Immigration Issues
EthoPlasìn is an educational institution with a World Civic Wellness Vocation. As such it is closely related to immigration issues. In conformity with its firm policy of full transparency, EthoPlasìn wants to let know openly the related objectives it will fight for, and strongly lobby for, with all means available.
The following suggestions are presented as spontaneously conceived by members for the purpose of the Suggestions Registry, without major concern for form or coordination with other pages, even if sometimes they are somewhat too idealistic or provocative to be implemented exactly as formulated. They are nevertheless good 'hot' food for thought.
It is also important to stress that although the following suggestions are interesting ones, submitted by members, they are not the official ones of the EthoPlasìn. The official ones are in two other pages. The first one refers to short term EthoPlasìn objectives: Lobbying To Change The World; The second one refers to long term EthoPlasìn objectives: EthoCracy.
Immigration is useful if
selected -
In the Northern Hemisphere of the Western world, immigration is
useful, even necessary in most cases, at least temporarily,
until its extremely low rates of nativity start to improve again. However,
as much as immigration is needed, illegal
immigration is not only not desirable, but extremely dangerous. (At
the end of our page
on Family Issues
we mention the real danger of massive illegal immigration, with the help of
an important video, as an explicit menace to the survival of our western
culture. In that same page we also suggests means by which we may be able to
improve our nativity rates, and thus our social situation, and require much
less immigration
in the coming generation).
Immigrants cannot be self-imposed. By the same token, no immigration can be self-imposed on the part of foreigners coming in as false tourists or self-proclaimed 'refugees', not even as self-proclaimed immigrants. Immigrants should be chosen by the hosting country, through a good selection process, and then received with the best means possible. Immigrants have the right to just come in and self-impose themselves to us.
Selection process should be primarily private - Governments should intervene only for questions of background security checks, national health clearance and protection of existing unemployed workers with the same qualifications in the same area. Private employers should take the initiative of their own selection abroad and submit their candidates to a government agency for background and health processing. Once given the green light from their point of view by the government agencies, the immigrants should be brought in on the basis of the agreement reached with their potential employer.
Family Units - Immigrants should be accepted as family units when legally married, including all dependent children and the 'one' legal spouse. Then, for up to a year, the worker selected, that is normally the head of the family, could be brought in first, until he or she has found proper accommodation for the family in collaboration with the employer. In the meantime, during that transition, the employer must offer at least temporary dormitory (or better) accommodation to the main worker selected. When proper accommodation is found for the family unit, then the rest of the family can be brought in all together, normally during the next summer school closing period.
Residence with a Point System - Until immigrants get citizenship, living in the host country for at least 5 years, they should be submitted to a Point System for good civic behavior, similar to the point system of driver's licenses. Any infraction to the Micro-Criminality Code would cause a loss of points. An immigrant could not get citizenship without, cumulatively, having completed at least five years of residence, and at least two years of residence full full points just before his application for citizenship. If this were to be impossible after 8 years of his arrival in the host country, his residence permit would be cancelled and the immigrant would be asked to return to his home country with all his dependent family members. In the meantime, points lost by minor dependents would be counted for half their value against the points accredited to the head of family.
Nationality - In the case of infractions to the Criminal Code, as opposed to the Micro-Criminality Code, things would get tougher. From that point of view, nationality should still be granted after minimum 5 years of residence, but with perfect good conduct (no criminal code conviction, attributed or pending trial), including the good conduct of accompanying dependent children or dependent children born in the receiving country. If any member of the the family unit commits a CC crime, the nationality should be refused to the whole family. There should be no automatic nationality granted for any child being born within the receiving country of the immigrant. The whole family gets the nationality together, as a unit, after the required period of residence without criminality. A host country has enough difficulty already with its own national criminals and should not burden itself at public expense with the additional burden of foreign criminals. Agreements should also be signed between host countries and their main sending countries to ensure jail sentences of foreigners in the host country could be served whenever possible within the jails of the sending countries. For more information on some of these aspects, see our page on Micro-Criminality Issues.
Return Home - Employers have the legal responsibility not only to bring in the immigrants but to pay for their return home when necessary or on termination of their work contracts, unless the immigrants have acquired citizenship in the meantime. If the immigrant commits a crime requiring a prison term, the employer is also responsible for the immediate return home of the whole family and the return home of the immigrant as soon as the law allows it.
Governments should employ only nationals - Immigrants cannot become a government employee, not even for the lowest jobs, unless they first become a national through the acquisition of citizenship. Government employees have the responsibility and duty to understand and represent the culture of the country in front of the citizens they serve as public servants.
Unemployment - Nationals should not be forced to move to another city with confirmed work opportunities in their field when they are unemployed in their own area. An immigrant becoming unemployed is returned home immediately at the expense of his employer, unless he is prepared to move to an area where there are unfilled job opportunities in his field and his employer pays for the move. However, for nationals, incentives to free mobility should be offered and given precedence over calling on immigration. Immigrants cannot receive unemployment benefits when loosing their jobs (unless they have acquired nationality and thus are no more immigrants). They then receive a severance pay and return tickets to their own countries paid by the employer who released them.
Family reunification - No immigrant family reunification of extended family members (beyond spouse and minor or dependent children) can take place for immigrants unless through a normal and new immigration process. Older parents cannot be brought in for support by the immigrants until these immigrants have become nationals/citizens. In the meantime these older parents can be supported abroad, in their own country, by the immigrants living in the receiving country.
Refugees - Self-proclaimed refugees coming in spontaneously should be placed in special receiving centers managed by the UNHCR and maintained entirely under their UNHCR budget until full processing has been completed. UNHCR should have the responsibility to return the non-refugees to their own countries. As for those accepted as refugees, they should become the subject of selection by national employers, as explained above for normal immigrants. Those not selected by national employers should be proposed to other neighboring countries for similar selection. UNHCR should however take responsibility of its own decisions and those rejected by employers of all countries should be maintained by UNHCR in their receiving centers until such time as they may be able to return home or get employed. Each receiving country could nevertheless decide to accept a small number of these real refugees, in particular the most difficult cases on a humanitarian basis, and support them fully at government expense, for as long as required, either before they find work to support themselves or are in a position to return home. This would be their "Humanitarian Refugee Quota" to be decided politically in confrontation with their electorate. Each country should communicate to the UNHCR the number of such cases it can accept each year.
Refugee Recognition
Abuse - The definition of a
Refugee in the UN Convention is very clear. It is not an immigrant; it is
not somebody looking for better living opportunities; it is
not even
somebody who does not like the political regime in his own country, or does
not want to return because he does not enjoy the poor living or working
conditions in his own country. None of this! It is, and it is only, somebody
who is in fear for his life or his physical integrity,
if he were to return to his country, because of his personal political or
religious ideas. Only that! Those responding to this strict definition should be
helped as much as possible by all asylum countries and those not responding
to this strict definition should be treated as immigrants.
Now, it is well known, to
the experts and voluntary workers in the field, that the UNHCR has granted
refugee status in quite a slack way, equivalent to an abuse of power, over the last 35 years,
and that a great number of those tagged formally as
refugees by the UNHCR, if not the vast majority of them, were in fact only humanitarian cases or hidden economic immigrants. The
system of recognition, the way it is applied at the moment in most refugee
areas, is a network of a nice 'House of Cards'
that would collapse immediately if submitted to close scrutiny. This
long-lasting abuse still goes on unabated. The abuse in granting this refugee status has
been so big, and so continuous, for so many years, that one cannot trust
third country anonymous UNHCR officials to grant refugee recognition anymore on their own,
without being checked, in doing their work, by accompanying officials of the
receiving countries, capable of protecting their own interests.
This assistance would also
be in the interest of real refugees as, at the
moment, most of them are not helped correctly because too many false
refugees abuse the system, clog it, and get helped first with undeserved
limited resources, at the expense of the real refugees. The receiving countries
should thus have the liberty and the authority to check all the UNHCR files
of the cases being presented to them for asylum purposes, otherwise the
receiving countries should feel free to ignore the UNHCR candidates, stop
their contributions to the UNHCR work, and use equivalent sums to finance their own
national NGOs (or governmental agencies) to conduct directly the refugee pre-selection work
for their own purposes and quotas. The UNHCR convention should also be
amended for its officials to be able to use a more sophisticated set of tags
in doing their work. The cases they handle should be tagged more explicitly, in clear categories, after more serious
selection processes, like: economic immigrants, humanitarian cases,
displaced persons, political refugees, etc. The first and primary task however of the
UNHCR would be to identify positively all real political refugee claimants, with the
required help of the countries of origin, and get them original national
passports of their original country of origin. These countries of origin are also
members of the UN. As such, the UN should request
that these countries collaborate to identify their citizens,
as a condition to their membership, let alone possibly
a condition to maintain their seat at the UN Assembly in NY. The bad
publicity, and shame, they would face by not collaborating would also be a
strong incentive for them to clean up their house and increase the
democratic elements of their political systems.
Within the 'Political Refugee' category
itself, there should also be a grading system, possibly three levels again,
in terms of Green, Yellow or Red tags. It is sometimes very difficult to
assess clearly the real situation of danger a real political refugee would face if he
were to return to his country. Nevertheless, experts will say that a
grading of three levels would be most appropriate. A case with little danger
would get a Green tag, indicating many other persons with
similar ideas,
have returned or still live in that particular country without harm, even if
some of them get occasionally persecuted when confronting the regime too
openly. A 'Green' tag would still be a Refugee tag, but
not a top priority one. Real Political Refugees instead would get the
Red tag,
indicating a real danger on the basis of what happened to most other people with
the same background who have returned or still live in that country. In case of
doubt, or particularly unclear conditions, the refugee status document would
get a Yellow tag. Because of past abuses, the selection should also always
imperatively be done in the presence of some invited officials of some of the countries
being asked to receive refugees. The UNHCR should not give a temporary 'Refugee ID' to
any non-refugee. It should force the country of origin to issue a passport,
subject to sanctions from the UN.
The non-refugee should be tagged as a 'Displaced Person' and should be returned home as soon as possible with a regular passport. The UNHCR should also be able to arrange the same kind of safe return home for all 'Green tag' refugees, or a great part of them, to be assessed and negotiated on a case by case basis. The UN Assembly should also request the member country of the 'Displaced Person' to pay for the expenses of returning them home, through direct additional contributions: somebody has to pay and why should any other country pay for the mess they, as a country, have caused or some of their leaders or officials have caused. These cases should be treated basically like consular cases of repatriation are handled at the moment, but with the emergency intervention of the country of origin involved, as opposed to the intervention of relatives in these countries of origin that might not be readily available for a number of reasons. All cases, refugees and non-refugees alike, should thus be all handled on the basis of official national passports formally identifying them. All refugee documents would only be temporary, until full identity as been ascertained. UN Refugee passports would then become only a handful of very exceptional cases.
The above guidelines would force UN member countries to smarten up, in order not to loose face in front of the UN Assembly. It would also reduce the UNHCR budgets by millions and millions of Euro every year, spent uselessly on faked refugees and thus on false immigration movements; It would in the end educate and teach people at large to take the right steps if they want to immigrate to foreign countries, otherwise pay the consequences. An additional benefit would also be in terms of reducing the useless sufferance of false refugees living in ugly camps, as displaced persons, for months or years, and in much better civic environments than most refugee camps, by reducing immensely the quantity of false refugees or vagrant economic migrants floating around and having no better alternatives to survive than to get involved in micro-criminality (see our separate page on Micro-Criminality Issues). If the system is not profoundly and quickly reformed, it is, and it will remain, a system that, in great part, is a way for us not only to suffer a higher level of micro-criminality than we would like to have, but an expensive way for us to blindly subsidize these increasing levels of micro-criminality and subsidize most inefficient international organizations spending incredible amounts of money on fake refugee movements.
Beggars, Peddlers and Inventors - No country should be forced to accept street beggars or street peddlers who are not nationals of the country. National street beggars should be given a special ID and accepted as such by the population when there are no better alternatives offered by charity or public shelter organizations or when the nationals themselves refuse them. Non-national street beggars and non-national street peddlers should be gently but swiftly deported to their own countries, hopefully at the expense of the countries involved, like in consular repatriation cases. The same rules should apply to foreigners in self-invented jobs like abusive parking lot 'managers' of free public parking spaces or car windshield cleaners at street corners. If these foreigners have no identity, or claim legitimately that they cannot return to their country of origin for fear of their life or their integrity, they should be referred to the renovated UNHCR centers mentioned above to be identified and processed as refugees, be maintained in the meantime, and eventually returned home if necessary. National street peddlers should also be allowed to sell their goods only in areas appointed officially by the municipalities for such purposes, usually in or by flee-markets or other kinds of public and open street food markets.
Formation and Integration of the vagrant crowd - The legal immigrants and legal refugees, along with the legal beggars, peddlers and 'inventors' form a vagrant crowd of unemployed individuals that too often have no 'better' alternative than integrate themselves to the black labor market and in particular the micro-criminality circuit. Many of them however have excellent technical skills that go totally lost for the community, and many other have excellent talent to acquire these new technical skills. As seen in our page on Socio-Economic Issues, they could form excellent candidates to the new Civic Technical Schools, for better civic integration purposes, and a reserve of excellent candidates for eventual collaboration as FcaPOL as seen in our page on Micro-Criminal Issues, let alone provide their help to phase-out a great part of the black labor market and a corresponding phase-in of better public budgets through their financial contributions to various social plans.
The above rules should be considered as a package, and not as separate norms. Considered as a package, the overall effects of the norms should contribute immensely to the reduction of the number of false and self-imposed immigrants and to a more responsible approach of the UNHCR in processing refugee claims while thousands of their cases are essentially economic vagrant migrants. In turn, this package of reforms on immigration should be part of the overall package of all the reforms mentioned in the various pages of our so-called 'Hot Series'.
In the last paragraph of our page on Family Issues, we talk about the most serious demographic problem the Western World is facing today. The issue is related to 'Family' in that it is mainly in terms of the particularly low fertility rate of our traditional populations compared to the particularly high fertility rate of the new immigration we are receiving at the moment. This is therefore also, quite eminently, an 'Immigration' issue and the paragraph includes an important link to an excellent video on the immigration-related demographic problem of the Western World. For this reason, we repeat that paragraph here:
Time for Survival Action - This is time for action in order to resolve our most serious demographic problem. With our current fertility rates, our traditional culture is bound to disappear completely in the coming 25 years. To the contrary, the Islamic world has had great success in spreading their culture through demographic means. In fact, through immigration in particular, they have had so much success, in the last 25 years, that, if the trend continues, our Western World will soon become an Islamic annex to their traditional territorial areas in the next two or three generations. However, what Islam does today is not much different from what happened with the French population of the Canadian province of New Brunswick years ago, although under the auspices of the Catholic religion instead of Islam. This led New Brunswick to become quickly a Canadian province with such a solid French block of citizens that they could force the election of a French Prime minister for the first time. It also led the province to become the only other one in Canada with an official status of 'bilingual province' apart from Québec. The package of suggestions of this page (on family issues) could have the same kind of effect on the overall western world, that is an effect very similar to what happened with French fertility in small New Brunswick years ago and to what is happening now with Islamic fertility in Europe in particular. It is late, and it is time for us to wake up and take the necessary means and steps to have a similar kind of success in maintaining our own traditional western culture. We could not find any good presentation or video on the New Brunswick phenomenon in Canada but many do exist on the Internet about the Islamic phenomenon in Europe. Here is an excellent one, prepared by demographic experts in a way that might be a bit overly dramatic, and may even contain some minor inaccuracies, but is nevertheless right on the basic facts, and very close to what the reality is, in describing the most serious demographic problem of the Western World: Our purpose however in showing this video related to the Islamic phenomenon is not to oppose what Islam is doing, and rightly doing so for the preservation and the spreading of their own Islamic culture, but rather mainly to make us wake up and maybe emulate them somehow in taking the appropriate measures needed to at least maintain the present levels and essential elements of our own Western culture, along with the clear advantages we see in it, as the hard, and long last, conquered values, and life style, we cherish, and probably do not want to loose in only a couple of generations. In other words, New Brunswick and Islam may be, in some of their ways, good examples to follow for the survival of our own culture. The suggestions of this page are formulated in this constructive survival spirit. If there is a price to pay in applying them, that price is really only a vital investment on our future and our survival as a culture.