Page still incomplete and under review  





Stages to Mature Male Sexual Pleasure



Not Heterosexual and not Homosexual but TransitOsexual

Not Homosexual but Kallosexual, Desmosexual or TransitOsexual




Except incidentally, this chapter has nothing to do with figures of sexual pleasure represented by women. The main reason is that the literature on this subject is not less abundant than excellent and does not deserve as much .




TransitOsexualThis introduction is followed by Part 1 with general useful background information, and by Part 2 analyzing each specific new figure of male sexual pleasure that, contrary to well-known women figures, have never been given explicit recognition for reasons of religious dogma or political correctness, even if they have always existed, well hidden behind the formal history of humanity.


The figures and services of TransitOsexuals, those young men in transition between being a boy and being a man, at age around 21, are old in that they have always existed in the history of humanity, even if not with an explicit recognition during most historical periods, mainly because of the negative influence of religion and various kinds of prejudices imposed by the political correctness of the time. For the same reasons they may even appear scandalous to many people today even if in fact they are normal historical figures and services that have always existed on the basis of a proper comprehension of young human male sexuality. If they appear new today, they are not new at all and certainly not scandalous. They have a beautiful role to play, and to be proud of for the young man, contributing to the development of a harmonious society.


There is no similar transition between being a girl and being a woman. A woman matures sexually more quickly than a man, nearly instantly, in the space of a year or two, as soon as she becomes fertile. A young man instead goes through a transition that lasts at least one septennial (his second septennial of age, between age 14 and 21) and has longer aspects of development during even a second septennial until he reaches full sexual maturity, usually not much before age 28. These Pythagorean septennials are divided in four major periods of life that are like the seasons of a year. We are talking here about the spring season of a youth. The spring period of a girl is shorter, while the spring period of a man is much longer. During the approximately 14 years (age 14 to 28) of the spring of a young man, a lot happens to him when he is in a period of so-called TransitOsexuality. This status and long transition to full male sexual maturity can lead to fascinating sexual roles that do not exist in any similar way for a woman except maybe for a woman to enjoy and take advantage of some of them when they suit her purposes. This affirmation is certainly no discrimination between men and women, only reality based on facts. In addition, if the spring season of a woman is shorter than a man, her mature periods of winter and fall are usually longer. In this way, nature ensures longer assistance and education to her own children, and even to her grand children in the harmonious home environment that she has created and managed successfully for so many years.


This webpage is centered on the longer spring season of the young man and its corresponding additional unusual roles. It will consequently deal only, or mainly, with these special male figures and services of TransitOsexuality. The author is a man and can deal best only with a comprehension of these male figures and services. If something similar does exist for women, mutatis mutandis, maybe a woman author should attempt to develop the related concepts, and we will welcome suggestions for this purpose from any woman who may feel competent to contribute to their positive exposure and development.


Before we come to the specific figures and services of TransitOsexuals, we will however make a series of additional and preliminary comments related to the good comprehension of young sexuality applying to adult young men in particular.       






The realities of what we call with new acronyms (TransitOsexuality, Kallosexuality and Desmosexuality) are parts of the overall ELL culture on which the PythagorArium Project is based. This project is essentially a movement of overall liberation of the human being from all points of view, which includes its crucial sexual dimension. This includes first and foremost a cultural liberation, with a new type of holistic education of the four levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul through EthoPlasìn Education. At the same time, the project promotes a political liberation through what we call TruthOcracy. In addition, the project promotes a language liberation at two levels, an auxiliary level and a cultivated level, through what we call EthoSpeak. Finally, the project includes a sexual liberation, outside of the limits of the usual political correctness centered around only heterosexuality or homosexuality, establishing new categories and acronyms as mentioned above, which is the main subject of this webpage.


This sexual liberation comes in as a necessary prerequisite for the liberation of the other aspects of human life mentioned above. Sexual pleasure is an essential 'vital' part of human nature, and not just an optional accessory. Consequently it must be used and expressed as freely and as joyfully as possible, within simple limits of harmony and common sense. Religion or politics must never come in, explicitly or subliminally, to frustrate its good natural expression and enjoyment. Sexually frustrated persons, that is persons not liberated sexually, will never be able to have easy access to full soul liberation in other aspects of their life. This is the rationale at the foundation of this page. Many, even most marriages today fail because of early sexual frustration in their background, with married partners trying to live chaotically after marriage some of the experiences they have missed, or should have lived freely before marriage in the roles and categories defined in this webpage.


TransitOsexuality in particular defines the characteristics of a pre-marriage sexuality of male adolescents. However, a resurgence of these characteristics may appear in the life of a more adult person, usually on a rather rare occasional basis at that point. This may happen mostly when a more adult person may accidently fall in Platonic Love to the sudden charm of a younger transitosexual youth, desiring quite explicitly his or her more adult involvement in an encounter of sexual pleasure. As long as this is pure sexual pleasure with a young adult, with no hidden interests involved, it is perfectly normal and legitimate, as it respects the three prohibitions of sexual activity within a TruthOcracy. Certainly, it has nothing to do with pedophilia, let alone with any kind of violence, physical or psychological, and Platonic Love as well intended always exclude anal sex.      




In terms of sexual pleasure, our godly creator made a very special gift to only the superior human beings of his Animal Kingdom. He gave men and women the power to enjoy sexual pleasure independently from their reproductive role, even if the final objective of sexual pleasure is still to be used mainly for reproductive purposes. All other animals are limited to enjoy sex in the strict context of a reproductive function. Humans have to be very grateful for this immense gift on the part of their godly creator called PNANSELLGRAL in the context of the PythagorArium Project. However, humans have not to abuse it. Like for all other good things granted by god, like food for example, it has to be used with wisdom, or with a just measure of proportion of goodness by the users in collaboration with their surrounding loved ones.


The prohibitions in using this immense gift of free sexual pleasure are natural and few, basically only three: 1) no violence, 2) no pedophilia and 3) no anal sex. If anal sex is always prohibited, both with a man or a woman, oral sex is always not only permitted but even promoted as a special human sexual pleasure tool of love expression. This comes precisely, and logically, from the fact that human beings are the only animals that can freely use sexual pleasure independently from their reproductive role, or in additional ways above their basic reproductive role. Both young men and women, before a regular marriage can be arranged in suitable conditions, are still incapable to take the risks and responsibilities related to free sexual pleasure. Having their sexual power already well developed however, granted as a special gift, certainly does not mean they should not go for it, but rather that they should be able to go for it without facing responsibilities they still cannot take. This is precisely where oral sex can come into play to help them temporarily. The young woman might not be prepared to loose her virginity before it can be offered to her eventual husband. She might not be prepared either to face maternity and motherhood in proper conditions for the eventual children involved. On the side , the young man might not be ready to face the responsibilities of marriage and paternity with children for quite a few more years to come while, in terms of sexual pleasure he is already at the best of his sexual potency, at least quantitatively if not qualitatively. With the proper and loving use of oral sex, typical of only human beings, these young men and woman can resolve their problem, at least temporarily, until they can make a step of quality with the sexual pleasure of full intercourse and the easy acceptance of all the cascading responsibilities involved.


Within these simple parameters, the special human oral sexual pleasure in a TruthOcracy is meant to be used most freely, as long as it is with mutual love and gratitude. This is however where the problem stands most of the time. Religion too often comes in to impose ridiculous prohibitions that are completely contradicting the natural sexual condition of most young men and women. If religion does not do it, then the not less ridiculous political correctness too often does it with special laws prohibiting premarital sex and oral sex in particular. This is what a TruthOcracy will never allow, in particular through its unique holistic EthoPlasìn education of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul. 




In our modern literature, we have a huge documentation available about the important role of the woman in human sexual pleasure, and consequently there is really little purpose in trying to expand on what is available. To the contrary, the same literature has very little to say about male figures who may also have a similar important role in various forms of sexual pleasure. In both cases, what we read is mostly negative. But there is also something very positive in both roles, the one of the woman and the one of the man.

In this essay, we concentrate mainly on the positive aspects of the less well known male figures. This is really where we draw a line of innovation, against political correctness. This notwithstanding, we will also address  some positive aspects of the female figure and, inevitably also, in order to contrast and reaffirm the positive aspects, some negative aspects of both man and woman as figures of sexual pleasure. 


In other words, this essay intends to try to fill a gap, most clearly and explicitly, about the positive aspects of the young man as a figure of good sexual pleasure, no matter how shocking or even scandalous it may appear at first glance to some people overly affected by religious or political correctness. The lack in literature in this respect is mainly due to the fact that most writers do not seem to be able to distinguish between clearly bad homosexuality (of those men involved in the three sexual prohibitions of a TruthOcracy, like the form that includes horrific anal sex mixing divine sperm with excrements) and good forms of homosexuality, or rather homo-like sexuality, better defined here as a form of TransitOsexuality, between two young men (like the one involving essentially only oral sex; In most instances, this is not even any real form of homosexuality but a form of mutual sexual appeasement in typical young men facing the same and real problem of sperm overproduction before they are ready for intercourse and for the responsibilities of marriage and paternity). Consequently we will make a clear distinction between the two types. This will involve our defining "new" roles of male sexual pleasure that have never, or rarely, been recognized as such explicitly by even the best literature of the last centuries because of mainly fake and inhuman religious dogma based on fear instead of human biological common sense. Our major subject is precisely about such important male figures, specifically about three main "new" male figures of sexual pleasure, as three natural stages taking place on the way to achieving full male sexual maturity, from being, sequentially, first a young adolescent, then a young man, and finally a mature man. Consequently, this essay is divided into two parts:








Generally speaking, this essay is about the highly disputed issue of which proper sexual pleasure practices and services should be admitted within a democracy, in particular from a man performance point of view. In a TruthOcracy, which is specifically the context of this essay, and under the influence of the holistic ELL culture and education of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul that is an integrated part of a TruthOcracy, having good order in the field of sexual pleasure practices and services is not only of fundamental importance but an issue that should be discussed most openly in an ELL culture of truth, beauty, love and freedom. Without good order, and without this full openness on such an important subject, there are serious negative consequences cascading down on all other aspects of personal and civic life.


This good order of sexual pleasure practices and services is what we call with the new acronym TONFASUS (Transitosexual Old-New Figures And Services Used Sagely). This acronym is being coined here, to be used as such in all the appropriate sectors of governance, education and civic life of a TruthOcracy.


In the general context of sexual pleasure activities, we too often hear a lot about mainly sexual services offered by women, usually in terms of prostitutes, as the so-called oldest profession in the history of humanity, in various forms of good decorum or bad decorum. To the contrary, in the case of this essay, we talk mainly and most openly about four sexual pleasure figures and services that can be offered by men. However, these practices and services have nothing to do with prostitution. They have nothing to do either with what the mainstream media calls homosexuality, except for some real natural homosexuals who may occasionally take good advantage of these new figures, in a positive way for them and for the society. And these services can always be provided most easily and discretely, with perfect civic decorum.


These male and female sexual practices and services have always existed in the background of the history of humanity but, for various reasons having to do mainly with subjugating and enslaving religions, they have never been named properly, nor ever been recognized openly and formally as valid civic roles. This essay does give them names, and promotes their open recognition and constructive utility. However, this will be done with a bit of crude humor as, for lack of better historical designations available in our literature, we will use very explicit descriptive acronyms being coined in our Vocabulary Section at the bottom of this essay.

Again, it must be stressed at this very outset however that, in spite of what these four descriptive acronyms may apparently suggest, in particular the first three, maybe in the minds of some readers unprepared to hear explicitly about sperm overproduction and oral sex, the roles of male sexual pleasure involved have little or nothing to do with what we usually refer to, today, in the common popular meaning of words like homosexuality or prostitution.  




Considering the above introduction, it is clear that this essay about TONFASUS (Transitosexual Old-New Figures And Services Used Sagely) matters will have to be drafted most openly, probably somewhat too bluntly or crudely for some readers who may even be offended, if not scandalized, by some of its content, on a basis of current political correctness, and in particular maybe from a religious dogma point of view. So, readers who choose to continue to read without an open mind should be advised. The essay certainly has no intention to offend the sensitivity of anyone, but is being drafted as candidly and as bluntly as necessary to ensure there will be no doubt, i.e. only Truth, about the new concepts it brings forward, over and above any prejudice that may exist with regards to its generic content about matters of male sexual pleasure. For those who may have a strongly negative reaction, maybe after a first quick overview reading the essay, or may be scandalized in some way, please give it a second careful reading, but only after having meditated for a while on the decadent nature of our society at the moment, and having perceived the need to come up with the best solutions in a creative way.


The highly debauched world of ours at the moment has to do with horrible aspects of supposed political correctness in matters of sexual pleasure. This fake correctness unfortunately includes ugly things like same-sex marriage with adoption of children, attempts to legalize pedophilia, extravagant or grossly effeminate male homosexuality ridiculing the natural beauty of masculinity, the debasement of the beautiful traditional figure of the male youth through environment factors that have reduced their sperm count production by 60% in the last 40 years, and horrific mutilating transgenderism promoted and effected even on very young school children who have yet no maturity to decide what they really want to be from a sexual point of view. After such meditation, and through a second attentive reading, the new concepts of this essay, if considered thoroughly and carefully in this context, will probably appear to most people as very good proposals to improve the quality of the sexual life of most human beings, and consequently the quality of our civic life in general.




This short essay is written in the specific context of a major project called PythagorArium. The PythagorArium Project has to do with a new type of improved personal and civic life on three fronts: 1) improved private education in a holistic way, on the basis of the ELL culture, through the formation of the 3 levels of the Pythagorean Tetractys of the human soul; 2) improved public governance with direct participative democracy based on Truth and merit, called TruthOcracy at an early stage and Aristarchy at a final stage; and 3) improved interpersonal language communications at two levels, at simple casual level and at cultivated level, called EthoSpeak. A good summary of these 3 objectives can be found in the Mission Statement of the PythagorArium.  


The two main .NET websites involved in this project are EthoPlasìn and PythagorArium. These are also accessible together in a more synthetic way, as TruthOcracy (all .NET). The first website, EthoPlasìn, has more extensive background information on the overall project that is quite complex in its full extension. The second, PythagorArium, should be considered, by most people, the website of first and easier approach to the overall project.


The new improved holistic EthoPlasìn education of Pythagorean descent involved in the project is called by two main new names being coined. The first, of course, is “EthoPlasìn” basically meaning ‘Formation to Ethics”. The second one is “ELLducation“ (Enlightened Logos Liberty Education) to reflect the fact that the new holistic education involved is based on the ELL culture of ELLAS (Ancient-Greece), or rather the culture of the ELL people (who are, but cannot rightly be called “Greeks”, as the word “Greek” does not even exists in the ‘Greek’ language, nor in ‘Greece’ as a country, where the country itself is only and always called ELLAS or ELLADA, a citizen is only called ELLINAS, and the language is only called ELLinika).


The new improved governance involved in the PythagorArium project is also called by a new name, coined as TruthOcracy (improved democracy based on Truth, only Truth and All Truth, along with Merit, as direct and participative democracy, for anything that has to do with governance or public life activity open to the public at large). Again, such TruthOcracy is much closer to the real, direct and participative democracy as it was invented in Ancient-Greece [ELLAS], than to the fake democracy we have today that is only a mixture of Technocracy, based on abusive privileges for a small class of unmeritorious and fake self-proclaimed technocrats, and Debtocracy, based on the use of enslaving debt-money for the rest of the common people and their governments operating on a basis of public debt-money instead of debt-free money that we often call Trustmoney. In spite of all the propaganda to the contrary on the part of the current political correctness, real democracy just does not exist in the western world, only a kind of TechnoDebtocracy. This is what a TruthOcracy eventually fully accomplished as an Aristarchy is mainly meant to correct.


But a TruthOcracy or an Aristarchy is also meant to correct, as much as possible, some aspects of social degradation. This includes all sorts of ugly transformations our society has gone through in the last few decades of the rampaging NWO (New World Order), some of which are revealed by the two sides of the picture on the right.


A new improved civic life through TruthOcracy and Aristarchy includes, among many other important new things, a better approach to the access and use of sexual pleasure on the part of all citizens. This essay is a kind of short summary of four main new figures and concepts related to this specific subject of free and happy sexual pleasure contributing to the harmonization of the combination of the body-soul Kallos beauty of the human being.




The essay is written from the point of view of four brand new discrete male figures in the field of sexual pleasure. In fact, these 4 figures are not be new at all. They have always existed in fact, in various shades or forms, but were only perceived in a vague way in the background, and never recognized explicitly as such with a specific name. The PythagorArium, with the new TruthOcracy governance and the holistic ELL education it promotes, is finally giving them their proper explicit names and relevance because, if used properly, they can provide very important positive roles for improving personal and civic life. Probably for the first time in history, PythagorArium gives these four figures clear explicit names. It does so by coining four new explicitly descriptive acronyms in the most simplistic way.


As mentioned above, the first new acronym is TOSPASMO (Temporary Oral Sex Partner Appeasing Sperm Mutual Overproduction). This role has existed discretely for centuries, but was never recognized as such for mainly subjugating religious reasons.


The second new acronym is GHOBOSSO (Godlike Handsome Occasional Benefactor Of Superior Sperm Overproduction). This second figure has also always existed and, in some societies, quite explicitly, even if this is not the case in our society today.


The third new acronym is GOSCROSO (Ghobosso Oral Sex Contractual Relationship Of Sperm Overproduction), This is really only a deviation for a minority of the GHOBOSSO figures.


The fourth new acronym is MIFSARFO (Mature Intercourse Faithful Spouse And Responsible Father Outperformer). The coining of the 4 acronyms is done with a bit of humor, but it describes concretely, not to say crudely, the main aspects of the reality to which they give a name. Of course, in spite of this bit of humor, the subject of best possible access to good sexual pleasure remains most serious and important. The acronym names are new but, as we will see, their reality is most ancient, and their importance is vital to our personal and social wellbeing.


At first glance, the word "Sperm", or the expression “Sperm Overproduction”, used bluntly in the new acronyms, may seem a bit too frank but, as we will explain in more details in each case, regarding healthy young men, it is the nice hard (pun intended) reality that we cannot deny behind the situations we are trying to improve. Again, it is important to stress that anything having to do with sexual pleasure activity, in particular in relation to men, has not been approached very openly or sagely, or in any orderly way, by public authorities of the western world, over the last centuries, not to say millennia. This is mainly due to repressive and unsubstantiated religious reasons of dogma that have little, or nothing to do with the good basic reality of human nature. That reality includes a beautiful human sexuality, when used with love and liberty, with only three simple prohibitions of only good common sense, but with a clear and undeniable sperm overproduction in the case of young men. In this context, it is interesting to note that, in the global animal kingdom of planet earth, only men produce an overproduction of reproductive material. This substance, the human male sperm, is of a divine creative nature and, when there is an imperative urge or need to discard it, it should never be mixed with excrements through anal sex, not even discarded like garbage whenever there can be a better solution, which can be oral sex. Discarding it like garbage is a profanation of a divine substance that should always be avoided whenever possible. 




The phenomena we are dealing with here are closely related to the various Pythagorean Septennials (successive periods of 7 years of human life with clearly different roles) of a human being. According to Pythagoras, there are 10 septennials of life (to age 77) before a man can hope to achieve best human happiness in a state of wisdom, as long as he will have gone well through these successive 10 septennial periods, harmonizing the three parts of the Tetractys of his human soul along the way.


Typically, a healthy boy in good shape, at age 15, entering his 3rd septennial, all of a sudden, becomes a bomb of sperm in constant overproduction animated by a never appeasing readiness and urge to ejaculate it in the most pleasant way possible. Many boys can even self-produce ejaculation through orgasm, using masturbation, sometimes even for many days in a row. This is a clear exaggeration that a boy has to learn to keep under good control, but it is his natural reality, and one to be proud of. Interestingly enough, at that young age, around 16, he is even at the top level of human sexual energy, at least quantitatively if not yet qualitatively. From then on, for a period of at least a couple of septennials, he is always ready to enjoy sex and to spread his seed, just like the most beautiful plants and flowers of the vegetal kingdom spread their overproduction of pollen (as their form of sperm) during the best days of spring. The difference is that the "spring" of the young man does not last days, not even a short season each year, like for plants, but the better part of his most important septennial from this point of view, his 3rd septennial of life (age 15 to 21).


The real problem accompanying this young male man reality is that in the better part of that septennial, the boy is not yet ready for full regular sexual intercourse with a woman, not only for lack of experience and opportunities, but also for lack of possibility to take the responsibilities, not to say the risks, of early marriage and paternity normally related to such intercourse relationships. On the other hand, girls his age, although ready for pregnancy, are also not ready for motherhood and family maternity responsibilities, but probably, in most cases, also have serious concerns about keeping their virginity until marriage, and about not getting pregnant with a child born out of marriage, thus their reluctance to help the young man with his explosive situation of sperm overproduction through regular intercourse, except maybe through offering oral sex.


Pythagorean Septennial Life Cycles

For a full graphical view of the above icon, click on: Pythagorean Life Cycles


This somewhat difficult situation however should not mean that we should constrain the boy in his 3rd septennial not to have any sex activity. It certainly does not mean that the boy should be reduced to chastity, with all the bad consequences this may bring him psychologically, let alone physically, be it only in terms of accumulated testosterone and resulting aggressivity. Alternatively he should not be reduced either to using masturbation in hiding and in shameful isolation from other human beings, with too often bad feelings of fear and guilt for lack of comprehension of what is going on. This of comprehension too often happens because he has no father close by who is ready to explain to his son the basic beauty of his reality, identical to all the other boys of his age, with whom he should share freely his feelings and experience, and face more joyfully the long term sense of that beautiful natural reality. At the same time, he should be taught to have pride in learning how to control his natural drive in a manly way in the meantime, without shame or guilt, only with controlled joy. Considering the explosive state of pollinating energy in which he is, both chastity and masturbation in shameful hiding are completely inappropriate and dangerously wrong solutions, not to say inhumane and mostly destructive solutions, for his eventual sexual life of full harmonious sexual expression through intercourse with women, most likely before marriage as a GHOBOSSO, until he becomes ready to outperform as a handsome MIFSARFO, faithful to a married wife, and protective to his new family.




This is where the central figure of a loving father has to come into play for a growing boy with a sudden explosion of sperm overproduction. The father, and only the father, hopefully only the loving biological father, can intervene properly. No other adult male figure can do so easily without risks. Not even the mother can easily do it properly. The loving father can teach the boy in his 3rd septennial of life (age 15 to 21), first of all, not to be afraid of what is happening to him, and to be even proud of what is happening to him, as part of the natural process of becoming a mature man. However, the father must speak openly, clearly and friendlily, explaining to his son that he must only keep the beautiful phenomenon under good control, proud of the manly control process, enjoying necessary ejaculations with orgasm without fear when they happen, but not exaggerating through any abuse of masturbation, just like all other good things must be kept under good balance, be it food, sport, studies or any other types of good activity. In due time, at one point, the father can also hint at the possibility of helping the boy to eventually have access to a good woman, prostitute or not, to start experimenting with full intercourse when the boy would finally feel ready for it.  


As for the older boy, the young man in his 4th septennial of life (age 21 to 28), similar serious concerns still exist, mutatis mutandis, mainly about fatherhood and the pregnancy of female partners appearing gradually more and more often in the young man's sexual life. If, as a younger boy, he went happily and harmoniously through his 3rd septennial, with the help and guidance of a good loving father, he is already in much better control of his beautiful male sexuality to face the 4th septennial, but still has not made the full passage to his best two reproductive septennial periods, the 5th one (age 28 to 35) when he may be able to act as a GHOBOSSO, in particular if he is not yet married, and the 6th one (age 36 to 42), normally married at this point, when he will finally concentrate fully, as a MIFSARFO, on a marital and parental role with his ideal woman, hopefully guided by his loving father in choosing her, while both, the son and his bride, finally have the maturity and the capacity to procreate, maintain and grow a beautiful new family of their own.


Most boys and young men nowadays grow without the presence and guidance of their biological father, let alone any father figure at all in so many cases, a father who knows everything from experience regarding the sexual life of a young boy or man. Most mothers have no idea how to handle the phenomenon with their boys, even fear to speak about it openly. Too many women live as single mothers, married or separated. If all these fathers are missing, it is often because they have not gone properly, and fully freely, through their own first two septennial periods of their sexual apprenticeship, as a free TOSPASMO in their 3rd septennial of life, and hopefully as a proud GHOBOSSO in their own 4th septennial of life. This important factor, along with many other secondary factors of course, prevent too many fathers to finally become good guides to their young sons, and themselves harmonious MIFSARFO partners as mature husbands and fathers. Consequently they too often still search wrongly, in the illusionary liberty of the absence of these factors from their family in their mature life as married spouses, what they feel they may have missed before marriage while they were younger. 


In any case, for a TOSPASMO young man who is without a father at home, or is with a father who, although present, is not willing to bring his son to a proper brothel for his first sexual intercourse experience with a women, the mother can and should intervene discretely with the introduction of a friendly GHOBOSSO Trainer ready to guide the TOSPASMO in a joyful way to have access to a proper environment for that purpose. 


Considering the above, it is clear that a good society has to give a good safety valve for the male youths of the 3rd septennial and of the 4th septennial, in particular the boy of the 3rd septennial. Without it, this explosive situation of sperm overproduction without proper exit, in particular if not guided by a loving father, will too often degenerate in bad forms of psychological disturbance, or in the worst forms of homosexuality involving horrible anal sex (with a man or a woman), pedophile sex, or violent sex: 3 forms of sexuality that are a formal prohibition, even a serious crime, in a TruthOcracy, without counting the ugly decorum cascading consequences of rampant male feminism destroying the male man Kallos beauty, and somewhat offending also along the way even the female beauty. In the best of cases the absence of a good safety valve reduces what should be a good expression of male sexuality to ugly forms of masturbation in hiding, in isolation of other human beings, with feelings of shame and guilt, let alone the most ugly forms of extravagant homosexuality, causing all sorts of psychological disturbances that are difficult to repair in the following septennial periods.  The safety valves proposed below involve some aspects that may be seen as a form of homosexuality but, as we will see, it is not homosexuality but rather normal TransitOsexuality.


If it is so, it is a good form of homo-like sexuality but, again, it is not homosexuality at all, only a normal form of what we will call TransitOsexuality. It is only a normal and temporary form of mutual help of two two young men with the same problem of sperm overproduction, and willing to help each other as friends. If, at least in appearance, it is a form of homosexuality, it is at most a form of what we could call "soft homosexuality" that is temporary and never involves any anal sex, and that can be easily phased out without any consequences to a fully performing normal sexuality over the span of the few years, after having gone joyfully through a couple of septennial periods. The above is what has to be kept in mind when reading the rest of this essay about mainly the first two new concepts of male sexual figures in a harmonious society.



When we read about human sexuality, in particular male sexuality, in our current literature, or when we hear about it from the political correctness, we face an interesting dichotomy. When we hear about heterosexuality, we hear nearly exclusively about it as good. When we hear about homosexuality, we hear mainly about it as bad, at least in the bulk of the more conservative media. But there is both good heterosexuality, for a majority of people, and bad heterosexuality, even very bad, for a minority of people. Because of fake political correctness, we hear very little about this bad heterosexuality because it is often related to a religious or mafia-like culture on the part of men treating their wives as sex slaves and obedient servants. As for homosexuality, there is bad homosexuality, even very bad, but also good forms for a natural minority of people. Again, because of fake political correctness, we hear very little about good forms of homosexuality that, as a minimum, try to eliminate entirely things like  the 3 absolute prohibitions within a TruthOcracy: anal sex, pedophilia and violence.


 This essay will first concentrate mainly on the good sides of the 4 new figures of male sexuality that have implications with both homosexuals and heterosexuals, and incidentally only about the elimination, as much as possible, of the bad sides. However, be it clear that, in the case of men in particular, what will be presented as practices that may look like good sides of homosexuality are really fundamentally not even  forms of real homosexuality, but rather natural forms of temporary normal TransitOsexuality, while in transit to full sexual maturity, that will only help most young men to conquer their full mature heterosexuality. Similarly, in the case of the natural minority of homosexuals in our society, it will become clear that TransitOsexuality shall also help men to become adepts of mainly the good forms of homosexuality, and eliminate at least the worst forms from their own life, mainly the 3 forms that are prohibited, for achieving only more happiness in their own personal life and more harmony in their civic lifestyle as fully participative homosexual co-citizens.





As we have hinted above, and as we will explain more fully further down, both heterosexuality and homosexuality can be bad or good. In the same way, eugenics can also be bad and good. The proposed solutions of this essay also have an indirect relation to eugenics. Independently of the political correctness surrounding this issue, people in general have a natural strong desire, and often a strongly explicit will, to try to select the best genes in the sexual intercourse process, in order to achieve best offsprings. If this preoccupation is refrained in the mind of most future fathers, for various reasons, mostly jealousy, it is nevertheless an unconscious desire of most men and women when thinking in general terms about their own family and community. When passing to action, men at least hope, in an ideal way, that their own intervention, in any particular instance, will at least not prevent the acquisition of the best offspring. For most women in turn, it is much more explicitly so in their minds, although they will usually not dare to speak openly about it, in particular if they are regularly and legally married with a husband who does not appear, shortly after a first period of marriage, to be a particularly good MIFSARFO.


Unfortunately, eugenics has mostly a bad reputation in the public opinion because, so far, they have often been used extremely badly, and with extreme abuse. Eugenics have too often involved the horrific forced castration or sterilization of weaker or handicapped young children, boys and girls, a few years after birth, let alone maiming excisions. Eugenics were also used mostly in a context of genetic racism, intending sometimes even the production of some kind of pretended superior race in confrontation with a mass of other racial human beings assumed to be inferior. This was all wrong.


Nevertheless, Eugenics it not all bad. It does not/not have to be used only in such negative or destructive ways. Not at all! Eugenics can also be used most positively and in full respect of human nature. There is a clear positive side to eugenics, and it can be used strictly and very legitimately to improve the genetic quality of the offsprings of human beings in general, of whatever race or socio-economic level, in particular in the case of single women who may legitimately want a child only from the best male sperm they can have access to. This positive side means a free choice of mainly the women involved, but as a pre-birth choice, or rather as a pre-conception choice, as opposed to an after-birth choice, with or without the consent of the men these women have as companions or husbands, or will choose to have as their husbands. This is where the role of a GHOBOSSO can be of immense help, knowingly or discretely on the part of the women concerned.


Another scientifically proven fact of importance is that some of the overproduction of sperm by adult men is of a superior quality, while some of it, if not the majority of it, is of a more common inferior quality compared to the sperm of the most handsome and/or most manly individuals. This is probably happening in about the same proportion that some people are born and grown up as exceptionally strong and beautiful persons, while the majority of people are just plain common people and not particularly beautiful human beings. The same thing can be said about intelligence levels. Of course, the first small category of naturally born superior individuals is the one producing by nature the most attention, thus attraction and sex appeal, on the part of all the other human beings for sexual pleasure. Another related fact, that we obviously all know about, is that most male sperm, or whatever quality, but unfortunately including the one of a superior quality, ends up being dispersed in ugly ways, as common garbage, and lost through widely used pre-marriage masturbation of most adult young men, let alone sometime through horrific anal sex with a man or a woman. All of this spoils a great quantity of precious reproductive material that should be put to better use as much as possible. This is where the role of a GHOBOSSO, in his Role 1, can be of great help, not to say extreme utility for the holistic Kallos beauty of more human beings, and consequently for the uplifting of society in general in many social environments.




The same kind of fallacies and abuses also apply to services of sexual pleasure offered by prostitutes during the course of the long history of humanity, even if prostitutes have always been, as we often hear, the oldest and more stable of all professions. If nature has given them to us as the oldest and most stable of all professions, it must be because there is something good about them. This is certainly also the case for a TOSPASMO and for a GHOBOSSO on their way to sexual maturity for becoming harmonious MIFSARFO sexual partners. However, these services of prostitution have been offered too often in a very untidy way, too often on obscure dirty streets or messy open environments, or in some oppressive context of exploitation of the women involved, instead of offered in a clean and tidy context of free choice, through a kind of rather pleasant contract with client partners. These prostitute services also have too often been considered shameful, in most societies, when in fact they are only a natural safety valve for the way young men have been created, with a constant overproduction of sperm, in order to always be ready for fertilization, but for also avoiding these same young men to become too aggressive in terms of behavior, private and social behavior, if and when they may accumulate too much testosterone through a lack of a minimum proper sexual activity on a regular basis. This increased male aggressiveness then results, just too often, in rapes, undesired pregnancies, lawlessly abortions and all sorts of other related crimes that can be very easily avoided through managing the services of prostitution sexual pleasure differently, i.e. more sagely, as TONFASUS (Transitosexual Old-New Figures And Services Used Sagely).  


It is a scientifically recognized fact that healthy young men produce, by a divine gift of nature, a vast overproduction of sperm. This overproduction puts strong pressure on them to be practically constantly ‘ready’, in search of, and in need of sexual activity. Women in turn were created differently. They have cycles of reproduction readiness of about 4 weeks that bring that strong pressure on them in a much less constant and obsessive way on a daily basis. Men have thus to find some safety valve for their practically constant explosive readiness. Consequently, their overproduction of reproducing sperm has to be handled as sagely as possible, This includes means to avoid an accumulation that makes men become overly aggressive in their behavior through pedophilia or rape, and means to ensure the discarding of the precious substance is done in the most respectful way of its sacred nature. A younger way to handle it is as a TOSPASMO. An older young way is as a GHOBOSSO, in his 4 different roles, or in using prostitutes of good decorum. 


A self-invented partial solution to sperm overproduction, used spontaneously by most young men of most civilizations, has been masturbation. Older adult men already initiated to intercourse, in particular if not yet regularly married, have rather used mainly prostitutes with a minor amount of masturbation. Like it or not, except for the less educated ways to attend the problem, this is a hard reality [pun intended] with which there is basically nothing wrong, rather the opposite, if managed properly. The only sage thing to do is to use this inalterable reality of overproduction of sperm in the best way possible, for the benefit of as many people as possible in the civic environment. These better educated ways also protect more non-prostitute women from being subjected to violence, and make men being less aggressive through proper regular sexual appeasement.  


Contrary to what religions have tried to make us believe, masturbation, performed by a young man in a normal quantity of, for example, few times per week, and in normal circumstances of hygiene and decency, is not at all a degenerative practice, and obviously no sin, certainly not as far as overproducing nature is concerned. It is only a kind of natural safety valve, along with a related familiarization, initiation and apprenticeship for the acquisition of the gradual control of the proper use of the male sexual force by a growing young man, for initial better pleasure with oneself, for an eventual more sublime expression of love with some other human beings, and ultimately for human reproduction purposes as a handsome and potent MIFSARFO with his wife.


The vast overproduction of the average quality of sperm that gets dispersed through masturbation of young men is not a serious problem, at least not in terms of quantity, as this is the way nature works in general, with a constant superabundance of reproductive material. This superabundance is true not only of the animal kingdom, but even of the vegetal kingdom for example, where an enormous quantity of pollen, equivalent to vegetal sperm, obviously falls, each spring, in great part in places where it will never have a chance to develop and reproduce a new plant. But at least it falls in nature, not in a toilet with excrements or in a dirty garbage can. 


The overproduction of superior male sperm, as best possible human sperm, is quite different as it can be preserved, or selectively used by other humans to ensure better reproduction, or at least absorbed as an excellent nutrient through oral sex whenever this is desired by passionate loving partners. Contrary to the vegetal kingdom and to the non-human animal kingdom, the human sperm being dispersed by the masturbation of particularly handsome and strong young men can be easily conducted to a better use, at least occasionally, and hopefully as often as possible. If not, it becomes a real loss for the good of humanity. This is something that other animals cannot do, but something humans can easily do, and thus should do as much as possible. Some of the best human sperm should certainly be made available, freely and joyfully, by the superior producers involved, to those who could use it for better reproduction, or absorb it for improving their psychological situation of natural appeasement. Again, this could happen for the production of a best possible offspring, or for the simple improvement or appeasement of the psychological state of some other persons obsessed with its apparent magic, or for use as a good food nutrient by those who believe, rightly or not, that ingesting it could help reinforce the strength of their health, let alone their manhood in the case of other men.  


In any case, behind the various forms of this reality, there is the main driving factor that all of us are fully aware of, even if, for a variety of reasons, most of us will not commonly say it explicitly. This factor is that it is very natural and legitimate for both men and women to wish to have best possible offspring, as strong, as healthy and as beautiful as possible. There is nothing racist in this completely natural desire, and certainly nothing to be shameful about. Trying to use the best type of sperm for that purpose is thus not only entirely legitimate, but highly desirable. Trying not to spoil that sacred substance, or as less as possible, is also not only entirely legitimate but highly desirable.




Before going forward with the definition of the new concepts and new manly figures of sexual pleasure, it is important to define first what is absolutely prohibited within a TruthOcracy. There are only basically 3 forms of sexual activity that are prohibited, and they are seriously so under the criminal code. An important trait in common is that they apply equally to both a man or a woman, and to both heterosexual sex and homosexual sex:


1.    Violent sex is prohibited. Sexual activity, intercourse in particular, is only permitted between partners who agree freely to the exchange of favors or services producing sexual pleasure, and who will use no form of unwanted and/or damaging violence during the mutual performance. This prohibition however includes not only physical violence, like the sudden rape of an unknown and unwilling women in a public park, but also psychological violence, like a supervisor in a firm seeking or requesting sexual favors from a dependent subordinate, be it a beautiful woman or a handsome young man. This latter case would include even apparently willing dependents when they are only supposedly willing, but not for pure sexual pleasure desired with the supervisor, rather for the sole desire of a promotion while the sexual relation would be entertained with pure disgust. In addition, in a TruthOcracy, any mutilation of the sexual parts of the human body is absolutely prohibited violence, even for religious reasons, including the circumcision practice on minor young boys, or the clitoris excision on minor young girls. It is widely spread in some religious environments, but criminally illegal if not requested formally and freely by a youth over 21. The same prohibited violence applies to transsexual operations on minors below adulthood at age 21. All such practices are also considered violence, brutal and criminal sexual violence, and thus fully prohibited. Adults in turn, when entering their 4th septennial, that is from age 21, can decide for themselves if they want to be sexually mutilated for religious or other purposes, just like they can decide to go for a ‘soft’ assisted death in hospital, or euthanasia, if they freely want it, because for example of too much sufferance due to an incurable disease, or choose to die this way as an alternative, after a death sentence against them for one of the few serious criminal cases where this sentence still exists in a TruthOcracy.   

2.    Pedophile sex is prohibited. Sex between an adult and a minor child below age 15 is real pedophilia and entirely prohibited under any circumstances. To the contrary, sex interest and play between two minors below 15 is not pedophilia. This essay having to do mainly with adult figures of male sexual pleasure, we will center our comments on boys. Boys below age 15, experimenting their blooming sexuality, is natural and inevitable. These boys are already often spontaneously disturbed by regular pleasant erections on a daily basis, and curious to find out more about what is happening to them. For them, it is a completely natural spontaneous phenomenon, but they are pushed to experiment it in a mutual way with other boys companions of their same age, be it only to find out if they experience the same phenomenon. This is all natural and nothing bad as long as no adult pedophile gets in between them and tries to mix with their activity. That same strong natural phenomenon does not exist for minor girls and consequently they are not pushed to experiment as much as boys are. Girls should be left alone, and away from boys, until they get fertile and need to learn all about sex from their loving mothers. Below age 15, boys sexual activity is allowed only between partners of the same age, as spontaneous sex experimenting play. Ideally the experimenting companions should not be of more than 2 to 3 years difference in the same experiment, and certainly never involve the active mix of any adult. These encounters however should happen in a neat appropriate place, hopefully at home instead of outside hiding places, under the discrete background protection of the parents involved, as long as these parents have overcome their prejudices over the basic goodness of joyful sexual experimenting activity for boys in particular. Otherwise, the experimenting must be left entirely to the natural initiative of the growing boys concerned below age 15. Spontaneous erotic caresses, often done through wrestling or touching before age 15 between two boys, based on curiosity and mutual desire to discover, is also natural and to be taken with a smile by adults noticing it, as a charming sign of natural development, let alone an occasion for some possible good counseling on the part of the parents involved.

3.    Anal sex is prohibited. Always! With both men and women! A rectum, or an anus, contrary for example to a mouth that was created to receive something, and thus lends itself to oral sex, an anus was not created to receive anything. An anus has been created only to expel something, and to expel the worst of what humans must reject as dirty excrements. In a TruthOcracy, mixing beautiful sexual sperm with anal sex and excrements is always bad and prohibited on the basis of the criminal code, as clearly a profanation of a sacred substance, thus contrary to nature. Anal sex is certainly also a very dangerous practice from a physical health point of view, be it only because of the excrements involved. Many psychologists also consider it dangerous from a psychological point of view, as a possible means of possession by some satanic forces. It is certainly a known part of the worse satanic liturgies. A person submitted to anal sex without full free consent and explicit desire for it, which is difficult to understand how it could honestly happen, can claim to have been raped, be it a man or a woman, and thus the victim of a crime. This is also why, in a TruthOcracy, homosexuals are allowed to use oral and manual sex most freely, but never anal sex without committing a crime. Of course, in any case, their oral and manual sex, although allowed, must never, when used, fall into the first two prohibitions mentioned above without also committing an additional crime. As mentioned earlier, anal sex, mixing divine sperm with excrements is considered a total profanation of the sacred beauty of the male phallus and of the unique divine procreative power of human sperm. In compensation, oral sex is always permitted freely, for all, be they bisexuals, homosexuals or heterosexuals, in particular if it has to do with the preservation of superior sperm provided by a GHOBOSSO, and a better use of it than its plain elimination as if it were trash. 



Forms of homosexuality based on the above prohibitions.

(In the following order: 1) from absolutely prohibited; 2) to nicely tolerated; 3) to respected and protected; 4) and to fully and openly acceptable)


  1. NAG: Nasty Aggressive Gay (RED LIGHT).
    This is the case of arrogant, often aggressive homosexuals usually participating most noticeably on the frontlines of ugly gay pride manifestations, and proposing no restrictions to gay rights, even no restrictions to the crimes involved in the three prohibitions of a TruthOcracy. This kind of homosexuality is clearly involved in three types of crimes, or is promoting no restriction to three possible types of crimes, and is thus entirely prohibited legally in a TruthOcracy, and prohibited even in terms of promoting the related ideas and lifestyle in front of people in public places.  

  2. RAG: Rough Assailing Gay (YELLOW LIGHT).
    This category of homosexuals is often funnily, if not grossly mannered, but not usually aggressive. The men involved are usually visibly very effeminized. There would be little wrong with them if it were only that. The problem is that they most of the time try to recruit young people to their cause and as partners in their bedrooms. They often assail discretely other people to join them in their lifestyle as an ideal to be followed. Most of them are not front figures, and not disturbing seriously the public decorum in huge manifestations like gay pride. As long as they are not involved in the crimes of the three prohibitions, and not doing proactive open recruiting, they have to be nicely tolerated as having an original and unusual type of life style. At these conditions, even if their lifestyle is debasing, by bad example, the beauty of the manhood of the male man, tolerating them nicely is the proper way to go, as they will not normally change the lifestyle of most other people not having the same tendencies. In any case, they are not causing any serious trouble of good civic order requiring legal intervention.

  3. FAG: False Appearance Gay (BLUE LIGHT).
    For a number of reasons, the FAG is usually uncertain as to where he belongs from a sexual point of view, between the homosexual community and the heterosexual community. He is often a bisexual, usually discrete about his double sexual life. He is not usually involved in the crimes of the three prohibitions. As such, he can only be fully respected as a variety of any other normal person, and even fully protected in his peculiar gender identity and civic rights if and when required. He is not usually causing any nuisance to anybody, and is often of particularly pleasant good company in the presence of other people, let alone often also a real expert of good taste in questions of beauty, elegance and the harmonious maintenance of various types of personal or civic living environments. 

  4. SAG: Soft Appeasing Gay (GREEN LIGHT)
    The SAG is a mix but, at least in appearance, a type of heterosexual more than homosexual. By definition he is never involved in any of the crimes of the three prohibitions. However, such man will occasionally fall into occasions to participate in soft sessions of sexual pleasure with men partners who are homosexuals, or with other heterosexuals who may, with him, provide mutual sexual pleasure that is usually considered homosexual, like mainly mutual masturbation or mutual oral sex. These are the sexual activities that our young TOSPASMO and our GHOBOSSO may quite often get involved in, let alone our MIFSARFO figure, albeit in much rarer occasions. As such, the SAG homosexuality, be it a form of real homosexuality or of a rather occasional peculiar form of heterosexuality, let alone a form of normal TransitOsexuality, as a incidental or accidental safety valve for lack of better options at any given time, or as a sudden pulse of erotic fascination, is fully acceptable as completely normal sexual behavior. Incidents of SAG sexuality should certainly never even be considered shameful, and should always be admitted openly when they happen, certainly in particular by unmarried men, and always worth a good laugh when recalled later on in front of good close friends.    


We have coined the above 4 acronyms to facilitate eventual discussions on the subject of homosexuality. Only the NAG is a prohibited form of homosexuality in a TruthOcracy, and obviously because of a combination of gross violation of the nice decorum of the civic environment and a participation in the Three Prohibitions of sexual activities in a TruthOcracy (that, be it clear, are not prohibited only to homosexuals, but also equally to heterosexuals). The RAG that respects the prohibitions can be nicely tolerated as long as he does not openly recruit, and does not assail roughly anybody to adopt his lifestyle as a model, minor children in particular. The FAG must be fully respected and protected, and often consulted in questions of good taste to improve the beauty our personal and civic environments. The SAG is just another one of us, thus fully accepted by all of us, as any other common person, but maybe often less boring than other common persons, in as much as he may have occasional sexual adventures to mention that might become interesting to hear and talk about while in good intimate company. 






At this point, we have to analyze in more details the 4 new male figures of sexual pleasure that we have so far only briefly introduced with general comments,


  1. the TOSPASMO corresponding to the 3rd septennial of a young man (age 15 to 21),

  2. the GHOBOSSO corresponding to the 4th septennial of a young man (age 22 to 28),

  3. the GOSCROSO that is a minority deviation of a GHOBOSSO (from age 22 and on)

  4. the MIFSARFO corresponding to the 5th septennial of the life of a newly mature man (age 29 to 35 and on). 


We will look at them in the above chronological order of septennials. We will start with the TOSPASMO who is the youngest and more simple new figure. We will continue with the middle figure, the GHOBOSSO along with its minority deviation, the GOSCROSO. The  GHOBOSSO is the most original central figure that consequently requires more analysis and attention. For this reasons, we will analyze the GHOBOSSO figure in 4 different roles of its own. The GHOBOSSO is an essential turning point between the other figures, in the life of a young man on his way to his full sexual maturity. Because of this, most of the more substantial considerations that will be necessary to make about the GHOBOSSO will apply. mutatis mutandis to the other figures that require much less substantial comments. These comments about the GHOBOSSO will apply as a figure that has most likely naturally evolved from a happy pre-septennial as a TOSPASMO, and as being the essential stepping stone to hopefully become an equally happy MIFSARFO.






Having in mind all the above background and considerations of Part 1, we can now talk in a more enlightened way about four 'new' male figures in the field of sexual pleasure that can help immensely improve the present situation of the sexual lifestyle of our society from both a personal and a civic point of view. They include mainly two less known figures, the TOSPASMO and the GHOBOSSO leading to the major figure of the MIFSARFO, for gradually becoming a fully mature and faithful husband and protector of a new family. However, the GHOBOSSO  will give birth to a minority figure, the GOSCROSO, who is a deviation from the GHOBOSSO proper. The central figure however is the GHOBOSSO, who is like a beautiful rose just fully blossomed. The first figure, the TOSPASMO, is like a beautiful rose bud ready for blossoming. The fourth one, the MIFSARFO, is like a mature rose spreading its production of divine reproductive pollen through the intervention of the wind and the work of beehives producing celestial honey for the pleasure of all humanity.



The Younger Figure



TOSPASMO = Temporary Oral Sex Partner Appeasing Sperm Mutual Overproduction


The TOSPASMO is the first, or rather the younger, new male figure in the field of liberty of sexual pleasure. Most of the considerations made further down for the GHOBOSSO, as the second and most central figure, will apply here to the TOSPASMO, mutatis mutandis, and therefore there is no need to repeat them here. Consequently, the writing about this first younger figure of sexual pleasure will be much shorter.


The TOSPASMO has to do with a younger figure than the GHOBOSSO, usually having to do with a young adolescent at the beginning of his sexual activity, in the third septennial of his life, starting around 15 years old, until the beginning of his full sexual readiness for intercourse, in his 4th septennial, starting at about maximum age 22. Most young men during that still young 3rd septennial use mainly masturbation as a sexual activity to relief themselves and experiment their new sex life. Unfortunately they too often do so in hiding, with undeserved strong feelings of shame or guilt. On the other hand, at that age, they are not yet mature enough to engage in proper heterosexual intercourse and face taking charge of all the possible consequences involved with a young female partner who may lose her virginity and may become pregnant, with consequent paternity charges on his behalf or the ugly dealings having to do with abortion. In terms of heterosexual sex, these young male men are caught in a transition period where they either have to use chastity, with all the frustrations and possible aggressive conduct this unnatural status may cause, or risk taking responsibilities they are not yet ready for, including fatherhood and marriage. However, it would be unfair to let them live this dilemma with no sex activity, or only frustrating sexual activity for a few years while their life, at that age, is defined mainly in terms of joy of living with yet no harsh responsibilities to take care of.

On the other hand, these young males live their life with friends who face the exact same dilemma, too often with the exact same feelings of destructive frustration, shame or guilt. Why should they not be allowed to help each other mutually, as temporary oral sex companions? Of course, nothing prevents them to do so with a female partner of their age, but really only as long as it is also limited to oral sex with the younger girl, which is, to say the least, an unfair request from the young girl involved, and maybe even disgraceful, not to say even sometimes disgusting, for her at that young age. But for a male adolescent, oral sex received from a male companion is not much different nor less satisfactory as the one receive from a girl, and does not involved the possible ugly feelings of a young girl about doing it. For most male companions in the same situation, this means nothing disgraceful or disgusting, but rather only male adolescent legitimate fun. As a first stage, it will be easier to start with a male companion who fully understands him spontaneously, as he is facing the same exact difficult reality of sperm overproduction. A second stage will probably naturally lead rather quickly to the search of a female partner, with the growing desire of the young man to acquire full command of heterosexual intercourse as soon as possible, in order to eventually become a husband and a responsible father as a future MIFSARFO.


In his initial approach to experiment sex however, it is important to avoid that the young man uses only, or mainly masturbation in solitude, in particular if it is in a hidden and shameful way. On the other hand, there is nothing shameful in experimenting with a companion who shares the same type of situation during a period of gradual sexual maturity development, rather the opposite. It is something a young man should even be very proud of for receiving friendly help and offering friendly help. But it is important to make sure that this type of joy is shared with a real person, a companion or a partner, not in solitude, as a better preparation stage for the eventual full command of heterosexuality and paternity on the way to becoming a MIFSARFO. As the first letter of the acronym TOSPASMO says, it is, in any case, a 'temporary' period in the process of growing up and attaining sexual maturity.



The Main Central Figure


The GHOBOSSO 4 Different Roles


GHOBOSSO = Godlike Handsome Occasional Benefactor Of Super Sperm Overproduction


A godlike young adult man benefactor of God Eros’ wellbeing on Earth

In 4 different roles or ways:


  1. Physical Reproductive Power, or Pure Pleasure Regenerating Power for Women

  2. Psychological Appeasing and Energizing Power for true natural Homosexual Men

  3. Spiritual Comparison, Affirmation and/or Reassessment Power of Manhood for true Heterosexual Men.

  4. Social Stability Power for another man.




Physical Reproductive or Regenerating Power

For Women


Best sperm producers, in particular from the most handsome and strong healthy young men, should have, or be given an opportunity to offer some of their semen to women instead of just dispersing most of it as if it were useless extra trash, through masturbation, in particular if masturbation is done in isolation with undeserved feelings of shame or guilt. A young man, on the basis of the Pythagorean Septennials (human life/age divided in consecutive periods of 7 years, each with a particular natural purpose), is at the height of his beauty and strength during the 14 years surrounding the beginning of his 4th septennial (at age 28), i.e. between age 21and age 35. This is the span of age during which a GHOBOSSO should normally offer his good services as such for the insemination of a woman with his super sperm overproduction.


Interestingly enough, a woman matures a septennial earlier than a man, while her beauty also starts and fades a septennial earlier, and the height of her full beauty is usually in the 14 years surrounding the beginning of her 3rd septennial (at age 21), i.e. between age 14 and age 28. This is the ideal time when she should make whatever she can to procreate the best possible offspring, as close as possible to age 21, hopefully with a man between 28 and 35, who may or not be her official husband, hopefully with the intervention of a GHOBOSSO for an optimal result, with or without the knowledge and explicit consent of a husband, as an absolute freedom of choice on her side.    


Giving the opportunity to a young man from age 21 to 35 to become a GHOBOSSO is not only acceptable in a TruthOcracy, but even advisable, as long as it is done on a direct and fully open, person-to-person basis, and not on any kind of commercial anonymous basis for exploitation and money profit. This should mean the total inexistence of any kind of anonymous human sperm bank. The donors and receivers must have met in a natural way, and know at least each other’s faces, and maybe their first names, but not necessarily their full names or anything else about their full identity. In any case, knowing each other or not, except for at least their faces, GHOBOSSO benefactors would always offer their superior sperm only directly, face-to-face with their receivers, through regular intercourse, as a free mutual choice of service desired on both sides, and a free mutual risk taken on both sides from a health point of view, without the intervention of any commercial activity, nor any public authority, unless desired by the receiver for related incidental health purposes and, in such case, without revealing to the health laboratory the source of the sperm or the identity of the GHOBOSSO.


Again, to be clear, a TruthOcracy would create the necessary civic culture to ensure there would never be the involvement of any commercial institution in the process, not public nor private, and ensure the donation never be rendered totally anonymous for the receiver. It would also ensure that no kind of exploiting money is involved in the process, not even under the guise of reasons of public health. The process would remain a private kind of private interpersonal contract, and a private risk, agreed on freely between two free persons as a couple of one male and one female. If money is involved, it could only be in terms of a possible gift given freely to the GHOBOSSO, as an expression of gratitude, and/or a possible small fee to cover the potential expenses for having the possibility of receiving the sperm in a discrete place, for full privacy purposes for the two parties involved. Finally, if pregnancy occurred as a result, which is usually the desired result, a TruthOcracy would ensure that there would also be no possible legal link of paternal financial responsibility afterwards for the GHOBOSSO, unless of course the donation involved persons knowing each other’s full identity and agreeing in advance to this link in a more formal legal contractual agreement.


A discrete place for the exchange of this GHOBOSSO service to happen would normally be a private apartment. In a TruthOcracy, it could also be a designated special room of a well-controlled public brothel offering also this special so-called TONFASUS space, over and above the other regular traditional sexual pleasure services to two partners offered through prostitutes. However, the GHOBOSSO is not a male prostitute, and the TONFASUS special space of a brothel would be strictly regimented legally as TONFASUS space, not as brothel space, and used on the basis of a very minimal accommodation fee, or even the provision of the designated TONFASUS room free of charge if and when there is no other brothel close by to which it could be attached. In this latter case, it could be part of brothels obtaining their license for their business involving their other regular commercial sexual services in their brothel. The special TONFASUS-designated room would always be officially pre-assigned on an appointment basis, and the GHOBOSSO would come in to use it accompanied by the partner, together and at the same time, with whom he would have already made an agreement before arrival.  


It is important to stress that GHOBOSSO benefactors cannot, absolutely not, be considered male prostitutes. Other persons working as common male prostitutes can still exist and work as such quite freely within the limits of the three mentioned prohibitions. A GHOBOSSO can never be considered a male prostitute, not even when, as we will see further down, he may get involved in some limited or pseudo-homosexual activity in his Role 2. Maybe we should have called this new figure, in the field of sexual pleasure, a TONFASUS (Transitosexual Old-New Figures And Services Used Sagely) provider, or more simply a sperm provider. This is primarily what they may appear to be, but only in first appearance. More than providers, they are donators, in the sense of benefactors. A provider of common sexual pleasure works for clients that he or she tries to recruit for a fee. Such providers, male or female, are common prostitutes. A benefactor donator does not work for clients that choose him as a provider, and pay him a fee.


In fact, a benefactor donator acts in reverse. As a donator-benefactor, he chooses freely himself the persons to whom he thinks he can offer some of God Eros’ wellbeing on earth by taking them as sexual partners when these persons have shown and produced an attraction to him as a desired sex partner. In addition, a benefactor will lend himself to this partnership only if his fans are of a pleasing nature to him as possible sexual partners, and only if these partners accept to have absolutely anything to do with the 3 prohibitions mentioned already, in particular the absolute prohibition of anal sex. Contrary to prostitutes, GHOBOSSO Benefactors get involved only with pleasant partners of their own choice. Furthermore, they do so only occasionally, when they feel ready for it and in need of disposing of some of their overproduction of sperm in the best possible way. This is why, for clarity and convenience, we have coined a new word for their name, as an acronym that describes as completely as possible the various parameters of their activity: GHOBOSSO (Godlike Handsome Occasional Benefactor Of Superior Sperm Overproduction). In a TruthOcracy, the work involved, or rather the partnership involved, must always be seen, socially speaking, as a very decent and honorable personal activity, admired and respected with gratitude by all in the society, somewhat like a society will do for its own best national sport champions.


Useless to say that such basic good consideration should also exist for the activity of normal prostitutes working in a well-maintained brothel, be they female or male, albeit in a less admirable way, because they fill another more basic function that is also important to the wellbeing of a society. This should be the case at least when these prostitutes behave professionally and responsibly, working on their own and only for their own legitimate business fees, only using approved brothels as an accommodation facility for reasons of privacy, as a kind of special hotel, with no pimp in between, and with proper discretion and decorum, rather than working indecently on dirty obscure streets. Prostitutes work essentially for business, and do business for money, usually attached to a brothel as their current and most constant daily working place. The difference is that a GHOBOSSO is never attached to a brothel on a stable and continuous daily basis, like a prostitute usually is, waiting for clients. A GHOBOSSO uses a TONFASUS space in a brothel only on an occasional or accidental basis, when there is no other better solution for discretion purposes. The GHOBOSSO does not either work on the basis of a catalogue of prices for a wide variety of professional sexual services with corresponding fees, like prostitutes do. In principle he even works for free. Occasionally, when in a situation of need, he may choose to lend himself to a partnership for some money being gently offered to him, but never as a prerequisite essential fee on his part. In any case, nothing prevents him from accepting unexpected gifts when they are offered to him after the encounter.


It is important to stress here again that for the main Role 1, the possible insemination of a woman, the sexual service would always be provided openly, only on an open face-to-face basis, in the willing presence of the woman involved, and with her participation, if so desired, in the pleasure accompanying the acquisition of the semen, in whatever pleasant form is agreeable to the two partners. However, the insemination does not have to necessarily be attempted directly or immediately, by intercourse with the orgasm of the GHOBOSSO. The ejaculated sperm could also be provided to the women in a proper insemination kit to be taken home for use by her at the most appropriate moment of fertility indicated by her uterus temperature in the following day or two. In this way the woman ensures the possibility of having and outstanding quality of sperm for insemination at the best possible moment, for best possible offspring reproduction. God bless her, the sperm benefactor, and the coming baby if the process is successful, of whatever sex the baby may be.


It is useless to add that any women, even an older one after menopause, could also try to have an encounter with a GHOBOSSO for the sole sexual pleasure of it, as long as she preserved her body into a state that could still attract the GHOBOSSO, as he is not a male prostitute, but a benefactor of pleasure that also corresponds to his own pleasure in relation to an overproduction of his superior sperm.


In any case, in all the above pleasant encounters with a GHOBOSSO, a woman could not legally force the former to accept paternal responsibility for a child that may be procreated in the process, be the pregnancy the intended objective of the woman for insemination purposes, or an accident during an encounter for pure sexual pleasure.




Psychological Appeasing and Energizing Power

For True Homosexual Men


Taking into consideration the need of a good social order that must also give a chance to homosexuals to express their true nature with the best possible decorum, the work of the GHOBOSSO may also include another possible service, as Role 2, in addition to helping the insemination of a woman with best possible sperm (seen in its Role 1). That service has to do with the provision of oral and/or manual sex performed on the GHOBOSSO by an interested homosexual man who may strongly desire to have access to sexual pleasure with a particularly handsome young adult man, and possibly ingest the sperm of the GHOBOSSO involved because he believes it helps his wellbeing.


In principle this special service would involve only and exclusively oral and/or manual sex in a one-way form, practiced on the GHOBOSSO, usually with no corresponding similar action by the GHOBOSSO on the body of the homosexual partner concerned. In any case, the service would certainly never include any anal sex, as anal sex is always prohibited in a TruthOcracy, equally prohibited with both men and women, as one of the 3 criminal prohibitions.


Apart from this special service to homosexuals, with good decorum, as a good contribution to their appeasement and wellbeing within a civic community, the GHOBOSSO lives a normal heterosexual life and has a normal work to do on a daily basis. He never waits in a brothel, exposing himself as a male prostitute waiting for clients.


When the GHOBOSSO encounters homosexual men, during his normal daily work and social life, who may express the wish to use his sexual services as a GHOBOSSO, because of his special beauty and strength as a young man, knowing or not their mutual identity, the GHOBOSSO will agree to do so only if he himself feels completely free and happy to do so with the person proposing it and, of course, if he himself also feels ready for it, charged with an overproduction of sperm he would happily like to dispose of for the pleasure of the homosexual concerned. This is certainly not the case with the prostitute who cannot easily refuse the approach of a client even if she is not pleased with him. Contrary to a prostitute, the GHOBOSSO will use the discrete TONFASUS area of a brothel only if and when it is really required because he and the homosexual involved cannot offer a private discrete accommodation for the privacy of the service. 




Spiritual Comparison, Affirmation or Reassessment Power

Of Manhood For True Heterosexual Men


Here is the possible third role or function that can be well fulfilled by a good GHOBOSSO, certainly the most unexpected service of the 3, and probably the most controversial one on the basis of the existing prejudices regarding sexual pleasure in general.

We have described the Role 2 of a GHOBOSSO (the acquisition and possible ingestion of superior quality sperm from a particularly strong and handsome young man by a homosexual) as legitimate and relevant to the appeasement and wellbeing of the homosexual community of a society.


However, a similar service can also be provided for other purposes to a man who is perfectly heterosexual. The users who are homosexuals or bisexuals will usually fall in the Role 2 of the services mentioned above from a GHOBOSSO. But the GHOBOSSO can also be useful to heterosexuals or those who may be temporarily bisexuals, or TransitOsexuals as part for example of quite a natural manly transition while growing up.

When growing up, from teenage to adulthood, a young man, maybe even the majority of young men, often feel a strong curiosity and desire to be able compare his male sexual attributes to those of other men, in particular to compare the size of his beautiful penis when it is in full erection, and to explore variety new ways that masturbation can used to enjoy sex, as best as possible, comparing his own way and the experience of other men, before he will have a chance to express himself better and fully, when becoming an adult man, through normal intercourse as a MIFSARFO. If this natural and normal curiosity is well satisfied at a young age, in the first years of his teenage, usually during the 3rd septennial (age 14 to 21), through probably ‘funny’ pseudo-homosexual experiences, this might just be the end of this desire. If however the young man keeps feeling some bisexual or TransitOsexual desires from that transition, he may still want to have further experiences after that transition, albeit probably only on a very occasional or ‘accidental’ basis, in particular when he encounters an exceptionally strong and attractive young man. These feelings, similar to the ones of a fully homosexual man, at least in kind if not in quantity or continuity, have to not be forcefully refrained, or completely frustrated, for the wellbeing of the persons involved, and thus for also the wellbeing of the community in general.


Most older men in turn, even those without any usual bisexual or homosexual attraction, keep a strong curiosity and fascination not to say admiration, all their life, for the beauty and power of their own phallus and the comparable one of other men but, in any case, independently of the phallus symbol, for the sheer pure beauty of perfect manly body that they constantly try to emulate as much as possible. This may explain why the history of fine arts, from the ancient times of the best Greek (ELLINAS) and the Roman civilizations, was so much marked by the beauty of the abundant sculptures of the most possible perfect representation of the human male body. This fascination is also why, when using pornography, most men get sexually aroused not only by the beauty of the women involved, but also by the beauty and power of the phallus of the handsome young man involved.


In addition, after in particular the completion of their normal best 3 septennial periods for sexual intercourse and reproduction purposes (between age 28 and 49), during which they had no more desires or admiration for the possible pleasures provided by a GHOBOSSO, they may easily feel a return of such desires as an occasional pleasant fantasy after the completion of their 7th septennial (from about age 50 onwards), when they may also feel they are starting to lose some of their best sexual attributes of manhood. Again here, this is a perfectly legitimate kind of concern, and related fantasy, and desire for a mature man. Similarly, we have seen that older women after menopause can still use a GHOBOSSO, as long as they preserved their body in a shape that can still make it attractive to the GHOBOSSO as he is not a male prostitute, but a benefactor of pleasure related to an overproduction of his superior sperm. The same can apply to both a mature man and a mature woman. 


As we have already seen, superior sperm, as best possible sperm, is a very precious substance, and using it sagely, including by ingestion, can also have all sorts of meaningful benefits for any other man, possibly both physically and psychologically. The sheer psychological effects of the joyful participation in the acquisition, and the possible following ingestion of sperm, from an outstandingly handsome young man, can reinforce the manhood of many normal heterosexual men who may feel capable of, and anxious to enjoying it, the weaker and older men in particular. To have full psychological benefits however, the exchange has to be done on the basis of a free choice, and of a mutually happy and joyful encounter, as an unprejudiced agreement between two men partners acting openly face-to-face for the improved wellbeing of each other.


If the new figure of a particularly strong and handsome GHOBOSSO can have a major main role in a society in helping women generate a best possible offspring, it can also have another role, probably a less major one, but none the less an important one, in helping a man to express freely his free nature, if he is a homosexual, or to reinforce his attributes of manhood, if he is a heterosexual, be it possibly only a psychological reinforcement of manhood based on the good example of superior manhood observed during the close encounter with a particularly strong and handsome GHOBOSSO.




GOSCROSO = (Ghobosso Oral Sex Contractual Relationship Of Sperm Overproduction).


Social Stability Power

For Man


This is the case of a GHOBOSSO choosing not to be an occasional benefactor of sperm anymore, as he usually mainly is, by normal definition. In this case, for whatever reason, he suddenly chooses to become a permanent provider of sperm overproduction in a contractual relationship with another person. We are talking with another man, because if it were with a woman, it would not be any special type of special male sexual pleasure service, which is the matter of this essay.


A GOSCROSO, or a special type of GHOBOSSO can do this for an indefinite period of time, if not possibly permanently, and in exclusivity for the chosen partner, similar to what happens normally with sexual relations in a formal marriage between a man and a woman. He can choose to do so for free, for pure love, but also for a combination of love and of his own long-term interests. The legal gay marriage proper, as we know it in many western countries, does not exist in a TruthOcracy but the Parriage relationship that would exist in this case would be perfectly legal. 


More specifically, a good alternative to the prohibited gay marriage does exist. It is a gay-like permanent contractual relationship. It does exist legally, but is called by a new word being coined: a Parriage. This arrangement is legal as long as it does not involve any of the Three Prohibitions of a TruthOcracy regarding sexual relations (violence, pedophilia and anal sex). In a TruthOcracy, the word “Marriage” is strictly reserved for traditional heterosexual weddings between a man and a woman. Parriage means a relationship between a “par”, or two persons of sexual parity, that is persons of the same sex (two men or two women). Thus a PARriage. Both partners might be homosexuals, but not necessarily so. One, or even both, may very well be bisexual or even not a real homosexual at all. The new acronym GOSCROSO is also clear as to the fact that this stable exclusive sexual relationship between two men is only and exclusively in terms of oral sex, never in terms of anal sex. As such, those two men, loving each other, and being part of an informal GOSCROSO partnership, or a formal Parriage, should only be proud of it in front of all those who may know them or get to know them.


However, apart from the Three Prohibitions of sexual relations in a TruthOcracy, and in exchange for this freedom and protection, GOSCROSO partners are prevented from other few initiatives compared to heterosexual couples. First and foremost, they cannot adopt babies or children in their first two septennial of life (age 0 to 14), only children at least in their third septennial (from at least age 15). In addition, these older candidates for adoption must express this desire themselves explicitly in front of a notary and two unrelated witnesses, and with the opinion of any living biological parent (mother and/or father) also present at that time and to be considered by the notary public. Second, they cannot proactively promote their lifestyle to young people publicly nor privately anywhere and in any form. Their recruiting, if any, can only be done indirectly, by their good example being discretely attractive to other young men when this is spontaneously their case.


As a last point, it is quite obvious that the GHOBOSSO individuals who will evolve to become GOSGROSO companions in a "Parriage" with another man will be only a small minority, probably around 10% maximum of the GHOBOSSO population, but a minority to be accepted as totally normal, that is as a natural proportion of such men in any society. Instead, the majority of probably at least about 90% of of the GHOBOSSO population will naturally evolve to become happy MIFSARFO husbands in a regular "Marriage" with a woman. Within these, another about 10% of those 90% living happily in a marriage may also do so while maintaining or acquiring along the way a Platonic Love (of an Antinous type of inspirational relationship: see below) not normally involving any regular sexual relations in this case but, as a consequence, for the good of all parties involved in the improved endeavors of the life of the lucky MIFSARFO.




Most and foremost, because all male youths in the country will have had a chance to evolve naturally without prejudice through the 3 natural stages of attaining freely manhood sexual maturity, from TOSPASMO to GHOBOSSO to MIFSARFO, our society shall find itself in the end with a much smaller amount of hard core extravagant male homosexuals behaving aggressively or offensively, certainly too often degradingly (like some of it can be deducted in an above picture), destroying or debasing uselessly along the way the beautiful manhood of so many handsome young men in our last few generations, those we should be so proud of for their magnificent masculine attributes, or degrading the good social decorum of the civic environments where they live, let alone promoting unfairly, not to say too often criminally from the point of view of the three prohibitions of sexual relations of a TruthOcracy. Implementing the above new roles in having access to sexual pleasure would reduce the spreading of the odd ways of hardcore homosexuals towards other young men they are trying to recruit to their ugly lifestyle instead of letting those pure innocent young men evolve freely by themselves, each their own way, without prejudice, through the 3 natural stages of attaining great manhood sexual maturity. Evolving freely via those 3 stages, from TOSPASMO to GHOBOSSO to MIFSARFO, shall increase the manhood of many more men than those we have today in our decadent society.


The TOSPASMO will quickly get 'tired' of his limited oral sexual pleasure activity with a par companion, and search for something more with the help of some of his chosen girlfriends or more mature women. He will also soon seek to be introduced to a good professional woman prostitute, likely by a friend acting as a GHOBOSSO Trainer if he has one, with the latter even acting in a trio situation if necessary to break the ice for the TOSPASMO at the beginning, with the trio acting with perfect decorum in a proper environment. The same kind of restlessness that may soon affect a TOSPASMO with his limited sexual pleasure activity will also soon happen to the GHOBOSSO who will feel more and more the need for experimenting gradually with a women, achieving more and more sexual stability with some of them. Gradually but surely, most young men of the fist two stages (TOSPASMO and GHOBOSSO) will reach the level of being happy MIFSARFO individuals turning happily their backs to the previous two stages, and becoming faithful husbands and most responsible and protective husbands and fathers for a beautiful brand new family with the best possible spouse they could find. The few GHOBOSSO men who will take the route of becoming happy GOSCROSO individuals along the process, for a natural dominant homosexual inclination, or for a legitimate vested interests, will also be most respectable members of their community, most probably behaving only with good decorum, and accepted fully as such by the society in which they live. All three categories of individuals will have gradually improved their competence and happiness from a sexual pleasure point of view, and society will also be in a much better state of good civic conduct for the increased pleasure of the rest of us to admire them.       






In a TruthOcracy, independently from the four incidental GHOBOSSO services mentioned above, that have nothing to do with prostitution, normal traditional brothels are official public institutions working discretely, but most openly in terms of access by adults (age 16 at least, if coming in alone, or from also age 13 to 15 if brought in by the father of a happy consenting teenager for good sexual intercourse initiation and experience purposes). Such brothels operate in places well known to, and respected by the community involved, without ever any street work of any prostitute, and without ever the possible legal involvement of any pimp in between.


A good father, or a good friend GHOBOSSO Trainer can help a TOSPASMO to have safe and pleasant first access to a professional woman prostitute for sexual intercourse. If a father does not have the confidence to accompany his son to the reception of a brothel, or is not capable or willing to do it for any reason, a teenager TOSPASMO can also be brought in to a brothel by a good friend GHOBOSSO, possibly introduced discretely to him as such by the father or the single mother. That GHOBOSSO can serve as a friendly guide on the longer path of that adolescent from being a TOSPASMO to adulthood as a good MIFSARFO, possibly via being also a GHOBOSSO along the way. If necessary for breaking the ice in the brothel at the beginning, for the first few occasions, the two young men can even act together as a three-leaf trio with a lady prostitute, at least for the very first few times, as symbolized by the Three-Leaf Sexual Symbol down to the right.


This would give access to the TOSPASMO to both the oral sex that he knows well already as an experienced TOSPASMO, possibly done on the GHOBOSSO, and to vaginal sex, at the same time, with the lady chosen for the experiments, until the TOSPASMO will get to be completely comfortable to start going and act on his own in future occasions. As long as no anal sex takes place between the trio of adults, which would ruin the sacred character of such occasion, let alone its legality in a TruthOcracy, the event is perfectly legal, legitimate, beautiful and only to be grateful for in front of whoever gets to know about it. 


In such brothels, the agreement on the price of the various types of sexual pleasure services from a normal traditional prostitute is a personal ‘contract’. The price is agreed on, completely freely, between the partners, and with regular tax being paid to the state. The contractual money only gets to the prostitute directly, while the public brothel receives only a prepaid small fee as a proper temporary room accommodation facility for the accompanying GHOBOSSO.


However, in the special TONFASUS section of a brothel used by GHOBOSSO benefactors, prices for the 4 kinds of roles or services of a GHOBOSSO are necessarily only very small fees, strictly for privacy and discrete housing purposes, and firmly controlled by the government as such. Of course, a possible gift offered to the GHOBOSSO by the service receiver could be, and would be only a personal gesture of gratitude that the GHOBOSSO could accept freely, even tax free, like in the case of a small gift between two good friends.  


ThreeLeafLoveTrioThe above TONFASUS  facility of a brothel applies mainly to heterosexual relations, having to do mainly with the insemination of a woman. However, as we have seen, it may also apply to some limited forms of pseudo-homosexual relations if both partners agree freely to the service. This latter involvement with men clients does not mean however that a GHOBOSSO is necessarily a homosexual. He may be but, in most cases, he is not. He may well be bisexual. It is important to stress that in the case of pseudo-homosexual activity, the agreement could be only and exclusively for oral and/or manual sex being performed, but in most cases only by the sperm receiver on the giving GHOBOSSO, unless the GHOBOSSO agrees to a mutual and/oral exchange, and asks explicitly for it, without being pressured or unduly instigated for it.


Again here, within the limits if the 3 prohibitions mentioned above, there is nothing wrong, nor shameful, nor sinful, in this practice of sexual pleasure that has existed for millennia in most societies with the lack of openness and a lack of a proper name. For the GHOBOSSO, as a young man, the pleasure of receiving oral and/or manual sex pleasure from another man is not much different than receiving it from a woman. For that GHOBOSSO, it can be just another way, as an original and joyful way, to use the safety valve for his natural overproduction of sperm.


For the homosexual receiver, it is certainly an excellent way to finally be able to express freely, within the society where he lives, what he considerers to be his real and best nature, as a personal condition that he accepts without prejudice and that others should also accept without prejudice. This discrete and effective expression of homosexual feelings and actions, on the part of the homosexual portion of the population, as a proportion that has always existed, in any community, is also a very important part of having a harmonious social and civic environment, as long as the 3 following prohibitions are respected. In addition, the ingestion of superior sperm, as best possible human sperm, through oral sex, can also be an excellent anti-depressant and good positive vitality booster, at least psychologically if not physically, for the homosexuals, bisexuals or willing heterosexuals concerned.


Having a chance to do such ingestion from a particularly handsome young man, which is the case of most GHOBOSSO benefactors, by definition, is only the realization of a positive and legitimate desire, somehow equivalent to a fully straight man desiring having sex with the most possible beautiful woman. The semen being absorbed is basically only an excellent physical nutriment and food supplement, with plenty of good vitamins and chemicals, according to reports of many serious medical researchers in this field. Psychologically it is the symbol of the ingestion of the best possible human manly forces produced by nature. God bless the joy of the happy donor and the acquired wellbeing of the happy receiver.


In a TruthOcracy, apart from contained homo-like relations through some of the roles of a GHOBOSSO who, again, is usually a particularly manly handsome young man, normal common people of no particular beauty, at least compared to the typical GHOBOSSO who is most of the time, by definition, outstandingly attractive, both main stream men and women can freely exchange services of sexual pleasure between themselves, as homosexuals, bisexuals or heterosexuals, but essentially only in manual or oral sex activity, and only as long as they respect the three prohibitions of a TruthOcracy, let alone the additional guidelines of the various roles.


In exchange for this new freedom of expression of their true nature and feelings, in conditions of decent privacy, homosexuals, in a TruthOcracy accept not to be allowed, on the basis of infractions to the criminal code, to recruit openly on the streets, or in any other public places, just like prostitutes are not allowed to recruit clients legally on the streets, for decorum purposes.


Homosexuals also accept not to be allowed to organize any wide public gay pride demonstrations of any kind proposing their lifestyle as an ideal to the proposed to people, to the younger generations in particular. 


On the other hand, within these guidelines, and in respect of the 3 formal prohibitions of a TruthOcracy, homosexuals are fully protected for their personal lifestyle, and can never be discriminated in any way shape or form. The main prohibition in their lifestyle is in terms of anal sex, which is always prohibited, for all, but it is prohibited equally for both men and women. Anal sex, mixing divine sperm with excrements, is considered a total profanation of the sacred beauty of the male phallus and of the unique divine procreative power of human sperm. In compensation, oral sex is always permitted freely for all, be they bisexuals, homosexuals or heterosexuals, in particular if it has to do with the preservation of superior sperm provided by a GHOBOSSO and a better use of it than its plain elimination like trash.


As a last point and last consideration, it is interesting that a GHOBOSSO encounter could well be planned in advance during what a TruthOcracy allows, with the consent of both married partners of a marriage, as a DIDLA (Discrete Double Life Agreement) and/or WLiW (White Lie Weekend) before all children are grown up to age 16 if this can preserve the continuity and harmony of a family with growing minor children. As it is a “White Lie”, as a fact known and discretely formally implemented by both persons involved, it does not contradict the basic “Truth” principle of a TruthOcracy.   


Here is a most beautiful example of what a handsome Godlike GHOBOSSO benefactor could look like.

His beauty shall remain anonymous because the concept he is nicely called to represent is universal

He is “Godlike Handsome”, but not only in body beauty, also in soul beauty,

through his virtuous behavior

after the holistic Pythagorean Tetractys ELLducation of his soul




Within the limits of the above THREE PROHIBITIONS, sexual activity should be considered a divine pleasure, to be enjoyed fully legitimately and with gratefulness to our God creator. Of course, in addition to the above 3 strict criminal prohibitions, there are also other limits and prohibitions punishable under various laws, including the NAG extravagant homosexual activity mentioned above.


Additional prohibitions certainly include incest, sex with animals, exaggerated fetishism or masochism that may cause harm to one of the partners etc. More than prohibitions, these activities should be considered an unnatural ailment, and be cured accordingly with the help of the best medical specialists of these fields.


The only other additional important guidelines, more than prohibitions, as part of good education, or rather ELLducation, should be in terms of avoiding excessive sexual activity, quantitatively speaking, to the detriment of other types of beautiful human activities having nothing to do with sexual pleasure. Excesses in sexual activity should not be impeaching on the wide variety of other normal and beautiful activities of the human being from an intellectual, artistic, professional or social point of view.


On the other hand, a negative excess, quantitatively speaking, as a life with practically no sexual activity, or too little sexual activity, should also to be considered an excess, and thus a prohibition, as it can only produce psychological disequilibrium and dangerous aggressiveness, and also prevent the good expression of other important human activities that have nothing to do with sex. This is why chastity, in a TruthOcracy, is never considered to be good for the individuals concerned and even dangerous for the harmony of the civic environment where too many individuals practicing chastity with resulting aggressiveness would live.


Equilibrium and control, sometimes called the “Just Measure” in a philosophical context, marking the qualities of the best athletes, should be the main guiding lines of the related sexual education provided by parents, and part of what we call ELLducation in a TruthOcracy. Useless to say that in a TruthOcracy, sexual education of minors is always reserved exclusively to the parents of the children concerned, or to educators chosen explicitly by these parents for that specific purpose, under their own possible surveillance and participation as parents, and never left to a regular public school teacher or religious official not chosen specifically for that purpose.


The main ultimate purpose of sexuality should remain human reproduction. However, human beings, contrary to other animals, have a special kind of sexuality that can also be used most legitimately occasionally for pure personal pleasure only, in many instances, if not most instances, independently of reproduction purposes. This is a grace that only human beings have received, compared to the other kingdoms of nature, and all humans should be grateful for it to their God creator. Sex of human beings can serve also as a superior expression of love in relation to certain other persons outside of the immediate family environment and, here again, for reasons of not contradicting nature.


Young men in particular have been created, and been obviously planned by nature, for not using and dispersing their sperm mainly in their own immediate environment, but to go and disperse it usefully in as many places as possible around the world, while moving away from their family or place of birth as much as possible. Sexual relations with close relatives can be catastrophic for the genetics of offspring and, in any case, usually psychologically very bad for young men and women, children in particular. This is why marriage with close family related persons is legally prohibited, and incest in particular is considered in a horrific way by all civilizations. Blood mixture from totally unrelated persons is also the best way to ensure that the offspring within the same race usually get stronger and more beautiful.


If we can use in a better manner the producers of best possible sperm along the way, from the so-called GHOBOSSO benefactors, to achieve better offspring from women, as a main objective, but also for other good social and psychological purposes associated to the inevitable natural proportion of men who are homosexuals, or for heterosexuals in need of reinforcing their manhood, be it physically or only psychologically, all the better. Humanity should be proud and grateful for it, and our God creator shall certainly be pleased. 


A short summary follows about the main characteristics of a GHOBOSSO





(Godlike Handsome Occasional Benefactor Of Superior Sperm Overproduction)


The main characteristics of a GHOBOSSO benefactor, in point form, are the following.


1.    GHOBOSSO is a new acronym coined from the initials of 7 main words: Godlike Handsome Occasional Benefactor Of Superior Sperm Overproduction. The coining is done with a bit of humor, but the subject is nevertheless very serious. The name is new and crudely descriptive, but its reality is humanly beautiful and most ancient.  

2.    A GHOBOSSO is, by definition, a superior young adult man in terms of beauty and strength, and usually unmarried. As such, he produces an abundant overproduction of superior quality sperm, or semen that has not to be dispersed as trash through mainly masturbation, and preserved as much as possible for better uses. He wants to make that overproduction of best possible sperm available to both women and men for various good purposes as a benefactor, including for his own good and pleasure.

3.    On the basis of the Pythagorean Septennials of the span of a human lifetime divided in useful periods of 7 years, with each special characteristics, from age 7 to 77, a GHOBOSSO is ideally one between age 28 and 35, not normally over 42, and never below age 21. 

4.    He gets known as a GHOBOSSO through only word of mouth, within his own community, and never through any media publicity. Apart from this additional occasional function, he has a normal life, and a normal work to do within his community. However, when he acts as a GHOBOSSO, he acts directly and openly as such, face to face with his partner during a happy interpersonal encounter of good sexual pleasure for the 2 involved.

5.    He is not a male prostitute, and is never attached to a brothel waiting for clients. However, in a TruthOcracy, brothels are official institutions and must have a special section called TONFASUS (Transitosexual Old-New Figures And Services Used Sagely) that is usually an appendix with a separate entrance. That TONFASUS space must have at least a couple of rooms with a reserved bathroom, kept perfectly clean at all times. That special area is reserved for the exclusive use by GHOBOSSO benefactors on a booking basis for only a minimal accommodation fee. In the absence of a brothel near by, the same thing may be requested by the city from some hotels, as part of obtaining their license, when desired for more security, with these hotels providing small single rooms at much reduced prices for up to a 3 hours stay, while keeping the IDs of both partners at the reception on arrival, for both these IDs to be withdrawn on departure, but only by both partners together, in presence of each other, in front of the receptionist ensuring they both leave unharmed, and hopefully pleased, in order to ensure maximum security.  

6.    GHOBOSSO benefactors never wait in any TONFASUS (Transitosexual Old-New Figures And Services Used Sagely) section, waiting for clients, like prostitutes would do. They make all their encounter arrangements prior to coming in, on a booking basis, and they only come in while accompanied by their partner. These partners may not know each other full identity, but usually at least their first names and certainly their respective faces. GHOBOSSO benefactors never work through full anonymousness.

7.    The GHOBOSSO most important function is to provide high quality sperm to a women wanting to become pregnant and get the best possible offspring. The semen can only be provided through a direct encounter, usually enjoyed with abundant sexual pleasure on both sides, but never anonymously without direct encounter. The sperm can be provided through normal intercourse, but also be obtained through oral or manual sex done by the women involved on the GHOBOSSO. In this latter case, it can also be gathered in a proper insemination kit to be given to the women, for her to take it home for self-insemination at her best time of fertility indicated by a small increase of temperature of the internal side of her vagina in the following day or two. 

8.    The second important function of a GHOBOSSO is one of social wellbeing with regards to the most harmonious possible expressions of the feelings of the men who belong to the homosexual group of the community of the GHOBOSSO. The GHOBOSSO can provide sperm for ingestion by homosexuals, thus helping them to express well what they think is their best real nature. This would only be done legally within the limits of the 3 prohibitions of a TruthOcracy in the field of sexual pleasure, which means mainly that it would never include any anal sex, active or passive, but strictly only oral and/or manual sex practiced on the GHOBOSSO by the homosexual partner. The GHOBOSSO is usually not a homosexual, at least in most cases. For him, receiving oral sex pleasure from a man is not much different than receiving it from a woman. On the other hand, providing his overproduction of superior quality sperm for ingestion through oral sex by a homosexual is better for the GHOBOSSO than dispersing it like trash through masturbation. By the same token, the GHOBOSSO is being useful to the wellbeing of the community of homosexuals that have a better chance to express themselves freely in what they feel is their best real nature. In the few cases where the GHOBOSSO may also be himself a homosexual, he may, as his own decision, without being forced into it, exchange the same service to his partner but, again, only through oral and/or manual sex pleasure.  

9.    The third service provided by a GHOBOSSO also has some social wellbeing relevance, but in relation to the heterosexual men as opposed to homosexuals. As mentioned above, when growing up, from teenage to adulthood, a young man, maybe even the majority of young men, often feel a strong curiosity and desire to be able compare his male sexual attributes to those of other men, in particular to compare the size of his beautiful penis when it is in full erection, and to explore the variety of new ways that he can use masturbation to enjoy sex, as best as possible, compared to the experience of other men, before he will have a chance to express himself better and fully, when becoming an adult man, through normal intercourse with a woman. If this natural and normal curiosity is well satisfied at a young age, in the first years of his teenage, usually during the 3rd septennial (age 14 to 21), through probably ‘funny’ pseudo-homosexual experiences, this might just be the end of this desire. If however the young man keeps feeling some bisexual desires from after that transition, he may still want to have further experiences after that transition, albeit probably only on a very occasional or ‘accidental’ basis, in particular when he encounters an exceptionally strong and attractive young man. These feelings, somewhat similar to the ones of a fully homosexual man, at least in kind if not in quantity or continuity, have to not be forcefully refrained, or completely frustrated, for the wellbeing of the persons involved, and thus for also the wellbeing of the community in general. Older men, after the completion of their normal best 3 septennial periods for sexual intercourse and reproduction purposes (between age 28 and 49), during which they had no more desires for the possible pleasures provided by a GHOBOSSO, may feel a return of such desire as an occasional pleasant fantasy after the completion of their 7th septennial (from about age 50 onwards), when they may also feel they are starting to loose some of their best sexual attributes of manhood. Again here, this is a perfectly legitimate kind of concern and related fantasy and desire. Useless to say that superior sperm, as best possible human sperm, is a very precious substance, and using it sagely, including by ingestion, can also have all sorts of meaningful benefits for any other man, possibly both physically and psychologically. The sheer psychological effects of the joyful participation in the acquisition, and the possible following ingestion of sperm, from an outstandingly handsome young man, can reinforce the manhood of many men who may feel capable of, and anxious to enjoying it, the weaker and older men in particular. To have full psychological benefits however, the exchange has to be done on the basis of a mutual free choice, and of a happy and joyful encounter, as an unprejudiced agreement between two men partners acting openly face-to-face for the improved wellbeing of each other.

10.  The natural point of arrival of a handsome GHOBOSSO benefactor, hopefully after having been previously a joyful TOSPASMO, is best possible faithful sexual life as a confident procreator, lover, husband and father. This is the point of arrival of a free and joyfully acquired sexual maturity, in a brand new cycle of life, starting usually with his 5th septennial (age 28 to 35), as a MIFSARFO.

GHOBOSSO In a nutshell


If the new figure of a particularly strong and beautiful GHOBOSSO can have a major main role in a society in helping women generate a best possible offspring, that GHOBOSSO can also have another role, probably a less major one, but nonetheless an important one, in helping another man to express freely his free nature, if he is a homosexual, albeit within the THREE PROHIBITIONS mentioned above, or to reinforce his attributes of manhood, if he is a heterosexual, be it possibly only a psychological reinforcement of manhood based on a good example of a sexually active superior young man observed and/or enjoyed during a close encounter with oral and/or manual sex pleasure, mutual or not. The help to a woman is reserved through mainly intercourse for insemination purposes, but the occasional help of a woman to a man through oral sex can also be possible without absorbing an exaggerated quantity of male testosterone that could possibly harm her beautiful feminine nature. The related sexual pleasure through manual and oral sex on the GHOBOSSO is certainly available to both women and men equally, while anal sex is always strictly prohibited to both men and women.  


Within these parameters, and in full respect of the 3 prohibitions mentioned earlier, effective within a TruthOcracy, all citizen partners in sexual pleasure should use freely the beautiful new figure of a GHOBOSSO benefactor, with best possible enjoyment for each partner concerned, and be only grateful to their God Creator. Their society shall also be pleased with the additional happiness and social wellbeing provided to more of its citizens, and even their good God Creator shall be pleased with the joyful behavior of the persons involved.


A TruthOcracy in turn is proud to include this new figure of sexual pleasure as a part of its ELLducation (Enlightened Logos Liberty Education) of joyful freedom, even if it is only a very minimal and secondary part of this holistic Tetractys formation to better personal and civic life.  


In closing, we can stress once again that in spite of all the fake and ugly prejudices surrounding its production, too often in terms of sin or shameful action, human male sperm is a very important substance. It is even a divine substance in its procreative power and co-creation power provided as a gift from God Eros. This substance, produced at a top quality level, as the superior sperm of a particularly strong and beautiful young adult man, in particular by those we call GHOBOSSO, is particularly precious. As such, its overproduction should be disposed of most sagely, and certainly never disposed of as simple trash whenever possible. It should also sometimes be maintained internally, voluntarily, with energizing due control and a legitimate sense of male power, for as much as possible, but without exaggeration, within a philosophical ‘just measure’. Exaggerations in positive and/or in negative are always bad and to be avoided. When there is a natural imperative need to dispose of some sperm overproduction, it is certainly no sin, nor any kind of shame to do so, but should always done in the best possible way.


When this is the case, the first best alternatives are the ones mentioned in the 4 types of services that can be provided by the ‘new’ figure (a very ancient figure in fact, albeit without that name) of a GHOBOSSO. However, even these occasions cannot be as many as required to handle all, or not even most of the natural overproduction of sperm. In such cases, the two remaining best alternatives are the following. First, the producer, when in lack of a better alternative, can masturbate nicely and joyfully ejaculate in his own hand, and then drink his own sperm with pride, as an excellent energizing food supplement. Otherwise, if this other opportunity is easily available, he can give the overproduction of his beautiful reproductive material back to beautiful nature. This can be done easily by either ejaculating directly in nature, when possible with proper decency and decorum, or by recuperating his sperm in a glass, to be mixed with some water, to then be used later on, as soon as possible, to water the land of a nice piece of fresh grass, or the land of some plants in a garden or a balcony, where nice flowers may be growing.


These beautiful natural flowers themselves may be a good symbol of sage disposition of human sperm, as they are usually themselves loaded with their own overproduction of beautiful ‘sperm’, called pollen. The good symbolic example of flowers extends to the fact that they always dispose of their overproduction most gracefully, through the magnificent activity of the honey bees producing a wide variety of honey, some with a superior quality, but all of it good in any case. The gesture of a young man to dispose of some of his sperm on a clean land with beautiful flowers would only be the symbol of the exchange of a nice gift to a botanic flower from a human ‘flower’, giving the sperm to other beings of another kingdom of nature. Flowers can also be a good example, on the part of nature, as to how a young man can dispose of his own overproduction of divine reproductive sperm proudly, in the best possible natural way, being fully TONFASUS (Transitosexual Old-New Figures And Services Used Sagely) in behavior.   





TOSPASMO & GHOBOSSO TransitOsexuality


We sometimes call such temporary period of TransitOsexuality as BAOSTA (Beautiful Adolescent Oral Sex Transitional Age). And it is related to oral sex because anal sex is always prohibited in a TruthOcracy, as a crime, be it with a man or a woman. Sperm is such a magnificent constituent, be it as a reproduction substance or more simply as a natural superior quality nutrient, that it should never be mixed with excrements through anal sex without committing a serious profanation and a crime. Absorbing it through oral sex is also the best possible way to take care naturally of the natural overproduction of sperm of healthy young men. If someone’s BAOSTA is passed proudly, and openly in front of family and friends, that TransitOsexuality will naturally lead to harmonious heterosexual intercourse in most cases, with the young man becoming a new MIFSARFO. This harmonious transition will also reduce the extreme levels of the hard core NAG homosexuality involved in most ugly demonstrations and anal sex that affect our society so badly at the moment.


TransitOsexuality FiguresIt is important to recall what was said about homosexuality in the previous section about the GHOBOSSO. In a TruthOcracy, homosexuality is fully protected and respected at 3 conditions: 1) no violence; 2) no pedophilia; 3) no anal sex. At these conditions however, it should not normally be a percentage of more than about maximum 10% of the population. At the moment, counting the so-called bisexuals, it is probably close to about 50% of the male population in western societies, with a percentage growing on a yearly basis. With the intervention of the above two new concepts, the GHOBOSSO and the TOSPASMO, it should probably be possible to eliminate the worst, if not most of the ugly hard core NAG homosexuality (the one that does not respect the 3 above prohibitions), and also reduce the percentage of a new soft core homosexuality (respecting the 3 above prohibitions) to a more natural percentage of about 10 percent maximum, like it has always been the case in the best societies of the history of humanity. In the meantime, these new concepts and figures of sexual pleasure shall have made most men go through a more harmonious adolescence, without shame, in full liberty of expression, and get as soon as possible a perfect command of harmonious intercourse in a heterosexual life as a MIFSARFO in order to achieve best possible fatherhood for best possible growing children in the best possible care of a happy wife and mother of his children.


To make things clear as much as possible, in relation mainly to the first two figures and concepts of this essay, here is, down below, a picture of a beautiful example of what might be a good representation of the sane relationships of loving mutual help between a GHOBOSSO and a TOSPASMO, possibly in the field of sexuality but certainly in all other aspects of their respective life. Considering their age, their tantalizing condition with sperm overproduction, the risks and responsibilities they are not ready to take as unmarried young men having sex with a young woman, and assuming also their full respect of the THREE PROHIBITIONS of sexual pleasure in a TruthOcracy, they can and should love each other joyfully and knowingly to all, being happy and proud of it. Certainly, if occasional sex is involved, according to current political correctness, we cannot call this heterosexuality. But we cannot call it either homosexuality as it does not involve at all the anal sex that is part of hard core homosexuality, nor the other 2 prohibitions, and it is only a temporary transitional situation contrary to what real homosexuality usually is. As such, it is TransitOsexuality. If anything more, it looks like what we could call a form of Kallosexuality, with Kallos meaning love of a combination of pure body/soul beauty, like the love we can feel looking at a beautifully blossomed flower with a beautiful 'soul' smell. The TOSPASMO is really a daringly blossoming flower and the GHOBOSSO is really a just fully blossomed flower. The main fundamental trait however of these relationships seems to be that they are temporary transitional situations, lasting the time of about one septennial of life, as the transition between the 3rd and 4th septennial for the TOSPASMO, and between the 4th and the 5th septennial for the GHOBOSSO aiming at the following of a full sexual maturity and beauty as a MIFSARFO when he shall reach about age 28. Should we not refrain logically and legitimately to call homosexuality the activity of a TOSPASMO, and to call the activity of a GHOBOSSO as bisexuality, as it is not yet real heterosexuality, and then call more simply TransitOsexuality the sexual activities of these first two male men figures? Why not!


TransitOsexuality as PhilotimoSexuality?


This other new acronym, PhilotimoSexuality, attempting to give a generic name to the new concepts of sexuality mentioned above would mean love of honorability in sexuality. We have seen the concept of "Philotimo" in the Greek ELL culture. Why should the Greeks not have also invented some new honorable approach to sexuality when they have been so inventive in all sectors of human life to the point of being considered those who gave us civilization, through their "Philotimo", some 2500 years ago, when the western world was still a very primitive and barbarian environment.


Thales about PhilotimoIt is undeniable that the Greeks invented philosophy, participative direct democracy, constitutional governance, holistic education of the Tetractys of the human body/soul, logical critical thinking, a language with at least 5000 years of superiority over all others, individual rights like free speech and self-defense in trials, trial by jury, civilian control over the military, wars improving conquered countries, separation between religion and government, middle class egalitarianism, etc. They clearly pioneered the first proto-scientific study of all main sciences, like mathematics, abstract geometry, trigonometry, music scales, holistic medicine for body and soul, theater therapy, biology, zoology, botany, astronomy, atomic theory, harmonious architecture, maximum beauty in all fine arts etc. The also invented safe navigation using maps with longitude and latitude, the theory that earth is round and rotating while circling the sun, measuring Earth circumference with near perfect accuracy, the wheelbarrow, the crane, the pulley, the catapult, the lever, the steam engine, the thermometer, the odometer, the indoor heating and plumbing, in-house current water, toilets going to street sewers, the alarm clock etc. Overall, with these superior achievements, the Greeks of the ELL culture were the inventors of what we call civilization today in the western world. The Romans did not conquer the culture of Greece, they were conquered by the Greek culture. Consequently, the origin of the best of our western culture and civilization is not even really Greco-Roman, nor in particular Judeo-Christian, but definitely and only Greek.

Could we not then call PhilotimoSexuality the honorable sexuality of the main figures of sexual pleasure of this essay, like in particular the main elaborate one, the GHOBOSSO?

The Platonic Love that is part of we call TransitOsexuality is a special name that corresponds to a very special place in the story of philosophy, and should probably respectfully remain untouched. But could not the name PhilotimoSexuality be a much better one than the common name "Greek Love" that we hear so much about and that is a complete deformation of the beautiful and honorable concepts that we have elaborated? The name "Greek Love" has nearly become a synonym of homosexuality. Not only is this simplistically entirely wrong on the basis of a good comprehension of what was really happening in Ancient-Greece, but it prevents the honorable recognition and use today of the new/old figures of male sexual pleasure that we have extensively elaborated in this essay as TransitOsexuality. And probably this TransitOsexuality should be more properly called PhilotimoSexuality on the basis of the best comprehension of the various historical figures involved. 


Superior Bisexuality as BeautySexuality?

What may appear at a young age to be TransitOsexuality based on KalloSexuality can sometimes come from, or evolve into a permanent form of legitimate superior type of bisexuality that we can call BeautySexuality. This means the situation of two partners being bilaterally beautiful and having attraction to a sexual partner through only beauty, human beauty, be it male or female beauty. The sexual attraction of a BeautySexual person might be fundamentally mainly a heterosexual one in some cases, or mainly a homosexual one in other cases, but involves sex desire and activity always based on pure beauty, independently of the sex of the desired partner, male or female. If this BeautySexuality comes from a person with no beauty, it should be more appropriately called KalloSexuality (sexual attraction to beauty independently of the fact that the desiring person may not be beautiful). This may cause incredible frustration in probably unattainable objectives of sexual pleasure on the part of the person desiring the beautiful partner. If it happens between two persons both granted exceptional beauty, independently of their sex, it should be more appropriately called BeautySexuality. Such partners are nothing but beautiful godly sexual partners that should be admired and respected to the highest degree, just like through the type of admiration any person of common sense can usually have for the best performers in the Olympics, independently of their sex.

Most people qualify the sexual appeal of other persons with a very limited vocabulary, either as heterosexuals or homosexuals. Some will add easily a third category as bisexuals. But a bisexual is someone who desires sex with anyone, independently of the sex of the partner, independently also of any kind of particular beauty of himself or of the partner, and that bisexual person can get involved easily in the three prohibitions of an Aristarchy: no violence, no pedophilia, and no anal sex. These 3 prohibitions are always inexistent in the cases of both a KalloSexual and a BeautySexual person.


The sexuality of human beings is much more sophisticated than the sexuality of animals, as it is not related directly, or certainly not exclusively, to the function of procreation. Our gentle God Creator gave only human beings the right to enjoy sexual pleasure freely, independently of the procreation function. Consequently, we have to use a more sophisticated vocabulary to describe the various categories of sexual pleasure of human beings. We have seen many new categories in the previous sections. Gabriel GarkoThis includes the TransitOsexual, KalloSexual, PhilotimoSexual and many others with their various sub-categories. But there is one special category that beats all the others in terms of beauty. This is the category of a BeautySexual. Again this happens between two partners that are granted exceptional beauty, on both sides of the sexual partnership, independently of their sex. Sometimes it is expressed as a heterosexual relation, and sometimes as a homosexual relation but always with beauty, joy and serenity, expressed happily, and always without the 3 above mentioned prohibitions: no violence, no pedophilia, and no anal sex. These 3 prohibitions are respected not because of any kind of moral discipline, but simply because they are absolutely not desired by the partners involved in BeautySexuality. The maximum Beauty Factor on both sides just excludes these 3 prohibitions automatically, by definition, without even thinking about it.         


This kind of BeautySexuality is probably the case of actor Gabriel Garko, born in Italy in 1972, as an exceptionally handsome man. In 1991, at age 19, he was elected through a formal national public competition, as "The Most Beautiful Man in Italy". As such he is probably also, to this day, one of the most beautiful men in the world (photo to the right). And that beauty is not only of his face, but of the incredible holistic harmony of the development of each part of his body, and of the whole of his body standing up 1.92 cm tall barefoot (6 foot 3). Seeing him in the nude, one can only remain breathless, in complete awe, like in front of the very best male sculptures of Ancient-Greece.


In September 2020, at age 48, he surprisingly did his "coming out"  publicly on TV about his side of homosexuality suspected by many of his fans. This was probably somewhat humiliating or basically a sad event, but only because he was never made familiar with other categories of sexual pleasure, like in particular the possibility of being a BeautySexual instead of a plain homosexual. If this is his case, his homosexuality is only an occasional side of his sexual life. He is certainly well known to have functioned beautifully with many beautiful women, which is inevitably another side of his sexuality as also a perfect heterosexual. He is not however a plain bisexual as his sexuality is not directly linked to the plain animal sexual pleasure itself, but to a special form of sexual pleasure linked essentially to the ultimate Beauty Factor. The way he did his "coming out", crying publicly on TV, and being probably humiliated, reduced him to a plain homosexual in the mind of most people who listened to him, while this is most probably not hia case. If he had known better, instead of doing his "coming out"  about his side of homosexuality, he could have done his "coming out"  at least as a bisexual. But, for the reason mentioned above, this would have reduced the beauty of his real sexuality. With more knowledge about the various categories of sexuality of human beings, he should have done his "coming out" at least as a KalloSexual. But, ideally, he should have done his "coming out"  as what he most probably is, doing it with joy, smiling proudly on TV instead of crying, doing it as a BeautySexual, which is most likely his case. In fact, he has been a very public figure as a famous actor of the last 2 decades. All the biography and gossip of his previous life seems to demonstrate clearly that he is most probably a perfect specimen of a BeautySexual person. Not knowing the concept of BeautySexuality may lead persons like him to do the wrong kind of "coming out"  about plain homosexuality, like Gabriel Garko did, when in fact they are just admirable BeautySexual individuals who should be grateful for the good fortune that nature has granted them, and enjoy their special condition openly, with serene joy, in front of all their less fortunate admirers, whatever their envy may be. 



Be it Joyful


Be it PhilotimoSexuality!

With good fortune, be it BeautySexuality!


This may well represent a GHOBOSSO in his 4th septennial of life (age 22 to 28)

laying belly side on a bed, with a TOSPAMSO in his 3rd septennial of life (age 15 to 21)

embracing him over his shoulders. Both are unmarried, and full of sperm overproduction,

without easy access to a young woman of their age and, in any case, without being ready yet

for taking the responsibilities and risks involved in such premature heterosexual relationships

with a young woman. In terms of the THREE PROHIBITIONS of sexual activity in a TruthOcracy,

they are obviously not involved in the first two prohibitions (violent sex and pedophilia). As long

as they also observe the third absolute criminal prohibition (anal sex), they can legitimately

love each other, discretely but knowingly to all, helping each other with their mutual same

problem of sperm overproduction, even absorbing it with joy through oral sex if they so

desire. Both shall soon phase out this beautiful period of joy and full freedom in their

pre-maturity, and become two new happy husbands and fathers fully faithful to

their respective beautiful wives chosen to create a new beautiful family.

In the animal kingdom of Planet Earth, God has granted only human

beings with this incredible privilege for which to be most grateful.

Better TransitOsexuality than hard core long term homosexuality!

Better, at that age, for forming a future, being erotic with gratitude!

Let joyful manhood TransitOsexuality be lived freely

It shall help more young men to stay away from the worst forms of sexuality,

and reinforce the beautiful manhood of a growing number of mature men

for the enjoyment of more beautiful women, be it actively or passively,

and attract the joyful admiration of persons of any age in all environments.  




The Older Figure



MIFSARFO = Mature Intercourse Faithful Spouse And Responsible Father Outperformer.


This is the figure of male sexual pleasure that is the crowning of about 14 years of two septennial periods of young life, from about age 15 to 28, leading to a final full maturity of a normal male sexual life as a MIFSARFO. At that age, from about 29 years old, a man who went freely and joyfully to the development of his sexual life as first a TOSPASMO and then a GHOBOSSO will normally forget practically completely about these previous 2 stages of his sexual life, except mostly as pleasant souvenirs to recall occasionally with a smile, let alone maybe a good laugh in the presence of old partners.


That mature man has now a complete control of heterosexual intercourse that he sees as a much superior form of sexual activity than his previous sex activities of the previous two stages. Why should he desire to go back to inferior forms of sexuality that may have given him relief in his youth, but never full satisfaction as he is having now with his women/wife. In the other hand, at that 3rd stage, as a MIFSARFO, the man is usually very much interested in paternity, with a strong desire for the procreation of beautiful children, for which new family, wife and children, he does not only now feel responsible, but capable of protecting and maintaining in the best possible way.   


To be a MIFSARFO today is an ideal that may seem difficult to achieve. The main reason why so many men in their 5th Septennial (age 28 to 35) have not achieved this objective today is often because of the huge frustration they have suffered during their adolescence for not having experienced freely enough the natural beauty of their previous two stages of achievement of sexual maturity as a TOSPASMO and a GHOBOSSO. Mother Nature has created a young growing man with a huge overproduction of sperm when that young man is not ready yet to use it only for reproduction purposes. That phenomenon is a fact, just a hard fact [pun intended]. Our culture should not try to hide this hard fact for false reasons of shame or other sinful religious reasons. If our education faced this reality as it is, with a youthful natural freedom, in a context of joy for learning how to best use it and control it, more young men would more quickly and easily get to be real good MIFSARFO husbands and fathers. On the other hand, less of them would be deviated to the bad forms of homosexuality that include the Three Prohibitions prohibited a TruthOcracy. With more youthful freedom, and a reasonable set of only 3 main prohibitions that most people can quite spontaneously fully agree on, a good educational and legal system should be able to more easily prevent the worse to happnen, and to improve quantitatively and qualitatively the number of men who achieve a harmonious sexual maturity to become great faithful husbands and responsible fathers for the best of current and future generations.




(Transitosexual Old-New Figures And Services Used Sagely)


The MIFSARFO is a handsome man in his 5th Septennial (age 28 to 35)

(Like the above famous Cristiano Ronaldo at age 33)

His particular attractive harmony may have been helped by a happy sexual youth

when he performed joyfully as a TOSPASMO and GHOBOSSO previously. 

He is now ready to be a faithful husband and protective father.

as perfect and beautiful as human nature will allow.






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TOSPASMO & GHOBOSSO TransitOsexuality

TOSPASMO & GHOBOSSO PhilotimoSexuality


Bisexuality as BeautySexuality




Pythagoras Septennial Life Cycles

Three Leaf Sex Symbol






