University Faculties of the PythAcademia

The PythAcademia has one main university faculty at the Arium in which all the others take part. It is called: Civitas Administration. In other words, the Academy has many faculties for various specializations, but all of them also draw something from that main one. In addition, it has a series of bilateral agreements with many other prestigious universities around the world where many, if not most, of its students can study under full or partial EthoPlasìn scholarship. In these other universities EthoPlasìn students, wearing full uniform and abiding to its decorum and discipline, can theoretically study in practically any other kind of faculty of any subject matter.

The particularity of the EthoPlasìn, as a university, is expressed in one paragraph of Section 4 of our main page, that we find useful to repeat here:

All EthoPlasìn Members Have To Acquire Civitas Qualifications - This applies to both students, Interns or Externs, and non-student members. For fulltime university students at the Academy, it applies over and above their qualifications in the faculty of their choice. The "Victory On The Minotaur", and the related acquisition of Civitas Management skills, do apply to all, subject to loosing membership. The first common year of formation, starting at age 18, completes the Civitas Initiation level with the title of Civitas Technician at age 19. The following three years consist in a Civitas Apprenticeship leading to the title of CivitCivitasas Professional at age 22. The following two years lead to becoming a Civitas Manager at age 24. This is where most members will stop their Civitas Training. However, with two more years of internal training, a student can become a Civitas Administrator at age 26. Finally, a Civitas Administrator can become a Civitas Master at age 28, the maximum level, after ten years of intensive Civitas Training. The Interns admitted to the faculty of Civitas Administration at the Arium, and in consideration of their privileged internal training, can, and should normally, become Civitas Administrators after only five years instead of seven, at age 24 and possibly complete a Civitas Mastership at age 26. In any case, with two more years, all Civitas Administrators can become Civitas Masters, either at age 26 or at age 28. Externs can only become Civitas Administrators at age 26, after returning at the Arium as Interns if necessary, for one or two years, after the completion of their study at other universities. The alternative is for them to stay Civitas Managers while starting their normal professional life in their chosen field of activity outside the Arium. All these Civitas Qualifications are always on top of, and in addition to, a regular curriculum of normal university study. The approximately ten years involved to reach a Civitas Mastership are also closely related to the Ten Rules and Grades of the EthoPlasìn discipline. A Student has to reach and maintain at least a minimum level of Civitas Manager, after five years of formation as a student. A Member (non-student) has to maintain a minimum title of Civitas Professional after three years of training, at or outside the Arium. These minimum levels are required in order to be able to maintain membership. Civitas Managers, Administrators and Masters are also often called generically "EthoCratic Leaders" in honor of their extensive EthoPlasìn formation. For the privileged long-term students at the Arium, the type of fulltime formation of the first year of initiation is replaced and/or supplemented in the following years mainly by the so-called "PythagorArium Hour" (or: PytHour), that is the first studying hour of the schedule of each day at the Academy, discussing various elements of discipline, and complying to additional disciplinary exercises. This intensive internal training explains why Interns can often become Civitas Masters at age 26 instead of at age 28. All this is explained in more details in our page Description In More Details. Hopefully, this holistic formation will also involve the will to maintain a proud life-long membership to the EthoPlasìn Association on the part of all members.

The faculties at the PythagorArium itself are thus the following:


Civitas Administration - This is the main faculty at the Arium, and the one of most importance and concern of the EthoPlasìn Academy. In fact, all the other faculties can be considered a kind of specialization of this main one. Civitas Administration is a brand new faculty, like there is no other one at any other university. From a personal point of view, it educates students in a holistic way, through the very strict and demanding EthoPlasìn discipline described in the various pages of this website and based on the Pythagorean formation of the Human Tetractys. It includes important aspects of all the other subsidiary faculties. From a social point of view, it forms individuals to become leaders of the Civitas, best possible administrators of the Civitas, in particular competent and honest politicians and leaders and professionals of all kinds, in the private and the public sectors, pursuing objectives of Better Decorum, More Meritocracy and Oneness Responsibility, and hoping for the advent of an eventual EthoCracy in a growing number of countries during the next generations.


  1. Philosophy - Since its inception, and on the basis of its original philological meaning that dates back to the time of Pythagoras, some 2500 years ago, Philosophy has been considered 'Love of Wisdom'. From this point of view however, philosophical Wisdom was also seen as the only form of happiness that is possible to human beings in this earthly life. In this Pythagorean tradition, the achievement of Wisdom is only possible through the development of the Human Tetractys. Philosophy is thus not only the elaboration of concepts to help understand the world, like it is the case, unfortunately, with modern philosophy, but also, and first and foremost, a harmonious Way of Life based on Wisdom, Order and Beauty. This was certainly, and eminently, the case with Ancient Philosophy. Studying philosophy from this perspective is the only way to achieve personal happiness, and consequently to also improve social happiness to its highest possible degree, and to maintain the best possible level of harmony in all our environments: civic, cultural, ethical, political and ecological. This is why, considering its objectives, Philosophy is, after Civitas Management, the second most important faculty at the PythAcademia.
  2. Mathematics - Ever since Pythagoras, Mathematics is considered as "not created, but only discovered". In this tradition, the two fundamental qualities mostly associated with Mathematics, as written into the fabric of the universe itself, are 'Order' and 'Beauty'. To do mathematics is thus to "discover", or uncover, this 'Order' and 'Beauty', or a form of continuous pursuit of 'Order' and 'Beauty'. The aesthetic-loving people of the Renaissance amplified this long tradition but brought mainly the second attribute, the concept of universal artistic 'Beauty', to its apotheosis. In turn, the scientists of the following centuries, up to this day, used mathematics to exploit mainly the first attribute, the concept of universal scientific 'Order', to its outmost degree. Maybe the greatest thinkers of the 21st century, possibly in collaboration with the EthoPlasìn Movement and the Pythagorean World Center, will finally re-link the two attributes, 'Order' and 'Beauty', in the best of the long Pythagorean tradition, in order to improve our world not only from a technological point of view, but also from an equally important human and social point of view, let alone a philoecosophical point of view. This is why Mathematics is the third most important faculty at the PythAcademia. 
  3. Music - Music, at least harmonic music, the only one worth calling 'Music', is by definition a beautiful expression of 'Order' and 'Beauty', the two fundamental attributes of the world, albeit maybe in a more sensual way than pure Mathematics. Music Harmonics is one of the fundamental concepts belonging to the Science Of Being of the EthoPlasìn philosophy and discipline and required as Rule 8 of the EthoPlasìn discipline.
  4. Aesthetics - Aesthetics is the realm of the harmonic music of the eyes, expressing visually the Order and Beauty of the magnificent proportions coming from the Mathematics of the fabric of the Universe. Aesthetics are at the base of the concept of the Kallos Beauty of the EthoPlasìn philosophy and discipline. 
  5. Ethics - The realm of Ethics is the expression of the fundamental justice of the universe in giving all created beings the fair recognition of their best lot in life on the basis of their merit, that is on the basis of their grateful exploitation of their best nature, talent and effort, not to mention their best freewill. Ethics are at the base of the short-term political objective of the EthoPlasìn, the progress of Meritocracy in our current world, and also the foundation of its long-term objective, the eventual advent of an EthoCracy in most countries of the world. The students choosing the Ethics specialization can also pursue, after having been qualified as Civitas Masters, an Ethics Management Doctorate, through two additional years of study.
  6. Physics - The Physics Faculty of the EthoPlasìn is quite special. It specializes specifically in unifying and harmonizing all the sources of free energy that have so far been discovered, and hopefully bring about the gradual worldwide implementation of the best composite version of free energy. The faculty will not only use the best existing specialists in traditional energy physics, as taught in other universities, but also bring in representatives of all the main private individuals or groups conducting research on free energy sources, be they formally recognized by official authorities in this field or rejected and derided as utopist or fake researchers. Free energy technology is already existing but too often ignored and combated by established interested groups. Achieving the implementation of free energy, and making it available worldwide, would change entirely our way of living, including our interpersonal relations, our social ethics, and our fear of survival. Free energy would also support a society with more justice, with cheaper access to food and shelter, and in particular with more leisure time for people to dedicate themselves to more intellectual, cultural and spiritual endeavors. It would also give people more time and resources to dedicate themselves to resolving problems of social injustice and improve the disastrous conditions of the living beings of all kingdoms. While it would make justice, meritocracy, comfort and recuperation chances more available to most citizens, it would also help more people grow from the philosophical point of view of their Pythagorean Human Tetractys and thus achieve a higher level of happiness on this beautiful Planet Earth.  
  7. Architecture - The science of architecture has to be adapted to the PhiloEcoSophical concerns of the EthoPlasìn. In our page on EthoCracy, we have a special section on NECA (New EthoPlasìn City Areas) where we give many concrete examples of where new buildings have to be all designed and built from scratch on the basis of these concerns and the objective of good Civitas Management. From this perspective, the Architecture faculty of the Academy is a unique one, like no other one exists at any other universities.
  8. Engineering -  In the same manner, all engineering tasks and solutions have to be conceived and applied with the same concerns of good PhiloEcoSophical values and the principles of best Civitas Management. This requires a drastic adaptation of all the concepts applied to all the fields of specialization of the engineering world. From this perspective, the Engineering faculty of the Academy is also a unique one, like no other one exists at any other universities.

The PythAcademia, in addition to its main faculty of Civitas Administration, includes few related specializations, or subsidiary faculties but, all together, they are the most important faculties for the human holistic formation of a new type of professional who is also a Civitas Manager, Administrator and Master, not to say a person capable of attaining philosophical wisdom, and consequently better personal happiness, and capable of providing his best contribution to harmonious environments, civic environments in particular. The PythAcademia however sponsors hundreds of students in practically all other possible types of faculties, in various universities around the world, providing them with partial or full scholarship, as long as they are prepared to follow, at the same time, a parallel and complementary curriculum of EthoPlasìn discipline and Civitas Management after the completion of their full common year of "Civitas Initiation" at the Academy. EthoPlasìn wants all its students to become full Civitas Administrators, either as their main qualification or as an additional one. The acquisition of Civitas Qualifications is the essence of what makes "The Difference" between the EthoPlasìn Academy and all other universities (as explained more extensively in the section '4' of our Home Page, called The Difference, with a paragraph of that section being reported above, along with the painting of Niccolo Polano, called Civitas Terrena et Civitas Caelestis, painted in 1460).