Updated 23 OCT 2021
The above is the cover of my book titled FtatAristarchy that has some 820 pages when using normal fonts and book size.
The following, in only some 28 pages of text, is extracted from the full book and include 3 shorts main excerpts, plus new comments.
The first two excerpts from Part 1 of the full book are about our unnoticed enslavement. The third one from Part 2 is about solutions to regain our full liberty.
Unfortunately, in these excerpts, most of the links will not work because they link to parts of the book that are not present.
This overall excerpt is only meant to give a potential reader of the full book a preview, or a hint, and maybe a "taste" of its content, to decide if it is worth reading the 820 pages.
If you print the document, use format A4, even if your paper is format "Letter".
If freedom of opinion still exists in our world today, then this book is, most honestly, "My Free Opinion". If freedom of opinion does not exist anymore, then this book is, most daringly, "My Free Book" that, if not amended, can be distributed liberally for free in its PDF version. In a following page (of the full book) I confess my interest in questions of conspiracy but, of course, only in conspiracy reality, not in conspiracy theory. This is what this book is about.
The conspiracy reality in this case is our progressive global enslavement in various ways by a GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) elite that is most evil, and that we call the Sweat (as explained below). To me, this conspiracy reality is even a very serious world emergency for the rest of us at the moment, and a nightmare from which we have to urgently wakeup before it is too late to avoid our full enslavement.
I fully realize that
"My Free
Opinion" is not shared by
most common people who do not have the background of the kind of extensive
experience that I have of this global world, and form their dubious opinions
basically only by quietly and distractively watching channel TV propaganda, and
by absorbing the content of various mainstream media of mostly fake news.
However, after having worked for years as a career diplomat, and
getting to know
over 100 countries with the full spectrum of governance, from the
extreme right
of Pinochet in Chile to the extreme left of Brezhnev in the Soviet Union,
passing through the extreme “wild” of Idi Amin of Uganda in
Africa, I am
convinced that “My Free
Opinion” is well based on reality, and
consequently deserves to be listened to, in particular by less experienced people, and
listen to not as a
conspiracy theory, but as a conspiracy reality.
(Before reading the excerpts)
Some of my potential readers may have received from me the 10 pages of the first excerpt below, and/or maybe also the 12 pages of the second excerpt that follows, in order to give them a "trailer" to preview the line of thinking of the content of the full book. In these excerpts, like in the full book, we talk a lot about our unnoticed enslaving elites that we call, with an obvious intended pun, the Sweat (Satanic World Enslavement Abrahamic Team). This "Team" is composed of the most current evil elites deceitfully running the world at the moment in the pursuit of a full globalization, as the "Global Village", which is a name coined by Canadian media theorist Marshall McLuhan in his 1962 book titled The Gutenberg Galaxy. In this global village, the Sweat elites want to enslave the rest of us, and run it from a fast forthcoming dictatorial One-World-Government meant to achieve this terrible objective as soon as possible. McLuhan's book of 1962 really was, consciously or not, an intellectual inheritance received from George Orwell and the book he wrote in 1949, titled Nineteen Eight-Four, that predicted clearly, already some 70 years ago, a forthcoming form of totalitarianism and total mass surveillance much worse than what happened in Stalinist Russia or Nazi Germany. These two books of Orwell and McLuhan have reflected in advance exactly what we are living today, in particular since the major false flag of 911 in NYC in 2001 that was already used in growing dictatorial ways to limit immensely the liberties of the whole world population, supposedly because of the fake necessity of launching a fake "War On Terror", even if acts of terror have killed until today, 20 years later, much less than 1% of the people dying in car accidents. This false justification for a growing dictatorial governance is nevertheless even more reinforced today since the beginning of the current magisterial false flag called COVID, with its unnecessary bankrupting lockdowns and its Fake Vaccines that do not protect the vaccinated but spread the virus and, with their well-engineered side effects, cause all sorts of serious damage to the body and brain of millions of people around the world. The damage goes from at least a psychological state of full obedience through the compulsory wearing of ridiculous face masks, to the drying of the Pineal gland in order to downgrade vigorous people at various zombie levels of subservience. The damage also includes death in thousands of cases when combined to, and worsening other previous medical conditions. However, the Sweat elites behind these magisterial false flags to achieve global dictatorial governance more easily are also those bringing to reality the Global Big Brother mentality that Orwell predicted to become our New Normal. Most people today around the whole world obediently wear enslaving masks as their Orwellian New Normal without realizing the unnoticed form of fast growing global enslavement they are stupidly becoming subjected to.
The various letter attributes of the Sweat (Satanic World Enslavement Abrahamic Team) acronym well reflects all the above. These Sweat elites are not national but transnational, and they conspire for our global enslavement (e) as a worldwide (w) team (t). These evil elites at the source of the above unnoticed conspiracy reality to achieve the unnoticed "Global Village" of enslavement of the rest of us are basically all "Abrahamic" (a) in that they belong mostly to the top levels of the three Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and of other accomplices like the Freemasons, the Jesuits, and the Sunni terrorists of Islam, let alone their subservient coconspirators for our global enslavement at the top management level of big corporations, international organizations and the "best" nomenclature of the puppet political level, or of the deep state level, of the fake governments that we think we elect in the most important countries when in fact they are preselected before a fraudulent election. This is why if we have an incredible technology allowing us to go to the moon or mars, we still purposely do not have a perfect voting system without any possible fraud, like the BAVID (Bio-Anonymous Voting ID) system proposed by a FtatAristarchy using anonymous biometrics. We also qualify our enslaving elites as "Satanic" (s) because, at their top levels, as we explain with more details in many other sections, these elites nearly all have a lot to do with various kinds of Luciferian rituals, including in the Vatican itself, always using the nicer elitist name of Lucifer for these practices in order to hide the politically incorrect name of their real master called more prosaically as Satan by most common people.
The conspiracy of the Sweat
elites to dominate the world and enslave the rest of us is very much dominated
in leading roles by those we call the Fake-Jews.
Consequently it is also important to clarify who they are. The conspiracy does
not exist in as much as it has to do with only Jews, but does
exist in as much as it has to do with with a quadruple
kind of Fake-Jews
in leading roles. Here they are.
The first kind
of Fake-Jew has
to do with a Jew who is a member of a deviated or heretical branch of
Judaism that has been infiltrated by black
magic and Satanism from
the time of the exile of the Jews in Babylon.
For this reason we call this first kind of Fake-Jew
a Babylonian
This first category of Fake-Jew still
exists today within World
Jewry but
belongs mostly to a heretical branch of Judaism whose main leaders have
often been formally excommunicated. Thus their deserved qualification as Fake-Jews.
Formally speaking, an excommunicated Jew is no more a Jew, just like an
excommunicated Catholic is no more a Christian Catholic.
The second kind
of Fake-Jew,
and the biggest majority of them, has to do mostly with the barbarian people
of the Turkic Khazarian
Empire shown
below, who
were massively converted by force to Judaism by their king in 740 AD.
Those have become what history books now call European
also often called the Ashkenazy
Jews, in clear opposition to the original Palestinian
their Turkic tribe has
no Jewish or Palestinian blood whatsoever, absolutely
nothing "JEW"
DNA related to the Ancient Jews of Palestine,
and absolutely
no historical link or claim at all to the territory of Palestine that
they have nevertheless invaded in wide majority through the creation of the
new Zionist State of Israel.
They have invaded that territory in particular since after the formal
foundation of that brand new state in 1948. Thus the qualification of Fake-Jew is also
applying, even more clearly so in this second case, to this category of Khazarian or European
Jews often
also referred to as Ashkenazi Jews.
A majority of them have evolved over the last few centuries to become mainly those
we call the Zionists today.
There is however an associated third main
kind of Fake-Jew that
is, for the most part, the so-called Christian
Some good examples are two famous assistants of Trump in
the USA:
his VP Mike
Pence and his head of diplomacy Mike
Pompeo, let alone Mario Draghi
educated by the Judeo-Jesuits. Even supposedly Catholic president Biden can
fit this category quite well with his 7 grand-children who are all Jews.
This special evangelical type of Fake-Christian
Zionist for the most part has no
Jewish blood, but is fully dedicated to pursuing the Zionist objectives
of the first two Fake-Jew categories,
including all the policies of Israel with
its aspiration of world domination after the return of the Messiah.
The most obvious falseness of these Fake
Christians that become Fake Jews is that,
although they consider themselves "Evangelicals" they
do not preach exclusively the sacred Evangelical
Books of the Gospel of Jesus,
except incidentally, but mainly the Jewish Bible of Yahweh as
a whole, while giving Yahweh a
very obvious priority in their preaching over what Jesus may
represent for them.
The above are the 3 main categories of those we can most legitimately call Fake-Jews. But there would also be a lot to add about a mix of other additional Fake-Jew categories involved in all sorts of manipulations of world politics. One of them is certainly the involvement of the crypto-Muslims called the Donmeh who were Jews who pretended to be Muslims, through a fake conversions to Islam, doing so because of their desire to associate themselves to the Jewish pursuit of world domination from within non-Jewish environments. These hidden Jews, as Donmeh, were fundamentally active in relation to the birth of some Islamic Sunni Muslim nations like modern Turkey and Saudi Arabia that both have a well documented history of Jewish founders. Both these branches of Islam were influenced in their creation by corrupted elements of Judaism.As such, although they were considered Muslims, the Donmeh were crypto Jews, thus another category of Fake-Jew. The Bolsheviks that founded the Soviet Union were also crypto-Jews of mainly Khazarian origin hiding their Jewishness as much as they could. As such they were crypto Jews, or another Fake-Jew category. The Marrano in Italy are another type of crypto Jews involved as Fake-Jew operatives in infiltrating and dominating the Vatican in Italy, thus tentatively infiltrating the overall Christian institutional world. They have already done so in great part, in particular since the Zionist Coup of the Council of Vatican II in 1962 and even more so with the fraudulent selection of a Judeo-Jesuit called Francis in 2013 as supposedly only the Catholic pope. In the meantime the Fake Christian Jesuits themselves are also crypto Jews with their religious order founded by a Jew called Ignacio di Loyola, thus also of a the Fake-Jew category. At the moment, these crypto-Fake-Jews are literally running the Vatican since the fraudulent installation of the first crypto-Jew Jesuit pope in the history of Christianity called Francis in 2013.
Considering the historical background of the 4 above categories of Fake-Jews, what superficial conspiracy theorists call the "Jewish Plot" does not exist, as it becomes clearly, to say the least, a "Fake-Jew Plot". More accurately, it is an Abrahamic Sweat plot. In relation to what is happening today, and considering the fact that the official legal definition of a Jew is someone with a pure DNA Jewish mother, the above history of conspiracy for world domination is not a conspiracy theory, but a clear conspiracy reality. However, its origin brings us back mainly to the Khazarians, to those non-Jew-at-all barbarians of the old Khazarian Empire who were massively converted by force to Judaism in 740 AD. These Khazarians were certainly not Jews at all at that time. Consequently their descendants are still not real Jews at all today. As a result, they certainly and undeniably deserve fully their Fake-Jew qualification. The only problem is that they are all called simply "Jews" by most ignorant people around the world.
1945: Great Success of WWII won by the Sweat, not by the Allies
The real winners of WWII were not those we have been told in the history books written by the same ones who pretend to have won the second world war. The real winner was not The Allies, but the Sweat elite. And the real looser was not Hitler. It was the rest of us. This is because these deceitful victories of the Sweat elite, before, during, between and after the two world wars, and to this day, were hiding the satanic Master Plan of the Holocaust of Western Civilization for the purpose of the enslavement of the rest of us in their pursuit of a dictatorial One-World-Government.
The WWII period as reported by mainstream historians appears to have included only "The" Holocaust, or the one against the Jews. This is wrong. It was certainly badly preceded by the Holodomor which was the Holocaust led by the mainly Jewish Bolsheviks of the Soviet Union against the Orthodox Christians of Ukraine concentrated mainly in the years 1932-33. This Holodomor killed just about the same amount of people that the Nazi regime will cause a few years later against the Jews during WWII itself, or about 6 million persons in each case. But there was a much bigger and much more serious Holocaust looming in the background of WWII. This is what we can legitimately call the wider Holocaust Against Western Civilization. It will be much bigger, even in terms of sheer numbers, and much more serious, as its plan involved not only the physical death of those who would not submit, but also the destruction of the culture and best values of all those who did not die in the whole western world. Not surprisingly, at close analysis, this more global holocaust, starting before "The" Holocaust against the Jews, was engineered by the Sweat elites that included many fellow Jews, often in important leading roles, along of course with many other political operatives from the two other Abrahamic religions. In fact, all the above successive holocausts were all caused by the same Sweat elites with many Jews in leading roles. According to the original Master Plan, this more global holocaust, the Holocaust of Western Civilization, would be done first and foremost through what Gramsci, the founder of the Italian Communist party in Italy in 1921, had called the Passive Revolution engineered to destroy all the best traditional values of western civilization, as a kind of clear Holocaust of Western Civilization, in order to better eventually enslave all its people in a dictatorial One-World Government of GlobCommunism, but possibly a Communism without that name, maybe calling it at most Socialism, if not simply and more deceitfully only... Democracy, of course fake democracy, which is exactly what we have now.
must first undermine and debauch the morality, the culture, the
ethics, the patriotism, and the spiritual life, which means that the
influence of Christianity must be first weakened or completely
destroyed" as
an essential prerequisite. That is what he called the "Passive
is important to understand is that this military victory aspect was only half of the
Sweat victory, and not the most important half. The full engineering of
The culture of unnoticed enslavement that a
FtatAristarchy can change for us,
in order for us to
wakeup and regain our liberty is fundamentally the
Return of Philosophy in our life to
replace dogma, both in our private and in civil life, as per the
PythagorArium Project at the source of
this book. It also involves an entirely new form of
Holistic Education of the 3 levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the
human soul compulsory at all levels of instruction. Finally, it
celebrates the
ensuing Sacred Marriage of Science with Philosophy. This is
essentially a return to the
culture of
Philotimo as much
as possible, even if maybe in a more modern way.
In English, we can suggest the following books as a
good start on the above subjects:
Gabler, a Jew, wrote: "An
Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood".
Jones, a Jew, wrote: "The
Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History".
Kevin MacDonald, wrote: "The
Culture of Critique: an Evolutionary Analysis of the Jewish Involvement in
Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements".
Khazarian Empire of "Fake-Jews"
those interested in clarifying this confusing history of the European
Jews, or of this category of Fake-Jews,
it is important to have more elements of information. In the 8th century
a wild population of rather barbarian people of Turkic origin
calling themselves Khazars had
the control of an immense territory south of Russia,
in between and surrounding parts of the Asian Caspian
Sea and
the Black
with its core of command centered where we have Georgia and
part of Ukraine today. See
the map on the side. This vast territory became known as the Khazarian
These Khazars practiced
no known religion. They were extremely cruel and committed
all sort of violent acts without guilt, rather with joy. Crossing their
vast territory was extremely dangerous with most foreign travellers, most of the
time, being robbed or killed, with all their women raped or kidnapped for sex or
domestic slavery purposes. Their Christian neighbor
to the north, Russia,
was also very powerful, and much more civilized. These Khazars had
also other neighboring primitive populations on the other side, at the south of
their empire, devoted to Islam and Judaism.
Along with these other neighbors, including Persia, Russia decided,
in 740
to give an ultimatum to
the Khazars,
and force
them to convert, massively, as an entire population, to one of the 3 Abrahamic
religions of their choice. Russia was
naively hoping this would bring the Khazars to
more civilized ways within their own territory. The alternative of this ultimatum was
that Russia and
its alliance would destroy the Khazarian
The king of Khazaria at
the time was called Bulan.
In front of the serious menace and the ultimatum, Bulan chose
to convert his entire people to Judaism,
as his own choice, for all his people, even if they had no
Jewish DNA whatsoever, nor any kind of link whatsoever to Palestine.
Consequently, from the very start, they were clear "Fake-Jews".
After the full destruction of their empire by Russia in
1250 AD, they did not go to Palestine to join the real
Jews, but dispersed themselves all over
Europe, and most historians started to call them wrongly and
deceitfully the European Jews as
opposed to the real Palestinian Jews. Today they are regrouped in mostly what we
call the Zionists of
Europe and the
USA in particular.
1993: Improved Communism Starts Moving West as Cultural Terrorism.
Nearly all of the evil Sweat elites profess, openly or not, or reveal clearly, directly or indirectly, willingly or unwillingly, their firm affiliation to their preferred political ideology that they usually only call simply "Socialism", but meaning "Fabian Socialism" or "Cultural Marxism". The key name "Socialism" hides the more simple but frightening name or their preferred ideology which, in one word, is the worst kind of "Marxism". In the context of this book, we call it mostly a devious and deceptive kind of "Improved Communism" that is really nothing less than a form of "Cultural Terrorism" meant to destroy our best Greco-Roman values in order to globally enslave the rest of us more easily. This is the subject of this section, let alone the rest of Part I of this book. Part II will define the 10 reforms we have to implement to get back our freedom through a new form of governance that we call FtatAristarchy (Full Truth And Transparency Aristarchy).
Communism has suffered a well programmed soft fall in the
Soviet Union in
1992 but did not die
at all. In fact, according to Soviet dissident Bezmenov, it had been programmed to fall since the
mid-1970s, and to fall softly, without a
mew destructive revolution.
In the meantime, since the same mid-1970s, it had also been programmed to be improved
in its pureness, at their best next occasion outside the Soviet-Union, including
with some new fine-tuning
in China, starting more formally in 1978. At
that point, the Soviets knew clearly already that their failure in tactics of
application of Communism were irreparable in the
Soviet Union and needed a "Fresh
Start" somewhere else. According to Bezmenov,
its improved version was intended to be gradually "Moved more to the West"
after its soft fall in the Soviet Union. The move
West would start with the easier
Europe and, a few years after that, would be
pushed into the more difficult USA. In fact, before its soft
fall in the Soviet Union in 1992, and as seen in the previous
section about China, its projected improved version had already started
to be fine-tuned with brand new elements
in China since
1978 through mainly
Credit and the set of economic reforms of the
so-called "Socialist Market Economy" under the leadership of
Deng Xiaoping. These new elements of reforms were
further improved in 1984 through the foundation of the
the additional organization that managed China's transition to
its hugely fake market economy under the guidance of the
Judaic Sassoon and Li families called the Rothschild of the East.
The effective gradual move more to the west of Communism in its purest Marxist original version started with the creation of the European Union in 1993. This new EU would definitely be a Fake Democracy managed by well-veiled GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) Communist bureaucrats without that qualification. To save face however, it would include the election of a parliament, but a Fake Parliament with no real power. The real power would be placed in a so-called European Commission that would be totally GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance), composed of officials only "selected", not "elected", selected by the Sweat elites of the member states meant to be useful idiots for this purpose.
In creating the new EU, the intention was two-fold. First, the new Improved Communism was intended to start with a slow and deceitful penetration of the EU, without naming it Communism, but with its main institution of real power totally GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance). This first deceitful penetration of a purer original Communism was meant to favor, as soon as possible, the eventual full establishment in the EU of the brand new elements of Communism that had been highly fine-tuned in China since 1978. Second, the experience of the EU starting in 1993 was meant to be a test that, if successful, would lead to become the starting point of the extension of this new Improved Communism also to the USA, a few years later, still without that name, in at most a couple of decades after the beginning of the 21st century.
Interestingly enough, with the election of a Hilary Clinton in 2016, if it had happened, the Sweat elites would have finally been very close to having reached their objective of New Communism also in the USA. But with the totally unexpected surprise election of an anti-globalist wild card called Donald Trump they suffered a temporary setback for a few years. However, the globalist communists always think long-term, not short-term. For them the Trump parenthesis was only a temporary setback, not at all a final defeat.
With the election, or rather the fraudulent "selection" of Joe Biden through the massive fraud of electoral electronic machines, the Sweat elites now have the ideal useful idiot leader that they often call China Joe to start pushing the Improved Communism fine-tuned in China into the USA. This is because Biden and his son are known to be very closely linked to the China that fine-tuned the new additional elements of Communism destined to be "moved more to the west", including into the USA in due time. In addition, to assist Biden, they have in particular the main figure of this new Improved Communism called Kamala Harris as the Vice President, as the "best" possible puppet representative of the extreme Marxist Left that animated the older original Communism and animated more recently the Improved Communism of China. She, the veiled Marxist Kamala Harris, is even discretely planned to soon become the President of the new Improved Communism in the USA if the failing health of puppet Biden deteriorates any further, or if he is eventually ousted out for any other reason. Kamala is already a full asset and eventual leader of the new Improved Communism without that name of the Sweat elites for the USA.
In the meantime, with the so-called China Joe as their winning asset, the Judaic Sassoon and Li forces of China called the Rothschild of the East have not only corrupted Biden's son, Hunter, but corrupted immensely the major part of Congress with the collaboration of the Judaic forces of the Rothschild of the West in the USA called by mainly the name Zionists, be they Democrats in majority or Republicans in minority. It is an immense corruption of which Hunter Biden is only the tip of an iceberg. Through this corruption, and with the help of a well-hidden Obama in the background fulfilling his fake third term as president, with Hillary and Kamala as his main accomplices, let alone Soros, in practical terms, China is already running the USA in a leading role today, in full collaboration with the older but still strong role of Israel. The first master, China plays that leading role mainly on the economic side, while the second master, Israel, plays that leading role mainly on the side of foreign policy for world domination purposes. Of course, to distract the public attention from this awful puppet theater, the Sweat elites use Russia as the punching bag of the Fake Russian Collusion. So far, this has beautifully kept the attention away from the leading role of the two puppeteer masters, China and Israel. What is happening in the collapsing USA today is certainly not mainly a Russian Plot, and not even a pure Jewish Plot, but certainly a Sweat Plot with the Judaic forces of mainly the Fake Jews of both China and the USA in the main leading roles. In short, the USA is now a perfect puppet theater with two master puppeteers: China assisted by Israel. The top master puppeteer at the moment is China, but the main string handlers are mainly the older dominant Judaic transnational forces of the Sweat elites supervised by the Zionist State of Israel. The USA has now become the richest colony in the world for its two main masters and exploiters, China and Israel.
Both puppet Biden and puppet Kamala are also, already and explicitly, self-declared Zionists. Biden is supposed to be a Catholic, but really a Fake Catholic. He fully defends all the worst values that are anti-Catholic, like criminal late abortions, abominable transgenderism and ugly gay marriage. In addition, all his 4 children married Jewish partners and he has 11 Jewish grand-children. From this point of view, as already a Fake Catholic, Biden is also already a kind of Fake-Jew, thus also a full asset of the the Zionist leading component of the Sweat elites. As for Kamala, she is also a kind of Fake-Jew because she admittedly celebrates the African Kwanza with the 7 candles Kinara that emulate the 7 candles of the Zionist Menorah with which the Jewish Hanukah is celebrated. And both the Hanukah and the Kwanza are about bringing the Luciferian light to this world. Of course, "Luciferian" is only a nicer word for "Satanic", as a substitution that is also used frequently by the satanic Sweat elite members of the Vatican in many of their Fake-Catholic liturgies that include explicit odes to Lucifer. From this point of view Kamala is also a perfect puppet asset of the Sweat elites, just like her presumed puppet boss Joe Biden, when most probably their real common master boss in the background is none less than Obama at a shallow level, and Lucifer himself at a deeper level of the Deep State, with the complicit assistance of the two Clintons. Of course, discrete Master Obama himself is animated by his new mentor called Soros, and the two Clintons are self-declared animated by their own mentor called Alinsky who wrote the book "Rules For Radicals" with a dedication to Satan on which Hillary wrote a kind of thesis. This really means that Satan himself is leading the USA to the full implementation of the new Improved Communism fine-tuned in China without that name.
Because of these two important levels of acolytes at a shallow and a deep level, the Sweat elites of the USA are now convinced they can finally achieve their long-term objective of fully infiltrating also in the USA with the New Improved Communism in the near future. The super-puppets Biden and Harris are certainly fully on board with the forthcoming "Great Marxist Reset" of the transnational Sweat elites as they have chosen for their electoral campaign, as their main slogan, a logo created by Marxist Klaus Schwab of the WEF (World Economic Forum): "Build Back Better". Puppet Biden was also all along his career just about the strongest supporter in the entire American Congress of the UNN that is entirely dominated by the worst Marxist elements of the Sweat elites, starting with their Secretary General socialist and internationalist called Antonio Guterres. Biden also said openly that he supports a globalist NWO (New World Order), as articulated by his good friend George Soros, both seeing NATO as a subservient body of "front-line troops until the UN is transformed and strong enough to play itself the role of global peacekeeper”.
Not only
Bezmenov, but many other
ex-KGB defectors have confirmed that the communist
DebtOcracy enslaving us today through
usurious debt-money is made invisible to us, as our
"New Normal", as what we
naively and falsely call... democracy.
Again, for us, the Sweat elites want our current reality
to be only our unquestioned
"Just the way it is",
blindly accepted by all of us as just the normal
political correctness that kills the
good common sense of most of the common people in our country. Many
other writers have also explained
that Communism did not die in the
Soviet Union, and that it was
only likely to
rise, in a "better" way and in its purer form, in many new places around the world, or has already arisen
in many places already. In
fact, it is rising
actively already in many places under other appearances and with other names. The
As for intellectual dissidents fully aware of this strategic move of an Improved Communism to be moved more to the west, the famous Soviet KGB defector who died in 1992, Yuri Bezmenov, whom I got to know well, explained to me in the 70s and the 80s, both before and after I myself lived in the Soviet Union during the term of Brezhnev as a Canadian diplomat, how Communism would be made to fall smoothly in the Soviet Union but not made to die, only made to be "improved" on the basis of its purer Marxist conception of "Cultural Terrorism", as the cultural terrorism so well expressed by the Gramsci Passive Revolution. This Improved Communism, of course, would be an improvement for the elites and a worsening for the rest of us. It would be made to also mend its wounds, and to be moved more to the west, starting with the EU and then to the USA. After its fine-tuning with brand new elements in China for a few years, including with dictatorial Social Credit, it would be made to work in a more efficient way under another less frightening name, even under the innocuous name of... democracy, but of course a new fake "democracy" hiding a dictatorial fundamental DebtOcracy of more global grab in which we are now, through a growing worldwide Banktatorship, as a stepping stone for a fast forthcoming Communist and dictatorial One-World-Government to eventually be based in JerUSAlem if in the meantime the Zionist leading component of the Sweat elites succeeded to affirm its full leadership within the Sweat Cabal of GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) transnational officials.
Bezmenov had first escaped
the USSR to Greece in the early 70s, at the height
of the power of the Soviet Union, and then was granted asylum to
Canada through
a complex process in which I was partly instrumental. He was an ex-top-level Soviet
KGB official, expert
on the various types of deceptions used by collectivist governments like the
Soviet Union, to achieve a totalitarian regime of full population enslavement
in any given country of their choice.
As such, after defecting and leaving the Soviet Union, he gave a vast amount of lectures
in western countries on this subject in
the 1970s and 1980s, trying to explain to these western countries how to avoid the
traps of totalitarian Collectivism through a new form of
Improved Communism intended to be moved more to the West. He loved the beauty and liberty of the
western world as it existed at that time, some 50 years ago, and wanted the
to avoid the decadent destruction that was facing the Soviet Union. Because of
this, Bezmenov even wrote a book called "Love
Letter to America" which to him meant Canada as much as the
USA. Many people were intrigued by his writings and
lectures at the time, and by his predictions as to what could happened to us,
but most people did not take his lectures too seriously, as his predictions seemed to
be exaggerated, and even of outright impossible application in the free western
Bezmenov constantly talked about the "Fresh
Start more to the West" of Communism
after its predicted, even well planned, soft forthcoming fall in the
Soviet Union. He nevertheless
predicted that the Fabian Socialist world
Sweat elites that had applied the
communistic techniques of massive enslavement in the third world were now aiming
at starting to apply them in a better way also to the first world, the western world which included
America and
Europe. In fact, they were already facing serious difficulties in the
Union with their failing system of enslaving collectivism. On the strength of their experience,
and the lessons learnt in more than half a century of experimentation, they wanted to
move west, for what Bezmenov was calling a new communist experiment of
Start more to the West". In any case, and alternatively, already in the mid-70s, the
soviet elites
were planning to use the West as a
refuge in case their experiment would fail all together in a violent manner in
the Soviet Union. These explicit predictions were nearly ignored in the
but they now look like incredibly accurate prophecies, that is, they look like our
exact sad
reality of today at the beginning of the XXI century, in the EU
already, and growingly in
the USA.
I first heard of Bezmenov while working on a diplomatic posting (1969/1972) at
the Canadian Consulate General in Milan, Italy, with part of my functions being
responsible to process the applications to Canada of refugees held in the
refugee camps of Trieste in northern Italy, near the border of the ex-Yugoslavia where I
was travelling on a regular basis for evaluation and selection purposes. The refugees from these camps were
from all the countries of the Eastern Communist Block, including the ex-Soviet Union, but also
included refugees from other places, like some opponents of the military regime
of the colonels in Greece at the time. Having good experience already with
Soviet refugees of the like of Bezmenov, I was first consulted at distance for assisting
the evaluation of his case that was pending in Athens.
He was in Athens as a defector, but he was
very interested in asylum in
Canada. For this reason, he was then brought to me in
Trieste for 3 days, through a
military flight, for an evaluation by me in one of the
refugee camps there, and then returned to Greece.
My extensive experience with the selection of refugees fleeing
Communism, like
Bezmenov, or fleeing other
dictatorial regimes, was only to
grow. After Milan, I had a chance to expand my experience with all sorts of
refugees, from both the left and the right of the political spectrum. I was
first transferred to the Canadian Embassy in Athens (1972/1974). When I got
there, the defection of Bezmenov and his request for political asylum to the
west was still a fresh story, in particular with some colleagues of the
Embassy in Athens and officials of the Greek government who had been involved in his case, and with
whom I was regularly associating in my diplomatic duties.
In between Milan and Athens, I also went for months of
temporary duty in Uganda,
Kenya and Tanzania. I went there mainly to help
process the refugees from Eastern Africa who were fleeing from
Uganda, away from the giant black
military dictator Idi Amin who had decided to forcefully expel all non-black
foreigners from Uganda, in particular all the persons of
Asian origin. He knew what I was doing in
Uganda, and I
got to know him quite well, but I will spare you my worst unpleasant moments with him. After my
posting in Africa and in
Athens (where I met and married my Greek goddess wife in 1974, with
I still live today), I was transferred to Chile
(as newly
married, where our first of 3 children was born), with the mission to personally
select and process the quota of 200 political prisoners that
Canada had decided
to accept from the jails of the Pinochet regime. All these prisoners were
either Communists or
Marxists, or from other political parties of
mainly the far left. I worked in
Chile for two years (1974/1976),
travelling to all the jails of Chile between
Arica (extreme north near
Peru) and
Puntarenas (extreme south, near the
Antarctic Pole that I also had a chance to
visit in part) at the occasion of my diplomatic duties in the area.
By the time I was ready to leave Santiago of Chile,
I had acquired a very
extensive experience with political refugees of all kinds, from the left and
from the right. On that basis, I made plans to
meet again with Bezmenov who was not
living in Toronto in late 1976,
but only at an unofficial meeting arranged through
a friend of the Greek Consulate who knew Bezmenov from the time of his first
defection in Greece. I had always been fascinated by the case of
Bezmenov as a
political refugee, in particular by his theory of an eventual
Start more to the West" of a new type of
Improved Communism
without that name. He was a serious
top-level Soviet intellectual. He had been a very top KGB official, and he was giving regular
lectures, ever since granted political asylum in Canada, on most interesting
aspects of the communist regime of the Soviet Union and its expected
future by moving it more to the West in its purest original
Marxist form without that name. In the meantime, I had also
acquired the experience of the regimes of the worst dictators of the planet at the time on the
right side of the political spectrum, mainly in Uganda and
Chile. Consequently at that point I
was most intrigued by dictatorships of the left side of the political spectrum,
like the one of the Soviet Union. I wanted to compare and try to understand
which one was really worse, or the least bad. I felt Bezmenov was the best person to
talk to about the questions I had in mind. In retrospective, this is probably
because of him that I asked and readily obtained and accepted a
new diplomatic posting at the Canadian
Embassy in the Soviet Union some 4 years
later. That new diplomatic posting that took place at the
Canadian Embassy in Moscow between 1980 and 1982,
most of it under the reign of Brezhnev whose funerals I
At my first unofficial meeting of 1976 in Canada with then Canadian resident
Bezmenov, we concentrated on the
Union, as he himself had not had any experience with regimes of
both the far right and left like I had.
Bezmenov explained to me at length that the collectivist experience of the
Soviet Union was failing, or rather already programmed for a
soft fall, but only because they had made four terrible mistakes.
The Improved Communism they were planning for was essentially a
purer Marxist form of
that would have a "Fresh Start" without
these 4 mistakes and with the addition of new elements to be fine-tuned in
like the dictatorial Social Credit system. The
steps to be taken for eliminating the 4 mistakes and achieving an
Improved Communism were seen as the following:
Avoid complete central planning
without more competitive regional planning.
Complete central planning, for the best
intellectuals of the Soviet Union had revealed itself to be
an impossible utopia. Instead of
controlling the economy fully but indirectly, through a well-controlled
and still productive private middle class, they had tried to control all their economy
centrally and directly,
as a global public sector, all by mostly incompetent government officials put in
position by mainly cronyism instead of competence, doing the same at top
government level. This soon revealed itself to be an impossible task, as an
impending inevitable failure, especially
in a huge country of the size of the Soviet Union. These mistakes had led to an
impossible managerial situation that was simply catastrophic in its daily
consequences in most places. Consequently, as early as the mid-60s, the Soviets fully realized
already this fatal mistake, but they also realized that it was already too late for applying
any possible kind of major correction without revolutionizing for a second time
their entire country, with unpredictable consequences for the maintenance of
their power and privileges within the huge Soviet Union.
Enslave the useful productive middle-class
without "killing" it, instead of the useless low-class.
This second reform is related to the previous one. Bezmenov
explained that their most fundamental mistake was to have enslaved the useless low class instead
of the useful productive middle class like they would intend to do in their
Start more to the West" . Its enslavement
would be brought to the outmost degree possible, but without killing it, in
order to keep it productive.
In the
USSR, they had abandoned the
productive private middle class completely and let it
disintegrate, curing only the wellbeing of the high class with all sorts of
privileges. They realized that they should instead have only given some kind of
minimum welfare to keep the useless low class quiet, and rather enslaved the
productive middle class with west-like extreme control through stringent legislation
and socialist extraction of wealth, but keeping it alive and active as much
as possible. Bezmenov said that
a private middle
class has talent, and has a natural tendency to be and stay productive even for
example under a form of enslavement through excessive taxation and legislation
like it is happening very successfully in the West. Such
most precious middle
class would have continued to be productive in spite of its enslavement, thus continuing
to be useful for the good of the economy of the Soviet Union and for the maintenance
of the privileges of the elites managing
it. The deceitful enslavement of that productive middle class was
the most important improvement that
they would use for their eventual
Start more to the West" .
Avoid open mass executions and use more
deceitful "Cultural Terrorism".
Overall, maybe the most fundamental mistake they had made according to
Bezmenov was to persecute all opponents of
Communism too openly and
too directly. This was creating too many internal enemies. That led to the
massacre of at least some 40 million people
under Lenin and Stalin alone. Their open and
direct attack had become too obvious. People knew where the "bad" was coming
from, that is, coming from a nomenclature they had quickly learnt to hate.
That nomenclature could have been liked and seen as a savior if it had
proceeded in a wiser way, with less open and direct persecution violence. This
best alternative was exactly what Marx had in mind when he 'invented'
From that point of view, they had not been sufficiently deceitfully
Marxists. Marx intended to have the Communist revolution work much more deceitfully, by
infiltrating all sectors of human activity, destroying all moral and social
values through a kind of "Cultural Terrorism" of no clear origin, creating
chaos and misery without an origin easily seen as coming from the
nomenclature. Again this was the kind of Cultural
Terrorism that was well
expressed by the Gramsci Passive
Revolution that they had failed to apply correctly, and that they would apply more
correctly in a Fresh Start More to the West. In this best original way, people would have started fighting
each other for survival without realizing they were attacked by any specific
superior nomenclature. As a result, the nomenclature would have had a better chance
to be seen as a savior instead of a persecutor, and called in willingly by
more people for commanding
purposes instead of being hated.
The new Improved Communism would be first and foremost one
without the above 4 mistakes, or rather with the above 4 reforms, plus some additional improvements being fine-tuned in
China like the system of dictatorial
Social Credit. As a result of the
above 4 mistakes, the Soviet elites were already talking, in the
mid-70s, discretely but already clearly to their senior officials like
about having to face an inevitable implosion of their collectivist experiment,
and probably in only very few more years ahead of them. By the same token, and
in light of their mistakes from which they had learnt a hard lesson, they were
also already planning ahead, stealthily, for eventually having a second chance
or, again, having what Bezmenov kept calling repetitiously a
Start more to the West", in a new geopolitical area with a
well-established strong economy at the productive middle-class level, like in
Europe and in the USA, without
repeating the four above-mentioned mistakes.
To achieve this objective, the Soviets would first ensure the Soviet Union would collapse smoothly, without an unpredictable full revolution. They would then move their communist ideology more to the West namely to Europe and the United States, that both had already a most productive middle class to be enslaved easily while keeping it productive, starting fresh, without the 4 mistakes made of the Soviet Union, and without necessarily, God forbid, calling it Communism. In that line of thinking, Europe, to start with, would be their best and first main “Fresh Start” place because it did not have only a most productive middle class to be enslaved, but also had no huge military sector that could absorb most of its resources like it was the case in the USA, and like it had happened in the Soviet Union. If we look today at what Europe became under the GUAUG (Global Unelected And Unaccountable Governance) EU Commission, the EU is exactly the kind of Communist “Fresh Start” without that name that Bezmenov was talking about: a strong middle class that was debased and enslaved to the outmost degree through excessive taxation and legislation, and through the destruction of the main traditional values of nation and family, but kept alive, and with no huge military budget of its own absorbing too many of the useful resources. As such, Europe could become an ideal new EUSSR (European United Soviet Socialist Republics) to start with, followed by a USSR (United States Socialist Republics) as soon as possible after that, as the two forthcoming new Soviet areas predicted explicitly by Gorbachev.
In other words, the old exhausted Communism of the
Soviet Union was made to
fall smoothly as planned, but not made to die at all. It only willfully moved
itself to have a
Start” more to the West without that name in what, to
start with, was soon to became the European Union. And the next
ambition of the Sweat elites was to do the same thing eventually in the
United States as soon as possible
after the EU would have been put under control by this new form
of Improved Communism without that name.
Horkheimer was only one of these Communist intellectuals related to the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism that should really be called the School of Cultural Terrorism through the Gramsci type of Passive Revolutions. All have their roots in Karl Marx who claimed explicitly the pursuit of the abolition of the nation and of the family, let alone all the culture of liberty of the western world. His Communist Manifesto claimed explicitly that the only way to achieve their aim was "The forcible overthrow of all existing traditional values". His disciple Lenin said: "We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, law-breaking, withholding and concealing truth (...). We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us".
Bakunin said: "In this revolution we will have to awaken the Devil in the people, to stir up the basest passions. Our mission is mainly to destroy, not to edify. The passion of destruction is a creative passion". His assistant and male lover Sergey Nechayev said that their goal was first and foremost destruction, and that Communism had no aim other than complete submission of the masses, deceitfully achieved while "convincing them that their emancipation can only come about as a result of an all-destroying popular revolt. For this purpose, Communists would use all resources and energy toward increasing and intensifying the evils and miseries of the people until at last their patience is exhausted and they are driven to a general uprising". He founded the program of destruction called "The Revolutionary Catechism" in which it is said that the first objective is to provoke civil war and mass unrest [just like it is happening in the USA in 2021 with the help of the Fake COVID Crisis engineered for this purpose]. He added: "Night and day we must have but one thought, one aim: merciless destruction. Aiming at implacable revolution, the revolutionary may and frequently must live within society while pretending to be completely different from what he really is, for he must penetrate everywhere, into all the higher and middle-classes, into the houses of commerce, the churches, and the palaces of the aristocracy, and into the worlds of the bureaucracy and literature and the military". He even advocated mass executions if necessary… starting with all those inimical to his Revolutionary Catechism, like mainly all the conservatives [now being considered National Terrorists in the USA or 2021 and in most western countries]. His own group of activists even assassinated Tsar Alexander II.
This exaggerated side of Nechayev probably led to a major mistake (no. 4 mentioned above: lack of being sufficiently Marxist) of the failed Communism of the Soviet Union for not sufficiently and deceitfully hiding their "pretending to be completely different from what they really were". Nevertheless, what is included in his Revolutionary Catechism served as an inspiration to all the other strategies of Communism. This includes the "Red Terror" of Lenin and Stalin, the Cloward Piven Crisis Strategy so well cherished by Obama, the Cultural Marxism of the Frankfurt School, the Cultural Terrorism of Georg Lukacs and the Comintern of Willi Munzenberg who said: "We will make the West so corrupt that it will stink". Munzenberg was discovered by the terrible Communist Trotsky when he was 15 and hired in in spite of his young age. He was a forgery expert, a great criminal and a dedicated communist. By age 26 he was running all sorts of communist programs.
He was the first Community Organizer of which Obama will later on become an eventual affectionate follower. He influenced most negatively Ernest Hemingway, Andre Malraux, Andre Gide and Bertolt Brecht, to name only a few famous admirers. He said they had to organize intellectuals to use them to make western civilization stink through maximum corruption [like China and the Sweat elites are doing today in the USA Congress and the EU Brussels Round Table]. Only then, after they would have corrupted all values and made life impossible, would they, the Communists, be able to impose the dictatorship of the proletariat. Antonio Gramsci was part of it with his famous Passive Revolution of "demoralization through Cultural Marxism. Georg Lukacs (Hungarian) probably coined the names "Cultural Marxism" and "Cultural Terrorism". He said: "I saw the revolutionary destruction of society as the one and only solution to the cultural contradictions of the epoch. Such a worldwide overturning of values cannot take place without the annihilation of all the old values and the creation of new ones by the revolutionaries".
Together with
Horkheimer, Herbert Marcuse
became one of the main figures of the Frankfurt School of
Cultural Marxism transferred to the USA. As
such, he became a prominent teacher of the Columbia University
and collaborator of other leftist entities of the academia. From 1942 to 1950,
he worked at the Office of Strategic Services. In 1953-54 he is
a collaborator of the Russian Research Center of the
Harvard University. He also taught political science at the
Brandeis University, and at the University of California
in San Diego. What is important to understand from this
curriculum is that Marcuse is now considered the "Father of the New Left"
of people like Obama and his secret
assistant Kamala to achieve his
secret third term,
but also the "Father of the Sexual Revolution" on the basis of
a book that he wrote with the title "Eros and Civilization". In
that book Marcuse wrote: "Polymorphous sexuality was the
term which I used to indicate that the new direction of progress would depend
completely on the opportunity to activate repressed or arrested organic,
biological needs: to make the human body an instrument of pleasure rather than
labor". Is this not exactly an important part of what is happening
today in particular in the most advanced western world?
This concept of "Polymorphous Sexuality" is clearly at the
source of the fake sexual revolution of every possible form that would devastate
the western world in the 1960s, in particular since the "hippie" revolution of
1968. Most importantly however,
Marcuse is the author of
the concept of "Partisan Tolerance". Here he uses the word
"Tolerance" in a completely deceitful way, meaning
perfect tolerance but only
for Communist ideas, with the suppression (complete intolerance) of all others.
This one-sided tolerance was what he called "Liberating Tolerance" in order to
hide its fundamental intolerance. This is certainly today the source of the growing
horrible new "Hate Crime" legislation being put in place as a "Partisan
Tolerance" that has invaded the West in the last
decades, in particular in the last few years. It is also at the source of the
new political correctness killing the
common sense of most people today.
Unless we wakeup soon and react against it, this type of fake Partisan Tolerance is gradually limiting, and will eventually eliminate completely our constitutional freedom of speech in the near future. This is also the source of the book of Saul Alinsky titled "Rules for Radicals" with a dedication to Satan that president Clinton explicitly considered the most important book he has ever read, with Alinsky as his mentor. It is also on the basis of that book dedicated to Satan that his wife Hillary even wrote some kind of a thesis. Marcuse is also the source of the extreme leftist SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) of Julian Bond who was closely involved for years in the Communist movement while he was a close friend of Marcuse.
If we look at what is going on around us today, in the EU and in the USA, this "Partisan Tolerance" of Marcuse is exactly our current reality, as a harsh reality of Improved Communism through the Cultural Terrorism of the still going Passive Revolution of Gramsci. Again, most of the members of the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism were Jews. The school moved to the USA, in NYC, in order to avoid Hitler, relocated at the Columbia Teacher's College as a curtsey of Edward Murrow who was an extreme left Russian agent. They then placed some of their members in the best universities of the so-called Ivy League Schools. Some of these members then created the Critical Theory, or the so-called Theory of Deconstructionism. The more specific "Critical Race Theory" was created by Derrick Bell, and Obama, in his Harvard days was considering Bell as his best teacher. Noel Ignatiev was a member of the most pro-Stalin wing of the Communist party of the USA and he invented the concept of "White Privilege" that is being taught most destructively in many schools today, and causing terrible problems of clear "Cultural Terrorism". He died in 2019, but until then he was still teaching and considered a top intellectual at Harvard and at the Massachusetts School of Art. In the meantime, all these intellectuals of Cultural Terrorism have expanded their influence in all the best universities, academia, and media of all the western world. It is because of the influence of the current generation of such intellectuals of Cultural Terrorism that the western world today in a situation of Improved Communism without that name, improved for our leading elites, not for the rest of us, and improved through... Cultural Terrorism. But very few people seem to notice it and still think they are living in... democracy. What a cynic success for these intellectuals! But what a deception for the rest of us! Or what a talent for delusion are we showing to have! And to help this process, these intellectuals have now a new powerful ally in the person of the new Judeo-Jesuit Pope Francis destroying the Catholic Church for the profit o the Sweat elites of the UNN.
We have seen that China is already running the USA, but this is not quite true as the USA really has now two masters: China and Israel. The USA has gone in the last 5 decades from being "The" superpower, to being only "A" decadent power, but still as a rich and powerful colony to be exploited to the outmost degree by its new masters. Its first master is little Israel from a diplomatic point of view, imposing its commands for all important world affairs through massive corruption and its incredible Oath of Allegiance to Israel (not to the USA) forcefully signed by all Congressmen. Its second master is big China from an economic point of view because all the best technology and production of the USA has already been the victim of offshoring or outsourcing to China in the last 5 decades. Talking about the above Theory of Deconstructionism invented by Derrick Bell, with the participation of Obama during his Harvard days, this is exactly what is happening to the USA and the rest of the subservient western world today, If Bell died in 2019, Obama is still well alive, and running the show of deconstructionism more actively than when he was president. His front face is now Soros who has pledged explicitly more than once to deconstruct the USA, and they do so most discretely behind their two main puppets, Biden and Kamala, with China ensuring also full allegiance of all congressmen, less formally so than Israel, but not less efficiently so, through also massive corruption.
In the meantime, the West is becoming a growing crime-ridden area, with a simultaneous and continuous rise in crime and perversion of all kinds. And this is exactly what the Sweat elites want on the basis of their most-Marxist possible Cultural Terrorism. Bestiality advocates are only the latest marginalized group and they demand their rights along with the zoophiles and the pedophiles within the LGBTQ+ movement. These innovative new candidates are clearly based on the "Polymorphous Sexuality" of Marcuse. Every possible perversion is gradually becoming normalized, except the brand new perversion of being "White". By "White" of course they mean "Conservatives" who, by their new definition, have all become "White Supremacists", especially those with the additional perversion of being a Christian. In certain cities of the USA, like in Chesapeak Virginia, stealing with a value of less than $1000 done by a black person is not considered a punishable crime anymore. Similar situations of the "Partisan Tolerance" of Marcuse are taking place in many other cities, like San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, Chicago and New York. But even Europe is seeing growing similar phenomena of "Partisan Tolerance" in favor of the criminals, through a judicial system with a clear bias against the victims of crime and in favor of the criminals. In other words, the whole western world influenced by "Partisan Tolerance" and "Cultural Terrorism" is everywhere in decline. All this means a clear victory of the Improved Communism of Cultural Terrorism in which we are all embedded at the moment in the whole western world.
All the above is relevant in talking about
which is the exact opposite of what
has started to happen first in the EU and what is happening now in the
USA, as the
Improved Communism of Cultural Terrorism having a
"Fresh Start More To The West" that
was forecasting as the future of
Communism few
decades ago, and
as what is our present reality now.
What is happening to us today in the West, in terms of communistic enslavement through
extreme legislation and taxation, and through "Partisan Tolerance"
and Cultural Terrorism
destroying all our traditional values is exactly what was predicted to happen
by important dissidents like Bezmenov and planned for by many others
like Gramsci and his Passive Revolution. It is still however what
most people now call, stupidly and innocuously, by the simplistic name of the
NWO (New World
Order) without really knowing what it means, or even
more stupidly by the name of... democracy.
(Not Globalization)
(Not a WWIII)
(Not a Global Reset)
(Not a Sweat One-World-Government)
Only a return of Philosophy with Patriotic National FtatAristarchy Governance
The year 2021 is a turning point in the history of humanity. The above examples of success of the Sweat elites enslaving the rest of us are only the few of the most recent centuries, and they have all been in terms of local forms of enslavement at various degrees in various places. For the first time the Sweat elites are today very close to being able to achieve a global type of enslavement at planet Earth level, from all points of view and for all of humanity. However, the Sweat elites are few, and we are many. If enough of the rest of us wakeup to achieve a critical weight misbalancing these elites, their new final and global enslavement attempt can, and must be blocked, even most democratically.
2021: A Turning Point for the Return of Philosophy and FtatAristarchy Governance
Nearly everything is ready for the final grand success of
the Sweat elites to achieve complete world
domination through a One-World-Government. Unless we react
correctly, a simple reinforcement of
the master scam called Corona Virus will soon achieve what is
missing. This most likely includes the fall of the dollar as a first step, with
the following fast introduction of a new fully digital currency called
CBDC in an entirely cashless USA. This
crash will most likely require the introduction of a partial debt jubilee and a
minimum UBI to avoid a reacting and completely destructive revolution.
Nevertheless, it will lead quickly to the popping up of the immense bubble of
usurious debt-money worldwide, both in terms of public
usurious debt-money and
of private
usurious debt-money.
This overall bubble of
usurious debt-money worldwide is so
immense that it could never be paid back even
with the full income of all countries put together. The domino effect
originating from the fall of the dollar will bring
the fall of all other main currencies like the Euro of the EU
and the Renminbi of China. The whole world of common people
will then be in a wild state of bare survival of only the fittest. At that point,
there will most likely be a successful attempt of finally creating a fully
dictatorial One-World-Government and it will most likely even be requested by
most people begging for it on their knees if necessary because of their misery.
They will readily
accept it even if it will be only deceitfully, with a One-World-Currency, a
One-World-Army and a One-World-Religion. The
deceit will be that they will think this new world governance will be for their
good, while it will be for the imposition of a melting One-World-Culture
based on the Improved Communism Without that Name
predicted by Bezmenov some 40 years ago.
Orwell will have been right. People who will have been trained to stupid full obedience through the fake COVID plandemic, the Fake Vaccines that do not protect the vaccinated and are degrading their Pineal Gland and reducing them to an obedient zombie level, and the lockdowns, unless people wakeup and we have an urgent rejection of dogma and a corresponding Return of Philosophy to replace it in our life. Without such return, people will soon have been fully tamed to be in love with their new normal state of slavery, using ridiculously Dangerous Submissive Masks, respecting Inhuman Social Distancing, being spied everywhere through Contact Tracing, and being limited in all their movements and actions through purely Digital CBDC Money in a Cashless Society and the presentation of a compulsory Fake Vaccination Passport.
Ironically, the only important country where this scenario might have the least bad effects will most probably the one in which Communism was most sourly experienced, but from which it was finally dismantled for the most part to a point of probably no possible return, that is, in the new Russia of Putin who, as an ex top KGB official, knows better than any other world leader what Communism means, be it old or new, deteriorated or falsely improved. But the transnational Sweat elites of the new "Improved Communism Without that Name moved more to the West" are waiting for him at the next corner, hoping to find a way for his physical or at least his character assassination as soon as possible.
Again, unless we quickly react correctly through a new
form of governance like the FtatAristarchy as
exposed in Part II of this book, the above is the most likely scenario of the coming few
years. Unfortunately, as bad as it may be, it is the best one. We can only hope
that this scenario will happen without a new world war with the massive use of
the current world arsenal of nuclear arms that is immense and could easily
destroy the whole Planet Earth. Its massive use would mean
for the whole of Planet Earth. If such nuclear WWIII happens,
all countries will have to slowly start rebuilding their destroyed economy from
an Orwellian New Normal state of extreme misery. Smaller countries with a better
climate, like Greece, as long as their agriculture may not have
been destroyed by nuclear arms, will have a better chance of survival and start
their slow renaissance over the next few generations. Bigger countries with a
bad climate and heavily affected by nuclear arms, if they still exist at all, will probably be returned to a
state of pure jungle with probably no more meaningful human life for a few
If nuclear arms are added to the forthcoming worldwide depression
caused by the popping of the immense bubble of worldwide
usurious debt-money, the
world would suddenly be retrograded back to not only the dark Middle Ages, but
rather to what it was at least three millennia ago.
Excluding the worst scenario with nuclear arms, Armageddon can be avoided, but the economic situation of most common people will nevertheless be very downgraded over the next few years. Solutions to resolve this tragic situation do exist, but they are not in terms of globalization, like the Sweat elites of today try to make us believe. Rather the opposite! Rather the exact opposite! They are first and foremost in terms of eliminating completely globalization and dogma from our life. As for the Abrahamic dogma of the 3 main Abrahamic religions from which our enslaving Sweat elites are extracted, it must be completely rejected and replaced fully with a Return of Philosophy in our life and the ensuing Sacred Marriage of Science with Philosophy. A Return of Philosophy means first a return of Truth in our public life because, as a great master called Jesus once said, "Only Truth Shall Set You Free".
Our unnoticed global enslavement meant to be dismantled by a FtatAristarchy deserves extensive research and reading. I quote more than 100 titles in the full 820 page long book on FtatAristarchy. Apart from "Nineteen Eight-Four" by George Orwell that became deviously famous because of the Big Brother TV series, you may start with the following ones.
Reading the full book on FtatAristarchy and the courage of Leonidas may also be essential.
This new structure of governance is explained in full details in the full book, in the section related to the following Reform 1 further down.
A FtatAristarchy is governed by a brand new form of government. It has no outdated institutions, like a parliament or permanent embassies abroad. Voting is made most easy and full fraud proof through "anonymous biometric cards, but compulsory to maintain citizenship. It has no income tax. Apart from property tax, it is a new dual form of sales tax paid on both sides of the transaction and accumulating pension benefits on both sides, as the only way to eventually get a public pension. It elects only an executive of 3 governors, the "GFS", on the basis of a strictly binding electoral contract, with no parliamentarians. Their mandate of new action over and above routine good administration is that contract and nothing else. Clearly, that contract already includes any project of new legislation. There can be no surprise after an election, during the mandate, with new laws or taxes of any kind, as they would require a new election. The special structure of governance is called a TetractArium which modifies the "Trias Politica" of Montesquieu into a "Tetras Politica" (with 4 state powers instead of 3). Here is a graphic of the TetractArium structure of governance of a FtatAristarchy. Its apparently complex structure is in fact very simple and explained fully in the full book.
FtatAristarchy (Full
Truth And
Transparency Aristarchy)
The following pages provide the shortest possible summary of
Part II about the
Ten Cumulative Reforms of
Governance With Only Small And Updated Institutions
Parliaments and Embassies are ALL completely outdated since after the combined
inventions of the telephone, the airplane, the television and the Internet. The
small and powerful TetractArium of governance of a FtatAristarchy eliminates
both institutions. If Parliaments and permanent Embassies must go, Consulates
abroad must not only continue to exist, but be reinforced to take better care of
citizens in difficulty while abroad. Consulates will also select candidate
immigrants or refugees while they are still abroad and prevent their arrival in
the country if they are not selected. No parliamentarians are elected, only a
small executive under a strictly binding electoral contract. All new legislation
or taxation must be no surprise, known in advance within that contract. Voting
is necessary to maintain citizenship but made most easy and secure.
Fiscal Full Openness With Only Dual Property and
A FtatAristarchy is run by a small and powerful TetractArium, and it has no
borrowing power and no public debt. Income Tax does not exist as it was
originally and deceitfully created only to ensure the reimbursement of public
debt that is now inexistent. Daily operations are financed through only a
special new form of Taxation called DAPAST (Dual Accumulator Property And Sales
Tax). This new sales tax works on both sides of the transaction. For Pensions,
DAPAST becomes the only way to accumulate pension benefits. Missing additional
money for new Infrastructures, or repairs to old ones, or for unexpected
national Emergencies, can only be issued by Treasury, as debt-free money under a
strict set of limits and norms of the Constitution. Banks cannot create money by
using any fractional reserve. For loans, banks can only use up to 50% of
accumulated savings or borrow money from the NAMA Treasury at 1% interest to
lend it to borrowers at maximum 10% interest in competition with other
commercial banks. No Credit card institution can charge more than 10% annual
interests. For Investments, there are no more institutions serving also as
commercial banks to the public, only investment funds with no banking functions
for the public at large.
Only Full Truth, Full Transparency And Full
A FtatAristarchy provides a right of Free Speech and Opinion that is absolute,
even in terms of sincere unpleasant opinion or sincere hate-speech. As per its
very name, even before being an Aristarchy based on merit and beauty, it is
first and foremost FTAT (Full Truth And Transparency) governance through the
FtatArium of the small and powerful TetractArium of governance. The only one
condition is that the absolute free speech not be a purposely invented lie. The
expression of speech or opinion must also be done without physical Violence, but
when physical violence happens, it is only the physical violence itself that is
impeachable, not the hate-speech itself. The corresponding right of free access
to all true information related to public affairs is based on a form of
Transparency that also absolute. Neither media nor any platform of the Internet
used by the public at large can limit these rights in any way and to any degree.
Lying for hiding such Truth because it may embarrass governance, on the part of
any media or official, is even a crime, as a FTATOC (Full Truth And Transparency
Obstruction Crime). In monstrous cases, when the hidden Truth may have caused
serious damage to the public at large, that crime becomes Treason, as FTATOT
(Full Truth And Transparency Obstruction Treason).
All Business Primarily Concerned With Country's
In a FtatAristarchy, the political commanding power does not belong primarily to
"Big Money", or to "Big Business", but only to the "Big People" enlightened by a
new philosophical holistic education. That sovereign power is exercised through
the SPELArium of the small and powerful TetractArium of governance. Big
“Handouts" of national or foreign money to private organizations or to persons
or organizations proactively involved in trying to influence governance must be
approved and are seriously controlled in order not to contradict or disturb the
fulfillment of the BEC (Binding Electoral Contract). The "Big Corporations" can
never dictate anything directly to governance. To the contrary, only governance
can dictate to corporations. Foreign or transnational corporations must all
integrate a national inspector appointed and paid by national governance,
himself kept under close surveillance by governance. There is no Deep State
activity that can act legally to influence governance in secret without
committing a serious crime. Lobbying the government can only exist indirectly,
publicly and fully openly, on a special TV channel dedicated to this purpose on
a fulltime basis and free of charge. The country has no Income Tax except for
the profits of a foreign or national company done through the part of its
business done within the country when they want to export these profits abroad.
Nobody, no business and no organization, religious or not, national or foreign
acting in the country, is exempted from the only two forms of Taxation existing
FtatAristarchy, the DAPAST, as a dual property and sales-tax paid on both sides
of the transaction while also accumulating levels of Pension benefits. No
foreign NGO (Non Government Organization) can operate legally within the
country, not even indirectly by a national proxy.
National Autonomy and Self-Sufficiency in
In an FtatAristarchy, no meaningful external dependence of any kind should exist
for the small but powerful TetractArium of governance that serves the people in
a sovereign way. The culture of Globalization is replaced with a culture of full
national and patriotic sovereignty that is even extended at city level, mutatis
mutandis, in front of the central government. The country must attempt to always
achieve internal Self-Sufficiency in everything, be it food, garbage disposal,
clothing or any other type of utility. Religion practice is free but must
respect fully all national legislation and interfere in no way with governance.
Foreign Organizations not subjected to a national vote are considered
non-existent except for eventual non-binding consultation. Immigration not
pre-selected at consulates abroad can never be, nor become legal or bring an
eventual citizenship. No Foreigner wanting to use money or run an activity
inland can operate without approval, full FTAT openness when approved, in both
his financing and his operations, and also accept direct and constant FTAT
inspection by governance.
Only Holistic Education
FtatAristarchy offers only holistic education that is entirely private except
for the indication of a small basic common core of instruction. Its small and
powerful TetractArium of governance only offers the construction of the
infrastructures free of charge while the private users are charged to pay for
their educational operations at their own cost. In addition to instruction, the
system of private schools must provide best holistic education on the basis of
the cardinal virtues of the 3 basic levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the
human soul. Its holistic character means that it inevitably includes Gym, Music,
Mathematics, History and Philosophy as essential parts at all levels of
schooling, from primary to graduate. World history centered on national past is
taught to reinforce patriotism. No degree at any level can be graded and issued
without the above holistic approach and essential subjects.
Rendering Justice Made Easy
In More Ways
FtatAristarchy offers a triple form of justice. In addition to the regular Public Justice (PJ), there is also a Private Alternative Justice (PAJ)system offered free of charge by the small and powerful TetractArium of governance for resolving interpersonal conflicts between two persons in the fastest and cheapest possible ways. It uses willing judges on retirement for a fee paid by the government. Claims on both sides must be pre-presented in simple writing with related evidence. If both parties agree, lawyers are not necessary and can be excluded. There is no appeal except on brand new evidence. Workers paid a low salary, or a welfare recipient with the same or lower qualifications in the same environment can claim justice on that basis. Finally, FtatAristarchy offers a new and separate Public-Overpowering-Justice (POJ) as a system for the expeditious administrative resolution of all the new crimes related to public affairs within the TetractArium.
Elimination Of All Forms Of
FtatAristarchy managed by a small and powerful TetractArium prevents to the outmost degree all avoidable pollution of any kind, be it physical, medical, electromagnetic or cultural. On the Physical side, this eliminates all non-fully recyclable or reusable containers for food and products, in particular if made of plastic. It prohibits oil fracking, air chemtrails, non-natural insecticides or herbicides and purely chemical medicines. On the side of Electronics, it prohibits the use of electromagnetic waves that disturb the Earth Life Resonance of 7.83Hertz, like 5G or HAART. On the side of Culture, it excludes the purchase and exposure at public expense, in setups freely accessible by the public, of most of the ugly crypto contemporary art, and the forceful gradual elimination of the existing one in all public museums and open public places. It eliminates the sale on video, and/or presentation on TV, of all media glorifying pure violence not related to documenting historical facts, including all the products of Hollywood doing so, be they products showing extreme physical violence of mental violence based on a satanic culture. All commercial and scientific activity in the country must be fully NELA (Natural Earth Life Approach) which excludes totally GMO, Eugenic and Transhumanism that all become FTATOT treason.
Civic Decorum To Its Best
FtatAristarchy is governed by a small and powerful TetractArium with its actions and decisions all based on full transparency, full Truth, beauty and merit. It also offers education providing the holistic formation of the 3 levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul through a gradual acquisition of responsibilities in a sequence of septennials that should normally lead to some wisdom at age 70. This involves a return of real Philosophy to replace dogma in our life, with a set of cardinal virtues protecting the traditional values acquired in the best cultural history of the country. These virtues and values are the foundation of the best possible social Decorum to be promoted and severely defended as such by senior persons who may have acquired experience and wisdom against all minorities that may have a tendency or a vested interest to destroy them. Seniors become important consultants. Before taking important decisions, each family and city must first consult a committee of at least a troika of 3 of its own best senior citizens, and mention this fact explicitly as a premise in the formalization of the decision, specifying if the seniors were in agreement or not. If the troika was against the decision, a not binding appeal can be made to another troika at random in the same or another family or in another area of the city before the decision is formally finalized. Social Credit does exist, but only in a positive way, never in a way to limit normal individual human rights.
Soldiers Always And Only For Defense And Help
FtatAristarchy is managed by a small but powerful TetractArium that is always
and absolutely against war except in a defensive way. The exception can be for
defending itself or for defending an ally with whom it has a formal agreement of
mutual defense. There is no such ambition of spreading its own type of democracy
or provoking regime change in other countries for any reason. Its Neutrality is
absolute. Before marriage, otherwise between age 21 and 28, each citizen, male
or female, has to provide 1 year of PAS (Patriotic Assistance Service) that is a
formation that includes combat military skills for men, and nursing skills for
women. In both cases it includes the acquisition of training skills to go out
and assist the Incapacitation of people seriously affected by disease, misery,
abandonment or old age, including attending some domestic or street animals in
difficulty on their own or in wards.
Overall in this book, we talk about and against the
various forces and strategies behind the NWO
(New World
Order) that we rather call with more explicit
acronyms, like at least the NEWO (New
Enslavement World
Order), or even the
SEGWO (Satanic
Enslavement Global World
Order). These forces are mainly part of the
FOB (Force
Of Bad) and they oppose
the cosmic FOG (Force
Of Good). In reading the
full book in particular, it may be useful to refer to a graphic of the different
forces and strategies affecting us for the good or for the bad. The graphic
below is what we offer to facilitate the comprehension of the reader on this
complex reality.
It is late, and time to wakeup. Hopefully this book will be a good wakeup call from the nightmare of our unnoticed global enslavement which is based on a form of Improved Communism fine-tuned in China and being moved at a global level. This is what we have called GlobCommunism. But in fact it is based on the worst Marxism that we saw defined as "Cultural Terrorism". In his good recent best seller book of 2021, Mark Levin is right about Marxism invading our western reality. Levine is only wrong about the title. This invasion has not only to do with "American Marxism". It has to do with the Improved Communism moved more to the west after its soft fall in the Soviet Union, to use the expression of Soviet dissident Bezmenov. He meant it to be moved in the EU and the USA, which is already a fact. At this point however it has to do with global "World Marxism" that is meant to be the regime of a forthcoming One-World-Government after the fast coming step of "The Great Reset" of the Sweat elites hiding in and behind the WEF.
A symbol of pure goodness, and the representative of the best the animal kingdom can offer to help humanity to be more vegetarian and ecologically mobile, free with serenity, more productive and consequently happier. As such he should always be loved and fully respected.
Like man, he has also often been abused and enslaved, but never like man because of his own stupidity, only because of man's stupidity.
He can be most helpful, and should be kept productive and happy without being enslaved, just like man living in FtatAristarchy.