EthoCracy Reform Package


This EthoGaia Reform Package (ERP) is built like a chain. The saneness of each ring of the chain is essential in order to make the chain pull. Each reform is necessary for the following one, and cumulative on all the preceding ones. As a whole, the EthoGaia Reform Package is what is necessary to improve and transform a common democracy into an EthoCracy.

A first glance at the oddness and superiority of EthoCracy

At first glance, before studying its overall structure, an EthoCracy can seem an apparently foolish system of government. On the other hand, studying its structure accurately, in light of its cumulative chain of reforms, will  show that it is the most just form of democratic government since the invention of democracy by Ancient-Greece some 2500 years ago. At first glance, EthoCracy seems strange because it does not have representatives of any political party elected in any traditional parliament. Consequently, it does not have any traditional opposition in any house of representatives but nevertheless has better constructive opposition than ever before. It does not have any candidate president wanting to form an executive government being tightly linked to any political party. A government cannot use debt-money nor ever owe any money to any type of financial institution. It does not even have permanent embassies abroad, but only reinforced consulates with restrictive new duties. All these structures are outdated and basically useless today in their present forms; they were necessary only before the modern era that brought us the airplane, the television, the Internet and the instant worldwide video communications. An EthoCracy does have the usual 3 State Power structure (Executive, Legislative and Judicative), but 5 state powers (with the added Informative and Corrective). It does not either submit to any form of authority that has not been elected at majority, be it within national borders, like presidents of corporations, or abroad in the form of super-state structures like the EU, or of international organizations like the UN, let alone even commercial organizations like GATT and multinationals. Still, the EthoCracy is a form of democracy more democratic and definitely more efficient than ever before. It is fully transparent, with no possibility of state secrecy, except for the very limited time needed in order not to jeopardize a criminal inquiry, and in any case with no kind of secret black budgets under any circumstances. It is even a more just democracy as its public justice is supplemented with a form of private justice between individual citizens, free of charge and free as a choice. No EthoCratic citizen can any more be fooled by any surprise tax, any surprise legislation, any surprise decision of significance of any kind, or any unaffordable surprise trial that could ruin his life. And the base and source of this new form of democracy, as an EthoCracy, stands in a brand new type of voting, and a voting right that is not only a right anymore, but also an EthoCratic duty subject to a fine when not fulfilled. Voting is done only at national level, electing a fully presidential government, with governors of the elected president's list being distributed down to provinces and cities. Elections can only be won at full majority, and on the basis of a fully four-way-binding electoral program, in terms of 1) only what is in the program, 2) all of what is in the program, 3) a program executed only with the resources indicated in the program and 4) only with the team of ministers and governors indicated in the program.     

The Cumulative Reforms

The flag banner up to the right, on the FRIENDLY EthoCratic ELL Government, that will be explained thoroughly in 10 sections, often used for democratic protest encounters, and for various publications, can give you a foretaste of the type of content you will find in this Part II. The banner synthetizes mnemonically, for easy public recollection, the "10 Commandments of EthoCracy" that stand as the 10 fundamental constitutional rules behind the constitution of an EthoCracy.