, will be global, not only from an economic point of view, but also from a mental point of view, as a Great Reset of Mind affecting the best attributes of our souls of freewill through fake compulsory vaccines drying our Pineal Gland, and debasing what remains of our beautiful ancient Greek ELL (Enlightened Logos Liberty) culture of Truth, beauty, freedom and Philotimo. It will bring humanity back 1000 years, to the Feudal Age of the darkest Middle-Ages, but in a much improved way for the new current enslaving masters.


In the overall structure of forces and strategies of World Order, these satanic Sweat elites represent, for the rest of us, the side of the destructive cosmic FOB (Force OBad) opposing the creative cosmic FOG (Force Of Good). The only solution to resolve all these problems and prevent our final global enslavement is to wake up, and consequently to have full conscience of what is going on, which is the purpose of Part I of this book, and then install a new type of governance that we will call FtatAristarchy (Full Truth And Transparency Aristarchy) with 10 democratic reforms fully elaborated in Part II of this book. 




10 October 2021








This book is written inevitably from the main point of view of a "westerner" because the author was born in Canada and lived about half of his life in various countries of the economically most advanced western world. However, the author is now 80 years old and he also lived for many years, for about the other half of his life, in various countries of all continents outside of the advanced western world. This includes for example 2 years in a dictatorship of the political "Right", in Latin America, in Chile under Pinochet; 2 years in a dictatorship of the "Left", in Eastern Europe, in the Soviet Union under Brezhnev; and 1 year in Africa in a dictatorship of the "Wild", based in Uganda under Idi Amin. In addition to that, the author worked or travelled extensively on all continents except Oceania. As such, he got to know quite well the full spectrum of very different realities and regimes in more than 100 countries. Along the way, the author learnt well 10 languages of which he still speaks 5 fluently, with a good understanding of 2 more.


Enlightened MindIn other words, if something is missing from this already long and vastly diversified life, it is certainly not an unusually complete experience of our earthly world as a whole, and of all its real problems, let alone also its real beauties. On the basis of this extraordinary experience, which is likely to be more extensive than the one of probably at least 99% or the rest of the world population, the author, as an ex career diplomat, can only have acquired a superior comprehension of the problems of this world, and an equally superior comprehension of the solutions that are required to resolve them. This is why he decided to write this book during the lockdown periods of the Fake COVID crisis with Fake Vaccines Not Protecting the Vaccinated of 2020 and 2021.


The main insight of the author from this long and vastly diversified experience in all parts of the world is that most people are caught in various forms of an unnoticed enslavement brought on them by the social engineering of a small minority of evil elites, and that it absolutely does not have to be this way. In fact the author strongly believes that it can easily be the exact opposite. All that is needed is for the critical weight of a critical quantity of enslaved people in a country to wakeup to what is going on, through books like this one, and then, all together, to have the enlightened courage to request drastic changes, and the application of a vigorous set of democratic solutions like the 10 comprehensive and cumulative reforms of FtatAristarchy elaborated in Part II of this book.


As per the framed dictum well evidenced in red on an under cover page of this book, this set of vigorous democratic reforms can allow people to go easily "From Slavery Downwards To Slavery Upwards", with obedient public servant governors at the top, and with democratic enlightened subjects commanding the top to be kept under full control from the bottom through a fully binding contract.


Contrary to what is happening today, if fear must still exist in the structure of governance of the public affairs of a country, it is first and foremost the governing top that should be in fear of the bottom paying for the top, and not the bottom being in fear of a satanically deviated top trying to enslave the bottom and all what is in between.


Consequently, this book, with its Part I, should first make people wakeup, and become fully aware of their unnoticed enslavement through the older tools of DDDD (Dogma, Debt, Disinformation and Despair), and through the newer tools recently developed by the globalists like the new Banktatorship and the new Healthtatorship. This wakeup is an essential preliminary step before passing to action. Before you can find solutions, you must first wakeup to your problematic reality, identifying with an enlightened mind exactly what the problems are.


Then, with the 10 major reforms elaborated in its Part II, as reforms that are cumulatively necessary in order to have the corrective governance of a so-called FtatAristarchy (Full Truth And Transparency Aristarchy), this book should also teach the already better awoken people exactly what to request, and exactly what to do, or how to act, in order to reacquire full enlightened freedom, that is, in order to achieve much better wellness for themselves, along with also a better degree of wellness for all the other natural kingdoms of the living nature of beautiful Planet Earth. This acquired new wellness would finally mean that humanity and the planet would start living together in a new era of a more harmonious 'Whole' or 'One' built on the superior philosophical concepts of Truth, Love and Beauty based on the Philotimo of our best Greco-Roman roots, the best roots of our ELL (Enlightened Logos Liberty) culture. This would certainly be the case, to start with, in at least the countries that would have already adopted FtatAristarchy governance.


The global elites enslaving humanity talk a lot today about the inevitable need of a so-called Great Reset of the economy, including the monetary system, but also a reset of the whole living style of all the world, at a global world level, but in the most advanced part of the world in particular. As such it is not a reset of only the economy and the monetary system, but a global Great Reset of Mind. This evil reset is actively proposed by the WEF (World Economic Forum) as if it were something essential and good. However, if it is good for these Marxist elites, for the so-called 1%, it is certainly not good at all for the rest of us, the 99%. For the rest of us, it is pure evil leading deceitfully to things as bad as not only our global enslavement, but to even things as bad as satanic transhumanism, and inevitably to more yet unknown new unnoticed forms of satanic enslavement over what we have now.


The author will expose this forthcoming fraudulent Great Reset that he ironically calls the Great ReSweat, as the reset of the evil elites involved that he also ironically calls the Sweat (Satan World Enslavement Abrahamic Team). If this reset takes place, it will only be as evil as those evil Sweat elites proposing it, with the end result of enslaving the rest of us more than ever before in the history of humanity.


In fact, our world, under a mask of beautiful advanced technology, in fact enslaving technology, is so decadent and corrupted at the moment that there is no need for the Great Reset of the Sweat elites, but rather for a Good Great Reset of FtatAristarchy. The reset proposed and deceitfully promoted by the WEF means only further additional enslavement for all the rest of us. The good great reset of FtatAristarchy is rather what the author calls a Great Return Of Philosophy in our life, and the ensuing sacred marriage of science with philosophy, in both our private and our public life, in order to replace and eliminate dogma. its integrated fear and its unnoticed enslavement. This can only be achieved through governance by FtatAristarchy (Full Truth And Transparency Aristarchy). Such governance is based on total FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency), along with Aristarchy attributes that mean full merit, full beauty in all aspects of living, and full love for all human beings, not to mention for all beings of all natural kingdoms.


Be it said that this Aristarchic full love applies to even the repenting evil elites willing to be changed through our love, that is, our love for the overall planet, with the rest of us providing this love as much as each one of us may be capable of it on the basis of their own natural talent and dedication.


This latter capacity can be achieved by everyone through holistic education of the 3 fundamental levels of the 4 levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of his human soul. This is the type of holistic education that is offered and promoted by the PythagorArium Project behind this book, to which education the author has given the name of EthoPlasìn. Again, it involves a Great Return of Philosophy and the Sacred Marriage of Science with Philosophy to replace dogma and fear with a culture of ELL (Enlightened Logos Liberty). In other words, the PythagorArium Project promotes two main things with this book: 1) the FtatAristarchy as a new form of real democratic governance, and 2) the EthoPlasìn education as a new form of holistic education bringing maximum Truth, merit and beauty in all aspects of our life.


To achieve these objectives, the culture of the whole country has to be changed and improved in a common way in the mind of the great majority of its people. Our thoughts form a personal Torus of energy around us that is a most creative power, in particular when exercised as a Torus Speech Power. This Torus is based on Theo-SLOGOS power at the source of the divine creation of the universe, to which omnipotent power we can associate with our own thoughts to become co-creators. This association is possible because each human being, created as a conscious divine entity at its own level, is a spark of Theo-SLOGOS. A similar and corresponding collective Torus of thought and speech power also exists at community and national level. If a critical weight of people has a collective Torus Speech Power that is positive in its common objectives, then there is very little that cannot be achieved to improve the wellbeing of all the people and of all the other living beings in the country. The creation of such collective positive Torus Speech Power at national level is basically the main purpose of the new Tetractys holistic EthoPlasìn education promoted by a FtatAristarchy.









Jacques H Drapeau 


The only sense and purpose of our life is to become God’s co-creators for the good of humanity and of the whole planet on which we live. This can only be done through the power of our enlightened minds, through the ELL (Enlightened Logos Liberty) culture combined with the love of our educated hearts and the beauty of our daily actions. Our current life is a set of difficulties given to us as good opportunities for this purpose. We have to see them as such and take full advantage of each of them with gratitude, making each of them a stepping stone on which to climb for higher and better achievements.


This is the sense and purpose of this book about how to improve our world and in particular our mind and our current form of governance: 



The ELL (Enlightened Logos Liberty) culture of Philotimo of our minds, the holistic education of the Tetractys of our loving human hearts, and the beauty of our daily actions, can and must be used positively with compassion for all forms of life on our beautiful planet. This should be our only way to live as God’s co-creators. The combination of these three elements is certainly the only thing that can give a sense and purpose to our current life. As such, each one of us is created as a divine entity that is omnipotent at his own level for his own capacity of co-creation for the good of all creation. Our only sin is to spoil our own level of talent for this purpose, or to use it for the bad instead of for the good of all creation.  





Smith BK Conspiracy Theory








Confession of ConspiracyThe main purpose of this book is in its Part II, where I propose a new form of governance of real direct and participative democracy called FtatAristarchy. However, to understand what this new form of governance really is, or would really change if implemented, it is important to first understand our current form of fake democracy in our so-called most democratic western world. In spite of what most people believe, I affirm loud and clear that our current governance in the western world is not at all any form of real democracy but a form plutocracy by evil elites for a well hidden enslavement of the rest os us through the older tools of DDDD (Debt, Disinformation, Dogma and Despair), and the newer growing tools of Banktatorship and Healthtatorship and Newstatorship. This description of the fake democracy enslaving us is the content of Part I of this book in which it is exposed in full details.


While reading Part I of this book, please do not bother to accuse me of conspiracy theory if you feel this is the case. I hereby declare that this book is about a conspiracy, about a global conspiracy this time, and I hereby confess a self-accusation of belief in conspiracy. Of course, my belief only goes to conspiracy reality, not to conspiracy theory. However, if you accuse me of conspiracy theory in relation to Part I of this book, you will be both right and wrong. You will be right in that this book has to do with a conspiracy, but you will be wrong in that this conspiracy is a theory. If it makes you mentally more comfortable, please feel free to call me a conspiracy theorist before reading this book. If you still do so after having read the whole of Part I of this book, you will be wrong. You will also have established that you are badly affected by the current disease of Political Correctness destroying the common sense of most people today. I will be sad for having failed my objective. In turn, the real conspirators behind our fake democracy will be happy I failed.


For those who will be tempted to accuse me of conspiracy theory while reading Part I, please keep also in the back of your mind my special background. As explained with more details in the Foreword of this book, with the uniquely long and wide experience I have had in more than 50 years of full activity and relations with all possible types of political regimes in over 100 countries of all continents except Oceania, having to do with regimes of the full political spectrum, from the extreme right to the extreme left, I believe I know better than most common people what a conspiracy is, and if the conspiracy is a theory or a reality. With this background, I do not need to be told if a conspiracy is a theory or a reality from much less experienced people.


In short, this book, in its Part I, really talks about a sad conspiracy reality involving the gradual enslavement of all of us in an unnoticed modern form of slavery, with even masks and needles in our current COVID moment instead of chains and guns. Fortunately, it also talks, in Part II, about a comprehensive set of clear solutions to avoid this enslavement and get back our full freedom. Most superficial conspiracy theorists will only easily do what is in Part I, as a negative exposure of what our enslavement reality is, but will never do, or be capable of doing, what is in Part II that offers clear, concrete and powerful democratic solutions.


Conspiracy TheoristsAs a great Master once said, "Only Truth Shall Set Us Free". This is why I feel I have to try to tell what I know the Truth is, about the conspiracy reality exposed in Part I of this book. If unsuccessful in my objective, and if the criticism or outright rejection comes from uninformed people unwilling to improve their ignorance, I will then retreat serenely in front of them, smile sadly, and wish them the best I can. I will have no doubt that their rejection is because of their ignorance, or because of their little experience of this world compared to mine, or maybe just because of their lazy comfortable unwillingness to learn while they are affected by the current political correctness killing the good common sense of most common people at the moment. I will accept their rejection to read or accept this book, and serenely let them accuse me of stupid conspiracy theory. God help them! And God help them hopefully before the fast coming destructive Great Reset in order for them to be able to face it in the best possible conditions. If I am unsuccessful, and if it comes instead from the conspirators I am exposing, then I will know that, after all, whatever the consequences may be for me, I have been very successful. Then Theo-SAPNOS help me! 


Being falsely accused of conspiracy theory today for simply telling the Truth is very common practice. It is in fact a major tool of attack used by the Sweat elites and their subservient ignorant or puppet followers, just like the powerful false accusation of Antisemitism is a major tool of attack used by the Fake-Jews when embarrassing factual truth is told about them. All the fake media and the corrupted internet search engine managers are doing their very best, and working overtime, to maintain the official globalist NWO (New World Order) agenda of enslavement of their Sweat masters by using these tools. These puppets of the Sweat elites, along with our puppet governments, are all and always deleting the Truth from view and replace it with lies, constant lies by affirmation or by omission of Truth. As infamous Nazi propaganda officer Joseph Goebbels once quite rightly said, a lie repeated often enough soon becomes a “Truth” in the minds of the stupid consumers of propaganda and fake news.


Today, all those who tell the Truth are in a precarious position more than ever before. Those who still dare to tell the Truth, like I do in this book, are immediately labeled “conspiracy theorists” and publicly ridiculed unjustly as such, to say the least. If they are in a position where their truth-telling can influence too many people, then they are literally putting their career or even sometimes their life on the line. Truth today just cannot be tolerated by the Sweat elites enslaving us in the most possible unnoticed way, and in a way that, for them, has to stay unknown for as much and for as long as possible. This is why FtatAristarchy, as governance based on FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) will be ridiculed by the current Sweat elites and their obedient puppet followers. It will be so for a while at the beginning, but it shall not last. The Sweat elites are a tiny minority of less than 1%. The rest of us are a huge majority of more than 99%. If Truth is sufficiently well explained. in as many forms as possible, and as many times as possible, it shall be accepted as Truth by a critical majority, and consequently soon lead to proper action by a critical part of the rest of us, for eventually all of the rest of us to regain our freedom through a governance of FtatAristarchy. This truth-telling is the purpose of Part I of this book. Then Part II comes handy to propose the best comprehensive choice of possible specific actions and solutions to resolve our current problematic situation of unnoticed enslavement. 












And You Shall Know The Truth



  >> In PART I of the book we explain How, Why and By Whom we are enslaved,

with examples and a substantial explanation of each of these three questions.


>> In PART II of the book we explain how we can be set free again through Truth,

and the application of 10 cumulative reforms for achieving FtatAristarchy governance.


Escaping Globalist Enslavement













PrefaceIn its Part I, the author of this book will expose our unnoticed full enslavement caused by our own stupid negligence in handling and accepting faulty public governance. In its part II, the author of this book will explain how to regain our full liberty through 10 drastic but fully democratic reforms of FtatAristarchy governance. Overall, his book will demonstrate the deceitful and decisive role of not only evil elites enslaving the rest of us, but even the existence of no less than the cosmic Satan himself in taking full advantage of our stupid negligence in order to degrade our divine souls and to render as many of us as possible as slaves at its own service.


We may pretend to be the most advanced civilization that ever existed in the history of humanity because we have iPhones and the Internet, but this is a complete illusion and aberration. We may have been able to put a man on the moon, but we have not yet been able to develop even the simplest of things that should be a perfect voting system without any possible kind of fraud, which is in fact most easy to do. If this was not done yet, it can only be intentionally. It is only an additional mark of evilness, not to say of a visceral and vicious corruption on the part of our current elites of governance. We may be able to build skyscraper buildings but our biggest and most famous new museums are now all full of the ugliest works of contemporary garbage art that we are socially engineered to pretend we admire. This fake admiration is really an refrained shame due to the current political correctness killing our good common sense. We may drive our children to school in apparently prestigious cars or have them driven through a most comfortable system of school busses, but they end their schooling without being able to think logically or write a single paragraph without a dozen orthographical mistakes. Again, our apparent progress is only an illusion and a complete aberration.

Our Main Mistakes


The factors indicating this fake progress are many. They will be exposed by the author as factors of stupidity in facilitating our enslavement. Here are briefly our most flagrant mistakes.


  1. VOTING IMPROPERLY - We keep voting through a system open to fraud, and we keep electing irrelevant and corrupted representative politicians at national level with an attractive electoral program in their hands redacted by their puppet masters hiding in the background. To the contrary, we should vote through an easily engineered fraud less system, and only elect a governor with a small team who has signed a legally fully binding contract that we placed in his hands through our vote, and with no possible surprise after election in terms of not-contracted new legislation or not-contracted new taxation.

  2. ACCEPTING BIG GOVERNMENT - We keep accepting the self-growth of Big Government that, at each step of its growth, only keeps becoming more dictatorial, and consequently more limiting of our liberty. To the contrary, we should always keep government at its minimum possible essential level, with its officials working for us as our fearful obedient public servants, instead of us becoming their fearful obedient slaves.

  3. ALLOWING BIG MONEY POWER - We keep letting Big Money have decisive power over governance, either directly or through corruption and hidden devious criminal lobbying and bribes. We keep accepting the same abuse from Big Pharmacy and Big Corporation, not to say Big Business in general that serve only their own greedy profit purposes instead of the good of the rest of us as the population at large. Because they are "Big", we, who are the "Many" that should be in command, let wrongly their big abuse and big corruption go on with Big Impunity.

  4. TOLERATING SUPRANATIONAL POWER - We keep receiving and stupidly accepting orders, in the form of foreign laws and/or regulations, from all sorts of international and supranational organizations that were never elected by anyone, and are totally unaccountable to anyone, certainly not elected by any one of us at national level, but we are nevertheless forced to obey their commands in spite of their well-documented extreme corruption. We stupidly accept the growing monster of GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) destroying the culture and the only power that we can command, which is the one existing at the level the elections of our beautiful nations. 

  5. MAINTAINING OUTDATED INSTITUTIONS - We keep in full function, and at enormous useless costs, a myriad of monstrous institutions that have been completely outdated since the combined inventions of the airplane, the telephone, the television and the internet. This includes useless elephantic parliaments of distant representatives in the country, and ludicrous multi-layer embassy levels abroad and inland. All these outdated institutions should disappear and be replaced by skinnier structures of more direct and participative democratic power.  

  6. NOT PUNISHING LIARS - We keep without punishment all our so-called leaders, at both national and international levels, when lying to us, and lying practically on a constant daily basis, about most important issues regarding our own wellbeing. We have not yet even thought of making these lies about public affairs at national level a serious crime leading to permanent dismissal and serious personal punishment. As for the lies of the growing GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) international monster, we keep accepting them even more easily than the national ones as if full impunity was part of their intrinsic nature.

  7. Satan Return TIMENOT QUESTIONING FAKE NEWS - We also accept mass media constantly lying to us, most of the time as simple mouthpieces of our lying politicians, instead of forcing journalists to fulfill their essential role as Truth investigators and exposers. We even completely tolerate huge illegal cartels of news networks providing global propaganda instead of fully investigated truths on a competitive basis.

  8. ACCEPTING FAKE EDUCATION - We accept our schools to provide no real education whatsoever of the 3 levels of the Tetractys of the human soul, not even basic civic education anymore, letting them provide only instruction and propaganda useful to Big Government and its accomplices, useful to Big Business, and useful to the Master Plan of a fast forthcoming dictatorial One-World-government of full enslavement. As such we accept blindly and silently a degraded social decorum without proud patriotism or virtuous conduct that is growingly full of criminality and ugliness, not to say gross satanic symbols in all our environments.

  9. BELIEVING IN FAKE CLIMATE CHANGE - We keep on believing the hoax of global Climate Change caused by us when, for as much as it exists, it is caused mainly by the Big Businesses that are accomplices of corrupted governance protecting them in causing extreme pollution of our global environment with full impunity. There is a climate change, but not caused mainly by us, rather caused mainly by big corporations and evil organizations like HAARP. We even accept to pay the consequences and costs ourselves instead of having the guilty Big Business pay for them.

  10. ACCEPTING THE DESTRUCTION OF THE EXTENDED FAMILY - Except for rare cases of exceptionally handicapped or incapacitated persons, the extended family used to be the best natural welfare system that ever existed, at no cost to the government and with more union and love for all the persons involved,. Through the fake women's liberation movement, the elites now have the mother working as a second taxpayer in the family, and consequently most women as doubly enslaved, both at work and at home, more than ever before in history. Instead of facilitating the regrouping of extended families for mutual help, we have pushed most adult members to tend to live separately at distance from each other and at an overall much higher cost to both themselves and to the government through social welfare instead of natural welfare. Our so-called women's liberation movement has only created more misery, more costs, more isolation and much less mutual love for all members of the extended families involved. But our enslaving elites are happy to have gained through double taxation and through more dependency on their authority.

  11. NOT IMPROVING FAKE JUSTICE - We accept a very unacceptably long, outrageously expensive and intolerably corrupted judicial system that in most cases never provides real justice, except occasionally by some sort of luck. We take for granted the resulting unnecessary long suffering years of most victims of injustice, when it would be easy to offer justice at little costs and in little time in most cases, at least in cases of interpersonal conflicts not involving Big Business.

  12. PAYING FOR UNNECESSARY PUBLIC DEBT - To climax this enormous negligence and mistakes of ours in relation to the previous factors, we have most stupidly given the right to private central banks to create usurious debt-money out of nothing and then lend it to our governments as a public debt of fake money with interests to be all reimbursed by us as real money. Such public debt has not always existed, even during very prosperous periods of many of our countries, and does not need to exist at all, as it is only profitable to the issuing banksters, and enslaving the rest of us through unnecessary usurious debt-money.

  13. PAYING UNNECESSARY INCOME TAX - For the same reason, we allow a painful system of income tax that was created mainly to reimburse the completely unnecessary public debt of fake usurious debt-money, as a type of tax that, just like the public debt, does not either need to exist at all in the first place. Just like the public debt, this unnecessary system of income tax has not always existed, even during many flourishing periods of many countries in the past, proving that it does not need to exist today. In addition, it has little to do with government income as a major part of it goes to pay the public debt and its interests that do not need to exist. Instead of income, it has mainly to do with control of all of us through continuous debt enslavement pursued by the plush and tax-exempt elites hiding behind our puppet governments collecting for these hidden elites the unnecessary income tax.

  14. NOT PROHIBITING UNNECESSARY CONSTANT WARS - Through the fake usurious debt-money creation process and its related income tax. we stupidly allow the easy financing of constant wars around the world, but without our consent, while in most cases these wars have no reason to take place except for the immense profits of the banksters financing these wars, before, during and after these wars, profiting immensely constantly and all the way. As such we become responsible for uselessly causing extreme misery abroad through death and destruction, and also for the useless death or maiming of thousands of our young soldiers at home. In addition, as a result, we impose on the common families of these dead or maimed soldiers at home to become responsible to pay back the extreme expenses of unnecessary wars through additional unnecessary income tax for even generations to come.

  15. BELIEVING IN FAKE PANDEMICS - As a new dimension of enslavement, since 2020, we have been reduced to complete servitude through a fake pandemic caused by a flue that is less dangerous than the yearly flue of many previous years like the SARS or the Hong-Kong Flue. As such we stupidly accept to be forced to wear unnecessary and unhealthy masks, to live in lockdowns destroying our wealth, making us lose our property, and to be forced to be cautiously isolated through confinement and contact tracing in order to prevent our assembling for possible rebellion. Through negligence or stupidity, we also fail to understand that these measures are only meant to prepare us for the Great Marxist Reset rendered necessary not by us, but by the immense debt bubble caused by our same leaders now imposing us masks and lockdowns. After the best part of 2 years of this hoax that has masked uselessly and ridiculously the whole world we still fail to understand that this reset will only bring further great economic advantages to the satanic elites governing us, and only additional enslavement misery to the rest of us.

  16. ACCEPTING RAMPAGING IMMORALITY - To compound all the above factors of our stupid negligence or comfortable dumbness, we have let our world to reach levels of corruption and moral degradation that are probably globally unprecedented in the history of humanity. As such, we have let our current world to be clearly under the power of Satan, but the real cosmic Satan, not the religious Satan. The Satan that most people think about in religious terms, with forks and fire, does not exist, but the real cosmic Satan certainly does exist. He has nothing to do with religions except for him using religions and their deviated faithful as tools for his bad deeds. Again this Satan as a FOB (Force Of Bad) opposed to the FOG (Force Of Good) in the overall structure of world power, has nothing to do with any kind of hell with forks and eternal fire after death, as we have been engineered to believe by most religious intellectuals or artists who have an interest in maintaining us in a constant state of fear in order to dominate and enslave us more easily. There is really no such hell except maybe here on earth for those who become, while alive, the unhappy accomplices of the cosmic Satan, and for the shame and sufferance of their downgraded souls after death, until they may be given a new chance to do better through a new reincarnation.




 Vaccination Fake Rink 



# Index


The good reincarnation cycle of our souls must be protected against mistakes and against Satan


All the above type of mistakes are due, under the influence of the cosmic Satan, to our human souls of freewill mixing with bad ideas, willingly or not. Our human souls of freewill can only be helped and guided not to make such mistakes of association with bad ideas through a proper holistic education of the various levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of our souls which implies the necessary return of philosophy in our life to replace dogma, and the ensuing sacred marriage of science with philosophy. This is the fundamental and primary objective of a FtatAristarchy.


Reincarnation Cycle Like WaterOur divine human souls have a cycle of existence that is very much comparable to the cycle of water on our planet. It falls on Earth to hopefully be used for improving the vitality of all forms of life. While a great part of it does just that, some of it unfortunately gets mixed with all sorts of dirt. Some of the part that gets mixed with dirt may be condemned to stay stagnant for long periods, for a kind of near eternity, in hidden and dark underground places. However most of it will eventually flow at various levels of speeds and eventually reach a sea where it will evaporate up to the sky and form new clouds of fresh clean water to eventually return to help again all forms of life on Earth, This is a kind of reincarnation giving it a new chance to finally be used only for the good of all forms of life.  


The above list of factual mistakes showing our stupidity could go on practically ad infinitum and only shows example of our human souls of freewill mixing with bad ideas. We have to understand that, if we make some such mistakes willingly, we also often make many such mistakes unwisely and unwillingly on the basis of a Master Plan engineered by our evil Sweat elites under the command of Satan himself. As such, we are often socially engineered to not only make all these these types of mistakes but to accept them all as our Orwellian New Normal.


Interestingly enough, all the mistakes and factors of degradation mentioned above have to do with only human souls, but there is a myriad of levels of souls, above and below our human level in the overall kingdoms of nature. Below us are the souls of animals, plants, even minerals. They all have souls, but as souls with no freewill, and with only lower levels of consciousness. They serve only the good purposes for which they were created, except if deviated from their intended good natural role by the evil deeds of some of those higher souls with freewill just above them who happen to be those sould at the human level. When this happens, the mistakes are not theirs, but ours.


Above us, there are also souls who are difficult for us to grasp because of our lower level of consciousness. Above but closer to us are the souls of our dead ancestors who may have acquired a higher level of consciousness if their bad earthly life has not led them to a self-induced stagnation, like the water mixed with bad underground dirt, or even possibly, if not led them to an atomic disintegration. At a higher level, most people will call these higher souls simply as angels for lack of a better term. In any case, from our level up, souls were created with freewill that they can use for good co-creation deeds or for evil destruction deeds for selfish purposes if they unfortunately choose to do so. The cosmic Satan is but one of these higher souls above the human level that rebelled because of envy to his powerful creator, and was punished with the loss of the original divine beauty of his own soul. As a vengeance, he now attempts to attract in his destructive path and web the souls of all those below his immediate level, which happens to be the human level, also created with freewill. He wants to have as many human souls as possible to be also degraded from their original divine beauty, just like he was at his level, and make them become his own followers.


As the author will explain, in the overall structure of world power, or in our cosmic world, to which planet Earth belongs, there is most obviously a Force Of Good (FOG) that created the beautiful and grandiose universe, creating in particular our divine souls at his image, but there is also a Force Of Bad (FOB) from deviated souls at a level superior to ours. In relation to planet earth, that FOB is led by Satan and fighting the FOG, attempting to destroy the beauty of the creation of the FOG. This superior deviated soul level as a cosmic FOB is the real, and the only real cosmic Satan.


Unfortunately, this real cosmic Satan is the force under which planet Earth is mostly ruled at the moment through an unprecedented number of human souls that fell in Satan’s trap of destruction of the original divine beauty of all natural kingdoms, including the human level in particular. 


As such, this real Satan is after us. But he is not just after our body which is unfortunately what most of us think we are. He will certainly influence and use our body and its passions for his destructive purposes, but he could not care less about the initial or final good or bad state of our bodies. He is not either just after our mind which is only another part of what we are. Again, he will definitely influence and use the best power of our mind for his evil purposes, but again he does not care if we have a great mind or not. He is not either just after money as such, which unfortunately too many of us think this is our main tool of wellness in life. Through his main accomplices, he has as much money as he wants or needs for all his evil purposes. Similarly he is not after power, at least not for power itself. He certainly temps us with power, and seeks power over us, and even global power over planet Earth, but again, power per se is not his main objective, as power is only a tool for achieving his main evil objectives. The same applies again to glory or fame and other traits of our human life through which he will tempt us. In this case, glory and fame are also only tools for attracting more souls in his path for his evil plans of global destruction of the infinite original beauty of our souls and of planet Earth.


Then what does Satan really want? In short, what he wants is only one main thing, and the most precious one. He, Satan, wants our souls. He wants each of us to have a degraded soul at our level, similar to his degraded soul at his own level. He wants our souls. Our souls include the tools of our body and mind, and he wants it all for either using them for his evil and vengeful purposes, or, if unsuccessful, for their final atomic disintegration, like what happens to some of the water in the natural water cycle mentioned above. If our divine souls that fall in his trap cannot be used successfully for his evil purposes, then he wants them disintegrated. So far, at the present time, unfortunately, he seems to have only a great success both ways.  




# Index



Rudolf Steiner Prediction about our souls and the coming of Fake Vaccines


Rudolf Steiner about Vaccines and SoulsStrangely enough this is exactly what Rudolf Steiner (the Austrian founder of the famous Waldorf schools who died in 1925) predicted more than 100 years ago. He claimed that there would come a time when evil elites, in the name of Satan, would try to eliminate, or at least detach, or seriously damage, the spiritual human soul from the physical human body, through a new kind of Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated, in order to make people more obedient slaves for their Master Plan of pursuit of dictatorial world domination through a forthcoming One-World-Government. Steiner predicted that this elimination, or damage, or detachment of our soul from our body would be achieved through the inclusion of special toxins in a new generation of Fake Vaccines. These toxins would then cause a serious damage to our brain Pineal Gland which is precisely the gland that gives us access to higher levels of consciousness, and consequently to eventual stronger levels of request of freedom, and maybe even to the opening of our so-called Third Eye for a more comprehensive understanding of what is going on in our reality and our world, in particular if that reality is one of attempted enslavement.


The Pineal Gland is the most sensitive part of the Central Nervous System of the human being and is highly sensitive to 4 things already affecting it very negatively today: Aluminum, Glyphosate, Fluoride and WIFI. From this point of view, the additional new toxins causing serious side effects that are already well documented in relation to the new generation of COVID Fake Vaccines, of which nobody is allowed to know the full details of their content, not even doctors, can be considered the culminating point of damage to the Pineal Gland reinforcing negatively all the other environmental factors, in particular with the fast forthcoming implementation of the global G5 WIFI, let alone the G6 being already tested and the G7 being actively developed. These other environmental factors certainly already include already the Aluminum in Chemtrails, the Glyphosate in our GMO agriculture and Fluoride in our Drinking water, toothpaste, cosmetics and so many other consumable products.


One can legitimately wonder if what Steiner predicted is not exactly what is happening today, 100 years later, with the new generation of strange Fake Vaccines supposedly developed to fight the COVID pandemic. It very much looks like these strange mandatory Fake Vaccines at world level that do not protect the vaccinated are programmed to also degrade our souls more than protect our bodies, just like Steiner predicted, for the evil purpose of the Sweat elites achieving this way an easier world domination with more people becoming zombies at various lower levels.


If so, this would match perfectly the fact that, through the fake COVID pandemic and its unnecessary lockdowns, the Sweat  elites are already achieving the greatest transfer of wealth and property in the history of humanity, from the productive middle class going bankrupt, to the parasitic higher Sweat class, also in order to achieve easier world domination through more zombie people accepting their Orwellian "new normality" of enslavement more easily. This perfect match of similar subjugation effects of the lockdowns and the toxic new Fake Vaccines certainly deserves some serious reflection as a growing number of doctors and scientists in various fields are already confirming it is happening.


If the above about Rudolf Steiner and the Pineal Gland being attacked, seems to be old stuff predicted many decades ago in the 1920s, it was also well predicted more recently in a book of 1989 titled "The New World Order", by A. Ralph Epperson (published in the context of none less than the Rockefeller Playbook) talking explicitly about a plan to decimate the world population through false pandemics and Fake Vaccines. It is also clearly affirmed and well confirmed by many serious scientists living and working today in the health sector. For example, without being aware of what Steiner predicted, Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger is certainly one of them. She is an international health scientist, a clinical and epidemiological researcher and faculty member of the Universities of Geneva and Lausanne in Switzerland, as well as a former WHO insider, and she says today the same thing in more modern terms. She talks openly and explicitly about the fake mRNA-“Fake Vaccines” being bioweapons, and about the eugenics and depopulation agenda behind it all. She mentions specifically the PCR-test, and how it affects the Pineal Gland. As she mentions, the Pineal Gland was also described as the “Seat of the Soul” by many intellectuals, like René Descartes (French 17th Century philosopher). Dr. Stuckelberger confirms it is located under the center of the brain as an eventual animator or activator of our so-called "Third Eye", considered by many intellectuals the "eye" of our "soul".


The main function of the Pineal Gland is to produce and secrete the hormone melatonin – which is giving humans their best senses and sensibilities, thus access to higher levels of consciousness, and in turn stronger claims of freedom. Reducing or eliminating these unique capacities, makes us humans vulnerable to “robotization”, thus to Transhumanism actively pursued at the moment by the worst elements of our evil Sweat elites, including explicitly by Karl Schwab of the WEF. Interestingly enough, Dr. Stuckelberger asserts, as an international medical scientist and ex WHO insider, that if there wasn’t a deeper agenda behind the PCR-test, there would be no need to stick a test-swab deep high into our sinuses, up to where it touches a thin membrane that separates the sinus cavity from our brain, right where the Pineal Gland is located. A saliva sample would be enough.


Dr. Stuckelberger, as an ex WHO insider, also mentions that there exist an evil plan of eventual Nano-chips being implanted through similar tools as the PCR test. Could it be this is what has already discretely and deceitfully started to take place? Some doctors and many common people affirm that they have already experienced an unexplainable fact that would seem to confirm it. If they use the higher level of a sophisticated Samsung cellular phone for example, and activate its Bluetooth, and have that phone open in their hand while approaching a vaccinated person, there appears on their smart phone screen a strange sequence of six couples of double digit numbers separated by semicolons. It appears like the following sequence: "03:29:A3:56:F8:84". If they approach a non-vaccinated person, no such number appears. If they re-approach the same vaccinated person a day later, the same number is re-confirmed. They do not know the meaning of the numbers, and nobody seems to know, but they are factually different for each vaccinated person. They do not know either why this phenomenon appears only when using a particular type of sophisticated smart phones of the last generation. This phenomenon would certainly indicate that some kind of Nano-chip with a unique ID code number has already been included in at least the first dose of certain types of COVID Fake Vaccines. Since I have known this, I have experienced myself this strange phenomena, on my own Samsung phone, and have experienced it also in trying many cellular phones of friends of various countries. 


Even if it is not yet the case, and the Fake Vaccines do not yet include real Nano-chips to be activated by WIFI 5G, something in the Fake COVID Vaccines is already readable by the Bluetooth of certain types of sophisticated cellular phones. In all simple common logic, it is undeniable that these Fake Vaccines, and even the testing nose swabs, are causing damage to our Pineal Gland and consequently contribute to giving us already an additional degree of "zombieness" in managing our life. This zombie level can certainly render us more subservient to elites pursuing our enslavement in a forthcoming One-World-Government, which is very obviously so much the case at the moment with the COVID plandemic and its catastrophic integrated lockdowns, let alone its ensuing necessary Great Reset being pursued by the WEF

Steiner Forces of DarknessAgain, considering the above with plain logic, could it be that the Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated were not developed to resolve the pandemic, as it is a well know fact already that they do not protect the vaccinated who in great numbers keep re-infecting themselves? Could it be the exact contrary: that the plandemic was planned specifically in advance for having the easy justification to force-implement at world level the new bio-weapon fake Fake Vaccines meant to damage our Pineal Gland and debilitate our bodies, thus reduce our resistance to a forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government, let alone serve the other purpose of World Depopulation as much as possible in the next few years?


In Part I of this book, the author gives an interesting name to the accomplices of the real Satan behind the various aspects of the above facts that appear to be a satanic Master Plan of eugenics and transhumanism. He calls this satanic allegiance with the name Sweat Elites”, where Sweat” means “Satan World Enslavement Abrahamic Team”. Most of our mistakes and of the factors of our own stupidity mentioned above are in fact mainly the result of Satan degrading and manipulating the beautiful divine souls of some of us through a satanic combination of nihilistic amorality and damage to our Pineal Gland.


There are many reasons for us not/not to continue to bow to the whims of the lying Sweat elites or to their puppet politicians pretending to govern us. Conversely there is one perfect reason for our chosen governors to bow to our majoritarian will. This reason is that we are the huge majority. As such we can and we have to be in power, democratically in power, but forcefully democratically in power. The reason for our elected officials to bow to us should be the need to execute the BEC contract they were appointed to fulfill. If fear must still exist in a FtatAristarchy, it must not be on our part in front of our governors, but on the part of our chosen governors in front of the huge majority of us. This is a change or a path that the author calls rightly, on the cover of his book as going: “From Slavery Downwards To Slavery Upwards.



# Index


The crime of attempting to change the DNA


It is worth making a follow up on Rudolf Steiner prediction about Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated but engineered to weaken our human body constitution, but mainly weaken the strength of our soul, through an attack to our Pineal Gland giving us access to our superior levels of consciousness, thus to our possible higher requests for freedom to resist any kind of enslavement. Steiner did not know at the time, in the 1920s, that this agenda of Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated would become related to the global Agenda 21/2030 of the UNN for evil purposes that include world depopulation, eugenics and transhumanism. We have seen that many serious medical scientists and researchers have confirmed in more modern terms, completely independently from Steiner, that this is very much the case today. This is the case for example of Energy Therapist Natalie Schaevers. We have also seen that Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger is certainly another one of them. She is an international health scientist, a clinical and epidemiological researcher and faculty member of the Universities of Geneva and Lausanne in Switzerland, as well as a former WHO insider. We have also seen that an important group of medical scientists and medical researchers in Spain have also already qualified the current COVID pandemic as the COVID Global Fraud.


DNA as God Torus Word PowerThe reason in the background is also quite clear for a simple person on common sense. Developing new unnatural or artificial viruses in a laboratory, and consequently developing related new Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated (contrary to all previous vaccines developed in the past) is pretending to be god and be allowed to play dangerously with the DNA as God created it. Playing with the DNA as created by god, or by nature, should be a serious crime against humanity, let alone a crime against planet earth. Even with our current most advanced level of scientific research and competence, we still do not know what some most important things really are, including the simplest one with which we deal on a daily basis, which is gravity. We can explain it with only logical suppositions and deductions, like the existence of invisible “black matter” filling the apparent gap of the immense empty space. But we still have not been able to demonstrate that this "black matter" really exists or what its nature really is.


A similar situation exists at the level of the DNA of living beings. The most we can see is the visible DNA under a microscope. But we can still not explain at all what gives that DNA its nature and functionality. Again here, from a philosophical point of view, like for cosmic space, we can only proceed by deduction. The logical supposition is that there also exists a “black DNA” that we cannot see and gives it its real nature, just like the black matter gives the visible cosmic matter its real nature and functionality. But if the cosmic black matter and the black DNA of living beings have been created invisible, even to our most sophisticated instruments as microscopes or telescopes, we should only respect it, and not attempt to disturb or change their nature without committing a serious crime, if not even a kind of sacrilege. A simple seed that can grow into a tomato or an onion, or in a tree, let alone a beautiful flower, certainly does not get its functionality from its 'visible' structure of physical atoms, not even at its still visible DNA level under a microscope. In the same way, a sperm that can develop into a beautiful human child, or a beautiful horse, or a beautiful dolphin or a beautiful bird, certainly does not either get its functionality from only the 'visible' structure of its physical atoms. Such seed or sperm can only get its real nature and functionality from its “soul”, that is, from an invisible level of some kind of black DNA playing a role similar to what the black matter plays at the cosmic level. Making a seed a GMO, or creating soulless forms of life as an artificial virus, is an attempt to change their respective ‘souls’. This is a criminal and sinful pretention, and an unduly attempt to play god.


Playing god is nothing less than a criminal attempt to change the godly "World of Ideas" of Plato, hiding but acting forcefully behind all 'visible forms' existing in our world and giving these 'visible forms' their specific invisible nature and functionality as our god creator wanted it. Not respecting this creation process is not respecting our god creator. As such, this is not only a crime, but certainly the most serious kind of sin, as it is a pretentious attempt to act against our SLOGOS god creator directly, as opposed to act criminally against another person. This is why GMO and all eugenics, along with all attempts of transhumanism, must all be made a serious crime in all countries around the world. This would certainly be the case in a FtatAristarchy. We should be allowed to only ‘use’ the world in its best possible ways, discovering all the best things it can offer us, but never be allowed to attampt to change nature at its divine 'soul' level.




Democratic Civil Disobedience may be the only good temporary solution to our enslavement


In Part II, the author will offer solutions to the above degradation in the form of 10 drastic but very democratic reforms of a new FtatAristarchy form of governance. Apart from these drastic democratic reforms, and until they are implemented, what we have to do in the meantime, to start with, is Civil Disobedience to both Satan and to the corrupted satanic leaders that are unduly maintained in power by our engineered negligence or stupidity. As soon as possible, at elections, we should not be voting for a leader with a plain electoral program, or for hundreds of useless and dangerous representatives of a political party, but only for installing a small executive of governors under a fully legally binding contract that the author calls BEC (Binding Electoral Contract).


Civil Disobedience Always Legitimate Against EvilCivil Disobedience as a first step to achieve the full establishment of FtatAristarchy is the only proper way to start fighting enslavement caused by globalization, or what the author calls the new GlobCommunism, sometimes appearing under its best mask of GlobFascism. This global enslavement of the rest of us by evil elites has been attempted constantly for centuries but it is the first time that it can happen globally, through new global tools. So far, it could never be achieved because the necessary global tools did not yet exist. With current contemporary technology, these global tools now do exist. Today these global tools are no more whips or chains like it has happened most of the time in the distant past, not even traditional wars with bombs and tanks like it has happened in the recent past. Today these new global tools, except for face masks, are even invisible, or very difficult to perceive as they are mainly financial and biological They are brand new tools of a brand new kind of world war, as a WWIII that goes unnoticed even if it is the most destructive war that ever took place in the history of humanity. And this unnoticed WWIII is already in its full course at the moment.


Again, the best new invisible tools of that WWIII are financial, biological and informational. On the financial side, they are what the author calls the Banktatorship. On the biological side, they are what the author calls the Healthtatorship that is best expressed at the moment through the management of the current Fake COVID Crisis and its Fake Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated by global organizations like the WHO (World Health Organization) and its mother organization of new GlobCommunism that the author will call the UNN (United-No-Nations). On the informational side, they are what the author calls the Newstatorship. Again, all these global enslavement tools are invisible, or very difficult to perceive as such by most people. This is why the Sweat elites are having so much success already at the moment. But it is also why we must wakeup to their real nature before it is too late.


Today the word ideology is out of fashion, or deceitfully avoided in order to prevent the suspicion of pursuing an evil objective that could be any open form of dictatorial regime like Communism, Fascism or Nazism. Even the word Socialism is avoided as much as possible since it is now widely known that it has made huge disasters already in all countries where it was fully applied, from the fallen Soviet Union to Cuba and Venezuela. The Sweat elites behind a new type of such totalitarian regime prefer to talk about a new and simpler thing called "Globalism" that does not appear to be a detestable or dangerous ideology to most common people. Or they hide their new globalist totalitarian ideology behind confusing terms like Climate Change that is only an improved version of what used to be called Global Warming since after they realized that global warming was not taking place. They also use confusing slogans that appear innocuous or even friendly to most common people, like “Build Back Better”, or “Great Reset” while meaning "Great Marxist Reset" without saying it, or even a Great Reset of Mind. All these apparently nice words or expressions only contribute to hide the worst totalitarian ideology of GlobFascism that is much worse than the older forms of Communism, Fascism and Nazism put together.


They also keep inventing new apparently innocuous accessory names, like the recent "New Atlantic Charter" of the G7 of 2021 that, if you read its small print, is only meant to advance more quickly and enormously the advent of a global governance, of a totalitarian One-World-Government that, at its core, is totally GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance). However, this worst global ideology still has no specific clear and unique name, but it is pursued by those of the so-called “woke” generation that deceitfully pretends to only pursue social justice when most of their actions show clearly the exact contrary, as they are in fact clearly pursuing a complete destruction of all aspects of freedom or human rights, the destruction of nationhood, the destruction of the natural family unit, and the establishment of a hidden Fabian Socialist regime of Improved Communism or GlobFascism through totalitarian globalism. So the author can legitimately give this new unnamed ideology various new names, like “Wokeism”, but in particular a form of GlobCommunism that is often hiding behind a better mask of clear GlobFascism


At analysis, this Wokeism or GlobFascism of Improved Communism since its fine-tuning in China is clearly satanic. It is based not only on the rejection of traditional morality, but on the pursuit of full nihilism with the complete absence of morality when it serves the purposes of the globalist enslavers. The only morality now, for them and for the majority of the people they influence, is what suits them best, whatever damage it can cause to others. It is based also on the destruction of the beautiful nations that over the centuries have contributed each in their own way to the best levels of culture that were experienced so far by humanity, like our Greco-ELL culture of Enlightened Logos Liberty. It is based also on the destruction of the family where children without any civic education are trained to unconsciously and inadvertently become the best slaves of the new globalist Woke or GlobCommunism power. It is also based on the destruction of culture, but in particular on the destruction of beauty as invented by Ancient-Greece and transmitted to us through our best Greco-Roman values, not the Judeo-Christian values. Essentially, and unknowingly to most of the members of the Woke GlobCommunism movement, it is based on the destruction of the beauty and power of our divine souls centered in our Pineal Gland, under the powerful guidance of the real cosmic Satan hiding as best as he can in the background. 


As a result, while we used to be able to sleep safely with our doors unlocked until a couple of generations ago, we live today as a ridiculously obedient masked population with constant fear, under general serious civil unrest in most cities, with even politically promoted violence, rioting, looting, extreme criminality, extravagant amorality, pernicious transgenderism promoted to young children, constant unnecessary wars of only complete destruction and absolute corruption at all levels of public affairs, not to mention the highest levels of abortion for no valid reason in the history of humanity.


Wokeism & TranshumanismAll of this has become our Orwellian New Normal under the propaganda of the Newstatorship that is already fully functioning while the new Banktatorship and the new Healthtatorship that are both already quite prominent are waiting in the background to be fully implemented through a so-called Great Reset. In the meantime, unfortunately, we are sitting silently and isolated with our masks on, and afraid of a new police state that wants to control not only our whole personal life but also our mind and our human relations through contact tracing. If we do not react soon with at least some Civil Disobedience, those of us that will still be alive after a lot of frustration and misery caused by the Great Marxist Reset will soon be the perfect global slaves of the globalist Wokeism under a fast forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government of GlobCommunism.


The current COVID plandemic is meant to achieve this complete satanic success as soon as possible. COVID is a fraudulent pandemic, or a Plandemic, not to say a Scamdemic. Of course the virus does exist, but it is not more dangerous than many other viruses of some previous years like SARS or the Hong Kong Flue. What is dangerous is not the COVID virus, but the way it is exploited, and for what purposes, which is for the purposes of the globalism of the Woke elite generation of GlobCommunism and all the satanic elites hiding behind them. In that sense, it is a real Plandemic or a Scamdemic. What we have to fear most is not the virus, but the globalist elites who created it. In the end we should fear our own fear of the fake-virus fabricated and released to have the justification to bring in a new generation of global vaccines not meant to protect or cure our bodies, but to attack our soul of freewill through an attack to our pineal gland in order to enslave us globally more easily.


The globalist plan of Wokeism or GlobCommunism is a magisterial scam. The Sweat elites implement it step by step as it would otherwise probably provoke a revolution breaking their Master Plan. After a period of high inflated figures of COVID death, the Fake Vaccines that do not protect the vaccinated being imposed even if they do not protect the vaccinated will be credited for temporarily slowing the spread. Then they will re-inflate the fake statistics because these poisonous injections falsely called Vaccines will start causing increasing numbers of deaths or irreparable harm because of their toxic nature and their weakening of the immune system and our spirit through an attack to our Pineal Gland. Of course, all the new steps will be blamed on yet other strains of the virus, but will also be the false justification for the globalists for using even more deadly injections, with such cycles never ending until the Sweat  elites will have achieved a full world of obedient masked slaves under a regime of full domination through GlobCommunism. In this way, new threats will emerge on a regular basis in order to increase dependence on the new Global Woke State appearing deceitfully as the savior to people suffering from engineered ignorance by the Newstatorship. With the increasing fear and misery ensuing, the population will become much easier to control, even at a global level.


In the meantime, through the repeated lockdowns, the Woke Sweat elites will achieve the biggest transfer of wealth and property from the productive middle class going bankrupt to the parasitic higher Woke Sweat  class acquiring all the best property and wealth of the destroyed middle class for only pennies. For this purpose, the previous complete collapse of the world economy, through the so-called Great Reset of the WEF, must take place and will increase at each step of new lockdowns. This collapse in turn will give an easy justification for the Woke Sweat elites to complete the full takeover of all aspects of the life of the world population through a new fully digital One-World-Currency of CBDC in a fully Cashless Society. This will also mean the capturing control of all basic necessities of the population such as food and energy in order to increase dependence on government and thus obedience to the globalist government of GlobCommunism.


To assist this whole process, instead of investigating these facts, the completely manipulated mainstream media of the Newstatorship will spread mainly government propaganda, and deceitfully foment more division and conflicts among the masses. If this is “Building Back Better”, one wonders what the words “building” and “better” really mean. In the meantime, the satanic Woke movement in the background that is fully already under the satanic guidance of the Sweat elites will enjoy the complete destruction of morality, culture and tradition which means first and foremost the debasement or destruction of our divine souls. Of course, this was the Master Plan of the global enslavement of GlobCommunism from the beginning. 


In short, in front of all this destruction, the first important thing is for the rest of us to wake up. This is why the author is exposing all aspects of this sour situation of global enslavement in the Part I of his book, even if it is for him an unpleasant and fastidious task. But “knowing this truth” is necessary, as Only Truth Will Set Us Free”. The second important thing is for us to be without fear. The satanic Woke Sweat elites are less than the 1%, while the rest of us are more than the 99%. If we wake up and react together, the Master Plan of full enslavement of GlobCommunism is finished, and our freedom is in front of us to be fully enjoyed. As a final step however, it is not sufficient to wakeup and start reacting together. It is necessary to offer solutions. This is the purpose of Part II of this book. The solutions are, generally speaking, a Return of Philosophy in our life, in particular in our educational system, to replace dogma, in order to bring about the sacred marriage of science with philosophy, and the re-establishment of real direct and participative democracy. This will be the subject of the 10 reforms of a FtatAristarchy as elaborated in Part II of this book.



Pythellippos' Best Friend


Only Love will bring you Truth

"Only Truth Will Set You Free

Only the ELL culture of Enlightened Logos Liberty, or Enlightened Loving Liberty of our well educated Tetractys at the 3 harmonious levels of our soul on a basis of cardinal virtues, will bring us happiness, and a corresponding wisdom at a level corresponding to our own capacity. This is the best co-creative role we can have with our creator, and consequently the best objective we can have in our life in order for each of us to achieve his own best possible level of happiness during his current life on this beautiful planet Earth.





# Index



Only Democratic Civil Disobedience can save us from our global enslavement.


GUAUGUM_ELLADUMWe can disobey for both national and supranational initiatives used for our enslavement.













Cover Part One 










Introduction to an Unnoticed WWIII of Improved Communism


World Coup


There is only a very small difference between a dictatorial country and a democratic country. In a dictatorial regime you are not free, and you know it. In a democracy you are not free, and you do not know it. With the kind of fake democracies we have today, this is really the only difference.


“The victim of mind-manipulation does not know that he is a victim.

To him, the walls of his prison are invisible, and he believes himself to be free.” 

Aldous Huxley


We live in an unnoticed enslavement with prison walls that are invisible, and we have even learnt to enjoy our enslavement as per George Orwell's prediction. This is however an enslavement that is much more dangerous than the one of a dictatorial country, in particular because today we do not live in a country, but in the "Global Village" theorized by the Canadian media theorist Marshall McLuhan in his book Gutenberg Galaxy. Because we do not know we are enslaved, we will not react properly or soon enough to it and consequently our enslavement will certainly last much longer than if we lived in a dictatorial country, and for the full exclusive profit of those deceitful Sweat (Satan World Enslavement Abrahamic Team) elites enslaving us.


That is exactly our situation today in supposedly the freest world, the western world! We are even already in a kind of WWIII causing our full and global enslavement, but a strange new type of world war without that name, yet without bombs, and mostly unnoticed to all of us. It is nevertheless more destructive than the previous two world wars put together. And it was launched by the most deceptive satanic elites to whom we will consistently give the name of Sweat (Satan World Enslavement Abrahamic Team).


We have recently entered the beginning of the longest dark tunnel of dictatorial Fabian Socialism that is nothing less than a form of Improved Communism without that name, or of what we must call GlobCommunism, as the Communism fine-tuned in China since after its well-engineered soft fall in the Soviet Union in 1992. The year 1992 was at most its fall, but certainly not at all its death. In fact it was only a pause for an attempt to its "Move More to the West" as soon as possible, starting with the EU (European Union) and later on in the "Americas". This pause of 1992, and its "Move More to the West" was an explicit prediction of some 20 years earlier made to the author of this book by the famous soviet dissident Yuri Bezmenov that the author helped get refugee status in Canada in the mid-1970s during the author's diplomatic service in Italy, and later in Greece where Bezmenov had originally defected.  


From now on, the path of this long dark tunnel of dictatorial Fabian Socialism will only get darker by the year, for at least one full generation that will be a lost generation, as the children of the so-called "Millennials", also called the "Generation Y", reduced to incapacity and abject misery. The dark period of full Fabian Socialism will in fact last much longer until, hopefully for us, the following "Generation Z" will have finally realized what happened and, hopefully, recuperated the necessary culture to recover from the disaster. If this is the case, then the ugly evolution of the last 3 generations, from "X" to "Y" and to "Z", featured in the next icon, will hopefully have a rebound as a "Good Great Reset" to return to a renewed generation even better than the previous "Generation X". This is of course only if we wakeup before it is too late, and manage to avoid the very bad "Great Reset" of a very pure Marxist nature pursued at the moment by the WEF (World Economic Forum) of Klaus Schwab taking full advantage of the current fake COVID plandemic in the name of the Sweat elites of the "Deep State" hiding behind his shoulders.


In the meantime, what is happening today in the sphere of global politics, in terms of attempted dictatorial socialism through a One-World-Government, is unique in the history of humanity. It has been attempted constantly in the last couple of millennia, but could never be achieved fully or globally because of the lack of proper technology. As we will see, the necessary new technology now exists, and consequently, today, unfortunately, it is very possible, even at a global Earth level.


The ugly thing that is happening today is a brand new type of Coup d’état, but at world level instead of at the national level of one country. For this reason, as featured in the above icon, we should call this new type of takeover a World Coup as opposed to a Coup d’état. as a world coup of dictatorial Fabian Socialism. Of course it is not called this way. Its last most recent euphemism is the "Great Reset" pursued mainly by a totally GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) organization headed by Klaus Schwab, the German engineer who founded the WEF (World Economic Forum) in 1971. The main elites backing him up are all heirs of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. They form a rainbow of Fabian Socialists using all sorts of other deceptive euphemisms, like "sustainable development", "green new deal", "climate change" and "progressivism".


Something wrong happenedUnfortunately most people stupidly buy these euphemisms like pieces of cake for the good of their economic and social life. They do not bother to investigate, and consequently it does not matter to them if the main figure of this New World Order movement, Klaus Schwab, and most of his puppets or masters in the UN, or rather the UNN (United No-Nations), and in other GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) organizations supporting him, are champions of a satanic Transhumanism that means the integration of nanotechnology into the human body so that humans can be totally controlled remotely by an omnipotent state using the new Internet Of All Things, including of our own bodies.


To an attentive observer of good common sense not affected by the current engineered political correctness destroying this good common sense, it quickly becomes obvious that, apart from Transhumanism, the Great Reset of the above Sweat elites is meant to first enslave the most productive middle class, bankrupting all its wealth, in order to re-concentrate it for cheap money into the hands of their big parasitic corporations, then, second, to subjugate biologically, financially and culturally the rest of us to complete fear and obedience, including, as of recently, through the great help of face masks, social distancing and contact tracing because of an ugly pandemic, or rather a deceptive "plandemic", not to say "scamdemic", declared falsely so for a virus that, so far, is not more dangerous than many viruses of previous years, like the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) of 2003, or the Hong Kong Flu of 1968, to mention only 2 of the most famous ones in recent memory.


Unfortunately, most people who may acquire a vague suspicion of this deceitful reality prefer to just sit back and ignore it, willingly or not, even accusing and derogating those investigating the Truth, like this author, to be simply stupid conspiracy theorists. This is of course exactly what the Sweat elites want and enjoy most, as part of their Master Plan, and what transforms their deceitfulness into a complete success so far. 

This brand new World Coup is however, in one way, typical of a national coup, in that it has to do with totally GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials pretending sovereignly and without appeal to be the legitimate elites with the divine right to govern us in a dictatorial way, except for one important new fact, that “divine” in this case means satanic”. And we will see why. In other words, the ongoing World Coup being implemented is managed by evil elites that want to bring the rest of us a dictatorial regime, but worldwide this time, as opposed to national wide, in the form of a fast forthcoming brand new One-World-Government of full world domination and complete satanic enslavement of the rest of us.


The strangest thing is that this World Coup is based in a completely unnoticed way on an ideology that we thought was extinct since it seemed to have died in the Soviet Union in 1992. Yes, that ideology is Communism even if they avoid giving it this name. Of course, as we will see when talking about the famous soviet dissident called Bezmenov, it is by definition Communism without that name, and moved more to the West, in the EU and the USA, but Communism nonetheless. In fact, as we will see, it is even a form of Improved Communism, improved for the elites, not for us, after its fine-tuning in China, that, for lack of a better name, we should call GlobCommunism or GlobFascism, but that the elites want us to call simply "Globalization" or even more simply and falsely "Democracy".


The technology that prevented a World Coup in the past was mostly limited to what we call DDDD (Debt, Dogma, Disinformation, Despair). This older technology still exists today, and it is still strong, but it is now highly enhanced by 3 forms of much superior brand new technology that did not exist until recently, and that we call a worldwide Banktatorship, a worldwide Healthtatorship and a worldwide Newstatorship.   


Behind the apparently inevitable current phenomenon of communistic Globalization managed by transnational GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) elites, there is an old and well-hidden Master Plan for enslaving the rest of us. We are talking about a brand new type of enslavement without chains or whips. Today, masks and nose swabs with toxic content are much more effective. In addition, contrary to what happened in the past, the new slaves have to maintain themselves instead of being housed and fed by their owners or masters. The above 3 brand new tools of enslavement have already been developed, but we have been socially engineered not to recognize them as enslavement tools. Along the process, our enslaving elites are also using a kind of new unnoticed WWIII. It goes completely unnoticed as a world war because it is not conducted with tanks and canons, but only with more efficient and less destructive new financial, biological and informational weapons. With these new tools and weapons, the evil GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) elites may soon achieve what they have not able to achieve in all the previous history of humanity, which is no more only local or national spots of enslavement at various degrees, like it was happening in the past, but global enslavement at planet Earth level through a coming dictatorial One-World-Government.


Beware however, because if this One-World-Government has not been yet formalized or institutionalized yet in any specific location with any specific name, in practice, its embryo de facto already exists. We already have the shadow of a real One-World-Government over our shoulders. To an attentive observer, this is quite obvious by the way the fake COVID pandemic, or rather plandemic, is being handled worldwide. The instructions to handle it in each country around the world do not come from our individual elected puppet governments. They come from a level superior of GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials, and way above our elected puppet governments.


This global level of GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) managers appears deceitfully to be only the UN (United Nations), or rather what we call the UNN (United No-Nations), through mainly its WHO (World Health Organization), but even them are two puppet levels of their real masters hiding in their back. Even these superior supranational entities of global governance are not the top of the pyramid. They receive their own orders from an even higher level. This latter higher level appears to be best represented at the moment by the WEF (World Economic Forum), but even its director Klaus Schwab is also only a puppet of the top level. For now, and for lack of a better name, we will only call that top level the Sweat (Satan World Enslavement Abrahamic Team), stressing the "Satan" qualification or attribute, as the real top puppet masters moving the ropes of all the previous puppet levels, managing a very old Master Plan but, for the first time in history, with finally the availability of the new global tools that did not exist before to achieve it: a new worldwide Banktatorship, a new worldwide Healthtatorship and a new worldwide Newstatorship. All of this will be explained in more details and make more sense further down.  


# Index

New Omnipotent Big Brother Reality


As per George Orwell’s book titled “1984”, written 72 years ago in 1949, our Big Brother is no more a fiction today, but a sad dystopian reality. The same can be said of Huxley’s book “A Brave New World” published some 90 years ago in 1932. More recently, many other writers have described similar realities of full control and ensuing enslavement, like Canadian author Margaret Atwood in her book “The Handmaid’s Tale” written in 1985. Film makers have done the same, like Steven Spielberg in his thriller called “Minority Report”, based on a novel of Philip Dick, where he describes a new world under the full control of Big Brother governments that are all-seeing, all-knowing and all-powerful, while people are trapped into a dictatorial police state of GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials watching them in every possible aspects of their life, even for theoretical “pre-crime” or “thought-crime” purposes. This new omnipotent Big Brother will punish any word or thought that will deviate from its official indoctrinating propaganda or political correctness.


Omnipotent Big Brother Watching YouThis dystopian world is now a sad and firm reality. It includes spying cameras everywhere, facial recognition software, iris and finger print scanners in most offices, text mining of emails and social networks, drones, and even behavior prediction software. All our phone calls are monitored in terms of both content, places and times where we used them. Credit cards do the same with all our purchases. GPS will know all our movements anywhere in the world through our phones and cars. Not only our ability to speak, but even our ability to think is being legislated and/or controlled with full censorship imposed by GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials who are not themselves subjected to any kind of censorship, be it for their ideas or for their actions.


All this controlling data is already being accumulated in huge databases (like the NSA database the size of 8 football fields) that can be used against us at any time in the future if we even dare to have opinions that get out of line from the current political correctness and propaganda of our national and transnational GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials. If we do, in many places already, SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics) teams will quickly come to our doors without warrants, breaking them if necessary, even on a basis of no known or suspected crime having yet been committed, that is, for even only a suspected ridiculous "thought-pre-crime". Nevertheless, these SWAT teams without warrants will already allow themselves sovereignly, and with full impunity, to search, seize, strip if necessary, and even taser and arrest those who may react with the slightest appearance of provocation that did not even involve any kind of physical violence.    

What most people do not realize yet is that this new omnipotent Big Brother is not the government acting alone. It requires a private criminal accomplice. It found it in the private corporate sector of High-Tech. From this point of view, Big Government has married Big Tech. This Big Tech has already grownup children of full obedience worldwide to assist it, and the marriage was celebrated with two very special witnesses, the Military Complex on the side of Big Government, and the Silicon Valley on the side of Big Tech. In addition, the celebrating official is the Sweat elite that has a transnational status that can overcome with full impunity any kind of national constitutional norm. This global marriage is what the real new omnipotent Big Brother is, which is many times worse than the one imagined by Orwell some 70 years ago.  


In the meantime, books that disturb the indoctrinating propaganda or the political correctness of omnipotent Big Brother cannot be published. The new cable television of fully controlled channels available provides mainly “bread-and-circus” entertainment, like the Roman Empire used to do, and like the many stupid “reality” shows and the continuous films of fake non-historical violence do today, to make sure people enjoy their slavery, reducing most of them to various levels of mindless zombies.


The fundamental constitutional norm of our best Greco-Roman culture is now reversed in that you are now guilty until you can prove that you are innocent. And you are no more judged on only what you did as a committed crime, but even as what you think as a possible thought-crime against the indoctrinating propaganda and political correctness of the new omnipotent Big Brother.


The NSA (National Security Agency) of the USA has even invented software of AI (Artificial Intelligence) that can anticipate your pre-crimes. It is called “Aquaint” (Advanced QUestion Answering for INTelligence). It can detect apparent patterns and predict pre-crimes. The worst part is that it shares this data with all other intelligence agencies around the world, be it the CIA or its master the MOSSAD. It also welcomes, and thus encourages snitching from people denouncing other citizens even on a basis of mere apparent suspicion.  


In front of this omnipotent new Big Brother we have very few options left to defend ourselves today. In the longer term, the only real solution is FtatAristarchy governance based on FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency). In the short term, until proper FtatAristarchy can be implemented, we probably have only the alternative of Civil Disobedience, but only as long as we wakeup before it is too late. Waking-up is the subject of Part I of this book, and FtatAristarchy is the subject of Part II of this book.




# Index


A First Overview

A Transnational Malefic Elite Enslaving Globally the rest of us



With the help of our omnipotent Big Brother, a transnational GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) malefic small Sweat elite is deceitfully enslaving the rest of us worldwide, with us being engineered not to notice it or, when noticing it, not to react to it. This evil Sweat elite is gradually forming, and will soon have the structure of a dictatorial One-World-Government replacing all national governments in a new world without nations and without physical national borders managed initially through a new UNN and, later on, through the new world capital of JerUSAlem. This global government will then force on us a completely new digital One-World-Currency in an entirely new Cashless World for the full control of each single penny we spend or are allowed to spend, reinforcing that control with an additional new Healthtatorship passport to allow us, or refuse us access to all kinds of services or buildings, including our banks and maybe even our own place of residence if and when necessary.


Communism without that nameThis transnational evil Sweat elite is also gradually melting the diversity of all moral and social values of various geographical areas in a One-World-Culture without borders and without freedom of information or even opinion, and with a form of Social Credit (well fine-tuned in China) allowing, limiting or punishing all our movements or social relations. It will inevitably need, and soon have, a One-World-Army to enforce this global dictatorship, possibly after the fusing of the currently outdated NATO with the Blue Berets of the UN. All of this is perceived, or made to be perceived, by us, as an innocuous form of New-Normal supposedly based on democracy, equality and supposedly "woke" social justice. This is certainly no democracy, no equality and no justice, but rather socialism of the worst kind, as the purest form of dictatorial Fabian Socialism. In fact, as we will see, this is, more simply, in terms of a name, a more global form of vastly Improved Communism without this name. or what we should call GlobCommunism, as the new Communism that was already fully successfully tested and fine-tuned in China over the last few decades as a form of GlobFascism, and is ready to be imposed to the rest of the world after the planned and fast forthcoming fall of the USA, of the EU and of even China itself in order to have only one brand new center of global superpower based in JerUSAlem as the capital of a new Greater Israel and of the whole world.    


Again, Communism did not die in the Soviet-Union in 1992. It was engineered to only fall softly, and paused temporarily, in order to be moved more to the West as soon as possible for the Fresh Start predicted by Bezmenov. The Soviet elites voluntarily made it fall smoothly in the Soviet-Union because of irreparable mistakes the Soviets had become fully aware of. Communism was to be moved first to Europe, mildly and deceitfully to start with, without that name, and gradually more strongly after the creation of the already well-planned communistic technocracy of the EU. It is expected to be soon pushed even more to the West, and fully implemented also within the USA, as a process that is well on its way since after the "fall" of Trump and the arrival of Kamala engineered for that specific purpose. This push West involves an improved version of Communism fine-tuned in China  that we call GlobCommunism or GlobFascism and, in both cases of the EU and the USA, God forbid, always without the "Communist" qualification.


This is exactly what the famous Russian dissident Yuri Bezmenov told me would happen in about 20 years when I helped him acquire refugee status in Canada in the mid 1970s. It was difficult for me to believe this ugly prediction at the time, as a young Canadian diplomat, but today I can only say that Bezmenov was right. Absolutely right! As predicted 20 years earlier by Bezmenov, this is then exactly what happened, first in Europe, 20 years after Bezmenov predicted it to me, in particular with the foundation of the European Union in Maastricht in 1993. Today in 2021, the EU is already under the full communistic technocracy of GlobCommunism managed dictatorially by the GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) technocrats of the European Commission. Its fake European Parliament exists only to save face, and to falsely project the EU as a democracy in front of the inattentive European subjects socially engineered to accept it wrongly as such, that is, to accept it as democracy, even if it is in fact fake democracy, or no democracy at all. In practice its European Parliament is entirely useless for the European citizens, in spite of its exorbitant cost for acting ridiculously in turns in plenary sessions in two different cities: Brussels in Belgium and Strasbourg in France. It is only partly useful to the technocrats to reinforce the fake democratic image of the GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) European Commission.


As we will see, the same evil plan is being gradually implemented in the USA but, because of its size and its status of world superpower, it requires more efforts and more time to be fully implemented. These two important moves more to the West, in Europe and the USA, are however only preliminary steps, or stepping stones, for a fast forthcoming more global communist One-World-Government of GlobCommunism without that name to be eventually based in JerUSAlem after the previous fall of both the first two communistic useful idiots that have become the EU and the USA, and the following fall of the paper dragon that is China as a temporary fine-tuning place for the new Improved Communism predicted by Bezmenov.


This long term process of globalization under a form of Improved Communism, as improved for the globalist leaders, not for the rest of us, is being done with the help of the new China under the discrete guidance of the Abrahamic Sassoon and Li families, the so-called Rothschild Of The East (They do not formally practice Judaism, as they are really atheists, like many of today's Zionists around the world, but their origin is from old tribes of Jews that migrated to China centuries ago. In that general sense, just like the Khazars, or the so-called European Jews, who converted to Judaism but are mostly atheists, they can be considered Abrahamic even if both categories are in fact Fake-Jews). But few realize that China represents, even if only temporarily, the 3rd and best useful idiot for the full experimentation of the Improved Communism that Bezmenov was talking to me about, as improved GlobCommunism to become GlobFascism for the elites running it, certainly not improved for the people submitted to it.


This global Master Plan of world domination and enslavement of the rest of us is also being done now with the help of a 4th useful idiot called the Vatican, that is, the new satanic Vatican managed by a Jesuit satanic pope named Francis. As such he is nothing less that a Fake-Jew Pope. And the fall of these four useful idiots for the Master Plan does not seem too distant in the future anymore, starting most probably soon in the USA, then in the EU and finally in China. The Vatican, as a Christian institution has already fallen away from its traditional spiritual mission under Jesuit pope Francis. It is no more a Christian institution, but a new satanic accomplice of the communistic Agenda 21/2030 of GlobCommunism of the satanic UN, or rather the new UNN. As such the Vatican will probably be made to survive longer than the USA or the EU as an improved form of Religious GlobCommunism that is also being tested in China at the moment with the full collaboration of Pope Francis. As such, it will be used to assist the forthcoming full One-World-Government  of GlobCommunism operating with the help of a useful full One-World Religion of GlobFascism. If we do not wakeup soon, this shall be the imminent final full enslavement of the rest of us under an unnoticed form of fully dictatorial and globalist Fabian Communism without that name.


# Index

No more Right or Left, Only two different roads to the Left


    N.B. When reading the following sections, it might be useful to print

    and hold a PDF copy of the following graphic: World Order Structure


Forces andd Strategies of Global GovernanceThese above initial paragraphs probably feel shocking to you. You most probably are outraged reading them. If so, you are right. But wait, you might be wrong or right on the basis of the reason why you feel they are outrageous. If you feel they are outrageous because you think their shocking content can only be wrong, then you are wrong, because their content is right. If you feel they are outrageous because you believe or suspect that their shocking content can unfortunately only be right, then you are right. At this early stage, if you believe their content is wrong but you also feel you want to investigate some more to be sure of it, then keep on reading. In this case, you are forgiven, because you are feeling this way without having first read the rest of the book, and you are positively open to more research. If you still think their content is wrong after having read the whole book, then I will not despise you, not even criticize you, nor certainly hate you, as I never hate anyone, not even my worst enemy.


In this latter case, and on the basis of my unusually complete experience of this world, as mentioned in the Foreword of this book, I will only wish you good luck, with all my love, in order to help you with what is coming to you. And what is coming to you, and to all of us, is ugly, unless a critical number of us wakeup and react properly before it is too late. Again, what is coming is the new form of Improved Dictatorial Communism without that name that Bezmenov predicted, and that was tuned up in the meantime in the China way as what we can only call GlobCommunism or GlobFascism. Of course it is the form of Improved Communism (improved for the commanding elites, not for the rest of us) moved more to the West in an unnoticed way, hiding itself behind the now deceitful word of... Democracy, which, as we will see, is certainly not what we have at the moment in the West. Unless we wakeup and react, this new unnoticed GlobCommunism will soon fully condition all aspects of our life, and limit, or even eliminate completely all our constitutional liberties, starting with our freedom of speech, in much worse ways than what I have experimented myself directly with the older version of Communism when I lived in the Soviet Union for two full years under Brezhnev in 1981 and 1982, experimenting it fully because I was speaking Russian fluently. 


The difficulty we have, to perceive and fully understand what is going on, is that we are entering a territory that has been fully devastated and that is still uncharted since after its devastation that started some 2 or 3 decades ago. Politically speaking their is no more a pure Left, and no more a pure Right like there used to be. Today, many from the Left talk and behave like the Right used to, and many from the Right talk and behave like the Left used to. Well known political movements like BLM (Black Life Matter) and Antifa are only two good recent examples of this confusion. They most of the time talk Left, but most of the time behave Right.


The Black Brotherhood and the White Brotherhood are two other good examples in the current complex structure of forces and strategies of attempted world power (shown in the sketch). The pure Black that used to be represented essentially by the Royalty and the Church has, in the last few decades, in particular since the fraudulent selection of the Jesuit pope Francis, been mixed in many instances with members of the pure White that used to be essentially the globalists of the main international organizations crowned by the UN, or rather the UNN, along with the biggest Transnational Corporations and the most radical satanic leaders of the political Left.


Within this new context of confusion we recently had a few wild figures, like a Trump, a Biden, a Soros, and a Kamala, to name only a few of the most important superpower, complicating the issues for playing some cards on both sides of the Black and the White brotherhoods. A Trump mainly belonged to the Black Brotherhood, but did not give them full satisfaction for not starting new wars, while surrounding himself with mostly members of the White Brotherhood, doing them many favors, but also not satisfying them by opposing China too frontally. Consequently wild-card Trump was ousted out by a hidden coalition of both sides of the Black and the White Brotherhoods. To the contrary, a Soros mainly belongs to the White, but also upsets them by being too friendly with the Black (or the gray/white) of the new Vatican. In the meantime, a Biden, as a Catholic, is supposedly coming from the Black, but his agenda is typically White, and assisted by an absolute White Marxist VP called Kamala who, as a Marxist, has her past in the Black but, as a perfect opportunist, sees her future in the globalist White that seems to be the stronger side of world power at the moment. As such, she is intended by the dominant White side to be, and/or become, the real president of the main superpower, from behind the scene to start with, and possibly soon on the main stage if she can be made to replace frail cognitive Biden.

Approaching the GAS and the DAS strategies of World Power


Interestingly enough, even China's president Xi Jinping is also a wild card confusing even more the overall structure of world power. As an atheist and somehow the maximum representative member in the world of the Improved Communism at the moment, Jinping should be a top member of the White Brotherhood of the GAS (Global Approach Strategy) but, just like Trump was, he is personally much closer to the Black Brotherhood of the DAS (Debt Approach Strategy). This is why Soros said, at a previous meeting of the WEF, that both the nationalist USA of Trump and the nationalist China of Xi Jinping were the two biggest obstacle of what he calls his "Open Society" which is nothing less than the full holistic globalization of the GAS. This is also why Jinping, even if he is temporarily useful to the GAS, will also have to be ousted out of power as soon as the GAS Deep State of China will decide it is time to do so. Behind Jinping, just like it was the case behind Trump, the GAS is stronger than the DAS at the moment and is really running the show even in China where the discrete Abrahamic Sassoon and Li families, the so-called "Rothschild Of The East" really dominate the show. But the overall GAS is not Chinese or American. It is a GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) transnational entity of global power without borders.


The above background deserves a serious side reflection. The overall GAS is obviously so powerful that it was able to eliminate the Trump of the main superpower through even massive electoral fraud without any penal consequences. In the meantime, most people blame China for the COVID virus, but it is quite obviously not the China of a Jinping who is very nationalist, like Trump, and seems to want world domination as a DAS figure through mainly usurious debt-money power, not as a GAS member through holistic global enslavement means. Then, it could very well be that the COVID virus was developed in Wuhan, or brought to Wuhan from the USA, but without a Jinping knowing the overall plan for its launch and final use, which is clearly a GAS tool for world enslavement. But between the GAS of China and the GAS of the USA, that is, between the so-called Rothschild of the East and the Rothschild of the West, it is the GAS that is most powerful and running the overall globalist show in the background at the moment within these two main superpowers. We also know that part of the financing of Wuhan for the development of the COVID virus came from the USA and the WHO of the UN.


What is intriguing is the fact that the GAS of the USA is entirely Zionist, so much so that in fact the USA has become for all practical purposes a kind of colony of the Zionist State of Israel. Not only does the USA give Zionist Israel aid to the tune of $3.8 billion a year (which is a baseline minimum, or more than 10,4 m a day, even if it is already the most economically advanced country of the whole Middle-East) but, through its American CFR and the immensely powerful Zionist Lobby and its massive corruptive money, the USA will never take any decision regarding world politics that is not fully pre-approved by Zionist Israel. We also know that Israel is also divided between a DAS and a GAS of its own but that the GAS is also its dominant side, in particular since the arrival of Naftali Bennett who replaced Netanyahu in June 2021.


Interestingly enough, even the Putin of Russia is caught in the same kind of situation. Like Trump and Jinping he is basically a DAS figure of his country, and he has already decimated a great part of the GAS of his country, but nevertheless, in the background, it is the Russian GAS that is predominant. For these reasons, just like DAS Trump was ousted out to bring in GAS Biden and GAS Kamala, and just like DAS Pope Benedict XIV was ousted out to bring in GAS Francis, at this point both DAS Jinping and DAS Putin are due to be ousted out as soon as possible when they will have exhausted their current deceitful usefulness, just as the GAS leader called Soros wished it, openly and explicitly, at more than one occasion already. This will involve a fall of the currencies of these stronger countries, in order to arrive as soon as possible, through the Great Marxist Reset of GAS Klaus Schwab of the GAS WEF, as the completion of the GAS Master Plan of a One-World-Government with a One-World-Currency in a Cashless Global Society with only CBDC digital currency, along with a One-World-Religion and a One-World-Army after the transformation of the outdated NATO and its mix with the Blue Berets of the UNN. All this combined global power is intended to be based in the new world capital JerUSAlem after the successive and well-planned falls of the USA, of the EU and even of China itself. For the GAS and its dominant Sweat elites, this shall be the final completion of their Master Plan of our complete final global world enslavement.


Unless a critical mass of the rest of us reacts soon, and start implementing FtatAristarchy, this shall be our sad and sour satanic fate for many generations to come. To help this wakeup call and request reforms before FtatAristarchy can be fully implemented, maybe strong democratic Civil Disobedience is necessary and already well overdue.


In all logic, I will take the politically incorrect early risk, from all the above background so far, and from its ramifications in what follows, to draw openly and explicitly a personal conclusion about the current COVID plandemic that many will not share and, admittedly, may be right not to want to share. For me, the Zionist Israel that is run by its own GAS, together with the transnational world GAS to which it is closely tied, is acting in a leading role behind the global evil plan of the false flag of the COVID virus, and behind the forthcoming Great Reset, let alone behind the previous false flag of an immensely complex operation like 911 engineered by the combined GAS forces of 3 Sweat countries: the Zionist USA, the Zionist Israel and the Zionist UK. It is clearly also behind all the terrible wars of balkanizing of the Middle-East at the moment to extend the territory of Zionist Israel and arrive at the formation of the Greater Israel as soon as possible. The final purpose of all this is to arrive as soon as possible at a dictatorial One-World-Government based in JerUSAlem. Of course, we are not/not talking about a Sweat plan of the Jews, but about a plan of the GAS with Zionist Israel in a main leading role, with in particular its main enslaving tool, the MOSSAD, and its main Zionist American accomplices like the CIA.


Be it clear that this has nothing to do with the plain Jews of Israel who, in fact, are Jews often very opposed to the Zionist leadership of their own country, even from within their own country. As for the COVID pandemic specifically, or rather the Plandemic, it is my firm honest conviction, clear and serenely expressed as a free opinion, that it is not/not a Jewish Plot, but it is nevertheless clearly an evil plan of those that we call the transnational Sweat elites of the GAS in which the Zionists Fake-Jews of mostly Khazarian origin seem to always have a predominant leading role, be it in Israel itself, in the USA and in most other countries around the world.


Blaming the Putin of Russia or the Jinping of China for all these problems is just a deceitful distraction well engineered by the Sweat elites to prevent us from realizing where the blame falls. The blame clearly falls on the real satanic beast that is the Sweat elite who is behind all our main world problems at the moment. These Sweat elites with its Fake-Jews in leading roles, are behind the enslaving consequences of 911, behind the enslaving consequences of COVID, and behind the additional enslaving consequences of the forthcoming Great Reset included, let alone behind all the unnecessary wars of balkanization in the Middle East destroying not only the countries involved, but helping Zionist Israel to acquire more territory, and at the same time destroying also our own culture of freedom and self-assurance in front of the furtive enslaving powers of the Sweat elites because of our new necessity to try first to survive while trying to also absorb massive movements of totally inassimilable immigrants with values totally incompatible with ours.     


As a last note, this general overall confusion about who really runs the globalist show of our total enslavement is also due to the fact that since the turn of the 21st century, the technology is now so advanced that, for the first time in history, it gives the two sides, the Black and the White Brotherhoods, some hope to finally achieve quickly their ultimate objective of full world domination, albeit through different strategies. This new technology is mainly in terms of global digital money and of bio-weapons much more effective than the worse, older, and maybe even outdated nuclear weapon to achieve world domination without becoming a looser. So both sides rush at the moment with their respective approach and strategies to achieve world domination, but often jump the fence and put a foot on the other side of the current structure of world power (shown in the above sketch) when they think it might be useful. With all this confusion in the background, we will have no choice but to define new categories to better simplify the mix, and to understand more easily what is really going on. Here are the two main such categories to start with. 


# Index

GAS and DAS of the Swamp More Specifically


As for the unnoticed GlobCommunism of what Bezmenov called the forthcoming Improved Communism (without that name and fine-tuned in China) moved more to the West, if we consider the one being moved to the USA, compared to the one already moved to the EU, it is the most difficult to capture because it is still not as clearly established as the one in the other most useful idiot called the EU. The new American world superpower of the USA that was born 70 years ago, with the end of WWII, has been destined to fall since its inception because it was divided internally from the start between two types of communistic elites. For reasons that we will explain further down, we call these two types the overall Sweat (Satan World Enslavement Abrahamic Team) elites. These overall Sweat elites are however both transnational, and not from only one particular country like the USA. But within the dominating part of the Sweat elites, which has been the part located in the USA, a division developed early on, after WWII, between two factions with a completely different approach and strategy of global enslavement.


We call the first faction the DAS (Debt Approach Strategy), as a group that was, and still is, much more close to the surface of the Deep State of the USA than the other faction. Worldwide, this DAS faction is much more linked to the so-called Black Brotherhood of the OWO (Old World Order) attempting to enslave all of us through mainly usurious debt-money. We call the other faction the GAS (Global Approach Strategy) that represents best the most profound Deep State of the USA or the so-called deep SWAMP. Worldwide, this GAS faction is much closer to the so-called White Brotherhood of the NWO (New World Order) trying to enslave all of us satanically and holistically, not only through usurious debt-money and its related corrupting power, but also through our body, making us use it with excessive violence and complete amorality, and also through our mind, making us use it for all sorts of satanic and criminal deeds. As of recently,  and as well predicted by Rudolf Steiner, the new GAS tools also include enslaving us through even our soul by damaging purposely our Pineal Gland giving us access to higher levels of conscience, and detaching or even eliminating our soul from our body through Fake Vaccines like the ones supposedly used to protect us against COVID.


Both types of elites have had a common objective from the start, which was world domination and the enslavement of the rest of us. But the two factions, the DAS and the GAS, have fought each other all along, and are fighting each other more than ever before at this moment. They have had all along a common objective but a completely different strategy on how to achieve world domination, including a different place for its final eventual establishment as a center of global world power. The DAS wants world power through mainly the issuance of usurious debt-money out of nothing for their exclusive profit, and through constant wars to produce more such usurious debt-money for their exclusive profit. The GAS instead wants world power through all it can, controlling not only all money, but also body and soul of all human beings on Earth. As such, the GAS is typically the main operator behind the terrible COVID scam and its Fake Vaccines that were designed before the pandemic. These Fake Vaccines were not created to cure our bodies, but were engineered and brought in for mainly damaging the human soul during and after the Plandemic.


For the DAS, its final establishment as a center of world power over the last centuries was always meant to be, and remains to this day mainly in Washington assisted by The City in London and the Vatican City in Rome. For the GAS instead, its final establishment was secretly all along meant to be only temporarily in Washington, but eventually based in JerUSAlem as soon as possible. For the GAS, this establishment in JerUSAlem was engineered to come with the help of a new "Gray" Vatican that was fully infiltrated and manipulated to switch its original Black Brotherhood allegiance to the globalist White Brotherhood through the fake "selection" of Pope Francis. Pope Francis has already deviated the Vatican traditional DAS allegiance away from mainly the usurious debt-money Black Brotherhood that was maintained under all previous popes, and it is currently attached mainly to the GAS,  And for the GAS, their world domination would come also after the planned necessary prerequisite fall of the USA and of all other disturbing middle or fake powers like the EU and China. For the GAS, the growingly Christian new Russia has become, quite unexpectedly, their most disturbing center of world power at the moment, thus their growing opposition to it by whatever fake or real means possible. For the GAS, Putin who is linked mainly to the DAS must be ousted out as soon as possible, just like the Trump of the USA was ousted out because he was also mainly linked to the DAS. These DAS leaders must be replaces with new GAS leaders like it has happened already in the USA with Biden and Kamala. 


From this latter point of view of the GAS, it is interesting to note that their long-term pursued establishment in JerUSAlem is exactly what seem to have gradually been prepared in the last decades, step by step, since the start of the balkanization of the Middle East under Bush and, under Trump, giving a more official character of Capital to JerUSAlem as opposed to Tel Aviv by transferring the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The fake COVID pandemic, as a Plandemic, seems to also be part of a deceitful plan of the transnational GAS forces, which include the deep state of China, for the desired preliminary collapse of the USA. All this should be no surprise. As we will see in more details, this COVID Plandemic was an implied collateral part of a well conceived evil Master Plan of the transnational GAS elites from the beginning for the specific purpose of engineering an easier economic collapse of the superpower called the USA to start with, as per the explicit desire of Soros.


This planned and forthcoming economic collapse of the USA may appear a stupid conspiracy theory, but only to ignorant people. It is well and explicitly designed even in an official document of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) of the USA itself. This CFR is one of the main organs of the GAS. It has been, and is to this day, the main body deciding all policies of the USA since its creation in 1921. The official document designing this plan was initiated in 1971 (when Nixon ended the Bretton Wood system and de-linked the dollar from the gold standard), and was finalized in 1973. The document is highly protected from public sight and it defines an evil plan innocuously named "Project 1980s". This project is elaborated in even 33 books. It has at its core the explicit definition of a forthcoming type of Fascism With a Fake Democratic Face and an equally explicit clear political design for no less than a "Controlled Disintegration" of the USA and of the world economy. Consequently, it is no coincidence that the WEF (World Economic Forum) was also created in 1971 and that is calls today for a deceitful "Great Reset" that is nothing but the same kind of strategy for a "Controlled Disintegration" of the world economy and, of course a controlled disintegration for only the final benefit of the GAS behind it. Sure enough, many of the members of both the CFR and the WEF today are part of the same GAS clique exchanging Sweat elite members through revolving doors of their own, along with the revolving doors of the White House on a regular basis, absolutely independently of who and of which party is the current president, be it a Trump or a Biden, let alone a Kamala.


Unfortunately for the GAS, the surprise election of a Trump was a wild card retarding their plan for four years. Although Trump did some favors to the GAS that wants total globalization from all points of view for the formation of an eventual One-World-Government based in JerUSAlem, he was disturbing their overall plan because he, Trump, was essentially more linked to the opposite faction of the DAS that wants only partial globalization based on usurious debt-money and constant wars to create more usurious debt-money, that is, on financial and military power based in Washington. As such, for the GAS, Trump needed to be completely eliminated from power at all costs, as soon as possible, because not only was he not linked mainly to the dominant GAS of the profound deep state, but he did not even start any new usurious debt-money creation wars for the DAS to which he was mainly attached. At that point, the main puppet of the GAS had to be a Kamala Harris type who must become the new president of the USA after the phasing out of an initial easier front entry puppet like Biden, ousting him out eventually for whatever reasons, be it health or cognitive decline, if not death, as soon as possible after his fake entry in the White House through well-engineered fraudulent elections.


Elites DangerousAs we will see, the transnational forces of the GAS were successful in doing a similar evacuation or ousting even in a place like the Vatican that has been the most solid and stable empire of the last 2000 years. They have ousted out pope Benedict XVI to fraudulently select a Jesuit GAS pope called Francis who is very closely linked to the globalization UN/UNN agenda of the GAS instead of to the spiritual agenda of all previous popes that had a closer link to the DAS. So, doing such fraudulent replacement in a shaky empire like Washington that has not been in existence for much more the only about 70 years, was a child's game for the GAS. Consequently they could achieve it quite undisturbed in the USA, with the help of voting machines built to produce fraudulent results, and with the help of subservient mass media that they also fully own or control through a Global Media Cartel of only six corporations. In the USA, they successfully did so first between a Trump and a Biden for the facade, and they will most probably do so between a Biden and a Kamala in a not distant future for the substance. This success ensures that the GAS will soon be well on its way to finally achieve world domination, doing so from Washington temporarily, and then from JerUSAlem later on, with the help of useful idiots like the fake UNN and the fake pope Francis, or their successors of the same kind, for operating from a new dictatorial One-World-Government assisted by a new One-World-Religion.


With the fall of the Soviet Union in 1992, the DAS, as those incarnated mainly in the MIC (Military Industrial Complex) of the USA, thought they finally had it made for achieving world domination with a supremacy over the GAS. They immediately worked hard to develop the PNAC (Plan for a New American Century) that finally came out formally inn 1997. The DAS elites were aware of the competitive Master Plan of the GAS, but this DAS faction thought this faction though this PNAC would finally supersede the GAS plan for world domination. Everything today indicates this was probably an assessment mistake as the GASS appears to be the dominant force.


The DAS plan was best represented recently by themes like the America Firstof a Donald Trump. The competitive GAS plan was best represented by a deceitful Build Back Betterof a Joe Biden and in particular a Kamala Harris. That last logo is coming from the WEF (World Economic Forum) that is a major GAS tool. The former DAS plan wants pure world economic domination through usurious debt-money and as much brute military power as necessary and without full holistic globalization from all other points of view. Instead, the GAS deceitful plan wants holistic world domination from all point of view, economic, military, religious and cultural, even spiritual through the damage or even the possible "elimination of the soul", that is, absolute full globalization, through mainly more subtle and less massively physically destructive means of military power. However, the GAS is also capable of maximum brute military force if and when it will become useful, not excluding a WWIII of even a nuclear nature if necessary.


As briefly mentioned above, in the 1970s, and the 1980s, I associated with an important dissident of the Soviet Union that I partly assisted in acquiring refugee status and residence in Canada when I was a young career Canadian diplomat. His name was Yuri Bezmenov. Already in those two decades before the fall of the Soviet Union, Bezmenov was talking to me about the forthcoming soft fall of the communist Soviet Union because of mistakes that could not be corrected anymore without causing a new useless and very destructive revolution. But he insisted that this would not mean at all the death of Communism, only its fall and displacement more to the West, with a better name and a strategy of Improved Communism. By the "West" he meant both what he called America (the whole of USA and Canada in his mind) and Europe. This move is what he repeatedly called the Fresh Start [of Communism] More To The West.  


What is important to notice now is that this is precisely the situation we are in today in the kind of conflict that has opposed a Donald and a Kamala or their eventual replacements. We are right into the Fresh start of Communism more to the West of Bezmenov but without or course calling it Communism. Maybe we should call it the Fresh Reset  of Communism in light of the so popular new expression Great Reset” that is being promoted today openly by the WEF (World Economic Forum) since its yearly session in Davos in 2019. This Great Reset” is deceitfully nothing else but a veiled form of the Fresh Start of Communism hypothesized by Bezmenov some 40 years earlier. This is what we prefer to call GlobCommunism and, since its fine-tuning in China over the last couple of decades, GlobFascism. The type of extreme left and veiled Marxist-Communist that is a person like a Kamala is the exact type of person necessary to be the leader of this Fresh Start or "Great Marxist Reset" more to the West. A Kamala is exactly the type of puppet person that the GAS wants so much to become the new president of the USA for this Improved Communism that we call GlobCommunism or GlobFascism that is meant to be more formally institutionalized after phasing out any type of front useful idiot of the GAS to start with, like a Joe Biden, and after also pushing out any type of disturbing wild card entirely subservient to the opposing DAS like a Donald Trump or a Putin.


Both the DAS and the GAS factions want the global enslavement of the rest of us, but in different ways. The two factions belong to the same fundamental realm of the current forces of the higher levels of the 3 Abrahamic religions that we call the Sweat elites. These elites nearly all come from the top levels of the 3 Abrahamic religions, but they are quite clearly dominated in their main leading roles by Jews (even if only Fake-Jews in most cases), more than by Catholics (even if only Judeo-Jesuits in most cases) or Muslims (even if only Sunnis in most cases) who all have a common Abrahamic Fake-Jews origin. Again, in the overall structure of world power, these leading Jews or Fake-Jews are divided in two groups, those in the DAS and those in the GAS, that want an entirely different path and strategy for our global enslavement. Only the path is different, not the final objective of global enslavement. This is so true that when attentive observers hear a Donald say "America First", they hear its echo as "Israel First", meaning the Zionist State of Israel. For all practical purposes, the USA has become a colony of Israel, and what will help America to be "first" is only possible if it will help first the colonizer called Israel to be "first" in its pursuit of world domination in its sphere of influence at world level. The USA and Zionist Israel (that has little to do with common non Fake-Jews) are one and the same beast with two heads linked at the hip. Or maybe America is the powerful horse mounted and commanded by the powerful Zionist knight. 


In other words, if attentive observers hear "Make America Great Again", they hear its echo as "Make Israel Greater Again". This forthcoming Greater Israel is fast being built, step by step through the incessantly growing balkanization of the Middle East that will serve the acquisition of new territories from these countries like Iraq and Syria. It is a precondition for the GAS, and a nice collateral effect for the DAS, even if the DAS prefers less global paths to achieve it. Again, the DAS, best represented by a Trump or a Bush, wants to enslave the rest of us through mainly usurious debt-money and brutal military force in constant unnecessary wars. This means mainly an economic main form of globalization through usurious debt-money and constant wars producing more usurious debt-money. The GAS, best represented by a Hillary or a Kamala, wants to enslave the rest of us more holistically, through both economic and cultural total submission, even the enslavement of our degraded souls through the Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated at this moment of the COVID pandemic, as well predicted by Rudolf Steiner. This means the fully holistic globalization of GlobCommunism of the fast forthcoming Great Reset of the WEF.


At the level of the elites of the USA and of the main international organizations, like the UN, the WHO, the IMF, the WEF and he EU, in particular since the victory of Biden, the GAS faction seems to be in a winning position at the moment. From the point of view of the common people of the USA and the EU waking up more and more at the moment to the reality of their progressive communistic enslavement, and in spite of the fact that the two factions control perfectly all the mass media, it is quite clear that the less dangerous DAS strategy is what a majority of people already understand and believe exists in most countries, but they are mistaken. The GAS is definitely in a clear winning position for the time being with a strategy of global enslavement that includes even our souls reduced to a satanic zombie level with the use of bioweapons like the Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated, and the propaganda weapons much more than with traditional military weapons. illegal global cartel of media much more than with traditional military weapons. more than with traditional military weapons. 


We are many and more powerfulThis could change only if elections could be done with complete transparency of information and without fraud. But such perfectly informative elections without fraud could possibly also work clearly and drastically against both the DAS or the GAS. In fact, both DAS and GAS are two tiny minorities that are not even united between themselves. Being divided is their fundamental weakness in front of the huge majority that is the rest of us. They only appear to be big, but they are in fact very small, let alone very afraid of the massive waking up of the rest of us to dismantle their global enslavement Master Plan. Consequently if we wake up to their plans of global enslavement we can prevent both the DAS and the GAS to achieve their objectives.


The only thing we have to be careful about is to resist them with only full democratic force instead of violent revolts or a civil war, or at most with Civil Disobedience. This is important in order to avoid that their mutual opposition turns into a new alliance and possibly generates a new world war, or even a nuclear WWIII, Such world war would make both of them, the two enslaving factions, and the rest of us too, as all losers.


In turn, good democratic force like the one provided by the ten drastic "NO" reforms of a FtatAristarchy is the only thing that would make the rest of us winners, along with all the people of our beautiful planet Earth. This forceful democratic way to oppose both enslaving factions is precisely what a FtatAristarchy can achieve more than any other form of governance. We are examining in this Part I of this book why we do not have such governance. We will examine in Part II of this book how we can achieve such governance with the elaboration of 10 cumulative drastic reformsFtatAristarchy through the democratic Power of saying NO.    


We will talk more about the Communist Fresh Start More to the West" of Bezmenov further down. For now, we have to address first some vital elements of the history as to why we got here, in a situation where we are being enslaved magisterially in a mostly unnoticed form of Improved Communism, or GlobCommunism, more and more holistically through full communist globalization, which, again, would seem to indicate that, in the overall structure of world power, the GAS faction is probably in a better winning position than the DAS at the moment.


The history of humanity in terms of our enslavement by evil elites has kept repeating and reinforcing itself. In the last centuries, this enslavement has been achieved by mainly the corrupted Sweat elites of the institutions of the three Abrahamic religions. In the last few decades, this has been done by these elites in complicity with the top officials of the corporations and national governments that they have influenced or controlled as their puppets. Of course, this enslavement has been successful in many places alreadybecauseeof only our own ignorance and negligent dozy blindness in front of the role of the fake authority of the corrupted elites of the main religious institutions and their complicit top politicians or top corporative managers. Otherwise, theof only our own ignorance and negligent dozy blindness in front of the role of the fake authority of the corrupted elites of the main religious institutions and their complicit top politicians or top corporative managers. Otherwise, the GlobCommunism enslavement of the rest of us, as the absolute big majority that we are, by a tiny small minority of corrupted elites, would absolutely not have been possible today. To be clear, without our ignorance and our negligent doziness or stupidity, and on the basis of the sheer numbers involved on the two sides of the equation, this enslavement would never have happened. But it has happened in the past in many places, and it still happens today in even a global way at the moment.


This GlobCommunism enslavement should not happen in particular today anymore with the quantity and the quality of the information that, admittedly with some difficulty, is fully available if we avoid the official mainstream of fake news at the service of the enslaving Sweat elites, and if we search for the Truth from the right independent sources. For 2000 years this enslavement has been based on few simple things like dogma, fear and guilt. These more simple tools have been used at various degrees, with various success, in various geographical areas. However, since the turn of the 21st century, things have completely changed. Our enslavement is not being done anymore only locally or regionally. It is now being achieved more and more globally, worldwide, as per the strategy of the GAS instead of the DAS, and through brand new expert tools unimaginable before, and to which we have given names and a more explicit definitions: the Banktatorship, the Healthtatorship and the Newstatorship. The amazing thing is that these brand new tools are used while being well hidden under what we call today false flags engineered by the evil elites to which we also give the name of Sweat.

With the gradual rise of the cultural level on the dozy slaves, like those that most of us are, during the course of the last centuries, the tools of enslavement used by the evil Sweat elites have continuously been reinforced or improved correspondingly in order to keep hiding them as much as possible from the negligent dozy slave side. Today these tools of enslavement are so sophisticated that they are practically totally unnoticed by the dozy slaves, even readily rejected by the most stupid slaves as conspiracy theory when attempts are made to bring them to their attention. Examples of our enslavement in a distant past were more obvious when initially even physical chains and whips were used to achieve it. Then they became less obvious but not less powerful when they became more psychological, as dogma, fear and guilt, along with widespread usurious debt-money and disinformation. But it is not necessary to go back centuries, to these old days, in order to be able to capture the fact that this same sad modern reality of our communistic enslavement still goes on today even if it is achieved more globally in much more modern and unnoticed ways.


In the above initial paragraphs, for simplification purposes of the overall structure of world power, we have used mainly the two acronyms DAS (Debt Approach Strategy) and GAS (Global Approach Strategy) only to facilitate the comprehension of the very intricate subject of the evil elites seeking world domination and the enslavement of the rest of us. It is important to realize that both these factions are only parts of the same fundamental elites that, from here down, we will always call the Sweat (Satan World Enslavement Abrahamic Team). We will also explain why we have chosen this name. The Sweat elites include many factions that are often fighting each other for one reason or another, like in the fight between the above DAS and GAS. Then, to complicate the issue, we sometimes have intruding outsiders, like a Trump, who closely link themselves to one of the factions, for their own selfish purposes, even if they are not pure elements of any of these two factions. But, as we will see further down, the pure elements of the Sweat all have their more recent roots in a form of new Improved Communism, or GlobCommunism that is being reborn More to the West since after its soft fall of the Soviet Union and its following fine-tuning in China, let alone, as we will see, its more distant deeper roots in the Satanism of the deviated respective branches of the higher levels of the three Abrahamic religions.


# Index

Other categories of governance at a more national level


To simplify and facilitate our understanding of enslaving structures of governance, in addition to the above DAS and GAS categories of global world power and strategy, we can define many other similar categories at a more national level through the following new acronyms.




# Index


Two magisterial false flags leading to our final full global enslavement: 911 & COVID


The most recent history of the first two decades of the 21st century has demonstrated clearly that the new tools of our enslavement that include the Banktatorship, the Healthtatorship and the Newstatorship, have now achieved near perfection. This perfection has ensured that these new tools of enslavement were made nearly totally invisible, or in great part unnoticed by our negligent doziness, because they are near perfect scams and false flags. Apart from the above 3 new tools, the main perfect magisterial false flags since the beginning of the 21st century, meant to lead to our final full global enslavement, are two, complementing each other in only 20 years. The magisterial scam of the 911 crisis that brought us the collapse of the twin towers of NYC in 2001 is the first one. The magisterial hoax of the COVID-19 Pandemic with planned integrated Lockdowns and engineered Fake Vaccines well prepared in advance is the second one, 20 years later, in 2021.


Fake Covid VaccinesTo avoid any confusion, let it be clear from the beginning, about the COVID hoax as a false flag, that the virus is real. The only thing is that it is not more dangerous than most other flue viruses that we had in the previous years, like the SARS and the Hong Kong Flue. What is really dangerous is not the COVID virus, but the way it is exploited through a new generation of COVID Fake Vaccines supposedly brought in to resolve the COVID crisis. What makes it a hoax is not the undeniable real existence of the virus but, apart from its questionable real strength, it is rather the way it is exploited, with integrated lockdowns, and for what purpose, which is total submission of humanity to achieve along the way the biggest transfer of wealth and property from the productive middle class to the parasitic Sweat elite class. What makes it also a scam is that the new types of COVID Fake Vaccines were not "invented" to resolve the pandemic after its inception, but rather the opposite: the pandemic was "invented" to have the justification to bring in the new Fake Vaccines designed ahead of the pandemic for the above purposes and not even capable of protecting the vaccinated persons. These Fake Vaccines do not exist to mainly cure the body of the person infected by the virus, but mainly to damage both the body and the soul of the person infected by the virus, and to reduce its resistance to enslavement, as part of a long-last Master Plan predicted years ago by Rudolf Steiner, which was explained with more details in the Preface of this book.


The first magisterial false flag, the 911 crisis of NYC, was a complete success for the enslaving Sweat elites as a tool of unnoticed enslavement. Yes, a near perfect success! It was the biggest false flag ever used in the history of humanity until the turn of the 21st century. As its well planned purpose to start with, it has allowed our Sweat enslaving elites to quickly issue thousands of pages of new drastic legislation reducing growingly liberty more than ever before in history, not only in the USA, but worldwide. Without that major false flag, the issuance of this massive new enslaving legislation would never have been possible. Its fake justification became their supposedly urgent need for a so-called War on Terror. Most of us gobbled it in its official version, as supposedly something good for our security, without a second thought, and unfortunately still believe in it in this way even today.


This fake War On Terror reducing drastically all our liberties is ridiculous if we consider that terrorists kill in our western countries only a tiny small fraction of 1% of those dying in car accidents each year. In spite of this, the new drastic legislation issued because of this so-called terror, like the infamous Patriot Act, and the creation of the fascist new Department of Homeland Security of the USA charged to implement it with ramifications worldwide, have nevertheless already reduced the freedom of all the rest of us to a minimal level, including in particular our constitutional freedom of opinion and speech if we dare to criticize it, or even simply talk about it negatively in public or in books like this one. As such, it is a very successful scam of the Sweat elites.


In the meantime, the cost of this War On Terror has amounted so far to at least $7 trillions (with a 't') in additional public debt to be eventually reimbursed by the current taxpayers whose security has not augmented, and to be reimbursed even by the future generations that will still be heavily indebted because of it for many years to come. This totally unnecessary and fake War On Terror has also already killed millions of people abroad, entirely uselessly, in totally useless continuous wars against people who never threatened us, and as constant wars that brought us no protection and no benefits, maimed many more millions, and produced hundreds of millions of refugees or displaced persons now trying to invade the western countries that illegally and uselessly launched that War On Terror against them.


But, in a satanic way, that War On Terror was not entirely useless. It was extremely useful for the banks belonging to the same Sweat elites enslaving the rest of us, or using us as useful idiots paying for the exorbitant costs of these constant useless wars. These criminal wars against humanity have already been a bonanza of immense profits for all the banks of the new Banktatorship that financed them all the way, before, during and after these wars. And the tsunami of refugees that they have produced, trying to invade our countries today, are also immensely helping a special part of the overall Master Plan of the Sweat elites on the basis of which the War On Terror was launched. This special part is the Kalergi Plan. That special Kalergi part of this Master Plan wants to destroy our best western values through massive uncontrolled and inassimilable immigration in order to reduce us to dozy dumbness, to damage our soul with the help of the new generation of fake COVID Fake Vaccines at the moment, and consequently facilitate our full final enslavement for the biggest possible transfer of power and property into the hands of our enslaving Sweat elites. In fact, the main collateral effect of the War On Terror is not our protection, but precisely the massive movements of refugees and economic migrants of a totally inassimilable culture that in fact facilitate the execution of the Kalergi Plan and then the completion of the overall Master Plan.


This whole multi-layered Master Plan of the Sweat elites is a vicious circle of unfathomable proportions that can only be animated by a spirit superior to human capacity, thus probably by none less than the cosmic Satan himself. This is what the TIME magazine once called "The Return Of Satan" on one of its covers. Accepting this terrible reality without counter action, without even second thoughts, is more than negligent doziness on our part. It is complete stupidity, if not even a clear complicit crime against humanity. Only a passage to a governance of FtatAristarchy with FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) compliance can resolve easily this immense hypocrisy or irresponsibility. and also eliminate its immense criminality.



Book Icke The TriggerFurthermore, the negligent dozy slaves that we are, have been engineered to ridiculously believe, by the official propaganda of the Newstatorship that 911 was caused by only 19 badly trained young terrorist pilots using box cutters when, because of its extreme complexity, the overall operation could only have been, and thus was, in all logic, an inside job to facilitate our enslavement through new, massive and very repressive legislation reducing our liberty after the event. Consequently just its extreme complexity clearly and logically means that it was certainly an inside job based on a magisterial Master Plan involving hundreds of complicit corrupted intelligence members and agencies of the current Sweat deep state of the USA, along with the complicity of at least three other countries: Saudi Arabia, Israel and the UK. Reading the book of David Icke, titled The Trigger, exceptionally well documenting 911 complexity in its most minute details, in some 900 pages, is essential reading, to start with, for all those who want to really wakeup to this magisterial false flag. And please, do not call it conspiracy theory without having first read the book, because hard facts, and thousands of them, cannot be conspiracy theory. Many other books are also available if you do not like the engineered discredited reputation of David Icke on the basis of the current fake political correctness of the Newstatorship. What else then could we call 911 but a complete success on the part of those Sweat elites who engineered this magisterial international false flag.  


But the magisterial scam of 911, as terrible as it was, even as the biggest scam ever perpetrated in history until the turn of the 21th century, is no match in importance to the even bigger false flag and hoax ever perpetrated so far in the last two millennia. This top false flag is called the Corona Virus Pandemic, or rather, as a deceitfully well-planned event, a Plandemic, or COVID for short, with its equally well-planned destructive integrated Fraudulent Lockdowns and Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated. This COVID hoax is so far an even more complete success than the 911 scam for its Sweat elite engineers and, not too surprisingly, when scratching the surface, its main engineers are part of the same enslaving Sweat elites in both cases and for the same purpose.


Yes! Another complete success! For the enslaving elites, not for the rest of us being enslaved, loosing our business or real-estate property through bankruptcy caused by the unnecessary lockdowns or, more simply, being prevented from enjoying our family and friends through wearing unhealthy, ugly, stupid and falsely protecting masks, being subjected to social distancing wherever we are, and stupidly controlled through contact tracing wherever we go.


The magisterial 911 scam and false flag had consequences mostly for the freedom of the people of the main countries of the most developed western world, in particular in the USA that is meant to fall as a precondition in order to complete the Master Plan of the GAS for our global enslavement. The magisterial COVID false flag and hoax was engineered by the Sweat elites to have terrible consequences much more globally than 911, for not only our freedom but also for the global economy, worldwide, let alone for the wellbeing and even the life of the entire world being depopulated, while having nevertheless enormous good cascading benefits for the enslaving Sweat elites that engineered it. As such, for the evil Sweat elites engineering these false flags, COVID is a much more encompassing success than 911, as its Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated were also designed not/not to mainly cure our body, but to damage our body and to mainly damage our soul and reduce it to full submission and obedience to accept more easily its new normality of full enslavement.


For the enslaving Sweat elites, the benefits are both obvious and enormous. The well planned Global Fraud of the integrated unnecessary lockdowns accompanying this COVID false flag have already accomplished the biggest and cheapest transfer of wealth and property in the history of humanity from the hands of the productive middle class into the hands of the parasitic Sweat elites, and will continue to do so for many more years to come after the forthcoming Great Marxist Reset.


COVID Lockdowns BenefitsAlong the way, COVID has also targeted, and certainly caused the death of some of the weakest elements of the world population that, from the point of view of the Sweat elites, have to be eliminated because they are useless mouths to be fed or to be supported uselessly through very expensive social welfare benefits. This selective elimination is clearly part of the evil plan of the leading Sweat officials of the UN/Agenda 21/2030 that has also become the main agenda of the fake Sweat pope called Francis. It works for the UNN part of the Master Plan that wants to forcefully reduce world population. But this is not its main and final purpose which is a form of unnoticed global enslavement through soul damage. Most of these weaker elements died in fact, or would have died anyway from their preexisting health problems or conditions. But this confusion helps to increase the statistics of death for COVID and consequently helps to maintain or increase the restrictive measures related to the COVID hoax engineered for our unnoticed global enslavement.


This evil agenda pursued even formally by the Luciferian UNN that is assisted at the moment by the equally Luciferian Vatican, contradicts the fact that people are the greatest resource on Earth. If someone has to be eliminated, then those who have to be eliminated first are not the "people", but the Sweat  elites. The good plain people do not have to be depopulated, but only better informed through the elimination of the current Newstatorship, and better educated through a Return of Philosophy and the Sacred Marriage of Science and Philosophy through FtatAristarchy, in order to be more enlightened and finally eliminate dogma and fear enslaving them.


The main purpose of COVID, after damaging our souls through fake vaccinations for our easier enslavement, is now the fast forthcoming "Great Reset" of our unnoticed final global enslavement. It will soon be exposed in a following section. However, as for the planned death of the old useless mouths, it is already well documented that thousands of cases have been certified as death for COVID because many of these cases also had COVID but died for another preexisting primary reason. The best statistic revealing what is really going on may be the following. The total number of deaths for any reason, that is for all reasons together, with the corona virus included, in most countries, has not increased as a total average figure over previous years when comparing the same period of months of previous years with the same months since the start of the Plandemic. This alone confirms most strongly the pure hoax of the COVID scamdemic.


Again, the real main purpose of the Plandemic at this late point is the fast forthcoming Great Reset of the world economy that is also a Global Mind Reset, badly pursued by our enslaving Sweat elites. Reading the book of Klaus Schwab, the head of the WEF (World Economic Forum), titled "COVID-19: The Great Reset", is most revealing regarding this issue. Schwab cannot say openly in his book that COVID was planned for the desired Great Reset. But he says so implicitly and covertly. He certainly says explicitly that the COVID was the perfect occasion that they, the Sweat elites, had been waiting for, in order to be able to finally implement the Great Reset. The message is clear, and dozens of other good books and research papers from scientists confirm the same ugly message. One good example is the extensive serious research done by the advisory board of the Spanish medical journal D-Salud-Discovery, using a group of highly qualified physicians and scientists, that indicates that the COVID pandemic shows clear evidence of what these Spanish scientists called "Global Fraud", referring implicitly to the officials of the Sweat WHO (World Health Organization) of the Sweat UN and their Sweat Big-Pharma acolytes guiding the related identical fake crisis measures in many national countries. And the Global Fraud is in terms of fake statistics attributing COVID as "the" cause of death of thousands of people who died for other main reasons while also having the COVID flue and, in many cases, according to serious whistleblowers, without even having that flue. Hospital officials are often sneakily forced to do so in order not to lose their jobs while, in doing so, their hospital managers receive a bonanza of money supposedly to help resolve the COVID crisis. This Plandemic is really what Spanish scientists called it: a "Global Fraud".


In any case, if what the COVID hoax has achieved so far is not another complete global success for the enslaving Sweat elites, as a false flag, I cannot think of any other better definition of complete global success. The "Global Fraud" reported above by highly qualified physicians and scientists of Spain, that is, by a country that has a long and solid experience of flu crisis since the famous pandemic of the Spanish Flu of 1918, and reported also by other scientists of many other countries, is the following. There is no doubt that the COVID virus does exist, but it is not more dangerous than the SARS or the Hong Kong Flu of the past few years, and much less that the Spanish Flue of 1918. It was all engineered for two purposes: first to damage our souls through Fake Vaccines that do not protect the vaccinated in order to enslave us more easily, and second, to implement the Great Marxist Reset through fake lockdowns, resolving along the way the immense and unsustainable bubble of usurious debt-money caused by the Sweat elites themselves over the last century, while at the same time transferring all the main wealth and property of the productive middle class of planet Earth into the hands of the same parasitic Sweat elites for only pennies. Consequently the scientists of Spain were right in calling it a "COVID Global Fraud".


Again, as we will see in more details, what is dangerous is not the virus itself, but the way it is being exploited, the fear and submission of enslaving obedience it spreads. The best hidden reason why it is being exploited this way is the damaging of our souls through a new generation of Fake Vaccines that do not protect the vaccinated. We have to be careful however, as our enslaving masters are clearly equipped and prepared to launch an even more dangerous form of virus if and when necessary to achieve their final Great Marxist Reset. Many hints indicate that the Sweat elites most likely have it already ready in some laboratory. For now, so far, an intermediate version has even been released and tested, as a mildly stronger version of the virus, in England at the beginning of 2021. Another similar test experience has also taken place in India. Other even stronger versions will most likely follow soon in other countries if and when necessary. But unfortunately, just like for 911, when you expose the conspiracy reality of COVID to the dozy slaves that most of us are, most of them still readily reject it, on the basis of the accompanying propaganda of the new Newstatorship and the enslaving political correctness killing the good common sense of our communities, as a conspiracy theory, More than stupidity, this is criminal complicity in our own possible complete demise.


After hundreds of hours of research and study of these 2 major false flag events, 911 and COVID, and until more evidence to the contrary is made available, it is certainly at the moment my firm opinion that they are 2 inside jobs and the scams of two magisterial false flags. In light of the extensive documentation already existing exposing these subjects, and until we will still have some constitutional freedom of opinion, which is being eroded by the day, I can see no reason, for now, not to express myself this way, openly and explicitly, about these two major hoaxes and false flags that are clearly the biggest and most successful ever conceived by the evil enslaving Sweat elites in the history of humanity.



# Index

The above shocking information requires some important observations before going any further forward


  1. First, in light of all the above, and as just mentioned, what follows about our unnoticed enslavement will be taken and readily rejected by many people of the dozy majority as conspiracy theory. This will happen more and more as the new generation of fake vaccines for COVID that do not protect the vaccinated will continue to cause damage to our free souls. If you are  among them, because you are affected by the extreme and very successful power of the propaganda of the current political correctness of the growing Newstatorship, not to mention the equally growing new Healthtatorship, but you are nevertheless a commonly intelligent person, please just consider the following. As a denier of the conspiracy reality of your unnoticed enslavement, in particular in the context of the engineered COVID Scamdemic and its successive integrated useless lockdowns (except of course for the Sweat elites, for them to transfer easily and cheaply massive amounts of wealth from the productive middle class to the parasitic elite class), you might just be one more useful idiot for the Sweat globalists who precisely want you, and need you badly, to be a denier, because, if a critical number of too many people wakeup to their conspiracy reality, they, the evil elites, will never be able to fully implement their conspiracy reality. As such a denier, you might be one of those well reflected in the title of the book of  Garry Allen, "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" until it will be too late for you, when you will have already been reduced, by the conspiracy reality you denied, to full enslavement under a dictatorial One-World-Government giving or refusing you survival welfare benefits, or other things that will have suddenly become a privilege to be granted or refused to you on the basis of a new social credit score, like the one already well experimented in China, including the right to travel or to speak, let alone find a good job on your own, or have access or not to a personal bank account.

  2. Second, it has to become clear to you that the two above magisterial false flags, the 911 scam and the COVID hoax, were engineered to finally bring about, as their main long term purpose, the so-called Great Marxist Reset through a cashless society and a full digitalization of our currency and economy, worldwide. This is primarily, to start with, what the Sweat elites want to use for our final global enslavement, worldwide, into a new form of totalitarian Improved Communism fine-tuned in China and, according to Bezmenov, "moved deceitfully to us more to the West", to Europe and the USA, without that name. This cashless digitalization of only a new CBDC money may even be an inevitable future for all of us because of the immense bubble of usurious debt-money that our Sweat enslavers have themselves created, and that will inevitably eventually popup with most catastrophic consequences for the rest of us but, again, with also incredible benefits of new additional wealth transfers for the elites into their own parasitic hands.

  3. Third, it has also to become clear to you that such inevitable CBDC digitalization, if it is forced on us, and as we will see in Part II of this book, can be done without enslavement if managed in the right way by the less dozy slaves that we should become instead of by our enslaving Sweat elites. Digitalization does not necessarily mean at all, like the conspirators of our final global enslavement want to implement it, that it has to be put into the hands of an omnipotent One-World-Government of globalists in a new global One-World-Economy, through a new and unique digital One-World Currency in a new entirely Cashless World, not even put into the hands of our new omnipotent national governments for the full control of all aspects of our life. Such bad deceitful digitalization would only mean a digital extension of the current usurious debt-money creation system of the Sweat elites enslaving us with fiat usurious debt-money and their new Banktatorship. The cashless digitalization must not escape and our own control, and be allowed by us to become the main tentacle of a powerful Sweat Octopus suffocating the productive middle class of the whole world.

  4. Forth, as we will see in Part II of this book, the world digitalization of our money and economy, if inevitable, can still be very well controlled by us together, instead of by our enslaving Sweat elites, within circumscribed environments of our own choice, be it a federation of nations with new flexible borders over time, be it a single nation, a region, a province, a city-state, even a plain single city that we command with obedient controllers elected under a BEC (Binding Electoral Contract) to serve us. As we will see, in a FtatAristarchy, a digitalization and cashless system can also be implemented as COGNO (Cash Out, Government Nose Out). As such, even with digitalization and cashless, we can be the commanders from the bottom, instead of slaves under omnipotent global controllers that persecute us from the top of a distant structure of government, in particular if that structure is GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) and distant from all of us at a transnational or supranational level, like it appears clearly a forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government would be by definition.

  5. FCBDC Biggest Threat to Freedomifth, it is worth insisting that a pure digital currency built on blockchain technology can even be good if implemented correctly as COGNO (Cash Out, Government Nose Out), without the interference of any corrupting globalizing GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) authority. Such pure COGNO digital currency does not need any centralized control over which we have no power. In fact, original digital money was invented precisely to avoid such centralized control, and must remain this way. We will elaborate more on that system in the second reform of a FtatAristarchy called "No Public Debt". By definition, pure unaltered blockchain money was conceived to function perfectly without such centralized government control at all. And for our benefit, this is the way it must stay if it is adopted, certainly so in a FtatAristarchy. A good cashless digital currency on blockchain technology can be, if we want, most safely controlled directly by each of us using it, and certainly not against us for any serious valid reason formally not pre-authorized by us. In such case, it would in fact eliminate completely the type of unnecessary central government control attempting to still enslave us through the creation of a new fake type of digital fiat usurious debt-money that our Sweat enslavers have recently started to conceive and to call CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency). This would only constitute a new magisterial scam worsening the current immense scam of the way money is created as only usurious debt-money today. Instead of creating only bad fiat usurious debt-money, they would also be creating much worse digital usurious debt-money as CBDC. Of course this elimination of our private control through pure original blockchain is exactly what the globalists want to avoid at all costs, as they absolutely still want to control fully any form of new digital money, one way or the other, in particular a cashless one. But, if we decide so, as the wide majority that we are, it can be avoided and must be avoided while being kept fully COGNO. Otherwise, it will be the biggest threat to freedom in all of human history.

  6. Sixth, this proper digitalization to our full exclusive advantage can be easily achieved, but only through a FtatAristarchy based on a combination of FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) and COGNO (Cash Out, Government Nose Out). The "Nose" in this case is the "Nose" of the government in smelling and spying all our private affairs without serious justification, and without formal pre-authorization by the wide majority of us. This type of governance is the main subject of Part II of this book after clarifying, in this Part I, How, Why and By Whom we are being caught in the suffocating tentacles of the Sweat Octopus of an unnoticed fast growing global enslavement at the moment. As per the motto on the cover of this book, only a FtatAristarchy can make us go "From Slavery Downwards To Slavery Upwards".  

  7. Seventh, the status of the conspiracy reality enslaving us in mostly an unnoticed way at the moment is the following. Globalists are deceitfully conspiring in many unnoticed ways. Our globalist Sweat enslavers do it through an unnoticed Master Plan that we will expose in details further down. They also do it through three brand new tools of unnoticed global dictatorship that we explain more fully in a following section. These new tools involve first and foremost a new worldwide type of bank regime that we will call a Banktatorship. A second brand new tool involves a supranational health regime that we will call a Healthtatorship. To crown this power of enslavement, our enslavers use an improved type of international news regime that we will call a Newstatorship as a tool that is well adapted to establishing and controlling the specific cultural and stupid political correctness already killing the good common sense of the people of our communities, or rather the bright Political Incorrectness that would be required in each individual country and globally in order to avoid enslavement. These 3 brand new dictatorial regime tools of the current Sweat globalists now already work all together to a great extent to achieve a very modern new type of unnoticed enslavement without chains or whips. Their coordination is being improved on a monthly basis, and these 3 new enslaving tools will soon work with their combined full power in the near future. In the meantime these 3 newer modern super tools of unnoticed enslavement keep working together with the additional help of a stronger continuation of the use of the much older tools of unnoticed enslavement that are still being used today, and that we call DDDD (Dogma, Debt, Disinformation and Despair), or ignorance, or fear in one word. This overall unnoticed enslavement has become so unnoticed, in fact, that it has become the Orwellian  "New Normal" of the critical mass of useful idiots still seeing it as normality. To paraphrase this new normality in even more Orwellian terms, "We Massively and Blindly Have Been Engineered to Love Our Unnoticed Slavery".




Allen BK None Dare Call It Conspiracy 



# Index

Here are the 8 main new acronyms you must know well to continue reading this book with profit




As you could see above, to fully wakeup from our sleepy state hiding us our multi-layered unnoticed enslavement, and to finally realize with full awareness, and explain clearly what is really going on, and consequently catch the seriousness of the sad reality of the unnoticed enslavement that we have been engineered to live in blindly, and to consider our beloved normality, we have to invent and coin new words.


These new words are all outside the realm of the current political correctness, but they are necessary precisely for this reason. Staying within the limits of the current political correctness that already kills the good common sense of most people of our community will never make us wakeup to our sad reality of unnoticed enslavement. The full list of all the new acronyms we have coined is in the VOCABULARY section at the end of the book. But among them there are seven main new acronyms that you must be completely familiar with from the beginning, with a clear basic definition of each of them, in order to read the rest of this book with full profit. Here they are.


  1. Sweat (Satan World Enslavement Abrahamic Team).
    For reasons that we will explain, this is the strange name that we give to the globalist parasitic class of elites enslaving us the productive middle class, in an unnoticed way at the moment. Its full name as a new world order, or rather maybe a new world disorder, will occasionally be "SweatHarder" (Satanic World Enslavement Action Through Heinous Abrahamic Religions Deviates Encompassing Roamers). The word "Sweat" as an acronym is a pun well intended, and the "Satan" and "Abrahamic" attributes of the acronym are also well intended. All this will be well explained in the context of an evil "Master Plan" of global unnoticed enslavement that is being implemented by the "Sweat" . As we will see, these Sweat elites mostly come from the higher levels of the 3 Abrahamic religions, or from their obedient corporative acolytes outside these religions operating in the main corporations or the main key positions of government or international organizations using GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials. This is why these elites are qualified overall as Abrahamic. On the other hand, the very top levels of these elites, either from these religions or from subservient bodies like the Freemasonry or the Jesuits, all belong to deviated branches that are related to various forms of Satanism. Thus their Satan qualification. Of course they include various factions that are often opposed to each other in the Swamp of the NWO (New World Order), or rather what we call the NEWO (New Enslaving World Order) in the overall structure of world power, but opposed not on their common final objective, which is our enslavement through world domination, but on the ways to achieve it, like the above GAS and DAS factions mentioned previously. The Sweat elites are more closely linked to the so-called White Brotherhood that wants globalist and holistic full world domination, with full control on all it can: money, body, mind and soul of each human being. In this way they often oppose the OWO (Old World Order) that is more closely linked to the so-called Black Brotherhood, as those who are mainly the descendants of the ancient Jewish Money Changers who also want world domination but mostly through usurious debt-money, or rather through mainly the control of the issuance of the current usurious debt-money out of nothing already enslaving the world today, and through the start of constant new wars to create more such usurious debt-money for their exclusive profit. 

  2. Banktatorship (Bank dictatorship regime).
    This is the first brand new tool of global dictatorship of the above Sweat elites today for implementing our unnoticed global enslavement. This enslavement has to do with dictatorship banking not working to help us anymore, but working for the tax office, and consequently directly for the Sweat elites, for the purpose of fully implementing as soon as possible the use of only digital usurious debt-money under their full control, in a new cashless society, giving the Sweat elites absolute full control over every penny we spend, the location where we are when spending it, and on what we are spending it, as well as the power of granting or refusing us the right to use our owned part of that digital currency each time we need to. As such the new banks of the Banktatorship do not work for us anymore, but we work for them, and consequently for the Sweat elites over them. This satanic deviation of the traditional services of the banking system will involve mainly the fast forthcoming cashless CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) shown in the previous section. This enslaving CBDC used deceitfully in a new type of cashless society will be for us the biggest fundamental threat to freedom in all of human history, revealing all aspects of our personal life to the controlling Sweat elites.

  3. Healthtatorship (Health dictatorship regime).
    The is the second brand new tool of dictatorship of the Sweat elites today for our unnoticed global enslavement. This enslavement has to do with a whole world of obligatory ugly Face Mask wearing, of mind debasing through Inhuman Social Distancing and sneaky Social Tracing, and in particular of a fast forthcoming full control Immunity Passport that will be necessary to access all services, or be refused services, including the right of basic things like travelling or changing job at will. It will achieve three main objectives. First, through the forthcoming new compulsory Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated with integrated chip implants in Nano-Chip technology that will include a unique personal barcode for each person, the Sweat elites will have absolute full control over all aspects of our movements and frequentations, along with the power to deny without appeal any human right of any vaccinated or unvaccinated person, or any kind of public service, as it suits them; HealthTatorchip Immune PassportSecond, through these same compulsory Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated, the Healthtatorship  will debase our minds like zombies of various subservient levels by damaging our Pineal Gland. Third, through the scam of unnecessary integrated lockdowns ensuing from various periods of fake pandemics, but fake pandemics planned and engineered in advance for that specific purpose, while damaging our free souls through fake vaccines also for that specific purpose, the Sweat elites will conduct more easily the Great Marxist Reset that will collapse the economy of the productive middle class, and gradually transfer most of the wealth and property of the best of this productive middle class into the hands of its own parasitic Sweat class in the fastest and easiest way, doing it in the biggest quantity, and for the cheapest price that they could have ever done it before in the history of humanity. In the same way it will achieve the Great Mind Reset for these purposes. The Healthtatorship new Immunity Passport shown to the right (please take note of the chip circled in red that will have to match another well hidden Nano-chip in your body inserted through the new compulsory Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated rendered obligatory supposedly because of the immense scam of the Plandemic called COVID-19) will not be used only for travelling abroad, like the old traditional passport, but for all sorts of access rights within your country, both for public and private services. These will include accessing your bank account or alternatively have it reduced or emptied, move to a new city, find a new job, entry to all kinds of public buildings like restaurants, gyms and cinemas, even possibly the entry your own home building if necessary.


  4. Newstatorship (News dictatorship regime).
    The is the third new tool of dictatorship of the Sweat elites today for helping our total unnoticed enslavement. The first stage was the institutionalization of Fake News to start limiting or orienting falsely our information. Its second stage  has to do with forcing us to receive only and exclusively fully controlled and censured information on any subject useful to us, or rather useful to our new unnoticed Sweat enslavers, through Censored Cable TV, the Censored Internet and any other type of Censored Physical Media, Censored Digital Media or Censored Social Media, with the help of Censoring Information Providers like Google, Facebook and YouTube accusing us without recourse of things like Hate Speech or Racism or even Non-Authoritative Thinking. Of course, the "Authoritative Thinking" is all theirs, whatever it may be and without any possibility to be contested by any of the rest of us without being accused of hate-speech. Even the most intelligent and cultivated persons among the rest of us can even ask to discuss with them what Authoritative Thinking should be on any subject. This is absolute arrogance, and even crazy arrogance in most cases. These providers have dared to do this dictatorial censorship recently even with the president of a country like the USA called Trump who was banned from Twitter without notice or appeal. The generalization of the terrestrial Digital Cable TV over the last decade was the initial part of this long term strategy, and was meant for exactly this purpose, giving us access to only the TV channels of their choice under their full control. All the above means of news are now intended to soon all work together and form the completed Newstatorship that will give the Sweat elites absolute full control on what we are allowed to know, in particular about the unnoticed evil project of a forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government that they are gradually and deceitfully implementing step by step, This shall be a rather easy task now that we have giving them the right to create a global unconstitutional cartel of only 6 main corporations controlling all world news. With the fast coming implementation of the One-World-Government, we will also be severely punished if we dare to express opinions of even good simple common sense that deviate from the official line or content of what is allowed by the enslaving Sweat elites on the basis of the new political correctness already killing the the good common sense of most people in our community. This equates to the gradual total disappearance of our freedom of speech and opinion, This freedom is supposedly formally guaranteed by our constitutions in most countries at the moment, but it is nevertheless more and more violated by various initiatives of the Sweat elites on practically a daily basis without any court daring to intervene because judges at the highest levels are also already in great part members of these same Sweat elites.

  5. DDDD (Dogma, Debt, Disinformation, and Despair).
    This is a much older background tool of unnoticed enslavement that has existed for centuries. It still exists today but it is now being strongly reinforced. It is now working in the background of the three previous new tools mentioned above. In the past DDDD has been used quite successfully on its own for our unnoticed enslavement. With the creation of the above new tools of Banktatorship, Healthtatorship and Newstatorship, the DDDD is now being used to reinforce these three brand new more powerful modern tools for our unnoticed enslavement. The use of DDDD results, for the rest of us, in constant Fear of some kind of sinful or possible criminal behavior in all aspects of our life, even thought-crime, along with a growing Psychological Submission to the Sweat elites. The global Mask Wearing of the recent Plandemic has come to only reinforce this older DDDD tools of fear and submission. This fear is growingly engineered for all sorts of reasons and circumstances. Consequently, for the Sweat elites, it is a tool for the easier domination of the rest of us, the productive middle class. Overall DDDD reinforces the other 3 previous brand new main tools of unnoticed enslavement, and results in a corresponding stronger enslaving power by the parasitic Sweat class enslaving us in an even more deceitful and powerful unnoticed way.

  6. FTATOC (Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Crime). + FtatAristarchy_FTATOC / FTATOT
    This brand new crime called FTATOC is the most serious new crime formally and necessarily created, and most severely punished in a FtatAristarchy. In such a FtatAristarchy, those who lie, or obstruct Truth or transparency related to public affairs commit a crime called a FTATOC. A FtatAristarchy, as per its name, is based on two legs. Its first leg is revealed in the prefix FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency), and its second leg is revealed in the word Aristarchy which means the extraction and election of the best possible governors on a strict basis of Merit and best Capacity of leadership and management under a fully binding contract. Such leaders can normally only have been educated through a special new type of holistic education provided at all levels of schooling in a FtatAristarchy. It is called EthoPlasìn education. It is based on a Return Of Philosophy in our life to replace dogma, and a formation of the various levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul. It is also based on the Sacred Marriage of Philosophy with Science. Committing a FTATOC crime through even one serious single lie related to public affairs, when it is a lie that affects badly most of the population, is considered much more serious than committing the murder of one single person on the basis of things like jealousy or hate. The FTATOC is punished most severely, not only with immediate and permanent lifetime dismissal of the current, and of any other public position at any level in the future, but primarily on the basis of confiscation of personal property when available, along with the possible adjunction of any other form of punishment, like heavy fines or imprisonment. The FTAT requirement of a FtatAristarchy means the end of liar officials handling any level of public governance. This FTATOC crime is admittedly equivalent to a cultural political revolution. In addition, the same severe FTATOC criteria applies to all journalists and private writers when handling issues of public affairs with an output destined to the public at large. The same FTATOC rule applies even to foreign writers and in particular to foreign GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials of international organizations: if they are foreigners and commit a FTATOC related to "our" FtatAristarchy country, they can be prohibited entry in "our" country, or arrested if they come in, and even punished on property if they have any in "our" country. No more political liars! No more fake news! No more falsification of history or reporting on public events or affairs! Full Truth And Transparency (FTAT) is the only legal way public affairs can be managed in a FtatAristarchy because, like a grand master once said, "Only Truth Shall Set You Free". As such, a FtatAristarchy has the freest and most transparent governance that can exist, compared to all countries using other types of governance. This being said, it is important to stress that FTATOC does not limit in any way the absolute freedom of speech and opinion, but rather requires it. It is necessary in a FtatAristarchy as long as the opinion is not a fabricated lie, and it is expressed explicitly as an opinion, or a firm personal conviction based on provided hints, facts or logical deduction of common sense coming from available information, without any restriction from the current political correctness. Expressing such Truth with physical violence is prohibited and punished, but it is not the Truth that is prohibited and punished, only the physical violence accompanying its expression. To be clear, prohibiting or obstructing such full freedom of speech and opinion, even in relation to the use of the so-called new Hate Speech unduly prohibited by the current  political correctness, is itself a FTATOC. In a FtatAristarchy, nobody can be punished in any possible way for using this kind of full freedom of speech or opinion against any public official, national or foreign, or against any other country considered having bad behavior in the opinion of an observer living in a FtatAristarchy. Between private individuals in relation to strictly private affairs, Truth is a private legal matter between themselves. If a FTATOC about public affairs is serious enough, it may become treason, as FTATOT punishable with up to death penalty. This can be the case for example when somebody hides existing superior technology, terrestrial or extraterrestrial, that could save millions of life by simply becoming FTAT. If such advanced technology exists and is not revealed, it becomes a FTATOT on the part of those knowing it and not revealing it. If such technology exists and could be used to kill millions of people, an is not revealed for complete elimination, then the hiding of such Truth also becomes FTATOT.

  7. BEC (Binding Electoral Contract).
    In a FtatAristarchy, for election purposes, there is no more a so-called electoral program, only an electoral contract. There is not even a traditional parliament with hundreds of elected or selected representatives. As we will see in more details in Part II of this book, only 3 governors are elected on the basis of a strictly Binding Electoral Contract (BEC) that is binding in 4 ways: 1) In addition to the routine administration, only the limited new items of the electoral contract can be implemented, with no possible surprise after election, during a mandate, in terms of new legislation or taxation. That binding action contract can contain maximum 10 new items for one particular election. It is the contract that is really elected, more than the governor proposing it and trusted to execute it; 2) All items of that contract must be implemented within the time frames mentioned in the contract; 3) All of it must be implemented with only the financial resources mentioned in the contract; 4) All of it must be implemented through only the team of experts mentioned in the contract or their indicated possible assistants or eventual substitutes. Any major event surpassing the routine administration that was unpredictable at the time of the BEC must be handled through only a brand new type of referendum made swift and easy for all citizens through a perfect brand new type of Bio-Voting Card based on anonymous bio-identicality called a BAVID (Bio-Anonymous Voting ID) that eliminates any kind of possible fraud, and with which it is the only way to vote in a FtatAristarchy, and a duty to vote for retaining citizenship and passport. The only alternative to such referendum for a brand new item is a new election with a new BEC in which the new item is included.

  8. PASFOGOC (Products And Services For Only Good Of Country)
    Together with full FTAT compliance, a citizen of a FtatAristarchy must also be fully PASFOGOC compliant. The lack of such compliance also becomes a FTATOC, and possibly a FTATOT in most serious cases when a product or service has caused a serious damage to most people in the country.




Fleming BK COVID is a Bioweapon




# Index

Towards the Great Reset to achieve the first One-World-Government of fully satanic global enslavement


The above main powerful tools (2, 3 and 4) of brand new forms of unnoticed enslavement, although not yet fully elaborated, have started to work progressively together, with good combined force already, since the turn of the 21st century, and unfortunately they will work even more strongly together from now on, even together with the reinforced much older tools of DDDD (Dogma, Debt, Disinformation and Despair or fear), as part of the strategy for the fast forthcoming "Great Marxist Reset" so much desired by the Sweat elites, at world level. This "Great Marxist Reset" is not new. It was well planned for half a century already, but was impossible to achieve until recently. It was fine-tuned over the last 2 decades in particular, and it is now possible. It was kept very furtively under cover by the Sweat elites until 2019. Before that, when some whistleblowers dared to talk openly about this forthcoming  "Great Marxist Reset", they were immediately ridiculed and accused of conspiracy theory, or of hate speech, by the Sweat  elites because of its implied catastrophic effects on the rest of us.


Today, its promoters, like Klaus Schwab who wrote the book about it, titled "COVID-19: The Great Reset" (shown below) affirm openly that the pandemic was the perfect occasion they had been waiting for in order to be able to implement The Great Reset. What Schwab really means is that is was the perfect setup that had to be engineered before the pursued Great Reset could take place. And it is really a "Great Marxist Reset". All the main collaborators of Schwab since he founded the WEF in 1971 were heirs of Frederick Engels and his intellectual puppet called Karl Marx. The Great Reset objectives are very similar to the original Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx. It calls for the abolition of private property, except of course for the absolute overall property of the GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials of the Communist government managing the reset. It calls for the abolition of all nation-states in order to give government power only to a new dictatorial Marxist One-World-Government. It calls for the abolition of the traditional family so that all the children could become the "property" of the state for total indoctrination at the service of the globalist government, and not children of genitors who may have ideas and values contradicting global governance. It calls for absolute total surveillance of all aspects of the life of all living persons wherever they live and for world depopulation


More furtively, the Great Marxist Reset even promotes evil eugenics in a new form of transhumanism that, if necessary, will include the body Nano-chipping of all people for total control, implying clearly that this could easily be achieved through the new generation of Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated, as vaccines that precisely were not created to mainly cure our body against the virus, but engineered to weaken our bodies and mainly destroy or weaken our "soul" by Fake Vaccine toxins damaging our brain Pineal Gland giving us access to higher levels of conscience, and consequently giving us access to stronger desires of liberty through freewill, which is the worst enemy of the current globalists. In spite of all this, the main political leaders we have around the world at the moment support strongly, and apparently blindly, the forthcoming Great Reset of Klaus Schwab because they are all puppets of the globalists. This includes of course leaders with important names like Biden, or rather "China Joe" and a clearly Marxist person like Kamala Harris, not to mention many other women leaders of her Sweat class that seem to belong more and more, in a nice veiled way, to a growing new category of Daughters of Lilith best represented by a Hillary Clinton.  


Great Marxist ResetThe so far furtive "Great Marxist Reset" was finally announced very explicitly, formally and openly for the first time, at the Davos WEF (World Economic Forum) meeting of June 3, 2020, by none less than Klaus Schwab, who himself is a top figure of the Sweat elites. The  "Great Marxist Reset" itself involves mainly, to start with, the fall of the main reserve currencies at the moment, like the Dollar and the Euro as a first step, and even the Chinese Renminbi as a second step, with  their replacement with a brand new Digital One-World-Currency in a forthcoming new Cashless World of people forced to use only a new type of CBDC under full globalists control. More deceitfully, without yet ever mentioning it quite explicitly, the  "Great Marxist Reset" also involves for the Sweat elites the beautiful side-effect of a massive transfer of wealth and property, bigger than ever before in the history of humanity, from the productive middle class to the parasitic Sweat elites class, through the planned lockdowns integrated into the successive periods of the COVID Plandemic. These lockdowns were planned specifically ahead of time, before the Plandemic, for that specific purpose, just like the new generation of Fake Vaccines against COVID that were also engineered ahead of time, before the Plandemic, to be used during the Plandemic to attempt to weaken our bodies and mainly destroy our souls of liberty and freewill through damaging our Pineal Gland.


Unfortunately, every dozy ignorant slave, which is the case of most common people, will stupidly blame all the damage done through successive lockdowns on the pandemic, and not on the Sweat elites, to the great satisfaction of the elites, when in fact the elites created the Plandemic with integrated lockdowns for exactly that purpose. However, the revelation of this so-called global  "Great Marxist Reset" is still veiling discretely and deceitfully, as much as possible, its real end purpose, its more long-term final purpose that is, at least for the GAS, our full global enslavement through the ensuing establishment of an eventual dictatorial One-World-Government as soon as possible. And JerUSAalem is intended to become its world capital, for ruling more easily new generations of people weaken and in fear because of lockdowns and fake vaccines damaging their bodies and minds, and in particular drying their Pineal gland as the center of their free souls.


But even the objective of the GAS of a forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government is starting to be gradually leaked out by some other top members of the Sweat elites, like Judeo-Jesuit Pope Francis for example who has already talked quite explicitly, more than once already, even in formal official occasions, religious and non-religious occasions, about the need for an eventual form of a new global governance to face and manage properly the immense problems of the overall planet Earth (caused by the elites that he is part of, the Sweat Globalists, not by the common people). Behind this forthcoming One-World-Government there is, at its top, the UN, but the new UN that is really a UNN (United No Nations) at the moment. This UNN prefers, for now, to still hide as much as possible that this plan is essentially its own. In the meantime the UNN uses eminent useful idiots and puppets like Pope Francis and Bill Gates to start to slowly and gradually spread the idea, and hopefully make people get used to it, and pre-accept it.



Of course, Judeo-Jesuit Pope Francis knows well what world authoritarian governance is. His church is certainly the best example, so far in history, of a stable dictatorial world governance lasting not years, but centuries, even a couple of millennia. It is certainly the oldest form of corrupted world governance in at least one sphere of human life. The Catholic Church of the Vatican is unique on Earth, as a type of global governance, at least in one sphere. It is in fact the only governance that has lasted stably already for ever 2000 years. Before the fraudulent "selection" of the Sweat  globalist Jesuit Francis as a pope, this stable governance was limited to the spiritual sphere of human life. Since the arrival of this fraudulently elected pope Francis, it is now progressively more and more inclusive of all spheres of human activity and, through its close association to the Agenda 21/2030 of the UNN that is explicitly very dear to Francis, also progressively associated to all spheres of the non-religious world politics of the global Sweat elites.


Interestingly enough, this closer association to all spheres of world politics is probably the reason why Francis never dared to talk very explicitly about the serious need for himself, and for all his subordinate church leaders, within the Vatican and in the whole world, to be more virtuous in their own personal life, and to promote more virtue in the life of all branches of his nomenclature and their faithful, in order to really resolve more easily the immense problems of the world. If Francis had done so, as a new and an eminent part himself of the immensely corrupted new Sweat elites, it would probably have made him look plainly ridiculous in light of all the many sexual and financial scandals affecting his Vatican and the overall Catholic Church at the moment. These scandals of the Vatican can be kept better under cover now from the complicit part of the non-religious Sweat elites that suffer similarly and prominently from exactly the same types of horrible scandals.


What the world badly needs in fact is not more dictatorial power of governance for the leaders of the corrupted Sweat elites of the top level, but simply more virtue to be taught in all good schools of holistic education, hopefully the EthoPlasìn education promoted by the Pythagorean Project behind this book, preached in all religious centers, and inculcated in as many people as possible in and out of these religious centers. This used to be the traditional mission of the Christian church for 2000 years before Judeo-Jesuit Francis arrived. Since his arrival, it is no more the case today, as we will see in more details, since this Jesuit pope started associating himself, along with the whole Vatican, directly to the civilian political UNN Agenda 21/2030 of the Sweat elites. This civilian UNN Marxist political agenda is what Pope Francis defends most now as his obvious top priority over any other spiritual agenda. Unfortunately he promotes it from an already very decadent Catholic Church. The decadence of his Catholic Church has increased, going from Luciferianism to Satanism. The new non-religious mission of the Vatican is being reinforced constantly since Francis' fraudulent "selection"  as a pope through irregular interventions of Freemason cardinals of the Sweat elites who have fully infiltrated his Vatican. This fake pope and his corrupted entourage is well documented in a book called "Non è Francesco" ("He is not Francis") by Antonio Socci who is not only a devoted Christian, but a top Italian investigative journalist and expert of all Vatican affairs, good and bad, including the religious Vatican "deep state" of Sweat elites more and more closely related to the Sweat elites of the Marxist UNN, of the growingly Marxist USA and the Marxist Zionist leadership of Israel


Popes with Jewish symbolsThis infiltration of the Vatican by the Sweat elites is what Pope Paul VI qualified explicitly as satanic, years before, when he said at an official occasion: "The smoke of Satan has invaded the Temple of God". This was in the context of the Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II in 1962. Needless to say that pope Paul VI knew well what this "satanic smoke" really was, as he was fully part of it. He was himself a hidden freemason documented to have been initiated in Paris years before. He was also a hidden homosexual well documented as such through many regular visits to his boyfriend lover in Switzerland before he became pope. He was even a hidden crypto-Jew as he had a Jewish mother and, according to Judaic law, this automatically made him a Jew. Incredibly, even as a pope, he was also often wearing discretely the highest Jewish symbol of the Rationale over part of his clothing (see the red arrow on the picture on the side). He did not seem to care, and he was elected the maximum figure of Christianity nonetheless, as its pope, even if his 3 hidden conditions were certainly a triple absolute prohibition of the Catholic Church of that time to be a Christian faithful, let alone to be the Pope.


Now we have Pope Francis, associated mainly to the White Brotherhood of the GAS instead of the traditional Black Brotherhood of the DAS in the current structure of world power. But as a Jesuit, he is nevertheless called the "Black Pope", in fact as a Jesuit pope for the first time in the history of Christianity, fraudulently elected and deceitfully dressing in white. As a Jesuit, Francis is also a crypto-Jew from a religious order founded by a Jew called Ignacio di Loyola. As such he is now the promoter of an agenda that is not mainly spiritual anymore, but mainly the worst part of the agenda of the Sweat elites managing the Marxist UNN and its globalist Marxist Agenda 21/2030. His fraudulent election has led to the swift eviction of the previous real "White Pope" who, according to the Catholic tradition, was mainly associated to the Black Brotherhood of the DAS instead of the White Brotherhood of the GAS, and legitimately dressing in white as Benedict XVI. This previous German pope, who legally is still the only valid pope, was evicted because he wanted to stick to the traditional spiritual agenda of the Vatican, and not become part of the globalist GAS agenda of the Marxist UNN. But the Sweat elites of the GAS faction needed the assistance of the Vatican and its mass of Catholics around the world for their civilian Master Plan of world domination and enslavement. With Francis, the Sweat elites of the GAS faction are no more separated from the Vatican and its immense power, nor in opposition to it, but in full complicity with it. The worst of the Sweat elites of the GAS faction have gone all the way "From Enemy To Brother". This new immense cumulative power integrating world politics and the major religious influence of the Vatican worldwide is what was needed and planned for, by the GAS faction of the Sweat elites, to finally acquire the necessary global power for their Marxist Great Reset, taking full advantage of the current strange relationship and collaboration between Klaus Schwab of the WEF and Pope Francis of the Vatican.



At this point, having even the pope as a powerful useful idiot, the GAS part of the Sweat elites are probably not more than two or three more lockdowns away from a complete success regarding their impending Marxist Great Reset and world domination. After these next lockdowns, the people will be so much in fear and chaos that the "D" of "Despair" of their DDDD tools of unnoticed enslavement will be fully empowered to the point that not only will the Sweat elites be able to finally have their dictatorial One-World-Government, but the people will beg for it and even request it, praying for it down on their knees, as a salvation for survival. And to avoid the chaos and the misery they are in, the rest of us will probably even start to "Love our unnoticed enslavement" of pure Orwellian definition.


The Sweat elites will finally have what they wanted on the economic side, as a One-World-Government and a digital One-World-Currency in a new Cashless Society of only CBDC digital money, but not yet all of what they really want most, as requested by their Satan master on the cultural side, which is the deterioration of the power of our free souls, by damaging our Pineal Gland through the new generation of Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated created for this main purpose instead of mainly for curing our bodies from the virus. Temporarily, on the economic side, they will even project the impression, worldwide, through the deceitful propaganda of their Newstatorship, that they were granted what they wanted by the people, as a Great Reset requested by the people and not engineered by them. The rest of us will have been cheated and fooled in a magisterial way with our unnoticed economic enslavement, and we will probably even start to love our enslavement in an Orwellian way. In addition, as well evidenced by the cover of the book of top globalist Klaus Schwab titled COVID-19: Great Reset, we will have been doubly cheated. We will also have been engineered to think, by their powerful Newstatorship, that we ourselves have granted "The Great Reset" to the globalists because of a pandemic called COVID-19. In fact however, the exact opposite is true. The fake pandemic COVID-19 was itself engineered from the beginning, with its totally unnecessary integrated lockdowns, as part of an evil Master Plan, in order to specifically facilitate the Marxist "Great Reset" with the impression that we had to request it from the globalists in order to save ourselves.


But at that point, the worst to come will only be expecting at the door. The "Great Reset" has not only this economic and political side, but also, much more well hidden so far in the background, regarding its most important side, its cultural and spiritual sides related to destroying the power of our freewill souls of superior comprehension and liberty by damaging our Pineal Gland through Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated and imposed globally. With the full power they will have however on the political and economic sides, the Sweat elites will finally be easily able to proceed with what they want most, with the cultural and spiritual sides of the "Great Reset", as a Great Mind Reset, which is, to paraphrase the words of Pope Paul VI, to spread "The Smoke Of Satan" in all aspects of our cultural and spiritual life. From then on, unless we wakeup and react before it is too late, Satan will be fully in charge of all our world through the worst GAS part of the Sweat elites. The cosmic Satan is well on the way to achieve this full domination and, as we will see, only FtatAristarchy governance can prevent this satanic Master Plan to be fully implemented. The bringing of the famous 7-meter high "Door of Hell" sculpture of Rodin from Paris to the Quirinale in Rome, holy city where the Vatican is located, to accompany the sculpture of MOLOCH already located in the Coliseum, for a major artistic exhibition in 2021, is certainly a good symbol of this new satanic domination of the supposedly most advanced western culture in a top Sweat place called the EU (European Union).    


Pandemic Plandemic for Global ResetThe global dictatorial One-World Government regime is intended to be managed exclusively by the Abrahamic Sweat elites that hope to do it in due time, in its more complete stage, from JerUSAlem as their new world capital. Klaus Schwab is at the moment one of the two most important world Abrahamic figures of the advancing NWO (New World Order), or rather the NEWO (New Enslaving World Order), run by the Sweat elites, along with his more discrete complicit Abrahamic adjuvant called Larry Fink of the huge and immensely powerful BlackRock financial GAS corporation. This incredibly powerful BlackRock corporation operates as much as possible in complete unawareness on the part of the rest of us. It is like an immense octopus operating under deep water. Someone dared to call it quite rightly the "Great Vampire Octopus of the Global Financial Reset" extending its suffocating tentacles of enslavement over all aspects of human life on planet Earth through the "D" for "usurious debt-money" of the above DDDD enslavement tools still unnoticed by most of us.


The GAS part of the Sweat team managing this coming Great Marxist Reset represents the top Satanic levels of the Three Abrahamic Religions often formally lauding Satan as Lucifer in their respective liturgical ceremonies, including in the Vatican managed dictatorially by the falsely elected Judeo-Jesuit Pope Francis assuming a new worldwide and not so discrete leading role anymore as of late. As we will see, since his fraudulent election, or rather his irregular selection by freemasonic members of the Sweat elites that invaded the Vatican, the leading role of the Marxist UNN has somewhat been partially eclipsed, or somewhat diminished, but only on the surface. Correspondingly the new and odd Vatican role in non-religious affairs has become stronger, and more and more explicit in the civilian sphere of world affairs, instead of in its traditional spiritual sphere like it used to happen with all previous popes before his fraudulent election


This Great Marxist Reset however is deceitfully presented by its promoters as only "economic", as a globalist agenda to restructure the world economy managed by them, the Sweat elites. In other words, it is presented as only an economic reset. We must stress again that this is totally wrong and purposely very deluding. This economic side of the global reset is not at all the only one, and not at all the worst one. On this economic side, it certainly includes eminently the policies advocated by the Sweat UNN elites through scams like its IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) promoted by puppets  of the Sweat elites like Al Gore and Greta from Sweden, and by all the puppet corporations of the Sweat elites, in particular the most infamous one, the BlackRock corporation run by Larry Fink. In fact, this economic side of the Great Marxist Reset is the one of mainly the new Banktatorship being implemented, but it is not at all the worst one. The worst and so far well hidden side of the global Great Marxist Reset is the yet secret, and still quite unnoticed by anyone. It is on the cultural and spiritual sides of the forthcoming Great Marxist Reset, as a Great Reset of Mind, being implemented by the still unnoticed but fast forthcoming full Healthtatorship, and it has to do with the damaging of the power of our freewill souls by damaging our Pineal Glands through Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated, because these free souls, through the Pineal Gland, can access higher levels of comprehension about our reality and thus have stronger desires of freedom against Sweat global enslavement.


More than changing world economy by collapsing its most productive part in the hands of the middle class at the moment, then confiscating and re-concentrating the best of world wealth and property more and more into the hands of the parasitic Sweat elites with the help of the lockdowns of a fake Plandemic fomented by the forthcoming Healthtatorship, it will change all our best western cultural and patriotic values with the powerful help of the Newstatorship becoming more and more evident on practically a daily basis with its incredibly successful propaganda and growing censorship. This is the fast forthcoming role of a new Marxist UNN (United No Nations) to replace the more simple original UN. This is the worst part of the Great Reset as it will also reduce our freedom to the outmost degree, and even degrade the strong culture that could make the rest of us resist the ensuing tragic cultural downfall, and for God knows how many decades, or maybe centuries, of the future generations.


More than the new form of "Improved Communism moved more to the West" of Bezmenov, we may be talking here about a new form of Improved Dark Middle-Ages of Full Enslavement  being extended to the whole world. Part of this downgraded cultural downfall is being pushed at us all, worldwide, with the help of the sick production of the new Satanic Hollywood of the last few decades, the similarly sick components of the Marxist and Satanic UNN Agenda 21/2030 and the not less sick push for massive uncontrolled and inassimilable immigration reinforcing the old and infamous Kalergi Plan for revolutionizing negatively our current cultural and spiritual life. For these many reasons, the Great Marxist Reset that may be good for the Sweat elites should be, for the rest of us, more properly called the Great Backward Reset of our best civilization, or the Great Setback, not only economically but also culturally and spiritually by damaging our Pineal Gland and free souls through fake COVID Fake Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated. If we do not wakeup, this could bring us back to the satanic darkness of a another "Middle-Age" period in modern times, much worse than the one of a few centuries ago because this time it is global. Maybe this should be called our forthcoming "New Global Middle-Age".


This is why the cover of this book on FtatAristarchy includes the dictum "From Slavery Downwards To Slavery Upwards". Only a FtatAristarchy controlling its governors as obedient servants at the top of governance, on the basis of the drastic democratic reforms of Part II of this book, and educating its youth through holistic education based on the Return of Philosophy in our life and on the Sacred Marriage of Science and Philosophy, instead of an increase of satanic corruption and Abrahamic dogma, can democratically and definitely stop the fast forthcoming "Great Backward Reset" and its related Banktatorship, its Healthtatorship and its Newstatorship at the moment under the command of the Sweat elites at the source of our current total global unnoticed enslavement. This Return of Philosophy and the Sacred Marriage of Science with Philosophy through EthoPlasìn Holistic Education of the Tetractys of the human soul would certainly reestablish a better level of freedom and happiness for the rest of us, and of more wellness and protection for all the immensely beautiful natural kingdoms of various levels of living souls on the whole planet Earth that a FtatAristarchy will, by definition and sacred mission, protect and cherish to the outmost degree through its cumulative 10 reforms of Part II of this book. 



Kingdoms of Life on Earth 







An Unnoticed WWIII

An Overview of the fast growing new Banktatorship to start with, followed by a Healthtatorship assisted by a Newstatorship


Let's make it very clear that there is at the moment a parasitic elite class in the world that has planned to enslave the rest of us, the productive middle class, through a new kind of Banktatorship to start with, worldwide, in a soon coming Cashless World of only CBDC digital money and, further on, in a fast forthcoming global GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) One-World Government using a global One-World Currency. That new global governance will be well protected by a new One-World Army, most probably after fusing for that purpose the current outdated NATO forces with the Blue Helmets of a UN that has already become a new UNN (United No-Nations). All of this is part of a long-term Master Plan of global enslavement for which the current growing Banktatorship is only the first of the final steps, and for which the fast coming full Healthtatorship is the second of the final steps. In this book, this parasitic elite class attempting to enslave the rest of us is called with the new acronym that we have coined as the "Sweat" (Satan World Enslavement Abrahamic Team). Yes! The "sweat" pun is well intended as, for the rest of us, this parasitic elite class is a real "sweat" involving ugly and heavy mental and psychological perspiration for many bad valid reasons having to do with our global enslavement.


Banktatoship to start withThe Satan and Abrahamic qualifications of the new Sweat acronym are also well intended because they are fully justified. As we will see, the Sweat elites work on the basis of a long-last Master Plan of globalization for total worldwide enslavement. They do so as deviated Abrahamic useful idiots possessed by none else than Satan himself. This long-last Master Plan of total world enslavement is being implemented, in a first way, as financial enslavement. Consequently, to start with, it is done through mainly a deviated role of the biggest banking elites forming a new Banktatorship. These banks and financial institutions are practically all owned or managed mainly by those we call the Zionists who, as such, superficially, are only useful idiot Abrahamic Jews. If fact they are rather Fake-Jews in most cases. Certainly, these banking corporations are no more working for the good of the rest of us, but only, or for mainly the exclusive benefit of the Sweat elites hiding in the background and aiming at a fast forthcoming Cashless World of only digital CBDC digital money for full knowledge and control of every penny we spend, and every move we make involving even our smallest expenses.


Because of this major and obvious involvement of so many Abrahamic Jews in leading roles, or Fake-Jews of Khazarian origin in most cases, within the new Banktatorship, many superficial conspiracy theorists already call this first step of the globalist Master Plan the "Jewish Plot". This is a superficial view that is a mistake. There is no Jewish Plot proper. At most, it is a Fake-Jews plot. In fact it is rather an "Abrahamic Plot" because the satanic team of acolytes forming the Sweat elites openly involves members of the top levels of the 3 Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, along with a more veiled role of the Abrahamic Sassoon and LI families of China who also have an Abrahamic origin and are running discretely the economy in China as the so-called "Rothschild Of The East". They are also a category of Fake-Jews even if they have an Abrahamic Jewish origin, because they are atheists and most of them do not practice Judaism in any formal way.


The above being considered, let it be said that in the overall structure of the forces and strategies of world power, even this Abrahamic qualification of the Sweat acronym does not render the full reality of the real source of this Master Plan, because it is Satanic at its core. The real cosmic Satan only uses these Abrahamic forces with predominantly Jews in leading roles, and quite successfully so, because they are the best useful idiots he could find, as the ancient infamous "Money changers" that operate today just as they operated as far back as at least 2000 years ago at the time they were chased from the Temple of Jerusalem by Jesus. In this way, he, the cosmic Satan, does not even get openly the blame for the global plot of enslavement. In this way, the plot is deceitfully blamed mainly on his best useful idiots, the Jews, or rather mostly the Fake-Jews, instead of on him as Satan, and on the rest of his Abrahamic acolytes at lower levels of useful idiots. He hides well, behind all the Abrahamic souls that he possesses and uses as his best useful idiots at various levels of utility. And because he uses mainly Jews in leading roles for his evil actions, he is also well protected with the powerful tool of Antisemitism.   


In the meantime, with the major scam and false flag of the COVID pandemic, or rather Plandemic, and its ensuing catastrophic lockdowns, the Sweat elites are not only quickly reinforcing their Banktatorship, but preparing the fast forthcoming full Healthtatorship to back it up with a variety of more dictatorial measures, and with the additional help of an incessantly growing Newstatorship under their full subservient control through an incredible global cartel and network of only 6 main media corporations entirely of their own possession or full control. All of it is not happening by chance or by force of nature, but as part of a long-last satanic Master Plan.


In short, we should again stress that this Master Plan of global enslavement cannot be qualified simply as a Jewish Plot. Even more than Abrahamic, on the basis of the many evil endeavors that it involves, and that we will describe further down, this Master Plan of global enslavement is clearly, first and foremost, the work of the real cosmic Satan using the Earth human souls of the best useful idiots he possesses or dominates. However, we must also say that the superficial Jewish attribution to the plot is comprehensible because, again, prominent deviated puppet Jews too often act in major leading roles for the overall Abrahamic Satanic plot. These leading Jews, in particular the Fake-Jews of Khazarian origin, are definitely the very best useful idiots of Satan compared to the other useful idiots of the two other Abrahamic religions. But, as we have seen with the comment of Pope Paul VI about "The Smoke Of Satan" that invaded the Vatican, and as we will see further down with more details, the 3 Abrahamic religions have been fully infiltrated by Satan at their top levels and they are, all 3 of them, at their top levels, useful idiots possessed and exploited in evil ways by Satan himself. This possession involved eminently the new Vatican of the last 50 years, since the Vatican Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II in 1962, and in particular since the arrival of the Judeo-Jesuit pope Francis in 2013. We will explain all this much better, further down, with much more details when elaborating the subject of the Master Plan.


We should also stress at this very beginning that this Sweat plot of global enslavement, for which we also occasionally provide the fuller name of SweatHarder (Satanic World Enslavement Action Through Heinous Abrahamic Religion Deviates Encompassing Roamers), is definitely not a conspiracy theory. It is an Abrahamic conspiracy reality, as real as it can be. The Satanic Sweat elites behind it will always try to prevent us to say so, and will constantly attempt to silence us shamefully to say so, accusing us, when saying so, to be stupid conspiracy theorists supposedly propagating Hate Speech. or Racism or Antisemitism. Well, there is no such kind of hate at all in the pure and clear speech based on facts that characterizes this book, only love for a better future for the rest of us, through a new improved form of governance called FtatAristarchy. The following hard facts and opinions that may follow will be expressed serenely, as Truth and love for humanity and  for planet Earth, as per the fundamental characteristic of a FtatAristarchy that is always fully FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency), however harsh the factual Truth may be.




# Index

This book is about the greatest delusion ever invented, and the urgent need to dismantle it


This book is in fact mainly about a new form of real democratic governance called a FtatAristarchy, meant to dismantle the long-last Master Plan of global enslavement of the rest of us by the Sweat elites. As a preliminary step, in this Part I, we explain what the negative Master Plan is, and How, Why and By Whom we are being enslaved. In turn, Part II is entirely positive, elaborating precisely the 10 cumulative reforms that have to be implemented to have a FtatAristarchy in order to replace the decadent, or rather the inexistent democracy governance that we think we have at the moment and that is enslaving us under the Master Plan of dictatorial governance of the Sweat elites. All the necessary and cumulative 10 reforms will be exposed in details in Part II of this book.


Telent for being deludedVery basically, the word FtatAristarchy means governance by electing the best governor on a strict basis of merit, and under a strictly binding contract (BEC), not a plain electoral program. It also involves implementing the best possible lightweight structure of governance to replace our "elephantic" and very outdated current forms of governance. However, to understand what is needed in order to have a FtatAristarchy, it is not sufficient to simply outline the changes to be made to our current form of fake democratic governance, and the specific reforms that have to be implemented. It is absolutely important to first understand exactly the real evil characteristics and deficiencies of what we have now, in terms of deficient structure of governance under the satanic leadership of our current Sweat elites. This prerequisite is exposed here in this Part I of this book.


Most people may deceitfully think that they very well know what they have now in terms of leaders and structures of democratic governance. However, this is a big mistake, because they think they have a parliamentarian representative democracy which, for them, they believe is the best form of liberty and democratic governance ever offered to man since democracy was invented in Ancient-Greece some 2500 years ago during the leadership of Pericles. This interpretation of our current governance is a total mistake as we do not/not live at all in such a direct and participative democracy as it was invented. In Part II we will see why in details. Only if we first understand perfectly the complete falsity of this belief, will we be able to become better awaken to what has to be done to improve our governance, and the exact nature of the reforms that have to be implemented.



This is why this book will not be a simple user's guide to a set of necessary reforms, but will also expose in details, as an essential prerequisite, in this Part I, the deceitful and ugly nature of the governance we have now under the Master Plan of the Sweat elites for our complete enslavement. To better understand the falseness of what we have at the moment, this book also contains, as necessary along the way, a lot of related pieces of historical information that sometimes may be unpleasant to hear, but that can also enlighten us, and help us understand how and why we were deceived to arrive at the current form of fake democratic governance enslaving all of us in mostly an unnoticed way today. Only by knowing it clearly, with a previously well informed and enlightened mind, will we be in a good position to establish and accept the exact nature of the 10 reforms of Part II that are necessary to arrive at a FtatAristarchy, that is, to arrive at a governance by the election of the most meritorious leaders under a strictly binding contract called BEC, in the best possible structure of light governance.


In accordance with this major central objective, and in order to achieve it, this book is also launching a democratic wakeup movement through the members of the PythagorArium Project based on the famously beautiful ELL (Enlightened Logos Liberty) culture of Ancient-Greece. We call that movement the ELLADUM (Enlightened Logos Liberty Aristarchy Democratic Undertaking Movement). That movement is meant to fight, democratically, but strongly and frontally, the current global satanic NWO (New World Order) that we call more properly the NEWO (New Enslaving World Order), or even more properly the SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement Global World Order) managed by the Sweat elites enslaving the rest of us today.  


# Index

Consequently, and clearly, this book is based on three premises



  1. First and foremost, as already mentioned, what we have now in terms of governance is certainly no democracy. What we call democracy is a complete delusion for which we seem to have the greatest of talent. It has nothing to do with the beautiful birth of real democracy, that is, direct and participative democracy based on Truth, transparency, merit, beauty and absolute freedom of speech, as invented in Ancient-Greece some 2500 years ago. More specifically, the political leaders we think we elect at the moment are not elected but selected. In the overall structure of world power, they are first preselected by the hidden forces of the Sweat elites of a Deep State in order to serve not our interests, but the real interests of that Deep State pursuing the SEGWO instead of serving the interests of the electors. Then, they are fictitiously elected through massive electoral fraud. And both this preselecting and the following fictitious elections are happening in most countries at the moment, in particular in the most economically advanced part of the world. The Trump vs. Biden contest in the USA was only the best recent example of this fictitious democracy.    

  2. Second, those of the rest of us who believe that they live freely at the moment, and that they are not enslaved through the older tools of what we call DDDD (Dogma, Debt, Disinformation, and Despair) in the context of this book, and through the newer enslaving tools of Banktatorship, Healthtatorship and Newstatorship, are only blind obedient servants, or useful idiots, of the system enslaving them. Again, to put it in Orwellian terms, they are stupid happy slaves that have learnt to "Love their Slavery".  

  3. Third, the 10 reforms proposed in Part II to implement a FtatAristarchy will seem extremely drastic at a first glance but, after due scrutiny, they will not appear drastic to most people, for the rest of us, only drastic for the Sweat elites of the SEGWO enslaving the people with their current falsely democratic system. These reforms will be certainly opposed strongly by the most powerful people of the current Sweat elites but, in fact, these screamers will only be those of these Sweat elites, whose current enslaving power and undeserved related privileges will be rightly disturbed or eliminated. For example, if we propose, as it is the case in the first reform call No Big Government, the abolishment of parliaments, because they are clearly outdated, open to outrageous corruption, and uselessly expensive in our current world of instant and perfect communications, to replace these parliaments with the election of only an executive under a fully binding electoral contract, that we call a BEC (Binding Electoral Contract) instead of an electoral program, all our most powerful and plush politicians and parliamentarians will certainly scream, and probably call and discredit unfairly this first reform a foolish form of hate speech or domestic terrorism. But their screaming will only be because they would lose their current comfort and enslaving power over the rest of us, and lose their fully undeserved privileges in their current seats to which they have strongly attached themselves. In our current context of globalization of the so-called New World Order (that we call SEGWO), the opposition will even be worse, and for the same basic reasons, if we propose the national annulment of all supranational power of governance, like typically the UN or the EU, safeguarding only our freedom of consultation with them for possible collaboration on some specific issues of common interests for a specified period of time. In a FtatAristarchy, all supranational or transnational GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials will certainly have no real legal power. If another reform eliminates backstage lobbying totally, as a serious new crime, and allows lobbying only fully publicly through a national TV channel dedicated fulltime to lobbying, or if we also make it a serious crime for a public official or a journalist to lie about public affairs, punishable most severely in both cases as a FTATOC crime, through primarily the confiscation of personal property, we will probably deserve character assassination to say the least, if not physical assassination, on the part of the huge interests of the Sweat elites of Big-Money being disturbed. But in all these cases the FTATOC (Full Truth And Transparency) foundation of a FtatAristarchy will be applied as required by its definition and its constitution. Through this Full Truth, it is "We The People" that will reacquire an enlightened mind as an essential prerequisite for full democratic power and freedom in a real form of democracy as, again, according to the sage advice of a great master called Jesus, "Only Truth Shall Set You Free". In all the above cases, "The rest of us" is such a big majority that if we wakeup and act together with an enlightened mind in great majority, and with serenity, our critical weight will make it so that no ensuing possible damage will exist against us, only inevitably, and justly, against the evil Sweat elites abusing and enslaving us.  


# Index

We are also caught in an Unnoticed World War between the mainly Jewish Old World Order and the overall Satanic New World Order


We are caught in the middle of a new kind of unnoticed world war in the middle of a complex structure o world power that includes the older mainly Jewish OWO (Old World Order) dominated by mainly the plain Jewish "Money Changers" on one side and, on the other side, the newer overall Satanic NWO (New World Order) that we prefer to call NEWO (New Enslaving World Order) dominated at this point by mainly the deviated satanic members of the Sweat Elites acting together in conspiracy with all the deviated satanic members of the 3 Abrahamic religions along with their acolyte corporations and organizations. This is a new type of world war that we could call WWIII, even if so far it is a war without bombs or tanks, but rather a global world war conducted with mainly financial and biological means.


The OWO for world domination over all the gentiles has existed since before Christianity and Islam came into existence, in fact since at least the time of the exile of the Jews in Babylon in the 6th century BC. That OWO had already a minority satanic branch, before Christianity and Islam came into existence, but it was not yet dominated by it. The NWO came to exist gradually, few centuries after Christianity and Islam came into existence, starting mainly with the forced massive conversion to Judaism of the brutal and vicious pagans that were those of the Khazarian Empire, as a population that had absolutely no Jewish DNA, in the 9th century AD. From then on, this NWO grew fast and strong, and became gradually very much infiltrated by the satanic branch of Judaism, in particular with the influence of the crypto Fake-Jews called Sabbatians and Frankists during the 1600s and 1700s.


Those crypto Jews that, along with the Khazarians, we call the Fake-Jews, have then evolved to become mainly those that we call the Zionists today. Zionism is their new modern focal point and they are mainly the ones who have founded the new Zionist State Of Israel in 1948. Along the following centuries after the forced conversion of the Khazarians to Judaism, the satanic elements of the NWO have continuously acquired more and more power to the point of becoming a dominant force within Judaism today, or within the Zionism that led to the creation of Israel. This satanic component of Judaism has gradually also infiltrated both Christianity and Islam. In doing so the NWO has become Abrahamic as it now involves the satanic members of the top levels of the 3 Abrahamic religions along with the top levels of Freemasonry. As such, they are today the elites that we now call, with a pun, the Sweat (Satan World Enslavement Abrahamic Team) elites.


In the meantime however, in the current overall structure of world power, the much older OWO still exists today in a parallel way to this newer satanic NWO or NEWO. And, maybe fortunately for us, the two are at war at the moment as to which side, the OWO with its DAS strategy or the NWO with its GAS strategy, will finally dominate the world. As we can already guess clearly, we can also say that the two sides of this new unnoticed WWIII, the OWO and the NWO, are best represented by a typical Donald (Trump) on the side of the OWO, and a typical Hillary (Clinton), or possibly in particular a typical Kamala (Harris) on the side of the NWO. The rest of us is caught in the middle of the two sides of this unnoticed WWIII for world domination.



Trump in the way of the NWOAt this moment, the overall Abrahamic and satanic NWO or NEWO is stronger than the older more plainly Jewish OWO. What this more powerful NWO wants is everything, based on its GAS strategy. More than our wealth and our enslavement through usurious debt-money, and through constant wars to create more usurious debt-money, it is first and foremost our souls that it is after, in a satanic way, through a holistic globalization that, in addition to wanting global power, is also degrading all our best traditional Greco-Roman values to a level of warmongering Abrahamic values in order to facilitate our full enslavement. The current COVID Plandemic was created for that specific purpose, to damage parts of our body, but more specifically our souls of freewill through fake vaccines that damage the Pineal Gland that gives us access to our highest levels of consciousness and desires of freedom.


Unfortunately for them, a leader like a typical Trump or an eventual successor of the same OWO type stands in the way of mainly the GAS strategy of the NWO that wants a global satanic enslavement. Fundamentally, Trump was against the total globalization through GAS, but also against the constant DAS warmongering of the two sides of the NWO. He was very much tied mainly to the weaker and still alive older Jewish OWO with the DAS strategy, but without giving them full satisfaction with warmongering. At the same time, he surrounded himself with mainly the more powerful NWO Zionists of the GAS strategy but also without giving them full satisfaction. In order to try to survive, he had done many favors to the satanic NWO wanting our souls, like the recognition of JerUSAlem as the capital of Israel, and the transfer of the American embassy from Tel Aviv to JerUSAlem. He thought he would stay in power because he had reinforced both the OWO and the NWO wanting our wealth and enslaving us via more usurious debt-money and scams like the lockdowns of the COVID pandemic that have already transferred the biggest amount of wealth in the history of humanity from the productive middle class to the overall parasitic Sweat class. But he was wrong. He did not fully satisfy either side, and consequently he was ousted out through a coalition of both sides, mainly by the stronger NWO or NEWO that wants things its own way all the way, with holistic enslavement.



But even for the OWO to which he was mostly tied, a typical Trump stood in the way as, contrary to what some members of his family did, the God he personally prayed was not Yahweh, and he was the only president of the USA super power in the last few decades that had not started any new war while in power, contrary to a typical Bush, or in particular a typical Obama who has started many new wars and nevertheless received the Nobel Peace Prize given ridiculously also to many other warmongers in the past. It is mainly because he was not a warmonger that a Trump stood in the way. It is mainly through such unnecessary wars financed with usurious debt-money that the OWO has become so immensely rich and powerful in the past few centuries. Overall a typical Trump was not too bad for both the OWO and the NWO, as he constantly did them important favors. This is why he has not been eliminated sooner or more readily. If it were not for these favors, he would have been much more readily eliminated one way or the other as he fundamentally somehow disturbed both side of this current unnoticed WWIII between the OWO and its DAS and the NWO and its GAS. For the rest of us a typical Trump was the less bad. With a typical Kamala and her warmongering mind fully geared to the extreme left of communistic Fabian Socialism and Marxism, our civilization and our souls, along with our wealth, can most likely be sold out quickly to the satanic NWO of the overall Sweat elites.



It is this unnoticed WWIII that is destroying the real best Greco-Roman values of the western world, as opposed to its so-called Judeo-Christian values, along with its wellbeing, causing in fact through its decadent effects the Holocaust of Western Civilization, in particular at the moment. And we are sadly and dangerously caught in between the two sides of this unnoticed war. This is the kind of unnoticed world war that we have to become fully aware of, and that we can, and that we have to stop most democratically through a new system of governance that we call FtatAristarchy which we fully explain in Part II of this book. As such, the title and content of this section is an essential prerequisite for understanding the other chapters of this book describing the background plot that a FtatAristarchy is meant to dismantle.


# Index

The New World Order is gradually moving towards Satanism


When most people today hear the expression "New World Order", they immediately think it is a Jewish conspiracy theory that many swiftly call the Jewish Plot. It is a conspiracy all right, but as a reality, not as a theory, and it is no more mainly Jewish like the OWO used to be for centuries with its DAS strategy. It has become mainly satanic, as the main part of the NWO really is today, certainly Abrahamic more than only Jewish and with a new GAS strategy. So, if it is a "Plot", it is not a Jewish Plot, but rather a Sweat Plot. This main satanic Abrahamic NWO is often more nicely presented as Luciferian instead of openly Satanic by most of the top intellectuals involved when talking more openly about it as members of the Sweat elites in the overall structure of world power. This is particularly the case of the Catholics of the Abrahamic realm. However, saying the NWO is Satanic, and Abrahamic as opposed to only Jewish, does not mean that Jews have nothing to do with it. Many certainly still have a lot to do with it, and even often, or too often, in roles of leadership, as members of a kind of mafia that includes also many Christians and Muslims of the higher levels of their respective nomenclature. Again, that mafia is what we call the Sweat (Satan World Enslavement Abrahamic Team) elites.


A bit of a retrospective view may be useful here about the overall structure of world order. Our overall cosmic environment is functioning under two major forces opposed to each other. For simplicity, we say that there is the Force Of Good (FOG) and the Force Of Bad (FOB). The FOG is good, and it is what most common people will usually call with the generic word "God". The FOB is bad, and it is what most common people will usually call with the generic word "Satan". The FOG is the omnipotent cosmic force revered by most human beings on Earth for its omnipotent creation of the universe as an absolute thought acting through Logos or, more simply said, through creative words, like those we can use at our level with our Torus Speech Power. In our PythagorArium environment we call it SLOGOS (Supreme LOGOS). In turn, the FOB is the powerful, but not omnipotent rebellious force that aspires to dethrone the FOG and become dominant in its place on Planet Earth with as many human followers as possible.


The FOG, as the omnipotent overall SLOGOS creator, also created, or certainly willingly allowed the existence of the FOB as an opposite force. This is because the FOG chose to create other souls to its image, human souls in particular, creating them with freewill. Our human souls have freewill and consequently they can choose the Good or the Bad in the way they think and conduct their own life and set their objectives. They often choose the Bad because it is usually more spontaneously attractive, like in the Picture of Dorian Gray of Oscar Wilde, or more immediately rewarding than the Good for their own selfish self, even when, as a consequence, that choice will create immediate Bad for others and, knowingly or not, most possibly create Bad also for their own self later on.


The readers who do not believe in such forces, the FOG and the FOB, or do not even want to ascertain the validity of their denying point of view about this, might as well stop reading this book, as it will most probably be useless to improve themselves and, unfortunately, also useless to improve the rest of the world around them. Nevertheless, these are the two cosmic forces that are also related to the members of both the OWO with its DAS strategy of enslavement and the NWO with its GAS strategy of enslavement. In the meantime, the OWO and the NWO, or rather the overall NEWO, are the twin components of two opposing trends or strategies of action fighting each other, and using mainly the FOB in different ways. Unfortunately we dangerously stand in the middle of the two sides of this new unnoticed WWIII that is destructive on both sides in different ways. 



Ignatius of Loyola founder of the JesuitsAgain, it is worth repeating that when we stress that the NWO is not a Jewish Plot, we do not mean, of course, that Jews have nothing to do with it, as again, many Jews clearly often have even major leading roles in many aspects of it, even if that role is well shared along the way with Christians and Muslims, let alone complicit atheist and subservient GOIM associates or accomplices. It is undeniable that Jews too often have a clear role of leadership in the actions of what we call the Sweat coalition. And there are clear historical reasons for this high level of responsibility that we will explain in various other chapters. What is important to understand to start with however, is that all members of the Sweat elites coalition, including the Jews, are all useful idiots of the FOB represented or directed by the cosmic Satan. As such, the Jews very often inevitably have a leading role of the best useful idiots of Satan.


As we will see in more details, on its Judaic side, the Sweat elites of the NWO that we call more properly the NEWO or even the SEGWO, is dominated by mainly the falsely Judaic Khazars, thus by Fake-Jews, or by those that in most cases we can also call today more simply with the term 'Zionist'. Similarly, on its Christian side, the Sweat of the NWO is dominated by another type of Fake-Jews, the falsely Catholic Jesuits who have a Judaic origin through Ignacio Loyola (shown on the side) who was their Jewish founder, as a community that was also fully infiltrated by the Khazars/Zionists. Likewise, on its Islamic side, the Sweat of the NWO is dominated by the crypto Muslim Sunnis (as opposed to the so-called purer Shiite Muslims) who have a deviated Judaic origin that was also infiltrated by the Khazars who today became mainly the Zionists governing what became the Zionist State of Israel. In addition, all three components of the Sweat, at one point or another, have become Satanic at their higher levels, in particular after the leading component of the Sweat, the Judaic one, was infiltrated by the crypto-Jews, or Fake-Jews, of the Sabbatians and Frankists. In other words, all 3 components of the Sweat elites have a link to Judaism, but mostly to deviated satanic-infiltrated forms of Judaism (Zionists, Khazars, Jesuits and Sabbatians / Frankists) that have little to do with the pure Judaism of the traditional Orthodox Jews who in fact fight these deviations, doing so even from within Israel itself where these deviations have their focal point represented mainly by the current power of those we call the Zionists today.


Let it be clear that the Judaic component of the Sweat elites has its origin from much before that component became known as Zionist. Its origin stems from the very old culture of enslavement of the "Money Changers" (Jews) who dominated the economic world for more than two millennia through the manipulation of usurious debt-money, since at least the time of their captivity in Babylon in or before the 6th century BC. As such, the Jewish culture was always the main enemy of the opposing culture of freedom of the "Idea Exchangers" (Greeks) who dominated the cultural world (doing so alternatively in the foreground or in the background at different times) for the same two millennia. Then, the deviated Judaic satanic side of the Sweat elites has eventually infiltrated the Christianity side through the Jesuits, and also infiltrated the Sunni side of Islam through the Fake-Jews of the branch of mainly the Sabbatians / Frankists. The higher levels of all 3 components are now forming what we call the Sweat elites of the NWO, or rather of what we call more properly the NEWO or even the  SEGWO, trying to enslave all the rest of us, the GOIM sheeple, in three cumulative ways: economically, culturally and spiritually, even to the point of destroying our powerful souls of freewill through COVID Fake Vaccines that do not protect the vaccinated, attacking our Pineal Gland at the moment, all on a basis of satanic values opposing our best Greco-Roman values.


Because of this major conflict within their ranks, the poor common Jews have to be pitied. They have been infiltrated by the Khazarian Fake-Jews from the 800s, by the Sabbatians and Frankists Fake-Jews from the 1600s, and by the Zionists Fake-Jews during the last century as those who reign sovereignly over the current World Jewry from their main Zionist base in the new Zionist State of Israel. All these infiltrators have not much to do with pure traditional orthodox Judaism. However, it must be said that the satanic infiltrators, as Fake-Jews, have only exploited the basic good natural talent of the traditional Jews who, from much before they were infiltrated by these satanic forces, have always been overly active and successful in economic enslavement, as the infamous "Money Changers" of the history of the last two millennia. Most of the real pure Jews today would prefer to still be at most only the plain "Money changers" and be best represented by what we call the OWO. Because of these successive infiltrations by various categories of Fake-Jews, this is no more possible. This does not mean they should be considered not guilty in relation to the rest of us and their collaboration with the NWO. Even only their constant historical role as "Money Changers" still means a constant attempt of enslavement of the rest of us on a basis of economic usurious debt-money. But through the many Fake-Jews infiltrations they have suffered from their deviated satanic members, in the mind of many non-Jews, they have inevitably all become associated, and much too closely associated, to a much more comprehensive form of satanic enslavement of the rest of us.

This comprehensive form of enslavement by the infiltrated Fake-Jews with a satanic culture is now used against us from 3 points of view. First, they still want to enslave us from a purely economic point of view, as traditional "Money changers". Second, through their satanic infiltrations, and for the purpose of domination over other races as the "Chosen People", many of them participate in also wanting to enslave the rest of us from a cultural point of view, destroying all our best traditional Greco-Roman values, as the deviated-Jew-dominated, and now also Chinese-dominated new Satanic Hollywood well demonstrated with its more recent overall decadent production of the last few decades. Third, knowingly or not, many plain Jews also collaborate with their deviated fellow Jews trying to enslave us from a spiritual point of view through their additional negative infiltration by Satanism and their new strategy of attempting to even destroy our souls if possible, or at least seriously damaging it during the current fake COVID pandemic by destroying our Pineal Gland of higher consciousness through a new generation of Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated. This latter group does not want only our economic enslavement through usurious debt-money, and our cultural enslavement through the destruction of our best Greco-Roman values, but they also want our souls, converting them to Satanism.
In the overall structure of world order, the above should start to explain the important difference between what we call the OWO (Old World Order) enslavement with its less global DAS strategy, and the NWO (New World Order) enslavement with its fully global GAS strategy. As for the latter, in as much as it is Satanic, we prefer to call it the SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement Global World Order), or at least the NEWO (New Enslaving World Order). Both have a clear dominant Jewish connection. This connection is in purer Judaic terms in the case of the OWO, or in deviated satanic Judaic terms in the case of the NWO. The important new development at the moment, as something that may help us, is the fact that there is a war between the two factions, in order to decide which side should prevail. The Satanic NWO or SEGWO quite obviously prevails at the moment, but the plain elder OWO is not dead at all, and wants to return to be the leader of the enslavement process of the world, as a role that it has had for at least a couple of millennia as the infamous "Money Changers" issuing and managing usurious debt-money, and fomenters of constant wars to create more such usurious debt-money for their own exclusive profit.
Both Ford And Rothschild were RightThe best way to understand that war going on, is probably what has gone on recently in the USA facing the crisis of the Corona Virus under the leadership of President Donald Trump. President Trump had clear links, even intimate family links, to the NWO Zionists of World Jewry, but it was the leading Jews of the plain OWO who mainly brought him to power, not the leading Jews of the Satanic NWO. If Hillary Clinton had been elected, she would have been instead the best representative of the Satanic NWO of the Sweat elites, if she had been elected President instead of Trump. Because the NWO is stronger than the OWO, Trump had to be ousted out. But, as a replacement, Hillary also had to be excluded. She had to be replaced with a fresher NWO element who was less compromised.
The Sweat elites found this replacement in the most leftist and Marxist person called Kamala Harris. As such however, in front of the public opinion, she could not take the front role, but be hidden under a more presentable fake Christian front candidate like Biden who deceitfully looks like nearly an OWO figure. Biden is supposedly a Christian but only for public opinion consumption purposes. He has 7 grand-children who are all Jews from NWO Zionist families, and he shares the most "woke" NWO issues defended by Zio-Jesuit Pope Francis. With his cognitive weakness Biden also looks more acceptable to the wide public in a front role, even if he is also a real hard-core NWO figure. But until Biden can be ousted out, one way or the other, Kamala is the real candidate president running the show as a puppet in the background on behalf of the Sweat elites, and she is likely to be formally crowned president in a not too distant future.  


The still alive Old World Order (OWO), on both the Judaic and Christian sides of the current Sweat elites, was more prudent and patient than the currently dominant satanic New World Order (NWO) for attempting to achieve world domination as the "Chosen People". The Old World Order (OWO) did not want to exaggerate the world enslavement process in order not to have it rejected through revolts, and not risk to break the perfect toy of enslavement they have used so successfully for more than two millennia, which was the creation and management of usurious debt-money, restricting itself to operate as powerful plain traditional "Money Changers" and usury lenders, let alone fomenters of constant wars to create more usurious debt-money.


On the Judaic side, the Old World Order (OWO) was, and still is, more than the NWO, closer to pure Judaism linked mainly to the Torah. The same thing happens on the Christian side of the Sweat of the Old World Order (OWO) that was more purely Christian before the intervention of the Jesuits and the Sweat infiltration of the Vatican by deviated Jews since the Vatican Zionist coup of 1962 and their fraudulent selection of Francis as their pope. As for the NWO on the Jewish side, it is really falsely Jewish, managed mainly by Fake-Jews. It is Jewish only as much as the Khazars are, with no Jewish DNA, who are now linked mainly to the Talmud instead of the Torah. These Khazars are those who infiltrated traditional Judaism after their forced massive conversion to Judaism in the 800s, and they gradually and mostly became afterwards mainly those we call Zionists today.


On the Christian side, the NWO is now fully dominated by the Judeo-Jesuits, as a satanic deviation of Catholicism, in particular of course since the fraudulent selection of a Judeo-Jesuit called Pope Francis who is the first Jesuit pope in the history of Christianity. It is sufficient to read the very secretive oath of the top levels of the Jesuits to confirm their horrible satanic deviation of what Catholicism or Christianity was intended to become, and has become, in the mind of their Jewish founder. This incredible satanic oath of the top Jesuits admits the commission of any kind of crime without guilt and without sin if it serves their purposes of world domination for the full enslavement of the rest of us.



The original Judaism has its source in 12 families, or tribes. But the traditional pure Jews of today, as the leaders of mainly the older OWO (Old World Order), have to put up with a so-called 13th Tribe that was created mainly through their infiltration of Fake-Jews by the Khazars in the 800s, and the Sabbatian/Frankist movement of the 1600s and 1700s, as mainly those who are now called the Zionists today, and are part mainly of the current Satanic NWO. The 12 original Judaic tribes have trouble with this13th Tribe, the one of mainly the Khazars (also known as the European Ashkenazi Jews) who are precisely those who founded the Zionist State of Israel. Again, maybe fortunately for the rest of us, the two sides are at war at the moment, and, as such, they may hopefully end up annihilating part of their respective power.


The first real modern bank in the world was created by the older OWO (Old World Order). It was the Banco di Santo Spirito, created in Italy, in 1605, that was de facto a Vatican Bank. This was the beginning of the global world power of the OWO (Old World Order) that then tried to conquer the whole world, starting with the Americas and, later on, with Africa and the rest of the world, through the establishment of a growing network of Fake-Jew-Controlled central national banks creating usurious debt-money out-of-nothing, and loaning it with interests as usury, all under their full control. As if this was not bad enough for the rest of us, this original OWO initiative has then been gradually infiltrated by the Zionists of the NWO, and this original more innocuous type of central banking system has become today the new global Banktatorship of the NWO under the BIS (Bank of International Settlements).


This worsening happened because this earlier success of the OWO (Old World Order) was soon infiltrated by the satanic Fake-Jew members of the NWO. The peak of the creation of this network of usurious central banks through the infiltrated NWO satanic Fake-Jew members was the creation of the FED (Federal Reserve) in the USA in 1913. This is the primary bank of the the NWO that Trump was attempting to integrate into the treasury of the government to help the older OWO (Old World Order) regain power over the NWO. This would have meant brining back the current power of the NWO under the control of the older OWO (Old World Order) that had put Trump as President of the USA. Certainly, Trump knew that President Putin of Russia wanted the same kind of process to take place in Russia. This is why Trump wanted to improve relations with the Russia of Putin. But the dominating forces of the NWO turned this good intention of Trump into a fake scandal of Russian intrusion in American affairs that in the end became a major instrument to oust Trump out of power. The importance of this fake conflict, in order to have success, required the equivalent of a world war that might be the unnoticed financial and biological WWIII that seems to be going on today under the name of COVID.



The Corona Virus is an integrated part, and a major tool of this so-called unnoticed WWIII as a magisterial scam and major false flag. It is not a "Pandemic", but rather a "Plandemic", as a deceitful tool of the NWO long-term "Master Plan" for the launching and success of the financial and biological WWIII. With the help of China also dominated in its background by its Abrahamic Sassoon and Li families, the so-called Rothschild Of The East, the virus was unleashed by an underground collaboration of the NWO elites of both China and America, independently of their acting presidents, and most likely without their respective clear knowledge of what was really going on. These transnational Sweat elites of the NWO can and often act independently of their governments when they are not headed by figures of their own best choice, like it was the case with Trump and is the case with Jinping, both personally more linked to the older OWO.


At the moment the transnational Sweat elites of the NWO are in a hurry and anxious to finally have it all, be it our money, our corrupted social and cultural wellbeing, and in particular our souls to be converted to Satan via fake COVID vaccines damaging our Pineal Gland for having people to serve more softly and obediently the new world order that we call SEGWO. Kennedy denouncing enslavement planThe COVID PlanDemic, along with the PluckDowns that will ensue worldwide through the integrated and repeated unnecessary lockdowns, (except for the good of the Sweat elites) are two major false flags of the NWO to launch the so far unnoticed WWIII that shall decide who will finally dominate the world, the Old World Order (OWO) or the New World Order (NWO) but, either way, with the most corrupted Zionist Jews aspiring to a role of leadership through Zionist Israel much more so than the corrupted Christians and the corrupted Muslims of the rest of the Sweat elites.    



Kennedy talked explicitly, 7 days before his assassination in 1963, about a plot (a conspiracy reality) to enslave every man, woman and child in his country, when he certainly meant to say to enslave humanity, and about his intention to expose the plot, and actually to dismantle the plot, at least in his country, before he left his high noble presidential office. What he was talking about was the Satanic NWO, or what we call SEGWO. At that point, in 1963, the NWO had already absorbed the command of the main tool of the older OWO for the basic source of our enslavement, which was the creation of the fake usurious debt-money that the Sweat elite of the SEGWO had been most wrongly given as a right in the final long battle that led to the creation of the FED in 1913. The FED was giving the winning NWO the right to create usurious debt-money at will, out of nothing, and then lend it to the government with usurious interests as new public debt, all to be reimbursed, as real money this time, and reimbursed in real money as both capital and interests, to the main banks of their newly born Banktatorship of the NWO. This was enslaving both governments, through public debt, and consequently enslaving also people as taxpayers to reimburse as a public debt what did not need to exist,



This incredible right of infinite usurious debt-money creation out-of-nothing was also giving the NWO side of the Sweat elites, or their Khazarian Fake-Jew component in particular, the power to corrupt at will any official of governance, or any institution or country, in order to achieve more easily their worst evil plans of world domination for the enslavement of the rest of us. It was also allowing the Sweat elites to buy or corrupt all mainstream media to achieve these evil plans in a more unnoticed way through controlled information, propaganda and fake news of a newly born Newstatorship to assist their newly born Banktatorship. To these immense two powers of Banktatorship and Newstatorship, they have completed today this structure of nearly infinite power with a newly born Healthtatorship given birth through the terrible false flag of the scam of the recent fake COVID Plandemic. With these 3 new tools, assisted by the continuation of the older tools of DDDD, the overall Sweat elites have now acquired full and nearly infinite power of enslavement over the rest of us, and consequently full infinite power to quickly achieve world domination through a fast forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government. One must admit that this was a brilliant strategy, except for the fact that it is a brilliant strategy only for the Sweat elites and their satanic cosmic FOB (Force Of Bad), and certainly not for the rest of us. 


In 1963, Kennedy had even started to try to dismantle the horrific system of usurious debt-money creation out of nothing on the part of private FED banks that was born in 1913. He did so by creating some brand new Trustmoney of his own, issued by the Treasury as debt-free money, instead of as usurious debt-money by the private FED, as the so-called Kennedy Greenbacks, of which some still circulate today as legal currency. Kennedy was assassinated for many reasons, but this was the main one. He would have deprived the new NWO super "Money Changers" of the Sweat elites of his time the greatest power that was ever granted to any private institution, and in the most deceitful way, at Christmas of 1913. These wrongly privileged private banksters have then fast extended their tentacles after that scam to the rest of the world through a network of other subservient national central banks with the same abusive power in collaboration with their BIS (Bank of International Settlements) in Switzerland. This BIS, for them, is their private world central bank of all the other private national central banks.


FED Creature Griffin bookRead the book of Edward Griffin: The Creature of Jekyll Island (here shown on the side) for a full knowledge of this magisterial scam, and really the mother of all scams. But Kennedy, contrary to what Trump wanted, did not want to just bring the NWO under the control of the elder OWO. He wanted to eliminate or dismantle completely the NWO, and probably also bring to justice the worst Fake-Jew Khazarian members of the Old World Order (OWO). That intended complete destruction of the NWO deserved him his assassination. Knowing well the history of Kennedy, a Trump was a more prudent type who wanted to dismantle the NWO, cleaning the "swamp" as he called it, but bring it back under the Jewish control of the still alive OWO (Old World Order). This may have saved him his life, but certainly not his position. It certainly does not prevent the war between the NWO and the OWO that has been declared by the NWO by launching the major false flag of the Corona Virus and the ensuing major false flag of the integrated lockdowns, or rather PluckDowns, in order to transfer and re-concentrate the essential of the world economy of the productive middle class into the hands of its main banks and corporations of the parasitic Sweat elites.


This plot denounced by Kennedy is stronger and more active today than ever before because it is now fully under the control of the satanic NWO. It will soon be reinforced by a new form of completely Digital Money in a new borderless Cashless World forced to use the fast coming CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) of the fully grown Banktatorship. In the meantime, because of this major scam best represented by the FED, a country like the USA pays, stupidly and entirely uselessly, for this scam alone, about 50 billions per month only for the usurious interests of that fake usurious debt-money that the banksters of the NWO have created out of nothing with a plain instant keyboard entry on their computers, and expecting reimbursement with interests as real money, either directly or through additional taxation of the rest of us. It would be much more intelligent to spend these billions of unnecessary interests per month on repairing decaying infrastructures or on other useful social programs. And all other countries are living the same kind of ridiculous and monstrous drama without noticing it, or certainly without fighting it, or without being able for dismantling it.


Quite obviously, this fake money creation process out of nothing by private banks is the mother of all scams that a FtatAristarchy would immediately and most democratically dismantle. And it would be easy to do so, because it would not be attempted by a single person, like a Kennedy, but by the democratic will of the absolute majority of the whole population of each country FtatAristarchy requiring it by definition in a BEC


Most other countries are relatively in the same ridiculous situation that the USA is in because of its FED (Federal Reserve) and its ramifications through its mother institution called the BIS (Bank of International Settlements) in Switzerland. Many other world leaders who, imitating Kennedy, have tried to oppose or expose this same master scam of usurious debt-money creation by private central banks were also assassinated for the same main reason, even if other official reasons were always provided by the official propaganda of the Newstatorship and the huge mass media network that are owned by, and subservient to, the same updated Sweat elites that killed Kennedy. Before Kennedy, USA president Lincoln had been assassinated in 1865 for the same main reason, because of his intention to create debt-free money that would not have to be reimbursed to any private bankster as public usurious debt-money. To name only the most famous more recent leaders assassinated for the same main reason, whatever other official additional reason the propaganda of the Newstatorship provided for their assassination, they include Gheddafi of Libya for the creation of his gold-backed coins as debt-free money, and Saddam Hussein of Iraq who was rightly trying to create his own gold-back and debt-free currency in order to try to get out of the enslavement of the fiat petro-dollar in the hands of Sweat elites. The huge usurious debt-money scam that is now entirely in the hands of banksters of mainly the Khazarian Fake-Jews of the satanic NWO has become an eminent part of a long-last millennial Master Plan of the Sweat elites for enslaving most people and governments on Earth, for world domination purposes, by using their usurious debt-money creation power and their adjunctive satanic powers against our souls in the context of the COVID Plandemic. Most people think this is conspiracy theory, but it is rather conspiracy reality. Kennedy was certainly not/not talking about a conspiracy theory, but about a sad conspiracy reality.


Unfortunately, people today do not believe that the PlanDemic and the PluckDowns  of COVID are only two new magisterial false flags, as the latest and best tools ever developed so far by the current satanic NWO, for the final realization of this conspiracy reality for full world domination. But it is so. We will see in more details that the PlanDemic and the PluckDowns are only the latest and biggest false flags ever invented in the history of humanity, even bigger the preliminary test of 911, meant to work together for achieving the same enslavement plot that Kennedy was talking about as a reality and wanted to dismantle.

The problem is that people are culturally engineered by the Newstatorship of the Sweat elites, or by the subservient mass media that the Sweat fully own and control through an absolute worldwide media cartel, not to believe this conspiracy reality. Like Mark Twain rightly said, "It is easier to foul people than to convince them that they have been fouled". But, as another great master called Jesus also rightly said, "Only the Truth shall set you free". Of course, this was said by the real good Ellinas Jesus from Nazareth, not the false Jewish Jesus of the corrupted and fully Judeo-infiltrated Vatican institution. This latter institution, the Vatican, shamefully in the name of its falsified Jesus, also committed the worst crimes in his name, like in the periods of the Inquisition and of the Wars Of Religion. And it is still involved today to its neck in other horrible crimes of the satanic NWO, like pedophilia and dirty money recycling in collaboration with the mafia and the biggest banksters of the Sweat, let alone being involved in Catholic liturgies lauding Lucifer within the Vatican itself and, since the fraudulent selection of Pope Francis, involved proactively in promoting the enslaving globalist Agenda 21/2030 of the Luciferian UN, or rather the UNN, instead of an agenda of spiritual and social liberation, doing so in discrete collaboration with the Evangelical Christian Zionists who have found nothing better to do than the creation of the CUFI (Christians United For Israel), that is the Zionist State of Israel, to supposedly assist not Christianity, but in fact to assist all the objectives of the Sweat elites and the Zionist State of Israel hiding in major leading roles behind what we call the SEGWO.


Nevertheless, people today who do not see the COVID PlanDemic and PluckDowns as magisterial false flags of the satanic NWO may be right to a point but, if so, they are, at most, half right. In other words, they are wrong, and we will see why further down in more details.



Kincaid BK The Sword of Revolution











  (How We Are Being Enslaved)



The "HOW" of our global enslavement is the full implementation of what most people now call simply the New World Order (NWO). With its full implementation, this will mean reducing human beings to respond silently and obediently, like docile slaves with inserted microchips of the Immune Passport of the new HealthTatorship, to whatever the leading Sweat elites will have clicked for, or requested. In one sentence the "HOW" is, in one word, "Domination". In two words it is "World Domination". In 3 words it means "Our Global Enslavement". In a sentence it is: "A Master Plan of Global Enslavement Pursued by Evil Satanic Elites to Achieve World Domination over the Bodies, the Souls and all the Property and Wealth of the Rest of Us". In the name given recently by thee WEF for what is coming soon, it is call the "Great Reset", which is rather the "Great Marxist Reset".


Before George H. W. Bush was president of the USA (1989-1993), using the New World Order expression, let alone the worse and unspeakable expression "One-World-Government", was considered a conspiracy theory and highly ridiculed as such by all governments and the worldwide cartel of mainstream media network already under the full control of the Sweat elites. But the evil conspiracy of the NWO had become so obvious to so many people at that point, as a reality and not as a theory, that even father Bush was the first important world leader to feel he was forced to call it explicitly by its name, as the New World Order but without of course even hinting yet at the fact that it was a new world order of world domination by GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) elites and for the totalitarian enslavement of the rest of us. Then many other leaders followed, including his son Bush when he also became president (2000-2009). However, none of these early leaders, while using the expression furtively, dared yet to define openly the conspiracy reality in practical terms, like defining it as a forthcoming dictatorial "One-World-Government", because it would have revealed too early and too clearly the very evil Master Plan of those evil Sweat elites in the background animating the conspiracy reality along with their national puppet politicians being used as useful idiots of these evil elites for that Master Plan.


Humans as obedient chipsBefore these early leaders of the turn of the millennium were forced to open up, and as seen in another section, JF Kennedy had dared to call this conspiracy reality quite explicitly using the word 'plot': "a Plot... to enslave every man, woman and child...". He said, in a speech 7 days before his assassination in 1963: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot". Kennedy was certainly not a conspiracy theorist, but rather a conspiracy realist. He knew there was a real plot of global enslavement through mainly the major scam of the creation of usurious debt-money and constant wars that were all and always fomented as the main instrument for the creation of more such usurious debt-money for the exclusive benefit of the evil Sweat elites behind the plot. In reaction to this conspiracy reality, Kennedy had even started to issue debt-free dollars issued by the Treasury, not borrowed uselessly from any private central bank, and not to be reimbursed equally uselessly to any Sweat bankster with interest as real money this time. It is for this main reason that his assassination had already been planned and, seven days after denouncing the plot openly, he was in fact assassinated.


Until that point, this plot of the New World Order was defined and being used mainly in terms of usurious debt-money creation and its related constant wars to create more of it, and certainly never in terms of a forthcoming One-World-Government. In the overall structure of world order elites, this scam was related mainly to the older OWO elites and their DAS strategy, and not yet mainly to the NWO and their GAS strategy that was still not dominant at the time of Kennedy and his immediate followers. Even today, it is still never defined clearly as a new world order of enslavement by any important puppet leader. Describing it openly in these terms would reveal that the current scam system of money creation by private banksters is the mother of all scams for our eventual global enslavement. Consequently this conspiracy reality is still kept quite well hidden as much as possible, in particular when our puppet national elites talk about the monetary system.


However, this situation of gradual "outing" from the Sweat elites about a forthcoming One-World-Government to enslave the rest of us was and still is constantly evolving and gradually admitted in more and more explicit terms. The most explicit example so far has been the recent speech of Mario Draghi as the Prime Minister of Italy at the general assembly of the UNN in September 2021. He is a maximum top level Sweat elite member as, before becoming the unelected (simply and directly appointed as an outsider never voted for) prime minister of Italy, he was nothing less than the GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) director of the most important Sweat ECB (European Central Bank). During his speech at the general assembly of the UN he dared to advocate explicitly the formation of a One-World-Government, implying clearly that this should be the role of a new UNN. This open admission was an important precedent, for the first time in such and explicit and formal occasion, by such a perfect example of a GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) world leader. Of course, Draghi stopped short of qualifying this One-World-Government as dictatorial but this last little bit of the "outing" about it is now due to become explicit in a very near future. The world media fully subservient to the NWO (New World Order), or rather to what we call the SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement Global World Order), are fully owned by the Sweat elites through an illegal and criminal world cartel of media. As such, they are certainly aware of the coming full "outing", but still will not say it explicitly until they are instructed to do so, most probably in the very near future.


In fact, for those with eyes to see, the way the Fake COVID crisis is being handled worldwide at the moment, through a new Healthtatorship that has already masked the whole world is a clear expression of this full "outing" coming soon about a nearly already implemented dictatorial One-World-Government without that name. Other world Sweat leaders will certainly soon follow Draghi to confirm it all in fully explicit terms. The fast coming of the Great Marxist Reset of the director of the WEF (World Economic Forum), Klaus Schwab, shall be the full final confirmation of what Mario Draghi advocated, and be the last step of this coming full "outing" about a One-World-Government, including with its explicit qualification as a fully dictatorial form of world governance based on a new kind of Improved Communism without that name.   


In the meantime, in the overall structure of world order, the OWO elites with their DAS strategy that were mainly those behind the plot denounced by Kennedy until the mid 1960s has gradually lost some power in front of their rivals of the NWO who want a much more holistic enslavement of the rest of us from all points of view through their GAS strategy. For this reason, today, the predominant elites of the NWO, as those of the GAS strategy, even try to invent new terms to define in a veiled way the original plot or conspiracy reality denounced by Kennedy as that plot has become much worse, that is much more global and holistic, even much more clearly satanic. As of more recently, the evil elites talk now for example about "The Great Reset" of the monetary system. But even in this case, they avoid saying they want much more than a reset of the monetary system, rather a reset of the whole world economy, and even a great reset of mind. In front of the new enemy of the decentralized crypto currencies. like typically BitCoin, they also talk deceitfully about the need for the creation of a new fully centralized digital money called Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). However, they usually stop  talking just before being forced to admit this new global digital currency would be fully controlled by them, the Sweat elites, not at all like real decentralized crypto-currency was originally conceived, and implemented in a new Cashless Society in a worldwide form as soon as possible to ensure even a stronger process of dictatorial global enslavement.


Nevertheless, the basic reality of the plot or conspiracy reality of our intended full enslavement by evil elites, and of their world domination over the rest of us, stays the same. In the overall structure of world order, those private Sweat elites, be they from the OWO with their more limited DAS strategy of the usurious debt-money system, or from the NWO with their more global GAS strategy and their Great Reset, let alone their  great reset of mind, are always aiming at having absolute full control over the rest of us, using selected government officials as puppets and useful idiots through fraudulent elections, just like it happened in the USA in 2020 with the election of Biden. And now, with the new technologies available, the Sweat elites have a hope to finally be able to do so fully worldwide, for the first time in the history of humanity, in a fast forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government of an Improved Communism, with a global digital cashless One-World-Currency. In addition, as per what we will see in more details in another section, in the following section called "BY WHOM" this global enslavement is being pursued, the conspiracy reality of our dictatorial global enslavement is even a satanic one, with Satan himself now using all the main evil Sweat elites as useful idiots. We will explain all this better in a following section about the Master Plan.   



Because of the various types of satanic evil actions and interventions of the Sweat, that the Sweat itself is wrongly trying to blame on the rest of us instead of on their own actions, or their lack of proper counter-actions through the responsible corporations they control, our beautiful Earth and all its kingdoms are in danger of a complete collapse at the moment. There have been many kinds of partial planet collapse in the history of this Earth but, today, for the first time, a major collapse seems to be coming in 6 cumulative ways, all together at the same time. And today's major worldwide collapse on the economic side caused by the COVID pandemic and its engineered lockdowns is only the crowning of all the other types of collapses serving for the complete evil completion of the satanic globalization Master Plan of the GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) Sweat elites seeking the enslavement of the rest of us. 


  1. The first form of forthcoming collapse is from a financial point of view. This is due to the creation of excessive debt, both usurious debt-money as public debt and usurious debt-money as private debt. This creation of usurious debt-money out of nothing by private banksters is the mother of all scams. It is the first basic enslavement tool of the Sweat elites to start with, for our complete debt enslavement that, at the moment, is being reinforced and maintained by a new Banktatorship. Who is fully in debt is already a slave. The debtor is the slave of the creditor. This full financial enslavement through usurious debt-money is already very much advanced. Through it, the Sweat has already enslaved financially all the most important countries, as countries, with huge and insupportable public debt, and enslaved also most of the rest of us as persons, through private debt deceitfully offered to us through mainly credit cards. Greece To Be Collapsed FirstThe Sweat elites also make sure that we have a world with constant wars when a world without wars is not only desirable but entirely possible except in rare unavoidable cases of defense against active foreign aggression. But all major wars are bankers' wars for financial gain as this is the best way to create new usurious debt-money to be returned to their coffers. The Sweat banksters make money before the war, financing arms purchase, then during the war, financing the operations, and finally after the war, financing the reconstruction. But all of this financing is in terms of greed and profit that, for the Sweat, is fully guaranteed by higher income tax. Income tax then ensures the reimbursement of all the evil financing done, before, during and after the wars. In fact, the income tax that did not exist until 1913 in the USA was created specifically for that purpose just before WWI. In other words, the full reimbursement of war financing, for WWI and all the wars that followed, was always fully guaranteed through higher income tax enslaving the taxpayers charged to reimburse it all to the big Sweat banksters. Again, this is the main reason why income tax was created in the first place. Before its invention, governments were financing themselves very successfully without it, through basically property and sales taxes. This evil system of unnecessary income tax is already uselessly enslaving people to the outmost degree around the world. Income tax can, and it should be abolished, also private banking with fractional reserve, and replaced with only other forms of taxation based on property and, in particular, a new type of dual sales tax accumulating pension benefits on both sides of any type of sale transaction, eliminating also public debt, as proposed in the DAPAST Taxation reform of a FtatAristarchy

  2. The second form of forthcoming Earth collapse is from an environment pollution point of view. This is due to excessive pollution of land, sea and air, as pollution that is not attended properly by governance. We, the rest of us, may be responsible for part of it, but again most of it comes from the Big Business of the biggest corporations. In addition, its proper attendance, for both the damage already done and for preventing more to happen, cannot fall on the rest of us, only on governance. But our current governance is fully dominated by the Sweat and the Sweat itself exists to protect the best interests of its masters, including its biggest corporations that are the main cause of this global environment pollution problem. In the meantime the Sweat tries to deviate the attention from itself and its guilty corporations, not to mention its own lack of proper action at the political level where it could do so, turning the blame and responsibility on only us once again. For hiding their incapacity to attend the problem properly, they look at the situation from other points of view that help them to project the blame on us. This is why the Sweat elites are talking so much today about the scam of "Global Warming" or "Climate Change", instead of about the drastic Global Pollution caused mainly by their biggest Sweat corporations. In other words, the real problem is not global warming and not climate change, but global pollution caused mainly by global corporations and institutions like HAARP and DARPA. Global Warming is cause by minor factors that arise mostly from natural cosmic sun cycles that have happened hundreds of times in the past. The problem is really Global Pollution, not Global Warming, caused not so much by the rest of us, but by the corporative acolytes of the Sweat elites that blame it on us instead of themselves. From these corporations the Sweat elites receive all sorts of corruptive benefits and bribes for closing an eye and not attending the situation properly. Attending the problem correctly should mean taxing heavily the corporations causing most of the pollution, not taxing mainly us to resolve the problem. Instead, the Sweat elites act to protect the corrupting corporations, not for our own wellbeing. Through bribes from the responsible corporations, the Sweat elites close an eye and want to charge us with additional taxation to supposedly resolve a most serious pollution problem that, in this way, can never be revolved, and they deviate the attention to the real problem by keeping to talk mostly about the scam of Global Warming

  3. The third form of forthcoming Earth collapse is from an economic point of view. This is due to a faulty exploitation of natural resources and the hiding of technology that could prevent the need for this faulty exploitation. But using the bad way to exploit resources serves highly and exclusively the greed of the biggest Sweat corporations instead of the good of the rest of us. To start with, all the discoveries of Nicola Tesla have been seized by the Sweat elites of his time, but still exist in hiding somewhere. Whoever hides them should be charged with treason, as a FTATOT. These discoveries should be unearthed and brought to full FTAT for many purposes. According to reliable whistleblowers, these hidden technologies could for example provide free energy for all human activities instead of continuing with extremely polluting oil exploration on land and sea for the huge profits of all the big Sweat corporations involved. The current dangerous and outdated technologies should all disappear if at all possible and be replaced with those kept in hiding as a crime against humanity, which amounts to clear treason, as FTATOT. In another sector, BigPharma for example should also be completely dismantled and natural plant medicine revived fully in order to provide better health to all people. This would not only provide medicine at the lowest possible price compared to what is happening today, but would also eliminate all the terrible chemicals and artificial hormones used by the pharmaceutical industry. These chemicals damage us terribly as a first step, and they corrupt and damage our environment after their use, including all the beautiful kingdoms of natural life. With the proper counter-initiatives worldwide, that a FtatAristarchy country is designed to implement fully within its own borders, there would be also plenty of money and energy to feed and easily take care medically of a world population of even much over 7 billion people. If so, the pursuit of ugly depopulation objectives like the ones of the Agenda 21/2030 of the UNN and of the WEF with its Great Marxist Reset, let alone depopulation through the eugenics, and through the toxins of the massive projects of a Bill Gates and others engineering vaccines not protecting the vaccinated but weakening human body and soul, would be redundant and FTATOT treason crimes against humanity if not abandoned. 

  4. The fourth form of forthcoming Earth collapse is from a moral point of view. This is due to a rampaging excessive amorality purposely promoted by the satanic culture behind the Master Plan of the Sweat elites in order to destroy all the best traditional values and cardinal virtues that could make the rest of us resist the Sweat plot, or rather conspiracy reality. There is no more morality in our decadent world of today, as all types of corruption and all forms of abomination and criminality are quite permissible if one can get away with it. It seems that the only real sin that exists today is getting caught doing something bad, not the doing something bad itself. The only sin is to get caught. Total nihilism is rampaging, What is left of virtue is also denigrated as bigot or retrograde behavior, often with even racist or hate-crime connotations. It is high time for a Return of Philosophy in our life, and for the Secret Marriage of Science with Philosophy, and consequently the establishment of a type of governance based on FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency), which is the type of education and governance that a FtatAristarchy is proposing and always implementing through the cumulative set of the 10 reforms of Part II of this book. 

  5. The fifth form of forthcoming Earth collapse is from a biological point of view. This is due to the various chemical substances used widely and purposely by the biggest Sweat corporations, including BigPharma with its dangerous artificial drugs and Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated, by BigAgriculture with its deadly insecticides and GMO products, by BigJunkFood with its unhealthy long term shelve preservatives used for more profits, and by BigClimate of global atmosphere engineering through things like Chemtrails in air, addictive chemicals in water, 5G WIFI in the atmosphere etc. Big Sweat institutions like DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) or HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) are also highly guilty with their death-rays and all sorts of anti-biological and anti-geological waves and weapons like the horrific DEW (Directed Energy Weapon) capable of causing all sorts of perfectly directed disasters in specific places on demand, both physical disasters, like earthquakes or fires, and biological disasters, like anemia of the people in their range, in order to also spread fear and submission in masked populations meant to be enslaved more easily through full obedience and fear. All of this is affecting badly all biological life, but in particular the male man. As a result, finding a beautiful specimen of male man today who is full of testosterone, with large shoulders, no flabby belly and an obvious nice pack of manhood in between his legs, is becoming a rare treat. A growing number of young men today are more and more effeminate as every year goes by, and they use the little that is left of their testosterone mainly to click the mini keyboards of their smart phones with their delicate fingers while sitting in a comfortable couch instead of using their courage and muscles, not to mention their 'balls' for battling the Sweat elites destroying the planet. As a result, something very wrong happened: a handsome 28 year old man today, at the top of his best septennial for maximum male man strength and beauty, produces only half the sperm of the equivalent 28 year old man of 50 years ago. But this is not their fault. It is mainly the fault of the Sweat and its satanic culture making male youths this way by plan today, using its biggest corporations to destroy the testosterone that is dangerous from their point of view, as it could just too easily be used by real male men to fight and resist, even possibly dismantle their satanic Master Plan of global SweatHarder enslavement.

  6. The sixth forthcoming Earth collapse is from a social or rather a spiritual point of view. This spiritual collapse is based on many factors. First, it is in partly caused by the promotion or the non proper attendance of uncontrolled massive immigration of conflictive culture to ours, in a new world without borders. This incredible let-go attitude is promoted by the Sweat elites for the completion of the older infamous Kalergi Plan of 1922, and is being reinforced by a fast forthcoming transformation of the UN into a new UNN (United No Nations) to destroy not only our nations without borders but our nations without anymore spiritual unity. Second, it is caused at the moment, during the Fake COVID Pandemic, by massive vaccinations that include toxins attacking our soul, through an attack to our Pineal Gland that is the gland giving us access to higher levels of conscience, and consequently to stronger enlightened desires of freedom, which is considered a danger and to be eliminated from the point of view of the Sweat elites wanting to enslave the rest of us. The world without borders factor is being complemented as a new world of children without families, and mostly out of wedlock, with children growing mostly without fathers maintaining authority and best traditional social values, let alone strong patriotic values. Again, all of this is highly promoted by the Sweat elites for whom patriotism and family authority have become crimes, in order to destroy, at both a national and a family level, the good forces of patriotism and virtuous family authority that could make youths resist and prevent a forthcoming dictatorial One-World Government of global enslavement. All of this is happening by plan. This is what the Sweat strategy is all about. In addition, this social collapse is reinforcing what we could call a spiritual collapse, eliminating god from our life and attacking the Pineal Gland giving us access to the highest levels of conscience of our souls. This attack on our soul through the Pineal Gland is facilitating the elimination of our best moral, familiar and patriotic values. The new god of today has nothing to do with religion. It is the State, but a global State, and soon to be the super-state of a dictatorial One-World-Government of GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials at both national and transnational levels. And that Global Super-State is the one to be managed exclusively by the evil Sweat elites that want not only world domination, but also our complete enslavement for achieving this global enslavement objective in the easiest possible way.

A closer look at these six forms of Earth collapses acting together


The unusual danger we face now is that, for the first time in the history of humanity, these 6 forms of forthcoming Earth collapse are coming to us all together at the same time, with cumulative negative effects of unfathomable gravity, and all caused by the same satanic source: not the rest of us, except in a very small proportion, but the Sweat. These Sweat elites are seeking our complete enslavement at whatever cost, even the terrible cost of all the six forms of planet collapse mentioned above happening together. And this is not a conspiracy theory. It is a conspiracy reality. Without the collective effects of these collapses acting together, the Sweat elites will never be able to reduce the rest of us to be subservient slaves at their service.


We should stress the fact that this fast forthcoming six-prong collapse of our planet is not coming at all from what the Sweat globalists try to make us believe. These Sweat Abrahamic deviates always want us to believe this is our fault, the fault of the rest of us, when in fact it is mainly their own fault, that is, their own strategy, as part of their deceitful satanic global Master Plan to enslave all the rest of us in a fast forthcoming dictatorial One-World Government with a cashless One-World Currency, a One-World Religion fusing the 3 Abrahamic religions in a kind of Panthriskia, a One-World Culture with complete amorality in a global cultural and social melting pot, and a One-World-Army coming from the gradual transformation of NATO fused with the blue helmets of the UN, or rather the real UNN at this point, in order to secure the full implementation of the Master Plan of the Sweat elites. If one has followed closely the world events of the last few decades, away from the fake news that all belong to the Sweat elites that are hiding carefully worldwide this ugly reality of their Master Plan, doing so easily with the full control of all important media through an illegal cartel of only six major world media networks, this is exactly what is coming, and fast coming. This is the Sweat elites conspiracy reality of global enslavement being fully implemented.  


We should also stress that the satanic strategy of the Sweat is a long-term one with its longer roots in at least the last two millennia. During the last century in particular, starting quite a few years ago, the Sweat first wanted us to believe that we were guilty of major earth problems because of what we can now call the False Global Warming supposedly caused by the extra carbon dioxide that we, the rest of us, create through our personal and business activities as human beings, when in fact most of this unwanted carbon dioxide is caused by the main corporations of the Sweat itself. When many good scientists rendered us and the Sweat elites aware that there was no main serious fault on our part, the Sweat quickly changed the name of the problem to what we can also call now the False Climate Change but, again, trying to put the blame on the rest of us. Interestingly enough, at that point, the Sweat globalists recently suffered a temporary setback. Many other good scientists forced the Sweat elites to recognize that this Climate Change was mainly caused by natural cosmic climate and sun cycles that took place many times over the last millennia, with some previous cycles even more serious than the current one, and caused only in a minor way by personal human activity.


Then the best scientists also made it known that the main causes of Climate Change were in fact coming from what we can call this time a True Climate Engineering, certainly not coming from the rest of us, but caused by various organizations of the Sweat itself, as an important tool in their Master Plan for global enslavement of the rest of us. Apart from the natural climate and sun cycles, this new climate engineering was coming mainly from a combination of things like chemtrails and various types of Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) disasters proactively caused scientifically at will by horrific organizations like HAARP and DARPA that all belong to the Sweat elites. In front of this demonstrated Truth, the Sweat elites quickly accused all these critical scientists of being conspiracy theorists in order to silence them through its current fake Sweat political correctness. The Sweat elites refused all open public confrontation with any of the best scientists on the related main issues. Instead the Sweat elites quickly invented still something else, as a threat even more convincing this time for the silent majority of the rest of us kept sleepy and ignorant through the huge cartel of mass media all owned by the Sweat itself. They invented the Fake War On Terror and the Fake Covid Pandemic.


In other words, after a partial setback, the Sweat returned to inventing more serious false flag events to spread fear and obedience, and consequently enslave people more easily. They first invented the major False Terrorist Threat that, to this day, some 20 years later, still kills only a small fraction of 1% of the persons dying in car accidents worldwide. For this purpose they first physically engineered the terrible False Flag of 911, "The Lie That Changed The World" and, as a result, socially engineered the rest of us to believe in the need to fight a new Fake War On Terror worldwide, even at the cost for the rest of us to gradually loose the majority of our constitutional liberties, the one of free speech and opinion to start with, supposedly in exchange for our own protection. Masked Society Slave SocietyFinally, more recently, the Sweat corrupted and used some deviate scientists to engineer the global scam of the False Coronavirus Pandemic that has been demonstrated by the best medical scientists to be less dangerous than many previous yearly flu episodes of the last decades, like the SARS and the Hong Kong Flue. The Sweat elites also accompanied this false worldwide pandemic with the invention of Falsely Needed Lockdowns


The pandemic, or rather Plandemic, and its lockdowns, or rather PluckDowns, are falsely needed for us, but extremely useful to the Sweat elites. Through these lockdowns the Sweat elites have already transferred the biggest amount of wealth and property in the history of humanity from us, the productive middle class, to them, the parasitic Sweat elite class, and they have acquired this wealth for the cheapest possible price. In other words, the falsely required lockdowns were not brought in to help resolve the Plandemic, but the Plandemic was engineered to bright in the lockdowns that would bring the Sweat elites an unimaginable amount of wealth most easily and for only pennies.


That false Plandemic was, and is, in fact, a major scam that was well planned in advance of the lockdowns and for the lockdowns, thus a Plandemic of the Sweat itself for achieving more easily a major part of its Master Plan. However, with the latest lockdowns so far, the Sweat elites have already accomplished only about half of their plan, and unless we quickly wakeup and react, the other half will soon follow with whatever means possible, possibly with means much more serious than another similar Plandemic with lockdowns, probably using much stronger versions of the virus to start with. We are already aware of the existence of at least two such stronger versions, the "Delta" version, and the "Lambda" version (by the way, these are two Greek letters often used with a masonic triangle typical of the Sweat elites in their graphic representations). Hopefully this second wave will not be achieved through a WWIII with also nuclear arms but, considering the satanic  evilness of the Sweat elites, this cannot be excluded if they will think it became necessary. In the meantime, the Sweat elites want us to believe that this supposedly natural pandemic now requires the rest of us to be silent obedient slaves maintained in fear of anything they say or want, even at the cost of loosing not only all the rest of our constitutional liberties but also the final part of the best of our wealth and property. And this loss of property is well integrated in the forthcoming Great Marxist Reset that, as confirmed explicitly by Klaus Schwab himself, mentions that "We shall own nothing and be happy about it".


The Sweat elites want us now to wear grossly stupid and useless masks of total submissive enslavement causing more infections than they prevent, and to be controlled through social distancing and contact tracing, in order for us to talk to each other as little possible and have less occasions to get involved in reactive or rebellious talks that may be dangerous to the implementation of their Master Plan. The Sweat elites also want us to respect cold stupid social distancing even with our own family members, to the point of not even kissing our own children or embracing our own old parents. The Sweat also imposes very limited groupings, not to protect us from infection, but in order to avoid gatherings in which revolts against their enslaving Master Plan could be more easily fomented.


As another major tool of complete submission, the Sweat elites have also invented the new horrific and clearly anti-constitutional fake crime of Hate Speech to even prevent us from criticizing not only them, the globalist GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) Sweat elites, but also all our falsely elected puppet national government officials used by them for imposing on the rest of us a growing quantity of all sorts of new restrictions to our freedom. Incredibly today, the sole simple common sense of criticizing the Sweat elites or their puppets with logic, be they elites at national or international level, even when our criticism is based on obvious simple facts, or a firm conviction based on facts and good logic, let alone the opinion of good scientists, can now lead us to serious punishment like heavy fines, arrests and even imprisonment, with all of this taking place in supposedly the most free part of the world, the so-called Fake Western Land of the Free. But who gave the Sweat elites the right to treat us this way, and the right for them not to be criticized? Certainly not us through any kind of voting! This is a clear abuse of power against us. If there is Hate Speech in what is taking place, it is Hate Speech by the Sweat elites against the rest of us, and they should be punished for it, not the rest of us. It is certainly what a FtatAristarchy would immediately and proudly dismantle and change for the better.


In the meantime, the Sweat elites most powerful tool of enslavement has become the imposition of most destructive Lockdowns supposedly because of a pandemic, but planned well in advance for much more evil reasons. The first thing to notice is that through these powerful lockdowns that become PluckDowns, the Sweat only profits while the rest of us loose all the way, including our best wealth and property. "Cui Bono"?  As mentioned earlier, through these Lockdowns, the Sweat elites have already factually started deceitfully the fast and massive transferring of the biggest quantity of wealth and property in the history of humanity from the productive middle class going bankrupt, where most of the rest of us belong, to themselves, as the parasitic authoritarian Sweat elites, keeping us masked, distant, silent, in fear and obedient as much as possible in order to hide the process of this catastrophic reality as much as possible. Because of the useless lockdowns, millions of small and medium properties and bankrupt businesses have already passed from our hands to their Sweat hands for only pennies.


All along this process, the Sweat elites have also socially engineered us to accept maximum amorality as an Orwellian New Normal and to abandon our best moral cultural and patriotic values, destroying completely the social structures of marriage, of family, and of nation. From the Sweat elites point of view, these social structures are dangerous as they could be used to oppose their master Sweat plot of global enslavement if they were maintained intact. For this same purpose, the Sweat pushes for maximum uncontrolled and totally inassimilable massive immigration, and an excessive multiculturalism that is already diluting in an ugly global melting pot the best homogeneous cultural values that could oppose their globalist Sweat Master Plan at the level of each beautiful nation. Again, this is the full completion of the Kalergi Plan. With strong families, strong nations and strong cultural homogeneity, along with strong ethical values through holistic education, their satanic Sweat  plot, or rather conspiracy reality of global enslavement would just be impossible.


This is why the Sweat elites have made real holistic and virtuous education disappear completely. Real education plainly does not exist anymore. Our schools and universities have become tools of only instruction, not education, and with massive propaganda or indoctrination to make new generations become obedient slaves of the Sweat. Of course, this distortion of traditional education is also a major component of the Sweat plot, or of their Master Plan of global enslavement. Real education has been replaced with only instruction, and with a lot of indoctrination serving specifically the objectives of the Sweat elites, from early kindergarten to university, and even post-graduate levels.  


If all the above is not enough for the rest of us to wakeup and react, forcefully, but also most democratically, through what we will call FtatAristarchy governance, on which we will elaborate fully in Part II of this book, then we fully deserve the above sad and tragic six-prong of Earth collapse that our obscure future is offering to us. In such case, because of our nonchalance or stupidity, the Sweat elites probably also sort of deserve to enjoy their immense parasitic privileges, and to massively increased their wealth while having the rest of us in the whole world as their masked, obedient, fearful, socially distant and fully controlled slaves.  












The more used name that we use in relation to the NEWO (New Enslaving World Order), but specifically for the satanic Master Plan of this global enslavement that we describe here in Part I of this book is often the acronym MOWOP (Master One-World-Order Plan). After this brief overview, this Master Plan of global enslavement will be looked at more specifically in the following section. It is pursued by those we call more simply as the Sweat elites. Their more complete name for this heinous global and satanic enslaving power is often described by us as SweatHarder (Satanic World Enslavement Action Through Heinous Abrahamic Religions Deviates Encompassing Roamers). This power is exercised through mainly those we call the Fake-Jews, but really a team of Abrahamic Plotters from the top levels of the 3 Abrahamic religions. This is the Abrahamic nomenclature that a FtatAristarchy is meant to dismantle, or deprive of power over the rest of us, doing so most democratically, as a prerequisite to its full implementation in two steps. The first step is the one of a TruthOcracy, but only to start with.


Satan One-World-GoevernmentThis first step of TruthOcracy is an easier and quicker first step to a FtatAristarchy. This first step could be as short as two successive electoral periods. As for the second step, the one of fully computed FtatAristarchy, it requires an Aristarchy governance, that is, a governance from people educated for at least one or two generations in new schools, under a better form of holistic EthoPlasìn education forming the various levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul. Consequently, the first step of TruthOcracy that only requires the legal imposition of FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) in all governance activity can be achieved in maximum 5 to 10 years. To the contrary, the second step of a fully implemented FtatAristarchy that requires the holistic education of an Aristarchy may easily require from 20 to 30 years in order to form a new brand of leaders properly. Only such holistic education can ensure leaders can be chosen as the most meritorious ones in terms of capacity and in terms of a virtuous life based not only on Truth and transparency, but also on harmony and beauty in their own personal life and, through their actions, in the life of the people they are called to serve.


The current power of the Sweat elites is pursued by a team of Abrahamic Plotters from mainly the top levels of the 3 Abrahamic religions. We call them the Sweat elites for simplicity even if they are using a majority of Zionist Jews in their leading roles, as a type of Fake-Jews who are for the most part members of a deviated branch of Judaism that was impregnated with Satanism since the time of the exile of the Jews in Babylon. These deviated members of Judaism are the Jews that we legitimately call Fake-Jews. This is because the Sweat elites often use such non-Jews in leading roles, in fact non-Jews at all, not by DNA nor by relation to Palestine, but nevertheless pretending to be Jews while using and hiding behind such deviated satanic Judaism. We call these groups of non-Jews with the term Fake-Jews for lack of a better term. As we will see, there are many categories of Fake-Jews. Consequently we could call their plot the "Fake-Jew Plot". But again, it is more rightly an Abrahamic Plot of deviated elites of the 3 Abrahamic religions acting together. We will expose in more details this sad "Fake-Jew Plot". This plot is the main reason why, at the moment, we live in a period of particular disgrace from a moral and social point of view, and a satanic disgrace, with the satanic FOB (Force Of Bad) clearly dominating over the divine FOG (Force Of Good) in the overall structure of world power.


Fortunately for the rest of us, as the wide majority that we are, and through our sheer critical weight if acting together, instead of facing what the TIME magazine called the Return Of Satan, we have the power to democratically force a return to a period of splendor when the FOG would return to dominate again, hopefully for a long new era of liberation through Truth, and for maximum possible happiness of most of us on this beautiful planet Earth. In fact, we basically live on a beautiful planet with a pyramid of an incredible variety of stunning life forms of various kingdoms and there is no reason why we should not protect this pyramid and enjoy its advantages legitimately. 


We are meant to be co-creators with God.


We, as human beings, are at the top of this pyramid of kingdoms of life in terms of intelligence and power of creativity. We are in fact, through our human souls of divine image, the only real co-creators with the FOG that formed this life pyramid on this magnificent planet. The FOG giving us this rank and role was a great honor for which we must be grateful. This is in fact the real sense of our human life: to be co-creators for the FOG. It is our only important sacred mission during our life on this beautiful planet Earth, with each of us having a chance to contribute in an original and unique way as co-creators. From the clear nature and intentions of our FOG creator, a co-creating power given to us should ideally mean always creating for the good, or for caring, if not improving, or at least refining in our own pleasant and original good ways, what has already been created. This role of positive co-creators is in fact the only way we can achieve happiness during our earthly life. 



PhilotimoThe only difficulty is that, at our top level of the pyramid of life, our compassionate FOG creator gave us also the maximum gift possible, as a gift that he gave to no other life form on Earth. The cosmic FOG that, in our environment, we often call the SLOGOS (Supreme LOGOS) gave us freewill to make us as similar to him as possible as co-creators of the FOG in the overall structure of world order. In doing so, he knew full well that, with freewill, few of us would inevitably abuse this power and become co-creators at the service of the FOB. Those creating for the bad would then be deceitfully used as puppets by the satanic FOB to create for themselves an illusionary and fake selfish good, however badly it would affect the rest of us. However, our FOG creator also knew, or hoped, that the rest of us, as a big majority, would react and prevent those few satanic Sweat elites acting as FOB from destroying instead of improving, counting that the rest of us would also use our freewill and love to hopefully bring back the deviated souls on the path of co-creation for the good.


Unfortunately, this proactive preventive role is quite clearly where the rest of us have grossly failed in the last few centuries, through our dozy stupidity and laziness, or through negligence and irresponsible inaction, in particular since the beginning of the period that brought us many destructive revolutions and two world wars. This is where our FOG creator may probably be very deceived and deluded at the moment. From his perspective, to say the least, the rest of us must probably be seen by our FOG creator as highly negligent in preventing the satanic deviated souls from acting for the bad, when we have the full power to prevent it by simply using our freewill. This is where the reforms of a FtatAristarchy elaborated in Part II of this book can come into play to help.



This prevention of the bad to happen, or the prevention of what TIME magazine called a Return of Satan, could have been already achieved in the past, most democratically, and even with love, if we had only waken up in time and decided to use our freewill and co-creation power to redress the situation before it reached the catastrophic levels of destruction that we have today with the series of the variety of aspects of world collapse described in a previous section. This is where we should have stopped the formation of the heinous global satanic Master Plan that we will expose more specifically here below in the next section. Through negligence or laziness we have not waken up yet, and it is late, and most urgent, for all of us to wakeup today. This is the necessary urgent wakeup call that is badly needed as soon as possible, and this is the real meaning of this Part I of this book. If we get out of our somber and wakeup, with more of us working as FOG co-creators, and making more and more people do the same, we would get back to a period of more splendor.


There has been such periods of more splendor in the history of humanity. The most obvious good example of such period of splendor is certainly the one of the Classical Period of Ancient-Greece that invented holistic education of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul, invented philosophy as a way of life based on virtue and ethics, invented real direct participative democracy, invented logical critical thinking, invented the Olympics spirit, invented holistic beauty in body and soul, let alone absolute beauty and harmony in all arts and techniques. These magnificent inventions and many other positive accomplishments are what is called the PHILOTIMO, as the magnificent ELL culture that accompanied that unique period of co-creation with the FOG. Again, such return to more splendor and creativity through more of us acting as FOG co-creators is the main purpose of this book, in fact the main purpose of our life on Earth, and consequently also the purpose of what we call a FtatAristarchy as a new system of harmonious governance.




# Index




In a global context, the Sweat (Satan World Enslavement Abrahamic Team) is the latest acronym we use to describe the power of the global elites trying to enslave the rest of us. Other older acronyms used on our websites, like the JewZuits (Jew Zionists & Jesuits) or LUZJIP (Luciferian Union of some Zionist [Jews], Jesuit [Christians], and Islamist [Muslims]Perverts) or SIFJEC (Satanic Infiltrated Fake-Jew Everywhere Commanding) are still valid in their own limited relative context, but not as comprehensive as Sweat on a global scale in the specific context of this book. The MOWOP (Master One-World Order Plan) is also an important acronym we often use, in our environment, to describe the Master Plan of the NEWO (New Enslaving World Order), or more simply of the NWO (New World Order) opposing the OWO (Old World Order) in the overall structure of world order. But this "plan", or "plot", or rather "Conspiracy Reality" is basically a satanic Master Plan pursued by the Sweat elites. So, the Sweat acronym is the best one overall in most circumstances to describe what is going on in terms of who is behind our global enslavement, both as the plan involved and as the elites involved.


Because the plan is satanic in leadership, and in light of the many categories of Fake-Jews in leading roles in the NWO, we sometimes play on words and call the former Prime minister of Zionist Israel, Netanyahu, after changing only the initial capital letter of his name, as Setanyahu. He was probably the most prominent member of the "White Brotherhood" of the composite structure of world power of the Sweat elites in his pursuit of the Greater Israel and the forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government to be eventually based in JerUSAlem in due time. For him, this NEWO (New Enslaving World Order) had to have a clear Judaic supremacy in his mind if at all possible, in front of the whole world, through the formation of the Greater Israel of Zionist ascendancy, and through the use of mainly the puppet categories of satanic Fake-Jews to achieve the ultimate objective of a One-World-Government to be based in due time in JerUSAlem after the fall of other powers, the USA to start with. Interestingly enough, it seems that his successor Naftali Bennett is even more radical nationalist than Setanyahu in the pursuit of this objective. He has many times already explicitly favored the disenfranchisement of all non-Jewish Israeli citizens, and the total ethnic cleansing of all non-Jews from all of historic Palestine, killing them if necessary. In fact, considering his background and the one of those leading the Zionist State of Israel at the moment, this clearly means the maintenance of only the Fake-Jews within the overall Palestine and the forthcoming Greater Israel.


BK Barbiero Master Plan Very OldIn the context of the activities of Mr. Soros, who is also a Jew, we will also talk about him as a Sweat member, even if he was often in opposition to what he called the too nationalistic Zionism of Netanyahu, and his even more nationalistic Zionist successor Bennett, not because he, Soros, is not also a Zionist himself, as he is one. But Soros is a special case and represents a category of super-globalists of the Sweat elites. He is more, or worse, than a Zionist. A Netanyahu or a Bennett and a Soros are all Sweat elite members but from different factions often opposing each other on the way to execute the Master Plan of world domination or its degree or speed of implementation. Soros wants something higher or more powerful than what most Zionists want, as a clearly Satanic One-World Order. He does not want only the creation of a One-World-Government based on the formation of the Greater Israel but, at the same time, as a prerequisite, he wants the complete destruction of the western culture based on Greco-Roman values, be they even Judeo-Christian values. Along the way, this means the destruction of the USA to start with, which he has affirmed wanting many times explicitly already. It also includes, for this same reason, his immense push for massive uncontrolled immigration in borderless countries, in particular Muslim immigration, to help destroy the values, the sovereignty and power of all the most advanced western nations in pursuit of the full completion of the older Kalergi Plan and of a really global One-World-Government without borders with the rest of us as its obedient slaves.


With regards to the 3 main monotheistic religions of Abrahamic descent (Judaism, Christianity and Islam, including the Abrahamic families Li and Sassoon of China often called "The Rothschild of The East") pursuing a new One-World-Order, through a new One-World-Government, in particular since the arrival of Judeo-Jesuit Pope Francis and his clearly desired One-World-Religion (Panthriskia), and considering the activities of the satanic highest ranks of Fake-Jews of these 3 religions, and some of their liturgies that often involve, implicitly or explicitly, odes to Lucifer, including at the Vatican, we can only call this overall global plot the Satanic  One-World Order, or the pursued One-World Government of the Sweat elites. This is the satanic order of what the TIME magazine rightly called the Return Of Satan, except for the fact that Satan is not returning, as he has never left. He is only acting more freely and strongly at the moment because of the increased power of the current Sweat elites. This Master Plan is also basically what is commonly called simplistically and deceitfully by most people and media today the New World Order, intending it as a conspiracy theory. But in fact it is a conspiracy reality. It is most often abbreviated with the acronym NWO (New World Order) by most media. The new power hiding behind it is what we call, on its most global scale, the Sweat Power. Certainly, to say the least, this NWO (New World Order) based on the Master Plan is really rather what we should call a NWD (New World Disorder), at least for the common "We The People".



This Master Plan is a new world order that is being put in place to allow complete world domination, starting, in the context of today, as a first step, with what we call a Banktatorship. The plan pursues a totalitarian One-World-Government, with a digitalized One-World-Currency without cash, in a world without borders, and hopefully, from their point of view, also a One-World-Religion, a One-World Army (the intended destiny of a reformed NATO fused with the Blue Helmets of the UNN), and a debauched One-World Culture in a global melting pot of the rest of us as obedient slaves managed by the obscure forces of a Sweat team of Collectivist Fabian Socialists as its top managers. These are the same obscure Sweat forces that have pursued collectivist world domination through all main wars and revolutions for centuries, in particular, more recently, through the American Revolution, the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution, no to mention the related two world wars, WWI and WWII that have followed. Similarly, a forthcoming WWIII is what the global Sweat power is so strongly trying to foment today since the beginning of the XXIs century. 


In our context, we openly claim that the MOWOP (Master One-World-Order Plan) is pursued by a team of useful idiots of cosmic Satan himself, or certainly by useful perverts or deviates of the higher levels of the three Abrahamic religions that form the so called  Sweat power of the higher levels of the 3 Abrahamic religions as what we sometimes call the SweatHarder Power. In the overall structure of world power, this pursuit is the “Master Plan” of the GAS (Global Approach Strategy), or the MOWOP (Master One-World-Order Plan), for the eventual formation of a totalitarian One-World-Government meant to be based in JerUSAlem after the formation of the Greater Israel by Zionism, possibly through a forthcoming WWIII if necessary.

Evolution of the Strategies of the Master Plan of Global Enslavement over the last two centuries


As our websites related to this book have demonstrated, there is plenty and good evidence that all the main wars and revolutions of the last 250 years have discretely pursued this objective of our global enslavement. All the main wars still active today serve this same hidden Sweat Power purpose in their background. In addition, this Master Plan of world domination involves the enslavement of all populations below the command of the Sweat elites through a reinforced magistral use of DDDD (Dogma, Debt, Disinformation and Despair) along with newer tools. Newer tools of full enslavement now include the new Banktatorship, the new Healthtatorship and the new Newstatorship. But much older tools and strategies of full enslavement still pursued today include infamous projects elaborated and constantly updated in the past like the following. 


  1. the Lighthouse Of The East of 1897 (the stealing of pieces of territory from various already balkanized countries like Iraq, Syria, Jordan and Egypt around Israel, in order to form the Greater Israel),

  2. the Protocols Of The Elders of 1903 (claimed to be a fake, but certainly only in terms of who may be the author, certainly not in terms of its accurate content about three world wars needed to be fought in order to achieve the Master Plan, of which about two thirds have already become hard facts),

  3. the Kalergi Plan of 1922 (about using massive inassimilable immigration movements to be pushed in all the Western nations, except in Zionist Israel of course, to destroy their sovereignty and their strong moral, cultural and patriotic values that could come to oppose the Master Plan),

  4. the YINON Plan of 1982 (balkanization of the Middle East for the benefit of Israel, and the reinforcement of the Sunni side of Islam in order to neutralize its more dangerous Shiite side, from the point of view of the Sweat elites, which Shiite reinforcement could prevent the accomplishment of the Master Plan), 

  5. The PNAC Project of 1997 (a more recent reformulation and aggregation of all the above strategies and plans).  This took the name of the PNAC (Project for the New American Century). This update of earlier strategies was forcing the full and definite world supremacy of the Sweat forces in the 21st Century, using mainly the money and the expendable soldiers of the USA, [now a colony of Zionist Israel for all practical purposes] when and where necessary, as useful idiots, until the establishment of JerUSAalem, in the fast forthcoming Greater Israel, as their new One-World-Government capital.

  6. The Fraudulent Election of Pope Francis in 2013. This Judeo-Jesuit pope is no more mainly a religious figure, but a NWO figure linked to the Agenda 21/2030 of the UNN. He is at the service of the Sweat elites that have fully infiltrated the Vatican since the Vatican Zionist Coup of 1962. He is the first Judeo-Jesuit pope. In the overall structure of world power, he is the pope that transferred the allegiance of the Vatican from the DAS strategy of the Black Brotherhood, to which it was traditionally linked, to the GAS strategy of the White Brotherhood. Through his fraudulent selection he is called to provide assistance to the NWO from a religious point of view that involves the formation of a One-World-Religion that many already call Panthriskia,  

  7. The COVID Plandemic of 2020. To crown all these previous projects and strategies, we now have the magisterial false flag scam of a fake pandemic called COVID. This Plandemic was engineered with integrated lockdowns to transfer the biggest amount of wealth and property in history of humanity from the productive middle class to the parasitic Sweat class. Worse still, it was also engineered to have the justification for using Fake Vaccines that do not protect the vaccinated but are full of Nano-particles of Grapheme oxide and other toxins affecting our Pineal Gland in order to render us obedient zombie slaves, and for the easier implementation of the so-called Great Marxist Reset of the WEF (World Economic Forum) revealed openly and formally for the first time at Davos in 2019 and leading directly not only to an economic meltdown at world level, as a meltdown fully in favor of the Sweat elites, but to a Great Mind Reset, and even to transhumanism. This ugly and satanic transhumanism is being tested at the moment through the Nano-particles of Grapheme oxide already well documented to exist in the Fake Vaccines they are trying to impose worldwide. This is much better, for the evil purposes of the Sweat elites, than what we know already as possible body chipping. It is a new type of Nano-body-chipping that can be easily inserted in our body and activated without our knowledge, not only through the injection of fake vaccines but even through simple nose jabs for testing COVID. Once inserted and activated these nano-particles will eventually respond to the commands of the Sweat elites once at least the new 5G WIFI will be well in place worldwide, let alone the fast forthcoming 6G WIFI already being tested in China. These tools will have two objectives. First, the easier elimination of the "useless eaters" and those proactive persons opposing their global enslavement plans. Second, the full enslavement of the rest of us still alive but engineered to behave as obedient slaves.








Spencer Truth About Islam 






Two Satanic axes of World Power



The achievement of the Master Plan within the composite structure of forces and strategies of new global world order puts into contrast two opposite axis of  world order, in a mutual conflict of world power that is often called the Great Game” (GG). The one side of this conflict can be called the ZAAA (Zio-Anglo-American Axis) closer to the Black Brotherhood of the DAS. The other side is best represented by what is often called the BRICS Axis, closer to the White Brotherhood of the GAS. This latter axis seems to be more powerful at the moment. These two sides oppose each other mainly for the essential preliminary step of the control of the vast natural resources and populations of a fast forthcoming new unification of two continents, called EURASIA (a combined continental landmass of Europe and Asia). This is the new geopolitical area where the current dominating Sweat Power, so far concentrated in the Western World (USA and EU) is quickly shifting at the moment, away from the USA, on and around the so-called  old “Silk Road” or the "Belt And Road Initiative" of China for trade between mainly Asia and Europe. This is because, if there is to be a new One-World-Super-Power based in JerUSAlem, like it is the case of the GAS of the stronger White Brotherhood, the other competing areas of super power, like the EU and the USA have to fall first. In the meantime, the powerful China led discretely by the Abrahamic Sassoon and Li families, the so-called "Rothschild Of The East", that we can call the Sweat elites of the East, helps the process, but only temporarily, as it is also planned to fall in due time for an eventual new era of world power called by them the "Pax Judaica" helped by the useful idiot called the USA, and to be based in JerUSAlem as soon as possible. Incidentally, this "Pax Judaica" is what a FtatAristarchy would intend to transform into a "Pax Ellinika" for a renaissance of the great ELL culture with beautiful different particularities in each national country involved with it.


In examining the global situation of forces of world power, one cannot not notice that the new Sweat Power manifests itself with a clear leading role of Jewish forces of the Sweat elites or, more specifically, by Zionist members of the Sweat forces (not to say the Khazarian forces of the Fake-Jews). However, this is a misleading analysis because that overall power is essentially satanic and comes from all 3 of the Abrahamic forces, as the Sweat elites.  


Pax Judaica in JerusalemAnother way to look at the Master Plan that we call MOWOP is from the perspective of the so-called Deep State running all western governments at the moment, including the Vatican, while the politicians and leaders of these national states are only obedient puppets within the puppet theater of their own omnipotent Sweat Power in the background. The Sweat Deep State, which in its strongest branch is the White Brotherhood that ousted out the Trump who was linked mainly to the Black Brotherhood, is the main entity running discretely the Master Plan in a dominant role. At the moment, all western states, including the Vatican,(since the fraudulent election of Pope Francis) have a Deep State linked mainly to the more powerful White Brotherhood. As such, all these national Deep States are already linked in a transnational embryo of One-World-Deep-State best represented by organizations like the UN, the EU and the Vatican, not to mention organizations like the WEF. For example, the uniformity of the instructions that all countries receive to handle the COVID fake plandemic and mask people worldwide is a very good indication of this already strong embryo of the forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government. From this point of view, we are already de-facto under a One-World-Government of the White Brotherhood of the GAS (Global Approach Strategy), even if it has not yet been formalized.


In final analysis, the proper way to look at this Master Plan is that the MOWOP is the pursuit of what many call the “Pax Judaica”, as the final stage of what was called before, in previous stages of modern history, the Pax Romana”, then the "Pax Christiana", then the “Pax Britannica”, and more recently the “Pax Americana”. The pursued final “Pax Judaica” however is a Sweat one linked mainly to the White Brotherhood and its GAS (Global Approach Strategy). This is obviously a very deceitful use of the word “Pax” (which should mean only “Peace” and “Serenity”), as it involves as many wars as it may be required for the formation and the maintenance of a One-World-Order of collectivist Fabian Socialism, run by a dictatorial One-World-Government, a One-World-Currency, a One-World-Army (maybe the new NATO fused with the Blue Berets of the UNN), with the help of a new One-World-Religion that many already call “Panthriskia” in consideration of the strange globalist initiatives of the Sweat Pope Francis, and certainly a melting pot of decadent and debauched One-World-Culture of the new global satanic world without borders so desired by a George Soros of the White Brotherhood.


Instead of keeping busy mainly defending Christianity and its best moral values, like it was done for centuries by all previous popes, Sweat Judeo-Jesuit pope Francis is constantly much more busy making efforts to achieve a rapprochement with all the current forces and the various other religions of the global political world power. This includes the pursuit by the new Vatican of the UNN global political Agenda21/2030 that seems to be more important to Francis than the traditional spiritual agenda of the old Vatican, as it has been pursued for 2000 years before he, Francis, was fraudulently elected. It includes also his constant attempt to force an unnatural reconciliation of all other religious denominations of Christianity, including the Orthodox and Protestant denominations. This reconciliation is unnatural in the sense that is does not seek to reunite all these denominations under the ELL figure of the real Nazarean Jesus, but to agglomerate them in a new Judeo-Islamic Panthriskia of the Fake Jesus of the Vatican Institution that, at its core, is satanic under the full control of the Sweat elites.


This new Vatican strategy is the pursuit of a brand new ecumenical, thus global, One-World-Religion (already often called “Panthriskia”, or a One-Religion-For-All”, as reported by many of the expert observers following the Sweat activities of the Vatican), together with the leaderships of Judaism and Islam, even if the gods of the respective sacred books of these two other Abrahamic religions, Yahweh and Allah, request constantly and explicitly all sorts of massacres and wars from their faithful, which has absolutely nothing to do with the ELL figure of the real Nazarean Jesus. The members of these two other Abrahamic religions, the Judaic leadership in particular, were explicitly consideredEnemies by the Vatican, for the best part of some 2000 years. Instead, they are now called Brothers, or even respected "Elder Brothers", having gone "From Enemy To Brother", as per the famous book of John Connelly.


This is a long term consequence of the progressive and near final “Judaization” of the Catholic Church by the Sweat elites starting with the Vatican Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II of 1962. And Pope Francis who is coming from the Sweat Judaic order of the Jesuits has reinforced immensely this full Judaization of the Vatican that has started in a more noticeable way since 1962. He does not seem to care, as a pope, to now pursue mainly this globalist terrestrial civilian agenda, basically the enslaving Agenda 21/2030 of the UNN that was pursued much more discretely by the Vatican before his arrival. He does so openly over and above the traditional spiritual agenda of his church before his arrival, even if he risks, on this path, to destroy completely at least the Catholic Church, or maybe even overall what we call Christianity today. But the Sweat that, at its core, is satanic, now runs the new Vatican of Francis. From the point of view of the Sweat, the destruction of the purest form of Catholicism, or even the Christianity of the real Nazarean ELL Jesus is part of the Master Plan. This means the two main axis of world power at the moment are satanic. They only differ from the type of strategy they want to use for their final objective of full world domination, the strategy being the DAS on one side, and the the GAS on the other.

A new Satanic Cabal runs the world


Interestingly enough, the MOWOP (Master One-World-Order Plan) is being pursued in various ways that sometimes appear contradictory and even very conflictive. Netanyahu and Soros had apparently very contradictive approaches to the MOWOP. Netanyahu's successor, Bennett, appears to have come in to even reinforce that conflict. The case of George Soros is of particular interests. Although he is a Jew, he often contradicts the Jewish Zionist approach of leaders like Netanyahu that he considers too nationalist, and consequently not enough globalist, to the point of sometimes being even accused of Antisemitism. Contrary to Netanyahu or his successor Bennett, Soros hates America and the EU for their strong nationalist culture of democracy, and he sees their destruction through Massive Islamic immigration and "color revolutions" as a prerequisite to the MOWOP. According to Soros, only the Islamic religion will be able to destroy the strong culture of nationalistic democracy and morality of the West and, for him, this is necessary for the realization of the MOWOP. Although he is a self-proclaimed atheist, Soros is clearly a satanic member of the White Brotherhood, as a top Sweat member, and he also works closely with the satanic part of the new Sweat Vatican of Jesuit Pope Francis through social activities called PICO (People Improving Communities through Organizing) in which the Clinton and Obama were deeply involved. Soros finances them through his so-called OSF (Open Society Foundations). Incredibly enough, both PICO and the OSF of atheist Soros are dear to Pope Francis who welcomes massive immigration with open arms in Italy (but not in the Vatican strangely enough) and who pursues an agenda which, for the first time for a pope, is much more secular and political than spiritual, like, again, the infamous enslaving Agenda 21/2030 of the UNN.


Soros also brings China in the Master Plan, more than Israel, even if for him Jinping is not the ideal leader as he is too nationalistic for the purposes of his globalist plans. For Soros, the DeepState of China is well dominated by the Sassoon and Li families, as the Sweat "Rothschild Of The East" and members of the White Brotherhood in the structure of world power. As such, that DeepState China is the best test example of an authoritarian governance that could fully realize the MOWOP. To achieve it, Soros wants a kind of super Kalergi Plan (open borders and massive inassimilable immigration) of a special Islamic nature. Israel PM Netanyahu’s approach to achieve the MOWOP has been completely different, and is being reinforced by his successor Bennett. It is based directly on the claimed nationalistic superiority of the Jewish race and the members of its superior financial class from the so-called biblical Chosen People”. Soros’ approach is rather based on the power of the less nationalistic and more global Sweat "class" wanting holistic enslavement from all points of view and using the leading organizations like the IMF (International Monetary Fund), the BIS (Bank of International Settlements), the WB (World Bank) and the WEF (World Economic Forum) as only useful idiot or stepping stones.


Soros is better represented by the WEF (World Economic Forum) and its fast forthcoming Great Marxist Reset ,with the help of the growing Banktatorship, that has to destroy holistically the democratic and patriotic culture of the West for the MOWOP to succeed. For them, this great reset is not only a reset of the economy, like they try to present it to us but, in addition to the economy, it is a complete reset of the mind of humanity and its culture. However, the “class” of enslavers promoted by Soros and his opponents in the overall structure of world power is, in both cases, always the overall Sweat, even if it is  clearly dominated at the moment by the White Brotherhood often giving a major leading role to Zionist Fake-Jews like he himself is, and like the beloved deep state of China is, dominated only more discretely in China than in the West by the same banksters dominating the West. If China comes into the picture, discretely or openly with its Sassoon and LI families ("The Rothschild of the East") it shall be only temporarily, as it will be made to collapse in due time for the final supremacy of the world Sweat Banktatorship promoted by atheist Soros. At that point, for Soros, pure Christianity of the real Nazarean Jesus will have been destroyed, and nationalistic Zionism will have become irrelevant. The Satanic White Brotherhood with its dominating Sweat Banktatorship of a Cashless World shall form the new One-World-Government seated in a new atheistic JerUSAlem. Incredibly enough, Satan shall finally run the world from JerUSAlem where the real Nazarean Jesus tried to save the world and he, Satan, will have the rest of us as dependent obedient slaves. Maybe this is what the TIME magazine meant when it published a cover with the the title "The Return Of Satan". This is unless we wake up before it is too late, and start using FtatAristarchy as a new form of governance.


As part of the same globalist process, America and the EU will have been made to collapse as part of the Master Plan. In the end, only the Greater Israel shall stand with the White Brotherhood of the Sweat force called to dominate the world through a satanic and fake Pax Judaica from JerUSAlem instead of the Pax Ellinika wanted by countries with a governance of FtatAristarchy. For this to happen, no other power shall be allowed to still exist to contrast it, not the USA, not the EU, not even China, nor any other disturbing power like Russia. The current balkanization of the Middle East through various continuous wars is part of this global strategy of the White Brotherhood for acquiring net pieces of territory for the construction of the Greater Israel by the Sweat. If the balkanization is not sufficient, and if WWIII is necessary to achieve the final MOWOP objective, like it is affirmed by the Protocols of the Elders, so be it, from the point of view of the MOWOP Sweat masters. And this forthcoming WWIII might not necessarily be fought through traditional weapons like tanks and bombs. Financial weapons and in particular bio weapons like the fake COVID Plandemic might do an easier job, and much better, with less destruction and more wealth to be left intact to be transferred through lockdowns (or rather PluckDowns) to the parasitic Sweat elites, and enjoyed entirely and exclusively by them. 


Sweat Triangle Satanic CabalSummarizing the above, looking at the plan from the perspective of a Netanyahu or Bennett, the MOWOP is clearly mainly at least a Zionist Fake-Jew Khazarian one. Looking at the plan from the perspective a Soros, the MOWOP is more clearly a Fake-Jew Satanic one. Looking at the plan from the perspective of a pope like Francis, the MOWOP is at least Luciferian, thus very similar to the approach of his atheist good friend Soros. However, looking at the plan from the perspective of the three together, within the complex structure of forces of strategies of world order, the MOWOP is really a Sweat New World Order related mainly to the Satanic Globalist White Brotherhood instead of the traditional Black Brotherhood.


This apparent confusion is easily explained. The three perspectives are in fact the three sides of the same triangular pyramid of Abrahamic forces (shown on the side). And the bottom of that pyramid is composed of the perverts of the radical Muslims commonly tied to acts of terrorism that the 3 standing sides try to use as useful idiots for the purpose of the Master Plan, without realizing the serious risk involved in trying to use Islamists as useful idiots. This has been clearly demonstrated by history. Consequently, calling the plan as the Sweat One World Order power, when someone wants to be less generic, the acronym MOWOP (Master One World Order Plan) is probably its best name. The three satanic agents of this pyramid of Abrahamic deviates shown on the side, in order of importance, are quite obviously: 1) Jews (Zionists and Khazarian Fake-Jews); 2) Jesuits (Judaic Fake-Christians), let alone the new Judaic Vatican since 1962 now managed by the Sweat Pope Francis (as a Jesuit from an order founded by a Jew, Ignacio of Loyola); and 3) Sunnis (the Fake Muslims of a branch of Islam founded by Jews, in particular in its Wahhabi branch of Saudi Arabia where the founding Saud Family was Jewish). And all these 3 sides of the triangle have the highest levels of their members closely related to Satanism. Consequently, overall the essence of the triangle is an Abrahamic Satanic Cabal, as the Sweat Power.  


Looking at the absurdly good relationship between atheist Soros and supposedly the most Christian figure on earth, Pope Francis, one realizes that the Jesuits are seriously involved in the background. PICO (People Improving Communities through Organizing) in which Francis is directly involved, even if only discretely, through some Vatican staff, and sometimes even openly, like at the Vatican joint meeting of June 2015, supported all along by Soros financing to do so, was founded in 1972 by John Baumann. This is also a Jesuit priest, and he was trained in a Saul Alinsky community organizing sect in Chicago in the 1960s (in which training Barak Obama was notably involved as a young man).

For those who do not know, Alinsky, who died in 1972, was an extremist Communist community organizer, tied to the extreme radical left and, at the same time, was also a self declared Satanist. His name is now very closely tied to the political party of the Democrats in the USA, and to the socialist or communistic policies that this party is now pushing in all aspects of American life. Alinsky explicitly dedicated his main famous book titled Rules For Radicals to Satan. Nevertheless, Bill Clinton considered Alinsky to be his mentor. His wife Hillary Clinton also wrote a thesis on the subject of that book dedicated to Satan.

Pope Francis, through the financing of an atheist (Soros) gets involved in activities (PICOs) designed by a Satanic intellectual (Alinsky) and managed by other intellectuals of the extreme communistic left (Baumann) and his successors now having infiltrated the Vatican through some good acolytes (like the cardinals Danneels and Kasper, not to mention Francis' special advisor cardinal Rodriguez), all working hard to destroy the best traditional Christian values defended so well by the previous pope Ratzinger, Benedict XVI, that a Vatican conspiracy ousted out. After the ousting of Ratzinger, both the Open Society of Atheist Soros, and PICO activists of Satanic Alinsky origin, who had already infiltrated the Vatican, started to work more openly in the Vatican to promote the globalist cause of the Sweat or the MOWOP New World Order so dear to Pope Francis and his UNN new friends, through cardinals of the like of those just mentioned. This is why the Vatican that before the fraudulent selection of Francis used to be part of the Black Brotherhood of world order switched to the White Brotherhood in the complex structure of forces and strategies of world order.


As a final comment, it is interesting to realize that the Jewish and Khazarian Fake-Jew elements, including their acolytes of the Judaic Christian Jesuits, as those that are the main leading actors behind the Sweat MOWOP, have been behind all the most destructive great wars and revolutions of the last centuries, including WWI and WWII, and including all the main destructive revolutions (in Russia, France and USA). All these war and revolutions have been fomented by the Triangle of the Sweat Satanic Cabal, let alone the previous biggest and longest of all holocausts in the history of humanity, the one of the Fake-Christians against the Hellenic culture. Its members always act like parasites that work internally out of sight to deceitfully destroy their hosts after having exploiting them to the outmost degree. Then, like good parasites, they jump into another host that they also work to destroy after full exploitation, until they will have achieved their final objective of the fake Pax Judaica through a dictatorial One-World-Government of their own to be based in JerUSAlem after the creation of the Greater Israel. This long saga involves the parasitic destruction along the way of all other possible competitive superpowers that could disturb the Sweat MOWOP which includes the USA, the EU and even China and possibly Russia. At the moment, their main parasitic work of destruction, as Soros himself claims explicitly, is first and foremost in the USA that will be made to fall as a super power after full exploitation, financially and militarily, probably in a not too distant future. As it is quite obvious to any good observer, the USA, at the moment, at least from a foreign policy point of view, is already no more than a kind of rich idiot colony of parasitic Israel.


In the meantime the MOWOP Sweat elites have already jumped into, and set foot discretely in their next parasite host, which is quite clearly the China that is so dear to Khazarian Soros (except for China's extreme patriotism of his current president Jinping that Soros hates) who seems to be linked particularly well to the very obscure and extremely powerful Abrahamic LI and Sassoon families of China (often called the Rothschild of the East). The Khazarian Zionist world of Fake-Jews seems to be divided in two main factions: the Western faction, quite well known to the public at large, and best represented by leaders like Netanyahu or Bennett of Israel, and the Eastern faction, extremely discrete and practically unknown to any meaningful media, incarnated in the LI and Sassoon families of China (the so-called "Rothschild Of The East"). The 2 factions of the Sweat elites seem to be in conflict, but not for the final objective of world domination, only for the way to arrive at an eventual world supremacy. But this conflict is not decisive, and is only temporary. Soros obviously belongs to the eastern side of that conflict that is part of the White Brotherhood in the overall structure of world power. What Soros does not say explicitly however is probably that he thinks that China will only be the temporary next superpower for the MOWOP success, as China will also be the next country to be destroyed in due time, after the USA and its EU lackeys, if not together through at least a pandemic bio weapon, or at the same time, possibly through a WWIII, also after full exploitation, for the final realization of the Sweat Master Plan.


By the same token, through the complete balkanization of the Middle East that is necessary to eventually establish the Greater Israel, the Khazarian Zionists will hopefully (from their point of view) also have destroyed the last contender to their world dominance from JerUSAlem: the Muslim World, by dividing it more than ever before, between Shiites and Sunnis, and having them fight each other to mutual exhaustion. This is already being done through the fabrication of a growing conflict fomented between the two sides of Islam: the Shiites and the Sunnis. The Sweat parasites of the MOWOP are already working hard to make sure the two sides of Islam will possibly annihilate each other, or at least render both their sides so exhausted that they will become insignificant in the Middle East from the point of view of a new world power established in JerUSAlem.


Finally, after gaining that global world power, without anymore disturbing or contending superpowers around the globe, nor any other meaningful potential enemy in the area, for the Sweat elites, this shall be the end of their long saga of the fake Pax Judaica, instead of Pax Ellinika, or rather its complete success from the perspective of the Sweat MOWOP. The only possible obstacle to the Sweat MOWOP will remain the true Christian Putin of the new Russia, and this is also why they are working so hard to produce his elimination through at least character assassination as soon as possible as, in light of the new and enormous military power of Russia, probably superior at this point to the one of the USA, his elimination through physical assassination, or through a new world war, would probably cause the Sweat MOWOP too much damage and delay in its full implementation. Long live Putin!


As for an eventual WWIII to help the Sweat MOWOP, it is most likely that it will not be fought through traditional weapons like guns and tanks, not even an overly destructive nuclear war causing too much destruction of the assets precious to the Sweat elites. Financial and bio weapons shall be sufficient and much more effective, without the type of destruction that would also overly damage the Sweat wealth behind the MOWOP. These new weapons shall be the occasion to come up fast with a full worldwide Banktatorship as a first step and a new Healthtatorship as a second step. This will probably come along with a deceptively good Debt Jubilee to sweeten the pill, in order to achieve the complete Great Reset of the world from a holistic financial, monetary, cultural and transhumanist points of view. In other words, a jubilee would be the apparently pleasant way to bring in swiftly a new One-World-Digital-Currency of exclusively CBDC in a Cashless Society run by a new Banktatorship and in particular the rest of the evil objectives of the Great Reset, including transhumanism. Through a Debt Jubilee to sweeten the pill, all this will be accepted more easily by world population reduced to misery and being fully enslaved without really noticing it. The apparent free money involved at the beginning in the process would certainly make people welcome a digital One-World-Currency of CBDC even in a fully Cashless Society. However they would soon realize afterwards, once it will be too late, that the Sweat MOWOP has made them all new slaves of a new Cashless World controlling in an absolute way all their actions to the last penny, along with all the other aspects of their life through a Social Credit that was well tested and experimented already successfully in China, all managed from a central place probably called JerUSAlem, with the help of 5G, possibly even 6G, and the implant of body microchips or Nano-particles of Grapheme Oxide through Fake Vaccines not meant to protect the vaccinated but meant to debilitate our bodies and in particular affect our Pineal Gland, and consequently reduce us as obedient zombie slaves at various levels.

The current fake COVID pandemic is just the last and best engineered tool of this strategy. On the one hand, it will transfer the biggest amount of wealth and property into the hands of the parasitic Sweat elites through its planned successive lockdowns and the bankruptcy of the productive middle-class. On the other hand, it will reduce the level of consciousness, and thus the level of request of freedom of the world population through its Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated and the Great Reset of Mind engineered to attack our Pineal Gland and consequently our mental and spiritual force, and possibly also Nano-chip our bodies for transhumanism. It will finally reduce the rest of us to complete holistic slavery through the Great Marxist Reset of not only the economy, but also a reset of the mind and the whole human race and its current most advanced culture.


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# Index




Voting Slaughter HouseIn our fake democracies we keep voting for the same brand of Sweat elites that deceitfully show in their hands a nice electoral program, while hiding in their pocket a veiled Master Plan. These Sweat elites keep reproducing themselves over generations, even over centuries, and they have rendered themselves responsible for at least 231 million dead in the 20th century alone. The program they hold in their hand is never a contract, only a program. It is not either presented clearly as collectivistic or communistic, but only as... democratic. Nevertheless, in fact, it is fully communistic, but of a form of Improved Communism without that name. It is presented deceitfully under various other names in relation to their content, like Socialism, Progressivism or even only Democracy. In turn, the Master Plan they hide in their pocket is not only communistic, but even clearly Satanic to an acute observer capable of discerning into it our complete enslavement. 


Apart from the 231 million dead in the 20th century alone, their satanic Master Plan, as a plan that includes constant wars for financial profit, has caused the complete physical destruction of all the main infrastructures of dozens of countries. It has also left behind millions more of private people maimed, ruined financially or displaced as refugees, with all these criminal actions being presented as actions of a democracy, or actions to defend and spread democracy while leaving behind only terrible genocides of innocent people and complete physical catastrophe.


But the worst damage is less evident, but even more serious. The Sweat elites destroyed also, and keep destroying, all the best values as a Holocaust of Western Civilization, including the sense of nation, the sense of family, the freedom of speech and the fair market liberty. For the rest of us on beautiful planet Earth it is an unfathomable disaster, but for the Sweat elites it is a complete success for their evil satanic objective of profits through war financing and the plundering of foreign natural resources. It is also done for total world domination, as only completely desperate people can be easily fully dominated. With the constant, unnecessary, and unjustifiable wars killing millions of people and destroying countries, the Sweat elites gain financially by financing all the operations, before, during and after all these wars. With the destruction of the best cultural and patriotic values, they gain in power over the rest of the distressed and frightened people still alive in order to be able to enslave them more easily.


Nevertheless, we stupidly keep voting for them with only a non-binding electoral program in their hands instead of a fully binding contract.



The unfathomable amount of damage and sufferance caused by the wars of the banksters on behalf of the Sweat elites is clearly part and parcel of the well orchestrated Master Plan of the Sweat elites in order to arrive more easily at full world domination of all the people involved reduced to fear and misery. The destruction of the best cultural and patriotic values was what the founder of the Communist Party in Italy called, in 1921, the necessary "Passive Revolution" for the advent of Communism, that is, as an essential prerequisite before being able to establish a fully communist regime with a dictatorial One-World-Government of global world domination. More specifically this is what Gramsci, called the Passive Revolution of "de-moral-ization" animated by the communistic Cultural Marxism. Consequently, the satanic moral and cultural damage done by the Sweat elites was even much worse than its physical destruction through wars and their financial enslavement through usurious debt-money.


In addition, the worldwide massive movements of wild uncontrolled and inassimilable immigration, as the Kalergi Plan, are also all pushed mainly by the Sweat elites, along with the push to destroy all national borders. to create a world melting pot of peoples with no more strong traditional or patriotic values of their own. All these other aspects of destruction at a moral or cultural level were necessary by the Sweat elites to ensure people would no more have the strong moral, patriotic and cultural values they would need to resist their own global enslavement, let alone revolt and fight back against the SEGWO Master Plan of the Sweat elites for achieving global enslavement and form a dictatorial One-World government under their full control.


The most modern version of essential prerequisite to pre-communism was born with the English Revolution in 1649. Then it grew up with the French Revolution in 1789. Most historians will not qualify those as communist revolutions because they happened before the formal creation of Communism, but they were certainly clear communist embryos. Then the real and fully communistic one came as the Russian Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.


Ayn Rand about EnslavementThe most famous historians can only publish through the communist Sweat elites that dominate completely the world at the moment in the field of publishing and cartel networks of mainstream media. These Sweat elites try constantly to hide the true destructive nature of communism with its over 231 million deaths, even more millions maimed and/or displaced as destitute refugees, and dozens of unnecessary destructive wars fomented only for the financial profit of the banksters wars and the related world domination by their Sweat elites masters.


Again, to achieve Communism, the Sweat elites use all sorts of other names, like Socialism, Progressivism, Technocracy and Leftism, let alone Democracy. In fact, the worst pseudonyms for communism that they have so far invented to hide their foul play has been Fabian Socialism and Cultural Marxism. However, as Ayn Rand well said: "There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide". From this point of view of enslaving people by vote, the best name the communists have invented so far in recent history to hide their global enslavement plan is, believe it or not, the word "Democracy", or rather, as we have exposed in details in other sections, what we supposedly have now as a democracy but is only an ugly oligarchic DebtOcracy, like we have it in the GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials of the commanding Commission of the EU, even in the apparently democratic USA and the other Anglo-Saxon countries of the "Five Eye" at the moment where the Sweat elites always succeed in pre-selecting all the candidates people apparently vote in, and in ensuring their candidate of first choice, of whatever party, always wins the election.



A suicidal cultural enslavement by vote, as mentioned by Ayn rand, which is the case currently in our fake democracies, would be impossible in a FtatAristarchy. We will see the reasons more specifically in Part II of this book. In a nutshell, and to start with, a FtatAristarchy is based on Full Truth And Transparency, which we call the FTAT, as the prefix of FtatAristarchy. This means that a lie from any official member of governance at any level, about public affairs, becomes a serious crime that we call FTATOC (Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Crime), and that crime is punished most severely by immediate forceful dismissal and PPPP. If the crime is particularly serious and has caused damage to a majority of the people in the country, it can even become treason, as FTATOT (Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Treason).


A FtatAristarchy also means the elimination of absolutely all secrecy, in both national governance and international diplomatic negotiations which, in itself, is a revolution, but the most constructive one that the world will have ever experienced. In a FtatAristarchy, secrecy can exist only very temporarily in the case of a criminal investigations, related to both private and public affairs, in order not to jeopardize their results, and in the case of criminal public affairs, but only until the completion of the criminal investigation, after which everything becomes instantly and retroactively public. All diplomatic negotiations are done openly and none can be kept confidential or secret for the current so-called "National Security", except if it also involves directly a pending criminal or informational investigation as part of the negotiations, and only for that investigative part. All foreign countries negotiating with a FtatAristarchy will just have to adjust to it, or refuse to negotiate. Most other decent and really democratic countries will eventually start to appreciate the FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) principle of governance and probably gradually start to use it also in their own countries. Certainly, most people living in a FtatAristarchy will fully appreciate it. After all, in principle, public affairs of public governance should always be negotiated in a fully public way for all the people paying fully for them, be it paying for the actions involved as a result of the negotiations and for the salaries and privileges of those involved in these negotiations. 


Furthermore, a FtatAristarchy does not vote anymore any electoral program. Instead, it votes specifically an absolutely fully binding electoral contract. In addition, its education is returning to be real holistic education of all the 3 levels of the Tetractys of the human soul. This holistic education means a Return of Philosophy and the Marriage of Science with Philosophy, as what we call EthoPlasìn education. It is real education as opposed to the only instruction that is provided today, as instruction that is imbued with continuous indoctrination and propaganda serving only the global enslavement objectives of the Master Plan of the Sweat elites. And there is much more in the 10 major reforms exposed in Part II, as cumulative reforms meant to transform our fake democracy into a real direct and participative democracy, in fact an Aristarchy run run on a FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) basis by the best possible managers under a fully binding contract. Overall, the above main factors form what we call FtatAristarchy which, in addition to full Truth and full Transparency is also based, as an Aristarchy, on merit, virtue and beauty in all aspects of both our public and private life. 










Cuddy: Nazi Plan for World Socialism





















Kincaid Comrade Obama Unmasked










  (Why We Are Being Enslaved)

Our Dozy Stupidity


The "WHY" of our global enslavement is first and foremost our dozy stupidity in not noticing a Master Plan of full enslavement against us that, according to most people, is only nicely called the New World Order (NWO). However, with its full implementation, this apparently innocuous NWO will mean reducing human beings to respond silently and obediently, like slaves, but responding through commanding microchips, to whatever the leading evil Sweat elites will have clicked for, as a request on us. In one word, the response to the "WHY" is: Stupidity! In two words, it is: Our Stupidity! In one sentence it is: "We Seem to be Unable to Wakeup to a Master Plan of Global Enslavement Against Us Because of our Stupidity or Lazy Unawareness". And a Master Plan does exist to take full advantage of our stupidity. We seem to have a particular talent for self-delusion to the point of deserving a certificate of stupidity.  As scientist David Brin rightly said: "Humanity's greatest gift and curse are one and the same: our prodigious talent for delusion".


FOB vs. FOGThe "WHY" of our enslavement is easy to grasp and understand to an attentive observer of the evolution of our society over the last few decades, even if it is not obvious at all to the inattentive and dozy common people. In fact, the mass of common persons has been already socially engineered to their Orwellian "New Normal" and we have learnt to love our slavery.


The basic problem is that real holistic education based on a Platonic philosophical way of living with virtue, ethics and beauty, does not exist anymore. It has been eliminated and replaced by only instruction that serves the indoctrinating and propaganda objectives of the puppet evil Sweat elites governing our countries. It is in fact a new type of instruction that is mixed with a lot of indoctrination and propaganda to make all the new generations obedient slaves of the Sweat elites. Critical thinking of real holistic education is out. Philosophical awareness to the beauty of virtuous living has disappeared. With all sorts of new tools, like smart phones with which our youths spend all their spare time today, clicking on small keyboards, and surfing the Internet from comfortable chairs, let alone flirting only at distance, instead of going out and fighting face to face for the best partners, or for job opportunities, their body and mind are being debilitated, let alone their soul. At the same time their health is also being destroyed by chemtrails and many other poisonous environment factors, including, over the last couple of years, the toxins of the COVID Fake Vaccines engineered to attack on purpose our Pineal Gland and thus the best power of our soul as being of freewill. in order to make as many of us as possible become obedient zombie slaves. 



The young men in particular are affected in the worst way, loosing their masculinity completely. Today they produce only half the testosterone and sperm of a young man of 50 years ago. Quite obviously, something bad happened and more young men today are more and more effeminate. The new fake equality of the current anti-gender political correctness has come to even reinforce this loss of masculinity, and by plan, in order to reduce typical masculine resistance to slavery. The young men today have lost what we used to see as obvious male attributes in between their powerful legs, as attributes used by men in the past to fight any form of enslavement. The purpose of the Sweat elites is our full enslavement, physically, mentally, financially, morally and socially, even spiritually at the level of the Pineal Gland of our soul, reducing the rest of us to be silent obedient slaves, including through fast forthcoming Artificial Intelligence (AI) being mixed to our human biology through the implant of micro chips of full control in our own bodies, possibly even doing so furtively without our knowledge at the beginning through Nano-chips of Grapheme Oxide in compulsory COVID Fake Vaccines. For the Sweat elites we will have finally gone from being free human being to being like useful robots run by their microchips. That has been one of the purposes of their Master Plan from the beginning, from many centuries ago in fact but, for the first time in the history of humanity, in the complex scheme of forces and strategies of world order, the Force Of Bad (FOB) seems to dominate the Force Of Good (FOG). Consequently, it seems that the Sweat elites are now in a position to be able to fully realize their Master Plan of the global enslavement of the rest of us more easily than ever before.    



From its Infinite Big to its Infinite Small, and everything in between, our universe is so gigantically beautiful that it can only be the creation of an omnipotent  Force Of Good (FOG), in particular considering the creation of our souls of freewill. At the same time, considering all that happens at our planetary level, it is obvious that this same universe also includes a powerful Force Of Bad (FOB) inevitably allowed to exist from the overall creator of the FOG for purposes difficult to understand by our simple human minds. In the overall structure of world order, this FOB is working constantly, most often with the help of a few deviated human souls, the souls of those elites possessed by the cosmic Satan that we call the Sweat elites, to compete and try to overrule for its own selfish purposes the FOG. Consequently, at the level of our own planet, our cosmos has had alternative periods of splendor and periods of disgrace depending on which force was dominating at any given time.


Infinite Small to Infinite BigAt the moment, on this planet, the union of the FOB (Force Of Bad) with an unusual quantity of deviated human Sweat souls, most of them under clear satanic possession or control, is stronger and capable of acting globally more than ever before in the history of humanity. Consequently, it is highly the time to wakeup to this sad reality. Together, the Sweat  elites pursue a most evil Master Plan of world domination through a complete globalization associated to a massive and destructive multiculturalism downgrading the best values of our culture and nations. We call this globalization the SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement Global World Order). This SEGWO is a conspiracy reality coming from the Sweat elites and consequently, as such, a plot that we sometimes also call the SweatHarder Power.


This conspiracy is easy to identify today as a reality, not as a theory, and a harsh reality for that matter. A revealing factor is the rampaging corruption that exists everywhere, in particular at the highest levels of governments and religious institutions. Massive uncontrolled immigration and forced multiculturalism of the Kalergi Plan downgrading all our best traditional values are other revealing factors, and they are major parts of our daily news and reality. On the other hand, since the beginning of the Fake COVID pandemic in particular, we can see very obviously that our elected national officials are only puppets of a global Sweat elites nomenclature that already exist. The restrictions to our masked society that we are forced to obey come only in appearance from our national puppet officials. In fact they come from above these puppets, from supranational GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) authorities and international organizations like the EU and the UN/WHO. This is an obvious reality, not a theory, and thus another confirmation that globalization is not a conspiracy theory, but a conspiracy reality, because of which we already live in the embryo of a fast forthcoming fully-grown dictatorial One-World-Government pursued by the the global Sweat elites.


Again, the bad human souls uniting with the FOB are those that, all together, we call the Sweat (Satan World Enslavement Abrahamic Team) in the overall scheme of enslaving forces of the new world order. According to ignorant and superficial conspiracy theorists, this union forms what they simplistically and most unjustly call the Jewish Plot. That pure Jewish Plot simply does not exist. On the other hand, it is very clear that most Sweat elites behind the current globalization and excessive multiculturalism of the NWO (New World Order) often use a predominant number of Jews in leading roles to achieve their objectives, but mainly Zionist Fake-Jews. However, Christians and Muslims, along with their acolytes of the biggest corporations, are also involved. The Sweat has infiltrated the top levels of all 3 Abrahamic religions to enslave us. But they are hiding mainly behind Zionist Fake-Jews because they often seem to be the best useful idiots of the current globalists. Nevertheless they also include the more normal Jews of the tradition of the old Money Changers of the last two millennia, for successfully enslaving people through usurious debt-money.


The Sweat elites also use Jews a lot as such because the outsiders attempting to expose their plot can be kept silent in the most easy and immediate way through the tool of enormous power that is the accusation of Antisemitism. Contrary to the pure Jewish Plot that does not exist, this deceitful abuse of Fake-Jews in leading roles, as part of the Sweat elites, or the use of a deviated form of Judaism associated with Satanism that involves Fake-Jews, is a plot that does exist. More than Jewish however, it is an Abrahamic Plot. We could legitimately and superficially call it a kind of Fake-Jew Plot, but overall it is Abrahamic, involving the top levels of the 3 Abrahamic religions infiltrated by the Sweat along with their subservient acolytes of the biggest corporations. This is really the SweatHarder Power enslaving the rest of us today through the 6 forms of planet collapse mentioned in a previous section. But let's see what in fact the Fake-Jew Plot and the overall Abrahamic Sweat Elite Power is. 






Tragedy And Hope, by Quigley








What more than the following list do we need to wakeup to our self-certification of stupidity?


Our stupidity in facilitating the NWO (New World Order) enslaving us is revealed by many factors.


In spite of an apparent progress related mainly to new smart technologies and the extension of the life span of the average human being, in which we really only keep humans sick longer than before, with the help of profitable chemicals of BigPharma getting richer and richer as a result, our world has nevertheless been degenerated immensely over the last few generations. We may live longer but only apparently better. We live sick longer, and exhausted by DDDD (Dogma, Debt, Disinformation, and Despair), but only for our longer tax exploitation by the Sweat elites. Enslavement through usurious debt-money, and consequently excessive taxation for more years on our part, is probably the real appropriate characteristic of what the fake improved wellbeing of both persons and countries is pretended to be. This fake improvement includes extreme multi-layer legislation, provincial, national and supranational, and the resulting excessive taxation that render more difficult most of our activities. But none of these enslaving factors need to exist. Above all that, we have been socially engineered to not update our most enslaving institutions of useless Big Government, and to not improve their functioning, even now that new technology is available for us to do so like never before in the history of humanity. Consequently, it is time to wakeup to all these factors of stupidity and enslavement before it is too late, or before it is at a point of no return after full globalization will have hijacked the whole world in a fake NWO (New World Order) that we rather call the SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement Global World Order).   



Here is a short sampling list of maybe some of the most revealing subjects we should consider to trigger our urgent wakeup. These are only few subjects, as food for thought. The solutions to the problems that these thoughts expose will be given in details in the following chapters, in particular in Part II of this book that defines the 10 cumulative reforms of FtatAristarchy governance, along with the answers to many other unacceptable problematic situations in which we live today. For now the following few subjects clearly reveal our stupidity in facilitating the global NWO enslaving us. Of course, these subjects are only some preliminary rings for a first urgent wakeup. In the Preface of this book we can already see a list of our main mistakes about the fake advancement of our society. Here some of these these mistakes are re-elaborated more substantially as factors revealing our stupidity and leading the facilitating of our global enslavement.


    – We stupidly keep voting for a leading politician, or for a preferred political party with only an electoral
    program when we should be voting for only an electoral contract, in fact a fully binding BEC (Binding Electoral Contract), and for our choice of the best contractor to become the governor charged to execute this fully binding contract faithfully, subject to permanent political dismissal and severe legal PPPP punishment, just like it happens in the best competitive private business. In addition, we stupidly vote in great part through electronic voting machines instead of simple paper slips. These voting machines are programmed with software capable of manipulating the voting fraudulently in order to make sure the final results are those wanted by the Deep State of our enslaving Sweat elites. To paraphrase a person probably much less bright than his fame as Einstein, we can nevertheless securely say that, for the rest of us, stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting each time different or better results. To the contrary, for the Sweat elites managing elections through misleading electronics, we can say that intelligence is doing the same thing, over and over again, and expect in fact each time the best results that these elites could wish for. This stupidity of ours is what we keep demonstrating over and over again in each electoral period of our supposedly democratic countries when voting repeatedly with misleading electronic machines counting the votes. What Else Reveals our Stupidity? 

    – Our political leaders still use institutions of governance, like parliaments and embassies that are totally outdated since after the cumulative inventions of the telephone, the airplane, the television and the Internet. These institutions in their outdated form are no more required in our current world of advanced communications. They are outrageously cumbersome and uselessly expensive, let alone enormously corrupted in all cases. Our stupidity prevents us to realize that this system is still
    in place today for mainly, if not only, providing all sorts of undeserved corrupting privileges in plush positions for the subservient political puppets who have well served their GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) masters of the Deep State and of the supranational organizations of the Sweat elites holding the strings of power in the background. What else Reveals our Stupidity?

    Self-Certified Global Stupidity
    – We most stupidly, and clearly unconstitutionally in most countries, gave private central banks the incredible power to issue new money out of nothing, and as usurious debt-money, when only the national Treasury should be issuing money as debt-free money. To add stupidity to stupidity, we allow our governments to borrow uselessly that private usurious debt-money, and consequently have to reimburse it all, with added interests, as real money this time, even real money for the interests that were not even created in the first place as usurious debt-money. And most of the time, governments have difficulty paying only the yearly interest of this useless public debt. This has created a so-called Public-Debt that does not need to exist, and has not always existed even during some of the best periods of past economic prosperity in many countries. Today this useless usurious debt-money creation system is squashing the public budgets of most countries, and also the private budgets of most taxpayers charged to reimburse it equally uselessly. As such, whole countries have most stupidly become the slaves of private banks getting richer and richer by having given them the right to issue fake usurious debt-money out of nothing and loan it to our governments as real money. And if such banks make mistakes, they are even bailed out, and bailed out by the rest of us without accountability from the faulty banks. How more stupid can we ever be? This is the mother of all scams enslaving us while enriching the Sweat elites enslaving us. Just imagine what would have happened if, in the last half century alone, the national treasury had created
    the exact same amounts of money it has borrowed uselessly (this "exact same amount" should dismiss the usual false argument of inflation used by those opposing treasury money creation) and would not have to reimburse it equally uselessly now as debt with interest. Only with the amount of useless interests it has paid during that same period the country would have been able to improve (free of charge, i.e. with the amount of interests that were never created) most of its infrastructures and services, and without any public debt to be reimbursed. Then imagine what that country could have done with the capital itself that would not have to be uselessly reimbursed. What Else Reveals our Stupidity?  

    – Our fake system of governance through mainly cronyism and nepotism for the benefits of the hidden GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) Sweat elites in the background requires extreme taxation from the rest of the population. This means an income tax system that has not at all always existed, and that absolutely does not need to exist, for the same reasons that the corresponding system of horrific public debt exposed in the previous paragraph absolutely also does not need to exist. In fact this double twin system was created specifically for mutual assistance of the two sides, to ensure the reimbursement of public-debt to private banks through income tax, that is for the reimbursement of a public debt that does not need to exist in the first place. In other words, not only our national governments are ruined by a public debt system that did not even exist at the best times of the history of our economy, and that absolutely does not/not need to exist today, but they could easily finance themselves through only property and sales tax, like the DAPAST system of a FtatAristarchy, without income tax, like it has happened in the past very successfully in many countries, and, when necessary, by issuing their own new additional debt-free Treasury Money
    for even much lesser amounts that they have borrowed in the past and they borrow uselessly at the moment, let alone have to reimburse ridiculously today with interest. What else Reveals our Stupidity?

    – Our governments, and in particular the people they rule, are drowned in an ocean of thousands of national laws that define uselessly millions of little regulations regarding millions of specific prohibitions, crimes or infractions, instead of people being guided by the only thing they really need: simple codes of broad principles of good conduct to be observed and, in case of infractions, to be judged in their level of criminality by their pairs in their own environments. In addition, our national governments and people are also burdened by all sorts of additional regulations that come from outside our government, from above our government, that is, from GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials of international or supranational institutions. These extra excessive legislations come from the fake external global Sweat elites that issue their orders and decrees without having ever been elected by any of the people who are supposed to observe them, and without any kind of accountability to anyone within our country. This is not only complete stupidity on our part, but the most stupid acceptance of an embryo of a fast forthcoming unelected and dictatorial One-World-Government. In fact that One-World-Government is already here without this name, just without its official formalization. 
    What else Reveals our Stupidity?

    – Our most important international organizations of GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials, like the EU and the UN, or rather the fully globalist UNN (United No-Nations), that was supposedly created for promoting freedom and democracy, let alone peace, have become a plush refuge for the representative warmongers of mostly totally undemocratic, or even dictatorial regimes around the world. The outrageous non accountability of such organizations, and of some of their sub-organizations, like the WHO or the IMF, let alone the EU, are plagued with a massive amount of corruption, scandals of all sorts, and rampaging criminality without practically any of the GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) managers ever being dismissed and/or punished in any way. The worst example of this corruption today is probably the "Round Table" of the Brussels mafia surrounding the unelected EU. In addition they are all maintained in a plush way, the officials, their support staff and their surrounding mafia, at an exorbitant cost and without any accountability, through the taxation of people who have never elected them.
    What else Reveals our Stupidity?

    – Our national banking institutions, and the overlapping transnational financial institutions like the IMF and the World Bank have become so powerful that they literally enslave at will practically any national governments, most of them in fact, and all the people in the national countries on planet Earth, through a kind of new global Banktatorship. These new banks are not serving people anymore, but serving the GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials of our undemocratic governments and their excessive taxation systems. In addition, as seen in item 3 of this list about public debt, private banks unconstitutionally create new usurious debt-money out of nothing, instead of asset-money, and charge interest on it when they should only loan accumulated savings of their clients or borrowed money from Treasury. Similarly, our public health has become a form of Healthtatorship limiting most of our liberties to the outmost degree without our consent, like our freedom to travel or find a better job, and forcing us to wear ridiculous, useless, dangerous and even enslaving masks worldwide while using distressing social distancing even with members of our own families. In addition the Sweat elites try to impose dangerous Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated on those who do not want it, while, if their Fake Vaccines were good, those who refuse vaccination could certainly not infect those vaccinated. Furthermore these Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated are a new generation of B
    io-Weapons that were never fully tested for securing our good health. Many top medical scientist researchers already claim that they cause serious damage to our "soul", that is to our Pineal Gland, as Rudolf Steiner predicted would happen many years ago. This is the gland that gives us access to higher levels of conscience and consequently generate in us stronger desires and claims of freedom, which is the main thing that the Sweat elites want to avoid at this moment while attempting to enslaving us in a global way. Finally, instead of imposing pandemic tests through only external spitted saliva, they impose them through the infiltration of nose swabs pushed up to the brain where our Pineal Gland is located, with the risk to damage it through the already well documented inclusion of most dangerous Nano-particles of Grapheme Oxide. Many top medical scientists have said this is not necessary. It also includes the additional extreme risk of infiltrating also Nano-chips of full control that could be eventually activated through WIFI 5G, let alone in the meantime infiltrating the virus itself if and when necessary for their purpose of world depopulation. In the meantime these Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated are causing a growing number of deaths or serious collateral damages, and many hospital around the world, like many in England, but also in many other countries have admitted being often filled with vaccinated COVID patients who have already received their double shot of Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated. In spite of this, the WHO and our national puppet governments are all pushing for further massive vaccinations. What else Reveals our Stupidity?

    – Our main mass media, for the most part, have become simple and ridiculous mouthpieces of our falsely democratic GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) institutions, completely subservient in particular to our puppet government liars from whom they are imposed an official narrative that they follow blindly, in particular to criticize and attempt to do the character assassination of those that their puppet masters ask them to criticize, like the No-VAX population. All mainstream media were engineered to follow this official narrative in order to receive some of their corrupting public funds and bandwidth rights. In addition, through out puppet governments, starting mostly during the Clinton reign of the USA, we stupidly allowed the Sweat elites to form an illegal world cartel of media through a network of only six companies totally under the control of them, the Sweat elites. As a result, we now stupidly accept blindly these deviated media as "truth", even if they are not "truth" at all, but mainly Fake News. Consequently these media never independently fulfill what should be their main true mission of investigating and informing people on a basis of Truth, while freely criticizing governance at any level, or anybody else accordingly, on a basis of Truth, as often and as much as necessary.
    What else Reveals our Stupidity?

    – Our information platforms on the Internet, managed privately, have grossly destroyed our freedom of speech and opinion, through imposing both veiled and open censorship. In other words, we are censored by GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) private businessmen who have never received any mandate to do so. Freedom of speech and opinion should include all aspects of real life, that is all aspects of Truth, in particular unpleasant Truth. Only a constructed lie should be prohibited. Acting otherwise means preventing the proper circulation of Truth. This self-invented censorship on the part of GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) private businessmen must be considered particularly abusive, even criminal, if it has to do with protecting the political correctness of the puppet Sweat masters from which the censoring media receive financing or bandwidth rights. Full freedom of opinion should include even all the new forms of speech now placed in the fake censoring category of "Hate Speech". If the so-called hate speech is not a constructed lie, it is a reality that must be included in the freedom of speech as a reality, that is, as Truth, in particular and precisely because it is an unpleasant reality that must be fully exposed for our own benefit. Criticizing freely all governments or international institutions on a basis of Truth or fact, but also on the simple basis of a firm conviction based on logic and common sense, is a duty for all of us, let alone the media, and cannot be a crime, like it has happened already in so many so-called free countries. Preventing such Truth, or obstructing it, has to become a crime, and is certainly so, as a serious crime called FTATOC (Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Crime), even considered treason as FTATOT in the most serious cases, within a FtatAristarchy. In our current political world, we stupidly accept one lie after the another, from officials who are nearly all GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) professional liars without accountability or punishment both at the national and the supranational levels.
    What else Reveals our Stupidity?

    No Plus Money Equals Yes– Big private money people, like George Soros or Bill Gates, have become more powerful than our elected governments in the handling of many public affairs. These individuals and their rich and more powerful corrupting lobbies are in fact running our governments, either directly or through GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) international organizations that they also fully control. A good country like a FtatAristarchy should be without public debt, creating its own Treasury Debt-Free Money, and not be influenced at all by the private power of Big-Money of rich people, not directly by these rich people, nor indirectly through also GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) international organizations they corrupt and influence like the WHO in the case of the current Fake COVID Crisis. A really democratic country should not even tolerate their undue interference through furtive lobbies without committing a serious FTATOT crime, let alone in the cases of bribes. On the other hand, lobby may have occasionally a useful function for the good of the people instead of only for the profit of the rich people or the corporations or organizations they control. In such cases, contrary to what is happening today, the lobbying should be allowed only fully openly, in front of all people, through exclusively a Special Lobbying TV channel fully dedicated exclusively to that purpose on a fulltime basis, which is the case by definition in a FtatAristarchy. In addition such lobbying sessions should always be programmed with the presence of other people opposing the subject matter being lobbied, allowing full freedom of speech of any opponent on a basis of Truth, rich or not, be that opponent an influent person or a common individuals.
    What Else Reveals our Stupidity?  

    – Obtaining justice through lawyers and the current normal set of judicial courts has become so difficult and so expensive, let alone such an excessively slow and long process, that most common people cannot obtain justice anymore, or are completely destroyed psychologically and financially when they attempt to get justice. At least in the case of interpersonal conflicts between two persons, as opposed to rich corporations, there must be a better, quicker and cheaper alternative. This is one of the 10 reforms of a FtatAristarchy. In addition, in case of serious criminality, there is at the moment a clear trend, inspired by the politicization of the magistrates, to favor the criminal and punish the victim which would be totally inacceptable in aFtatAristarchy. Accepting this judicial system is equivalent to accepting injustice most of the time. Only our stupidity accepts such injustice when it could be easily otherwise, and when a better judicial system could provide easy and swift justice. This is certainly the case by definition in a FtatAristarchy
    What Else Reveals our Stupidity?

    – Education does not exist anymore. Only instruction exists, and not even all that good, from primary school to university. Young adult students are even more indoctrinated than instructed, through a fake Political Correctness killing the good common sense of most people. This happens in particular at university level and students come out of university with gross ignorance inside and outside of their field of study, with no civic education of any substance, and with diplomas that are often entirely useless. In addition, most of our universities at the moment have become centers of propagation of the most extreme forms of radical leftist Marxism, or a form of Improved Communism without that name, fine-tuned in China, but the ideology that has already made 231 millions of deaths in the 20th century alone. Would we not be better with a Return of Philosophy and the Sacred Marriage of Science with Philosophy in our educational system, like it has been the case for the best periods of many centuries in the past, and consequently with the offer of a holistic form of education of the various levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul, based on virtues, beauty and ethics as an essential requirement accompanying the acquisition of any diploma for any kind of technical knowledge?
    What Else Reveals our Stupidity?

    – All wars are banksters' wars making money before (financing buying armament), during (financing operations) and after (financing reconstruction) the wars. Consequently, all the banksters happily finance all sides of these wars, even both opposing sides of the conflict at the same time, be it for preparations, operations and reconstruction of both sides of the conflict, be it the side of a country considered an enemy or the side of another country considered an ally. History has shown that war is the main reason why Sweat banks have become so unacceptably rich, and all at the expense of taxpayers charged to reimburse all the war expenses. Nevertheless, whenever banks make mistakes they all become "too big to fail" and are bailed out. To the contrary, the citizens taxpayers paying for these wars are not only never bailed out when they make mistakes, but punished heavily through property confiscation, often with additional imprisonment. Interestingly enough, the worst banksters of the Banktatorship of the Sweat elites who were even rewarded through bailout operations after big mistakes never go to jail or pay for the damage they caused in any other way. In addition for the costs of these wars, even citizens of future generations also have to pay through additional taxation, even for the bailouts to the banksters who made mistakes, be it for the costs of wars or other reasons, with the resulting additional public debt that can easily extend for 3 or more future generations. Accepting this situation is the maximum of stupidity on our part.
    What Else Reveals our Stupidity?

    – While all governance institutions are managed by fake Sweat elites and other accomplice entities enslaving the rest of us through excessive debt and taxation, they are also totally corrupted and suffering from a complete lack of Truth and transparency in their operations, in particular in administering the money of their budgets. This is something that a FtatAristarchy (Full Truth And Transparency Aristarchy) is intended to fight and dismantle completely, even easily. And these current Sweat elites are only the puppets, or the most visible fake elites and entities affecting our life, while the worst ones in the Deep State operate on a basis of Satanism at their highest levels. These include the highest levels of all 3 Abrahamic religions and of all the main international and supranational organizations of GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials. These satanic Sweat elites are stupidly allowed by us to command us totally freely and undemocratically in the darkness of secrecy where they hide. These Sweat elites want to impose on us a new Banktatorship in a new fully Cashless Society, and also a new Healthtatorship through the Fake COVID Crisis, but if we only became aware of our stupidity, we could and should first identify them. and impose on these satanic Sweat elites, first and foremost, that they spend every single penny of their budgets, and even of their personal money, in only a completely open cashless way, with every citizens capable of following the movement of every public penny clearly and easily on the Internet. If a cashless society has to be established, it should be established first and foremost for all public national officials, and for all GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials of supranational organizations, and possibly only for them. However, this fully cashless transparency is meant to be imposed only on the rest of us, not on the Sweat elites.
    What else Reveals our Stupidity?
    – If globalization is definitely not/not the so-called "Jewish Plot" that most ignorant conspiracy theorists have wrongly called it for few decades already, it is certainly an Abrahamic Plot, or at most a clear "Fake-Jew-Plot"  (this link shall explain the fundamental difference between the three). What so many people call simply the NWO (New World Order) includes a forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government (with a One-World-Currency, a One-World-Religion, a One-World-Army, a One-World-Media and a One-World Culture). This NWO used to be, until recently, considered a stupid conspiracy theory for discrediting people believing it or talking about it. This globalization is now so well documented, and so well admitted openly by even the main animators of the "Fake-Jew-Plot" that it is definitely not a "conspiracy theory", but equally definitely an obvious "conspiracy reality". Such globalization requires, as a prerequisite, the maximum transfer of wealth and power into the hands of the plotters or conspirators. The recent fake crisis of the Coronavirus Plandemic with its well planned integrated lockdowns is the best instrument and demonstration of this massive wealth transfer so far. It has already caused the biggest transfer of wealth and property in the history of humanity, let alone power, from the hands of the productive middle class going bankrupt into the hands of the parasitic Sweat elite conspirators. The Coronavirus itself does exist, but it is not more dangerous than many previous flue viruses, like the Sars and the Hong-Kong Flue and others of the last few years. What is dangerous for us is not the virus, but the way it was exploited from the beginning as an incredibly powerful means of globalization leading to the Great Reset, or rather the fast coming Great Marxist Reset. Because of this, most people around the world have already become the fearful obedient slaves of the conspirators, wearing masks worldwide and keeping social distance in their personal environment, while the well engineered accompanying lockdowns, which were the main purpose of the pandemic crisis to start with, was and still is transferring massive amount of wealth and property from the most productive middle-class going bankrupt to the richest corporations and banks, in the hands of the parasitic Sweat elite conspirators. However, this crisis of globalization is not the "Jewish Plot" but definitely an Abrahamic Plot or "Fake-Jew-Plot" because, if all the main conspirators from the biggest banks and corporations in the foreground, and from the powerful Sweat elites of the deep state in the background call themselves Jews, or at least Zionists, they are mostly Fake Jews that have their origin mainly in the so-called European Jews who have their own origin mainly in the forced massive conversion to Judaism, in 740 AD, of the barbarian Khazarians of the old Khazarian Empire who had, and still have absolutely no Jewish DNA nor any relation or historical link at all to the land of Palestine. In addition, most of these Fake Khazarian Jews have also integrated themselves to the so-called Sabbatian-Frankist movement that evolved into a heretical form of Judaism that has its roots in the period of the exile of the Jews in Babylon when some of them got deeply involved in Black Magic and Satanism. These Sabbatian-Frankist satanic heretical Jews and their descendants have infiltrated most centers of power in the world, starting mainly between 1600 AD and 1800 AD, with a clear explicit intention to become a new global power to eventually run the whole world from the JerUSAlem of the fast coming Greater Israel. This is the origin of the satanic dominant characteristic of the Sweat elites. It is also important to know that a great number of them, in order to achieve their objective, have also converted back and forth to another religion, be it Islam or Christianity, in order to infiltrate them and dominate these religions along with their numerous faithful. This is so much the case that their pure Jewish origin, in terms of DNA and link to Palestine, is also seriously in doubt, in fact totally inexistent. Consequently, all these persons calling themselves Jews, from the Khazarian Empire, and from the Sabbatian-Frankist movement that were excommunicated, are Fake-Jews that correspond mainly to the most substantial part of those that we call the Zionists today. But these fake Jews are unfortunately the big majority of those commanding today all the centers of money and power around the world, commanding us as the leaders of the Sweat elites, and those pursuing the NWO (New World Order) that we call the SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement World Order). These Fake-Jews are all the main ones behind the pursuit of an eventual dictatorial One-World-Government. Interestingly enough, most common Jews themselves are not even aware of this background of the Khazarian Fake-Jews, and they are the first clear victims of these Fake-Jews who use them as useful idiots. Thus the legitimacy to talk about the "Fake-Jew-Plot", and not about the "Jewish Plot". Is it now time for us to make this history better known, first to the common Jews themselves that are its victims, but also to the rest of the world? Is it not the time to start dismantling the horrible melting pot being created by the globalization of our world, by the Sweat elites, and return as soon as possible to the beauty of our different nations with beautiful different cultures and races, all to be preserved and cherished in each of their best own best natural territorial environment, and in a good new order that we call the FALPNO (FtatAristarchy Liberating Patriotic National Order)? Is it not time to think not about a world without borders, but about maybe a world with new flexible national borders to accommodate people who want to live more happily together on the basis of the same culture and common values, without any amount of excessively destructive multiculturalism? For more details of the history of "Fake-Jews", see this link on the Fake-Jew-Plot of the Khazarians and the Sabbatian-Frankists that have unfortunately infiltrated a great part of Judaism with their satanic practices. What Else Reveals our Stupidity?     
    This is paraphrasing a grand master called Jesus who, if god, was certainly the only western god that was not at all a complete warmonger and a self-autocrat criminal instigator, like the Yahweh of the Bible, and like the Allah of the Quran. In their sacred books, these latter two gods are both requesting constant wars and all sorts of massacres from their faithful. Just read carefully their most sacred books to find out this is clearly the case. In fact, completely contrary to these other two gods, the real Nazarean Jesus was not a Jew and has nothing in common with Yahweh or Allah. It is a fake Jesus, the one that was constructed and exploited wrongly by the Christian Church and wrongly associated to the BIBLE.  The real Jesus was the only god preaching only empathy, and forgiveness, with peace and freedom obtainable through Truth. He certainly sais: "Only Truth Will Set You Free". But by "truth", the real Nazarean Jesus meant full Truth, like when modern tribunals ask a witness to swear he will say "the Truth, only the Truth and all the Truth". Inconvenient Truth vs. Reassuring LieConsequently, as Truth, the real Nazarean Jesus meant all things revealing Truth, like facts, actions and thoughts, and excluding only a lie, even by omission. Thoughts usually take the form of opinions in relation to facts, events, actions and persons. Truth includes what the current political correctness killing our common sense is trying to exclude as the so-called "Hate Speech". Without including thoughts, even those behind opinions of genuine hate speech, we are not well informed with full Truth and consequently cannot be set free. In such case we are not talking about full Truth but, to say the least, about lies by omission. Only absolute full Truth shall set us free, including hate speech based on Truth. This is what a FtatAristarchy implements severely with its principle of governance called FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency). All Truth must be admissible as long as it is not accompanied with physical violence. In such cases however, it is not the Truth, even if it includes hate speech, that is not allowed and should be punished, but only the accompanying physical violence, which is an entirely different thing. In the meantime we stupidly keep receiving and accepting lies, mostly passively on our part, constant lies, everywhere, every time and in every mode, in particular from all our national Sweat elite leaders and our GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) supranational officials. We stupidly do not even request any firm accountability for these constant lies and, at national level, we keep reelecting these same Sweat elite official liars, lie after lie. Then our incompetent or corrupted media keep repeating these lies as Fake News or Propaganda, playing their own subordinate level and supportive role of the Sweat elites commanding the spreading of these lies. These media too often become simple mouthpieces of the higher liars of the Sweat elites, instead of investigating and exposing the lies with Truth. They even attempt to make us believe, on behalf of their master Sweat elites liars, that we live in the freest countries. In fact, because of this, not only have we not been set free, but we are entirely enslaved through the disinformation of the Sweat elite liars, and by the extreme taxation and excessive legislation imposed by these liars to maintain and finance their lies, let alone our resulting fear of serious consequences if we dare to expose our Sweat elite liars. To add insult to injury, these Sweat elite liars even have the arrogance to protect themselves legally as liars, by having deceitfully passed laws punishing us for a variety of what they call hate speech crimes or conspiracy theory if we attempt to expose their lies, even when we do so on a basis of facts, thus depriving us from our constitutional right of full freedom of speech. Consequently, at the moment, the system works in reverse of what it should: a simple person exposing a lie of the Sweat elites is punishable by law. while the lying official is not. Is this not ridiculous and complete stupidity for the rest of us to accept this Faustian Bargain protecting our Sweat elite liars? Is this not why we have never been set free, having never had access to full Truth? In particular, is it not the time we start punishing most severely these liars about public affairs for the serious crime that they commit, as a serious crime that, at least in a FtatAristarchy, we call a FTATOC? Is it not time to maybe also create a Fourth State Power (in addition to the 3 that we have now, as the current Trias Politica of Montesquieu: Executive, Legislative and Judicative) and call it maybe the Truthative, giving it full constitutional power over and above the first 3 for full Truth purposes, to ensure full Truth always exists, as much as humanly possible, at least in all public affairs, only Truth and all Truth in all public affairs, and also in all media and Internet platforms when in particular handling issues of public affairs or the corrupted life of public officials? Why not punish most severely all these Sweat elite liars? Is it not time also to finally allow absolute freedom of speech and opinion, including the usefulness of the revealing Hate Speech Truth, without any possible negative legal action possible from anybody being affronted by the Truth, as long as the information is not a fabricated lie and it is expressed without being accompanied by physical violence? Should it not be the case even when it is only a firm conviction and opinion having to do not with affairs of private life, but with public affairs, or with activities influencing negatively our social and political environments, independently of the importance or rank of the persons involved, of whatever walk of life, or independently of the embarrassment it may cause, in particular if the speech or opinion of Truth relates to the behavior and actions of public officials of the Sweat elites?
    Is it necessary to add anything else to this short but already horrible list of factors showing our own stupidity, before we finally wakeup? 



Johnstone BK Circle In The Darkness







But wait, the above is not the worst of our stupidity


What more than the above 16 Subjects Reveals our Stupidity? As incredible as it may be, the above 16 examples of stupidity on our part in facilitating our global enslavement do not represent the worst of what we do. These sibkects refer to our real visible world. But we have also been engineered to believe that we have national democratic rulers governing us only from that visible world, when in fact a huge worldwide shadow and/or underground government hides the real power in the background, as the Profound Deep State of the Sweat elites. In the area closer to the surface of Planet Earth, this level of shadow government is what most people have started to call the Deep State composed of the GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) elites dictating their desires and orders to our elected, or rather fraudulently selected, national political puppet leaders through what, for us, is really a slaughter house of slave voters. This less profound Sweat elite Deep State exists at national, international, supranational and satanic levels in both government and religious institutions like the Vatican. Some, like Trump, have more rightly called it The Swamp of all sorts of voracious Sweat reptilians that should be drained. But few people realize that the worst of this shadow government is the Profound Deep State hidden much deeper underground, typically often in DUMB (Deep Underground Military Base) locations of which there are some 15000 around the world, allegedly all linked, according to trustworthy whistleblowers, through deep and fast underground tunnels. In these DUMB bases, not even the presidents of our countries, or the political heads of our so-called national security with known faces, are allowed to enter to inspect their activity for lack of... "security clearance". Our presidents or prime ministers, and our political heads of national security without proper security clearance?


DUMBWho then is in charge above a president, or who is in charge of a DUMB with proper maximum security clearance? Who then is in charge over the latter, the head of the DUMB, with the power to grant him or refuse him security clearance, or possibly grant it temporarily to an elected president for only a quick and partial showy visit? Are not presidents supposed to be our top figures of authority and governance, just like they usually become the commanders in chief of our military power? Who then really runs this fake democratic world we think we have at the level of over our presidents?


This question is valid in particular when we consider that many serious whistleblowers have talked about DUMB activities involving useful superior technology coming from aliens, but refused to the rest of us for not disturbing established financial interests. According to them, these superior alien technologies include access to free energy independently of oil or gas, which would be a catastrophe for the vested interests of the current Sweat elites, but a bonanza of the outmost importance for the rest of us and the entire humanity.


Other credible whistleblowers of these DUMBS have also talked about horrific experiments on the DNA of stolen children, from the thousands of children that disappear completely from the surface each year and cause so much desperation to their parents. They even talk about the creation of hybrid humans with AI (Artificial Intelligence) and aliens, in pursuit of the so-called trans-humanism, let alone also the attempted creation of a superior race of obedient soldiers at the service of the Sweat elites pursuing world domination. According to many of these credible whistleblowers, these experiments would intend to also gradually eventually transform the great majority of us in obedient slaves, using body Nano chips inserted through Fake Vaccines that do not protect the vaccinated at the occasion of some fake pandemic, like the current Fake COVID Plandemic. vaccines affecting our Pineal Gland, as predicted by Rudolf Steiner. All these evil plans of the deep Sweat elites would already exist in order to achieve more easily an eventual dictatorial One-World-Government of global governance managed worldwide exclusively by a more surface level of the Sweat elite puppets of the SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement Global World Order).


Examples of such DUMB that are hiding in very isolated places include the China Lake Naval Air Weapons in California Mojave's Desert (some 240 kilometers north of Los Angeles), and the DUMB called Pine Gap, close to Alice Springs, in Australia. Other DUMB sites, like Orwell would say, are more "hiding in plain sight" as what reliable whistleblowers claim to be huge underground laboratory spaces under well known places that are deceitfully fully open to the public. This would be the case for example of the Denver International Airport (baptized "The New World Airport" on its dedication capstone of 1994, and holding also many clear freemason symbols associated with this important part of the Sweat elites aspiring to full world domination). This would also be the case of a huge secret underground level under the Getty Museum in Los Angeles. And some 15000 such DUMBs would exist at the moment around the world with even our presidents, let alone the rest of us, completely denied access to them. This is not even stupidity for us to accept that. It is complete and extremely dangerous suicidal foolishness.


The strange and widely oversized airport of Denver in the little isolated town of 5000 people called Richfield in Utah seems to be a very special case of its own. Although located in this very little and isolated town, it is often visited by big passenger planes landing there regularly, with their numerous passengers quickly disappearing in a claimed huge underground bunker. It is allegedly part of this DUMB network linked by deep tunnels. This network is presumed to include very many other similar odd sites in the USA and abroad. Presumably some 15000 of these DUMB underground sites exist around the world. The small city of Richfield where this particular one is located has a website that even calls its area "Paranormal Land" without proper explanation. Local people who have worked on the facilities claim that Redfield includes a deep underground bunker part of an underground system of tunnels that connects not only to other underground DUMBs, but also directly to other odd surface places of high security, like to 29 Palms and NSA Headquarters some 225 kilometers away from Redfield in Bluffdale. Interestingly enough, Denver City is also the main of a small group of cities in the USA where the dangerous WIFI 5G is being heavily and fully tested at the moment, even within its heavily populated center, probably taking advantage, on the one hand, of the close by alien technology from the DUMB under its airport and, on the other hand, of the immense quantity of personal data they can experiment and play with already, as personal data accumulated from the unusually immense computer center of the NSA in Bluffdale to which it is directly linked.


Junk Art InvasionThe NSA (National Security Agency) is temporarily located  there, in the USA, but is really a major asset of the whole globalist world for a fast forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government. It has an immense computer database facility the size of 8 football fields where all data on all persons using the Internet around the whole world is being accumulated and well preserved for eventual full dictatorial control when the final SEGWO Master Plan of the Sweat elites for a cashless One-World-Government shall be finally fully implemented.


Interestingly enough, the Denver airport and its profound DUMB bunker are also close to the infamous "Area 51" related to so many UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) stories. It is also claimed to be linked directly to Area 51 through underground tunnels. In the secret premises of Area 51, it is said by reliable sources that many alien Extraterrestrial Specimens of Humanoids captured from UFOs that fell on Earth are kept alive to be used to help the global enslavement plans of complete world domination by the malefic deep and profound Sweat elites of these bunkers,


In all logic, these malefic deep underground Sweat elites wanting full world domination are much more powerful than a president, as they can refuse a president the clearance and entry to their bunkers, even if they are financed by the public money provided and supposedly managed by that president. They can only be the real supervisors and masters of a part of the Sweat elite of the so-called Deep State that is closer to the surface, like the officials of the NSA of Bluffdale, as these more surface GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials can only be their puppets for managing deceitfully the NWO that we call the SEGWO, let alone the even higher puppets of the top surface level who are our politicians and ministers fully under the control of evil agencies like the NSA.


The Denver and Getty sites also have on their surface some space that is deceitfully fully open to the public. Not too surprisingly, some of this open space includes lots of clearly satanic horrific art work, really Crap Art work probably exposed to hide in pain sight what is really going on underground, and give us a hint as to who is really running this underground world, who quite obviously the cosmic Satan himself. This includes graphics and paintings that relate clearly to things like alien life specimens, child sex trafficking in strange cages and tunnels, and Artificial Intelligence experimenting in devastating ways on the DNA of human beings. But Crappy Art of clear satanic inspiration, with the additional presence of clear freemason symbols is also found in most of the places of major Sweat elites world power, like the ugly mural of the Security Council room at the United Nations and the strange murals of the Bank of America Corporate Center. The famous MOMA Museum or Modern Art of Manhattan in NYC is the best guardian, not to say the biggest garbage bin in the world for such Crap Art Horrors, and it is located symbolically and meaningfully right in one of the most powerful Sweat elites centers on planet Earth that include the UN itself, or rather the UNN.


In light of the above dreadful background, should not secrecy be totally eliminated in all public affairs managed by the Sweat elites or by our puppet national governments, except very temporarily during pending criminal investigations in order not to damage their quick and efficient results? If not even our presidents are in charge and are denied access to many centers financed by their taxpayers, should it not be the case for us, the taxpayers, to finally become in charge, in a real direct and participative democracy based on FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency), which would certainly be the case of a FtatAristarchy, with elected leaders acting directly on our behalf under a fully binding contract, without responding to any GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) Sweat elite masters hidden in their background or in the underground? It is certainly totally inacceptable that the latter can work without requiring any security clearance from our government, let alone get their own security clearance from individuals totally unknown to the highest level of our government, from obscure persons who can act anonymously and spend billions of our tax money in complete secrecy and unaccountability. But more than inacceptable, it is complete stupidity on our part to accept such situations of maximum GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) without reaction in light of the fact that we are the absolute majority and pay for it all. Should not rampaging confidentiality in such secret internal affairs, and in secret diplomatic communications between nations be completely eliminated except for the little time they may also include an aspect of criminal investigation? Should we not be talking tough and openly between each other, in all our internal and diplomatic relations, on a basis of full Truth, like good friends and neighbors can do, and certainly like all serious people can do, especially regarding operations they all pay for it? In other words, should not in particular two nations always hold talks freely and completely openly, and legally have to do so, even when they include items of mutual embarrassment, and do so in front of whoever may be present or has an interest in the subject, in particular in front of good investigative journalists, doing it like two old buddies often do when they want to resolve a conflict, as embarrassing as it may be, let alone two decent honest enemies?  

Our engineered stupidity is highly supported by four main enslaving factors in the background.



  1. First, we allow our lying politicians to borrow money as debt, as public debt, and as debt created out of nothing by private banks, but that nevertheless has to be reimbursed to them as real money charged with interests. That usurious debt-money could easily, for the exact same amounts, have been created debt-free by our public treasury. This kind of debt-free money would not need to be reimbursed, not as capital and not as interests. We then put the little cherry on that sour cake of engineered stupidity by allowing the spending of that public usurious debt-money by our lying politicians as GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) liars when, with current accounting technologies, it would be most easy to do so with absolute full transparency for all of us, on the Internet, from the first to the last penny, as if we were examining our own personal bank accounts. This would certainly be the case in a FtatAristarchy that must, by definition and constitution, be fully FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) compliant. Schooling interfering with educationIn addition, we allow this maximum level of GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) activity from politicians spoiling, stealing and giving this money to their cronies with all sorts and levels of kickbacks instead spending it exclusively for useful purposes that we have commanded in a BEC (Binding Electoral Contract). Again, what an incredible stupidity it is on our part not to require such an easy full transparency for achieving also full accountability of every single penny of all public money by tightly-controlled contracted executive officials!

  2. Second, in the background of all other factors of maybe of our unconscious stupidity, the worst of our conscious stupidity has been to allow the destruction of private schools and the imposition of compulsory public schools fully subservient to the government for its own propaganda and indoctrination purposes. This terrible mistake has brought us a centralized control of downgrading uniformity in a schooling system entirely submissive to government agenda, instead of a graduation system justly based on the own merit, talent, dedication and capacity of each child. Above all, the current system of public schools has also produced the annihilation of free critical thinking on a basis of pure logic, of thinking "outside the box" of what governments want from us as obedient slaves. It has brought us in particular a massive indoctrination of all children for the full benefit of those we can justifiably call the global GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) Sweat elites, and conversely for the full discredit of the good common sense of most of their parents and grand-parents through a killing type of political correctness. The Sweat elites responsible for all this damage are now enslaving more easily all of us worldwide, that is, enslaving "We The People". Of course, nothing should have prevented us to ideally have public school infrastructures and premises provided to us free of charge by the government, while maintaining ourselves in them the competing private schooling educational centers with the most meritorious teachers of our choice, even paying for these private centers in each local school if necessary, or paying a fair share of their costs. Only such private competing centers can produce the blossoming of the best natural talents of each child on a basis of dedication, natural talent and overall merit, with a joyful emulation spirit of a kind of Olympic nature that we can call SOS (Social Olympic Spirit). This would not either have prevented us to have in all the private centers of these public school infrastructures a core of common knowledge agreed upon and considered essential by the government for all children to become able to face straightforwardly and successfully their eventual higher education and the reality of their future working years in the country. But that core of knowledge instruction, as essential as it may be, is, and must remain secondary to proper holistic virtuous education of the three levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul in order to, first and foremost, form good human beings and citizens before we form good scientists or technical professionals. Before teaching us how to make a living, schools should first and foremost teach us how to live with virtue and harmony in both our private and our social life. Today public schools do not teach us at all how to live, and even teach us quite badly how to make a living to the point that most graduates who come out of university have obtained useless degrees. The current public schools essentially teach our children how to be obedient slaves to the propaganda and indoctrination of governments, and be happy in an Orwellian way in spite of their engineered incompetence or inefficiency. What makes it even worse is that these governments are deceitfully more and more governments of a new form of Improved Communism without that name, fine-tuned in China through horrible enslaving Social Credit being imposed gradually to the rest of us while not even noticing the deceit.  

  3. Third, we blindly, even joyfully, accepted the so-called revolution of the Women Liberation that in practice enslaved women, certainly all western women of the most free world, more than ever before in the history of humanity. Women were proposed, and stupidly accepted this Fake Women Revolution as a liberation, but it was well planned by the oligarchy of the global Sweat elites to first and foremost push mothers to get an outside job, in addition to fathers. This was deceitfully forcing both parents to have an outside job instead of only one of them, in order for these greedy Sweat elites to get a second taxpayer in the family. Fake Woman LiberationAs seen in the above second factor, that same fake revolution also pushed all children to compulsory public school of downgrading uniformity and subservience from the most early age, as far and as much away from both their parents, making them live in 'absent' families affected by an increased double-parent work enslavement. Consequently the combination of the double enslavement of exhausted parents, along with the downgrading of the schooling level for a claimed equality through a fake inclusion, has rendered all family members more subservient to government propaganda and indoctrination. In other words, in addition to doubling their taxpayers, both the father and the mother as working taxpayers, the greedy Sweat elites also acquired full control of the children to better propagandize and indoctrinate them at their service, as far away as possible from the influence of their genitors. By the same token, and as a plan, they also ensured the destruction of the concept of a good loving family unit, and of its traditional strong set of moral and patriotic values. This allowed the global Sweat elites to "divide and conquer", thus enslave more of us more easily, on a global scale, as early as possible in our life. And we stupidly bought this as a liberation process? It would have been much better to really free women, that is free mothers, through a monthly basic income in their own names as managers of families and households with minor children. This could have been done even, if necessary, with the men instead of the women in some cases. This would have left the fathers at home, as family and household managers, staying home instead of the mother, without seeking an outside job, at the free choice of any given family with minor children. The sour irony of this Fake Women Liberation today is that with two taxpayers in the family, after paying their new spectrum and levels of bills and taxes, most families have less money available to them at the end of the month that what families had available before the so-called women liberation. In addition, most mothers today are absolutely exhausted as they now have two jobs instead of one, a job outside the family and the same job they had before at home. In spite of this, stupidly enough, most  women are proud of this Fake Women Liberation. This shows the success of government propaganda and, to put it in Orwellian terms, the fact that women "have learnt to love their new double slavery".  

  4. Fourth, the concept of huge urbanization at city level was planned in a similar way to accompany, assist and increase the divide-and-conquer process that happened through public schooling and the falsely liberated women at the family level. Instead of families living together, with extended family members loving and helping each other as a comprehensive unit, all members of the extended family in the new cities now live separately, each one alone, in each their own little apartment, most of the time at a distance that prevents easy monthly, or even annual visits to each other. And we also bought this as a liberating modernization process? Both the fake liberation process at the immediate family unit level, and the fake modernization process at the city level, along with the big farming at the overall countryside level, were part of a deceitful Master Plan of complete enslavement by making a growing amounts of families pay as much taxes as possible, consume as much as possible, and loose their real independence through disappearing mutual help from the extended family. Their extended families living together used to be, in the past, before these fake liberations, their real independence. Their new living separately, with each member alone on its own, is only a fake independence at higher costs for each member of the extended family, and with most depressing loneliness in most cases, let alone the disappearance of strong values of good civic behavior that used to be maintained by the extended family. As mentioned in the previous factor, most of these families, even with the double salary of the mother and the father, are now incapable to feed their children easily on a monthly basis, through excessive levels of taxation and new bills to pay in more than one place, and the lack of good food autonomy, let alone to have time to cook to feed their young children when both parents return home from exhausting work days at distance. But for the Sweat elites, this has the advantage of more input in taxation and of a growing amount of additional dependence on state welfare on a yearly basis, thus more state subservience, and consequently more obedience to the state. In this way, the state has become the new god, the State God, for whom the people are the new slaves. This way, more than a god, the state is a Sweat elite master for our fuller enslavement growing on a yearly basis. This was part of the Sweat elites Master Plan from the beginning. And our engineered stupidity is so complete that we do not even think of questioning it, while the few questioning it are ridiculed by being accused of being conspiracy theorists. Again, to put it in Orwellian terms, we have learnt to "love our slavery". Those few who will question this slavery will only face the dictatorial killing force of the political correctness of the global Sweat elites that will accuse them of hate-speech and probably also attempt to produce their character-assassination in their community, if not possibly much worse, in a new Sweat elites state of enslavement that is engineered to stay completely unnoticed. Interestingly enough, we find, and from a Jewish author, Gilad Atzmon, in his book The Wandering Who?, that Political Correctness is a Malicious Jewish Plot of World Jewry to limit our freedom of speech. The political correctness exists only to create fear and prevent us from being able to even criticize our enslaving elites without serious consequences. Here again however, this complete disaster for the rest of us is a complete success for our enslaving Sweat  elites. And this success is now becoming more and more global through Plandemics like the Fake COVID Crisis forcing us to live in fear with unhealthy masks, with social distancing from even our closest family members, and with contact tracing to prevent us from discussing freely together our unfair situation and maybe react to it before it is too late for our final global enslavement at world level.

In light of these 4 main factors in the background, how much more stupid could we have been, or could we be today to help our enslavers?


How much longer can we keep on being engineered to be that stupid? At this point, the main question is how long will we keep on being blindly this stupid without establishing a better system of governance for ourselves? And, as we will see in Part II of this book, much better governance than we have now can easily exist, and in the most democratic form of a FtatAristarchy. "We The People" are the huge majority. If we decide collectively to improve our governance, absolutely nobody can stop us. The Sweat elites state are instead only a very small minority that can be swiftly dismantled once our veil of ignorance has been lifted through better awareness of our current ugly situation of unnoticed enslavement through a form of Improved Communism without that name. This is the awareness that this book hopes to contribute to achieve through this Part I


Stupidity Certificate ScrappedWe can quite easily and democratically eliminate our engineered stupidity and related unnoticed enslavement. The full awareness of our unnecessary and undeserved engineered stupidity is the first step to get rid of it, and then to quickly improve our situation. This is again the objective of this Part I of this book. Without such awareness we will keep on being subservient to our current so-called Sweat elites maintaining us in a new type of modern slavery without physical chains, but with the reinforcement of the old and much more powerful virtual chains of DDDD (Dogma, Debt, Disinformation & Despair) assisted by submissive masks of body enslavement and Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated but enslaving our mind through damaging our pineal gland, and of course also assisted by the brand new tools of Banktatorship and Healthtatorship brought in by an Improved Communism without that name but hiding deceitfully behind it.


It is late already, but we can still wakeup to our unnecessary and undeserved state of new slavery and stupidity. We can acquire awareness and wisdom, and consequently dismantle our new modern slavery quite easily and, again, most democratically with the 10 cumulative reforms of FtatAristarchy governance elaborated in Part II of this book. In other words, with FtatAristarchy governance, as per the logo on the first page of this book, we can easily go "From Slavery Downwards To Slavery Upwards", finally choosing and making the best of our elected governors our obedient public servants under contract instead of our enslaving masters. Doing it, we could then scrap our current certificate of stupidity awarded to us at birth, and start a brand new era of much better living for all the beautiful kingdoms of life of planet Earth.


In order to achieve this objective however, it is not sufficient to wakeup. We must, each of us, also participate obligatorily to the democratic liberation process through compulsory voting on a regular basis, as a legal duty, and as often as needed on an ad-hoc basis, with the safest and easiest means modern technology can comfortably offer us at the moment when required. And we must stop to vote for only an electoral program, but vote only for a fully binding electoral contract called a BEC (Binding Electoral Contract). We must also establish a new set of very serious crimes for all the devious activities and lies of our elected officials in relation to lack of Truth and transparency in public affairs, being always fully FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) compliant, like a FtatAristarchy is by definition and by constitution. In a FtatAristarchy, a lie about public affairs is no more an unaccountable privilege, like it is now, but becomes a serious crime punished most severely.


All the above is what a FtatAristarchy intends to correct and is capable of doing. The way to start is the BEC and the voting of this contract with the creation of a perfect bio-anonymous voting system (a reform of Part II will explain it) that renders voting fraud absolutely impossible. The second step must be to legally formalized the crime called FTATOC (Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Crime), as a brand new and most serious crime, punished most severely through mainly PPPP. After that, the proper path is to reduce or get rid of our dependence on systems of grossly outdated structures of power over us, at both national level (like an elephantic parliament), and at the supranational level (like the UN or the EU), and replace it with the liberating form of governance called a FtatAristarchy. This is what we will explore and elaborate on in full details in Part II of this book. In the meantime, only good democratic civic disobedience can be a temporary measure of resistance for helping the coming of a better form of governance. 

Our self-certified stupidity is in danger of becoming a formally certified stupidity


BK Atzmon_WanderingWhoAll the above factors of unnoticed enslavement exist at the moment on a clear path to total globalization. The Sweat elites of the so-called NWO (New World Order) do not hide anymore, or rather cannot hide completely anymore that they are aiming at a dictatorial One-World-Government, with a One-World-Religion, a One-World-Army, a Global Digital One-World Currency. and a One-World-Media of a Satanic One World Culture and fake news propaganda or indoctrination. The only thing they can still hide quite easily, and that they will hide for as long as possible, is that this new dictatorial global governance is a new form of Improved Communism (improved for the elites, not for the rest of us) without that name, moved more to the West, after its well-engineered soft fall in the Soviet-Union and its current final fine-tuning in China.


In other words, Sweat elites are aiming at not even a One-World-Government, but at a new kind of global One-World-Empire like it never existed before. But world history has already well demonstrated clearly that all empires are doomed to fail, like it has been the case of the Roman Empire, the Spanish Empire, the British Empire and the Soviet Empire to name only a few. And they all failed even if all those empires were not global like the one that is attempted today. Attempting to form today a Global One-World-Empire with the elimination of all national borders is by definition a complete absurdity, a gross utopia, and even mental insanity, except maybe for the cosmic Satan if the overall plan is managed by his own self, as per the "Return Of Satan" featured on a cover of the TIME magazine a few years ago.


Unfortunately for us this seems to be possible today for the Sweat elites running the growing NWO (New World Order) at the moment through all sorts of brand new global tools that did not exist before, like the new Banktatorship and the new Healthtatorship. reinforced by the well-planned Fake COVID plandemic engineered for that purpose under satanic leadership. Not waking up to this absurdity, or harsh new conspiracy reality, and not resisting its formation is all we need to get our final formal certification of stupidity from the Sweat elites laughing over our shoulders in the background.


The evil trend of full global enslavement should and must be reversed. Not only national countries should still exist, with fixed borders, but we should even improve them by making their borders more flexible by democratic choice, for hopefully each country area to include only people of the same common culture, beautiful or not from our point of view, with minimum multiculturalism in each one, living all in agreement with their well-shared values and lifestyle. When the level of multiculturalism of a country has already reached an excessively destructive level, like it is the case already in most major cities around the world, like typically in the USA, then the formation of new City-States of common cultural environments within agreed national borders should be considered a part of this renewal process of harmonization, allowing more people to move easily in a social environment of their best choice, and live with other people sharing the same common cultural values. This system of City-States is the way real democracy was invented, in Ancient-Greece, and maybe it is time we return to this kind of democratic environments mutatis mutandis on a basis of FtatAristarchy governance.  








Be it clear that the limited list of various levels of GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) situations and aberrations mentioned in the previous sections, as aberrations that we should absolutely and urgently change or dismantle, in terms of wakeup calls before it is too late, can go on and on, ad infinitum. This was only a short list of the most evident ones. As such it was only a very short sampling of some of the many malefic situations affecting us today in an unnoticed type of global enslavement. In addition, these above factors only relate to the economic and political aspects of our life. At the cultural and spiritual levels, the situation is even worse. In any case, if the above is not sufficient, considering only these economic and political aspects of our life, what more stupidity do we need to demonstrate at the cultural and spiritual levels before we wakeup and start being in charge for making positive changes to our lifestyle, to our wellbeing and to our best governance?


BK_Hedges_EmpireOfIllusionAs seen clearly above, and well explained in the book of Chris Hedges titled "An Empire Of Illusion", with a clip shown on the side, we do live in a growingly One-World-Empire that is most destructive of all aspects of our lifestyle and wellbeing. However, the main basic degradation and deficiencies of our lifestyle as mentioned above relate only or mainly to the political and economic levels of our existence. It is important to understand that this is only a part of the story, and not the most important one, clearly not the worst at all. In the meantime the degradation has also started to take place at higher levels, at the cultural and spiritual levels.


The economic crisis we live through at the moment, even if it is extremely serious, is of relatively little importance, or certainly of minor importance, compared to the additional and concurrent crisis that is taking place at the cultural level and the spiritual level. The saddest example of this horrible double crisis might be the case of Greece at the moment, and the content of this book shall explain why Greece was the first important victim of this globalization massacre of the Sweat elites in the western world. Greece had to be squashed first, and it was squashed first. More than destroying the economy of Greece, the globalists are attempting first and foremost to destroy its culture and its language that has had a long history of superiority over all other languages for more than 5000 years. Just like the economic crisis, this much more serious cultural crisis at even the spiritual level is being expanded to the whole world, and is also coming from the same satanic source, that is, from the evil global Sweat elites that pursue the Master Plan of the SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement Global World Order).


Apart from their very secret activities in the DUMB locations already mentioned, these most evil transnational Sweat elites and their puppets in our national governments are also managing, or rather manipulating the whole world at the moment, even if mostly discretely from behind the scene or in the communist sink-hole and the surrounding Swamp of the Deep State, let alone the Profound State. These sweat elites came to us for various purposes.



These evil Sweat elites first came for our money, and they got most of it through excessive taxation and the creating and distributing of debt, i.e. creating and distributing credit of fake usurious debt-money issued out of nothing, with all of it now being managed through a fast growing Banktatorship. This is leaving us only with usurious debt-money to be reimbursed as real money for the rest of our life and for the life of our children and grand-children.



After our money, the Sweat elites then came for our real estate property through excessive regulations and taxation for both persons and nations, and gradually get most of our property and wealth for pennies only, leaving us mainly with mortgages, bankruptcies and the least important pieces of real-estate in the best of cases. From this point of view the major scam and false flag of the Fake COVID Pandemic, or rather Plandemic, with integrated Lockdowns has been a bonanza planned for that specific purpose. In fact, the related unnecessary lockdowns have already achieved the biggest transfer of wealth in the history of humanity from the collapsing productive middle-class into their hands as the parasitic Sweat elite class.



After our money and our property, the Sweat elites then came for our body and destroyed its beauty and sanity through GMO, junk food and smart tools exercising only fingers instead of traditional gyms and sports exercising the whole body. This has produced a society plagued with obesity and sickness. This destruction has been compounded by the artificial medicines that mostly only appease symptoms instead of curing the disease. These chemicals are meant to keep us alive longer with a bit less pain, but they are mainly used to force us to buy the highly criminal BigPharma production of artificial drugs for as many years as possible, instead of being cured quickly and definitely through natural plant substances and alternative holistic cures.



After our money, our property and our body, the Sweat elites then came for our mind through controlled mainstream Fake News Media and propaganda in a new kind of Newstatorship. Another tool to control our mind has been the new system of public schools from the earliest possible age with a lot of government indoctrination, some instruction and no real education of any substance at the 3 basic levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul. This has also been compounded by the new Satanic Hollywood attempting to entertain us with the most filthy production ever produced under the full control of mainly the Jewish side of the Sweat elites along with the growing additional capital of the Abrahamic Sassoon and LI families of China. This step of our enslavement has filled our best museums with contemporary pure crap and junk art that, for the most part, as literally pure ugly garbage, but garbage that the Sweat elites buy at high price from fake artists promoting them in order to achieve their objective of degrading our cultural values. Their objective was well programmed, as part of a Master Plan of global enslavement, to leave us with a degraded culture of relativeness and ugliness, which means leaving us with no culture as our Orwellian New Normal. With such degraded culture, it is much easier to achieve the full global enslavement of the rest of us.



Finally, after our money, our property, our body and our mind, the Sweat elites are coming for our souls. This is what they want most in order to convert our sould into Satan's advocates for his most evil purposes. The new global elites have started to fragment our souls mainly since at least the time when Picasso started to fragment the figures of his paintings, that is, when most of our beautiful traditional "Fine Arts" have started to become our contemporary "Foul Arts", as an invasion of Crappy Art Horrors like the ugly ones of the famous MOMA Modern Art Museum in NYC or the Getty Museum in Los Angeles that are no more than an art garbage bins, or the freemasonic and satanic murals of places like the Denver Airport or the Security Council of the UNN. For them, all divine human souls have to be converted to satanic souls, like all the souls of the higher levels of the Sweat elites, and this cannot be achieved through divine beauty, only through satanic ugliness. Philosophy, ethics and virtues, let alone any sense of philosophical Good  as a godly concept, have all disappeared from our life. The main figures of god left are Yahweh of the Bible and Mohammed of the Quran and, as both their sacred books well show, both are terrible warmongers claiming constantly all sorts of wars and criminal acts or massacres from their faithful against the infidels.


To crown this invasion of satanic horrors, we now have the Fake COVID Plandemic with Fake Vaccines not Protecting the Vaccinated. The new generation of Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated were not created to resolve the pandemic after it started, but rather the opposite. The Plandemic was engineered to be able to bring in a new generation of Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated that attack our "soul", in that they attack badly the important Pineal Gland just under our brain. This is the important gland that can give us access to higher levels of consciousness, and consequently lead us to stronger claims of freedom, which is the last thing the globalist Sweat elites want at the moment in order to be able to complete their Master Plan of our full final enslavement for the easier creation of a fast forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government. The terrible long swab sticks or jabs they infiltrate through our nose to supposedly test us for COVID are reaching our Pineal Gland just under our brain. They were engineered for this purpose, to damage our Pineal Gland, even if quite obviously most medical personnel testing us with these jabs are not aware at all of this evil plan. The obvious less invasive alternative of having us simply spit saliva in a glass, and then have the medical personnel brush the swab stick in it, is excluded as much as possible because it would not facilitate the intrusion of Nano-particles affecting our "soul", that is damaging the powers of our most previous Pineal Gland


In the meantime, the pure figure of only the Gospel (not of the Bible, but the entirely separate sacred books of the accompanying disciples of the real Jesus that do not belong at all to the Bible even if even the Christian part of the Sweat elites want us to believe he does), Jesus, who was not a Jew but a Nazarean of ELL ("Greek" Palestinian) culture promoting only empathy and forgiveness, has been either relegated to a sphere of oblivion, let alone the recent new trend of racism ridiculously calling him a white supremacist. Jesus was totally unduly associated to Yahweh and Mohammed by the Christian Church Institution that was totally infiltrated by Judaism and Islamism, as supposedly, and wrongly, also an Abrahamic figure. Through this improper association, the beautiful original Nazarean ELL figure of Jesus was so disfigured that the Christian Institutions conducted in his name the horrible crimes of the Inquisition and of the many Wars of Religion. This satanic infiltration of the Christian Institutions has left us with the deviated culture of the worst satanic forces of the universe in all aspects of our current lifestyle, even in the most Christian countries, let alone in the Vatican itself. The Sweat elites, now with the help of a deviated satanic figure like the fraudulently elected Judeo-Jesuit Pope Francis, are finally making the FOB (Force Of Bad) winning over the FOG (Force Of Good) in the overall current structure of world order.


Unless we wakeup soon, this will be our inevitable apocalyptical fate of complete final destruction to make us become the obedient slaves of the  SEGWO, but as "slaves loving their servitude" to paraphrase George Orwell. This is unless we wakeup and become members of the ELLADUM movement combatting this degradation through the pursuit of FtatAristarchy.


What else, or rather what more do we need, between the compounded factors of our economic, political, cultural and spiritual crisis, before we wakeup, react, start the dismantling of the SEGWO of the Sweat elites, and make proper positive changes to our own life? This is particularly urgent because something went wrong in the last generations and our deteriorating world of manhood that used to fight and run the world, as men that should still have the attributes to bring about a proper combative reaction, seem to all have lost their virility. This amounts to the genocidal engineering of the male man. Because of environmental factors well planned by the leading satanic Sweat elites for this purpose, and as confirmed by many medical scientists, most young men today produce only half the sperm of their fathers and grand-fathers, and too often appear quite effeminate and without any kind of force or courage left to dismantle the current destructive NWO (New World Order), and to fight for a new FALPNO (FtatAristarchy Liberating Patriotic National Order).


Daughters of LilithIn addition, on the women side, the traditional role of manhood of young strong men like the famous Leonidas of "Monon Lave" seems to be more and more invaded and fully dominated by a series of destructive and diabolical types of women that in Antiquity were called the "Daughters Of Lilith". Apart from their extreme ambition and prostituting activities to acquire and overcome men's power in many cases, most of these new women today seem to be dedicating an overly big part of their time to mainly promote things like late abortion, easy divorce without serious justification and general promiscuity, along with an infinite list of incomprehensible identity tags for the LGBT+ categories, which is completely ridiculous as a priority at a time when the world economy and social order is collapsing in most countries. They also promote more than most male leaders the most evil parts o the enslaving NWO (New World Order). This seems to be much more urgent and important to them than dedicating time enjoying, along with their virile husbands, the educating and growing of their children with the best virtuous values serving to fight cultural and satanic degradation, let alone the world economic collapse.


This seems to be the case, to name only a few, of the various types of an Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Kamala Harris in the USA, a Meghan Merkle in the UK, and a Jacinda Ardern as a PM for New Zealand and a Christia Freeland in various positions in Canada. This is quite obvious when examining many of their most ambitious objectives and initiatives, let alone the curriculum of warmonger Hillary Clinton hiding in the background but still very active in world politics. Maybe the best example of all is the chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel who in practice was in charge of a kind of victorious Fourth Reich called the EU at the de-facto head of which she is squashing without remorse all other weaker countries of Europe like Greece and Italy in particular, while being even highly praised by the stupid affected slaves and her accomplices for her supposedly exceptionally good management.


Good women are certainly welcome in politics, but the growing number of "Daughters of Lilith" among them is an ugly brand new phenomenon in most cases, promoting and defending the globally enslaving NWO more strongly than most male leaders. This is nevertheless frightening, as a clear trend of the last couple of decades, in particular at a time when the concepts of a loving family and of good education of children are completely collapsing. What is worse, a growing number of young men of the last couple of generations seem to also have joined the ranks of the "Daughters of Lilith" because of a complete lack of virility and the pride they seem to enjoy in their effeminate transformation. Should we call them the "Sons of Lilith"?  That some men may feel they were born this way, as effeminate, is perfectly all right, and should be fully respected as such, but that this transformation be proactively promoted, including trans-sexuality, as a culture or Orwellian New Normal, even in front of small children in primary school, should be considered a kind of crime against nature, or certainly against humanity.


What else can ever be worse in revealing our stupidity? In fact, the worst is that the new generations of both men and women seem to have been socially engineered in a very negative way by a complete absence of real education. Real holistic education based on philosophy and virtue instead of dogma and government indoctrination, forming the 3 basic levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul, and the sacred marriage of science with philosophy of the Philotimo of Ancient-Greece that created democracy, philosophy and education, let alone the Olympics, has ceased completely to exist even in part, in our culture, a couple of generations ago. And this has not happened by negligence or mistake, but as a part of a clear SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement Global World Order) Master Plan of the Sweat elites. As such, our schools today only provide instruction, not education, and instruction that is not even all that good. It only provides instruction along with SEGWO propaganda in order to produce generations of subservient obedient system slaves out of the control of their absent families. Again, this was, and still is, the plan, as part of the Master Plan of the Sweat elites. On that basis, the new generations seem to unknowingly (and too often knowingly for purpose of success or fame) follow the evil traces of only the new Satanic Hollywood Entertainment of the top levels of the members of the Sweat elites who manage the SEGWO today.


Unfortunately, at their highest levels, the Sweat elites are all deeply involved in the worst types of corruption, perversions, crimes and scams. This list includes widespread pedophilia, incest and late abortions without serious motive; with enslavement of both people and countries through usury and public debt; with constant unjust wars of pure and absolute destruction for only the profit of international banksters of the new Banktatorship; with rampaging corruption and related blackmailing of all political leaders of all levels of governance being reduced this way to inaction or silent obedience to the Sweat elites of the deep state; it includes fake mass-media of journalists or rather "presstitutes" who have become presstitutes and renegaded their essential investigative role based on Truth information. to instead become essentially silly mouthpieces of government propaganda under a small illegal world cartel of only six networks of media all belonging to the same Sweat elites (as a criminal cartel allowed to be formed by Bill Clinton); last but not least, it includes the world satanic entertainment industry of Hollywood and of the most important Mondo-Vision inauguration shows with the most famous people being full of predominantly satanic symbols.


In fact, it is clearly Satanism that is animating all the above activities, perversions and crimes demanded or managed by the Sweat elites. Paraphrasing Soviet dissident Bezmenov, this Satanism hiding behind a dominant culture of supposedly "progressive" Cultural Marxism, is no more than a new type of Improved Communism moved more to the West, that is, moved mainly to the European Union and to North America after having made its failed original version to fall in the ex Soviet Union. The catastrophic spreading of this new Improved Communism without that name is however now fast invading all of what used to be the most free and advanced western world.


How worse can it get, and what more do we need, in order to finally wakeup to our satanic reality imposed on us by the Sweat elites, react and start correcting or improving our situation through electing brand new elites under a fully binding contract (BEC), electing them through a perfect fraud-proof voting system, and through substituting the current SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement Global World Order) with a new FALPNO (FtatAristarchy Liberating Patriotic National Order)? In short, how long will be stupidly keep being this stupid?

How long will we stupidly keep being this stupid?


FtatAristarchy is what we need to get our freedom back and improve our wellbeing from all points of view. We are born into a brand new type of unnoticed slavery that is not done with physical chains anymore, but maintained mainly with usurious debt-money and fear, or with the full realm of DDDD (Dogma, Debt, Disinformation, and Despair) social engineering, along with the brand new super tools of BankTatorship and HealthTatorship. Fortunately this is only because of the engineered sleeping stupidity we have been tricked into, and from which we have difficulty to wakeup because we now consider it as normal. Our engineered stupidity has really become our Orwellian "New Normal". But we can dismantle this engineered stupidity and return to normality through a new type of governance called FtatAristarchy. This new type of FtatAristarchy governance, achievable through an educational process of liberating awareness, as we will see in Part II, is what this book is mainly all about. The necessary changes of the 10 cumulative reforms that are defined in Part II of this book are exactly what we need or have or do to have a FtatAristarchy.


These 10 cumulative reforms are all integral parts of a brand new system of governance called a FtatAristarchy that was conceived to easily make all necessary changes for the better, in a drastic, but in a most democratic way, through a political movement that we call ELLADUM (Enlightened Logos Liberty Aristarchy Democratic Undertaking Movement).


Great Reset of MindAll degradation and enslaving factors in our life, as mentioned above, have nothing to do with conspiracy theory. They are a conspiracy reality coming from the Satanism of the Sweat elites running the world at the moment in the overall structure of the current world order. These degradations are real, incredibly real, beyond the wildest imagination, even if in great part unnoticed or perceived as such, and consequently they are totally unacceptable, in particular considering their source which is the Satanism of the Sweat elites.


The first step for a proper reaction is to become conscious of these degradations through books like this one, and through many other sources of information alternative the current mainstream media of Fake News. Such consciousness should indicate to all people of common sense that it is time to change, highly time to wakeup and improve our world. Well-informed simple common sense should lead us to realize, with full consciousness, that we are being duped. The above-mentioned degradations are not happening by chance or by negligence on our part, but are all part of an unnoticed Master Plan of global enslavement. They have reduced so much the best of our traditional Greco-Roman values (and conversely reinforced our evil Judeo-Christian enslaving tools of DDDD) that, if we do not quickly wakeup, we are now ready for complete enslavement.


For the Sweat elites, as of recently, the only "thing" missing for our complete final enslavement was a major false flag and scam to finalize their complete global operation. This "thing" missing has recently come as a false pandemic, or rather plandemic called COVID. In turn, this Fake COVID plandemic is the perfect occasion for a "Great Marxist Reset" wanted now explicitly by the Sweat elites, those of the WEF (World Economic Forum) in particular, as admitted explicitly by its chief Klaus Schwab. What he has not told us however is that this Great Reset is not mainly a reset of the world economy like they want us to believe. This is only a secondary objective. Its first and foremost objective is a Great Reset of Minds worldwide. To paraphrase Orwell, this reset is happening mainly in order to make the rest of us "Learn To Love Our Slavery". One of the things Schwab says on his WEF website is: "You will own nothing and be happy". And what is going on at the moment with dangerous mask wearing, inhuman social distancing, and constant big-brother contact tracing, is the best proof of our final global enslavement, as a brand new form of enslavement mainly through degraded body and mind, let alone our degraded "souls" through an attack to our Pineal Gland, more than through less effective older tools like whips and chains.  


In the meantime, our institutions of supposedly democratic governance are a complete scam. They are fully outdated and full of corruption. Our supposedly national democratic governments and international organizations not only do not represent democracy anymore, but represent the exact opposite of what real democracy is. They represent a GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) dictatorial power over the new slaves that we are. What we call democracy at the moment is a hoax, a scam, a complete illusion, and we seem to have a lot of talent for delusion. Our educational system has become an indoctrination system, from kindergarten to university, to create obedient slaves for the Sweat elites. Our sense of family has been destroyed by forcing both parents to work and become taxpayers (a double financial benefit for the  Sweat elites, passing the reform fraudulently for a women's liberation movement when women are much more enslaved today than they were before that fake liberation movement) and moving the children sense of center of authority and guidance from parents to school officials directed by the satanic Sweat elites. Our nations are all gradually being dismantled through all sorts of GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) supranational structures of authority of the world Sweat elites like the Commission of the EU or the UN/UNN. Our nations used to represent the particular beauty of each different culture when for example an Italian was really and beautifully an Italian, similarly a French was a French, and a Greek was a Greek, let alone a German a German. Through absurd and destructive inassimilable immigration and massive multiculturalism pushed by the Kalergi Plan, all these beautiful differences are being pushed into the abyss of a most ugly global melting pot. What else do we need to put an end to our stupidity before we finally start to wakeup and stop this global degradation?     


Fortunately, with the formation of the proper consciousness of a critical mass of people about the Sweat elites matrix we live in, change is possible, easily possible, and most "democratically" possible. But it is democratically possible only with a critical mass of people fully aware of the matrix of unnoticed enslavement imposed on us by the  SEGWO. The scam is so totally entrenched in our fake democracy lifestyle at the moment that, without the consciousness of a critical weight of people, not only is change not possible, but any attempt of change will be tagged as a kind of National Terrorism by current political correctness killing our common sense. Of course, real change would disturb huge established interests of all kinds on the side of the Sweat elites running the show at the moment. Without a critical mass of people acting together in full consciousness, the leaders of change, or even the most serious people involved, would be quickly subjected to at least character assassination to start with, in the form of ruined careers and reputations, and possibly often financial assassination, or even physical assassination if necessary in due time. Instead, with a critical mass of people fully aware of the Sweat elites globalization scam, all change is possible and, again, most democratically possible.


Helping to create this kind of consciousness and democratic change is the purpose of this Part I of this book. Defining the set of cumulative reforms to achieve our freedom through FtatAristarchy is the purpose of the Part II of this book. To start with, helping to understand the SEGWO scam that we live in at the moment, concentrating on controlling "our prodigious talent for delusion"  shall be our preliminary objective. The moment to wakeup is also particularly good because of the fact that, at the moment, in the overall structure of forces and strategies of world order, the Sweat elites are strongly divided in two main groups and fighting each other, between the DAS strategy of the Black Brotherhood and the GAS strategy of the White Brotherhood. We should take full advantage of this division in order to more easily and more quickly re-conquer our liberty, and improve our wellbeing from all points of view, going from the world of SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement Global World Order) that we have at the moment to a new world of FALPNO (FtatAristarchy Liberating Patriotic National Order) or, as per the logo on the cover of this book, to go "From Slavery Downwards to Slavery Upwards".  








  (By Whom We Are Being Enslaved)



The "BY WHOM" of our enslavement will be looked at in this section more specifically. The answer is a very intricate one. As a short answer, it is by an Abrahamic Plot from elites that we call ironically the Sweat (Satan World Enslavement Abrahamic Team). Most people, in particular superficial conspiracy theorists, prefer to talk about a "Jewish Plot". This is a mistake, even if many Jews have in fact a lot to do with it, and often in leading roles. But there is no Jewish plot proper. As we will see, the most important Jews involved in the plot are from various categories that claim to be Jews but are not real pure Jews. They are what we can only call "Fake-Jews" (we qualify them as "fake" for the many reasons explained further down but basically because they have no Palestinian Jew DNA). Overall the plot is really mainly an "Abrahamic Plot" that clearly involves the deviated satanic elites of the top levels of the 3 Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam, along with their secular subservient acolytes in terms of international organizations and big transnational corporations. These acolytes belong in a major part to the group of Jews that we call today the Zionists, taking in consideration that a Zionist does not necessarily have to be a believer of the Judaic faith to be considered a Zionist, and can even be atheist, like typically George Soros or Christian Zionists like two ex-USA president Trump famous assistants, Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo, not to mention fake Catholic President Joe Biden. Nevertheless, for all practical purposes, most of them consider themselves Jews, or active advocates of Jews, and are considered Jews by most outsiders because these outsiders are not aware of the Fake-Jews history that we also examine in more details in this book. 



They LiveIn addition to the above intricacy, we have to make supplementary reservations about who is a real Abrahamic person, and who is not, because the main Abrahamic players at their top level are part of heinous deviated elites of these 3 religions, rather than simple common believer of these faiths, and their deviations at that top level are all closely linked to various forms of Satanism. So, calling the plot "Abrahamic" is true in general terms, considering who is really behind it, but it is also a mistake in terms of who in particular is really behind the Fake-Jews, or behind the other Deviated Abrahamic Members that are often part of the plot in leading roles.


To complicate even further this issue, it is important to stress that the main deviated Abrahamic elites involved are clearly, for the most part, closely linked to various forms of Satanism. As such they become, voluntarily or deceitfully, the useful idiots of none less than the cosmic Satan himself who is the de facto real author and leader of the plot in the background. This is why we will often qualify, with a double pun, the Sweat plot as SweatHarder (Satanic World Enslavement Action Through Heinous Abrahamic Religion Deviates Encompassing Roamers). For simplicity however, we will most of the time call the main top evil elites involved as simply the Sweat (Satan World Enslavement Abrahamic Team) elites.


Talking about Satan is not an easy issue, as most people will claim he probably does not exist, simply because he is physically invisible. More than invisible however, he is not visible directly, but visible only through the acolytes he uses as useful idiots. But in the overall structure of world power, the cosmic Satan is real and, to paraphrase a great leader called Jesus (the real Nazarean Jesus that we call SAPNOS, not the fake-Jew Jesus of the Christian Institution), it is invisible only to those who have eyes but do not dare to see. Satan may be invisible as a "Person-like" entity, but he is certainly visible through the persons he possesses and the actions of the possessed souls of these persons. Certainly, satanic possession is real and even clearly and formally admitted by the maximum theological authorities of all 3 Abrahamic religions themselves. At this point in time, as we will see, the top levels of the 3 Abrahamic religions, along with their submissive acolyte organizations like the Freemasons or the Jesuits, or the management of their international secular acolyte organizations like the UNN, along with the higher levels of management of the biggest transnational corporations, have all been fully infiltrated by the satanic forces in some of their top members.



This was true originally mainly of a branch of Judaism, at the beginning, with a satanic infiltration that stems as far back to the period of the exile of the Jews in Babylon when many of them were proactively involved in black magic and satanic practices. Then it became true in the Catholic Church since in particular, in our contemporary history, during the Zionist Coup of the Council of  Vatican II in 1962. In that context, Pope Paul VI, who was a Freemason homosexual, elected in an irregular conclave, and who often wore in a very cagey way over his white Vatican clothing the highest Jewish symbols of the Rationale, even admitted it openly at one point, saying his well-known famous phrase: "Il fumo di Satana è entrato nel Tempio di Dio" ("Satan's smoke has entered the temple of God"). In the case of Islam, as will see in more details further down, the influence of Satan among the top deviated levels of their leaders is mostly evident on the Sunni side that was created under the clear influence of some satanic members of deviated Judaism, in particular in the Sunni denomination called Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia, but also in its Donmeh denomination that influenced the creation of Turkey. As explained in a good book titled The Star And The Sword, by author Wayne Madsenboth these branches of Islam were fundamentally influenced in their creation by corrupted elements of Judaism, that is, by Jews or a category of Fake-Jews.   




More specifically and explicitly, we are being enslaved today by a plot that is not the so-called Jewish Plot, but by an elite that we call the Sweat (Satan World Enslavement Abrahamic Team) elites. It is a much wider plot than the so-called Jewish Plot claimed by superficial conspiracy theorists. It is rather at least an Abrahamic Plot involving the deviated members of the top levels of all 3 Abrahamic religions and their secular submissive acolytes of the main corporations and institutions. Sweat Conspiracy TheoryBecause of these many acolytes jumping on the Sweat wagon for their own collateral advantage, we also often call that plot ironically as SweatHarder  (Satanic World Enslavement Action Through Heinous Religious Abraham Deviates Encompassing Roamers). In exposing this plot, it is very obvious that many Jews have surface leading roles in it, more so than elites from the 2 other Abrahamic religions. But these leading roles are mainly fulfilled by what we will call the Fake-Jews for historical reasons that we will explain further down. So, overall, it is improper to call the plot as simply the Jewish Plot. The plot is really, at its source, an enslaving plot of Satan using useful Abrahamic elites to do so, with Jews probably the best useful idiots he can find because of their historical talent in enslaving people as traditional usury Money Changers and corruptors since eon times, even much before the real Nazarean non-Jewish Jesus turned their tables and chased them away from the Temple in Jerusalem some 2000 years ago.   



The history of the Sweat elites, of its World Jewry side in particular, along with the one of the various kinds of crypto Fake-Jews that hide within Judaism or in other Abrahamic religions, or exploit in various ways the talent of Jews with usury enslaving money, is about the most complex that exists compared to the history of any other people in the world. In relation to the NWO (New World Order) it is also just about the most misinterpreted history that exists, abusing in all sorts of ways the common more orthodox Jews that have nothing to do with the global enslavement plot or even with usury money. Again, this does not mean that some categories of Jews are not deeply involved with the NWO. Far from it, and they often do so in leading roles.


This is the very first thing to set very clearly as false, or at least very badly misinterpreted, that is, the claim of many superficial conspiracy theorists that there is only a so-called "Jewish Plot" to eventually take over the whole world and rule it from JerUSAlem through what we call today the NWO (New World Order), after the creation of the Greater Israel, the reconstruction of the Jewish Temple of Solomon replacing the current Islamic Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the return of the Messiah. All of these plans do exist but they are not simply a "Jewish Plot". All of this background is basically true in general terms, but does not make the plot simply or only a Jewish Plot. As we will see, it is rather a satanic Sweat plot of deviated Abrahamic complotters with Satan using them as useful idiots, the Jews in particular who are the best useful idiots that he, Satan, could find. The sources of the superficial conspiracy theorists calling it swiftly and simply a "Jewish Plot" are highly misinterpreted even if it is often for many apparent good reasons in the mind of superficial analysts or researchers. These ignorant theorists are basically wrong, and wrong in more ways.


If the conspiracy theorists only slightly adjusted their claim to a "Fake-Jew Plot", instead of a "Jewish Plot", they would be much closer to the Truth. But they would still not be all the way right. First of all, the NWO (New World Order) and its related final objective of a One-World-Government eventually running the whole world from JerUSAlem is not even considered a "Conspiracy Theory" anymore, but a "Conspiracy Reality" that, by now, has been very well documented and is even admitted openly and explicitly by the main Abrahamic complotters, including the two Bush presidents and even Pope Francis. Second, the expression "Jewish Plot" is wrong because the plot that does exist has nothing, or very little to do with the descendants of the real Palestinian Jews that have a pure Jewish DNA clearly associated with the ancient Kings David and Solomon of ancient Jerusalem, only with mainly non-Jew-ancestors of the empire of the Khazars massively converted to Judaism by force, without their will, while having no relation at all with the stem of David nor with the territory of Palestine. In other words, for the most part, most of the complotters of what is called the Jewish Plot are not real Jews, but Fake-Jews. To better understand this reality, we must see the various categories of Fake-Jews in more details.

The Fake-Jew Categories


The plot that has to do with world domination and the enslavement of the rest of us does not exist in as much as it has to do with only Jews, but does exist in as much as it has to do with mainly with a quadruple kind of Jews that we can legitimately call Fake-Jew.


  1. The first kind of Fake-Jew has to do with a Jew who is a member of a deviated or heretical branch of Judaism that has been infiltrated by black magic and Satanism from the time of the exile of the Jews in Babylon. For this reason we call this first kind of Fake-Jew  a Babylonian Satanist. This first category of Fake-Jew still exists today within World Jewry but belongs mostly to a heretical branch of Judaism whose main leaders have often been formally excommunicated. Thus their deserved qualification as Fake-Jews. Formally speaking, an excommunicated Jew is no more a Jew, just like an excommunicated Catholic is no more a Christian Catholic.

  2. The second kind of Fake-Jew, and the biggest majority of them, has to do mostly with the barbarian people of the Khazarian Empire who were massively converted by force to Judaism by their king centuries ago. Those have become what the best history books now call the European Jews, also often referred to as the Ashkenazy Jews, in clear opposition to the original Palestinian Jews, because these European Jews have no Jewish or Palestinian blood whatsoever. In short, this type of European Jew has absolutely no Jewish DNA related to the Ancient Jews of Palestine, and absolutely no historical link or valid claim at all to the territory of Palestine that they have nevertheless invaded in wide majority through the creation of the new Zionist State of Israel. They have invaded that territory in particular since after the formal foundation of that brand new state in 1948. Thus the qualification of Fake-Jew also applying, even more clearly so in this second case, to this category of Khazarian or European Jews often also referred to as Ashkenazi Jews. A majority of them have evolved over the last few centuries to become those we call the Zionists today.

  3. There is however an associated third main kind of Fake-Jew that is, for the most part, the so-called Christian Zionist. Some good examples are two famous assistants of Trump in the USA: his VP Mike Pence and his head of diplomacy Mike Pompeo. Even supposedly Catholic president Biden can fit this category quite well with his 7 grand-children who are all Jews. This special evangelical type of Fake-Christian Zionist has no Jewish blood, but is fully dedicated to pursuing the Zionist objectives of the first two Fake-Jew categories, including all the policies of Israel with its aspiration of world domination after the return of the Messiah. The most obvious falseness of these Fake Christians that become Fake Jews is that, although they consider themselves "Evangelicals" they do not preach exclusively the sacred Evangelical Books of the Gospel of Jesus, except incidentally, but mainly the Jewish Bible of Yahweh as a whole, while giving Yahweh a very obvious priority in their preaching over what Jesus may represent for them.

  4. The above are the 3 main categories of those we can most legitimately call Fake-Jews. But there would also be a lot to add about a mix of other additional Fake-Jew categories involved in all sorts of manipulations of world politics. One of them is certainly the involvement of the crypto-Muslims called the Donmeh who were Jews who pretended to be Muslims, through a fake conversions to Islam, doing so because of their desire to associate themselves to the Jewish pursuit of world domination from within non-Jewish environments. These hidden Jews, as Donmeh, were fundamentally active in relation to the birth of some Islamic Sunni Muslim nations like modern Turkey and Saudi Arabia that both have a well documented history of Jewish founders. Both these branches of Islam were influenced in their creation by corrupted elements of Judaism.As such, although they were considered Muslims, the Donmeh were crypto Jews, thus another category of Fake-Jew. The Bolsheviks that founded the Soviet Union were also crypto-Jews of mainly Khazarian origin hiding their Jewishness as much as they could. As such they were crypto Jews, or another Fake-Jew category. The Marrano in Italy are another type of crypto Jews involved as Fake-Jew operatives in infiltrating and dominating the Vatican in Italy, thus tentatively infiltrating the overall Christian institutional world. They have already done so in great part, in particular since the Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II in 1962 and even more so with the fraudulent selection of a Judeo-Jesuit called Francis in 2013 as supposedly only the Catholic pope. In the meantime the Fake Christian Jesuits  themselves are also crypto Jews with their religious order founded by a Jew called Ignacio di Loyola, thus also of a the Fake-Jew category. At the moment, these crypto-Fake-Jews are literally running the Vatican since the fraudulent installation of the first crypto-Jew Jesuit pope in the history of Christianity called Francis in 2013.   


Considering the historical background of the 4 above categories of Fake-Jews, what superficial conspiracy theorists call the "Jewish Plot" does not exist, as it becomes clearly, to say the least, a "Fake-Jew Plot". In relation to what is happening today, and considering the fact that the official legal definition of a Jew is someone with a pure DNA Jewish mother, the above history of conspiracy for world domination is not a conspiracy theory, but a clear conspiracy reality. However, its origin brings us back mainly to the Khazarians, to those non-Jew-at-all barbarians of the old Khazarian Empire who were massively converted by force to Judaism in 740 AD. These Khazarians were certainly not Jews at all at that time. Consequently their descendants are still not real Jews at all today. As a result, they certainly and undeniably deserve fully their Fake-Jew qualification. The only problem is that they are all called simply "Jews" by most ignorant people around the world.


This is inevitably most confusing for most people, as the descendants of the Fake-Jews always call themselves Jews. They are regrouped mostly today in the area of World Jewry that we commonly call the Zionist Jews. In spite of the fact that they call themselves Jews, they are still an entirely foreign population to the real Jews of ancient Palestine. These Khazarians have absolutely nothing to do with Palestine! For full clarity it is important to repeat that these Khazarians were barbarians of Turkic descent forced to convert to Judaism to save their empire, and they are with absolutely no Jewish DNA, and with absolutely no relation nor any claim to the old territory of Palestine. Strangely enough, even if these Khazarian European Jews are the purest Fake-Jew elements operating deceitfully from within World Jewry and the Sweat elites at the moment, they nevertheless probably represent the very big majority of those that the rest of us wrongly call Jews today, and the huge majority of those who founded the Zionist State of Israel.


The Khazarians were forced by Russia and its allies at the time, in the 8th century AD, to convert to one of the 3 Abrahamic religions of their choice or have their empire destroyed. These Turkic barbarians chose Judaism instead of Christianity or Islam for two main reasons. The first reason is that these barbarians were already famous for living mainly out of plundering and robbery of the people passing through the immense territory of the Khazarian Empire. This trait of their own had a first strong affinity to the Jewish trait of the infamous Jewish Money Changers of the Bible living mainly out of usury and related property extortions since ancient times. This was a first clear common trait with Jews. The second reason is that the Khazarians were attracted by the existing branch of deviated Judaism that was deeply involved with black magic and Satanism since the Babylon period in order to dominate and acquire more power over other peoples, let alone a possible eventual world domination. The Khazarians had a similar desire for more domination over other peoples in order to more easily exploit them and extort their wealth. This was a second strong affinity with this deviated but strong branch of Judaism. These barbarians could not find any affinity to the same degree with any branch of Islam or Christianity.


This strong double affinity of the non-Jew-at-all Khazarians with the real Jews grew constantly during the first 5 centuries of the forced conversion of these Khazarians to Judaism. These 2 affinities mentioned above also favored their progressive full integration with the Jews even if they were not Jews at all by blood or DNA, not even by any link to Palestine. At one point this integration got to its worst possible state when the Khazarians started to massively join the ranks of a deviated branch of Judaism that became known as the Satanic Sabbatian-Frankist movement between 1600 AD and 1800 AD. This special Sabbatian-Frankist movement was a new and clearly deviated form of satanic Judaism that came to reinforce the ranks of the older Babylonian Satanists who were still deeply involved in black magic during the 17th and 18th centuries. These Sabbatian-Frankist did not even follow the regular Kabbalah, but followed the deviated Lurianic Kabbalah of Solomon Luria (1534-1572). As such, through a phenomenon that historians called Transvaluation, their morality became completely permissive, as the worst kind of libertinism to start with, allowing them full depravity or criminality, including pedophilia, incest and murder without guilt. As such, they claimed that the Ten Commandments of the Torah of the Bible would not apply to them. Because of this, doing the worst kind of evil became a duty that could be accomplished without any kind of guilt if it served their objectives of domination, or their pleasure on the way there. Their only commandment became "Do What Thou Wilt", that is, anything, including killing, even the pleasure of mass killing without guilt, doing so even with contentment, through wars and useful acts of violence or terrorism.  


Dancing Israelis of 911The incident of the "Dancing Israelis" of the 911 inside job scam can be a good example of this culture of doing evil with pleasure and without guilt. If the current Fake-Jews of the Sabbatian-Frankists category had been the authors of the collapsing of the Twin Towers of 911,in NYC, in 2001, like many serious researchers pretend, they would have reacted typically with dancing joy and without any sense of guilt during the event. They would have done so just like those now known infamously as the "Dancing Israelis". They were arrested for having been seen dancing on a roof top while being already fully prepared in advance for watching and filming the event, as if it was for them a pleasant Satanic ritual of mass blood sacrifice to be enjoyed without guilt even if they knew the event would kill few thousands of innocent persons.


The event known as the "Dancing Israelis" is the following. On the early morning of September 11, 2001, a woman living in a suburb of New York, quite a few kilometers away from the towers, happened to notice, through her window, a couple of hours before the attack to the towers, that a strange group of young men she had never seen before were carrying professional filming equipment and tripods on the roof top of the nearby building. This nearby roof top was at a slightly lower level from her own floor in her adjacent building, and she could observe it well. She was very intrigued as there was nothing around that seemed to justify any filming in such an odd place with professional equipment. Consequently she discretely followed the activity of the strange young men very closely. When the first plane hit the first tower, as a complete and dramatic surprise to her, these young men who were already filming towards the towers, from before the hit, started to embrace each other and dance together to express their obvious contentment. It was obvious to the watching woman of good common sense that the young men had already known in advance that the attack would happen. Like any person of good common sense, she immediately understood that, in fact, the young men were obviously already aware that the tragic event had been planned and would happen, before it took place, and had arranged to film it at a discrete distance with professional video equipment zooming directly on the towers from their roof top.


When the young men finally started to move away, after the second plane hit the second tower, the watching woman discretely went to the street level and noticed them loading their video equipment in a van. She took the car plate number and went, later on, to denounce the strange fact to the local police. We know now that the young men were eventually traced and interrogated, with inevitably the information transmitted immediately by the local police to the higher levels of authority in New York itself and, most inevitably also, quickly after that, to the maximum level of the NSA (National Security Agency) of the USA, let alone most probably to the Bush White House itself. The observing woman and the rest of us learnt later on that the dancing men were in fact Israelis. Very surprisingly these young dancing Israelis in front of the collapsing towers were eventually released, after an unusually short detention for the gravity of the event, and they were even quickly and forcefully "expelled" back to Israel after their swift release into liberty instead of being kept in jail. Authorities only said they had established the 5 young men were in fact Israelis, and not Arabs as it was initially assumed. They also said that the 5 young men had presumably ...nothing to do with the event.


The biggest inexplicable and unacceptable surprise in all this story is that, at no level of authority that we know of, nobody seems to have forced the Dancing Israelis to explain how they obviously had become aware the event would take place before it happened, and from what source they got to know about it ahead of time. This is how the group of young men became known as simply the innocuous Dancing Israelis. However, considering that the 5 young men were Israelis, if the tragic event had anything to do with Israel, directly or indirectly, it would never had been made known to us because those of the various areas of authority that eventually simply expelled these Dancing Israelis were all officials who had a clear Fake-Jew background of Sabbatian-Frankist descent operating in the USA at the highest level of the Bush government. This was during the George W. Bush regime whose VP was Zionist Dick Cheney who in fact was the de-facto president, and with the same kind of Fake-Jew and Sabbatian-Frankist background. The positions of power at that time in the Bush administration were all occupied by Zionist Jews with also a similar background. As such, knowing how the USA administration works, they were all working in direct collaboration with not only the NSA (National Security Agency) but also with the Mossad security of the Zionist State of Israel.


As a matter of fact, this Fake-Jew Zionist invasion of all positions of power in the USA had also been the case long before Bush. It was still the case after that, even with Trump, and still the case today with Biden. These officials with such Sabbatian-Frankist culture of no guilt, at the time of 911, were all coordinated by a super Fake-Jew Sabbatian-Frankist Zionist with Khazarian ancestors called Michel Chertoff who was known, in his position at the time, to work for his functions in direct collaboration with the highest levels of the CIA of the USA and of the Mossad of IsraelHe, Chertoff, is the one who ordered the swift release of the Dancing Israelis and their fast expulsion to Israel without these Israelis telling him (or certainly him not telling us) how and from whom they had become aware of the 911 attack before it happened.


We only mention Zionist Dick Cheney and Zionist Michel Chertoff here, but a compete list of the incredible number of officials with the same Fake-Jew Zionist background at that time is easily available on the Internet. Another way to look at this issue is the useful information on the incredible "Pledge Of Allegiance" to Israel (and only to Israel, that is, not to the USA, and to no other country in the world) that all the USA super managers, along with all congressmen have to sign if they want to have any good future in their respective careers, pledging they will do all they can to serve the best interests... of Israel (not... of the USA). From this point of view, and considering also the billions in aid (free gift) that goes each year from the USA to Israel, and the number of the most important American positions that are staffed by hard-core Zionists, the USA has, for all practical purposes, become a colony of Israel, or a kind of distant part of the fast growing Greater Israel. It is also interesting to note that all prime ministers of the new state of Israel, so far, have been from the Fake-Jew category of the European Jews, either as a Khazarian Jew, or as an Ashkenazy Jew having no Jewish DNA at all nor any historical link to Palestine. So, from this point of view, the Pledge of Allegiance to Israel supposedly undertaken to support Jews is really a pledge made to support Fake-Jews of both the Zionist-powered USA and Zionist-powered Israel.


For the descendants of the Frankist European Jews in particular, absolutely nothing was forbidden, except of course the freedom of others to criticize and expose their evil plans. A clear remnant of this old Frankist culture still exists clearly today, in the fact that everybody in the world can be strongly criticized without serious consequences on a basis of Truth or personal conviction, even very harshly and offensively, be it a pope, a king or a president, but not/not the Jews at any level, and not in particular their current leaders in the new Jewish State of Israel or their puppet operators in the governments of other countries, including in the USA and in the EU, let alone all the main international organizations like the Fake-Jew-dominated UNN or the IMF. Is this not a most unfair discrimination forced by the political correctness with which we have been socially engineered to kill our good common sense, to say the least? Those are mainly the descendants of precisely the Fake-Jew elements of the older Khazarians, that is, of the European Jews, and within those, of the Sabbatian-Frankist satanic movement in particular.



The most important leaders of the satanic branches of Judaism were even excommunicated by orthodox Jewry, with the most famous case probably being Jacob Frank of the Sabbatian-Frankist movement. Picture Of Dorian Gray by Oscar WildeRabbi Marvin Antelman, in his book "To Eliminate The Opiate", calls Frankism in particular a movement of complete evil and of the worst satanic kind that ever existed in the history of the deviated Judaism of World Jewry. He makes this accusation as a Jewish Rabbi himself. Thus their real nature as deviated Jews, or Fake-Jew elements as we call them. They originally had been involved in Black Magic and Satanism during their exile in Babylon because of their dream of returning united one day to Palestine. That dream seemed so difficult to attain at that time that they thought only these occult practices could help them achieve their return with a possible eventual world domination from Jerusalem.


This satanic Sabbatian-Frankist movement is the Jewish group that eventually integrated fully most of the converted Khazarians as new Jews, or as the new European Jews with no Jewish DNA at all, thus as Fake-Jews. Not only were they not real Jews at all, but because of their integration into the Sabbatian-Frankist movement, they became clearly a kind of new satanic Jews this time, certainly what we can legitimately call Fake Jews that have nothing to do with the original Palestinian Jews who were, and are, the only ones with Jewish DNA of the stem of David and with a legitimate right to return to Palestine.


Together, these old and new satanic Jews form now a special Fake-Jew group that is convinced that their mission is to eventually dominate the world in the name of Satan that they often worship and often call with the nicer name of Lucifer, in particular during strange liturgical ceremonies of the new Judeo-Vatican of Pope Francis with the explicit singing of odes to Lucifer. This integrated branch of satanic Jewry has evolved over the last couple of centuries, and became more sophisticated and civilized in some ways but, for the most part, they are the worst of those that today we call the warmonger Zionists still capable of any kind of atrocity against other peoples without any guilt, even through events of the caliber of 911 if need be, and dancing of joy while doing it, just like the infamous Dancing Israelis. In the meantime they are strongly assisted in their objectives by the Fake-Jew group that came to be called the Judeo Jesuits and the Judeo Christian Zionists.


It must be clear however that the wide majority of them are the descendants of the Fake-Jew category called the European Jews who, as it is worth repeating, have absolutely no DNA of the stem of David nor any link or valid claim at all to the territory of Palestine. Nevertheless, they are the ones we find today in great majority at the top level of various organizations of world power, for example Freemasonry, the Jesuits, the Knights of Malta, the Knights Templar, the Opus Dei, the World Economic Forum, the Trilateral Commission, the Club Of Rome, the Bilderberg, the Council of Foreign Relations running the policy making of the USA, the corresponding Royal Institute of International Affairs running the policy making of the UK, not to mention the biggest Banks and Corporations, all of them best represented by the founders of the new Zionist State of Israel as Rothschild Zionist operatives, that is, in more modern terms, mostly those we call the Zionists, or those elites of the so-called Revisionist Zionism, who are in great majority coordinating them all from behind the scene, and also now more openly so through what is known as the global Round Table, the best typical example of which is probably the Brussels Round Table at the moment in the realm of the GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) transnational officials. Their role of infiltration of the highest levels of Freemasonry is also a major one in deciding world policy even if it one hiding its specific Jewish nature, thus another Fake-Jew role or category in all world affairs along with all the other organizations previously mentioned. They now form the biggest part of those we call the Sweat elites in the context of this book. Most of them have sold their soul to Satan, like the Dorian Gray of Oscar Wilde. Their current hard Left Marxist face in today's overall structure of political world order, under the evasive face masks of leaders like a Kamala Harris in the USA or a Klaus Schwab of the WEF are good example of their real satanic crap face, the one of the Improved Communism moved more to the West of Bezmenov after its recent fine-tuning in China.


The above list of organs of Improved Communism without that name, moved more to the West, should also include all the main supranational organizations like the EU and all the main international organizations like the UN, the WHO, the WEF and the IMF, along with the World Bank, the BIS and many others. From the sheer number of Fake-Jew elements, mainly from the so-called European Jews,  or rather Fake-Jews, sitting at the highest levels of this globalization network, nearly 100% with ancestors from mainly the worst Satanic Sabbatian-Frankist Fake-Jew movement, we can conclude quite legitimately that it is mostly the Synagogue Of Satan that is running the world at the moment with the help of acolytes from the two other Abrahamic religions. Synagogue Of SatanIts main current intellectual animators are centered in or around the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism and social engineering. They aim clearly at a global Orwellian dictatorship through a new and dictatorial One-World Government that they hope to eventually establish in JerUSAlem after the necessary previous fall of other disturbing powers like the EU and the USA in particular, which fall is likely to happen sooner than later, and will also include the fall of the paper dragon of China in due time, before or after the USA. We should also add, for the culture of the conspiracy theorists, that the founder of the so-called "Illuminati" in 1776, Adam Weishaupt, was a Fake-Jew of the European Jew branch, and educated by the Fake-Jew branch of the Fake-Catholicism called the Jesuits.


When analyzing this background, one cannot avoid the conclusion that this Fake-Jew World Power that we call the Sweat (Satan World Enslavement Abrahamic Team), has also a very clear parasitic nature. Its leaders are world experts in infiltrating and exploiting all centers of power. This includes not only the above organizations, but all main religions, starting with pure Judaism itself, corrupting all these entities with Satanism and living off of all their targets like good parasites always do. On the public side, it also includes practically all the puppet leaders of our national governments with the Sweat corruption of their politicians. On the private side, in addition to all major banks, it includes all major corporations, all major media, all main social media and all major NGOs.


After infiltrating these centers of power, the Fake-Jews exploit culturally and socially, through fear and dogma, the labor and the creativity of all their subordinates reduced to an unnoticed type of slavery. Their banks, in particular since the recent formation of the new Banktatorship, exploit financially more than ever before the whole rest of us in an outrageous way through lending usurious fiat usurious debt-money that they create easily out-of-nothing (because we stupidly gave them this incredible unconstitutional power). But they lend this fake-usurious debt-money to us and our government with interests while expecting it to be all reimbursed to them as real money by the enslaved taxpayers. They do all this parasitic exploitation very successfully while parading their expensive dark suits, let alone with our frequent stupid admiration on TV, in the best palaces and restaurants of our nations and of our international organizations entirely at our expense. In other words, we admire our worst parasites and treat them richly with all sorts of undeserved privileges, which is a sad reality demonstrating our own stupidity to which we should wakeup. It is already late to do so and, without a strong wakeup call, it may soon become too late to do anything easily and democratically about it.  


The satanic culture of the current structure of the Sweat Global World Power is highly reflected in the "Overton Window" of what we call today the "political correctness" affecting badly or even killing the good old plain common sense of most members of our society. This culture keeps influencing the main universities of the USA (Like most typically Yale with its infamous "Skull and Bones") and Europe (with the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism influencing all other universities) forming those leaders who today are mainly operating under the deceitfully generic Zionist qualification, and working covertly or openly to take over the world and enslave the rest of us through DDDD, also through usurious usurious debt-money of the new Banktatorship in particular, applying to all enslaved countries and the rest of us as submitted persons. That same culture, through the use of a growing number of symbols of Satanism in videos and movies, let alone stage performances and government shows of inaugurations of important events like the Eurotunnel and the Olympics of London, now permeates entirely the highest levels of the Hollywoodian world entertainment industry, as clearly demonstrated by the satanic performances of some of the most famous artists like Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Madonna, Beyoncé and Katy Perry, not to mention late Michael Jackson with the occasional  appearance of his reptilian eyes. These are the main idols and the typical type of the most major cultural events of today, all deeply impregnated with symbols of Satanism as promoted by the leaders of the various Fake-Jew categories operating at the top of the fields of culture, religion and politics, let alone media and publishing.  


Interestingly enough, the above main Fake-Jew  category of the European Jews represents a history side of World Jewry that most common Jews are not at all even aware of. And they are deliberately kept in the dark of this history, by plan, in order for the normal Jews not to disturb the Fake-Jew Master Plan for a forthcoming One-World-Government as soon as possible. This is so important that, for those who may be interested, we will see this history in a bit more details in the following section. In addition, at the bottom of that section, we will also list a few history books that well document this reality, in particular on the part of eminent Jewish historians. Be it clear however at the outset of the following supplement of that history of the European Jews who were and are today the purest Fake-Jews (as mainly those who integrated themselves fully into the Sabbatian-Frankist movement), that we are talking about the history of a form of Satanism that runs our world today more powerfully than ever before in the history of humanity as the Synagogue of Satan. They do so through also the help of a most destructive globalization, massive multiculturalism based on the currently extended Kalergi Plan, and on a basis of complete moral nihilism that is destroying the best cultural values acquired by the most civilized countries on Earth during the last centuries. Causing such an immense and invaluable loss can only be a clear satanic game based on a Master Plan



Yahweh God Of War










Khazarian EmpireFor those interested in clarifying this confusing history of the European Jews, or of this category of Fake-Jews, it is important to have more elements of information. In the 8th century AD, a wild population of rather barbarian people of Turkic origin calling themselves Khazars had the control of an immense territory south of Russia, in between and surrounding parts of the Asian Caspian Sea and the Black Sea, with its core of command centered where we have Georgia and part of Ukraine today. See the map on the side. This vast territory became known as the Khazarian Empire. These Khazars practiced no known religion. They were extremely cruel and committed all sort of violent acts without guilt, rather with joy. Crossing their vast territory was extremely dangerous with most foreign travellers, most of the time, being robbed or killed, with all their women raped or kidnapped for sex or domestic slavery purposes. Their Christian neighbor to the north, Russia, was also very powerful, and much more civilized. These Khazars had also other neighboring primitive populations on the other side, at the south of their empire, devoted to Islam and Judaism. Along with these other neighbors, including Persia, Russia decided, in 740 AD, to give an ultimatum to the Khazars, and force them to convert, massively, as an entire population, to one of the 3 Abrahamic religions of their choice. Russia was naively hoping this would bring the Khazars to more civilized ways within their own territory. The alternative of this ultimatum was that Russia and its alliance would destroy the Khazarian Empire.


The king of Khazaria at the time was called Bulan. In front of the serious menace and the ultimatum, Bulan chose to convert his entire people to Judaism, as his own choice for all his people. This choice of converting to Judaism instead of to Christianity or Islam was for 2 main reasons.


  1. First, Bulan well knew the old reputation of the Jews, as the infamous Money Changers of the Bible that Jesus chased out of the temple, and as exploiters of other populations through usurious debt-money, usury and related wealth extortions, which is what they themselves, the Khazarians, had also been doing for a few centuries already, maybe through slightly different and more violent means but for the same purpose, using swift killing when necessary, but always with some pillage and plunder. Hence the culture of Judaism would be much closer to their own Khazarian customs of exploiting all non-Khazarians for profit when crossing their vast territory. From this point of view, the Khazarians had an immediate first parasitic affinity with the Jewish Money Changers, as a kind of affinity that they could not feel as strongly with Christians and Muslims.

  2. Second, the Khazarians were also attracted by the practices of the deviated branch of the Jewish Kabbalah that included Black Magic and related Satanism. The Khazarians already knew about these satanic Jewish practices, as part of a deviated branch of Judaism since the time of the exile of the Jews in Babylon. This was a second strong affinity with an important part of the Kabbalistic Jews that would help them feeling more at ease, and maybe less guilty, for their usual very cruel behavior without guilt against all foreigners, and also their own desire to dominate other peoples. This however was a behavior that, contrary to what Russia hoped, the Khazarians had no intention to abandon after their forced mass fake conversion to Judaism


The above should be sufficient to draw already and clearly a first important conclusion. The massive conversion of the barbarian Khazarians from south of Russia to Judaism makes these forced converts real Fake-Jews. Although calling themselves Jews from then on, and supposedly being devoted to Judaism, they had, and their descendants still have today, absolutely no Jewish blood, or certainly no Jewish DNA whatsoever from the stem of David. Consequently they had, and still have today no historic right to be considered as part of the Chosen People mentioned in the Bible. As such, contrary to the much more ancient Jews, the real Jews who were the Palestinian Jews (as opposed to the Khazarian European Jews), as those who were exiled in Babylon, these new Khazarian Fake-Jews can absolutely not have any valid claim to a historic right to return to the ancient land of Palestine. Such historical right, if valid, can only belong to the real Palestinian Jews after more than 2000 years of their own exile out of Palestine. The link of these new Fake-Jew elements, the converted Khazarians, to the land of Palestine just does not exist. Not at all! This notwithstanding, these Fake-Jews are, in sheer numbers, the great majority of those considering themselves Jews today, in particular those called the Zionists who have mostly a Khazarian origin and were behind the creation of the Zionist State of Israel. On the other hand, the main leaders of the satanic branch of the real Jews of Palestine that have associated with the Khazarians, were excommunicated by Jewish orthodoxy and as such they are also, but as a small minority in this case, another kind of Fake-Jews whose descendants have also lost such a historical right to return to Palestine.


Fake-Jews CategoriesThe problem is that these new Jews, in fact non-Jews, or Fake-Jews, since in particular after the destruction of the Khazarian Empire south of Russia in 1250 AD, dispersed themselves in most of Europe. This created a big diaspora of Fake-Jews that became known, for this precise reason, and called by historians as the European Jews, as opposed to the original Palestinian Jews. This European diaspora of Fake-Jews has unfortunately created a lot of confusion, as these European Jews are today the vast majority of those we wrongly call with the generic term of "Jew". And these Fake-Jews are also those who have eventually fully infiltrated the branch of World Jewry that we call today the Zionists, and precisely those who, as a vast majority around the world, even if they are Fake-Jews, claim the right to the land of Palestine and now to the maintenance of a Jewish State that they have called Israel. Their claim, as formulated by these more modern Zionists, appears wrongly not to be anymore the exclusive right of the real ancient Palestinian Jews, and thus no more the right of only these real "Chosen People" of the Bible.


This is not only confusing but, technically, a complete scam. This is also why the real traditional Palestinian Jews, mostly today’s Orthodox Jews, fight openly against Zionism, even from within Israel itself. Sure enough, these current Orthodox Jews are much more willing to treat the current Palestinians, most of whom have more Jewish Palestinian DNA from the stem of David than the current Zionists, in a better way than the Zionist State of Israel does, sharing the land more fairly with the real Palestinian Jews. Unfortunately for the real Palestinian Jews that exist in Israel today, who are a clear minority, it is the Fake-Jew majority of the diaspora of the European Jews originating mostly from the Khazarian Empire south of Russia that have come back to Palestine in great majority over the last half century to form the supposedly purely Jewish new Zionist State of Israel.



In the year 1250 AD, it had become clear to Russia in particular that the massive conversion of the Khazarians to an Abrahamic religion, Judaism in this case, in 740 AD, did not bear the expected fruits of better behavior with all foreigners crossing the vast territory of the still existing Khazarian Empire. For this reason, the Khazarian Empire was completely destroyed and dismantled by Russia and its allies. However, the new Fake-Jews, or the Jews of Khazarian origin converted massively to Judaism were not exterminated with their empire. They only mostly moved away, mainly north and west, to various European countries, in particular to places that today are called Poland, Hungary and Germany, even Russia itself later on, but without losing their fake new Jewish accreditation as the new Fake-Jews with acquired talent as Money Changers.


In addition, during that European Diaspora, these new Fake-Jews of Khazarian origin have even worsened their ancestral bad behavior, in particular in the 17th and 18th centuries, by infiltrating and massively joining the ranks this time of the worst deviated branches of Judaism in Europe represented by the so-called Satanic Sabbatians and Frankists, or what is often called simply the Sabbatian-Frankist movement. The name of this movement comes from two horrific diabolical figures of deviated Judaism involved with Satanism: Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676) and Jacob Frank (1726-1791). These Sabbatian-Frankists are also known sometimes as Zoharists, because when they were persecuted by traditional Jews, they only went temporarily underground studying the Zohar group of books considered by satanic Jews as more important than the traditional mystical Kabbalah. Both kinds of books are of clear Luciferian or Satanic inspiration, but the Zohar books are much more satanic than the Kabbalah books.


Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank were both deeply involved with Black Magic and the satanic cults that originated in Babylon and, even as non-Jews, that is, as Fake-Jews of Khazarian origin, both even pretended they were none less than the Jewish Messiah. They were both followers of the Lurianic Kabbalah of the Jewish Rabbi Solomon Luria (1534-1572). To be clear, Frank pretended as much as being the Jewish Messiah himself, even if he had absolutely no Jewish DNA at all because his ancestors were not Palestinian Jews, but European Jews coming from the Khazarian Empire. He was a pure Fake-Jew born in Poland from the Khazarian diaspora of the Fake European Jews. Even if he was a pure Fake European Jew who pretended to be the Messiah, at one point he even converted to Islam in order to infiltrate it and try to destroy it from within. His followers became known as the Donmeh who, later on, will contribute in a fundamental way to the creation of more modern Sunni Islamic countries like Turkey in particular (in 1923), whose Freemason founder called Ataturk was a Donmeh, thus a Fake-Jew.


BK Pasha_WahabbismRefutationThe most radical Fake-Jew Donmehs, or crypto Jews acting as Muslims, were the closest to the Fake-Jew Sabbatian-Frankist culture of Khazarian origin, but they mixed with the clear satanic nature of the branch of deviated Judaism following the Lurianic Kabbalah. As such they became particularly influential for the birth of Wahhabism in the most radical Islamic Sunni country founded as Saudi Arabia in 1932. Consequently, it is quite incredible, as a reality unknown to most Arabs today, that it is Fake-Jews that hijacked the most important Islamic centers in Medina and Mecca. The Ottoman Turkish author Ayyub Sabri Pasha, in one of his books about the Refutation of Islam, when talking about the beginning and spreading of Wahhabism, explains clearly that the origin of the Saud family was Jewish, from the Donmeh Fake-Jews.

This may explain why Israel, considering its many wars against Arabic countries in the last decades, and its difficulty with the Palestinian Arabs within Israel itself, surprisingly does not have some of the main Arabic Sunni Islamic countries as real enemies, except on a deceitful surface. Its intelligence service in particular, namely Mossad, has a very cozy relationship with countries like Turkey and, above all, with Saudi Arabia. Their respective services meet regularly in secrecy and collaborate on projects of common interest, like they are claimed to have done in the scam of 911 with the Dancing Israelis, for their respective ambitions of supremacy in their areas or in their corresponding world perspectives. This has been well described in various books, like the one of Wayne Madsen (inevitably for this reason considered wrongly a conspiracy theorist), titled "The Star And The Sword". The Zionist State of Israel is in a similar situation of Fake Jew origin, having its own origin mainly in the converted Fake-Jews of the Khazarian Empire who had no Jewish DNA and no valid claim to Palestine. From this point of view, these three countries, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel all have Fake-Jew founders.

To be clear, as also a reality that is unknown to most common Muslims, and maybe also to most common Jews, not to say most people around the world, not only the European Jews have no link at all to Jews of the stem of David, but it is these "Jews" that are at the origin of the Muslim Saud family that created Saudi Arabia and, as the Donmeh, the founders of modern Turkey. This being so, technically speaking, these major SUNNI countries can claim absolutely no link to the ancient prophet Muhammad or Allah, just like the founders of Israel can claim no link to the Jewish stem of David. But both these SUNNI countries, just like the Zionist State of Israel, can claim a clear common origin from the Fake-Jew Khazarian category. This sour reality is of course kept well hidden from most people around the world, but it is a reality. Could this explain why the SHIITE side of ISLAM claims it is the side of the only pure Muslim countries, like Iran claims, and fight hard against all SUNNI Muslim countries at any good occasion?


Another reality unknown to most people is that the totally Fake-Jew category of the European Jews coming from the Khazars were really the Jews targeted by the Nazi regime of Hitler, not the real Palestinian Jews. The Jewish Holocaust was destined to these Fake-Jews, not to the Palestinian Jews. Nevertheless it is those same European Jews that financed Hitler and consequently financed the Holocaust operations all the way in order to have a pretext in front of world public opinion to create the Fake-Jew Zionist State of Israel after WWII. As such these Fake-Jews filled the new supposedly Jewish State of Israel and had, in doing so, and still have today, very little empathy or patience for the real Palestinian Jews, let alone the Palestinian Arabs. These real Palestinian Jews regularly criticize openly, from within Israel itself, the Zionism movement of the Fake-Jews of Khazarian origin as state organized terror, or as the cause of the Mideast bloodshed, while demanding a fairer share of the territory with the descendants of the real Palestinian Jews who have DNA from the stem of David. These real Palestinian Jews even dare to affirm that the Zionist Jews running Israel today have a clear affinity with what were the Nazi and Fascist regimes in their treatment of the Palestinians, having been heavily influenced by the culture of violence coming from the founder of Revisionist Zionism, Vladimir Jabotinsky (1880-1940) who, interestingly enough, had the father of prime minister Netanyahu as his special assistant.

During their European Jews Diaspora, in a spirit of full vengeance because of this forced European Diaspora, the Sabbatian-Frankists followers gradually infiltrated all centers of culture and power in their various countries of exile with a strong desire, often explicitly expressed, to eventually rule these countries and the whole world from JerUSAalem, exploiting the USA as their rich and powerful colony for doing so, and doing so without guilt, through whatever would be needed, as harmful as it may be to other people. Sabbatai Zevi was explicitly promoting doing any kind of evil for that purpose, without any guilt, whenever necessary, to reach this final objective, including in the meantime assassinations and mass massacres through revolutions, wars or acts of terrorism like 911 (fully enjoyed without guilt by the famous "Dancing Israelis" of Fake-Jew origin while it was taking place).


This is how these Fake-Jews got involved with a leading role in all the major revolutions and wars of the last few centuries, including the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, let alone WWI and WWII. The Bolshevik revolution in Russia was precisely and mainly a vengeance of the Fake European Jews against Russia for having destroyed their Khazarian Empire. With what was called Transvaluation, or inversion of all traditional moral values, if something served their objective of eventual world domination, they could do anything they wanted without guilt, and they would be nevertheless saved by their warmonger god Yahweh through a special kind of redemption through useful sin, as a reversed morality clearly in line with full libertinism and the worst Satanic cults related to the Lurianic Kabbalah. This is what some researchers have called the Synagogue Of Satan for which nothing is forbidden if it serves the pursued objective. The Sabbatian-Frankist new prayer was: Praised be He [that is, Satan] who permits the forbidden. For them, in their self-proclaimed mission, the old prohibitions of the Torah, as the central sacred book of pure Judaism, did not apply, including all old sexual relationships like incest and pedophilia: Do What Thou Wilt. Obviously all this has nothing to do with the pure Palestinian Jews but only with the Fake-Jews of mainly Khazarian origin.  


Again, these Zoharists, or Sabbatian-Frankists, or Zio-Satanists, or Khazo-Satanists, whatever you want to call them, because of their clear non-Jewish or Fake-Jew Khazarian origin, have absolutely no Jewish DNA at all, and consequently no legitimate claim to Palestine, nor to the domination of the world from Jerusalem after the return of the Messiah. They are Fake-Jews, or certainly not real Jews, and they only use the real Jews as puppets or useful idiots to achieve their objectives. Real Jews are most of the time not their collaborators, but most of the time their victims. The Fake-Jew elements are nevertheless the ones who have created the new so-called Jewish State of Israel. Again, they have so little respect for real Palestinian Jews that these Fake-Jews have even engineered and financed the Holocaust of WWII without any guilt, by financing Hitler all the way, in order to have a pretext to create their Zio-Jewish State of Israel.


As a result, as a clear reality, Israel is not really a Jewish State, belonging to the old Palestinian Jews returned to Palestine, but at most a Zio-State of the European Jews with a Fake-Jew Khazarian origin. This is why the traditional Orthodox Jews of Israel who are more closely associated to the old Palestinian Jews are often protesting Zionism from Israel itself, as they know this sad historical reality better than anybody else.


The worst reality in this context is that this new Zio-Jewish State is only the first step for the formation of aGreater-Zio-Israel” from the Nile to the Euphrates, in which capital, JerUSAlem, they intend to eventually base their new One-World-Government of complete world domination. And this “Greater-Zio-Israelis being built fast, through the constant absorption of new territories, like the Golan Heights and the West Bank, and the gradual balkanization of the other countries of the Middle East from which they intend to absorb pieces in due time. This balkanization has happened already in countries like Syria and Iraq to prepare the forthcoming absorption of new pieces of territory at the first good occasion. Part of Saudi Arabia and the whole of Lebanon shall also be their next victims.


In the meantime, over the last centuries, as mentioned before, the Fake-Jew Zoharists Zionist Satanic culture has become mainly the one of those we call the Sweat elites in the context of this book. These evil elites have well infiltrated all the world centers of power and culture, including media, politics, education and finances, but also the other main western religions of Islam and Christianity, pursuing world domination through full globalization, and an eventual One-World-Government based in JerUSAlem. In the overall scheme of forces of world order, these Fake-Jews are divided only on the strategy to use, between a Black Brotherhood and a White Brotherhood, but their final objective of world domination is common.


This major final common objective of world domination implies the previous fall of the USA and the EU because a new One-World-Government cannot be such if these other centers of major power are not first eliminated. And this is what is fast forthcoming today by progressive steps in both the EU and the USA. The fake Corona Virus scam is part of this strategy to bring about the fall of the USA in particular as soon as possible. China is also part of this global scam as it is also dominated by the Abrahamic Sassoon and Li families, the so-called "Rothschild of the East". From this point of view, in terms of foreign policy, the USA has practically already become a colony of the new Fake-Jew Zionists of the new supposedly Jewish State of Israel. The EU and China are both in a similar situation at various degrees and will also be made to fall in due time to finally achieve the satanic world domination through mainly the Fake-Jews component of the Abrahamic Sweat elites who desire to do so from the JerUSAlem of the fast forthcoming Greater-Zio-Israel” being built.  



Be it clear again in conclusion that this plan is not/not a Jewish Plot, because it is not pursued by real Jews, nor is it pursued by only Fake-Jews. It is Abrahamic and animated by none less than the cosmic Satan himself. However, if it is not a Jewish Plot, it is clearly mainly a "Fake-Jew Plot", or a Zio-Zoharist Plot of an infiltrated and deviated branch of Judaism expressed at its worst in those we have called the Satanic Sabbatian-Frankists with their Fake-Jew acolytes and collaborators. Today, for simplification purposes, we can probably more legitimately call it the Zionist Plot where most of the agents of this Conspiracy Reality are regrouped. For the real Palestinian Jews we can only feel comprehension and compassion for being used, even seriously abused, and for being the main victims of this satanic Fake-Jew Master Plan


The "Fake-Jew Plot" is composed of what we call the new Sweat (Satanic World Enslavement Abrahamic Team) power to take over the world through globalization and establish an eventual dictatorial One-World-Government based in JerUSAlem after the creation of the Greater-Zio-Israel and the fall of the USA, the EU and the temporary paper tiger of China where the tactics of full control of entire populations with communistic Social Credit practices are being fine-tuned with great success for that exact purpose, and from where they will be spread to the rest of the world in a near future, with the help of powerful new enslavements tools like the new Banktatorship and the new Healthtatorship, let alone the growing Newstatorship. All these new tools of enslavement, along with the reinforced older ones of the DDDD (Dogma, Debt, Disinformation, Despair), if not contested in time, will bring us soon the Improved Communism without that name and moved more to the West that Soviet dissident Bezmenov was talking to me about some 40 years ago, after its final fine-tuning in China.  




Clarifications as to Who is Who, and Who is Jew in the Jewish part of the Sweat elites?


By itself alone, the above content makes already a rather critical analysis of the Sweat elites, but in particular the side of the history of World Jewry within the wider context of the Sweat elites. This is mainly because of the more important infiltrations of that side by Fake-Jews like the non-Jewish Khazars, by the satanic Sabbatians, and finally by the current Zionists at the head of world finances like BlackRock, at the head of world entertainment like Hollywood, and at the head of the information cartel of world media networks, let alone as the leaders of the Jewish State of Israel. These Fake-Jew infiltrators are mostly those that form the dominant Jewish component of what we call the overall Sweat elites in the context of this book. Be it clear however that this harsh criticism of this part of World Jewry has to do with a well-shared responsibility with the other members of the Sweat elites of the SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement Global World Order) in the overall structure of world power, even if the World Jewry specifically appears to have, more often that it should, a background role of clear leadership in this kind of new global Luciferian or Satanic enslaving world order.


This certainly does not mean that everything is bad about all Jews, nor that the bad comes only from Jews, in particular if so many are Fake-Jews. The bad activism of Jews, fake or not, in finances, information and all sorts of conflictive and destructive historical events has not been theirs alone most of the time, but associated in great part to the complicit role of members of the two other Abrahamic religions and of their civilian atheist Sweat complicit coadjutors like a Soros or a Gates. Nevertheless, at cold analysis, it is inevitable to realize that the role of the Jews in the bad activities involved often appears to be one of clear leadership, even if discretely kept in the background as much as possible most of the time. But facts are facts, and Truth can only be based on facts. In front of facts, frankness is not only indispensable, but necessary, in spite of the current political correctness killing the good common sense of most people, if we want the historical Truth to be exposed, and if we want, through Truth, to be eventually set free, as "Only Truth Shall Set You Free". Consequently, in order to clarify our criticism about the bad side of the World Jewry in particular, it is worth making relevant observations and elucidations on the following four main subjects. 


Preliminary Points of Correctness And Frankness Regarding World Jewry


  1. Bad World Jewry members in leading roles behind all main wars, revolutions, media and usurious debt-money enslavement practices does not mean that all Jews are bad, in particular because most of them have a Fake-Jew origin.

  2. Christianity through the Jesuits has become a kind of "World Jewry For The Gentiles" guilty of similar crimes and complicit of enslaving strategies not less serious or damaging than the ones of the Jews, fake or real. 

  3. Islam in turn, at least in its Sunni branch, is a Muslim deviation of World Jewry, and criminally competing with it for world hegemony, with a particular bad habit of being involved in all sorts of acts of terrorism to achieve this objective, of which 911 is maybe the best example.

  4. The Corona Virus, or the COVID crisis, serves much better than a nuclear war the main globalist objectives of world domination via Abrahamic Religions, or via mainly World Jewry positions of clear leadership most of the time closely related, directly or indirectly, to governing components of the Zionist State of Israel, in particular its Mossad.

Having considered all the above about the undeniable destructive nature of the current communistic SEGWO animated in a dominant role by World Jewry members of the Sweat elites, we are forced to clarify some of the issues. First of all, we must at least make clear distinctions between Jews and Fake-Jews, and between Jews and Zionists. You do not necessarily have to be a Jew to be a Zionist, even if probably at least 99% of the Zionists are Jews, or Fake-Jews with no Jewish DNA who consider themselves Jews. Zionists can also be Jews and atheists at the same time, like the famous Mr. Soros has claimed explicitly himself to be. You can also be a Zionist by being only a Gentile (non-Jew at all) completely subservient to the bad brand of Jews that, as we have clearly demonstrated in explaining the Sweat Master Plan, has caused the worst of damage and misery to so many peoples and nations as a dominant part of World Jewry members in the wars and revolutions of the last centuries. The special brand of Jews that has caused horrible damage through the wars and revolutions of the so-called Sweat elites are mostly those Jews that we have called Fake-Jews of mostly Khazarian origin and that mostly came to be known as the Zionists today.


The above points being considered, it must also be said that some proto-Zionists existed even much before the name Zionist started to be used. They are the Jews who are, in most cases, more tied to the expounding comments of the Gemara of the Talmud in the Bible rather than the more traditional Jews tied to the original fundamental Bible itself, and consequently tied also strongly to the ideology of mainly the Torah regarding the explicitly claimed supremacy of the Jews as the Chosen People in front of all other nations or races. This claim of superiority attainment and maintenance is even considered a fundamental responsibility commanded directly by Yahweh himself, and it requires the submission of all the Gentile (non-Jew) races as their subservient slaves.


Interestingly enough, most Orthodox Jews, not only are not Zionists, but oppose strongly Zionism even from within Israel itself, which includes opposing all the flagrant injustices they claim the Zionism of Israel is doing against all non-Jews, be they Arabs, Muslim or not, Palestinians or Christians. In fact, this is probably the most important form of Antisemitism that the Jewish Zionists of Israel can today claim to be suffering from, and from within their own country, even if they try to hide it as much as possible, as it is Antisemitism coming from real Jews themselves, not from Fake-Jews, and in fact from even the most Orthodox and probably the purest-DNA Jews themselves. Consequently the World Jewry that we have seen as having animated Communism and that caused immense damage through all sorts of wars and revolutions, let alone through usurious debt-money financing and degrading fake news media, certainly does not include most members of the meaningful branch of the most Orthodox Jews.


World Jewry is a very small minority of people around the world, while Christianity and Islam are two much bigger majorities of the 3 world religions that claim to be Abrahamic. As for Christianity and its Catholic component in particular, it has been fully infiltrated by the Judaism of World Jewry, in particular since the Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II in 1962. Since that Zionist coup at the Vatican, the Jews, who had been considered enemies of the traditional Christians for 2000 years, suddenly started to be considered brothers. Please read the meaningful book of John Connelly "From Enemy To Brother" on this subject.


BK Madsen_StarAndSwordAs for Islam, at least on its Sunni side, it has a Judaic origin clearly admitted by most senior officials of that religion, through a connection that we sometimes call ZAJAC (Zio-Anglo-Jesuit-Arabic Connection). On this subject, one can read Wayne Madsen’s 2014 book, The Star and the Sword shown on the side, as it shows a well hidden but clear Saudi and Israeli complicity in terrible events, even 9/11. Author Madsen also refers to a book called The Dönmeh Jews, by D. Mustafa Turan, who claims that Wahhab’s grandfather, Tjen Sulayman, was actually Tjen Shulman, a member of the Jewish community of Basra, Iraq.


A good study of British Imperialism also shows clearly that Zionism helped create the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is even claimed by many researchers, like the extensive research done by Mohammad Sakher, that the Saudi family itself was founded by a Jew. Sakher even includes a quote of September 17, 1969, from King Faisal Al-Saud, made to the Washington Post, who says: "We, the Saudi Family, are cousins of the Jews. We entirely disagree with any Arab or Muslim authority which shows any antagonism to the Jews; ... Our country [Saudi Arabia] is the Fountain head from where the first Jew sprang, and his descendants spread out all over the world". Of course, it is obvious that this special link of veiled friendship of the the Fake Jew part of the Muslim Arabic World with the Jews involves essentially a relationship between Jews and the Sunni side of Islam related specifically in this case to the foundation of Saudi Arabia, not the earlier foundation of Islam itself, and consequently in relation to what we have called the Khazarian Fake Jews of the Zionist State of Israel that today are regrouped mostly in those that we commonly call the Zionists. It probably has little to do, if anything, with the common Jews of Orthodox Judaism, nor with the Shiite side of Islam in countries like Iran.


In other words, through these infiltrations and connections, part of the World Jewry, as the leading members of the Sweat elites at the moment, controls discretely and deceitfully in the background the vast majority of the Abrahamic religious world, even from within Islam and Christianity. Even China itself is discretely controlled by two most important Judaic families, the Sassoon and the Li families that are often called The Rothschild Of The East. As such Judaism, or World Jewry, directly or indirectly through its major influence on Islam, on Christianity and on China, now forms an absolute majority of religious world power within the Sweat elites, not to say, inevitably, an immense dominant power at the moment in the overall structure of world power. This is the reason for the extreme efficiency of its power of lobbying in the USA and in the EU, pursuing what the Talmud commands them explicitly: to dominate the world, worldwide, as the Chosen People, and have all the other gentile peoples and all nations as their obedient servants. 


In the meantime, incredibly enough, dozens of Rabbis around the world keep affirming openly and explicitly, on a rather regular basis, even justifying it on the basis of the Holy Talmud, things like all non-Jews are "Goyims" (usually interpreted, at best, as 'human cattle'), or that "a thousand non-Jewish lives are not worth one Jewish finger nail" (a direct quote from Dov Lior, while heading the Council of Rabbis of Judea and Samaria), and that these other races should all become slaves of the Jews.


With the current legislations of most western countries at the moment, brought in under direct and powerful influence and lobby of the Jews, such statements made from senior official Jews are perfectly acceptable. If any non-Jew said any such thing, even of a much minor gravity, he would be in prison the next day. But if an important Rabbi like Dov Lior says the above monstruosity, this is always done with full impunity because it is said by an important Jews. This is unfortunately our current and inacceptable double-standard of stupid political correctness killing the good common sense of our society in the Western world. No scandal is ever made of such ugly Jewish statements, certainly never in the Jewish media, but not either in the mainstream media, all fully controlled by the cartel of a small Jewish network of only six companies, nor even in most of the alternative press supposed to be free but clearly having only a fake full freedom of speech in relation to the Jews, because they are afraid of being accused of anti-Semitism and forced to close their operations.


Racism has become a strong political subject around the world in the last few years, but not even a nicely veiled diplomatic criticism of significance is advanced by any prominent and powerful world figure in such ugly cases of clear and extreme racism by important Jews like the head of the Council of Rabbis of Judea and Samaria. No important Goyim will dare to protest, be it the Judeo-Jesuit Pope at the Vatican, the head of the UN or the EU, or any president of one national western country, all under the dominant influence of Judaic lobbies. Not even the presidents of any Muslim country will react properly, not even the leadership of the people suffering the most at the moment under the Jewish power, like the leadership of Palestine. We should at least expect another Jewish Rabbi less racist than Dov Lior to react, be it only one, in order to at least not leave the impression that there is no non-racist rabbi available in the whole world to contradict the clear racism of a major figure of Judaism like the powerful Dov Lior. This inaction, and thus silent complicity on the part of all other Rabbis in particular, amounts to a complete deception and complicity on the part of the current leadership of both Judaism and the Zionist State of Israel. Our only minor consolation could be if we could establish that an important figure like Dov Lior comes from the particular Zionist brand of World Jewry that has its origins in the Fake Jews of the Khazarian Empire with no Jewish DNA whatsoever. If this is the case, then at least the Orthodox Jews with presumably real Jewish DNA should come up with a strong corrective statement in the world media, unless of course, God forbid, if a Dov Lior belongs to their own brand with real Jewish DNA and they all agree with him.


By itself, the World Jewry part of the Sweat elites, as a very small world minority, could never achieve the Talmud objective of world domination. With the infiltration of the other two Abrahamic religions, and the deceitful command they already have over them, the Judaic part of the Sweat elites is now in a perfect position, for the first time in history, to finally achieve its objective of full world domination through a strongly pursued and fast forthcoming One-World-Government to be based eventually in JerUSAlem after the creation of the Greater Israel. Their only remaining problem is that, in the overall scheme of current forces of world order, they are divided in two factions, or two brotherhoods that fight each other, as we have explained in a previous section, on the subject of which strategy is the best to achieve this objective. The Black Brotherhood wants it mainly through traditional usurious debt-money and constant wars to produce such usurious debt-money. The White Brotherhood wants it through a more global and holistic type of enslavement that has to do with not only our money, but also our body and our mind. As of recently, in the context of the COVID crisis, it has become clear that it involves more directly our divine souls being downgraded to various levels of zombieness by fake vaccines affecting our Pineal Gland, with our souls being hopefully converted to Satanism along the way.


Greater IsraelThe world domination through these two diverging strategies constitute nevertheless the common Long Saga To Pax Judaica of both brotherhoods of the Sweat elites that a FtatAristarchy would like to transform in a "Pax Ellinika". If necessary, in order not to miss the opportunity of this unique historical moment, the Jewish leading component of the Sweat elites will even complete the current fomentation of a kind of financial and biological WWIII for the exact purpose of this fake "Pax Judaica". This unnoticed WWIII is already taking place. Its tools are the immense scam and false flag of the Corona Virus and its integrated lockdowns, as a crisis that is more global and serious than the previous major scam of 911.


The leading Jewish component of the Sweat elites does so by using the two other Abrahamic religions, in particular Islam, as useful idiots. In the case of the Muslims, they use them as useful idiots through a three-prong strategy, even if history should  have demonstrated to them that it is particularly dangerous to use Muslims as useful idiots, in particular when considering that the Quran of the pure non-deviated Islam commands explicitly to Convert or kill all non-believers—especially the Jews. These Muslim useful idiots manipulated by mainly the World Jewry component of the Sweat elites include of course their most powerful useful idiot and ally, which is clearly the USA that is now also under their full control through their corrupting lobby and financial power, let alone through a required formal Oath of Allegiance to... Israel, not to the USA, required from all American politicians and most senior officials of both the government and the biggest corporations. This full control of the USA as useful idiots of the Zionist component of Sweat elites is certainly true in particular from a foreign policy point of view as, from this angle, the USA of the last few decades has already practically become an obedient colony of Israel. The same kind of manipulation that they use with Islam can also be said of Christianity since the Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II in 1962 that has transformed the Christian religion, or certainly at least the Catholic Church, into what we should call Paulism, referring to the Jew who founded the Christian religion, now called Saint Paul, and not Saint Peter who had been chosen by Jesus. This clear predominance of the Jew Paul over the Nazarean Peter as the founder of Christianity was recently affirmed formally and explicitly by the Judeo-Jesuit Pope Francis.

In short again, the responsibility of the bad deeds of the communistic side of World Jewry leading part of the Sweat elites that we have exposed, are equally the responsibility of the other two Abrahamic religions of the Sweat elites. The Islam part of the SEGWO today, through its constant links with acts of terrorism, and the Judaism part of the SEGWO today, through its current financial enslavement power with usurious debt-money creation for the full global Banktatorship it is trying to establish, and the Christianity part of the SEGWO as it has well demonstrated its own world ambitions in periods like the Inquisition and the Wars Of Religions, are all linked. It is what we can call by the name of JudiChrIslam. It is in fact a JudiChrIslam SEGWO that is pursued by the Sweat elites. This is what we also call The Long Saga To The False Pax Judaica that a FtatAristarchy would like to transform in a "Pax Ellinika". This is really what the PythagorArium Project hopes to help transform into a True Pax ELLinica through a Return Of Philosophy in our life, both in our personal and in our civic life, let alone our political life, in order to finally replace the present dominant and enslaving influence of what we can legitimately call Judeofascism, Islamofascism, and Christofascism, or more simply JudiChrIslam Fascism or maybe just Abrahamofascism. For simplicity we will call it the Sweat.


The above notwithstanding, the global JudiChrIslam aspect itself of the Sweat elites requires an essential additional final clarification. The Fascism of Judeofascism and the Fascism of Islamofascism are both based clearly and directly on their respective sacred books, the Bible and the Quran, and on the commandments of the respective warmonger gods that have founded their respective religions: Yahweh and Allah. This Fascism, to say the least, is well demonstrated by a simple serene reading of the respective sacred books of these two religions: the Bible and the Quran. A simple reading of these two sacred books by an unbiased person reveals and exposes, explicitly and undeniably, hundreds of calls by their respective warlord gods to commit all sorts of heinous crimes against other peoples, including massacres, wars, assassinations, genocides and holocausts.


Jesus vs. Yahweh and AllahTo the contrary the Fascism of Christofascism is not based on the real Jesus as supposedly the founder of their religion. It is based on a false extrapolation and deviation of what their founder really was and said as a non-Jew. It is based on a Fake-Jesus. The real Jesus only commanded and talked about love and forgiveness and, contrary to Yahweh and Allah, absolutely never commanded committing any kind of crime, nor making any kind of war. As mentioned above, this fake extrapolation of what Christianity should have become on the basis of the sole directives of the real Jesus started early, with the Jew called Pavlos (better known now as Saint Paul) who is today considered the main founder of Christianity (Judeo-Jesuit Pope Francis even confirmed this explicitly in an interview in 2019) instead of Saint Peter who, like the real Jesus, was not a Jew, and should have become the only and real founder of the philosophical movement of Christianity according to this real Jesus. But who was the real Jesus not deformed by the early institution founded by Saint Paul?


As we have seen, Saint Paul was a pure Jew and, most importantly, a Jew who had never met Jesus, not even once, during his lifetime. But once the real Jew Saint Paul realized the importance of the philosophical movement that Jesus had started, he, Saint Paul, as a typical ambitious Jew of the Chosen People of the Bible pursuing world domination, jumped on this unique occasion to use that important new movement for founding not a new religion, but a new crypto-Judaic religious institution that became known as Christianity, in particular in its Catholic Vatican denomination. This, for him, meant not an important new religion, but an important new religious institution that could eventually acquire a lot of financial and political power, worldwide, let alone a lot of related money, through DDDD, that is through dogma, fear and usurious debt-money enslavement of the masses of Gentiles made to adhere to the new institution.


To be clear, it is important to stress once again that the real Jesus was not a Jew, but an ELL ('Greek') figure from Nazareth as well documented in various books like the one of Evanghelos Trikas titled "Christ Was Greek". He explains that Nazareth at the time was the capital of the province of Galilea and the focal point of the Ellenic ('Greek') culture in the overall extended Palestine of his time. In other words, the Christofascism of Christianity, or what we have called "Paulism", does not come from the real Jesus, but only from the fake Christian Institution that has falsified Jesus' original message and wrongly associated him to the criminal history exposed in the Bible.

That sacred book, the Bible, is, or should be mainly, or rather only, the sacred book of Judeofascism and, later on, partly of Islamofascism. Be it clear that the real Jesus has absolutely nothing at all to do with the big Bible, only with the short Gospel of the 4 recognized evangelists that he chose himself (which excludes Saint Paul) and who lived with him on a daily basis. This association of a distorted Fake-Jesus with the Bible and its story of crimes and wars is a terrible mistake, or rather treason of the real Jesus by the infiltrated Judeo-Christian Institution wanted by the Jew Saint Paul, as a deceitful manipulation of World Jewry.

If the real Jesus had anything to do with the Bible, it was only maybe indirectly, in terms of Jesus having wanted to reform the Jews and their biblical criminal and warmongering history as exposed in the Bible, let alone their culture of enslavement practices as Money Changers. This is a type of cold criminality without guilt or regret that the Bible exposes so explicitly, so extensively, and so dramatically. It has absolutely nothing to do with the real Jesus. Interestingly enough, that enslaving culture of the biblical history of World Jewry fomenting all sorts of wars and revolutions, and enslaving people through usurious debt-money and DDDD, has also been exposed clearly ever since after Jesus, over the last two millennia, and is still exposed to this day when decoding properly the political and financial background of the worst current world events managed by the Sweat elites.


The real Jesus failed in reforming the Jews and their culture of Judeofascism. He turned down their tables of Money Changers in the temple, and was crucified for having disturbed this power of Judeofascism. Things have not changed much today, as they are only more sophisticated. Today you are not even allowed to criticize Judeofascism, nor its deviation of Islamofascism, without risking prison or character assassination, when not worse, as just new forms of modern crucifixion. On the other hand, you can be as critical and offensive as you want against Christofascism because Christianity is meant to become full-fledge Paulism, which only means a new variant of Judeofascism, as soon as possible, or else loose all its world power in the forthcoming One-World-Religion of the fast forthcoming One-World-Government to be managed completely by the Sweat elites. In turn the Sunni side of Islamofascism is also destined to a similar fate, but it will require a more time or will be probably even impossible if it is intended to include the assimilation and control of also the Shiite side of Islam


While the Fake Jesus of the Judeo-Christian institutional church should never be allowed any interference in the governance of a FtatAristarchy, the influence of the real Apollonian Jesus who is the son of our supreme god creator, as the Pythagorean and Nazarean real Jesus that we often call SAPNOS (Supreme Apollonian Pythagorean Nazarean Omnipotent Savior), as the son of SLOGOS (Supreme Loving Omnipotent Generator Or Surveyor), should always be welcome. This real Jesus and his pure Jesuism, as a culture of love, freedom, beauty, compassion and forgiveness can only help the governance of a FtatAristarchy that is based on mainly FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency). As this real non-Jew Apollonian Jesus from Nazareth quite famously said: "Only The Truth Shall Set You Free". But in addition to Truth a FtatAristarchy is based also on merit, justice, love and beauty of the best leaders of an Aristarchy who have a fully formed Tetractys, let alone based a a Return of Philosophy of  Enlightened Logos Liberty (ELL) to replace dogma, based on the Sacred Marriage of Science with Philosophy, and based only on no-usurious debt-money, or on the debt-free money that we call Trustmoney (which we fully explain in the relevant reform of a FtatAristarchy in Part II of this book). We must stress and repeat that such FtatAristarchy is ultimately achieved through a Return Of Philosophy and the Sacred Marriage of Money with Philosophy, which means it is based on a chosen set of cardinal virtues for our personal and our civic life, let alone our political life, and consequently also on a corresponding proportionate reduction of the influence of dogmatic institutional religion in our personal and our civic life. This replacement of dogmatic institutional religion with an enlightening philosophy of liberty anchored on cardinal virtues for each level of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul is the ultimate objective point for a FtatAristarchy brought to full implementation.    





Courtois, Black Book of Communism











The following examples of the success of the Sweat elites enslaving us all have to do with a form of communism, one way or the other, either older communism like it existed at the outmost degree in the ex Soviet Union, or a fresher type of Improved Communism with a Fresh Start more to the West, in the USA and the EU, like the famous Soviet dissident Bezmenov used to try to make us wake up to, in the 1970s and1980s. This Improved Communism is now a reality but a mostly unnoticed reality to most western people, with China being the latest version of such more sophisticated communism fine-tuned to the outmost degree with communistic Social Credit and only Digital Credit in a Cashless Society before it will soon be fully imposed to the West and, after that, to the rest of the world. 

What we call democracy today is an oligarchy of hidden Communism.


? Yes! Communism without that name? Yes! To paraphrase Bezmenov, it is a well hidden improved version of Fresh Communism! And its improvement took place in great part already, and was well tuned-up in China since 1978 through its new era of so-called "Social Market Economy", and even more so after that, in particular since it formally fell softly in the Soviet Union in 1992. In a tacit agreement with China, the Communism of primitive enslavement that was made to fall softly in the Soviet Union was first to be improved more easily and more strongly in China. Then, after good fine-tuning, it would be made to be reborn in its improved version more to the West, first in Europe and then, soon after that, in the USA, but in a more sophisticated enslavement way with all sorts of deceptive new names and new tools.


When talking about the failing Communism in the Soviet Union, the famous dissident Bezmenov of the late 1970s and the early-1980s was often talking about the need for "A Fresh Start More to The West". This is exactly what we have today in the West, both in the USA and in the EU, a fresh start of Communism without that name, as it was predicted by Bezmenov.


The source of this new type of enslavement through Fresh Communism is well hidden from us under the fake name of... democracy, or rather of what we wrongly call democracy today. What we have in terms of governance is not at all any real democracy but, to say the least, an oligarchy, or maybe an ugly autarchic plutocracy. It is really, in its most basic form, what we should call by coining the new name of DebtOcracy, which is a false democracy based on enslavement through mainly the creation of deb-money out of nothing and the related exaggerated taxation to ensure all the fraudulently created debt returns safely to our Sweat elite creditors, but as real money this time, and charged with interests.


Consequently, the source of our current enslavement, with the great majority of common people reaching financially the end of each month with extreme difficulty, is not what may first comes to the mind of most people. As unbelievable as it may be, its real source is… a new form of Fresh Communism. But again, it is an improved type of Communism well hidden behind the DebtOcracy that we deceitfully believe to be a democracy. Or it is real Communism, but an Improved Communism well hidden behind the face of the fake governance of the Sweat elites that we still wrongly call democracy. Nevertheless, to be absolutely clear, it is Communism. Fresh or not, it is Communism. Its deceitful improvements come today with 3 new communistic tools (in addition to the older tools of DDDD) that we can call a BankTatorship, a HealthTatorship and a NewsTatorship.



  1. The new Banktatorship is meant to force us as soon as possible to use of only digital currency (temporarily pre-called CBDC) in a completely cashless society, controlling each and every penny we spend, where we spend it, and on what we spend it, with the power to block our digital bank accounts if and when the Sweat elites want, if and when we do not respect their new  dictatorial Social Credit and their political correctness killing the good common sense of most people.

  2. The new HealthTatorship of Digital Immunity Passports brought in furtively at the occasion of the Fake COVID plandemic will force us to keep being obedient slaves using ugly masks, receiving compulsory dangerous Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated and including Nano ID particles of full control of all our movements, possibly introduced in our body also through the preceding swab tests instead of more simple saliva tests, and using stupid social distancing preventing us to form any kind of rebellious groups to their dictatorial system. This new generation of Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated does not involve traditional vaccines meant to protect us, but bio-weapons meant to control us. They are also well planned to go and attack our "soul" through damaging the Pineal Gland, the gland giving us access to our highest levels of consciousness, and consequently leading us to stronger claims of freedom, which is exactly what the Sweat elites absolutely want to avoid. They want to control all our movements in order to be able to establish a dictatorial One-World-Government as soon as possible.

  3. The new and growing NewsTatorship is well on the way to control all and only the information we will be allowed to know through the mass media or the internet, and to silence us, and to punish us when necessary through fake accusations of Hate Speech or racism when we dare to have opinions that differ from their official line of stupid and most destructive political correctness. The best journalists of the mainstream media today know well the reality of the above new tools, but they will not dare to call Communism this Orwellian New Normal for fear of being ridiculed and losing their credibility, and maybe also their jobs, because all their media are also owned by a global network of only six main firms of veiled Communist corporations of the Sweat elites hiding in the background, hiding the same Communists who created the enslaving fake usurious debt-money in the first place, as those who absolutely do not want us to know the real nature of the dictatorial ideology of Improved Communism animating them. As a result, at the moment, as predicted by the famous Soviet dissident Bezmenov, the whole of the most advanced Western World, the EU and the USA, is sinking into a swamp of collectivism that is a new form of unnoticed Communism without that name, well fined-tuned in China and to be extended as soon as possible to the whole world through a fast forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government.

Communisk Sink Hole 


We will see the following main examples of complete Sweat success so far in terms of Communism without that name, exposing mainly the ones related to the last century:


  • 1649: to 1918, Great Older Continuous Success of the Sweat till WWI
  • 1945: Great Success of WWII Won by the Sweat, not by the Allies
  • 1978: New Communism Temporarily Moves East, to China, for Fine-Tuning
  • 1992: New Communism Starts Moving West as Sweat Great Success
  • 2001: Collapse of 911 Twin Towers in NYC as a Sweat Great Success
  • 2008: First Global Financial Crisis as a Sweat Great Success
  • 2020: COVID19 World Pandemic Scam as a Sweat Great Success
  • 2021: Coming WWIII, Global Reset of Mind and Money toward a Sweat One-World Government?



We could have gone much further back with more details, even back to the English Revolution, to talk about Sweat success in terms of Communism without that name, because all the main revolutions before WWI were also all proto-Communist Sweat fomented initiatives ended with a complete success of the Sweat Power. Each success was a stepping stone to the next one. This older path of past success of proto-Communism includes eminently, apart from the English Revolution, also the Russian Revolution and the French Revolution. We will cover only briefly this older history, and we will concentrate mainly on the last 350 years. 










1649: to 1918, the Great Older Continuous Success of the Sweat Until WWI


As we will see with the unnoticed WWIII going on at the moment called COVID, the real winners of WWI were not those we have been told in the history books written by the same ones who pretended to have won the two world wars. The real winner in these first two world wars was the Sweat elite. The real looser was the rest of us. As we will see in the next section, soon after WWI, the Kalergi Plan of 1922, written by a Sweat elite of those days, proposing and pushing for wild, uncontrolled, massive, inassimilable immigration movements in the most advanced western world, in order to destroy its best Greco-Roman culture and reinforce instead its enslaving Judeo-Christian culture of debt and dogma, while destroying its sense of national patriotism, was well preparing and announcing what we can call the forthcoming Holocaust of Western Civilization.


However, the Sweat elites have had a much older and continuous success since at least the start of the period of the greatest revolutions in Europe in the mid 17th century. In this first section we will mostly ignore the success of the Sweat elites that took place before that period and concentrate on the period that starts with the English revolution of 1649 until WWI. All the worst events of that period have been all fomented by a form of Communism, one way or another, with that veiled name that still did not formally exist or another, with one clear collectivist face or not, and always animated by the same proto-Communist Sweat elites. And these various masks of Communism are as old as the Sweat elites that have always animated them starting at least a couple of millennia ago, thus from much before the word "Communism" was finally invented, from when the infamous "Money Changers" were chased away from the temple in Jerusalem by a great master called Jesus who was not a Jew but a Nazarean of ELL 'Greek' culture. In our PythagorArium Project environment that is at the root of this book, we call him SAPNOS (Supreme Apollonian Pythagorean Nazarean Omnipotent Savior), as the son of SLOGOS (Supreme LOGOS or Supreme Loving Generator Or Surveyor) who created the universe with his supreme, creative and loving sacred Torus Speech Power called LOGOS. That great master known mainly as Jesus was then crucified for having disturbed the enslavers of his time, and tried without success to reform them with the better culture of Enlightened Logos Liberty (ELL) of his own 'Greek' cultural environment centered in Nazareth. Those disturbing today's enslavers are still crucified even if in various more modern ways.


War Not Intended To Be WonContrary to what most people think today, communistic enslavement through mainly the fake usurious debt-money issued by the Sweat elites of the SEGWO, along with the resulting excessive taxation in its more modern form, has been our main enemy for many centuries already, and is likely to be so again for many more centuries to come unless we dismantle it through new forms of governance like the FtatAristarchy promoted by this book (in its Part II) and the PythagorArium Project. As we have seen in the previous section, Communism, in its various incarnations, with or without that name, is certainly still alive and kicking today. Its main formal version has not died in the Soviet Union. It was only made to fall softly, and gradually moved more to the West, to the EU and to the USA. It even has a promising future through clearly crypto-communistic organizations fully infiltrated by mainly Sweat elites, like the EU and the UN. The deceitful Communism is a good chameleon that changes its colors and its masks on the basis of its objectives in the current circumstances of the time, in order to better hide itself for more deceitfully dominate and manage the world according to its selfish interests and its main objective or world domination in the background. 


In fact Communism animated by the Sweat elites in its various versions, with or without that name, has been our worst enemy for certainly at least the last 5 centuries, much before the word even formally existed. Communism was the most destructive ideological phenomenon in the history of humanity, from much before it was even called Communism, and is still the worst ideology of enslavement today. In fact, the word Communism was only its last modern incarnation name, and it is being changed again today, after its apparent shameful death in the Soviet Union, under many other new names to better command again more easily by further deceiving people.


A typical new name of today is the "Great Reset", meaning the "Great Communist Reset", or the "Great Marxist Reset". In its most modern form, since it started to be formally called Communism, and in the sole wars animated by communist Sweat elites, it killed more than 100 million people in the world, in the 20th century alone, in only two main countries, in the Soviet Union and in China. However, this is not counting those who died through Communism animating its foreign wars outside these two countries during that same 20th century alone, that is, only in the 1900s, including the two world wars, WWI and WWII that, notwithstanding Hitler, who was financed mainly by the Sweat elites, were fomented and won by the same Communist ideology hiding in the background. As we will see in a following list further down, in all of its forms since it existed, with or without that name, Communism has been responsible for the death of at least 231 million people in only the 20th century.


After the two official world wars, and making a jump to today, an unnoticed kind of Communism is being born as a better world war. It is a kind of financial and biological  WWIII without tanks or bombs. It is also being won by Communism, but with only masks and Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated, won by the same communistic nomenclature of the Sweat elites that won the first official world wars. So far, that third world war went fully unnoticed to most people because its main tools are no more bombs and tanks, but financial digital tools of infinite usurious debt-money, and biological weapons of warfare through pandemics like the current Fake-Covid Pandemic, being fought mainly with Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated.


All of these previous wars and revolutions from the recent past, all inspired by an open or a hidden form of Communism, amount to many millions of people dead, maimed, ruined or committing suicide out of despair. And the same banksters of the Sweat elites who became awfully rich by fomenting and financing all these constant wars, are now actively fomenting the newest type of world war, financial and biological this time, as an unnoticed WWIII. It is probably meant to eventually have also a military side, with probably Iran as the main scapegoat, or possibly Russia, even if Iran has never started one single provocative war against any other country. This would probably mean the transformation of that new financial and biological WWIII into also a military war, possibly even nuclear. The Sweat elites are so cranked up for huge profits through financing important wars with usurious debt-money that this could happen with Iran as a scapegoat even if it has not proactively launched any aggressive war in modern history and hasn't attacked any country in more than 250 years.


The worst part about Communism is that the above-mentioned millions of victims (listed more specifically below) are not counting the other previous millions that were killed in all the revolutions that happened since the 17th century, as revolutions that all had a pre-communistic ideology fomented mainly by the Sweat elites of those times hiding behind them. Summing it all up together, Communism animating the Sweat elites has already been responsible so far for at least 200 million dead. Counting all other wars that were less directly animated by the communist Sweat elites, but with its presence clearly identifiable in the background, be it only in terms of Sweat elites financing these wars, according to many history researchers, all these wars have already made some 231 million people die in the 20th century alone.


And here we are only talking about 231 million... dead and only in the 20th century. War deaths by millionsWhat about the related other millions, probably much more than the dead, who were still alive after these wars, but with their life entirely ruined through horrible wounds, or by being maimed with missing limbs, or by loosing their land or their home, and having to flee from their natural habitat for becoming destitute refugees in distant foreign countries. However, this is also mainly what has made the banksters of the Sweat elites so extravagantly and shamefully rich. If they have a god, it was certainly not the real Jesus  of the Gospel who was preaching only love and forgiveness in spite of any kind of affront. Their god can only be of the caliber of a Yahweh of the Bible or of an Allah of the Quran who, in their respective sacred books constantly, openly and explicitly claim all sorts of massacres, crimes and wars from their faithful. 


According to a study of the Cornell University, and not counting the maimed people nor the refugees, the highlights of the above figure of 231 million dead caused by wars animated by a form of communistic ideology (that can be either one of the Left, as Communism, or one of the right, as Nazism: both pursue the same objective of world domination through enslaving collectivism) in the 20th century alone are the following:


  1. World War I: between 13 and 15 million

  2. The Armenian Genocide (1915): 1 million

  3. The Russian Civil War and subsequent Polish-Soviet conflict (1918-1922): 12.5 million

  4. The Mexican Revolution (1909-1916): 1 million

  5. The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939): 600 thousand

  6. Various colonial and other pre-1914 wars: 1.5 million

  7. World War 2: between 65 and 75 million (including German and Japanese concentration camps)

  8. Wars and conflicts between 1945 and 2000: 41 million

  9. USSR forced starvations, labor and concentration camps: 35 million

  10. North Korea: 2.4 million

  11. Various campaigns in China (1949-1975): 47 million

  12. Forcible enslavement in Congo (1900-1908): 4 million


The above 231 million dead is only for the 20th century, and relates mainly to actions of the Zionist (Jewish) and Jesuit (Christian) components of the Sweat elites animating wars and revolutions in the last century, but the other components of the Sweat elites are not excluded at all, including Islam and the Fake Communism of the right called Nazism through the Jesuits and the Zionist banksters. The longer history of these Sweat elites components (even if regarding mainly Jews and Jesuits with a common Judaic root, and Sunni Islam of the Donmeh with also a Judaic origin) before the last century is not much better. It includes the Inquisition and the various Wars of Religion also fomented and animated by them.


The longer history of the Muslim component of the Sweat elites is far from being better than the first two. Expert historians have estimated that Islam is responsible for over 670 million non-Muslims massacred since its foundation. This history involves 3 major attempts to invade Europe since the Siege of Constantinople in 717 AD. More recently, the atrocities of Turkey against the Kurds, still going on today, are unimaginable. The history of the Armenian Genocide is indescribable. The new massacres going on actively today in Nagorno-Karabakh and Yemen are beyond the power of imagination to conceive what is bad. Europe has beaten the Muslim armies trying to invade them many times in three major wars — Tours in France in 732, Lepanto in Greece in 1571, and Vienna in Austria in 1683 — and all these three animating components are Abrahamic, that is operations of the overall Sweat elites. But today the European countries are not the winners of the France of 732, nor of the Greece of 1571 or of the Austria of 1683, but complete losers. They will be easily conquered without a battle. Just like Khrushchev said Communism would destroy USA from within, without the need for a war, the same thing is happening today in Europe with Islam that already in great part dominates its countries from within, and conditions already most negatively the culture of countries like Germany, Holland, France and England through massive, illegal, uncontrolled, and inassimilable immigration alone, as per the infamous Kalergi Plan, without war, to the point that these countries are likely to become Muslim countries fully submitted to Sunni Islam in probably maximum one or two generations.


ObamAllahThe current 21st century in its first two decades alone does not look much better than the previous centuries and seems already to be a candidate to match perfectly the evilness of all the previous ones. This is what FtatAristarchy governance would intend to change. For a FtatAristarchy, any war that is not purely and only defensive, against a direct attack from a foreign enemy, is totally and constitutionally illegal and impossible. In addition, the devious lobbying promoting constant non-defensive wars is also a highly criminal activity punishable most severely as a FTATOC (as a crime) and even as a FTATOT (as treason) if it contains false information that actually leads to a useless non-defensive aggressive war involving the useless death of thousands of people.


From this point of view, Islam is also an unnoticed form of Communism, as the ultimate objective of Communism is world domination by its elites through the enslavement of all the rest of us. All 3 Abrahamic components of the Sweat elites have pursued and are still pursuing this ultimate objective through the eventual formation of a dictatorial One-World-Government with a One-World-Religion, a One-World-Currency and a One-World-Army, let alone a degraded and messy One-World-Culture tolerating, let alone promoting, even horrible actions like those shown on the "ObamAllah" picture on the side. The two apparently stronger Fake-Jew components of the Sweat at the moment, the fake Judaic and fake Christian components, want this to happen eventually from the JerUSAlem of the forthcoming Greater Israel being formed through the balkanization of the Middle east, while the apparently so far weaker Fake Islam component of the Sunni Muslims (with a Judaic origin) wants this to happen eventually as a Global Caliphate from the city that used to be called Constantinople in current day Turkey. This is the only basic difference between the two Abrahamic groups of the Sweat, the Judeo-Christian component on one side, and the Islamic component on the other side. But all three are Abrahamic and share the same ultimate objective of an eventual world domination and the enslavement of the rest of us.


Although in the overall scheme of current forces of world order the Black Brotherhood may have a temporary different strategy than the White Brotherhood, all 3 Abrahamic components want world domination to happen in the end after the preliminary fall of other disturbing powers, like the USA and the EU, even China and Russia, on which issue they are working strongly with powerful tools like usurious debt-money, the overall DDDD, massive uncontrolled inassimilable immigration, and now even lockdowns through pandemics armed with Fake Vaccines that do not protect the vaccinated but weaken the body with various toxins, and disempower the soul of freewill seeking liberty by damaging the Pineal Gland. This is exactly the case of what is happening during the current Fake COVID crisis.


Overall, these 3 components of the Sweat elites with an ultimate common objective of full globalization are what we can legitimately call respectively Judeofascism, Islamofascism, and Christofascism, or more simply, with all 3 components together, JudiChrIslam Fascism, or maybe even more simply Abrahamofascism. The rest of us outside of these elites are condemned to total enslavement through the fast forthcoming full implementation of the combined efforts of a new Banktatorship in a cashless society, a new Healthtatorship imposing us a second passport limiting and controlling all our movements and choices of employment, and a new reinforced Newstatorship limiting to the outmost degree what we are allowed to know and to think, all of this while wearing stupid masks and being forced to inhuman social distancing even with our own family members. and contact tracing with all other persons. After all these preliminary steps, we shall be fully submitted to the "Improved Communism moved more to the West" of Bezmenov that is being temporarily fine-tuned in China with its highly enslaving social credit component, but without calling it Communism. What about calling it Social Credit Democracy, as an alternative name, after the previous and fast forthcoming fall of all alternative regional powers to the global Sweat power, including not only the USA and the EU, but also the new paper tiger of China? Only the middle power of the new Russia gives us a remnant of hope in front of this possible dismal future of enslavement for the rest of us, but the Sweat elites will certainly soon find a way to destroy it in the near future, either politically through the character assassination of Putin, or militarily if necessary.  


The attempts to limit the enslaving operations of the Sweat elites through usurious debt-money dates back to Antiquity. Jewish members in particular of the Sweat elites have been ousted out for this same reason by the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Christians and the Muslims, not to mention Spain, Portugal, Hungary, France and the Ottoman Empire. As mentioned above, they were expelled or banned from 109 countries or cities, practically everywhere they lived, in all periods of ancient and modern history, and always for the same basic reason of attempting to enslave both people and governments through their lending practices of usury and money created as debt, and also through their fomenting and financing related wars and revolutions for trying to achieve immense profits or world domination with the help of their Judeo-Christian Jesuits. Consequently there is a similar history of expulsions on the side of Christian members of the Sweat elites, mostly the Judeo-Christian Jesuits, who were also expelled from a similar number of countries for similar subversive reasons. In the meantime the Arabs of Islam have also been expelled from dozens of countries also for the same type of subversive reasons of attempting world domination or at least the full cultural and religious domination of the countries they invaded, causing millions of dead people in their path, with the most obvious cases being their expulsion from Spain and from the many other countries that were caught into what had become the Ottoman Empire, with Greece being the best example.


Wars are all Bankster WarsBut for the Sweat elites wars were always, and are still today, the absolute best way to make an awful lot of financial profit through financing with usurious usurious debt-money lending. Again, they lend usurious debt-money before the war in order for countries to acquire war equipment and ammunitions. They then lend more usurious debt-money during these unnecessary war for financing the ongoing operations, also doing so on both sides of the war operations. Then they finally lend even more usurious debt-money after the wars for financing the return to normality in terms of reconstruction and repairs caused by the disastrous unnecessary wars that they have financed on all sides and all the way.


From this point of view, All Wars are Bankster Wars. For the Sweat elites, who are the owners of all the main central banks in the world issuing usurious debt-money out of nothing at the moment, a new war is the best possible new bonanza of profit and, bigger the destruction, bigger the bonanza. And the loans of this bonanza are always fully assured to be cashed back fully through the necessary new excessive taxation of the peoples of the governments that have borrowed the usurious debt-money for their unnecessary war activities. It does not matter if most of the time the borrowing was done uselessly because the wars could have been avoided altogether or resolved through peaceful diplomatic means. For the usurious debt-money lenders of the the Sweat elites, their usurious lending of usurious debt-money is always an assured cash back and huge gain in a no-loose deal.


In this overall context, as strange as this affirmation may mean to an uninformed person, wars and revolutions always clearly mean the dominant presence of Communistic Sweat elites and their banksters in the background. This is in fact the case with all main wars and revolutions. Again, all of this warring or revolutionary activity is always directly and tightly linked to the Sweat elites through mainly proactive financing of usually both sides of these conflicts on the part of Sweat elites banksters, be it before (financing armament), during (financing operations) or after (financing reconstruction) these wars. All the revolutions of our modern times, and all the main wars of that period, were all inspired by a Communist ideology of domination of some kind, with or without that name, and all engineered and financed mainly through puppet of the Sweat elites working for their national and international banking Sweat elite masters in the background.


The Sweat elites involved, for what they did in terms of high profits from unnecessary wars, and from successive attempts of usurious debt-money enslavement of both people and countries, let alone the reimbursement of additional usurious debt-money after the wars they financed, have often been limited in their civic rights in many countries, or have been expelled from dozens of countries they lived in. Again, for example, the Jews involved in usurious debt-money and the Jesuits involved in fomenting revolutions have been banned or expelled for this reason from at least 109 countries so far. As well documented by dozens of good historians, the history of the Sweat elites has clearly rendered them famous as money lenders for wars, and as fomenters of related revolts of all sorts for mainly that purpose in most cases. Their indebting and related enslaving tactics through usurious debt-money have however become clearer to the best intellectuals and historians of the last centuries. Jesus might be only the most famous example of the past about the dangers of disturbing the interests of the money lenders of the Sweat elites. He overturned their lending tables in the temple in Jerusalem more than 2000 years ago and was crucified for it. And he disturbed them because he was not a Jew, He was an ELL ('Greek') figure from Nazareth. As such, he mainly wanted to reform the Jewish culture of enslaving usurious debt-money lenders. For this disturbance of the money lenders of the part of the Sweat elites of his time, he was crucified. For similar kinds of disturbance of the Sweat elites today, one can also easily get 'crucified' in a more modern way. Many have their careers ruined, or lose their jobs, often being subjected to complete character assassination by fake scandals, and many of them even to physical assassination.


The worst part is that fear of being 'crucified' makes many thousands of enlightened people keep silent in front of this reality, including unfortunately the best investigative journalists who become "presstitutes" to the system of fear and enslavement. Of course, this is no surprise as their employers own most of the mainstream media in an outrageous cartel of only six major corporations and mostly belong to the same Sweat elites that are behind all important wars. Because of this, the Truth about this reality of our complete unnoticed enslavement through usurious debt-money and DDDD practically never comes out in the open, and common street people are kept ignorant of it.


Worst still, the Sweat elites have pushed most countries over the last few decades to make laws that prohibit criticizing them, subject to all sorts of punishments, from heavy fines to imprisonment. Voltaire once wrote: To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize . This is certainly the case of the Sweat elites at the moment in most western countries. And this is not the case anymore of only the Jews and the Judeo-Christian Jesuits. It is growingly the case also about Muslims involved in subversive activities and criticizing them becomes a hate-crime of Islamophobia punishable very severely through even a possible Fatwa death sentence. This should be no surprise because, as very few people know, Islam has a clear Abrahamic origin related to historic deviated Sweat elites, at least in its Sunni branch, in the Saudi Arabia kingdom in particular. Strangely enough, there is even similar evidence about the particular Islam of Turkey whereby the Ataturk caliphate was created by crypto-Jews called Donmeh.


This is well documented in many books that are kept away from wide public view because most of them inevitably also demonstrate not only a common Judaic origin of Jewry and Islam, let alone the Judeo-Christian Jesuits, but also a link to their common branch of Satanism through Sabbatian-Frankism that appears to be closely associated to this day to the Rothschild family that are really the founding Khazarian fathers of the Zionist State of Israel. In this regard, reading the book of Ayyub Sabri Pasha "The Beginning and Spreading of Wahhabism" can be useful. Even more so maybe the book of D. Mustafa Turan "The Donmeh Jews". We will only hint here at this well hidden reality. For example, in the 1960's the "SAWT AL ARAB" Broadcasting Station in Cairo, Egypt, and the Yemen Broadcasting Station in SANA'A confirmed the Jewish Abrahamic Ancestry of the SAUDI Family. King FAISAL AL-SAUD himself at that time could not deny his family's kindred with the Jews when he declared to the WASHINGTON POST on Sept. 17, 1969 the following: "We, the Saudi Family, are cousins of the Jews: we entirely disagree with any Arab or Muslim Authority which shows any antagonism to the Jews; Our country (ARABIA) is the Fountain Head from where the first Jew sprang, and his descendants spread out all over the world" . Thus their common Abrahamic origin as part of the Sweat elites today.



All wars and revolutions have a serious need for financing, and the Sweat elites have an equally serious desire and talent to respond, lending usurious debt-money for profit, whatever horrific damage may be caused by these wars and revolutions. Most of their enrichment and profits of their banking corporations in fact have come from financing wars. These wars have been the way they have become to be the owners of the main banks around the world. This is why someone has clearly, and probably justly, said that through their financing, "All Wars Are Jewish Wars", as wars of whatever side of the political spectrum, from the extreme left to the extreme right, and most of the time as double financing for the two opposite sides of the same wars. If all wars are not Jewish wars, we can certainly say, even with a pun, that "All Wars are Sweat Wars". This was infamously the case with Jewish banksters financing Hitler responsible for the Jewish Holocaust during WWII. In this last case this Jewish financing was particularly horrific on the part of Sweat elite banksters because the Jewish banksters knew they were financing the Holocaust against their fellow Jews. But for them, this Holocaust was part of their Master Plan. They wanted it to happen against their fellow Jews, because they knew that the Holocaust would become the only possible justification for the creation of Israel after WWII. In fact this is exactly what happened, on the basis of that very justification, in 1948


Socialism knocking at USA doorThe first more modern Communist revolution engineered by the Sweat elites, again using mainly the tool of usury usurious debt-money lending, was the English Revolution of 1649. To please his Sweat elite lenders, Cromwell first committed regicide. He then used the money of his Sweat elite financiers from Holland who, as mainly ex-ousted Jews from England, had the objective of Cromwell arranging their return to England. This is exactly what happened 7 years later, in 1656. 


The second main Communist revolution after that was the French Revolution that was also agitated and financed by the Sweat elites, from 1788, who had the main hidden objective of what came to be known as the so-called Great Emancipation” of the Jews in France, with the cancellation in 1789 of all the civil disabilities that were afflicting the Jews of France because of their previous attempts to enslave people through usurious usurious debt-money lending.


The third main Communist revolution was the Russian Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 that also led to another initial regicide and that was again entirely financed by Sweat elite bankers, like the Kuhn and the Loeb families, destroying entirely on its way the Christian order opposed at the time to the Jewish usurious debt-money lenders of Russia. This was in the context of WWI that was also entirely financed by Sweat elites for mainly Jews in Russia. As a result, in October 1918, very few people know that out of 388 members of the first revolutionary Bolshevik government in Russia, 372 were Jews. Only 16 happened to be real Russians. However, this small minority of 16 non pure Jews (including one black) were all subservient acolyte crypto Jews, or those we call Fake-Jews, animated by the same communistic ideology. Many of these Jews came from the Lower East Side of New York.


The fifth major Communist intervention of the Sweat elites was the Civil War of Spain in 1936 that was mostly financed this time by the Soviet Bolsheviks (all Jews) of the Sweat elites. More recently this kind of violent Communism has knocked catastrophically at the door of countries like Cuba, and Venezuela. Today it is knocking loudly at the door of the USA that used to be the most important bastion of defense against it, and the EU is only a more sophisticated and hidden version of of the same unnoticed Communist system that has already destroyed Greece and is preparing to destroy many others, starting with Italy


But the worst was yet to come. WWII was also entirely financed by the communistic forces of the Sweat elites, with financing done on both sides of the axis, but including Hitler himself who is supposedly responsible for the Holocaust. As mentioned above, the Sweat elites financed Hitler specifically for the hidden objective of having the Holocaust, because that huge Holocaust of the European Khazarian Jews would become the only way to have the necessary justification to create the state of Israel after WWII. And so it happened when Israel was created, precisely on mainly the specific justification of that Holocaust, in 1948. The Sweat elites Jewish banksters debt-money served to kill Jews in the Holocaust through the useful idiot called Hitler in this case, in order to serve the major Jewish objective of the creation of Israel which was already seen as a stepping stone for the creation of the Greater Israel later on, and for the final longer term objective of an eventual full world domination of the Jews from JerUSAlem. Most historians who well knew this harsh reality would never have published it after WWII for fear of reprisals. In fact they are no more able to publish it today as all the major publishing companies in the world all belong to the Jewish network cartel of only 7 major media corporations of Sweat elites that did all the above usurious debt-money lending disasters, and in particular the financing of the Holocaust against their own fellow Jews. Those few independent historians who succeed in publishing it, like Hervé Ryssen in his book “Israel's Billions: Jewish Swindlers and International Financiers, are all accused of Antisemitism, and consequently, on the basis of the laws against Antisemitism that the Sweat elites lobby has made to be implemented in most countries, they are in danger of being seriously fined or jailed, let alone their reputations and their eventual independent little publishing houses being destroyed one way or the other. 


The principal reasons invoked to expel Sweat elites from over 100 countries, mainly Jews and Jesuits, but also Muslims, were always the same. On the part of the Jews, it was mainly their lending usurious debt-money at abusive interest rates, but also in particular the manipulating of kings and governments through bribes to accept loans of usurious debt-money they did not really need (very much like Greece today), supposedly to achieve local or regional supremacy, or money that they were made to believe they needed for launching unnecessary wars that could have been resolved in other peaceful diplomatic ways. On the part of the fake-Catholic Jesuits, the main reason for their expulsions was mainly their superior evil skills to foment all kinds of revolts or revolutions to destroy existing power and establish in these places their own communistic power for their long-term pursuit of a world domination together with the Jews. For this purpose, as mentioned above, expert historians have estimated they have cause 231 million dead in the 20th century alone. On the part of the Muslims, the main reason of their expulsions was the rejection of their extremely violent religion, or at least its related war activities for world domination that caused their rejection and expulsion from Europe and dozens of other countries, causing over 670 million dead of non-Muslims on their path since the birth of Islam, or since their first attempt to invade Europe in 717 AD at the first siege of Constantinople. Certainly, their religion was and still is totally incompatible with the existing order and culture in the western world. 


Most interestingly, these immensely rich Sweat elite banksters are practically all Jews, Jesuits or other subservient crypto Christians or Muslims, and all animated by a Communist ideology of world domination in spite of their wealth. On the surface this could appear to be a contradiction, but it is not. Their Communist ideology is true in terms of aspiration to world domination. In fact, the distinction is the following. Their surface Communism is fake in terms of aspiring to achieve social justice between the ruling elite and the rest of us, but certainly true in terms of aspiring to achieve world domination. This fakeness regarding communistic social justice is the way to hide their real nature as, under a Communist mask, they can pretend to always work for the benefit of the people, even if they always work only for their own elite profit, causing a huge enslavement of all the common peoples concerned through usurious debt-money creation, usurious lending as part of their more traditional DDDD tools used for their long-term objective of eventual full world domination. These traditional DDDD tools are now, as of recently, supplemented by brand new and much more powerful tools that we have called the Banktatorship, the Healthtatorship and the reinforced Newstatorship. At the moment, with the combination of these more traditional tools and the more modern ones, the Sweat elites are practically invincible in their pursuit of global world domination, and even very close to achieve this final objective of Pax Judaica through a fast forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government.


It has to be clear however that what the Sweat elites do at country level, they also do at a lower level, enslaving also common people through the mother of all scams, which is the debt-money we have stupidly allowed them to create privately and out-of-nothing. Eliminating this mother of all scams will be the subject of one of the reforms of a FtatAristarchy in Part II of this book. Through this major scam, they ruin thousands, even millions  of persons each year, over the whole world, from common peasants and tradesmen, through a similar process of lending them usurious debt-money we have stupidly allowed them to create out-of-nothing. They do the same with middle-class house buyers who cannot reimburse their mortgage loans, with the banksters acquiring the real property of the defaulting borrowers in exchange of fake usurious debt-money that the lenders created out-of-nothing. These same Sweat elites also engage in smuggling and in debasing all the coinage of money they do not yet fully control. They confiscate all sorts of real wealth and property, again in exchange for their fake usury usurious debt-money, created out-of-nothing, acquiring the real properties of those who borrowed the fake usurious debt-money with interests and cannot afford to reimburse it. Consequently, for the Sweat elites, the huge bonanza of usurious debt-money they gain at government or country level is supplemented by this other huge bonanza of usurious debt-money at the private person level.


IMF Trapping Countries in Enslaving DebtThe Sweat elites have used this scam of usurious debt-money for centuries, but today is much worse as for the first time they can do it in practically a global way. All main wars today are all dominated mainly by the Zionist neocon banksters of the Sweat elites of both parties of America under the compulsory guidance of their masters in Israel, all of them impregnated with their strong Communist ideology seeking eventual world domination. Just read the good books of John Perkins: "Confessions Of An Economic Hitman". After many years working for the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the WB (World Bank), Perkins repented for having trapped fraudulently and unnecessarily many countries in unsustainable schemes of usurious debt-money of complete enslavement, all of it for submitting these countries to the Master Plan of the Sweat elites pursuing complete world domination. As such, these efforts of enslavement through usurious debt-money, and through the constant unnecessary wars producing more usurious debt-money, all of them necessary to achieve this objective of world domination, have placed the current Sweat elites in a position to be finally able to achieve world domination. This attempt of world domination is nothing less than a form of Improved Communism knocking at the door of these countries under a deceitful vest of socialism supposedly pursuing social justice.


The wars of the last 100 years in particular are clearly all wars of the usurious debt-money lenders of the the Sweat elites. The countries that have resisted this Master Plan have all been destroyed and most of their leaders assassinated. In the course of only the last 30 years for example, all the countries that did not yet have a central bank controlled by the Sweat elite usurious debt-money lenders were destroyed, or are under serious attack. This includes destroyed Afghanistan that did not have such a Sweat elites-controlled central bank. It now has it. It includes destroyed Iraq did not either have such a Sweat elites-controlled central bank. It now has it. It includes destroyed Libya did not have such a Sweat elites-controlled central bank. It now has it. Gheddafi who did not have such central bank controlled by the Sweat elites, and even wanted to create his own new regional gold-back Dinar of debt-free money not controlled by the Sweat elites, that is, not created at all as debt for the benefit of the Sweat elite usurious debt-money lenders, has swiftly been assassinated for that main reason by a coalition of Sweat elites.


The other official surface reasons for destroying all these countries, like oil or opium, are false, or certainly very secondary, as only good propaganda to hide the real reason that is always the control of usurious debt-money issuance through the Sweat elites and the subsequent enslavement of the peoples of the countries concerned. The few countries remaining today with no central bank controlled by the Sweat elites issuing usurious debt-money out-of-nothing are precisely those under very serious attack for this same main reason, even if the official reasons are other fake or very secondary reasons. This includes Syria, Iran, Yemen and Venezuela, let alone North Korea. The main reason and purpose for attacking and destroying them is to have as soon as possible the creation of a Sweat elites-controlled central bank issuing their usurious debt-money, in all these few countries left not already having one.  


In the meantime the supposedly free countries of today that are already entirely under the enslaving power of their national private central banks belonging to the Sweat elites are being further enslaved on a yearly basis, more and more every year, through additional loans of new usurious debt-money through the main agents of the Sweat elites that are the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the World Bank. Unfortunately small Greece that is at the origin of the best opposing culture in the western world is the worst victim at the moment. This has led the world to be stuck in the immense usurious debt-money bubble that enslaved most of the third world years ago and now enslaves the whole first world today. As we have seen in other chapters, the worst part of the usurious debt-money bubble that the Sweat elites are trying to pop now in an engineered way called deceitfully the Great Reset, really the "Great Marxist Reset", doing so to their full profit through what we call the unnoticed Financial and Biological WWIII caused by Lockdowns and Pandemics like the fake Corona Virus, is in fact first and foremost a global Great Reset of even the Mind more than only a great reset of the money and the economy.   


Apart from the above non-American foreign presidents assassinated, like Gheddafi in Libya and Sadam Hussein in Iraq, and the countries destroyed or attacked for resisting the Sweat elite usurious debt-money creation, there are also 7 presidents of the United States who were either assassinated or suffered assassination attempts for the main same reason of disturbing the scam of the usurious debt-money, even if the fake official reason is always presented as something else. These presidents include:



  1. President Andrew Jackson. They attempted his assassination, in 1835, but it failed. He had eliminated the central bank preceding the FED (Federal Reserve). Nevertheless, the FED will be recreated by the Sweat elites in its last reincarnation in 1913.

  2. President Zachary Taylor was poisoned with arsenic in 1850. He had decided to follow Jackson's decision about the the Sweat elites central bank. 

  3. President James Buchanan. He also opposed a private central bank issuing usurious debt-money. He was poisoned with arsenic and survived (before or around 1860), although 38 other people at the same poisonous dinner died.

  4. President Lincoln. He was assassinated in 1865 because of mainly his "Greenbacks" dollars that were not based on debt to the Federal Reserve of the Sweat elites. Interestingly enough, both the Tsar of Russia and Bismarck of Germany had approved his initiative and they had soon a similar fate.

  5. President James Garfield. He was assassinated in 1881. He was shot twice by his killer.

  6. President Harding. He was assassinated in 1923.

  7. President Kennedy. His Red Seal Bills that were a kind of re-issue of the Greenbacks of Lincoln. They were the main reason for his assassination, even if there were also other secondary reasons in relation to his intent to dismantle the CIA and the deep state of his time, like Trump has suggested he also wanted to do. He was assassinated in 1963.


President Jefferson also considered himself an enemy of all banks controlled by the private interests of the Sweat elites. However, he did not really act against them and consequently he was not assassinated. President William McKinley is also suspected of having been assassinated for the same reason in 1901 but in his case there is no concrete evidence or serious hints backing this possible fact.








1945: Great Success of WWII won by the Sweat, not by the Allies



The real winners of WWII were not those we have been told in the history books written by the same ones who pretend to have won the second world war. The real winner was not The Allies, but the Sweat elite. And the real looser was not Hitler, it was the rest of us. This is because these deceitful victories of the Sweat  elite, between and after the two world wars, and to this day, were hiding the satanic Master Plan of the Holocaust of Western Civilization for the purpose of the enslavement of the rest of us in their pursuit of a dictatorial One-World-Government



The WWII period as reported by mainstream historians appears to have included only "The" Holocaust, or the one against the Jews. The is wrong. It was certainly badly preceded by the Holodomor which was the Holocaust led by the mainly Jewish Bolsheviks of the Soviet Union against the Orthodox Christians of Ukraine concentrated mainly in the years 1932-33. This Holodomor killed just about the same amount of people that the Nazi regime will cause a few years later against the Jews during WWII itself, or about 6 million persons in each case. But there was a much bigger and much more serious Holocaust looming in the background of WWII. This is what we can legitimately call the wider Holocaust Against Western Civilization. It will be much bigger, even in terms of sheer numbers, and much more serious, as its plan involved not only the physical death of those who would not submit, but also the destruction of the culture and best values of all those who did not die in the whole western world. Not surprisingly, at close analysis, this more global holocaust, starting before "The" Holocaust against the Jews, was engineered by the Sweat elites that included many fellow Jews, often in important leading roles, along of course with many other political operatives from the two other Abrahamic religions. In fact, all the above successive holocausts were all caused by the same Sweat elites with many Jews in leading roles. According to the original Master Plan, this more global holocaust, the Holocaust of Western Civilization, would be done first and foremost through what Gramsci, the founder of the Italian Communist party in Italy in 1921, had called the Passive Revolution engineered to destroy all the best traditional values of western civilization, as a kind of clear Holocaust of Western Civilization, in order to better eventually enslave all its people in a dictatorial One-World Government of GlobCommunism, but possibly a Communism without that name, maybe calling it at most Socialism, if not simply and more deceitfully only... Democracy, of course fake democracy, which is exactly what we have now.
Here is a brief look at the essence and stages of the Gramsci Passive Revolution

The Gramsci Passive Revolution
as its
First Stage
or what we often call today
Cultural Marxism

There are four stages necessary for the forthcoming Fabian Totalitarian Socialist Power pursued worldwide through the Master Plan of those we call the Sweat Power in the western world in particular: 1) Demoralization, 2) Economic Crisis, 3) Normalization and 4) Destabilization. These 4 stages are meant to bring what the experts have called "Communism In A Better Way", that is in a more deceitful way, and "moved more to the West", as a "New Normal", to paraphrase the words of both Orwell and of the famous Russian dissident Bezmenov.

Today, the first stage of demoralization ("De-moral-ization") is sufficiently advanced to be considered completed in its essential attributes but, in fact, it is really an ongoing one, meant to last, and even get progressively worse all along the following 3 other following stages. Bezmenov explained to me that this "New Normal" was based on the view of Antonio Gramsci, the founder of the Italian Communist Party in 1921, as a view that had originally been considered foolish by the young USSR, but that had finally been recognized, later on, as valid by the older elites of the collapsing USSR in the 1970s. That view of Gramsci was that one cannot push a Capitalist country with strong national, patriotic and moral values directly into Communism. Gramsci was strongly sustaining that:


"You must first undermine and debauch the morality, the culture, the ethics, the patriotism, and the spiritual life, which means that the influence of Christianity must be first weakened or completely destroyed" as an essential prerequisite. That is what he called the "Passive Revolution".

This is in fact exactly the type of "Passive Revolution" that we have been in, for at least a couple of generations already, in particular today, with the soft relativistic morality of the New World Order. Even Pope Francis who, as a fake Judeo-Christian Jesuit, is more interested in pursuing the globalist political UN Agenda of the New World Order of the Sweat elites than the traditional spiritual and strong moral agenda of the Catholic Church, thus contributing to the first Gramsci state of Demoralization for the continuing Passive Revolution. This has led us in fact to the resulting complete "debauchery" of our western countries in terms of corruption and morality. In front of such extreme debauchery, including its clear pedophile and satanic aspects, the silence of our world leaders, from the Pope down, via the UN, the EU, Hollywood and the highest levels of all our national public Sweat officials, we also have the guilty criminal collusive silence of all the mainstream media hiding the Truth through "Fake News". Overall, this amounts to a crime against humanity, not to say a well-planned Holocaust of Western Civilization. This crime is however a "success" for those satanic Sweat elites seeking to establish Fabian Socialism or Cultural Marxism for our global enslavement through the traditional tools of DDDD (Dogma, Debt, Disinformation, and Despair) of their globalist Master Plan now being assisted by the brand new additional tools of a new Banktatorship, a new Healthtatorship and a reinforced Newstatorship. Only a FtatAristarchy can resolve this situation properly, and as completely humanly as possible.

This "Passive Revolution" of Gramsci is fundamentally based on what is called "Cultural Marxism", the political theory of the infamous Fabian Socialist group of the Frankfurt School established in 1923. That Sweat group plotted the corruption and overthrow of all western non-Communist nations by, as a first step, systematically debauching and undermining their cultures and morality. Be it called Cultural Marxism
, or Fabian Socialism, its first goal was, and is to this day, complete debauchery without guilt through the use of various tools like ugly contemporary art, diabolic music, debasement of education, and propaganda through mainstream media they fully control, to condition people to accept the essential elements of the most radical Marxism without identifying them with these names, not even with the word Communism. After a few generations of this conditioning, which is where we stand today, Marxism becomes the new reality, as our Orwellian "New Normal", but without a violent revolution, and even without awareness that a new type of improved Communist revolution has occurred. And new hints make this sour reality become gradually more evident through the rise to the Puppet Power of strange Marxist characters like Kamala Harris in the USA recently, and many others we can call the Daughters of Lilith, let alone the new generation of the genderless "Sons of Lilith". With her, and what has happened recently with all sorts of subversive Marxists movements like BLM and Antifa, let alone all sorts of Color Revolutions engineered by Marxist Soros types, and with what is going on now in terms of Censorship of freedom of opinion in all media, and the creation of the new banished social category of National Terrorists rejecting the political correctness killing our nations, is well in line with this Master Plan of "De-Moral-Ization" of the Passive Revolution of Mr. Gransci. In other words it is equivalent to what we call the first stage of the

Holocaust Of The Western Civilization

Few people realize that the
Zionist Jews financed Hitler, and thus the Holocaust against their own fellow Jews. This is very well documented, including by many Jewish authors like Charles Higham "Trading with the Enemy" and Lenni Brenner "Zionist Collaboration With Nazism". In this way the Jewish part of the Sweat elites, specifically its Jewish component, has provided a horrific collaboration with Nazism. But in spite of this, even fewer people realize that, from an enlightened point of view, it is the Sweat elites composed overwhelmingly of the Khazarian European Jews in this case, or the Fake-Jews, who really won WWII, not the so-called Allies, and that, as a result of this victory, the Sweat elites were finally able to trigger an even more horrific type of holocaust to damage the western world, not to say the whole rest of the non-Jewish world, in order to dominate it, and dominate it more easily through also Judaizing the Vatican through the Vatican Zionist Coup of 1962, and creating a new coalition intended to become what we now can call today the Sweat of the SEGWO, some 50 years later. This Sweat  coalition has caused and will continue to cause what we can call legitimately the Holocaust of Western Civilization through the full activation of the Passive Revolution mentioned just above. This wider holocaust was implemented in order to achieve the Sweat Master Plan of a long-term strategy of full world domination through a fast forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government of Improved Communism, or the "Communism In a Better Way" of Gramsci, that the Jewish part of the Sweat elites wants to eventually base in JerUSAlem after a well-programmed previous fall of all other centers of world power, like the USA, the EU, and the paper tiger of China that temporarily serves its purposes for fine-tuning the latest version of Communism.
An attentive overview of the strategy of the Sweat elites since 1871 (the Letter of Pike to Mazzini), aiming first at the creation of
Israel, then at the creation of the Greater Israel, and eventually at a One-World Government that they often call their Pax Judaica, all under the deceptive and innocuous name of the New World Order, leads us inevitably to a conclusion that is very politically incorrect but nevertheless obviously and factually true: it is the Sweat elites who were highly dominated by Jews in leading roles who engineered and won WWII for their own nefarious purposes: the creation of Israel and the full implementation of the above-mentioned Passive Revolution for achieving the Holocaust of Western Civilization. This wicked Sweat victory was then completed by incrementing its power in various ways, and surreptitiously sheltering it under what became, some years later, what we call the SEGWO in our environment. That increased power came in great part from the Christian component of the Sweat  through the Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II in 1962. From then on, the Jewish and the Christian parts of the Sweat started to play in a more and more unison way, and the new deviated Vatican was also charged with a rapprochement with the Muslim part of the Sweat. This rapprochement with Islam for forming an eventual unified One-World-Religion of the three parts of the Abrahamic Sweat coalition has been pursued discretely since 1965 and, as we sill see, became quite obvious since the election of the first Judeo-Jesuit-Pope called Pope called Francis in 2013.  
Herzl Suffering of the JewsHowever, already in 1948, with the creation of the new Zionist State of Israel, the Zionists members of the Sweat elites had achieved a type of solid basic victory that open the way, for them, to dominate the whole world through various means, including a necessary
Passive Revolution intended to cause the Holocaust of Western Civilization. The highly Zionist-dominated mainstream media (owned and/or controlled all by a single cartel network of six major media corporations of the Sweat elites) carefully hide this furtive reality, and lead people to believe that WWII was only a disaster for the Jews, and cannot be considered any kind of victory of the Zionists-dominated Sweat elites, as it is the war that incorporated the Jewish Holocaust. But this is only a well engineered social and cultural deception through the cartel of mainstream media that, as we will expose with more details, all belong to the Sweat elites through a worldwide illegal cartel network of only six main corporations.

Holocaust of Western Civilization

What is important to understand is that this military victory aspect was only half of the Sweat  victory, and not the most important half. The full engineering of WWII brought to the Sweat elites not only that kind of surreptitious military victory, but in particular an even more surreptitious anti-culture victory over the traditional Greco-Roman culture of the USA and of all the Western World. The WWII became, as somebody called it, a kind of "Talmudic Triumph of the Zionists over the Western Civilization", but not at all for the good of the western civilization. Just as ex Jewish Prime Minister Netanyahu, representing the extreme summit of Zionism, could say openly, in 2014, that 911, as the destruction of the two twin towers in New York, helped, and was still helping Israel, and just as Theodor Herzl could also say openly, in 1900, that more sufferance of the Jews would help the long term plans of the Zionists, WWII and its integrated Jewish Holocaust has helped the Zionist-dominated Sweat elites tremendously, worldwide, in particular in the Western World. Because of their alleged sufferance, and ignoring the fact that this sufferance was financed by their own fellow-Jew Zionist banksters, the whole Western World reacted, emotionally and favorably, with not only facilitating the creation of Israel, but also facilitating the penetration and major influence of the Zionist-dominated Sweat elites in politics, governments, banking, international finance, media, academia and all other important aspects of Western society since 1945, allowing Jews in particular to do so in an inordinate proportion compared to their percentage of the population.
Of course, all along that penetration of all centers of power, what the
West did not realize is that the Zionists of the Sweat elites were taking advantage of this facilitation in order to better pursue their Talmudic Agenda of world domination as the "Chosen People". In light of their very small proportion of the population, and to reinforce their action, the Sweat elites also infiltrated the Catholic Church, and Judaized the Vatican clerics in great part, more than ever before, which led to the formation of what we call the new SEGWO consolidated by the Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II in 1962.

What the West realized even less, is that to dominate and enslave the free Western World, for an eventual full Talmudic One-World-Government Domination, the Zionists and the overall Sweat elites had to work to destroy the world based on the ancient traditional Greco-Roman values and its modern Christian values. People with strong ancient values of freedom and freethinking coming from the superior Greco-Roman ELL culture of real direct and participative democracy as founded in Greece, cannot be enslaved easily, if at all. This is where the Passive Revolution meant to trigger the super Holocaust Against Western Civilization comes into play as a major and necessary element of the Master Plan of of the Sweat elites for global enslavement.

Hollywood Controlled by SweatIn examining the current destruction of western values, we soon realize that our
Western World was infiltrated, early on after WWII, and today like never before, by Sweat elites managing purposely negatively all the destructive factors of the culture of the Western World. This Holocaust of Western Civilization includes the fields of the crappy and violent media and entertainment productions of the Judaic New Hollywood, the legalization of easy divorce, let alone easy late abortion, even "abortion after birth", the promotion of degenerated sexuality that includes pedophilia and anal sex, and its related horrendous pornography (contrary to some good beautiful pornography that can still exist), the distortion and reduction of divine love into pure bestial physical lust, the destruction of the natural united family, the annihilation of the cultural beauty of each nation within its own traditional borders, the banishment of good patriotism as a form of hate instead of a form of love and pride, the dumbing down of education at all levels, the elimination of natural parenting, and first and foremost the push for a highly excessive and catastrophic multiculturalism through wild massive illegal immigration of inassimilable cultures and religions without due pre-selection process, as per the Sweat Kalergi Plan.

An attentive observation of the actuality, as exposed in many sections of this book, and in dozens of other even better books of even Jewish authors, the Zionist members of the Sweat elites are clearly acting often in an undeniable dominant leading role behind all these destructive factors of western civilization, and they even brag openly about it, like typically journalist Joel Stein about Hollywood, affirming bluntly and proudly that "Jews totally run Hollywood".

All these factors of destruction for the Holocaust of Western Civilization may be well synthetized, or symbolized, by the most flagrant, to most people, of these destructive phenomena, the growing rejection of a symbol of peace vs. the growing celebration of a symbol of mass massacre:
The War on the Christian Christmas Tree vs. The Celebration of the Jewish Menorah. But similar parallels can easily be established between other aspects of the destruction of the western civilization and what is being promoted by the new Sweat elites. There is certainly such a parallel between the destruction of the beauty of the united natural family and the promotion of late abortion without serious reason, the outrageous proposal of trans-sexuality as a right of minor children, the promotion of sourly hilarious same-sex marriage as opposed to what we should at least call more justly, even proudly if need be, a parriage (a kind of nice contractual living agreement between pars of the same sex), and degenerate forms of sexuality pushed unduly as models by the fully Judaized New Hollywood (let alone the new concurrent and growing power of China whose culture is discretely but strongly under the influence of the Sassoon and Li families of Judaic origin, called the "Rothschild of the East" over Hollywood itself already, and in fact over the whole world of entertainment). This is all pushed at the rest of us even more directly, albeit always stealthily, as the matrix of a deceiving and degrading political correctness by the mainstream media fully controlled by a Zionist Media Cartel of only 6 major corporations. There is certainly also another clear parallel between the destruction of the beautiful uniqueness and beauty of the culture of each nation and the promotion of massive inassimilable immigration without due pre-selection process on a basis of shared values, as per the most evil Kalergi Plan of the Sweat elites pushing for excessive multiculturalism fomenting racism instead of a positive pro-racialism.

There is an even more profound and dangerous parallel between the very proactive promotion of the disappearance of the human gender, and the horrific
genocidal engineering of the male-man in order to render him less aggressive and more obedient to the current Talmudic Agenda of the Sweat elites for full enslavement, in preparation for the fast forthcoming One-World Government based on totalitarian Communistic Collectivism or Fabian Socialism. All of these destructive factors are first and foremost a Sweat elites agenda of mainly Zionists in leading roles, but an agenda that is now greatly facilitated by an extensively Judaized Vatican, and by the recent selection of a Judaized Jesuit Pope bowing to Jewish Rabbis, Pope Francis, as the most relativistic pope the Catholic Church has ever had in two millennia, with his admitted his "Inability To Judge", and thus his inability to lead and preserve the best of our western values. His immense contribution to the Holocaust of Western Civilization, let alone to the possible destruction of the Catholic Church, through his important participation to the promotion of the Panthriskia, as a One-World Religion integrating the 3 Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) will probably be fully recognized in very few years, if not only a few months, when it will probably be too late for the survival of the already degraded and corrupted Catholic Church.  

Pax EllinikaAgain, the Sweat elites know that they cannot achieve their objective of world domination without enslaving people and, in turn, that they cannot enslave people who have a strong freewill coming from their ancient
Greek Roots of the ELL culture, who have consolidated traditional and moral values, and who have a patriotic approach to their nations. For the Sweat, all of this must disappear. The resulting catastrophe for the Western World is, for the Sweat elites, their anti-culture victory over that world. That anti-cultural victory was granted to them by the way they have surreptitiously won WWII. Of course, the Zionists of the Sweat elites in particular do exactly the opposite in the Zionist State of Israel itself. In fact, none of this destructive approach to social life is made to work in Israel itself, that is in their new Zionist State. For example, in Israel, abortion of Jewish women is very restricted to only special circumstances, while same-sex marriage celebration for Jew is impossible, and immigration of a multiculturalist character without due pre-selection process on a basis of Jewish DNA is absolutely impossible. Of course this pre-selection is meant to accept only immigrants with exclusively Jewish DNA.

However, the same Zionists outside
Israel are the main promoters of these destructives factors in all the western world, in particular multiculturalism. In other words, the Zionists outside of Israel who reject multiculturalism in their own country actively promote wild immigration in all other countries, in all the western world, with open door policies and without due pre-selection process. As a result they encourage social conflicts in other countries and inevitably also racism abroad, while in Israel they are just about the most pre-selection compliant country in the world in order to harmonize the social texture of their population on a basis of strict Jewish DNA. From this point of view, they are even the most racist country in the world, as their pre-selection of immigrants is based on Jewish DNA. No other country in the world has such DNA pre-selection absolute criteria. In addition, along with that Sweat elites destructive cultural process in the rest of the Western World, and to reinforce their pursued enslavement of the populations to be dominated in the Western World, these same Zionist-dominated Sweat elites use at the same time the system of Zionist-controlled central banks to proactively keep indebting both the peoples and the countries of the Western World. In other words, the Sweat elites push for a double kind of enslavement of the Western World at the same time: from a cultural point of view and from an economic / financial points of view.

Since 1962, with the
Vatican II Zionist Coup, the Sweat elites even do all the above destruction with the good help of the Catholic Church, through the reinforced Catholic part of the Sweat elites that has placed an impressive number of Judeo-Jesuits in the top positions of many Zionist banks and corporations. Having a very relativistic, socialist and Judeo-Jesuit Pope, in the person of New World Order Pope Francis, is further consolidating the Sweat elites Master Plan of world domination. People without strong cultural values, and full of debt, are much more easily enslaved, and they become the more docile subjects of the Totalitarian New World Order of Fabian Socialism or of Communistic Collectivism pursued by the long term strategy of the Sweat elites. The combination of these two factors is what has caused the Holocaust of Western Civilization taking place at the moment, as a prelude to what may well become a more Global Cultural Holocaust except, of course, for the Sweat elites and their accomplices of a fast forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government to be based in JerUSAlem as soon as possible after the Great Reset of Mind pursued now by he WEF (World Economic Forum) very openly since 2019 under de deceitful name of Great Reset that is rather a Great Marxist Reset, and supposed to refer only to the economy when in fact it refers to the whole degraded culture of the western world.

In short, the Sweat elites have not only engineered
WWII, but also won WWII, less obviously militarily, but certainly anti-culturally, for the purpose of their pursuit of world domination after the eventual creation of the Greater Israel. Consequently, since 1945, they have infiltrated all the centers of power of the Western World, and even conquered the Catholic Church, destroying it by making it become a Judeo-Christian Church, with a growing Judeo character, more than ever before, and a correspondingly diminishing Christian character, being now less Christian than ever before, under Judeo-Jesuit Pope Francis. The Western World, economically, politically, culturally, and religiously, has become highly subjugated to the Sweat elites, and highly destructed in its best traditional values. And to ensure their final full domination, the Zionist main component of the Sweat elites who pursue it in leading roles are, for now, at least temporarily, acting less powerfully than they would like to, until they will feel strong enough to act eventually on their own, through a purely Judaic One-World Government based in JerUSAlem as the capital of the pursued Greater Israel, and of their pursued totalitarian One-World Government of Communistic Collectivism and Fabian Marxist Socialism. This shall be the achievement of their long saga pursuing their Pax Judaica in JerUSAlem. The only solution to reverse this forthcoming full enslavement it to transform it in a new era of Pax Ellinika through a new form of governance that we call FtatAristarchy in the context of Part II of this book.
Of course, part of the new
Greater Israel running the new One-World Government will include invaded parts of surrounding countries like Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan and Greece. The absorption of some Greek territory is well described in the history episode called The LightHouse Of The East brought to our attention by the great historian Joannis Passas (Ιωάννης Πασσάς) in his book with a very enigmatic title: "The Crime of Science" (Το έγκλημα της επιστήμης). What is happening today in Syria is also part of this Master Plan: destroy the country and force the bulk of its population out as refugees in order to make new space for annexing more territory for the Greater Israel. The forced annexation of the Golan Heights from Syria after the Six-Day War, in 1981, was only a pre-taste of this process of completely dismantling Syria and balkanize the rest of the Middle-East for the purposes of an eventual Greater Israel. This is clearly what the New World Order is, for now, and what a probable forthcoming WWIII shall achieve, in the near future to complete the global Sweat elites Master Plan.

This pursuit of a country for the Diaspora of the Jews, mainly the Fake-Jews, to be called Israel, and eventually the Greater Israel for world domination, has been a long-term objective of the Jews, dating back centuries, even millennia. As we have seen, the leading Jewish Zionist component of what today we call the Sweat elites has even pursued this objective through even the financing of the persecution of their own fellow Jews during the period of the Holocaust in Hitler's Germany. This was considered by Zionist Jew leaders like Theodor Herzl s as the "necessary sufferance" that would help the justification for the creation of the state of Israel. But this German episode is only one of the most recent ones among many other similar episodes of the Jews financing the persecution of their own fellow Jews in order to achieve this long-term objective of world domination. Another very notable example worth mentioning, is what happened some 500 years earlier, in Spain, even if it is a mostly unknown episode to most people. Nobody will ever find this Spanish episode in the most recent history books authored or edited by the main publishing houses of the last few decades, because the publishing houses of the contemporary culture are entirely dominated by the Zionist Media Cartel Network of only six major corporations all belonging to the Sweat elites.
Spain of the the second half of the 1400s, Jews were massively persecuted and expelled to the point of constituting a previous mini-Holocaust. Most of them ended up in the Balkans, mainly around the Thessalonica area of Northern Greece. Why? The pre-Zionist Jews of that time wanted to create a country for themselves, to be called Israel, let alone also an eventual Greater-Israel. To do so, they needed to bring as many European Fake-Jews of the Diaspora as possible to a selected territory as close as possible to Palestine as a first step. The second step would be to bring as many of them as possible to Palestine itself, in a territory centered around Jerusalem. That selected territory, for the first step, was chosen to be the one centered around Thessalonica in Northern Greece.
Pope Francis New World OrderWith this purpose in mind, the pre-Zionist Jews then deceitfully offered money to the Kingdom of
Spain to help them, the leading Jews, to achieve this objective, paying the Spanish Kingdom to persecute and expel the Jews from Spain, somewhat like they will do again, with the financing of Hitler, some 500 years later. The Kingdom of Spain easily abided to this desire of the leading Jews for 2 reasons. First, the Kingdom was not at all happy with the behavior of the Jews in Spain, involved mainly in unpleasant activities of usurious debt-money exploitation as "Money Changers". Second, the Kingdom was short of money and badly wanted to finance the expedition of Christopher Colombo across the Atlantic. The Kingdom of Spain was anxious to finance expeditions across the Atlantic, with the hope they could possibly improve their finances and possibly even enrich themselves tremendously through such new explorations. In fact, these new explorations led to the fake "discovery" of what is called America today, by Colombo, in 1492. The issue here, in our context, is that, in the end, the money that Spain received from northern Jews to persecute and expel the Jews living in Spain and send them to Thessalonica was used by Spain to finance Colombo, creating a kind of mini-Holocaust on its path, but a Holocaust against Jews financed by other Jews, similar to the one that will happen some 500 years afterwards through Hitler being financed by Jews for persecuting the Jews of Germany and send them to Palestine.

This other earlier
Holocaust of Jews financed by other Jews of Spain, happened through the so-called Alhambra Decree, as an Edict of Expulsion, issued on 31 March 1492. The Edict was issued by the joint two Catholic Monarchs of Spain, Isabella I of Castile, and Ferdinand II of Aragon. Half a million Jews were involved in either persecutions or the actual expulsions of this less known earlier Holocaust against them. The money from the Jews had been already received, months earlier by the 2 Spanish monarchs. The decree was just a formalization of the persecutions that had already started, and of the expulsions that had to be enforced. The Kingdom of Spain had put aside some of the money for the expulsion of the Jews, but it deceitfully also had put aside the greater part of the money for the financing of the explorations of Colombo that were swiftly launched at the beginning of 1492.

There are two interesting side issues here that are nevertheless of interest in the context of this book.-
First, Spain did not really discover "America" by financing Colombo with some of the money received by Jews to expel the Jews, but only rediscovered "America", after the Greek explorers, the Argonauts of Greece (around 1500 BC), and previously the Pelasgians of Greece (more than 4000 BC), had discovered that territory more than 5000 years ago without of course, calling it "America".- Second, the Alhambra Decree of 1492 was only formally revoked in 1968, in the context of the Zionist Vatican Coup of the Council of Vatican II of 1962 that transformed the Jews From Enemy To Brother within the Catholic Church. This infamous Council of Vatican II was also the one that finally accomplished the full infiltration of the Catholic Church by the Zionist-dominated Sweat elites, just like they have infiltrated the highest levels of political and economic power of most western countries. As such, it was the Vatican II Zionist Coup that transformed the Vatican into a Judeo-Christian territory and, as such, into an omnipotent instrument of power for the New World Order now run by what we call, in the context of this book, the Sweat elites power that is enslaving all of us today. With the fraudulent election of Pope Francis (as the third fraudulent one, following the two popes of the Council of Vatican II), and his following of mainly the civilian and political UNN Agenda instead of the traditional spiritual agenda of the Catholic Church, the Sweat elites have now nearly completed the infiltration of any structure of governance, worldwide, that deserves the qualification of world political power, including maybe the discretely most powerful one, the Vatican within the overall structure of world power. Consequently, the Sweat elites are getting very close to being able to finally achieve their long term objective of full world domination through the formation of the Greater Israel, most probably in the context of a forthcoming important war, possibly WWIII, and establish a One-World-Government, as a communist dictatorship of Fabian Socialism, with its capital in JerUSAlem.

There are many good books confirming this destructive nature of the Sweat elites for the Western World. The best ones unfortunately are only in Greek, by Greek authors, as the Greeks are the ones who suffered the most, through the biggest and longest of all Holocaust, for thousands of years, from the actions of mainly the Jews, or rather the actions of the Sweat elites of the 3 Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Islam and Christianity, with the Jews themselves being all along their main jealous rivals from a cultural point of view because it is the Greeks, not the Jws, who invented philosophy, democracy, the Olympics and the rest of the Philotimo, through which the Jews always stayed in a shaming shade of some inferiority in front of the Greeks. Unfortunately, considering what has happened in Greece in the last couple of decades, with its complete financial enslavement and cultural dismantling, this longest and biggest of all Holocausts against the Greeks (the so-called "Pagans") is not only true for the past, but continuing actively even to this day.
In English, we can suggest the following books as a good start on the above subjects:     
Neal Gabler, a Jew, wrote: "An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood"
Michael Jones, a Jew, wrote: "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History".   
Dr. Kevin MacDonald, wrote: "The Culture of Critique: an Evolutionary Analysis of the Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements".






1978: New Communism Temporarily Moves East to China for Fine-tuning


China mask-enslaved the whole worldAlready in the mid-1970s, as well reported to me by the famous Soviet Dissident Yuri Bezmenov, it was quite clear that Communism would soon fall in the Soviet-Union. In fact, the Soviets had decided to make it fall softly, without a destructive revolution, and move it more to the West, starting with Europe as deceitfully and gradually as possible, then more bluntly to the more difficult USA a few years later. Through secret agreements of clear understanding with China, they also decided to spread it more to the West after a preliminary fine-tuning in China where the full population control necessary to best performance of Communism was easier to implement. China was considered the easiest place to fine-tune a new form of Improved Communism before pushing it fully to the West and later on to the rest of the world as a One-World-Government of GlobCommunism.


This is exactly what happened in China starting in 1978, with the brand new set of economic reforms of the so-called "Socialist Market Economy" under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping. To assist these reforms, in 1984, China also founded CITIC, the additional powerful organization that really managed China's transition to socialist market economy. These reforms were meant to give a stronger facade of capitalism to a new form of stronger socialism hiding its real nature of full Marxist Communism. To do so, they turned for help to the most powerful tycoons of the Sassoon and LI families of China itself, the so-called "Rothschild Of The East", like in particular Li Ka-Shing, the richest Asian in the world, and an Illuminati insider based in Hong Kong at the time. These drastic reforms suffered a temporary setback during the Tiananmen Square protest of 1989 but were fully revived in China in 1992 after the soft fall of the older form of Communism in the Soviet-Union. Since then, the media of supposedly the best intelligence, like Foreign Affairs, the super mouthpiece of the Sweat elites, and the Drudge Report that rarely deviates drastically from the Sweat political correctness, keep saying that China was in a very delicate situation and on the verge of a possible rebellion, if not a new revolution or an economic collapse. Even the Economist magazine that used to be all praise for China before 2011 started to express growing doubts about the apparent China Miracle


Nevertheless, the revival of after 1992 has led China to overtake Japan as the second largest world economy in 2010. with the hope of overtaking the USA as the first and most powerful world economy by 2020. In practice, this overtake of the USA is pretty much the case today in 2021. In addition, at the moment, during the catastrophic lockdowns because of the COVID pandemic, or rather plandemic scam, the economy of the most powerful countries, including the EU and the USA, are in serious difficulty, while the economy of China seems to be booming better than never before, and the only important one in this booming situation. In the meantime this booming China is under the strongest and most dictatorial form of Improved Communism that ever existed so far. This is the New Communism, or the Improved Communism that is temporarily being fine-tuned in China and that, according to Bezmenov, was intended to be moved more to the West after its full tuning, being moved mainly in Europe and the USA to start with, and eventually to the whole world through a dictatorial One-World-Government of Improved Communism.


In the meantime the populations of the West are being tamed to dictatorship through not only a reinforced Banktatorship, but in particular through the new Healthtatorship being implemented because of a COVID plandemic launched by plan, by China. That fake plandemic was created and engineered by China specifically for the purpose of reinforcing its position in front of the rest of the world. As a result, in the more advanced western world, this plandemic now involves all people of all countries wearing enslaving masks, using social distancing for easier face recognition by spying cameras, being submitted to contact tracing to better control the possible formation of rebellious associations, needing permission to even get out of their home, let alone travelling abroad, being forced to accept dangerous unnecessary Fake COVID Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated of a never yet identified virus, and becoming fully obedient to whatever their government asks, while preventing free speech criticism that will be tagged as hate speech or national terrorism possibly leading critics to prison. Through this global taming, reinforced by the general usurious debt-money enslavement of the reinforced Banktatorship, the free people of the West become blindly and silently obedient to even the most draconian measures, even when these measures do not come from their national elected government, except in appearance, but from above, from higher up, from the embryo of a One-World-Government that already exists via the new Healthtatorship of the WHO that is entirely controlled by China, and via the IMF and the World Bank that control all the enslaving usurious debt-money of all countries including the most powerful ones, like the EU, the USA, and even China itself. If all this is not a form of real enslavement under the embryo of a new One-World-Government of a clear Communist nature, as unnoticed as it may be as such, it is difficult to understand what the word enslavement might mean. This coalition of the western WHO and the eastern China is of course only a way to disguise the background role of the UNN that has been working since its inception to become a new One-World-Government. But this dictatorial aspiration of the UNN must still be veiled for a few more years in order not to frighten people. In the meantime, it is being pursued most actively by less suspicious accomplices like the WEF (World Economic Forum) of Davos.


But that fast forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government will not be Chinese. China is only a paper tiger serving temporarily for the fine-tuning of an Improved Communism until it will be ready to be imposed to the whole world as GlobCommunism. The fragility of China affirmed in the last decades by the best mouthpieces of the Sweat elites, Foreign Affairs and The Economist, in spite of its current appearance of a booming economy, is real. China is complicit in the Master Plan that will eventually make itself (China) fall, after the previous fall of the other competing powers of the USA and the EU. These three falls will be the perfect stepping stones for the launching of the Great Marxist Reset of the WEF of Klaus Schwab that is gradually overtaking a major part of world power from the extremely corrupted and decadent UNN. Shanghai Financial CenterThe so-called Great Reset will bring a new One-World-Currency, completely digital, without cash, with exclusively digital money as CBDC, within a new Cashless World. In a parallel way the new Vatican will facilitate a forthcoming One-World-Religion with the help of the concessions made to China by the current Judeo-Jesuit pope Francis from a religious point of view. The outdated NATO, in collaboration with the UNN, shall also be transformed into a new One-World-Army at the service of not the West, but of the New-World Order, that is, at the service of the forthcoming One-World-Government to be established in JerUSAlem as soon as possible. Following this overall pattern, the new Hollywood that is already completely dominated by the Sweat elites, fully managed by Jewish and Chinese forces, shall bring us a One-World-Culture of complete melting pot decadence.


In short, the apparently booming China on the economic side is mostly fake. China is only a paper tiger that will soon also be made to collapse at the service of the forthcoming One-World-Government. It is based on a Judeo-Chinese Sweat Sassoon central bank of enormous largesse, on full control of currency exchange to its advantage in front of all other currencies, and a massive amount of cheap labor. But, in another way, a real booming China does exist and is not fake at all. It exists on the social and political side. As such it a real tiger, stronger than ever before. China is a strong dragon of the Improved Communism that will soon make its way to the west and the rest of the whole world with its dictatorial Social Credit and economic collectivism based on the worst Fabian Socialism. Through the forthcoming Great Marxist Reset of the WEF, and with the help of the well-planned integrated lockdowns of the Fake COVID pandemic launched by China, we will soon be under a dictatorial One-World-Government of the Improved Communism postulated by Bezmenov and fine-tuned in China. In the process, the lockdowns will have already achieved the greatest transfer of wealth from the productive middle class into the hands of the parasitic Sweat elite class. In addition China is buying massive amounts of land all around the world. China will soon be the biggest landowner of the most valuable territory of most countries. What should make us reflect seriously is that this is happening while foreigners are forbidden to buy property in China. To the contrary the Chinese are buying for example the best properties of London, New York, Rome, Paris etc, along with the best ports, land and resources of many other important countries like Greece. This is a real stupidity of ours that only reinforces our unnoticed enslavement. With all these additional benefits, the fine-tuning in China of the most enslaving form of Communism will be a final complete success for the global Sweat elites, and a complete enslavement for the rest of us, as unnoticed as it may be.


What is important to understand is that all communist parties in the world belong to either the Zionists specifically or to the Abrahamic Sweat elites that include the Zionists in a leading role. Although it is not as obvious as in most other countries, China is no exception. They try to keep this reality as hidden as possible, in order not to disturb China's important role for the Sweat elites. At the moment China is preparing the world for a forthcoming One-World-Government of Improved Communism. In the meantime the Sweat  elites use Russia and the Fake Russian Collusion in important countries like the USA as a kind of "punching bag" to deviate the attention away from China. The real subversive threat of an enslaving world order is not the Russia of Putin that freed itself in great part from its own Sweat elite, but China that is fully under its control. The Chinese Communist party is entirely in the hands of mainly the Abrahamic Sassoon and LI families who are called and considered the "Rothschild of the East" that run the show of the apparent full success of the new Socialist Market Economy inaugurated in China in 1978, and reinforced with the CITIC of 1984. These Rothschild "of the East" do so in collaboration with the better known Abrahamic Rothschild "of the West" who are, in the current structure of world power, the main force behind the Sweat elites running all the western world in the background of their respective national puppet governments. China is an Illuminati creation of the Sweat elites to be temporarily the leader of the NWO (New World Order) from within this leading test country for achieving a new Improved Communism. When brought to full strength, their Master Plan will include the previous forthcoming fall of the USA and the EU, as explicitly affirmed by George Soros, and even the fall of China itself later on. Although most often called Zionists, this leading and commanding part of the Sweat elites on all sides are Khazarians, that is, Fake-Jews, and as such they have no feeling of guilt for anything bad they may do to achieve their final objective or full world domination. For example in China these Khazarians are known to kill thousands of prisoners of faith or conscience and sell all their organs on a worldwide black market for pure profit, without the slightest bit of concern or sense of guilt. In the meantime, the western world is decaying fast, thus becoming a weak target being prepared to receive more easily the new form of most drastic Improved Communism being fine-tuned in China. The best traditional moral and patriotic values of the West are fast disappearing for that purpose under the influence of other Khazarians like George Soros financing all sorts of evil projects of "colored revolutions" for a new society without family, and a new world without national borders, and the massive influx of totally inassimilable immigration movements affecting mainly the USA and the EU for over a decade now. 


China Fake DragonThe crux of what is going on is the following. The apparent huge economic success of China is mainly a bluff and is not itself the main objective, nor certainly a success for the Chinese people. The deceitful accumulation of infinite wealth abroad through engineered pandemics, the easy acquisition of all strategic land, property and infrastructures in the world through their immense financial power as the main creditors of the rest of the world through their purposely-kept-weak Renminbi, and their subjugation of the biggest population in the world through dictatorial social engineering, are not initiatives taken for the good of the Chinese people, but for the power of the Abrahamic One-World-Government that they are preparing for the global Sweat elites. All these initiatives are only stepping stones towards a forthcoming world domination that will not be Chinese, but Abrahamic through the global network of transnational Sweat elites. Consequently, by definition this evil strategy includes a soft eventual fall of China itself, similar to the soft fall of the Soviet Union that already happened, under the deceitful guidance of the Abrahamic Sweat elites, but preceded by the previous and probably less soft fall of other disturbing centers of economic and cultural power like the EU and the USA. For those who have eyes to see, this is in fact what has already started to happen. China is on the way up temporarily, while the USA is on the way down. And the new USA government of President Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is entirely submissive to China through massive corruption and the new accomplices to the Sweat Master Plan being accomplished through Beijing.


Biden is convinced he can have a good collaboration with China, but his son is already known to be a corrupted element of China. His government is not likely to be able to resist the main objective of China at the moment which, according to an important meeting of the Jackson Society of London in April 2020, is to "destroy the liberal system of the USA along with the whole western world through the Corona Virus", while the corrupted WHO "of" Bill Gates is covering up for China, and China is covering up for Gates, independently of who is in charge in the USA, be it a Trump or a Biden, let alone a Kamala Harris who is probably the western leading political figure the closest there can be to the coming Great Marxist Reset and the following New Improved Communism being fine-tuned in China. In the meantime, this engineered Corona Virus is giving the coup de grace to the petro-dollar of Saudi Arabia that in the last decade has been the only thing that has maintained alive the USA from an economic point of view, thus playing in this double way into the hands of China and of the transnational Sweat elites like Soros planning to destroy first and foremost the USA


Other initiatives aspiring to be competitive, like the CANZUK, (Canada, Australia, New-Zealand and United Kingdom) will not prevail enough to change anything to this main strategy. In the overall scheme of world forces and strategies of world order, the only important geopolitical initiative that could save us from the falsely Improved Communism of perfect total enslavement being fine-tuned in China would be an alliance between Russia and the USA, which Trump would have liked to do. But this is probably the main reasons why Trump was fraudulently-efficiently ousted out by the Sweat elites. Biden is the new acolyte China-man in the USA. He is likely to give a hand to China, willingly or unwillingly, to overtake the USA, and possibly do so with the help of the Blue Helmets of the UN if necessary to control the possible revolts against the fast forthcoming of the Improved Communism predicted by Bezmenov for the EU and the USA. The Communist surveillance system of China is the successful beta test for a global One-World-Government pursued by the UNN. The USA is intended to be its most important conquest through its coming fall as a failing super power. Consequently the UNN, with the help of the WHO controlled by China is proactively preparing to use its Blue Helmets wherever necessary for that purpose, be it the USA if necessary to start with. This evil Sweat global strategy will soon ensure that all other peoples around the globe will be reduced to various levels of miserable slavery, and will also soon all beg the UNN on their knees for help, and consequently accept more easily an entirely new One-World-Government that the transnational Abrahamic Sweat elites will rapidly establish in JerUSAlem as soon as they will be in full world control of the decaying West from both an economic and a cultural point of view. This was the Sweat elites long-term Master Plan of at least the last two millennia. For these same global Sweat elites dominated by mainly satanic Fake-Jews, this will be the successful end of their Long Saga to Pax Judaica.


Hopefully, with the help of FtatAristarchy implemented in a critical number of countries in the near future, which is the objective of Part II of this book, we can hope to avoid and dismantle this global enslavement strategy and transform this fake Pax Judaica into a much better era of Pax Ellinika.


In closing this section about China it might be useful to keep in mind The Secret Speech of General Chi Haotian of 1992 about the need for China to colonize the USA. The current leaders of China would certainly not be as explicit today, but what is happening indicates clearly that their objective is still the same today. General Chi Hoatian said:    


"From a humanitarian perspective, we should issue a warning to the American people and persuade them to leave America and leave the land they have lived in to the Chinese people. Or at least they should leave half of the United States to be China’s colony, because America was first discovered by the Chinese. But would this work? If this strategy does not work, then there is only one choice left to us. That is, the use of decisive means to “clean up” America and reserve America for our use in a moment. Our historical experience has proven that as long as we make it happen, nobody in the world can do anything about us. Furthermore, if the United States as the leader is gone, then other enemies will have to surrender to us. ... Biological weapons [like the current Corona Virus] are unprecedented in their ruthlessness, but if the Americans do not die then the Chinese have to die. If the Chinese people are strapped to the present land, a total societal collapse is bound to take place".  







1993: Improved Communism Starts Moving West as Cultural Terrorism.



Some of my potential readers have received the few pages of this section as an excerpt of Part I of this long book, in order to give them a preview of its content. In it, like in the rest of the book, we talk a lot about what we call, with an obvious intended pun, the Sweat (Satanic World Enslavement Abrahamic Team). This "Team" is composed of the most current evil elites running the world at the moment in the pursuit of a full globalization in which to enslave the rest of us, and of a fast forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government to fully achieve this terrible objective as soon as possible. These evil elites are basically all "Abrahamic" in that they belong mostly to the top levels of the three Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and of other accomplices like the Freemasons and the Jesuits, let alone their subservient coconspirators for our global enslavement at the top management level of corporations, international organizations and the "best" nomenclature of the puppet political level or of the deep state level of the governments of the most important countries. We also call them "Satanic" because, at these top levels, as we explain with more details in many other sections, these elites nearly all have a lot to do with various kinds of Luciferian rituals, including in the Vatican, always using the nicer elitist name of Lucifer for these practices in order to hide the politically incorrect name of their real master called more prosaically as Satan by most common people.


Communism Right MomentNearly all of these evil elites also profess, openly or not, or reveal clearly, directly or indirectly, willingly or unwillingly, their firm affiliation to their preferred political ideology that they usually only call simply "Socialism", but meaning "Fabian Socialism" or "Cultural Marxism". The key name "Socialism" hides the more simple but frightening name or their preferred ideology which, in one word, is the worst kind of "Marxism". In the context of this book, we call it mostly a devious and deceptive kind of "Improved Communism" that is really nothing less than a form of "Cultural Terrorism" meant to destroy our best Greco-Roman values in order to globally enslave the rest of us more easily. This is the subject of this section, let alone the rest of Part I of this book. Part II will define the 10 reforms we have to implement to get back our freedom through a new form of governance that we call FtatAristarchy (Full Truth And Transparency Aristarchy).    


Communism has suffered a well programmed soft fall in the Soviet Union in 1992 but did not die at all. In fact, according to Soviet dissident Bezmenov, it had been programmed to fall since the mid-1970s, and to fall softly, without a mew destructive revolution. In the meantime, since the same mid-1970s, it had also been programmed to be improved in its pureness, at their best next occasion outside the Soviet-Union, including with some new fine-tuning in China, starting more formally in 1978. At that point, the Soviets knew clearly already that their failure in tactics of application of Communism were irreparable in the Soviet Union and needed a "Fresh Start" somewhere else. According to Bezmenov, its improved version was intended to be gradually "Moved more to the West" after its soft fall in the Soviet Union. The move West would start with the easier Europe and, a few years after that, would be pushed into the more difficult USA. In fact, before its soft fall in the Soviet Union in 1992, and as seen in the previous section about China, its projected improved version had already started to be fine-tuned with brand new elements in China since 1978 through mainly Social Credit and the set of economic reforms of the so-called "Socialist Market Economy" under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping. These new elements of reforms were further improved in 1984 through the foundation of the CITIC, the additional organization that managed China's transition to its hugely fake market economy under the guidance of the Judaic Sassoon and Li families called the Rothschild of the East.


The effective gradual move more to the west of Communism in its purest Marxist original version started with the creation of the European Union in 1993. This new EU would definitely be a Fake Democracy managed by well-veiled GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) Communist bureaucrats without that qualification. To save face however, it would include the election of a parliament, but a Fake Parliament with no real power. The real power would be placed in a so-called European Commission that would be totally GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance), composed of officials only "selected", not "elected", selected by the Sweat elites of the member states meant to be useful idiots for this purpose.


In creating the new EU, the intention was two-fold. First, the new Improved Communism was intended to start with a slow and deceitful penetration of the EU, without naming it Communism, but with its main institution of real power totally GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance). This first deceitful penetration of a purer original Communism was meant to favor, as soon as possible, the eventual full establishment in the EU of the brand new elements of Communism that had been highly fine-tuned in China since 1978. Second, the experience of the EU starting in 1993 was meant to be a test that, if successful, would lead to become the starting point of the extension of this new Improved Communism also to the USA, a few years later, still without that name, in at most a couple of decades after the beginning of the 21st century.


Interestingly enough, with the election of a Hilary Clinton in 2016, if it had happened, the Sweat elites would have finally been very close to having reached their objective of New Communism also in the USA. But with the totally unexpected surprise election of an anti-globalist wild card called Donald Trump they suffered a temporary setback for a few years. However, the globalist communists always think long-term, not short-term. For them the Trump parenthesis was only a temporary setback, not at all a final defeat.


With the election, or rather the fraudulent "selection" of Joe Biden through the massive fraud of electoral electronic machines, the Sweat elites now have the ideal useful idiot leader that they often call China Joe to start pushing the Improved Communism fine-tuned in China into the USA. This is because Biden and his son are known to be very closely linked to the China that fine-tuned the new additional elements of Communism destined to be "moved more to the west", including into the USA in due time. In addition, to assist Biden, they have in particular the main figure of this new Improved Communism called Kamala Harris as the Vice President, as the "best" possible puppet representative of the extreme Marxist Left that animated the older original Communism and animated more recently the Improved Communism of China. She, the veiled Marxist Kamala Harris, is even discretely planned to soon become the President of the new Improved Communism in the USA if the failing health of puppet Biden deteriorates any further, or if he is eventually ousted out for any other reason. Kamala is already a full asset and eventual leader of the new Improved Communism without that name of the Sweat elites for the USA.


In the meantime, with the so-called China Joe as their winning asset, the Judaic Sassoon and Li forces of China called the Rothschild of the East have not only corrupted Biden's son, Hunter, but corrupted immensely the major part of Congress with the collaboration of the Judaic forces of the Rothschild of the West in the USA called by mainly the name Zionists, be they Democrats in majority or Republicans in minority. It is an immense corruption of which Hunter Biden is only the tip of an iceberg. Through this corruption, and with the help of a well-hidden Obama in the background fulfilling his fake third term as president, with Hillary and Kamala as his main accomplices, let alone Soros, in practical terms, China is already running the USA in a leading role today, in full collaboration with the older but still strong role of Israel. The first master, China plays that leading role mainly on the economic side, while the second master, Israel, plays that leading role mainly on the side of foreign policy for world domination purposes. Of course, to distract the public attention from this awful puppet theater, the Sweat elites use Russia as the punching bag of the Fake Russian Collusion. So far, this has beautifully kept the attention away from the leading role of the two puppeteer masters, China and Israel. What is happening in the collapsing USA today is certainly not mainly a Russian Plot, and not even a pure Jewish Plot, but certainly a Sweat Plot with the Judaic forces of mainly the Fake Jews of both China and the USA in the main leading roles. In short,  the USA is now a perfect puppet theater with two master puppeteers: China assisted by Israel. The top master puppeteer at the moment is China, but the main string handlers are mainly the older dominant Judaic transnational forces of the Sweat elites supervised by the Zionist State of Israel. The USA has now become the richest colony in the world for its two main masters and exploiters, China and Israel.


Both puppet Biden and puppet Kamala are also, already and explicitly, self-declared Zionists. Biden is supposed to be a Catholic, but really a Fake Catholic. He fully defends all the worst values that are anti-Catholic, like criminal late abortions, abominable transgenderism and ugly gay marriage. In addition, all his 4 children married Jewish partners and he has 11 Jewish grand-children. From this point of view, as already a Fake Catholic, Biden is also already a kind of Fake-Jew, thus also a full asset of the the Zionist leading component of the Sweat elites. As for Kamala, she is also a kind of Fake-Jew because she admittedly celebrates the African Kwanza with the 7 candles Kinara that emulate the 7 candles of the Zionist Menorah with which the Jewish Hanukah is celebrated. And both the Hanukah and the Kwanza are about bringing the Luciferian light to this world. Of course, "Luciferian" is only a nicer word for "Satanic", as a substitution that is also used frequently by the satanic Sweat elite members of the Vatican in many of their Fake-Catholic liturgies that include explicit odes to Lucifer. From this point of view Kamala is also a perfect puppet asset of the Sweat elites, just like her presumed puppet boss Joe Biden, when most probably their real common master boss in the background is none less than Obama at a shallow level, and Lucifer himself at a deeper level of the Deep State, with the complicit assistance of the two Clintons. Of course, discrete Master Obama himself is animated by his new mentor called Soros, and the two Clintons are self-declared animated by their own mentor called Alinsky who wrote the book "Rules For Radicals" with a dedication to Satan on which Hillary wrote a kind of thesis. This really means that Satan himself is leading the USA to the full implementation of the new Improved Communism fine-tuned in China without that name.


Because of these two important levels of acolytes at a shallow and a deep level, the Sweat elites of the USA are now convinced they can finally achieve their long-term objective of fully infiltrating also in the USA with the New Improved Communism in the near future. The super-puppets Biden and Harris are certainly fully on board with the forthcoming "Great Marxist Reset" of the transnational Sweat elites as they have chosen for their electoral campaign, as their main slogan, a logo created by Marxist Klaus Schwab of the WEF (World Economic Forum): "Build Back Better". Puppet Biden was also all along his career just about the strongest supporter in the entire American Congress of the UNN that is entirely dominated by the worst Marxist elements of the Sweat elites, starting with their Secretary General socialist and internationalist called Antonio Guterres. Biden also said openly that he supports a globalist NWO (New World Order), as articulated by his good friend George Soros, both seeing NATO as a subservient body of "front-line troops until the UN is transformed and strong enough to play itself the role of global peacekeeper.


BK Service_ComradesNot only Bezmenov, but many other ex-KGB defectors have confirmed that the communist DebtOcracy enslaving us today through usurious debt-money is made invisible to us, as our "New Normal", as what we naively and falsely call... democracy. Again, for us, the Sweat elites want our current reality to be only our unquestioned "Just the way it is", blindly accepted by all of us as just the normal political correctness that kills the good common sense of most of the common people in our country. Many other writers have also explained that Communism did not die in the Soviet Union, and that it was only likely to rise, in a "better" way and in its purer form, in many new places around the world, or has already arisen in many places already. In fact, it is rising actively already in many places under other appearances and with other names. The Book by Robert Service: Comrades: A World History of Communism (2007) was highly criticized by the Sweat elites, for obvious reasons, but it is useful reading in this respect. This is always what happens when someone dares to tell the Truth. The history of Communism that is being reborn in its purer form of Cultural Terrorism today, more to the west, in the EU and the USA, as the Passive Revolution of Gramsci meant to create Cultural Terrorism, has already shown in its past that it is the worst cancer that ever attacked humanity, having caused directly more than 100 million deaths, at least 40 million of which by Lenin and Stalin in the Soviet Union alone, and indirectly around the globe more than 231 million dead in the wars and revolutions of the 20th century alone in wars and revolutions inspired by a form of Communism.  


As for intellectual dissidents fully aware of this strategic move of an Improved Communism to be moved more to the west, the famous Soviet KGB defector who died in 1992, Yuri Bezmenov, whom I got to know well, explained to me in the 70s and the 80s, both before and after I myself lived in the Soviet Union during the term of Brezhnev as a Canadian diplomat, how Communism would be made to fall smoothly in the Soviet Union but not made to die, only made to be "improved" on the basis of its purer Marxist conception of "Cultural Terrorism", as the cultural terrorism so well expressed by the Gramsci Passive Revolution. This Improved Communism, of course, would be an improvement for the elites and a worsening for the rest of us. It would be made to also mend its wounds, and to be moved more to the west, starting with the EU and then to the USA. After its fine-tuning with brand new elements in China for a few years, including with dictatorial Social Credit, it would be made to work in a more efficient way under another less frightening name, even under the innocuous name of... democracy, but of course a new fake "democracy" hiding a dictatorial fundamental DebtOcracy of more global grab in which we are now, through a growing worldwide Banktatorship, as a stepping stone for a fast forthcoming Communist and dictatorial One-World-Government to eventually be based in JerUSAlem if in the meantime the Zionist leading component of the Sweat elites succeeded to affirm its full leadership within the Sweat Cabal of GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) transnational officials.


Bezmenov had first escaped the USSR to Greece in the early 70s, at the height of the power of the Soviet Union, and then was granted asylum to Canada through a complex process in which I was partly instrumental. He was an ex-top-level Soviet KGB official, expert on the various types of deceptions used by collectivist governments like the Soviet Union, to achieve a totalitarian regime of full population enslavement in any given country of their choice. As such, after defecting and leaving the Soviet Union, he gave a vast amount of lectures in western countries on this subject in the 1970s and 1980s, trying to explain to these western countries how to avoid the traps of totalitarian Collectivism through a new form of Improved Communism intended to be moved more to the West. He loved the beauty and liberty of the western world as it existed at that time, some 50 years ago, and wanted the West to avoid the decadent destruction that was facing the Soviet Union. Because of this, Bezmenov even wrote a book called "Love Letter to America" which to him meant Canada as much as the USA. Many people were intrigued by his writings and lectures at the time, and by his predictions as to what could happened to us, but most people did not take his lectures too seriously, as his predictions seemed to be exaggerated, and even of outright impossible application in the free western world. Nevertheless, today, it is our sad reality.


Bezmenov constantly talked about the "Fresh Start more to the West" of Communism after its predicted, even well planned, soft forthcoming fall in the Soviet Union. He nevertheless predicted that the Fabian Socialist world Sweat elites that had applied the communistic techniques of massive enslavement in the third world were now aiming at starting to apply them in a better way also to the first world, the western world which included America and Europe. In fact, they were already facing serious difficulties in the Soviet Union with their failing system of enslaving collectivism. On the strength of their experience, and the lessons learnt in more than half a century of experimentation, they wanted to move west, for what Bezmenov was calling a new communist experiment of "Fresh Start more to the West". In any case, and alternatively, already in the mid-70s, the soviet elites were planning to use the West as a refuge in case their experiment would fail all together in a violent manner in the Soviet Union. These explicit predictions were nearly ignored in the 1980s, but they now look like incredibly accurate prophecies, that is, they look like our exact sad reality of today at the beginning of the XXI century, in the EU already, and growingly in the USA.


I first heard of Bezmenov while working on a diplomatic posting (1969/1972) at the Canadian Consulate General in Milan, Italy, with part of my functions being responsible to process the applications to Canada of refugees held in the refugee camps of Trieste in northern Italy, near the border of the ex-Yugoslavia where I was travelling on a regular basis for evaluation and selection purposes. The refugees from these camps were from all the countries of the Eastern Communist Block, including the ex-Soviet Union, but also included refugees from other places, like some opponents of the military regime of the colonels in Greece at the time. Having good experience already with Soviet refugees of the like of Bezmenov, I was first consulted at distance for assisting the evaluation of his case that was pending in Athens. He was in Athens as a defector, but he was very interested in asylum in Canada. For this reason, he was then brought to me in Trieste for 3 days, through a military flight, for an evaluation by me in one of the refugee camps there, and then returned to Greece.


Kamala Harris Marxist JusticeMy extensive experience with the selection of refugees fleeing Communism, like Bezmenov, or fleeing other dictatorial regimes, was only to grow. After Milan, I had a chance to expand my experience with all sorts of refugees, from both the left and the right of the political spectrum. I was first transferred to the Canadian Embassy in Athens (1972/1974). When I got there, the defection of Bezmenov and his request for political asylum to the west was still a fresh story, in particular with some colleagues of the American Embassy in Athens and officials of the Greek government who had been involved in his case, and with whom I was regularly associating in my diplomatic duties.


In between Milan and Athens, I also went for months of temporary duty in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. I went there mainly to help process the refugees from Eastern Africa who were fleeing from mainly Uganda, away from the giant black military dictator Idi Amin who had decided to forcefully expel all non-black foreigners from Uganda, in particular all the persons of Asian origin. He knew what I was doing in Uganda, and I got to know him quite well, but I will spare you my worst unpleasant moments with him. After my posting in Africa and in Athens (where I met and married my Greek goddess wife in 1974, with whom I still live today), I was transferred to Chile (as newly married, where our first of 3 children was born), with the mission to personally select and process the quota of 200 political prisoners that Canada had decided to accept from the jails of the Pinochet regime. All these prisoners were either Communists or Marxists, or from other political parties of mainly the far left. I worked in Chile for two years (1974/1976), travelling to all the jails of Chile between Arica (extreme north near Peru) and Puntarenas (extreme south, near the Antarctic Pole that I also had a chance to visit in part) at the occasion of my diplomatic duties in the area.


By the time I was ready to leave Santiago of Chile, I had acquired a very extensive experience with political refugees of all kinds, from the left and from the right. On that basis, I made plans to meet again with Bezmenov who was not living in Toronto in late 1976, but only at an unofficial meeting arranged through a friend of the Greek Consulate who knew Bezmenov from the time of his first defection in Greece. I had always been fascinated by the case of Bezmenov as a political refugee, in particular by his theory of an eventual "Fresh Start more to the West" of a new type of Improved Communism without that name. He was a serious top-level Soviet intellectual. He had been a very top KGB official, and he was giving regular lectures, ever since granted political asylum in Canada, on most interesting aspects of the communist regime of the Soviet Union and its expected stronger future by moving it more to the West in its purest original Marxist form without that name. In the meantime, I had also acquired the experience of the regimes of the worst dictators of the planet at the time on the right side of the political spectrum, mainly in Uganda and Chile. Consequently at that point I was most intrigued by dictatorships of the left side of the political spectrum, like the one of the Soviet Union. I wanted to compare and try to understand which one was really worse, or the least bad. I felt Bezmenov was the best person to talk to about the questions I had in mind. In retrospective, this is probably because of him that I asked and readily obtained and accepted a new diplomatic posting at the Canadian Embassy in the Soviet Union some 4 years later. That new diplomatic posting that took place at the Canadian Embassy in Moscow between 1980 and 1982, most of it under the reign of Brezhnev whose funerals I attended. 

What was this Improved Communism to be moved more to the West?


At my first unofficial meeting of 1976 in Canada with then Canadian resident Bezmenov, we concentrated on the Soviet Union, as he himself had not had any experience with regimes of both the far right and left like I had. Bezmenov explained to me at length that the collectivist experience of the Soviet Union was failing, or rather already programmed for a soft fall, but only because they had made four terrible mistakes. The Improved Communism they were planning for was essentially a purer Marxist form of Communism that would have a "Fresh Start" without these 4 mistakes and with the addition of new elements to be fine-tuned in China, like the dictatorial Social Credit system. The steps to be taken for eliminating the 4 mistakes and achieving an Improved Communism were seen as the following: 

  1. Avoid complete central planning without more competitive regional planning.
    Complete central planning, for the best intellectuals of the Soviet Union had revealed itself to be an impossible utopia. Instead of controlling the economy fully but indirectly, through a well-controlled and still productive private middle class, they had tried to control all their economy centrally and directly, as a global public sector, all by mostly incompetent government officials put in position by mainly cronyism instead of competence, doing the same at top government level. This soon revealed itself to be an impossible task, as an impending inevitable failure, especially in a huge country of the size of the Soviet Union. These mistakes had led to an impossible managerial situation that was simply catastrophic in its daily consequences in most places. Consequently, as early as the mid-60s, the Soviets fully realized already this fatal mistake, but they also realized that it was already too late for applying any possible kind of major correction without revolutionizing for a second time their entire country, with unpredictable consequences for the maintenance of their power and privileges within the huge Soviet Union. For them, again, it was better to let if fail, or rather make it fail as softly as possible, and have instead a "Fresh Start more to the West" .

  2. Enslave the useful productive middle-class without "killing" it, instead of the useless low-class.
    This second reform is related to the previous one. Bezmenov explained that their most fundamental mistake was to have enslaved the useless low class instead of the useful productive middle class like they would intend to do in their eventual "Fresh Start more to the West" . Its enslavement would be brought to the outmost degree possible, but without killing it, in order to keep it productive. GorbachevNewSovietsIn the USSR, they had abandoned the productive private middle class completely and let it disintegrate, curing only the wellbeing of the high class with all sorts of privileges. They realized that they should instead have only given some kind of minimum welfare to keep the useless low class quiet, and rather enslaved the productive middle class with west-like extreme control through stringent legislation and socialist extraction of wealth, but keeping it alive and active as much as possible. Bezmenov said that a private middle class has talent, and has a natural tendency to be and stay productive even for example under a form of enslavement through excessive taxation and legislation like it is happening very successfully in the West. Such most precious middle class would have continued to be productive in spite of its enslavement, thus continuing to be useful for the good of the economy of the Soviet Union and for the maintenance of the privileges of the elites managing it. The deceitful enslavement of that productive middle class was the most important improvement that they would use for their eventual "Fresh Start more to the West" .

  3. Avoid an oversized and insatiable military complex.
    In addition, Bezmenov mentioned another important mistake that the Soviets were already conscious of, that stemmed from the first two. The original choice of a total control of the economy at top public level had led to the insatiable appetite, and the extravagant ambitions, of an oversized military nomenclature to control the internal explosive situation of too much central planning and to many other explosive situations abroad with many of them entirely irrelevant to their power. This not only caused unsustainable internal budgets and external debt being used for wrong purposes, while being open to huge corruption, but also caused the formation of a huge new welfare class in other less well served sectors of the economy. The appetite of their military class in turn caused the absorption of the majority of the useful resources for the military sector. As a consequence, this mistake caused the complete neglect of the infrastructures of all non-military sectors of the economy of the country.


  4. Avoid open mass executions and use more deceitful "Cultural Terrorism".
    Overall, maybe the most fundamental mistake they had made according to Bezmenov was to persecute all opponents of Communism too openly and too directly. This was creating too many internal enemies. That led to the massacre of at least some 40 million people under Lenin and Stalin alone. Their open and direct attack had become too obvious. People knew where the "bad" was coming from, that is, coming from a nomenclature they had quickly learnt to hate. That nomenclature could have been liked and seen as a savior if it had proceeded in a wiser way, with less open and direct persecution violence. This best alternative was exactly what Marx had in mind when he 'invented' Communism. From that point of view, they had not been sufficiently deceitfully Marxists. Marx intended to have the Communist revolution work much more deceitfully, by infiltrating all sectors of human activity, destroying all moral and social values through a kind of "Cultural Terrorism" of no clear origin, creating chaos and misery without an origin easily seen as coming from the nomenclature. Again this was the kind of Cultural Terrorism that was well expressed by the Gramsci Passive Revolution that they had failed to apply correctly, and that they would apply more correctly in a Fresh Start More to the West. In this best original way, people would have started fighting each other for survival without realizing they were attacked by any specific superior nomenclature. As a result, the nomenclature would have had a better chance to be seen as a savior instead of a persecutor, and called in willingly by more people for commanding purposes instead of being hated. 



Improved Communism is really what came to be called Cultural Terrorism


The new Improved Communism would be first and foremost one without the above 4 mistakes, or rather with the above 4 reforms, plus some additional improvements being fine-tuned in China like the system of dictatorial Social Credit. As a result of the above 4 mistakes, the Soviet elites were already talking, in the mid-70s, discretely but already clearly to their senior officials like Bezmenov, about having to face an inevitable implosion of their collectivist experiment, and probably in only very few more years ahead of them. By the same token, and in light of their mistakes from which they had learnt a hard lesson, they were also already planning ahead, stealthily, for eventually having a second chance or, again, having what Bezmenov kept calling repetitiously a "Fresh Start more to the West", in a new geopolitical area with a well-established strong economy at the productive middle-class level, like in Europe and in the USA, without repeating the four above-mentioned mistakes. Essentially the Improved Communism would be avoiding mainly the above mistake no. 4 (not being sufficiently purely Marxist), as a priority, more than the 3 others, but also avoiding the 3 others, and return to a purer version of Communism as conceived by Marx that in practice meant  a Gramsci Passive Revolution and a complete destruction of all traditional values through Cultural Terrorism.


To achieve this objective, the Soviets would first ensure the Soviet Union would collapse smoothly, without an unpredictable full revolution. They would then move their communist ideology more to the West namely to Europe and the United States, that both had already a most productive middle class to be enslaved easily while keeping it productive, starting fresh, without the 4 mistakes made of the Soviet Union, and without necessarily, God forbid, calling it Communism. In that line of thinking, Europe, to start with, would be their best and first main Fresh Start place because it did not have only a most productive middle class to be enslaved, but also had no huge military sector that could absorb most of its resources like it was the case in the USA, and like it had happened in the Soviet Union. If we look today at what Europe became under the GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) EU Commission, the EU is exactly the kind of Communist Fresh Start without that name that Bezmenov was talking about: a strong middle class that was debased and enslaved to the outmost degree through excessive taxation and legislation, and through the destruction of the main traditional values of nation and family, but kept alive, and with no huge military budget of its own absorbing too many of the useful resources. As such, Europe could become an ideal new EUSSR (European United Soviet Socialist Republics) to start with, followed by a USSR (United States Socialist Republics) as soon as possible after that, as the two forthcoming new Soviet areas predicted explicitly by Gorbachev.


In other words, the old exhausted Communism of the Soviet Union was made to fall smoothly as planned, but not made to die at all. It only willfully moved itself to have a Fresh Start more to the West without that name in what, to start with, was soon to became the European Union. And the next ambition of the Sweat elites was to do the same thing eventually in the United States as soon as possible after the EU would have been put under control by this new form of Improved Communism without that name. As for the United States, they knew it would required more time and more effort. But the top intellectuals of Communism are not in a hurry. They are long-term planners over many generations. Most of them are also from the Jewish side of the Sweat elites with a culture of patience over centuries to achieve eventually the supremacy of their race as the so-called "Chosen People" for world domination. Horkheimer


The first important step for the move of Communism to the West without that name really happened when Hitler attacked Jews and had a clear plan to at least throw most of their intellectuals out of Germany in order not to have competition. They were mainly those intellectuals of the Communist Social Marxist School Of Frankfurt that started to move to the West, in the USA, in the 1930s. Notably, Max Horkheimer of that same school well described their strategy in 1937: "The [Communist] revolution won’t happen with guns, rather, It will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their education institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move toward universal egalitarianism". This comment of Horkheimer was only a good reflection of what Gramsci, called the Passive Revolution of "de-moral-ization" animated by the communistic Cultural Marxism. Of course Horkheimer meant "egalitarianism at the bottom", with all slaves equal in misery under the communist Sweat elites enjoying their full privileges, like it happened in all Communist countries, and not an equalitarianism on the basis of the same level of merit like it is intended to happen in a FtatAristarchy (explained in Part 2 of this book). This is deconstructionthe rest of us as slaves, and for them as privileged elites.


After their induced expulsion from Germany by Hitler in the early 1930s, the Communist intellectuals first moved to Geneva in Switzerland as an initiative of Horkheimer, and then moved quickly from Geneva, and more deceitfully so, to their new home at the Columbia University in the USA in 1934 to start with. Then they quickly invaded Yale, Harvard, Stanford and Berkley. They also became deeply embedded in the education system from kindergarten on, up to the top, also in the main political institutions, in Hollywood, and in particular in all the mainstream Cartel of Mass Media being formed. Today they are those behind the ideas and the extreme left politics. Their new puppet leaders like Kamala Harris are fully imbued with this culture and want to impose it on us deceitfully by reaching positions of power through fraudulent elections like it recently happened in the USA in 2020, and in many other countries like Greece, not to mention through fraudulent political coalitions without elections like it happened continuously in countries like Italy over the last few years.


Horkheimer was only one of these Communist intellectuals related to the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism that should really be called the School of Cultural Terrorism through the Gramsci type of Passive Revolutions. All have their roots in Karl Marx who claimed explicitly the pursuit of the abolition of the nation and of the family, let alone all the culture of liberty of the western world. His Communist Manifesto claimed explicitly that the only way to achieve their aim was "The forcible overthrow of all existing traditional values". His disciple Lenin said: "We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, law-breaking, withholding and concealing truth (...). We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us".


Bakunin said: "In this revolution we will have to awaken the Devil in the people, to stir up the basest passions. Our mission is mainly to destroy, not to edify. The passion of destruction is a creative passion". His assistant and male lover Sergey Nechayev said that their goal was first and foremost destruction, and that Communism had no aim other than complete submission of the masses, deceitfully achieved while "convincing them that their emancipation can only come about as a result of an all-destroying popular revolt.  For this purpose, Communists would use all resources and energy toward increasing and intensifying the evils and miseries of the people until at last their patience is exhausted and they are driven to a general uprising". He founded the program of destruction called "The Revolutionary Catechism" in which it is said that the first objective is to provoke civil war and mass unrest [just like it is happening in the USA in 2021 with the help of the Fake COVID Crisis engineered for this purpose]. He added: "Night and day we must have but one thought, one aim: merciless destruction. Aiming at implacable revolution, the revolutionary may and frequently must live within society while pretending to be completely different from what he really is, for he must penetrate everywhere, into all the higher and middle-classes, into the houses of commerce, the churches, and the palaces of the aristocracy, and into the worlds of the bureaucracy and literature and the military". He even advocated mass executions if necessary… starting with all those inimical to his Revolutionary Catechism, like mainly all the conservatives [now being considered National Terrorists in the USA or 2021 and in most western countries]. His own group of activists even assassinated Tsar Alexander II.


This exaggerated side of Nechayev probably led to a major mistake (no. 4 mentioned above: lack of being sufficiently Marxist) of the failed Communism of the Soviet Union for not sufficiently and deceitfully hiding their "pretending to be completely different from what they really were". Nevertheless, what is included in his Revolutionary Catechism served as an inspiration to all the other strategies of Communism. This includes the "Red Terror" of Lenin and Stalin, the Cloward Piven Crisis Strategy so well cherished by Obama, the Cultural Marxism of the Frankfurt School, the Cultural Terrorism of Georg Lukacs and the Comintern of Willi Munzenberg who said: "We will make the West so corrupt that it will stink". Munzenberg was discovered by the terrible Communist Trotsky when he was 15 and hired in in spite of his young age. He was a forgery expert, a great criminal and a dedicated communist. By age 26 he was running all sorts of communist programs.


He was the first Community Organizer of which Obama will later on become an eventual affectionate follower. He influenced most negatively Ernest Hemingway, Andre Malraux, Andre Gide and Bertolt Brecht, to name only a few famous admirers. He said they had to organize intellectuals to use them to make western civilization stink through maximum corruption [like China and the Sweat elites are doing today in the USA Congress and the EU Brussels Round Table]. Only then, after they would have corrupted all values and made life impossible, would they, the Communists, be able to impose the dictatorship of the proletariat. Antonio Gramsci was part of it with his famous Passive Revolution of "demoralization through Cultural Marxism. Georg Lukacs (Hungarian) probably coined the names "Cultural Marxism" and "Cultural Terrorism". He said: "I saw the revolutionary destruction of society as the one and only solution to the cultural contradictions of the epoch. Such a worldwide overturning of values cannot take place without the annihilation of all the old values and the creation of new ones by the revolutionaries".


Marcuse Study GuideTogether with Horkheimer, Herbert Marcuse became one of the main figures of the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism transferred to the USA. As such, he became a prominent teacher of the Columbia University and collaborator of other leftist entities of the academia. From 1942 to 1950, he worked at the Office of Strategic Services. In 1953-54 he is a collaborator of the Russian Research Center of the Harvard University. He also taught political science at the Brandeis University, and at the University of California in San Diego. What is important to understand from this curriculum is that Marcuse is now considered the "Father of the New Left" of people like Obama and his secret assistant Kamala to achieve his secret third term,  but also the "Father of the Sexual Revolution" on the basis of a book that he wrote with the title "Eros and Civilization". In that book Marcuse wrote: "Polymorphous sexuality was the term which I used to indicate that the new direction of progress would depend completely on the opportunity to activate repressed or arrested organic, biological needs: to make the human body an instrument of pleasure rather than labor". Is this not exactly an important part of what is happening today in particular in the most advanced western world?

This concept of "Polymorphous Sexuality" is clearly at the source of the fake sexual revolution of every possible form that would devastate the western world in the 1960s, in particular since the "hippie" revolution of 1968. Most importantly however, Marcuse is the author of the concept of "Partisan Tolerance". Here he uses the word "Tolerance" in a completely deceitful way, meaning perfect tolerance but only for Communist ideas, with the suppression (complete intolerance) of all others. This one-sided tolerance was what he called "Liberating Tolerance" in order to hide its fundamental intolerance.  This is certainly today the source of the growing horrible new "Hate Crime" legislation being put in place as a "Partisan Tolerance" that has invaded the West in the last decades, in particular in the last few years. It is also at the source of the new political correctness killing the common sense of most people today.

Unless we wakeup soon and react against it, this type of fake Partisan Tolerance is gradually limiting, and will eventually eliminate completely our constitutional freedom of speech in the near future. This is also the source of the book of Saul Alinsky titled "Rules for Radicals" with a dedication to Satan that president Clinton explicitly considered the most important book he has ever read, with Alinsky as his mentor. It is also on the basis of that book dedicated to Satan that his wife Hillary even wrote some kind of a thesis. Marcuse is also the source of the extreme leftist SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) of Julian Bond who was closely involved for years in the Communist movement while he was a close friend of Marcuse.


If we look at what is going on around us today, in the EU and in the USA, this "Partisan Tolerance" of Marcuse is exactly our current reality, as a harsh reality of Improved Communism through the Cultural Terrorism of the still going Passive Revolution of Gramsci. Again, most of the members of the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism were Jews. The school moved to the USA, in NYC, in order to avoid Hitler, relocated at the Columbia Teacher's College as a curtsey of Edward Murrow who was an extreme left Russian agent. They then placed some of their members in the best universities of the so-called Ivy League Schools. Some of these members then created the Critical Theory, or the so-called Theory of Deconstructionism. The more specific "Critical Race Theory" was created by Derrick Bell, and Obama, in his Harvard days was considering Bell as his best teacher. Noel Ignatiev was a member of the most pro-Stalin wing of the Communist party of the USA and he invented the concept of "White Privilege" that is being taught most destructively in many schools today, and causing terrible problems of clear "Cultural Terrorism". He died in 2019, but until then he was still teaching and considered a top intellectual at Harvard and at the Massachusetts School of Art. In the meantime, all these intellectuals of Cultural Terrorism have expanded their influence in all the best universities, academia, and media of all the western world. It is because of the influence of the current generation of such intellectuals of Cultural Terrorism that the western world today in a situation of Improved Communism without that name, improved for our leading elites, not for the rest of us, and improved through... Cultural Terrorism. But very few people seem to notice it and still think they are living in... democracy. What a cynic success for these intellectuals! But what a deception for the rest of us! Or what a talent for delusion are we showing to have! And to help this process, these intellectuals have now a new powerful ally in the person of the new Judeo-Jesuit Pope Francis destroying the Catholic Church for the profit o the Sweat elites of the UNN.


We have seen that China is already running the USA, but this is not quite true as the USA really has now two masters: China and Israel. The USA has gone in the last 5 decades from being "The" superpower, to being only "A" decadent power, but still as a rich and powerful colony to be exploited to the outmost degree by its new masters. Its first master is little Israel from a diplomatic point of view, imposing its commands for all important world affairs through massive corruption and its incredible Oath of Allegiance to Israel (not to the USA) forcefully signed by all Congressmen. Its second master is big China from an economic point of view because all the best technology and production of the USA has already been the victim of offshoring or outsourcing to China in the last 5 decades. Talking about the above Theory of Deconstructionism invented by Derrick Bell, with the participation of Obama during his Harvard days, this is exactly what is happening to the USA and the rest of the subservient western world today, If Bell died in 2019, Obama is still well alive, and running the show of deconstructionism more actively than when he was president. His front face is now Soros who has pledged explicitly more than once to deconstruct the USA, and they do so most discretely behind their two main puppets, Biden and Kamala, with China ensuring also full allegiance of all congressmen, less formally so than Israel, but not less efficiently so, through also massive corruption.    


In the meantime, the West is becoming a growing crime-ridden area, with a simultaneous and continuous rise in crime and perversion of all kinds. And this is exactly what the Sweat elites want on the basis of their most-Marxist possible Cultural Terrorism. Bestiality advocates are only the latest marginalized group and they demand their rights along with the zoophiles and the pedophiles within the LGBTQ+ movement. These innovative new candidates are clearly based on the "Polymorphous Sexuality" of Marcuse. Every possible perversion is gradually becoming normalized, except the brand new perversion of being "White". By "White" of course they mean "Conservatives" who, by their new definition, have all become "White Supremacists", especially those with the additional perversion of being a Christian. In certain cities of the USA, like in Chesapeak Virginia, stealing with a value of less than $1000 done by a black person is not considered a punishable crime anymore. Similar situations of  the "Partisan Tolerance" of Marcuse are taking place in many other cities, like San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, Chicago and New York. But even Europe is seeing growing similar phenomena of "Partisan Tolerance" in favor of the criminals, through a judicial system with a clear bias against the victims of crime and in favor of the criminals. In other words, the whole western world influenced by "Partisan Tolerance" and "Cultural Terrorism" is everywhere in decline. All this means a clear victory of the Improved Communism of Cultural Terrorism in which we are all embedded at the moment in the whole western world.


All the above is relevant in talking about FtatAristarchy which is the exact opposite of what has started to happen first in the EU and what is happening now in the USA, as the Improved Communism of Cultural Terrorism having a "Fresh Start More To The West" that Bezmenov was forecasting as the future of Communism few decades ago, and as what is our present reality now. What is happening to us today in the West, in terms of communistic enslavement through extreme legislation and taxation, and through "Partisan Tolerance" and Cultural Terrorism destroying all our traditional values is exactly what was predicted to happen by important dissidents like Bezmenov and planned for by many others like Gramsci and his Passive Revolution. It is still however what most people now call, stupidly and innocuously, by the simplistic name of the NWO (New World Order) without really knowing what it means, or even more stupidly by the name of... democracy.

That NWO, in the perspective of a FtatAristarchy as explained in Part II of this book, is what we should call more appropriately the SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement Global World Order) because it is already global, satanic at its top level, and clearly enslaving the productive middle class through extreme legislation and taxation, let alone now through new globalist tools like the Banktatorship and the Healthtatorship of fake plandemics with integrated catastrophic lockdowns, or rather PluckDowns that already transferred the biggest amount of wealth and property in the history of humanity from the productive middle-class gone bankrupt to the parasitic high class of the Sweat elites. But this NWO is also Satanic in being a clear strategy of the Sweat elites. God has disappeared from our personal and public life and, as the infamous Communist Trotsky well said, the new "God Is The State", while that state is more and more represented by all sorts of satanic symbols in all our mass media, in the productions of our entertainment providers, and in our general commercial activities.

This bad Satanic evolution or transformation corrupted and degraded the much more beautiful free world that flourished for a while in Europe and America during the 50s and the 60s. This degradation is exactly what a FtatAristarchy  (Part II of this book) is meant to fight and correct through what we call its opposing FALPNO (FtatAristarchy Liberating Patriotic National Order), that is, through a Return Of Philosophy and consequently a return of Truth, virtue, merit, justice and beauty in our life, both in our private and in our public life based on the Sacred Marriage of Science with Philosophy. If necessary to achieve this objective we should start practicing democratic civil disobedience and become GUAUGUM (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance Unacceptance Movement) members and specifically promote FtatAristarchy through the ELLADUM movement. What we have now as "God Is The State" of course means that current "Institutional Religion", not personal faith at the bottom of one's heart, is now the best assistant and diabolic tool of "Cultural Terrorism" of the new Sweat elites of the SEGWO collectivist state that is a form of Improved Communism, as a new enslaving power without that name after it failed in the East and was move more to the West for a "Fresh Start" in the EU and the USA. Only a FtatAristarchy can ensure a return to our liberty and sanity in both our mind and in our society as only "Truth shall set you free". In fact, FtatAristarchy means Full Truth And Transparency in an Aristarchy with "Aristarchy" meaning a governance by the best ones, based on Truth, Merit and Beauty.









2020: COVID19 World Pandemic and Lockdown Scams as Sweat Great Success

As we have seen, apart from the older DDDD (Debt, Dogma, Disinformation, Despair) traditional tools of enslavement, the Sweat elites have more recently invented 3 new magisterial tools of dictatorship to enslave the rest of us. We called them: Banktatorship, Healthtatorship and Newstatorship
. To spread fear, and to force people to accept these new tools, these Sweat elites have also invented two new magisterial false flags. First, they invented the COVID pandemic, or rather the well-planned PlanDemic scam, or ScamDemic, for engineering fake fear to their advantage. Second, they have invented the integrated and unnecessary lockdowns, or rather PluckDowns for creating an engineered world economic collapse also to their advantage. These are only the latest two best false flags that were ever conceived by the Sweat elites to finally achieve their very old long-term Master Plan of the current NWO (New World Order) that we call SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement Global World Order). These twin magisterial false flags and scams were conceived to reinforce a well growing infant Banktatorship to start with, as the main initial tool being quickly brought to perfection for a fast forthcoming dictatorial global enslavement from a One-World-Government working with a fully digital One-World-Currency in a new Cashless Society as soon as possible. This growing Banktatorship is planned to be supplemented soon by a full Healthtatorship that is being put in place, step by step, lockdown by lockdown, with a brand new and compulsory Health Passport for Fake Vaccines that do not protect the vaccinated and that will be absolutely necessary to have access to all public services or spaces, and also necessary to have access to many private services like travelling or finding a new job, let alone have access or not to our own bank account money from within the new Banktatorship. To finalize the process, the plan provides for also a reinforced Newstatorship that has already started to strictly limit public media information to start with, but also private media information down the line, to only what the Sweat elites want us to know, which is certainly no true information that could jeopardize and expose the evilness of their Master Plan of global enslavement.

The first new tool of Banktatorship is already very much advanced. Banks are not working for the rest of us anymore, like the originally used to, but first and foremost for themselves, that is, for the Sweat elites that own them. More and more of every penny we spend must go through the banks as only cashless digital money so that it can be fully traceable. With this total tracing, the banks, quite officially by now, literally spy on us, and they work more and more for the taxation office that is "theirs", and for their Sweat elites owning them, than working for us, like they used to do in full confidentiality in the past. Censorship FTATOC crimeThe third tool, the Newstatorship, is also very much advanced. It is becoming nearly impossible already to hold opinions contrary to the policy and political correctness of the government, or to criticize our governments and the supranational organizations from which they receive their orders, without being accused of the new crime they invented, the so-called Hate Speech, and consequently risking severe fines or punishment through imprisonment. The Newstatorship will soon include a series of presumed discriminative glitches of the Internet to limit even more systematically our freedom of speech and our free exchange of information to the maximum degree. Big Tech is already eminently an evil accomplice of this inadmissible Private Censorship at the service of the Sweat elites. For example, a whole country, namely Australia, has been cut off from Facebook at one point recently because of comments that its private managers who are complicit of the Sweat elites did not like from too many of their bloggers. This current Internet will also soon be limited to only "approved" websites, that is, approved by private Big Tech, not by government. The new Internet will be used mainly, and gradually more and more restrictively, for nearly only financial transactions with our respective banks of the new Banktatorship.


But we will deal with these two new tools, the Banktatorship and the Newstatorship, mainly in other sections. Here, in this chapter, we are mainly concerned with the new tool of Healthtatorship.  

These 3 new dictatorial tools, even if presented to us only gradually, step by step and deceitfully, will be very difficult to accept by most people, and are likely to provoke revolts if implemented too fast and all together. So, in order to sweeten the pill, they will likely be followed soon with sweeteners, like for example a fake form of
Debt-Jubilee. Such sweetener will apparently facilitate the support of a part of the terrible private debt of most citizens, possibly accompanied by a form of UBI (Universal Basic Income) that will appear to be initially attractive to most people. However, people will soon realize, only after it will be too late, that these deceitful benefits granted through the dictatorial Banktatorship will just make them even more enslaved to the puppet national governments of their national and transnational Sweat elites.  

To accompany these financial sweeteners, the first two new magisterial scams and false flags (the COVID PlanDemic and
PluckDowns) are in fact equal to the launching of a kind of World War III, or rather its biological part. The first part of this unnoticed WWIII was and still is financial, and it took place mainly during the major Financial Crisis of 2008 with its corporations and banks supposedly too big to fail”, let alone their criminal managers "too big to jail". This second biological part of the unnoticed WWIII will finish what the first financial part could not yet completely finalize on a global worldwide basis. Hopefully there will not be also a third part of this unnoticed WWIII, as possibly a military nuclear part, because something will have gone wrong with the full implementation of the first two parts.  

The authors of the new Healthtatorship are only ambitious useful idiots of the global transnational Sweat elites. They include people like Bill Gates who has dedicated his life, and sold his soul to satanic forces for the successful imposition of obligatorily Fake Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated for the whole world with, of course, billions of additional profits along the way for his already horrific ultra-rich foundation. Other useful idiots include the head of the WHO (World Health Organization), currently Mr. Tedros as a good personal friend of Mr. Gates. As the solid Socialist-Marxist that he is, Tedros is also intending to keep world populations under house arrest, with stupid and unnecessary, if not dangerous masks for the whole world, with social distancing and with contact tracing, as two ridiculous measures that are not necessary except for the Sweat elites fully controlling us, unless the world population submits to the ridiculously enslaving vaccination regulations of the WHO under his totally unaccountable reign of scandals and abominations around the world, in clear connivance this time with Gates, even with French president Macron in many cases, and with BigPharma all along the process. The useful idiots also include the current American "Learned Ignoramus", Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is also another good friend of Gates and Tedros. As for Fauci, he even predicted a coming global pandemic 6 years before it happened (when working for Obama, much before his appointment to work for Trump), and he can think only in terms of the compulsory global vaccinations of his friend Bill Gates to resolve the current American economic collapse. Finally, the useful idiots include corrupted and deviated members of the secret services of mainly the USA and China that are fully subservient to the transnational Sweat elites in both countries in order to implement the current SEGWO.

From UN to UNNThese useful idiots of a more front stage level only serve more concealed, and more dangerous background useful idiots working as part of the transnational Sweat elites, like Mr.
George Soros who has financed both the research laboratories in Winnipeg in Canada and Wuhan in China in between which the Fake Corona Virus was engineered. Even more well hidden in the background, more acolyte idiots include supposedly less idiot people like Larry Fink of the BlackRock intending to only give more newly-created usurious debt-money because of the plandemic to incompetent failing banks and corporations, instead of giving it to the people, for people to spend it to re-launch the recovery of the economy destroyed by the fake pandemic. At the top of the pyramid of useful idiots, there are two major ones with a front role that appears to be rather good, but an unaccountable back role that well hides probably the worst kind of evil globalist leadership. There is Pope Francis who is now following the globalist UN/WHO Agenda 21/2030 instead of the traditional spiritual Christian agenda. Last but not least, the list of useful idiots includes of course the fake-face chief of all the previous ones, as nominally supposedly only the "secretary" general of the UN, Mr. Antonio Guterres pursuing proactively the overall forthcoming Communist Technocracy of the new Improved Communism of a One-World-Government based on dictatorial Fabian Socialism, or rather Global World Marxism. His real background role is really to transform the UN (United Nations) into a new UNN  (United No-Nations) for the formation of a new Orwellian "Global Village" for the rest of us to live under in a dictatorial One-World-Government managed through an unnoticed form of Improved Communism being currently fined-tuned in China.

By the way, from this point of view, it is quite clear that the immense hoax of
Global Warming fully engineered by Sweat organizations like HAARP, but supposedly caused by the rest of us instead of mainly by the network of Sweat corporations, and the terrible scam of the Fake Corona Virus PlanDemic, have the same common origin at the top of the pyramid of useful idiots headed by the UN with the current help of the Vatican. What the hoax of Global Warming could not achieve completely will now be achieved by the magisterial scam of the Corona Virus leading to a full Banktatorship and Healthtatorship with the help of a reinforced Newstatorship. Both globalist Soros and globalist Pope Francis are also mutually friendly acolytes who cherish dearly these same issues and want to reduce world population, be it deceitfully through Fake Vaccines that do not protect the vaccinated if necessary, as they were criminally engineered for this purpose as a major crime against humanity. The supposedly Christian pope Francis is even closing an eye on the Abortions Genocide serving this same purpose, killing already in fact much more persons than the Corona Virus PlanDemic itself around the world at the moment. His friend Soros said explicitly that he wants to destroy the America that he hates so much, when America, at least when Trump was in power, seemed to have policies that were overall more Christian than the policies of most other countries at the moment, let alone of the new communist Vatican itself under the evil leadership of Marxist pope Francis. .  

Regarding the Fake COVID Plandemic, the two main surface actors used as useful idiots, Gates and Tedros, visited China with official decorum of the highest level just before the beginning of the crisis. They were most probably pre-vaccinated by an existing, but still secret medicine, or more likely by a fake placebo vaccine given already deceitfully in front of useful idiots of the media to many senior Sweat officials who know about the dangers of the COVID scam, as opposed to the Fake Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated given now to the rest of us, in anticipation of the worldwide PlanDemic that shall be purposely deprived of a curative medicine. Not surprisingly, China handled just too efficiently and too quickly the PlanDemic in Wuhan in order to falsely save face and hide their responsibility in front of the rest of the world where the various components of the Sweat elites, including the Chinese one, intended to spread it. But with the secret antidote medicine that some sources say the Chinese already have for their Sweat officials and essential collaborators, they quickly resolved the Fake Pandemic within their own frontiers soon after its proactive spreading to the rest of the world. As a result, the economy of China is the only important one in the world that is already back on its feet and even booming like never before while America and the EU are collapsing. This makes China de-facto the new superpower while the rest of the world is economically collapsing, in particular the collapsing of the main superpower so far, the USA, just as Soros said explicitly more than once wanted to happen.

The main transitional objectives of what we call the Biological WWIII (the PlanDemic and PluckDowns together) are two.


  1. First, to establish a stronger temporary supremacy worldwide for China, until its test model of successful enslavement through a form of Improved Communism (well experimented there already through 5G and Social Credit, while even 6G is starting to be implemented quite widely), can be passed on "More To The West" (like predicted by Bezmenov) and used for a following worldwide application, under the discrete leadership in China of the LI and Sassoon (the 'Rothschild' of China). All of these tools and scams are used during the parallel transformation of NATO into new Blue Berets of a new UN that is gradually becoming a brand new communist UNN (United No-Nations) and also the parallel transformation of the Vatican becoming the best assistant of the satanic UNN for its evil Agenda 21/2030. In turn, all of this is used in the pursuit of a dictatorial One-World-Government to be established in JerUSAlem in due time with a One-World-Currency, a One-World Religion, a One-World-Army, a One-World-Media and unfortunately also the global welting pot of a satanic One-World-Culture affecting the life of the masked obedient slaves worldwide.
  2. Second, as a prerequisite in the meantime, the use of the combination of the two main false flags (PlanDemic and PluckDowns) is meant to bring the fall of the current strongest world FIAT currencies, mainly the Dollar and the Euro. This would have many cascading good effects for the Master Plan of the Sweat elites. It would facilitate the Global Marxist Reset of the world monetary system, and the Great Reset Of Mind of the world culture that is necessary to have a new One-World Currency in a new global Cashless Society, managed by a new dictatorial One-World Government. Along the way, it would help to acquire more easily, worldwide, through the lockdowns of the engineered World Economic Collapse (PlanDemic and PluckDowns), the biggest possible quantity of wealth and property in the history of humanity, both real estate and business property. All this best wealth and property is intended to be moved from the hands of the productive middle-class of Gentiles into the hands of the biggest parasitic Sweat elites owning the main banks and corporations of the already outrageously rich Zio-Plutocracy owning and managing already the embryo of the One-World Government being formed by the new Banktatorship and the new Healthtatorship, with the help of the reinforced Newstatorship.
    For the Sweat elites, the final result is intended to be the successful point of final arrival of
    their Long Saga To Pax Judaica. This fake “Pax” will be our sad fate unless a critical quantity of the rest of us wakes up to the hoax and turns the scam into a boomerang with full accountability of its authors in front of courts of justice worldwide. The combination of the Fake Corona Virus PlanDemic and the PluckDowns is what most common people call simply the New World Order (NWO) at its best. A Plandemic that did not happen naturally, but was deceitfully engineered in a laboratory, and planned for an evil purpose, can be called a "Plandemic", that is, a Pandemic fabricated for serving a plan, the Master Plan of the Sweat elites in this case. As we have seen, this evil plan is even satanic. It is the Sweat (Satan World Enslavement Abrahamic Team) elites plan. After having completed a great part of the worldwide financial enslavement with the crisis that started in 2008, it is the plan to have now the unnoticed Biological part of WWIII (the PlanDemic and PluckDowns together) to pop up the immense worldwide usurious debt-money bubble created by the preceding Financial part of WWIII (crowned in the crisis of 2008), but to pop it in a controlled way, again to the advantage of only the Sweat elites. The Sweat elites do not want a dangerous chaotic way to pop it up.


Again, the Sweat elites want a controlled collapse of the world economy that is now called with the nicer euphemism of the "Great Reset" that in fact is a Great Global Marxist Reset, along with what they hide but want most, which is what we call the Great Reset of Mind. World MarxismThey certainly want, to start with, an economic collapse that will bring them the biggest transfer of wealth and property in world history from the hands of the bankrupted productive middle class into their own hands as the rich parasitic class of the Sweat elites. This massive transfer of wealth will reinforce them, the Sweat elites, and weaken all the other possible centers of power around the world, thus facilitate their pursuit of a forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government of complete world domination. By the same token, they hope to have the apparent justification to more easily bring in a fully digital One-World-Currency of global CBDC under their full control in a new fully Cashless Society for even more additional future profits for themselves, the Sweat elites. This is why the Corona Virus PlanDemic is a magisterial false flag and scam of unprecedented unfathomable negative proportions for the rest of us, but equally an unprecedented success in the history of humanity for the current Sweat elites.


In conclusion, the 2020 COVID 19 World Pandemic and its Lockdowns Scam is a great success of the Sweat elites. This is the ultimate magisterial step of a long list of steps in the long-term strategy that will bring the world under a new form of Improved Communism that is nothing less than pure Marxism. This is already the reality of the GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) EU and growingly the reality of the USA. About the USA, best-seller author Mark Levin is right. The USA is already under a flagrant form of unnoticed Marxism that he rightly calls "American Marxism" in his last book with that title.  He is absolutely right. The only thing wrong, maybe, is the title that should be "World Marxism". Of course, his perspective is only the American one. Maybe somebody should suggest to him to write a new version of his book, widening his perspective to the global world. In this case, with the culture and intelligence he has shown in his first book, he would certainly quickly and rightfully change the title of the second version to "World Marxism". 


It is most interesting however to notice that Mark Levin book titled "American Marxism", written in 2021, was only a confirmation of what Bertram Gross wrote in the 1980s in his own book titled "Friendly Fascism". What was only "Friendly Fascism" as early as the 1980s evolved quickly to become unfriendly "American Marxism" twenty years later. If Mark Levin only decided to widen a bit his perspective today, or if another author decided to do so as early as maybe next year, they would certainly expressed the view that we are already in, and fast moving into a full "World Marxism".   






Connecting the Dots

As for the Corona Virus and its integrated destructive lockdowns (the PlanDemic and PluckDowns together), it is certainly not a false flag in as much as it is a tragic Pandemic reality that makes a lot of people die around the world, even if it is in numbers not much greater than other regular and normal yearly flue crisis of the last few years, like the Hong-Kong Flue. But it is nevertheless a false flag in the sense of being an engineered pandemic scam, and a false flag in the sense of who created it, and for what purpose. In short, as we will see further down, it was created in a laboratory as a bioweapon engineered for mainly economic purposes as a first hit but, in the long run, as a more global bioweapon of the Sweat elites to facilitate the "Great Marxist Reset" that will enslave the rest of us more easily through an ensuing new Banktatorship and in particular a new Healthtatorship, while helping the popping of the immense bubble of world usurious debt-money in a controlled way for the advantage of the Sweat elites.

The purpose of the Great Reset is three-fold:

BankTatorship Rescue Plan1. first, for the Sweat elites to use it as the only way to dismantle methodically, that is, for their exclusive profit, the immense worldwide bubble of usurious debt-money that is risking to pop up chaotically, at any moment, with possible ruinous results for their interests. We have reached the ridiculous point where the whole world is running on usurious debt-money instead of debt-free asset-money. The global bubble of usurious debt-money is now so huge that it could never be deflated in any painless or un-destructive way. If not fully controlled, it can only popup badly, very badly, for both the Sweat elites and the rest of us. If and when this happens, the consequences will be terrible for all of us. What the Sweat elites are trying to do is to save as much as possible their own wellbeing at the time of the popup, while not being concerned at all for the terrible consequences for the rest of us. This is predominantly what the forthcoming "Great Reset" is all about. The WEF (World Economic Forum) propaganda tries to convince us that the reset is for our good, but it is only for the good of the Sweat elites to which the puppets of the WEF and their masters behind them all belong.  

2. Second, it is used to collapse the world economy in an evil engineered way with a necessary Sweat elite complete reset of both the world monetary system and the world economy, let alone the additional global mind reset, but again for the exclusive benefit of the Sweat elites. Their benefit will be the biggest transfer of wealth and property in the history of humanity, in terms of business and real-estate property passing from the collapsing activities of the productive middle class into the hands of the parasitic Sweat elites. This controlled world reset shall produce such misery, economically and socially, that it will give the
Sweat elites the perfect justification to create finally a long-planned digital One-World-Currency in a new Cashless Society managed by a complete Banktatorship for a fast forthcoming dictatorial One-World Government.

3- Third
, for the members of the Sweat elites, the spreading of the virus PlanDemic scam means, during the period of the Pandemic, enormously bigger budgets (of usurious debt-money of course, to be reimbursed to their banks) for the puppet governments they control, that is for themselves and for the corporations they also control in the fight for the reshaping of the evil PluckDowns. This process, of course, will mean ensuing related additional taxation revenues falling into the Sweat hands along the way, and to be all paid back to the new growing Banktatorship by taxpayers for many years to follow the pandemic, by even the fully debt-enslaved next generations.

Just like for the Plandemic, there exists the same type of false flag relativity in establishing the existence of the second major twin false flag, the one of the Pluckdowns. Again, the lockdowns are not/not a false flag in what they caused, if we consider that the world economy, as a sour reality, has really come to a complete shutdown with horrific consequences on all world business. This is a
reality. But it they are definitely a false flag in their planned purpose that is kept well hidden by the most important mass media that all belong to the same Sweat elites that have conceived the magical power of the two twin false flags acting together (the PlanDemic and PluckDowns together). The hidden purpose of the PluckDowns is again to favor a new and quick consolidation and concentration of millions of small and medium businesses, from all those that inevitably stop working, progressively integrating them into the hands of bigger and bigger corporations of the Sweat elites, in connivance with their biggest bankster corporations of the new Banktatorship, first at national level, then at an international and at a world level. Seen from the perspective of this engineered transfer, all the lockdowns are clearly a false flag and immense global scam. 

This process of consolidation of property and consequent wealth is more simply and deceitfully called Globalization by the media, and gobbled as such blindly by the big majority of the world TV viewers who limit themselves for their information to the propaganda of the mass media belonging to the Sweat elites. All these global corporations consolidating real property also belong to the already immensely rich Sweat elites of the
SEGWO and consequently can afford to easily buy all the failed businesses and property for a very small fraction of their real value. They are so rich already that they can also wait serenely for as long as needed before reselling these properties at high price, or integrating them into one of their bigger corporations, let alone only acquire the real estate property rights in many cases and let many of them inactive if necessary, for eventually recycling the property to some other purposes, again with high profits. Is this not what is happening already in the whole world, of which the mini-test country of Greece is maybe the best dramatic example of this outstanding evil "success" ?

This second powerful economic tool of globalization, the lockdown scam, or rather the
PluckDowns scam, is tied to the first one, the PlanDemic scam. Together they are like a conjoined twin child at birth, and the two scams together work like magic for the final objectives of the SEGWO for full communistic globalization and world domination. This is the Satanic NWO at its best, or what we rather call the SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement Global World Order). In the overall scheme of forces and strategies of world order, this is the fake order Trump wanted to partly dismantle when he promised to drain the swamp of the Deep State, with the help, and for the benefit of those electors who brought him to power, but the opposite forces won against him, and even quickly ousted him out of power through massive electoral fraud. Trump was also politically engineered to be faced with the terrible Biological WWIII called COVID that will last for a long time after his recent departure for further exploitation in more evil ways during the administration of Biden and his Marxist VP Kamala Harris.


However, the transition period necessary for these two new twin tools (the pandemic and the lockdowns) to fully achieve together their destructive objective is dangerous (destructive and dangerous for the rest of us but constructive for the Sweat elites). The real misery involved for so many people caught in the PluckDowns could easily provoke various kinds of revolts, if not a global revolution starting with possibly a new civil war in the USA and in many other countries. But by making these two tools act together, the PlanDemic gives the PluckDowns, the Sweat elites enjoy the incredible benefit of a required strong prohibition of assembly and circulation for any kind of reason through Social Distancing and Contact Tracing. People are forced, under various levels of an unnoticed Martial Law, to stay at home, in as much isolation as possible, and to use strict inhuman social distancing in a horrible masked world when going out for any purpose. This isolation is part of the engineered plan, as it prevents the easy formation of groups that could conspire together for local revolts, or for a more global revolution.
Debt Empty Pockets
New penniless slaves subjugated by
Martial Law who have not much else to lose after having lost nearly everything, could become dangerous, in particular if most of them, millions of them, belong to what used to be recently a comfortable and well educated middle class. This will certainly be the case after the combined effects of the PlanDemic and the PluckDowns. At the beginning, in front of the extreme misery already being caused by the PlanDemic and the PluckDowns acting together, the prohibition on the right to assembly and circulate freely is sufficient and enough in order to avoid the formation of revolts. It would be too dangerous to also add immediately other types of prohibitions and restrictions, like acting too drastically all of a sudden against the constitutional right of information through Internet or otherwise. But rest assured that a third major false flag, in the form of a discriminative glitch of the Internet, will soon follow, in order to also prevent the current easy exchange of information between groups of people awakening to what is going on.


Of course the glitch will be selective to the advantage of the Sweat elites and will not exist for the use of the Internet for financial transactions with the new Banktatorship in a fast forthcoming Cashless Society of only a digital CBDC type of currency. The false pretext for the discriminative Internet glitch will never be presented as Censorship by the subservient mass media of the Sweat elites, even if it will be de facto serious and full censorship, but probably simply blamed, without proof or recourse provided, on the overload of the network because of the PlanDemic, and consequently because of the fact that an excessive amount of people are now working online from home using Internet connections. And unfortunately those watching only the controlled media of the Sweat elites on TV, while eating popcorn in their comfortable armchairs, will probably blindly and stupidly believe this major new scam limiting and censoring free information.

During the difficult transition period, and to avoid revolts and possibly a revolution, people will certainly be given apparently sweet forms of assistance in money or goods to reduce their sufferance. At one point, during, or shortly after the COVID crisis, this is likely to include the apparently attractive offer of a partial Debt Jubilee, but as another additional false flag in its intention and end results. And we will see how, as a tool and justification to create and introduce a new One-World-Currency in a new Cashless Society of only digital CBDC currency fully controlled by the Sweat elites and, as a result fully controlling all of us through only digital money. A bit later on, it could possibly also include a falsely attractive UBI (Universal Basic Income), yet as another additional false flag. Again it would not be a false flag in its reality, but certainly so again in its intention and end results, as a tool to fully control people who will have become entirely dependent on the state for survival, controlled by the Sweat elites granting or withdrawing the related UBI at will, and also other sorts of welfare benefits or pensions at will. These fake welfare services could be seasoned with the possible use of NIR (Negative Interest Rates) on the bank accounts of some recipients, if not cause unexpected account closures for the most disobedient protestors, or major Bailins at will for the benefits of the banksters, along with the extermination of all privately managed CC (Crypto Currencies) not under their full control as soon as possible.


All this controlling means have already started to happen in many places, some of it already well tested and fine-tuned, even strongly implemented in China through the new Social Credit system that shall soon be exported to the West. By the time the difficult transition period will be well over, those who engineered the PluckDowns will only be grateful to those who engineered the PlanDemic for having given them a chance to achieve their global objective of consolidation and growing globalization of the world economy without people realizing it, or at least not revolting against it. This is the Improved Communism without that name and moved more to the West predicted by Bezmenov, and implemented in an unnoticed way. When people will finally realize it, it will probably be too late and irreversible for people to become awaken and able to react without being swiftly squashed by the SEGWO regime of the Sweat elites. Considering the above and the events of the last decades, keep in mind that, so far, every major catastrophe made by the globalist forces of the SEGWO, like by the PlanDemic and PluckDowns today, and like 911 was 'yesterday', has only led to progressively more and more globalism at the service of a form of Improved Communism fined-tuned in China and being moved in an unnoticed way to the Western world. For the Sweat elites, all of it is only a growing gradual success even if for the rest of us it is a growing gradual enslavement.   
Internet Feee Kill SwitchThe next steps, as mentioned above, apart for the forthcoming
Internet Glitch, will certainly be a series of step by step, but in a quick sequence, first the introduction of a purely digital One-World-Currency, as supposedly because of the forthcoming crash of all other main currencies because of the PluckDowns, then a new fully Cashless Society managed by a new Banktatorship, and finally a new dictatorial One-World Government with a One-World-Army as a result of a quick conversion of NATO to this new role, and possibly soon after a One-World-Religion with a strong new Satanic dogma. The final steps will certainly include the institution of the Social Credit system that China has already implemented and experienced so successfully before the PlanDemic under the leadership of the Abrahamic Sassoon and LI families who are often called the "Zionist Rothschild of China".


We should not forget that the communist China surveillance state model was, and is, only a beta test, very successful so far, for the type of enslaving centralization or globalization that the globalist UN without nations, or the UNN, already wants through its current Marxist Agenda 21/2030 for the entire planet that is already under the SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement Global World Order). With the additional help of the 5G WIFI that is ready and being pushed for fast installation worldwide, with the 6G being already experimented and even implemented in some places of China, and with the related Internet-Of-Everything, the Sweat elites of the SEGWO will soon be the absolute masters of the world under the command of a new UNN that will probably be moved in a not too distant future from NY to JerUSAlem to form there the embryo of the fast forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government in the Greater Israel. The rest of us will be the worldwide ignorant and obedient masked slaves in the rest of the world.


Interestingly enough, it is reported by many window-witnesses already that the swift installation of 5G towers is going on discretely in many places of many countries, taking full advantage of the current strong Medical Martial Law restrictions imposed because of the lockdowns that force people to stay at home and prevent them to go out to see and protest about what is going on. Many have also reported strange deep sound noises at the quietest hours of the night when everybody is supposed to be confined to their own homes, indicating something is going on that is not meant to be known to common people who are not part of the Sweat elites or their subservient acolytes. Many witnesses on the many flat roofs in Greece and other similar countries with a lot of people sleeping on their flat roofs, are also reporting constant occasions of many airplanes, during the most quite hours of the night lockdowns, spraying what appear to be some kind of Chemtrails, which is inexplicable or very odd in days when most planes around the world have supposedly been grounded because of the Corona Virus. One wonders if this is not the main reason why there is such a strong prohibition at the moment to go out without special permission, in particular during the lockdowns of the late hours of the night because of the Medical Martial Law. The fear being created by the combined set of the restrictive COVID measures is immense and more and more people are loosing their property, business and wealth, let alone their jobs. Hopefully this is the only reason why not even one important subservient journalist of the growing Newstatorship dares ask questions about such strange events and scams.        
BoomerangHopefully, in the overall scheme of forces of world order, the growing populist opposition to the above strategy will divide the Sweat elites and will become for them a
boomerang. They may have a serious problem if their enslaving strategy turns against them through a combination of democratic awakening, civil disobedience and/or revolts. In such case, for the rest of us, that boomerang could become a deliverance of complete liberation allowing us, on a basis of revealed Truth, to finally fly consciously and freely with our own wings! Unfortunately so far, with their reaction to the measures for the Corona Virus, and the dramatic economic consequences involved through lockdowns, most people seem to have proved only that they are an ignorant mob awaiting and welcoming their enslavement, plainly waiting at home on their best sofas, while eating popcorn and fried potatoes with fear instead of with  ketchup, and ingurgitating with pain the dramas reported on TV by journalists who unprofessionally limit their role to reporting as mouthpieces of the Sweat  elites the fearful engineered events that are happening.


Those enslaved passive listeners will certainly be the first ones to accuse me of conspiracy theory before their wakeup call confirming their own enslavement. Like Orwell said, people will soon learn to "love their slavery". This is happening also while journalists seem to be betraying their main role because all the most important ones, along with the employers paying their salaries, belong to the same Sweat elites that created the fake scam crisis in the first place with the strong combination of the PlanDemic and the PluckDowns. These journalists can only obey their orders as strict "guidelines" provided by the propaganda of the transnational Sweat elites, otherwise loose their jobs. None of these journalists seems to dare to even ask any of the right questions to the puppet politicians of the Sweat elites, or to the corporations and persons who are already known to have been involved in the development and the leak of the COVID virus.


When will we finally see at least one real journalist not telling us only about the death rate in the most affected places, like Bergamo in Italy, the worst per capita in the world at one point, and going out instead to Wuhan in China, or to Winnipeg in Canada, to investigate the laboratories of bioweapons that were clearly involved in the development and leak of the Corona Virus, asking the right questions to the staff involved, and providing us with the proper information on the possible crimes involved, while also criticizing the awful nonchalance of our puppet politicians of the Sweat elites for not doing the same in a more official way at government level. Of course the answer is that both main journalists and main politicians are all in fear of loosing their jobs, and fully corrupted, bought by the corrupting money of the Sweat elites that can be issued in an unlimited way out of nothing. Journalists and politicians all fear the Sweat mafia's revenge if they step out of line of the official transnational Sweat propaganda. Fighting this criminal nonchalance of both puppet journalists and puppet politicians is what this chapter is intending to help to fight, helping people to wakeup, and forcing more governing officials and journalists to act more responsibly before the end of the world as we know it, or rather as we have known it.   
Warberg FrancisThe above new tools of PlanDemic and PluckDowns are only the latest improvements to a millenary Master Plan of the SEGWO for achieving dictatorial world domination, as an objective pursued by all members of the Sweat elites but, as seen in other chapters, under the clear leadership of mainly the deviated Fake-Jew part of World Jewry. However, there is still hope that the PluckDowns may backfire. With the possible spreading of the FALPNO (FtatAristarchy Liberating Patriotic National Order) culture promoted by FtatAristarchy governance, as promoted by the PythagorArium Project animating the spirit of this book, the PluckDowns might become a boomerang. More and more people are already waking up from their unnoticed enslavement. Many leading intellectuals worldwide already believe that the PluckDowns will become a boomerang against the Sweat elites, and they are prepared to try to proactively wake up more and more other people about what is really happening. If the boomerang effect takes place, as we strongly wish, it will become a beautiful comprehensive purification of our whole world, with the related complete dismantling of the evil, parasitical and criminal elites of the Satanic Sweat elites of the SEGWO, bringing all of them to justice and to just punishment under the just supervision of God that, in the environment of a FtatAristarchy and of the PythagorArium Project, may be the Real non-Jew Jesus that we like to call SAPNOS (Supreme Apollonian Pythagorean Nazarean Omnipotent Savior).
If this happens, it will be, for the rest of us, the happy transformation of the Long Saga to Pax Judaica into a new Renaissance of Pax Ellinika with more people living in a context of
ELL (Enlightened Logos Liberty) culture of  the Idea Exchangers instead of the Money Changers. Beware however, as the current Fake-Jew Money Changers of the Sweat Elites have had so far a long success of exploitation of other races, and have demonstrated that opposing them is dangerous. Even Homer, some 3000 years ago was already calling them 'Troktes' ("Criminals") for this exact reason, but never opposed them frontally, even if he could have done so easily, because if the "political correctness" of the Fake-Jews of today still did not exist at that time, the only language that was worth this name 3000 years ago was the powerful Greek language of 5000 years of superiority with which he could most easily have done so, as it was certainly not the primitive dialectal language of the Jews of his time. The great master of ELL culture called Jesus, as a non-Jew, was also crucified some 2000 years ago for only turning their exchange tables in the temple in 33 AD, for only disturbing their enslaving commerce, and hundreds of people still also suffer "character crucifixion" today for the same reason. Beware also that even using the Muslim component of the NWO as useful idiots is also dangerous. They have clearly demonstrated, around 691 AD, to be able to wakeup and act in their own favor in such situations, when they were used by Jews as slaves to rebuild the second Jewish temple of Jerusalem. They woke up and reacted. In the end, they rebuilt the second temple all right, but not as a Jewish Synagogue, rather as an Islamic Mosque temple still existing today on the Temple Mount to the great displeasure of the Jews who had tried to enslave the Muslim labor force.       

We are in an unnoticed World War between the Good (
FOG) and the Bad (FOB), as WWIII. This WWIII, the one that followed the more well known WWII, is probably the first world war that took place in an unnoticed way so far by most people, and probably rightly so from a military point of view as a world war, as it is so far being fought without war declaration, and without tanks or bombs used in a normal official war, except in incidental war clashes causing mainly financial destruction more than physical destruction. That WWIII is being fought mainly through biological and digital financial means, along with a reinforced abuse of enslaving usurious debt-money worldwide. It is nevertheless a real World War, as what we call the unnoticed WWIII, and it has the potential of Armageddon. Its main destructive end result so far was the immense gargantuan global debt bubble that exists at the moment worldwide. That biological and financial WWIII is being won so far by the new Banktatorship that enriched immensely the Sweat Elites of the SEGWO, and by the growing joint Healthtatorship. It is being won by The 1%, in fact much less than 1% of the population, and by impoverishing to complete usurious debt-money enslavement the rest of us. The 99% (the rest of us) is in fact much more than 99% of the world population.
This is War and ArmageddonWith PlanDemic and PluckDowns, THIS IS WAR! This is WWIII already, even if it is unnoticed as such. With the additional enslaving factors of PNICPIFTHIS IS ARMAGEDDON. After the first financial part of WWIII, the current biological part of WWIII
that started with the Corona Virus will prolong and reinforce deceitfully the first part of this unnoticed World War because it does not involve visible tanks and bombs but mainly an invisible micro-virus that the Sweat elites engineered socially to appear more powerful than all the bombs and tanks of all previous world wars. Its means or action are mainly in terms of invisible bioweapons, like the Corona Virus, assisted by new digital technology like 5G WIFI, along with Nano Particles of bioweapons in Chemtrails, and Fake Vaccines that do not protect the vaccinated, and the fast forthcoming implanted Body Nanochips already being tested in live persons through the active grapheme demonstrated by many experts to be already included in most fake vaccines. This grapheme already responds to Bluetooth like a kind of chip, and is already disturbing our behavior through drying or damaging our important Pineal Gland. Other more visible weapons will probably be coming soon as, for example, a possible deceitfully-good Debt Jubilee at some point in order to introduce more easily a CBDC digital money as a One-World-Currency followed by a One-World-Government with a One-World-Religion and a One-World-Army, let alone a One-World-Satanic Culture, all in a Cashless Society, on the basis of the Master Plan of the SEGWO under the leadership of mainly the Fake-Jew component of the Sweat Elites.


 Will a kind of good WWIV follow, as a final spiritual ethereal World War between the Good (FOG) and the Bad (FOB), or between the forces of Light and Dark in the overall structure of current world power? If so, it shall hopefully involve an awakening to currently invisible forces and entities of the spiritual realm, making them finally more visible through a better opening of the Third Eye. This spiritual awakening is likely to take place, most probably, with the open intervention of some good and protective cosmic entities at the galaxy level, as good Extra Terrestrials (ETs) that will finally reveal and offer their necessary redemptive presence and power to help us. This awakening however is precisely one of the main things being fought by the COVID fake vaccines at the moment that include Graphene Oxide meant to affect primarily our Pineal Gland, thus our Third Eye. So far, WWI to WWIII all appear to be a "win" of the forces of Bad, that is for the Sweat elites. It was only a super false flag that WWI and WWII were won by the forces of Good against the bad forces of Nazism and Fascism. In fact, the apparent victory of the Good (FOG) against the bad (FOB) included the horrific Holocaust against the Jews, as a Holocaust of Jews that was all financed by their fellow Jewish banksters. As we have seen, the overall operations triggered the even more serious global Holocaust of Western Civilization, thus the victory of the bad Satanic Sweat elites. The so-called bad forces have only apparently lost. To the contrary, the Sweat elites belonging to the FOB (Force Of Bad) have deceitfully won the first two world wars, but have hidden themselves perfectly afterwards in various ways and places to prepare to win the forthcoming  financial and biological unnoticed WWIII in which, by now, they seem to be in a clear winning position.


The winning forces of Bad (FOB) of the Sweat elites have hidden themselves mainly in The City of London in England after WWI. They have hidden themselves even better, mainly in the USA after WWII, using the USA as a puppet super powerful colony and a corrupted useful idiot of the newly created country called the Zionist State of Israel. As for WWIII, the purely biological and financial world war that went unnoticed so far as a world war, while being managed by a new Banktatorship and Healthtatorship belonging to the forces of Bad (FOB) of the Sweat elites in the overall structure of world power, it was also nearly completely won already by the forces of Bad (FOB). This unnoticed victory has included having indebted the whole world with an incredible gargantuan bubble of usurious debt-money, instead of Trustmoney, as usurious debt-money entirely into the hands of the Sweat elites of the SEGWO. This bubble is affecting both the world of persons and, in particular, the world of countries as countries, with their puppet governments that were used, and are still used today as useful idiots, to only increase even further the enslaving financial burden on all persons through ever increasing taxation.


 The biological part of this unnoticed WWIII is now being fought. The Fake Corona PlanDemic and the PluckDowns are only two new very sophisticated false flags, the best ever invented in the history of humanity, that are intended by the forces of Bad (FOB) of the Sweat elites to work powerfully together to consolidate the whole economic world into the hands of The 1%, after the destruction of most of the small and medium size businesses of The 99%. This destruction of WWIII (biological and financial) is going on with the additional benefit of eliminating a big part of the population considered to be unproductive and useless slaves, or useless eaters, by the Sweat elites. The ongoing biological part of this unnoticed WWIII will finally achieve what the financial part could not achieve completely for reaching the final aim of a new global superpower, created as a dictatorial One-World-Government after the fall of the other apparently competing 'superpowers'. These forthcoming falls of unacceptable competing powers shall be the already collapsing EU, the already collapsing USA, and even the soon to be collapsing China, all collapsing under the burden of the usurious debt-money in the hands of the Satanic Sweat elites of the SEGWO. All three of these competitive secondary 'superpowers' must in fact eventually collapse because the Master Plan cannot accept more than only one new global superpower worldwide, without competition. In the end, this will mean the victory of not the Judaic component of the Sweat elites, the victory of not the Islamic component of the Sweat elites, the victory of not the Christian component of the Sweat elites, but the final victory of only Satan who will have deceitfully used all the current  components of the Sweat elites as useful idiots. 
Chain LiberationThe above notwithstanding, maybe there is still hope for an overall better solution. This shall be the case if in particular the biological part of the unnoticed WWIII
becomes a boomerang for the Sweat elites of the SEGWO, ushering in a new era of liberating FALPNO (FtatAristarchy Liberating Patriotic National Order), making the forces of Good (FOG) win the unnoticed WWIII, and also lead us to a final winning of a possible spiritual WWIV.


The winning of such spiritual WWIV could happen possibly with the help of a reborn Russia that knows better than any other nation the horrific plans of the Sweat elites of the SEGWO, for having been already its worst test site for nearly 100 years during mainly the period of the Soviet Union. But this could happen only with Russia under a leader like Putin, but the Sweat elites are already doing their very best and working overtime for, as a minimum, his character assassination and possibly even his eventual physical assassination if necessary. The unnoticed WWIII (biological and financial) could then become a boomerang, in particular if more and more people around the world wakeup to what is really going on, as seems to be more and more the case at the moment. If so, the possible WWIV shall finally be won by the forces of Good (FOG).


Strangely enough, even little Greece is most likely to be able to help powerful Russia in a forthcoming Renaissance of the forces of Good (FOG) in the overall structure of world power, as a new good world order, or as what we call a FALPNO (FtatAristarchy Liberating Patriotic National Order), dismantling the current bad SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement Global World Order). Unfortunately Greece, at the moment, is entirely under the power of the Sweat elites, but many factors indicate that it could get out of this full enslavement in a not too distant future, especially with the possible fall of the EU in probably a not too distant future. These 2 countries, Russia and Greece, have, to start with, the Christian Orthodoxy as a common base of culture. Traditional Greek Orthodoxy and traditional Russian Orthodoxy, at least from before their partial infiltration by some forces of the current Satanic NWO, are the two branches of Christianity that have stayed closer to the original good Ellinas ('Greek') Jesus who was not a Jew and was preaching only love and redemption, as opposed to the falsified bad Judeo-Christian figure of the Jesus of the Vatican that they have shamefully involved to justify all sorts of crimes, past and present. The author of this book has lived in both Russia and Greece, while speaking both their languages, and he knows well the profound admiration of the intellectual class of powerful Russia for the classical culture of little Greece of the time before Greece was so hardly harmed by the current Sweat elites that invaded it during the last decades, and now seem to be fully running it in the background. Consequently, the alliance of the best of Russia and the best of Greece to activate a new era of FALPNO (FtatAristarchy Liberating Patriotic National Order) would not be based on religious orthodoxy at all, but probably mainly on the unique beauty of the ancient culture of Greece, the ELL culture, the best culture of clear historical superiority so far in the history of humanity and Philotimo, at least in terms of what we can still call 'civilization' today in the western world. With the help of Theo-SAPNOS and Theo-SLOGOS! Let it be!




Integrating other enslavement tools 

The Fake COVID PlanDemic was engineered and came to crown other tools of enslavement that we can call PNICPIF (PlanDemic & Nano-chips & Immigration & Chemtrails & PluckDown & Internet Fifth generation 5G WIFI). The basic PlanDemic and its PluckDowns are only the latest tools of a long-last evil Master Plan of tools to enslave humanity. The association of the bioweapon of the corona virus with the weapon of global economy collapse through lockdowns, combined with invasive massive uncontrolled immigration movements, chemtrails and 5G WIFI, form all together the most comprehensive tool and strategy ever invented to serve the globalist agenda of the Sweat elites
of the SEGWO pursuing the objective of forming a dictatorial One-World-Government as soon as possible. If it was not their invention, the Sweat elites could never have invented a better set of integrated tools to implement their globalist strategy for world domination. What they could never achieve completely with the first two military world wars as WWI and WWII is being achieved with this combination of invisible financial and bioweapons, along with the ensuing full world economy and mind reset that is equivalent to WWIII.

BK_Gross_FriendlyFascismThis new unnoticed WWIII and all the new additional PNICPIF tools working along with the new Banktatorship, the new Healthtatorship and the new reinforced Newstatorship are coming from a new form of enslaving Fascism. Of course, as per the prediction of the book of Bertram Gross, written in the 1980s, it was an apparently more "Friendly Fascism" that has evolved and is so deceitful today that it is practically unnoticed as such by most people. In fact his prediction was only reflecting the earlier similar prediction of Bezmenov in the mid-1970 about a forthcoming new "Improved Communism Moved More to the West" after its fine-tuning in China
. All of these tools are now working together as a new form of unnoticed reinforced Improved Communism enslaving all of us today as an unnoticed "Friendly Fascism". However, Gross' prediction of a "Friendly Fascism" of the 1980s was only an early warning of what Mark Levin confirmed recently in 2021 in his best selling book titled "American Marxism" that is absolutely right in its content but only wrong maybe in its title, as the situation Levin describes is not about "American Marxism" but rather about a still unnoticed global "World Marxism".

Many scientists have affirmed already that with the help of containers in
Nanotechnology the Corona Virus can survive when distributed by airplanes through Chemtrails until it reaches the ground, thus infect most easily thousands of persons by spraying it on the surface of planet Earth around the globe through chemtrails. Through other new technologies, the virus could also be spread in a more directed way in certain areas, like it seems to have happened in northern Italy or Iran. With the help of DEW (Directed Energy Weapon), the virus can also be spread most easily at various quantitative degrees in different specific places to serve different evil local purposes against regions opposing globalism. Even if it were not yet fully the case, the chemtrails by themselves can well serve the purpose of Biological WWIII. According to many medical scientists,
Chemtrails contain various heavy metals that are dangerous to human health and, apart from other types of damages, can contribute strongly in particular to reduce the virility of the male man. Such reduction of virility can be very useful to the Sweat elites in order to avoid revolts against the expected type of inevitable misery caused by an engineered fake pandemic like COVID, its ensuing lockdowns, and its ensuing world monetary Great Reset, along with their resulting unfair economic reconsolidation of a massive amount of wealth moved from the hands of the productive middle class into the hands of the parasitic Sweat elites of the SEGWO.

Serious whistleblowers have also revealed that the diabolic American agency
(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) has already invented bio-engineered insects that can deliver bioweapons by being released specifically to go out and infect millions of people in a particular target environment. Apart from the persons unknowingly infected in general being able to travel on thousands of airplanes around the world, carrying the virus with them, this special type of engineered virus carriers can attack more targeted areas through uncontrolled Invasive Migration movements like those affecting the countries most disliked by the NWO (New World Order) at the moment, namely places like populist northern Italy and Shiite Islamist Iran. The distribution of such bioweapons through chemtrails can certainly explain why medical experts confirm we already have thousands of 'orphan cases' of persons with the virus when they have not travelled nor been in touch with anybody else infected in their environment. In the meantime, many other scientists have also affirmed that 5G reinforces the strength and effects of flue-like viruses of the Corona family. Not only did the outbreak start in Wuhan in China shortly after the full implementation of 5G in that city, as the first city in the world operating fully on 5G, but 5G is being pushed and installed swiftly in most other countries at the moment, including for that evil purpose, while even 6G is being already heavily experimented in certain places in China.

Fake Corona Virus is very exaggerated as a pandemic but, exaggerated or not, it is certainly the best possible way for the Sweat elites to arrive more easily at an acceptance by mass populations around the world to be fully obedient when fully controlled, thus get them ready to accept, even beg for, a dictatorial One-World-Government in the near future to supposedly protect or save themselves. This is the real ultimate primary objective of the
SEGWO. Getting accustomed to, or begging for a "medical martial law" is an excellent first step of full social engineering for people getting used to, and accepting more easily, a following full "military martial law" necessary for a pursued forthcoming authoritarian One-World-Government. At least in appearance, the additional tools of PNICPIF could not serve more perfectly the Master Plan of the current SEGWO trying to enslave all the rest of us Gentiles (all those not from the Sweat elites) through fear, dictatorial controls and usurious debt-money, all of it under the leadership and full control of mainly the Fake-Jew members of the Sweat elites. At analysis, that Sweat elites Master Plan is already so sophisticated that it would be no surprise at all if one day we discovered more clearly that the Corona Virus and the PNICPIF strategy were their inventions. On the basis of the logic of pure common sense, the COVID pandemic scam and its additional PNICPIF tools certainly appear clearly to be part of their Master Plan from the beginning. "Cui Bono?" (Who benefits?). No other set of tools could ever have served better the global agenda of the SEGWO for world domination through a pursued dictatorial One-World-Government as soon as possible.

For the strategists of the Sweat elites
, these combined tools can well be considered a new form of unnoticed WWIII without tanks or bombs that is already being conducted by the SEGWO. The pandemic scam and its additional PNICPIF tools are much more powerful than traditional wars with tanks and bombs, and they cause much less destruction to valued real-estate property than a nuclear war, for the eventual full benefits of the Sweat elites reconsolidating the world economy with its best property into their hands after their unnoticed WWIII of Improved Communism. The power of the Corona Virus associated with the power of 5G in particular to control all aspects of our life, with the virus distributed worldwide with the help of Chemtrails, certainly looks like it is more powerful and more efficient than any new other type of world war, as it serves just too perfectly, and fits just too neatly all the globalist objectives of the SEGWO dominated by the transnational Sweat elites for its worldwide hegemony. In addition to the above factors, the expansion of the virus itself and of its successive transformed versions is further facilitated and strongly assisted by new invasions of countries that have practically lost entirely, but by evil plan, the control of their borders, like in the case of the EU and the USA, because of the new satanic political correctness of the Sweat elites killing the common sense of most people. These wild and huge movements of uncontrolled immigration are also, admittedly and openly so, encouraged or pushed by mainly the Zionist or Fake-Jew component of the Sweat elites, except of course in the new Zionist State of Israel itself. The combination of the pandemic scam with the PNICPIF tools that include massive uncontrolled immigrations in borderless countries, as per the old and evil Kalergi Plan of 1922, is definitely, at reflection, the ultimate most powerful tool, more than any new world war, for achieving global dictatorial world domination.

Internet of ThingsBut other additional factors and tools are also waiting in line to come and help this globalist agenda of the Sweat elites. This includes the push for a
Cashless Society that is starting to be implemented in many countries, supposedly in order to avoid virus transmission through dirty paper money; it also includes the push for new compulsory Body Nanochips and their capacity for global Digital Identification being implanted into people supposedly to control more easily the spread of the well-engineered Fake COVID Pandemic, giving automatic pre-warning to government officials, let alone the Sweat elites, to be able to decide who shall be allowed to live or should die as what they call the "useless eaters"; and of course in also includes a less obvious tool, but nevertheless an important one assisting all the others, the new "Internet Of Everything" to be implemented on the basis of 5G to start with, at the service of globalist Sweat elites, be they national, international and worldwide transnational authorities, and in particular on the basis of 6G being already actively developed and experimented in China, for a fast forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government. The sum of all these tools and factors very much looks like our fast entering into a new era of Trans-humanism as the final globalist agenda objective to digitalize and control in a centralized way all persons and all aspects of human life on planet Earth. 

The major scam of the Corona Virus is undeniably the ideal main deceitful tool crowning the PNICPIF to arrive at the One-World-Government that is so badly wanted by the Sweat elites as, by itself, it requires a strong authoritarian type of control of all aspects of life of all persons at global world level. That control is already inevitably provided at national level by a kind of new "Medical Martial Law" that already exist through Forced Masks, Social Distancing and Contact Tracing, let alone Unnecessary Destructive Lockdowns, all falsely justified and easily accepted because of supposedly a worldwide pandemic that is rather a well engineered PlanDemic. Unfortunately most people are ignorant, heavily indebted, and have no time to chase Truth while attempting to survive and pay their bills and taxes on a monthly basis. Because of this, they will accept easily and voluntarily all sorts of restrictions to their freedom in exchange for more security, even if it is in front of a fake plandemic that they are told exists as a real pandemic. In the same line of thinking, the new 5G WIFI and its ensuing most powerful "Internet-Of-Everything" is also another ideal tool to arrive at the full control of world population in all aspects of all citizens' life. Strangely enough, the two tools are closely related. The city of Wuhan in China, from where the Corona Virus outbreak started, was the first test city in the world where 5G was fully implemented, and this full implementation took place just in the few months before the launching of the fake pandemic.

On October 15, 2019, thus only two weeks before the official first case of the virus outbreak on November 2, 2019, and most probably at a time when the virus had already started to be spread into some parts of the population, the city of
Wuhan held the 7th CISM Military World Games as the first worldwide major event entirely controlled by 5G. In the meantime, many scientific publications of various countries, writing about the health effects of 5G, have affirmed already, much before the outbreak, that 5G, among other bad effects, causes or increase flue-like symptoms. Many of these scientists have also said that 5G facilitates and reinforces the effects and the spreading of flu-like diseases, thus health conditions like the ones of the Corona Virus. In addition, the combination of 5G and the Corona Virus, or with another stronger version of virus likely to hit us soon, as a strategy, appears to be well linked to mainly the Sweat elites
' globalist agenda to control people and finally have their "Great Marxist Reset" of the world to their exclusive advantage. This link is kept in hiding in the background very easily and successfully because all the main world media also belong to the same network of only six major media corporations all belonging to the Sweat elites.

In this regard, the overall background of events previous to the Fake COVID pandemic of 2020 is also very meaningful as to the clear leadership of the Zionist or Fake-Jew component of the Sweat elites in the current crisis. In 2014, the famous scientific magazine Nature, itself recipient of some Zionist money, revealed that with the help of France and the very Zionist WHO (World Health Organization) nomenclature of the very Zionist UN (United Nations) nomenclature, the city of Wuhan, China would create a new laboratory to make research on dangerous viruses, even modify existing ones, and possibly create new ones, supposedly for assisting world health research. In 2015, the first brevet for the creation of a brand new virus of the COVID flue family, precisely the COVID -19, by precisely that Wuhan laboratory, was registered with the responsible British Institute, itself recipient of some Zionist money. At registration, that virus was described as much more lethal than the already existing viruses of the COVID family to which the current Corona Virus belongs as COVID-19. It just so happens that the British Institute issuing the brevet is also financed by the very Zionist-controlled WHO (World Health Organization) nomenclature of the very Zionist-controlled UN (United Nations) nomenclature, along with the very Zionist-controlled EU (European Union) nomenclature, and the very Zionist-controlled Gates Foundation. How come no investigative journalist has yet fully investigated this global scandal? Fear is the answer.

Chronologically, as mentioned above, two weeks before the COVID outbreak,
Wuhan held the 7th CISM Military World Games with hundreds of foreigners from dozens of countries, at a time when the virus had certainly already started to spread. In March 2019, it was also revealed that the Canada National Microbiology Laboratory in the city of Winnipeg was also recipient of some Zionist financing, and also had a mutual exchange program of Chinese and Canadian researchers with a similar laboratory in Wuhan, with many Canadians sent furtively or secretly to Wuhan in China, to precisely the above-mentioned laboratory created with the help of the very Zionist-controlled WHO (World Health Organization) nomenclature of the very Zionist-controlled UN (United Nations) nomenclature. Fear Believe ObeyBut the more meaningful now known fact is that Winnipeg also sent a secret package of lethal viruses to Wuhan, to supposedly assist the work of the Chinese laboratory in Wuhan in its research on lethal viruses. On October 19, 2019, just two weeks before the official COVID outbreak, the very Zionist-controlled Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in Baltimore USA, in collaboration with the very Zionist-controlled WEF (World Economic Forum) nomenclature, and the very Zionist-controlled Gates Institute also held a meeting with 15 world leaders of public health to simulate an outbreak of exactly a virus of the Corona family. After the outbreak started, the very Zionist-controlled WEF held its secret meeting in Davos, where the head of the very Zionist-controlled WHO (World Health Organization) was present. Days later, the WHO announced that the Corona Virus was a serious threat and, little time after that, it announced that it should be classified officially as a pandemic, with the ensuing consequences of all the ridiculously exaggerated limitations to the personal liberty that the whole world has suffered ever since.

The whole Fake Pandemic, or rather "Plandemic" was easy to implement because the worldwide network of 6 very Zionist-controlled corporations of mass-media followed suit perfectly to convince us to stay in Confinement to our homes, to forcibly use Masks and Social Distance, and be subjected to Contact Tracing, let alone supposedly necessary most Destructive Lockdowns. We were then condemned, as an obedient masked population, to just wait obediently and silently for the well-planned final collapse of world economy through a series of destructive lockdowns. These successive lockdowns were of course engineered and intended to collapse and reconsolidate most of the best wealth of the world economy into the hand of the biggest Zionist-controlled banks and corporations of the Sweat elites during and after the crisis. Be it clear however that if all the above Zionist-controlled entities are managed by mainly Zionist Fake-Jews in a main leading role, this leadership includes the clear connivance of all the other Abrahamic components of the Sweat elites. The final objective of this process of the preliminary Fear-Believe-Obey-Period is for the Sweat elites to be able to achieve more easily the fast forthcoming Great Reset of Both Economy and Mind that will finally enslave all of us in a dictatorial One-World-Government of the unnoticed Improved Communism "Moved More To The West" predicted by Bezmenov some 50 years ago, the "Friendly Fascism" affirmed by Bertram Gross 40 years ago, or the current  "World Marxism" implicitly confirmed by Mark Levin in 2021..  

As we can easily see, all these events and activities are very closely related to the huge financial power of the Sweat elites with apparently a predominant role of  Zionist Fake-Jews in a leading roles. There is no way this can only be a coincidence. In fact, very recently, scientists at the
Israel's Galilee Research Institute have affirmed that Israel is the main center of Zionist World Jewry, thus of the overall Abrahamic Sweat elites. They affirmed that Israel is the first country in the world that has made extensive research on specifically Corona-like viruses, and for quite a few years already. Consequently Israel is also the first country that said explicitly already that it might be ready to produce a valid vaccine for the COVID plandemic in the near future, even if, in the case of such entirely new viruses, it normally takes 5 to 8 years to produce a valid vaccine. The Galilee Research Institute has even claimed explicitly that it has been engaged already "for more than 4 years" (thus since 2016, thus 4 years before th COVID crisis) in research on the avian coronavirus specifically, with funding from two Israel's ministries: the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Agriculture. In addition, whistleblowers from Israel have affirmed that some Israeli scientists have collaborated with the USA for quite a few years already in extensive research on the production of biological weapons of the Corona-like family or viruses at Ft. Detrick Maryland. This fort has been closed, but before closure, there were over 1000 instances of viruses stolen in the USA, many involving the fort, as stolen viruses that whistleblowers said were moved to other centers, like the one in the above-mentioned lab in Winnipeg Canada that eventually found their way to Wuhan China. through an ongoing bilateral exchange of researchers between Wuhan and Winnipeg. Also, much before the outbreak in China, the Zionist Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that is fully and closely linked to the globalist agenda of the
NWO (New World Order), let alone in particular the very Zionist WHO (World Health Organization) of the very Zionist-managed UN, held a simulation crisis in their own facilities about specifically the possible effects of a pandemic from a virus of the same category as the Corona Virus. As mentioned above, the also very Zionist-controlled John Hopkins Center in collaboration with the very Zionist-controlled World Economic Forum also held similar simulation exercises just little time before the COVID virus outbreak in China. Why is there still no full investigation of all these well-confirmed facts by journalists controlled by the Sweat elites, or by our puppet governments also controlled by the Sweat elites? Here again, the simple and short answers is fear.

If all of these events are pure coincidences, they are certainly remarkable ones. Common sense of the thinking outside the box of the Political Correctness killing our common sense tells us they cannot be coincidences. And they are all linked to mainly Sweat elite organizations with Zionist Fake-Jews in leading roles, all helping the globalist agenda that is entirely under the wider control of the transnational Sweat elites of the
SEGWO. All of this indicates clearly that the Sweat elites have had a role of clear leadership in producing the Corona Virus for help in achieving their own Master Plan of world domination. For them, COVID is a tool that deceitfully serves perfectly the objective of full world domination. This is what we call the Biological part of WWIII that is meant to complete the work of the previous Financial part of this kind of biological WWIII in a much better way than any kind of new traditional military world war with tanks, bombs and possible nuclear missiles. In the overall scheme of forces of world order, and in particular context of the Master Plan of the Sweat elites, the Fake COVID plandemic and its integrated lockdowns are clearly meant to achieve the forthcoming Great Reset of Both Economy and Mind that shall finally facilitate the creation of the dictatorial One-World-Government of the Improved Communism "moved more to the west without that name" predicted by Bezmenov more than 40 years ago. 

Corona Virus requires a new global supranational coordination of laws and health measures worldwide, which is exactly what a One-World-Government badly needs and wants. This new global supranational coordination is already very evident to an attentive observer, with all governments of all national countries that, with very few minor exceptions, all react already obediently like the puppets of a background global transnational authority with the same kind of measures to manage the fake Corona Virus plandemic. This clear supranational coordination also makes people, worldwide, accept more easily the kind of commands that can help a fast forthcoming global dictatorial One-World-Government. These new transnational commands or their effects from our embryo of world government already include in many places the easy forceful arrests even without a crime, the forced quarantines and immunizations, the related forced confinement into dictatorial state facilities, the curfews, the strong restrictions on travel and businesses, the thousands of last minute cancelled airplane flights, the unavailability of many types of cars or other products for lack of essential parts produced abroad, the shutdown of thousands of firms with related higher unemployment misery, the closing of the best hotels and restaurants, the cues at government facilities for begging various public welfare services, the growing cues at food supermarkets not allowing more than a few persons shopping at the same time, all sorts of new lawless orders received from all sorts of new lawless supranational officials for all sorts of lawless purposes coming from a more and more lawless centralized global governance, along with all the other limitations from a necessary militarized police state for the type of worldwide governance needed by the Sweat elites of the
SEGWO. Again, all the above is already the strong embryo of a dictatorial One-World-Government of the Improved Communism "moved more to the west without that name" predicted by Bezmenov some 45 years ago, the birth of the "Friendly Fascism" of the book of Bertram Gross of the 1980s, and finally the "World Marxism" of the 2021 best seller book of Mark Levin  

Over and above all these limitations, the engineered fear of the "Plandemic" will make people inevitably request spontaneously more centralized government to give them more security, even beg for it on their knees, and thus request inadvertently the fast formation of an authoritarian new
One-World-Government as soon as possible. But this will not be really a reaction after or because of the crisis. It was caused by the
Master Plan of global enslavement from the beginning, as a plan that existed from much before the COVID crisis, and in fact was engineered exactly for that purpose. The Fake COVID crisis is only the best crowning scam and tool ever engineered to achieve that Master Plan. This is exactly what the satanic Sweat elites of the SEGWO wanted and had planned from the very beginning. It is a remarkable strategy as this way the SEGWO did not have to ask for that kind of global control, they deceitfully made the people request it for them, making people believe the request was coming from them, and not from the Sweat elites hiding in the background.

BlackRockThe Fake Corona Virus also serves the globalist purpose of accepting entirely a fast forthcoming fully digital Cashless Society controlled by the growing Banktatorship through entirely and exclusively digital CBDC commercial activities, thus full control of all our financial transactions and/or purchases to the very last penny. As part of the PNICPIF strategy, it also serves at the same time the globalist purpose of the reduction of world population projected by the related UN Agenda 21/2030. Overall it also serves beautifully the forthcoming huge financial profits of the biggest companies of BigPharma and of all the other transnational corporations involved in facilitating all the above limitations, let alone facilitating the reconsolidation in their corporations of all the best wealth of the businesses of the productive middle class gone bankrupt because of the lockdowns of the Fake COVID Plandemic. For the Sweat elites, there is obviously huge money to be made from this evil strategy and its related usurious debt-money that they lend with interests along with the additional forms of taxation to be added and to eventually fall back as new additional profits into the hand of institutions all controlled by mainly them, the Sweat elites. The fake plandemic and its necessary lockdowns has already caused, and will cause thousands more, even millions of firms or businesses worldwide to struggle financially or go bankrupt while their best wealth and property is being acquired for only pennies by the parasitic Sweat elites that engineered the crisis ahead of time for that specific purpose.

This engineered crisis is meant to be an exceptionally good opportunity for profit by the already super rich Robber Barons of the new
Banktatorship of the Sweat elites for them to have a chance to buy the struggling companies for only a very small fraction of their real value, and resell them at high price at the end of the crisis. And waiting for the end of the crisis to recycle them, or even long after, does not bother them, as they are all extremely rich already and can wait most easily. These new immense profits after the crisis will be in addition to the immense financial gains during the crisis through public debt contracted by governments to fight the PlanDemic and the PluckDowns. These public funds, guaranteed by eventual taxation increases, will go not only to corporations of the rich Sweat elites, like BigPharma, but also to Wall Street and to all sorts of international Sweat elites organizations like the WHO, the UN and the EU, in particular to all the big banks of the already omnipotent Banktatorship that is meant to rule the financial world on behalf of the overall Sweat elites.

Typically in this regard, the ex President of the USA, Donald Trump, had already sort of nationalized the American central bank, the FED, intending to place it better under the direct control of the government in order to be able to have the money necessary to face the re-launching of the economy, and supposedly also to help the simple people who have suffered the most during the pandemic and the ensuing economic collapse because of lockdowns. But his strategy was flawed at birth by choosing the wrong staff and organizations to do so, that is mainly the Sweat staff with whom he completely surrounded himself. This was the wrong staff to whom Trump gave the full power to manage and distribute the new money that was supposed to be created for this purpose. Trump's intentions were good, but this mistake of choosing the wrong staff was fatal and contributed to his downfall. For his good main recuperation strategy, he gave the main power to the worst person. This was none less than Larry Fink of the BlackRock shadow bank which is the maximum financial power of the Sweat elites in the whole world at the moment. BlackRock is bigger in financial power than the 3 biggest Zionist banks in the world, Goldman Sash, JP Morgan and Deutsch Bank. Through major shareholdings, BlackRock also controls all of these biggest banks along with their own dependent less important banks. BlackRock controls absolutely the financial show worldwide and, for them, the national governments are just something upsetting that gets on their way. BlackRock owns a great part of Microsoft, of Apple, of Amazon, of Johnson and Johnson, of Facebook, of Alphabet, of Exon, of JP Morgan, of Wal-Mart, of Star Bucks, of Lockheed Martin, of Boeing, of General Dynamics, of Raytheon, of AT&T, of CNN, of Warner Brothers, of Walt Disney, of ABC News, of Fox News, of CBS News, of Viacom etc. etc. And the list is infinite. In other words, BlackRock represents the absolute maximum of the worst part of the Sweat elites financial power in the world today. This is why most of the recuperation money generated by the Trump initiative did not go to help people in difficulty because of the crisis, but to enrich even further the big corporations of the Sweat elites that engineered the crisis in the first place. And the Biden Harris administration is doing even worse than Trump from this point of view.

In front of this immense global power, it was impossible to even imagine that most of the new money to rescue the economy would end up in the hands of the 99%, instead of going to the already excessively super rich 1%, like it did, tothose that represent or are the Sweat elites. Numbers are kept confidential in great part, but in fact this is exactly what happened, and it will continue even in a worse way under Biden and extreme leftist Kamala Harris. The Swamp that Trump supposedly wanted to clean is so strong that, even under him, the big ones of the Sweat elites were saved, while the rest of us were screwed and will be even more enslaved ad infinitum if perfect Sweat puppet Kamala Harris ever becomes the president of the USA because of the apparently growing cognitive decline or dementia of Biden. But maybe this is also only an addition to what the old Master Plan has included so far. There are plenty of indications that the deep state badly wants perfect Sweat puppet Harris to become the president as soon as possible. The fact that she would be the first woman, and the first black, to become president would contribute a lot to hiding more easily the fact that should also be the first pure Marxist as the president of the USA to help the final full advent of the Improved Communism Moved More to the West that was predicted by Bezmenov, or the "American Marxism" of the best selling book of Mark Levin.    

Interestingly enough, all the above entities, as banks, corporations or supranational organizations, are all fully under the direct or indirect control of the Sweat elites. But even more than new big money for the Sweat elites, which they have plenty of already, it is big control, or big power for the Sweat elites that is first and foremost important, or for the SEGWO as a whole managed under the deceitful leadership of the Sweat elites. Power and control is even more important than money, as money they already have in practically an unlimited quantity, and have the power to issue more out of nothing whenever they want. We most stupidly gave them that unconstitutional power. They will thus gain on both counts, big money and big control. What they mainly aim for at this point is power, in order to finally achieve their long-term final objective of full world domination through a fast forthcoming One-World-Government with a One-World-Currency, let alone also a One-World-Army through a restructuring of NATO, and a One-World-Religion through the already advanced Judaization of the Vatican, and all in a digital Cashless Society with people living in a melting pot of a crappy One-World culture without national borders and without national beauty. That most evil Master Plan that, for the Zionist Fake-Jew component of the Sweat elites is intended to be managed eventually from the JerUSAlem of the Greater Israel, and will also require eventually the previous fall of other competing world powers, like the EU and the USA, let alone the paper tiger of China and, from their point of view, also hopefully Russia. And with the already advanced balkanization of the middle east, and the acquisition of various pieces of territory in the area from all the destructed countries involved, like Iraq and Syria in particular, all well planned from the beginning for this purpose, that new power of world domination is definitely intended to be established in JerUSAlem, after the reconstruction of the Third Jewish Temple, with JerUSAlem as the capital of a Greater Israel and of the whole global world. This will have been the end of their Long Saga of the Pax Judaica that will be immensely facilitated by the current plandemic and the ensuing collapse of the world economy through lockdowns. Unless it becomes a boomerang and that false "Pax" is turned into a true and good Pax ELLinica! This is up to the rest of us, if only we can wakeup before it is too late. 

The Financial and Biological Unnoticed WWIII with the False Return Of Satan

What we call t
he Financial and Biological WWIII to achieve all the above evil objectives of the Sweat elites regarding our full enslavement reflects the same strategy the
SEGWO has used, and still uses today, with all main wars of the past and of the present, making huge money gains before the war (loaning to a government to buy arms), during the war (to finance the war operations, but of both sides of the conflict), and after the war (financing reconstruction). The Sweat elites gain all the way in all wars, and all the time, whatever evil and damage they may be causing through their war financing. The worst and longest wars only produce the most profits for the banks. From this point of view, all wars are banksters wars. The worst example of this evilness might be when the main banks of the Zionist Fake-Jew component of the Sweat elites financed Hitler while knowing he was causing the Holocaust of an alledged 6 millions of their own Jewish fellows. But the richest Fake-Jew Satanic component of the banks of the Sweat elites financed Hitler anyway because, in addition to the profits from war financing in this case, they knew this Holocaust would give them the only possible justification to create the state of Zionist State of Israel after WWII. And this is exactly what happened in 1948. From that new Zionist State of Israel, and with their well planned tool of a worldwide Banktatorship that has today been nearly fully implemented, they now practically command the world by using their rich colony and superpower, the USA, as their puppet or useful idiot. At the moment, they are even more doing the same kind of thing, mutatis mutandis, with the financing of the fake Fake COVID plandemic. through a new Healthtatorship assisting their growing Banktatorship and their reinforced Newstatorship.

The leading strategy through this trio of new enslaving tools involves the corrupting lobbying of the main politicians of all the most powerful countries, along with the ownership control of the main mainstream media worldwide through a main transnational cartel as a network of only six major media corporations. Through this network cartel they ensure the creation of a favorable political correctness producing constant Fake News in their favor, in order to protect their "false-good" reputation, whatever they do, as evil as it may be. At the moment, the success  of the Sweat elites is so complete that, with the laws they had enforced through corrupted politicians around the world, no single citizen is even allowed to criticize them without possibly being arrested and go to jail, even if the criticism is based on cold facts.
Voltaire justly said: To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize”. He was referring to the Sweat elites
of the SEGWO that existed already even at his time.  The situation has not changed today, and it was only reinforced. Not only things have not changed since Voltaire lived in the 1700s, but they are definitely even much worse today. The Sweat elites are still today the same ones we are not allowed to criticize, composed mainly of the high levels of the three main Abrahamic religions and of the biggest corporations, with the latter under the clear background leadership of mainly the Zionist Fake-Jew members of the Sweat elites.             

Satan Cosmic Power on EarthAs a result of the
Fake Corona Virus PlanDemic, its ensuing Healthtatorship of full control over people worldwide has recently vastly increased. COVID was engineered and came to only crown the
PNICPIF strategy. As such, we can now rest assured that whenever the panic of the pandemic shall end, all the tyrannical control measures imposed already for the Fake COVID plandemic will not only remain in place, but will be increased and reinforced, and even more easily increased, because people will have been accustomed to accepting them and considering them as the Communistic Orwellian New Normal that we have described earlier. What else could have helped more the communistic Master Plan under Sweat elites leadership to finally achieve global hegemony through a dictatorial One-World-Government, with a One-World-Religion, a One-World-Currency and a One-World-Army, let alone a very downgraded One-World Culture? Not even an additional traditional military world war with tanks and bombs, not even the worst nuclear war that would have produced too much destruction, could have helped more this insidious Master Plan of the SEGWO animated mainly by Sweat elites for complete dictatorial world domination. If the Fake COVID plandemic with its PNICPIF components is not their plan, they will certainly not hesitate to soon make it their own plan, and even quickly learn from it, in order to invent other even more terrible false flag events, and other satanic strategies serving their globalist SEGWO objectives. If instead the Fake COVID plandemic with its PNICPIF components is their strategy, as it very clearly appears to be the case, they should congratulate themselves for its incredible success, while the rest of us, the Gentiles outside the Sweat elites, should ensure that diabolic strategy is dismantled completely as soon as possible. And the way to dismantle it, perfectly democratically, can well be a combination of Civil Disobedience and the advent of FtatAristarchy governance of Part II of this book, making us go "From Slavery Downwards To Slavery Upwards". 

Overall, the Fake Corona Virus plandemic is so far an incredible success for the Sweat elites
of the SEGWO that created it and planned its easy spreading worldwide as a fake plandemic. For them it is first and foremost an exceptionally successful test of their power and of our stupid obedience to the Satanic Deep-State-God they work for. And they do not care for the consequences of sufferance and misery that may ensue. They are the same Sweat elites that brought down the Twin Towers of 911 in New York with the kind of joy demonstrated by the infamous Dancing Israelis. This first major event of 2001 was their preliminary major test of our stupid obedience and, for them, it was a complete success. It certainly brought us, to their exclusive advantage, all sorts of new restrictive measures in our personal and social life that we have all gradually accepted most obediently in the last two decades, and that still last to this day. Now, with the Fake Corona Virus, and the way people obey silently and stupidly to all the new restrictions, they have doubly confirmed our full stupid obedience worldwide as useful idiots. Consequently they shall be able to proceed in the near future with even more draconian steps toward our full final enslavement under a fast forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government with a new digital One-World-Currency in a completely Cashless Society. In other words, with the combined efforts of the new Banktatorship, the new Healthtatorship and the reinforced Newstatorship, all brought to maximum power because of the Fake COVID plandemic, the current Sweat elites are ready to finally achieve, for the first time in the history of humanity, complete world domination and a complete enslavement of the rest of us through a new dictatorial One-World-Government.

In the meantime, judging from the incredibly submissive reaction of most people against the extraordinarily strong measures taken worldwide for the Fake Corona Virus
, a virus that is serious, but not more serious than most types of regular winter flue, or in particular tuberculosis, the
SEGWO that engineered it has had, so far, the vivid proof that people in general are an ignorant and docile mob of passive TV watchers welcoming their enslavement as an Orwellian New Normal. As a result, the Sweat elites are awaiting discretely the useful slaughter of the "useless eaters", the weakest and oldest elements of world society, as the other stronger and obedient elements are ready to accept even more drastic long term measures of control after the pandemic disappears. All this facilitates the advent of a new dictatorial One-World-Government. Again, from this point of view, the Fake Corona Virus plandemic is an incredible success for the Sweat elites of the SEGWO. Hopefully a critical weight of the rest of us will wakeup and, with the proper awakening to which this book intends to contribute, there will be a positive reaction transforming that fake success of the Sweat elites into a failure and a boomerang. With proper awakening the proper positive reaction could come from the bottom, from the people, from the rest of us, but we should also all pray God, that we often call SAPNOS (Supreme Apollonian Pythagorean Nazarean Omnipotent Savior), for help from the top. With the latter's help, and with our concurrent awakening, the proper reaction to the Fake Corona Virus could be the origin of new era of more freedom and happiness through a new form of governance called FtatAristarchy that the PythagorArium Project is actively and strongly promoting as elaborated in Part II of this book.   

In the meantime, also expect, from the Sweat elites
, their next major step to be a new and even worse false flag, most probably in terms of an apparent major breakdown of the Internet, or at least a major discriminative glitch of the Internet, in order to finally fully limit our freedom of speech, our freedom of opinion, our freedom of easy information, our freedom of FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) knowledge, and our freedom of movement, but without preventing necessary communications with the banks of their new Banktatorship for the financial commercial transactions of the rest of us in their new Cashless Society of exclusively digital CBDC currency. At the same time, that Internet discriminative glitch shall be the justification for the fast creation of a brand new Internet-Of-Everything, of all things and all Nano-chipped persons, with the help of 5G under their full control and censorship, in particular again, for banking purposes in a new digital Cashless Society fully obedient to a new Banktatorship. The Fake Corona Virus pandemic crisis with its ensuing Healthtatorship is probably already seen by the Sweat elites as their final successful stepping stone of their long saga pursuing a false Pax Judaica, unless we quickly and strongly react through the implementation of FtatAristarchy and, again, transform that false "Pax" into a new governance of real Pax based on the ELL culture through the FtatAristarchy promoted in Part II of this book. This transformation would be, for the good of the rest of us, causing the dismantling of the SEGWO and the advent of a new era of FALPNO (FtatAristarchy Liberating Patriotic National Order) pursued by the PythagorArium Project. But a critical number of the rest of us has first to wakeup to what is really going on, to which wakeup call this Part I of this book hopes to provide a maybe small but nevertheless meaningful contribution.  

As a last point of particular attention, under the current stupid (and deceitfully unconstitutional in the case of most countries) monetary system that exists at the moment, all the enormous amounts of new money that will be necessary, from now on, to resolve the consequences of the Fake Corona Virus and the ensuing collapse of the world economy, for both governments and persons, will not be done with money that governments have, but money they do not have. That new debt-money will have to be borrowed by national governments as new loans of public usurious debt-money from their respective central banks, or from other commercial or transnational banking institutions like the IMF. This is what is happening already by placing for example BlackRock in charge of the newly "falsely nationalized" FED in the case of the USA. In other words, unless Civil Disobedience is used, or revolts are formed, the consequences of the Fake Corona Virus and the ensuing economic collapse will be all solved with additional enslaving usurious debt-money, as both public debt and private debt. All of that new usurious debt-money will have to be reimbursed, and with interests. Of course, all the additional public debt to be reimbursed will gradually become reimbursed only through new forms of additional taxation added to the already excessive taxation levels we have at the moment around the world. And all this new usurious debt-money, that lending banks will have created out of nothing, without these banks having any of it already as existing physical money locked in safe coffers, creating it through a simple digital entry in a computer, will return as profit of real money to the banks that are entirely in the hands of mainly the Sweat elites that fabricated, planned and launched the fake COVID plandemic and crisis in the first place. For the part of the real money that may not return to these banks because of bankruptcies, they will get real property in exchange. Thus, for the banks creating fiat money out of nothing, it is a assured win-win situation, and only because of our own stupidity accepting and not easily dismantling this satanic system.

More specifically, along the way, in exchange for the fake usurious debt-money created out of nothing by these banks, and borrowed by states for reimbursement by the taxpayers, some of it will be nearly impossible to reimburse. Failure to reimburse it will make the Sweat elites acquire in exchange either additional taxes or the real physical properties that were guaranteeing the unnecessary reimbursements. If, for the Sweat elites
, this new usurious debt-money creation is already a complete success, this complete success will be even crowned with more and more forms of control over populations worldwide, for the fast forthcoming One-World-Government they pursue, with the additional tools of an enslaving One-World-Currency in a purely digital Cashless Society. If this is not complete success, then I do not know what else the word success could mean. But if it is their success, for the rest of us, it certainly amounts to a complete failure and our ensuing complete final enslavement. Unless the strategy fails and becomes a boomerang!  

Is a deceitfully good
Debt Jubilee coming to sweeten the pill? The whole strategy of the Sweat elites very much looks like it will lead to a necessary Debt Jubilee, and intentionally so, in order to introduce more easily a new global One-World-Currency in a fully digital Cashless Society. As a result of the Fake Corona Virus, a country like Italy for example has at one point decided to suspend and delay all mortgage payments until the end of the plandemic outbreak. This could be the first sign and test measure toward a coming more global Debt Jubilee. These kinds of measures are likely to extend to many other countries. The global usurious debt-money bubble of the entire world is so huge at the moment that when it will explode, most probably in a very near future, there is absolutely no way it can ever be solved through current measures like QE, bailouts or bailins. In fact, the only good way to serve the interests of the Sweat elites in resolving the global usurious debt-money bubble, during or just after the fast coming Great Marxist Reset of the WEF, is definitely an accompanying Debt Jubilee that will allow to sweeten the pill and to deceitfully, and more easily, bring in a new One-World-Currency of pure and fully controlled digital CBDC money in a new purely digital Cashless Society. The whole monetary system will have to be submitted to a Global Reset of both Economy and Mind in order to start fresh with an entirely new system on only digital currency introduced as a One-World-Currency. This is clearly part of the Master Plan.

To achieve this major objective, all the main fiat money currencies, like the
Dollar and the Euro, along with the Renminbi of China and others, will have to be fully collapsed and become useless in daily purchasing power. But this collapse will not be by accident. It is a necessary first step for the finalization of the
Master Plan. In order not to face a world revolution because of this monetary and world economy collapse that could ruin its political autarkic world power, the Sweat elites strategists will have, as a temporary preliminary measure, to probably also give new UBI (Universal Basic Income) of free money to all people for them to survive, doing so through, or as soon as they decide to implement the Great Marxist Reset. These two temporary measures will deceitfully look good to most people in difficulty, like the good-and-only possible solution to most people affected by a combination of the sufferance of the collapse of the economy and the stupidity of the engineered political correctness killing their good common sense. This way, people will accept the complete Great Reset of body and mind with a new exclusively digital One-World-Currency in a new fully digital Cashless Society. What people will not realize however, before it is too late, is that these apparently good measures will only be new major false flags of the Sweat elites. As a result of a partial Debt Jubilee and a UBI of bare survival, they will all have become, worldwide, the real new slaves of a dictatorial One-World-Government with a purely digital One-World-Currency in a completely new Cashless Society. This Cashless Society, along with the new 5G assisting the new Internet-Of-Everything (all things and all Nano-chipped persons) will ensure absolute dictatorial control by the new Banktatorship and Healthtatorship of the Sweat elites over all aspects of the life of all remaining persons on planet Earth.

Jesus SAPNOSA supplementary tool of full control will also come in as a new Health Passport of the HealthTatorship registering all vaccinations done so far, as a passport made necessary to have access to all services of the government, and to also many private activities like international travelling, even access to our bank accounts of only pure digital money. Then, most likely, a new system of complete Social Credit will come into play to crown this system of full control of all aspects of our life. It was experimented with complete success in China, and many western countries are moving in that same direction with various measures. This is part of the Improved Communism moved more to the West without that name, as predicted by Bezmenov some 40 years ago. It is now part of the "American Marxism", really the new "World Marxism" affirmed by author Mark Levin in his best selling book of 2021.

In the meantime, a concurrent planned reduction of world populationnthrough thethrough the
Fake Corona Virus plandemic and the dangerous compulsory fake COVID vaccinations not protecting the vaccinated of the Health Passport will accompany the strategy of wild massive uncontrolled migration movements of an extended Kalergi Plan
. Along that path, the system will have achieved the total destruction of the principles of good patriotism, of good morality, of good national sovereignty and of the good traditional natural family unit. At that point, a compulsory body chip implant combined with a form of Trans-Humanism working with AI (Artificial Intelligence) and 5G, let alone coming 6G,  will most likely come to crown the system of absolute dictatorial full control of all aspects of the life of the rest of us as slaves in love with our new normal slavery, while the Sweat elites will finally reign sovereignly in absolute wealth and freedom, at least for a while. In fact, even these Sweat elites will soon become what they really are, useful idiots and puppets of Satan, and they will also be submitted to full obedience to their new master. This shall be what the TIME magazine once called the "Return Of Satan". But TIME made a mistake. Cosmic Satan never left. He only found new ways to be reinforced and more effective, in particular since the magisterial false flags of the last two decades, the one called the 911 and the other one called COVID pandemic.

But this fake return of Satan is not unavoidable. It can be replaced with a Return of Philosophy in our life, both in our private and in our public life with the Sacred Marriage of Science with Philosophy. The real Philosophy as invented by Ancient-Greece, that is a philosophical way of living based on a set of cardinal virtues, must return to replace both the current purely speculative philosophy and the religious fascism of dogma. Only such return could also disempower the DDDD (Dogma, Debt, Disinformation, and Despair) of the three Abrahamic religions of the Sweat elites that, along with their civilian accomplices, who are enslaving us.

If any good religious figure can be associated to a FtatAristarchy freeing us through "Full Truth And Transparency", it can only be Jesus who was not a Jew, but only the real Jesus who said "Only Truth Shall Set You Free", not the Fake Jesus that the  Judaized Christian I
nstitutions deformed, committing treason in associating him to the Bible where he does not at all belong, not directly nor indirectly, and associating him also to many Wars or Religion and the Inquisition. His philosophical movement had nothing to do with the Yahweh of the Bible or to the Allah of the Quran who are two gods who explicitly and constantly request and incite their faithful to conduct wars an commit all sorts of crimes and massacres without guilt and with full impunity. Only the pure Gospel of the 4 evangelists that Jesus chose directly himself (which excludes St. Paul) can represent him. Only this beautiful and compassionate kind of strict and pure "Jesuism" expressed in that limited Gospel can be considered a religion that can be associated formally to FtatAristarchy governance. Jesus SAPNOS, incarnated son of SLOGOS, tried to reform or dismantle the religious fascism of his time, along with the well established interests of the "enslaving money changers" of the "Deep State" of his time, and he was crucified for it. After more than 2000 years, we can easily see that things have not changed much, and all new leaders attempting to clean up the swamp of the deep state, like Trump pretended to be able to do, are also all crucified, if not physically, certainly politically and socially by character assassination, precisely because, for the Sweat elites, the Truth that can set us free must always be prevented to emerge.
If one world leader alone cannot do it and set us free, maybe a new system of governance involving a critical mass of the majority of us can do it. This is the purpose of a FtatAristarchy (Full Truth And Transparency Aristarchy) as exposed in Part II of this book, with the word "Aristarchy" meaning essentially also merit and beauty, in addition to Truth, or a governance by the most meritorious leading individuals in an environment of full Truth and full transparency. If we do not wakeup quickly, this will be the completion of the Passive Revolution
of Cultural Marxism that had been wanted so badly by Antonio Gramsci, the founder of the Communist Party of Italy in 1921 and the precursor of the Improved Communism moved more to the West without that name predicted by Bezmenov for the rest of us some 40 years ago. It will be for the rest of us what best selling author called "American Marxism" in his recent 2021 book, really meaning "World Marxism" finally fully implemented in a global way. This is what the SEGWO is, as the Long Saga To the False Pax Judaica, under the leadership of mainly the Sweat elites to be eventually commanding the whole world in due time from their new world base in JerUSAlem after the creation of the Greater Israel. However, this is also what the FALPNO (FtatAristarchy Liberating Patriotic National Order) movement of a FtatAristarchy is meant to prevent, with a Return Of Philosophy, the sacred marriage of science with philosophy and the modern Renaissance of the ELL Culture and language Of Real Historical Superiority.  








Cover Part Two 









  (Not Globalization)

(Not a WWIII)

(Not a Global Reset)

(Not a Sweat One-World-Government)

Only a return of Philosophy with Patriotic National FtatAristarchy Governance


The year 2021 is a turning point in the history of humanity. The above examples of success of the Sweat elites enslaving the rest of us are only the few of the most recent centuries, and they have all been in terms of local forms of enslavement at various degrees in various places. For the first time the Sweat elites are today very close to being able to achieve a global type of enslavement at planet Earth level, from all points of view and for all of humanity. However, the Sweat elites are few, and we are many. If enough of the rest of us wakeup to achieve a critical weight misbalancing these elites, their new final and global enslavement attempt can, and must be blocked, even most democratically.



2021: A Turning Point for the Return of Philosophy and FtatAristarchy Governance


Nearly everything is ready for the final grand success of the Sweat elites to achieve complete world domination through a One-World-Government. Unless we react correctly, a simple reinforcement of the master scam called Corona Virus will soon achieve what is missing. This most likely includes the fall of the dollar as a first step, with the following fast introduction of a new fully digital currency called CBDC in an entirely cashless USA. This crash will most likely require the introduction of a partial debt jubilee and a minimum UBI to avoid a reacting and completely destructive revolution. Nevertheless, it will lead quickly to the popping up of the immense bubble of fake usurious debt-money worldwide, both in terms of public usurious debt-money and of private usurious debt-money. This overall bubble of usurious debt-money worldwide is so immense that it could never be paid back even with the full income of all countries put together. The domino effect originating from the fall of the dollar will bring the fall of all other main currencies like the Euro of the EU and the Renminbi of China. The whole world of common people will then be in a wild state of bare survival of only the fittest. At that point, there will most likely be a successful attempt of finally creating a fully dictatorial One-World-Government and it will most likely even be requested by most people begging for it on their knees if necessary because of their misery. They will readily accept it even if it will be only deceitfully, with a One-World-Currency, a One-World-Army and a One-World-Religion. The deceit will be that they will think this new world governance will be for their good, while it will be for the imposition of a melting One-World-Culture based on the Improved Communism Without that Name predicted by Bezmenov some 40 years ago.


Return of PhilosophyOrwell will have been right. People who will have been trained to stupid full obedience through the fake COVID plandemic, the Fake Vaccines degrading their Pineal Gland and reducing them to an obedient zombie level, and the lockdowns, unless people wakeup and we have an urgent rejection of dogma and a corresponding Return of Philosophy to replace it in our life. Without such return, people will soon have been fully tamed to be in love with their new normal state of slavery, using ridiculously Dangerous Submissive Masks, respecting Inhuman Social Distancing, being spied everywhere through Contact Tracing, and being limited in all their movements and actions through purely Digital CBDC Money in a Cashless Society and the presentation of a compulsory Fake Vaccination Passport.


Ironically, the only important country where this scenario might have the least bad effects will most probably the one in which Communism was most sourly experienced, but from which it was finally dismantled for the most part to a point of probably no possible return, that is, in the new Russia of Putin who, as an ex top KGB official, knows better than any other world leader what Communism means, be it old or new, deteriorated or falsely improved. But the transnational Sweat elites of the new "Improved Communism Without that Name moved more to the West" are waiting for him at the next corner, hoping to find a way for his physical or at least his character assassination as soon as possible.


Again, unless we quickly react correctly through a new form of governance like the FtatAristarchy as exposed in Part II of this book, the above is the most likely scenario of the coming few years. Unfortunately, as bad as it may be, it is the best one. We can only hope that this scenario will happen without a new world war with the massive use of the current world arsenal of nuclear arms that is immense and could easily destroy the whole Planet Earth. Its massive use would mean Armageddon for the whole of Planet Earth. If such nuclear WWIII happens, all countries will have to slowly start rebuilding their destroyed economy from an Orwellian New Normal state of extreme misery. Smaller countries with a better climate, like Greece, as long as their agriculture may not have been destroyed by nuclear arms, will have a better chance of survival and start their slow renaissance over the next few generations. Bigger countries with a bad climate and heavily affected by nuclear arms, if they still exist at all, will probably be returned to a state of pure jungle with probably no more meaningful human life for a few centuries. If nuclear arms are added to the forthcoming worldwide depression caused by the popping of the immense bubble of worldwide usurious debt-money, the world would suddenly be retrograded back to not only the dark Middle Ages, but rather to what it was at least three millennia ago.


Excluding the worst scenario with nuclear arms, Armageddon can be avoided, but the economic situation of most common people will nevertheless be very downgraded over the next few years. Solutions to resolve this tragic situation do exist, but they are not in terms of globalization, like the Sweat elites of today try to make us believe. Rather the opposite! Rather the exact opposite! They are first and foremost in terms of eliminating completely globalization and dogma from our life. As for the Abrahamic dogma of the 3 main Abrahamic religions from which our enslaving Sweat elites are extracted, it must be completely rejected and replaced fully with a Return of Philosophy in our life and the ensuing Sacred Marriage of Science with Philosophy. A Return of Philosophy means first a return of Truth in our public life because, as a great master called Jesus once said, "Only Truth Shall Set You Free". Of course, contrary to the fake Judaized Jesus of the Christian Church, that real Jesus was not Abrahamic, certainly not a Jew, but an ELL ('Greek') figure from Nazareth. He was crucified for disturbing and attempting to reform the Abrahamic culture of "an eye for an eye" of the Old Testament and bring instead a renaissance of the much older ELL culture of philosophy promoting virtue, beauty, Truth, love and compassion. Together with Truth, the reforms that we need, as exposed in the following Part II of this book, also imply a necessary return of merit and beauty on the wings of full transparency through an Aristarchy type of governance. For us, in the context of this book, it means the launching and use of the new form of national governance that we call FtatAristarchy (Full Truth And Transparency Aristarchy) in as many countries as possible, and as soon as possible. The Part II of this book following here below is exactly about the elaboration of the 10 reforms that can be easily implemented, most democratically, to transform the fake democracy that we have now in most countries into a brand new system of governance that we call FtatAristarchy (Full Truth And Transparency Aristarchy).









Books about Social Engineering








Reforms for a FtatAristarchy


PART 2: How We Can Be Free Again Through FtatAristarchy

From DebtOcracy to TruthOcracy in Pursuit of FtatAristarchy Against the New World Order



Wakeup Call

After having elaborated the details of the reasons How, Why and By Whom we are being enslaved, and before we dive into the details of the following 10 reforms that can set us free, it is important to define the general course of action that will have to be pursued to achieve our liberation within a FtatAristarchy.


At the moment we think we live in a democracy. This is a mistake. This is in fact a complete illusion that we have been socially engineered to accept as the best possible form of governance. The direct and participative Real Democracy as it was invented in Ancient-Greece might be the best possible form of governance, but it is certainly not what we call falsely "democracy" today in most countries. This fake democracy that we call "democracy" is a terrible illusion and that illusion has been lasting for much too long already. It is late and time to wakeup to this harsh fake reality. What we have and call democracy has nothing to do with direct and participative democracy as it was invented by Ancient-Greece. What we have as governance can be called in various other ways, but not democracy. Because it is grossly based on borrowing unnecessary and illegal fiat-usurious debt-money. instead of debt-free-treasury-money, along with the corresponding excessive taxation to reimburse that uselessly borrowed usurious debt-money, we can call it at best a DebtOcracy. Others will legitimately call it a MonetOcracy or a Plutarchy run by the money of the rich, or an Autarchy run by the powerful, or an Oligarchy run by the few, or a Technocracy run by GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) national or transnational elites hiding in the background. Others can even call it quite rightly a Tyranny or a Dictatorship for many valid reasons. To the contrary, a FtatAristarchy is a governance based on the best possible governors issued from a new form of holistic education based on philosophy and virtue, that is, from an Aristarchy, and with its governors working on the basis of a fully binding contract while being FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) compliant in executing their contract.  


Pursuing FtatAristarchy, against the Sweat elites, through the ELLADUM movement, means pursuing the dismantling of what is currently called the New World Order (NWO) enslaving us basically through DDDD (Dogma, Debt, Disinformation, and Despair) and also through the six forms of planet collapse caused by the Sweat elites while these same Sweat elites try to make us believe we are responsible for these six forms of planet collapse, not to mention enslaving us through the brand new tools of enslavement that we call the Banktatorship, the Healthtatorship and the reinforced Newstatorship. This NWO that we more correctly call the SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement Global World Order) is not an "order" but, at least for most of us, a rather deceitful "disorder" that is managed at the moment by a satanic elite that we call the Sweat elites that act like a type of multi-layered Abrahamic mafia in relation to the rest of us. These satanic Sweat elites do practically whatever they want after a falsely democratic election on the basis of a vague electoral program, instead of a binding electoral contract, lying and dictating in the meantime as much as they want with full impunity during an electoral mandate, most of the time without even minor consequences. For this reason, on the basis of the many components of our enslavers, we have coined two new acronyms: the Sweat (Satan World Enslavement Abrahamic Team) for the mafia elites behind the plot, and the SweatHarder  (Satanic World Enslavement Action Through Heinous Abrahamic Religion Deviates Encompassing Roamers) for the plot itself. Again, for clarity we also call the current New World Order being implemented as the SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement Global World Order). A FtatAristarchy is governed by elected governors who act under a fully binding contract and are the exact opposite of the Sweat elites, in particular also because they are always strictly national, and never supranational or transnational. These governors of a FtatAristarchy are a new type of public servants executing a fully four-way binding contract called a BEC (Binding Electoral Contract). This contract is strictly decided before an election and cannot be changed in any way, nor supplemented during a mandate with any kind of surprise in terms of new legislation or new taxation except very exceptionally through a quick and easy referendum if urgently necessary. 


FtatAristarchy Real PowerIn fact, in a FtatAristarchy, it is not really a person who is elected as a political leader, but a BEC (Binding Electoral Contract) that is elected with an associated governor of full confidence, along with two trusted assistants. As such, the executive management is composed of only 3 elected persons and, apart from the BEC, they are charged with maintaining what we call the FALPNO (FtatAristarchy Liberating Patriotic National Order) already fully established before elections. Natural disasters or unpredictable events of tragic or major sudden importance can also be always managed in a most wisely way including through the use of a new type of referendum rendered quick and easy in a FtatAristarchy


This type of new executive management is the essence of a FtatAristarchy and what this book is all about. In Part I, we looked at what the current evil NWO really is, or rather at what we call the SEGWO really is, in its various satanic aspects, and then, in this Part II, we look at the various reforms, as 10 cumulative reforms, that should be implemented to dismantle the NWO in the most democratic and positive way through FtatAristarchy governance.


Be it clear again that, contrary to what it is made to believe, the supposedly advanced western world does not live in a democracy of freedom, but under a well hidden oppressive Oligarchy of slavery through traditional DDDD (Dogma, Debt, Disinformation, and Despair) and the new means of enslavement previously mentioned (the Banktatorship, the Healthtatorship and the reinforced Newstatorship). Our supposed democratic liberty is only an illusion and a complete delusion for which we seem to have an incredible talent. To describe it in Orwellian terms, it is a slavery that we have been socially engineered to love and to consider our "New Normal" through years of public school indoctrination and mass media propaganda all subservient to the global Sweat Oligarchy hidden behind puppet national politicians.


Again, this Oligarchy, managing our beloved "New Normal", is a satanic mafia of Abrahamic deviates that we call Sweat (Satanic World Enslavement Abrahamic Team). Its members are related to the top elites of the 3 main Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) but, once in power, they do not operate as religious figures, only as a type of overseeing satanic power that even controls fully the superior levels of these 3 religions. This satanic mafia also controls their unelected cronies put in place at the top of the main Sweat corporations, or put in charge of international or supranational organizations like the UN, the EU, the IMF or the WEF, all as GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) authorities through purely satanic nepotism and cronyism.


That Sweat mafia of cronies is in charge of what most people commonly call today the New World Order (NWO), but that we call more accurately the SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement Global World Order) that operates as a fully autocratic Autarchy with well-veiled unlimited power instead of as a democracy. This hidden Autarchy is what is often referred to as the Deep State. It is more dictatorial than ever before in the history of humanity, but its contemporary form of ensuing slavery through mainly financial and informational means, not to mention the new biological means, is more sophisticated and less visible than at the times of the more ancient forms of slavery. This new slavery is now achieved without chains, and with the advantage, for the Sweat ruling elites, to have slaves who nowadays have to even maintain themselves instead of being maintained and lodged by their owners.


In other words, the so-called democracy of the western world is only an illusion, and a complete delusion for which we have demonstrated to have talent, maintained as a hidden Autarchy composed of the Sweat elites of the top perverted levels of the 3 main Abrahamic religions, in collaboration with the top perverted Sweat levels of the main corporations, the top Sweat levels of the main banks forming a new BankTatorship, the top Sweat levels of the main international organizations in particular now in the field of public health, forming a new HealthTatorship, together with the top perverted Sweat levels of the main mass media forming the illegal media cartel of a newly reinforced NewsTatorship, along of course with the puppet top perverted Sweat levels of the main political parties of national countries, The top perverted Sweat levels of these entities are all colluding together in their common ideology of global enslavement. This collusion of top perverted Sweat levels of various types of officials, self-appointed as GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) for the most part, is what we call the SweatHarder  conspiracy reality of the global Sweat elites. What we have as a result, as our apparent current governance at national level, is an entirely fake and perverted democracy that has nothing to do with the real democracy invented by Ancient-Greece which was direct, participative of all citizens, and based on Truth, merit, beauty and freedom for and from all citizens. The fake democracy we have now is perverted in that it is based mostly on usurious debt-money creation and fear or, more accurately, on primarily what we call DDDD (Dogma, Debt, Disinformation, and Despair), and now also on the brand new tools of enslavement mentioned above (the Banktatorship, the Healthtatorship and the reinforced Newstatorship). The result for all people below the Sweat elites, that is, for the rest of us, is constant fear and submission to the current autocratic Sweat Oligarchy. The recent Fake COVID pandemic scam has only come to reinforce and crown all these tools of fear and full submission to the Sweat elites. 


Freedom All In Your HandsThis Sweat Autarchy  or Oligarchy is the essence of all current governing political power today, in all the supposedly most democratic western world, let alone the rest of the undemocratic world. That political power is not based on wisdom, through the extraction of its best leaders from a holistic virtuous philosophical education of the 3 levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul, like it should be in a real and good democracy, and certainly so by definition in a FtatAristarchy, but on the pursuit of the selfish Sweat interests of the worst kind obtained through GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) appointments based mainly on cronyisms and nepotism instead of competence and merit. And with the growingly global world we live in today, the worst of these vicious GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) appointments do not affect us at only local and national levels at the moment, but ever more powerfully so at a supranational and even worldwide levels through a wide spectrum of fake international organizations of Sweat officials who have never been elected by anybody, and were only selected by their own unelected Sweat cronies, like it is typically the case with the EU, the UN, the WHO and the WEF in particular at the moment, the IMF and the Vatican to name only the most obvious ones. This is the sad autarchic world of unlimited despotic Sweat political power we have over our shoulders today. But a correction and, if necessary, a just retribution of those guilty of abusive unelected power, political or spiritual, is very well possible through a fully democratic process in a FtatAristarchy.


This book is precisely about this possible democratic correction and retribution. It is about the democratic passage from the hidden Sweat Autarchy that we often call a DebtOcracy managed mainly through a new Banktatorship, to FtatAristarchy, via the inevitable intermediate step of a TruthOcracy. In other words, in terms of what most people call today the NWO (New World Order), this book is about the passage from what we instead call the current SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement Global World Order) to a new FALPNO (FtatAristarchy Liberating Patriotic National Order) to be pursued and implemented most democratically through FtatAristarchy as soon as possible.


The first intermediate passage, from DebtOcracy to TruthOcracy is very easy. It requires essentially only one main and simple democratic condition that we call the FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency). This means absolute Truth and Transparency about all public affairs, from all governance officials, subject to committing a serious new crime that we call FTATOC, as a new crime that, as we will see, is punished most severely through first and foremost PPPP (Private Personal Property Punishment), and possibly supplemented by other additional forms of punishment like fines and imprisonment. This first passage, from DebtOcracy to TruthOcracy, can be done very quickly and most easily, as soon as a democratic majority requests it in an absolute majority way through a new instrument called BEC (Binding Electoral Contract) that institutionalizes the most serious new crime that we call FTATOC (Full Truth And Transparency Truth Obstruction Crime). These two simple little new and most democratic reforms, the BEC and the FTATOC along with the FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency)  operational way are sufficient to have a TruthOcracy fully operational in very little time. It can be achieved in much less than one short generation, that is, even in the time of two short regular national electoral mandates institutionalizing formally the FTAT way, the BEC and the FTATOC.



The second passage, from TruthOcracy to FtatAristarchy, in order to have a new type of elected political power not based anymore on the appointment of incompetent persons through cronyism and nepotism, is more complex and requires more time. It can be achieved properly only after the period of time that may be required to transform completely our educational system with Holistic Tetractys Education. Holistic EducationThis transformation will ensure that the political power shall be fully extracted and based on best natural talent, on known meritorious dedication and on affirmed beauty of virtuous behavior, in the best SOS (Social Olympic Spirit) spirit animating what is called success in most sports or Olympic emulative competitions at national level the moment. Once this is achieved,  Merit becomes the golden rule of success and leadership in the Meritocracy that is in fact a FtatAristarchy. Merit becomes the golden rule in real democracy, just like it is in the Olympics, as tools of self and public governance  reflecting the spirit and culture of Philotimo invented by Ancient-Greece


To start with, like in the Olympics and sports in general, only the most meritorious students will inevitably reach the highest level of such holistic education and hopefully, as such, with gratitude from the rest of us, while they become also our new best meritorious political leaders for public governance. This can help the whole country to be also animated by a similar kind of Olympic Spirit or Philotimo that we could call COS (Country Olympic Spirit) or, sometimes, SOS (Social Olympic Spirit). As for the new holistic education system of a FtatAristarchy, it is not to be based anymore only on mind instruction (which is only the Cognitive level of the Tetractys of the human soul), like it is now, but also on fully holistic soul education of the whole of the human Pythagorean Tetractys, forming proactively each and all of its first 3 levels (Instinctive, Compulsive, Cognitive) in order to make students possibly reach eventually the 4th level (Sophical) of wisdom whenever possible on a basis of natural talent, meritorious effort and pursuit of virtue and beauty in all endeavors. In a FtatAristarchy, this holistic proactive Tetractys formation goes from the beginning, at the lowest level of schooling, up to the maximum level of university education, even post-graduate. It is a required integral part of all educational formation at all levels. In other words, it is not sufficient to be, for example, an architect or an engineer competent from a strictly technical point of view, one has to be first and foremost a virtuous and wise man who has been formed also as a competent engineer or architect. Consequently, for the final passage to FtatAristarchy, this is an essential prerequisite that requires probably at least one or two generations to be fully implemented. This new type of holistic Tetractys education is what we describe in our EthoPlasìn website. It implies the Return of Philosophy in our life, to replace dogma, and the Sacred Marriage of Science with Philosophy


The above paragraphs can be considered the simplest possible executive summary or abstract summarizing the content of this book and the fundamental nature of the PythagorArium Project. As such the above can also be considered the executive summary of what FtatAristarchy is all about. A more complete and explicit Mission Statement is available at this link.




We Say "NO" to an Outdated World

Power of "NO"In the western world today, not only do we think we are free, but we think we live under the best form of democratic governance that can exist today, This however is entirely false. It is only an illusion. As mentioned above, the structure of governance used in our so-called democratic countries is one that was established before the invention of the telephone, before the airplane, before the television and before the Internet with its potentially perfect and instant communications around the whole world.


A FtatAristarchy says an absolute "NO" to a lot of outdated things that affect uselessly the wellbeing of our nations and of the people living in them. These "NO" involve mainly our structures of public governance, but also the private management of all sorts of organizations or entities having to do with public governance from GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials at national or transnational levels. These "NO" change completely the way we are governed, bringing more Truth and justice in all aspects of our life and of our interpersonal relationships. Most violations of these "NO" are punished as a new crime, the FTATOC (Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Crime) added to the criminal code, not just as a minor offense punishable by a fine. The crime also involve a punishment mainly in terms of confiscation of private property as a priority, whenever possible. When not possible, it involves other means of serious punishment like hefty fines and imprisonment. In the most serious cases, it involves a combination of all these means of punishment. 


The new FTATOC crime of obstructing Truth is a good example of the new serious punishments established by a FtatAristarchy. One of the fundamental criteria of a FtatAristarchy is absolute Truth and Transparency in all public affairs. The crime involved, if affecting badly the majority of the people in the country, can also become treason, as FTATOT (Full Truth And Transparency Truth Obstruction Treason).


Admittedly the main "NO"s that we will profess in the second part of this book, as 10 cumulative reforms of a FtatAristarchy, are in complete opposition to what the Political Correctness would command us to do today but, to us, this current political correctness is the result of a devious social engineering coming from most evil institutions working deceitfully and most discretely, let alone most successfully, behind the Sweat elites enslaving us today, like the infamous Tavistock Institute. Consequently we say "NO" to great intellectuals who are globally admired around the world as the founders of the supposedly good NWO (New World Order), or the mentors of the most powerful world politicians of the last decades. In turn, contrary to the political correctness, we say "YES", praise and promote the study of other intellectuals even if they are considered conspiracy theorists, because in fact they are conspiracy realists. It is worth mentioning some of them here as typical examples of these categories.  


Bertrand Russell, to whom we say "NO", is certainly one of them. Even if not a pure Jew, he was nevertheless an open supporter of Zionism, and a British polymath, as an academic who worked in philosophy, mathematics, and logic. Some 90 years ago, in 1931, he wrote a famous book entitled "The Scientific Outlook" in which he claimed that society had become so complex (in 1931… imagine today...) that it could not be left to democratic institutions, and that only a scientific dictatorship could be trusted to govern that type of complex society. He even dared to say that the stupid masses of human cattle should nevertheless be given the illusion of democracy and freedom, while sovereign nation states should be entirely superseded by a dictatorial One-World-Government. In other words, he was predicting exactly what has happened with our world today even if the already de-facto existing "One-World-Government" has still not yet been fully and formally recognized or confirmed.


Zbgniew Brzezinski, to whom we also say "NO" in spite of his good fame, is certainly another one of them. He served as a counselor to President Lyndon B. Johnson from 1966 to 1968 and was President Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor from 1977 to 1981. He wrote a famous book in 1970 entitled "Between Two Ages" which served for the new Trilateral Commission which was created in 1973 under his lead. In his famous book he restated Russell's vision in more sophisticated words: The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.


Saul Alinsky was a most leftist so-called "Community Activist" to whom we definitely say "NO". Young Bill Clinton worked in that movement and, when he became president, he said openly that he considered Alinsky his mentor.  The TIME magazine wrote in 1970: "It is not exaggerated to maintain that the American democracy was changed by the ideas of Alinsky". In 1971, he wrote a famous book entitled "Rules For Radicals" that is dedicated to Lucifer (another name for "Satan"). Hillary Clinton even wrote a kind of favorable thesis on that dedication to Satan.


Carroll Quigley, contrary to the above famous individuals to whom we say "NO", should instead receive a clear "YES", even if he is considered a "Conspiracy Theorist" by the current Political Correctness killing the good common sense of most people today. In 1966 he wrote a famous book entitled "Tragedy And Hope". Of course, what was maybe more legitimately considered a conspiracy theory in 1966 is now a clear and sour conspiracy reality today. He just revealed, early on, what we have today, or that the real power behind our fake democracy operates behind the scenes, in secrecy, and with little to fear from so-called democratic elections. We will also say "YES" to other current similar conspiracy realist called Charles Moscowitz who, after many years of extensive historical research claims that the current NWO is even a clear Satanic Conspiracy in his book of 2021 entitled "The Satanic Conspiracy, the specter haunting mankind".

The same "YES" certainly also applies to maybe two of the most famous authors considered conspiracy theorists for decades but that revealed themselves to be true "conspiracy realists" considering what they said decades ago about our reality today. The first one is George Orwell with his book entitled "1984", written in early 1949 predicting the absolute global "Big Brother" that we have today on our shoulders through our governments enslaving us. The previous one is Aldous Huxley with his 1932 book entitled "Brave New World" that describes a world in which the government is all-seeing, all-knowing and all-powerful, and, if you dare to step out of line, SWAT teams and pre-crime units will come and crack as many skulls as necessary to bring you and your surrounding populace under full control. Of course we could comment in a similar way about many other authors wrongly discredited as supposedly conspiracy theorist that proved later on, or prove clearly today, to be accurate conspiracy realists, like for example Margaret Atwood in her book "The Handmaid's Tale", and Philip K. Dick
in his 36 books of supposedly "science fiction", but with many of them that proved to be rather "Science Reality", or "Conspiracy Reality", like his book "The Minority Report" that became the basis for Steven Spielberg’s futuristic thriller Minority Report.    







NO Big Government


Governance With Only Small And Updated Institutions


No Big GovernmentSUMMARY >

Parliaments and Embassies are ALL completely outdated since after the combined inventions of the telephone, the airplane, the television and the Internet. The small and powerful TetractArium of governance of a FtatAristarchy eliminates both institutions. These two outdated institutions are full of distant babblers enjoying most expensive useless privileges in positions of false prestige attributed for the most part through cronyism and nepotism. In turn, citizens paying for these outdated institutions travel much more than before, with more of them getting into trouble and requiring assistance while abroad. Also,  migrants and refugees wanting admission to our country also require a better selection process, ideally while still abroad where we have consulates. So, if Parliaments and permanent Embassies must go, Consulates must not only continue to exist, but be reinforced to take better care of both citizens and candidate immigrants abroad. Temporary Ambassadors on special missions can still exist, and they can be easily accommodated in consulates in most cases. Political Parties must also reduce their current exaggerated influence on a new type of government that governs on the basis of a strictly binding pre-electoral contract and nothing else, like it is the case with a FtatAristarchy. Political parties must adapt to their new limited but nevertheless very important role dedicated to defining a fully binding pre-electoral contract with a limited number of maximum 10 items, and promoting an associated person as a governor to fulfill that binding contract. In a direct and participative democracy, it is useless for them to push for any particular political ideology as, with the use of a fully binding political contract instead of a political program, politics of the right or of the left after a winning electoral mandate have no more sense. Cities in turn must also adapt to small governance. They essentially must learn to be more self-sufficient in terms of local finances and in terms of local agricultural resources without imports, while being more responsive in terms of services and locally agreed civic order. They must govern through an agreed local rule of law, with Justice about criminality being judged mostly by pairs of local citizens for local crimes, always free of charge for the confirmed victim, on the basis of the monitoring of only a locally elected Police force serving a population as racially homogeneous as possible, with the least possible multiculturalism.




No Parliament and No Embassies


For a FtatAristarchy, a Parliament is an outdated institution that was useful only before the combined inventions of the telephone, the television, the airplane, the Internet and the existence of instant worldwide telecommunications. Before these inventions, we certainly needed to elect representatives to go, far away, and work completely isolated from most of us, sitting in a parliament unconnected to us, to defend our interests in the distant capital city of the country. After all these inventions, and ever since, why do we still need these representatives? Parliamentarians representing us are no more needed. Not at all needed! They are completely outdated. Not only are they outdated and useless, but they are extremely expensive to maintain, with exorbitant salaries voted to themselves by themselves, and with all sorts of attached privileges that do not need to exist anymore. They can even cause all sorts of serious damage to our governance and to our best interests through easy lobbying and corruption that would not exist if these representatives did not themselves exist in the first place.


Happy_Ugly_Big_GovernmentJust like a Parliament is an outdated institution, an Embassy is also outdated since also after the inventions of the telephone, the television, the airplane and the Internet. Since the above inventions, including perfect, instant and secure communications worldwide, there is absolutely no need anymore for huge, expensive and permanent embassies abroad. Temporary embassies may still be required temporarily in some difficult places and circumstances, for special temporary missions, and can even be housed temporarily in reinforced permanent consulates abroad in most cases. No permanent embassies are needed anymore. Like parliamentarians, permanent ambassadors are also totally unnecessary and extremely expensive to maintain uselessly. At this point in modern times, the existing useless permanent ambassadors are posted mostly to still maintain useless positions of prestige in which to appoint and reward in a plushy way, not to say totally unjustly, and most of the time through cronyism or nepotism, those who have done favors to the equally useless and corrupted parliamentarians in most cases. This outdated system is maintained at great and unnecessary expense to the taxpayers and, as a general system, it must be eliminated.


With the current effort of the Sweat elites to globalize the world, the outdated system of permanent embassies is getting progressively worse. We now have multiple levels of redundant embassies to maintain, most of the time even in the same country. This is typically the case of the European Union at the moment. Not only do taxpayers have to maintain useless national embassies abroad, but also embassies to supranational entities like the EU or other international entities like NATO, the UNESCO, the WHO, the WFP, and the UN. In turn, the EU in Brussels is not satisfied with dealing with our country through our own national embassy in Belgium, but also maintains its own embassies in each and all member countries, while each member country also maintains an embassy to the EU in Brussels. This is plainly ludicrous and even ridiculous considering the outrageous costs involved and the level of perfection of the telecommunications that we enjoy at the moment worldwide.


Reinforced Consulates Abroad


The situation of consulates is very different. Citizens travel abroad more than ever before. Consequently, contrary to embassies, permanent consulates assisting national citizens in difficulty while abroad are still needed to exist on a permanent basis. Another modern reality requiring reinforced consulates abroad in order to face it properly is the growing massive movement of migrants and refugees around the globe. Many will apply for admission to our country. The only good way to select them for admission is while they are still abroad, through our consulates abroad, with staff well trained for that purpose. The new massive movements of migrants around the globe also require that we have reinforced consulates abroad to attend this reality in the best possible way, accepting or refusing their applications while still abroad whenever possible. The refugees applying for status within the country must be returned for processing to their last country of transit if there was one, hopefully to the country of their passport if possible without risk or, if not possible, renounce any right of eventual citizenship of the FtatAristarchy of arrival. If, in such cases, refugee status is granted, this will be it, and they will only get a refugee passport of the receiving FtatAristarchy, not a national passport.



No Elections Without Contract


In a FtatAristarchy, these is no more any plain Electoral Program promoted by a traditional political party. There is only a binding Electoral Contract with a limited amount of maximum 10 specific items called a BEC (Binding Electoral Contract) including intended new legislation and/or taxation. That contract is fully binding in 4 ways: 1) all of its up to 10 items must be done; 2) all of it done with the indicated resources spent in a fully transparent budget open to all citizens online as FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency); 3) all of it done within the specified times; 4) all of it done with the specified team of ministers or their possible substitutes also indicated in the BEC of the elected Governor. Having such a new type of fully binding electoral contract, instead of a stupid and always un-respected electoral program, means full executive efficiency at minimal costs in a perfect way of FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) compliance.


No Citizenship Without Voting


Only citizens can vote and voting becomes a serious business having to do with a legal duty, not just a right. A FtatAristarchy gives citizenship only to a child of a citizen genitor, or to an immigrant legally selected abroad and who has lived legally in the country for 5 consecutive years after his official admission without committing a single crime. In a FtatAristarchy, for a citizen, not voting without a serious specific reason is a crime. After 3 instances of such crime, the citizen looses his citizenship. The person becomes stateless and can reacquire citizenship only through a formal commitment to vote again and the payment of a stiff fee for this process. The non-voter also looses all sorts of related taxation privileges or benefits that may apply only to citizens. Stateless persons get a national Stateless ID or passport that may be accepted or not accepted by other countries, and have their public pensions reduced to the minimum level. As better explained further down, be it clear that the duty of voting in a FtatAristarchy is based on a perfect system that was invented to be made most easy, and in particular to avoid any possible kind of fraud, while each voting process is conducted with absolute FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) compliance. If our current advanced technology has allowed us to go to the moon and to mars, it can certainly allow us something much easier: allow a FtatAristarchy to have a perfect voting system without any possible fraud, based. as we will see, on new bio-anonymous technology. 


No Big Government


As we have already seen, a FtatAristarchy does not have a Parliament with elected representatives. It has a brand new structure of governance called a TetractArium (as per the TetractArium diagram shown below). Practically all modern democracies, in the most advanced democratic world at the moment, use a Trias Politica, in terms of State Powers, as defined by Montesquieu in his book "The Spirit Of The Laws": a governance divided in 3 Ariums of State Powers: the Executive, the Legislative and the Judicial supposedly equal in power and independent of each other. Montesquieu wrote his book in 1748. The Trias Politica is still valid as a foundation of a democracy, but now incomplete. It is certainly outdated on the basis of the new modern means of communication and governance available to us today. A FtatAristarchy, at its core, is also a Trias Politica, but these 3 basic State Powers have been updated to the state of technology of our current world. Consequently, they also have new names: the GovernArium (similar to the Executive), and 2 brand new State Powers: the ProtectArium and the TinformArium. This new Trias Politica (the red "G", "P" and "T" Ariums on the TetractArium diagram further down) manages the routine daily governance of the FtatAristarchy when there is only the current electoral contract to be followed faithfully, and no particular special situations unplanned by the BEC to be solved. In situations of vacuum of power, or of special unpredicted problems, the LeaderArium (the green "L" Arium on the diagram) comes into play and, as such, forms a new Tetras Politica (4 Ariums of state powers) along with the GPT of the TetractArium, as the LGPT. This Tetras Politica constitutes the essence of the political power in a FtatAristarchy, as its 4 main components of governance power in normal circumstances, thus its name as the TetractArium (as "Tetractys" basically means a core of 4 areas or components, in this case 4 Ariums of governance).



To follow with profit this section, you may want to print first the version

 PDF of the TetractArium diagram below and hold it while reading.     

TetractAriumIn turn, when the "L" Arium is not involved proactively, and acting only as a kind of supervisor of good governance (similar to the non-executive Presidential office of many countries), which is most of the time, the FtatAristarchy also runs as a discrete Pentas Politica (thus 5 Ariums of government power): the Trias Politica (the 3 basic Ariums "G", "P" and "T") + two mostly autonomous Ariums or agencies, the MonetArium (the brown "M" Arium as the new Monetary State Power) and the JudicArium (the brown "J" Arium as the Judicial State Power). The "M" and the "J" basically operate independently from the Trias Politica, and undisturbed, although both the Trias Politica ("G", "P" and "T") over them, and the SPELLArium "S" under them, do scrutinize them (the "M" and "J") constantly, and can intervene in collaboration with the "L" if they (the "M" and "J") appear to deviate from their strict constitutional functions or to impede the fulfillment of the BEC of the GovernArium.


The real new and unique overall State Power however, in terms of fundamental governance, is the SPELLArium "S" (or the Sovereign People, shown as "S" Arium in blue in the rectangle at the very bottom of the diagram). This "S" Arium is de-facto the official holder of the winning BEC of the last election. As such, the BEC, as soon as the elected Governor starts its mandate, get the name of SPEC (Sovereign People Electoral Contract). This new name SPEC was granted formally when the winning BEC was placed into the hands of the SPELLAriant after the national election.


The SPELLArium also includes the PolArium (police force of the people) but its basic routine function, when there is no need for police interventions, is to ensure all the 5 components (GPTMJ) of the Pentas Politica that surround it respect the SPEC faithfully, along with the spirit and letter of the 10 reform of the FtatAristarchy. This overall structure of State Powers of a FtatAristarchy is called a TetractArium because of the 4 levels of dark blue dots included in the triangular structure inspired by the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul.


As elaborated within this webpage of 10 reforms, a FtatAristarchy is more a kind of "Protectorate" than a traditional type of western representative "Government". It is a protectorate mostly via the SPELLArium, or rather, a protectorate of the people's will, as expressed in a fully binding BEC, and through the full and perfect realization of that BEC by the three persons that are in place to lead its daily realization. These are the elected GovernAriant ("G"), along with the selected TinformAriant ("T") and the selected ProtectAriant ("P"). However, these 3 executives are under the strict and constant surveillance of another 2 main Ariants elected in the TetractArium, along with the "G", to ensure full SPEC realization in a perfectly FTAT way: the powerful FtatAriant and the even more powerful SPELLAriant.


In short, a FtatAristarchy has 3 brand new and separate State Powers improving the quality and efficiency of the 3 old State Powers defined by the Trias Politica of Montesquieu. These new Ariums of Powers are: the GovernArium, headed by the elected national GovernAriant, the TinformArium, headed by the selected national TinformAriant, and the ProtectArium, headed by the selected national ProtectAriant. The Head of the GovernArium, as the GovernAriant, is the main one of the only 3 persons who are directly elected through a general national election in a FtatAristarchy: the other two who are also indirectly selected and later on elected are the SPELLAriant and the FtatAriant. These last two, along with the GovernAriant, form the elected GFS (as shown in a central vertical line on the diagram that appears on the side). The other Ariants, as we will see, are not elected, but selected by the 77 Ariants of the FtatAristarchy.


If these three new elected State Powers are different from the traditional three of Montesquieu (which were called: Executive, Legislative and Judicial), these three traditional State Powers of Montesquieu are nevertheless still present in a FtatAristarchy, and even more effective than before, albeit operating in a different mode, and within a different TetractArium structure of governance instead of a Parliament (which does not exist as such in a TetractArium). The real Executive Power, which in the traditional setup of the three State Powers of Montesquieu is called simply the Executive, at the top of the pyramid, is now really de-facto the SPELLArium, or the Sovereign People Power, at the bottom of the pyramid, with the people using the tools of the GovernArium and the BEC for their specific main purposes. In other words, in a FtatAristarchy, the old democracy has gone "From Slavery Downwards To Slavery Upwards" with the real political power resting in the SPELLArium at the bottom, even if it is exercised and managed by the elected GovernArium and guided, as we will see, by a brand new type of PPC political party contenders responsible for formulating a BEC and promoting a Governor, or rather a GovernAriant for the full execution of that BEC.


It is important to stress that the brand new SPELLArium is not left on its own, but guided, or somehow educated by a brand new type of political party, a PPC (Political Party Contender), with more specific and more limited functions than the traditional political parties of western democracies with a parliamentarian structure of governance. When applying the 10 necessary cumulative FtatAristarchy reforms of this Part II of this book, while using best current technology and the guidance of the brand new PPC political parties, this SPELLArium State Power, as the fully democratic power of the sovereign people, is absolutely possible to be exercised, for the first time in the world history of nations that are bigger than the ancient City-States where democracy was invented in Ancient-Greece. With a SPELLArium in the structure of State Powers, along with the guidance of the new PPC political parties, the Sovereign People finally have the de-facto Governing Power, as an easily controlling one, with government officials at the top of the pyramid becoming real obedient Public Servants, as opposed to arrogant masters, or puppet masters of hidden powers in their background, internally or above their heads. The 7 Ariants at the national level (Nariants) work in a DomAriant (a kind of mini parliament). The 70 Ariants from the provincial level (ProAriants) work in one ProDomAriant in each of 10 provinces maximum. The DomAriant is big enough to accommodate meetings of all 77 Ariants with appropriate guests at any given time for discussions and action decisions.


In the middle of all the above Ariums, there is a power that is not/not a State Power having to do with the execution of the BEC, but rather a kind of special internal police having to do with full Truth and full FTAT compliance in all actions of governance. From this specific point of view, it watches all the new State Powers: it is called the FtatArium. Again, it is not concerned with the substantial details of the BEC, but only concerned with the exclusive use of Truth in the FTAT execution of all its aspects. The FtatArium is the solid central core foundation (as shown in the diagram in its central place) of all the Arium Structure of the TetractArium: no aspect of the BEC, or of any other OBECOF (Out Binding Electoral Contract Operational Fund) issue, can be executed through lies, but only through Truth, in a fully FTAT way, through only Truth that the sovereign people is made fully aware of, and has pre-approved. From this special point of view, the elected FtatAriant has absolute power to police for Truth or FTAT compliance and, as such, he can dismiss instantly, with the concurrence of the SPELLArium, any Ariant who is not FTAT compliant within the TetractArium.


There are other major novelties in a FtatAristarchy. The PolArium (Police force) does not come under, nor belongs to, the Executive Power of the GovernAriant, like it is the case in our false democracies, but belongs to the people and because of this, it is located under the commanding power of the SPELLArium. The GovernArium cannot use the police force aggressively or violently against non violent people or protesters but, in turn, the people, through the power of the SPELLArium that commands the police force, can use that police force forcefully against all Ariants when their governance is not fully FTAT compliant and this fact is confirmed as such by the FtatArium. This way, the use of the police force by the executive power, or in particular the formation of a Police State by the executive power against the people, like it seems to be happening in a growing number of supposedly democratic countries, is virtually impossible. On the other hand, the policing of the executive governance by the people, under the command of the SPELLAriant, to request that the executive power be fully FTAT compliant, is quite easily possible. The PolArium will also be used by the SPELLAriant, with or without a request from the GovernArium, against all criminals attacking common people or any of the governing Ariants. This is why the PolArium (Police force) is located in, and supervised by, the SPELLArium (S). But the SPELLAriant supervision is "national" only in terms of uniform and a basic essential national code of conduct, and intervention on behalf of people claiming inappropriate conduct of the police force; That PolArium is not "national" in terms of command as the final word of command is left to each province or city by a chief that responds in priority to the desires of the local people closest to where the police intervention is needed.


The PolArium officers cannot be used as body guards to protect Ariant governance officials. Only the MilitArium (soldiers) of the ProtectArium can play that function. The MilitArium (Military Forces) is located within the ProtectArium (P) as its role is strictly limited to protecting interventions, either from a foreign aggression or from an internal aggression, and never used itself as an aggression power outside the national borders. Rare urgent exceptions can be decided by a quick majority vote of the TetractArium, or, when possible, ideally by a quick and easy referendum requested by the SPELLArium for national security reasons.


The JudicArium (J) comes under the supervision authority of the TinformArium (T) that can, and must, publish all Truth about all the decisions of the JudicArium.


The MonetArium in turn (M), issuing the new debt-free money through its commonly called NAMA (National Autonomous Monetary Authority), or rather its NamArium, belongs to the Tetras Politica as a whole (L+P+G+T), and the 4 Ariants concerned sit and take decisions within the independent FtatArium, under the surveillance and the voting power of the FtatAriant, with both the MonetAriant and the FtatAriant having a power of veto that can be exercised only after concurrence with the LeaderAriant, or confirmed in final instance by the people, if and when necessary, through a quick and easy referendum called by the FtatAriant.


A FtatAristarchy is clearly an authoritarian regime of governance, but authoritarian from the guided enlightened people, not against the people. This is because the supreme authority of the country is the winning BEC that became the SPEC, and the real ultimate power is the people, not the government, through the SPELLArium. In fact, as mentioned above, the BEC, once the GovernAriant has been put in power through it, becomes a SPEC (Sovereign People Electoral Contract). Some may be tempted to call a FtatAristarchy with a SPEC a form of dictatorship, and they are not necessarily wrong, as long as they mean that it is a dictatorship-in-reverse, with the real commanding power located with the well guided and enlightened sovereign people, at the bottom of the pyramid, and the executive power at the top being only a triad of obedient Public Servants on a basis of FTAT compliance and of no enslaving usurious debt-money. This is what the PythagorArium calls going "From Slavery Downwards To Slavery Upwards".


The greatest crime that exists in the functioning of a FtatAristarchy is not the so-called Hate-speech crime, typical nowadays of our current false democracies we have around the world. For  FtatAristarchy, this new Orwellian "Hate-Speech Crime" is an abomination that is eliminated for a number of reasons that we will se in another reform. This Orwellian abomination only serves to ensure the equally Orwellian dictatorship of the new political correctness killing the common sense of most people in the country. For  FtatAristarchy, such current hate-speech crime is not only not a crime, but it is even perfectly admissible and protected in a FtatAristarchy if and when it is the expression of a Truth in a non physically violent way, or of a firm conviction explicitly affirmed as such. In a FtatAristarchy, the main crime against its functioning is rather the Lie-speech-crime. It is formally called a FTATOC (Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Crime), and can easily become a FTATOT (Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Treason) when the lie is so serious that it affect most destructively a major amount of people in the country. Such crime, if committed by an Ariant, or any other dependent official, is forcefully punished through immediate dismissal by the FtatAriant, and possibly through other additional forms of PPPP punishment.   



The Arium Election System of the TetractArium in a FtatAristarchy


The election process in a FtatAristarchy is made extremely cheap, fast and secure to the point of virtually eliminating any possible type of fraud, better than ever before, by the application of the BECVABAD (Binding Electoral Contract  Voted As Bio-Anonymous Duty) principle, which means by the use of the new bio-anonymous voting card, and by the corresponding new voting machines distributed in all best public places, like commercial centers, banks, schools, hospitals, ministries and other convenient public places, including consulates abroad. People can vote at any of these places, at their full convenience within a given week, even at consulates abroad, but they must vote as a duty sanctioned by a penalty that may include the loss of citizenship if not fulfilled, not just as a right. The general national electoral process is completed with the election of a new GovernAriant, as the head of the new FtatAristarchy "executive power" called the GovernArium, and the concurrent election of a new SPELLAriant and a new FtatAriant. These 3 Ariants form the vertical elected GFS on the diagram of the new TetractArium structure of governance, and they are the only 3 persons elected directly in a FtatAristarchy: no more elected representative parliamentarians exist.


The new BECVABAD system is perfect. If our current technology has allowed us to go to the moon and to planet Mars, this level of technology can provide us a perfect voting system. BECVABAD is perfect and its functioning will be explained in another section. This good functioning of this new voting system is so serious that anyone fraudulently defeating it by any action, or allowing a known glitch of fraud in its design or its functioning would commit the most serious of crimes in a FtatAristarchy, that is, a FTATOT (Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Treason). Yes, treason, punishable consequently in the most severe way through PPPP.


The new PPC political parties contenders of a FtatAristarchy can be as many as people want, but they must have an official membership, and only the 10 PPC parties with the biggest membership can participate with a BEC (Binding Electoral Contract) in the voting process of a general national election. This general election process is completed in five consecutive and cumulative steps explained below. However, the general voting process is dual: it is first and foremost bio-anonymous electronic in nature, but also accompanied by a "paper ballot". This paper ballot is issued by the BECVABAD voting machine with the name of the person voted. The immediate electronic result is taken as valid in principle, but not formally valid until a match is done with the paper ballots, and with only a possible variance of less than maximum 1%, under the strict control of all non-GFS Ariants of the TetractArium structure, plus a representative of each of the 10 political parties that have participated in the general election. If the variance between the electronic vote and the paper vote is more than 1%, a new election must take place. If need be, in the case of a serious suspicion of electronic malfunction, a new election could be decided only on paper ballots with the concurrence of all the non-GFS Ariants.



> 01 < The preliminary "L" Step. - The choice of a LeaderAriant - The LeaderArium members (the ex Ariants of "GPTSF" of the TetractArium structure of governance, who could be a few dozens at any given time), confirm for themselves a new accountable LeaderAriant, before the following steps of the election process. This could mean the simple and quick confirmation of the current one, or the selection of a new one. This confirmation is done through a secret majoritarian vote between themselves. The newly chosen accountable "L" then proposes immediately his 10 provincial representatives, as his 10 ProLariants. These ProLariants however, if new, must each be also approved by a secret majority vote of all the current LeaderAriants before being confirmed and they will take office when the new "G" will be in place at the end of the election process. 


> 02 < The preliminary "SF" step - The choice of the 3 GFS position candidates to be submitted to an election - If the 10 "G" (GovernAriant) candidates in a general election were formulated by the 10 political parties with the biggest membership, the 3 "F (FtatAriant) candidates are pre-proposed and concurred by the "LPT" Ariants of the TetractArium structure, while the 3 "S" (SPELLAriant) candidates are pre-proposed and concurred by the "LMJ" Ariants of the TetractArium structure. However, the candidates formulated, in both cases (the 3 "F" and the 3 "S"), must be external to their own ranks: either coming from another non "LPT" Arium for the "F" candidates, or a non "LMJ" Arium, for the "S" candidates, or alternatively coming as a prominent figure of the society completely outside of the TetractArium structure. In addition, before becoming officially 'candidates', these chosen persons must be approved by a secret majority vote of all the 78 existing active Ariants of the overall TetractArium structure. Once chosen and approved, they become the 6 official "SF" candidates (3 "F" and 3 "S") in the forthcoming general election. This process of choosing the SF candidates must be done in a preventive way, ahead of any expected immediate election even if only one of them will will in the election and take charge only after the election of the "G" and their own election at the same time. As such the "SF"  candidates come from a double process. They are first indirectly selected as a first step, by the 78 Ariants of the overall TetractArium structure not by the people. Then, as a second step, the 3 "S" and the 3 "F" candidates are submitted to the general vote along with the up to 10 "G" candidates. As such, the "SF", because of this double electoral process, by internal pre-selection and external election, are less likely to be populist  candidates without serious experience, and more likely to be what is required: very serious controllers of the full FTAT compliance of the TetractArium and of the full respect of the BEC voted by the people.      


> 03 < The preliminary "PTMJ" step - The selection of the PTMJ candidate Ariants that the elected "G" will choose from - In the meantime, in parallel to the completion of step 2, each of the PTMJ Ariums (on the TetractArium) must extract from their own ranks a list of three candidates that they consider could become their own new Ariant leader to their complete satisfaction after the election of the "G" (GovernAriant) by the general national election. However, these 12 candidates, after their pre-selection, have to be approved individually and confirmed as candidates, each of them, by a secret majority vote of the 55 current Ariants of the PTMJS Ariants: the ones of PTMJ, at national and provincial level (44), and also the ones of the SPELLArium (11), also at both levels, for a total of 55. If one is rejected, a new name has to be extracted from the relevant Arium and resubmitted to a new vote of the 55 Ariants concerned. After his own election, the "G" (as the new GovernAriant) will decide, in Step 05 below, which one of the three he wants for each of the PTMJ Ariums during his mandate. The new GovernAriant cannot refuse all 3 candidates for any given "PTMJ" Arium, but necessarily chooses one of the 3 for each PTMJ Arium on the list, as the one he prefers. Once chosen, these become the new Ariants of the PTMJ Ariums who will assist and survey the newly elected "G" for full FTAT compliance..


> 04 < The election of the "GFS" step - The national election proper with up to 16 candidates - This 4th step is the most important one, and involves a general national election for choosing the incumbents of three positions. These are the heads of the 3 Ariums (triangles) centered on a direct vertical line under the LeaderArium: 1] a new "G" (of the up to 10 GovernAriant candidates), 2] a new "F" (of the 3 FtatAriant candidates), and 3] the new "S" (of the 3 SPELLAriant candidates): a total of maximum 16 names. Consequently, to be clear, only a total of maximum up to 16 candidates are facing a general election (as long as there are at least 10 PPC existing), contrary to the hundreds of candidates being elected in current democracies: up to 10 "G" candidates with a BEC, 3 "S" candidates with a serious curriculum to watch the full respect of the people's will, and 3 "F" candidates with also a serious curriculum to watch the full FTAT compliance of governance. The elected GFS are the only three persons elected directly by the people in a FtatAristarchy that has no elected representatives in any kind of traditional chamber of parliament. The "G" GovernAriant is elected as a kind of super-president, in charge of the Executive Power which is called GovernArium. Within the limits of his BEC, or rather his SPEC at this point, he is an absolute authority under a strictly binding contract that cannot be disturbed by corrupted babbling representative parliamentarians. Again, in this step, the GovernAriant is voted and elected from the choices of maximum 10 candidates with an approved BEC, as a BEC presented by the 10 PPC (Political Party Contenders) with the highest membership. He can only be elected at full majority, after two tours if necessary, or even 3 tours in special circumstances, separated by two weeks. In his BEC, the elected "G" president has, as an essential requirement, the names of his own 10 provincial representatives, and he appoints them immediately and sovereignly as his ProGovernAriants after winning the election. The FtatAriant and the SPELLAriant in turn are also elected at majority among the 3 candidates chosen in the Step 03 above: the ones with the highest national votes become the Ariants in power at the first tour for the "F" and the "S" Ariums. If two have the exact same vote, the GovernAriant decides which one to nominate.   


> 05 < The final G-PTMJ step - The completion of the TetractArium - The very first meeting of the DomArium (the mini-like parliament quarters) directed by the newly elected GovernAriant includes all the current 78 Ariants and achieves two objectives. The GovernAriant first looks at the list of the 3 candidates of each of the PTMJ Ariums, the ones selected in Step 03 above. He then chooses which one of the 3 he prefers and wants to appoint during his mandate for each of the 4 PTMJ Ariums. This choice is mandatory to the PTMJ Ariums concerned. Then the Ariants and provincial ProAriants together, in this first assembly of the 78, select a DomAriant for the coordination of the work of the DomArium: each of the 7 new Ariants except "L" of the TetractArium has proposed a candidate from outside the TetractArium, made known at least 3 days in advance to all Ariants, usually as an important social personality, and the 78 Ariants select one of these 7 names through a secret majority vote as the new DomAriant (who after a new election will have the right to join the LeaderArium if he so wishes). As the culminating point, the new DomAriant then signs a copy of the winning BEC, which makes it become the new SPEC, and hands it formally to the newly elected GovernAriant for execution. This completes the DomArium. and the new TetractArium. As a result, the new TetractArium government is now ready to go for the accomplishment of its two, and only 2, exclusive duties: implement the BEC that has now become officially a SPEC (Sovereign People Electoral Contract), and handle the RUS (Routine Unplanned Situations) events that were not predictable in the BEC before election. The financing will all come from the specifications of the SPEC or from the OBECOF (Out Binding Electoral Contract Operational Fund). The important non RUS events that cannot be funded by the OBECOF would require a quick and easy referendum, or a new election in most serious cases.


-- This in fact completes the overall election of a new Government with 3 main Ariants:

the GovernAriant, the SPELLAriant and the FtatAriant).

 -- See or print the above TetractArium graphic, or its PDF, for a graphic summary --




Kincaid books about Global Governance








More on TetractArium Governance


Aristarchy MinistriesAgain, once elected in the above manner, in normal circumstances, the GovernAriant can really do only two things: 1) implement his fully binding BEC that has now become a SPEC (Sovereign People Electoral Contract), and 2) handle the routine or emergency out-SPEC situations on the basis of a strict FTAT compliance assessed as such on a constant basis by the FtatArium. As for his SPEC, and in as much as he implements his fully binding SPEC faithfully, the GovernAriant can operate sovereignly without ever being disturbed uselessly by any kind of opposition within the DomArium or the OppositArium. He is however kept under close surveillance within the DomArium by the other components of the Pentas Politica (PTMJ) to make sure he does not deviate from the letter of his fully binding SPEC, but in particular by the FtatAriant for FTAT compliance.


The other members of the TetractArium (PTMJSF) must assist to all cabinet meetings, even if strictly as non-voting speakers, checking constantly for full FTAT compliance. As for unplanned non-BEC events, other members of the Pentas Politica (PTMJ) acquire a right of opposition to possibly block a decision if all 4 concur, in particular if and when they feel the FtatAristarchy principles are not respected in resolving the emergency out-SPEC situations. The 4 together would also have the same right of opposition for routine decisions if they feel they are not taken in a full FTAT way. In addition, for these out-SPEC events, the MonetAriant can be forced, by a majority vote of the DomArium, to use its NAMA (National Autonomous Monetary Authority) to issue immediately the new no-debt money necessary to resolve urgent unpredictable situations.


If a conflict arises between G and PTMJ members, then the SPELLAriant is called to resolve it. If the parties involved do not agree with the SPELLAriant’s decision, the latter brings the issue to the LeaderAriant for a quick and final decision by the LeaderArium in a FTAT way. As all components of the TetractArium operate in the same DomArium, working closely all together, conflicts can usually be resolved most efficiently in a matter of hours. In any case, all meetings of the DomArium are held in full transparency, in front of filming cameras accessible to the SPELLAriant and the FtatAriant, let alone the public in general, except for few predetermined confidential issues under criminal investigation known as such through a codename until they can be legally revealed and rendered public.


In this type of TetractArium, unless there are deviances from the SPEC and the FTAT approach, the Trias Politica (GTP) is sovereignly in charge of all aspects of daily governance: the G takes the lead, the P ensures no deviances, and the T informs the public of all and every single discussion and decision. In the meantime, the M can be called when necessary, or even forced, to issue the required additional financing for unpredicted out-BEC situations over and above the previsions of the SPEC. This is full and effective TetractArium Governance. The GovernAriant has only 10 ministers in a CabinetArium at his disposal, listed alphabetically in the table shown on the side. He cannot take any executive decision without an FtatArium member being present at the relevant meeting. Each minister of the CabinetArium has a basic umbrella structure of staff, under temporary contract, within the GovernArium itself, that the GovernAriant can staff or change at will. For full routine activity, each of these ministers must rely on the staff of other Ariums formed for specific purposes as per the last column of the CabinetArium table on the side.



The intricacies of the new electoral system


The three national figures of the Trias Politica (PGT), the GovernAriant, the TinformAriant, and the ProtectAriant, when working together for the daily administration of the country, must also watch each other closely for FTAT and BEC compliance, as courteous challengers, and two of them can always intervene together against the third one not respecting his constitutional or electoral mandate, by issuing a formal Protective Denunciation warning the FtatAriant. If the presumably faulty national Ariant, after the denunciation, does not confirm correcting his actions according to either the current BEC or his constitutional mandates within one week, the denunciation goes down to the SPELLAriant. If this happens, the SPELLAriant can immediately dismiss and replace the faulty Ariant if it is "P" or "T", and even call a new election through the LeaderArium if it is the GovernAriant "G" that is at fault.


Apart from typically good investigative journalists, any citizen who can document bad governance activity by any of the Ariants, without getting a proper explanation from the TinformArium as a first step, nor the TinformAriant getting a corrective action from the Ariant concerned, can also go, as a second step, directly to the FtatAriant for assistance and protection in requesting an investigation and a possible correction. If no correction is still not coming, as a last step of recourse, he can follow the line of command and even go down directly to the powerful SPELLAriant. If the SPELLAriant is convinced the claim of the citizen is right, and if there appears to be a coalition of Ariants for not taking corrective action, the SPELLAriant if necessary, can take immediate action and replace the faulty Ariant. Alternatively, if the issue requires national clarification, the SPELLAriant has under the Constitution, the right to expose the problem with a Protective Denunciation on National TV, and then the right to at least call a quick and easy referendum on the subject, or even call a national election if the "G" is the source of the problem, with the collaboration of the LeaderArium if at least one member of the LeaderArium gives concurrence to such actions.


TetractArium Tetractys SymbolAgain, in a FtatAristarchy, the people elect no parliamentarians, or no representatives, as the citizens rule directly themselves, through the SPELLArium (Sovereign People Enlightened Logos Liberty Arium), through the BEC, and through the 10 FtatAristarchy cumulative Reforms. There is no traditional representative Parliament. However, there are still two parliamentary chambers called the OppositArium (replacing what was the opposition power, in the ex lower Commons chamber) located in the TinformArium, and the ExpertArium (replacing the what was the legislative power in the ex higher Senate chamber) located in the JudicArium.


A FtatAristarchy, when it is at its initial stages, is at least a direct and participative TruthOcracy, somewhat like it was in Ancient-Greece when they invented democracy as a real democracy based on Truth, and finally a FtatAristarchy when fully compliant with all 10 cumulative FtatAristarchy Reforms. It is not at all a modern type of representative democracy that is only a deceiving no-democracy most of the time, in the various deformations of plutocracy, debtocracy, cleptocracy, or corporatocracy. Again, contrary to what happened when parliaments were invented, this no-representative system of FtatAristarchy is easily possible with the degree of advancement of current communications technology available today at the service of the 10 FtatAristarchy Reforms.


A FtatAristarchy is also a federal system, with 10 provinces and 10 ProGovernAriants (Provincial GovernAriants) exercising power close to their people, but always with the ProGovernAriants coming from other provinces, similar to ambassadors, to ensure their no-local-tie independence, and their freedom of action for the strict local implementation of the BEC. ProGovernAriants are like distant ambassadors of the GovernAriant. Voters vote only at the federal level, and only at full majority, using 2 eliminating election tours separated by 2 weeks (or even 3 tours if necessary) and elect only the 3 GFS Ariants: the GovernAriant of the Trias Politica, the FtatAriant and the SPELLAriant. National citizens, as voters, elect first and foremost a kind of 'powerfully obedient 'President', the "G", at full majority who, for this reason is called the GovernAriant. For the routine daily administration, he does so with the collaboration of the "P" ad the "T" as a Trias Politica. The GovernAriant is elected to govern efficiently on the basis of ten cumulative reforms to implement his majoritarian and fully binding BEC with his full team of 8 pre-identified MinistAriants ("Ministers") of his CabinetArium, along with his 10 ProGovernAriants, all well known in advance within his BEC.


The "GTP" Trias Politica of the GovernAriant, the TinformAriant, and the ProtectAriant form a triumvirate  of critical scrutiny between each other for BEC and FTAT compliance and this triumvirate is itself under the close critical surveillance of the "F" and the "S".


The OppositArium located in the TinformArium acts as a curtsey of the GovernArium and opens its doors to all citizens, on an easy and swift booking basis, even to citizens who are criminals and prisoners if they so wish, offering, to all of them, a full national TV broadcasting for their proposals or democratic protests on the basis of the FTAT principle. All lobbies, or any other group of pretended political influence, must always operate fully openly, and only through this OppositArium under live cameras, with absolute full freedom of speech and opinion, on the basis of the same FTAT principle, and must never try to influence directly or privately any government official, nor any political party, under most severe PPPP personal penalties. Lobbies not following this only route commit a FTATOC criminal offense and, in most serious cases influencing negatively a majority of citizens, commit a FTATOT criminal infractions that is considered treason.


On the basis of the full visibility offered nationwide to all citizens, protesters and lobbies included, by the OppositArium, street protests with breaking violence, or activities disturbing uselessly good civic life, become totally prohibited and sanctioned by immediate arrest. Peaceful street demonstrations and protests are still allowed, but only with open faces. Demonstrators and protestors can be arrested for the sole fact of insisting protesting with a covered face while having FTAT full access to the OppositArium for protesting with national visitility. In a FtatAristarchy, a collaborating magistrate presence from the local JudicAriant office is always required in situ when requested by the PolArium (police), for overseeing an approved street protest, with that magistrate having the power to take immediate punitive decisions against illegal protestors arrested and brought in front of him by the police force. In a FtatAristarchy, with the FTAT requirement and the guarantee of absolute freedom of speech and opinion in the OppositArium, one can only use street protest non violently, and with an open face, or get arrested immediately. Protesting should be done mainly through sessions of the OppositArium with its dedicated TV channels: both give free and full national visibility to all protestors who ask for it, including with total FtatAristarchy Freedom of Opinion. Open-face democratic street protest, without violence or major civic disturbance, is still allowed but only with appropriate permission of both the ProtectAriant (responsible for the military force called MilitArium) and the SPELLAriant (responsible for the police force called the PolArium) even if, most of the time, such protest is unnecessary, or unsatisfactory to the applicants, because of the better visibility of the projecting power of the OppositArium sessions on TV station offered freely to all, and with national exposure.


Because, in a FtatAristarchy, a government is always necessarily elected only with a majority of the national votes, and also on the basis of a BEC (Four-Way-Binding-Electoral-Contract), along with with the strict obligations of the FTAT imposed on all banks handling public money, that type of "faithful-public-servant-government", once elected, can, and should, be left alone, as much as possible, working serenely and efficiently for the completion of its BEC as, on the basis of this BEC, it cannot deviate from the will of the majority incarnated in the SPELLArium, nor come up with surprises (of new legislation or taxation) not already voted for at majority in the current SPEC. The little price to pay for this public order and efficiency, and for this forced-loyalty of the government to people's will, is, in a FtatAristarchy, that voting becomes a civic duty, and is no more just a right. That voting duty comes with a penalty as a fine when the duty is not fulfilled without justification, or even the loss of citizenship if not fulfilled 3 time in a row without justification. However, with current technology, and the new BECVABAD (Binding Electoral Contract Voted As Bio-Anonymous Duty) system, that new voting duty is also made most easy, very cheap and extremely fast, without any major inconvenience to the voter who can use a variety of places to vote at his full convenience (like banks, schools or hospitals, all required to host the new BECVABAD voting machines within a given week.


Between elections, if the election is due to a dismissal or death of the GovernAriant, the head of the LeaderArium is in charge of handling all current affairs. Otherwise, the LeaderArium is only a regular consulting body for the GovernAriant and the ProGovernAriants, let alone all other Ariants if necessary. The LeaderArium meets regularly at will in the premises of the DomArium or the ExpertArium, and includes all the previous living ex GovernAriants, ex TinformAriants, ex ProtectAriants of an older Trias Politica, and also the ex-SPELLAriants who have asked and accepted to become part of the LeaderArium after retirement or departure from their active mandates, but only as long as they receive a majority vote of the other 7 Ariants approving their integration.


The GovernArium includes the LegisArium that is an improvement of the Legislative Power of the old Trias Politica system, and that LegisArium can use the facilities of the ExpertArium for wider discussions. The TinformArium in particular, but also all other Ariums when necessary can also use the facilities of the ExpertArium for their general assemblies. The LegisArium is under the direct supervision of the GovernArium, but its routine operations take place in the JudicArium that includes the experts of the ExpertArium. Its role is to give legal substance and form to the new projects of law that a PPC (Political Party Contender) intends to include in its BEC (Binding Electoral Contract) for a forthcoming national election. In other words, no new law nor any new legal form of taxation can be a surprise during an electoral mandate after an election. All new laws must have been pre-elaborated and become part of a BEC, or they plainly cannot exist in a FtatAristarchy. And for a PPC to include a new law in its BEC, that new law must have been elaborated at least two month before a national election. During the first of these two months, the project of law must be approved by a majority vote of all the members of the PPC that intends to use it in its BEC. This approval process by the membership also give a chance to members who disagree to change their membership to another PPC. During the second month of these two months, the project of law of that PPC must be fully publicized to all citizens who will participate in the forthcoming election. After that, during an electoral mandate, the LegisArium, with the help of the ExpertArium of the JudicArium, will not only elaborate new projects of law requested by a PPC, but also provide interpretation of existing laws when required, and provide legal advice to all other Ariums of the TetractArium as appropriate, either on its own initiative or on the basis of a request from another Arium.


The combination of the LegisArium, the JudicArium and the ExpertArium constitutes a sort of equivalent to the Judicial Power in the old Trias Politica system conceived by Montesquieu, but well scrutinized critically by the TinformArium, the ProtectArium, the SPELLArium and the FtatArium, on the basis of the fundamental FtatAristarchy FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) principle that is at the core of a FtatAristarchy, and at the core of the best possible Judicial Power. The FTAT supervision of that new judicial power by the other Ariums is mainly to ensure it never becomes corrupted or politicized in a way that would destroy its full independence and full neutrality.


The same kind of reciprocal critical scrutiny exists between the ProtectArium and the MonetArium, let alone also from the  TinformArium. From this point of view, a FtatAristarchy is a Pentas Politica of mutual critical scrutiny instead of a Trias Politica, with 5 State Powers instead of 3, albeit with 2 of the old ones integrated within two of the three main ones that still form, at the root of the political power, a new type of Trias Politica. That new type of fundamental Trias Politica, as described briefly below, is: the GovernArium, the TinformArium, and the ProtectArium. With the inclusion of two autonomous Ariums, the MonetArium and the JudicArium, it becomes a de-facto Pentas Politica. In case of a void of executive power, possibly pending an election because of a dismissed GovernAriant, or for any other reason, the LeaderArium comes into play, assuming temporary power at all the levels of the Pentas Politica.

The GovernArium and its Surroundings More Specifically


On the executive side of the TetractArium, the side of the national GovernAriant, a FtatAristarchy is in some ways similar to a full elected Presidential System running a federal system of up to 10 provinces with their ProGovernAriants. The system of a FtatAristarchy elects only 3 persons (the so-called GFS on the TetractArium graphic, usually pronounced "GIFS"), and the GovernAriant is the central executive figure as both the national GovernAriant and head of the GovernArium, with his team of ProGovernAriants chosen as such, in advance, along with his ministers of the CabinetArium nominated at the last step of the particular Arium Elections System of a FtatAristarchy. The national GovernAriant is elected on the basis of a notarized Four-Way-Binding-Electoral-Contract, or a BEC. That BEC becomes a SPEC (Sovereign People Electoral Contract) after winning the election, as a contract from which the GovernAriant absolutely cannot deviate in any way without in principle a new election becoming needed. In the case of a minor deviation that the TetractArium considers does not contradict the essence of the SPEC, an amendment can be made through a quick and easy referendum. Any deviation, except through a referendum, can only be included in a new BEC requiring a brand new national election.


Once elected, the national GovernAriant is fully bound in four cumulative ways on the basis of his BEC: 1) he can only do what is in his winning electoral contract, 2) he must do all of what is in his electoral contract within specified time, 3) he must implement his electoral contract only with the sources of financing indicated within his electoral contract, and 4) he must implement his electoral contract only with the team indicated within his electoral contract as his MinistAriants (ministers) for the CabinetArium and his ProGovernAriants. The GovernAriant supervises the exact realization of all sequentially numbered items of his original BEC (Binding-Electoral-Contract), that is now a SPEC (Sovereign People Electoral Contract), in each province consistently by his ProGovernAriants. If a ProGovernAriant reveals himself to be incompetent or incapable, the GovernAriant can replace him immediately from a list of Substitute Candidates that was also included in his original electoral contract, or otherwise call a new election. He can do the same with his MinistAriants (ministers) of his CabinetArium.


New situations of emergencies not predicted nor planned for in the BEC (Binding-Electoral-Contract) can be solved immediately by the national GovernAriant as his RUS (Routine Unpredicted Situations) power if they do not contradict directly any of the items of the BEC. If they contradict directly a BEC item, and there is a situation of real emergency, the GovernAriant can proceed as long as the contradicting decision is accompanied by a call for a quick and easy referendum to confirm his actions within less than one month. If confirmed by the referendum, he can go on with his mandate. If not confirmed, he must resign immediately and call a new election.


The GovernArium includes the CabinetArium and the LegisArium, while the TinformArium includes the OppositArium, and the JudicArium includes the ExpertArium. The GovernArium includes the LegisArium because the only legislation or dependent regulations that can be enacted are entirely and tightly tied to the Four-Way-Binding-Electoral-Contract of the GovernAriant, as his BEC, under the close scrutiny of the TinformArium and the SPELLArium in particular, with no possible surprise or deviation, let alone the additional close scrutiny of the FtatAriant for lies, on the basis of the FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) compliance new principle of governance. The SPELLAriant, in agreement with the FtatAriant, even have the sovereign power to dismiss immediately the GovernAriant if the latter is caught in a FTATOC lie about the execution of his BEC.


The implication of all the above is that, finally, in a FtatAristarchy, the executive power of the government looses the dominant control of 3 main sectors of activity that are given back to the people concerned through mainly the new roles of the SPELLArium: the police force, the new holistic education system, and the private alternative justice.  

The TinformArium and its Surroundings More Specifically


While the FtatArium ensures all internal information and activity of the TetractArium is FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency), the TinformArium does the same for all external information regarding governance from whatever external source. The source could be what the TetractArium itself offers to the public, or what the media say about the activities of the TetractArium. This means complete, and completely true, information, all the way, for everything, open to full public scrutiny (with very few, and very temporary exceptions provided for within the Constitution itself to protect some criminal investigations while they take place). This includes all accounting transactions of all public money for whatever sum or purpose, to be handled and made known in an absolute FTAT way. Under the responsibility of the TinformAriant, all such transactions of public money must be easily and completely open for full scrutiny by all citizens, as easily as an individual person consulting his own personal bank account online (again with only very few, and very temporary exceptions provided for within the Constitution itself related to active criminal investigations, but nevertheless well traceable in time through an indicative code name, an exact amount, and an expiration date as short as possible). The new concept of FTAT information becomes a central one, and a major one through the combined roles of the TinformArium (for external public information) and the FtatArium (for internal pubic information) in a FtatAristarchy. In the meantime, these two Ariums watch themselves for reciprocal FTAT compliance and both of them in turn are closely watched by the SPELLArium.


This absolute FTAT requirement also applies very severely to all journalists writing about national governance activities and the activities of foreign entities receiving contributions of national public money. Journalists, just like all governance officials, cannot anymore say lies about public affairs without committing a FTATOC crime, not even a lie by omission to hide an important unpleasant Truth, nor can they be a simple mouthpiece for the government. They must check and investigate everything and only publish FTAT information, in particular if the information is bad for the image of the government. Journalists exposing bad governance activities kept hidden by the TinformAriant, or not confirmed by the national TinformAriant on request, are always fully protected from any prosecution, and for their employment security, by the national ProtectAriant.


Similarly, even Whistleblowers of bad activities of government officials, or of private companies handling activities in a detrimental way to the public, are also fully protected when requesting such protection from the TinformArium. This protection exists in order to bring to full light all illegal or scandalous activities of employers causing a damage to the public at large, or to any other entity serving the public, as bad activities that have not been picked up by the government or by journalists, let alone the TinformArium itself. Such whistleblowers first expose their knowledge discretely to the TinformArium, even if it is the TinformArium itself that seems to be at fault. Then, if the TinformAriant thinks the whistleblower is right, and the suspicion of bad activity is causing enough damage to the general public ignoring it, the TinformArium invites the whistleblower to come out in the open with the information, copy of which is already in the hands of the TinformArium, under their full ProtectArium protection for employment security and against any kind of prosecution for the useful true information provided. In other words, a FtatAristarchy never puts up without severe PPPP penalty with any FTATOC lie or deception regarding public governance (regarding both all public money and all government information) or private activities affecting badly the public at large, and never ignores without penalty the illegal activities of companies that are being exposed by internal or external whistleblowers.


In the case of the Government, all activity has to become public FTAT compliant information. In the case of private companies, only activities that are illegal or damageable to the public have to become public FTAT information whenever the TinformAriant becomes aware of it, with or without the help of whistleblowers. The central concept at the core of a FtatAristarchy is that it operates on a basis of only FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) information, in particular on the public side, but also on the side of private companies who are exposed for serious illegal or damageable activities against the public at large. This is why there is an elected FtatAriant, and a very powerful one indeed, as one of the only 3 persons elected in all national elections.


A FtatAristarchy, also never accepts any surprise after an election, on the part of governance, be it in terms of new legislation or new taxation that was not part of the BEC (Four-Way-Binding-Electoral-Contract). Be it clear that the national TinformAriant, although part of the governing Trias Politica, is not, and certainly never must be a plain mouthpiece for the national GovernAriant, but rather the opposite: he must check and describe the government at all its levels, and must report coldly and thoroughly all activities of governance, giving particular relevance to the apparently bad ones, and all illegal private activities of corporations he becomes aware of. Then the FtatAriant makes an internal double check for full FTAT compliance at all times, even of the reporting of the TinformArium to journalists and to the public. As such, the FtatAriant has the firm responsibility to watch that even the TinformAriant complies with this vital role. The TinformAriant does the same for external information related to public affairs and it is never at the service of the government, but at the service of the SPELLArium (Sovereign People Enlightened Logos Liberty Arium), describing faithfully, and exposing if necessary, the government and bad activities of persons or corporations that may affect negatively the sovereign people. He will never however publish any private illegality made by any private citizen if that illegality is of no public relevance. Such activities are the responsibility of the judicial system.


All companies and corporations operating within a FtatAristarchy have also to sign a certification that they will not only work for their legitimate profit but, first and foremost, always also for the wellness of the SPELLArium, or otherwise lose their Company Charter that is always required within a FtatAristarchy, and reviewed for renewal on a regular basis. 


Journalists who expose serious information not published by the TinformAriant, even if not bad information, as hidden information that is more than one month old and less than 3 months old, can benefit from an established list of fines to be paid to the journalist, paid personally by the faulty TinformAriant or other Ariant equivalent to a number of months of their gross salary. Hidden information for more than 3 months old requires similar fines plus the resignation of the TinformAriant. and/or the faulty Ariant. Over six months, the FtatAriant must also resign and replaced immediately by the second or third candidate of the last election. Over one year, the GovernAriant must also resign, an election be called, and he mustpay a fine of one full year of his gross salary for each year the information was kept hidden, but without his candidature being acceptable for the new elections, nor the candidatures of his guilty TinformAriant and/or FtatAriant for any other future public election in the country. The TinformArium watches all other Ariums, but most critically in particular the JudicArium, that is similar to the old Judicial Power within the old system, as real Justice can only be made on the basis of the principle of FTAT information that is at the core of a FtatAristarchy and the essence of an TinformArium. Finally, the TinformArium also controls the good functioning of the OppositArium in terms of information expressed in it. 

The FtatArium and its Surroundings More Specifically


The above TinformArium has to do with FTAT information compliance mostly by people external to the TetractArium when they handle or talk about activities of the TetractArium or activities outside the TetractArium that can influence badly the wellness of the public at large. The FtatArium instead has to do with FTAT information compliance mostly by the officials internal to the TetractArium and what they provide outside of it. The former looks at FTAT compliance starting from the outside, and the latter looks at FTAT compliance starting from the inside. They crisscross the FTAT process for full compliance. But both look at information related to public affairs, not private affairs, except if and when private affairs include false information that can influence badly and very negatively the wellness of the public at large. 


In other words, the FTAT compliance from the internal of the TetractArium ensures that first and foremost only Truth is produced by governance for all citizens of a FtatAristarchy, including eminently all Ariants of the governance. While the TinformArium has a role for mainly external FTAT compliance regarding public affairs and private affairs affecting the public at large, the FtatArium has essentially a role for mostly internal FTAT compliance related to the activities of all the Ariants of the TetractArium. The FtatArium is a kind of powerful police force internal to the TetractArium, watching specifically all the government Ariants to ensure they are all, and always, fully FTAT compliant. The FtatAriant is very powerful, with the power to act immediately without trial against any faulty non FTAT compliant Ariant, and dismiss him immediately with or without further punishment. If the claimed faulty Ariant is convinced there is a mistake, he can appeal to the SPELLAriant and his decision would be final, without further appeal. If however the dismissed Ariant is convinced there was collusion and complicity between the FtatAriant and the SPELLAriant having interests to hide true information, and the dismissed Ariant can provide solid evidence of major importance, the matter could have a final resolution only through a request of a referendum through the LeaderAriant.


From this point of view, as mentioned above, in a FtatAristarchy, the real authority is the BEC that has become the SPEC, and the final power is the people through the SPELLArium or a referendum. Again, some call the FtatAristarchy a form of dictatorship, and they are not wrong as long as they mean that it is a dictatorship-in-reverse, with the real commanding power located at the bottom of the pyramid, in the hands of the sovereign people, while the executive power at the top is only an obedient public servant power on the basis of both FTAT information and the use of no enslaving usurious debt-money. This is what the PythagorArium, as the overall developer of the a FtatAristarchy System, calls going "From Slavery Downwards To Slavery Upwards".


It is worth to stress that the greatest crime that exists in the functioning of FtatAristarchy is not the so-called hate-speech crime, typical of our current false democracies using it to ensure the dictatorship of the politically correct killing the good common sense of most people in our democracies today Such hate-speech crime is is not a crime, and perfectly admissible in a FtatAristarchy under the FTAT compliance principle, if and when it is the non-violent expression of a Truth, or an opinion of a firm conviction that is not an invented lie. In a FtatAristarchy the main crime against its democratic functioning is not the hate-speech crime, but rather the lie-speech-crime which is called a FTATOC (Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Crime) that can even become treason in the most serious cases, as a FTATOT (Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Treason).

The ProtectArium and its Surroundings More Specifically


Police of the PeopleThe third opposite figure of the Trias Politica, in front of the national GovernAriant and the national TinformAriant is the national ProtectAriant, heading the ProtectArium. The ProtectAriant cannot take any decision whatsoever regarding the content of the BEC (Binding Electoral Contract) that, by now, has become the SPEC (Sovereign-People-Electoral-Contract) of the GovernAriant, except if he considers that the GovernAriant is contradicting or doing the opposite of what was in his SPEC, or if the GovernAriant is hiding information not revealed by the TinformAriant and contradicting the GovernAriant fully binding electoral contract. In such case, if the FtatAriant has not already taken action, and after consulting and agreeing with the TinformAriant, the ProtectAriant issues a formal Protection Denunciation, and gives a formal public presentation of it on National TV, granted immediately by right on his request. If the GovernAriant does not confirm the immediate return to his binding electoral contract (SPEC) within 1 week, the ProtectAriant and the TinformAriant must advise the FtatAriant accordingly. If he agrees, the FtatAriant must then remove the GovernAriant and, through the LeaderArium, call a new national election.


The national ProtectAriant is also in charge of the unique  National Military Force (the MilitArium). As such, it has a clear mandate to protect the Constitution, with all its TetractArium institutions, along with the members of governance (while the general non-Arium people are protected by the unique Police Force, the PolArium, that is located in the SPELLArium for national standards but, for operations, is strictly under the local command of each chief of police in each city). The ProtectArium also ensures that all national resources are protected as all nationally owned, or controlled by a national majoritarian interest, and that the national vegetal and animal kingdoms are protected against any possible kind of genetic modification for the profit of anyone within or without the country. As such, the ProtectAriant has a major role in the application of the NoCafoNoGanoNoRaco Principle. The MilitArium also has the responsibility to protect the FtatAristarchy against any foreign aggressor, and to assist the PolArium when necessary and requested by the SPELLArium. It is worth mentioning that the soldiers of the MilitArium are trained not only to defend or attack in cases of external aggression, but also to protect people and animals in difficulty during periods of peace.

The SPELLArium and its Three Main Roles More Specifically


The SPELLArium is concerned only indirectly or incidentally with FTAT compliance, as one of its main roles is to be concerned specifically with the BEC or, better, what became the SPEC (Sovereign People Electoral Contract) after elections. Its central role is one of SPEC compliance to the will of the people who voted the BEC. It is concerned with the defense of the non-Arium people (while the Arium members are protected by the MilitArium), the simple people who have no governance function, in terms of both the will of the people, as expressed in a BEC, and the physical security of the people in general against criminality. This is why the PolArium (Police force) is located under the authority of the SPELLAriant, as it belongs to the people, not to the governance. As such, the SPELLArium protects the people of the country against criminals but, first and foremost, also against the abuses of the figures of governance at the central and the provincial levels, in particular in relation to taxation and bureaucracy. This is why the regular police force of each city, headed by a PolAriant in each city, comes under the national supervision of the SPELLArium, but only in terms of its national Code Of Conduct that includes its uniform and the symbols of its tools of operation. From an operation point of view, the local PolAriant (chief of police) does not respond to the SPELLArium, but only to the will of the local people it is protecting.


In the context of the PAJ (Private Alternative Justice), the SPELLArium also supervises the proper use of the PAPIC (PolArium Public Inquiry Confrontation) system. However, just like the police force (PolArium) belongs to the people, not to the government, Education also belongs to the people and not to the government, except for the following of a national code of conduct of holistic education and a basic core of essential matters of study promoted by the FtatAristarchy. The educational system of a FtatAristarchy is left, for its management, to the people sending their children to school. The same applies to the PAJ (Private Alternative Justice) of a FtatAristarchy: it is supervised by the JudicArium at national level, but only for the respect of a code of conduct and the prevention of abuses. In a nutshell, the apparently innocuous SPELLArium, as a new State Power of the TetractArium, plays a major role in taking away many aspect of the life of citizens of a FtatAristarchy, that is, away from the dominant control of the government, and placing them more directly into the hands of the persons concerned. In short, this includes the management of 3 main sectors: the police force, the education and the (PAJ)Private Alternative Justice that we will explain further down.

The MonetArium and its Surroundings More Specifically


The TetractArium of the State Powers of a FtatAristarchy has two very autonomous Ariums that, together with the Trias Politica (PGT on the diagram), form the Pentas Politica (PGTMJ): the MonetArium and the JudicArium. A FtatAristarchy, through its MonetArium and its dependent NAMA (National Autonomous Monetary Agency), also called NamArium, can only produce and/or work with Debt-Free Public Money. A FtatAristarchy functions only, and absolutely exclusively, with national no-usurious debt-money for public expense purposes, issued only by the NAMA (Treasury) of the country, never issued by any private bank or any national central bank, but issued under the strict guidance of the Constitution as it applies to the new MonetArium State Power, and spent only under the constitutionality of a winning BEC (Binding Electoral Contract).


The FtatAristarchy national State has absolutely no borrowing power, in any form whatsoever, and for any amount whatsoever. The FtatAristarchy can only use DAPAST (Dual Accumulator Property And Sales Tax) taxation, strictly known in advance on the basis of a BEC (Binding Electoral Contract), or alternatively issue fresh new money from the new national treasury (NAMA) debt-free money of the new MonetArium State Power, also strictly on the basis of the FtatAristarchy Constitution and the constitutionality of a BEC (Binding Electoral Contract).


Debt-money can still exist however, as privately borrowed money from private commercial banks, but also only issued by private banks under the strict limits and guidance of the Constitution applied to private banks by the MonetArium, let alone a norm of legislation issued on the basis of a BEC (Binding Electoral Contract). The MonetArium issues and controls all public debt-free money in the country, and also controls all proper uses of private money by banks and citizens. It also controls all the taxation based on the DAPAST (Dual Accumulator Property And Sales Tax) system of a FtatAristarchy. Consequently it also controls all the sales tax and property taxes for their proper collection while they accumulate also pension benefits on both sides of the transaction.


Because pensions (or minimum social pension, or minimum social salary) are based on DAPAST (Dual Accumulator Property And Sales Tax), the MonetArium controls also all pensions, and all social benefits issues within the FtatAristarchy. With the DAPAST system, people are highly motivated to pay the sales tax in particular, as, on both sides of the transactions, it is the only way to accumulate contributions for receiving an eventual regular public pension. To be clear, this is a complete novelty, as the DAPAST (Dual Accumulator Property And Sales Tax) is paid equally by both parties, the buyer and the seller, half and half. As such it is a major incentive for both to pay it for accumulating regular pension contributions because, with no DAPAST payments during a lifetime, there is no regular public pension from public money at retirement age, only possibly an eventual minimal social pension for fully deprived citizens. All the above can be better understood knowing that a FtatAristarchy does not have any income tax system, at all, and uses only debt-free money from its NAMA, and of course mainly the revenues of its DAPAST taxation system from sales and property taxes. All of this, and the DAPAST taxation in particular, will be explained with more details in the following reform having to do with "No Public Debt". 

The JudicArium and its Surroundings More Specifically


The TetractArium of the State Powers of a FtatAristarchy has two autonomous Ariums that, along with the Trias Politica (PGT on the diagram) form the Pentas Politica (PGTMJ): the MonetArium and the JudicArium. A FtatAristarchy, through its JudicArium, has to deal with a new Dual-Justice System. It has the normal Public Justice, functioning basically as it does today in most western countries today, but also a form of supplementary, and quick Private Alternative Justice (PAJ) offered as a choice, for free, at provincial level, via a PJM (Private Justice Magistrate), for family and inter-personal conflicts not involving companies or foreign parties. This dual system is meant to resolve most small interpersonal conflicts in record time, and for free except some nominal incidental costs. Users of the PAJ however are never forced to use it. Both parties of a conflict have to agree to use it, but could always decide otherwise and use the longer and more expensive Public Justice. The PAJ of course is fully consistent with the Public Justice, in terms of national legislation. Its smooth daily administration is done under a close watch of the TinformArium, but under the main and final supervision of the Public Justice through the JudicArium. The smooth process of the PAJ is guided by the TinformArium, but with a superior recourse to the JudicArium when necessary. Finally, because of its juridical expertise, the JudicArium also supervises the functioning of the ExpertArium, and the choices of the experts brought in by the GovernArium for consultation or use in any kind of regulation or legislative process. The ExpertArium is used in a major way to help political parties to give form and substance to new project of law they intend to include in their BEC for a forthcoming election.   

New Political Parties More Specifically


In a FtatAristarchy, political parties have a brand new and vital role very much related to essentially the development of a BEC and the choice of a GovernAriant candidate to fulfill that BEC in a forthcoming election. All political parties must defend the FtatAristarchy and the culture of its 10 cumulative reforms, even if through a variety of different electoral ontracts. Doing otherwise would mean operating in an unconstitutional way, which would be not only illegal, but unconstitutional, in other words impossible legally. The main role of the new political parties is to guide and illuminate their membership into the elaboration of a Four-Way-Binding-Electoral-Contract, or a. Doing otherwise would mean operating in an unconstitutional way, which would be not only illegal, but unconstitutional, in other words impossible legally. The main role of the new political parties is to guide and illuminate their membership into the elaboration of a Four-Way-Binding-Electoral-Contract, or a BEC for a candidate GovernAriant of their choice, and propose that contract and candidate at the next election. The BEC of the GovernAriant winning the election will become the only roadmap of the country for the time of that electoral mandate, with its respect being under the supervision of all the other Ariants, but mainly the FtatArium and the SPELLArium.


A FtatAristarchy Political Party cannot receive any public financing whatsoever. It can count only on the money of the registration fees of its members. However, the state will assist parties in the following way: it will give free office space for the 10 parties with the biggest memberships, within the premises of the OppositArium plus one single room for all the other minor parties together. The 10 parties with the highest membership are called PPC (Political Party Contender). Only these 10 PPC will be allowed to participate in a new election. The ranking of all registered political parties for their admission to the PPC group is reviewed yearly on the basis of their respective membership. Registration fees for membership are allowed only from physical persons who are nationals of the country. No non-person entity, and no non-national entity or person, is allowed to give any kind of financing to any political party. FtatAristarchy political parties live out of membership fees, and have to fight and compete to increase their membership. Membership is vitally important because it reflects the power of the SPELLArium and the power of the BEC that will become the SPEC absolute during a winning electoral mandate. Membership names are all published openly by the TinformArium and one national person can only be member of one single political party at any given time. On the basis of the level of their memberships, the list of the 10 political parties accommodated free of charge within the OppositArium will change in time when the ones with decreasing membership will have to move out and, except for a basic common room with other minor parties, will have to find and pay their own accommodation outside the OppositArium to make room for the 10 parties with the highest memberships.


A candidate GovernAriant cannot be considered an official candidate without having first formed or joined a political party, and cannot present himself in an election without first his party having already acquired a membership that places it into the list of the 10 parties with the highest membership, let alone his party having already elaborated a BEC to be notarized before an election campaign. Again, a GovernAriant is always and only elected at full majority with a BEC, and without the disturbance of a heavy and inefficient parliament of ignorant and falsely prestigious representatives paid uselessly by the taxpayers. Consequently, no political coalition is ever possible anymore, not before an election, and in particular not after an election during a mandate. Needless to say that a GovernAriant cannot change political party and program without resigning and calling a new election.  

The Alternative to Big Regional Government should not be Big Global Government


All forms of big and bigger government from GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials should all be fought strongly in order to achieve only the smallest possible national government in each country. This is by definition the case in a FtatAristarchy. However, this is not an easy task. as the worldwide trend at the moment is strongly the opposite, more than ever before in the history of humanity, in order to arrive as soon as possible to a dictatorial One-World Government. The UN, or rather the new UNN, is intended to be transformed soon to play this role above all the other sub-structure of intermediate GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) bodies already existing, like the EU and institutions like the IMF. The UN is already planning discretely for this transformation. Of course, it cannot call itself a One-World-Government all of a sudden and be immediately recognized as such by the whole world. There is already some discrete talks in the UN about calling soon a huge meeting of all prime ministers or presidents of all member states to discuss how a more efficient global approach could be established to face global crisis like the current COVID pandemic. Those in the know, closest to the top level of power, even believe and will tell you discretely that the worldwide fake COVID plandemic was engineered and planned specifically for this purpose. At that special conference, they would try to form a new appendix to the UN specifically on the surface for this purpose, but more specifically in a more hidden way, for the purpose of transforming the UN in a real and fully empowered GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) One World Government as soon as possible with the consent of most people around the world.


GLOBEMy speculation, or rather maybe my suggestion, is that such new powerful appendix of the UN may be called something like "GLOBE" (Global Light Order Bearer Enterprise). This would make the UN a "Light Bearer" for all member states, for creating a new world order. Of course, the expression "Light Bearer" reminds us of Lucifer because the original name "Lucifero" means exactly "Luciferian Light Bearer" where, in the liturgies of the 3 Abrahamic relitions, Lucifer is only a nicer name for none less than Satan. For all 3 of them, Lucifer is formally and officially only another name for Satan. But in light of all the predominantly Sweat (Satanic World Enslavement Abrahamic Team) elites that we have seen involved in big enslaving governance in the various parts of this book, this is no surprise. To close my speculation, I believe that the presidency of such "GLOBE" enterprise will be given to none less than Barack Hussein Obama himself. What better candidate could they ever have? He is already running discretely the USA government in the background, as the government of still the main superpower in the world, in a kind of secret third term. The USA is only supposedly presided by the declining Biden. By the time Obama will be appointed head of GLOBE (or a similar organization with another name), Biden will have probably resigned and Kamala will be the president of the USA, as the first woman president, but as also the first black woman president, just like Obama was the first black man president. Between the combined power of the new Obama and the new Kamala, the UN will be most easily transformed into what is has tried to be all along: a new dictatorial One-World-Government. If, by then, the fake pope Francis is still in place, this will be a perfect Luciferian Trio of world power. It will also be a good occasion for his degraded Vatican to start using more often and more openly the singing of Odes to Lucifer that they have so far used quite regularly, but always as discretely as possible.


That Luciferian Trio will achieve the perfect fusion of the Deep State with the Deep Church for the full success of the forthcoming of the forthcoming GLOBE enterprise. The Vatican of Luciferian Francis is already influenced greatly by the super Luciferian and atheist George Soros who finances the PICO (People Improving Community Organization) movement founded by the Satanist Saul Alinsky and with which movement the Vatican discretely collaborates. Alinsky explicitly dedicated his main famous book titled Rules For Radicals to Satan. Nevertheless, Bill Clinton considered Alinsky to be his mentor. His wife Hillary Clinton wrote a thesis on the subject of that book dedicated to Satan. Obama was also deeply involved in the PICO movement as a young activist. Francis is already known to have had and old and long relationship starting years ago, when he was only a young bishop in Argentina, with Karl Schwab, the founder of the WEF (World Economic Forum) behind the coming Great Marxist Reset. If Obama was to become the president of the forthcoming GLOBE enterprise, apart from working closely with Kamala and Francis, and with Soros if he still alive, he will most likely give a leading role to one of the Clintons, most likely Hillary because she is a woman and a perfect Daughter of Lilith to accompany and guide Kamala. All 6 (Obama, Kamala, Francis, Soros, Hillary and Schwab) are also all linked to various degrees to a common love for a Luciferian One-World-Government of global enslavement. If they form the new perfect Sweat team for the final transformation of the UN into this One-World-Government, then maybe we should rename the GLOBE into GLOBLE (Global Light Order Bearer Luciferian Enterprise). Be of help, to save us from this global enslavement, our dear Theo-SAPNOS and his father Theo-SLOGOS







NO Public Debt


Fiscal Full Openness With Only Dual Property and Sales-Tax


SUMMARY > No Public Debt

A FtatAristarchy is run by a small and powerful TetractArium, and it has no borrowing power and no public debt. Income Tax does not exist as it was originally and deceitfully created only to ensure the reimbursement of public debt that is now inexistent. Its daily operations are financed through only a special new form of Taxation called DAPAST (Dual Accumulator Property And Sales Tax). This new sales tax works on both sides of the transaction. For Pensions, the sales tax becomes the only way to accumulate pension benefits. Missing additional money for new Infrastructures, or repairs to old ones, or for unexpected national Emergencies, can only be issued by Treasury, as debt-free money under a strict set of limits and norms of the Constitution. Banks cannot create money by using any fractional reserve. For loans, banks can only use up to 50% of accumulated savings or borrow money from the NAMA Treasury at 1% interest to lend it to borrowers at maximum 10% interest in competition with other commercial banks. No Credit card institution can charge more than 10% annual interests. For Investments, there are no more  institutions serving also as commercial banks to the public, only investment funds with no banking functions for the public at large.



Public Debt EliminatedA FtatAristarchy has no borrowing power and consequently cannot have any public debt. All its revenues come from DAPAST (a combination of dual tax on property and sales, on both sides of the transaction and accumulating pension level benefits on both sides). For all new infrastructures, or the maintenance of old ones, or for unpredicted emergencies, if money is missing from DAPAST, the national NAMA Treasury can issue fresh money that is entirely debt-free, issuing it under a strict set of rules and limits established by the Constitution


The new DAPAST Sales Tax is in fact doubly Dual, in three ways. First, it is dual in the sense that it is paid on both sides of the sales transaction. Second, it is dual in the sense that it is an accumulator of money for the government and also an accumulator of pension level benefits for an eventual public pension of the citizens involved in the sale transaction. Third it is dual in the sense that, as we will see, even a property tax becomes a kind of sales tax.


If the one side of the sale transaction is not a person, but an entity like a store or an industry, that part goes as a small pension credit bonus shared in principle by all employees of only the local outlet of the entity where the transaction took place, unless the selling entity has chosen to share the credit bonus with more or even all its employees from whatever of its outlets. Alternatively, if the company is too big and has too many employees, the pension benefit credit side may go to a a record of pension credits for incapacitated people deprived of any revenue.  


Other types of additional private pensions not coming from public money are left untouched as typically a personal contracts between an employee and his employer. But the dual accumulator sales tax becomes the only way to be accumulating benefits for an eventual secured pension from public money. This collecting of dual transaction benefits can be done in various ways, even through a simple application on cellular phones linked to the Internet. In such case, the main part of the sales tax goes automatically and immediately to the Treasury (MonetArium) and the smaller part for pension benefits also goes to the government but is recorded as a personal pension credit record of the persons involved on both sides of the sales transaction for eventually getting a public pension at a minimum, or over the minimum, level established by the governance at pension time.


To be clear, the personal pension benefit credits versed to the Treasury (MonetArium) through each sale transaction, as the real money involved, become additional public money for current financing of governance in a complete FTAT way, as for all other types of government money. Their amounts become pension credits with no current money value in a personal record to assess the level of public pension  of the persons involved in due time. For easy recording, these credits are defined and recorded in terms of the amount of national money units contributed, but they have no more real current money value as such. These credits will only serve in due time to assess the relative level of pubic pension given to each contributor at pension age. The more pension credits accumulated, the bigger the eventual public pension in real money.


When a sales tax transaction is done between two persons, be it for goods or for services, the pension credits are accumulated on both sides. When the transaction happens between a person and a store, or another corporative entity, the pension credits on that corporate side go to a shared bonus of pension credits shared by all the employees of the outlet where the transaction took place. In the case of transnational corporations, the credits on the corporate side go to a special record for future registered citizens in the country who will become handicapped and/or incapable of accumulating a proper minimum of public pension for whatever valid reason. A legally married citizen will accumulate credits half and half to the two spouses, unless they decide to divide them differently between the spouses and all the other unemployed members of the family over age 21.



In turn, all banks can no more use any fractional reserve. Not even a reduced type! None at all! For loans to their clients, commercial banks must rely on only up to 50% of their accumulated savings from their clients, or else, borrow money from the NAMA Treasury at 1%, which borrowed money they can loan to borrowers at maximum 10% interest in competition with all other commercial banks. The borrowing from NAMA can only be for less than 50% of the current savings of the bank. Banks cannot borrow from any other place but NAMA. The commercial banks cannot invest for pure speculation any of their money. In fact they cannot make any kind of speculative investment with any of their money, be it from the accumulated savings of clients or from money borrowed from the NAMA Treasury. There are no more investment banks, only private investment funds not serving the public as banks. If commercial banks make profits with their loans, they can either loan that money back over the 50% of their accumulated savings. If they make bad loans, they cannot use the savings money to repair the damage, only borrow more money from the NAMA Treasury if they can. In cases of bankruptcy, the personal savings of private clients deposited in a commercial bank are always fully guaranteed by the NAMA Treasury, while the money borrowed from NAMA Treasury or lost through bad loans is always without any secured guarantee from the NAMA Treasury.

The current banking and money creation system is the mother of all scams


Scam SavvyThe current banking system is the mother of all scams and is fully dismantled in a FtatAristarchy. Debt-money creation out-of-nothing like it is done today through private banks, central or commercial banks, is the mother of all scams enslaving us. These current banks are 90% in the hands of mostly the Jewish component of the Sweat elites. However, apart from the ideology of the Improved Communism of the Sweat elites and its predominant World Jewry management of the banking system enslaving the rest of us through a new Banktatorship, we are also being enslaved through a series of other major scams of the Sweat elites. This includes, naming only a few: 


  1. the scam of religion using fear and dogma to subjugate us,

  2. the scam of false democracy that is no democracy but only an ugly plutocracy with leaders pre-selected by a deep state instead elected of by voters, 

  3. the electoral scam of votes being manipulated by various international electronic companies under the full control of the Sweat elites, like the Singular Logistics firm operating already in many countries,

  4. the scam of the mainstream media publishing only fake news as mouthpieces of the Sweat elites,  and promoting transnational propaganda in terms of national and world politics,

  5. the scam of constant unnecessary wars that are pure racketeering for profit and, bigger the damage, bigger the profit,

  6. the scam of the UN working stealthily for establishing a dictatorial one-world government through its Agenda 2030,

  7. the even more hidden scams of free speech being highly limited, by clearly unconstitutional laws in many countries already, having to do with the various forms of the so-called hate-speech, let alone Antisemitism, Islamophobia, Christophobia and the more devious general concept of political correctness.

  8. But the mother of all scams at the source of our global enslavement is the way money is being created as usurious debt-money, by private banks, central banks or not, instead of being created as a public asset by the treasury of each national government, that is, money governments should and could create as debt-free money, not having to be reimbursed to anyone, not as capital and not as interest. 

  9. The above "mother of all scams", the money creation by private banks as usurious debt-money instead of as debt-free assets created by Treasury was, and is still affecting us basically at national level. But we are now for the first time in history facing a major global scam, worldwide, called COVID. This is not a scam as a virus, which is real, albeit not more dangerous than the flu viruses of many previous years, but it is nevertheless a major scam in the way it is exploited and for which purpose. It is exploited by the Sweat elites as a tool to reduce the rest of us to complete obedience through fear, face mask, social distancing, contact tracing and a series of destructive lockdowns supposedly for our good in protecting us from the innocuous real virus. But the lockdowns are meant to destroy the wealth of the productive middle class through bankruptcy and consequently to gradually re-concentrate more easily that wealth for pennies of its real value in the hands of the corporations of the parasitic Sweat elites. The overall COVID scam process is meant to reduce the rest of us to complete submission to a fast forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government. The signs of its coming are already obvious to any attentive observer. So far, the COVID scam has been a complete success for the Sweat elites, and complete destruction for the rest of us reduced to fearful and obedient mask holders in front of a fake threat. 


We expose all these various scams one by one in various sections of this book. But it is important to start with the mother of all scams, that is, the way money is being created as usurious debt-money by private banks instead of as a debt-free asset, as what should be Trustmoney, created by the NAMA treasury of each national country.

The main scam of Debt-Money creation exposed by experts


As Edward Griffin and Ron Paul well explain in their excellent books, all central banks, like the FED (American Federal Reserve), were created to bail out private banks and help governments impose a hidden tax through inflation, let alone justify the creation of the unnecessary additional income tax that did not exist before the creation of the FED, to guarantee to the private banks the reimbursement of unnecessary loans they make to governments as public debt. Incredibly enough, the FED-like central banks were established to privatize all profits for them, that is, for the the Sweat elites owning all of this type of private central banks and, by the same token, established to socialize all losses for the rest of us through regular income tax and other types of additional special taxation.



This mother of all scams works beautifully for the Sweat elites, but terribly badly against the rest of us. It kills competition among banks, by transforming all banks into pillaging institutes. As a result it hides the necessity of additional unnoticed taxes through what they then call inflation. All central banks today, similar to the FED of the United States, can create money out-of-thin-air, out-of-nothing, by a simple entry on a computer screen, and then lend to the government that inexistent thin-air-money to be reimbursed with interests as real money this time through taxation. This money creation out-of-thin-air without being back by anything, created as pure FIAT money, increases the money supply and inevitably leads to inflation that is just another form of hidden taxation. That’s because there are more units of money chasing the same amount of goods in the economy. So every unit of money is progressively worth less over time in terms of purchasing power. Not only the banksters of mainly the Zionist component of the Sweat elites make incredible profits, out-of-thin-air, but the governments involved also steal from the value of each money unit to be reimbursed in the future because they make each unit of government public debt worth less in the future at the agreed time of the due reimbursement.



BK Paul End The FEDTherefore inflation is just another scam of another hidden tax that ends up to be a huge profit for the banks of the the Sweat elites. What the scam does at the level of governments, as public debt, it also does at the private level of persons borrowing money from commercial banks using fractional reserve. That major scam of money creation as usurious debt-money, out-of-thin-air, is very deceitfully simple, but completely unconstitutionally criminal. The private banks lend money that does not exist as physical money. They only lend digitally-created money that is called “credit”, through a simple entry on a computer screen. They never take any kind of physical money from their vaults and pass it on to the borrower. Then they even charge interests on this inexistent digital fiat money. If the borrowers do not reimburse the loan of this fictitious digitally-created money with the corresponding interests, then, again, the bank, in exchange for its thin-air-money, gets their real properties that do exist in the name of the bankrupted borrowers. This criminal activity has sneakily brought a growing number of real valuable properties of the world into the hands of very few super rich private banking partners of mainly the Zionist component of the Sweat elites.



In other words, the basic scam of lending fake money that never existed except on a computer screen is only the first step of this major scam. The second step is even a more serious one. It consists of the following. At one point in time of their own choice, and for their own exclusive profit, the banks will start restricting credit (of fictitious usurious debt-money) and they will quickly start to accumulate real property in exchange for their loans of the fake money that did not exist except on a computer screen. Again, we must stress the fact that banks loan money that exists only on a computer screen through pure instant creation in the case of central banks and through factional reserve lending in the case of commercial banks.  The principle amount is somehow created instantly by that entry on the screen, but the interest the borrower will also have to reimburse has not even ever been created at all, not even in this type of false way through a computer screen. As such, the interest to be eventually paid is absolutely and entirely a fictitious amount, even more fictitious that the fictitious money amount placed on a computer screen as the capital sum of the loan.


Apart from a very small fraction of money created by governments at the moment, mainly in issuing physical coins, this is the way the greatest part of the money is created in the world today, out-of-nothing, for the exclusive benefit of the private banksters of mainly the Zionist component of the Sweat elites. If the principle is somehow created (by a simple typing entry on the computer screen), the interest is never even created this way. Consequently there is no/no money in circulation that exists and can be used to reimburse that interest... This creates extreme stress on all borrowers of fake money, be they persons or governments, but also extreme profits to the banksters who keep acquiring real property in exchange for fictitious fake fiat usurious debt-money. This is the mother of all scams causing our global usurious debt-money enslavement at the moment.

A scam reinforced by a new Banktatorship and a new cashless society


That mother of all scams is being reinforced today by what is becoming a Banktatorship, worldwide, and that Banktatorship in turn is also being reinforced by a fast forthcoming growing Cashless Society. With these two new tools, the bankers can have full control on what people can spend or not spend, and consequently what people can do or cannot do, and the banksters can take a small chip of profit on each single penny being spent for any purpose . At that point the banksters will even be capable of wiping out your money, that is, your bank account, instantly if they do not like you for any reason, while using bailins for themselves, using money from your bank account, to save themselves if they make investment mistakes. Bad examples of this already exist, like it happened in Cyprus not long ago. In the meantime, the banksters will also soon start to institute the system of Negative Interest Rates for you to pay 'rent' to be able to keep your money in one of 'their' bank accounts, no more your bank account. After that, they will also ban Barter, making it illegal because they cannot tax it. Crypto Currencies that could still be good as long as cash money stays in circulation will have the same terminal fate. The end objective is part of a Master Plan, and that part is a master scam, as the mother of all scams. The Master Plan is that the Sweat elites owning all banks of the new Banktatorship will eventually simulate/create a fake crash/crisis that will be used to justify instituting full population control on all of us, and establishing a One-World-Government with a One-World-Currency in a new Cashless Society under their full control to be based most likely eventually in JerUSAlem as soon as possible, as their forthcoming fake Pax Judaica.  


Our money is created as fiat debt, out of nothing, instead of as an asset based on some sort of real physical value. Our corrupted governments have all given their private central banks (and the private commercial banks through fractional reserve), the right to issue new fiat money out of nothing through a simple entry on a computer screen. Not only is this totally stupid on our part to have granted them this right, but the worst part of our stupidity is that our governments then borrow that fake usurious debt-money from these private banks, even with interests, for our governance. New money should only be created by the public treasury of each country, certainly by the NAMA of a FtatAristarchy, under strict constitutional norms and guidance, let alone limits.

Just think what we could have done and do without that master scam



BK Brown WebOfDebt_PublicBankSolutionJust think for a minute if our countries, each of them through its respective treasury, had created themselves the exact same amount of money they have borrowed uselessly in the last 50 years, without borrowing it from any private central bank, and consequently without having to reimburse it to any bank, and certainly without having had to pay interests on it for 50 years. Not only the country doing it would be, today, without any kind of public debt to serve with incredible difficulty, but the enormous amount of interests paid for 50 years could also somehow have been the source of major improvements to all sorts of infrastructures and services to its citizens. The current fraudulent way to create new usurious debt-money does not have to exist. In fact, it has not at all always existed, and many important countries have had periods of flourishing economy when they were creating their own money instead of borrowing it from a private central bank creating it out of nothing. Many good books well document this reality, in particular the main books of world banking expert Ellen Brown as shown on the side.

Banking fraud can and must be eliminated


At the moment, for most countries, the capital amount of public debt has already been paid back many times through interests, and the lenders never even lent any money they already had, only money they fraudulently created out of nothing on computer screen. Consequently, in such cases, the public debt of these countries should be completely eliminated immediately, and the fraudulent lending banks should be happy if this happens without them being prosecuted for massive fraud.


At the personal level, through the activity of the commercial banks, the same kind of fraud is also taking place, mutatis mutandis. When commercial banks lend you money, they do not take money out of a safe place and move it to you safety box. They just put a digital entry on a computer screen saying you own them the money. That is it! They have a small reserve of real money in their vault, but the current fractional reserve system allows them to create money out of nothing, by just indicating a digital entry of debt to your name on a computer screen, and have you sign for that fake "out-of-nothing" usurious debt-money. No amount of physical money kept in reserve is being moved from any bank vault to you or into your physical hands.

The scam did not always exist and did not exist during most prosperous periods


Creation of usurious debt-money by fractional reserve in commercial banks or by a simple digital entry on a computer screen by any bank has not at all always existed and should not exist at all today. This scam should be completely eliminated and made illegal. Commercial banks should lend only money they have physically somewhere in a safe place, either coming from maximum 50% of the savings of their depositors, or borrowed from the NAMA treasury of the government. They should not be allowed to lend money corresponding to any amount over these limits. And what you borrow should always correspond to a portion of this real money that the bank has in reserve. The system is extremely stupid for the borrower but, or course, extremely profitable for the Banktatorship of the Sweat elites enslaving all of us with their fake usurious debt-money. At the moment, the borrower borrows money that does not exist, giving some collateral property that does exist as guarantee, but, when incapable of reimbursing that fake usurious debt-money, his real property is taken away from him in exchange for the fake "out-of-nothing" usurious debt-money he received. In other words, the bank then exchange money that did not ever exist and exchange it for something of value that does exist. This is a fraud and major scam that should be totally illegal, and it is a system that is certainly completely eliminated in a FtatAristarchy,    








A FtatAristarchy fully eliminates this mother of all scam.



The FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) is the main trait of the new form of governance called FtatAristarchy. An Aristarchy means first and foremost governance by the best persons from a strictly meritorious point of view, with a fully formed Tetractys of their soul on the basis of the best virtues, having been formed by EthoPlasìn holistic education. In addition, if a FtatAristarchy has to ever become cashless, it would be by definition COGNO (Cash Out, Government Nose Out). Better still, it should be, and is in most cases, COPMAT (Cashless Only Public Money Accounting Transparency) whereby only public money must obligatorily be cashless and fully transparent, not all private money. Anybody violating the FTAT compliance of its governance of public affairs commits a serious crime called FTATOC. Similarly, any official violating the COGNO or COPMAT principles when applicable also commits a FTATOC. In a FtatAristarchy, a cashless system is highly recommended for the private sector, in order to facilitate the easier acquisition of many social benefits, like public pension credits accumulated through the DAPAST sales tax, but full cashless is never imposed to all private affairs as it would become too much of a full control tool for bad purposes of governance. However, for the public sector, a cashless system is usually fully implemented as COPMAT, as not one public penny can be moved in or out of government revenue without FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency), that is without citizens being able to follow their movements as easily as they can follow their own ban accounts on the Internet. 



In a FtatAristarchy, there is no more income tax. Governance is financed only in two forms of taxation called together the DAPAST (Dual Accumulator Property And Sales Tax) system. This includes first a new form of sales tax that applies equally on both sides of the sale transaction and also accumulates pension credits on both sides of the sales transaction. With these two forms of taxation, the FtatAristarchy must finance all its routine operations. In addition, the NAMA Treasury can issue brand new debt-free money, but only for brand new infrastructures or to maintain old ones, or to attend national emergencies caused by totally unpredictable natural catastrophes like an earthquake or a pandemic. These special additional public funds of debt-free money are called OBECOF (Out Binding Electoral Contract Funds). 

NASCO Currency & its DAPAST Pension Level Indicator more specifically


In a FtatAristarchy, the DAPAST taxation and its related pension credit levels is usually based on the new concept of a NASCO. So before proceeding with more details about the taxation system and the related pension credits, lets first clarify what a NASCO is.



In a FtatAristarchy, NASCO becomes, to start with, a figure of local currency Output (NASCO) while NASCU becomes a figure of local currency Unit (NASCU), These two new acronyms are used for comparisons of the relative justice of various amounts of public services between themselves within the country (like for example between a salary and a fair pension) of similar services (like a basic social welfare payment) between two different countries. It is also used for the limit imposed to certain services or privileges in the country, like the pensions of senior officials. It is particularly useful when used for obtaining an approximate easy comparison with the better or worse value and justice of similar services in other countries.


As for NASCO, within the country, it means first what a citizen of the country could buy with the cash output of the net annual average salary of a NurseAide. As for NASCU, it means what the same citizen could buy with the cash of the hourly value of the work of the same NurseAide. In addition, the national NASCU offers an interesting ratio that can establish an approximate fair comparison between what the national NASCU can do in terms of purchasing power compared to the same NASCU ratio established with foreign currencies, be it for example the dollar or the euro.


Why making this relation with the salary of a Nurse Aid instead of any kind of worker? Well, a NurseAide is just about the best example we can find of an average worker earning an average stable basic salary through fulltime employment without the highest professional skills. In addition, it is a most essential worker existing also in most countries and paid a good average salary. In addition, the ratio of just about one to fifteen of the NASCU with the national unit of local currency is very useful to easily make realistic comments and comparisons about the relative price and equivalent justice of various kinds of benefits and things available in various other country in terms, for example, of basic salaries, cost of living, and in particular in relation to basic public pensions, but also in terms of buying good basic food. In that way, a NASCU can be used in their country in the same way that people use the word “Dollar” or “Euro” in other countries, as a kind of second currency unit usable in the country and abroad.


The formula is:

U = S / H

·         Where “S” = the average annual Salary of a national  NurseAide

·         Where “H” = the number of yearly working hours of a  NurseAide at a standard of 40 hours per week.

·         Where “U” = the LOCAL unit of NASCU.


If we consider that a normal NurseAide is paid practically everywhere to work every year some 40 hours per week for 52 weeks, these hours amount to a pretty stable figure of 2.080 working hours per year. On that basis, we can improve our formula as such:

U = S / 2.080


Nasco_DapastOur example here will be based on the Canadian dollar,

-- The average salary of a NurseAide = $30,000 a year (S=30.000).

-- The yearly working hours at 40 hours per week x 52 weeks =  2,080 hours.

-- An hour of work = NASCU = just about $15 an hour.

-- So NASCU = about 15 time the figure of a national unit of local currency.

-- The yearly salary is just about 2000 time the value of an hour of work.

-- The figure of the yearly salary is just about 15 times the number of working hours.

-- The cheapest food (the simplest hamburger) = $1,50, so a NASCU can buy 10. How many would the French or Japanese NASCU buy?


The ratio of the NASCU to the local currency unit is what is important.

In this example, it is 15. In fact, it would be very similar to most other developed countries but in such cases, in other countries, even when the ratio is smaller or much bigger, the purchasing power of a NASCU in relation to the annual salary is pretty stable: a local NASCU will buy just about 15 of the simplest of the basic hamburgers in most places. This is the rather stable ratio that is important here for us to find out what is fair in pensions and other social benefits in various countries. In other words, a Mexican with his own NASCU figure would have just about the same purchasing power in Mexico in buying the simplest hamburgers, and a French citizen with his NASCU based on Euro would also have just about the same purchasing power in France in buying the simplest of hamburgers. Similarly, if their pension is a NASCO in all these cases in terms of basic public pension, it would probably be a very fair such pension in each places in relation to their own currency and economy.  



If an annual pension of an average worker is worth one NASCO in the USA, it is probably very close to be the same kind of basic pension a similar French worker would get in France or an Italian in Italy. On the other hand, if a NASCU can buy only 10 plain hamburgers in Canada, but 20 in Mexico, it is a pretty good indication that the cost of living in Canada is double what it is in Mexico, comparing the NASCU of Canada with the NASCU of Mexico.


The same kind of comparison can of course be obtained through the exchange rates of the currency of the two countries involved, but these exchange rates are often controlled or manipulated in a way that prevents getting a real image of what the reality is in each country. Comparing the two NASCO value of the two countries compared to the same purchasing power if the same items is more accurate in these cases as it is a comparison of the same ratios of the same two realities existing in the two countries.


The overall NASCU comparison is not perfect, in particular when using it for comparison with other countries of vary different levels of development in terms of purchasing power, but it is particularly accurately valuable when, within the same country, trying to assess the justice of social benefits, like the figure of an average good basic public pension after 40 years of fulltime employment work, compared to the figure of the good basic public salary achieved at the end of the same 40 years when reaching retirement age. 



The NASCO can also be useful within the same country for many other purposes. For example, the government can decide with an easy sense of fairness to give half a NASCO to a mother with young children when she leaves a job and decides to stay at home in order to take good care of the home and the children. As such she could also be eligible for a pension level of at least one full NASCO or more, depending on the importance of the job she left, when reaching retirement age, in particular if she has not accumulated any DAPAST pension credits through her husband while married. Government could give a similar attribution to an unemployed person helping an incapacitated person in the context of an extended family instead of both claiming various other sorts of welfare benefits. Another example could be that the government prohibits a citizen to give more than half a NASCO to a political party during any given year, independently of his level of income or wealth, and to do so only to one single political party at a time during any given year, while any rich corporation would similarly be prohibited to do the same for over one full NASCO a year independently of its wealth. A NASCO could also become a grant of honor given to citizens who have behaved in a heroic way in assisting a group of persons in difficulty or in preventing a disaster that could have damaged enormously part of the community. In other words, a NASCO or part of it can become a good survival norm of income in many situations of persons in difficulty for lack of available jobs, or in difficulty for incapacity to work, and on both sides of its use, the government and the recipients. Contrary to an UBI (Universal Basic Income) conjectured sometimes today for all people of any level of income, the greatest part of a NASCO would return to the government and benefit the recipients in two ways. All the recipients would use it as a living income for all sorts of DAPAST transactions involving sales tax good for the government, and the recipient would also inevitably use it for the related acquisition of DAPAST pension credits good for the persons spending NASCO

The DAPAST taxation and its related pension credit levels system more specifically



The word "Sales" in DAPAST (Dual Accumulator Property And Sales Tax) is intended in the more general sense of all "transactions" of exchange of property or exchange of property for money taking place in the economy. In this sense, even the property tax becomes a kind of sales tax. Overall, it is three times a “Dual Accumulator”. First, it is dual in that, contrary to the current sales tax, it is paid on both sides of the transaction. Second, it is Dual in that it accumulates contribution credit levels for an eventual public pension on one side, and accumulates immediate additional fluid current money for the government on the other side. Third, it is also “Dual” in that it involves in the same way both a normal sales tax and a real-estate property tax. In other words, a sales tax is paid on both sides of the transaction even when it is a property tax.


With such a system, the government acquires constant fresh money for its current expenses, and to contribute to a pool of money to help people affected by unpredicted catastrophes and to eventually rebuild quickly the existing structures or infrastructures that have been damaged. For brand new infrastructures, the government can always issue brand new money from the NAMA treasury of its TetractArium of governance, as money that is never borrowed from any bank and is entirely debt-free. In terms of taxation, a FtatAristarchy uses only DAPAST sales and property taxes to finance its current operations, and absolutely no income tax for citizens of the country as income tax for national citizens and companies does not exist. Then, again, as a complete novelty compared to what is going on in most countries with other forms of fake democracy, it uses fresh debt-free new money ("no-debt" money) issued by the NAMA Treasury of its TetractArium of governance for brand new infrastructures or projects, but only when DAPAST revenue is not sufficient.


DAPAST NASCO PENSIONSFrom the personal point of view of a citizen, the DAPAST becomes a necessity that is well accepted for the following reason: it is the only way for a citizen to accumulate credits for an eventual regular public pension, as such pension credit levels are based on these transactions, or a necessity for an eventual minimum social pension for those incapacitated to use DAPAST to accumulate credits for a public pension. From the point of view of the government, it is an obligation to finance all the routine operations of the BEC (Binding Electoral Contract) of the acting GovernAriant of the TetractArium because a FtatAristarchy does not have income tax.


The DAPAST system practically eliminates one of the worst plight of most democracies in terms of taxation, which is the failure from people to pay sales tax on all exchanges of goods, and on all exchange of services in particular. This is typically the case for example of a person calling a worker for a plumbing job at home, or the case of a consultation obtained for a cheaper fee with a professional not issuing a receipt for his fee. With DAPAST, this is no more the case, as all citizens are highly motivated to pay the DAPAST that is the only way to accumulate credits for an eventual better level of public pension over the minimum social pension.


Another particularity of the DAPAST tax is that it is not paid only by the “buyer” of the good or service, but also by the “seller” and, as such, it is good for both sides of the transaction to accumulate credits for an eventual good level of regular public pension. On the other hand, the pain of such dual taxation is also well compensated in the mind of DAPAST users by the absence of income tax.


A DAPAST transaction has two functions: it accumulates constant immediate additional money for the government on one side, and it accumulates credit levels for an eventual basic public pension of the persons involved on the other side. Then, through its taxation role to accumulate money for the government, DAPAST also has two sides: one side disburses money (like the client of a store or the person needing the services of a plumber), and the other side collects money (collecting money for the goods or the service provided as money to be used for more DAPAST transactions). The actual money of each side of the DAPAST transaction goes to the government, to be used immediately for general government budget operations, and not into any personal account for pension purposes, but through these transactions the government nevertheless keeps track of the number of transactions of each person involved, and the level of each transaction. This tracking will eventually establish the best possible level of an eventual public pension over the basic minimum social pension.


The tracking forms an indicator of a growing personal level of pension credits for a pension to be eventually paid to each contributor of the two sides, when they decide to retire. The more transactions they do, and the higher their levels, means receiving a public pension at a higher level. And there are 20 levels of public pensions equivalent to maximum 20 times a NASCO. DAPAST is the only way to accumulate a public pension credits in a FtatAristarchy. The normal number of years of contribution for a full basic public pension is 40 years. The final pension is paid on the average level of pension credits accumulated and the number of years of contributions, but citizens can retire at whatever level they want or after any number of years of contribution they want and start receiving their accumulated pension level immediately without waiting for official pension age.


DAPAST_ExampleUsingCellularPhonesAtHomeAgain, there are maximum 20 levels of public pension equivalent to maximum 20 times a NASCO. The average level reached by the average citizen for a basic public pension is probably around level 08 but richer contributors can reach up to level 20 maximum. No public official of any level can ever receive such public pension over level 20, be it a prime minister or a president. Eventual additional private pensions based on a private contracts do exist in addition and independently from the basic public pension system of DAPAST. All the pensions are not subjected to any income tax that does not exist in a FtatAristarchy but receivers continue to pay DAPAST tax normally after retirement while their contributions at that time will not increase their pension but may contribute to provide a pension to incapacitated persons who were not able to contribute for any pension level.


Eventual additional private pensions are left to the initiative of each person in collaboration with whatever organization or employer who is willing to collaborate under a mutual private contract. However in a FtatAristarchy these additional private pensions are rather rare because the current public pension system is no more operational and private pension contracts when they exist have nothing to do with the government. As such, private pension contracts are never guaranteed by the government if the employer with whom the pension contract has been signed eventually goes bankrupt. Only public DAPAST pensions are fully guaranteed by the government. In addition, a FtatAristarchy imposes a limit to such private pensions. They cannot be over 20 times the salary of the lowest graded permanent employee of the private company or over 20 NASCO, whichever is the lowest.  


Each DAPAST transaction enters a special DAPAST register of all transactions in chronological order with an indication of who have been the two contributors on the two sides of each DAPAST. From that DAPAST register, a contributor can have access immediately online to his own record, through the Internet, in a similar way that he can get access to his own bank account online, and get an extract of his own transactions for accuracy checking purposes. Although normally seeing only the last 10 DAPAST by default, a contributor can decide to print a number of as many DAPAST transactions of his own as he likes, going backwards, or all DAPAST transactions from a given start date to a given end date. By the same token he can get an indication of which of the 10 basic levels of pension he has reached so far.


The DAPAST functionality when a transaction has to take place between two persons by themselves can be facilitated through a special application downloaded to the smart phones of the persons involved. Stores or offices selling goods or services have cashing machines equipped with the necessary software. The same software handles the whole transaction, that is, the pension credits aspect themselves and the actual payment and transfer of money from the buyer to the seller bank accounts.


In the absence of smart phones or such machines equipped with the software, the two persons can go to any close by public place equipped with free WIFI Internet, like commercial centers, banks or the entrance of any government building accessible to the public, as all these places offer ATM machines with new software for handling the DAPAST transaction manually. Banks and stores can also issue and use new DAPAST credit cards. In such cases the buyer may not be able to verify immediately the pension contribution side of the transaction, but will be able to do so as soon as he has access to Internet or a WIFI computer. 


For the actual payment involved, as opposed to, and in addition to the pension credits involved, people can choose not to use their personal bank accounts if they do not want to, and use the IBAN of prepaid accounts in their names filled in advance with a reserve of cash strictly for DAPAST purposes. The DAPAST part of the transaction going to the government is always of 10% on each side of the transaction, that is a total of 20% of the original value negotiated for the transaction. If instead people prefer to buy with cash, the old Value Added Tax (VAT) is not 20%, but legally at least 21%, and paid only and entirely by the buyer, and without pension credits. Under DAPAST the government only takes its 20% and shares it at 10% on both sides. Then DAPAST places the payment part of the transaction in the indicated prepaid IBAN numbers of the two sides involved minus the 10% on each side. More accurately, DAPAST has a fixed 20% tax divided half and half between the two sides of the sales transaction. The buyer only indicates the amount he wants to pay (100% from his IBAN of the total contracted price) and the IBAN where the money is destined for the seller. The DAPAST does the rest, taking 10% from the buyer and another 10% from the seller. The overall amount of 20% is the DAPAST tax for government operations. The value of the 10% on each side also goes to grow the credits of the level of pension each person will eventually get in due time.


In the case that one side of the DAPAST is not a person, but a store or a corporation, the value of the 10% on the seller side, subtracted from the total payment to the store, cannot in principle serve as credits to indicate the eventual pension level of the employees of the store or of the company. However, this can also be done, in particular in the case of small family businesses, where arrangements can be made in advance for the value of that 10% to become automatically a shared indicator of the growth of pension credit level of other members of the family, a housekeeper spouse in particular, or handicapped children or even unemployed major children.








The improvements of DAPAST over the "APT" system are obvious in many ways.


Interestingly enough, DAPAST, is a major improvement to the APT (Automated Payment Tax) taxation system developed by the University of Wisconsin–Madison Professor of Economics, Dr. Edgar L. Feige. His idea was to simplify taxation through one small uniform tax on all economic transactions, broadening its base and collecting it in a more automated way. His approach would extend the tax base away from mainly income and wealth to all economic transactions. He was in fact extending on the ideas of the previous tax reforms of John Maynard Keynes, of James Tobin and of Lawrence Summers. However, all these good reforms were never adopted because they would have destroyed the diabolic "toy" of the private banks of the Sweat elites enriching themselves fantastically through the scam of the creation of usurious debt-money out of nothing to be then loaned to government as public debt with interests, and guaranteed to be reimbursed to their banks with real money through income tax created for that specific purpose.


Well, a FtatAristarchy has no income tax, and its unique DAPAST tax system is an improvement over the APT system in the following ways:


  1. First, DAPAST links the equivalent of the "APT" (benefitting only the government) to accruing pension contribution levels (benefitting the contributors paying the tax). This automated accruement of pension benefit levels is a very strong incentive for people to pay the equivalent of the "APT", as at the same time, each individual DAPAST member, like for a purchase at the supermarket, or for the payment of the hire of the services of a private plumber at home, is the only way in a FtatAristarchy to accrue pension benefit levels for both the persons doing the transactions and possibly for their spouses or some other members of their family or business as a choice.

  2. DAPAST only taxSecond, in addition, the person using cash in a DAPAST store is punished by an extra VAT (Value Added Tax) charge of minimum 1%, paying at least 21% instead of 20, and all paid by the buyer. In addition, that person does not accumulate pension level credits with the transaction and consequently is motivated not to use cash. 

  3. Third, with DAPAST, the burden of each person is limited to 10% (on each side of the transaction) and has the great advantage to eliminate completely the old system of income tax. This income tax exists only for foreigners, but only for the part of the business they profit from within the country.

  4. Fourth, if DAPAST is a strong incentive for people living in a FtatAristarchy to become as cashless as possible, it does not force people into a "Cashless Society", because this passage would have too many bad implication on the side of personal privacy and liberty, thus be anti-FtatAristarchy, thus encouraging the possible formation of a growing police state instead of a real democracy. Of course, the public money of the FtatAristarchy that must be FTAT compliant, in and out, for even the minimal transaction, is all obligatorily cashless and fully traceable by all citizens as COPMAT (Cashless Only Public Money Accounting Transparency).

  5. Fifth, this strong incentive of the inevitable increased cashless process that occurs with DAPAST transactions helps, in a discrete automated way, to prevent the worst of what today is called either financial fraud, or tax evasion, or fraudulent money laundering,

  6. Sixth, because DAPAST is linked to acquiring pension credit levels, it encourages the automated payment of the sales tax that is often otherwise avoided and deprives most governments from legitimate sources of financing for their routine operations.

  7. Seventh, by the same token DAPAST helps to eliminate as much as possible the black market of the "black work" without taxation that prevents workers using it or subjected to it by unscrupulous employers who want to acquire legitimate pension level credits. Doing it with cheap foreign workers who are not citizens and thus cannot get a national basic pension also causes a prejudice to the national employer in terms of acquiring pension level credits.

  8. Eight, the DAPAST helps reduce government expenses. It first helps the government to acquiring more immediate and constant fresh money for its routine operations and spend much less money on verifying the legality of sales transactions over the country in terms of taxation obligations, let alone verifying the legality of income tax reports (as income tax does not exist anymore). Then it eliminates the greatest part of social welfare that is not needed anymore because all incapacitated people can acquire pension credits through their extended family, or automatically get a basic public pension that allows them to maintain themselves in the context of their extended family when possible.

  9. Ninth: overall DAPAST contributes to make the government of a FtatAristarchy smaller. Most government are forced to enormous expenses through thousands of tax employees specializing in finding tax evasion. In the infamous IRS of the USA for example this means huge costs in tax assessment, collection and administration, let alone the constant maintenance of enormous tax codes of thousands of pages. The DAPAST system reduces these expenses to bare minimum as there is much less tax evasion taking place. The system also simplifies and reduces much of the current bureaucracies, in particular in relation to the need for all sorts of fastidious annual or monthly taxation declarations and reports that do not need to be done anymore.   

  10. Tenth: because of its link to Property Tax that is also considered a kind of sales tax between owners of property and the government, that special DAPAST transaction also has the property of accumulating pension contribution levels to its owner. Because of this incentive, the system also facilitates the automated collection of the annual property tax. 

The maximum 10% tax base of DAPAST in FtatAristarchy is comfortably possible according to expects


The above mentioned less comprehensive "APT" (Automated Payment Tax) system studied and elaborated by the experts of the University of Wisconsin-Madison is based on an even much lower rate than the 10% of DAPAST. According to its best economists and experts, the proper financing of government is feasible even on a tax rate as low as 1%. It could be feasible on only 0,35% if it could be applied to absolutely all types of economic transactions. Their best economists and financial experts have demonstrated that a government as big as the USA government could well operate on such low rate. This system of course does not include the pension level benefits of DAPAST. They do not come into the equation in the case of "APT". But they are well integrated and covered in a beautiful new automated way in the DAPAST system. This is why the 10% of DAPAST is perfectly feasible with pensions included. The beauty of DAPAST is that it encourages people to pay the tax because it is the only way to accumulate pension level credits. Consequently, even if DAPAST is more comprehensive that APT (in relation to its integrated pension level benefits), 10%, compared to the 1% of APT, is surely much more than sufficient for all its purposes, in particular when combined with 2 additional factors: 1) the new low annual tax level compared to what is happening today, and 2) the fact that the FtatAristarchy government has no public debt to serve, with no need (nor right) to borrow and reimburse any more usurious debt-money. Today the financing of the unnecessary public debt absorbs ridiculously the biggest chunk of the taxes being collected in most western countries. In such context, the property tax itself could theoretically be as low as 0,10% of its value, to be paid each year. For example, this would mean, for an apartment worth $500.000, only $500 to be paid yearly by the owner, but as a normal DAPAST transaction in our case.


Again, DAPAST has similarities with the fundamental idea of an existing taxation proposal by Prof. Elgar L. Feige, of the Wisconsin-Madison University, called APT, except that DAPAST, in its full elaboration, is much more effective, as it plays on two integrated fronts instead of one: the taxation front, common to both systems, and the pension front, found only in DAPAST.


Regarding the Pension side of DAPAST, there are 10 basic levels of pension for normal public pensions, and 10 special upper levels, for a total of 20 levels. These levels are in terms of 20 NASCO levels, with 20 being the maximum levels for a public pension, be it even the public pension of the president of the country or of the biggest private corporation. The amounts and quantity of DAPAST transactions completed over the years by a person slowly builds an indicator of a level of pension reached so far by that contributor. After each DAPAST, the contributor who wishes so, can receive an automated SMS confirmation of his current level reach so far, from 1 to 20, and he can also go, if he so wishes, to his account through Internet to check that the last transaction (along with the last 10 previous ones) has been registered to his own credit. Of course, he can also see a chronological sequence of all his own transactions from any given date, just like looking at the transactions of a personal bank account.


There are 10 DAPAST basic levels to complete a good basic public pension. At level 10, a citizen can already retire with full basic public pension without penalty independently of age. Retiring at previous levels before official pension age has a penalty of 1% in monthly pension payments per each incomplete level: e.g. 10% penalty if retiring at level 1, without having reached the level 2, or 1% if retiring at level 10. Retiring at higher levels, from 11 to 20, before pension age, has an additional penalty of 1% per each level reached above 10, up to level 20. Consequently, retiring at level 20 before pension age, has a penalty at of 20% in monthly pension payments.


Because of the way it is built, the DAPAST system has a very strong incentive to eliminate the “black market”, or the so-called “black work” provided without paying taxes, because not paying DAPAST sales tax will prevent, or reduce proportionately, the parts of sales transactions permitting the accumulation of the best pension levels, let alone reduce the accumulation of the related funds for financing the routine operations of governance.


DAPAST is necessarily controlled by software. However, it does not institute a general cashless society, but inevitably reduced immensely the use of cash. A FtatAristarchy wants to reduce but not eliminate cash, as a cashless society is the best way to allow a government to possibly become a police state. By the same token, DAPAST does not force people to operate with the IBAN of their normal current or saving bank accounts. It protects their privacy as much as possible. Prepaid DAPAST IBAN accounts are always encouraged and in a FtatAristarchy banks can never be forced to give government open access to any kind of personal bank accounts, as banks work for the people, not for the government or any kind of transnational Banktatorship. In principle, the government only knows inevitably about the pension contribution parts of the dual sales transaction.



When travelling around, and probably having access to many places that may not be yet DAPAST equipped, or when having no smart phone equipped with the necessary software, then a prepaid DAPAST credit card is an excellent alternative to full functionality. When accessing a proper ATM, the DAPAST credit card will adjust and communicate retroactively the pension information to the government without communicating the nature of the sale transaction to the government. Travelling with such card is like travelling with a wallet of cash in terms of payment functionality but with more privacy. But it is much safer than cash, as it is a credit card that can always be immediately deactivated when lost, or always deactivated until used, and activated only with a password before being used, for each individual DAPAST transaction


The fixed 20% DAPAST tax (10% on each side of the transaction for a total of 20%) may seem somewhat elevated. In fact it is not more elevated than the normal current VAT tax of over 20% of most countries who use it in addition to income tax. Considering the fact that a FtatAristarchy has no income tax as a result of the DAPAST system, this 20% tax is in fact very low.


In a FtatAristarchy, banks must provide free of charge a prepaid DAPAST IBAN account to anyone who has a current account with them and requests it. Movements of money from their current account to load their DAPAST IBAN prepaid account at that same bank are free of charge and can be done instantly online.


People who are employees of the state, or paid by the state for some contractual work, can also be provided, free of charge, a prepaid DAPAST IBAN account by the government, if they so wish, to facilitate their specific transactions. Such account is kept in a special DAPAST dedicated banking facility of the MonetArium  of the TetractArium of governance and can be accessed immediately online through the DAPAST application on their smart phone or any computer equipped with the application providing DAPAST functionality.


Because a FtatAristarchy does not use income tax, a DAPAST public pension being received and used for living purposes is not taxed in any way, but each DAPAST transaction made using that pension is nevertheless taxed as a regular DAPAST transaction at 10% until the recipient dies.


Government paying a salary or buying goods and services makes normal DAPAST transactions. Nothing changes because it is the government doing it. No difference in mechanics. The government pays the 10% tax but of course gets it all back, along with the 10% of the other part of the transaction.


As for the Property Tax side of DAPAST transactions, it works similar to the pension levels side of DAPAST, mutatis mutandis. In a FtatAristarchy, all real-estate property must be obligatorily declared at the municipal cadaster, with the risk of not being able to sell it, or not being able to pass it on in heritage, let alone having it confiscated, when not declared. Independently of any sale of real-estate property (which, when done at any time, involves a normal DAPAST sales tax), there is also an annual tax to be paid on real-estate property. That tax is nil on the first home property where someone lives, but exists on each other property where the owner does not live, and increases with the number of properties owned. In this case, the property owner is considered the buyer of the right to enjoy the availability of all kinds of city services useful to these extra properties, independently of the amount of use of these services (which is charged and paid separately), like the availability of roads, water, electricity and garbage collection. That annual property tax is decided by the municipality involved and is considered a kind of sales tax. As such, it involves for the owner the accumulation of pension contribution levels, just like a purchase in a store or the request of services from a plumber. This is mainly why the DAPAST has 10 superior levels of pension levels. Most people employed and owning only a home in terms of real-estate will properly get pensions at the first 10 levels. To the contrary, the owners of many properties in addition to their basic home are likely to accumulate pension benefits in the higher pension levels, from 11 to 20. However, this DAPAST tax on property is also dual. However, it does not go directly to the central national government, but directly first to the municipality or city where the property is located. The municipality is considered the seller and, as such, the municipality or city will pay an agreed DAPAST fee of 10% of the collected property tax to be divided as at least 1% going to the province and the rest of up to 9% going to the municipality government. To the contrary, the normal sales tax not involving real-estate property goes directly to the central government.


DAPAST easiest tax to liftAll citizens and non-nationals living or making money in the country also have to maintain constantly an updated list of their properties in the country, in the official ROREP (Record Of Real Estate Property) or commit a serious FTATOC crime that may be punishable by the confiscation of the property without appeal, or prohibit its becoming an inheritance. Heirs of the owner cannot acquire the property as inheritance if they will not live in it and in this case they must sell it to a national citizen only. As for foreigners, they cannot own, as real-estate property, more than the single home where they themselves physically live with all their dependent family members, and possibly one single commercial outlet. They cannot sell them to a foreigner who will not live in it if it is the home, or use it for commercial purposes in the country if it is a commercial outlet.


Income tax does not exist, but income revenue from renting property must nevertheless be declared, for each piece of property, on a yearly basis, albeit just as a total for each piece and a global total, through a simple declaration to the ROREP (Record Of Real Estate Property) or commit a serious FTATOC crime. These rents become a DAPAST transaction. A foreigner must do the same for the only two pieces he can own: a home where to live in, and possibly also one single commercial outlet. The renting person, if a citizen, will acquire pension credits accordingly when paying rent, as if he was making a purchase in a store, and the renting owner, if a citizen, will do the same on his side of the special kind of "sales" transaction by paying the 10% on is side. A foreigner side in such a transaction will pay a full 20% on the DAPAST transaction while the citizen will pay his regular 10% DAPAST, for a total 30% DAPAST tax in this case, instead of a regular 20% DAPAST tax, going to the government. The total revenue must also be declared faithfully on an annual basis under the risk of confiscations of these personal assets without appeal. The total revenue is not taxed as income, but the annual property tax, as a property, may vary when the property is obviously not maintained properly or visibly abandoned according to the municipality where it is located. In the worst cases, such ugly neglected property not maintained after due official warning may be confiscated and sold to only a national citizen as a DAPAST transaction between the state and the national buyer.


Another form of apparent income tax may come into play when wanting to transfer money outside of the country. However it is still only a special kind of "sales" tax. If a father wants to have his son study abroad, and transfer money abroad for that purpose, it is subjected to a DAPAST tax of 10% on his side of the transaction, as if he were acquiring a product in a store, but again as a sales tax that accumulates pension level credits. When the money is being transferred abroad by a non citizen from money made within the country, the whole 20% of a typical DAPAST transaction is payable by the sender and accumulates no pension level benefits to the foreign sender.


For those concerned with fairness, the DAPAST system is also fairly progressive, in that people with higher income or higher levels of property will get involved in higher levels of economic transactions, thus make higher contributions to the public money needed by the government. As such, it offers not only fairness, but also maximum simplicity and efficiency because of the incentives related to acquiring public pension credit levels. As such it also incentivizes the broadest possible tax base with taxes at basically the lowest possible tax base of 10% in most cases. This is most probably the lowest possible tax base of any western developed country at the moment but because its tax base is inevitably hugely widened, it is sufficient to finance easily all the normal routine operations of the government. On the other hand, all new infrastructures can be financed through new fresh debt-free money issued by the NAMA treasury of the FtatAristarchy without creating any kind of insupportable sovereign public debt like it is happening today in most countries. Overall, in a FtatAristarchy, we are talking about something probably unbeatable: the "broadest possible tax base at the lowest possible tax rate without any public debt". In fact, in a FtatAristarchy, with DAPAST, everything, absolutely any kind of transaction involving money becomes a DAPAST transaction, be it selling a house, buying a lunch or playing at the stock exchange,


But even bank transactions like loans and the use of ATM machines become a DAPAST transaction. Of course, the bank will not pay DAPAST on the total of the initial loan it provides when the contract is signed, but will pay DAPAST on the first interests it receives back, usually a month after the contract is signed, and again once a year, every 12 months after the contract is signed. The loan taker will pay DAPAST on his side in the same way when making his monthly payments. The small bank fees for using an ATM machine will be taxed as DAPAST and divided as a mini DAPAST payment in 3 mini parts, between the ATM bank, and the bank account of the client's bank and the client's bank itself. And again, it is also useful to repeat that a bank cannot provide loans of fictitious money through fractional reserve, by a simple entry in a computer, but only with up to half of the accumulated savings of its clients. Alternatively it has to borrow fresh money from the NAMA treasury at 1% and loan that money for a maximum of 10% interests in competition with all other commercial banks.


Those who claim DAPAST can be improved should come up with the relevant concrete suggestions as soon as possible. And this above reform on the money side of a country is only one of the 10 major reforms of a FtatAristarchy. Until then, we can only assume that the FtatAristarchy system is the best possible fiscal administration of a country, the fairest and cheapest in its broadest tax base and tax level, and is really unbeatable by any other system.  


DAPAST makes the wealthiest portion of the population pay fairly much more than the poorer levels, but still at an incredibly low and acceptable rate compared to most countries. It also places corporations in a similar situation, and consequently encourages them inevitably to strongly boost their investments at such a low rate of taxation and to reinvest profits within the country in order to avoid the only income tax that exists, which is in relation of the export of national money abroad. In the meantime, the lowest part of the population, like the homeless and the handicapped persons incapable of contributing to acquire a pension level can all ensure a good basic income for their own decent survival, without needing anymore any welfare money enslaving them to the government in most cases, and be in this better situation before or after regular pension age.


DAPAST compliance can be highly facilitated when using the national crypto-currency of a FtatAristarchy called TruthCoin for commercial and/or interpersonal financial transactions. The pension assets accumulated by the DAPAST system are fully protected against loss and/or excessive inflation by the treasury of a FtatAristarchy and can never be used for speculative fiscal or financial operations. In fact, a FtatAristarchy can use fresh treasury debt-free money from NAMA if and when necessary to protect the public pension levels accumulated through the DAPAST. This protection against inflation it not done automatically for all pensions benefits accumulated on a yearly basis, but once only, at the time of starting the first reception of a public pension level. This protection applies only to the basic public pension system, not to any additional private pension system a citizen could have contributed. The protection ensures that a citizen no more working because of the arrival at pension age, or because of retiring early as his own choice, thus ready to receive the public pension, does not receive less than half the current yearly salary of a NASCO (NurseAide Average Salary Currency Output), that is not less than half the annual salary of a working NurseAide. A non citizen will only receive exactly the pension he deserves on the basis of his contribution, without being guaranteed for a minimum of half a NASCO and he will receive it all tax free, like a citizen, only if he uses it while living in the country, as exporting it becomes a DAPAST transaction. A person who has contributed regularly for 40 or more working years will necessarily receive much more than half a NASCO, and most probably the equivalent of a multiple NASCO.


Last but not least, talking about welfare, with DAPAST, a big part of the current social welfare has no reasons to exist and could be eliminated, consequently reducing the public debt and the tax burden of all contributing citizens involved, directly or indirectly, at whatever level of income. With DAPAST, most welfare operations could be most easily fulfilled through the use of a simple tool like a smart phone with the proper application. It could also be a special bracelet with the proper chip integrated and preloaded with money, let alone a special new kind of smart phone connected to the Internet. However, a FtatAristarchy would never accept that such chip could be body-integrated or body-implanted in any way. A FtatAristarchy wants to increase the use of cashless money as much as possible, but only voluntarily, and only in order to encourage DAPAST transactions, facilitating more payments of reduced taxes while accruing pension level benefits. A FtatAristarchy is however completely and forcefully against the imposition of a fully cashless society that invariably leads to a tyrannical police state, in particular through the Banktatorship that is growing at the moment but that is dismantled completely in a FtatAristarchy where a global enslavement of taxpayers through a New World Order of dictatorial Fabian Socialism with a One-World-Government and a One-World-Currency in a Cashless Society, let alone a One-World-Religion and a One-World-Army, just cannot exist. On the other hand, all public money handling of a FTAT compliant FtatAristarchy is necessarily and obligatorily fully cashless as COPMAT (Cashless Only Public Money Accounting Transparency).


For this reason, the DAPAST tax is paid by everybody working or living in a FtatAristarchy, and to any type of organization, even, as we have seen, by different levels of governance between themselves. Even all international and transnational organizations operating in the country must be fully DAPAST compliant for their operations in the country. It also includes not only personal and corporation transactions, but also the huge volume of trading stock and bonds along with all foreign exchange transactions, most of which are not taxed today. This includes also all transactions of religious and charitable organizations because they also have to finance pension levels for all their employees, and possibly also indirectly some of the incapacitated persons they are trying to help, let alone help the financing of the government in some way. The DAPAST taxation system of a FtatAristarchy is certainly much lower in personal fiscal burden than the current taxation system of all other countries using taxation, but it is paid by all without exception.

Property tax is paid from the bottom up, not from the top down


In a FtatAristarchy, property taxes are collected at the city level, from the closest level to the people paying them. Then part of it goes up from the city to the provinces and finally further up from the provinces to the central government.









NO Truth Restriction


Only Full Truth, Full Transparency And Full information


No Truth RestrictionSUMMARY >

A FtatAristarchy provides a right of Free Speech and Opinion that is absolute, even in terms of sincere unpleasant opinion or sincere hate-speech. As per its very name, even before being an Aristarchy based on merit and beauty, it is first and foremost FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) governance through the FtatArium of the small and powerful TetractArium of governance. The only one condition is that the absolute free speech not be a purposely invented lie. The expression of speech or opinion must also be done without physical Violence, but when physical violence happens, it is only the physical violence itself that is impeachable, not the hate-speech itself. The corresponding right of free access to all true information related to public affairs is based on a form of Transparency that also absolute. Neither media nor any platform of the Internet used by the public at large can limit these rights in any way and to any degree. They cannot limit these rights directly, from the bottom, by censoring a Truth or personal conviction that people may always express freely. They cannot limit these rights indirectly from the top, through any kind of "Rollerball-Syndrome" effect due to any deep-state master who may attempt to guide its media puppets deceitfully, and consequently misguide, or limit the absolute essential role of all media to only publish all and only Truth. All Media cannot even lie by omission or silence related to possibly embarrassing truths regarding public governance. Lying for hiding such Truth because it may embarrass governance, on the part of any media or official, is even a crime, as a FTATOC (Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Crime). In most serious cases, when the hidden Truth may have caused serious damage to the public at large, that crime become Treason, as FTATOT (Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Treason).



“The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars;

the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth” .

H. L.  Mencken  (1924). “Prejudices Fourth Series”

When a Lie must become a Crime or even Treason



BK Curtin_SeekingTruthInLiesA FtatAristarchy, by the very prefix of its name, is FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) governance. Consequently, even before it is an Aristarchy which implies its leaders are extracted from meritorious holistic EthoPlasìn education, it is first and foremost a governance absolutely based on full Truth and transparency regarding all public affairs and public money in particular. For this reason, it institutes a brand new and very serious crime called FTATOC (Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Crime). In most serious cases when the obstructed Truth by a lie may have cause serious damage to the citizenry at large, that crime becomes treason, as FTATOT (Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Treason) punishable in the most severe ways which may even include the death penalty that still exists in a FtatAristarchy in some rare cases.


This type of governance means full Truth and transparency all online, including administrative fines and any kinds, or any payment of public money made to anybody, citizens or not. There is no more secrecy or confidentiality for public affairs except very temporarily during mainly police investigations in order not to damage their results. International consultations and negotiations, even all routine diplomatic relations are all conducted in a fully open way. Regarding private activity, as long as it is not an invented lie, and even if it is only a personal conviction expressed explicitly as such, the FtatAristarchy also admits absolute freedom of opinion without punishment. Privacy about true facts that cannot be properly protected by a person becomes public domain for all to know freely. If however that privacy includes an aspect of public affairs, like through receiving an amount of public money, legally or not, then it is no more private, but public, and consequently knowledge admissible through absolute free speech.


Omitting a meaningful Truth that can lead to a change of decision regarding public affairs is also a serious crime. That lie by omission about public affairs is also a FTATOC crime in a FtatAristarchy. The media should never fabricate stories that omit core facts that they know about public affairs and that would otherwise change an important decision or negate the full integrity of the intended messaging. Their one and only message to the public about public affairs should be based on full Truth, that is on FTAT compliance. All media distributed to the public at large must become Truth-Media or loose their license.


In light of the above, it is probably useless to add that media should not repeat lies for these lies to become a unnoticed consensus through repetition. Mainstream media are too often mainly busy in reproducing the lies of the government, as stupid mouthpieces of the government, repeating simply government propaganda without previous investigation for forming a new consensus in favor of the government and, in the end, make it a new Orwellian "normality" for the people listening to the propaganda. As we have seen in a previous section, this irresponsible behavior, apart from being illegal in a FtatAristarchy, would constitute an unlawful contribution to the 4th stage of "Normalization" that may lead just too easily to a full dictatorial power of Improved Communism, as explained by Russian dissident Bezmenov some years ago.

Sincere Hate Speech is perfectly admissible when criticizing something bad.


In a FtatAristarchy, nothing but a lie can limit the absolute freedom of expression of speech or opinion, not even sincere hate speech. A Truth, or a firm personal conviction that is not an invented lie and is expressed as such, can always be expressed fully freely. Of course, it has to be also expressed without physical violence but, when accompanying physical violence does exists, it is not the freedom of speech that is illegal and punishable but only the violence itself. This absolute right cannot either be limited in any way or degree by any of the current fashionable tools of the political correctness or the new woke culture, like Racism, Conservatism, Antisemitism, Islamophobia, Christophobia or the newest oxymoron called 'Hate-Speech'. The opinions expressed in writing in printed mass media follow the same absolute rules mutatis mutandis. For sure, a lie about public affairs always becomes a crime, as FTATOC, punishable in the most severe way, and can even become treason, as FTATOT, punishable possibly even through the death penalty that still exists in a FtatAristarchy in some rare cases when the lie has caused a major damage or prejudice to a great part or to the whole citizenry of the country.


To be more explicit, a personal conviction that is not based on a lie is admitted as a "Truth", as a true personal conviction, in order to ensure that the right of opinion is "Full and Absolute", like it can only be in a FtatAristarchy. This absolute right gives all citizens a power of public protest like never before in any western democracy. This is achieved in particular within the new OppositArium of the TetractArium of governance. The TetractArium also gives citizens a corresponding power of full lobbying, live and free, but only openly, either during a live televised session of the OppositArium or through its special TV channel dedicated fulltime to lobbying with full national exposure on an appointment basis.


Nobody in the OppositArium of the TetractArium, or even in any other place or form of expression, can ever be accused of what is currently called "Hate Speech" or racism, let alone conservatism, Antisemitism or Islamophobia. On that basis, there cannot be anything anymore that can be considered as hate speech or defamation when it is based on Truth or a firm personal conviction, that is on objective or subjective Truth. Being openly and explicitly "anti-something", on the basis of firm personal feeling and conviction, or against facts or practices that someone does not like, is always perfectly admissible as free speech and not prosecutable in law.


Propaganda MinistryThe same principle is extended in particular to the freedom of opinion on the Internet. If the opinion is based on Truth, on particular factual Truth, but even on a personal conviction, it is always acceptable as freedom of speech, as harsh or offensive as it can be to anybody else not agreeing. Proceeding without full freedom of speech would be admitting Orwell was right when he talked about "Thought Crime", "Newspeak", and the "Death of Free speech" that always accompanies forced thought control and political correctness in non democratic governance.


Hate Speech based on Truth is a safety valve. As Orwell implied, and as history has well demonstrated over centuries, even when motives behind thought control are well intended, like discouraging racism and discrimination, the end result is inevitably always the same, and the opposite of what it intended to do: indoctrination, or the creation of dangerously boiling rebellious resistance, with political correctness becoming the most stealthy form of fear and hatred, let alone possibly violent intolerance. The supposedly tolerant "NewSpeaker" of the political correctness has become the real "NewHater" hiding dangerously in the background because, in a non FtatAristarchy country, a person has no full freedom of speech that includes Hate Speech to let the steam out as a security valve in a more controllable way.


We should have intolerance only for intolerance. Free speech must always be tolerated. Like Mark Steyn well said in his book After America: "The forces of “tolerance” are intolerant of anything less than full-blown celebratory approval". With this understanding, and within the above boundaries, in a FtatAristarchy, critical thinking and full freedom of opinion based on Truth are not only never illegal, but always encouraged and defended. This is because, when founded on Truth, and expressed without physical violence, they are not a privilege granted by the State, like the UN and its acolyte states tries to make us believe, but a fundamental human right considered granted to everyone by human nature (not to say God Creator) in a FtatAristarchy. This does not mean that its excesses not founded on Truth cannot be appropriately identified and punished.

Freedom of speech cannot be used to produce Calumny or promote crime


Only calumny based on lies is always prohibited and prosecutable. An unpleasant opinion or Hate Speech based on Truth cannot be calumny but at worst gossip, which is not prosecutable. To the contrary, expressing freely some unpleasant or even offensive opinions based on Truth, on the part of a citizens, is not only a question of freedom of expression, which is good and essential in a FtatAristarchy, but also a question of essential and priceless utility for the current political officials governing us to understand exactly what is going on in the country, and consequently to take the proper decisions in managing the country. In turn, for the person expressing an unpleasant opinion, it becomes a safety valve, as negativity "kept in", to paraphrase words of Neale Donald Walsch in his book "Conversations With God", harms both the body and the soul, and it is important to get it out before it explodes into disease and/or physical violence.


The only other limitation to full freedom of speech, apart from an invented lie, is that you cannot use it to promote crimes in public or in private, hoping these crimes will be committed. Talking about a crime already committed in the past, or presumably committed already, even if some fact may seem to indicate it may not necessarily have been committed for sure, is totally acceptable, even as an opinion, or only as a firm conviction, but proactively promoting new crimes to be committed in the future is absolutely prohibited and inacceptable under the FTAT principle of a FtatAristarchy. However, inciting strong protest, if necessary, in terms of public revolt against real crimes or serious injustices already committed, and with good elements of proof they were committed, and good evidence that the criminals are being unduly protected from justice, is acceptable as an opinion. Even promoting violent protest may be acceptable as long as all other democratic means have previously been already exhausted to obtain justice, like the protestor having previously used the OppositArium of the TetractArium of governance for protesting at national level without any result. In such rare cases, the PolArium of the SPELLArium of the TetractArium of a FtatAristarchy, if convinced the crimes have been committed and the criminals have not been punished, will act as per its nauture, that is as the police force that belongs to, and is managed by, the people, and not a tool of the executive government. As such, it will protect the protestors involved, not the alleged criminal officials of the governance.


A FtatAristarchy operates with the despotic power of full Truth And Transparency, as per its very FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) nature and name, always protecting and not punishing those who expose an unpleasant Truth. Thus nobody is afraid of offering full details of their identity for this purpose, even in situations of strong protest. Consequently, a FtatAristarchy prohibits all kinds of biochips inserted in the human body. It is fully NoHICHIP (No Human Implant CHIP). However, GPS Chip Bracelets may be used freely whenever it is useful. This can be to keep track of criminals who are temporarily out of jail when a magistrate requests it, or to track incapacitated persons when their family requests it. These bracelets can be placed either on a wrist, or on an ankle. On the other hand, all domestic animals held in a home must be registered, photographed and wear a GPS Collar or body implant Chip to be traceable to their owners whenever they get lost. Cutting such a collar becomes a crime and the animal can still be traceable through the registered photography.

No Rollerball Syndrome and no media cartel can exist in FtatAristarchy


RollerBallIn a FtatAristarchy, a cartel of few corporations, like the 6 corporations controlling 98% of world media at the moment, as the "Rollerball Syndrome"  (see the film), just cannot exist or operate freely as such within the country even if it is based abroad. In addition, the national mainstream media cannot receive any public money whatsoever, not directly nor indirectly for government publicity. They cannot either receive any private gift of money, only money for publicity or from citizens who wish to become a partner of ownership. National mainstream media, as publishing companies, cannot be sold to a foreigner, nor to a foreign corporation, and can only be owned by one or more citizens with only the national citizenship. In addition, one same citizen can own or have partial ownership in only one media at any given time, with that media competing with all the other media owners for Truth through only duly signed articles from authors taking responsibility for FTAT output.


Foreign media can circulate freely but, if caught by the TinformArium lying about national public affairs, they commit a serious crime, a FTATOC, and such crime can lead to prohibition from further distribution or broadcasting in the FtatAristarchy, either temporarily or forever in the future depending on the gravity of the lie. If the decision of the TinformAriant is confirmed by the FtatAriant and the SPELLAriant, then the foreign company does not even have any legal recourse admissible on the basis of any international law. 


The government cannot give itself bandwidth for more than 3 specific TV channel. The first government TV channel exists to distribute government official information based on FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency). The second government TV channel exists for the opposition to the government, or for the opposition of citizens to something happening in the country even on the private social side, and it is made available to all citizens with absolute full freedom of speech, even hate speech, be it opposition from a person who is a citizen living in the country, from a national corporation or from a national political party. No foreigner can use directly that channel to express opposition, only through the proxy of a national citizen taking responsibility for its FTAT content. A third government TV channel is provided for lobbying on the part of any national person or corporation. Again in this case, foreign lobbyists cannot use that channel directly, only through the proxy of a national citizen or corporation taking responsibility for its FTAT content. All foreigners doing lobbying deceitfully directly with officials of the government commit a serious crime, a FTATOC, for that single fact, independently of the good or bad content or intention of the lobbying and the national official listening deceitfully to this lobbying also commits a FTATOC. An NGO (Non Government Organization) using the second or the third channel must be national as foreign NGOs cannot ever operate legally within a FtatAristarchy under any circumstances.    


Boomerang Tissue of Unified ThoughtsThe OppositArium of the TetractArium of governance is most easily open to all citizens on a booking basis, even on a spontaneous basis when possible, depending on the circumstances. It is open to even previously convicted national criminals, while prisoners can have guarded access even if they are foreigners. That new TetractArium institution of governance always offers full freedom of expression and lobbying, even if the information contained in the opinion can be offensive to some listeners, as long as the information is based on Truth, or even on only a firm conviction, or a free personal interpretation of real facts, or personal feelings. The only restriction is that the opinion cannot be an invented lie.


Private electronic TV media get their bandwidth from the government on a basis of competition between themselves. The competition is for two groups. The first group has to do with those channels that regularly get the biggest audience. The competition also exists, as a second group, for those who provide the best cultural information independently of the level of their audience. This is assessed by a committee of the TetractArium of governance headed by the TinformArium that reviews outputs on a yearly basis. Newcomers are given bandwidth on a test basis for up to one year for the TinformArium to decide if they are among the best providers of FTAT information, be it in terms of cultural information or biggest national audience. The total number of candidates provided bandwidth in the two groups is limited by the total amount of bandwidths available, and each year the lowest performers in the two groups can get their license withdrawn to make room for the best performers.

No Cartel of Media to Form a Globally Unified Public Opinion


Concentration of media in cartels owned by the same persons or corporations is firmly prohibited in a FtatAristarchy. Morpheus, in the movie Matrix, says: “The Matrix is everywhere… It is the veil that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth”. This matrix acts like an infectious disease that is much more contagious than Ebola or COVID, as it is not only airborne, but spreads like an invisible WIFI around all of us, being even airborne-at-distance, electronically, around the globe, through all the mainstream mass media owned by a cartel of few companies with the clear common interests of the evil Sweat elites pursuing our global final enslavement through a fast forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government.


Once that matrix has infected someone or a country, usually in the form of Political Correctness, it acts like a tyrannical psychological power of blindly accepted unified public opinion on the infected or the overall population. Most news networks, like CNN, BBC, NBC, CBS and others, are only lackeys of their Sweat elites masters in the background manipulating pieces of this veil, as germ-cultivation centers of this plague. These networks are regularly paid, not to say bribed, by foreign governments and Sweat elites corporations like Monsanto, to bring us sponsored content to make them look good, and to maintain the matrix of positive unified public opinion regarding their often monstrous activities. Most public schools, with their Common Core of public education in America, but also in a similar way in Europe, are other parts of this same blinding veil of the matrix. Of course, under the current SEGWO Power that intends to implement a New World Order that seeks to enslave all of us, this Matrix of Boomerangs of Unified Public Opinion is an absolute necessary prerequisite, as people can only be controlled fully when they follow the Sweat elites unified public opinion of their deceivingly assumed Judeo-Christian Roots instead of their real Greco-Roman cultural roots as freethinking individuals.


Regarding this Matrix, many expert talk about the existence of a Jewish Media Privilege that has to be eliminated. Even Jewish claim the same thing. For example, Gilad Atzmon is a famous Jewish author who wrote "The Wandering Who??--A Study of Jewish Identity Politics"". As a Jew, he is often very critical of the Jews, and he affirmed, in an interview with Bill Alford, that political correctness pushed by a cartel of media is a malicious plot of the Jews to implant, into the world public opinion, through media under their full control, ideas and politics that must become accepted without opposition, and that do not admit opposing opinions without consequences for their holders when these implants are occasionally contested. Certainly, the mass media of Hollywood and of the TV Networks forming world opinion are definitely controlled mainly by Jews, as per their own explicit admission.


Media Cartel NetworkThe famous Jewish journalist Joel Stein, in 2008, wrote an article in the LA Times, saying: "I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them". Such privilege cannot exist in a FtatAristarchy, not only for the Jews, but for any cartel of any other religion or political party. It is eliminated through the new TinformArium of the TetractArium and the FTAT absolute requirement about Truth And Transparency. The Jewish privilege is certainly also well confirmed in a famous book written by a Jewish writer, Neal Gabler: "An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood". Many other famous Jews, like Steven Spielberg, one of the directors of the so-called "New Hollywood", as a crypto-way to not say the Jew-Controlled Hollywood, or Woody Allen (a Jew born with the name Allan Konigsberg), and many others, also keep boasting regularly and proudly about their control of Hollywood and practically all of the mass media, thus even sadly about who can be proclaimed a valid contender to an Oscar or a Nobel Prize unfortunately.


Nevertheless, as we have seen in Part I of this book, more than only Jewish, these implants of political correctness are the ones of the evil Sweat elites more than just plain Jewish, and they compose a matrix in which all of us live through, rarely consciously, rather unconsciously most of the time. As we have also seen, the Christian/Jesuit side of this Sweat elites matrix is always well represented in all centers of power, like it was the case with the fully Jesuit-trained Joe Biden in the Obama Government and now as the president of the USA, who  never loses a good occasion, or maybe rather a bad occasion, to highly congratulate the Jews, in a rather Jewcy way, when they make their boasting comments about already running the whole world we live in. But Biden was a Jesuit trained figure working in Obama's environment awash with Sweat elites. As such he was a perfect  figure at the maximum level of world power and pushing stealthily, in that top position, for the possible start of WWIII as the only thing that might save the dollar and that power from full collapse. That SEGWO matrix is also certainly maintained in particular, practically from birth to death, by the mainstream media and television that we keep watching passively while eating or attending our daily routine chores. Instead of logically arguing issues with our own selves, or with family members and friends, we just keep watching passively, and absorbing silently, the crappy culture and disinformation that become our ugly political correctness or rather Political Incorrectness of fake news from platforms like CNN whose name should really be "Communist News Network". The beautiful freethinking ELL minds of our Greek roots have been downgraded, by our dominant and deceiving Judeo-Christian environment that has, by now, eliminated our best Greco-Roman roots to being simply syphoning funnels for accepting passively, blindly and silently, smoothly seated in our long chairs, what the SEGWO Power of the Sweat elites hidden behind the mainstream media want to impose on us as political correctness.


Political CorrectnessMedia must compete with each other as to the best way to get Truth out to their clients or readers, being as much investigative and critical as required to achieve FTAT compliance of themselves and of the officials they criticize. In a FtatAristarchy, no person and no corporation can own more than one single mainstream media at any given time, be it a newspaper, a magazine, a publishing house, a TV station, a film or entertainment company or any other type of mainstream media. All must be separate entities competing with each other for Truth and best work. No conglomerate or cartel of media can be formed: all must compete separately, in separate hands, and through no related ownership directly or indirectly. Doing otherwise would mean an immediate withdrawal of an operating license, and possibly related criminal charges, let alone possible immediate forceful foreclosure or ownership transfer to another owner as the highest bidder in an open public sale conducted by the TinformArium of the TetractArium of governance.



All media are closely followed by the TinformArium of the TetractArium, to ensure that the mainstream media never become a simple obedient mouthpiece of the government. Rather the opposite, as they must be constantly investigating and criticizing the government as their primary role, along with complimenting whenever necessary, albeit always on a basis of FTAT compliance. The media that seem to be mostly reporting what the government says, when reporting on government activity or statistics, without obviously, most of the time, investigating or questioning these activities and information from the government, can be submitted to severe fines and disciplinary measures, even to loosing their operational license as a media. In turn, government can never refuse access to questions from journalists wanting to verify the accuracy of government information, statistics or money handling.

 No Overton Window of Political Correctness


Torus of Overton WindowNo media, national or foreign, can use the so-called "Overton Window" to try to tell people only what they should be allowed to believe or say on the basis of any kind of political correctness deviating from the Truth, or to crackdown on patriots, conservatives, liberals or any other groups that may have the national interests in mind. Media, be it on paper or electronic, must also always investigate and be prepared to criticize before or while they inform on what is happening in the country. If they inform without having first investigated, they have to say so explicitly in a clear introducing note on the top right side of their article or their electronic screen that can be reduced to two simple bold red words between square brackets: "[Not investigated]". Current political correctness is part of the "Overton Window" trying to subtly tell people imperceptibly what they should be allowed to believe or say in order not to disturb the enslaving plans of the Sweat elites against the rest of us. It is an engineered form of self-censorship that in fact is real censorship coming deceitfully from the Sweat elites of the deep state hiding behind governments, media and the embryo of the dictatorial One-World-Government pursued by these evil elites through their new Newstatorship. With the help of the elected FtatAriant of the new TetractArium (the red "F" on the diagram) of governance of a FtatAristarchy, this unnoticed self-enslaving stupidity should be rapidly and entirely phased out.


Truth must always win over political correctness. For example, if someone is white and hates blacks, or is black and hates whites, he can express freely this hate as his frank opinion, anywhere and in front of anybody, without any possible form of prosecution, as long as his opinion is peacefully expressed, without any physical violence, because this hate corresponds to Truth as far as he is concerned. Again, if physical violence is used in such cases, it is prosecutable, but only the accompanying physical violence is prosecutable, never the hate speech itself. Conversely, if someone says all blacks are welfare parasites, or all Jews are financial exploiters, and all Muslims are terrorists, this cannot correspond to any Truth, and consequently cannot be expressed freely as an opinion without being exposed to possible legal prosecution on the part of the offended persons, and only on the part of these persons, never proactively on the part of the state or a non-person organization.


No political correctness can be used to subdue the masses. At the moment, in non-FtatAristarchy countries, a matrix of boomerangs of blindness and stupidity, called more simply political correctness, has reduced most of us to being zombies and subservient slaves of the State. That political correctness could not exist as a global matrix before the arrival of the perfect and instant worldwide communications that were put in place over the last decades. Such global matrix is the ultimate tool that enslaving governments have been looking for, for thousands of years, to quell the masses and reduce them to submission and passivity. The SEGWO Power has this new evil matrix finally at its full disposal, after having infiltrated all the media and the related means of this matrix of political correctness. The new SEGWO Power has quickly found the best modern way to implement that global matrix, through a concentrated acquisition of all the powerful networks of the current mainstream mass media, and through the corruption of most of the subservient presstitute journalists that they now fully control through bribes and/or corrupting publicity money. Consequently, in fact, most mainstream media now have become simple mouthpieces of governments, and of the Sweat elites hiding behind these governments. As such, most journalists act in complete betrayal of their natural mission which should be to bring out Truth, freely and openly, as awful as it may be, in particular regarding the bad activities of the politicians, governments and international organizations sitting over our shoulders. With the combined efforts of the new TinformArium and the new FtatArium of the TetractArium of a FtatAristarchy, this matrix of political correctness is naturally and rapidly eliminated.  


In a FtatAristarchy, there is an absolute principle of FTAT (Full  Truth And Transparency) governance, with "Truth" intended also as a firm personal conviction or opinion that can always be fully expressed when doing it without any physical violence. Nothing can limit that full expression of speech in any media, not even any of the usual tools of the political correctness, like racism, Antisemitism, Islamophobia or the so-called 'Hate-speech'. Opinions expressed verbally or in printed media follow the same rule. No person or no corporation can own more than one single mainstream media at any given time. All articles must be signed. All commentators must be identifiable. Lying or omitting the Truth is always a crime called FTATOC  (Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Crime). In most serious cases, this crime can become treason, as FTATOT (Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Treason).  

The Overton Window


The Overton Window is the range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream population at a given time as political correctness. It is also known as the window of discourse. The term is named after Joseph P. Overton, who stated that an idea's political viability depends mainly on whether it falls within this range, rather than on politicians' individual preferences. According to Overton, the window frames the range of policies that a politician can recommend without appearing too extreme to gain or keep public office given the climate of public opinion at that time.


In a FtatAristarchy, no social network or Internet provider can censor or limit search of Truth. No Internet platform, even foreign platforms based abroad, can censor or limit free expression or search of full information in the country without that platform committing a serious FTATOC crime. Otherwise, in addition to a serious fine, they may loose completely their right to operate in the country, temporarily or permanently.


Companies like Apple and Amazon, or social networks like Facebook or Twitter, cannot themselves take initiatives to proactively censor people, for anything people want to see, say, hear or write, not even in cases of what they may consider Hate Speech. Only the TinformArium can take such decisions for activities within the country. If these providers do not agree, they can only go to the OppositArium of the TetractArium and protest only openly about it. Any censoring role, if and when it may exist, can only come from the TetractArium of Governance. Overton WindowThese non-government entities providing information too often become the modern book burners. They must not and cannot legally decide what people want to watch, see or hear, not only through the internet, but also through any type of decoders, like the various digital terrestrial TV systems. All decoders can offer a set of channels, but also an open area where people can catch any TV channel they want from any country in the world. Private corporations and social networks cannot limit Truth and full freedom of speech or force unilaterally their own world view down the throats of humanity. Doing otherwise makes them commit a FTATOC crime in a FtatAristarchy, let alone possibly make them a kind of super servants of evil. Humanity must learn to have access to full Truth, all and only Truth, and then judge for itself what to believe, what to accept, and what deserves to be criticized.

Media Publicity Limited Times and Places



In a FtatAristarchy, publicity is never integrated to the substantial content of the printed media offering news or useful information. All publicity must go into a set of entirely separated pages, or rather sheets filled on both sides with publicity, without a side with normal text or news. These pages/sheets of publicity can be as abundant as needed to satisfy the sponsoring clients or the owner of the media, but always entirely separate from the rest of news or informative material. These two-sided sheets of publicity can be placed randomly in between two pages of informative text, or in a block of sheets for this purpose. Electronic media on TV must adopt a similar procedure mutatis mutandis. All publicity can be offered on TV for only 15 minutes maximum each hour, and always for the same known 15 minutes of the hour, as their choice, for the same channel. The chosen 15 minutes must systematically be always the same after being agreed with the TinformArium, of the TetractArium of governance, either starting at minute "0" of the hour, or at minutes "15", "30" or "45" of any given hour. Sponsors and media owners must adjust their discipline on the above rules.


Open air publicity on street or public places is also limited to specific places established for that purpose by the TinformArium of the TetractArium of governance. None can be freely posted privately on private buildings or rented spaces without approval and, except on special approved panels, it is mostly limited to the name of the organization concerned, be it a store, an industry or any other type of organization.


As for Internet, dedicated News channels have to respect the same rules imposed to TV publicity. All other private non-news channels operating live, or repeating some of their previous live transmissions on video, must offer publicity as a free choice through an outgoing link offered during maximum the first minute of opening their channel and/or the last minute. The length of the minutes of publicity once reaching that link, which is a free choice of the reader or the listener to go to, can be as long as the author offering it wants. However, the offer of that link must be made in maximum the first one minute at the beginning of a transmission, and possibly also one maximum additional minute at the end of their transmission, offering the link for either publicity, or request of help, or the provision of contact information, or detailed information on products offered. Of course, private websites pages not operating live or interactively, but offering simply and stably their products or projects online can always put whatever FTAT information they want on their websites, including their own publicity in any quantity according to their best judgment.

FtatInternet and FtatInvention


In a FtatAristarchy, all technology, new or old, that is important to be used for the better wellbeing of the people becomes FTAT, with of course proper recognition of rights and compensation to the inventors. On the other hand, all attempted new technology must be pre-approved in its intentions and all that could change the DNA of any living being is entirely and strictly prohibited, because all sciences must be fully NELA (Natural Earth-Life) in its approach. This means that all non approved technology or unknown technology developed or used in illegal secret places like a DUMB (Deep Underground Military Base) or a laboratory with deceitful undeclared activities becomes a FTATOT (Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Treason), or treason. All known UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) events must be fully reported to the TinformArium, and in particular all the useful technology that might have become available from the possible recuperation and holding of an ET (Extra Terrestrials). This might have to do for example, as some whistleblowers have reported, with free energy or anti-gravity flying. This is necessary even if, and in particular if, such technology, unknown to us so far, could disturb the interests of companies using inferior technology while selling it at high costs with huge profits when it could be offered in better quality and at very inferior or no costs. UFO phenomena are no more secrets and all become fully FTAT in what we know so far. Hiding such information becomes FTATOT. Any new invention by a human being in the country, or known from a foreigner, becomes a FtatInvention in a FtatAristarchy, as long as it is fully NELA, and also becomes fully FTAT for the profit of all people but, again, with proper recognition of rights and compensation to the good inventor, national or foreigner.     


A FtatAristarchy will also work with all other FtatAristarchy  country to develop as soon as possible a brand new Internet out of private hands that will be FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) as much as possible, or rather fully FTAT. It will be called FtatInternet. Not only will it provide all possible information on a FTAT basis, and as such without any possible form of possible censorship, but it will provide it completely free of charge to any person living in a FtatAristarchy, without logon, without publicity, without cookies and in particular without any kind of agency trying to trace the searches of any person using it. It is about time that all Truth information be made fully available freely to all of humanity as much and as soon as possible. All current private providers will be allowed to continue with their current platforms if they are FTAT compliant, working in competition with the new FtatInternet. Those who will not agree or will not be fully FTAT compliant will loose their license to work in the country. 

Most protesting street violence becomes superfluous or nonsensical 


Because of the new extensive protesting power offered to all citizens in a FtatAristarchy, for general protesting purposes in opposing government action, or for open lobbying of governance from within the OppositArium, with full national exposure, street protest with breaking violence is more and more unnecessary, and will appear even superfluous to most people of good common sense. Consequently, because of these extensive protesting facilities offered by a FtatAristarchy in its OppositArium, if street protest is done with breaking physical violence, it is automatically a serious crime sanctioned by immediate arrest. In the meantime, except for the civilized protesting that may happen in the OppositArium of the TetractArium, the executive power must be left alone accomplishing its fully four-way binding BEC (Binding Electoral Contract). People unhappy with the BEC being executed can only protest or lobby openly in the OppositArium, and/or work for a new  BEC being elaborated by their political party and eventually voted at majority at the next national election.


Protesting with a covered face, in particular in open street protests, is considered by itself a form of violence and as such is a crime for that sole fact. Again, because of the new extensive facility given for protesting in the OppositArium, with full and free national exposure, for all protesting purposes with full freedom of speech and opinion, in opposing government or an unpleasant reality in the country, and with the free lobbying that can also be done openly in the OppositArium with national exposure, most breaking street protest become unnecessary, or superfluous, or certainly an inferior form of less efficient protesting power. For this main reason, protesting in particular with covered faces, in breaking or non breaking demonstrations, becomes automatically a crime sanctioned by immediate arrest.  

Death Of a Nation by Political Correctness







NO Money Overpower


All Business Primarily Concerned With Country's Good


No Money OverpowerSUMMARY >

FtatAristarchy political commanding power does not belong primarily to "Big Money", or to "Big Business", but only to the "Big People" enlightened by a philosophical holistic education. That sovereign power is exercised through the SPELArium of the small and powerful TetractArium of governance. Private money and business, big or small, is always welcome when used for the good of the country in productive national investments or useful projects, but without any overruling power in front of an independent small governance elected to fulfill a fully binding electoral contract. Even "Big Handouts" of national or foreign money to private organizations or to persons or organizations proactively involved in trying to influence governance must be approved and are seriously controlled in order not to contradict or disturb the fulfillment of the BEC (Binding Electoral Contract). The "Big Corporations" can never dictate anything directly to governance. To the contrary, only governance can dictate to corporations. Foreign or transnational corporations must all integrate a national inspector appointed and paid by national governance, himself kept under close surveillance by governance. There is no Deep State activity that can act legally to influence governance in secret without committing a serious crime. Lobbying the government can only exist indirectly, publicly and fully openly, on a special TV channel dedicated to this purpose on a fulltime basis and free of charge. The country has no Income Tax except for the profits of a foreign or national company done through the part of its business done within the country when they want to export these profits abroad. Nobody, no business and no organization, religious or not, national or foreign acting in the country, is exempted from the only two forms of Taxation existing in FtatAristarchy, the DAPAST, as a dual property and sales-tax paid on both sides of the transaction while also accumulating levels of Pension benefits. No foreign NGO (Non Government Organization) can operate legally within the country, not even indirectly by a national proxy.




Rich Donations ProhibitionFirst and foremost, in a FtatAristarchy, no Big-Money is permitted to influence public affairs directly, but only indirectly and fully openly through the lobbying TV channel available free of charge for this purpose. By "public affairs", we mean not only government and political activity, but also all the information propagated by any kind of private person, organization or media having to do with government and political activity. Any kind of rich lobbying not done publicly on the special TV channel dedicated to lobbying become a serious crime. All money given directly or indirectly to politicians or government officials, openly or secretly, in cash or in any other form, including paid vacations or gifts of any kind, becomes a serious crime. The only exception if in terms of the transparent exchange of mutual gifts during official bilateral visits at the executive level between two different countries. No political party can receive any kind of private money above yearly membership fees to be paid normally on a yearly basis and at the maximum rate of half an annual NASCU (NurseAide Average Salary Currency Unit), whatever the wealth of the member. No political party can receive any kind of money from the government without committing a serious crime on both sides. 


The bad influence of big-money by lobbies in countries like the USA, the UK, and most of the European countries is absolutely scandalous and equivalent to official legal bribery. This bad and corrupting influence is even worse at the level of the biggest international organizations, like the EU, the UN, the WHO etc. The huge lobby of the ERT (European Round Table) in Brussels is the best, or rather the worst example of such an excess of intervention, in particular because it is also an undue intervention on a completely GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance). Here is a brief except of what we said in a previous section about this ERT in Brussels:  


"As the ERT website itself claims, "The European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT) is a forum bringing together around 50 Chief Executives and Chairmen of major multinational companies of European parentage covering a wide range of industrial and technological sectors. Companies of ERT members are widely situated across Europe, with combined revenues exceeding Euro 2,135 billion".(or 2.1 trillion). But what that website will not/not tell the Europeans, even if most qualified insiders of the EU will confirm it, is that when the EU needs a new law, it relies heavily, most say nearly exclusively, on the legal expertise of the ERT for the redaction of that new law. Then the EU deceitfully publishes it under its own name and logo, as if it had been drafted by itself. Of course, as a corrupted result, the basic drafting inevitably makes sure it always responds, first and foremost, to the main interests of the ERT corporations involved, not the best interests of the European taxpayers".


The so-called "Great Reset" being brought in because of the fake COVID plandemic is another unnoticed example of the undue influence of Big-Money in world affairs. COVID is a worldwide scam that was invented to have the Great Reset that will in fact transfer the biggest amount of wealth and property in the history of humanity from the productive middle class going bankrupt into the hand of the already extremely rich parasitic class of the Sweat elites. For them, it will also have the additional benefit of reducing the population as much as possible. Hopefully, for them, this reduction will involve most of the unproductive "useless eaters" over working age or with other health problems already, and also reduce most of the remaining productive class to zombies at various levels by forcing them to be injected with Fake Vaccines that are mainly meant to affect negatively their Pineal Gland, thus reduce their access to higher levels of consciousness that could be used for resisting the Great Marxist Reset and claiming more liberty. The end result will, for the Sweat elites, be governing through the purest form of fascism and have the whole of the remaining population as an easy mass of new obedient slaves without chains, controlled only with masks and needles. The agenda of the great reset is pure fascism or rather what we call the new Improved Communism without that name in preparation for the formation of a dictatorial One-World-Government.


In FtatAristarchy, no aid in public money to a foreign country can take place if not at two conditions. The aid as been approved by a BEC (Binding Electoral Contract), and the receiving countries accepts to spend that money only fully transparently to the last penny, as fully FTAT compliant, indicating where each penny was given or used after being received.


In a FtatAristarchy, no foreign NGO can operate freely in the country for any reason except those very few that are called in formally in the context of a bilateral agreement, and only if they accept to be kept under close surveillance for full FTAT compliance and have a completely transparent administration both in terms of policies and in terms of accounting of all their sources of money and their expenses.


A FtatAristarchy has a fulltime TV channel dedicated to lobbying for Big-Money lobbyists and poor ones alike, where all lobbying can and must be done free of charge and only publicly. For its own information, governance has another dedicated TV channel. The two channels work according to a preannounced schedule. Lobbying in any way non-publicly through hidden deep state  activity is a serious crime. On regular mass media national TV stations, paid lobbying or publicity can be done only during the first 15 minutes of each hour. Local TV stations can use paid lobbying and publicity as they wish. No rich handout from a national source can be given to any person or organization, in or outside the country, except openly and through a controlling blind trust pre-asserting its full patriotic correctness, while such handouts or any other kind of financing from a foreign source are all totally prohibited, except if it not a handout, but a regular legal inheritance from abroad.  

No rich handouts to any type of mainstream media or organizations influencing public opinion 


A FtatAristarchy forbids media cartels from few rich corporations, in particular a global worldwide media network of only 6 corporations like the one that exists now. It also prohibits rich individuals or corporations to provide any kind of rich handouts over a limit of maximum one NASCO a year, or as established by the TinformArium of the TetractArium of governance in each case, to be used to finance directly any cause or group owning a mainstream media. The formation of media cartels or the dependence to rich donors leads to the formation of a fake political correctness killing Truth and the common sense of most people and, once exaggerated, leads to the cultural death of a nation. Some rare exceptions can exist indirectly, via private money made available to the single national blind trust for a special category of media, or even a specific one, but always from only a national source approved as a source by the TinformArium of the powerful TetractArium of governance of a FtatAristarchy. After the source being approved by the TinformArium, these exceptions can be done through the NBT (National Blind Trust) that sits in the MonetArium for full TetractArium control purposes. That NBT in each of its sessions of management always includes a rotational government inspector from the the various Ariums of the TetractArium chosen at random, and also rotational random journalists attending each decisional meeting on the distribution of the money available. The attributed sums meeting deliberations are all made public by the TinformArium. All such handouts are then also made known to the public by the receiver through an explicit small bold red note on the top right corner of the covering page or of the opening screen of the media receiving it, always expressed in 4 simple bold red words between square brackets: [Partly Financed By NBT-] followed by the amount received. Mainstream media cannot receive any kind of government money, directly or indirectly, from any source, but in particular not from strange secretive sources, like the CNN that at one point was claimed to have received money from a surface organization controlled by the FBI.


Mainstream media must all be independent from each other, competing for Truth being provided to people, and cannot receive even small amounts of money above the limit established by the TinformArium of the TetractArium of governance from any foreign entity, person or organization, except if it is through the proxy of a national citizen taking full responsibility for it, and the proxy explicitly known as playing that role. Small amounts from national citizens below the limit established by the TinformArium of the TetractArium of governance are possible, but must always be declared formally to the TinformArium. In these exceptional cases where this may be permitted from foreign sources through national proxy, the receiving media must again declare it explicitly in a completely obvious way with a red bold note between square brackets at the top right corner of their cover page or opening screen saying: [Partly financed a proxy for...]. In such cases of foreign sources, these national media cannot anymore become, not directly and not indirectly, promoters of any political leader or party in any national election.



In a FtatAristarchy, all mainstream media, printed or digital, are private and, in principle, can only survive through self-financing selling their competitive product of Truth information. They cannot receive public or private money not coming through the NBT without committing a serious FTATOC crime, possibly lose their license and be closed, confiscated, nationalized temporarily and/or sold to another private management after sequestration. For them, informing means always and only investigating, exposing and explaining Truth, only Truth and all Truth, that is to be FTAT compliant. Publicity can help their financing but it must also be pre-investigated and published as Truth and only on pages separated from the pages of substantial text. In turn, if a media is not for general distribution to the public at large, but only for a private list of subscribers, that media can pretty much say whatever they want under their legal responsibility for their eventual lies or non FTAT compliance about public affairs but, in this case, the top right corner of their opening page must include this red bold note between square brackets: [Meant for subscribers only].


A typical situation that cannot happen in a FtatAristarchy is the case of Amazon, owned by Mr. Bezos, the richest man in the world. He has owned the Washington Post since 2013, and consequently with his private Big-Money he was able to shape in great part the public opinion related to USA and world politics, and in favor of the continuation of his clearly illegal commercial cartel that has brought to bankruptcy thousands of small commercial outlets. An important media like the Washington Post must be its own corporation and financed only by its own production of Truth information in competition with all other media. In a FtatAristarchy it can never belong to a corporation of a completely different nature, like a commercial company of the type owned by Mr. Bezos. In the case of Amazon for example, his Big-Money overpower has led to an ugly and grand conflict of interest that was obvious to anyone with eyes to see but never attended properly: his firm kept the right to delivery immense quantities of goods while most competitive commercial stores were forced to close for COVID lockdown, while at the same time the important media he owned was able to promote, on behalf of the Sweat elites to whom he belongs, the necessity of accepting Fake Vaccines and lockdowns promoted by the global Sweat elites because of the fake COVID plandemic they had created.

No rich handouts to any national entity trying to influence governance


Money Is GodTrying to influence government is perfectly legitimate but, in a FtatAristarchy, it must be done in the proper form, and in particular without the use of rich donations from any entity in the country attempting to do so. The only proper way is lobbying, but through the only type of lobbying allowed within a FtatAristarchy. Absolutely no kind of lobbying can be done privately in meeting officials of the government, let alone secretly. This lobbying must be fully FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) compliant, that is, done only indirectly, through the fulltime TV channel with full national audience that is made available for this purpose free of charge, while speaking live and fully openly from that special national TV channel. This live lobbying can also be done by foreigners, in fact by anyone requesting a scheduling time. Even a criminal prisoner in the country will be accompanied outside of jail for a reasonable access time if and when requested and apparently justified.


A man like the super rich George Soros financing all sorts of colored revolutions around the world independently of the governments of the countries involved, and financing many international organizations, let alone many complicit foreign governments for various evil purposes, are immediately detained when attempting to enter a FtatAristarchy, having its nationality or not. If the subject is not charged with any crime in the country as a national, he is immediately expelled from the country as a foreigner and prohibited to attempt entry again. A second attempt of entry after such banishment would be a crime by itself, leading to immediate arrest, jailing and prosecution in the country, even as a foreigner.


A rich person like Bill Gates, when acting as a rich private donor trying to influence the health policies of countries with his Deadly Vaccination Programs, in countries that already have a democratically elected responsible governments, constitutes a good example of totally inacceptable interference of Big-Money overpower in democratic governance. Good documentation of scandals and terrible disasters already exist of what he caused with his Fake Vaccines in collaboration with WHO, in particular in Africa where this collaboration has caused thousands of women to loose their fertility, while enriching himself immensely in the process through this kind of criminal activity. Only on such basis he should now be banned from entering foreign countries and prosecuted in his own country. He would certainly be banned from entering a FtatAristarchy. But this not the worst of his activities. He owns a Luciferian corporation called Illumina that deals systematically with GMO experiments and genetic variations and alterations of the most dangerous kinds, which are all absolutely prohibited in a FtatAristarchy for which natural DNA of all living forms of all kingdoms is sacred and untouchable.  


 Other private persons related to Big-Money overpower are also unduly intervening to influence the policies of many countries with democratically elected governments. This is certainly the case for example of Klaus Schwab, the founder of the WEF (World Economic Forum) attempting to submit the whole world to a destructive Great Reset. Absolutely nobody gave him that mandate and power through any kind of democratic election. Schwab should be banned from entry in most countries without immediate arrest, with either following prosecution or expulsion as person non grata, just like a Gates or a Soros. This would certainly happen if they tried to enter a FtatAristarchy. But these are only few examples and they all belong to the Sweat elites trying to fully control and enslave the rest of us while giving themselves the power to attempt to create a dictatorial One-World-Government as soon as possible


Such dangerous people should be placed as members of a special category of people refused access to all national mass media for propaganda regarding the evil projects they are pursuing. But their full freedom of opinion would not be eliminated, as they could still of course lobby, or try to explain their projects, as revolutionary as they may be, from within the country, by doing it live and fully openly through the special lobbying TV channel established for that purpose in the presence of specialists opposed to their views, like any other lobbyist is always allowed to do. If not talking about projects in a clear FTAT way that is meant to wrongly influence governance, like if chatting simply about their projects in front of opponents, they would commit a FTATOC in the FtatAristarchy. When the person is placed in that category, after clear contradiction by expert opponents, and a confirmation of no FTAT compliance by the TinformArium, a mass media not respecting their ban completely would also commit a FTATOC crime, be fined, and could even loose its license if the infraction is committed more than once.  


The unacceptable influence of private Big-Money Overpower over our elected governments at the moment is best represented by what is happening in the context of the growing Healthtatorship being built through the well-engineered tool and major world scam of the Fake COVID Crisis with its Fake Vaccines Not Protecting the Vaccinated. Here is a little excerpt that is worth repeating here of what we said in a section of Part 1 of this book in relation to some of the main name involved who, because of their private Big-Money Overpower bring success to most evil plans of the Sweat elites attempting to enslave the rest of us through a fast forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government:


"The authors of the new Healthtatorship are only ambitious useful idiots of the global transnational Sweat elites. They include people like Bill Gates who has dedicated his life, and sold his soul to satanic forces for the successful imposition of obligatorily fake vaccines for the whole world with, of course, billions of additional profits along the way for his already ultra-rich foundation. Other useful idiots include the head of the WHO (World Health Organization), currently Mr. Tedros as a good personal friend of Mr. Gates. As the solid Socialist-Marxist that he is, Tedros is also intending to keep world populations under house arrest, with stupid and unnecessary, if not dangerous masks for the whole world, with social distancing and with contact tracing, unless the world population submits to the ridiculously enslaving vaccination regulations of the WHO under his totally unaccountable reign of scandals and abominations around the world, in clear connivance this time with Gates, even with French president Macron in many cases, and with BigPharma all along the process. The useful idiots also include the current American "Learned Ignoramus", Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is also another good friend of Gates and Tedros. As for Fauci, he even predicted a coming global pandemic 6 years before it happened (when working for Obama, much before his appointment to work for Trump), and he can think only in terms of the compulsory global vaccinations of his friend Bill Gates to resolve the current American economic collapse. Finally, the useful idiots include corrupted and deviated members of the secret services of mainly the USA and China that are fully subservient to the transnational Sweat elites in both countries in order to implement the current SEGWO. These useful idiots of a more front ground only serve more concealed, and more dangerous background useful idiots working as part of the transnational Sweat elites, like Mr. George Soros who has financed both the research laboratories in Winnipeg in Canada and Wuhan in China in between which the Corona Virus was engineered. Even more well hidden in the background, more acolyte idiots include supposedly less idiot people like Larry Fink of the BlackRock intending to only give more newly-created usurious debt-money because of the plandemic to incompetent failing banks and corporations, instead of giving it to the people, for people to spend it to re-launch the recovery of the economy destroyed by the fake pandemic". 


These bad example of private Big-Money Overpower have nothing to do with our regularly elected governments. The rich individual involved are only a few examples of entirely GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) self-made officials who all belong to the Sweat elites. They are already responsible for dozens of scandals and committing crimes of a genocidal nature with full impunity in various parts of the world, about which there is a vast documentation available. These individuals are "Too Rich To Jail" to paraphrase the expression "Too Big To Fail" related to the banks of the same transnational Sweat elites also causing enormous damage and injustice to the common people of the western world over and above their elected governments, without any form of accountability and enriching themselves immensely and full impunity in the process. This private Big-Money Overpower must be completely deprived of power and brought to justice as soon as possible for crimes against humanity. This would certainly be the case in a FtatAristarchy

No International Organization to Receive Rich Donations From Private Individuals


A FtatAristarchy cannot prevent and prohibits rich individuals to give rich donations to international organizations like the WHO (World Health Organization) for example, or any other one for that matter, be the donor a foreigner or a national. It will certainly do so to its own rich citizens without permission, as otherwise these rich citizens will commit a serious FTATOC crime for this sole fact, let alone also becoming party to the crimes against humanity committed by these organizations, like mentioned in the previous paragraph about Gates and Soros. If ever it is approved for very exceptional reasons, it will become a DAPAST transaction taxable on both sides, and if the foreign organization does not want to pay its side, the donor will be taxed for both sides for 20%. It also prohibits such rich donations from nationals through the proxy of a foreign person. When the rich donation of a national happens by proxy of a foreigner, and the FtatAristarchy of the donor is a member of the international organization, not only will it become a DAPAST transaction, but the FtatAristarchy may decide to cut its membership by at least half as a first form of protest. If the donor is a national, and acted without permission, all his accounts of money in the country may also be blocked until full reimbursement. In such cases, the rich national donor may be prosecuted for a serious FTATOC crime and eventually may have to pay as a fine a sum amounting to at least twice the amount of the donation.


If the rich donor is a foreigner who has accounts in the FtatAristarchy, all his eventual accounts in the country will be blocked or closed until the payment of a fine in the amount of the donation. If the money is given back to the the foreigner, it will become a fully taxable DAPAST transaction. In addition, the foreigner will also be prohibited from entering the country, otherwise be arrested and expelled, or even possibly prosecuted for either attempted corruption or money laundering. For a FtatAristarchy, international organizations can only receive their financing from national governments, and they must absolutely be fully transparent in their budgets, as FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) compliant, for all their revenue entries, and for all their budgetary expenses from the smallest to the biggest one because all this money is public money. Without this FTAT compliance, which is what the FtatAristarchy applies to itself, the FtatAristarchy member will reduce its contribution to the faulty organization by at least half to start with, for that reason alone, independently of any kind of rich donation involved, and possibly eventually withdraw from the faulty organizations that is not fully FTAT compliant with the money it receives.


In such cases of clear non-FTAT compliance, or of documented unacceptable rich private donations, the unelected heads of the faulty international organizations involved, with or without diplomatic passports, become Persona Non Grata, without any eventual diplomatic privileges within the country, and advised so before and at entry, in particular when they are already confirmed having received a rich donation for themselves, but also rich donations for their organization in relation to their mandate, before, during or after their mandate. If the rich donor is a foreigner in such cases, the FtatAristarchy will let the country involved take whatever action it will deem appropriate when the donor is abroad. Other GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials of international organizations with rich unlimited private money would be treated the same way in cases of rich private donations, be it the powerful manager Klaus Schwab of the WEF (World Economic Forum), or the leaders of the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg, and the Council for Inclusive Capitalism headed by Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild to name the obvious main ones, not excluding a fraudulently elected religious official like Pope Francis, if and when attempting to influence the policies of a FtatAristarchy during a national visit, unless these unelected officials would accept to do their lobby in defense of themselves through the special national TV channel offered free of charge for that purpose while in the presence of opponents documenting their wrongdoings.

No rich financial international organization should be allowed to financially enslave countries


The IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the World Bank  are also GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) organizations. As such they are completely banished from any financial activity involving the government of a FtatAristarchy, be it directly or indirectly through NGOs. Not even a joint meeting of all the Ariums of the TetractArium of governance could approve such intervention as usurious debt-money becoming public debt is constitutionally prohibited in a FtatAristarchy. Consequently, under present circumstances, such loans can never take place. Other international financial institutions like BlackRock are also prohibited to speculate with usurious debt-money through national companies or citizens instead of the government. In fact, all these institutions are prohibited to have an operating office in a FtatAristarchy and, if need be, they can only be contacted abroad.


Hiatt_Perkins_BK_Global Financial Enslavement


The history of the dirty work of the GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) of the IMF and the World Bank enslaving countries financially around the world is immense and well documented in its horror. A good way to start understanding what they do might be to read the book of John Perkins, titled Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (shown on the side). These organization, in collaboration with all sorts of complicit private companies, have done their dirty work so far mostly in the third world or the underdeveloped world, like Indonesia, Panama and Argentina, not to mention dozens of other victim countries caught in their terrible network of financial enslavement, like Greece recently. For these organizations the massive damage they have caused to the people of these countries, while enriching the corrupted leaders of these countries, let alone themselves, is considered a success, even if it is pure de-facto criminality, or even a kind of holocaust against humanity in many cases. With such a "success" in the third world at their back over the last few decades, they have now decided to attempt to achieve the same type of "success" in the first world. Following Greece, many other bigger countries of the EU are already under their enslaving grip, like Spain, Italy and Ireland under the full complicity of the Central European Bank whose ex director Draghi has even become a GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) prime minister of Italy recently.


In the first world, Greece has been their first notorious major victim over the last decade. It has already been fully financially enslaved through various memoranda for generations to come. But for these GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) organizations, the full financial enslavement of Greece has been such a "success"  that they are now moving to do the same in many other countries of the first world. These voracious organizations are also now taking advantage of the Fake COVID Pandemic with Fake Vaccines not Protecting the Vaccinated (or rather "plandemic", or maybe "scamdemic" well engineered by their own Sweat elites commanding them in the background) to work with another voracious body that is not even considered an official international organization like the IMF, called the WEF (World Economic Forum) to enslave this time not any country in particular, but the whole world if possible, through a fast forthcoming so-called Great Marxist Reset preparing the grounds for a fast forthcoming One-World-Government. Again, Greece is the best example of the last decade. No simple Greek citizen has ever been allowed to see exactly the accounting details of the movements of foreign money servicing its accumulated public debt through predatory lending. The worst part however is that not even one investigative journalist, Greek or not, has ever had the courage to even ask politely to do it for the Greek people because they all know this would destroy the rest of their careers for ever. The reason is obvious. The great majority of the media belong to the same Sweat media network of predatory lenders that rule the Sweat banks and all the Sweat  GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) institutions leading the mafia of the predatory lending.


The IMF and the World Bank are super rich private Sweat GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) organizations, both based in Washington, that really behave in practice like a mafia of predatory lending with usury money, while hiding behind the respectability of diplomatic status. Unfortunately, most countries receive their Sweat officials with a high status of great decorum, and even the ignorant mass media do the same when meeting them. These Sweat officials are certainly not allowed to set foot for business in a FtatAristarchy, nor to open any kind of office within the country. Their executive staffs with diplomatic passports are even considered "persona non grata". If they need to enter the country for any personal reason, they must do it with an ordinary passport. If they hold a diplomatic passport, they are advised in writing on entry that their diplomatic passport will not grant them any diplomatic privilege while in the country. Their organizations may not be always criminal organizations from a strict legal point of view, but they are certainly, de-facto, immensely criminal organizations producing financial enslavement of countries and absorbing all the best resources of these countries when they cannot pay back their loans of unnecessary usurious debt-money. In fact, they purposely make loans to countries in serious difficulty, but their best "clients" are precisely the countries that they know will not be able to pay back. These are their victims of first choice. If these countries are not quite yet close to bankruptcy, they will then bring them to that level with a mortal sequence of new loans until they will not be able to reimburse. This is the only way they will get their resources for only pennies and get their obedience in other international organizations of the Sweat elites.


This is the catch. It is a terrible scam of the Sweat elites to foreclose easily on a country's best assets. The more these countries are in difficulty to pay back, the more the IMF and its acolytes will loan to them. This is the way they will ensure, when these countries cannot pay back, that they will eventually acquire all their best resources and assets for only pennies. In fast, at that point, most new loans are only operations of "flipping", whereby the new loans only serve to service the interests of the previous loans in a vicious circle, while none of the new money goes to the people of the victim country or to the development of its infrastructures, except of course if these infrastructures have already been purchased for cheap money by the criminal Sweat lenders. The money of the new loans in such cases does not even enter the border of the country most of the time, nor goes through any bank or the treasury of the indebted nation. It goes, from example from one bank collaborating with the IMF in Brussels to one bank collaborating with the IMF in Washington or London. In other words, these new discrete Flipping Loans that no citizen or journalist is allowed to go and check insita, which become the majority of the new loans after the first few ones, do not enter at all the victim country in any place or in any way, but just move from one external foreign bank to another foreign institution under the horrific guidance and connivance of the criminal IMF. But the victim country has nevertheless acquired huge new public debt to be reimbursed eventually by its citizens of probably even the next few generations through additional income tax. And this new additional income tax will also serve mainly to serve the interests of the additional public debt, and not go to any kind of good development project or to help the people within the country. This is an absolutely infernal vicious circle leading to the full financial enslavement of a country.


IMF OctapusAgain here, Greece is the best recent example of this major scam in the first world, but dozens of countries around the world have fallen into the infernal trap of this vicious circle of full financial enslavement. The main question then is the following: why should we allow this to continue?  The secondary question is the following: why should we allow the Sweat  GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials of such infernal scam to have diplomatic status and to be received during official visits with maximum prestige and decorum? This is equivalent to stupidly accepting enslavement through Big-Money Overpower with prestige and diplomatic decorum, let alone gratitude.


This is the main reason of good common sense why these predatory GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) organizations have been expelled from many countries by intelligent leaders that refused to be corrupted or involved in this dramatic cycle of total financial enslavement. The most notorious example of good common sense in the last decade is Hungary. that formally expelled the IMF in 2012 along with its acolyte Monsanto. These kinds of expulsion have also happened in many other countries, including Venezuela and Ecuador. These predatory GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) organizations have replaced the ugly old system of colonization that has been phased out, and brought in a new system of modern-day colonization with even an easiest and less obvious public figure of full colonization while giving it diplomatic status. It is not called colonization, and it requires no massive presence of the colonizers within the country, like it happened under the old system. After the victim countries are brought to financial suffocation, they are requested to cut spending to things like education and health, to eliminate subsidies for food and transportation, to devaluate the national currency to make exports cheaper, to freeze all wages, and to privatize all major national resources and assets into the acolyte hands of their friendly big foreign Sweat corporations like Monsanto.


The big multinational corporations like Monsanto that come into play will reduce the country's ability to develop a strong domestic competitive economy, let alone exploit national workers to the outmost degree while most of the time polluting the environment more than ever before. In the meantime, local farmers are forced to convert their agricultural production from food to feed the local people to the production of massive crops of specific products for the exclusive export to the foreign food markets of the richest countries. This produces local famine locally and improper quality of products abroad. The ensuing unemployed workers who cannot compete with the big corporations that moved in, end up in sweatshops, living in inhumane conditions, and for salaries that do not allow them to feed their families properly most of the time while the rich countries who contributed to enslave them receive cheaper bananas or pineapples. In short, the overall process is an improved new form of much easier modern colonization without the rich countries being tagged derogatively and discredited as colonizers like they used to be under the old system of colonization.


All the ugly colonizing work happens while the accomplice organizations of predatory lending helping the colonizing companies are also allowed to be entirely not accountable, not even to the top GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) international organization, the UN, that was supposedly created for the good of the world. Is then not the UN an acolyte of the predatory system? Not even its WFP (World Food Program) will intervene and protest when companies like Monsanto become an acolyte of the IMF while using GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) and destroying the beautiful traditional agriculture of many countries, like it has happened in a great part of India and in so many other countries.


Big Money OverpowerAll of this system becomes a GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) cartel of a new form of colonization that includes the complicity of the UN and is creating incredible damage to both countries and the people of the countries involved. This is Big-Money Overpower exercised with the benediction of the top globalist organization called the UN that can most easily participate in this global scam as the top diplomatic status body in the world. A FtatAristarchy would not fund fully this UN, or rather this UNN in fact, without its first becoming fully FTAT compliant with all the details of its budget, which is certainly not at all the case at the moment. It would work for its gradual defunding until it becomes fully FTAT compliant and, if unsuccessful within an established deadline, get out of such GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) UN deviated from its original purpose.


The IMF is funded with foreign taxpayers money, and requests reimbursement of its often unnecessary criminal loans from local taxpayers money, but nevertheless operates under a veil of complete secrecy and is not accountable to anybody, not in the country involved, nor in any other place abroad. It is irrecoverably and outrageously GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance). Members of the affected local communities are never even consulted when loans that will serious affect their life are negotiated, only the most senior ministers of the corrupted local government who will often be compensated with rich secret accounts abroad for their collaboration in enslaving financially their own country. As a consequence, these corrupted local politicians are requested and forced to reduce all forms of local social welfare to the maximum degree, while being requested to improve corporate welfare to the outmost possible degree through tax breaks and subsidies to export, while assets like water, electricity or gas are sold to the companies receiving the corporate welfare. Greece, to mention only one country of the first world as a recent example, has already lost practically all these precious assets to foreign corporations, including its main sea ports and airports, since 2008, precisely because through only 3 IMF-Troika memoranda, it had already been brought to a point of not being able to reimburse or service some of its unnecessary loans of usurious debt-money. In the meantime, in spite of its rich natural agricultural land, Greece is forced by its creditors to import expensive tomatoes it does not need, produced by big corporation in Belgium or Israel while throwing away tons of its own production.


Is this major worldwide scam a tool for the deceitful extension of a nascent One-World-Government? Why should a country like Greece import bad tomatoes from a rainy country like Belgium while throwing its own that are a hundred times better and much cheaper? If the hugely expensive bureaucracy of the UN was supposedly created for the good of the rest of us, should it not intervene to dismantle these types of scams? Why does it not at least ask its subsidiary organization, the WFP (World Food Program), to help dismantle such scams of Big-Money Overpower? Even its other major subsidiary health organization called WHO (World Health Organization) seems to be part of the overall scam of the formation of a One-World-Government. It certainly seems to be the clear embryo of a supranational governance directing, under the discrete guidance of its mother, the UN, all national governments and populations into a state of fear and complete worldwide submission through ridiculous face masks at world level, social distancing, lockdowns and contract tracing. The predatory IMF, the usurious World Bank, the irresponsible WFP and the dangerous WHO financed unduly in great part by the Big-Money Overpower of private globalists like Bill Gates and George Soros, let alone by a new globalist dragon country like China, all under the guidance or silent connivance of the UN, are clearly working together at a supranational level for a fast forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government. If we keep financing and feeding these GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) beasts silently, without in fact any accountability at all, at any level and to any degree, in front of any kind of authority anywhere in the world, maybe we will then deserve fully the ugly fate of our global enslavement coming soon.


Many important whistleblowers have denounced the global scam of the Sweat elites. Joseph Stiglitz, the Nobel price for Economy in 2001, is himself part of these GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) Sweat elites, and he might be the most important ones daring to denounce the global scam, even if never calling it this way because he is part of it. He was the chief economist of the World Bank working on a daily basis with the IMF for a few years, and was fired for disagreeing with the awful deeds of the IMF and the World Bank in so many countries. Just like John Perkins (see his "Confession" book above), he then denounced that these shark organizations were deceitfully leading countries to financial enslavement through unnecessary loans, then requested to sign secret agreements not accessible to the people of the victim countries, not even to any investigative journalist or magistrate of any nationality. These secret formal agreements protected by diplomatic status of up to 111 items essentially forced the victim countries to agree to sell off their key assets and natural resources, and to take steps that were devastating for their country, but extremely profitable for the associated foreign corporations, doing so with the complicity of corrupted officials of the victim countries who would then receive in "compensation", really as excessively rich bribes, important sums of cash money deposited in private bank accounts opened for this specific purpose in Switzerland or in few other countries called fiscal paradises. 


IMG BK ArticlesOfAgreementIn short, the main bankers are not what they seem to be, and cannot be trusted. They are corrupted banksters of Big-Money Overpower who are considered "too big to jail" working in complicity with corporations "too big to fail". Their daily work has to do constantly with managing and hiding swindles, tax evasion, huge political bribery, recycling of dark money and large-scale transfers of public wealth to private accounts of corrupted national officials of various countries. This is the norm for the big GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) banksters of the Sweat elites. They are certainly not what your good little local commercial bank probably is, close to where you live, and ignorant of the goals of its big masters in the background. These big banksters of Big-Money Overpower in the background include not only the IMF and the World Bank, but all the major national Central Banks, in particular their mother of all central banks, the one called the BIS (Bank of International Settlement) based in Basel Switzerland.


All this highly corrupted entities are not to be trusted in any way, shape or form. By an evil plan, they have rigged the system of Big-Money Overpower to eventually make the world economy collapse to their advantage, through a coming Great Marxist Reset, and to take the rest of us down with it as a new category of slaves at their full service, as new slaves without chains, only with masks and needles. They are all complicit in a subtle satanic interplay with each other. Their ultimate goal is full Globalization with the eventual issuance of a One-World-Currency through engineered worldwide financial crisis and destabilization. Along the way, during that process, they will ruin of the productive middle class, absorbing all of its wealth, and produce the enrichment of only themselves as the parasitic Sweat elites for achieving dictatorial worldwide domination under the umbrella of a fast forthcoming One-World-Government. Its already strong embryo is the deviated UNN hiding under front performers from within, like the WHO (World Health Organization), and in accomplices from without, like the detached WEF (World Economic Forum) of Davos attempting to achieve the Great Marxist Reset for that purpose as soon as possible.  


De-facto criminality of Big-Money Overpower, like Swindles, tax evasion, political bribery, recycling, large-scale transfers of public wealth to foreign corporations and to private accounts are the norm for the financial establishment. But this norm means a high level of criminality under a status of full diplomatic immunity. It is a kind of norm of legal criminality with impunity. We could not stress this enough. The IMF in particular, who is the Hitman for all the dirty criminal work of the big banks, enjoys a monstrous status of legal immunity for criminality under full diplomatic privileges. Its parent organization is the UN, under which umbrella it was created in 1944 so it is an accomplice in this legal criminality with impunity and diplomatic privileges.


The IMF enjoys juridical personality, and consequently can sue at will anybody or any country is wants, while enjoying practically total immunity for itself and its officials. It has an infamous document called "Articles Of Agreement" that imposes on all 190 member countries with which it collaborates for supposedly foster the nice-sounding objective of "Global Monetary Cooperation" to hide all the de-facto acts of criminality mentioned above. That infamous document says in Section 3 that the IMF enjoys immunity from every form of judicial process except to the extent that it expressly waives its immunity, Section 4 says that the property and assets of the Fund (the IMF), wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, requisition, confiscation, expropriation, or any other form of seizure by executive or legislative action. Section 5 says that the archives of the Fund shall be inviolable thus a status of full GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) for all kinds of criminal activities and crimes against humanity. This incredible immunity goes on and on for some 136 pages.


Wherever it operates, in whatever country, the Fund shall be free from restrictions, regulations, controls, and moratoria of any nature. The official communications of the Fund shall be accorded by members the same treatment of confidentiality as the official communications of its members. All its Governors, Executive Directors, Alternates, members of committees, representatives or advisors of any of the foregoing persons, officers, and employees of the Fund shall be immune from legal process with respect to acts performed by them in their official capacity except when the Fund waives this immunity. They shall also be granted the same [diplomatic] treatment in respect of traveling facilities as is accorded to local officials and employees of comparable rank. The Fund, its assets, property, income, and its operations and transactions authorized by this Agreement shall be immune from all taxation and from all customs duties. The Fund shall also be immune from liability for the collection or payment of any tax or duty. The agreement also says that no tax shall be levied on or in respect of salaries and emoluments paid by the Fund to Executive Directors, Alternates, officers, or employees of the Fund who are not local citizens. The concluding section says of course that Each member shall take such action as is necessary in its own territories for the purpose of making effective in terms of its own law the principles set forth in this Article and shall inform the Fund of the detailed action which it has taken. This amounts to a global scam and immense scandal of complete diplomatic immunity for any kind of criminal activity. And because of our ignorance and maybe our stupidity, we treat these GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) organizations with maximum immunity and prestige of diplomatic status.

The World Bank and all its acolytes of Big Money Overpower, like the IMF, must be abolished.


First and foremost, they are all totally GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) organizations. In addition, all the loans of the IMF and World Bank that, according to their propaganda, should all have led to prosperity, all led, in all cases, only to extreme poverty through unsustainable austerity paid extremely harshly by the most productive middle class of all the countries concerned. By the same process, in all cases, they have unduly enriched further the already very rich small high parasite classes of all the Big-Money Overpower of these countries, including through huge corruption, and in particular all the rich foreign corporations that have all been used as the hit men of the IMF and the World Bank. Through them, all the people of all the destroyed victim countries under their grip have all been reduced to complete financial enslavement. You will not find one single country that has been led to prosperity by the IMF and the World Bank, except of course maybe the USA, precisely because it has never borrowed money from them. It did the contrary. It created these two institutions to lend mostly its own usurious money to all the countries victims of the IMF and the World Bank


World Bank DreamReforming these two institutions of Big-Money Overpower is impossible as it would mean an impossible change of their DNA, trying to transform a wolf into a lamb. Their wolf DNA is to slaughter all their lamb countries, and even do it most easily by paying corrupting bribes to all the rich lamb owners of all these same victim countries for not chasing them away with their guns. And the same happens with all the rich foreign corporations invited in through corrupting bribes to do the worst of the dirty work. Consequently the IMF and the World Bank of Big-Money Overpower family must be abolished, and possibly also their UN mother if it does not stop tolerating silently with full complicity their criminal behavior, along with their WTO (World Trade Organization) daughter assisting her irresponsible old UN grand-mother.


The IMF and the World Bank have been created to replace military conquest to take control of foreign countries, taking control of their land and best resources without war, while freely imposing tribute as if these countries had lost a war. With such predatory organizations, it is not necessary to occupy a country anymore to impose tribute and take over its industry, its agriculture, its land and all its best natural resources and infrastructures like ports and airports. Instead of tanks and bullets, it is sufficient to use financial maneuvering.


In other words, the IMF and the World bank are able to achieve today silently what used to require noisy catastrophic bombing and the loss of life of thousands of soldiers. As such they are Tools of Silent Massive Destruction much more efficient than the ancient wars. With all this destruction, and not being able to name one single country they have led to long-term prosperity, of all the countries they have submitted to misery through their financial maneuvering, deserves these institutions only their quick and complete abolishment. They have only destroyed dozens of countries and never led a single one to prosperity.


Maybe we should mention two of these victim countries as typical examples, one big and rich, and one small and poor. Argentina used to be a flourishing natural paradise on earth before the IMF intervention. Now, in spite of its immensely rich economy, it is in complete shambles, with most of its people in complete misery. Similarly, Greece used to be a flourishing godly paradise on sea before the IMF intervention, including during its military regime that boosted enormously the productivity of the middle-class, but it is now reduced to abject poverty and enslavement for generations to come.


Dozens of other countries in between these sizes and configurations of resources have suffered the same destructive fate under the intervention of the criminals of the Big-Money Overpower represented mainly by the IMF and the World Bank, and none of these countries was led to the long-term prosperity that these criminal institutions falsely pretended to offer. Their pretention is a complete scam. Such destructive scam can and must be exposed, and all the institutions behind it must be abolished, quickly and completely. In addition, their leaders still alive, along with their corrupted complicit national officials involved who are still alive, should all be brought to justice for crimes against humanity.


The IMF and the World Bank, along with their many complicit entities, are guilty of the most atrocious human rights abuses. Their hypocrisy is limitless. Above the entrance of the World Bank, one can read: "Our Dream is a World Free of Poverty". But in their 77 years of existence so far they have created only poverty for all the populations of all the victim countries where they have acted. Maybe the noble phrase was distorted and was meant to be: "Our Dream is a World Free of Fall into Poverty of the Small Rich Class of the Countries with the Best Natural Resources".  Or could it be that a second line fell off the ground and should have been: "...And We Make Sure it will Just Remain a Dream".


These two criminal institutions were created under the Charter of the UN, but instigated by the USA and their transnational Sweat elites using them for achieving world domination. The hypocrisy of their front lines is brilliant as it speaks about investments in infrastructures, schools, health, drinking water and environmental protection. What they do not say is that they always lend money for these beautiful projects only at usurious rates, and always to the point where they are sure that the victim country will not be able to reimburse. In this way, the debtor becomes the slave of the creditor, and the slave country can be commanded to complete obedience to its master, not only in giving away its best resources for the cheapest possible price but in behaving as an obedient slave or a blackmailed colleague in all important votes taking place in the falsely democratic institutions already controlled by the master, the UN and all its dependent organizations. All these newly acquired slaves through financial enslavement, or all those who refused to submit to enslavement, all know that disobedient fugitive slaves are all eventually eliminated through first character assassination and, if necessary, even physical assassination. People like Berlusconi in Italy, Saddam Hussein in Iraq, Geddhafi in Libya, not to mention Trump in America are only few of the best recent examples.

The worst Big Money Overpower was used against Greece, and for a double crisis


Greece Double CrisisThe horrific use of Big Money Overpower against Greece represents the worst dirty work ever done, in terms of the evolution of the leading role of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) in enslaving countries. It was done, in this special case, not only as usual in collaboration with the World Bank, but with many additional accomplices, like the ECB (European Central Bank), the BIS (Bank of International Settlements), and in a special way in collaboration with the GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) supranational power of the EU (European Union). And this time it was not used to provoke only an economic crisis, but a double crisis, both economic and cultural, against the smallest and weakest country of Europe, but maybe against the most important one in the history of humanity from the intellectual and cultural points of view that gave us the Philotimo and the best of what we can still call civilization today.


 The need to use such an excessive combination of Big-Money Overpower to attack such a small enemy is not only criminal and shameful to the outmost degree, but probably the best proof of the real historical value and importance of the apparently small enemy called Greece for the history of humanity. But small Greece was a democratic godly enemy attacked by a satanic coalition of the totalitarian global Sweat elites. This is why such excessive Big-Money Overpower was needed. As such, this abusive power represents a clear crime against humanity, or rather a crime against civilization, against the best of what we have been able to call "Civilization" in the last few millennia. Such excessive abuse of satanic power against the Olympus begs for the abolition of all the above accomplices as soon as possible and the prosecution of all the officials involved for the plot of the final completion of the longest and biggest of all Holocausts, the one against Hellenism and against the best of Western Civilization.  



Most of the dirty work of the IMF and the World Bank in their 77 years of existence so far was done in countries of the third world that have much bigger populations, much more natural resources and a standard of living much poorer than Greece, but in particular have their own sovereign currency, like Indonesia and Argentina or even Ecuador. This means they have much more chances of recuperating from financial enslavement, and in less time, than poor little Greece. For their first attempt of long-term financial enslavement in the first world, as a test, the IMF and its accomplices shamefully chose the smallest and poorest country in Europe, the little Greece. This was as vicious an attack as a fully armed strong adult man attacking savagely a young boy without any means of defense. The damage to Greece was nearly deadly and will be endured with maximum pain for generations to come, because it was done when Greece had no means of defense which could have been having at least its own national currency. But out of the 28 countries members of the EU, which include Greece, 19 have adopted the Euro as their currency, and Greece was unfortunately forced to become one of them at the time of the savage attack. In other words, the poor young boy was even without defense against the brutal attack of the strong adult man that was and still is the GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) European Union under the command of the satanic Sweat elites.  


Greece was so afraid of the giant EU when it was attacked in 2008-2009 that it did not dare to opt out of the Eurozone. Or maybe the problem was that its leaders at the time were themselves part of the transnational global Sweat elites, and anxious to collaborate with their plot of the supranational Sweat elites of the EU. Getting out of the Eurozone, for Greece at that time, would have meant recuperating its national financial sovereignty with which it would now be well on its way to full recovery a dozen years later. It would not have been subject to all the whims and dictates of the IMF, or of the infamous Troika, the European Commission, the ECB (European Central Bank) and IMF, but could have chosen to arrange its debt internally.


Greel Language 5000 Years SuperiorityThe worst part of its unnecessary enslavement is that, unlike the debt of most other countries enslaved by the IMF, most of Greece debt was internal debt, and consequently with no need to borrow from abroad to revolve the problem. An honest IMF could have simply provided some advice to Greece on how to resolve its internal problem, as providing such advice is formally, but only deceitfully, part of its own status. But the IMF is only the hit man of the World Bank and their other big bank of Big-Money Overpower aiming at enslaving financially, and looting the natural resources of as many countries as possible in the easiest way, without the need anymore for a war or the use of guns and bombs.


Then the Troika, with its very first interventions, quickly transformed the mostly internal debt of Greece into a mostly external debt. This was the deadly dishonest and criminal trap leading Greece to need an urgent external bailout in 2015. In fact, in a referendum for that purpose in 2015, the Greek population overwhelmingly voted against such bailout, meaning against acquiring a new gigantic external debt. But the then Greek president Tsipras went ahead as if the referendum had never taken place. Tsipras, with its roots in the extreme communistic left of the Sweat elites, elected in a suspect way with the same kind of electoral fraud that was suspected in the recent election of Biden in the USA, through the fraudulent voting machines of the Singular Logistic based in the USA and designed in Israel, accepted the huge bailout despite the fact that a great majority of the Greek popular vote was against it. The massive fraud was clear and flagrant, but to no avail. This was clearly why Tsipras had been brought to power. He really was not elected, but selected in order to serve not the wellbeing of the Greek people, but the wellbeing of the oligarchs hiding behind the sharks of the IMF and the World Bank. Putting their own people into abject misery, with the highest unemployment in Europe, growing rampant poverty and shocking suicide rates as a result, is no concern of this kind of politicians.


As such, Greece was meant to serve as an example on how other EU countries may fare if they do not behave, that is, do not obey the unwritten golden rules of obedience to the criminal international money masters of the Big-Money Overpower of the Sweat elites that are totally GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) organizations. Greece was the test of these money masters for the rest of the countries of Europe. The test, for them, in the smallest and poorest country, was a complete success. Consequently they are now moving to proceed with the enslavement of many bigger European countries, probably starting with Italy and Spain, until they ultimately enslave financially the whole of the EU to transform it into a new EUSSR of the New Improved Communism moved more to the west of Bezmenov.


With the additional help of the new Fake COVID Era with its Fake Vaccines Not Protecting the Vaccinated but debilitating the body and soul of most people, it is much easier for Big-Money Overpower now to achieve their objective of full enslavement. More EU countries are already heavily indebted by the plandemic and are increasing their foreign debt to provide their populations with even basic needs, in particular in the south, due to partly corruption, partly coercion, and partly direct blackmail. Yes, international blackmail, one of the biggest crimes imaginable, being committed by the foremost UN-chartered financial institutions, the World Bank and the IMF.


But the above terrible economic crisis of Greece is only half of its crisis, and not the worst half. The second half is an ensuing cultural crisis that was in great part reinforced by its enslavement on the economic side, and that is reinforced further at the moment by the criminal measures implemented for the criminal plandemic , or scamdemic, called COVID. Its enslavers are actively attempting to destroy its unique language of continuous superiority for some 5000 years, and its culture of beauty and freedom, the one culture that gave us real democracy as direct and participative democracy, philosophy based on sets of cardinal virtues, the Olympic spirit and, through its Philotimo, the best of what we can call civilization today. Of course all of this is by plan because there is a global conspiracy of the Sweat elites at the moment to finally enslave and dominate the whole world through a fast forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government, and until elements of that great culture of liberty will still exist, that global plan will be totally unachievable. Consequently, Greece has to be destroyed first, not only on the economic side, but in particular on the cultural side.


BK Bukovsky EUSSRThis is why this double destruction of Greece comes not only from the same Sweat elite forces that animate the worst financial enslavement forces, like the IMF and the World Bank, but together with the new EU that is really, at this point, a super EUSSR (European Union Soviet Socialist Republics), to paraphrase the title of a famous book of Vladimir Bukovsky: EUSSR, The Soviet Roots of European Integration) of which unfortunately Greece has been deceitfully brought to be part of a few years ago. As a result, Greece is not only losing its financial sovereignty but, in a deadly double crisis, also has its great Philotimo culture of beauty and liberty completely bastardized at the moment, hopefully completely vanished out of existence from the point of view of the globalists of the Big-Money Overpower of the Sweat elites. For these satanic transnational Sweat elites, that culture is the main enemy as it has been for too long, with the unique intellectual preeminence that has characterized it during at least the last three millennia while spreading ideas of patriotism and liberty. With the elimination of this ELL enemy of "Enlightened Logos Liberty", which is the greatest obstacle the Sweat elites face against their Master Plan of global enslavement, the road will be finally free to enslave more easily the rest of the Western World through a new form of Improved Communism recently fine-tuned in China and being now Moved More to the West, that is in the EU to start with, and already in great part in the USA, to use the terms of the prediction of the soviet dissident Bezmenov.      

Rich foreigners of Big-Money Overpower all have only very limited property rights in a FtatAristarchy


Rich foreigners of the Big-Money Overpower have very limited rights of property in a FtatAristarchy. A foreigner can always buy a home in which he will live comfortably with his family most of the time, and without renting it out for the periods he may be living in his own country of nationality or in any other foreign country. If he is absent for more than 6 months without justification, the property is subjected to inspection and possible expropriation. A foreign company can always buy the property of its own headquarters within the country, but never the land under it, and must sell that property to only a national citizen when leaving or ceasing business in the country, unless it is a foreigner buying and continuing that only business of his in the country. If the legally married spouse of the foreign buyer of property is a national citizen, the land can also be bought in the name of the national spouse, or the name of their children of that marriage with nationality. The same applies to all other operational quarters outside of the main headquarters of a foreign company operating within the country. National land can only belong to a national citizen. In particular, it can never belong to a foreign country except by proxy of a national citizen from whom they may rent the property. The property of buildings over the land can belong to a foreigner using it for at least six months a year. If no buyer is found at the time of closing a foreign-owned business quarters, the property will be expropriated by the government and put for sale to the highest national bidder as soon as possible. The same applies to living quarters of foreigners if no heir decides to use it to live in it for at least six months per year, unless of course if that heir has nationality.


National lockdowns cannot become an occasion for greedy nationals or foreign nationals or corporations with Big Money Overpower to absorb many small bankrupted businesses for only pennies. In cases of pandemics and lockdowns, all businesses or real-estate properties can only be sold under formal government surveillance. In principle, during such times, all foreign companies are totally excluded from the real-estate market except if they do not have such property in the country, and want to one single national company that they certify they will render operational in less than six months. A foreign country as a country, like China or Saudi Arabia for example that constantly buy enormous quantities of property abroad, often in national resources or infrastructures, are temporarily completely excluded from that market in a FtatAristarchy, during pandemics or not. Rich foreigners can always buy only one single national property in which they will live or conduct a business, but only one.


Rich government subventions of public money to foreigners for any type of activity in the country or abroad, including to any type of NGO, are always absolutely excluded. But the same rule applies to national citizens or NGOs. Such rich subventions from abroad, be it from a person or a government, are also totally excluded. On the part of the government of a FtatAristarchy, only normal decent survival welfare can exist with public money. Above that level all problems must be resolved through the initiatives of the people involved or concerned, collaborating between themselves, and without the rich intervention of any foreign source of Big-Money Overpower




Wood BK Technocracy 







NO External Dependence


National Autonomy and Self-Sufficiency in Everything


No External DependenceSUMMARY >

In an FtatAristarchy, no meaningful external dependence of any kind should exist for the small but powerful TetractArium of governance that serves the people in a sovereign way. The culture of Globalization is replaced with a culture of full national and patriotic sovereignty that is even extended at city level, mutatis mutandis, in front of the central government. The country must attempt to always achieve internally Self-Sufficiency in everything, be it food, garbage disposal, clothing or any other type of utility. Religion practice is free but must respect fully all national legislation and interfere in no way with governance. Foreign Organizations not subjected to a national vote are considered non-existent except for eventual non-binding consultation. Immigration not pre-selected at consulates abroad can never be, nor become legal or bring an eventual citizenship. No Foreigner wanting to use money or run an activity inland can operate without approval, full FTAT openness when approved, in both his financing and his operations, and also accept direct and constant FTAT inspection by governance.




A FtatAristarchy means no dependence on any external factor and all internal activity having to do with governance or the public at large must be FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency). There can be many ways a real free democratic governance can suffer dependence. The adjacent table shows some of the main ones, but there can be many others.



All external factors not FTAT compliant, when mixing with governance, like religion or immigration, create various levels of reduction of democracy, even often conflictive or dangerous situations of chaos and related levels of enslavement. The bad mix of these factors with governance can be a wide variety, like those indicated above. These factors include small or big business, excessive multiculturalism, involvement with a whole series of supranational GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) organizations and in particular, as exposed in a previous section, Big-Money Overpower. The worst factors are usually the ideologies of the extreme political left or right, but the very worst of all cases of dependence definitely comes from the formal mix with institutional religion that inevitably leads to full enslavement through fear and dogma instead of liberty and philosophy.


Governance combinationsAt the moment, in most countries, we have a combination of few of these factors. The main thing to notice is the flagrant absence of factor 1 (Truth) and 2 (BEC: Binding Electoral Contract) which would give the best form of real direct and participatory democracy as it was invented in Ancient-Greece. After the absence of these two fundamental factors, we notice the presence of few other factors that are advanced at various degrees in various countries and that worsen the situation of democracy. These include 3 (Excessive Multiculturalism) in many cases. In most cases they include a very advanced factor 6 (Supranationalism), like it is the case for all the countries of the EU (European Union). In the mean time, factor 7 (Debtocracy) appears to have been nearly completed to its full extent in most developed countries. But the very worse factors, from 8 to 10, seem to be lurking furtively in the background at various degrees, albeit with other names, as we are living in a growing police state founded on an unnoticed form of Improved Communism that includes some clear aspects of Nazism with a growing component of religious dictatorship that is quite obvious already on the part of Islam in particular trying to change more and more drastically our type of democratic governance and lifestyle. 


What a FtatAristarchy attempts to do is a "Great Return" instead of the "Great Reset" of the global Sweat elites that is becoming so popular at the moment on the part of the WEF (World Economic Forum) and the handling of the COVID plandemic. This means a Return Of Philosophy in our life through better holistic education in order to replace the DDDD (Debt, Dogma, Disinformation, Despair) factors of fear and enslavement and celebrate the sacred marriage of science with philosophy. This means a return to "Truth" as the most fundamental factor of governance, and the requirement of governance through only FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) compliance. As a great master once said, "Only Truth Shall Set You Free".  A FtatAristarchy will attempt to eliminate all the other disturbing factors as much as possible. They may be difficult to eliminate entirely, even impossible sometimes for some of them when they have reached a level of no return, like factor 3 (Excessive Multiculturalism) that is now an inalterable characteristic of a country like the USA and becoming a growing characteristic of most European countries as a result of the Kalergi Plan and the recent new movements of massive uncontrolled immigration. Nevertheless, such a disturbing factor can be gradually refrained to grow, or even gradually reduced, through aspects of all the new laws that will be adopted in the future.


A FtatAristarchy always thrives to achieve the maximum possible level of full independence from any other factor of governance but FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) that is its most fundamental characteristic, and consequently the least possible dependence on any other external factor of governance like those of the above list, and in particular those elaborated here below.  

About External Dependence On World Governance


UN_GetUsOutOfThisUNIn a FtatAristarchy, supranational power does not exit because it would be unconstitutional to deal with GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) organizations. Because of this, international organizations can only be approached on a free bilateral consultation basis. As we have seen in a previous reform, if parliament is outdated, and embassies are outdated, all positions of fake prestige in which people are appointed by other countries in GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) supranational structures of additional external power are considered dangerously unnecessary in terms of national power, and possibly useful only on a free consultation basis. This includes the officials of institutions like the EU (European Union), or international organizations like the UN (United Nations), the WHO (World Health Organization), the IMF (International Monetary Fund), the BIS (Bank of International Settlements), the WB (World Bank) and more private ones like the WEF (World Economic Forum) of Davos.


The appointees in these GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) positions are mostly competent to hide the evil plans and crimes or their organizations because they are themselves part of these crimes. They are most often positioned there not for their competence, but only through political favors and cronyism of their countries of origin. These structures of GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) organizations external power are extremely inefficient except to serve blindly the selfish interests of their Sweat masters, very corrupted for the same reason in most cases, ridiculously expensive for the useless or damaging work they too often do and, worse of all, totally unaccountable to anyone anywhere, certainly not in our countries financing them. Again, their positions serve mostly to reward the personal friends of the equally inefficient and corrupted national politicians of elephantic parliaments of Big Government that should not even exist in the first place anymore, and of the Sweat masters of these national politicians hiding in the background, either in the national deep state or in various supranational GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) organizations.


But this is not the worst. The worst comes from the fact that these supranational organizations can easily commit, and do commit, horrific crimes without ever being punished, let alone at least dismissed. These egregious criminals with the full immunity of diplomatic passports are never seriously touched by any scandal or crime and, in particular, never punished through any jail time. They are all "Too Big To Jail". For example, we have never seen the top managers of the FED (Federal Reserve), the main national central bank of the world, for deliberately fueling economic bubbles that they consistently implode at convenient times for the selfish interests of their best Sweat friends of the financial world. When have we ever seen the top managers of the IMF punished and jailed for the terrible loan sharking that they do in various nations, using their economic hit men and jackals, sending these nations, including poor Greece in the last 10 years, into economic extinction and indebted unduly and totally unnecessarily for generations to come? Read the book of John Perkins, "Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man" who did that dirty work for many years in conspiracy with the IMF and the WB. When will we finally see the BIS at least admit, even with a twisted tongue, that it laundered most of the NAZI money stolen from the Jews of Germany for the benefit of their other Fake-Jew Sweat friends of the banking world? When will be see leaders of WHO punished, at least dismissed, for their many terrible scandals and their well documented past crimes committed in the third world against poorly educated populations through Fake Vaccines provoking the sterility of women or autism in children, not to mention their present similar crimes of the fake COVID plandemic?


These are all portentous crimes destroying the life of millions of people, but none of their authors, in terms of criminal GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) organizations of official persons with the full immunity of diplomatic passports has ever been affected by any punishment or a jail sentence. Again, they all appear to be "Too Big To Jail". If these crimes are mostly things of the past, then just look at what WHO has done so far today, in the first two years of the fake crisis of the Corona Virus, imposing its unnecessary full shutdowns and destroying the economy of the whole western world beyond repair when it was not necessary. But this served to deceitfully transfer an incredible amount of wealth and property, in fact the biggest in the history of humanity, from the damaged middle-class to the big Sweat corporations it is in bed with. In the meantime, its chief Mr. Tedros is in clear conflict of interest with China, the author of the virus pandemic, and in conflict of interest also with his other private Sweat masters in the background called by names that, by now, have justly become infamous in the public world opinion, like Bill Gates and George Soros. And these are all fake officials or activists belonging either to totally GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) organizations, or to various background Sweat corporations or foundations that have become famous for various well-known unpunished crimes for which they were never punished in the past and will never be punished in the future. Such GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) supranational criminal officials or activists should in no way to be allowed to come and influence any the decisions of any country, certainly not a FtatAristarchy, and in particular not even indirectly through their private subservient Sweat accomplices.



Thompson BK UN Marxist Agenda 2030








About External Dependence on Intermediate Supranational Governance.


One World Government StructureIf the UN is bad enough, as, for us, a dependence on world governance foreseen further away in the long tunnel of world enslavement, it is a more distant form than regional structures like the EU (European Union) happening closer to us in the long dark tunnel of progressive enslavement of various parts of the world. Of course, these intermediate levels between national governance and world governance, like typically the GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) EU, were created to facilitate the achievement of the Master Plan of the Sweat elites seeking an eventual dictatorial One-World-Government being put in place, step by step, in mostly an unnoticed way, through the current form of completely undemocratic UN and its accomplices of various other equally GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) public and private organizations. At this intermediate level, there is not only the EU, which is the one that is already fully formed, but many others being attempted deceitfully in various parts of the world at the moment, like in North American, in Africa and in the Pacific area. Because the EU is the most complete of these intermediate forms of supranational governance at the moment, we will concentrate on it. It is at the moment the best, or rather the worst example of this growing global enslavement phenomenon through organizations an an intermediate level. Consequently, Brussels will concentrate our attention for describing the ugly future that all other regions can expect . 



As we have seen in a previous reform called No Money Overpower, the Mother of All Scams is best represented by the FED American Central Bank to which corrupted rich people have deceitfully conspired to give the unconstitutional power to create fake money out of nothing that it then lends to governments to be reimbursed as real money with interests by taxpayers. The illegitimate Children of that mother are the other obedient central banks of most nations around the world reinforcing the same scam at their level. In the meantime, that mother keeps uniting in orgy with four main Lovers as shown in the adjacent portrait, the most potent of which at the moment is the European Union. The powerful Grand-Father of this orgiastic family is the BIS (Bank of International Settlements) living in Basel, Switzerland. The FED does not even show her face on that portrait as she does not want her orgies to be exposed. Sometimes she wears masks to hide her ageing face, like the beautiful mask of the UN to which she and her children channel immense sums of money that are then managed in a perfect GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) way on the basis of a secret Master Plan. Her masks are many, like UN (United Nations) or WEF (World Economic Forum). Her names are also many, like Globalization or Green New Deal, but her real name however is really only one, as shown above: One-World-Government. This objective is pursued mainly through total financial enslavement of all nations around the world through usurious debt-money issues out of nothing. But this is only to start with. Once this main objective of total global financial enslavement will be achieved, she contemplates a more integral form of enslavement involving all minds and bodies of a fully masked obedient world population reduced to a more manageable level through other terrible scams like the current Fake COVID engineered plandemic and its Fake Vaccines that do not protect the vaccinated and are full of toxins to be used during unnecessary destructive lockdowns.


EU Unnoticed SuperStateOur main concern here in this section will be the child called EU (European Union) of this ugly One-World-Government family. The EU is an incredible creature. First of all, it was meant to be created incrementally in the most unnoticed way. As quoted in the image to the left, Jean Monnet, the main founder of the EU said: "Europe's nations should be guided towards the super-state without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation"


What Monnet purposely omitted however was the shameful kind of super-state he had in mind, with its real executive power sitting only in a dictatorial GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) Commission that would never be under the electoral power of any of the member nations. But to safe face, that perfect GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) Super-State would include a Fake Parliament with no decisional power. It would exist only to save face and give the impression of democracy while its members from various member countries would enjoy privileges ensuring their complete subservience, and the one of the countries they would come from. In addition, its money would of course be managed in a totally unaccountable way to any of the countries and/or taxpayers of any member state financing it. Rather the opposite. All member states would be completely subjugated by the omnipotent Commission working in full complicity with a new fake European Central Bank (ECB) that would only reinforce within the EU the financial enslavement that its accomplices are attempting to do worldwide through the FED, the IMF and the World Bank.    


This is exactly what happened with the EU. But this introduction does not describe the worst traits of that beautiful family tree. All of this has nothing to do with democracy. Rather the opposite. Certainly not with the direct and participative democracy that was invented in Ancient-Greece. It has only to do with an oligarchic Corporatocracy that is backed by the new Debtocracy of usurious debt-money that did not exist in Ancient-Greece and that is implemented by the above accomplices of the new ECB and the BIS, let alone the FED at world level.


Today, through institutions like the EU, people have all become not the citizens of a democracy, but the slaves of a dictatorial Corporatocracy. In fact, we live in a “Democracy Incorporated”, in a Managed Democracy, or rather in a Maneuvered Democracy, and with the specter of Inverted Totalitarianism, to use the title of the excellent book of Sheldon Wolin. More than its powerful Commission, the EU is in fact run by a series of corporations. Today the main corporations of the Sweat elites behind the Debtocracy are in charge of nearly everything, in particular the dirty work, in most western countries through corruption and usurious debt-money: the government, the military and in particular the network of banks constantly enslave us, as countries and as persons, through usurious debt-money. Even supposedly the most powerful man on earth, the president of the USA, be it an Obama a Bush or a Biden, is only a puppet fully controlled by the real Sweat elite rulers of the Debtocracy in the background. These false puppet leaders are only the tools of the stealthily created chaos, internally and abroad, out of which the Sweat elites New World Order shall be offered on a fake silver plate when eventually requested by the stupidly grateful receivers, hopefully at the unnoticed cost of this Sweat elites GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) order being implemented through totalitarian Fascism. The Sweat elites corporations have to live and command, and the people have to accept gratefully their enslavement to serve them, and get in exchange an apparent situation of order, as a complete deception.


From this point of view, Lenin was right when he predicted that when capitalism would start to fail, or made to start to fail, it would turn into Fascism in order to protect the interests and full survival of all the big Sweat elite corporations commanding in the background. And if this will be done in the proper way, the new slaves will have learned to "Love Their Slavery" as predicted by Orwell. The founder of the WEF (World Economic Forum), Karl Schwab, and the best representative and public face at the top level of the GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) world Sweat elites at the moment pursuing a One-World-Government through what he calls the Great Reset, said it in a more modern way recently, saying "You will own nothing and be happy".



Newman BK Deep State




About External Dependence on Democracy Deception


The best example of false or deceptive democracy in the world at the moment is certainly the EU (European Union). It is not simply 'undemocratic', as fully GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance), but rather entirely antidemocratic and near totalitarian in nature. Its parliament of elected members is only a facade with practically no power, as it is the unelected EU Commission that decides everything sovereignly. The fake EU parliament is mainly a place for doing favors, and for granting important positions, along with high salaries and an abundance of all sorts of undeserved privileges, to those national politicians around Europe who are subservient to the global Sweat elites of the new system of collectivist enslavement. This submissive system is also plagued by nepotism and cronyism, let alone rampant corruption, either directly or through a huge array of NGOs and supposedly prestigious but fake organizations of Charity. These fake GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) humanitarian organizations are all financed by the EU, padding the pockets of a great part of their EU managers, being operated with practically full impunity for their actions, at least for the public at large. In the meantime, for those sitting in the EU parliament, it provides them a well hidden paradise of undeserved privileges and hellish pleasures, while they parade daily in the best European palaces, be it a hotel or a restaurant, all for free, except of course for the taxpayers.


BK Booker-North EU Great DeceptionMost amazingly, these fake and useless parliamentarians, or MEPs (Member of the European Parliament) cannot even exercise the most basic duty of a normal parliamentarian which would be to propose a new law or repeal an existing one. Only the GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) Commission can do it. To add insult to injury, these fake parliamentarians have not only one headquarters, which would be expensive enough considering their useless role, but two most expensive headquarters: one in Belgium and one in France. They travel some 430 kilometers from Brussels to Strasbourg monthly, even if only for 4 days monthly (including, within these 4 days, only 2 full working days), using the so-called "Gravy Train", or the "Eurocrat Express". This is a shuttle-train privately-chartered by the EU, transporting some 766 MEPs and some 3000 support staff, back and forth, every month, involving an estimated 360.000 man hours of work lost yearly. And these massive hours of work lost are nevertheless duly paid by the taxpayers of the EU along with all the related travel and living expenses in terms of hotels and restaurants, let alone some money for dry-cleaning, hairdressers and formal clothing. Staff can also choose to travel by private car or plane, at the same full expense of the EU.


As for the GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) Commission, it is so imbued with Totalitarian Fabian Socialism that many authors have not hesitated to write explicitly about the obvious  "Nazi Roots of the Brussels EU", as expressed in a book with this title written in common by Dr. Matthias Rath, Paul Anthony Taylor, August Kowalczyk and Aleksandra Niedzwiecki. True or not, the EU, through its Commission, is certainly an organization of full impunity and full power without any accountability to the taxpayers. directly or indirectly through the member states, let alone full impunity from these same taxpayers, be they a European citizen or a member European country. If it might sound exaggerated that the EU would have Nazi Roots, the other excellent book, by Christopher Booker and Richard North entitled "The Great Deception" (The secret history of the European Union), certainly demonstrates clearly that the EU was conceived clearly from the beginning, in the early 20s, by Baron Arthur Salter and Jean Monnet, as an anti-democratic federal entity with a GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) secretariat that was meant to be totally so in front of all the people of the nations concerned, in fact with the progressive disappearance of these national entities from any type of power point of view, be it political or economic power. That totally undemocratic EU power structure was designed to make sure that a mass of people (the European national taxpayers) could not be able to control "a" government, "any" government, never again, in particular such an GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) dictatorial government, the EU government. With the EU government, European taxpayers and member countries plainly have no more power to remove the ones who really govern them which is the dictatorial EU Commission, not the fake EU Parliament.


With the EU well in place, the USA has no more the complex problem to deal with many European national governments for global New World Order purposes, but only one: the EU Commission. It is much easier to deal with "One" Commission than with 28 European countries. For example, this is why the USA was able to easily have the EU impose sanctions against Russia, even if these sanctions were going directly against the interests of most European national governments. This is why the USA favored so much the creation of the EU. In addition now, through the financial interactions of the American FED and the ECB of the EU, the USA has the whole of Europe very much enslaved financially under its full control, under a full dependence.


Interestingly enough, hundreds of the unelected subservient eurocrats involved in this type of self-destruction, governing dictatorially above national governments, are being paid more than many national prime ministers. For example, a parliamentary answer in the UK has established in 2007 that the EU was paying more than 42.000 employees or internal collaborators, and another over 8.000 external Commission staff, for a total of over 50.000; of these, over 10.000 of these GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) EU officials were paid more than the UK prime minister Tony Blair at the time of their investigation in 2007; the deliberations also made it clear that all these overpaid employees were working clearly as GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials, paid for entirely by the poor European taxpayers suffering the damage these employees often do as senior officials, or the hardship the payers suffer as taxpayers, and without these taxpayers being able to intervene in any way to put these GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials out of office even when they are corrupted or incompetent.


This was in 2007, and the situation now is certainly only much worse. And to crown these scandalous statistics, they do not include all the extra employees in each national member country working specifically for liaison with the EU. If we were to count all of those, the figure of employees required for running the gargantuan EU machine would not be 50.000 but, including the 27 member countries, according to experts, most certainly at least 3 times that much, or around 150.000 as probably a very conservative number. But the real numbers and extreme expenses involved are impossible to get, not even by the best investigative journalists. In the meantime, a country like the UK, until it withdrew from the EU, contributed some 400 million Euro per week to maintain the gargantuan ESU (European Soviet Union) machine, or over 20 billion per year, from the UK alone. And the UK, received back less than half of it in various forms. And the money it did not receive back contributed in great part to destroy part of its own economy in the UK, like the fisheries from its sea waters. Considering this, the BREXIT was probably not so much a brilliant idea as a plain British idea of practical common sense.


MEPs get similar high salaries, many paid much more than a prime minister like Blair, plus up to 3500 Euro per month in general expenses, plus up to 12000 Euro per month for personal support staff, all in addition to free flights in business class and other amenities for things like clothing, dry cleaning and hairdressing, let alone shopping in closed private shopping malls reserved exclusively for EU employees, or rather this kind of new ESU (European Soviet Union). Just like it used to be the case in the ex Soviet Union with its special shopping places in which only senior officials of the nomenclature with special badges could enter, it is the case in the new ESU (European Soviet Union) today.


Other countries, just like the UK was before BREXIT, are in the same situation mutatis mutandis in terms of what they pay and receive back from the EU and, while their representatives in Brussels live with all the above undeserved extravagant privileges, most of the citizens of these countries, like typically Greece and Portugal, live in a state of poverty growing year after year. To add insult to injury, no common citizen taxpayer financing all of this kind of new ESU (European Soviet Union) nomenclature will have an easy time establishing the real statistics of the EU staff and expenses, not even the best investigative journalist, not even a national magistrate or a national parliamentary office, and those who attempt to do it are soon be stopped and accused of hate speech if they dare to protest openly against this type of unaccountability of unelected officials with extravagant privileges. With this type of powerful and arrogant officials, "Truth" becomes "Hate", and "Free Speech" becomes "Hate Speech". If this does not mean complete democracy deception and full subservience, any person of simple common sense, in particular the taxpayers paying all the bills, can legitimately wonder what democracy should be, and protest for what that GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) dictatorial technocracy really is.


GuillottineThe great Soviet dissident Bezmenov that I helped take refuge in Canada in the early 70s was right when he was telling me that the Soviet Union would be dissolved, made to fall smoothly, over the following years, but its Communism would not die. Communism would be made to fall without a destructive revolution only in order to get it moved and reborn 'more to the west' (he meant in both Europe and the USA, starting with Europe) in an improved way through what he called a Fresh Start of "Improved Communism", as a kind of new ESU (European Soviet Union) to start with, in order for Europe to open the path to a farther move of Communism to the USA, and finally to an eventual One-World-Government of more successful Communism of pure totalitarian Fabian Socialism. The Fresh Start 'more to the west', according to Bezmenov, would be achieved as an Improved Communism this time without making the 2 fatal mistakes that Moscow had made in the Soviet Union, rebuilding the system on better grounds: first, essentially ensuring a new kind of massive enslavement achieved not/not through the useless low class, but through the productive middle class (via high taxes and many levels of legislation), and second, not overspending on ruinous military expenses. Is this not exactly what is happening at the moment in the EU, or rather the new ESU (European Soviet Union) to start with?


In the meantime, the Soviet Union did collapse in 1991, and the EU palaces of Brussels have also become the new palaces of an Improved Communism, 'more to the west', as a kind of "Nouvelle Versailles" with its GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) nomenclature. The antidemocratic abuse of power of the EU has clearly become a kind of gargantuan new ESU (European Soviet Union) nomenclature. It is so arrogantly extreme that it would be no surprise if, one day, God forbid, this new nomenclature really becomes considered, by a majority of Europeans, as a real "Nouvelle Versailles" deserving the same ugly fate that the old one attracted to itself some 225 years earlier, for not having realized soon enough the amount of harm and sufferance it was causing. Today, following the better strategy that Bezmenov was talking about, the "Nouvelle Versailles" of the new ESU is proceeding more deceitfully than the Soviet Union, enslaving the middle-class that is blindly busy working hard for producing wealth for everybody, while keeping the low-class quiet, through overly abundant and unmeritorious social welfare, while keeping the high-class happy through abusive corporate welfare amounting to "legal criminality". One day, Marie Antoinette, the archduchess of Austria married to Luis XVI, the king of France living in Versailles, arrogantly said: "If people do not have bread anymore, then they can eat 'galette' instead". Thus the modern French proverb: "Faute de pain, on mange de la galette", as a kind of "Tough it, if you cannot afford bread, eat <galette>, as this is all you deserve and will ever get from now on!". But this deserved her to have her head chopped on the guillotine.


This is the state in which too many taxpayers of the new ESU (European Soviet Union) are finding themselves already, like typically most citizens of Greece in the last few years, since 2008 in particular. In many cities of Greece and Portugal at the moment, more and more people do not even afford "galette" easily anymore. Soon after Marie Antoinette made her arrogant statement however, she had her head chopped off by the guillotine, and certainly could not eat even 'galette' herself anymore. The GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials of the EU should probably start to act with less arrogance, not following the example of Marie Antoinette, in order to avoid attracting to themselves any kind of more modern guillotine that could chop, maybe not their heads, but most likely their current immense and undeserved privileges, and their falsely elegant lifestyle achieved through too much measures of enslavement against the people paying for them.


Interestingly enough, the current ESU (European Soviet Union) leaders should not make the additional mistake that could not be made in the Soviet Union at the time: to think they can finally achieve this enslavement more easily than Luis XVI and Marie Antoinette, because they now have the benediction of a New World Order pope called Francis, as the oddest of all popes who, for the first time, is quite openly complicit in supporting fully, and pursuing mainly, a clearly non-religious destructive agenda of global enslavement through unaccountable globalism, like the one of the EU. Even if he tries to save face in talking often about social justice, he recently explicitly revealed what he really is. He said he was in favor of a form of supranational governance even much more powerful than the EU, even at a global level worldwide, which can only mean a privileged nomenclature exploiting dictatorially a poor proletariat. Fraudulently elected Francis is a good image of many fraudulently elected GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) national leaders. He is complicit of the additional sufferance imposed by the EU through welcoming massive immigration (except of course within the Vatican) of irreconcilable cultures and religions, not to mention his new nihilistic and/or relativistic approach to all traditional western values, let alone his supporting also the even more catastrophic Agenda 21-30 of the UN causing even more global enslavement and more cultural destruction around the world. A violent revolution is never desirable because it always has too many dangerous side effects, but to avoid a revolution, real democracy and justice are necessary. The rise of many anti-EU populist movements in various European countries at the moment, all trying to excavate the bottom of the ESU (European Soviet Union) pyramid, with the hope to crumble its top, is probably a serious warning sign that ESU officials must soon adjust their arrogant management in a less dictatorial way, before it is too late and they face their own crumbling, or at least their own passage from a palace to a jail, if not to a new type of revolutionary guillotine of character assassination, hopefully not physically, but certainly legally, or at least figuratively in front of the European public opinion. Enough is enough! Too much is too much! And the Greeks are probably the first ones to have a legitimate right to say this, strongly and loudly, let alone the citizens of many other ESU (European Soviet Union) countries animated in growing numbers by the rise of dangerous populist movements.







About External Dependence the bad entourage of Supranational Organizations


Brus$elsBusiness_RoundTableThis Entourage of the EU, or rather the new ESU (European Soviet Union), is of the worst kind, and highly criminal. A good confirmation of the EU dictatorial power is the Fascism that hides behind it. We can legitimately call this entourage as EU Fascism between government and corporations, whereby the big banks and the big industrialists of various European countries literally dictate the march of the EU. This Fascism is hidden behind the deceitful name and discrete existence of the ERT (European Round Table), also often qualified graphically as the "Brus$els Business of the Industrialists".


As the ERT website itself claims, "The European Round table of Industrialists (ERT) is a forum bringing together around 50 Chief Executives and Chairmen of major multinational companies of European parentage covering a wide range of industrial and technological sectors. Companies of ERT members are widely situated across Europe, with combined revenues exceeding Euro 2,135 billion".(or 2.1 trillion).


But what that website will not/not tell the Europeans, even if most qualified insiders of the EU will confirm it, is that when the EU needs a new law, it relies heavily, most say nearly exclusively, on the legal expertise of the ERT for the redaction of that new law. Then the EU deceitfully publishes it under its own name and logo, as if it had been drafted by itself. Of course, as a corrupted result, the basic drafting inevitably makes sure it always responds, first and foremost, to the main interests of the ERT corporations involved, not the best interests of the European taxpayers.


In the process of having the law approved, through the many huge and powerful lobbies involved, it is widely claimed by the most investigative journalists and whistleblowers that huge bribes are paid to MEPs (Members of the European Parliament) or other EU GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials to ensure the primary protection of the ERT corporations involved. And their primary corporative interests will be protected even when the end result involves practices that will facilitate most destructive offshoring and outsourcing, thus create more profits for the corporations but, by the same token, more additional misery for the common European workers and taxpayers.


This damage can be done either directly or through additional layers of external dependence like the WTO (World Trade Organization) or the TTIT (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership), let alone the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) sharks hiding in the background, hoping for their main friendly corporations to get contracts or not to be damaged by any new EU initiatives. A typical case has been the UK that was not even part of the EURO zone at the time: a growing number of its laws, some 85% of them as last estimation, were not drafted by the UK Parliament, but by the EU, but in fact they were not even drafted by the EU, as they were drafted by the ERT on behalf of the EU. The case of the UK got to be better known, and this is probably what led it to BREXIT, but this incredible lack of sovereignty is still happening today mutatis mutandis, in the same kind of proportions, in all the 27 countries left as member states of the EU. The incredible aspect of this is that we are talking about a lack of sovereignty of members states not to an external supranational entity that they have decided to join, called the EU, but to a private external entity above or around the EU that hides under the deceitful name of ERT


In other countries this external loss of sovereignty reaches maximum possible levels. In Greece for example, the EU does not only draft most of its laws through the ERT, but even its budgets, which in fact are not even drafted by the EU, but by the IMF (that itself has a total submission to the USA) in collaboration with the ECB, the World Bank and the ERT. who are all GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials of the Sweat elites. This is a complete scam of enslavement for all these countries, and their loss of sovereignty and dependence under multi-layers of external powers hiding in the background amounts to total enslavement. This is the kind of external dependence that has to be eliminated and that is certainly radically eliminated in a FtatAristarchy.


And all the EU countries are in a similar situation of gradual enslavement that grows in intensity every year that goes by, except, interestingly enough, of course, in Germany. From this point of view, the EU very much looks like the Fourth Reich finally achieved by Germany, but without a war with bombs this time, only with deceit and EU Corporative Fascism. Maybe the critics that talked about the Nazi Roots of the EU are not so far out in their appreciation. More than Nazi Roots however, maybe they should call it the Communist/Fascist Roots of the EU, because it has roots in a kind of Improved Communism mixed with Fascism that was moved "More To The West" to use the expression of the Soviet dissident Bezmenov, after it softly fell but did not die in the Soviet Union. Its acquisition of a joint Fascist nature is the part of the Improved Communism that was fine-tuned in China. The real sense of the word "Fascism" should probably describe better what happened with the EU, as the Communist Regime of Lenin in the Soviet Union, the Fascist Regime of Mussolini in Italy and the Nazi Regime of Hitler in Germany were in their real nature one and the same thing: Fascism to its outmost degree. This total Fascism has also been fine-tuned by the new form of Fascism that has existed in China in the last few years and is now being applied quickly to the whole world through the well engineered crisis called COVID. With the full fascistic EU implementation, the UN will be ready to complete the Master Plan of the Sweat elites to arrive as soon as possible to a fully dictatorial One-World-Government. The EU is ready to give an outmost contribution to this globalization process as it has inherited from all of the above 4 forms of Fascism while having learnt to deceitfully put a better face of fake democracy on their worst aspects.






About External Dependence from External Rackets of Extortion


There exist many types of rackets of extortion of national power through undue external dependence. For example, most critics who have studied the EU system extensively call the EU a 'Racket of Extortion' and it is probably the worst kind that exists at the moment in the Western World.  Their opinion is based in particular on the involvement of ERT Round Table of Brussels in the drafting of most of the EU laws while this Round Table isbeingga private lobby and corporative external power that is totally unaccountable to absolutely noGUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) in relation to all EU citizen, both directly and indirectly. TTT Racket ExtortionFor these experts, this racket is even more obvious when taking into consideration the additional collaboration and interplay of ERT with organizations like the new TTITT((Transatlanticc Trade andd Investmentt Partnership) that is already in place, or the TISA (Trade In Services Agreement) that is constantly being negotiated, let alone the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership). They form the so-called TTT Racket Extortion Pyramid. These 4 organizations, the TTIP, the TISA, the TPP and the EU are all real "Rackets of Extortion" of national sovereignty aiming at helping the eventual arrival of a dictatorial One-World-Government serving the Master Plan of full globalization.


Overall, for the investigative experts, the EU itself is in particular a major andclearr a racket of extortion, affecting negatively the people involved in a closer and more direct way, more than the other 3 above. Their rackets take money from people (the taxpayers), without a base of elected authority, and give it to those GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials working for the Sweat elites, like the officials of the new nomenclature of the ESU (European Soviet Union) in the case of the EU. Of course, they do so without any level of accountability to those taxpayers from whom the money was extorted unduly in the first place, and with full impunity.


True or not, these extorting organizations, and the EU in particular, are certainly not democratic at all, rather the opposite. At best, the EU is a hidden Corporatocracy, not to say a form of Fascism, that is, a form of governance based on a corrupted collaboration between private corporations and government. It is also certainly at least an additional supranational level of Debtocracy over the national level, in full complicity with usurious debt-money organizations like the IMF, the ECB, or the World Bank. This ugly coalition is always acting over the national level of Debtocracy already affecting all the EU national countries involved. Just ask the citizens of Greece if you feel this is not the case.


In any case, it is certainly a perfect "democracy deception" that most people will not easily realize, or rather, by design and social engineering, not be made to realize consciously, because the mainstream media that could bring the deception to their attention also receive cascading privileges from the system, let alone frequent bribes, and consequently protect or hide the the ugly aspects of the globalization system, while protecting their jobs by not daring to criticize the system. The media should normally be the best protector of democracy, but because the press is in bed with the government, and the journalists are in bed with the politicians, and all are in bed with Big-Money Overpower owning all the main media in a world cartel network, the mainstream media will not play that vital function anymore, and they will always be pushed to protect the system subserviently instead of confronting it with proper investigative journalism. Investigative journalism should be their natural and primary mission. That mission has essentially been annulled, and most media are now acting mostly as unquestioning mouthpieces of the refined global system of enslavement, be it financial enslavement or cultural enslavement. Most journalists have completely abdicated their fundamental mission of defense of democracy through Truth. These presstitutes receive all sorts of money they do not want to lose, from their Sweat master governments or corporations owning their media, in terms of benefits, subventions and publicity, let alone bribes. They are also afraid to ruin their careers, and possibly even lose their jobs, if they dare to criticize their GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) masters. In other words, not only the role of governments is a complete "democracy deception" but the role of the mass media acting in these false democracies is also a complete "Media Deception" of constant fake news compounding the basic "democracy deception".


For historical reasons, Greece is made the first victim of these rackets of extortion and meant to fall or be completely subjugated first, even through a double crisis, economic and cultural. It might be just about the poorest country in Europe from an economic point of view, but it is certainly the richest in terms of ideas of democracy, liberty and general Philotimo at the source of what we can still call civilization today. Consequently, it has to be drained dry first as, with its historical culture, it is potentially the main enemy of the full globalization being attempted today. Unfortunately a growing number of citizens of other EU nations, even their journalists, are gradually falling into the same trap without realizing it, even defending the unnoticed ESU (European Soviet Union) system of enslavement, nearly enjoying it through a kind of Stockholm Syndrome whereby the victim falls in love with his guardian-persecutor.


Ukraine is another good candidate being pushed to fall in this trap and to start enjoying the enslaving tortures of the concentration camp called EU. Some other countries that are already in it, like Hungary, are starting to wake up and put into question the "democracy deception" , but overall, the propaganda is very successful in keeping all members under the Syndrome of Stockholm. This is for the EU citizens. For the EU mainstream media instead, we often have the impression that they are affected by a kind of Stendhal Syndrome, entering in ecstasy in front of the assumed beauty of a clear system of enslavement, but maybe their enchantment is mainly due to the cascading financing, and the related privileges and bribes they collect on their path by subserviently serving and defending the overall system of globalization and extortion.


And all the above refers mainly to the EU as a false and deceptive form of democracy in its most obvious form. If you get a level up, at the UN level, the organizations that is often criticized as the "Dictators Club", the situation of "democracy deception" is less obvious, but much worse, as a sad reality that we have exposed in a previous section. This is the current kind of UNN (United No-Nations), or the UN from which we shall leave or that we shall defund if a profound more democratic reform is not made to their fully GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) organization.







About External Dependence from Social Engineering Entities and Black Budgets


There are many other more private or more well hidden entities of "democracy deception"  hiding in the background and operating mainly on black budgets for purposes of social engineering helping the globalization process of the Sweat elites. A FtatAristarchy will always expose them and avoid interactions with them as much as possible. The worse example might be probably the least well known, but probably also the most dangerous one, called the Tavistock Institute. The falsely-representative Debtocracy we live in today, or certainly that non-representative Corporatocracy governing us, sells itself deceitfully as a democracy in various ways, through the modern social engineering of the rampant Fabian Socialism of the last two centuries, in particular through its worst incarnations into its various expressions which is probably the Tavistock Institute since after WWII.


Tavistock InstituteThis incredible institute was established in 1946. It is unknown to most people, and probably the best hidden-in-plain-sight network of organizations of the globalizing New World Order to propound fear-based forms of propaganda that frighten the middle classes into giving up wealth, and into accepting growing restrictions to their liberty. Even if it is unknown to practically all people, the Tavistock has some 400 subsidiaries and some 3000 think-tanks that it finances around the world, discretely imposing destructive dominant social themes to the middle class of the western world in particular.


Their hidden objective is to create a One-World-Government by breaking down the traditional values and concepts of family, nation and education, while promoting an anti-intellectual culture for a new type of youth that is the opposite of the traditional culture of the youths who were formed in the past through a holistic education of the human Tetractys, dominated by the ELL (Hellenic) philosophical attributes of logic, ethics, freethinking, beauty and a virtuous personal behavior based on a choice of cardinal virtues.


It is mind boggling that such an institute can spend a huge global yearly budget of some 6 billion dollars in public money, intending to do essentially damage to the middle class, spend these huge sums mainly in forms and layers of black budgets, and have it financed by the same people destined to suffer the damage, that is, financed by the taxpayers of the middle class, and without scandals, or even legitimate questions ever being raised by the presstitutes of the mainstream media. Tavistock is probably the biggest and most powerful institute of mind control working worldwide against real democracy, and in favor of Corporatocracy or Debtocracy, operating totally unknown to most people to whom they have the mission to make them believe, through a wide variety of discrete interventions, that they live in a democracy. What an incredible success! Or rather what a magisterial deception!


In the meantime, most western governments, supposedly working as democratic institutions, also operate like Tavistock, using huge Black Budgets of public money with complete unaccountability and impunity. Through this hidden money they spend billions of dollars and euro that regularly disappear completely from public scrutiny. In fact, most of these millions and billions in taxpayers money disappear without any scrutiny at all, not external public scrutiny, nor internal scrutiny at government-wide level, not even at parliamentary level.


This is typically the case for example of the black budget of the White House operated mainly from the Military Office related to the White House. Could this be the explanation as to why NATO could not account for a 2,3 trillion (yes, with a "t") in transactions a few years ago, as admitted to CBS by Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, in 2002? And why the office of the Pentagon that was hit by a plane or a missile, on 911, was exactly the office from which these trillions were presumably managed and extracted, and could possibly have been traced and accounted for if that particular accounting office had not been destroyed by the so-called terrorist act of 911?


As for the FED (the private cartel of the Federal Reserve central bank creating the American usurious debt-money out of nothing, and that saved dozens of their associated friendly banks supposedly "Too Big To Fail" around the world during the crash of 2008, giving them billions in taxpayers money, the Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman admitted another situation similar to what happened at NATO, but for even much bigger sums, for up to about 9 trillions, when speaking to Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Orlando) in 2009. And many of these black budgets serve, in addition to conduct covert operations abroad, and to build huge FEMA concentration camps at home, to build secret underground DUMB bunkers and tunnels, in fact entire underground cities, like the one that is claimed to be under the Denver International Airport. They also serve to finance a secret network of black budget institutions like the Tavistock Institute. that are totally GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) institutions. These strange semi-covert institutions will serve to eventually protect the corrupted banking and corporative Sweat elites when the great collapse of the world economy will be brought about as the Great Reset in order to have a perfect pretext to formalize the advent of a One-World Government along with a new One-World Currency in a Cashless Society under the command of the Sweat elites.


How much bigger can democracy deception get to be, if even trillions in taxpayers money already get unaccounted for, and nobody gets to jail for this incredibly huge mismanagement, with no senior officials of government being asked, or forced, to at least present their resignations. This huge mismanagement should be sufficient cause for even responsible presidents themselves being prosecuted for impeachment, with much more justification than to try to impeach a president like Clinton for receiving oral sex from a female support staff within the White House. This is like saying that a blow job is more important and more expensive than trillions of black budget money being spent in a totally GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) way. But not even any of the best journalists raise questions about this absurdity because they are afraid they would probably lose their jobs soon after they would have investigated and written forcefully about such scandals involving huge sums of black money, let alone possibly also loose their life for doing it. This is totalitarian omnipotence with full impunity on the part of the worst GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) Sweat elites managing our countries. It is certainly not democracy except full democracy deception.


In addition to handling huge Black Budgets, government officials also enjoy huge amounts of Dark Money during election campaigns. This could never happen in a FtatAristarchy that, by definition can only be FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) compliant. This Dark Money for elections does not go through the committees of the campaigns themselves, as official donations done this way must be disclosed and limited on the basis of existing legislation. This Dark Money is hidden in nonprofit groups set up expressively for this purpose. In this way, it is practically impossible to identify who the real funders are. These fake organizations thus obliterate the natural right of the electors to know who is behind their candidates with corrupting Big-Money Overpower and who is paying the mammoth electoral expenses that are obviously needed to finance most electoral campaigns of most politicians in most western countries. Again, this is just another element of Democracy Deception that all electors and most journalists will not even think of questioning, let alone investigating, as it is corresponding to what they have been socially engineered to accept as political correctness through a network of Dark Money entities like the Tavistock Institute.  


In short, what we call today "Democracy" is not democracy but a form of external dependence on a network of completely GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) entities of the Sweat elites managing our countries. That so-called "Democracy" is complete Democracy Deception, as it is a essentially a combination of Corporatocracy and Debtocracy. This is probably why the famous German economist Hans Hermann Hoppe concludes wrongly that Monarchy has been, and would be still today, much better than Democracy, meaning pure Monarchy, and not the representative monarchies we have at the moment in some western countries, like typically England. Author Hans Hermann Hoppe reaches that conclusion in his otherwise excellent little book titled: "From Aristocracy, to Monarchy, to Democracy" with the subtitle "A Tale of Moral and Economic Folly and Decay". The tale of moral and economic folly and decay is true, but only in relation to the fake democracy, or the Debtocracy that we still pretend to call "Democracy" today because of the power and success of the political correctness imposed on us on a daily basis by the presstitutes of the mainstream mass media also fully controlled by the Corporatocracy, and by a network of entities of social engineering with dark budgets like the Tavistock Institute.


That Debtocracy or Corporatocracy is definitely not democracy. The term "Democracy" should be reserved to the form of government that was invented by Ancient-Greece: a democracy managed on the basis of merit, by the "Aristos", or the "Ablest", or the most capable ones on a basis of natural talents and acquired skills, in a kind of "AblestOcracy". In this way, it was definitely a direct and participative democracy by all citizens, and not by distant and corrupted representative politicians or GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) entities hiding in the background. Admittedly, this form of direct and participative democracy based on merit was easier in Ancient-Greece, as it was managed mainly at a reasonable city-size level. But with the perfect means of instant worldwide communications of today's world, what was possible at the city level in Ancient-Greece is now perfectly possible at the level of a whole country, even a big country. This is what a FtatAristarchy claims it can do. This is also why the term FtatAristarchy should be reserved for what is, in practice, a well implemented and full FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) compliant democracy.


One thing is sure, the Democracy that the western world has pretended to export in the rest of the non-democratic world over the last decades, mostly through destructive wars, is the outmost degree of a complete fraud and deception. Typically, in the at least 26 non-democratic countries that the USA has invaded since WWII, while telling us they were doing so in order to change their governments to more democratic forms, not even one of them has become a democracy. In fact, all of them are now worse dictatorships than they were before their invasion. Afghanistan can serve as the best unique example at the moment. In addition, in all of these invaded countries the people who have pursued the maintenance of our best western values of freedom and democracy, let alone patriotism, in particular in the last few decades, are also persecuted more actively and more cruelly now than before their invasion.

Mixing Religion with Governance





About External Dependence from Religious Institutions


For a FtatAristarchy, the biggest form of interference in governance after the elimination of the interference of supranational or external organizations, may come from religion. A FtatAristarchy is not against religion, but clearly against any church institution that may try to interfere with governance. Religions as a faith is one thing, and most of them are essentially good, but Religions as Institution are something else, and most of them are often bad in terms of enslavement of their members. If a FtatAristarchy is not against religion, it has a complete separation of church institutions and state. This separation is not an easy task already in the case of the Christian Church and the state, but it is a major task in the case of the Jewish Synagogue and the state, and in particular in the case of the Islamic Mosque and the state as these latter two tend to want to fully melt their religious institutions with the state.


Abrahamic Family House

The above Abrahamic Family House is the best symbol of the One-World-Religion (or: Panthriskia) so badly wanted by Pope Francis , as a veiled Marxist Judeo-Jesuit acting for the benefit of the global Sweat elites pursuing a dictatorial One-World-Government. for the enslavement of the rest of us. We have seen that god Allah (in the Quran of Islam) and god Yahweh (in the Bible of Judaism) both call, constantly, openly and explicitly, for all sorts of violent crimes to be committed by their faithful. In spite of this, Christian Pope Francis calls them religions of peace, which clearly they are not, just like his Muslim friend Obama did. In the case of Islam, as seen in the book titled “Obamallah” by Pietro Castagneri, prefaced by a grown Muslim who is a great intellectual and journalist, this is much more explicit. For Islam, crimes like Jihad and Fatwa assassinations or wars, rape, pedophilia, beheadings, women oppression and genital mutilations are part of their daily life as forms of constant violence certainly not justified by a "Religion Of Peace", unless it is a fake religion of peace. In the name of Allah, they have also massacred or killed some 670 million non-Muslims "Infidels" since the creation of Islam. In the case of Judaism the constant violence of Jews (mainly through Fake-Jews) is less direct or immediately understood, and usually much less explicit, but not less obvious and criminal for attentive observers with brains to think. This includes the financing all sorts of unnecessary wars and revolutions that have killed or maimed at least 231 millions of people in only the 20th century, and financing both sides of these unnecessary wars for only profit. Most dramatically, it even includes the financing of the perpetrators of the Holocaust against six millions of their own fellow Jews in order to have the justification to create the Zionist State of Israel after WWII, as a prerequisite for the eventual formation of the Greater Israel as soon as possible (through the constant wars of balkanization of the Middle-east) with JerUSAlem becoming the capital of a dictatorial One-World-Government for the global enslavement of the rest of us. The recent sequence of major and magisterial false flags from 911 to the false Corona Virus pandemic were engineered under their leadership for exactly this purpose. With his activities and affirmations, illegally elected Pope Francis and the corrupted and deviated Judeo-Catholic Institution of the Vatican (since the Zionist Vatican Coup of 1962) are now clear accomplices of this global scam and conspiracy reality. Francis also commits clear treason against the Nazarene figure of the real Jesus who was not a Jew, and not even in any way an Abrahamic figure, but rather an ELL (“Greek”) figure commanding only love and forgiveness from his faithful. Pope Francis deep involvement in a leading role, in the creation of the above "Abrahamic Family House" attempting to unite the 3 Abrahamic religions in a global "Panthriskia" only confirms his treason against the real Jesus, which is well demonstrated also by his abandon of the traditional  moral and spiritual agenda of the Catholic Church, and his firm attachment to the civil globalist Agenda 21/2030 of the new Marxist UNN.    


However, the complete separation of institutional church and state is only in terms of the nation's public governance, and of its management of all public affairs. It does not affect what people can do from a religious point of view in their private life if it does not interfere with public governance and the national laws. In turn, the freedom of opinion and expression of all citizens, included religious people, is always absolute, as long as it is based on Truth and expressed without any physical violence. This is required by the fundamental FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) compliance of a FtatAristarchy.


Religion, in terms of religious institution, is basically a set of rules and regulations that are imposed to be believed by the faithful under the fear of some penalty in this life or in the after life. Put more bluntly, religion as institution means Dogma imposed by fear by those clerics who want to enslave the faithful. What is not permitted, as an enslaving factor, is not a religion in terms of personal faith, at the bottom of one's heart, as restrictive as that faith might be believed to be punitive on a personal basis, but a religion in terms of a social and economic institution imposing a uniformity of thinking as Dogma to all its faithful that may contradict norms and national laws established democratically by governance.


The only real religion that never became an institution of enslavement, and never used any sacred book, nor any form of dogma or fear to reduce its members to submission, was the Ellenic ("Greek") one. For this reason it was never called a religion by the other dogmatic religions, but always denigrated as paganism, mainly by the 3 Abrahamic institutional religions of the Sweat elites, the Christian one in particular. What most people do not realize however is that, in addition to the Ellenic religion, the other religion, after the main historical period of the Ellenic ("Greek") religion, that was never intended by its founder to become an institution in order to enslave people was the one of Jesus, but the one of the real Jesus, not the one of the falsified Jesus that became the Judeo-Jesus of the official Christian Institution founded not by Peter, but by the Jew Saint Paul. The real Jesus "Church" was intended to be only a philosophical movement of love and compassion based on the ELL culture that was dominant in the Roman province of Galilea of which Nazareth was the capital. Because of this origin, Jesus was not a Jew but a master of Ellenic ("Greek") culture from Nazareth. Galilea was the only Roman province of "Palestine" to which the Roman Empire gave Roman citizenship. As such, the ELL Jesus had Roman citizenship and this is the reason why the Jews could not kill him directly without first asking the consensus of the local Roman Empire Consul. Apart from good ancient history books on this subject, evidence also comes from the fact that the Muslims of many Islamic states call the Christians as the "Nazarenes" because Jesus was from Nazareth and, for them, was not a Jew but an ELL figure.


Nazareth was the focal point of the ELL 'Greek' culture in all the extended 'Palestine' of those days. The genitors of Jesus, his father Joseph and his mother Mary, were both from that focal point of "Ellenic" ('Greek') culture in Galilea, and their primary basic family language was "Ellinika", that is 'Greek'. Of course they also spoke Aramaic, but as a common second language dominating the whole region at the time, somewhat like English does it today in many contemporary areas. The "Jewish" language of the time practically still did not exist except as a very primitive dialect that did not have any resemblance to what the main Jewish language is today. This is also why the sacred books of the 4 evangelists chosen by Jesus and who lived with Jesus were all written in 'Greek', while the rest of the sacred books of the BIBLE were written mainly in Aramaic, with some of its early books translated later on in Hebrew.


Trikas: Christ Was GreekAs mentioned before, Jesus, Joseph and Mary, the 3 of them, contrary to the Jews and to all the other tribes of the area at the time, also had Roman citizenship as they were from Nazareth, the capital of Galilea which was the focal point of the 'Greek' culture in the overall 'Palestine' of that time under the Roman Empire. Again, the Roman Empire only gave the province of Galilea the Roman citizenship, because this was the only culture they admired and respected in that colonial area at the time, while they were quite strongly discrediting the Jewish culture with which they had constant problems and conflicts. This is why, later on, the Jews could not kill Jesus directly and had to ask first for the concurrence of the local official of the Roman Empire before doing it, in order not to commit a serious crime against a Roman citizen which could have been punished by the death of the authors. The reluctant Roman official who allowed the crucifixion of Jesus was the Ponce Pilate who, in the end, knowing that Jesus was an ELL figure, and not being convinced at all that Jesus was a dangerous character, washed his hands to please the Jews in order to avoid additional social disturbance in his already difficult colonial province. A good book on this subject is the one of the Greek author Evanghelos Trikas: "Christ Was Greek". It is very well documented from the writings of old and ancient authors who were still not censored by a publishing world that was not yet fully under the control of the Judeo-Christian influence of the Sweat elites like it is today. For this reason, unfortunately, the book was never allowed by the Sweat elites of the NWO (New World Order) dominating the publishing sector of the western world today to be published in English or in any other important western language.


In fact, Jesus' teaching, claimed by all the Judeo-Christian institutions to be a religion, was really only an "Ellenic" (ELL 'Greek') philosophical movement born in Nazareth that, again, was, at the time, the focal point of the Greek "Ellenic" culture in the whole Middle-East. As such, Jesus wanted to reform the culture of the Jews, as essentially an enslaving culture based on dogma and on the activities of the Money Changers, and bring the Jews closer to the 'Greek' culture that was instead a culture of freedom of the ELL Idea Exchangers. He failed and consequently the culture of the Money Changers has been rampaging ever since, and is rampaging today through a fast-forming full Banktatorship. Jesus disturbed the Money Changers by even reversing their money tables in the temple and, for this, he was crucified.


Unfortunately this "Ellenic" ELL philosophical movement of Jesus was soon taken over by a Jewish squad headed by a Jew named Paul, who was a pure Jew who had never even once met Jesus during Jesus' lifetime. This is why, because of a Jew who is now called Saint Paul, who is considered by the Catholics today, and even by the rest of the Christian churches, as the real founder of their religion, over and above his more submissive colleague of ELL ("Greek") culture who was called Peter. This strange affirmation of Paul as the main founder, contradicting what Jesus himself had said about Peter, was reaffirmed recently and explicitly by the current Judeo-Christian pope Francis who is a Jesuit, that is, from a congregation founded by a Jew called Ignacio Loyola


This is why Christianity has along the way gradually accepted many Judaic traditions, including the ugly mutilating practice of circumcision that Jesus himself has denied having suffered from his ELL 'Greek' genitors. The religious holiday celebrating circumcision is an invention showing the early influence of Judaism on the Christian Church Institution because of Paul. For the 'Greek' ELL culture, that was the culture of the real Jesus, this is a barbarian body mutilation practiced even systematically by both Jews and Muslims, as a real crime that should never take place on a male child too young to express his free will. It could be admitted without being a crime only possibly as a voluntary operation on an adult man who is major of age. The same applies to the even uglier female clitoris excision practiced mainly by Muslims on so many of their women. For the 'Greek' ELL culture, if god created a man with a prepuce surrounding the gland of his penis, and that god is worthy of respect for his creation, then the barbaric body mutilation of circumcision, to either a man or a woman, should never take place, in particular on a child still incapable of even expressing his free will. In any case, it should never include the additional cannibal-like practice that often still takes place in the case of male circumcision, when the Synagogue official who did the circumcision eats the prepuce he just removed. In a FtatAristarchy, such practices of body mutilation, even for religious reasons, become a serious crime, except if practiced on a willing and consenting adult, as a request expressed formally in front of a notary with free witnesses.  


This kind of contradiction, or falsification of what Jesus said about the "ELL" ('Greek') figure of Peter as his possible successor, as opposed to the Jew that he never even met once in his life, called Paul, is also found today in many Judeo-Christian churches. For example, the "Jews for Jesus Messianic Movement" pretend that Jews can stay Jews and still love and believe in Jesus, but their movement is an openly Jewish Supremacist movement, Zionist to the core, hoping to have gullible Evangelical Christians join them. And they have good success in achieving this objective. The great fake evangelical preacher John Hagee is another example. His misleading main logo is "All the Gospel To All The World" (when what he means is 'all the Bible', because the Gospel should mean only what Jesus said according to the evangelists chosen by Jesus himself and who lived with Jesus, and thus exclude the rest of the Bible, including the "Letters of Saint Paul" as he was a Jew who never met Jesus even once during his lifetime), but this preacher also speaks constantly of the God of... Israel (who should be really Yahweh as the violent warlord god of the Bible that he was) and quotes heavily from all parts of the Ancient Testament of the Bible that were written entirely from much before Jesus existed, and have absolutely nothing to do with what the real ELL Jesus was and ever said. Certainly, Jews and their allied evangelicals espouse an Israel-Centric Theology that ignores in particular the plight of Arab Christians, not to mention the Muslims in the Holy Land. Preacher Hagee has even created the CUFI (Christians United For Israel) evangelical movement for this specific purpose.


In a nutshell, the drastic intervention of the Jew named Paul is the reason why the ELL "Ellenic" religious movement of the real Jesus was soon made an early enslaving religious institution of a Judeo-Falsified Jesus, in the first 3 centuries after his death. Today that early institution is a fully formed institutional tool of enslavement through fear and dogma, collaborating for this purpose with the other Abrahamic religions in order to arrive at the so-called Panthriskia pursued strongly today by the Judeo-Jesuit pope Francis.


That Panthriskia is required today by the current New World Order as a universal religion based on fear and dogma to reinforce the forthcoming tyranny of a One-World-Government of the Sweat elites. And the God of the Sweat elites is certainly not the god of the Greek philosophers, not even the Pantheistic Substance of Spinoza, not the Aristotle's Unmoved Mover, and certainly not the god represented by the real "Ellenic" ELL Jesus. That god can only be the warlord Yahweh of the Bible, if not Satan himself, as the god of the SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement Global World Order), certainly not the god of the 4 disciples of Jesus who wrote their 4 gospels. And this abusive god is being to this day supplicated explicitly for help in many liturgical ceremonies of the clerics of the Vatican itself, imploring openly and explicitly Lucifer in many of their liturgical prayers.


Globalists know that with a strong traditional institutional Catholic Church in particular, represented by the Vatican of prior to the Vatican Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II of 1962 to 1965, there could be no NWO (New World Order), or what we call the SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement Global World Order). From this point of view, for the Abrahamic triad of the Sweat elites managing the SEGWO, under the discrete leadership of its Zionist component, the strong Catholic Church as an institution has not to be dismantled, but transformed and used as a useful idiot, through full Judaic infiltration. This is exactly what has been happening since the Zionist Vatican Coup of 1962 and what is being completed now, today, since in particular the ousting of the traditional German pope Benedict, under the current reign of the Judeo-Jesuit pope Francis who was elected fraudulently for that exact purpose. See the Italian book of Antonio Socci: "Non 'E Francesco" ("This is not Francis") about his Conclave election fraud used to select Francis. This fraudulent pope was certainly not elected, but selected, by the Sweat elites fully dominating the Vatican since 1965.  


Eventually the enslaving religious institutions, those of Abrahamic descent in particular, were also transposed into many "secular religions", that is, converted into ideologies for even more enslaving power on the part of the Sweat elites running the new SEGWO autocracies or oligarchies of the more modern world. For Christianity, pope Francis is now the best representative of the approaching culminating point of this advanced SEGWO process of enslavement done by the Abrahamic religions, the Catholic Church in particular, through fear and dogma, This globalist ideology is very dear to Francis, explicitly so on his part, and is based on the secular Agenda-21/2030 of the UN, that is, of the current New World Order that we call SEGWO, wanting to enslave the whole world of any religious credo. The Thesis of this transformation looks more and more like it is Islam, while the Anti-thesis looks more and more like it is the network of the Judeo-Christian Institutions of various denominations being gradually melted into one single Judeo-Christo-Religion, behind the scene, out of which the Synthesis is likely to become what most members of this new coalition already call the new "Panthriskia" (worldwide ecumenical One-World Religion) at the service of a fast forthcoming One-World-Government, in order to arrive at the full SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement Global World Order) under the management of the Sweat elites, as per the Master Plan exposed in a previous chapter.     


The pregnancy of the Panthriskia is well advanced. It started with the Vatican Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II of 1962 to 1965. The two main popes related to that infamous Council were both Crypto-Judeo-Christian-Freemasons. The main one was the homosexual called Montini (Paul VI). His mother, called Giudetta, was a Jew, thus making him a Jew necessarily and automatically. According to Christian dogma that existed before his election, as a homosexual, a freemason and a Jew, he should never have become a pope, but rather excommunicated. Nevertheless, not only did he become a pope, as Paul VI, but he was also formally declared a Saint of the Catholic Church by the Vatican in 2018. He was a Crypto-Jew through whom the Jews engineered the final process of full Jewish infiltration of the Christian Church (making the Jews go "From Enemy To Brother" as per the book of John Connelly shown on the side). This Jewish infiltration by the Sweat elites is now practically complete with pope Francis who is also a Crypto-Jew, as a Jesuit that was a religious company founded by Ignazio di Loyola who was a Jew who never met Jesus even once in his lifetime and who supposedly converted to being what is called today a Marrano Christian, that is a Christian Fake-Jew.


Francis' main agenda as a pope is not mainly spiritual anymore, like it used to be with all previous popes, but secular, based basically on the UN Agenda 21/2030. At this point, most clerics inside the Catholic Church hierarchy of the Vatican today are incapable of resisting the evil that Judaism Incorporated poses from within and without. However, for a believing Christian person, becoming more spiritual does not mean becoming more religious from an institutional point of view. The Catholics wanting to maintain a spiritual agenda based only on the real ELL Jesus' teachings, not on the UN teachings, at the bottom of their heart, may have to just forget pope Francis' secular agenda until at least a new legitimate pope is finally elected, hopefully without electoral conclave fraud this time.


Pope Francis, in his pursuit of Panthriskia, is also trying badly to bring back the Protestants to the Catholic Church, that is bring them back under the influence of the newly Judaized Catholic Church. In light of the full infiltration of the Vatican by the Jews since the Vatican Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II of 1962 to 1965, this should not be too difficult as the Bible of the Protestants is, for all practical purposes, identical to the Jewish one, with 39 books all from the Ancient Testament. But which Bible is "The Bible"? And if "The Bible" is the "one and only" sacred book to be believed absolutely by all the faithful, how can there be so many bible versions with so many contradictions and inconsistencies between them? The Christian (supposedly only) Bible in comparison has 73 books (46 from the Ancient Testament) and has 27 additional books from the New Testament. The various formal versions of bibles, including over 100 integrated books, are also full of contradictions and inconsistencies between the various integrated books of the same version.


As amazing as this may be to someone not affected blindly by the Judeo-Christian dogma, these books of the Ancient Testament are also full of constant calls, hundreds of them, from a main god called Yahweh, to make massacres, conduct most destructive wars, including various forms of genocides and holocausts, in order for his Chosen People to eventually dominate over all other peoples, making these other peoples to be their obedient servants or slaves. These horrible facts and calls to wars and criminality are all undeniable, openly written in explicit letters of what is considered to be the most sacred book. To a simple unbiased person of good common sense not affected by fear and dogma, the Bible (all the books of the Ancient Testament) certainly and simply amounts, in all objectivity, to a book that does not deserve the qualification of "sacred", as it is a compound of dozens of booklets written with many contradictions, by various unknown authors over the course of many centuries, and with hundreds of calls to commit all sorts of horrible crimes.


The above alone begs for a good reflection. If all of it is true, and it is undeniably and factually true, it becomes obvious why a FtatAristarchy will never allow any interference of the religious institutions promulgating such a dreadful biblical culture common to all three Abrahamic religions as a credo of behavior that should pretend to prevail in any way shape or form over the norms good democratic governance based on the traditional ELL ("Greek") philosophical culture of Truth, freedom and beauty, let alone the overall Philotimo. For example, if the law decides that body mutilation of a child without defense through circumcision is a crime, the religious official practicing circumcision would commit a crime, and those preaching in favor of it on the basis of any part of any supposedly sacred book would be charged and sued for inciting criminal violence. This is only an example and there could be many others. But this is not accounting for the additional creepy stuff that follows, that is also true, as well documented information, and consequently as something that should also be included in our good reflection. 



Apart from the many versions of "the" BIBLE, and apart from their contradictions and their constant calls to commit crimes, the most modern findings of archeology have demonstrated that parts of the oldest version of the original BIBLE have been sneakily removed in order not to put the Jews under bad light with various forms of embarrassment. This is certainly the case of the Book of Enoch that still exists in at least one older version hidden in the library of the Vatican that is not accessible to the public at large. It is nowhere to be found in the more modern versions of the BIBLES used today. The reason is because that book talks about the Jews as the Nephilims, or the (defeated) "Rebel Demons" who pretended to be superior to God, and in particular to be superior to all other peoples of Planet Earth.


This is nevertheless still the same pretention of the Jews today, and consequently they still claim they have the right to dominate the world with all the other peoples being their servants. Whistleblowers who have had access at the Vatican to the missing Book of Enoch of the Bible say that this book affirms that Paul (the real founder of the Christian Church according to Pope Francis, and not Peter according to what Jesus himself explicitly said he wanted) was himself of Nephilim descent, consequently of the Luciferian descent of the "Rebel Demons" called the Nephilims. The Christians usually call the latter more descriptively, as the "Fallen Angels", which is wrong as, according to the older literature of the ELL culture, these bad demons who rebelled against God were never any angels under God, but only some kind of human-like ETs (Extra Terrestrials) coming from some other distant galaxy. As such, Paul's mission, as a Nephilim, was to ruin from the beginning the Jesus' philosophical ELL movement that was supposed to be led, as per the explicit request of Jesus, by the ELL ('Greek') figure called Peter, and not by Paul as Pope Francis falsely claims. One can understand why modern World Jewry has suppressed the Book of Enoch from the current official version of the Bible and why the only existing copy with the Book of Enoch is kept very secretly hidden within the thick walls of the library of the Judeo-dominated Vatican in Rome, totally inaccessible except to those very few in the know.


The mission of the Nephilim called Paul was consequently to push instead for the formation of a brand new powerful 'Christian' institution, not a religion. That institution would be put by him under strong Judaic vigilance in the background, which is what we call today the World Jewry, or what has mutated later on into the Zionist component of the Sweat elites, with an eventual strong money power for the benefits of the Nephilim Money Changers, and consequently also with the ability to achieve eventually complete Judaic world domination with the institutional suppression of freedom through fear and dogma.


His mission was to include, if and when necessary along the way, the commission of any crime that might be useful for the growth and protection of this institution. This is for example exactly what most flagrantly happened later on, during the Inquisition period and the numerous Wars of Religion. But this is also today what happens through the Judeo-Jesuits. If you read the oath of the senior officials of the Jesuits, you will read explicitly that they are allowed to commit any kind of crime without sin, including assassinations, when these crimes serve the objectives of world domination they have set for themselves and their minions in positions of power around the world. 






About External Dependence on the Abrahamic culture against of the Hellenic culture


This destructive culture has existed from the beginning and to prevail, it required the destruction of the main culture that had prevailed for centuries before and after the influence of Saint Paul. Many historical events confirm it. This is what had happened for example with the killing of Hypatia and the destruction of the 'Greek' library of Alexandria in 415 AD. This is what happened ever since in particular since the holding of the Christian Council of Nicea of 325 AD, under the Roman Emperor Constantine who was a Judeo-Fake-Christian Nephilim who ordered the systematic destruction of the "Ellenic" ELL culture (which has caused the biggest and longest of all Holocausts) in the name of Jesus, while he was secretly a worshiper of Saturn through his intensive participation to the roman winter festival of the Saturnalia. As such he was a Nephilim worshiper of "Santa", which is only an anagram of Satan that we unknowingly welcome today each year as Christmas as Santa Claus. As such Christianity has gradually been transformed into a kind of Judaism for the Gentiles (the non-Jews), that is, in what it is clearly becoming today under the influence of the Sweat elites' pope Francis. This Nephilim Luciferian activism looks very much like today's Zionist activism, and is more and more obvious to us today through the Zionist complete domination of the Hollywood entertainment, and of other entertainment providers with full Luciferian symbolism, like the one we could clearly see in the opening scenarios of major world-vision events like the 2012 Olympics in London, or the USA Super Ball on a yearly basis, let alone the Satanic SEGWO background scenarios of too many of the current shows of the most famous singers today like Lady Gaga or Madonna.   


Vlasis_EsEdaphosFereinIn fact, even in terms of personal life, the commandments of personal conduct of the Bible do not for example order not to kill, but not to kill "between yourselves" , which means only not between Jews. In turn, the same crimes are ordered to happen, openly, explicitly and directly by Yahweh himself, hundreds of times in the Bible, as a normal practice in relation to "others" who do not belong to the "Chosen People" of the "between yourself" category. From this point of view again, to an outsider with plain common sense, the Bible appears to be just about the most immoral book ever written, full of blatantly criminal acts, and with an immorality coming from god himself, not from man. This god Yahweh of the Bible clearly and openly orders hundreds of times to commit all sorts of crimes, like massacres, genocides and, strangely enough, holocausts of only all men of other tribes while saving and raping all women of these "others". This supposedly sacred book, in light of its massive content and calls for acts of immorality and criminality by Yahweh, cannot logically be from "the" ideal deific entity that most people like to call "God". If it is not from God, and if it is so criminal in its content, then a person of common sense would probably be right to think it is most probably from Satan.


It is undeniable that the warmonger 'god' of the Bible appears to be clearly an extremely evil one. To outsiders that warmongering can only be from "a" god. In fact, the Jew who is considered to have founded Christianity, Saint Paul, not only had not even once met Jesus in his life, but said explicitly that, while you should adore only one god, "there are many gods". Consequently this supposedly converted Jew became not a monotheist regarding Jesus, but only a mono-idolater for the benefit of the new religious institution that he intended to build through a deformation of what the real Jesus was, and through the prerequisite complete holocaust of the members of the non-institutional but philosophical movement of Jesus based on the ELL ('Greek') culture that was his, coming from Nazareth.


The inclusion of the "Letters of Saint Paul" in the New Testament, and the consideration of the New Testament as part of the Bible was a terrible mistake on the part of the new Judeo-Christian Institution founded by Saint Paul, as it associates closely an ELL god like Jesus, probably of pure Elohim descent from his mother, preaching only love and compassion, with a Nephilim warlord god called Yahweh commanding continuously the commission of all sorts of violent crimes by his faithful.  


In addition to the many Bible versions that all seem to be gradually accepted as sacred, even if full of contradictions between themselves, and full of calls from a warlord god to commit all sorts of horrendous crimes, the Vatican under pope Francis is now also inviting many Muslims to come to pray together at the Vatican, including with the reading of many excerpts of the Quran of Islam that are considered as having also an Abrahamic origin and thus a kind of biblical force. And be it clear that Allah, the warmonger god of the Quran of Islam is himself no second player at all to the Jewish warmonger god called Yahweh in terms of constant calls to commit all sorts of horrible wars and crimes, from genocides to holocausts, in order to arrive at a supremacy of its faithful over all other peoples.


How then can we not qualify the related religions of Judaism and Islam as tools of pursuit of world enslavement for the supremacy of their respective faithful, at the cost of even the most evil crimes of the opposite culture based on a philosophy of enlightened freedom (ELL) instead of fear and an enslaving dogma? Except for the 4 books of the Gospel of the New Testament (of the evangelists who lived with Jesus, which should exclude the "Letters of Saint Paul" who was a Jew who never met Jesus even once during his lifetime), this melting pot of biblical literature certainly has nothing at all to do with the real Jesus. The ELL ("Greek") figure of the real Jesus who was not a Jew but an Ellen, definitely has nothing at all to do with Abrahamic Judaism, except maybe for his effort to try to change and improve the Jewish culture of the Money Changers (Jews) and to bring it closer to the culture of freedom of the Idea Exchangers of the philosophy of Ancient-Greece, nor anything at all to do with Islam. The BIBLE as a whole, in relation to Christianity, has only to do with a falsified Jesus figure, and thus with only the deviated Christian Institution that also seeks world domination, just like Judaism and Islam. Because of this, all 3 "Abrahamic" religious institutions have already caused the biggest and longest Holocaust in the history of humanity, against the ELL ("Greek") culture, and they are still working to exterminate the remnants of that culture today through the current Double Greek Crisis.


In the meantime, this pernicious rapprochement of the currently corrupted Catholic Church institution with both Judaism and Islam is an essential composite to pursue the advent of the Panthriskia which shall become probably the best tool of the Master Plan of SEGWO enslavement of the mass of uneducated peoples around the world in order for the Sweat elites to finally achieve full domination with a One-World Religion, a One-World Government, a One-World Currency, and a One World Army. All of this One-World Governance is meant to be eventually based in Jerusalem, as per the Master Plan, after the fall of the USA, the fall of the EU, the fall of the Vatican as an institution, the later fall of China used to fine-tune the Improved Communism, and the final construction of the Greater Israel from where to rule the world.


Could this be what many Illuminati intellectuals call the Long Saga To the Fake Pax Judaica? Is this why the third secret of Fatima is still not revealed, while some insider whistleblowers say that it has precisely to do with the destruction of the Christian Church as an institution through a Judeo-infiltration, along with an infiltration of an evil Luciferian force through the election of a fake pope with a new civilian agenda, the one of the UN, instead of a traditional spiritual agenda based on exclusively the teachings of the real Jesus? Does this not look very much like Pope Francis and his well-documented fraudulent election? Could this be the reason why so many Christian intellectuals at the moment talk about the destruction of Christianity through an infiltration of mainly Judaic forces in complicity with Islam? True or not, it is certainly a fact at the moment that since the Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II of 1965, the Jews finally went to be considered brothers, from 2000 previous years of being considered enemies by the Vatican, and the Judaic component of Sweat elites now appears to control discretely in the background the whole of the Roman Curia of the Vatican with the help of the fraudulent election of a Judeo-Jesuit pope called Francis.






Book of Socci: This is Not francis   BK Connelly From Ennemy To Brother







About External Dependence on Deviated Strong Religious Pulpits


Bible QuranThis long-last pursuit  of the Long Saga To the Fake Pax Judaica is even made easier at the moment due to the fact that, for all intents and purposes, and for the most part, the American pulpit that used to be probably the main Christian pulpit, is practically dead in terms of pure Christian tradition. This Christian pulpit is no more based on the real Jesus who was not a Jew, but on the fake Jesus of the Judeo-Christian institution that made Jesus a Jew.


Because of this transformation, the bulk of the American pulpit is now often described by religious experts as a kind of cohort of corporate CEOs, carnival barkers, entertainers, motivational speakers, denominational hacks, and groveling statists, in other words as those that The Holy Scripture identifies in another way: as hirelings, ear-ticklers, and wolves in sheep’s clothing that seem to be all working for the completion of the SEGWO. In particular, the supposedly Christian Evangelicals  & Pentecostals are deeply in bed with the Zionists of Judaism and often conspire with the corrupted Sweat elite members of the Vatican, of the American CIA, and of the Israeli Mossad to achieve false flag disasters like the 911 Twin Towers of NY and other scams serving their common aspirations of world domination through a strategy of fear. As seen above, it very much looks like the combination of the current COVID PlanDemic crisis and the ensuing PluckDowns are just another set of such major false flags, probably the biggest ever invented by the Sweat elites in the history of the last 2000 years.


Institutional and dogmatic religion is the 'best' form of mind control that was ever invented, that is the 'best' tool of global enslavement pursued by the current SEGWO managed mainly by the Judaic component of the Sweat elites discretely in the background. The pulpit of the Abrahamic institutional religions is the main executive power of this global enslaving tool.


This is why, in a FtatAristarchy, all proselytism outside of official religious quarters is strictly prohibited. People can be attracted to any religion they like and join their ranks, but proactive proselytism outside of appointed quarters for each religion is fully prohibited. At the moment, our secular Sweat elites seem to condemn proselytizing only when it is practiced by Christians, and never when practiced by Jews, or by Muslims in particular. All religious proselytism outside of appointed quarters must be equally prohibited, letting people to go freely themselves where they may be attracted to go from the bottom of their heart.


The only branch of the Abrahamic institutions that has not been successfully fully infiltrated so far by the Judeo-Jesuits of their Marxist leader Arturo Soza, or by the Judeo-Christian Vatican authorities, is the Russian Orthodoxy. This is why Russia is being denigrated and persecuted constantly as the main obstacle to the current SEGWO of full global enslavement. On the other hand, the SEGWO pursued by the Sweat elites has the New Age movement as a new important ally, as a movement founded by the Theosophical Society that was itself fully infiltrated by the Judeo-Jesuits after the death of their founder Mrs. Blavatsky. In light of the above, the final battle of global enslavement has not yet been fought, and the only world leader that can offer us some hope of not being won by the wrong Sweat elites side is probably the widely and unjustly discredited man called Vladimir Putin from Russia. For this reason, even if he is certainly not perfect we can only say: Long Live Putin! If he is criticized so much it is not because he is bad, but because he is an obstacle to the world supremacy of he Sweat elites pursuing world domination.


Today, except for Russian Christian Orthodoxy, most other Christian churches have become Judeo-Christians, knowingly or not, often being so as useful idiots. Until the 1990’s, the expression ‘Judeo-Christians defined exclusively the community of Jews converted to Christianity around St. James – a community which was dissolved after the rape of Jerusalem by the Romans. However, western institutional Christians gradually gave a large place in their practices to the Old Testament, which they defend forcefully, even if it has nothing to do with the real Nazarean non-Jewish Jesus of ELL ('Greek') culture, without realizing that the Jewish points of view often replace the original Christian points of view. On the contrary, eastern Christians, more faithful to the tradition of their predecessors, only rarely make reference to the Jewish writings of the BIBLE that all date back to much before Jesus existed, and they usually refuse to read them during their respective Eucharist liturgies.


A FtatAristarchy cannot have any dependence on religious institutions interfering with its governance. It forbids all interference of institutional religion in public affairs while leaving full freedom of religion as a personal faith. As an alternative, it proposes strongly and proactively a Return of Philosophy in our life, both private and public life, in order to replace enslaving religious dogma. For this reason, no religion can be taught in schools, but philosophy is a constant subject of all the educational process, from elementary school to the end of university at its highest levels. In fact, a FtatAristarchy aims at making all scientists as also philosophers, medical doctors in particular. This is the foundation of its new EthoPlasìn holistic education of the levels of the Tetractys of the human soul, and what it calls the Sacred Marriage of Science with Philosophy. Religion as a faith in private life can still exist freely but, in public life, FtatAristarchy governance ensures a replacement of the influence of institutional religion to the influence of philosophy. Of course this has to do with only the real philosophy as it was invented in Ancient Greece, and not with the fake contemporary philosophy that was completely downgraded to pure intellectual speculation, similar to what the Judeo-Christian contemporary art has done to downgrade the beauty of art as invented by Ancient-Greece. That philosophy was essentially a "Philosophical Way of Living" based on an agreed set of cardinal virtues aiming at the holistic formation accordingly of the various levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul. 


Let it be clear that while a FtatAristarchy ensures religious institutions cannot interfere with public governance, or that governance will not suffer any dependence from any religious institution, it also ensures that all religions are independent from the government and can be practiced privately. Religious institutions have no financial relation with the government in terms of favors, like tax exemptions. Their financing can only come from the contributions of their faithful members. In this way, under the principle of the full freedom of opinion, which is absolute in a FtatAristarchy, although they cannot interfere directly with governance, religious authorities are never cowardly afraid to challenge government action and legislation related to difficult or controversial social subjects like possibly LGBT+ sexuality or abortion. From this point of view however they are only expressing their full freedom of speech, just like any other plain citizen, as long as they do it without physical violence and do their lobbying in the proper places appointed for this purpose, just like any other type of lobbying.







About External Dependence on an Improper Fast Mix of DNA


Each type of living being has a DNA that, with few rare exceptions, cannot be easily mixed without catastrophic results. A lion is a lion. A tiger is a tiger. An elephant is an elephant. A mice is a mice. A cat is a cat. But even a dog Doberman is a Doberman that cannot be mixed with a dog poodle, even if both are dogs. At the human level, we find the same kind of inassimilable DNA without dangerous results and possible disaster. The Black human is from a beautiful race. The White human is also from a beautiful race. The yellow human is equally from a beautiful race. Each one of them should be proud of his DNA and each DNA should be protected as much as possible within its own most natural environment. Exceptions can happen and sometimes can even have good results, but they have to remain exceptions. The current political correctness prevents us from having such discourse without being accused of racism, but this accusation of racism is plainly ridiculous. This is not racism, but what we should rather call pro-racism for the protection of all beautiful types of human DNA. Our fake political correctness is killing the common sense of most people and many nations at the moment.


From a cultural point of view, we have a similar situation. Many cultures cannot be mixed in an exaggerated way without catastrophic results. In he western world, we have a cultural DNA that comes mainly, for its most beautiful part, from our Greco-Roman roots, not from our Judeo-Christian roots. These ELL (Enlightened Logos Liberty) roots of Philotimo have given us the best of what we can call civilization in the most developed world. Consequently these roots should be considered previous and well protected. The related ELL culture can also be a good inspirations for other world areas who want to improve their way of living.


What can save us from the fast forthcoming SEGWO of the Sweat elites destroying our best cultural roots at the moment? It can only be a Return of Philosophy to replace the influence of the dogma of the enslaving religions, and to influence positively all sciences and human behavior for the good of humanity. Again, this is what we call the Sacred Marriage of Science with Philosophy. This is one major objective of a FtatAristarchy. A call for the unification of the influence of the "Greek" ELL diaspora around the world is also important for this purpose. The Greeks who invented the ELL culture have left their DNA all around the world since the time of the Pelasgians at least some 5000 years ago when, going West, they reached and explored all of the "Americas" from Chile to Canada, as the ELLANIA "Sons of the starry heavens and Gaia" and, going East, even to lands as far as Pakistan. In Chile, the Araucan tribe has 'Greek' DNA. In Canada, some indigenous tribes like the Iroquois claim to have some 'Greek ' DNA. In Pakistan, the Kalas have 'Greek' DNA. As for the Canadian indigenous tribe of the Iroquois (from whom the author is this book has recent ancestors), they pretend to have their Greek DNA through the Pelasgians. when the "Shining Ones" came to their land to fecund their women. Other minorities or tribes of many other countries pretend the same, even in places as distant as Japan.


The cultural unification of this "Ellenic" ELL DNA is one of the objectives of the PythagorArium Project and of a FtatAristarchy. As such it hopes for a renaissance and reinforcement of the related ELL culture in the West, but also to influence positively any other part of the world who may be interested. This objective can be pursued to start with through the formation of its PythArmy and its efforts to rise an awareness of the real infinite divine power of the spirit of the uniquely creative Ellenic DNA that gave birth to philosophy, to holistic education of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul, to the Olympics, to the first proto-scientific approach of all sciences, be it medicine, mathematics, architecture or astronomy, to the best language that ever existed, with a clear superiority over all other languages for at least 5000 years, and to the insuperable criteria of ethics in all aspects of our life and of beauty in all forms of art, in other words in all what we can call today legitimately with the word civilization, meaning the best level of civilization that ever existed in the history of humanity. This is the DNA of the Greek PHILOTIMO







About External Dependence on Foreign Activity Inland


Apart from FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) and the attributes of an "Aristarchy", which are mainly merit and beauty, a FtatAristarchy is based on a strong sense of patriotism, a homogeneous culture, and full national sovereignty as much as possible. No NGO (Non-Government Organization) owed by foreigners is allowed activity in the country for any kind of purpose. A National NGO instead can go and have activity abroad but only through a bilateral agreement based on a formal request and invitation from the receiving country. Big foreign corporations with, overall, more than 50 employees can operate in the country only through integrating on a fulltime basis a top-level national inspector nominated and paid by national governance, defending the best interests of the local people and of the national policies of the FtatAristarchy in all the activities of that corporation, with full access to all debates regarding all decisional meetings and to examining all accounting practices for FTAT compliance regarding the portion of their activity within the country. Smaller foreign corporations, or national corporations of any size, must accept regular inspections for the same purpose. The national inspector must be given full access to all important decisions by being invited with right to speak and debate in all meetings of final decision regarding new products or services offered by the corporation to the national public at large of the FtatAristarchy.







About External Dependence on Massive Uncontrolled Immigration


A FtatAristarchy has no aspiration to become highly multicultural, rather the opposite, certainly not multicultural over a minimum degree of the population, hopefully never exceeding 10%. It will do its best with already existing multiculturalism, treating the populations involved as fairly as possible, but all its social policies will aim at reducing excessive multiculturalism if at all possible, as soon as possible, and certainly never extending it if at all possible.


If all nations become overly multicultural, there will be no real culture left in the end, only an ugly melting pot of zombie-obedient slaves for the benefit of the evil Kalergi component of the Master Plan of the NWO (New World Order) that a FtatAristarchy calls disapprovingly the SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement Global World Order) pursued by the evil Sweat elites. Consequently, in a FtatAristarchy, pluralism and multiculturalism, let alone massive uncontrolled illegal immigration movements, are reduced to absolute minimum possible. Only immigrants preselected at reinforced consulates abroad can be granted temporary permanent residence status, until they do not get involved in any crime. Citizenship can be granted to them only when they are integrated without any criminality, even minor criminality, for at least 5 continuous years, however long it may take. Citizenship is never granted by sole birth in the country (as "Ius Soli" does not exist in a FtatAristarchy), except of course if a child is born in the country from foreign parents who have already acquired citizenship.


Excessive multiculturalism tolerated in an uncontrolled way has been a complete failure with only negative results wherever it was practiced. It has done only terrible and uncorrectable disasters in the western world. It amounts to tolerating the intolerable, and stupidly accepting the consequences of this tolerance however disastrous they may be. No political correctness can ever contradict this clear, plain and sad reality, certainly not in a FtatAristarchy, as this is a pure and simple Truth based on harsh facts. We have clearly reached the point where England is no more England, Germany is no more Germany, France is no more France, Sweden is no more Sweden etc. The massive uncontrolled movements of immigration are of course only the well planned implementation of the catastrophic Kalergi Plan for the benefit of the Master Plan of the forthcoming New World Order managed by the Sweat elites. Instead of preserving their respective beautiful cultural characteristics, each of these countries have become a new melting pot, each competing with the difficulties of the American or Canadian or Australian melting pots with ever growing amounts of social conflicts developing.



No Illegal ImmigrationA FtatAristarchy pretends that excessive racial and cultural diversity over 10% within the same society inevitably leads to hatred and violence, and that nationalism is the most practical way to ensure peace between peoples. When it is reduced to less than 10%, these minorities become something usually fascinating and to possibly learn from, without causing conflicts. It believes that all peoples should have sovereign homelands where they can live according to their own lifestyle, free from the interference of other peoples contradicting their ways and values.


A FtatAristarchy believes that such a world can be achieved through gradual and humane programs of new territorial partitions, and voluntary population transfers whenever possible. When not possible, or when the multiculturalism is too much advanced to be reduced or eliminated, a FtatAristarchy will do its best at least by not increasing the problem, by limiting multicultural immigration and helping those citizens willing to move in an area of their own culture, inside or outside of the country. This is a mild form of ethno-nationalism or pro-racism whereby every distinct ethnic group should ideally enjoy political sovereignty and an ethnically homogeneous homeland. The opposing view is multiculturalism, which holds that multiple ethnic groups should share the same homelands and governments, and so far, this has only produced disasters where it was applied. Many western countries are already good examples of such disasters, like Sweden, England, Holland and France. From this point of view, other countries like China and Israel are good example of the opposing view, eliminating multiculturalism as much as possible even on the basis of the DNA, like it is eminently the case in Israel. And these countries are never called racist for that they do. Why should Sweden and France be called racist if they attempt to do it? 


Again, pluralism or multiculturalism can be good when limited. The disaster of massive multiculturalism in most western countries does not mean that  pluralism cannot at all be good. It can sometimes be good, but only in a well controlled way, in proportions that do not exceed a critical level of mixture in order not to destroy the main culture of the receiving country, as usually not more than 10%, but enrich it with focal points of neat diversity that may even contribute, as a good example, to improve some aspects the surrounding dominant culture. In a FtatAristarchy that critical point is placed at a limit of 10% of the dominant national culture. Foreigners living and not working temporarily in a FtatAristarchy can never be more than 10% of the population. The huge province of British Columbia in Canada has suddenly become a new China after Hong Kong was returned to China. This could never happen in a FtatAristarchy. Similarly, foreigners working in the country, working as non-citizens, can never be more than 10 % of the workforce except maybe for a very short working period not amounting to more than one season, typically during an agricultural season. Reaching these limits means automatic delays in accepting new foreigners in these 2 categories until some of the foreigners have died or left the country. There are however some exceptions based on sources of people with the same basic race and culture. For example, most European countries have a similar race and culture. When this is the case, no meaningful limit would certainly exist on important immigration movements in between such countries. If for example many Spaniards move to Portugal, or many Italians move to France, of many French move to Québec, it is not likely to create soon any serious problem of multiculturalism as if many Turks move to Germany or many Pakistanis move to Greece. All of this has nothing to do with racism, only with good common sense.


Massive illegal immigration and excessive pluralism are even dual crimes against humanity. They are such first against the countries that provide the emigrants as a tragic brain drain. Second, they are such against the countries that receive them and have their own culture revolutionized, if not destroyed like the massive immigration of Turks destroying the beautiful original culture of Germany, or the massive immigration of Muslims destroying the beautiful original culture of France at the moment. Exaggerated waves of unselected illegal immigrants with a culture or religion that are completely incompatible, and inassimilable in any foreseeable future, can only destroy the best cultural values of the receiving country that has necessitated hundreds of years to develop them, and brain drain dramatically the needed human resources of the countries the immigrants are coming from. This is really a dual crime against humanity on both sides of the equation.



Massive illegal and inassimilable immigration is worse than war. If a foreign army of soldiers attacks and invades your country, you always have hope to correct the situation, sooner or later. The Greeks have required more than 400 years to do so against the Turkish invasion. But if a mass movement of emigrants invade your country with their wives and children, without the control of legal means, it is a final permanent invasion with a complete diluting or destruction of the best values that you hold dear to your culture and to the way of living you have developed with difficulty over centuries and badly want to preserve. Such diluting is also like putting a good beer in a good glass of wine. Even if they are the best quality of beer and the best quality of wine, when stupidly mixing them together in the same glass, you have destructed the real beautiful quality of both products. Again, no stupid political correctness can ever contradict this sad reality in a FtatAristarchy, as it is a pure and simple Truth of good common sense.








About External Dependence Producing the Holocaust of Best Western Working Skills


Instead of trying to acquire cheap labor through immigration or offshoring, a FtatAristarchy tries, as a first priority, to improve and save the best outstanding skills of its own best craft workers acquired through many years of local experience. These outstanding skills are disappearing because their working ateliers have been closed early because of wild globalization, without the skilled national workers having a chance to pass their outstanding craft skills to the next generation. This is the unfortunate result of the current globalization of the world economy that floods too many countries with cheaper products of much inferior quality, destroying for many future generations, if not for ever, the best craft skills involved that took centuries to acquire and master. Loosing these precious skills quickly and silently, through offshoring or outsourcing abroad, or through inferior production inland via wild uncontrolled immigration, is an extremely expensive damage to the civilization that required centuries of patient and admirable work to created them. Loosing them for ever amounts to a kind of skill holocaust. A FtatAristarchy will always prevent such Holocaust, whatever is may take for doing it.


A computed FtatAristarchy rejects membership to any organization or agreement when they clearly contribute to outsourcing its best productivity or skills, or to offshoring its best jobs abroad in countries with lower salaries, with the disappearance of the superior national skills involved. All this is particularly important when such organizations obviously operate as a GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) bunch of globalist operators who, by definition, can be anything but patriotic figures, like it is eminently the case of like the WTO (World Trade Organization) or the TTT.








About External Dependence diluting good patriotism


Leonidas Patriotic "Molon Lave"In a FtatAristarchy, as mention earlier, "only immigrants preselected at reinforced consulates abroad can be granted permanent status, and never those arriving directly in the country and imposing themselves illegally as immigrants or refugees. In turn, citizenship is granted only when regular immigrants are integrated without any criminality, even minor, for at least 5 continuous years, however long it may take. No citizenship can be granted for only being born in the country (No "Ius Soli") except of born from foreign parents who have already acquired citizenship".


All immigration must be pre-selected abroad at reinforced consulates abroad. Massive illegal immigration that imposes itself and that can change the cultural values of a FtatAristarchy is always counteracted with civilized counter deportations. Pre-selection abroad is necessary to obtain a final permanent status. Refugee applicants not preselected abroad can be protected temporarily if they appear to be refugees, but only for forceful deportation as soon as circumstances will permit. Foreigners crossing borders illegally or forcefully annihilate all permanent immigration rights, except in cases of extreme and immediate life-saving emergency that is none of their creation. A FtatAristarchy has no permanent embassies abroad, only reinforced consulates for 2 purposes: 1) help better their citizens while they are abroad and 2) to preselect all immigrants, including refugees before they come into the country.


Just like a FtatAristarchy cannot accept national deep state forms of underground governments, it cannot either accept Shadow Governance hidden behind international organizations that are GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance), as all of these serve, by definition, evil globalist objectives frontally opposed to good patriotism. No binding overruling GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) supra-national power can interfere in any way within the FtatAristarchy sovereign nation. Membership to outside entities of governance can still exist for collaboration or consultation, but only for as long as these organizations are considered fully FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) compliant in their management, be it for their budgets or for all their operational information. A computed FtatAristarchy does, and must, renounce its formal membership to any international organization that does not respect or endorse full Truth and transparency, be it the EU or the UN, or other less known entities like TTT.



The government of a FtatAristarchy is the first patriot, and Leonidas (shown on the right) is one of its symbols. Patriotism is the desire to preserve and improve the best values and traditions that are most defining the specific characteristics of the culture of a nation. In a FtatAristarchy, no GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) supra-national overruling power, like the EU or the UN, can exist to forcefully change that culture, nor to facilitate any type of massive illegal immigration, excessive pluralism or overdue multiculturalism. All government decisions must be taken strictly on the basis of best patriotic values and interests as accepted by a majority of citizens, independently of, but with respect of the concerns of minority groups. All good patriotic symbols, like the national flag or a sculpture with a historical message, can and must be exposed where appropriate as often as possible.


In any case, no foreign funding of Big Money Overpower can interfere with patriotism. Foreign governments, like typically the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) often try to fund their own NGOs, or selected academic institutions or projects in order to coerce them into self-censorship according to their policies. All such funding is blocked as illegal in a FtatAristarchy. As seen in another reform, all secretive foreign lobbying privately done is a serious FTATOC crime, as it is an abomination that must be eradicated completely in a FtatAristarchy. It is made a criminal activity except when allowed to be done openly, through selective limited access to the dedicated national lobbying TV channel after pre-approval, if and when it may be considered useful to for good of the country. In any case, patriotism will never take away its absolute freedom of speech about public affairs, not for nationals, and not for foreigners, as long as it is based on Truth and done through the transparency of the proper channels.


A FtatAristarchy has what it calls a Patriotic Olympic Spirit approach to all its policies. In its governance structure, no official at the top executive level can have dual citizenship, in none of the Ariums of the TetractArium. Its strict immigration procedures are not very different from those of many successful countries like Hungary, Austria, Poland and Israel in particular, not to mention China or Japan. Its relations with GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) international organizations are good on the basis of a friendly consultation or collaboration, but never in terms of dependence from them or interference in its internal affairs. In such cases, it would not hesitate to vote to do away with organizations like the WEF, or any of the coopted UN agencies like WHO, UNIFEF, WTO, IMF or the World Bank, not to mention the entire UN itself if necessary.







About External Dependence on Unnatural Sciences


In a FtatAristarchy, Mother Nature is sacred, and all sciences must be used in a NELA (Natural Earth-Life Approach) way. Sciences must have this "Natural-Earth-Life-Approach" or be subjected to most serious punishment. This NELA way includes a bio-agriculture with absolutely no GMO (Genetically Modified Organism), and the obligation to be NoCAFO (No Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations). It also includes a city architecture facilitating personal bio-food production like homesteads on balconies or private gardens. It includes a medicine avoiding unnecessary chemical drugs whenever possible, namely when natural plant medicine is also available for the same curative effects. It includes prohibiting abortion except in cases of rape and serious life concerns, or confirmed incurable congenital disease. This is done on the basis of a sociology enforcing paternity and natural family responsibility, let alone assisting mothers without a spouse. Overall it also includes an environment without chemtrails or any other possible form of evitable pollution or dangerous unnatural contaminant like WIFI above 4G, let alone subliminal propaganda hidden behind publicity.


In a FtatAristarchy, the maintenance of the natural environment is defined by two concepts: Beauty and NELA (Natural Earth-Life Approach). The country must be NoCAFO (No Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations), NoGANO (No Genetically Altered Natural Organism), or certainly absolutely no GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) for both national and foreign food products, NoRACO (No Reusable Authorized Containers Overspill), NoSACO (No Spraying-Airplane Chemtrails Overhead) from both national and foreign airplanes, let alone NoWEDO (No War Except Defensive Operations). All agricultural products are encouraged to come from a close distance of national bio-land as close as possible, with products collected for sale only when close to full maturity, and no food can in principle be imported when it can be produced locally in best NELA conditions.


Again, all sciences must be conditioned by a culture of Beauty, producing only Kallos Beauty, and by an approach called NELA (Natural Earth-Life Approach), while all new technology (like civic smart phones, or commercial aviation chemtrails, or military HAARP) must be approved first in concept, before development, on the basis of the existing COGIPAS (Code Of Goodness In Products And Services), that is, approved as "GOOD" for people's overall wellness, with all essential information pre-provided to the public at large, in FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) way, and then, when finally produced, re-approved for final conformity to their original goodness concept before they can be marketed, sold or put in use.



Dangerous energy exploitation is always prohibited. All  oil drilling in a sea environment is prohibited because of the too many irreparable disasters that it has caused, like in the Golf of Mexico and in many other places already. In any case, there are much more than sufficient sources of oil that can be exploited overland. The same principle applies to nuclear energy. One single nuclear disaster, Fukushima, has produced so much damage that the whole of the Pacific Ocean is in danger of extinguishing all its beautiful forms of life, with unfathomable bad consequences for all of humanity. This type of serious environment pollution is what we should be concerned about, because it is caused by us all, not the fake scam of global warming that is caused mainly by natural solar cycles and maybe also in a meaningful part by the biggest corporations exploiting natural resources the wrong way their own exclusive profit. These global corporations should be made to pay for such faulty exploitation, not the rest of us as the GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials would want us to do


In a FtatAristarchy, absolutely no private laboratory can work on GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) production, in particular if it is for private profit purposes. Only very few public laboratories can make research in this field, under most severe state control, and never for private profit, only for a theoretical possible good coming out of such research for the population at large. This is one of the principles of a FtatAristarchy governance, called NoGANO (No Genetically Altered Natural Organism) which is basically equivalent to No GMO). Of course this includes not only agricultural products, but even organisms like viruses. This is why no vaccine used in a FtatAristarchy can come from abroad. Collaboration with firms abroad can exist, but the final vaccines used in the country must always have been completed in the country under strict national control. The same applies to all medicines used in the country. A FtatAristarchy encourages the formation of medicines from natural plants as much as possible. This is what it calls NAM (Natural Alternative Medicine), and the FtatAristarchy has university faculties teaching this science. All foreign medicines used in the country must have been developed under the close surveillance of scientists of the country before the can be used. Otherwise the products cannot legally be sold or bought in the country.


In a FtatAristarchy, no completely secret scientific research can exist, not in the private sector, and not in the public sector, in particular never in secret places like the DUMS (Deep Underground Military Base). Its strict FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) compliance criteria applies also fully to all forms of scientific research. So, when there is a need for some secrecy, it can only be temporarily, with a previous approval from governance, with a codename known to the public, with a corresponding budget figure also known to the public, and an expiration date known to the public for the secrecy.


Again, in a FtatAristarchy, all sciences have to have a NELA (Natural Earth Life Approach) approach. In fact, all principles of governance are influenced highly by the NELA principle. This new concept imposes 3 main duties. The first basic duty is that only unavoidable and fully recyclable garbage or pollution must be produced, under very severe control and punishment. The second duty is that all sciences, like typically medicine or architecture, must have in priority a NELA approach to all their projects and activities. The third duty is to ensure only beauty is always created as much and as lovingly as possible, as harmonious Kallos Beauty, in all aspects of public life, and also in private life as much as possible, let alone outside the country, worldwide, whenever it is possible for the nation to have such influence.







About External Dependence from Foreign Corporations Exploiting Natural Resources in an Unnatural way


In a FtatAristarchy, all major sources of natural resources not serving for personal use or family exploitation can never be privatized. This prohibition of privatization includes big corporations wanting to exploit a quantity of resources much bigger that a consortium of extended family could do. The prohibition excludes also the Big-Money Overpower of rich individuals who try to own resources, land in particular, in vast quantities that they could never use in a family context, or in quantities that would inevitably remain unexploited properly. These natural resources include not only things like water and wood, but also oil and precious underground minerals. Exploitation contracts and licenses can be issued at will when considered done as BIOF (Best Interest Of FtatAristarchy), but with renewals and BIOF re-evaluation every 3 years maximum. Otherwise, the license is not renewed, in particular when the products coming out of the exploitation contracts or from any other source are not respecting a national code of goodness and NELA approach for the overall country.


NAS EarthA FtatAristarchy gives strong incentives to biological agriculture. In particular, it has no sales tax on seeds and plantations. This is what it calls being NoTOSAP (No Tax On Seeds And Plantations). This NoTOSAP principle however applies fully only as long as the agriculture in question is for self-sufficiency of the individual, the family or the community or closest city involved, and the production is No GMO (as GMOs would be entirely prohibited), also NoGANO and NoCAFO. When the production is for sales purposes, then there is still no tax on the seeds themselves, but regular DAPAST sales taxation at the time of the sale transaction to the open food market.


A FtatAristarchy encourages to the outmost degree the agricultural self-sufficiency and independence of individual persons, through homestead or personal food gardens or balconies, extended families in cities with some agricultural land integrated, in particular those living in a agriculturally equipped FUPA (FtatAristarchy Urban Patriotic Area) spaces or a city FUCA (FtatAristarchy Urban Cultural Area) on a basis of extended families with the same cultural or religious values. In other words, a FtatAristarchy encourages as much as possible the initiatives of family farmers with food self-sufficiency, as opposed to families using supermarket products usually coming from foreign farming corporations from abroad.


A FtatAristarchy is very strict on ways to conduct agriculture. Its primary principles regarding agriculture are that it must be No GMO, entirely NELA and NoCAFO (No Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations). The horrible CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation) farms are unfortunately the so-called Closed Factory Farms where animals are confined to minimal spaces, often to the point of practically not being able to move or to go out of their slots, and certainly never allowed to go out in the open and run around normally in the surrounding fields. In the meantime they are fed to make them excessively fat through the injections of dangerous hormones in order to produce more meat or milk. Animals often live and sleep in their own excrements, and become so weak that when put outside they cannot walk anymore. This kind of farming environment is criminal in an FtatAristarchy, and punished most severely.


An FtatAristarchy prohibits absolutely all airplanes crossing its air space to use Chemtrails. This is what it calls being NoSACO (No Spraying-Airplane Chemtrails Overhead). All airplanes, commercial or not, using chemtrails are refused using its airspace and refused to land at any national airport. Those using chemtrails near its borders, with some of their spraying reaching its airspace through directional wind can be sued and fined very heavily for doing so.







About External Dependence on the Scam of Climate Warming Instead of Pollution


Climate Warming, which is the subject of furious discussions at the moment, is certainly basically and mainly part of long cycles of natural climate changes over centuries due to sun cycles. On the other hand, the conflictive discussions on this subject are equally well documented on both sides of the argument. Overall, getting a global warmer climate or a global colder climate may have its serious inconveniences either way, but is not as serious as the incredible pollution that affects our planet at the moment, in sea, on land and in air. Global warming is basically a global scam because its main cause is not the rest of us, but the natural cosmic cycles of the sun. The scam was invented to extract additional taxes from the rest of us when for the use of the globalist UNN. It is also a scam in that it tries to make the rest of us pay highly for the minor part of the warming that is caused by the rest of us human beings when the main cause of that part caused by human activity definitely comes from the activities of the big corporations of the Sweat elites that are kept nearly completely exempt from this kind of taxation. 


Pollution with the over use of plastic is certainly the main cause of this global pollution affecting our oceans in particular along with the various kinds of chemicals eliminated in the environment by big corporations. For this reason, a FtatAristarchy is lead by another principle regarding pollution, called NoRACO (No Reusable Authorized Containers Overspill). Regarding undue pollution, after 3 infractions with serious fines, PPPP (Personal Property Priority Punishment) comes into play most severely. A FtatAristarchy changes our way of life in terms of food containers in particular. Production of food containers must not be produced in excess of what is needed, and must all be reusable whenever possible, certainly in most cases. Food purchasing customers in any store must bring their own clean containers, or buy new reusable containers from the store at a hefty price, or pay a fine as an additional sales tax. Food containers must be all recyclable and never thrown as garbage, at most left clean in special collecting bins, available and well identified for that purpose, at all supermarkets, commercial centers and various other street places.


Its strong anti-pollution policy is the reason why a FtatAristarchy) is entirely a non-smoking country, inside and outside, even in homes with children, except in especially equipped and designated closed rooms marked and reserved specifically for smoking, and with proper filtering equipment. These closed rooms can be private, at home, but under strict control and regular inspection of the state for a fee in addition to the expensive costs of the necessary filtering equipment. In public places, they are maintained under strict inspection and require an entrance fee. Smoking is absolutely prohibited even in open public places like parks, where people can be affected by the presence of smoke. In other words, a FtatAristarchy does the contrary of what is done at the moment in public places with a combination of inside and outside spaces for their clients, like many restaurants. The outside space is fully prohibited of smoking. The inside space allows smoking only in special room equipped with smoke filters, as opposed to the whole inside space, and without the presence of minor children. It does not prohibit smoking at certain conditions and for a fee for using the closed room. It makes life difficult for all smokers, both at home and in public places, and does it for the good of the smokers, and in particular the good of the non-smokers and the whole country not forced to face the unnecessary costs of irresponsible behavior through smoking. 








About External Dependence on Pleasure


All pleasure are fundamentally good and should be enjoyed freely as long as the do not become an abuse and a dependence that prevents other aspects of life to be attended properly. Food may be the best example. Well prepared food from natural ingredients is a real and legitimate pleasure, but if prepared with junk products, or consumed with excess, it will lead to all sorts of serious problems. Sex is the same but if used improperly through anal sex or with minor children, or used excessively with violence, it will have seriously negative effects on the other aspects of our life and the life of our partners. Entertainment is the same. First of all it should never be used like it was used by emperors of the Roman Empire, to confuse people and make them forgive the major mistakes or corruption, let alone the enslavement practices of their leaders. But the main problem with entertainment is the exposition of violence. In a FtatAristarchy, if violence is the description of historical violence that took place, and it is described accurately, it is admissible on TV, and films or other entertainment shows of any kind. If however it is pure invented violence that has nothing to do with documenting violent historical events, it is always prohibited on free TV shows accessible to the public at large. Such invented violence can only be shown in media accessible to the public at large through a login and the payment of a fee, whatever Big Violent Hollywood full of satanic symbols, or other major media producers of the same line of production may have to protest about it. This restriction applies equally to all media producing invented violence, be they national or international media.




Beauty breeds Love. Love breeds Truth. Truth breeds Liberty. Liberty breeds Happiness


“It is no measure of mental health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society”










NO Indoctrinating Education


Only Holistic Education


No Indictrinating EducationSUMMARY >

A FtatAristarchy offers only holistic education that is entirely private except for the indication of a small basic common core of instruction. Its small and powerful TetractArium of governance only offers the construction of the infrastructures free of charge while the private users are charged to pay for their educational  operations at their own cost. In addition to instruction, the system of private schools must provide best holistic education on the basis of the cardinal virtues of the 3 basic levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul. Its holistic character means that it inevitably includes Gym, Music, Mathematics, History and Philosophy as essential parts at all levels of schooling, from primary to graduate. Adaptations are made to the above requirements in special classes for students with handicaps who cannot attend the full regular curriculum, but most of them are never totally excluded from these subjects in most cases. World history centered on national past is taught to reinforce patriotism. No degree at any level can be graded and issued without the above holistic approach and essential subjects.   



In a FtatAristarchy, children still belong to their parents and not to the State. At the moment, the public schools of most countries have become tools of propaganda and conformity to the political correctness that serves the interests and objectives of an enslaving government that pretends to own the children. They have essentially become indoctrination schools of a subservient political correctness that does not serve the best interests of the students, but the worst interests of the government. They no more provide at all any real education as the holistic education that was properly invented in Ancient-Greece. They provide only instruction, and not not all that good. Most pre-university students reach university as basically illiterate zombies, having read no important book, and incapable of writing or expressing themselves properly. And they eventually get out of university in not a much better shape, as poor specialists of a specific field of limited expertise, totally ignorant in most other sectors of knowledge, but in particular incapable of addressing and managing the political issues of modern complex social life. In other words, most modern public schools produce only clones of slaves of political correctness incapable of thinking independently and properly. They may have been instructed in something, but they never learnt how to think logically and critically. They are "Learned Ignoramus" with a paper degree in their hands that is most often useless or, when used, dangerous. 


Public Schoos ZombiesIn a FtatAristarchy, education in pre-university schools is holistic and based on best traditional a-religious Greco-Roman values, not on Judeo-Christian values. From an educational point of view, this is the implementation of the new national EthoPlasìn holistic education of Pythagorean origin. Of the main twin components of the formation of a culture (education and instruction), only education is obligatory for all students. This education component includes one hour a day of physical education (alternated every second day between gym and group sport), and one hour a day of cultural education (alternated every day between philosophy, civic behavior and music). Total 2 hours a day of essential education for 5 days a week.


The other hours are for instruction to matters like mathematics, astronomy and history. This instruction component uses another 3 hours a day divided between these different matters. The only subject matter that is compulsory is mathematics. The other subjects are a free choice of the parents and students concerned, and they can also include languages, biology, gardening, growth of biological food, or any other subject of interest of their free choice. Another 1 hour a day is spent to socializing, either talking together on animated subject or playing in various ways. This means 6 hours a day of formation for 5 days a week. Each hour of education or instruction is separated by a 15 minutes break to change class or maybe attend quickly some personal matters. Lunch last 1 hour. Total school time is thus about 8 hours a day of life within the school premises.


All the teachers of the educational side must come from special schools where they were trained as Pythagorean Educators. The teachers on the instructional side can also be private individual specialists of their subject matter without having been trained as educators. 


The first component of holistic formation is an education that produces a Return Of Philosophy in our life, as a philosophical way of living based on cardinal virtues, and consequently an education based on the holistic formation and harmonization of the 3 basic levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul. As for the second main component of formation, instruction, with its content of specific subject matters, for another 3 hours a day, it is democratically left to the best private initiative of the majority of the parents of the children involved, with the help of any expert the parents may find in the various fields of instruction. However, that instruction component is expected to celebrate the sacred marriage of science with philosophy. Each formed scientist is expected to be first and foremost a philosopher, like a doctor philosopher or an engineer philosopher. That instruction component is provided in all public infrastructures, but can also be provided in protected home-schooling when desired, in particular in environments of extended families.


This approach reflects the fact that an advanced civilization of FtatAristarchy is not primarily advanced in knowledge and technology, while maybe low on virtue and wisdom, but primarily advanced primarily and foremost in Truth, love. virtue and beauty, before it is advanced in technology. At pre-university level, the educational formation and its related holistic physical training is the top priority over the intellectual technological instruction. From the university level, the accrued spiritual educational formation acquired at pre-university level shall accompany, and assist in a positive way, the reinforced intellectual instructional formation to be acquired at university level. This should ensure best benefits for the students themselves, but also for the overall wellness of the community and of the country, along with possibly also good cascading benefits for the long term wellness of the rest of the world.


In a FtatAristarchy, culture is based on philosophy as opposed to on dogmatic religion or political correctness. That philosophy is essentially a philosophical culture of best Enlightened Logos, and thus the Enlightened Liberty. This is what we call the ELL (Enlightened Logos Liberty) culture. It is at the base of all private and public cultural life, in order to ensure the Return Of Philosophy with its component of cardinal virtues for our personal and civic life, inspired by our best historical values that were unfortunately destroyed, or at least seriously undermined, since the destructive “Hippie Revolution” of all social values of 1968, which had its distant roots in the Holocaust Against Hellenism. In fact, until that destructive revolution of the 1960s, Hellenism was still in great part at the foundation of the best values of our traditional Greco-Roman culture as opposed to our so-called dogmatic and decadent Judeo-Christian culture.


In a FtatAristarchy, the so-called "technocrat schools" serving the NWO (New World Order) cannot exist. All schools can enjoy free infrastructures that are provided and maintained by public debt-free money, but schooling can also be done in private structures. However, schooling, for about half of its time, must always be clearly divided between "Education" and "Instruction". The "Education" component is public as it is common to all, and must always be based on holistic Pythagorean Education of the Tetractys of the human soul. The "Instruction" component is basically private. A school, public or private, must be completely compliant in terms of full freedom of speech. If not, it can be closed and given or offered by government to a new management. The holistic EthoPlasìn education stems from the roots of our best Greco-Roman culture of real historical superiority, and is related to the ELL (Enlightened Logos Liberty) that provided in the course of world history the unique language of over 5000 years of ascertained continuous superiority.

The Education of who invented Education


The EthoPlasìn education is one of who invented education along with democracy, philosophy, the Olympics and the rest of the beautiful Philotimo. As such it is holistic by definition. Any reform is quite useless if the founding culture of the country is not the proper one. The ELL culture of those who invented democracy, philosophy and education (Ancient Greece) has produced the best results in the history of humanity and must return to help the world today. For good reasons we hear a lot about "The" Holocaust against the Jews but, for even more good reasons, we should hear more about, and learn more from, the biggest and longest of all Holocausts, the Holocaust Against Hellenism.


Educating the HeartThe implementation of real education as it was first invented in Ancient-Greece requires an essential Return Of Philosophy in our life to replace religion, fear and dogma. But that philosophy has to be also the real philosophy, the one as it was invented in Ancient-Greece, that is, a philosophical way of living based on a set of cardinal virtues, not what we call philosophy today which is mainly pure intellectual speculation. This is the only way to arrive at the education of the heart. As Aristotle said (see the icon on the side), "Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all". In a FtatAristarchy, this kind of philosophical ELL (Enlightened Logos Liberty) culture is at the base of all private and public cultural life. Again, it is worth stressing that this mean the return of a philosophy of virtues in our life, as the real philosophy was invented, and not a speculative philosophy like the modern one has become. Our education system must return to learn from our best source of culture and civilization to improve what is our most decadent world at the moment. Our real source of culture was what happened at its best before the biggest and longest of all Holocausts, the Holocaust Against Hellenism. Before that period, it was at the foundation of the best values of our Greco-Roman culture. This was a culture of real historical superiority for some 3000 years, along with also a language (the Greek language) of  over 5000 years of ascertained continuous superiority. From this point of view, the roots of our best values are definitely not the dogmatic Judeo-Christian values, but only Greco-Roman values. The return to this unsurpassed culture is at the base of what we call EthoPlasìn holistic education.


The gradual elimination of our Greco-Roman culture, and the corresponding gradual replacement with the Judeo-Christian culture, is the source of our current enslavement. With this replacement, we missed the turn, and started our continuous downward curve of cultural and moral degradation to arrive at a point of full decadence in the western world, through mainly DDDD (Debt, Dogma, Disinformation and Despair). In a FtatAristarchy, a return to holistic virtuous formation of the 3 main levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul is essential requirement of all levels of education, with the end result that the well-educated persons have no subjugation from DDDD. holistic education of the soul has priority, and the instruction of the mind through knowledge and science is thus a secondary process, at least until the last years of specialization in a particular field of activity at university level. However, even in such cases, it must become a celebration of the Sacred Marriage of Science with Philosophy. This is what we call EthoPlasìn Holistic Education at the base of the life of a FtatAristarchy.


In a FtatAristarchy, no sex or gender identity theory can be taught before university level. Schools can never confuse minor children as to what their gender is, or what it may be, and only 2 genders are admitted: male and female. For a FtatAristarchy, there is only two genders. Each of these two genders, masculine and feminine, are even reinforced as much as possible, whereby a beautiful woman is a feminine woman, and a handsome man is a manly masculine man, with each different beautiful characteristics and roles that nevertheless make them equal in human rights. As such they have beautiful different ways and main roles. Those children who, by spontaneous and natural evolution of their personal growing process feel confused about their identity are certainly not discriminated in any way, rather counseled gently and lovingly in collaboration with the parents of the children concerned. At maturity, in full freedom, they will even be allowed to change gender if they still so wish. At university level, gender identity can only be taught as a normal subject of study in the faculties having to do with such subjects.


A FtatAristarchy is also essentially a-religious in all public life. Philosophy of ELL (Enlightened Logos Liberty) replaces enslaving religion and dogma. But it allows free practice of any religion discretely in private life, at 3 main conditions: 1) it is done within the discrete confines of a home or of an official religious infrastructure; 2) it does not promote any form of violence and 3) its preaching is done in one official language open to any discrete observer not member of that religion. No national law or municipal regulation can make exceptions to these norms in order to favor members of a particular religion. However, within the confines of a FUCA (FtatAristarchy Urban Cultural Area) that declares itself through a majority vote to be officially an urban area of a particular religious and/or cultural lifestyle, exceptions can be made to the administration of particular issues, for things like cemeteries, dressing codes or food handling. However, these differences can be maintained only and strictly within the confines of the FUCA.


Our apparent advancement, because of good progress in technology, typical of the cellular phones we use today, does not change the sad reality of the lack of real education in the western world, as opposed to what we can call instruction. Only instruction still exists, and not all that good, while education has practically disappeared, let alone holistic education of the heart more than of the mind. We thus have to go back where we missed the turn, take the proper path, and reboot our culture on a better source. Holistic Tetractys EducationThis is the purpose of the reform called EthoPlasìn holistic education that forms the basic 3 levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul: 1) the Instinctive, 2) the Compulsive, 3) the Cognitive. Only if these 3 levels are formed harmoniously can the 4th level be reached, the so-called Sophical or Spiritual level . The Instinctive level on the physical side is formed through the cardinal virtue of Temperance. The Compulsive level on the emotional side is formed through the cardinal virtue of Fortitude. The Cognitive level on the intellectual side is formed through the cardinal virtue of Prudence. The 4th level is called Wisdom because it is the result of the best possible harmonization of the first 3 levels, and cannot be reached by anyone without this previous harmonization at the 3 lower levels. The degraded current public education is the greatest weapon of mass deception in most countries at the moment, and EthoPlasìn holistic education based on a philosophy of virtues is the greatest weapon of mass construction.


As we have seen, in a FtatAristarchy, schooling is divided about equally between "Education" and "Instruction". The "Education" component is considered public in that it is common to all and based on a common EthoPlasìn holistic education. The "Instruction" component is basically private. School board governors manage both sides. For the "Education" component, teachers must have received a special Pythagorean educator formation. For the "Instruction" component, teachers can be anybody who is expert in any particular field of knowledge. They can be hired as long as they keep being only instructors, and do not attempt to also become educators. The infrastructure is free, but the teachers are paid by the users.


There is free public financial help for those national students from families with declared low income, as long as these students get the passing grades to the following year. If they double a particular year, their parents have to pay a fee. Except for the special Pythagorean formation of educators handling EthoPlasìn Holistic Education, and for a basic set of vary basic norms of essential administrative requirements provided or required by the governance, the schooling activity can be considered all private. Each school must compete, in a good "Olympic" spirit, with all other schools for best education and instruction in collaboration with the parents of the students. On the instruction side, no Common Core can be imposed on the parents or the schools to standardize thinking and destroy students natural creativity and critical thinking with full freedom of speech. No ministry of education can become a kind of a global dictatorial ministry of instructional propaganda at national level. No school can become an indoctrination camp for producing massive amounts of clones of obedient slaves to the state or its political correctness.


No corporation can give any grant directly to any school at any level, not even at university level, let alone to any student. Such donation can exist only indirectly, at city level. Then the city can distribute fairly the grants for better school infrastructures or to help students with special needs or unusual talents. No Big-Money Overpower can influence education directly nor indirectly. School infrastructures are provided free by the government. Teachers are privately paid. Provisions exist for families with low income who cannot pay for the teachers, but at the condition the students are capable of passing each year of schooling with the minimum passing grade. If not, the failing children will have to find some private money to finance their teachers for the repeated years. Otherwise, they will be referred to the apprenticeship programs of various sectors of companies using workers with specific skills.


In a FtatAristarchy, there is no such thing as "No Child Left Behind" if it means lowering the level of study of all children, with the end result being "All Children Left Behind". A public system of student loans cannot exist as this is only a way to ensure students come out of the school system as slaves of usurious debt-money. Each student must compete and eventually graduate with their best possible formation and full critical thinking, on the basis of their own merit and skills. Meritocracy is at the base of a FtatAristarchy, and cannot ever be considered racism or discrimination. All students have to be launched on their own merit to their new working careers, at the end of their studies, entirely free from any kind of slavery due to political correctness or usurious debt-money


In the schools of a FtatAristarchy, propagating gender neutrality is criminal child abuse. Natural genders are only 2, as male and female, that is as boys and girls. As such, they are fully respected with equal rights adapted to their nature. FtatAristarchy holistic education has a related physical formation and it is divided strictly on a basis of gender. Forcing gender neutrality at a young age is a crime against humanity, against boys in particular as they will loose the strength of manhood that can be used to fight for the best causes of society or as soldiers for the nation. Destroying that useful manhood would be a crime against human nature. Mature boys at the moment are even part of a bigger genocidal crime against the male-man in particular whose sperm has been reduced by more than 50% in the last 40 years.


Neutral pronouns for gender, like the ugly "HEN" of Sweden used for both sexes equally and without distinction, are absolutely prohibited. On the other hand, while growing, if a boy or a girl spontaneously wants to change gender, without having been influenced deceitfully by a gender-neutrality criminal, the issue must be left as a personal one to be resolved as lovingly as possible between the child and the natural parents involved, let alone the additional help of their best friends and social acquaintances, but without any possibility of any legal physical operation before maturity below age 18. Boys and girls are absolutely equal in rights, but their main roles are different by nature.


A boy is a boy and a girl is a girl. A father is a father and a mother is a mother. In in primary schools, students are always offered preferably a woman as a teacher. From the secondary level, students are preferably offered a teacher of their own sex, in particular when EthoPlasìn holistic education of the various levels of the Tetractys of the human soul is provided rather than the provision of knowledge for the instruction of the mind: education is education, and instruction is instruction. The two are very different. In a FtatAristarchy, both are provided, to the contrary of what happens in most public schools at the moment that systematically provide only instruction, and no education. The boy is trained mainly to grow up harmoniously to mainly eventually provide for, and protect physically and economically a family of his own, as the girl is trained mainly to harmoniously grow up to eventually mainly care for children and a home of her own administration. The boy is trained to be strong as a father in order to become able to go out and fight hard for attending the needs and security of a family. The girls is trained to be the main authority at home to create a harmonious environment regarding the wellbeing of a loving life for all members of the family, including the father.


In the schools of a FtatAristarchy, good conduct behavior specifically is a constant concern of civic decorum, at all levels of study, including university, and is always formally graded as any other required subject for valid final graduation. This is an essential component of what we call EthoPlasìn holistic education, and an essential part of living in a FtatAristarchy.  


In a FtatAristarchy, all schools operate with School Uniforms. All students, along with all teachers and related officials, must wear their official school or university uniform, matched slightly differently for male and female students, with the name of the school at the back and their first name at the front. Except during certain sports activities, girls must always dress with knee-covering skirts and boys with full length trousers. Students and teachers must also wear proudly their school uniform. Students must do so from the time they leave home in the morning to the time they return home after school, including during public transportation time on the way home if this is the case.


Home schooling is always permitted. Private schools at home are always not only permitted, as a free choice, but also encouraged, even full home schooling if it is in in the context of an extended family. In such cases, the governance intervenes with regular controls only to check that the children are treated well as human beings and do not suffer damage as future citizens and professionals.


No full cyber-schools are allowed. Education without an educator cannot be education, in particular EthoPlasìn holistic education. A computer can never be an educator. There is at the moment a proliferation of highly lucrative for-profit “cyber” schools where children’s education consists of sitting in front a computer at home, without the presence of an educator.  This might be good for instruction, but certainly not for education. During lessons, all electronic devices of any type must be left out and locked out by the school. In the FtatAristarchy, each lesson is 1 hour long and is composed of 2 parts that are not necessarily equal. First, a presentation of a subject by a teacher while students strictly listen in complete silence, with no intervention or questions (just like in the ancient school of Pythagoras called OMAKOEION, or "We Listen Together"). Second, a group discussion of the subject under the guidance of the teacher where each student is invited to participate under a certain discipline of turns and good manners. Any kind of opinion is freely admissible, even possible educated hate speech, without submission to any kind of political correctness, but subject to positive criticism by all other students. No peer-group conformity forcing political correctness! No group-think or cooperative learning that kills the full personal drive of each student!


Lessons are scheduled around compulsory gym and sports activities, when possible always in open-air, and other desired cultural activities like music or foreign language practice, still with live educators and without any type of electronic device. When returning home, students can get their electronic devices. They may find an email from the professors, sent to them just before the lesson, with one or few links of best suggested sources to be checked for each lesson. This last part, at home, is their homework that has to be provided as a strictly handwritten paragraph (one page maximum), on the subject of each lesson, to be given the educator at the beginning of the next lesson. Students are then graded from 0 to 10 (top mark) on each of these handwritten paragraphs. All school books are also provided free of charge in electronic form, so there is no need for buying and transporting any school bag with heavy books. However, these books can be also purchased in paper form if so desired.


In a FtatAristarchy, no instruction can exist without education, which really means there can be no expertise without wisdom. Most current schools produce only "instructed individuals" but not any "educated persons". This means that in these schools, "Instruction" still exists, but "Education" does not exist anymore. This is impossible in a FtatAristarchy where "Education" must be a priority over "Instruction", and its educational system must be based on  EthoPlasìn Holistic Pythagorean Education of the Tetractys of the human soul.  This Tetractys formation has four levels. The 4th level, if reached, is the one of wisdom, but to be reached, all the previous 3 levels must have been formed first in a harmonious way, otherwise reaching the 4th level of wisdom is impossible. This is the primary objective of the holistic "Education" component of the schooling system of a FtatAristarchy.


If the "Instruction" component is weak in a student, the consequences will be suffered mostly by him personally. If the "Education" component is low, or deficient, then the consequences will not be suffered only by the student concerned, but by the whole society having to live with the individual concern. On the other hand, if the "Education" component is at its best, the "Instruction" component shall be used also at its best by the students and the future professionals concerned, with regards for example to the best NELA (Natural Earth-Life Approach) use of all sciences in a FtatAristarchy. Hopefully, with this approach, a FtatAristarchy will enforce a "No Instruction Without Education", or a "No Expertise Without Wisdom".


"The safest general characterization  of the European philosophical tradition  is that it consists only of a series of footnotes to Plato"

― A.N. Whitehead ―







NO Difficult Justice


Rendering Justice Made Easy In Two Ways



No Difficult JusticeA FtatAristarchy offers a triple form of justice. In addition to the regular Public Justice (PJ), there is also a Private Alternative Justice (PAJ) system offered free of charge by the small and powerful TetractArium of governance for resolving interpersonal conflicts between two persons in the fastest and cheapest possible ways. It uses willing judges on retirement for a fee paid by the government. Claims on both sides must be pre-presented in simple writing with related evidence. If both parties agree, lawyers are not necessary and can be excluded. There is no appeal except on brand new evidence. Workers paid a low salary, or a welfare recipient with the same or lower qualifications in the same environment can claim justice on that basis. Finally, FtatAristarchy offers a new and separate Public-Overpowering-Justice (POJ) as a system for the expeditious administrative resolution of all the new crimes related to public affairs within the TetractArium.  





Real Justice is first and foremost founded in conscience, not in law, and therefore, in a FtatAristarchy, regular court justice, that is too often unjust because of its intricacies and times and costs, is supplemented by a choice of a primary level of private justice called PAJ (Private Alternative Justice), rendered by willing retired judges for a small tax-free public fee received from the government. That primary level facilitates the better and faster resolution of most small interpersonal conflicts, more fairly, on a basis of conscience, and more easily, in terms of minimum times and minimum costs, even possibly, as an accorded choice, without lawyers involved. On the other hand, at the ordinary level, outside of PAJ, a judge of a FtatAristarchy is not a judge, but only a trial supervisor, without the power to render a personal judgment: people can only be judged by a jury of peers, and such jury can contradict any law that they feel would cause a clear injustice in a specific case. No judge can be politically appointed, only selected through competition within the JudicArium, both written and oral, with the winners being selected by a wide college of peers. Finally, normal Public Justice (PJ) and the Private Alternative Justice (PAJ) are accompanied by a brand new system of expeditious justice called Public Overpowering Justice (POJ) for the fast and sovereign resolution of all crimes having to do with hiding or obstructing an important Truth in public affairs within the TetractArium as FTATOC (Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Crime).


A new sector of welfare become part of the PAJ. As such, the PAJ (Private Alternative Justice) becomes a component of a brand new form of welfare called EFWAPAJ (Extended-Family Welfare And Private Alternative Justice), centered on the extended family instead of on an individual person needing welfare. That type of new welfare is usually extended indirectly, whenever possible, through the appointed head of an extended family that has to support incapacitated members. As such, this new welfare type is more effective, less expensive, but in particular more supportive with the loving company of the extended family, and with minor dependency and loss of personal liberty in front of the State on the part of the incapacitated persons. That kind of new welfare also offers some incentives in tax and loan privileges for the formation of proper extended-family accommodation, in particular in what we call a FamilArium (re-grouped or extended quarters for accommodating an extended family assisting all its members in a more efficient and a more loving way instead of welfare recipients living alone and isolated from their family members).


In other words, a FtatAristarchy has 3 complementary systems of justice and a new sector of welfare for extended families that becomes part of the PAJ (Private Alternative Justice) with judges specialized in resolving difficult situations and injustices related to incapacitated persons in extended families. It has first a normal PJ judicial system of regular public justice with courts like we have them today. In addition however, it also has an alternative private system of justice called PAJ. Using the latter is a free choice of the side of a conflict that involves only one single person that claims to be offended, or a single person in the name of his family. No lawyers have to be involved on that side except if wanted and paid by the offended person. No court charges exist in this case. For such small interpersonal conflicts, this means obtaining justice much more quickly than before on the part of a poor individual, and at practically no costs. Finally, it has a POJ judicial system specializing in handling quickly problems of non FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) compliance within any public office of governance. 


Retired judges who want to supplement their pensions can provide PAJ. They receive a tax-free fee from the State and provide justice free of charge to PAJ clients for resolving quickly .interpersonal conflicts and difficult situations of welfare.


Judges are legally responsible for mistakes they made that can be demonstrated as being based on incompetence, negligence, but also on ignorance of facts they should have known, or because of corruption of any kind. They are also all required to be fully FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) compliant, even in relation to trials that involve supposedly secret activities of the government. In a FtatAristarchy, Truth is by definition the main responsibility of all public officials. As such, all judicial officials, at all levels, as public officials, are more than anybody else bound to FTAT compliance because of their role in rendering justice, and because real justice can only be fast and based on full Truth. When confirmed as not complying, by the competent office of the TetractArium, they are subject to, at least, as a minimum punishment, immediate career termination without severance pay.


In a FtatAristarchy, there can never be any mixing between justice and politics. All magistrates or lawyers have to make an early choice at the very beginning of their careers, as they cannot ever become a candidate in any kind of election to any public position of the TetractArium except at least 5 years after having left all their legal or judicial professional activities. The same principle applies in reverse to politicians, mutatis mutandis.


Another characteristic of a FtatAristarchy is that all new laws are redacted in a new form. Instead of defining long lists of crimes with hundreds of details, they formulate principle of good behavior not to deviate from, and objectives to be pursued for the wellness of the country. These new laws are called LOP (Law Of Principles) When these principles are not followed, or something is done to contradict the pursued objectives of the LOP, then the faulty persons charged under the LOP are judged by a jury or pairs of their own social environment. In such trials, the jury of pairs becomes sovereign and provides the final decision, while the judge is only a guide in the handling the process judicially. Ideally the LOP system shall gradually and eventually replace all the old existing laws that too often have useless extenuating lengths with thousands of details. With such laws, if a case does not fit at least one specific clause of the hundreds of details of the law, the person cannot be accused of illegality. With the LOP system that person can still be accused of illegality if a broad legal principle has not been respected,  


An example of LOP could be:


"When a company takes a decision about a new product or service to be offered to the public, it has to take in consideration not only the good of the company and its own staff, but first and foremost the good of the country and of the people to whom the product or service will be offered. If there is a conflict between the two, the good of the country and its people must prevail, and the decision must be adjusted accordingly. Otherwise, the company is guilty of a crime called FTATOC (Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Crime), and if the damage to the country and its people as a whole is eventually confirmed serious enough, the crime can be assessed by a jury of pairs as FTATOT (Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Treason)".


Extended Family WelfareIn current western democracies, there are 2 forms of welfare, the Social Welfare extended essentially to the lower class when it appears to be incapable of maintaining itself, and the Corporate Welfare extended essentially to the higher class in the form of mainly undeserved tax exemptions for having contributed to political life, most often even illegally in terms of bribery. In a FtatAristarchy, these is a third form, based on a combination of the concept of PAJ (Private Alternative Justice) seen above, and a new set of social welfare benefits based on the concept of the useful reunification of extended families in order to assist better incapacitated persons in a more loving way and with less dependence from the State. The normal traditional basic social welfare still exists in a complimentary way only in cases where it is not possible to apply the new extended family welfare.  When it is possible, this new sector of welfare becomes the norm of any welfare services for these regrouped extended families in most circumstances.  


All welfare recipients are expected, whenever they can, to contribute with something in exchange for the welfare help they receive, as little as it may be, be it a bit of work in the household of their own extended family unit receiving the welfare, or in another one in the neighborhood. They are expected to contribute with at least a smile, or providing a bit of company to older incapacitated members when they cannot help in a more productive way.


In a FtatAristarchy, whenever possible, there clearly remains only one major new form of welfare, the Extended Family Welfare, and a minor one for the few people who absolutely cannot be associated to any extended family and absolutely cannot maintain themselves. More people must stop to only see the world while fully isolated at home, through only the inhuman screen of a TV, a cellphone or the glass screen of a welfare counter, and see it more through the eyes of their own families and neighborhoods when in need of help.


Families of any class can be helped by the State when necessary to be regrouped all together if they so wish, in order to become an official extended family unit and thus take better care of all their members in an environment of more love, from birth to death, from kindergarten to old age, via good leisure and playground spaces for children and adults, even private gardening and food production for their most essential needs, plus some facility arrangements for the sick, the handicapped and the old. Private schooling in particular is always permitted at simple conditions in the context of an extended family unit to avoid that universal public schools become centers of identical indoctrination for the evil enslavement purposes of the government.


The FtatAristarchy state provides the free and voluntary help of expert agents, called EFREA (Extended Family Real Estate Agents), and facilitates the access to interest-free loans, the so called EFALWI (Extended Family Advanced Loan Without Interest). The EFALWI financial welfare tool is meant to help not only the real estate accommodation transfers or restructurings necessary for the formation of the extended family unit, but also the creation of useful integration tools like a food garden of vegetables and fruits, along with possibly the setup of a small stable of animals for extended family meat production within the extended family unit compound itself, or within a FUCA (FtatAristarchy Urban Cultural Area) when possible. In other words, welfare in a FtatAristarchy still exists, and offered in a more human way, mainly but not only in the context of an extended family unit. The necessary regrouping for the efficiency of the new extended family unit welfare can also be achieved more easily in a FUCA neighborhood. In such environments, people with the same culture may have closer networks of relationships to assist each other more easily and more completely while respecting the specific norms of their traditional culture.


In a FtatAristarchy, Corporate Welfare is eliminated entirely, except for loans at most easy conditions that can be extended to meritorious corporations in need of assistance in order not to face closure and be forced to send a significant number of employees to unemployment with probably the permanent loss of their best skills at the service of the nation.


The new extended family unit of welfare of a FtatAristarchy has a clear component of merit attached to it, or at its very base. As such, welfare is never provided to the point of encouraging people not to integrate themselves to their own extended family and/or not to search ways to support themselves proudly and independently with proper temporary assistance. Receiving welfare directly from the State, as an individual person separate from the extended family, means feeling strong dependency directly on the State, and losing some personal liberty in front of the State. Receiving it indirectly, through the extended family, makes that welfare more effective, less expensive, and with a minor loss of liberty in front of the State.


"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere"

―  Martin Luther King ―


'Justice can only come out of Only Full Truth and Transparency'

―  JD ―

'In FtatAristarchy, welfare can never become a career opportunity but is always available, in a more meritorious basis, and in a more human form, to provide justice, and save the pride of people in the best possible way, even in the most difficult of circumstances'


"We should measure welfare's success by how many people leave welfare, not by how many are added".
Ronald Reagan









NO Avoidable Pollution


Elimination Of All Forms Of Pollution


No Avaidable PollutionSUMMARY >

A FtatAristarchy managed by a small and powerful TetractArium prevents to the outmost degree all avoidable pollution of any kind, be it physical, medical, electromagnetic or cultural. On the Physical side, this eliminates all non-fully recyclable or reusable containers for food and products, in particular if made of plastic. It prohibits oil fracking, air chemtrails, non-natural insecticides or herbicides and purely chemical medicines. On the side of Electronics, it prohibits the use of electromagnetic waves that disturb the Earth Life Resonance of 7.83 Hertz, like 5G or HAART. On the side of Culture, it excludes the purchase and exposure at public expense, in setups freely accessible by the public, of most of the ugly crypto contemporary art, and the forceful gradual elimination of the existing one in all public museums and open public places. It eliminates the sale on video, and/or presentation on TV, of all media glorifying pure violence not related to documenting historical facts, including all the products of Hollywood doing so, be they products showing extreme physical violence of mental violence based on a satanic culture. 




A FtatAristarchy is dedicated to avoid pollution, but all kinds of pollution, be it physical pollution, medical pollution, electromagnetic pollution and even cultural and spiritual pollution.


In relation to climate, we have first heard for years about a forthcoming climate crisis called Global Freezing. Since this has been demonstrated to be ridiculous propaganda of the globalist Sweat elites, we started to hear from them about a new climate crisis of an opposite nature, called the  Global Warming. Since independent scientists have discovered that this was also ridiculous propaganda, we unfortunately started to hear an awful lot about Climate Change. All important organizations like the UN or the WEF, and all important public figures directed by them, like prime ministers and presidents, have a constant mouthful of these expressions. But this is a scam and a well planned globalist deception. This deceitful propaganda is making the rest of us face the problem from the wrong end. Climate Change might be the expression closest to reality, but it is deceitfully misleading by throwing the blame on "We The People" instead of on those guilty of climate being changed.


GEEP PollutionClimate change is the result of mainly some natural astronomical cycles of the sun, and not mainly the result of what the rest of us do on earth. The real problem is not even "Climate Change", but rather "Climate Being Changed" from what we can call GEEP (Global Enslavement Engineered Pollution). And it is being changed mainly through entirely Avoidable Pollution that would not existed if it was not instigated for evil globalist purposes. Climate Change is being instigated by a form of global pollution that is produced by evil organizations pursuing evil objectives like globalization and population reduction which are the (not so well) hidden objectives of the UN and all its subservient organizations, along with the "Great Reset" of the WEF (World Economic Forum).


These GEEP tools and organizations include chemtrails, WIFI G5 or above, Body Chips, GMO  False Virus Pandemics, Fake Vaccines of new generations with hidden chemical additives like Graphene oxide and/or other active Nano-particles, and all the worst tools of Transhumanism with AI (Artificial Intelligence) related to the human body. But GEEP includes much worse, mainly the terrible electromagnetic waves emitted by an organization like HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), along with some other new global technology invented by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) that include even specific weather weapons like DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) that are capable of creating storms of all kinds, most destructive directed energy fires, and even tsunamis and earthquakes, all in specific places of their choice on command. Many serious and competent weather experts claim that HAARP in particular was created for mainly this exact evil purpose of directed, instigated climate change, in other words, as a climate warfare tool that can be used at will, and has already been used as warfare weather engineering, in order to cause some earthquakes and tsunamis at will, to disrupt global communications systems at will, and more. Reliable whistleblowers have affirmed that typical use of this new DEW technology has certainly been used in recent years in places like Greece and California.


Of course, the propaganda of the Sweat elites presents the climate change to us as only the result of incontrollable natural phenomena, most of the time under the umbrella of Climate Change or Pandemic, instead of more rightly as Climate Being Changed and engineered "Plandemic". And for them, the Sweat elites, it is so far a complete success. The whole world has been ridiculously masked because of the COVID scams and other tools, and accept social distancing and contact tracing as the "good" measures of the Sweat elites to protect us. As a result of this deceitful propaganda, when DEW is used for most destructive fires in places like  California or Greece, people stupidly take it as an inevitable disaster caused by Climate Change, When people see you without a useless and dangerous mask, they denounce you to the police or aggress you roughly because you ignore the Pandemic, not because of the Plandemic.


All this is part of what we call GEEP (Global Enslavement Engineered Pollution) that, in turn, is entirely avoidable if their evil inventors stop using it. Consequently, in order to face properly the problem of the so-called "Climate Change", we should first consider the real nature of the criminal GEEP, or of the "Avoidable Pollution". The climate change is the effect, not the cause. GEEP is the cause. The rest of us may have a small part of responsibility, but really only a very minor one. We should be talking more about the cause, the GEEP, and less about the effect as the cause is more important than the effect. It is caused by mainly major corporations and institutions on the basis of evil criminal objectives of globalization at the service of the Sweat elites. The cause is nothing but the easily "Avoidable Pollution" that can be eliminated if we wakeup and charge the authors. If we do not realize and attend the cause, the effects will only keep existing and worsening.


Of course, the social engineering to maintain the rest of us in a state of ignorance is powerful and is even worse than most people think. These effects that we only talk about are only the immediate destructive effects. Why do we not hear more about the long-term effects? Because of our social engineering, the long term effects are purposely kept in hiding. If we also started to consider the long-term effects, we would also start addressing better the GEEP cause. The Sweat elites behind the cause of climate being changed do not want us to do so because they, these Sweat elites, are causing this globally instigated pollution for our pursued global enslavement through additional taxation for a forthcoming One-World-Government and the related UNN Agenda21/2030 of world depopulation. In particular these Sweat elites do not want us to know their end goal, which is to arrive at a global dominance through weather disasters and the related fear needed to render the rest of us completely submissive and be thankful for our enslavement. Once these Sweat elites will have caused sufficient fear and our related desire for help, then these Sweat elites will offer as a solution a global One-World-Government that will be more easily accepted even if it is intended to be totally dictatorial.


Apart from tsunamis and earthquakes, the global GEEP (Global Enslavement Engineered Pollution) of entirely avoidable pollution is causing an unnoticed massive extinction of all kinds of plants, insects, birds and animals. Some scientists have called this "the sixth major extinction" in the history of humanity. What they forgot to make sufficiently clear however is that, probably also for the first time in the history of humanity, this major extinction is not caused by natural physical causes, but, for the first time, by some evil and powerful human beings, that is, by the Sweat elites that want to achieve world domination through the main tool of fear producing subservience.


Bees DyingWhy do we not hear more about a real Insect Apocalypse taking place at the moment? Other living beings of the biosphere are also suffering a dangerous level of gradual extinction, but the scientists claim that insects in particular are going extinct at a rate that is "eight times faster" than that of mammals, birds and reptiles. Is this Insect Apocalypse not jeopardizing our global food chain? In 2019 a group of scientists have published 73 reports concluding that the total number of insects on the globe is diminishing by 2,5 percent per year. If this current pace continues, there will probably be very few insects left at the end of this century, and these insects are absolutely critical to the worldwide food chain, that is, primarily for the required food of us, the human beings who are at the top of the food chain.


The most precious of these insects are probably the bees producing our beautiful honey. Many biologists consider the bee as the most important living being on the planet. The Earth Watch Institute itself concluded in the last debate of the Royal Geographical Society of London, that bees are the most important living being on the planet. Nevertheless, scientists have also made this sour announcement: Bees have already entered into extinction risk. Bees around the world have disappeared up to 90% in many places already according to recent studies. The reasons are different depending on the region, but among the main reasons are massive deforestation, lack of safe places for nests, lack of flowers, the use of uncontrolled pesticides, changes in soil, among others. Specialists conducted a study where it was determined that bees are the only living being that it is not a carrier of any type of pathogen, regardless of whether it is a fungus, a virus or a bacterium. Also the pollination that the bees make allows the plants to reproduce, of which millions of animals feed. Without bees, the fauna would soon begin to disappear.


This is extremely serious. And again, it not caused mainly by the rest of us, but by some of us of the Sweat elites who are the authors of the GEEP (Global Enslavement Engineered Pollution) catastrophe.


The above is a global crime against nature. Our international organizations have instituted a "Crime Against Humanity", but should they not also institute a "Crime Against Nature"? In fact, in this case, is it not both crimes at the same time? Why then do we hear only, and so much, on a daily basis, about Climate Change or still sometimes about Global Warming, and not about things like Insect Apocalypse taking place? The answer is easy. We are socially engineered to only fear the immediate effects of fake Climate Change that seems to be coming from only natural causes while it is a Climate Being Changed. From this point of view, we serve, through our related fear, the purpose of the global plan of world dominance of the Sweat elites. If instead we started to pay attention to things like the Insect Apocalypse, not to mention of the real Plandemic that is definitely not caused by nature itself, but by the authors of the GEEP, then we would quickly realize that it is caused by the evil actions of some of us, that is, by the actions of an Sweat elite with an evil globalist plan. We would not only soon discover the cause, which is the GEEP Avoidable Pollution, but also in particular who is responsible for this GEEP Avoidable Pollution, and for what evil purpose of world dominance. The is the last thing the Sweat elites want us to do. The rest of us has to stay in the dark, not knowing what the global evil Master Plan is.


The situation with the extinction of plants and animals in general, as opposed to just insects, is not much better and, again, it is because of a type of perfectly GEEP Avoidable Pollution. After analyzing the populations of more than 330,000 seed-bearing plants around the world, scientist researchers have established that an average of three plant species have gone extinct on Earth over the last century. This is a new excessive rate that is considered roughly hundreds of times higher than the natural extinction rate for those types of plants in the previous centuries of the history of humanity. This analysis included most trees, flowers and fruit-bearing plants.


Scientist researchers also confirmed that the geographical pattern of modern extinction of plants is strikingly similar to that for animals. Most troubling, it was established that humanity has wiped out 60% of some mammals, birds, fish and reptiles in the last half century alone, that is, since 1970. Consequently, the leading world foremost experts warn that the annihilation of wildlife is now an emergency that threatens civilization itself. An estimate of the massacre of wildlife was also made in a major report produced by WWF and involving 59 scientists from across the globe. It found that the bad behavior of producers, and the vast unnecessary consumption of food resources by the global population not attending GEEP Avoidable Pollution is rapidly destroying the whole web of life that was billions of years in the making, and upon which human society today ultimately depends for clean air, water and everything else for its ultimate survival and wellbeing.


Other recent analyses have revealed that humankind has already destroyed some 83% of all mammals and half of plants since the dawn of civilization, and that, even if that destruction were to end now, it would probably take 5 to 7 million years for the natural world to fully recover. It is time to wake up. If we consider also the huge efforts of criminal deforestation around the world today, affecting very negatively all life forms, be it an insect, a plant or a wild animal, we are probably talking here about a Biolife Apocalypse as opposed to just an Insect Apocalypse. The World Bank had estimated recently that about 10 million square km of forest have been lost since the beginning of the 20th century. In the past 25 years, forests shrank by 1.3 million square km, an area bigger than the size of South Africa. Forests are home to 80% of terrestrial biodiversity, containing the widest array of trees, plants, animals and microbes. According to a 2018 FAO report, three-quarters of the Earth’s freshwater comes from forested watersheds, and the loss of trees can affect our extremely precious water quantity and quality. Over half the global population relies on forested watersheds for good drinking water as well as water used for agriculture and industry. Trees also absorb carbon dioxide, mitigating greenhouse gas emissions produced by human activity. Trees play an important role in carbon sequestration, or the capture and storage of excess carbon dioxide. In short, deforestation also causes an immense quantity of GEEP Avoidable Pollution in the form of carbon dioxide that is no more absorbed by trees.


A FtatAristarchy imposes for example that all deforestation for major roads should be replaced with the construction of these roads deep enough underground in order to not disturb the surface forestation. It also imposes that deforestation be restored obligatorily with the replanting of trees in the same places if possible, or at least in some other places around the world that so far had no good forestation. It also give a new status of full validity to natural plants medicine and has a new Faculty of Plant Medicine in all its universities in full legal competition with the regular traditional medicine and the products of Big Pharma. 


In the meantime, the sea plankton level has plunged tremendously over the same period of the last half century because our oceans have become the ultimate garbage cans of all other forms of GEEP Avoidable Pollution, in particular for unrecyclable plastic and all sorts of dreadful chemicals used by industry and pharmaceutical companies. Phytoplankton and zooplankton that live in the ocean are the very base of the ocean's food system. Everything from small fish, big fish, whales and seabirds depend on their productivity, and consequently also the human beings eating sea food down the line. "They actually determine what's going to happen, how much energy is going to be available for the rest of the food chain," explained a senior researcher with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans in Canada. He also said that, only over the very last few years, scientists have seen a persistent drop in the biomass of the phytoplankton and zooplankton in waters off Newfoundland and Labrador, but this is a global phenomenon in the whole world.   


To complete this picture of GEEP Avoidable Pollution, we cannot avoid saying a word about the recently invented technique of oil Fracking. The oil and gas industry, in the United States in particular, has enjoyed record levels of production in recent years, thanks primarily to hydraulic fracturing, commonly known as Fracking. This Fracking has tremendously negative effects of dangerous GEEP Avoidable Pollution on both water and air. One of the main pollutants released in the fracking process is methane. Methane is a a major greenhouse gas. By the way, for the fans of this subject, its Global Warming potential is 84 times that of carbon dioxide. In addition to Fracking global impact, there are harmful effects on human life. A host of ancillary components released at well sites can lead to various health problems due, once again, to GEEP Avoidable Pollution. On a natural level, the Fracking process also uses and spoils billions of gallons of precious good drinking water each year. It also contaminates major sources of drinking water hidden underground, as a lot of the chemicals used in the Fracking process do leak into underground water supplies.


What is most important to understand now is that all be above horrific extinction disasters have happened at a time when we still had not yet developed the worst kinds of tools creating GEEP Avoidable Pollution. These new horrific tolls now include the above mentioned Chemtrails, the horrific microwaves of HAART, the DEW (Direct Energy Weapon) and all the terrible chemicals invented for a more profitable agriculture, like insecticides and herbicides. The worst of these new tools however are all the Chemical Medicines invented by BigPharma supposedly for our good health but only for profits because pharmaceutical corporations cannot hold a brevet for natural products for profit. The use of natural plants could have served that purpose in a much better way, and without producing GEEP Avoidable Pollution. Such medicines would not have brought profits to the big pharmaceutical corporations, but they in turn would cost tremendously less to the end users. In addition, most of these horrible Chemical Medicines have terrible side effects on our health. They are useful only for more profit and not for curing a disease: they most of the time only eliminate the symptoms of a disease, but not the disease itself. In this way, BigPharma keeps us sick much longer, while deceitfully giving us the impression that we are better because symptoms have disappeared or have been alleviated, and consequently the Sweat elites behind them make more additional long-term profits through deceiving their clients. But these Chemical Medicines used by humans also get disseminated in the environment, typically through our urine or garbage cans, with other terribly negative effects on plants, insects and animals, let alone on the life of the good bacteria of our second brain, that is, our intestinal biome that is necessary for our survival and wellbeing. 


A FtatAristarchy has a new Faculty of Plant Medicine in all its universities, teaching and operating in full competition with the regular faculty of medicine. Consequently it prohibits absolutely any new medicine of Big Pharma that can be produced from a strictly natural plants or substances. All its old medicine products are also gradually eliminated for the same reason as soon as there is a more natural plant alternative developed in the country. Its new products are all prohibited from entry in the country. In fact, Big Pharma has to move out of the country and have no more office operating in the country.








NO Decadent Decorum


Decorum To Its Best



No Decadent DecorumA FtatAristarchy is governed by a small and powerful TetractArium with its actions and decisions all based on full transparency, full Truth, beauty and merit. It also offers education providing the holistic formation of the 3 levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul through a gradual acquisition of responsibilities in a sequence of septennials that should lead to some wisdom at age 70. This involves a return of real Philosophy to replace dogma in our life, with a set of cardinal virtues protecting the traditional values acquired in the best cultural history of the country. These virtues and values are the foundation of the best possible social Decorum to be promoted and severely defended as such by senior persons who may have acquired experience and wisdom against all minorities that may have a tendency or a vested interest to destroy them. Seniors become important consultants. Before taking important decisions, each family and city must first consult a committee of at least a troika of 3 of its own best senior citizens, and mention this fact explicitly as a premise in the formalization of the decision, specifying if the seniors were in agreement or not. If the troika was against the decision, a not binding appeal can be made to another troika at random in the same or another family or in another area of the city before the decision is formally finalized. Social Credit does exist, but only in a positive way, never in a way to limit normal individual human rights.




We can define decorum as the dignity, beauty or good taste that is appropriate to a specific social environment, or the compatibility of elements such as character, form, or style with the social environment as a whole. This implies maintaining beauty and neatness in all social interactions or initiatives.


In a FtatAristarchy, maintaining such decorum through what we can describe with the simple expression "good manners", in the social environment, as a simple expression that is well understood by most people of common sense, deserves some privileges, and not doing it deserves loosing some privileges.


In a FtatAristarchy, citizenship (and the corresponding passport) is such a privilege. It is not acquired automatically by sole birth except when one of the genitors is citizens with residence in the country or with justification to be living abroad temporarily. It can also be most easily lost by an adult, along with the corresponding national passport, for reasons of criminality, including the simple crime of not respecting the new legal voting duty without justification for 3 times consecutively in national elections. When this happens, it prevents those without citizenship and national passport to travel easily abroad except for humanitarian reasons or family reunification purposes, while using another passport or a special travel document approved and accepted for these reasons.


Decorum EleganceA FtatAristarchy is officially a-religious and has a unique concept of morality and "Good Manners" applying in particular, as its decorum, to all types of officials, be they typically government, religious and police officials. It also applies differently to all its common citizens, attempting to maintain a good level of neatness and elegance based on the best Greco-Roman roots of good manners originating from the best ELL culture and its philosophy of virtue, as opposed to originating to our so-called dogmatic Judeo-Christian roots. Good decorum applies to all social life.


Good decorum even applies to sexual activity, like to even prostitution which is legal. It is even encouraged within a context of decorum, in order to prevent private sexual violence as much as possible, but only as long as it is fully safely exercised in formally appointed places, and certainly not engaged from open streets. In a FtatAristarchy, sex pleasure is considered a beautiful attribute of human nature and can be enjoyed entirely freely at only 3 prohibitive conditions. First, it has to be used without any kind of violence with non consenting partners. Second, it cannot involve the pedophilia of an adult with a child below age 14. Third, it cannot involve anal sex with either a man or a woman, as apart from health considerations, sperm is considered a divine substance that should never be mixed with excrements. At these 3 simple prohibitive conditions of common sense, sex pleasure can be enjoyed fully freely. At these conditions, the only thing wrong, like for all good things in life, would be its abuse.


Homosexuality can also be practiced freely at these 3 conditions, but can never be proactively promoted to minor children. In a FtatAristarchy, the only form of human sexuality that can be presented as normality is heterosexuality and, as such, it does not even need any kind of proactive promotion. All forms of sexuality should not need any promotion. Various forms outside of heterosexuality can however exist and be practiced freely, and be respected fully, as long as it is in a discrete non public promotional way and, again, at the 3 conditions mentioned above. If anal sex is prohibited with both a man or a woman, consensual oral sex is perfectly legitimate when offered or received voluntarily by a partner who desires it.


Sexual physical mutilation of any kind, on a man or a woman, on young children in particular, even circumcision or female excision for religious reasons, is totally prohibited, with particular severity, just as physical operations for transgenderism on minors. These are serious crimes within the country. However, they will not be prosecuted if performed in another country permitting it on an adult voluntarily desiring it.


The LGBTQ+ considerations that are so popular today are totally irrelevant or with no kind of significance or importance in any serious discourse within a FtatAristarchy. They are rather insignificant or even laughable most of the time, like discussions about a personal taste in consuming food, when someone may prefer carrots to cabbage, or prefer fish to meat, or prefer to be omnivore of all types of food. In a FtatAristarchy, there are only two genders: a man with beautiful male genitals, and a woman with beautiful female genitals. A man is called a man, and is designed with a "He". A woman is a woman and designed with a "She". All other kinds of pronouns are inexistent in any serious conversation. Transgender individuals through physical operations may exist but only as a decision taken as an adult. Is such rare cases, they can and must be respected as the adult free choice they made, as long as it is either obvious or people they meet are made aware of it. 


Overall, from a spiritual point of view (not a formal religious institutional point of view), a FtatAristarchy also encourages all its people, officials or not, to be Jospelians (those respecting the specific Gospel of only Jesus) to adjust their moral conduct, social behavior and good manners,. This is acceptable, as it is not a formal religious approach and does not refer to any kind of institutional religion, only to an exceptional Godly Master of love and forgiveness on a basis of Truth. Apart from this, Jesus was the only major god who was not a warmonger requesting all sorts of crimes and wars from his faithful like Yahweh does constantly in the Bible and like Allah does equally constantly in the Koran. To the contrary, Jesus only requested the opposite: love, compassion and forgiveness, even for one's own enemy.


In a FtatAristarchy, citizenship (and the related passport) is never a right, but always only an important privilege that is not easily acquired and that can be most easily lost if not acquired by birth. Those who lose their citizenship lose their passport, and thus cannot easily travel abroad anymore if they only owned that citizenship and passport. In special circumstances, a recognized travel document can be issued and used temporarily for humanitarian reasons.


Many crimes can make a citizen loose his citizenship. Because of the absolute freedom of speech that exists in a FtatAristarchy, a national citizen will certainly never loose his citizenship for having criticized the government, as harshly as he or she may have done it. However, if citizenship can be lost for an established list of usual crimes, this list certainly includes a particularly unusual one, called FTATOC (Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Crime) applying to public officials and public media. This is a brand new crime in a FtatAristarchy. It also includes a very unexpected one for most democracies: the more simple but serious offense of not having voted in the last 3 national elections without proper justification.


In a FtatAristarchy, only citizens can preach for any religion. Before a religious official can start to preach, in any kind of church, or in any other place, private or public, for any religion, he or she must be a citizen. Foreign religious officials invited as guests of a church can 'talk' freely, even in public, for salutation or good public relations purposes, but can never play the role of a preacher in front of any public.


Only citizens or legal residents can formally criticize government verbally or in writing within the country. If not citizens or legal residents, they can use a proxy with national citizenship to criticize within the country. Before a journalist in a FtatAristarchy can criticize the government formally and verbally in any national media, or incite people to negative actions against the government, doing so verbally or in writing within the country, he or she must be a citizen. As a citizen he can criticize even as harshly as he wants as long as he is FTAT compliant. As a foreigner doing so, he will be invited to go back to his own country and deprived of a visa for reentry, and he may be able to criticize as much as he wants while outside the country. National journalists are always subject to the criteria of full FTAT compliance. However, foreign journalists without national citizenship can write freely any article in any national media, and even criticize harshly, but only as long as it can also be considered strictly fully FTAT compliant and it is co-signed by a citizen who fully shares the opinion. Doing it verbally must be done only through another journalist with national citizenship to whom the information has been passed. A FtatAristarchy has absolute full freedom of speech from its nationals. Any informal or formal criticism by citizens is always admissible, however harsh as it may be, as long as it is also FTAT compliant. Criticism is always good at two main conditions: 1) it is based on Truth, and 2), when contradicting an existing law, the criticism is not mostly destructive, but essentially promotes a constructive change to existing legislation through a BEC (Binding Electoral Contract) in a forthcoming national election.


Decorum Beauty Greco RomanIn a FtatAristarchy, the Police force also has a unique role and a unique source of authority. Street police are clearly and constantly present, but always polite and friendly. On the other hand, they can firmly act against any contravention to a law or a city rule. The police force essentially works for the defense and protection of the people against criminals, but also against government abuse. It does not mainly act as a tool of the government for the protection of its government officials. From this point of view, the PolArium (Police force) of the new TetractArium of governance has a brand new role compared to what it has in most current democracies. It will allow, even protect, the harshest protesters, as long as they do not include physical violence, but in turn they will automatically arrest, in any situation, anybody protesting when either using physical violence to protest, or using a covered face to do it. In our current fake democracies, the Police force does not belong to the good people, for them to be protected against common criminals and abusive political power, but to the politicians who, for the most part, are highly corrupted and criminals.


At the moment, the police force of most countries ends up essentially protecting the corrupted politicians. This is the contrary of what the police force should be doing and the FtatAristarchy puts an end to that ugly misuse of the police force. In its new role, the police can never be used by the political power to refrain or break and kind of protest from people who use no physical violence and also protest with an open face. At these two conditions, the main protestors who can demonstrate that they have previously used in the past the official outlet for lobbying or protesting live on the dedicated TV channel for that purpose, and to no avail, can even be escorted by the police force into the chambers of power to express their protest directly in front of those they, the good people, consider responsible for any kind of injustice, corruption or abuse of power, or responsible for not correcting such situations. Politicians can also be protected, but in the same way the good protestors  are protected, or by the armed forces if required in special situations, just like plain citizens members of the good people protesting against any type of aggression with physical violence.


One of the principles of a FtatAristarchy is to promote beauty and elegance whenever possible. This principle influences all aspects of the life and laws of the country. It is for this reason that a FtatAristarchy conceives citizenship (and the related passport acquisition) not as an automatic right by birth in the country without conditions, but as a privilege to be acquired at strict conditions, and maintained on the basis of another set of conditions including good behavior without criminality, including "Good civic Manners", and the promotion of the legal duty to vote. The related decorum is even a rather formal decorum for all types of officials during their functions, and a less formal one for its non-official citizens. Again for this reason, the police force is not under the command of the corrupted and criminal government officials to protect themselves, but under the command of the people who need to be protected with police good manners against criminals, officials or not. The police force "belongs" to the good people who pay for the salaries and privileges of all their officials of governance. That police force is called the PolArium, and belongs to the "Sovereign People", as part of the TetractArium.


In a FtatAristarchy, all activities of the communities are managed and arranged with an major objective of Self-Sufficiency as much as possible, through mainly small private businesses. It always tries to have kilometer-zero bio-agriculture when possible. It develops itself on a basis of the particular specific beauty of the dominant culture of each living area. Cities are improved through the new concept of FUCA (FtatAristarchy Urban Cultural Area). Villages are also improved through the full agricultural autonomy and the least possible import of food from other villages, let alone from abroad. Extended families outside cities also receive incentives to produce agricultural products that they can sell in open street food markets of their surrounding cities.


Overall, Kallos Beauty is enforced in all aspects of civic life of both cities and villages, and in a cultural life based on best traditional Greco-Roman values of Enlightened Logos Liberty (ELL) based on philosophy, as opposed to dogmatic Judeo-Christian values based on dogma. Ugliness is fought and eliminated everywhere possible, and certainly cannot enter or be maintained in public places or museums at public expense. Harmony is proactively pursued at all levels of human activity having to do with the body, the emotions, the mind, the sciences and our relations with the other kingdoms of nature on Planet Earth. In a FtatAristarchy, new pieces of ugliness can not enter public museums at public expense, which is the case unfortunately of most contemporary art at the moment. Existing ugliness in them must be sold out or eliminated as soon as possible. In case of contestation about the use and interpretation of the concept of Beauty or Truth, the conflict can easily be resolved through a quick referendum or through the intervention of an appointed TSA (Truth Stakeholder Arbitrator) or a committee of them. For sure, the concept of Beauty is based on the best values and artistic production of the Greco-Roman civilization that with its PHILOTIMO has invented democracy, holistic education, philosophy and the Olympics but also the best of artistic beauty. 


Regrouping families and communities is always an objective. In a FtatAristarchy, cities, or parts of cities, can get improved living conditions with a decorum of their choice through the new concept of FUCA (FtatAristarchy Urban Cultural Area). In particular in villages, regrouping is encouraged for extended family to form more easily various agricultural centers of biological monoculture. In general people receive incentives to regroup their extended family members in quarters where they can give each other better mutual assistance, either substitutive of isolated welfare assistance or complementary on a more human basis.


Dressing within normal cities, as opposed to vacation areas, must be strictly CUNTAKIC (Covering Under Neck To All Knee In City) or from below the neck to the knees included. A bathing suit is for a beach, not for a city. Nobody can wear face covering equipment of any kind during demonstrations. Nobody can wear face covering equipment of any kind during any normal life activity circulating in public places.


All personal behavior that contributes to the degradation of good social decorum in public spaces is prohibited. This includes ugliness in the form of grossly exposed tattoos, piercing, nude in public, or even extravagant punk style dress and hair styling. All this can be tolerated in private spaces, and even in public transition places like circulating in private cars or public busses, but never in closed public areas like restaurants, gyms or offices. Not complying means being subject to a very heavy fine of offensive social misconduct. On the part of a public official or of the staff of a commercial outfit, it may also means having to refuse servicing these persons as clients if this is made known at the entrance.


In a FtatAristarchy, prisons are prisons, and not centers of wellness equipped for free with things like gyms and pools that common people outside prison have to pay for. Prisoners are offered bare minimum good essential living conditions. There is no way prisoners are expected to live better than most people on social welfare. They are even expected to contribute to their own maintenance through taking turns to help food preparation, cleaning premises, washing clothing and garbage collection or disposal. 


The death sentence does exist in a FtatAristarchy. Prisoners condemned to it are offered a choice of various forms of death that can go from hanging to medical soft death. In all cases however, these execution take place in front of a public. However, the death sentence is given for very different forms of crimes than the ones deserving a death sentence at the moment in most countries. For example, a man who kills another man because he found him in bed with his wife, and killed him out of spontaneous rage and jealousy does not deserve a death sentence even if he killed another man. He killed only one other man and for some kind of legitimate reason. At the other extreme, the lie of a politician can deserve death sentence if that lie has caused the death of dozens if not hundreds of other persons. This could be the case for example of an official accepting a bribe to sign the approval of a Fake Vaccine that he knows is not meant to kill a virus in vaccinated persons but to spread the virus to unvaccinated persons who may die by the hundreds because of it, only to serve an evil agenda of world depopulation, like it may be the case at the moment during the COVID pandemic. Usually to deserve a death sentence, a prisoner has to have done serious damage or killed many persons, as opposed to having killed spontaneously only one person for an apparently valid reason from his point of view. Causing serious economic damage to thousands of people, in particular if to the majority of the people in the country, through even a simple lie or a corrupting bribe without killing anyone would most certainly deserve a death sentence. But each case has to be valued on its own merit by a jury of pairs.     


Decorum Wellness





This section on Decorum was originally much longer and included a long section on the best possible sex life and behavior of the very special animal called the human being. This section was removed in order to help shorten this book that is already probably too long (some 730 pages in a normal book format scale), but in particular because the subject itself is too controversial and has to do with democracy only in a very indirect way. In fact, this subject should be treated in a better context than the present world crisis due to COVID and the Great Reset. It should be better used in a brand new book of it own. The section included many special new concepts about various types of sexual behavior but the main one has to do with the sexual behavior of the young adult man before marriage (usually between age 18 and 28). We have called this young man, in its most positive light, the GOBOSSO (Good Occasional Benefactor Of Super-Sperm Overproduction). At the moment, but also as in all of human history, this strong healthy young adult man who is caught with the daily problem of overproduction of sperm that he does not know how to dispose of properly, is the main source of most sexual abuses around the world, and consequently a source of bad social decorum. However, if treated and educated properly, the GOBOSSO can become just about the best source of joy and well-being for most people around him, women and other men alike. This shall be the subject of a separate book as soon as possible.





"Beauty generates Love. Love generates Truth. Truth generates Liberty. Together they generate best possible Good on Earth. This deific generation chain may not be called 'religion', but certainly be called

― JD ―


"When a person alone is dominated by delusion, it is called stupidity. When many persons join in fear as group delusion, it is called religion. When a whole nation joins to produce mainly beauty, joy, love and Truth, it is called FtatAristarchy, thus best possible liberty in a society with least possible delusion"
― JD ―








NO Aggressive War


Soldiers Always And Only For Defense And Help


No Aggressive WarSUMMARY >

A FtatAristarchy is managed by a small but powerful TetractArium that is always and absolutely against war except in a defensive way. The exception can be for defensing itself or for defending an ally with whom it has a formal agreement of mutual defense. There is no such ambition of spreading its own type of democracy or provoking regime change in other countries for any reason. Its Neutrality is absolute. Before marriage, otherwise between age 21 and 28, each citizen, male or female, has to provide 1 year of PAS (Patriotic Assistance Service) that is a formation that includes combat military skills for men and nursing skills for women. In both cases it includes the acquisition of training skills to go out and assist the Incapacitation of people seriously affected by disease, misery, abandonment or old age, including attending some domestic or street Animals in difficulty on their own or in wards.      



The military forces of a FtatAristarchy exist and are maintained with patriotic pride with sufficient power in the current international situation, but are strictly used in a defensive way, as NoWEDO  (No War Except Defensive Operations). A FtatAristarchy does not belong to any supra-national military organizations like NATO and would join one only temporarily when seeing a clear advantage at the time of a clear military threat for itself and for the region. In fact, it promotes the dissolution of vast military organizations as much as possible, unless there is a need to form one, or to maintain one temporarily, because of a clear international threat against all of the wider geographical area in which the FtatAristarchy happens to be located. In such case it would join the best defensive international military organization and contribute to its share of related expenses as long as these contributions could be managed as FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) compliant with appropriate corresponding feedback to its citizens. 


A FtatAristarchy is by definition and constitution a NoWEDO (No War Except Defensive Operations) country and fully independent. It wants no foreign interference in its own country, nor to be part of any kind of influence in another country if there is no threat to itself. This is also why no foreign NGO can come and operate in a FtatAristarchy, and no national NGO can operate inland with foreign funds, nor abroad with national public funds. There can be no argument for a formal intervention within another country except through fully FTAT diplomatic initiatives in case of an attack or a situation of mutual defense.


Military PASA special form of military service does exist in a FtatAristarchy, for both men and women, but it is of a different nature, and divided in two main sectors. Formally it is not called "Military", but "Patriotic". It is called the PAS (Patriotic Assistance Service), divided in PASMA (Patriotic Assistance Service Military Activity) for men, and PASNA (Patriotic Assistance Service Nursing Activity). For women, it is concentrated on nursing activities, never including frontline physical combat training or activities. A year of such patriotic service is absolutely obligatory at maximum age 18 for both men and women. However, men and women's roles are entirely different. In physical combat situations, the PASNA of women is essentially a backline assistance to the frontline PASMA of men. PASMA and PASNA formation and training are entirely different, and each in separate compounds of barracks.


In both cases of PASMA and PASNA, they have a PASFA (Patriotic Assistance Service Farming Activity) attached to their compound or barracks or in a near vicinity. In peace time not requiring combat operations, apart from various aspects of armed forces activities, both men and women soldiers are trained in self-sufficiency and survival techniques from an agricultural food point of view. The Farms in questions usually also include a Dog Pound where abandoned city dogs are attended and trained for assisting the armed forces in military operations and/or in other situations of disasters like earthquakes or city strife.


The military service of a FtatAristarchy, called PAS, does not include only combat activity for men and nursing activity for women, and PASFA survival agricultural training for both, but a lot of other training and experiences meant at improving good social life in the country. This includes for example some special Judo training unique to a FtatAristarchy called EthoPlay, with both physical EthoJudo and mental EthoDialogue. It includes courses of Civic Education. In includes participation in efforts to get rid of Abandoned Garbage in public or isolated private places. In includes particular training for assisting in recuperating normal life in cases of Earthquakes and natural disasters. It even includes special Sex Education in terms of handling all sex appeal with particular gallantry and the decorum defined in a previous section.


A FtatAristarchy will never intervene militarily in the life and internal affairs of any other country without being formally asked to come and help, whatever the situations may be, not even for humanitarian reasons. If there is an agreement of mutual defense, and the other country is being attacked, than on that basis the FtatAristarchy will intervene when officially requested to do so by that other country. In such cases, the intervention abroad would be entirely justified from a diplomatic point of view.

National Patriotic Army Collaborating With the Global PythArmy


The FtatAristarchy special system of democratic governance was elaborated in the context of the Pythagorean Project. This project however has two main objectives. The first one is the promotion of FtatAristarchy. The second one is the promotion of a philosophical movement based on the holistic education of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul. This education tries to form the 3 basic levels of the Tetractys, 1) the Instinctive level, 2) the Compulsive level and 3) the Cognitive level on the basis of the main cardinal virtues of each of these levels, 1) Temperance, 2) Fortitude and 3) Prudence. In Ancient-Greece, they believed that only when these 3 levels were formed harmoniously, and harmoniously operating between them, was there a possibility for a person to achieve the fourth Tetractys level of Wisdom. The ultimate objective was to have as many youths as possible achieve wisdom in order for them to be used as leaders for the best possible virtuous guidance and governance of the country.


Was is terrorism with a bigger budgetThis type of holistic education was invented in Ancient-Greece. In fact, Greece invented education, and this invention of holistic education dates back to Pythagoras. Then it was used by the subsequent trend of Platonic Philosophy to formally educate youths in the best possible virtuous way for well over 1000 years. The main contributors in that line are what we call the 6P philosophers: Pythagoras, Plato, Plutarch, Plotinus, Porphyrios, and Proclus. After this system of education was gradually forced out, by mainly the Christian religion in the first half of the first millennium AD, and replaced with religious education and dogma, some of it nevertheless remained for centuries, in fact even until the mid-1960s, in what was called “Classical Education”. Strangely enough, these remnants were often used under the direct guidance of Christian authorities that had their roots in their religious predecessors that has forced out most of this holistic education in previous centuries.


Since the mid-1960s, this Classical Education, that was only a small part of the Pythagorean holistic Tetractys education, completely disappeared. The Pythagorean Project wants to revive it, but not only as the remnants that were included in the “Classical Education”. It wants to return to it all, as the real and complete education that was the original Pythagorean holistic education of the human soul at its 3 levels of the Tetractys. It promotes its use in the transformation of all systems of education in the various countries of the world. But this is a slow process, and the culture of many countries will just not be able to bring about this transformation. Thus the need of a philosophical movement propagated by groups of youths becoming aware of this kind of holistic education, and hopefully also formed by it, in order for them to then promote it as much as possible in their own countries around the world.


This movement takes the form of groups of youths from around the world formed in this philosophy, and acting later on in their own countries as a kind of activists trying to help their own country in the best possible way from patriotic and social points of view. This is the PythArmy. This PythArmy is intended to be formed by various sessions of education taking place at the PythAcademia that will be established in Greece. These sessions could last from a few weeks to a few months, like typically a whole summer.  


The creation of a PythArmy of soldiers implies, as a first step, the acquisition of a raised philosophical awareness on all aspects of our reality and the beautiful elements of this reality to be better known and used for the best of the country. Again, this is an essential initial step that can be achieved through short sessions at the PythAcademia for a few weeks or up to a full summer. It is also usually a preliminary step to be able to possibly enter the PythAcademia for a full professional university formation in the few faculties that it intends to offers as soon as possible.


The overall Pythagorean Project with its PythArmy has, as its ultimate mission, the creation, within a country, of a unique new type of cultural environment based, for its most fundamental values, on the ancient Enlightened Logos Liberty (ELL) culture, but well adapted to our modern times. This includes the establishment of a new form of holistic education better than what we have now, called EthoPlasìn, also a form of democracy better than what we have now, called FtatAristarchy, and forms of interpersonal communications worldwide much better than what we have now. These major objectives are all based on a Return Of Philosophy in our life to replace dogma and they are defined more explicitly in the Mission Statement of the PythagorArium.


The magnificent ELL (Enlightened Logos Liberty) culture on which the project is based is the one that gave birth to real philosophy, as a virtuous philosophical way of life. It also gave birth to real holistic education, as the harmonious formation of the various levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul. It gave birth to the promotion of the real beauty of the human body, as a reflection of a harmonious soul (like the ones shown in our decorum section). It gave birth to the spirit of the Olympics that helped us to conceive human and social competition as an emulation of the best and most talented, as opposed to a destructive rivalry. It gave birth to real democracy, as a form of direct and participative Aristarchy based on Truth, beauty and merit which, in our context, we call FtatAristarchy in its final full implementation stage. That same ELL culture also brought us the best concepts of Kallos Beauty and harmony in all fine arts. It also brought us the first proto-scientific approach to all sciences. Last but not least, it gave us the language that has had a continuous superiority over all other languages for over 5000 years. In other words, this incredible contribution of the ELL culture to all aspects of human and earthly life is unique in the history of humanity and consequently it is clearly at the origin of the very best of what we can call civilization in the world today. It is certainly so without any doubt in all the western world but also with a great positive influence on the cultures of the rest of the world. In one sacred word, this culture is PHILOTIMO.


When it will open, the PythAcademia is meant to be completely self-supportive and, as such, provide its education to the PythArmy completely free of charge. The PythAcademia chosen location is some 30 kilometers south of Athens on the seaside in Greece. Because of the economic crisis in the world at the moment, in particular in Greece, it is not possible to achieve this full PythAcademia immediately with full self-sufficiency. However, there are some other preliminary and intermediate objectives that can be achieved in spite of the crisis, at least partly, in the near future, like small sessions of formation of selected members of the PythArmy.


For now, and until further notice, because of the current crisis, all PythAcademia operations are of course suspended.


Needless to say, or try to hide, that the Pythagorean Project is frontally in opposition to the so-called NWO (New World Order), or rather to the ugly system of global enslavement that we call SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement Global World Order). The Pythagorean Project is conceived openly and frankly to fight this Luciferian Master Plan of global enslavement that was so far imposed on us through mainly DDDD (Dogma, Debt, Disinformation, and Despair), along with the destruction of the family, the annihilation of the nation and the reduction of education to pure instruction serving without awareness only the evil objectives of the NWO. In opposition to all this, the Pythagorean Project, with its PythArmy, will try to reestablish a bit more liberty, harmony and happiness in our most chaotic and degraded world that is managed as such on purpose, by plan, by the Sweat elites of the NWO pursuing a One-World Government of global enslavement through the saga of an eventual false Pax Judaica that the PythagorArium intends to replace with a true Pax ELLINICA of clear Apollonian light, harmony and love.   



The soldiers of the so-called PythArmy are meant to serve four purposes.


  1. First, to provide a well formed group of sympathizers (the so-called PythArmy) that will facilitate the eventual full implementation of the Pythagorean Project in an appropriate structure in their own respective countries, which includes the promotion of FtatAristarchy as a new form of democratic governance. After their training, the soldiers with the ability and the willingness to do so shall proactively defend and promote all the three main objectives of the Pythagorean Project, hopefully in all their activities and for the rest of their life.

  2. Second, in addition to this promoting role, while living and working normally in their own environment the formed PythArmy soldiers will constitute (or contribute to the growth of) the main source pool from which eventual fulltime students at the PythAcademia will be selected (when it will open) and admitted in one of its special faculties in order to obtain a full university degree in a NELA (Natural Earth Life Approach) science. All these university graduates will also have a solid formation in philosophy and, as scientists, they will be expected to celebrate through their good work the sacred marriage of science with philosophy where by a doctor will be a philosopher doctor, an engineer will be a philosopher engineer, etc. All these soldiers and professional formed by the PythagorArium are in turn meant to become also new Civitas Managers in their own environments.

  3. Third, the members of the PythArmy collectively, with their raised awareness on the real nature of our current human, political and economic reality, shall be able to prevent the formation of the evil NWO (New World Order), or rather the SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement Global World Order) pursuing the False Pax Judaica of global dogmatic enslavement, and establish instead a true Pax ELLINICA in a new Apollonian ELL (Enlightened Logos Liberty) world environment.

  4. Fourth: fully trained and qualified male soldiers who decide to proactively defend the principles of FtatAristarchy, even in conflictive combat situations when necessary, become strong enlightened PytHoplites for the time they are officially fully active as such with the certification of the PythagorArium and, as such, proactively defend the rest of society being submitted to misery or any kind of enslavement, or help living entities of the other natural kingdoms of beautiful planet Earth.


PythAcademia Difference with other universities while training students and the PythArmy


The first and main PythAcademia, as both a university and the focal point of the PythArmy, will inevitably be built in Greece, but there can well be eventually a national PythAcademia in various countries. These would be following a central core of culture guided by the main one in Greece, but with some differences attending the different cultures of each different national country involved. Of course, the countries involved will require to have a basic culture not too distant from the Greco-Roman Roots of western civilization, or not contradicting in any inadmissible way its basic historical values. In all cases, a PythAcademia is conceived to have 4 major differences from practically all other universities in the world at the moment. These differences of the PythAcademia represent a major improvement of the current educational system at university level worldwide.


  1. FIRST: Universities today typically do not provide education, certainly not holistic education, but only instruction in the sciences of various faculties. This is also a reflection and a continuation of what is going on at pre-university level in most cases. During the last few generations in particular, education has disappeared and only instruction is provided in order to satisfy the new needs of our technological era and of those Sweat elites profiting from it. This serious lack of real holistic education is the major cause of most of our human, social and political problems in the world at the moment. The PythAcademia would help to fill that gap and correct that situation by providing holistic education related to the 4 levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul. Its education will necessarily be holistic and include not only good scientific instruction, but also serious essential elements of education related to beauty and virtue regarding not only personal and civic life, but also the development of best artistic talent and best sportive practices of each student in an Olympic Spirit, without neglecting best new technology with an essential NELA (Natural Earth-Life Approach) character.

  2. SECOND: the faculties of the PythAcademia University are meant to be few but will all have a new so-called NELA essential characteristic in the teaching of their respective sciences, be it architecture, physics or medicine. This NELA factor is an entirely new characteristic of university faculties proposed by the PythagorArium, and it is meant to resolve a lot of the problems that humanity faces at the moment worldwide through the wrong use of various sciences and technology.

  3. THIRD: universities at the moment do not operate while having in mind the good of the people in general, let alone the primary good of their own students. Not at all! They rather function having in mind mainly the needs of the new technological labor market and the fake “good” of the biggest corporations of the Sweat elites involved in it, let alone the priority “good”  of the finances of these corporations providing and corrupting universities with some misleading lobbying and funding of usurious debt-money. The PythAcademia would also help to fill this gap and correct that ugly situation working against the best interests of "We The People" and against the wellness of beautiful GAIA Planet Earth at the level of all its natural Kingdoms of Life.  

  4. FOURTH: The PythAcademia does not form only university students to become future professionals, but also takes care of the training background of the soldiers of the PythArmy, either directly when necessary or indirectly through training material.



Hoplite And Amazone Beauty of Pytharmy 




# Index 





All the above FtatAristarchy, its 10 major reforms and the PythArmy may seem to be a very strict set of disciplinary rules for both the personal life and the civic life of a citizen of a FtatAristarchy. No doubt this is the case! Without discipline, nothing good can be achieved. However, discipline well intended also means acquiring more success and more happiness on a personal basis, and offering better achievements for the good of the country managed as a FtatAristarchy. In any case, these 10 reforms do not mean citizens cannot relate well with people of other less disciplined cultures. It does not mean either that the country cannot have a voluntary and useful participation on a consultation basis in various international forums not respecting its rules and discipline. It should certainly mean that special unexpected events affecting badly the life of the country, as for example events not planned for in the electoral contract, can be attended and governed properly through a culture of discipline accompanied by special resources established on an already approved set of rules, or through practically instant referenda if need be. Such FtatAristarchy referenda can even be arranged easily and comfortably in a matters of hours if need be, with the help of the most sophisticated communication facilities that exist today.



In a nutshell, the very first thing a FtatAristarchy must start doing to deserve this title, after instituting the FTATOC (Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Crime) system, is to get rid of all the useless and expensive outdated structures of power above a national executive elected on the fully binding basis of a BEC (Binding Electoral Contract). This includes getting rid of the active involvement of all politicians during a political mandate after an election, getting rid of a grossly outdated parliament, getting rid of permanent embassies, except maybe occasionally within permanent consulates, prohibiting the commanding authority of all officials of all supranational structures of power over the elected national governance. It also means avoiding participation in all international organizations except on a voluntary consultative basis, at minimal expense, and at the condition that these organizations be fully transparent in their management, in their finances in particular, as FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) compliant. Finally, the FtatAristarchy, while allowing free religious belief, does not allow any kind of interference from any religious institution.


After the above, the main thing a governance must do to complete the passage to a FtatAristarchy, is to get rid of all fake public debt, prohibiting from now on the creation of  any new public usurious debt-money, in fact prohibiting any new kind of usurious debt-money issued out of nothing, on only a digital fiat basis, in order to become a tool to unjustly acquire real property when the usurious debt-money cannot be paid back. Exchanging fiat money issued digitally out of nothing, through only fractional reserve, and exchanging it for real property when the borrower of the private usurious debt-money cannot reimburse the loan, become a most serious crime in a FtatAristarchy.  


After these first steps, a country should very much be well on its way to be a beautiful FtatAristarchy.









Bikerton_Invernizzi BK TechnoPopulism












(Coined here and evidenced as hyperlinks in the text)



Square brackets [+ ...] at the end of the basic definition of an acronym

will provide, when present, a link to more information on that acronym



  • Ariant = the appointed head of an Arium in the TetractArium of governance of a FtatAristarchy.

  • Arium = a place where a project is being planned, or where an idea is being discussed for promotion in the country.

  • Aristarchy = a direct and participative democracy based on Truth, merit, beauty, virtue and freedom for all citizens. [+Aristarchy]

  • Banktatorship = Banking Dictatorship (The new enslaving financial dictatorial system run by the new banks of the Sweat). [+Banktatorship]

  • BAVID  = Bio-Anonymous Voting ID (the voting system without any possible fraud  proposed by a FtatAristarchy, using anonymous biometrics).

  • BEC = Binding Electoral Contract (as opposed to a BEP. The BEC becomes the SPEC after the completion of a national election).

  • BECVABAD = Binding Electoral Contract  Voted As Bio-Anonymous Duty (the new voting system without any possible fraud of a FtatAristarchy).

  • BeLove = Be Love, or: Belief and Love (a nice different way to say hello in the context of a FtatAristarchy and the PythagorArium Project).

  • BEP = Binding Electoral Program (which becomes a BEC when the party can become a PPC, and the BEC becomes a SPEC after a national election)

  • BIOF  = Best Interest Of FtatAristarchy (a criteria to assess if something can be done because it is done with the best interest of a FtatAristarchy

  • COGIPAS = Code Of Goodness In Products And Services (principles of good conduct to offer products or services to the public: closure at 4th infraction).

  • COGNO = Cash Out, Government Nose Out (Government knows how much you spend, but not where nor on how, except for investigations) [+COGNO].

  • COPAN = Confederation Of Patriotic Aristarchy Nations (the organization meant to replace the United Nations as the FALPNO. [+COPAN]

  • COPMAT = Cashless Only Public Money Accounting Transparency (only public money must obligatorily be cashless and fully transparent).

  • Currency: see NASCU, NAMA, Trustmoney, COGNO, COPMAT, NASCU

  • DAFTATAP = Dual Automated Fiscal Transaction Accruing Tax And Pension (the new basic financing system of a FtatAristarchy).

  • DAPAST = Dual Accumulator Property And Sales Tax (the only 2 forms of taxation of a FtatAristarchy, accumulating also pension benefits on both sides).

  • DAS = Debt Approach Strategy (the part of the Sweat elites who prefer global enslavement through mainly debt-money. They oppose the Sweat GAS)

  • DebtOcracy = a fake democracy based on mainly debt and fear for a new enslavement of all citizens below the Sweat elites. [+DebtOcracy]

  • DDDD = Dogma, Debt, Disinformation, and Despair (resulting in constant fear and submission to the current oligarchy). [+DDDD]

  • DEW = Directed Energy Weapon (HAARP tool part of GEEP that can damage distant world targets with local fires, engineered storms, or even earthquakes).

  • DUMB = Deep Underground Military Base (like China Lake Naval Air Weapons in California USA and Pine Gap in Australia).

  • Elites: see SWEAT

  • ELL = Enlightened Logos Liberty (the culture of Ancient-Greece that founded philosophy, democracy and holistic virtuous education) (+ELL)

  • ELLADUM = Enlightened Logos Liberty Aristarchy Democratic Undertaking Movement (movement fighting SEGWO and promoting FALPNO). 

  • FALPNO = FtatAristarchy Liberating Patriotic National Order (the good world order pursued instead of the current SEGWO being imposed on us)

  • Energy: see DEW, GEEP, HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency).  

  • FOB = Force Of Bad (the cosmic force of Satan opposing the divine FOG - Force Of Good). [+FOB]

  • FOG = Force Of Good (the cosmic force of the creator of the universe, in opposition to the FOB - Force Of Bad) [+FOG]

  • FOPA = Fully Open Public Accounting (a first step for governance to become FTAT, where every public penny spent can be followed by all tax payers).

  • FTAT = Full Truth And Transparency (the main basic characteristics of a FtatAristarchy based also on a philosophy of merit, ethics and beauty). [+AristarchyFTATOC].

  • FtatAristarchy = Full Truth And Transparency Aristarchy (direct participative governance on Truth, Transparency, Merit and Beauty) [+ FtatAristarchy]

  • FtatArium = Full Truth And Transparency Arium (ensuring all internal governance is Truth (TinformArium does it for all external public information). 

  • FTAT-PY = FTAT Person Year (+ the year: the best person of the year, of any nationality, from a FtatAristarchy point of view, one only each year).

  • FTAT-CY = FTAT Citizen Year (+ the year: the best citizen of the year, of the nationality of a FtatAristarchy, up to 4 in any given year, graded from 1 to 4).

  • FTAT-MY = FTAT Media Year (+ the year: the best media of the year, of any FtatAristarchy, up to 4 in any given year, graded from 1 to 4).

  • FTATCOGNOM = The combination of FTAT, COGNO and Merit (the three most fundamental characteristics of FtatAristarchy governance).

  • FTATOC = Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Crime (new main crime of a FtatAristarchy, more serious than murder)  [+PASFOGOC].

  • FTATOT = Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Treason (this is a FTATOC that is so serious that it becomes Treason) [+PASFOGOC].

  • FtatOcracy = Full Truth And Transparency Democracy (the middle stage a TruthOcracy and a FtatAristarchy) [+AristarchyFTATOC].

  • FUCA = FtatAristarchy Urban Cultural Area (an urban cultural area inside which people live openly with the customs of a particular religion or culture.

  • FUPA = FtatAristarchy Urban Patriotic Area (a country agricultural area with common patriotic values and living under the principles of a FtatAristarchy).

  • GAS = Global Approach Strategy (the part of the Sweat elites who prefer global enslavement in a holistic way, including our soul. They oppose the Sweat DAS)

  • GEEP = Global Enslavement Engineered Pollution) (Chemtrails, WIFI G5+, DARPA and HAARP DEW capable of earthquakes, storms and tsunamis).

  • GlobCommunism = Global Communism (Improved Communism, fine-tuned in China, pushed at world level, through a dictatorial One-World-Government).

  • GlobFascism - Global Fascism (The fake mask of the GlobCommunism fine-tuned in China and pushed at world level through a One-World-Government)

  • GMO = Genetically Modified Organism (none can be produced or imported in a FtatAristarchy, where all products must be NELA and NoGANO compliant).

  • GOD = see SLOGOS (Supreme LOGOS, as the supreme creator behind the cosmos and all things), and SAPNOS (his human incarnated form as Jesus).

  • GovernArium = the main executive figure of a TetractArium that must fulfill a SPEC during an electoral mandate. 

  • GUAUG = Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance (the growing monster of unelected and unaccountable governance destroying national power)

  • GUAUGUM = Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance Unacceptance Movement / Member (against NWO, for FALPNO & ELLADUM).

  • Healthtatorship = Health Dictatorship (The new system of compulsory Fake Vaccines and health passport to control and enslave people) [+Healthtatorship].

  • Improved Communism = improved for the Sweat elites, not the rest of us, moved West without that name, after fine-tuning in China as Cultural Terrorism

  • LOGOS = Loving Omnipotent Generator Or Surveyor (often used as SLOGOS, or Supreme LOGOS) meaning "GOD" as the omnipotent power of his 'words'.

  • MOWOP = Master One-World-Order Plan (the more specific name of the "Master Plan" of the Sweat elites to enslave the whole world) [+MOWOP].

  • NAMA = National Autonomous Monetary Agency (the agency of the TetractArium of state powers of a FtatAristarchy issuing debt-free treasury money).

  • NAS =  NurseAide Annual Salary (This hospital position is considered both essential and hard meritorious work within any community).
  • NASCO =  NurseAide Annual Salary Currency Output (the output figure of the average annual salary of a  NurseAide).

  • NASCU =  NurseAide Average Salary Currency Unit (the unit figure of the NASCO figure divided by 2100 working hours per year at 40 hours a week).
  • NASMA =  NurseAide Annual Salary Monthly Attribution (the annual divided by 13 months. Up to 10 NASMA maximum in government positions).
  • NASMAP =  NurseAide Annual Salary Monthly Attribution Pension (which is half a NASMA).
  • NASNI =  NurseAide Average Salary National Index (national average of a  NurseAide salary that can vary from city to city).

  • NELA = Natural Earth-Life Approach (any kind of product produced or imported in a FtatAristarchy must exclude GMO or DNA engineering).

  • NEWO = New Enslaving World Order (a better way to say NWO that is the more innocuous acronym meant to deceive us regarding our enslavement)

  • Newstatorship = News Dictatorship (The system of full control of information and limit of freedom of speech to enslave through fake news) [+Newstatorship]

  • NGO = No Government Organization (in a FtatAristarchy, none can operate inland with foreign funds, nor abroad with national public funds).

  • NoCAFO = No Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (all such operations become a serious crime).

  • NoCafoNoGanoNoRaco = NoCAFO, NoGANO, NoRACO (in special situations of applying the three rules together).

  • NoGANO = No Genetically Altered Natural Organism (consumption of products fully NELA, with no GMO or DNA engineering). 

  • NoRACO = No Reusable Authorized Containers Overspill (throwing reusable products with non-reusable garbage becomes a crime),

  • NoSACO = No Spraying-Airplane Chemtrails Overhead (chemtrails from both national and foreign airplanes become a serious crime).

  • NoTOSAP = No Tax On Seeds And Plantations (A FtatAristarchy is fully NoTOSAP by definition in all aspects of biological agriculture)

  • NoWEDO = No War Except Defensive Operations (war from a FtatAristarchy can only be defensive).

  • NWO = New World Order (the newer "White Brotherhood" opposing the OWO, wanting global holistic world power. We call it more properly the NEWO).

  • OBECOF = Out Binding Electoral Contract Operational Fund / or: Out BEC Operational Fund (new debt-free money for unpredicted emergencies).

  • OWO = Old World Order (the older "Black Brotherhood" of mainly the "Money Changers" wanting world power through debt-money and opposing the NWO).

  • Panthriskia = the One-World Religion promoted to unify the 3 Abrahamic religions for SEGWO to finally dominate the world. [+Panthriskia]

  • PASFOGOC = Products And Services For Only Good Of Country (its non-compliance becomes a FTATOC and possibly a FTATOT)

  • PATOC = Public Affairs Truth Obstruction Crime (the new main crime in an Aristarchy, more serious than murder). [+PATOC] [+FTATOC

  • Pension: see DAPAST

  • PICO = People Improving Communities through Organizing (The social movement rendered famous by Obama's participation before his presidency).  

  • PlanDemic = Planned Pandemic: a pandemic no created by nature but by persons in a laboratory, as an evil plan to reinforce enslavement.

  • PluckDown = Plucking lockdown: a lockdown not implemented by necessity but by an evil plan to pluck wealth away from people.

  • PNICPIF = PlanDemic & Nano-chips & Immigration & Chemtrails & PluckDown & Internet Fifth generation 5G WIFI (Sixth G PNICPIS coming soon).

  • PPC = Political Party Contender (a political parties with the 10 highest membership, as the only ones competing with a BEC in an election). 

  • PPPP = Personal Property Priority Punishment (priority punishment through private property when possible, for a FTATOC). [+PPPP]

  • PythagorArium Project = the pursuit of 3 reforms: better education, better governance and better language [+Mission Statement]

  • ReSweat = The Great Reset of the Sweat elites of the World Economic Forum (the WEF acting with PlanDemic and PluckDowns of final global enslavement).

  • RUS = Routine Unplanned Situations (the situations that could not be planned or predicted in a BEC or SPEC).

  • SAPNOS = Supreme Apollonian, Pythagorean, Nazarean Omnipotent Savior (as the real non-Jew ELL' Greek Jesus, son of Supreme God SLOGOS).. The acronym "SAPNOS" is often abbreviated to "APNOS" or, depending on the context, even as short as "APNO", like in "The APNO be with us".   

  • Satan = Not a person-like entity of the physical realm, but a bad "Force" of the spiritual realm to which good human souls with freewill also belong [+Satan]

  • SEGWO = Satanic Enslavement Global World Order (the current evil New World Order being implemented globally by the SweatHarder )

  • SELLOS = Supreme Enlightened Loving Lecturer Of Salvation ("Holy Spirit" part of the Supreme STRIOS with "Father" SLOGOS and "Son" SAPNOS)

  • SLOGOS = Supreme Loving Omnipotent Generator Or Surveyor (or Supreme LOGOS, or Torus Speech Power, or GOD, whose incarnated son we call SAPNOS).

  • SOS = Social Olympic Spirit / Soul Olympic Spirit (The spirit animating all education in an Aristarchy, with success on talent, dedication and merit)

  • SPEC = Sovereign People Electoral Contract (this is what the BEC of the winning PPC becomes after a national election).

  • SPELLArium = Sovereign People Enlightened Logos Liberty (the Arium of the TetractArium that ensures respect of people's will).

  • STRIOS = Supreme Trinity Of Safeguard (The STRIOS of the PythagorArium: the Father SLOGOS, the Son SAPNOS and the Spirit SELLOS, or the SSS

  • SWEAT = Satan World Enslavement Abrahamic Team (the backstage satanic elites of the White Brotherhood trying to enslave the rest of us) [+Sweat]

  • SweatHarder = Satanic World Enslavement Action Through Heinous Abrahamic Religions Deviates Encompassing Roamers +[SweatHarder]

  • Taxation: see DAPAST, DAFTATAP

  • TetractArium = The TetractArium structure of state powers of a FtatAristarchy with no parliament, no public debt and people controlling the governance.

  • TETRACTYS = The 4 levels of the human soul (Instinctive, Compulsive, Cognitive and Sophical) and their related virtues. [+Tetractys]

  • THEOS = 'GOD' as per the Greek word (with "Theo" used as a prefix in front of many other words like "Theo-SAPNOS" or "Theo-SLOGOS").  

  • They / These / Those / Them / Their (with a capital "T" and in italics) = the Sweat elites pursuing the SweatHarder  plot of global enslavement. 

  • TinformArium = Truth Information (the TetractArium Arium ensuring all external information is Truth. FtatArium does it for internal information).  

  • TOTAT = Totality Of Truth And Transparency (This is the fundamental quality of a TruthOcracy and of an Aristarchy) [+s. FTATOC]

  • Trustmoney = debt-free money issued by the NAMA of a FtatAristarchy, based on rich meal, as opposed to Fiat Debt-Money issued out of nothing.

  • TruthOcracy = an improved democracy based of absolute truth in all public affairs, as a preliminary step to a FtatAristarchy [+AristarchyFTATOC].

  • TSA / TSAM = Truth Stakeholder Arbitrator / Arbitration Meeting (arbitration of presumably hidden or unpleasant truths in the community).

  • UBI = Universal Basic Income (a very basic income given to all citizens in order to survive at a time of serious economic crisis). 

  • World Order: see FALPNO (good world order), SEGWO (bad world order).

  • WW = World War. WWI was physical. WWII was nuclear. WWIII is a mix of financial, biological and spiritual war with no guns [+WW]














In the table below, you will find only the main authors mentioned or quoted directly in this book about FtatAristarchy. However, this book has many links to various pages of the various websites of the PythagorArium Project providing a lot of additional information where many other authors are listed. Of course, the list include both books useful in a positive way in order to understand our present situation (like the one by Blumenfled) and what needs to be changed to form a FtatAristarchy, and books important in a negative way about what to absolutely avoid in order to from a FtatAristarchy or prevent its formation (like the very first one by Saul Alinsky). 


  • For the few books recommended to start with, in order to better understand our current decadent world and what a FtatAristarchy can change, see this list of critical books.

  • As for the main books considered essential pre-reading for EthoPlasìn training or admission to the PythAcademia, you can go to the external link of this short suggested list.

  • For a comprehensive list of all the books mentioned or quoted in the overall PythagorArium Project, you can go to this long additional full bibliography of more than 100 books. The overall project has included the reading and consideration of over 200 books.



Alinsky, Saul

Rules for Radicals

A Practical Primer for Realistic Radicals



Allen, Gary None Dare Call It Conspiracy 2013 SEE
Antelman, Marvin

To Eliminate the Opiate
Unknown Binding (2 volumes by Rabbi)


Atwood, Margaret

The Handmaid’s Tale

1985 SEE
Atzmon, Gilad

The Wandering Who
A Study of Jewish Identity Politics


Barbiero, Flavio
The Secret Society of Moses
The Mosaic Bloodline and a Conspiracy Spanning Three Millennia


Bezmenov, Yuri Love Letter to America 1984 SEE
Bickerton_Invernizzi, C. - C. Techno-Populism 
The New Logic of Democratic Politics
Blumenfled, Samuel
Crimes of the Educators (with Alex Newman)
How Utopians are Using Government Schools to Destroy America's children


Booker, Christopher
The Great Deception
The True Story of Britain and the European Union (with Richard North)


Brenner, Lenni
Zionist Collaboration With Nazism
51 Documents


Brin, David The Transparent Society 1998 SEE
Brown, Ellen

Web of Debt
The Shocking Truth about our Money System and How we can Break Free


Brown, Ellen

Public Bank Solution
From Austerity to Prosperity


Bukovsky, Vladimir

The Soviet Roots of the European Union (with Pavel Strollov)


Castagneri, Pietro
Everything that Obama pretends not to know
Connelly, John
From Enemy to Brother
The Revolution in Catholic Teaching on the Jews


Courtois, Stéphane The Black Book of Communism 1997 SEE

Cuddy, Dennis L

The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan

2011 SEE
Curtin, Edward

Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies
Critical and Lyrical Essays


Deschner, Karlheinz
Christianity's Criminal History
(10 volumes in German, only first 3 in English)


Di Lorenzo, Thomas

The Problem with Socialism

2016 SEE

Epperson, Ralph

The New World Order

1989 SEE

Estulin, Daniel


Tavistock Institute

Social Engineering the Masses



Fleming, Dr, Richard
Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon? (The answer is a clear Yes!)
A Scientific and Forensic Investigation of the bioweapon and its money trail.
Fromm, Erich
On Disobedience
Why Freedom Means Saying "NO" to Power
Gabler, Neal
An Empire of their Own
How the Jews Invented Hollywood

Goldstein, Emmanuel Theory and Practice of Oligarchic Collectivism (only in French) 1948 SEE
Griffin, Edward
The Creature From Jekyll Island
A Second Look at the Federal Reserve (FED)


Hayek, Friedrich The Road to Serfdom 1944 SEE
Hedges, Chris
Empire of Illusion
The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle


Hiatt, Steven  A Game As Old As Empire - Global Financial Enslavement of Countries 2007  SEE 
Higham, Charles
Trading with the Enemy
An Exposé of the Nazi-American Money Plot


Hoppe, Hans Hermann
From Aristocracy, to Monarchy, to Democracy
A Tale of Moral and Economic Folly and Decay


Huxley, Aldous Brave New World 1931 SEE

Icke, David


The Trigger

911 - The Lie that Change the World - Who really did it, and why



IMF Articles of Agreement 1944 SEE
Iserbyt, Charlotte The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America 1999 SEE
Jones, Michael
The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit
Its Impact on World History


Johnstone,  Diana
Circle In The Darkness  
Memoir of a World Watcher
Kalogerakis, Gerasimos The Holocaust of Hellenism
(only in Greek)


Kincaid, Cliff
Global Bondate
The UN Plan to Rule the World
Kincaid, Cliff
Global Taxes
For World Government

Kincaid, Cliff


Comrade Obama Unmasked

Marxist Mole in the White House



Kincaid, Cliff
The Sword of Revolution and the Communist Apocalypse
Communism is not dead but more powerful and insidious than ever before.
Kontoyannis, Pantelis
The Destructive Assimilation of the Ancient Hellenic Archetypes by the Christians (only in Greek) 2009


Levin, Mark
American Marxism
(Really Western, or World Marxism)


MacDonald, Kevin The Culture of Critique 1998 SEE
Madsen, Wayne The Star and the Sword 2014 SEE
Marcuse, Herbert
Eros and Civilization
A Philosophical Inquiry into Freud


Marcuse, Herbert Study Guide to the Theories of Herbert Marcuse 2020 SEE

McLuhan, Marshall

Gutenberg Galaxy

1962 SEE
Mencken, Henry Luis

Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Series (published in 1977. He died in 1956)


Montesquieu, Charles The Spirit of the Laws 1748 SEE

Moscowitz, Charles


The Satanic Conspiracy

The Specter Haunting Mankind



Newman, Alex
Deep State
The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes
Orwell, George "1984" (Nineteen Eighty-Four) 1949 SEE
Pasha, Ayyub Sabri
And its refutation by Ahl As-Sunna


Passas, Joannis
The Crime of Science (in Greek)
(About the "Lighthouse of the East" plan for the division of Greece)


Paul, Ron End the FED 2009 SEE
Perkins, John Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (2004) + New (2016) 2016 SEE
Plato The Republic 400BC SEE
Plummer, Joseph
Tragedy & Hope 101
The Illusion of Justice, Freedom and Democracy (about Quigley's book)


Poulos, James
Human Forever
The Digital Politics of Spiritual War
Quigley, Carroll
Tragedy and Hope
A history of the World in our Time


Rassias, Vlasis

 Es Edaphos Ferein (Lay Them Down to the Ground)
(Only in Greek - The Christians against the Greek culture)


Rassias, Vlasis
Areti (Virtue)
(Only in Greek)


Rothbard, Murray Anatomy of the State 1974 SEE
Ryssen, René
Israel's Billions
Jewish Swindlers and International Financiers

Sargant, William

Battle for the Mind
A Psychology of Conversion and Brainwashing


Savin, Leonid
Ordo Pluriversalis
The End of Pax Americana & The Rise of Multipolarity
Schwab, Klaus Covid 19: The Great Reset 2021 SEE
Service, Robert
A History of World communism


Smith deHaven, Lance
Conspiracy Theory
SCAD: State Crimes Against Democracy
Socci, Antonio
This is Not Francis
La Chiesa Nella Grande Tempesta (in Italian only)


Steiner, Rudolf The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness 1917 SEE
Steyn, Mark

After America
Get Ready for Armageddon


Thompson, Arthur
The UN's Agenda 2030
Marxist Stealth Plan for World Government
TIME The Return of Satan 1972 SEE
Tosi, Stefania

Yahweh, The God of War ("Dio Della Guerra")
Fifth Commandment: Kill them all (only in Italian)


Trikas, Evanghelos

Christ Was Greek
(in Greek only)


Turan, Mustafa
The Donmeh Jews
(well commented by Wayne Madsen)

Walsch, Neal Donald
Conversations With God
An Uncommon Dialogue


WINN, Denise
The Manipulated Mind
Brainwashing, Conditioning and Indoctrination


Wolin, Sheldon
Inverted Totalitarianism
(term coined by Wolin in 2003 to explain USA in his books)


Wood, Patrick
Technocracy Rising
The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation
Wood, Patrick
The Hard Road to World Order




# Index
































This appendix contains additional background information on special subjects brought up in various parts of the book. As such, all these subjects are related to our enslavement through a forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government fully dominated by mainly the three Zio-component of the Sweat elites. From their point of view, this One-World-Government of full global enslavement is expected to be managed soon from a "Greater Israel" with JerUSAlem as the new world capital.




  1. Letter of Pike to Mazzini (1871)

  2. Lighthouse of the East (1897)

  3. Protocols of the Elders of Zion (1903)

  4. The Kalergi Plan (1922)

  5. The Tavistock Institute (1946)

  6. The Vatican Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II (1962)

  7. YINON Plan (1982)

  8. Maastricht Treaty to form the EU (1992)

  9. PNAC Project (1997)

  10. Jesus was an ELL figure, not a Jew (1 AD-2021 AD)

  11. The Biggest & Longest Holocaust against Hellenism (313 AD-1821 AD)

  12. The Levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul

  13. The Holistic Education of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the Human Soul (550 BC-1968 AD)

  14. The danger of using Muslims as useful idiots.

  15. Platonic Philosophy in Ethics, Aesthetics, Politics, Beauty and Love

  16. Various subjects









A P P E N D I X : 01


The Letter of Pike to Mazzini (1871)


To understand "By Whom" we are enslaved in the overall structure of World Power, it is important to have a look at some historical documents revealing it. One of them is the famous letter of top level Freemason Albert Pike to top level Freemason Giuseppe Mazzini, written in 1871. It is an amazing document. It was kept formally in the British Museum to be "admired" until a Rothschild became a director of the board. Then it disappeared, but it has nevertheless been seen and discussed highly for a century, before and after it disappeared, by a series of intellectuals, on the basis of the original or copies, and on the basis of the testimonies of those who had seen the letter and had written about it when it was still in the British Museum. This incredible letter was explaining how the world domination would be achieved through three world warsPike was a top figure of the American Freemasons at the time, and considered a leader of the Illuminati in the USA. As for Mazzini, he was the leader Freemasonry and of a revolutionary communist movement in Italy, and considered a leader of the so-called "Illuminati" in Italy. Both were eminent figures of the international movement of Fabian SocialismMazzini was the inventor of the term "Social Justice". He wanted to destroy the church by taking away from the church its traditional task of assistance to the poor, and make this task a public socialist government responsibility. In this way, assisting the needy stopped being voluntary, as it had been managed by the Christian Church for centuries, as commanded by a God who wanted us to be free and donate of our freewill, that task quickly became a form of very anti-Christian compulsory plundering against the richer middle class, or a kind of "Social Injustice".


This change was at the source of what became our contemporary welfare states and, in particular, of the useful welfare voting pools that were created for the election of leftist politicians in most of the western world. It was also an important change that brought people into a state of dependence in front of a type of leftist state that was seeking to become more powerful. This is still the case today. The New World Order Jesuit Pope, Francis, elected fraudulently by a plot of the Judeo-Freemasons that have infiltrated the Vatican since the Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II in 1962, and more closely linked to the globalist UNN agenda than to the traditional spiritual agenda of the Vatican, has been well reconfirming this anti-Christian passage by calling explicitly and formally, on a regular basis, for a resolution of this kind of "Social Injustice" through a bigger and more efficient plundering redistribution of wealth by governments instead of through the ancient Christian process of voluntary church charity activities. The famous letter of Pike to Mazzini of 1871 basically predicted very correctly the following.   


- WWI would first destruct, first and foremost, the main Christian empire, the one of the Tsars in Russia, and bring instead a new type of collectivist ("pre-Communistic" which in fact, by the time the Bolsheviks took power had become fully Zionist and Communist) regime being tuned-up and entirely dominated by Zionist Jews. It would hopefully also destroy the remnants of the Christian Roman Empire, like the Austro-Hungarian Empire and, if at all possible, also the Islamic Empire of the Ottomans. This WWI would thus destroy, or at least weaken immensely, the power of the two opposite monotheistic religions that could impede the eventual creation of the Zionist State of Israel and later on an eventual worldwide One-World-Government completely dominated by the Zionists. The first part, the most important one, is exactly what happened some 4 decades later with the assassination of the Tsar in Russia, and with the taking of power by the Bolshevik Communist Regime completely dominated by Zionist Jews, not to mention also the fall of the Austro-Hungarian and the Ottoman empires. The second part of a coming One-World-Government managed by Zionists, after WWII and the creation of the Zionist State of Israel is well on its way today to be formalized through the activities of the current Sweat elites taking full advantage of the current fake COVID plandemic and the ensuing Great Marxist Reset nearly ready to be activated worldwide with immense benefits for them, the Sweat elites, and only immense catastrophic consequences for the rest of us becoming fully dependent on the state as obedient slaves.


- WWII would be fought, in the meantime, by Zionism against Nazism, obviously in collaboration with the Catholic Jesuits, specifically to achieve the creation of the Zionist State of Israel that would become fully justified because of the integration of what was to become the Jewish Holocaust, as the incarnation of what Herzl, the founder of Zionism called the "necessary increase of the sufferings of the Jews in order to achieve their long-term plans". This is also exactly what has happened some 7 decades later with WWII and the Jewish Holocaust that led to having the proper justification in front of the world public opinion for the forceful creation of the Zionist State of Israel


- WWIII would be fought between Zionism and Islam. The first two World Wars were predicted perfectly correctly in the Letter of Pike to Mazzini of 1871. That third world war has also been predicted but has not yet happened. However, current events of world geopolitics show that this is certainly something that is most likely to happen in the near future just like Pike predicted it. As Pike's letter says, WWIII, fought between Zionism and Islam, will end with a victory of Zionism and the final achievement of a Zionist New World Order through a One-World Government. This is exactly what is being actively pursued by the Master Plan of the Sweat elites managing the New World Order. Maybe we can already make a small correction to that projection. It will probably no more be a pure Zionist New World Order, but rather a Sweat elites New World Order of total enslavement by the 1% against the 99%. This is certainly what John J. Robinson says in his book "Born in Blood" - The Lost Secrets of the Freemasons, explaining Pike's letter in confrontation with other important historical documents. He says that WWIII will produce the destruction of the great Al-Aqsa Golden Dome Muslim Mosque of Jerusalem (also called Dome of the Rock, or Temple Mount). It is known  that the Jews have already even built some tunnels under it, for an eventual full explosive destruction. It is also important to understand that when Pike says WWIII would take place between Zionism and Islam, the word "Zionism" very much includes the USA that, for all practical purposes has become the rich and powerful colony of the Zionist State of Israel. Consequently today, we could legitimately readjust the working of Pike by saying WWIII will take place between the combined Zionist forces of Israel and its American Zionist Colony on the one side, and Islam on the other side. This kind of scenario is certainly becoming more and more obvious and credible each year that goes by.


The Time Magazine has already published articles in the past about the strange tunnels under the Al-Aqsa Golden Dome Muslim Mosque of Jerusalem. Then, that Temple Mount, after its coming destruction, will be rebuilt as a super Synagogue, or rather as the New World Order temple of a brand new and unique universal religion under the full control of the Zionist Jews of Jerusalem who will at that same time make Jerusalem the new world capital. Is this possibly what someone called the Synagogue of Satan meant to reign sovereignly over the whole world? There is even already a scale model of that new world Synagogue temple at the Rockefeller Museum of Jerusalem. That new world religion pretty much sounds like the "Panthriskia" promoted by the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Istanbul, the Zio-Christian called Bartholomew I. This is the new ecumenical religion that he proposed as a common objective to the new Judeo-Jesuit Pope, Francis, during an incredible visit at the Vatican, as a visit without precedents from both a canonical and protocol points of view, on June 8, 2014, in the presence of  the Jewish President of IsraelPeres, and of the most prominent Jewish Rabbi and Muslim Imam of Jerusalem. This ecumenical religion is the embryo of an eventual JudiChrIslam One-World Religion.   


WWW Between Zionism and Islam


If it was not a Zionist Jew who wrote the Protocols of 1903 (exposed in another section), and not a Freemason Zionist who wrote the Letter of 1871 of his own initiative about the three world wars, we cannot put the authenticity into question in terms of content, as that content is in great part (2/3) already confirmed reality today, and the rest is what is a coming reality that is clearly developing today exactly as predicted. If the 2 authors are fake, whoever they were, then the authors wrote these two prophetic documents undeniably on behalf of some higher authority behind them, with an incredible power to program clearly and very much in advance. In other words, if the two documents are a fake, it is only in terms of who is maybe their real author, and certainly not in terms of what they describe. Again, these 2 documents describe exactly, with incredible accuracy, what, for the most part, has happened already, like WWI and WWII, and what is very obviously being built up at the moment in relation to a forthcoming WWIII. Then, if the attributed authors are fake, whoever the real ones were, they wrote inevitably under a formidable power of some kind in their background. Consequently, we can only assume, for comprehending more clearly the small part of these documents (1/3) that has not happened yet, that a real formidable power does exists in the background, and is still unknown to all of us, and that both the Zionist Jews and the Catholic Jesuits are themselves only the puppets of this immense power hiding behind the curtain. Let’s hope, at least, that it is not the kind of alien power that we find in the film “They Live”, or even worse, as the power of the real cosmic Satan animating the overall structure of world power today. For the time being, we will take it as being only those that we call the Sweat elites in the context of this book.


The above notwithstanding, as a firm conclusion, it might not be inappropriate to open here a small parenthesis with a bit of malicious speculation that is in the mind of a growing number of people, and maybe not entirely without good reason. It is most likely that the three Abrahamic branches of the new Sweat elites power are only the two arms and the head of a single entity above them, and that this single head is now commanding the two arms correctly. For this reason, the two arms appear to finally act in a coordinated way for the common purposes of the single head, as opposed to being two uncoordinated, and thus inefficient, arms, like they have been for centuries before the Zionist Coup of Vatican II of 1962 that consolidated the new Abrahamic Sweat elites power. The identity of that single head still evades our view and eludes our clear comprehension of its real final objectives. However, if these objectives include the engineering of 3 incredibly destructive world wars, as seen above, then, as we have seen, the single head of these two arms is nothing less than someone under clear satanic possession. The speculative temptation here would be to call this single head as Lucifer himself, or rather Satan animating the evil entity. If so, maybe we should re-coin our unified Sweat elites power as simply the Satan Power.


In the speculative history, the Satanic Nephilims of the period of the Atlantis, some 11000 years ago, were the people with the culture of the ancient Luciferian entities who presumably have always wanted to dominate the earthly world and enslave mankind, and they are claimed to be the forefathers of mainly the Jews of today. These Nephilims were in direct opposition with the culture of the Elohim, really with the prefix "ELL", of the equally ancient people of the opposing culture of freedom and freethinking who were the ELL people. These Ellohim were named by Jews after the ancient most creative "ELL" people surrounding them as a kind of godly figures because of their obvious superior creativity. Those are claimed by many historians to be the forefathers of mainly those we call the Greeks of today and their beautiful Philotimo of the last two millennia. This would explain why Greece is being in fact the main country of the developed world to be attacked and squashed first by the Sweat elites, for complete enslavement, and as a good example of what all other countries can expect if the Sweat elites have their way and finally achieve full world domination through a dictatorial One-World-Government. But all this is highly speculative. For now, we will forget about Lucifer and the Nephilims and assume that the well known face of the Sweat elites that hide in plain sight are the top of the pyramid leading us to full enslavement at world level, eve if it is under the veiled guidance of Satan. Only the next few years will reveal clearly if this is the right assumption in the clear process of enslavement of world populations that is definitely taking place today through the consolidation of a New World Order of Collectivism and totalitarian Fabian Socialism.   






A P P E N D I X : 02


Lighthouse of the East (1897)


To understand "By Whom" we are enslaved today in the overall structure of World Power, it is important to have a look at some historical documents revealing it. The book of a great Greek historian of the last century who wrote, in the middle of other things, about a historical event where the strange project called the "Lighthouse of the East" was discussed is certainly one of them in consideration of what has happened recently in the Balkan Mediterranean area of Europe. As a bit of background, the main obstacles to a revival of the ELL culture at the moment come from the very powerful current forces that we have called the Sweat elites. We have seen how the hate from the opposite culture, the Judeo-Christian culture of enslavement, through DDDD, has fought the freethinking ELL ('Greek') culture for millennia and how today, for the new dominant Sweat elites, Greece has to be squashed first as a disturbing country. The last push to fight the ELL culture in modern times seems to have been formulated in a strange plan of 1897 that appears to be a conspiracy of a clear Jewish origin that is called the "Lighthouse of the East" ("Φάρος της Ανατολής"). In the light of the current territorial crisis in Greece, having to do with "Northern Macedonia" to start with, we can now hardly believe that this Satanic Sweat elites plan is not true. Again, the first knowledge of this conspiracy reality dates back to 1897, when Israel did not even exist, let alone the still forthcoming creation of the so-called Greater Israel, but when both were already well planned at that time, for years in advance already, on the basis of many other historical documents, like the famous Letter of Pike to Mazzini.


This Lighthouse of the East would be a plan of the Jews to eventually and finally ruin Greece, economically and culturally, and to even destroy all traces of Hellenism in a terminal way, both in Greece and the rest of the world, by all means possible, and as soon as possible. This would be an older hidden plan of pre-Zionist Jews that would date back from much before 1897, but only first mentioned openly, by outsiders, in some of the mainstream media, in the 1980s, by little known authors like George Palmos and Fotios Babanis. For this reason, and for looking very far fetched at the time, the plan never made any headlines in Greece or anywhere else in the world. But it was reported by just about the best and the most famous Greek author and historian of the last century, Joannis Passas (Ιωάννης Πασσάς), in a book written beautifully at the highest "Katharevousa" level of the Greek language. Unfortunately, and maybe purposely, this book had a very enigmatic title: "The Crime of Science" (Το έγκλημα της επιστήμης). Until a few years ago, that book, written in 1980, before the power of the Internet, was nowhere to be found in any mainstream library in Greece, because the new socialist political left had just taken full charge of Greece with the Jewish-Greek Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou. That government did not want to be embarrassed by authors of (supposedly) the right of the political spectrum, not even if it was from one of the most eminent ones like Passas. However, from the right or from the left, the plan that Passas reported in writing, some 40 years ago, referring to historical knowledge acquired by him personally a decade earlier, in 1972, are extremely close to some facts that have happened already, and some other facts that are clearly happening or developing today.


Passas was a famous Greek historian and writer, with the constant frequentation of famous people. In September 1972, he was in Geneva, meeting with a close friend who was a prominent Swiss banker, whose name he could not reveal in his book in order not to damage the career of the man acting as his source. That Swiss banker happened to be also a particularly warm fan of the Hellenistic culture of historical Greece, thus his friendship with Passas and the revelations that he made to Passas. As a prominent Swiss banker, he had just returned from an important meeting in Moscow, that was still under the strong Bolshevik Communist regime at that time, where he had been invited as a Swiss banker. That meeting was held in Moscow in August 1972, during a visit of Nixon and Kissinger to the Soviet Union. That Swiss banker who was involved in the meetings of this important diplomatic visit said that, in Moscow, the status of a strange anti-Hellenic "Lighthouse of the East" plan had been fully reviewed, by the Bolshevik Russians, in the presence of Nixon and Kissinger. The Swiss banker said the plan was considered a long-term one, fully endorsed many years earlier by the Jewish Bolshevik regime of the Soviet-Union. It was only reviewed every so many years in the hope that one day it could be finally fully implemented.


The so-called "Lighthouse of the East" plan that was reviewed secretly in Moscow in front of Kissinger acting as the main actor of the meeting, was contemplating the eventual economic exhaustion, and the dismantling of Greece, of both its economy and its culture and its division into 4 pieces. According to the plan, the north-eastern part of Greece, Thrace, would be given eventually to Turkey in order to appease their aggressive ambitions in the area, and to prevent them to be an obstacle to the realization of the overall plan. Some of the Greek Macedonian territory would then go to a new Balkan independent state yet to be created and to be called none less than Macedonia (this country was in fact later created, in 1991, calling itself freely as Macedonia, with Skopje as its capital, even if still called FYROM at that time by the UNN because of a conflict with Greece over that name). This first part of the plan is unfortunately already true. This is what happened with the Prespa agreement of June 2018 under the radical-left presidency of Prime Minister Tsipras whose ancestors are partly Jewish and partly Turkish.


As for Cyprus, its partial invasion by the Turks was considered imminent at that time, in 1972  and is exactly what happened soon after, with the Operation Attila, that was launched on 20 July 1974, following the Cypriot Coup d'état on 15 July 1974. But on the basis of what was discussed in Moscow, this was only as a first step to a grander objective and an eventual more complete invasion of Cyprus. The plan discussed in Moscow also predicted that during this overall process, a massive amount of Illegal Immigrants would be brought into Greece, with an entirely different culture and religion, mostly from Islamic countries, in order to dilute and destroy entirely the Greek nationality and specificity as a race and culture.


Interestingly enough, all this was well in line with another previous evil plan called the Kalergi Plan of 1922, meant to affect Greece in a particular strong way, but also most of the countries of Europe. In other words, on these four fronts of the "Lighthouse of the East" plan, reality today is very much corresponding in great part already to all these incredible predictions, either in fact already, or clearly in the making. The worst part of the plan however is the following. Greece would lose not only the above mentioned continental parts of its territory, but some of its main islands too, like Rhodes and Crete, and these islands, along with Cyprus, would become extended colonial territories of none less than what is the Zionist State of Israel today.


According to Passas, the island of Crete was of a very particular interest to the Jews reviewing in Moscow the Lighthouse of the East plan. Passas told a friend of his, before his own death, that this was a secret that he had promised to his Swiss banker friend to never reveal. Consequently Passas did not reveal it that explicitly in his book Το έγκλημα της επιστήμης (The Crime of Science). But I got to know that friend of Passas to whom he had revealed the secret before he also died. The secret is supposed to be this, if reported correctly. The Jews (and consequently Israel today) absolutely want to acquire the island of Crete when the Lighthouse of the East plan will finally be implemented. The reason is that in one of the many caves of the area of Crete called Asterousias (ΑΣΤΕΡΟΥΣΙΑ) there is, according to them, the grave of their ancient King Solomon, the "king of the United Kingdom of Israel who succeeded his father, King David and died in 931 BC". Consequently Crete is considered a most sacred place for World Jewry and must eventually become part of the extended territory of the current Zionist State of Israel once the Greater Israel will finally be created.


I have tried in many ways to ascertain if this secret is real. Unfortunately, so far, it has not been possible for me to confirm it through other sources. I have even tried to confirm it from a Greek who I knew had explored all the caves of Asterousias and even wrote a book centered on this area. He uses a pseudonym instead of his real name and other people told me afterwards that he is considered a Greek-Jew. In any case, as soon as I tried to open the subject with him, he seemed to react with a kind of panic. He replied abruptly, and not even very politely that this was the kind of subject that I should never raise with anybody because it could cause damage to the Jews with a kind of Antisemitism, and thus to me becoming accused of Antisemitism.


All of this of course would be, first and foremost, for the primary purpose of annihilating Greece and its culture of philosophy, freedom and beauty of their beautiful Philotimo. This is the culture that we have called ELL (Enlightened Logos Liberty) that has been hated for millennia by the Jews who hold the totalitarian culture of the Money Changers (Jews) opposed to the freethinking culture of the Idea Exchangers (Greeks) who invented philosophy, holistic education and democracy, let alone the Olympics. By the same token however, the plan of dismantling Greece would assist the Jewish objectives of cultural and economic enslavement of not only Greece, as their main opposing cultural rival for centuries, but of the global western world, through the enslaving factors of DDDD and usurious debt-money, along with excessive taxation, despair and fearful disinformation. The plan also envisaged that this enslavement would be facilitated through the worldwide networks of mainstream media that they, the Jews, in 1972, were fast moving to fully control and that they fully control today through the illegal cartel of a global Media Network of only 6 main companies worldwide that are all of Jewish property. In the meantime this breakup of Greece in 4 pieces, with some of it planned to go to Israel, would help the Jews achieve their bigger long-term objective in the area, which was, and is still today, the gradual creation of the so-called Greater Israel with pieces even from Greece


Considering, some 40 years later, the parts of this clear conspiracy that have already materialized, it very much looks like the "Lighthouse of the East" is not a conspiracy theory, but rather a conspiracy reality, which is what we often call a "conspireality", as part of an evil Master Plan of enslavement to keep clearly in mind, in order to understand what is happening today in Greece, and maybe also in the rest of the western world. Clearly, this Satanic plan of the "Lighthouse Of The East" seems to also include the final act of the Greek tragedy that has been so far the longest and biggest of all Holocausts in human history, as what we call the Holocaust against Hellenism.  







A P P E N D I X : 03


The Protocols of the Elders (1903)


Pike_HerzlTo understand "By Whom" we are enslaved today in the overall structure of World Power, it is important to have a look at some historical documents revealing it. The Protocols of the Elders of Sion are very contested as supposedly a fake. But if they are a fake, it can only be in terms of who is the author, and certainly not as to their content, as the greatest part of their content, although written some 120 years ago, have already been confirmed as the harsh reality that we live in today. In front of such confirmation of existing reality for the biggest part of it, it is worth looking also at the smaller part that has not yet been confirmed as reality but that is nevertheless clearly in the making on the basis of so many hints of the current reality we live in today. 


Protocol 17 says, in relation to the infiltration of the Vatican: "When the time comes finally to destroy the papal court...we shall come forward in the guise of its defenders...By this diversion we shall penetrate the Vatican to its very bowels and be sure we shall never come out again until we have gnawed through the entire strength of this place”. This seems to match the assertion that Pope John Paul I was found dead, certainly assassinated, after only one month of reign in 1978, with a hot list, still firmly held in his cold hands, of Zionist Freemasons who had infiltrated the Vatican, and about whom, it is now known, he intended to take serious expulsion action. That list had been provided to him by a close Vatican friend and assistant who was also found dead, certainly also assassinated, burnt alive in his bed shortly after supposedly because of a cigarette. That Protocol also matches the new type of relationship of the Jews with the Vatican whereby they have clearly gone “From Enemy To Brother” as per the title of the book of John Connelly after 2000 years of enmity, terminated with the Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II in 1962 and, as we can see in historic pictures, the fraudulently selected Judeo-Jesuit Pope Francis kisses the hands, and bows humbly in front of top rabbis, in front of the President of Israel, in front of the Rockefeller or Rothschild visiting officials, and in front of the Zio-Christian Orthodox "Pope" Bartholomew of Istanbul. This has happened in a particularly embarrassing way during the official Vatican visit of Peres, the President of the Zionist State of Israel on June 8, 2014 with Francis kissing the hand and bowing to the top rabbi of Israel while being supervised by Henry Kissinger and the accompanying John Rothschild  as top Zionist figures. This is without precedents and a clear sign that the new Judeo-Jesuit Vatican, by overruling so formally for the first time 2000 years of strict Vatican protocol, is already entirely submissive to the Zionist Jews. This alone, among many other similar facts, clearly confirms that the prediction of Protocol 17 of 120 years ago is now a reality and cannot be qualified as a fake. It certainly also confirms that we are very close to what the following Protocol 14 also says, that the Christian religion is doomed and to be swept away in front of the one of the "Chosen People".


Pope bowing to top level ZionistsProtocol 14:1 adds: “When we come into our kingdom, it will be undesirable that there should exist any other religion than ours as the Chosen People… we shall forbid Christ… We shall sweep away all other forms of belief besides ours”. This certainly matches, to say the least, the obvious war on the Christmas tree, as a symbol of peace, along with the Crèche of Jesus, replacing them with the Celebration of the Jewish Menorah, even if the Menorah is a symbol of mass massacre, appearing in a growing number in public places around the world. The scope of that protocol, combined with others, calls clearly for the destruction of all other religions, and all national governments, dividing and arming all the goyim (non-Jew) masses into opposing camps, including the Sunni and Shiites of Islam, all fighting and exhausting each other, in continuous wars, until mutual destruction, in order to facilitate the advent of a One-World Jewish Government and a One-world Religion to be the main dictatorial tools of governance of the Zionist State of Israel within a coming Greater Israel. As we can see, this pretty much what is in the making, gradually being implemented in our current overall international situation.


Protocol 16:7-8 says: “We shall change history… We shall abolish every kind of freedom of instruction for the purpose of turning the Goyim into unthinking submissive brutes”. This matches perfectly the Dumbing Down of our children in western education, as well expressed in the book of Charlotte Iserbyt and the book Crimes of the Educators coauthored by Alex Newman and Samuel Blumenfeld, let alone the debasing of all western culture through the crap culture coming out of Jewish-dominated Hollywood and mass media.


Protocol 9:10 complements this objective saying: We shall corrupt the youth… by rearing them in principles which are known to us as false”. Again, this matches perfectly the crappy and immoral culture of criminality with impunity, and violence for enjoyment, coming out of Jewish (and as of recently also China) dominated Hollywood, along with the strong Zionist push for promoting things like homosexuality to young adolescents as an ideal style of living, instead of being only what it has always been, and should be let be: the particular style of living of a minority that, of course, has to be protected and prevented from discrimination. This corruptive protocol of 1903 is being pushed along with excessive multiculturalism, by the same Sweat elites, and constitutes as such a good precursor to the Kalergi Plan of some 20 years later, in 1922. 


Protocol 12:4 says: Not a single announcement will reach the public without our control… All news items are received by a few agencies from all parts of the world… These agencies will be entirely in our control and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them. This matches exactly with is happening in the world today, with practically all newspapers and TV stations being fully dependent on, and expressing nearly exclusively, what the fully Zionist dominated big fake news networks command, like CBS, CNNNBCABC etc. Is not all the above exactly what the Sweat elites are doing to us today, as confirmed by prominent Jewish journalist Joel Stein, through the full control of all world mainstream and entertainment media through only as few as 6 main news networks entirely owned or controlled by Zionist Jews?



Protocol Crimes against culture well confirmed



The above Protocols of the Elders of Sion have often been criticized as fake in the past, and this is still the case today when you talk to most people about them. This is however only the success of the stupid political correctness that we live in today and that is propagated by the Sweat elites and their tools like Wikipedia and company. Again, if they are fake, it can only be in terms of who wrote them, whose name is somewhat uncertain. In terms of content however, they have for the most part been confirmed already as the harsh reality of our daily life. As such, on a recognized factual basis, they just cannot be considered fake or any conspiracy theory. They can only be a serious conspiracy reality. In addition, many authors have also written books that, without referring to the Protocols, do confirm perfectly the content of the protocols on a factual basis, like the three authors mentioned in the above icon: Charlotte Iserbyt in her book The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, Samuel Blumenfled with Alex Newman in their book Crimes of the Educators, and Neal Gabler in his book An Empire Of Their Own.   







A P P E N D I X : 04


The Kalergi Plan (1922)


To understand "By Whom" we are enslaved in the overall structure of World Power, it is important to have a look at some historical documents revealing it. The Kalergi Plan is eminently one of them. Regarding the EU in particular, and its required contribution to the advent of a One-World Government through the annihilation of nations and races, this objective has been reinforced between WWI and WWII by a little known plan, usually called the "Kalergi Plan". In certain occasions is it also called the "Charlemagne Prize" to disguise its origin.


In the mid-1970s, Bezmenov predicted that the Communism of the Soviet Union would be made to collapse softly, but would not die. It would only be made to move deceitfully more to the West, to Europe to start with, and later on to the USA, and would be a form of Improved Communism that in the meantime would be fine-tuned in China with a system of enslaving Social Credit and pure digital cashless money as soon as possible. Before Bezmenov, Kalergi has also predicted that a new Europe would be made to collapse or rather to become a melting pot of of a "Eurasian-Negroid" race. Considering what has been happening in Europe over the last few years, what has already happened in great part if a perfect mix of these two predictions. On the one hand, the EU is badly affected by a form of authoritarian regime of unelected and unaccountable technocrats that is a system of governance that has the bad smell and taste of what the Soviet-Union used to be. On the other hand, the EU is affected by a  wild and uncontrolled massive immigration and excessive multiculturalism.


The wild uncontrolled immigration affecting the EU is exactly the realization of the Kalergi Plan that has become essentially the main component and tool for the realization of what we call today the NWO (New World Order) in the European part of the world. Kalergi was the son of an obscure Austrian diplomat married to a Japanese. His full name was Richard Coudenhove Kalergi (1894-1972). He founded the Pan-Europe Movement, in 1922, published his book "Pan-Europa" in 1923, and is at the origin of the little known Coudenhove Kalergi European Prize (sometimes hidden under the less embarrassing name of: Charlemagne Prize) that is attributed every second year, and was recently attributed to well known persons, like the German Chancellor Angela Merkel (in 2010) and the President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy (in 2012).


His father was accused of being an anti-Semite but he personally was very close to the Jews. At age 13, Kalergi has his first woman, a Jewess called Ida Roland. In reaction to his father, and on the inspiration of his sexual initiation from his Jewess woman, he became very pro-Jewish in all his activities for the rest of his life. He started to push his agenda with the help of eminent Jews, like Einstein and Churchill (whose mother Jenny Jacobson Jerome was Jewish which, according to Judaic law, makes him automatically a Jew). Kalergi's Pan-Europe agenda was well received by them because it was already very popular with the Fabian Socialist Jews acting behind many European governments, by organizations like the Jewish Masonic B'Nai B'Brith, and by movements aspiring to world domination, like the Communists of that time. And the leaders of the Communist movement were all Fabian Socialist Jews pushing for collectivism and an eventual dictatorial One-World-Government based in Jerusalem after the creation of Israel and the Greater-Israel through three world wars well pre-programmed by the Protocols of the Elders of Sion of 1903 for this deceitful purpose.


What is much less known today is that his agenda, already in 1922... was literally a genocidal plan for the white peoples of Europe, as a plan that is at the source of the extreme multiculturalism and massive wild immigration affecting so negatively today the cultures, the traditions and the values of all traditional national Europeans, calling for the elimination of nations, borders, let alone the family, and even the identity of the white race in particular, pushing its mixing with Asians and Blacks to the point of transforming the white European race into a new Ancient-Egyptian-Like race to use an expression of Kalergi. This odd forthcoming mixture is often called the "Children of Kalergi".


This evil plan was now extended to the USA. It is the complete contradiction of what can happen in a FtatAristarchy, with all immigration being submitted to a strict process called PISA (Pre Immigration Selection Abroad). Mr. Kalergi said explicitly in his writings: "The man of the future must be of mixed race [except of course for the pureness of the 'superior' Jewish race to be protected in the most racist way: on a DNA basis, to this day in Israel itself]. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid Race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples" [he intended in Europe but his Sweat successors now extended it to the USA]. In his own terms, this new melting pot was to become what he also called a kind of "United States of Europe", and be formed under the leadership and command of the United States of America.


His Pan-Europe agenda was very close to calling explicitly for a white genocide of the various European peoples for turning them into a melting pot, or a global flock of very obedient sheep with no more strong national values capable of resisting the advent of the New World Order and the full control of the totalitarian Fabian Socialist elites that we call the Sweat elites hiding behind it. Of course, to achieve this objective of degradation or other races, these Sweat elites also promote all the inevitable incidentals of the wild unselected immigration without due PISA process, like drugs, petty crimes and all their accompanying depravations, just like it is also predicted in the earlier in the Protocol 9:10 of the infamous Protocols of the Elders of Sion of 1903. In this package, the Sweat elites give us all the information we need to keep busy fighting against, except of course the freethinking time we would need to fight against them and their destructive conspiracy.


As we have just seen, this Kalergi Plan is a good follow-up of the destructive Protocols of the Elders of Sion of some 20 years earlier. These two plans are well documented in official documents. As such, if that diabolic Kalergi Plan could maybe have been called a Conspiracy Theory at that time, this is certainly no more the case today, as this plan is now well confirmed in facts, by what is currently happening in Europe and America today, as a Conspiracy Reality, in terms of massive, wild and inassimilable incoming migrants from Africa and Asia, in particular from countries with religions and cultures that are totally inassimilable to ours. And the strength and stupidity of our political correctness killing our good common sense prevents us from recognizing this well planned conspiracy as a reality. The Kalergi Plan shows clearly that it is a conspiracy, but a conspiracy reality, not a conspiracy theory.


The Kalergi Plan is more than well confirmed now, not only by the fact of the hordes of alleged refugees that are invading Europe since 2015, but also by the comments of a whistleblower from the Counter-Intelligence Office (Abwehramt) of the Austrian Federal Army’s intelligence service, who affirms, via an Austrian news journal called Info-Direkt, that the USA, on a push from Israel that completely dominates the American politics, is actually financing the false refugee movement in Europe through complicit NGOs (not to mention the various parallel "open-society foundations" of George Soros), and pay entirely the human traffickers to transport the "refugees" from Africa and the Middle East to Europe (not to mention a similar activity of NGOs at the moment regarding the similar illegal migration movement in America as part of an equally Jewish dominated strategy animating the PNAC Project). All of this is also well in line with the YINON Plan as a strategy for the formation of a Greater Israel, in order to make the Zionist State of Israel a dominant hegemonic Zionist Power (with a pure, non-degraded, dominating race) in the Middle East and in front of a debilitated Europe.






A P P E N D I X :05


The Tavistock Institute (1946)


Tavistock InstituteIn trying to find out "By Whom" we are enslaved, certain obscure and powerful institutes are part of the necessary tools even if they usually hide quite well the background. The Tavistock Institute is certainly one of them and certainly one of the most important ones. It was founded in 1946 specifically for global manipulation leading to our global enslavement through social engineering helping the Sweat elites that won WWII. As such it was, and it is one of the main instruments for the full implementation of what we call the Improved Communism without that name, the Communism predicted to be "Moved More to the West" by Bezmenov, as the new form of sophisticated veiled Communism that is affecting us so badly in the Western World today after its engineered soft fall in the Soviet Union and its fine-tuning in China.


The falsely-representative DebtOcracy we live in, or rather that non-representative Corporatocracy, sells itself deceitfully as a democracy in various ways, through the modern social engineering of the rampant Fabian Socialism of the last two centuries, in particular through its worst incarnations into the various expressions of the Tavistock Institute since after WWII, as established in 1946. This incredible institute, unknown to most people, is probably the best hidden-in-plain-sight network of organizations of the New World Order to propound fear-based promotions that frighten the middle classes into giving up wealth, and into accepting growing restrictions to their liberty. In this project, it is perfectly helped at the moment by the current Fake COVID plandemic with its Fake Vaccines Not Protecting the Vaccinated and its unnecessary lockdowns.


Tavistock has some 400 subsidiaries and some 3000 think-tanks that it finances around the world, discretely imposing destructive dominant social themes to the middle class of the western world in particular. Their hidden objective is to create a One-World-Government by breaking down the traditional values and concepts of family, nation and education, while promoting an anti-intellectual culture for a new type of youth that is the opposite of the traditional culture of the youths who were formed for centuries in the past through a holistic education dominated by the ELL culture, that is, through the Hellenic philosophical attributes of logic, ethics, beauty, freethinking and virtuous personal behavior in both private and public life. From this point of view, Tavistock is a perfect tool for the current continuation and implementation of previous projects like the Lighthouse of the East, the Protocols of the Elders, and the Kalergi Plan, not to mention the older predictions of the Letter of Pike to Mazzini.


It is mind boggling that such an Institute can spend a huge global yearly budget of some 6 billion dollars in public money, intending to do essentially damage to the middle class, spend these huge sums mainly in forms and layers of black budgets, and have it financed by the same people destined to suffer the damage, that is, by the taxpayers of the middle class, and without scandals, or even legitimate questions ever being raised by the presstitutes of the mainstream media. Tavistock is probably the biggest and most powerful institute of mind control and social manipulation working worldwide against real democracy, and in favor of Corporatocracy or Debtocracy, operating totally unknown to most people to whom they have the mission to make them believe, through a wide variety of discrete interventions, that they live in a democracy. What an incredible success! Or rather what a magisterial deception!







A P P E N D I X : 06

The Vatican Zionist Coup giving birth to the Sweat Power (1962)

This Vatican Zionist Coup is, in fact, the Council of Vatican II (1962/1965) and its consequences in the following years. The coup was made possible because of, and during the reign of 
two irregularly elected popes. The 2 popes, both directly related to the Council of Vatican II, were not freely chosen by the cardinals, but imposed from the outside after a prohibited communication with an outside intruder during the conclave. Giovanni XXIII (1958/1963) opened the Council in 1962, one year before his death in 1963 during the Council. Paul VI (1963/1978) closed the Council in 1965, two years after his election in 1963.

A bit of retroactive background here is useful. After WWII, and the forceful creation of the Zionist State of Israel, deceitfully justified in the world opinion because of the Holocaust, the Zionists had some reasons to be pleased, because of this creation of their own national Zionist state, but they did not yet feel capable of achieving their final bigger objectives of, first a Greater Israel, and then of world domination, through mainly a worldwide network of Zionist central banks under their full control. The Jews were also too much of a minority in the world to achieve these bigger objectives entirely on their own. The Jews, numerically speaking, in front of the clear predominance of the Christians worldwide, and in order to be able to face also the enmity of the huge Muslim populations surrounding them, let alone the traditional enmity of the Catholics, needed an ally for their final objectives. They had to bring at least the Christian world on their side but, of course, under their control, or face the abandonment of their final objective of world domination through a One-World-Government. They felt forced to infiltrate the two other Abrahamic religions, and in particular to open the way for a new alliance with the Christians and, with this alliance, the formation of a new world power under their full control. This infiltration was well planned from the time of the Protocol 17 of Sion in 1903 that, as we have seen, said explicitly: "We shall penetrate the Vatican to its very bowels".

Pope under inverted crossThis new power is what will become easily the new Sweat Elites Power through the help of the Vatican Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II. Accordingly, the Zionists started their infiltration of the Vatican for this purpose, right after the creation of Israel in 1948. They had to transform their image in the Christian world "From Enemy To Brother", to quote the title of the book of John Connelly, but they could not do it without appropriate Catholic popes discretely chosen by them, and kept under their full control. The main difficulty in choosing popes of their subservience is that when a conclave of cardinals sits for the election of a pope, all communications with the outside world are absolutely forbidden, and the commandant of the Noble Swiss Guards of the Vatican is responsible to ensure this is strictly the case. The second difficulty is that the most important cardinals are known to work for the Zionist bankers of their constituencies more than for the Vatican, and for the discrete handling of the hidden slush funds of the most important politicians of this world, past or current, like Clinton or Obama. Choosing a pope that can best serve or preserve these special interests is difficult in the secrecy of a conclave that prohibits consultations with the outside world. Many Vatican experts claim that this is the main reason why Benedict XVI was forced to resign, because he was not one of those serving first the interests of the Zionist bankers. 

Those old enough will recall the intriguing event that happened during the Conclave of 1958, an event widely published on all world newspapers, when Pope John XXIII was finally elected. Before his election, there was first a white smoke coming out of the Sistine Chapel, meaning the election of a new pope. But no pope emerged soon after, as usual, to be introduced to the public. Instead, some time later, a black smoke emerged, indicating the white smoke was a mistake and the current tour of election had not been successful. It will be established later on, through a revelation of the commandant of the Swiss guards, who became a whistleblower, that Cardinal Tedeschini had been elected pope when the white smoke came out, and not Cardinal Roncalli (who will become John XXIII after an irregular outside communication). Then, only 2 days later, there was a white smoke again, indicating the election of a new pope, and John XXIII was introduced to the front balcony of the Vatican.

Later on, the head Swiss guard in charge of the secrecy and total seclusion of the conclave, revealed to Paul Scortesco, a noble related to the Vatican and to the Swiss guards in particular, and a well known faithful Catholic, that between the two white smokes of the conclave, he was forced to allow inadmissible outside communications, before the conclave ended and the doors of the conclave were officially opened. And only after that irregular outside communication did John XXIII (Roncalli) emerge and was introduced to the public. And Roncalli (Pope John XXIII) is claimed by many to have been secretly a member of the Rose-Croix (a subtitle for the Prieuré of Sion with whom he had become affiliated while acting as papal nuncio to Turkey in 1935) and, as such, the first Rosicrucian Masonic pope to be elected, and precisely the one that was needed for the opening of the Council of Vatican II, which he did in 1962, or one year before he died in 1963. Scortesco also said that a similar situation happened with the successor, Paul VI (Montini) at the conclave of 1963. And Paul VI is the second pope of the time of the Council of Vatican II, claimed by many to be wearing regularly Jewish Freemasonic symbols (like shown on the picture). Cardinal Siri had first been elected but, after another irregular outside communication of Cardinal Tissierant, who forced his way out of the conclave to go to a telephone, Cardinal Montini was elected instead, as Paul VI, after the reentry of Tissierant. The latter, Tissierant, was a claimed Freemason. Siri instead had the reputation of being a conservative, and consequently he would have been a serious obstacle to the advent of the New World Order and the move within the Catholic Church to advance the infiltration of the Jews within the Curia as per Protocol 17 of Sion had planned, and their final deceitful consideration as new "Brothers" instead of the ancient "Enemies" they had so far been considered to be for 2000 years.

Then Scortesco, who published this revelation, 3 months later, in TCW (Today's Catholic World), was found dead, burnt alive in his bed, shortly after publishing it, clearly assassinated. Later on, a French journalist, Louis Remy, in analyzing the writings of Scortesco, and in investigating the 2 cases of irregularity of seclusion of the 2 conclaves, established that the outside communications during the 2 conclaves had taken place with B'nai B'rith representatives, the organization known to be the Jewish Freemasonry. The elected cardinal, Siri, rejected in spite of his first election during the second conclave, when interviewed just before his death, and when asked about the affirmations of Scortesco, he would not confirm nor deny what happened, but he said what amounts to a confirmation: "I am bound by the secret. This secret is horrible. I would have books to write about the 2 different conclaves, very serious things have taken place, but I can say nothing". Is this maybe the reason why Cardinal Siri has been the one, and the only one who has done it formally, to have suggested that the secrecy of the conclaves be eliminated?

In the meantime, apart from the irregular outside communications with the Jewish Freemasonry, that is, with 
B'nai B'rith, during the 2 conclaves, the Grand Master of the Italian Freemasonry affirmed, in an interview appearing in an edition of the "Thirty Days" magazine of 1994, that Pope John XXIII had been initiated in the past in a masonic lodge in Paris, just like the French cardinal Tissierant who had forced an irregular outside communication during the second conclave to influence the election of Paul VI. As for Paul VI, it is not known with hard proof if he was ever initiated as a Freemason, but he was seen many times during his reign wearing Jewish Freemasonic symbols, like the famous Rational, or Pectoral, the famous 12 stones breast plate (shown by a red arrow in the above picture to the right), worn, until then, exclusively by the Jewish High Priest, or the equivalent of a Jewish pope. This in itself should be sufficient proof that he was in fact a Freemason as he would not have been allowed to do so if he had not been a Freemason. This rendered Paul VI an essential agent of the B'nai B'rith Jewish Freemasonry that had infiltrated the Vatican, in order to lead the Council of Vatican II in the direction they wanted and obtain the change of policies they wanted. Because Freemasonry membership was still very formally prohibited at the time for a Christian, Paul VI could have been blackmailed if he had not followed the directives of the Jewish Freemasonry, led by the crypto Judaic mafia of cardinal Tissierant in the background, while he, Paul VI, would be directing the Council of Vatican II.


This Freemason link also explains why Michele Sindona was appointed as a financial advisor to Pope Paul VI himself in 1969 for questions related to the Vatican Bank. It is now known that both soon became very rich. This was otherwise a very surprising nomination, as Sindona (who, later on, was jailed, and assassinated in jail with cyanide in 1986 while serving a sentence for the assassination of Ambrosoli) is also now known to be an Italian Freemason lawyer who has laundered mafia money through the Vatican Bank that, according to some researchers at the time, had been infiltrated by some 121 Judaic Freemason senior managers, even if being a Freemason was still officially at the time a cause of excommunication by the Catholic Church. Sindona was an Italian banker known as "The Shark", and a member of P2 (Propaganda Due), a secret lodge of Italian Freemasonry. It was also well documented that he had clear connections to the Sicilian Mafia. As for Giorgio Ambrosoli, the Sindona trial has demonstrated that he was assassinated at Sindona’s request just outside his home in Milan in 1979 for related reasons. Ambrosoli had been appointed to liquidate one of Sindona's banks and, in that capacity, he was about to have to reveal his ugly findings as a huge and inadmissible Vatican scandal.

he related findings and inadmissible scandal were, to start with, that the Vatican Bank had acted, under the last Freemason Popes, as a money laundering network for the Mafia. This would have required a kind of retroactive posthumous excommunication of at least the last two popes, including one to be made a "Saint"... (Saint John XXIII and Paul VI) under existing canonic law. It would have brought out evidence that Pope John Paul I was assassinated in 1978 (on the basis of the logic of the facts we know today, the assassination was certainly arranged by Sindona executing, most probably, a request of Paul VI himself from just before he died) for resisting this Judaic Freemason infiltration of the Vatican as per Protocol of Sion 17. Worst of all, Ambrosoli would have inevitably demonstrated clearly that the Council of Vatican II was not really Catholic, but Freemasonic in cultural orientation. It would have put in evidence that the main Christian Church had finally become completely dominated by the Freemasonic Judaic world financial power and, as such, was no more purely Catholic, but rather neo-Judaic. It would have demonstrated that the Council of Vatican II was literally a Vatican Judaic Zionist coup arranged by what we call the the Sweat elites Power in the context of this website.  

This being said, Paul VI was certainly, at best, a last minute better choice than Siri, but not a perfect choice, for the new Sweat elites that had invaded the Vatican. Cardinal Siri was too orthodox, as a conservative and well known professor of dogmatic theology. Consequently Siri had to be rejected, and he was rejected, after a totally irregular communication outside the conclave. Monti (Paul VI) was much less dogmatic and much more open to a dialogue with the new Sweat elites within the Catholic environment, in particular because he could have been blackmailed by the Judaic mafia of the Vatican in the two ways we mentioned in the previous paragraphs (as a homosexual and as a Freemason). Between Siri and Monti, the two who seemed to have the best consensus of the Conclave, Monti was the best for the Sweat elites, but only in the sense that he was not the worst of the two candidates. But Siri was getting more votes, thus the irregular process to eliminate Siri and elect Monti as Paul VI. However, Paul VI soon demonstrated that he was also quite an orthodox Catholic, very tied in his mind to the "Depositum Fidei", much more than the Sweat elites expected, and not so open as the Sweat elites would have liked for the modernization of the Church on the basis of the views of the progressists (leftist Marxist nomenclature) of the Vatican, and for the wider acceptance of the new fashions of nihilistic human behavior in the field of sexuality and family life in particular.


In front of the push for the acceptance of these new popular fashions, Paul VI even openly declared that "Il fumo di Satana è entrato nel Tempio di Dio" ("Satan's smoke has entered the temple of God"). Was he covertly inferring that he was part of it, or only referring to the double blackmailing he was probably being subjected to as a Freemason and a homosexual? In any case, Ratzinger, still a cardinal at the time, even congratulated Paul VI for having resisted the worst of the ugly relativistic tendencies that he called with two Germanic words: "Telecracy" (the blind consensus to global media bias) and "Demoscopy" (the equally blind consensus to dominant public opinion, or to the politically correct). Soon after the end of the Vatican II Council, three years later, in 1968, Paul VI also published Humanae Vitae (Human Life), the encyclical in which he reaffirmed strongly (going against his own covert nature as a homosexual) the orthodox teaching of the Catholic Church regarding marriage, responsible parenthood, and the continued rejection of most forms of birth control and sexual depravation.


This was a hard setback for the Sweat elites of the Vatican, and the same type of reason they will use three decades later for putting Benedict XVI on a side track and bring forward Sweat elites Nihilistic pope called Francis. again through a fraudulent Council election well documented by a Vatican expert and good investigative journalist called Antonio Socci. In the meantime, after the death of Paul VI in 1978, these Sweat elites of the Vatican then had no other choice but to wait patiently for another 35 years to finally being able to elect a pope that would be an assured ally for their nihilistic modernization of the Catholic Church. This happened only in 2013 with the election of the Jesuit Pope Francis, and again, as we will see, through another irregular fraudulent election on the basis of the Vatican legislation.    


The following popes after Paul VI were all strictly controlled by the new Sweat elites Mafia that had infiltrated the Vatican, by the Freemason infiltration of the Vatican Bank in particular. John Paul I, who followed, for only 33 days of papacy after his election in 1978, was found dead with papers in his hands containing the list of Zionist Freemasons and crypto Marrano-Jews who had infiltrated the Vatican, including those most closely related to incredible corruption through the IOR, the Vatican BankJohn Paul I was also already known to want to take action against the members of that list, and many eminent researchers and writers will now affirm that Freemason Licio Gelli and other acolytes of his infamous P2 Masonic lodge are responsible for his assassination, mainly because of his intended actions against that list. He died only hours after firing Jean-Marie Villot, the Cardinal Secretary of State, for being a Freemason member of the infamous P2 lodge. John Paul I was strongly opposed to the Freemason infiltration of the Vatican Bank. Last but not least, he also wanted to make certain steps backwards on some of the aspects of the Council Vatican II pushed by the Freemason infiltrators, like the readmission of the old Tridentate Rite for the Catholic Mass. It is for these two reasons that he was assassinated, poisoned, and found dead with a copy of the infamous Freemason list still firmly attached to his hand.

The following Polish Pope, John Paul II, was also very aware and fearsome, as a non-Italian, of the Vatican Sweat elites Mafia. It is for this reason that he issued a Papal Bull, on Nov. 27, 1983, legalizing what had been strictly prohibited for 2000 years: secret society membership for Roman Catholics, and consequently also even for members of the Vatican in association like Judaic Freemasonry. In order to preserve the tranquility and security of his reign, he became particularly 'close' (obedient?) to the Jewish mafia of the Vatican and to Israel. When visiting Israel in 2000, he was even seen not only holding proudly the infamous walking rod of the Sweat elites Broken Cross”, Israel High Courtknown for having been used by black magicians since the Middle Ages, giving a rather repulsive image of Jesus' crucifixion, but also sitting under the equally infamous “Inverted Cross (as a symbol of the much bigger Inverted Cross of the Israel High Court shown on the side, built and paid for by the Rothschild, on which you can actually walk) known for having been used regularly for satanic rituals, in particular in the Judaic world. In 2003, because of all these gratifying gestures for the Jews, he was granted formally a Jewish Menorah, the highest symbol of Jewry, in recognition of his lifelong friendship with the Jewish people and for his outstanding help in aiding the end of 2000 years of Catholic teaching about the perfidy of the Jewish religion, and in helping the transformation of the Jews according to the book of John Connelly: "From Enemy To Brothers".

His German successor in turn, Benedict XVI, who was disturbing this Jewish rapprochement and its infiltration of the Vatican, was ousted out, and forced to resign, by this same Sweat elites mafia of the Vatican. And who replaced him? A Jesuit, Pope Francis, who, as we can document with many good pictures, is a particularly good friend of the Jews. As we can see in a unique historical picture, Francis even bowed and kissed the hand of the main rabbi brought in by Jewish President Peres during his visit at the Vatican on June 8, 2014, and the hands of two Rothschild' members, a fact that never, and would never have, happened in the previous 2000 years of the severe Vatican protocol of the Catholic Church.

In other words, since the Vatican Zionist Coup of the Council Vatican II, until today, the road has been bumpy but well open to a full collaboration between the Jews and the Catholic Jesuits in particular. In fact, the main push in the background, for the rapprochement with the Jewish Zionists, like never before in the history of the last 2000 years, always came from the Jesuits. The election of a Jesuit Pope is thus the crowning of the long process of rapprochement of the Catholic Church with the Zionist Jews that started with the Vatican Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II. and their full infiltration of the Vatican according to the Protocol of Zion 17. That rapprochement and collaboration, or rather this full infiltration, led to what we now call the Sweat elites Power in the context of this book. And this infiltration is now so complete that, for all practical purposes, in the overall structure of world power, the Jewish and the Catholic religions can now be considered one and the same tool of world power for the easier enslavement of all of us through the so-called fast-coming New World Order, and the Muslims are also accomplices of this rapprochement on the part o the Vatican.    

From this perspective of the most recent history, we realize that in spite of the Vatican Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II, which has been a first major victory of the Sweat elites in the Vatican, the road has been open, but not been easy for them, and the process is far from being fully completed. Some say that the Holy Spirit may be protecting the Catholic Church from this full Sweat elites infiltration and consequently its full destruction. Certainly, the Vatican Power is one that has now lasted already for more than 2000 years and, as such, represents probably the longest and widest empire that ever existed on the face of the earth. The infiltration and manipulation of such an incredibly stable power can only happen on a bumpy road.

In short, the election of the Pope John XXIII (Roncalli) in 1958, through an illegal outside consultation during the Conclave, was the Trojan Horse of an initial meaningful Sweat elites penetration of the Vatican, even if the final battle was still only at its very beginning. Then Paul VI (Montini) was a partial temporary retreat on the candidate-pope of the second highest consensus at the Conclave of 1963. His election was thus forced-in after another illegal outside consultation during that Conclave. Although quite favorable to the movement "From Enemy To Brothers" (described in the book of John Connelly) regarding the Jews, the Sweat e knew that Montini (Paul VI) would probably not compromise easily on what he called "Non-negotiable Principles", but he was considered less dangerous for them than what Cardinal Siri would have been as the professor of Dogmatic Theology that he was. Pope John Paul I was then elected without the Sweat elites being able to intervene illegally this time, like they had done for the election of the two previous popes (John XXIII and Paul VI) but, for this reason, he was quickly assassinated, 33 days after his election, because he intended to decimate the Sweat elites infiltration of the Vatican. Following him, Pope John Paul II was another compromise at the Conclave of 1978. The Jews knew the Polish pope Wojtyla was very favorable to their reconsideration as older brothers, instead of traditional enemies, by the dominant Mafia of the Catholic Church, but the Jesuits also knew that he would never bend to their own growing power in the new Sweat elites equation at world level. Consequently they attempted to also assassinate him in 1981. Ratzinger, the German pope Benedict XVI elected in 2005 was a clear temporary setback for the global Sweat elites, disturbing the rapprochement with the Jews and the acceptance of the debased moral values they were promoting. For this reason, he was swiftly ousted out, nicely and discretely, in 2013.

Then the final battle of the Vatican Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II was won with a great success of the Sweat elites with the election of Pope Francis in 2013. As the famous journalist and author Antonio Socci has meticulously demonstrated in his book "Non è Francesco" (This is not Francis), Pope Francis was also elected completely illegally on the basis of standing Vatican legislation. Consequently, on the basis of this legislation, he was not elected, but simply imposed illegally. But of course his election was forced-in because he was finally a candidate that represented well both the Zionist Jewish side and the Catholic Jesuit side of the Sweat elites Power in the overall structure of world power. The Sweat elites knew that Francis, as a Jesuit, and as a particularly well-demonstrated good friend of the Jews, would grant them their wish list, albeit maybe in a gradual way in terms of the relativistic modernization of the church. This is exactly what started to happen at the Synod that Pope Francis held in Rome, in October 2014. With that incredible SynodFrancis was finally opening the road to the destructive Sweat elites strategy of accepting with "misericordia" (or 'mercy') all the debased moral values and nihilistic fashions that have been destroying our society in the last decades. From this point of view, the election of Pope Francis is the crowning of the Vatican Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II for the rapprochement with the Jews, also also the Muslims along the way, and the creation of the new Sweat elites Power pursuing the Master Plan of the New World Order. However, considering this rapprochement involves the most serious attack so far to the "non-negotiable principles" of all the popes previous to the Council of Vatican II, as shown during the recent Synod, on the part of Pope Francis, with the help of his good Marxist friend cardinal Kasper, that same election of Pope Francis could very well be also the opening of the road leading to the final destruction of the Catholic Church. That destruction, by the same token, is also the highway leading to the Panthriskia, dearly wanted by the Sweat elites, as the formalization of the creation of a new universal inter-faith One-World Religion serving the purposes of the One-World Government of the Master Plan of the New World Order, based in Jerusalem instead of in Rome, after the creation of the Greater Israel

PanthriskiaThis section has described the long and difficult gestation and birth of the Sweat elites, as a new historical alliance between the Zionist Jews and the Jesuit Catholics in particular but also with the forces of the Muslims, or between the historical enemies who have now become brothers since the Vatican Coup of the Council of Vatican II that ended in 1965. That new world power is now well in place, 50 years later, active like a strong and vigorous man finally brought to power with the attainment of his maturity, and who is by nature ready to take any risk for changing the world to his own view, even ready to destroy anything on his path, including the Catholic Church if necessary.


That type of revolutionary man however, be it Francis or not, is led by a council of illuminated elders, in places like The City in London and The Vatican in Rome, and he thus knows exactly what he wants to replace the old world order: a New World Order based on a One-World-Government of totalitarian Collectivism and Fabian Socialism served by a subservient One-World-Religion, or Panthriskia, as a kind of JudiChrIslam in its first stage, influencing people, like never before in human history, to be  blind and obedient slaves through DDDD and the three-headed Cerberus of extreme legislation, excessive taxation and fearful disinformation. What the elders have not yet told clearly, to him and to all his acolytes, while admitting more and more explicitly that they are seeking a Master Plan of a One-World Government and a new One-World Religion, is that they will definitely also want soon a new One-World Army through a transformation of NATO and its association to the Blue Berets of the UNN, and in particular a One-World-Currency of pure digital cashless usurious debt-money, eventually controlled electronically worldwide, without cash, through even the eventual implant of body chips with the help of the new generations of fake vaccines that do not protect the vaccinated for the COVID plandemic created for that purpose. If they succeed, this will give them full final power, for our own total enslavement from birth to death. This is the current power of the Sweat elites of the elders laughing at us in the background.


Is this new Sweat elites structured and established to last? Unfortunately, at least for now it pretty much like it is the case... Unless... we take the necessary democratic measures and start implementing the appropriate reforms of Part II of this book leading to a new form of governance that we call TruthOcracy as a preliminary step, in the pursuit of a final FtatAristarchy that is part of the overall PythagorArium Project for a return of Philosophy in our life, to replace dogma and fear, and for the Secret Marriage of Science with Philosophy.







A P P E N D I X : 07



The reinforcement of the Sunni side of Islam
in Iraq and in the various countries of the Arab Springwith the discrete help of the USA and Israel, in order to hopefully neutralize the Shiite side of Iran in due time, is quite clearly done with the YINON Plan in mind. That plan was developed by Oded Yinon, in 1982, and reinforced by Richard Perle in 1996. The Plan makes it explicitly clear that, to survive, the Zionist State of Israel must 1) become an imperial regional power, and 2) must produce the division of the whole area into small states by the maximum possible dissolution of all existing Arab States (and, in line with the parent plan called "Lighthouse of the East Plan", this includes part of Greece). Overall, it is a strategy for the formation of a Greater Israel, as its dominant hegemonic power in the Middle East, hopefully From the Nile to the Euphrates, as the famous Zionism founder Theodor Herzl wanted it, and eventually even the formation of a Zionist World Empire fully controlled globally by the Zionists (a World Empire that is clearly what we call today the New World Order, or the Master Plan). Achieving these two objectives, even only the first one, according to the YINON Plan, required first and foremost the elimination of Saddam Hussein, and later on the breakup of Iraq in 3 countries that would offer less resistance, as 3 smaller countries, to the formation of a Greater Israel. In fact, that Master Plan involved the balkanization of the whole area into smaller states, each with less political power, including Greece that has to be also divided into at least 3 smaller pieces on the basis of the "Lighthouse Of The East" conspiracy reality, with some of its main islands, like Crete and Rhodes, along with Cyprus, to go to Israel as its extended colonial territory and eventually a part of the forthcoming Greater Israel.


While all these new entities would also fight each other, and the world opinion would also, at the same time, be purposely disturbed by other wars in the area, like in Syria and UkraineIsrael would also have an easier chance to discretely find a final solution, more acceptable worldwide, to the eradication of the Palestinian Problem in both a much extended Israel already, over its original borders as defined by the UN in 1948, and in the Gaza Strip in particular. From this point of view, ISIS was created by the Sweat elites for this purpose and is functioning well, in fact extremely well, and might very well be itself just a grand false flag that is part of that YINON strategy for the creation of a Greater Israel. It nearly completed the preliminary task, to start with, to have Iraq divided in three pieces, with only the formalization of this splitting missing at the moment. It is also pretty well on its way to also have Syria divided in three pieces as soon as possible for the same balkanization purposes. From both these divided countries, Israel could acquire, and will probably acquire soon, a lot of new territory for its eventual Greater Israel, just like it has already been done with the Golan Heights already stolen from Syria in 1967. All this is part of the Sweat elites Master Plan


The above being considered, and considering also the constant massacre with full impunity of the Christians in the Middle East, it would be no surprise at this point if we also found out that the Sweat elites strategy today in the Middle East is even a grander false flag of the traitorous Zionist side of the Sweat elites coalition that includes the use of a nihilistic Pope Francis, obviously totally incapable of defending not only our best traditional values, but even the life of the Christians persecuted and massacred by the thousands in the area under the horrible noise of the guilty silence of that Judeo-Jesuit Pope, to also eradicate the Christian Problem in the area, not just the Palestinian Problem, and facilitate first the advent of a pure Zionist Greater Israel, and then a pure Zionist New World Order with a new dictatorial One-World Government established in Jerusalem as its world capital. Again, all this is clearly part of the Sweat elites Master Plan






A P P E N D I X : 08



Maastricht Treaty to Form the EU (1992)


Slavery Is Liberty EU_UNWhen trying to find out the "BY WHOM" we are enslaved, it is useful to look at historical documents revealing it, like those mentioned above, but it is also useful to look at some existing institutions doing it. The EU is precisely one major institution doing it at the moment, and an obvious tool of complete democracy deception enslaving a whole set of nations.

In fact, just about the best example of false or deceptive democracy in the world at the moment enslaving millions of people is the EU (European Union). It is not simply 'undemocratic', but rather entirely antidemocratic and near totalitarian in nature. Its parliament of elected members is only a facade with practically no power, as it is the unelected EU Commission that decides everything sovereignly. The fake EU parliament is mainly a place for granting favors, for granting important positions, along with high salaries and undeserved privileges, to those national politicians around Europe who are subservient to the collectivist system of enslavement of the all powerful unelected and unaccountable EU Commission.


This submissive system is already well documented to be also plagued by nepotism and cronyism, let alone rampant corruption, either directly or through a huge array of NGOs and supposedly prestigious organizations of Charity. These fake humanitarian organizations are all financed by the EU, padding the pockets of a great part of their managers along the way, being operated with practically full unaccountability and impunity for their actions, certainly at least for the public at large but also on the part of its member states. In the meantime, for those sitting in the fake EU parliament, it provides them a well hidden paradise of undeserved privileges with all sorts of accompanying hellish pleasures, while they parade daily in the best European palaces, all for free, except of course for the taxpayers.

Most amazingly, these fake and useless parliamentarians, or
MEPs (Member of the European Parliament) cannot even exercise the most basic duty of a normal parliamentarian which would be to propose a new law or repeal an existing one. Only the unelected Commission can do it. To add insult to injury, these fake parliamentarians have not only one headquarters, which would be expensive enough considering their useless role, but two most expensive headquarters: one in Belgium and one in France. They travel some 430 kilometers from Brussels to Strasbourg monthly, even if only for 4 days monthly (including, within these 4 days, only 2 full working days), using the so-called "Gravy Train", or the "Eurocrat Express". This is a privately-chartered shuttle-train transporting some 766 MEPs and  some 3000 support staff, back and forth, every month, involving an estimated 360.000 man hours of work lost yearly. And these massive hours of work lost are duly paid by the taxpayers of the
EU with all related travel and living expenses in terms of hotels and restaurants, let alone some money for dry-cleaning, hairdressers and formal clothing. Staff can also choose to travel by private car or plane, at the same full expense of the EU.


BK_BookerNorth_ EU DeceptionAs for the unelected Commission, it is so imbued with Totalitarian Fabian Socialism that many authors have not hesitated to write explicitly about the obvious  "Nazi Roots of the Brussels EU", as expressed in a common book with this title by Dr. Matthias Rath, Paul Anthony Taylor, August Kowalczyk and Aleksandra Niedzwiecki. True or not, the EU, through its Commission, is certainly an organization of full power without any accountability to the taxpayers directly, let alone full impunity from these same taxpayers. If it might sound exaggerated that the EU would have Nazi Roots, the other excellent book, by Christopher Booker and Richard North entitled "The Great Deception" (The secret history of the European Union), certainly demonstrates clearly that the EU was conceived clearly from the beginning, in the early 20s, by Baron Arthur Salter and Jean Monnet, as an anti-democratic federal entity with an unelected secretariat that was meant to be totally GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) to the people of the nations concerned, in fact with the progressive disappearance of these national entities from any power point of view, be it political or economic.

That EU power structure was designed to make sure that a mass of people (the European national taxpayers) could not control "a" government, never again, in particular such an unelected dictatorial government, the EU government. With the EU government, European taxpayers plainly have no more power to remove the ones who govern them. With the EU, the USA has no more the complex problem to deal with many European national governments for global New World Order purposes, but only one: the EU Commission. This is why the USA was able to easily have the EU impose sanctions against Russia, even if these sanctions were going directly against the interests of most European national governments.

Interestingly enough, hundreds of the GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) subservient eurocrats involved in this type of self-destruction, governing dictatorially above national governments, are being paid more than many national prime ministers. For example, a parliamentary answer in the UK has established in 2007 that the EU was paying more than 42.000 employees or internal collaborators, and another over 8.000 external Commission staff, for a total of over 50.000; of these, over 10.000 were paid more than the UK prime minister Tony Blair at the time of their investigation in 2007; the deliberations also made it clear that all these overpaid employees were working as unelected and unaccountable officials, paid for entirely by the poor European taxpayers suffering the damage these employees often do as senior officials, or the hardship the payers suffer as taxpayers, and without these taxpayers being able to intervene in any way to put these unelected and unaccountable officials out of office even when they are corrupted or incompetent. This was in 2007, and the situation now is certainly only much worse. And to crown these scandalous statistics, they do not include all the extra employees in each national member country working specifically for liaison with the EU. If we were to count all of those, the figure of employees required for running the gargantuan EU machine would not be 50.000 but, including the 26 member countries, most certainly at least 3 times that much, or around 150.000 as probably a very conservative number. In the meantime, a country like the UK contributes some 400 million Euro per week to maintain the ESU (European Soviet Union) machine (over 20 billion per year), and received back less than half of it in various forms.

MEPs get similar high salaries plus up to 3500 Euro per month in general expenses and up to 12000 Euro per month for personal support staff, in addition to free flights in business class and other amenities for things like clothing, dry cleaning and hairdressing, let alone shopping in closed private shopping malls reserved exclusively for EU employees: just like it used to be the case in the ex Soviet Union. it is the case in the ESU (European Soviet Union)today. Other countries are in the same situation mutatis mutandis in terms of what they pay and receive back from the EU, and while their representatives in Brussels live with all the above undeserved extravagant privileges, most of the citizens of these countries, like typically Greece and Portugal, life in a state of poverty growing year after year. To add insult to injury, no common citizen taxpayer financing all of this kind of ESU (European Soviet Union) nomenclature will have an easy time establishing the real statistics, not even an investigative journalist, not even a national magistrate or a national parliamentary office, and those who attempt to do it will probably soon be stopped and accused of hate speech if they dare to protest openly against this type of unaccountability of unelected officials. With this type of powerful and arrogant officials, "Truth" becomes "Hate", and "Free Speech" becomes "Hate Speech". If this does not mean complete democracy deception, any person of simple common sense, in particular the taxpayers paying all the bills, can legitimately wonder what democracy should be.


GuillotineThe great Soviet dissident Bezmenov that I helped escape to Canada in the early 70s was right when he was telling me that the Soviet Union would be dissolved, smoothly, over the following years, in order to get it reborn 'more to the west' (he meant in both Europe and the USA) through what he called a Fresh Start as a kind of new ESU (European Soviet Union) to start with, in order for Europe to open the path to an eventual One-World-Government of more successful totalitarian Fabian Socialism. The Fresh Start 'more to the west', according to Bezmenov, would be to achieve this objective this time without making the 2 fatal mistakes that Moscow had made in the Soviet Union, rebuilding the system on better grounds: first, essentially ensuring a new kind of massive enslavement achieved not/not through the useless low class, but through the productive middle class, and second, not overspending on ruinous military expenses. Is this not exactly what is happening at the moment in the EU, or rather the new ESU? In the meantime, the Soviet Union did collapse in 1991, and the EU palaces of Brussels have also become, 'more to the west', a kind of "Nouvelle Versailles". The antidemocratic abuse of power of the EU has clearly become a kind of gargantuan new ESU nomenclature.

It is so arrogantly extreme that it would be no surprise if, one day, God forbid, this new nomenclature really becomes considered, by a majority of Europeans, as a real "Nouvelle Versailles" deserving the same ugly fate that the old one attracted to itself some 225 years earlier, for not having realized soon enough the amount of harm and sufferance it was causing. Today, following the better strategy that Bezmenov was talking about, the "Nouvelle Versailles" is proceeding more deceitfully, enslaving the middle-class that is blindly busy working hard for producing wealth for everybody, while keeping the low-class quiet, through overly abundant and unmeritorious social welfare, and keeping the high-class happy through abusive corporate welfare amounting to "legal criminality". One day, Marie Antoinette, the archduchess of Austria married to Luis XVI, the king of France living in Versailles, arrogantly said: "If people do not have bread anymore, then they can eat 'galette' instead". Thus the modern French proverb: "Faute de pain, on mange de la galette", as a kind of "Tough it, as this all you deserve and will ever get!". This is the state in which too many taxpayers of the ESU are finding themselves already, like typically most citizens of Greece in the last few years, since 2008. Soon after Marie Antoinette made her arrogant statement however, she had her head chopped off by the guillotine, and certainly could not eat even 'galette' herself anymore.

The GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials of the EU should probably start to act with less arrogance, not following the example of Marie Antoinette, in order to avoid attracting to themselves any kind of more modern guillotine that could chop, maybe not their heads, but most likely their current undeserved privileges, and their falsely elegant lifestyle achieved through too much DDD enslavement. And their ESU leaders should not make the additional mistake that could not be made in the Soviet Union at the time: to think they can finally achieve this enslavement more easily than Luis XVI and Marie Antoinette, because they now have the benediction of a New World Order pope, Francis, as the oddest of all popes who, for the first time, is quite openly complicit in supporting fully, and pursuing mainly, a clearly non-religious destructive agenda of enslavement, like the one of the EU, through welcoming massive immigration of irreconcilable cultures and religions, and his new nihilistic and/or relativistic approach to all traditional western values, let alone his supporting also the even more catastrophic Agenda 21-30 of the UNN causing even more global enslavement and more cultural destruction.

A revolution is never desirable because it always has too many dangerous side effects, but to avoid a revolution, real democracy and justice are necessary. ERTThe rise of many anti-EU populist movements in various European countries at the moment, all trying to excavate the bottom of the ESU (European Soviet Union) pyramid, with the hope to crumble its top, is probably a serious warning sign that ESU officials must soon adjust their arrogant management in a less dictatorial way, before it is too late and they face their crumbling, or their passage from a palace to a jail, if not their own type revolutionary guillotine, hopefully not physically, but certainly legally, or at least figuratively in front of the European public opinion. Enough is enough! Too much is too much! And the Greeks are probably the first ones to have a legitimate right to say this, strongly and loudly, let alone the citizens of many other ESU countries animated in growing numbers by the rise of dangerous populist movements.  


A good confirmation of this EU dictatorial power is what hides behind a type of ESU, or EU Fascism between government and corporations, whereby the big banks and the big industrialists of various European countries dictate the march of the EU. This fascism is hidden behind the discrete existence of the ERT (European Round Table) often qualified as the "Brus$els Business of the Industrialists". As the ERT website itself claims, "The European Round table of Industrialists (ERT) is a forum bringing together around 50 Chief Executives and Chairmen of major multinational companies of European parentage covering a wide range of industrial and technological sectors. Companies of ERT members are widely situated across Europe, with combined revenues exceeding Euro 2,135 billion".(or 2.1 trillion). But what that website will not/not tell the Europeans, even if most qualified insiders of the EU will confirm it, is that when the EU needs a new law, it relies heavily, some say nearly exclusively, on the legal expertise of the ERT for the redaction of that new law. Then the EU deceitfully publishes it under its own name and logo, as if it had been drafted by itself. Of course, as a result, the basic drafting inevitably makes sure it always responds, first and foremost, to the main interests of the ERT corporations involved, not the best interests of the European taxpayers.

In the process of having the law approved, through the lobbies involved, it is widely claimed that huge bribes are paid to MEPs or other EU officials to ensure the primary protection of the ERT corporations involved. And their primary corporative interests will be protected even when the end result involves practices that will facilitate most destructive offshoring and outsourcing, thus create more profits for the corporations but, by the same token, more additional misery for the common European workers and taxpayers, either directly or through additional TTT participative activity. A typical case is the UK that is not even part of the EURO: a growing number of its laws, some 85% of them as last estimation, are not drafted by the UK Parliament, but by the EU, but in fact they are not even drafted by the EU, as they are drafted by the ERT on behalf of the EU. In other countries like Greece, the EU does not only draft most of its laws through the ERT, but even its budgets, which in fact are not even drafted by the EU, but by the IMF (that has a total submission to the USA) and the ECB. This is a complete scam of enslavement for all these countries, and their loss of sovereignty to an unelected and unaccountable external power hiding in the background. All other EU countries are in a similar situation that grows in intensity. 


MonnetMost critics who have studied the EU system extensively call the EU a 'Racket of Extortion'. Their opinion is based in particular on the involvement of ERT in the drafting of most of the EU laws while being a private lobby and corporative external power that is totally unaccountable to absolutely no EU citizen, not directly nor indirectly. For these experts, this racket is even more obvious when taking into consideration the additional collaboration and interplay of ERT with the new  TTT New World Order components, mainly TTIP and TISA. Overall, for the investigative experts, it is clearly a racket of extortion, taking money from people (the taxpayers), without a base of elected authority, and giving it to those working for the system (the officials of the new nomenclature of the ESU) and, of course, without accountability to those taxpayers from whom the money was extorted unduly in the first place. True or not, the EU is certainly not a democracy. At best, it is a hidden Corporatocracy, not to say a fascist form of governance based on the collaboration between private corporations and government, certainly at least an additional supranational level of Debtocracy in complicity with the IMF and the ECB, always acting over the national level of debtocracy already affecting all the EU national countries involved. Just ask Greeks if you feel this is not the case.

In any case, it is certainly a perfect "democracy deception" that most people will not easily realize, or rather, by design, not be made to realize consciously, because the mainstream media also receive cascading privileges from the system, let alone frequent bribes. The media should normally be the best protector of democracy, but because the press is in bed with the government, and the journalists are in bed with the politicians, the mainstream media will not play that vital function anymore, and they will always be pushed to protect the system subserviently instead of confronting it with proper investigative journalism. Investigative journalism should be their natural and primary mission. That mission has been annulled, and most media are now acting mostly as unquestioning mouthpieces of the refined system of enslavement. Most journalists have completely abdicated their fundamental mission of defense of democracy. These presstitutes receive all sorts of money they do not want to loose, from their master governments or corporations, in terms of benefits, subventions and publicity, let alone bribes. They are also afraid to ruin their careers, and possibly even loose their jobs, if they dare to criticize their masters. In other words, not only the role of governments is a complete "democracy deception" but the role of the mass media acting in these false democracies is also a complete deception, compounding the basic "democracy deception".


For historical reasons, the poor Greeks must be, and are, the first victims of the ESU system, but a growing number of citizens of other EU nations, even their journalists, are gradually falling into the same trap without realizing it, even defending it, nearly enjoying it through a kind of Stockholm Syndrome whereby the victim falls in love with his guardian-persecutor. Ukraine is a good candidate being pushed to fall in this trap and start enjoying the tortures of the concentration camp. Some other countries that are already in it, like Hungary, are starting to wake up and put into question the deception but overall, the propaganda is very successful in keeping all members under the Syndrome of Stockholm. This is for the EU citizens. For the EU mainstream media instead, we often have the impression that they are affected by a kind of Stendhal Syndrome, entering in ecstasy in front of the presumed beauty of a clear system of enslavement, but maybe their enchantment is mainly due to the cascading financing, and the related privileges and bribes they collect on their path by subserviently serving and defending the system. 


And all the above refers only to the EU as a false and deceptive form of democracy in its most obvious form. If you get a level up, at the UN level, the organizations that is often criticized as the "Dictators Club", the situation of democratic deception is less obvious, but much worse.      







A P P E N D I X : 09



Interestingly enough, the YINON Plan, in its two versions of 1982 and1996, expressing objectives more specifically related to Israel, is well complemented by the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), first published in 1997, with related objectives for the whole of the Middle East. The documents of the PNAC make a clear case for the subjugation of most Middle East countries through balkanization and exploitation, with the objective of clearing the way for their political takeover, for the confiscation of their resources, and for the continuance of the dominance of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency for as long as possible. PNAC having been founded by super American Jew Zionists like William Kristol and Robert Kagan, and America being a kind of Jewcy fruit to be sucked permanently by Israel from the Middle East, or rather America having become the extended and powerful military arm of Israel in the western world over the last few decades, to the point that many of the USA critics now often call it Jewmerica, these two plans were clearly formulated to work together, as essential components of a Master Plan to reinforce, first and foremost, the hegemony of Israel in the area, and then possibly the creation of a yet virtual Greater Israelalbeit already a much extended one over its assigned borders of 1948 as originally defined by the UNN.


Who knows, as a legitimate question any attentive and objective observer may have in mind in front of what is going on, if that grander false flag of getting rid of both the Palestinian Problem and the Christian Problem in the Middle East, in order to build the Greater Israel, does not also include building this full Zionist hegemony in the area through the plundered money of the taxpayers of the western world, the USA in particular, as the implementation of the full YINON and PNAC plans seem to imply. The American taxpayers are certainly being continuously milked out, like useful idiots, by the Jewish side of the Sweat elites coalition, in the form of real billions in free financial assistance being given to Israel, on a yearly basis, far away comparable to any other much more deserving developing country in the world, and in the form of trillions for financing wars that serve mainly the buildup of Israel hegemony in the area, let alone also in the form of human resources fighting these wars with nearly exclusively the death of American soldiers and practically ever any Israeli soldier.


In the meantime, the above strategy of the Sweat elites also involves using and financing Muslim fundamentalist and terrorist groups with constitutionally illegal and inadmissible black budgets, discretely under the table, for groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. These black funds are usually provided secretly by official organizations like the CIA of the USA with the collaboration of agencies of other countries, like the MOSSAD of Israel. This is probably why Al Qaeda has been nicknamed Al CIA-da, with its "C" pronounced like a "K". Then these proxy financers of black money use the activities of these extremist groups as false flags or as a general security threat to make people of the western world fear for their security. As a result, the western countries accepts the transformation of their governments into police states, as it is fast happening in all the western world, or in the part of the world that the Sweat elites want most to dominate and enslave at the moment through the DDDD, usurious debt-money and consequently excessive taxation, let alone the new more powerful enslaving tools of the Banktatorship, the Healthtatorship and Newstatorship developed in the context of the recent Fake COVID plandemic. From this point of view, Muslim extremists become the dangerous useful idiots of the Sweat elites that finance them secretly, and then uses them deceivingly, as some of the main tools of the globalist agenda that is bringing in the New World Order that is meant to enslave most people around the world through Collectivism and totalitarian Fabian Socialism in a forthcoming One-World-Government of Improved Communism without that name.


The strategy of the Sweat elites along with the YINON Plan and PNAC, constitute the current malicious Sweat elites policy of using both Muslims and western taxpayers as "useful idiots" for their global Master Plan. If successful, it will definitely lay the red carpet for the final dominance of the Sweat elites full power in all the western world, even if they, the Sweat elite globalists, represent only a very small proportion of the world population. It will facilitate the faster advent of their Master Plan for dominating and commanding a New World Order of totalitarian Fabian Socialism. And the Sweat elites are now very close to the full achievement of this evil Master Plan of our global enslavement.






A P P E N D I X : 10

Jesus as a Nazarene Was  a Greek ELL figure

Some 2000 years ago, we had the newly born Christian Church, which, because of Saint Paul, has become an institution of Judaic descent. Jesus and Saint Peter were not Jewish, but Saint Paul was a pure Jew who had never met Jesus, not even once, during his lifetime. Jesus had chosen Saint Peter as the curer of his movement, but nevertheless today Saint Paul is considered the real founder of the Christian Church, as affirmed by persons as important as Pope Francis recently. Because of this, the philosophical movement of freedom and forgiveness that Jesus founded unfortunately became and institution, which Jesus had never envisaged, and even a Judeo-Christian institution enslaving us through fear of hell and dogma because of Saint Paul. That institution then got busy, for 2000 years, fighting and destroying systematically the so-called Greek Paganism, which was the Hellenic ELL culture Jesus was grown in, as a child of Nazareth. All of this is important to understand "By Whom" we are enslaved today, and if it is in great part because of the Christian Church along with the two other Abrahamic religions, it is certainly not because of Jesus.

Few realize that, in the
Palestinian world of that time, Nazareth was the most important center of Greek or Hellenic culture. The central Palestine at that time had 3 main provinces. The Judea province at the South was entirely Jewish. Samaria in the center, was mixed, with Jews, Greeks and other linguistic tribes. Galilee on the North, where the city of Nazareth was the capital, was entirely Greek. All 3 provinces were under the Roman Empire and because the Romans liked very much the Greek culture, and not at all the Jewish culture, Galilee was the only province in the whole of Palestine whose citizens had received the Roman citizenship. This explains why the Jews could not crucify Jesus directly, and had to take him in front of a Roman magistrate for a judgment, because he was also, as a Galilean, a Roman citizen. Consequently, Jesus was, culturally speaking, as a Nazarene, a Hellenic figure, with an ELL (Greek) mother from Galilee, even if his province was surrounded, geographically speaking, by a Judaic Jewish environment, and if he operated, as a public figure, in the dominantly Judaic city of Jerusalem where he intended to reform the enslaving Judaic culture of the "Money Changers" on the basis of his own opposite culture of freedom and freethinking of the ELL "Idea Exchangers".


Interestingly enough, no mainstream western history book, all controlled by the Sweat elites will ever mentioned this fact that Jesus was a figure of the Greek ELL culture, be they books written before or in particular since the Zionist Vatican Coup of 1962. But some older books written much prior to 1962, and a few more recent Greek history books based on well-documented history will mention it. This is the case for example with the book of the Greek author Evanghelos Trikas: "Christ Was Greek" shown to the left. It is very well documented, but unfortunately, it was never allowed by the Sweat elites to be published in English.

Jesus tried to reform and to improve the dominant culture of his Judaic environment, to bring it closer to Hellenism, or rather ELLenism, but he failed. This Jesus, as a figure of the Greek ELL culture, wanted to transform the Jews in a more loving people, but in love with liberty (or ELL i.e. Enlightened Logos Liberty) and truth ("Only Truth Shall Set You Free"), as opposed to the money-loving people that they were, through practicing their enslaving usury of usurious debt-money lending. From this point of view, Jesus was even more in line with at least one part of the Jewish Bible than the Jews themselves, as that part of the ancient Bible criticized explicitly their activity as money lenders. According to the ancient biblical principle, lending money with interest should not be practiced, as it would unjustly “make the debtor a slave to the lender”. As such, we should probably all be Jesus' fans, as he was an exceptional master of best human enlightened liberty and freethinking who would definitely have improved the world tremendously, consequently even today's world, if he had succeeded in his endeavors. Of course, being Jesus’ fans does not mean at all necessarily being current Christian Church’s fans or followers, as this church has become mostly a rich and enslaving Judeo-Christian Institution, now a Sweat elites one since the Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II of 1962, and it has little affinity left with the message of the original Jesus' ELL philosophy of Enlightened Logos Liberty.  


Magna GraecisIn turn, those who succeeded Jesus have built the Judeo-Christian Institution of the dominant figure of Saint Paul, in his name, that is, still today, contrary to what Jesus obviously would have preferred to do himself if he had not been crucified. As a result, that rich Christian Institution is much more Judaic than Hellenistic in its philosophy and power structure, even if it borrowed many concepts of the Hellenistic philosophy in its fundamental theology. This is the distant origin of the global Sweat elites enslavement that we are all suffering today, stemming from the early Judaic influence of St. Paul himself (who was pushed by the "deep state" of his time to become one of the two founders of the Christian Church with St. Peter) who has never met Jesus directly and personally during his lifetime, except maybe, as some authors claim, for having been a friend of Judas, the traitor indicating, from a distance, to his Jewish acolytes in the background who intended to crucify him, who was Jesus.


Certainly, Jews have had the Greeks as their best cultural rivals, for obvious good reasons, for at least more than two millennia and to this day. In fact, an attentive study of history not deformed by the killing political correctness of the mainstream historians will show that the Greeks have at least a 6000 year history and culture of enlightened logos liberty, freedom, freethinking and propagation of civilization, not to say a culture of 12000 years ago from the time of Atlantis, while the Jews have a corresponding 6000 to a 12000 year history of enslavement through usurious debt-money, and a mentality of jealousy against the opposite ELL culture of the Greeks that spread liberty and civilization. In particular today, for their great deception, although Jews still consider themselves to be the superior race of the so-called “chosen people", the Greeks, to the greatest annoyance of most Jews, are still recognized by most people, practically worldwide, as the race that has given the world what today is called democracy, philosophy, education and civilization, and as being the real founders of the first serious professional approach to most sciences, and the creators of the best forms of artistic work in the history of humanity, music included, not to mention political and religious freedom. This was their beautiful Philotimo. This is the near eternal war of who should dominate, between the dictatorial “Money Changers” of the Judaic materialistic culture enslaving us, and the freethinking “Idea Exchangers” of the Hellenistic philosophical culture of liberty.






A P P E N D I X : 11



To understand "By Whom" we are enslaved in the overall structure of World Power, it is important to study some historical events revealing it. The history of Holocausts is certainly the kind of events revealing it.


Unfortunately we only hear today about "the" Holocaust against the Jews during WWII. This was a terrible one but there are many others we do not hear about and that have been either much worse in terms of numbers, or much longer in terms of the number of years the holocaust lasted. We will here concentrate only on the biggest and longest Holocaust, which was the one against Hellenism.


Very unfortunately and very sadly, "the" Holocaust against the Jews lasted up to about 5 years and is claimed to have killed up to about six million Jews. All of it was criminal and unjustified, but there are many other holocausts as serious or even more serious in terms of numbers and years they lasted. A smaller but not less important holocaust was the one of the Ottomans against the Armenians during WWI that killed about 1 million.


Briefly, other longer or bigger holocausts include for example one that is at least similar to the one against the Jews in terms of numbers, but that we practically never hear about. It is the so-called Holodomor against the Ukrainians of Christian orthodoxy effected by the Soviet Bolsheviks who were nearly all Fake-Jews. In about 3 years it also killed about 6 million Ukrainians.


These same Bolshevik Zionist Jews, in collaboration with the Judeo-Jesuits and the Vatican, also effected another holocaust claimed to be some 6 times bigger against the Non-Catholics of the Soviet Union who were either Protestants or Orthodox Christians. It probably killed over 50 million people.


Another real holocaust that lasted some 300 years this time, and killed more than 10 million persons is the one of the Black Slave Trade brought from Africa to America through horrible trafficking and transportation facilities very much dominated by Jews.


The terrible Catholic Inquisition itself lasted for more than 500 years, from the 12th to the 18th century and killed or destroyed the life in a real holocaust of around 60 million people.


These are the main "other" holocausts that we hear very little about even if they were either longer or bigger that the only one we hear about practically on a daily basis because of the power of the Jewish lobby. The important point here to understand here is that, except for maybe the case of the Armenians, all these serious holocausts were effected by the same Sweat elites that attempt to enslave us today through globalization. Strangely enough, this includes the holocaust  against the Jews themselves. The reason is that the Zionist Jewish banksters financed Hitler, and thus knowingly "the" Holocaust because, as seen in a previous section related to Pike and Herzl, the founder of Zionism, they wanted to "increase the sufferings of the Jews" in order to have the justification after WWII to create the Zionist State of Israel.


But returning to the subject of this section,  the very biggest and longest one we never hear about is the one against Hellenism, against the so-called "Pagans". No other Holocaust matches the one that is the biggest and longest inquisitional and holocaustic massacre in world history, that is the Holocaust against Hellenism, against the so-called Pagans of Greek ELL culture. Nevertheless, because it was caused by those we call the Sweat elites in the context of this book, by those who own and control today most of the mainstream press worldwide through an illegal cartel of only 6 main companies, that longest and biggest holocaust is also the least known of all and practically never heard of.

Rassias booksWe are talking here about the immense Holocaust against the ELL culture, or against the "ELLens" (against the "Greeks" who were always derogatively and unjustly called the "Pagans"). This will come as a complete surprise to most people, but it is a sour reality that is, by now, well documented. This holocaustic reality was well hidden for centuries under qualifiers that always excluded the use of the word "holocaust" or the word "Greeks".

To describe this terrible long drama, the dominant political correctness of the last century in particular systematically used only the deceitful words "Pagan" or "Paganism" as a qualifier. To match the words  Anti-Semitism and  Anti-Semitic, the Greeks, as the ancient ELL people, should probably now coin equivalent new acronyms, like "Anti-ELLISM""Anti-ELLISM"Anti-ELLISM" and  Anti-ELLITIC” , or even "Anti-ELLITES" in this context, and could very legitimately use these new words in relation to themselves, probably as often as the two previous ones are used in relation to the Jews.

We will now go through an overview of this terrible history of holocaustic persecution against Hellenism, or against the culture of the ELL people or, more simply said, and not to use the word "Pagan", against the Greeks.


As a preliminary parenthesis, we should add that the Catholic Inquisition was only the best known central moment of the even bigger and longer Holocaust, or Genocide against the "Pagans", taking place at the same time, and by the same Judeo-Christian nomenclatures. The parallel Holocaust actuated against the "Pagan" took place through a complicity of the Catholics (and of the Christian Orthodox before the period of the Inquisition) and the Jews against the Greeks.

We will concentrate here on specifically the Holocaust against the Greeks, or more accurately against the Hellenic culture in light of the fact that the word "Greek" does not exist in the "Greek" language, as opposed to the one against the heretical Catholics. This is the genocide, or rather what we call heretical Catholics. This is the genocide, or rather what we call The Holocaust Against Hellenism, or against the "ELL". The Catholic Inquisition was attacking mainly the heretics, but more in general also inevitably some of the so-called of the so-called "pagans", or the Ellens (Greeks). This derogatory name ("Pagan") was the one given to the widely spread people of Hellenic culture, who were faithful to the 12 gods of the Olympus, instead of the various gods of the 3 main monotheistic religions. As such the Catholics found a willing collaborator on the part of the Jews to try to eliminate all the "Greek" pagans. This collaboration was easy to integrate as, before the Catholic Inquisition started, the Jews were probably the most jealous people of the Hellenic culture that always shed shade on their pretention of being the best and Chosen People of God. Consequently, the overall Judeo-Christian battle for world supremacy was common to the Jews and the Christians, and well centered against not only the heretics but also against the Hellenic culture.


Those interested in this issue might want to try to have access the serious research and documentation of the three excellent books of Vlasis Rassias, shown on the above icon: "Lay Them To The Ground", "Virtue", "Rebirthing Of Hellenism". The author, Rassias, is a very prominent patriotic intellectual in Greece at the moment but not as confrontational as the two authors of the two other books shown to the right.  

Interestingly enough, this holocaustic persecution of the Greeks as Pagans, in relation to their 12 Olympian Gods, was based mainly on the fact that they were accused of not having, from the origin, a monotheistic religion, like the Christians or the Jews had, let alone the Muslims later on. But a good comprehension of the Olympus shows that this absence of monotheism was only a pretext, and also really a falsity that served the aspirations of world domination on the part of the Christians and the Jews over the Hellenic Culture that was still dominant at the time in most of the populations surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. The Olympus also had a "One" supreme God, called Zeus, that in his role, and his absolute supremacy over all the others, made the Greek religion, for all practical purposes, as much a monotheistic religion as the religion of the Jews and the Christians. The other Olympian Gods were all considered minor gods. After all, that division of the divinity into 12 persons, for a better comprehension by their adepts as to what the different aspects of their religion were, had really nothing more strange than the division into 3 of the Holy STRIOS of the Christian religion. There is really no more reason to be a "Pagan", if your divinity is divided into 12 entities, than there is, if it is divided into 3 entities. In fact, the Holy STRIOS, with the division of God into 3 entities, was incomprehensible to most of the ancient Christian adepts, but also still to even the most educated generations of today, while the division of the Greek Olympus into 12 entities, with each entity having a well defined character and meaning in relation to what human behavior should ideally be or not be, was much more comprehensible and accessible to the simple adepts of the old Greek religion, let alone the more educated adepts of its followers today.  


This huge Holocaust against the ELL culture is recognized to having taken place during two main periods.

The first main period was from 313 AD to the fall of Constantinople in 1453AD,  during which long period of some 1140 years, some 312 millions of Greeks, or rather "Hellenic pagans" spread around the known world of mainly the Magna Graecis, were exterminated or highly persecutedd. Practically nobody ever talks about this terrible first period of persecution against Hellenism, and never in terms of the real Holocaust that it was. For example, the greatest historian of the 4th century AD,AD, Ammianus Marcellinus who lived in Syria(around 330/390 AD) wrote XXXI history books of the period following the life of the previous historian Tacitus (who died around 140 AD) to the time of the last years before his own death. In volume XIX, he describes in details the terrible genocide of some 19 million Ellens (Greeks) during the 2 decades centered around the year 341AD (the worst year of persecution) for refusing to convert to the monotheistic Judeo-Christian religions. That genocide was centered in Scythopolis (a city of today's Israel that is now called Beit She'an), located near the Jordan River, not far from Nazareth in Galilee. This genocide alone killed some 19 million "Greeks", but no modern historian will ever talk about it, not even Wikipedia, because it shames the history of the Judeo-Christian religions. And it is no surprise that this genocide took place near Wikipedia, because it shames the history of the Judeo-Christian religions. And it is no surprise that this genocide took place near Nazareth where lived the biggest concentration of "Greeks" in the whole of Palestine.. Jesus was also from Nazareth, and was not a Jew, but an ELL ("Greek") figure. He was not even "Christian", as he never intended to found an institutional religion. Jesus only wanted to reform the Jews, bringing them closer to the ELL ("Greek") culture of freethinking and freewill based on Truth, but he failed, and was also assassinated and crucified for attempting to do so. The Christian church, or the Judeo-Christian church that was founded after his death in his name only proceeded on the same path of persecuting and killing all who were Hellens (or "Greeks", or "Pagans").but he failed, and was also assassinated and crucified for attempting to do so. The Christian church, or the Judeo-Christian church that was founded after his death in his name only proceeded on the same path of persecuting and killing all who were Hellens (or "Greeks", or "Pagans").but he failed, and was also assassinated and crucified for attempting to do so. The Christian church, or the Judeo-Christian church that was founded after his death in his name only proceeded on the same path of persecuting and killing all who were Hellens (or "Greeks", or "Pagans").were Hellens (or "Greeks", or "Pagans").


The second main period goes from 1453 AD, at the rise of the Ottoman Empire, until the independence of Greece in 1821, and its full liberation from the Turkish-Ottoman influence in 1828. During that second period, of some 375 years, another about 53 million more "Hellenic pagans", around all the remaining areas of dominant Hellenic culture, were tortured or massacred.


Kalogierakis booksBetween the two above periods, this means means a total genocide, or rather a holocaust, of a total of about 365 millions "Hellenic pagans", massacred over a period of 1515 years in the territories of the Magna Graecis. This long millennium and a half is also well known for the Catholic Inquisition proper that is part of it, horse backing mainly the second period as a historical ordeal that was spread over a mid-period of about 500 years. That long period also includes however the much less well known Orthodox Inquisition also against the same Pagans of Hellenic culture. 

Who knows about this incredible biggest and longest Holocaust? And of the ones who do know, who knows of it as a Holocaust against Hellenism planned and executed by a joint effort of mainly the Jews and the Catholics, but also the separate Orthodox Church? Because of the Catholic and Jewish censorship, practically no western book was ever allowed to be published on this incredible drama, certainly never explicitly as a Holocaust against Greeks, or against the people of the Hellenic separate Orthodox Church? Because of the Catholic and Jewish censorship, practically no western book was ever allowed to be published on this incredible drama, certainly never explicitly as a Holocaust against Greeks, or against the people of Hellenic ELL culture, and the few that were published were made to disappear quickly from all western world libraries. Nevertheless it is real and immense Holocaust. It is in fact quite clearly the biggest and longest Holocaust that part of humanity has ever been submitted to, and it stems clearly from mainly the aggressive power that was composed of the three branches of what we call today the Sweat elites.

These 2 book shown on the right have been highly criticized, by both the Christians and the Jews that the authors explicitly consider responsible for the Holocaust against Hellenism. However, the most serious criticisms could be done only in general terms that could not deny the essence of the historical facts reported by the authors. The first book on the right side is by Gerasimos Kalogerakis, titled "The Holocaust Against Hellenism" (Γερασιμος Καλογερακης: Το Ολοκαυτωμα Του Ελληνισμου". The second book on its left is by Pandelis Kontoyannis,  titled "The Destructive Assimilation of the Ancient Hellenic Archetypes by the Christians" - [Παντελης Κοντουαννης: Η Λεηλασια των Αρχαιοελληνικων Αρχετυπων Απο τον Χριστιανισμο].

Book of Karl Deshner on Christian criminalityUnfortunately, these 2 books, are available only in Greek and, even in Greece, they are available only through specialized libraries, as the Sweat elites that is very powerful in Greece at the moment, and have been very strong since the independence of Greece in 1821, will not allow their easy publication, translation or distribution. Another source of course it the series of books mentioned earlier, in 10 volumes, of Karl Heinz Deshner, Christianity's Criminal History. This latter author has faced the same kind of publication limitations and character assassination persecutions as Gerasimos Kalogerakis did. The original are in German, but some translations of his 10 books are now available in few other languages, including a partial one in English. Deshner, as per the title of his books, centers his argumentation mainly against Christianity, and its systematic criminal destruction of Hellenism, but he also clearly shows along the way, and factually documents, the joint involvement of the Jews in this terrible history of criminality against Hellenism. 


The worst part of this most incredible holocaustic and inquisitional initiative of world history is that it has never been fully completed, and is still partly very much alive today. This Holocaust is having a firm revival at the moment, in the context of the current crisis in Greece that is completely managed by the Sweat elites. Not only the Greek government is, and has been, dominated by Jews during in particular the last 40 years, in fact since its independence in 1821, but even the Orthodox Christian Church is completely dominated by an anti-Hellenism that is being strongly implemented in complicity with Zionist Jews. The Orthodox Church authorities who were too patriotic or too Hellenistic ware all eliminated. Archbishop Christodoulou is only the best known example of this contemporary religious cleansing. Modern Greece is the best example today, in the western world, of the worldwide domination of the new Sweat elites.


In a previous section we have seen how both Pope Francis and Bartholomew-I are deeply involved in promoting a "Panthriskia", or a kind of JudiChrIslam One-World Religion at the service of the New World Order, or the usurious debt-money system of a forthcoming One-World Government. In this context we have seen clearly, with the help of some revealing pictures, that even the Greek Orthodox "Pope", Bartholomew I, reigning over Greek Orthodoxy from modern Constantinople, has demonstrated to be eminently part of this never-ending from modern Constantinople, has demonstrated to be eminently part of this never-endingHypatia Holocaust against Hellenism in arranging the historic meetings between Pope Francis and Jewish president Peres at the Vatican on June 8, 2014, and in promoting strongly his new kind of "Pan-Thriskia", or a one-for-all-religion, clearly at the service of the Sweat elites New World Order, thus clearly against the best values of the Hellenic culture. For eliminating the last remnants of the magnificent Hellenic ELL culture, and complete the Holocaust against Hellenism, the Sweat elites of current Greece could never have found a better leading ally than a powerful Greek figure, and this figure is clearly and unfortunately Bartholomew. In arranging the historical meeting of June 8, 2014, and in consideration of the fact that Pope Francis is a Judeo-Jesuit, Bartholomew also accomplished what could be considered nearly a miracle: the incredible rapprochement, from the top level, of the Greek Orthodox Church with the Jesuits who have been historical enemies for half a millennium. This rapprochement adds a brand new wing of support to the already nearly invincible Sweat elites coalition for the New World Order: the Orthodox Church. Could this be the addition of a third wing to the Sweat elites coalition, reinforcing it and rendering it literally omnipotent as a global power, as a kind of new SweatOdox Power?


What is happening to modern Greece today is certainly the kicks of the tail of the longest and biggest of all holocaustic and inquisitional initiatives of world history. The main reason is that the Greek Olympus" religion" was the only religion of the western world that was never an enslaving one "religion" was the only religion of the western world that was never an enslaving one, with any kind of dogma or fear, clearly in contradiction with the Judaic, the Christian and the Muslim religions. It was one, clearly in contradiction with the Judaic, the Christian and the Muslim religions. It was one, clearly in contradiction with the Judaic, the Christian and the Muslim religions. It was a culture or religion of ELL (Enlightened Logos Liberty),  was one of freethinking and freedom, as attributes that are abhorred to the outmost degree by the 3 other main western religions who all aspire to dominate and enslave, through dogma, fear and the plundering of their followers.


The famous incident of the killing of Hypatia at the time of the burning of the Library of Alexandria, in 415 AD, is only the most famous incident of this never-ending massacre against the freethinking of Hellenism. This single incident was well publicized by the recent film AGORA, but again, not at all presented by the film maker in the context of such a long and immense holocaustic and inquisitional massacre that lasted well over one and a half millennium (some 1515 years), and with its tail still kicking today, mostly against the contemporary Greeks of the current crisis. What the Greeks are suffering today is terrible on the economic side, but even more horrific on the cultural side whereby their magnificent language is being systematically downgraded, their history is being distorted and forgotten, their freethinking spirit that gave us the best of what humanity has been on the basis of their Philotimo is being disintegrated, and all their cultural values are being entirely liquidated through massively disproportionate illegal immigration without due process and a most destructive global multiculturalism, without a positive patriotic approach, let alone their reduction to economic misery. It is as if that longest of all Holocausts is attempting to finally achieve the total enslavement of the Greeks, and the destruction of their beautiful ELL culture of Philotimo and freedom, after an attempt to do so has not completely successfully worked out over a period of a couple of millennia. Hopefully this final attempt will also fail. 

Part II of this book shall bring constructive suggestions and elements of solution against this never-ending massacre of the culture of freedom of the Greeks and against the enslavement of many other countries through the totalitarian Collectivism of the growing Fabian New World Order.    






A P P E N D I X : 12


The levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the Human Soul

TetractysThe Pythagorean Tetractys  of the human soul is graphically well represented in its traditional way by the 4 levels of the 10 dots located hierarchically within the Pythagorean Triangle on the side. This is the most traditional graphical representation of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul that appears as an hexagon inserted in a ten-dot triangle. This is an essential element of the ancient ELL culture that implies a Return of the Philosophy in our life to replace dogma, and the ensuing Sacred Marriage of science with philosophy. This return in all aspects of our life, personal and civic life, private or public life, and consequently the return of virtues and wisdom in our life, means a return of beauty and goodness, in our overall human behavior as deific co-creators on this beautiful Planet Earth. This philosophy has given us the greatest period of civilization in the history of humanity, in particular for a period of a full millennium through 6 main philosophers that we call the 6P Philosophers: Pythagoras (~ -500 BC), Plato (~ -350 BC), Plutarch (~ +100 AD), Plotinus (~ +250 AD), Porphyrios (~ +300 AD) and Proclus (~ +450 AD). After that, the beautiful ELL culture has been highly persecuted in the Greatest and Longest Holocaust, the one against Hellenism, but it never disappeared completely and left us the best elements of its magnificent Philotimo that still influences today the best aspects of our existence and behavior.


Here are the 4 Pythagorean Tetractys levels and virtues of the Human Soul

-- 1 -- 
The lower level (the Instinctive). This basic level is usually called simply the Body, with its corresponding appetites, to be controlled by the cardinal virtue of  Temperance.  This instinctive side is the so-called Epithymitikon ("ΕΠΙΘΥΜΗΤΙΚΟΝ"), commonly related mainly to questions of sex, food and money, and as such, centered mainly in the lower components of the physical body where the stomach and the sex are located.

-- 2 -- 
The middle level (the Compulsive). This middle level is usually referred to, simply, as the Soul, with its own passions, to be controlled by the cardinal virtue of Fortitude. This compulsive or spirited side is the so-called Thymoides ("ΘΥΜΟΕΙΔΕΣ"), commonly related mainly to questions of love, anger, fear and courage, and as such, centered mainly in the middle components of the physical body where the solar plexus and the heart are located. 


-- 3 -- The higher level (the Cognitive). This higher level is usually called simply the Spirit, with its desires, to be controlled by the cardinal virtue of Prudence.  This cognitive side is the so-called Loghistikon ("ΛΟΓΙΣΤΙΚΩΝ"), commonly related mainly to questions of power, pride and glory, and as such centered mainly in the higher component of the physical body where the eyes and the brain are located; and finally

-- 4 -- The crowning level (the Sophical). This top level is usually called simply Wisdom, to be expressed mainly with best ethics, and controlled through the cardinal virtue of  Justice. This Sophical part, or wisdom, is the so-called Sophia ("ΣΟΦΙΑ"), like in the word "PhiloSophia", or Philosophy, that means "Love of Wisdom". This crowning level is not granted at birth, but emerges only in the soul of the persons who have already achieved the control, balance and harmonization of the 3 lower levels as an equilibrium between them. It is located into the new bond that this harmonization has formed between the higher planes of the heart and the higher planes of the brain.  







A P P E N D I X : 13


The Holistic Education of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the Human Soul (550 BC - 1968 AD)


This appendix section is based on the nature and meaning of the Pythagorean human soul Tetractys and its 4 levels, as explained in the previous appendix section.


Hermes LogiosHermes Logios (the Hermes Orator sculpture on the right), is a divine messenger and guide of the souls back to their divine source after the harmonious development of their Pythagorean Tetractys and the acquisition of the necessary Wisdom while on planet Earth. Hermes is also represented as such, even if in a less obvious way, in the picture of Botticelli further down. In Ancient-Greece, the Crown of fresh Laurels shown below was the historical symbol of excellence and harmonious development of the human being in all its Tetractys components.


The Sacred Tetractys ("Sacred Quaternion": the triangular figure up to the right), is often called more simply the "Human Tetractys". This is only one of its many representations, here seen in a flat geometrical format, and even a simplified version. The 10 points form a perfect triangle that includes a apparent hexagram that in fact is a cube, with dots at 4 levels, thus its name as Tetractys which in its most basic definition means four levels. The word "Quaternion" refers to the "Quarter Parts", or the 4 parts of the human being, each constituting a "Quarter" part of the whole. The first three components are the Body (with its instincts and related passions), the Soul (with its rational intellect and related passions), and the Spirit (with its judgment and pure intelligence). The fourth component, once existing, has its location in the Spirit, but is only available after hard work of the human freewill for harmonizing and equilibrating the first three parts in a state of  Godly Self Oneness. This 4th level, when achieved, is called philosophical Wisdom.


The attainment of Wisdom is the main purpose of human life and, if achieved, the only hope of real human happiness in the current incarnation on planet Earth. Unfortunately, because of either ignorance, or lack of will, or misuse of freewill, and thus missing work to harmonize the first three parts on their own and in relation to one another, it is too often out of reach. The four parts of the Quaternion are represented by both the 4 levels of the triangle and, in a more complete 3D version, by the Cube figure located in the middle of the apparent Hexagram at the center of the Triangle. The six side of the central 2D Hexagram itself (or the six faces of the corresponding 3D Cube) are often used to represent the six forces at the base of all human holistic formation: the 4 Cardinal Virtues (Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence, and Justice), along with Beauty and Love. The overall 3D Tetractys symbol, with its central cube, should also be seen as integrated into a Sphere, that is the symbol of perfection, but with the sphere appearing only once wisdom has been reached.


Be it clear that each of the 4 cardinal virtues corresponds to each of the 4 levels of the Tetractys. Starting at the bottom: Temperance is the leading virtue of the Body forces and its passions; At the second level, Fortitude is the leading virtue of the Soul and its passions; At the third level, Prudence is the leading virtue of the Spirit and its passions; At the 4th level, Justice is the leading virtue of the human Wisdom, but is fully attainable only in human beings who have reached that highest level of development in a state of what we can call a Godly Self Oneness. For reasons of simplicity, Justice is usually considered the 4th cardinal virtue, at the 4th level of the Tetractys, but it is really a 5th virtue over Wisdom at the 4th level, over and above all the other levels . More than a 5th virtue, it is the product of the harmonious amalgamation of the 3 lowest cardinal virtues controlling the human being in a state of Wisdom or of "Godly Self Oneness". From this point of view, what we call "Godly Self Oneness", for lack of a better simple word for the translation of a beautiful and untranslatable word of Ancient-Greek, is really what the 4th virtue is.


The subject of philosophical virtues is in fact a very complex one, that includes 16 levels of virtues. For simplicity, it is usually reduced to the above 4 main levels. More information is also available on some of the above considerations in our page on the philosophy of Platonic Ethics, Aesthetics, Politics, Beauty and Love


Crown of fresh LaurelsThe revival of the Tetractys Formation is where institutions of real holistic education, like the Pythagorean Hemicycle School or Plato's Academy in the past, or the PythAcademia of the PythagorArium Project today, can serve to help society get back some of its lost wellness, let alone the happiness of the individuals concerned who may have reached at least some level of philosophical Wisdom. The acquisition of Tetractys Wisdom, through the best use of the maximum level of consciousness that we can achieve with the full activation of our Pineal Gland (often called the "Third Eye", which Pineal Gland is well engineered to be damaged by the Fake COVID Crisis and its Fake Vaccines not protecting the vaccinated), given only to man, is meant to make us more efficient Participators in the process of co-creation of our universe. Being Co-Creation Participators, hopefully in a growing and loving state of Self and Planet Oneness, instead of simple and insignificant separate entities in the universe, is not only what can give man most happiness, but also what makes man understand and respond best to what the real sense of his existence is. Some will be better Participators in Co-Creation and others will be worse participators, but all are participators, hopefully in a positive constructive way instead of a destructive way. This is exactly where the acquisition of the philosophical Wisdom of the Pythagorean Tetractys comes into play. It is for improving this consciousness, knowledge and role, on the part of a growing number of men, that the PythagorArium, and the EthoPlasìn Academia in particular, were created.


Forming better Co-creation Participators, in a loving state of Self and Planet Oneness, through the acquisition of Pythagorean Tetractys Wisdom, is thus the very essence and objective of the holistic education at the heart of the EthoPlasìn mission, and discipline, and the reason why the PythagorArium was founded. It involves a long process of Tetractys soul education and purification that, from the current incarnated state of a man, shall help him return to its more divine nature (θεος εγενου εξ ανθρωπου). From the point of view of the Greek myth of Dionysus and the Titans, this requires the final domination of the Titan element of the human being, often tending to the bad, by its Dionysian or divine element, tending to the good.

Interestingly enough, there is a Political Tetractys corresponding to this Human Tetractys. The above Human Tetractys with its 4 levels has to do with the control of the harmony of a human being as an individual Person. The corresponding Political Tetractys has to do with the the control of the harmony of the human being as a Citizen and a member of a national community.

For Pythagoras, the worst of evils was nihilistic chaos, which was the source of all violence and injustice (just like the situation we are in today). On the other hand, the type of order preventing chaos could only be based, in his mind, on meritocratic justice extended through Tetractys Wisdom. In turn, the merit system could only be applied correctly with young people being given best care, and their best chance of knowing themselves and their full potentialities. Buds BlueThis chance was first given to them at the very time they were still like tender flower buds (like the blue flowers to the left), in the middle of their adolescence. The formation lasted until they reached the age of at least 30. This meant a total of at least 15 years of basic Tetractys formation. The ones aspiring to senior government positions, and to political, legislative or judicial functions, had to continue their Tetractys formation until they were at least 50 year old adults.

The Tetractys development involved tough holistic educational formation, but with the possibility of using their freewill positively or negatively, or even leaving the school freely at any time, let alone being expelled swiftly when required. The base of the whole Tetractys formation process was thus the famous 
"Γνοθι σεαυτόν" ("Know Thyself"), written on the door of the Apollonian temple of Delphi. This was part of the theory of what they called the "Sacred Tetractys" in relation to 4 parts of the composition of the human being that needed to be harmonized and balanced as perfectly as possible. This formation involved first and foremost the perfect self-control of all passions and emotions of the human Soul. The control of its emotions and related passions was even more important than the development of the rational intellect, in fact a pre-requisite to its development, as without it, a strongly developed intellect could only be a dangerous negative asset. Unfortunately this is the case of so many of our current national leaders, and in particular of our GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) officials of supranational organizations pretending to govern us without proper Tetractys formation because of which we are being enslaved to the outmost degree.

The development of the Mind (the rational intellect of the soul) was nonetheless very important, but undesirable at an early stage, without having first secured the control of the emotions and related passions of the soul, or a at least a harmonious development of all the spheres and levels of the human Tetractys all together in a unified state of Godly Self Oneness. Of course, the beauty of this interior development was inconceivable without a similar harmonious exterior development involving the best aptitudes of the Body, including the control of its basic instincts and passions. That overall process also involved at the same time the philosophical study of the great Absolutes, the ideal concepts that should be founding all human development and activity: "Good", "Just", and "Kallos" (Beauty), all pursued in a state of Love. For the Greeks who invented philosophy, the power of Love, the great cosmic attraction force of Love, was commanding all aspects of our world, from the force of gravity in the (apparently) 'inanimate' realm of the mineral kingdom, to the aspiration of the souls to be reunited to their godly creator, in a state of as much perfection as possible in the spiritual kingdom, with even the help of the loving reproductive forces of the vegetal and animal kingdoms. This great cosmic force of Love is, and was, considered 'the' main force behind the whole world, and is thus the most meaningful attribute of ourselves as human entities.

Bitticelli PrimaveraThe artistic development (mainly music but also other expressions of Kallos Beauty) came to crown the whole process as a reflection of the cosmic harmony of what was called the "Music of the Spheres". The final aim and result of the overall holistic Tetractys formation process, if and when completed, was the attainment of Wisdom, associated to the Spirit element of the human being, intended in terms of pure intelligence capable of producing best Judgment and thus best meritocratic Justice and consequently the best Good. Wisdom was thus the fourth element of what Pythagoras called the "Sacred Tetractys". The whole process of formation was also based on an intense life in common, with mutual help and sharing of belongings, but with also good moments of complete isolation for meditation and self-examination purposes. Education was not centered on producing 'technicians', like schools do today, even if it produced the best ones at the time as a collateral effect, but rather first and foremost 'just geniuses' or, much better said, using an untranslatable word from Ancient-Greek, 'Demiurgos', a type of men capable of prodigious creativity, outstanding achievements, and meritocratic justice for themselves and all the other members of their communities; a type of man with wisdom where, in his heart and mind, passion was transmuted into compassion, and fire transmuted into light.

Botticelli "Primavera" (Spring) painting to the right, ~1482.


This magnificent painting represents the ideal cycle of the life of the human soul. The Pythagorean cycle of Tetractys formation was also the foundation of the platonic cycle of the evolution of the soul during a harmonious life, as represented by Botticelli. The divine spiritual Aether unites forcefully with the human nature (the first couple to the right). This becomes the source of Spring rebirth (the third figure with a dress of flowers. The central figure, a bit higher and withdrawn at the back, is the Aphrodite (the Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty, representing the higher part of the human soul). Her son Eros (above her head, with his erected arrow, as a symbol of harmonious sexuality) is animating the evolution of time (past, present and future, as represented by the Three Dancing Graces). The final figure to the left is Hermes (the handsome messenger of God, and guide of the human souls on their way back to Him after crossing the border of their earthly life). Hermes leads the souls back to their divine source, after a harmonious development of their Pythagorean Tetractys and the acquisition of the necessary Wisdom, as a reward for having been the best possible meritorious Co-creation Participators


Caduceus KyrikeionThe Caduceus (or "Kerykeion") held by Hermes in his right hand and pointing to the sky, is the symbol of a Negotiator. The two snakes entwined together (shown on the Caduceus figure to the left) are like two interested parties negotiating an agreement. It this case it means a mission of mediation between the human and the divine realms. The two wings symbolize the desire to raise the level of the negotiations to their highest level and best results.


In the Tetractys holistic formation, the intellectual development process itself was based on mathematics because it involved logic and order at the base of all good development. Mathematics included geometry, astronomy and music as the "Four Sister" basic sciences. Then followed a vast variety of sciences related to physics, morality, economic administration, political involvement, judiciary and legislative functions etc. Only the students having completed the whole cycle of this holistic education were considered worthy of leading other people as politicians, magistrates or legislators, and usually not before having reached at least the age of 50... They were the only ones with the necessary "Tetractys Wisdom" to do so, as they had not received only 'instruction', like our schools provide today, but real 'education' through a fully holistic formation. 


In fact the school of Pythagoras was not usually considered a simple school of 'students' being instructed in various matters, as it was often called a school of 'governments', or of 'governors', because of its formation of persons with a type of 'holistic perfection' that made them worthy, and the only ones worthy, of governing other people. It was also an institution of professional instruction, but first and foremost an institution of real human soul education in the best and purest sense of the word. Like we say on our Pythagorean Project website behind this book, the Pythagorean school and formation was "Instruction made Education", like the PythAcademia hopes to achieve: a "Learning Process" made a "Living Process", in turn made a "Loving Process". 

Praxiteles ApolloAll the above is what the Pythagorean Project intends to try to emulate, with a type of "Polite Emulation" (Ευγενησ Αμιλλα) to use a beautiful Ancient-Greek expression related to the Olympics competitions and to what we call the SOS (Social Olympic Spirit). The Olympics at the time were not felt like "games", not even like a "competition" in a modern sense, even if competition there was, and very tough indeed, to the outmost degree, but perceived and felt mainly as an emulation of the ideal represented by the best athletes, not only as sport performers but also as harmonious human beings with an equilibrated development of their "Tetractys". The most famous Olympics performer of all times is still considered to have been Milone, who was probably the son-in-law of Pythagoras, trained by Pythagoras directly, through a holistic Tetractys formation that made Milone's physical performance only a reflection of his overall excellence as a person who had become a "Demiurgos".  

The Apollo sculpture to the right, by Praxiteles, ~364 BC

This is a symbol of Harmonious Tetractys, Beauty, Excellence and Wisdom of the Pythagorean Man. The special Spirit animating the Pythagorean Project has its source in the Light of Apollo and is propagated by the related discipline of the Pythagorean Man fighting the darkness of the Faustian Man.

The Pythagorean Man ideal to its full extent is quite probably an impossible objective to have today, but the best contents of this ideal concept deserve to, and certainly can be emulated, as much as possible, for the best benefits of this and future generations on this beautiful Planet Earth. Pythagoras wanted to bring Man, considered a divine creature in essence, back to a level as close as possible to God, and give men clear co-creation powers as much as possible, for all their purposes at their own level, making them Demiurgos. In the later Pythagorean tradition, these Demiurgos became what Plato called "Responsive Virtuous Counselors" which is a translation of Αγαθος συμβουλος at the full service of the Philosophical Good of the community independently of their work or profession. This might be a difficult objective today, but nonetheless many youths today are, or should be, attracted by the basic Pythagorean ideal of obtaining the best holistic personal formation possible, to in turn be able to provide their best possible contribution of Justice to the most meritocratic society possible.

The holistic education based on the formation of the Tetractys has existed in various forms and degrees, at least in the classical schools of the western world, for the best part of 2000 years since its invention in Ancient-Greece. In the 19th century, because of the growing influence of the evil Sweat elites pursuing our enslavement through mainly nihilism and the deterioration of our souls, it started to gradually disappear from our schools, until it was practically eliminated completely by the destructive social Revolution of 1968 that we were engineered to consider a good non-violent revolution of liberty. As a result, since 1968, our society has only gradually deteriorated to its outmost degree today from all points of view. This great holistic Tetractys education must be made to come back. This requires a Return of Philosophy in our life, to replace dogma, and the Secret Marriage of Science with Philosophy. This is the fundamental objective of the PythagorArium Project so that, after one or two generations maximum, our new political leaders can become the best we can hope for.

Concurrently, the PythagorArium Project is also pursuing a brand new system of governance called FtatAristarchy, as exposed in Part II of this book with the full elaboration of the 10 cumulative democratic reforms that are essential to this objective. To have a real and mature FtatAristarchy however, the best Tetractys formation of its leaders is also essential, along with the best Tetractys formation of as many of its citizens as possible.


For these reasons, the PythagorArium Project plans to work in two ways to implement the return of holistic Tetractys education and to implement FtatAristarchy in as many countries as possible as soon as possible.


  1. The first way will involve the formation of a new university based in Greece, south of Athens, using this kind of holistic education, as soon as the economic crisis will allow its formation with full financial independence. That university, to be called PythAcademia, will however have only few faculties on a full time basis, like Engineering, Architecture and alternative natural Medicine, let alone Philosophy. But access to these few faculties will be very selective, as it will be exceptionally demanding compared to what current universities require. These faculties will certainly form normal professionals, like current universities do, from a scientific point of view, even outstandingly good ones, but with an integrated high additional compulsory content of philosophy, gym activity and music.

  2. The second way, for those who will not be fulltime university students, is the formation of what is called a PythArmy of highly disciplined individuals pursuing and propagating the ideals of FtatAristarchy and of Tetractys holistic education in their country. This PythArmy is intended to be trained, after tough pre-selection, through various shorts successive sessions at the PythAcademia going from two weeks to two month. It is also intended to have a special type of session of one year in order to form a new National Patriotic Army in each country that is under FtatAristarchy governance, as a one year session that would be valid to replace the current military service of those not selected for the PythAcademia. This National Patriotic Army would not be good only to possibly get involved in war activities when necessary, but also to be very active for the rest of their life in assisting people who are in difficulty for various reasons, or even animals and plants in difficulty.      





A P P E N D I X : 14

The dangers of using Islam or the Muslims as useful idiots


Beware using Muslims as useful idiots


History teaches us that the Judeo-Catholics sourly failed already in the past in trying to use the Muslims as "useful idiots", and they might well fail again today if they try to do so. It is probably easier to use the American taxpayers as useful idiots than the Muslims. Since after the destruction of the Second Temple of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD, and in particular since the time of St. Augustine who first formalized the institutional concept of the Catholic Church around 400 AD, the Judeo-Christians had wanted to use the mass of Muslim workers and soldiers as useful idiots to rebuild the Mount Temple on the Founding Stone in Jerusalem.


The Catholics wanted it as a Catholic Temple, in opposition to the Byzantine Christians dominating Jerusalem at the time. In the 600s AD the Jews more discretely hoped to rebuild it as a Jewish Synagogue. The Judeo-Christians even tried to reinforce the leadership of the Arabs specifically for this purpose, financing them and even favoring through that effort the affirmation of Mohammad as their leader and the founder of Islam. Their plan would have been to use the vast manpower of Arabs in the area, as soldiers and workers, to conquer Jerusalem and rebuild the Mount Temple for them.


In the end, after their occupation of Jerusalem in 637 AD, using this Catholic-sponsored Muslim manpower, the Islamic Forces had become military so numerous and powerful, also as a new religion in the area, that they rebuilt the temple all right, around 691 AD, even adopting the basic architectural pattern of the Christian church of the Holy Sepulcher, but... not as a Catholic or Jewish temple, rather as a Muslim Temple or Mosque. This historical monument remains so to this day, for the great distress of the other two sides of the Sweat elites (Jews and Catholics) who had both failed to use the Muslims as useful idiots at that time.


The example of that kind of failure in using the Muslims as useful idiots for devious purposes has come to haunt the new Sweat elites of today in their respective strategy to finally successfully dominate the whole world through the Master Plan of the New World Order for a One-World Government of full and exclusive Sweat power. And the current Sweat elites are better not to fail this time again, as otherwise America may soon become Amerabia, and the EU may soon become Eurabia.


In the meantime, it is now easier for the Sweat elites to use the Muslims and all the western taxpayers as useful idiots. What is happening now with ISIS in Iraq and the whole Middle-East is maybe the best example serving for this explanation. First of all, based on formal quotes of the Quran, Islam is definitely a religion that not only admits acts of violence against infidels, but promotes explicitly the proactive use of such violence, including assassinations, wars, and massacres against enemies whenever necessary. On the other hand, the distinguished professor and religion historian Philip Jenkins, in books like "Laying Down the Sword: Why We Can't Ignore the Bible's Violent Verses", has clearly demonstrated that the Islamic scriptures in the Quran were actually far less bloody and less violent than those in the Judeo-Christian Bible that clearly talks about the legitimacy of using even genocide and all other sorts of "Herem" (total annihilation) against infidels when necessary.


What makes the difference today is probably only that the average level of education of the Judeo-Christians is more elevated than the average one of the Muslims, and consequently the Muslims living today take the violent verses of their sacred book more to the letter. This is the reason why, even if most common Muslims are peaceful people, more Muslims than Judeo-Christians do use the violent verses of their sacred book to become terrorists, like suicide-bombers, and to enact massacres against infidels of other religions.


The Sweat elites well know this situation and take full advantage of it. As such, they push simple Muslims into acts of terrorism that serve the respective purposes of the 3 branches of the Sweat elites, using these Muslims as useful idiots, even if these acts of violence are not representative of the nature of most common Muslims.


This is probably what Churchill had in mind when he said: Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world”. Churchill certainly meant the misuse of Islam by some of its more ignorant and retrograde followers.   


Because the world opinion is composed of mostly ignorant people, purposely kept ignorant of this background by plan, the Sweat elites have an easy way to exploit this situation to their respective advantage. And they certainly do so, very skillfully, and most easily because they have all the presstitutes of the cartel of the world media networks of mainstream media under their full control. The Judeo-Christians in particular (mainly the Zionists and the Zio-Jesuits) just have to spread Islamophobia around the western world in order to achieve their secret agenda of reducing liberty in order to achieve world domination more easily.


This is exactly what they did in relation to Iraq and Afghanistan in particular, and why the terrorist ISIS organization is clearly a Zio/CIA/Mossad creation. ISIS certainly includes many Muslims, but it is nevertheless a Zio/CIA/Mossad creation manipulating all ISIS members, real Muslims or not. As mentioned earlier, the Muslim Caliph of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, while being used as a terrorist, was not only a Muslim, but he even held a doctorate in Islamic Sciences. However, some highly credible sources also say that he is a Muslim with a Jewish mother, which makes him automatically also a Jew. If so, he was certainly the ideal Sweat elite puppet to achieve the CIA/Mossad objectives in the area and to present his group as an extremist Muslim organization worse than Al-Qaida.


True or not, the Sweat power regularly puts this kind of front head terrorists, like the ones of ISIS, who are Muslims at least in appearance, to commit the type of terrible massacres that most Muslims would never want to do. Then, because of the few socially engineered Muslims who have committed widely publicized acts of suicidal terrorism over the last decade, everybody believes that ISIS is only a Muslim terrorist entity they should be afraid of, instead of a fake Zio/CIA/Mossad creation for achieving the dark geopolitical agenda of the Sweat Master Plan of world domination.


This reality tells us a lot about what happened also in the case of the inside job of 911. In front of this kind of perfect false flag operation of the outmost complexity, it is certainly not a simple terrorist attack by simple Muslim terrorists with box cutters and failed pilot diplomas for the smallest type of planes. These Muslims were clearly used as useful idiots for 911, hiding perfectly the inside job of the Zio-CIA/Mossad attack for the purpose of world domination and the enslavement of the rest of us through a full restriction of all our liberties. For a starter, just read the book "The Trigger" by David Icke for an incredible multitude of well documented details spreading 900 pages on this subject. In this case, the Zio-Christian components of the Sweat power, by using Muslims as useful idiots, acquired an easy justification, in front of the world opinion, to go ahead forcefully with its secret evil agenda which included, and still includes today, two main objectives in the short term.



If there are good examples of a major false flag that was a complete success of the Sweat elites in the world recently, by using Muslims as useful idiots, they are definitely this one of ISIS. and Al-Qaida as hidden creations of Zio-CIA/Mossad. But we could also describe many other not less powerful and more recent false flags in the context of a longer book, like many excellent authors have done already, about useful idiot Muslims involved in all sorts of major scams in the last few decades.


In front of this perfect deception, the world Machiavellian Sweat elite conspirators and their puppet leaders and banksters must be laughing and applauding to their own success in the dark background of the deep state, while the rest of the common people in the foreground follow blindly the engineered political correctness killing their good common sense, while being uselessly in fear for their survival and consequently ready to pay in additional taxation for all the fake attacks from Muslims being used as useful idiots. As a result, most of us are in a state of near exhaustion from the resulting reinforcement of the enslavement tools of the DDDD, let alone the ensuing useless enslavement that is happening in the process through excessive additional taxation, extreme legislation and fearful disinformation. 


But, as we have seen, history has shown that using Muslims as useful idiots is dangerous as, if they want, they can turn the situation into their advantage, like they did with the Temple Mount in Jerusalem some 1300 years ago. The only problem is that if their leaders wakeup and do so, this may mean that we may soon have America as Amerabia and the EU as Eurabia. Clear signs already exist that this is already happening in many countries of the EU in particular which, in probably less than a couple of generations, will have a Muslim majority, and consequently most probably Muslim governments with the inevitable consequence of the gradual imposition of the full violent Sharia Law.      






A P P E N D I X : 15

Platonic Philosophy in Ethics, Aesthetics, Politics, Beauty and Love


An FtatAristarchy is based on the Return of Philosophy in our life instead of dogma, both in our personal and in our civic life, in order to ensure the best possible form of Holistic Education based on the proper formation of the four levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul, and consequently the best possible level of life and governance we can hope for. As a result, this means an FtatAristarchy is also based on the Sacred Marriage of Science with Philosophy. Of course, we are talking about the real philosophy, as invented in Ancient Greece, as a virtuous philosophical way of living, not about the modern philosophy which is mostly and most often a pure disincarnated speculative mental exercise. 

Hermes OratorThe comments of this annex have to do specifically with this real philosophy, with its ethics, aesthetics, politics, virtues, beauty, love and values as best defined by Plato. As the famous English philosopher and mathematician A. N. Whitehead rightly said: The Safest general characterization of the [modern] European philosophical tradition is that it consists of [only] a series of footnotes to Plato”. This Platonic Virtuous Philosophical Way of Living is specifically defined in the context of the best possible holistic education to be given to human beings in order to make them become the best of citizens.

In this annex we try to be more specific about these subjects than we are in the main page, by giving explanations with reference to the exact sections of
Plato's works indicated in Stephanus Pagination. This is the pagination system of reference and organization mostly used in modern editions and translations of the 36 works of Plato. His works are divided into numbers, and each number is divided into five equal sections: A, B, C, D and E. These numbers and letters are usually put in the margins of the pages of these books. They are in fact the ones of the Greek texts of Plato collected in 1578 by the French scholar Henri Estienne, where, in Latin, Stephanus means Estienne.


  1. Before we elaborate our comments, it is important to stress that when we quote Plato from his most famous work that translators called the Republic, we use Politeia, which is, as explained below, its real and best name.

  2. As a legitimate premise to the study of the ethics, aesthetics, politics and love of Plato, we have to say clearly that translating correctly from Ancient-Greek to English, or to any other modern language, is extremely difficult, sometimes nearly impossible. Even an institution of as much dignified intellectual worthiness as the Cambridge University that produced supposedly the English translation of most authority of Plato in its book "Plato - Complete Works" (on which the English translation of the citations of this annex is based), often does not succeed in rendering accurately the real meaning of the ancient Greek words. We will see examples. This is because the highest level of the ELL ("Greek") language from Ancient Greece was just about the most sophisticated language that ever existed on the surface of planet Earth. It has had a clear 5000 years of ascertained superiority in front of all other languages. This is probably also why philosophy was 'invented' in Ancient-Greece, and the Ancient-Greek language (still spoken today by best educated Greek citizens) is still taught today in the most serious schools and universities around the world. Compared to the harmonious complexity and the subtle nuances of Ancient-Greek, modern languages like English or French are only simplistic primitive languages that in fact, for the little sophistication they may have, draw it all from Ancient-Greek.


The most famous example of the translating difficulties from Ancient Greek is probably the word "Republic" that is used worldwide for the name of probably the most famous work of Plato. This gives the impression that Plato is writing essentially about politics and about the form of government that we know today as a 'Republic'. But this is not the case. The real name of the dialogue in Greek is "Politeia". The word Politeia is a 100 times more subtle than the word 'Republic' in English, as a word that is extremely misleading to a newcomer in terms of the content to be expected from Plato's 'Republic'. A somewhat closer translation could be 'Civilization', but even then it would still be much too deviously restrictive. 'Politeia' means all the essential and best aspects of living humanly and socially in a city in order to attain the best possible civic environment, or what we call "Civitas" in the context of the PythagorArium Project. This includes Ethics, Aesthetics, Politics and Love, let lone holistic education in relation to all these subjects. 

Canova The Ghree GracesPoliteia certainly includes 'Politics', but it is only one aspect of 'Politeia', and Plato has another dialogue called precisely 'Politics', or 'Politician' ('Politicus' in Greek, usually translated very restrictively, and also wrongly again, as "Statesman" in English). Politeia also includes considerations on laws and legislation, but again this is only another aspect of 'Politeia', and Plato has yet another dialogue called 'Laws'.

Although the name "Republic" does not reveal it at all, Politeia is in fact a treatise as much on 'Holistic Education' as it is one on politics, laws, and the ideal government structure and constitution of a 'Republic'. It has definitely a lot to do with education in its best meaning of 'holistic education' having to do with the formation of a man at the three levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul.


Jean-Jacques Rousseau even considered Plato's Republic the greatest book of pedagogy and education that was ever written. And again it has to do with much more than plain education, rather with a type of holistic education, for all those who live in the environment of a city, be they farmers, artisans, warriors, students, teaches or top leaders, and want to make it their best possible civic environment, each one providing their best possible meritocratic contribution in terms of behavior, virtue, talent,, beauty, justice, achievements and dedication.

If we were to talk about the translation of the word 'Dimocratia' with the word 'Democracy', we would run into even more serious difficulties. Its meaning, in Ancient-Greece, was completely different than the modern word 'democracy', and was much closer to what we could only express today with a complex expression, like possibly a "Direct Participative Meritocracy", at least in as much as we want to talk about the ideal form of 'democracy', or 'republic' defined by Plato for his best virtual 'Civitas'.

This degree of sophistication in language, along with the 'invention' of philosophy itself at its best in Ancient Greece itself, and the creation of real education, in a holistic and meritocratic way, influencing the education of the first 'universities' of our western civilization, was taking place some 2500 years ago, when the rest of the western world was literally full of illiterate barbarians cleaning their hands in their hair while devouring their wild preys.

This sophistication in language is also well reflected in the development of the spirit of the Olympics that, in our context, we call SOS: Social Olympic Spirit. But this was a level of a loving emulating spirit of meritocracy in front of the “Best Ones”, not a spirit of “game” or “competition” like we unfortunately call the Olympics today. This positive spirit of admiration and emulation of the best ones is still highly celebrated indirectly today in the admiration we still inevitably have today for the kind of outstandingly handsome men and women that we can still admire today in the magnificent sculptures of Ancient Greece, like the Hermes shown on the side.

As for Plato himself, who brought the nascent philosophy to an insuperable level, this is particularly amazing if we consider the above quote from the English mathematician and philosopher A.N.
Whitehead who so truly and so well said:
"The safest general characterization of the [modern] European philosophical tradition is that it consists only of a series of footnotes to [ancient] Plato".

This Platonic Philosophy as a philosophical virtuous way of living was of course born much before Plato, really from Pythagoras. It then had its best period during a full millennium between Pythagoras and Proclus. This is the period that in our context we often qualify as the period of the 6P Philosophers because the names of the main philosophers of that platonic current that found its peak with Plato all started with a "P". These include Pythagoras (~550 BC), Plato (~350 BC), Plutarch (~100 AD), Plotinus (~250 AD), Porphyrios (~300 AD) and Proclus (~450 AD). They are distributed in a span of time of about 1000 years, between ~550 BC and ~450 AD

In spite of the immense difficulties mentioned above, we will nevertheless attempt to give the best possible summary of the main concepts of the philosophy of Plato having to do with five fundamental sectors of the holistic formation: Ethics, Aesthetics, Politics, Beauty and Love.  

Platonic Love SymbolBefore proceeding however, we have to mention another major difficulty about translating the most sophisticated Ancient Greek language adequately. This major difficulty has to do specifically with what we call “Platonic Love” today. This difficulty is the reason why so many contemporary authors often give a terrible misinterpretation of probably the most difficult concepts of Ancient-Greece philosophy, of the one of Plato in particular, regarding Virtue and Love more specifically.

In the case of the concepts of Virtue and Love, it is a double difficulty: the first one is about the exact translation of the words involved. The second one is again about expressing a sophisticated culture and a reality, on the soul side of the human being that simply does not exist at the moment in our contemporary world. Our modern culture is too attached to the simplistic concept of "body", regarding the description of a human being. For most common people today, a human being is a simply human body. In the culture of Ancient Greece, a human being is, as it should still be today, a clear dualistic concept of body and soul, let alone the various four levels of the human soul created as a Tetractys.

For example, the Cambridge translation of the words used to name love partners (which does not mean sex partners), in talking about Platonic Love between a mature man and a young man, always uses, practically systematically, the simple word "boy" on the side of the younger man, to render the meaning of various ancient words, or qualifications, like "paidi" , "kallos" or "eromenos". This is totally misleading as it seems to point clearly, and only, to an erotic sexual relation as oppose to a love relationship, at what common people see today as a pure male homosexual pedophile relationship on the part of the older man. This mistake of ignorance is outrageously simplistic and totally wrong.

Translating with a word like "child" might probably be a bit better, but also wrong, as it would seem to still include an aspect of modern sexual pedophilia that did not exist in the Platonic Love relationship, certainly not in the particular male-male love relationship theorized by Plato, as what we call today Platonic Love. Using the word "youth" as a translation would be quite an improvement, but still with an imprecise meaning that would also distort the real sense of a Platonic Love relationship. The word “Youth” could refer to both a young man and a young woman but, for clear historical reasons of more than 2000 years ago, Platonic Love, as expressed in Plato's works, was expressed mainly towards a beautiful ("kallos")  young man, certainly not a pre-adolescence "boy", but rather towards the handsome young adult man so widely represented in the beautiful Greek statues, like the one of Hermes shown on the side.

This beautiful male-male love relationship had no connotation of any kind of homosexuality in the way we intend it today, but only with the normal and legitimate enjoyment, with best gratitude, of the purest and most beautiful heart and soul vibrations of a divinely handsome youth in a state of full grace, and in full bloom, usually in his third to fourth Pythagorean Septennial of life, between age 15 and 28.

Consequently, for the above reasons, in our translations, regarding the works of Plato specifically, we have substituted the English word "boy" from the Cambridge book with the word "beloved", which is much closer to the Greek word "Eromenos", or "Paidi" as intended without a dominant dimension of sexual pleasure attraction in that ancient philosophical context. It is still not perfect, but for a perfect translation we would have to coin a new English word based on Ancient-Greek, like "Eromenos" ('Beloved'), as we have done in this text, and probably also another one, "Erastis" ('Pure Lover') on the mature side of the male to male pure love relationship.

There are good hints indicating that a similar kind of Platonic Love also existed, mutatis mutandis, between a mature woman and a young woman, but, for the same historical reasons that made a man's life much more public than a woman's life at that time, more than 2000 years ago, this parallel reality never came out clearly in the open, certainly not in any piece of literature of comparable importance, certainly not as much as the relationship between two men as expressed by Plato.

KnowTheyself_ReturnToGodAnother flagrant example of this difficulty of translation has to do with the word "Areti" from Ancient-Greek, which is usually translated quite simplistically with the English word "Virtue". The modern word 'virtue' in turn, never renders the full extent of the real, and full, meaning of "Areti", as there is no perfect equivalent in any modern language. Virtue, as a modern word, is too closely, and too exclusively associated, or identified, with moral values in a religious sense, and mostly in relation to sex as opposed to all aspects of human life. The word "Areti", when referring to a man, meant globally a "Man of best value", but in a holistic way, at the four levels of his human Tetractys: the body, the soul, the spirit and the crowning wisdom that exists when the first three level are well harmonized between themselves.

The meaning of the word Areti or Virtue also evolved in the centuries following Plato. For example, Machiavelli, around year 1500 AD, used the word "virtu" in a sense much closer to the ancient Greek meaning than it is used now in its contemporary meaning. This is why the old word "Areti" also gave us the modern prefix "Aristo", like in "Aristocrat", or in Aristarchy (or FtatAristarchy in our context, which is the ultimate form of good government that the PythagorArium Project is pursuing with Part II of this book) that, in its original ancient meaning, meant really the most valuable of man because of his general excellence and virtue in his overall personal and civic behavior and performance. To the contrary, in its current modern sense, the word 'Aristocrat' has often a rather simplistic and even derogatory meaning of someone enjoying unmerited privileges because of only noble origin or a rich family descent. Certainly, this is not the case with the original word Aristarchy, let alone FtatAristarchy in our context.


Virtue as Order and Harmony - As said explicitly in Gorgias [506DE-508A], not only man, but all things have virtue if they fulfill orderly the role that makes them being good: "Surely we are virtuous, both we and everything else that is good, when some excellence has come to be present in us". In this way we can talk about the "virtue" of an eye, or of a violin, for their perfect performance rendering, or the virtue of the cosmos sustained by a "just measure" [συμμετρον]. To the contrary, the lack of such orderly behavior reflects a non-virtuous, or a vicious, attribute. In Politeia [352D-353E] Plato says: "The function of each thing is what it alone can do, or what it does better than anything else. ... Anything that has a function, performs it well by means of its own peculiar virtue, and badly by means of its vice". Being virtuous means respecting and reflecting the essence of the perfection of the platonic metaphysical Idea at the foundation of each and every thing, which idea itself participates to the idea of Good sitting at the top of the structure of the World of Ideas. And the essence of the idea of virtue, with regards to man, as explained in Protagoras (this whole work of Plato is essentially about virtue and the education to virtue), is the knowledge of the Good and its actuation. And the Good is the "Just Measure" [συμμετρον] of all things, including the cosmos as a whole. Virtue is thus the mediation between the lack and the excess, that is the "Just Measure" expressing the Good.

The 4 Cardinal Virtues - These are: Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence and Justice, as shown in a graphical representation to the left. As seen briefly in our Description page, Plato associated closely the 4 cardinal virtues with the 4 corresponding social classes of the city, described in the Republic, and with the four corresponding faculties of man on the basis of the human Tetractys: Temperance was associated mainly with the producing class, the farmers and craftsmen, and with the animal appetites of the human body; It relates mainly to the lowest part of the body, the sexual organs and the digestive system; Fortitude (or Courage) was associated mainly with the warrior class and with the emotional element in man; it relates mainly to the solar plexus and the heart parts of the body; Prudence was associated mainly with the ruling class of society and with the faculty of reason; it relates mainly to the highest part of the body, the head; Justice really stands above the social class system, and rules the proper relationship among the other three cardinal virtues, but mainly in human beings who have reached the Wisdom level of the Tetractys: Cardinal VirtuesThese associations are based on the fact that, as seen in our page on Pythagorean Emulation, the human being is composed of a Tetractys, that is, a tripartite basic entity (Body, Soul and Spirit), crowned by a fourth part, called Wisdom. In other words, each part of the Tetractys of the human being has its fundamental virtue, or its Cardinal Virtue: Temperance is related mainly to the physical Body component of the human being. Fortitude is related mainly to the emotional Soul component. Prudence is related mainly to the rational  Spirit component. Justice is related to the Wisdom component of the human being, but only where, and only when, wisdom does exist in a human being, which is after a long and tenacious work to dominate all the passions and appetites of the three other basic components. And this long and tenacious work to achieve wisdom is precisely the subject of the EthoPlasìn holistic education. Thus the meaning, and the importance, of the famous "Know Thyself" concept dominating the whole of the philosophy of Ancient-Greece and the holistic formation of the EthoPlasìn Academy. Thus the fundamental difference between Ancient-Greece philosophy (the founders of Philosophy), and modern philosophy: the former was first and foremost a holistic "Way of Being", as opposed to only a "Way of Understanding", like modern philosophy has reduced itself being in the last few centuries. As hinted in the first section of our Home page, Ancient-Greece philosophy was both aspects, in a perfectly integrated and harmonious way.

The essential missing part, in modern philosophy, is the reason why there is a need to return to ancient philosophy, as it was created by its inventors, if we want to use it properly as the base of best holistic education. Be it clear that many institutions (like Freemasonry) and religions (like the Catholic Church) have attempted to steal, or copy, this system of platonic values, the cardinal virtues in particular, and to adapt them to their own purposes, distorting them substantially on the way, but the original definition, and the establishment of the essence of these values is the platonic one, and the only valid one. It is thus the only one that EthoPlasìn will use in its philosophy and its corresponding holistic formation process. Again, in this holistic formation, Temperance is associated to the physical part of the Tetractys, whose passions have to be kept under the good control of the higher parts, through the cardinal virtue of Temperance [Politeia IV,430E-431A]. Fortitude plays a similar role with the emotional part of the Tetractys [Politeia IV, 429A]. Prudence intervenes similarly at the highest level of the rational part of the Tetractys [Politeia VI-VII]. Finally, Justice ensures that the 3 previous parts function in a perfectly balanced way, in the "Just Measure", at the level of the spiritual part (Wisdom) of the Tetractys [Politeia IV, 443CE]: "A man who is just does not allow any part of himself to do the work of another part, or allow the various classes within him to meddle with each other. He regulates well what is really his own, and rules himself. He puts himself in order, is his own friend, and harmonizes the three parts of himself like three limiting notes in a musical scale, high, low and middle. He binds together those parts and any others there may be in between, and from having been many things he becomes entirely one, moderate and harmonious. Only then does he act. And when he does anything, whether acquiring wealth, taking care of his body, engaging in politics, or in private contracts, in all of these, he believes that the action is just and fine that preserves this inner harmony and helps achieve it, and calls it so, and regards as wisdom the knowledge that oversees such actions".

Victory On The MinotaurVirtue as Health and Happiness - In ancient philosophy, virtue is conceived as the health of the overall soul [υγιεια τε τισ ψυχης] intended as the harmony of the 4 parts of the Tetractys, including of course the body [Politeia IV,444CE]. The fundamental precept of the platonic philosophy is that man has to conduct a life in a "Just Measure" [συμμετρον] in order to render all things good and beautiful as much as possible. Plato is very explicit about this in his Timaeus [87D]: "In determining health or disease, or virtue and vice, no proportion, or lack of it, is more important than that between soul and body"... "For both these conditions [health and disease], there is in fact one way to preserve oneself, and that is not to exercise the soul without exercising the body, nor the body without the soul, so that each may be balanced by the other, and so be sound" [Timaeus 88B]... "We should also avoid drugs as, when you try to wipe disease out before they have run their due course of soul equilibrium, the mild diseases are liable to get severe, and the occasional one frequent" [Timaeus 89C]. The highest part of the soul is the Spirit, as our divine guide, and "it resides at the top part of our bodies; it raises us up away from the earth and toward what is akin to us in heaven; For it is from heaven, the place from which our souls were originally born, that the divine part suspends our head, i.e. our root, and so keeps our whole body erect. So if a man has become absorbed in his appetites or his ambitions, and takes great pains to further them, all his thoughts are bound to become sick and merely mortal. And so far as it is at all possible for a man to become thoroughly mortal, he cannot help but fully succeed in this, seeing that he has cultivated his mortality all along. On the other hand, if a man has seriously devoted himself to virtue, to the love of learning, and to true wisdom, if he has exercised these virtuous aspects of himself above all, then there is absolutely no way that his thoughts can fail to be sane, immortal and divine, should Truth become within his grasp. And to the extent that human nature can partake of immortality, he can in no way fail to achieve this: constantly caring for his divine part as he does, keeping well-ordered the guiding spirit that lives within him, he must indeed be also supremely happy" [Timaeus 90ABC]. In short: "A fit body does not, by its own virtue, make the soul good, but, instead, the opposite is true: a good soul, by its own virtue, can make the body as good as possible[Politeia 403D]. Achieving these levels of virtue, health, wisdom and happiness, is really achieving the Victory on the Minotaur (sculpture of Canova to the right) that we talk about in our home page, and attaining the type of holistic education promoted by the EthoPlasìn Academy.

A Dualistic Conception of Man and its Paradoxes - For Plato, a man is clearly, and definitely, a dualistic entity composed of an eternal soul, or rather immortal once created, but living in a body for only a definite period of time. The body is in fact like a temporary prison, even the grave of the soul as, like Euripides once said: "who knows whether being alive is being dead and being dead is being alive" [Gorgias 492A]. After what we call death, the soul is liberated and starts living freely its best life according to its real spiritual nature. All the ethics of Plato are conditioned by this dualistic conception that he, for the first time in the history of humanity, brought to light. This brings in a couple of paradoxes that are difficult to accept in our contemporary world.


The first paradox is that the soul has the role to dominate the body entirely, to the point of not being affected in any way negatively, if and when "its death", or rather the death of its temporary body, comes to happen. The soul has to have complete independence from, or certainly over, the body, in the meantime. The death of the body is only the liberation of the soul from its "oyster shell" [Phaedrus 250C]. In the mean time the soul keeps full control of the body (like the beautiful Enioxos symbol of the sculpture of the charioteer to the left), based on the philosophy of the Delphic "Know Thyself". As expressed in Phaedo [67A], "while we live, we shall be closest to knowledge if we refrain as much as possible from association with the body and do not join with it more than we must, if we are not infected with its nature, but purify ourselves from it until the god himself frees us [through "death"]. In this way we shall escape the contamination of the body's folly; in this way we shall be likely to be in the company of people of the same kind, and by our own efforts we shall know all that is pure, which is presumably the Truth, for it is not permitted to the impure to attain the pure". Again, Plato reinforces the concept in Politeia [403D]: "A fit body does not by its own virtue make the soul good, but, instead, the opposite is true: a good soul by its own virtue makes the body as good as possible". The human soul is created by the "Demiurgos", but once created, it is immortal. Its cycles of reincarnation exist only to allow it to exercise its freewill, participate in this way into the development of the creation as a co-creator, and eventually return to a life of happy communion with its creator.


The second paradox has to do with the need of the soul to flee from the life and from the world of the body, as much as possible, during life, and as soon as possible, at the time of death, after having accomplished as best as possible its contribution and Mission of Co-creation, during its earthly life. This is why evil always exists in this world, in order to give the soul a chance to pursue the Good through the best use of its freewill. Theatetus [176AB] speaks very clearly in this regard: "That is why a man should make all haste to escape from earth to heaven; and escape means becoming as like God as possible; and a man becomes like God when he becomes just and pious, with understanding". In the overall process, during his lifetime, the soul has to keep itself as similar as God as possible in order to achieve this objective and its happiness. In Laws [716E] we find further insistence on this duty of the human soul: "If a good man keeps the gods constant company in his prayers, this will be the best and noblest policy he can follow; it is the conduct that fits his character as nothing else can, and it is the most effective way of achieving a happy life. But if the wicked man does it, the results are bound to be just the opposite. Whereas the good man's soul is clean, the wicked man's soul is polluted, and it is never right for a good man, or for God, to receive gifts from unclean hands, which means that even if impious people do lavish a lot of attention on the gods, they are wasting their time, whereas the trouble taken by the pious man is very much in season". These two paradoxes have a clear common meaning. To flee from the body means to flee from the evil aspects of the body through virtue and knowledge. To flee from this earthly life means to flee from the the moral evil of this world, also through virtue and knowledge, and through the application of the great principle of the Just Measure [συμμετρον] of order and harmony seen at the beginning of this page.

A New Table of Values Caused by Metaphysics - Up until Socrates and Plato, humanity had never made a real distinction in its thinking between body and soul: it was one and the same thing, as a human being. Socrates was the real discoverer of the soul as a separate entity of the human being. And this separate entity became the main, and most essential, component of the conception of a human being. Socrates however has never written anything. He speaks only through the writings of Plato, and nearly only through these writings. Consequently, it might very well be that what Socrates says about the soul is really Plato's discovery and thinking. Who of the two had first this beautiful intuition of a clear distinction is not really important. In practice however, it is certainly Plato who brings this intuition to its full metaphysical development. On the basis of Plato's Theory of Ideas, or Theory of Forms, in the same way that a man is composed of a "divine" metaphysical and invisible immortal component (the soul), and of a visible mortal physical one (the body), everything else in our world has a physical component (the visible thing) that corresponds to its metaphysical (and invisible) model, or form (the invisible Idea founding it, or giving it its nature and functions). This is the historical passage from physics to metaphysics, that happened then, for the first time, in the history of humanity, and a passage that is really the foundation of what we now call Philosophy. By the same token, this major and fundamental achievement in human thinking, along with the new dualistic conception of man, is, inevitably, as a consequence, the source of an entirely new Table of Values for the human being, like the "limiting notes of a musical scale" [Politeia IV, 443D], regarding the height and quality of his living and his social behavior. In that table, the values of the soul become more important than the values of the body, or at least have a priority in founding the quality, and real Beauty, of a human being. In the same manner, the values for judging the quality or the beauty of a physical thing have a direct reference to its degree of correspondence to the Form of the Idea behind this visible thing. All this led to the establishment of a real Table of Values, created by the newly-born philosophy, that will influence the rest of the history of humanity and its ethics until today. At the top level of the table, there were the Spiritual Values, the ones of the soul as the most important part of the human being, corresponding essentially to the top level of the Tetractys, and that we can summarize in two concepts: Wisdom and Justice. At the middle level there were the Vital Values, corresponding to the three lower levels of the Tetractys, and that can be summarized with the names of the so-called Cardinal Virtues of Prudence, Fortitude and Temperance. At the bottom level, there were the Physical Values, corresponding to the degree of goodness of the practical things required for personal and social living, like money, personal belongings and what constitutes what we normally consider wealth. In this scale, lower values are really good values only if subordinated to a higher level. In Laws [726A-727A] Plato is quite explicit about this table of values: "There are two elements that make up the whole of every man. One [soul] is stronger and superior, and acts as a master; the other [body], which is the weaker and inferior, is a slave; and so a man must always respect the master in him in preference to the slave. Next after the gods, a man must honor his soul".

Delphic Tripod TetractysA Just Appreciation of Pleasure and Pain - Some of the writings of Plato give the impression that pleasure is considered very negatively in the new Table of Values. For example, in Phaedo [83BE] we read the following: "the soul of the true philosopher keeps away from pleasures and desires and pains as far as he can ... as they will cause the greatest and most extreme evil ... if they tie the soul too much to the body; Every pleasure or pain provides another nail to rivet the soul to the body and to weld them together. It makes the soul corporeal, so that it believes that truth is what the body says it is". However, Plato makes a distinction between the pleasures of the three parts of the Tetractys of the human being and sees them as a prerogative, more of the soul than of the body, with the quality of the pleasures being valued on the basis of the same hierarchy that applies to the four parts of the human Tetractys. It is really the pleasures of the lowest parts that have to kept under good control, and avoided if they are to be used blindly or without the consciousness that they tie the soul too much to the body.  In Politeia [585DE-586DE] Plato says clearly that pleasures can all be enjoyed justly at certain conditions: "The kinds of pleasures that are concerned with the care of the body share less in truth, and in being, than those concerned with the care of the soul. ...Therefore, when the entire soul follows the philosophic part [the Wisdom, in the Tetractys], each other part of it complies to its own function and behaves justly; and as a result, each other part will enjoy justly its own pleasures, the best and truest pleasures possible for it". In Philebus [66E-67B], Plato re-dimensions, without renegading it, the ascetical conception of ethics of Gorgias, by affirming that a man is both a soul and a body, and cannot live happily only with the pleasures of one or the other: "The pleasure of reason is far superior to pleasure of the body and more beneficial for human life. … But both reason and pleasure have lost any claim that one or the other is, by itself, the Good itself, since they lack in autonomy, and in the power of self-sufficiency and perfection". Man has, and needs, a life with a just mixture of pleasures, from the body, the soul and the spirit, and his life is a good one if the mixture is right, giving priority to the pleasures of the higher part, and keeping under control of the higher part the pleasures of the lower parts. These considerations are reaffirmed in Laws [732D-734E] in a way that could be an anticipation of the forthcoming Epicureans, where Plato says that, in a good life, pleasure has to predominate over pain: "Human nature involves, above all, pleasures, pains, and desires, and no mortal animal [like man] can help being hung up in total dependence of these powerful influences. This is why we should praise the noblest life … because it excels in providing what we all seek: a predominance of pleasure over pain throughout our lives. … We have to ask if one condition suits our nature, while another does not, and weigh the pleasant life against the painful, with that question in mind. … We want less pain and more pleasure. … We want a life in which pleasures and pains come frequently and with great intensity, but with pleasure predominating; one should select a life that will enable him to live as happily as a man can. … [On the basis of the 4 parts of the Tetractys, there are 4 basic types of life:] There is a life of self-control, a life of courage, a life of wisdom and a what we can call a life of overall health; As opposed to these, we have another 4 lives, the licentious, the cowardly, the foolish and the diseased. … What we want when we choose between lives is not a predominance of pain. … The courageous man does better than the coward, the wise man than the fool; so that, life for life, the former kind, the restrained, the courageous, the wise and the healthy, is pleasanter than the cowardly, the foolish, the licentious and the unhealthy. … To sum up, the life of physical fitness, and spiritual virtue together, is not only pleasanter than the life of depravity, but superior in other ways as well: it makes for beauty, and upright posture, efficiency and a good reputation, so that if a man lives a life like that, it will make his whole existence infinitely happier than his opposite number's". These last statements conclude the prelude of Laws, and the clear indication of the basic principles on which all national laws should be based on, and on the basis of which all men should be justly treated, in order to ensure the happiest possible civic life in a good society. The whole of Laws is an magisterial essay on ethics, related to the criteria for the establishment of best civic authority, an ideal personal virtuous discipline and most legitimate just authority. And all these concepts are part of the holistic formation provided at the EthoPlasìn Academy.

Soul Purification to Attain Wisdom - Pythagoras was the first one to talk openly about the need of the purification of the soul through the intervention of the highest part of the Tetractys. Then Socrates posed firmly the "Cure of the Soul" as the supreme duty of all human being who want to achieve wisdom and happiness. Plato finally pushes the concept of purification to its full extent. He affirms, that the purification of the soul is only achieved fully when, after the long work of the Delphic "Know Thyself", characterizing a philosophical life, a man's consciousness has finally access to the metaphysical dimension of the World of Ideas and its leading role in comprehending and handling both reality in general and human life in particular. By accessing this high level of consciousness, man is finally "converted" to an elevated level of life that identifies knowledge with virtue, as integrated in what he calls Wisdom. This is the top level of the Tetractys, and the crowning of a so-called "philosophical life", that is the best life that can lead a human being in its Mission of Co-Creation. Plato's Phaedo [69AD] is quite explicit about all this: "I fear this is not the right exchange to attain virtue, to exchange pleasures for pleasures, pains for pains, and fears for fears, the greater for the less, like coins, but that the only valid currency for which all these things should be exchanged is Wisdom. With this, we have real courage and moderation and justice and, in a word, true virtue, with wisdom, whether pleasures and fears and all such things be present or absent. When these are exchanged for one another, in separation from wisdom, such virtue is only an illusory appearance of virtue; … Wisdom itself is a kind of cleansing, or purification ... and the characteristic of those who have practiced philosophy the right way".  Wisdom, as the crowning of a good Tetractys, and, as such, the leader of all virtues, is thus the key to attaining the most possible happy human life after a holistic formation like the one provided by the EthoPlasìn Academy.

Friendship - For Plato, real friendship is an ethical question and reality that is also based on the dualistic and metaphysical dimension of the human being. It has to do with the natural pursuit of the Good as the top value in his Theory of Ideas. Friendship is a pure relationship, different from love, and with no connotation per se of sexual attraction. Love, or sexual attraction, may well be born from friendship, but they are then something different, or something additional that does not change the nature itself of friendship. Real friendship has nothing to do with the physical, but only with the metaphysical dimension of the human being and its natural aspiration to the Good through the best part of its Tetractys. The best way to explain all this, is maybe to simply let Plato speak in his own words from his work Lysis [218C-221E]: "The soul, that which is neither entirely good or entirely bad itself, is, by the presence of the evil part, a friend of the Good. … Whoever is a friend, is a friend of someone for the sake of something... like a sick man is a friend to the doctor… and if he is a friend on account of disease, it is for the sake of health. It is for the sake of health [the aspiration to a good thing] that the doctor has received friendship, even if it is on account of disease [an evil thing to be eliminated]. … So what is neither  entirely good, nor entirely bad [like a human being], is a friend of the good on account of what is bad, but for the sake of what is good. … So, somehow, the friend is friend of its friend for the sake of a friend, on account of its enemy. … 'Like' has become friend of 'like' in a chain reaction that goes up in quality but has to arrive at a first principle which will no longer bring us back to another friend, something that goes back to the first friend, something for the sake of which we say that all the rest are friends too. … It is that first thing which is truly a friend [which is the ontological Good]. … It is on account of bad that the Good is loved. Without the disease, there is no need for the medicine. … A thing desires what it is deficient in. … The deficient is a friend to that in which it is deficient. … But it feels deficient where something is taken away from it. … something that belongs to it. So if two persons are friends with each other, in some way they naturally belong to each other". In other words, friendship is such only if it is a pursuit of the ontological Good, and when this pursuit is absent in a relationship, it is not friendship, but something else, at a lower level, and for the pursuit of lower objectives.

Eros as a Force to Acquire and Create Immortal Beauty to Attain the Eternal Good - Eros, or the erotic life of a human being, is also a concept that is very far from the meaning of the word in our contemporary world. It is also entirely different from 'Love' as a concept. Like friendship, Eros is also based on the metaphysical dimension of the human being, and it is why it was considered a God in ancient Greek philosophy, or a divine-like faculty acting at the holistic dimension of the Tetractys. Curiously enough, contrary to its meaning today, Eros has little to do with sex, or at least not with sex as its main nature or level of action. Like friendship, Eros is first and foremost the expression of the pursuit of the Good, but through Beauty this time, and beauty in all aspects of life, not at all only the physical beauty of the human body, let alone its purely sexual faculty. In any case, Eros is tightly linked to the concept of Beauty, but metaphysical Beauty. For Plato, the beauty of a work of art is "the imitation of an imitation", that is a level of beauty that is 3 levels under the real metaphysical Beauty, which is essentially the Idea of Beauty that is an expression of harmony, order and the just measure, or the Beauty at the fundamental level of the "being" that best expresses the Good. This is the kind of beauty that Greek philosophy called "Kallos", as explained in our page on Kallos Beauty. And Eros is the force that moves the human being to pursue that Beauty, or the Good that one is missing, in all aspects of live, and at levels higher and higher, up to the level of contemplation. At that level, Eros becomes Ecstasy, an ecstasy that is very close to the religious, or rather the mystical ecstasy of some saints, like the one expressed in the beautiful and famous sculpture of Bernini, "The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa", in the Basilica of Santa Maria della Vittoria, in Rome, Italy, shown to the right. For Plato specifically, Eros is a Demône more than a God. As such, Eros is an intermediate and mediating force between the mortal and the immortal, between man and God, between the man who was created, but aspires to the Beauty and the Good of eternity. Plato expresses this reality very clearly in Symposium [202D-203A]: "If Eros is not a god, what could it be? He is in between mortal and immortal. He is a great Demône. Everything spiritual is in between God and mortal. Demônes are messengers who shuttle back and forth between the two levels, conveying prayer and sacrifice from men to gods, while to men they bring commands from the gods and gifts in return for sacrifices. Being in the middle of the two, they round out the whole and bind fast the all to all. … Gods do not mix with men directly. They mingle and converse with us through Demônes instead, whether we are awake or asleep". In other words, Eros was born with a double nature, thus a mediating nature between two realms. Plato expresses this with a beautiful metaphorical myth, the one of Eros being procreated during a night of love, during the celebrations of Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty, through the embracement of Poros, a handsome flourishing young man, and Penîa, goddess of poverty. The child Eros has in inheritance the characters of the three figures involved: the goddess of Beauty, the goddess of Poverty, and the flourishing young man. For this reason, Eros will spend the rest of its existence as a Demône force, searching for what Penîa was lacking: the flourishing Kallos Beauty of Poros and the metaphysical Beauty of Aphrodite. Plato expresses this beautiful myth in the Symposium [203CE]. But, as Plato also says explicitly [Symposium 204A], Eros is also a Demône force "between wisdom and ignorance". It expresses itself as an irresistible impulse to get more and more beauty and wisdom in higher grades, or at always higher and higher levels. In the way, it "binds fast the all to all" [Symposium 202E], unifying the extreme opposites of mortal and immortal, and even keeping together the whole cosmos. From this point of view, even the universal cosmic gravity is nothing but an expression of the attraction force of Eros. Eros is thus the mediating and universal force between "All", that is between the realm of the platonic World of Ideas, with the Good at its top value, and the realm of our plain visible reality.  As such, it is a search of immortality by the mortal, to attain Wisdom, the Good and the ecstasy of beatitude and happiness. It is a drive to procreate Beauty, at both the physical and the spiritual levels, and to attain eternal Good through Beauty. The physical procreation level involved is the symbol of this victory on the mortal, and the attainment of the immortal. Even the animals are under the drive of Eros in order to achieve a kind of immortality through procreation. The physical gravity of the cosmos operates on the same basis. The arts and the procreation of beauty are also the symbol of this search for immortality. The construction of important and long-lasting works of architecture that will be attached to one's name and fame for centuries or millennia has the same meaning. In short, Eros is the force that drives to the attainment of the best of what one is missing, in continuously higher grades, and at higher levels, of Beauty, until the final reunification with the metaphysical and eternal Good, because attaining this metaphysical Good means attaining the only possible type of human happiness. The road leading to this achievement is the erotic procreation of progressively higher grades of Beauty at both the physical and the spiritual levels. And the end result is the best possible type of immortality that can be granted to man. In closing this point, it is interesting to note that, contrary to the Christian love which, at its best, is considered purely donative, the philosophical type of love expressed by the Eros is essentially acquisitive, as a search to attain, and integrate to one's soul, the Beauty that represents the metaphysical Good, and to acquire immortality through a process of procreation, or co-creation, of such beauty, both physically and spiritually.

Eros Linked to Anamnesis and Philosophy - The drive of Eros is closely linked also to the maieutic process of acquiring knowledge through anamnesis, in particular for the access to the World of Ideas with its top metaphysical values of the Good, the True, the Beautiful, the Just etc. Before its incarnation, the human soul had direct access to these high values in all their beauty. During incarnation, the soul has partially forgotten them, or has no direct access to them anymore, but instinctively strongly aspires to them in their full beauty. Consequently, the process of this re-acquisition is achieved through a kind of maieutic, whereby a soul is brought to bear knowledge out, like a mother bears a child. By the same token, this maieutic is also a process of remembering a knowledge that has been forgotten at the moment of incarnation. It is thus a process of anamnesis and maieutic. And of course, AdonisAndVenusBySusiniPhilosophy, the great dialectical philosophy, as invented by Socrates and Plato, is the instrument for both this maieutic and this anamnesis, as long as the soul is dominating the lower passions of its Tetractys, like it is somewhat expressed as a symbol, in the beautiful sculpture of Adonis and Venus shown on the side (by Francesco Susini, around 1625). In Meno [82B-86B], Plato gives a beautiful practical live demonstration of anamnesis through a maieutic process in interviewing an ignorant slave on complex problems of geometry, and getting that slave to provide the good answers and solutions. From this point of view, Eros and Philosophy are two faces of the same coin. At the same time, Eros is the mediating force in between the two realms, the metaphysical World of Ideas and our simple physical visible world. The soul is instinctively in love with the beauty of the greatest values of the World of Ideas, and aspires to re-acquire their conscious knowledge, and to be animated by their guiding role. The anamnesis through maieutic is well defined in Phaedrus [249BC]: "A soul that never saw the Truth [before incarnation] cannot take a human shape [only an animal one], since a human being must understand ideas in terms of [metaphysical] general forms, proceeding to bring many perceptions together into a [dialectical] reasoned unity. That process is the recollection of the things our soul saw when it was travelling with God [before incarnation], when it disregarded the things we now call 'real' and lifted up its head to what is truly real instead". In Meno [81CD] Plato is even more explicit: "As the soul is immortal, has been born often, and has seen all things here and in the underworld, there is nothing which it has not learned; so it is in no way surprising that it can recollect the things it knew before, both about virtue and other things. As the whole of nature is akin, and the soul has learned everything, nothing prevents a man, after recalling one thing only - a process of learning - discovering everything else for himself, if he is brave and does not tire of the search, for searching and learning are, as a whole, recollection". In this recollection process, through philosophical activity and the holistic discipline of self-knowledge and self-control, Eros is the mediating force that "gives wings" [Phaedrus 251C-252B] to the soul, and gives it the impulse to go up, through anamnesis, for a glance at the hyper-cosmic world ("hyperuranio": Phaedrus 247C) of metaphysical knowledge. Eros, once again, does it because of its love for the beauty of the concepts involved. And in this particular instance, like in many others, and contrary to our modern conception of an erotic relationship, Eros does not have any essential sexual connotation. In the end, Eros and Philosophy are associated as the two sides of the same coin. In Symposium [204AB], Plato is very explicit about this: "Eros is in between wisdom and ignorance. None of the gods loves wisdom or wants to become wise, for they are wise, and no one else who is wise already loves wisdom; on the other hand, no one who is ignorant will love wisdom either or want to become wise. … Who then are the people who love wisdom? … Those who love wisdom fall in between those two extremes [of ignorance and wisdom]. And love is one of them because love is extremely beautiful. It follows that love must be a lover of wisdom and, as such, is in between being wise and being ignorant" [ that is a lover of wisdom, that is a philo-sopher]. Philosophy is thus, in the end, a kind of "erotic attraction", or "love", for "wisdom" that is being remembered through a maieutic process of recollection called "anamnesis". So, Eros, Anamnesis and Philosophy are closely tied together, in an apparent mortal embracement, with regards to the futilities of the illusionary physical world, but nevertheless in an embracement of vital importance to generate the best of human life, that is the Philosophical Life, in order to attain the full enjoyment of the beauty of the only real world, the metaphysical World of Ideas capable of leading man to his best achievements and full self-realization on his way back to reunification with the ONE that is his real divine nature. This process is in essence the Self and Planet Oneness that we talk about in Rule Six of the EthoPlasìn discipline, and in our page on Science Of Being.

Beauty's particular privilege - In the whole World of Ideas, Beauty, as an Idea, is a privileged one. It is the only Idea that was given the privilege to represent directly and easily, into the physical world, the splendor of the metaphysical world. All the other Ideas can be accessed through the maieutic process of anamnesis, but only with some difficulty, and not even always entirely by all human souls. The Idea of Beauty instead, on the basis of its ontological privilege, can offer the best 'image' of itself quite spontaneously to most human souls. This is why most human beings will quite spontaneously agree on what is beautiful, while they will not as easily agree on what is good or just. In addition, as seen above, Eros is structurally linked to Beauty, and in turn Beauty is structurally linked to the most subtly powerful, or most 'metaphysical', of our senses, the one of sight. This is why Beauty plays such an important role in the life of all human souls, as it helps the enjoyment and the desire of procreation of more Beauty by the human souls, at their level, making them the co-creation participators of a beautiful universe. In turn, this co-creation participation in the beauty of the universe is the only form of freewill expression that leads to happiness, that is to the only possible form of happiness to a human being on this beautiful planet Earth through its role as Co-Creation Participator. This makes Beauty, and its creation, probably the most important platonic ethical value to be followed by all human beings: the appreciation, the rewarding and the procreation of Beauty in all we do, feel and think, in all our physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual activities. This privileged role of co-creation of Beauty is expressed in a beautiful page of Phaedrus [250B-251B]:

"… beauty was radiant to see. … It was radiant among all the other objects [of the World of Ideas]; and now that we have come down here [incarnated on Earth], we grasp it sparkling through the clearest of our senses: vision. Vision of course is the sharpest of our bodily senses, although it does not see wisdom [directly]. It would awaken a terribly powerful love if an image of wisdom came through our sight as clearly as beauty does, and the same goes for the other objects of inspired love; But now, [the concept or protype idea of] Beauty alone has this privilege, to be the most clearly visible and the most loved. … A initiate [recently incarnated], one who has seen much in heaven [before incarnation] when he sees a godlike face [like the Antinous shown to the left] or bodily form that has captured Beauty well, first he shudders and a fear comes over him like those he felt at the earlier time; then he gazes at it with the reverence due a god, and if he weren't afraid people would think him completely mad, he would sacrifice to it as if he were the image of a god. Once he has looked at him, his chill gives way to sweating and a high fever, because the stream of beauty that pours into him through his eyes warms him up and waters the growth of his wings".

And these wings of the soul are the metaphysical tools that will lead the human being to fly high to the World of Ideas in order to get the necessary parameters to enjoy perfectly legitimately a perfect love relationship, particularly, as seen further down, in its version of pure Platonic Love. 

Love as a Soul Beauty Aspiration
- Eros is by nature linked to Love, and in expressing its beauty even sexually in certain circumstances. Real Love is a superior dimension of the 'erotic' process of aspiration to the highest values, and to the most beautiful entities, of the metaphysical World of Ideas through the ecstasy caused by Beauty. A soul is essentially a form of pure Beauty, or Kallos. Consequently, Love, through a kind of Kallosexuality, means being attracted to the beauty of this particular form of soul Beauty, the one of another human soul, with whom we find a beautiful affinity. It is from this point of view that Plato associates Eros and Philosophy as the two faces of the same coin. In Symposium [204AB] he speaks very explicitly about this:

"Eros is in between wisdom and ignorance. … No one who is already wise needs to desire wisdom. On the other hand, no one who is ignorant will love wisdom. … Those who love wisdom fall in between these two extremes. And the wisdom lover is one of them, because he is in love with what is beautiful, and wisdom is extremely beautiful. It follows that Love must be a love of wisdom and, as such, is the attribute of who is in between being wise and being ignorant. This too comes from Eros's parentage, from a father [Poros] who is wise and resourceful, and from a mother [Penîa] who is not wise and lacks resource"

However, in the philosophy of Ancient-Greece, Love, Eros and Sex are three entirely separate realms that sometimes overlap, but that are fundamentally separate and different, and when real love does exist, sex can never, and must never, overlap in any dominant way, only possibly in an accidental way, as as a joyful route incident. In its purest form, it is the so-called "Platonic Love".

Platonic Love - Most non-Greek modern authors studying Plato do not seem capable of understanding Platonic Love, especially if and when they have no real Greek culture, and they base their opinions on the kind of problematic translations like the one of Cambridge that we mentioned at the beginning of this page. For them, Platonic Love is quite bluntly, and quite wrongly, a simple form of male homosexuality and pederasty. This is entirely wrong. What makes the concept so difficult to understand, is that there is, in Platonic Love, a certain form of homosexuality and pederasty, but not at all in the way it is intended today. First of all, Plato condemned, explicitly and clearly, any form of homosexuality as intended today. In Politeia [403AC) he says for example:

"The right kind of love is by nature the love of order and beauty that has been moderated by [holistic ] education [of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul]. … The right kind of love has nothing mad or licentious about it. … Sexual pleasure mustn't come into it, and the lover, and his beloved, must have no share in it, if they are to love and be loved in the right way. … If a lover can persuade a beloved to let him, then he may kiss him, embrace him, but as a father would be with a son, for the sake of what is fine and beautiful: ...they should go no further than this, as otherwise he will be reproached… and lacking in appreciation for what is fine and beautiful"

Again here, this is the rule, but human nature being what it is, it probably does not exclude the possibility of some occasional route incidents involving limited sex activity in particularly joyful moments. In Phaedrus [250E-251A], Plato even says explicitly that physical sexual homosexuality, but it is obviously intended in its worse form, mixing divide procreative human male sperm with excrements, in the form of male anal sodomy. To him, this is rightly always "against nature" (παρα φυσιν):

"If, instead of looking at the beloved reverently, he surrenders to [sexual] pleasure and sets out in the manner of a four-footed beast, … and wallows in vice, without a trace of fear or shame, … he goes after unnatural pleasure"
. Plato then also condemns physical homosexuality in Laws [837CD], albeit in a more sophisticated way, talking about the "third category
" of friendship:

"The lover of the body, hungry for his partner who is ripe to be enjoyed, like a luscious fruit, tells himself to have his fill. … But in another case [of the platonic lover of the soul], physical sexual desire will count for very little, and the lover will be content to gaze upon his beloved without lusting for him: a mature and genuine desire of soul for soul. That body should sate itself with body, he'll think outrageous; his reverence and respect for self-control, courage, high principles and good judgment will make him want to live in purity, chaste lover with chaste beloved. … This is the "third kind" of friendship [platonic love] that we talked about earlier".

Dioscures (like Castor and Pollux up to the right) of best human and civic behavior, because of their holistic Platonic Love education.

Platonic Love SymbolA text written in the style of Plato's dialogues was recently discovered near the ruins of the Temple of Apollo in Corinth. Most of the document has been lost, corrupted by the ravishment of time, but the legible portions discuss Platonic Love and contained this trefoil knot symbol to the right. Used in the context of Platonic Love, this three-leaf symbol could mean various things. The word 'leaf' is also used in Greek to mean gender. It could thus mean Love towards all 3  leaves of: oneself, others in the sense of opposite sex, but also others in the sense of same sex, as intended in Platonic Love. It could possibly also mean Love towards the 3 kingdoms: mineral, vegetal and animal as including the human realm. It could even mean Love at the 3 levels referred to above: the animal sex level, the human Eros level and the 'spiritual' philosophical 'Aghapi' level. Most probably however this three-fold symbol means Love in its real Platonic sense: towards oneself, towards others of both sexes to be loved like oneself and towards the whole universe, in a state of cosmic Oneness as expressed in our page on Science of Being and in a holistic way as per Rule 3 of the EthoPlasìn discipline

For more information on this difficult subject of sex, Eros and love, see our page on Rule 3 and the EthoPlasìn Love Life. Real Love however, according to a beautiful passage of Phaedrus [251C-252B] is really always a form of "Pteros": a beautiful platonic play on words that integrates the two words "Eros" and "Pteros", where "Pteros" means "wing". This means that Eros is a force that gives "Pteros" (wings) to the soul, and makes it fly to the high hyper-cosmic world ("hyperuranio": Phaedrus 247C)  of pure Beauty, and through it, to pure metaphysical Good.

Beauty as a Scale of Eros with Five Levels - For Plato, as we have seen, Eros is a force animating all aspects of our life, in the pursuit of Beauty, Kallos Beauty, and the absolute idea of the metaphysical Good that it represents. This pursuit is done on a scale of levels of importance that has at least 5 grades.

The first grade of that scale, or level, the lowest one, is the one of the beauty of only the physical human body. This first level includes the beauty of sexual pleasure, as absolutely legitimate, but sex must not be an end, rather a means, and must be kept under good self-control, in order to attain the real metaphysical Beauty of the Protype Idea that the beautiful body is representing. But a man is not mainly its body, but mainly its soul.

This brings in the second level of beauty to be pursued, the one of the soul imprisoned in the beautiful "oyster shell" [Phaedrus 250C] that the body is.

As well said in Symposium 210BC, it is at this second level that Platonic Love is born and will be used to make men more virtuous: "The beauty of people's soul is more valuable than the beauty of their bodies, so that if someone is decent in his soul, even though he is scarcely blooming in his body, our lover must be content to love and care for him, and to seek to give birth to such ideas that will make young men better" .

Then, in the same section of the Symposium, Plato goes on with the third level of beauty, the one of good laws and human activities, affirming that this beauty is much better, and much more important, than the previous ones. It is at this third level that the best cultural, artistic and political achievements take place, like, so Plato says, the works left by the culture that animated two great historical leaders: Lycurgus in Sparta and Solon in Athens.

The fourth level of Beauty has to do with what we could call, in our modern world, the one of science. This is the beauty of knowledge that will help lead man to wisdom. At this fourth level, like it is mentioned in Symposium 210CD, a man "will see the beauty of knowledge and be looking mainly not at beauty in a single example ...  but at the beauty of a great sea of beauty, and gazing upon this, he gives birth to many gloriously beautiful ideas and theories, in unstinting love of wisdom" .

As Aristotle later explained, this fourth level implies, in all aspects of human life, the application of the beauty of 'order', 'symmetry' and 'just measure', and the use of mathematics as its main scientific tool.

The last grade, the fifth one, is the metaphysical level where Beauty is seen and enjoyed fully in a great ecstatic metaphysical vision: Plato expresses this concept in Symposium [211B-212A]: "

When someone rises by these stages [up to this 5th level of beauty], through loving his beloved correctly [Platonic Love], and begins to see 'This Beauty', he has almost grasped his goal. This is what it is to go aright, or be led by another, into the mystery of love: one goes always upwards for the sake of 'This Beauty', starting out from beautiful things, and using them like raising stairs, from one body to two, and from two to all beautiful bodies, then from beautiful bodies to beautiful social achievements, and from achievements to learning beautiful things; and from these lessons he arrives in the end at this [dialectical] lesson, which is the learning of 'This Very Beauty', so that in the end he comes to know what it is to be beautiful. ... Then someone gets to see the Beauty itself, absolute, pure, unmixed, not polluted by human flesh or color, or any other great nonsense of mortality, seeing the divine Beauty itself in its own [metaphysical] form. ... Then it will become possible for him to give birth not to images of virtue, but to true virtue... because he is in touch with true Beauty. ... The love of the gods belongs to anyone who has given birth to this true virtue and nourished it, and if any human being could become immortal, it would be he"

And this last level is, of course, at the 5th level, as seen earlier, what can lead to a possible mystical ecstasy. In the meantime, the man that reached this fifth level of Beauty contemplation has reached the level that makes life worth living, as a co-creator of more beauty, as a life that brings the only real form of happiness that is humanly possible on this beautiful planet Earth. At that point, a man is longing to operate only at that level (θεασθαι μονον και συνειναι) and to stay always at that level (θεωμενου και συνοντος αυτω), on his way to an eventual reunification with God, as the supreme Beauty, after a lucid and serene death, via wisdom and possibly even occasional physical and mystical ecstasy on its way there. 


Natoire: Man chased Out Of ParadiseJustice as a Concept of Merit - For Plato, as per Politeia [504D], there is nothing more important than Justice. And justice is the result of a well formed human Tetractys. Justice is in fact a virtue, the highest one, the one related to the highest part of the Tetractys, the part called Wisdom. This is why it is not easy to achieve justice, as Wisdom is not attained before the three lower parts of the Tetractys are under the good control of the highest part, or a man was able "to establish the parts of his soul in a natural [hierarchical] relation of control, one by another. ... This virtue is then a kind of health, fine condition, and well-being of the soul" [Politeia 444D]. As per Politeia [433AB], justice "is exactly what must be established throughout the city... where everyone practices the occupation for which he is naturally best suited... and does his own work without meddling with what isn't one's own". In other words, justice is what is produced in the city when a good degree of the other lower cardinal virtues already exists, or "what is left over in the city when Temperance, Courage, Prudence and Wisdom have been found". But the essential quality, or nature, of Justice, is found in Laws, and it is clearly defined in terms of Merit. We have a separate page on Meritocracy, and it should be read and complemented with the definition of concept of Justice in terms of Merit. The best way to define the concept of justice as a concept of merit, is probably to simply let Plato say it in his own words, in Laws [756E-757E]: "A system of selection [of a proper type of constitution or system of government] like that will effect a compromise between a monarchical and a democratic constitution, which is precisely the sort of compromise a constitution should always be. Even if you proclaim that a master and his slave shall have equal status, friendship between them is inherently impossible. The same applies to the relations between an honest man and a scoundrel. Indiscriminate equality for all, amounts to inequality for all, and both fill a country with quarrels between its citizens. How correct the old saying is, that "equality [between equals] leads to friendship"! It's right enough and it rings true, but what kind of equality has this potential is a problem which produces ripe confusion. This is because we use the same term for two concepts of "equality", which in most respects are virtual opposites. The first sort of equality (of measures, weights and numbers) is within the competence of any state and any legislator: that is, one can simply distribute equal awards by lot. But the most genuine equality, and the best, is not so obvious. It needs the wisdom and judgment of Zeus, and only in a limited number of ways does it help the human race; but when states, or even individuals, do find it profitable, they find it very profitable indeed. The general method I mean is to grant much to the great and less to the less great, adjusting what you give to take account of the real nature of each, specifically, to confer high recognition on great virtue, but when you come to the poorly talented in this respect, to treat them as they deserve. We maintain, in fact, that statesmanship consists of essentially this: strict [meritorious] justice. This is what we should be aiming at now, Clinias: this is the kind of equality we should concentrate on [meritorious justice], as we bring our [ideal] state into the world. The founder of any other state should also concentrate on this same goal when he frames his laws, and take no notice of a dictator, or even the power of the people. He must always make [meritorious] justice his aim, and this is precisely as we have described it: it consists of granting the "equality" that unequal persons [by nature or lack of dedication] each deserve to get. Yet on occasion, a state as a whole (unless it is prepared to put up with a degree of friction in one part or another) will be obliged to apply these concepts in a rather rough and ready way, because complaisance and toleration, which always wreck complete precision, are the enemies of strict justice. You can now see why it was necessary to avoid the anger of the man in the street by giving him an equal chance in the lot (though even then we prayed to the gods of good luck to make the lot give the right decisions). So though force of circumstances compels us to employ both sorts of equality, we should employ the second [the un-meritorious one], which demands good luck to prove successful, as little as possible". The balance is a symbol of Justice, but also the sword, and the two have to be used together for "Strict Justice", on a pure meritocratic basis, as per the symbol to the right.

Politics and the Best Form of Government - Ancient Greeks did not know representational democracy, but rather a direct participative democracy. All free adult male citizens could participate to the politics of the Assembly, and most did, and very actively. The sheer size of their democracy, really on a "city-size" base as opposed to a "Country-size" base obviously favored this high degree of direct participation. However, with the advent of the era of the Internet, and the high degree of instant worldwide communications that exist today, nothing would prevent our modern countries to enjoy a similar high degree of direct participative democracy. But it is not only the representational factor that made the democracy of Ancient Greece different from ours. It was also mainly the meritocratic factor. What distinguishes a democracy from any other type of government can be expressed in two words: liberty and equality. But both these characteristics were also defined quite differently from the way we intend them today. The first characteristic, Liberty, certainly existed, in that citizens could participate directly to all the important decisions of the country, and do pretty much all they wanted in their private life as long as they would not cause a damage or a prejudice to other citizens. On the other hand however, citizens not respecting the laws or the accepted norms of behavior could be accused quite spontaneously to cause a prejudice to someone else, or to the city, and be most easily, and most swiftly, brought to trial in front of the Assembly, and readily sentenced to even the most serious penalties, like exile or death. The death sentence against Socrates is the best example of this controlled liberty. In other words, people were free, probably more than the people of any other country at the time, but also very much under control by the institutions of government. As for the second characteristic of their democracy, equality, we also find a fundamental difference with our modern definition of that concept. As seen above, it was not an Indiscriminate Equality for all, that would only bring inequality for all, but an Equality in Inequality, or the equality that unequal persons each deserve to get at an equal level. In other words, it was a meritocratic equality. This meritocratic factor was very much applied for example in getting the most important positions of power within the state administration. Many times however, the state failed to apply this meritocratic principle. In that sense, Plato was often accused of being undemocratic, and he was, but only as long as we consider that he was really criticizing the democracy that too often allowed, through corruption or nepotism, the lack of application of the meritocratic process in attributing the most important positions of power. From this point of view, he was really criticizing a deteriorated form of democracy that too often behaved like a demagogy, without the application of the meritocratic factor. And this is the rebellion to that demagogical deterioration that made him try to define his ideal form of government, for a city or a country, in some of his major works, like Republic, Laws and Statesman. This demagogy is usually the reign of 'orators', or what we call politicians today, capable of fouling people by making them believe whatever they want, while only serving the advancement of their own careers for their own personal interests. In Gorgias [461C-466A] Plato gives a clear derogatory description of these false demagogic leaders: "… Oratory [the language of demagogic politicians] is not a craft… but a knack for producing a certain gratification and pleasure. … Oratory is the same thing as pastry baking… It is the product of a mind that is bold and clever at dealing with people, like a pastry baker… It is flattery… like cosmetics and sophistry… and an image of a part of politics that is shameful… There is, I take it, something you call body and something you call soul… and a state of fitness for each. And there is also an apparent state of fitness, and one that is real. … There are many people who appear to be fit, but unless one is a doctor, or a fitness expert, one wouldn`t readily notice that they are not fit. There are two related crafts… the one for the soul I call politics and legislation, while the one for the body I call gymnastics and medicine… In politics, the counterpart of gymnastics is legislation and the part that corresponds to medicine is justice … and the four parts should aim at what is best for the body and the soul. … Now, when flattery comes into play, it masks itself with each of the parts and pretends to be the characters of the masks, taking no thought at all about what is good for the body or the soul [but only about its own interest]. With the lure of what`s most pleasant at the moment, it sniffs out folly and hoodwinks it, so that it gives the impression of being most deserving. Pastry baking has put the mask of medicine. … It guessed at what`s pleasant with no consideration for what`s best. … Pastry baking is the flattery that wears the mask of medicine, like cosmetics does it for gymnastics. … What cosmetics is to gymnastics, pastry baking is to medicine; or rather what cosmetics is to gymnastics, sophistry is to legislation, and what pastry baking is to medicine, oratory is to justice. … If the soul didn`t govern the body … making its estimates by reference to the gratification it receives, … all things would be mixed and there would be no distinction between matters of medicine and health, and matters of pastry baking. … So, oratory is the counterpart in the soul to pastry baking, its counterpart in the body". This is quite a nasty and derogatory description of demagogic politicians getting involved, too often and too easily, in the politics of most degraded democracies. This is the kind of democracy, or rather demagogy, that Plato opposed and criticized so harshly, which does not mean at all he was anti-democracy. He wanted democracy as its best, that is one we could call a meritocracy, where doctors are not replaced by pastry bakers, and all leaders have attained positions of power on the basis of merit and "aiming at what is best for the body and soul" of all citizens. 

The balance, up to the left, is the symbol of the harmonious equilibrium in which a society can be kept when the best form of government, a meritocracy, let alone an eventual EthoCracy, has been attained, after the application of the meritocratic factor has been applied to the democratic principles of both liberty and equality.

The "Blind Justice" symbol, down to the right, represents the results that happen in a society when most of its political leaders have reached the level of philosophical wisdom of their  Tetractys, through proper holistic education, like the one provided by the EthoPlasìn Academy. With both the sword and the balance, it indicates that everyone gets 'blindly' his just share of social reward, on the strict basis of ethics and merit, at one's proper level of performance, like in sports competitions, through the application of the SOS (Social Olympic Spirit), along with his maximum possible degree of happiness in this current life incarnation.

Philosophy and the Best Form of Political Leadership - The Platonic concept of the so-called "Philosopher-King" was often interpreted wrongly as if Plato was a monarchist, or again an elitist or an aristocrat, as these terms would be intended today, in favor of the rich or noble classes to govern a country. These interpretations are all wrong because the insist too much on the "King" side of the expression, and not enough on the first and most important "Philosopher" side of the expression. The word 'king' here does not mean a 'king', but a 'leader', and a leader at the top of a pyramid of political command. The word 'philosopher' means a person who has received a holistic education, or at least has the best natural attributes of someone who is fully in charge of his Pythagorean Tetractys, with the superior part dominating perfectly the lower parts, and has attained the level of philosophical wisdom. Plato is very clear on this point, in Politeia [590CD]: "When the best part [the top part of the Tetractys is naturally weak in someone, it can't rule the beasts within him, but can only serve them and learn to flatter them. … Therefore, to ensure that someone like that is ruled by something similar to what rules the best person, we say that he ought to be subordinated [a slave] to that best person who has a divine ruler within himself. It isn't to harm the subordinate [slave] that we say he must be ruled, … but because it is better for everyone to be ruled by divine reason [the wisdom of the highest part of the Tetractys], preferably within himself and his own, otherwise imposed from without, so that, as far as possible, all will be alike and friends, governed by the same thing [philosophical wisdom]". But, for Plato, there is only a small amount of people who can reach this level of wisdom, and there should be a direct relation between this level of wisdom and the degree of power leaders get in their various fields of command. Plato is very clear about this in Statesman [292E-297C]: "There is not a mass of people in the city that is capable of acquiring real expertise and self-control, … like there will only be very few top chess players… We should call a doctor, a doctor, only on the basis of his real expertise… and only then will we let him purge [lead] us on the basis of unpleasant medicine… The same applies to rulers that should possess expert knowledge and formation, and not merely seeming so, whether they rule according to laws or without laws, over willing or unwilling subjects, and whether the rulers are poor or wealthy. … Like a doctor, they can then purge the city for its benefit and the sake of what is just… making it better than it was so far. … The best thing is not that the laws should prevail, but rather the "kingly" man who possesses wisdom. … Only he, and not the law, can accurately embrace what is best and most just for all at the same time, and so always prescribe what is best". If the term 'King' were to be interpreted in a monarchical sense, Plato would not have said that the formation of a politician, for being appointed as a leader, cannot be completed before the age of 50, and only if he passes the necessary tests at that age, which he affirms explicitly in Politeia [540A]: "Then, at the age of 50, those who have survived the tests, and been successful both in practical matters and in the sciences, must be led to the goal and compelled to lift up the radiant light of their souls to what itself provides light for everything. And once they have seen the Good itself, they must each in turn put the city, its citizens, and themselves in order, using it as their model. Each of them will spend most of his time with philosophy, but, when his turn comes, he must labor in politics and rule for the city's sake, not as if he was doing something fine [not for his own prestige or advantage], but rather something that has to be done. Then, only after having educated others like himself to take his place as guardians of the city, he shall depart for the Isles of the Blessed and dwell there". In other words, to become a "Philosopher-King" means to become a political leader, but only after a long and fully holistic education on the basis of the Tetractys, and only then, usually not before the completion of the seventh Pythagorean Septennial Life Period of seven years, that is at age 50, will the city, or the country, be ensured to be well governed, as expressed in Politeia [521A]: "A well-governed city will be ruled by the truly rich, that is by those who are not rich in money (gold) but who are rich in the wealth that the happy philosophizing person must have, namely the Good of a life of Wisdom". This type of good governance implies by definition the Return of Philosophy, as expressed in another of his works, Letters [VII-326-AB], written 2400 years ago, but still very valid today. 






A P P E N D I X : 16


Supreme Trinity called STRIOS (Supreme TRInity Of Safeguard)


In the context of the Pythagorean Project and FtatAristarchy, what common people call "GOD" is a kind of "Sacred Trinity" as follows:


  1. SLOGOS: as the Surveyor -
    = Supreme Loving Omnipotent Generator Or Surveyor.

  2. SAPNOS : as the Savior -
    = Supreme Apollonian Pythagorean  Nazarean Omnipotent Savior.   

  3. SELLOS: as the Lecturer -
    = Supreme Enlightening Loving Lecturer Of Safety.




Kingdoms of Nature All Better





A P P E N D I X : 17




2001: Collapse of 911 Twin Towers in NYC as a Sweat Great Success



This book is very long (some 820 pages in a normal book format scale) and this Part 1 of this book was also very long. The book needed to be shortened. For this reason, this long section was removed. Be it clear however that this major scam and false flag called 911 was one of the best examples of complete success of the Sweat elites against the rest of us being enslaved. We have however covered it quite a bit of this major scam in talking about other related issues, enough to give readers a good hint as to what really happened, which is certainly not the official version. This difficult subject of 911 is also very controversial and it is nearly impossible to treat it differently than in its official version without being accused of conspiracy theory. Of course, the event was a conspiracy all right, but a conspiracy reality. This long section was also removed for this reason. However, for those who may have doubt about the official version, we can only advise you to read the extraordinary book "The Trigger" of David Icke. He is used to be accused of conspiracy theory even if this not at all what he does. What he does is to bring the truth out better than anybody else. The truth disturbs immensely and to discredit him, he is accused of conspiracy theory. However, in this particular case, his book of some 900 pages is full of thousands of precise details that are all perfectly documented with known facts, events, dates, hours, documents, names etc. Consequently, with such accurate documentation, no person of common sense can call him a conspiracy theorist regarding 911, except of course the real authors of the event and the subservient puppets of the propaganda supporting the hiding of its real  authors and purposes. 







2008: First Global Financial Crisis as a Sweat Great Success



This section was also taken out for similar reasons. Not only this book is already excessively long (some 820 pages in a normal book format scale), but it is meant to be received easily by the majority of people of good common sense who work hard and will not easyly read an excessively long book. This section itself was also long and, to be understood correctly, it also needed some above average level of knowledge in subjects like the economy, the financial system, the banking system, politics, diplomacy and geopolitics. This is rather expert knowledge destined to experts and consequently that should eventually become the subject of a separate new book. Be it clear however that this other global fake crisis of 2008 was another excellent example of the success of the Sweat elites, even if it was a complete disaster for the rest of us being enslaved, and in particular for the full enslavement of small countries like Greece.







or alternatively



Levine book World Marxism


Overall in this book, we talk about and against the various forces and strategies behind the NWO (New World Order) that we rather call with more explicit acronyms, like at least the NEWO (New Enslavement World Order), or even the SEGWO (Satanic Enslavement Global World Order). These forces are mainly part of the cosmic FOB (Force Of Bad) and they oppose the cosmic FOG (Force Of Good). In reading the full book in particular, it may be useful to refer to a graphic of the different forces and strategies affecting us for the good or for the bad. The graphic below is what we offer to facilitate the comprehension of the reader on this complex reality.


It is late, and time to wakeup. Hopefully this book will be a good wakeup call from the nightmare of our unnoticed global enslavement which is based on a form of Improved Communism fine-tuned in China and being moved at a global level. This is what we have called GlobCommunism. But in fact it is based on the worst Marxism that we saw defined as "Cultural Terrorism".


In his good recent best seller book of 2021, Mark Levin is absolutely right about Marxism invading our western reality. He is certainly right about the USA to call it "American Marxism" because he is analyzing his American reality. Maybe he should write another book about the European reality, and growingly about the rest of the global world reality, and he would be equally right in reaching the same conclusion as "Global Marxism", or as "World Marxism".


From this point of view, Levine is only wrong about the title. This invasion has not only to do with "American Marxism". It has to do with the Improved Communism moved more to the west after its soft fall in the Soviet Union, to use the expression of Soviet dissident Bezmenov. He, Bezmenov, in the 1980s, meant it to be moved in the EU and in the USA, which is already an unnoticed fact today. At this point, however in 2021, the invasion has to do with global "World Marxism" that is meant to be the regime of a forthcoming One-World-Government based on "World Marxism" shortly after the fast coming preliminary final step of "The Great Reset" of the Sweat elites hiding in and behind the WEF. And that dictatorial One-World-Government of the Sweat elites to finally fully enslave the rest of us, worldwide, is meant to also be moved from current centers of world power, and installed not in Washington nor in Brussels, but in JerUSAlem after the reconstruction of the Temple and the engineered successive soft fall of the USA, the EU, the Vatican and even the paper tiger of CHINA, as soft falls just like the Sweat elites have engineered it in the Soviet Union some 40 years earlier.


Only the new Christian anti-satanic Russia has the potential to save us from this ugly global fate in the near future, that is, if the Sweat elites do not find soon a way to also make it fall softly through at least the character or physical assassination of Putin. And they are already working seriously on it. However, and fortunately, attempting to do it militarily has become more and more difficult in the last few years, if not impossible. Russia may still have less arms than the USA in terms of quantity but, as a matter of well known fact to the experts, in terms of quality, Russia has already arms that are much more sophisticated than the American ones, including in nuclear armament. Russia is also the most experienced country of the terrific side of the Cultural Terrorism of Marxism, and because of this, that new Russia, until at least Putin is still in charge, will do all it can to prevent it to be spread as Global Marxism.


With the help of this strong arm on the military side, and the other strong arm of the spreading of a new kind of direct and participative democracy based on Full Truth, Full Transparency and Aristarchy attributes of Merit, Beauty and Love, let alone philosophy and virtue instead of dogma and Satanism, which is overall the spreading of what we call FtatAristarchy (Full Truth And Transparency Aristarchy), we will assume there is still hope for all of us to have a better future of full enlightened freedom in a not too distant future, and for the next few generations. Hopefully this will be a new renaissance of the beautiful spirit of Philotimo adapted to our modern times.






End Choice








Pythellippos / Πυθελλιππος


A Pythagorean (Π) symbol of Freedom, Beauty and Decorum




A symbol of animal goodness and, as such, the representative of the best that the kingdoms of nature can offer if we, humans, want help to keep humanity mobile, free, more productive for the good of all, and consequently happier. The horse is fully vegetarian and never kills except in defense for his own life, He has a noble soul. He should be loved and always fully respected.

Like man, he was also often enslaved, but never like man because of his own stupidity, only because of man's stupidity.

He can be most helpful, productive and happy without being enslaved, just like man living in FtatAristarchy.










Savin book Ordo Pluriversalis











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This book was getting much too long. It is already about 600 pages in a normal book format. Without taking out the following sections, it would have been probably well over 1000 pages. Consequently, as explained in each case, we have taken out the 3 following long sections:


  1. The 911 False Flag Event

  2. The 2008 fake world economic crisis

  3. The section on DECORUM having to do with the GOBOSSO concept.