Admission Way to the EthoPlasìn Hive
Entry at the Academy is usually done at age 18 or 19, exceptionally at age 17 or even 16, but only after students have completed their high school (all pre-university or compulsory school) in their own countries.
Students will be chosen in priority from the list of persons pre-registered as members for at least 1 years. On the basic requirements to be met to be allowed to join the Association, please read the page on the Basic Entry Rules to Become Members of the Association. The philosophy of the discipline involved is also well expressed in the page on the Pythagorean Man Emulation. Membership to the Association can be effected by anyone independently from age 16. Pre-registration can also be effected earlier in collaboration with the parents of the candidates, but not before at least age 14. Concurrence of both parents is always required in accepting pre-registrations before age 16.
Sponsorships from at least two existing EthoPlasìn members of their
community, and at least one organization collaborating with the Academy, are usually
also requested when known to exist in the area where the candidate lives.
Candidates will be assessed on a wide variety of factors. This will include their school record, their sport record, their police record, their degree of involvement in music education, the languages they speak (with a good basic knowledge of English as an essential entry requirement), the certification of their general good civic behavior by influent members or organizations of their community etc.
The sponsoring organizations involved might be general social or professional associations, or Service Clubs like for example a Lions Club, a Kiwanis Club or a Rotary Club, but no political or religious organization of any kind because the Academy's environment, as formulated in our page on Science Of Being, and as agreed to in the admission's contracts, is formally a-political and a-religious.
Candidates are requested, before their entry at the Academy, to sign a contract where they accept all the norms of behavior and decorum specified in the EthoPlasìn website and accept to be expulsed without appeal if and when given formal final notice to leave by an acting Master of the Academy. Such notice may happen after one single serious breach of behavior, like typically in the case of involvement in physical violence or criminal activity, but would normally happen, in most cases, after three formal reprimand letters for minor breaches of discipline that can each be appealed to an appropriate internal sponsoring committee.
While pre-registered as members, before their formal admission at the Academy, candidates will be expected to build-up their personal profile by providing as much information as possible on their own self. They can provide any type of data available, including sports records, pictures, videos etc. They will in particular be expected to provide information in their pre-involvement in various aspects of the EthoPlasìn discipline and philosophy. This may include information on their alimentary regime, their readings, their interests and hobbies, their involvement in civic and philoecosophical activities, their views and feelings regarding animals and nature at large, their singing or music talents, and all other aspects of their lives as persons, citizens and good inhabitants of Planet Earth.
Pre-registered members will be expected to start to get familiar with the Ten Rules and Grades of the EthoPlasìn discipline, the philosophy of the discipline as expressed in the pages on Science Of Being and on the Pythagorean Man Emulation, and the directives of behavior expressed in the page on the Basic Rules to Become Members of the Association. They will then be expected to start applying a growing number of these rules, early-on in their lives, under the supervision of their sponsors, and with the help of material provided or recommended by the Academy during that period, providing regular feedback on their progress and on their thinking, and asking freely all the questions they may have in that respect.
In its first 4 years of experimentation, EthoPlasìn will select candidates only from Greek families of the Hellenic diaspora around the world. As such, they may come from any country around the world, but all the candidates will have the Greek language as a common factor. They are also expected to have a good basic knowledge of English. After a period of experimentation, the Academy will select also from other environments. Strangely enough Christianity has been historically the worst enemy of the Ancient-Greek culture, and it has committed numerous and terrible crimes against the Ancient-Greek culture, more than any other religion. By the same token however, the Christian culture is the one that has absorbed the most of the Ancient-Greek culture on which the EthoPlasìn philosophy, mentality and discipline are based. If we take into consideration what great master Jesus really had in mind, which might be very different from what his followers did, what these successors achieved, in establishing their new "doctrine", is in great part a distorted forgery copy of the most important elements of the ethics and moral philosophy of Ancient-Greece. Consequently, if we also forget the terrible crimes of Christianity from the past, now that they have attained hegemony, this persecution has stopped on their part and, at this time, the Christian environment candidates, compared to all other main religions, are the ones who have the best chances of making the EthoPlasìn Academy a success. Consequently, after the first 4 years selecting only from the Greek diaspora, candidates of Christian families who have no Greek family background will be considered as second best candidates. Later on, the Academy will most likely consider also candidates from other religious backgrounds. Because EthoPlasìn is a brand new experiment, we cannot risk a failure by taking too much of a chance with candidates who have a culture too different, and a mentality too distant, from the Ancient-Greek culture, at least not at the beginning.